kitchener kite - Kitchener Public School


kitchener kite - Kitchener Public School
Wednesday 5th June, 2013
“Aiming High”
Mr Osland’s Oracle
What a busy term this has been and we are
only in week 6. We are continuing to work
with our students across the academic,
sporting and creative fields so that students
can achieve all they can. At Kitchener Public
School our goals are set around High
Expectations for All; thank you for your
ongoing support.
Star struck
This week is the last practice week for all
our students involved in Star Struck 2013. A
MASSIVE Thank You to Ms Munday, Ms
Brunton and all the parents who have
assisted our students in preparation for Star
Struck (transport, costumes and at home).
It was outstanding to hear how our
students skills and behavior was of the
highest level during all sessions. Good luck
to everyone for the coming performances.
NSW Department of
Education and
Kitchener Public School
38 Richmond Street
School Uniforms
Ph: 4990 2974
Our new school sports shirts have arrived at
the school and will be distributed in the
coming days to those who have pre-ordered.
Fax: 4991 1875
We now have samples available if parents are
wanting to ensure the right fit.
The P&C will be selling the sports shirts. If
parents would like to purchase a sport shirt
for their child, either send the money to
school with a note regarding the size, or, see
one of the P&C Executives.
I remind all parents that this is not a
compulsory uniform requirement for 2013, as
I realize a lot of parents have purchased their
child's uniform already. It is however a great
opportunity for our school to introduce a
uniform for the future. Students will be able
to wear their sports shirts on Friday for the
remainder of the year. Thank you for your
(Newsletters on Website)
Inside this issue:
Community Notices
Merit Awards
Our school half-yearly reports will go home to
parents on Wednesday 26th June. We ask
parents to consider these reports as a
discussion point that you may have with your
Sport & Activities
Sport Jerseys
Family Matters
We will be looking to have parent/teacher/
student, 3 way interviews early next term.
Any questions please do not hesitate to talk
to our wonderful staff.
Cessnock High School
75th Anniversary
Around Our School
Upcoming events
Year 5/6 Class Item
We continue to embed our school’s
Positive Behavior for Learning (PBL) within
our school community. Our focus is on the
Universals of Safety– for yourself, of others
and in the actions you perform—Respect–
towards others, of yourself and the school
we are in—and Responsibility— for your
actions, for your behavior, for your choices
and your learning. We will continue to
strive for success in our school around
these expectations. I invite parents and
community members to embrace these
concepts as many hands build a
With all that has already gone on we are still
striving for success across a number of areas.
In the coming weeks Kitchener PS will be
involved in:
Cessnock Community of Great Public
Schools (CCGPS) Choir
It was with great pride that I watched, at a
Principals’ Meeting, the CCGPS choir. We
have 4 students in this choir and once again
it was a privilege to see how well they
conducted themselves. These students also
make up the main group choir for Star
Struck. Well done to Jacob T, Jacob E,
Jasmine and Jesse for all your effort and
School reports
“If you can dream it you
PSSA tennis Rd 5 against New Lambton can achieve it. All it takes
- Tuesday - 18th Juneis imagination, hard work
and positive attitude”
Smalls Schools Soccer Gala Day
- Thursday - 20th June
Quote of the Fortnight
Starstruck- 13th/14th June
Whole School K-6- Athletic Carnival–
Turner Park (Next to the High School)
- Tuesday- 25th June
-Walt Disney
Page 2
Week 6; Term 2
TUPPERWARE SALE 10am—2pm this Friday (7th June)
Liz Irwin, a former Tupperware Rep has quite a few Tupperware stock items (all unused) that will be on
sale this Friday from 10am—2pm at her home for 50% off!! This will be a great opportunity to purchase
quality items at bargain basement prices!! Liz lives across the road from the school (# 53).
It would be greatly appreciated if any of books found at home are retuned to the school library. Some books go back to 2012
& 2011. (They may be under beds, in book shelves or on tables). There are no repercussions for unreturned books, but, a
great big thank you for any returned!!
Week 6
Wednesday 5th June
P&C Meeting ~ Note change of time ~ 4.30pm
Friday 7th June
Star Struck ~ Choir ~ Hall of Industry
Week 7
Monday 10th June
Queen’s Birthday Holiday
Thursday 13th June
Star Struck ~ Dance & Choir ~ Ncle EntCent
Friday 14th June
Star Struck Performance ~ Ncle EntCent ~ 10.30am & 7pm
Saturday 15th June
Star Struck Performance ~ Ncle EntCent ~ 2pm & 7pm
Week 8
Tuesday 18th June
PSSA Tennis Round 5
Wednesday 19th June
Coalfields Cup Basketball
Thursday 20th June
Small Schools Soccer Gala Day- Lochinvar
Week 9
Tuesday 25th June
Kitchener Public School Athletics Carnival ~ Turner Park, Cessnock
Wednesday 26th June
School Reports Sent home
Friday 28th June
NAIDOC Day—community BBQ and activities ~ Year 6 Fundraiser
Our school fees, $20 Resources and $20 Technology are targeted towards resources and updated technology for the students.
Thank you to the many parents who have already paid these fees, or have arranged to make regular part-payments. As the
end of the financial year draws near ~ end of this month ~ 30th June, we want to give parents the opportunity to pay these
fees and be able to claim them on this year’s tax return. Print outs of outstanding school fees have been given to the eldest
student in each family with today’s newsletter. Payments can be made in cash, by cheque (Kitchener Public School) or, by
bank or online funds transfer ~ Account ~ Kitchener Public School Bank ~ Westpac BSB 032-001 Account # 142 365
ensuring that you include your family name as reference. It would also assist if you could advise us that you have completed
an online transfer so that we can check our bank statement.
If you find that your situation makes it difficult to pay these fees, please don’t hesitate to see Mr Osland, as the Student
Assistance Scheme may be accessed at the Principal’s discretion. A short letter requesting assistance is needed to support our
financial returns. (Ms Wilson, in the office, can assist with this).
Note ~ Fees are no longer payable for the Library Fund.
NSW Department of Education and Communities
Great News - The Small Biz Bus is coming to Cessnock! Monday 24th June from 10am—4pm
Small business operators can receive FREE advice from experts on setting up or running their small business.
Book an appointment by emailing or by calling 02 8222 4885.
SCRIPTURE FEES REMINDER Just a reminder to parents for the payment of Scripture Book fees. The fee
for Kindergarten is $5 and, for Year 1—Year 6, $3 per student. Fees can be paid at the school office.
A new order of school hats has now arrived at
school. These hats were purchased as a bulk discount order and are
available for a reduced discount price of $12.00. They are the same
sizes, brand and embroidery as our fist batch and are available in
children’s sizes ~ small, medium and large.
Our school student chook monitors are doing a great job of collecting eggs,
feeding and freshening the water for our school chooks. These students
have even gone to trouble of carefully ‘decorating’ each egg with a different cartoon face!
Brings a smile to your face as you use the eggs. Cartons of a dozen eggs can be purchased
for $2.00 at the school office, when available.
P&C MEETING: Wednesday 5th June
Our next P&C meeting will be held at the earlier time of
4.30pm tonight, Wednesday 5th June in the School Office.
Term 2
Wed 12th June
Sam Walkley
Wed 19th June
Kristelle Craft
Wed 26th June
Danielle Ellis
With the colder weather and many topics to discuss, it was
felt that the earlier time would be more suitable.
All parents are welcome to attend and discuss topics that affect
the school and the students.
The school has a Kyocera Colour Printer, Model FS-C5100DN, purchased in
March 2009, complete with almost new toner cartridges (4) for sale.
All reasonable offers will be considered. If interested, please advise the school by Friday 14th June. If the
printer has not been sold by that time, we will place an online ad with Gum Tree, or similar.
Merit Awards ~ Tuesday 4th June, 2013
Bethany, Jessica S
Yr 1/2
Bella, Shakiya
Yr 3/4
Olivia, Jessica G
Yr 5/6
Willis, Jackson
Sports Awards
Braiden, Lucas, Bailey, Tiana, Tyler I, Allahna, Jesse, Jacob H
PBL Excellence Awards
Jace, Levi, Darcy, Laura Beth, Jennefer, Maddison, Evan, Chloe
Colouring Competition ~ Mr Goldie
Paige H (1st); Karah, Stevie Rose, Darcy, Ellie
Principal Awards
Braiden, Breanna, Kaiden, Tiana, Ocean, Kahlan, Jackson, Natalya
Jace, Jyordi
Star of the Week
Other Bits
Our school phone system has one incoming line (4990 2974) which is also an outgoing line. We have a
second outgoing line, 4991 1875 which is the fax line. When staff make an outgoing call to parents, the
phone system defaults to 4991 1875 (the fax line), if available, thus ensuring that incoming calls can still
be received. This number (4991 1875) may appear on your mobile or home phone ~ please don’t return
calls to this number as it is the fax line. Instead, ring 4990 2974, the school line. It is suggested that you
put both school numbers in your contacts ~
4990 2974 KPS
4991 1875 KPS Fax DNR (Do Not Ring)
so that you can easily identify that it is the school that is endeavouring to contact you.
From time to time, contact information and details for students change (parent mobile numbers,
address, emergency contact details etc). We have sent printouts of details home with the eldest student
in each family with today’s newsletter. It would be appreciated if these could be checked for accuracy,
with changes made and the sheets returned to the school office. If no changes necessary, mark “No
Changes” and return the sheet to the school office.
Note: Emergency contacts should be other than the parents, as we already have those details. Parents
are always contacted first.
LAST DAY OF TERM 2 ~ Friday 28th June ~
NAIDOC Day will be celebrated on the last day of this term
(Friday 28th June) which will also be a
Year 6 -Out of-Uniform Fundraiser Day.
We are looking to have a community BBQ, Art and Music
workshops, Traditional sporting games and Dreamtime stories.
Students are asked to wear either red, black or yellow (or a
combination of these colours) to mark NAIDOC Day; gold coin
donations will go towards Year 6 end of year activities.
We will also have NAIDOC kits for sale ($3) for students on the
day, see above picture
We invite all parents and community members to join us on the
day and celebrate together.
School Sport & Activities
Tennis Team
Football Team
Girls’ Soccer Team
Boys’ Soccer Team
During Recess on Mondays and Wednesdays, Miss Fradd will be conducting Zumba
activities for the students. This is a great way to warm up, exercise, enjoy music,
become familiar with the rhythm, beat and timing of music while having lots of fun!!
The only requirement is that students will need to pack their joggers for the Zumba
activities in their school bags on these days.
We are pleased to announce that the school will be updating our sporting jersey this year
so that all students representing the school will be able to wear a common themed shirt.
This design is unique to Kitchener Public School so that we will definitely stand out.
Special Thank You to Austar Coal Mine and the Khartoum Hotel for their kind donations in
making this a reality for our school.
Family Matters…
Self-esteem has a
significant influence on
your emotions, your ability
to deal with and manage
problems, your
relationships, decisions and behaviours. The lower your selfesteem is the more likely you are to react out of hurt,
defensiveness or anger rather than responding appropriately.
This damages your relationships and can train your children to
have low self-esteem too.
The best way of helping your children to have good self-esteem
is to have it yourself, because they learn most strongly what they
see you demonstrate. The cultural description for this is either
‘get rid of your baggage’ or ‘face your demons’. Facing it can be
painful, but it ultimately frees you to be the parent you want to
For more information contact your local Interrelate Centre on
1300 736 966.
Mrs Natalie Sutherland
School Welfare Worker
On Friday 24th May, Mr Osland and I had the pleasure of attending Cessnock High School’s 75th
Anniversary Celebrations. Each of those who attended were escorted by Year 12 students to the
MPC where we were presented with a commemorative spoon to mark the occasion. The
presentation was well-attended, with many ex-students joining the celebrations, the oldest, an
87 year old man. The speeches, recollections from 1938 to today, the photos and memorabilia
were a great way to step back in time, even for just an afternoon! Joel Troy, Cessnock High
School Captain and Kitchener Public School ex-student proudly spoke of his years at high school and, referred to
Kitchener Public School in his speech.
I was fortunate to be able to join a tour of the high school after the presentation, first heading to the library to
view a collection of sports pennants, school uniforms and photos of days gone by. Each person on the tour was
given a copy of “A Walk Down Memory Lane” by Janice (Fogg) Williams an ex-student. From there I strolled over
to the Hospitality wing with their brand new commercial kitchen and, enjoyed a lovely hot cup of tea as I
‘sampled’ a couple of treats that the hospitality students had made that very day. Just delicious.
An older building ‘caught my eye’ as I reluctantly left the Hospitality facility, so, off to investigate. This building
formed the entrance to the ag (agriculture) plot where students learn about the growing of vegetables and
plants and the caring of animals (little calves and a steer). Our Kitchener students have so much to look forward
to when they start high school at Cessnock High.
A very special celebration; thank you Cessnock High School for a memorable afternoon. Ms Wilson (Office)
(The book, spoon and program are available for viewing in our office)
This term, Year 5/6 have been active expanding our learning and having lots of fun by participating in various
activities. We have been very busy representing our school in sports such as Netball, Soccer and Football. We have
also been involved in Starstruck with class members in dance and choir.
Whist we have been out and about representing our school we have also been working hard in the classroom,
working co operatively in maths groups to complete numerous tasks which incorporate programs such as
Mathletics and Studyladder. We have been writing various procedures that allowed us to make exciting things such
as Hot Dogs and Rocket Balloons. We also have been designing and building various structures using Lego and
completing various literacy and mathematics task to support our learning.