sackville high igh - Sackville High School


sackville high igh - Sackville High School
“To try is to Succeed”
Communication Bulletin
Principal: John Miller
Acting Vice-Principal: Lauren Emanuel
November 2011
Vice-Principal: Dave Drapak
Sackville High School
Principal’s Message
Spirit Wear
Student Information Systems 2
Arts Gala
Grade 10/11 Night
Inclement Weather
African Nova Scotian
Student Support
Important Dates
SHS Learning Centre News
Students’ Council Events
News from the Youth Health 5
Parents as Career Coaches
Evergreen Grant
Tune into Teens
November is upon us already. I am
amazed at how fast the school year
has gone up to this point and how
well students new to the school
have fit in. The Grade 10 jitters
have been replaced with a newfound confidence after having successfully transitioned academically
and socially to the high school environment. There will still be some
apprehensive moments after Christmas as we near the end of the first
semester. But in many ways, we
are already preparing for the holidays and the upcoming exams upon
our return in the new year.
Parents, now is a good time to ensure that you are signed up to use
Power School. Power School is a
tool that empowers you by allowing
you to check on student attendance
and progress within the Student/
Parent Portal by logging on to your
own private online account. The
new student-parent portal will enable you to see attendance, grades,
assignments, and teacher's comments– in real-time. You will be
able to access the portal at home,
work, school, or the public library wherever there is internet access. In order for parents/guardians
to create an account in the new
system they need only obtain an
access code from the school. This
can be accomplished by dropping
by, calling, or emailing the school to get your access
code. It will only be provided to
parents and guardians registered and
verified as the student’s legal guardian.
I would also like to draw your attention to information regarding school
and bus cancellations in this newsletter. Please read over this important
information so that you are familiar
with the procedures taken during inclement weather or other emergency
Throughout the months of November
and December there will be many activities in store for our students starting with the commemoration of the
soldiers, that sacrificed their youth
and their lives, in an assembly service on November 10th; a Coffee
House; an Arts Gala, and ending with
Holiday Spirit days plus much more.
I welcome students to take part in
these many events that our Students’
Council and Leadership students have
worked very hard to organize.
J. Miller
The Kingfisher Corner Store is now taking orders for spirit wear. You can
order through the store with cash or cheque or visit our online store!
That’s right, you can now buy all your Sackville High Spirit Gear online!
and browse through all the lovely merchandise available.
What a great and easy way to get your Holiday shopping done!! Find
hats, hoodies, jackets, mugs, pants, teddy bears and special combo
Access to the parent portal will give you access to your son/daughter's grades,
assignments, attendance, teacher's comments, etc.
To get you started, please call the school and ask for your Parent Portal
access info.
To further assist you, watch the Parent Portal Demonstration Video Here.
Wednesday, November 23rd
6:30pm in the Cafeteria
Student artwork of all kinds will
be on display as well as performances by drama and music
Come on out to this highly entertaining event and support our
many talented students!
Grade 10/11 Night
Thursday, November 24th
Come on out and enjoy the
The Halifax Regional School Board takes great care when making the decision to alter
the normal operations of schools in the event of severe or inclement weather. Decisions
on school closures and/or bus cancellations are posted on the board’s website at , on Twitter at, recorded on 464-INFO
(4636) and communicated to all local radio stations. If you are interested in learning
more on how decisions regarding closures and cancellations are made, visit http://
School closures may be due to other circumstances other than inclement weather.
Extended power outages, loss of heat, loss of water and other excep-
The African Nova Scotian Support for students is a confidential place located in room 319, providing an opportunity for
students to get information and support that may help them succeed academically and emotionally. African Nova Scotian
Support is used everyday by students just like you. There are many services we provide. Here are just a few things you
can get information or support about:
Work closely with African Nova Scotian Students to develop strategies to enhance self
esteem and achieve success in school
Assistance in developing appropriate strategies to improve problem-solving skills
Recover resources to assist African Nova Scotian Students in receiving the best possible education
Organize programs for your needs; math, writing, etc.
Any questions or concerns you may have within the school
Participate in cultural awareness/sensitivity session for students
Deliver progress reports
Support you on a daily basis; here to help and listen
Maintain communication with parents/guardians, as required
The African Nova Scotian Student Support Worker will contribute to the support for African Nova Scotian communities to
ensure improved achievement and a positive school experience. The African Nova Scotian Student Support Worker will
develop strategies to help African Nova Scotian students achieve success, will support School Principals on initiatives
which address student achievement for African Nova Scotian students, and works with School Principals and staff in developing effective communication links for African Nova Scotian youth and their families.
Parent/Teacher Interviews
Wednesday, November 9th 1-3 pm
Report Cards
Thursday, November 10th
Remembrance Day
Friday, November 11th
Bus Cluster PD Day
Monday, November 14th No Students
Parents As Career Coaches
Monday, November 21st and Wednesday, November 23rd
Arts Gala
Wednesday, November 23rd
Grade 10/11 Night
Thursday, November 24th
SAC Meeting
Monday, November 28th
One of the objectives of any Learning Centre is to
help our students gain independence. At Sackville High one of the ways we do this is by having
our students prepare for the world of work by
participating in four weeks of work experience
each year. The students learn crucial skills that
will empower them and teach them transferable
skills that just wouldn’t otherwise be possible in
the traditional school setting.
None of this would be possible without the support, care and generosity of the dozens of community businesses that host us each year. I
wanted to take this opportunity to thank the following businesses and to ask that you consider
spending some of your hard earned dollars at
businesses that support students in our community:
Treehouse Café, Wal-Mart, Sobeys, Superstore
Bakery, Tim Horton's at 629 Sackville Drive,
Sackville Great Canadian Dollar Store, Bedford
Dollarama, Pete’s Frootique, Winners, Apple Auto
Glass on Glendale Drive, Staples and HRSB Technology.
These businesses have always opened their
doors and arms to our deserving students, often
taking time out of their busy schedules to mentor
our students and prepare them for the world of
A sincere thank you from the Sackville High
Learning Centre
December 8th 7-10pm
Tickets are $8 in advance
(at the Kingfisher Corner
Store) and $9 at the door.
December 14th-16th
There will be lots of
events, fun and prizes
in the cafeteria!
We are hosting Parents are Career Coaches on
Monday, November 21st and Wednesday, November
23rd, from 6:30-9:00 in the Sackville High School
Library. Sackville, Millwood and Lockview parents are
invited to attend. Parents can access information and
register online at: http://
If you have any questions please contact Karen
Johnston-Hutchins 864-6700 ext 785-1009 or email
her at
High school students are old enough to make many of their own decisions, but they still need their parents to provide guidance and set limits. The tips below will help you guide and advise your children as they go through high
~ At
the beginning of each term, sit down with your son or daughter and together set realistic academic goals for
that term.
Expect your child to be in school, on time, every day.
~ Attend
open houses and parent conferences.
down the dates that interim reports and report cards come out. Expect your child to bring them home. If you
don't see a report card, call the school and request a copy.
~ Write
~ Encourage
your child to be involved in school activities. Show your support by attending performances and
~ Realize
that it's your child's responsibility to follow the school rules, get homework done, and prepare for tests.
together with the school. If you have a question or concern about a class, make a phone call or send an email to the teacher. For other concerns, contact your child's counsellor or vice-principal.
~ Work
~ Make
sure that your child is not spending too much time on the phone, playing video games, watching TV, or instant messaging. Also, make sure that a job doesn't interfere with school.
~ Talk
to your child about what's happening in school and be a good listener.
~ Look for opportunities to praise good marks and extra effort.
~ If
you suspect that your child is drinking or using drugs, talk to your child immediately. If you need help or advice, talk to your child's counsellor or to your family doctor.
~ It's
important for children to figure out how to take care of problems on their own. In doing so, they gain confidence and they become more independent. Of course, if your child is unable to resolve an issue, or if there is a serious problem, you need to be available to help or intervene.
~ Help
your child choose appropriate courses. If you have a question about a course, talk to your child's counsellor.
~ If
you want to change a behaviour, first make sure that your child knows exactly what your expectations are. You
can then offer rewards if your expectations are met or consequences if they're not. Never take away a positive activity (e.g., sports, choir, school play) as a consequence.
~ Put
the computer in a common space, learn about the technology your child is using, and discuss Internet safety.
~ Help
your child explore and evaluate a variety of career and educational options.
Make school a top priority. Nothing is more important to your child's future than education!
If you are concerned about your child's academic performance, talk to your child's counsellor. A school counsellor
is not only an excellent resource for students, a counsellor is also an excellent resource for parents.
Dear community leaders and 2009-2011 Evergreen Grant Program recipients,
Working on community greening, urban agriculture and community development initiatives is so rewarding. It cultivates a
sense of ownership, builds community pride and can have long-lasting positive effects. There are plenty of great reasons to get
involved: the fresh air, the camaraderie, the sense of satisfaction for a job well done, and the desire to do something for the
As a volunteer, an NGO, or a school, your local movement is inspiring. And you’re not alone.
Collectively, through Evergreen, Canadians from all Provinces and two Territories have helped bring nature back to their communities. Close to a million students have worked together to create greener school grounds through our Learning Grounds program, and thousands more Evergreen volunteers have donated almost 500,000 hours toward community greening projects
across the country.
In the face of today’s environmental concerns—from polluted air and water to species loss and climate change—it would be
understandable if people felt a little overwhelmed. But this map of Canada tells a different story. It shows how your own
greening project connects with hundreds of others like it across Canada . Collectively, you are ensuring that all Canadians stay
connected with nature, one green space at a time. Thank you!
For a primer on the benefits on greening school grounds, check out our Learning Grounds video:
To encourage your friends to volunteer, check out our “Get Involved” video on TVO with Evergreen executive director Geoff
Cape: <>
Whether you’re a rain garden in Calgary, or a monarch butterfly way station in Ottawa, thank you for all your help, and keep
up the great work!
Alix Aylen
Evergreen Grant Program Manager
Centre for Green Cities, Suite 300
Evergreen Brick Works, 550 Bayview Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M4W 3X8
t. 416 596 1495 x 312
f. 416 596 1443
Imagine your city with nature
Imaginez votre ville dans la nature
Join us for
All Hands in the Dirt: A Forum on the Design and Programming of Children's Outdoor
Nov 11-12, Evergreen Brick Works, Toronto
For more information and to register, visit our website.