Click on this link to print and view the bulletin. - Temple Beth-El


Click on this link to print and view the bulletin. - Temple Beth-El
10001 Columbia Avenue
Munster, IN 46321-4056
219.934.9663 (fax)
Leonard Zukrow
Michael N. Stevens
Samuel E. Front
Judy Stevens
Larry Gill
Francie Gerson
Kristin Stern
Rabbi Emeritus
Sisterhood President
Brotherhood President
Religious School Facilitator
Music Director
Mission Statement
Temple Beth-El is a Reform Jewish Congregation dedicated to worship, study, and
social responsibility. As a caring community, we strive to meet the spiritual, intellectual, and cultural needs of each member of our Temple family.
Adopted by the Board 1/20/98
Temple Beth-El’s newsletter is printed once a month.
Non-members wishing to receive our congregational news are asked to pay
a yearly subscription fee of $18.00.
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
August Worship at a Glance
August 7
August 14
August 21
Erev Shabbat Service at 7:30 pm
Erev Shabbat Service at 7:30 pm
Family Worship dinner at 6:00 pm followed by service
at 7:30 pm (Kristin & Terri singing)
Erev Shabbat Service at 7:30 pm
August 28
August Torah and Haftarah Readings
August 7
August 14
August 21
August 28
Ki Teitzei
Deuteronomy 7:12-11:25
Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17
Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9
Deuteronomy 21:10-25:19
Isaiah 49:14-51:3
Isaiah 54:11-55:5
Isaiah 51:12-52:12
Isaiah 54:1-54:10
August Onegs
August 7
Louise Jackson
Carrie Morris
August 14
Cathy Coltun
Lynn Mesirow
August 21
Family Worship Service
Camper Families
August 28
Loretta Levin
Miriam Marcus
August Music Schedule
August 7
Adult Choir
August 14
Nancy Friedman
August 21
Terri & Kristin
August 28
Adult Choir
Deadline for
September, 2015 Bulletin Articles
Thursday, August 20, 3:00 PM
Monthly Board Meeting
Tuesday, August 18, 7:30 PM
The secret of change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but building the new.
-- Socrates
By the time you receive this bulletin and read this message, we will be half way through the Hebrew
month of Av, a month that marks very sad and tragic times in our Jewish history. The destruction of
the Temples, edicts against us in Spain, and the plans for the Final Solution in World War II are
associated with this day.
As Av departs, we welcome the month of Elul, the month prior to Tishrei and Rosh Hashanah. Over
the past years, Elul has claimed its rightful essence as a time for contemplation, reflection and
introspection. Elul is a time for us to initiate the seasonal task of examining ourselves – who we are,
what we do and our hopes for the future.
Steve Jobs notes, “For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself,
‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever
the answer is ‘No’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.”
Elul asks us to change something. Not everything. Something.
Sara Debbie Guttfreund shares her thoughts about Elul, in response to experiencing her first deep sea
dive. She writes, “ I used to think that change began with strengthening willpower. But willpower can
sometimes ebb and flow depending on how tired, how hungry or how lonely we feel. So maybe
change begins with changing one small habit? I’ve done that, and it’s true that in one month, most of
us can successfully change one small habit. But Elul can be so much more than that. God is giving us
a chance to see a whole new world this month. A magical, warm, beautiful place that has, all year,
been just below the surface of our everyday lives. God wants us to feel how much He loves us. God
wants us to notice the miracle of every breath we take. God wants us to notice the beauty of the
afternoon light when it dances upon the surface. God wants us to hear the beating of our own hearts.”
For the past ten years, composer and singer Craig Taubman has produced Jewels of Elul, a collection
of expressions about this month, its call to change, introspection, contemplation. This year Craig is
doing a “Best of Jewels of Elul.” If you are not familiar with Jewels of Elul, visit the site at Read one each day, even before Elul begins.
Our task is to engage in change. Transform ourselves for the better. Become the best we can be.
Frederick Douglass observed: “If there is no struggle, there is no progress.”
God knew, and the rabbis as God’s advocate, know this teaching of Douglass to be true. For Elul to
“work” we need the struggle to achieve the progress and change.
Our tradition, both ancient and modern, offers us those needed resources to “make this happen.” The
task for all of us is to “take the first step.”
Mi Shebeirach and Yahrzeit Lists
While we try to keep our life cycle lists as up to date as we can, we need
your help to add and remove names from the Mi Shebeirach (healing) list.
Concerning yahrzeits, our practice is to read the person’s name during
the week of the anniversary of a loved one’s death. We can adjust the
reading of a name to fit your schedule by calling the office.
We would all enjoy helping you celebrate a special birthday, anniversary, birth of a baby, B'nai
Mitzvah or a wedding. Please think about hosting an Oneg on Friday night to celebrate that special
occasion. It’s easy! Sisterhood provides the wine, grape juice, Challah and coffee for the Friday
night Onegs. Please call Barbara Bame 219/864-1149 for dates.
Fellow Congregants,
I planted my first tomatoes in eight years. They were late getting in the ground. With all the
rain and the cold start to this summer, they were not in the ground until the third week of June.
The good news is that I think they will do just fine. I go out each morning and night to check
on the condition of the plants and count the new tomatoes on each. Every day this week the
numbers are better each day. I have planted some peppers, also. Three peppers appeared in one
day! It is amazing! The thought of my own tomatoes left on the vine, as long as I choose to leave
them, is giving me great enthusiasm for these little plants. I have heirloom and beefsteak. The
heirlooms seem to be very fast to produce fruit. The beefsteak has huge stems and leaves, and
tiny little tomatoes that seem to be overtaken by the parent plants’ need for growth. I hope that
if I am a tomato someday, that I am an heirloom tomato, allowed to grow as fast as I can.
This summer is full of surprises. Weather, Trump, markets, second back gate of Briar open.
August is here after four short warm but welcome weeks. We are getting close, very close, to
the New Year. My seventh month behind me and all is well. Thank you G-D. I want to remind
everyone to donate to the security fund, and to thank those who have. It is a sound investment.
It is an issue I have spoken of enough in these letters and promise, that if everyone will
contribute, I will not mention it as often.
The decorating committee wishes to update the look and comfort of our Temple’s entrance and
more. They, too, will need dollars. So please make donations to the decorating committee
campaign. I understand that the first monies will be spent for benches in the entrance foyer for
those waiting for a ride, or changing their boots to shoes or their shoes to boots. It’s a good idea
and it needs funding. The committee has worked hard at coming up with the proper plan and
design work so I ask that you support it. Shirley Jacobs can fill you in more. Thanks to all for
their time.
Rabbi and Karen are now Munsterites! Mazel Tov to the Zukrows on their new home.
I am going to try a new bicycle seat. It is very high tech in design. If you ask me, I’ll let you
know if it is a good one. Enjoy August everyone.
See you at Temple,
Samuel E Front
Francie Gerson, Facilitator
In about two weeks, we say goodbye to summer vacation and hello to SCHOOL. Do you
think we’ll have a FALL? Or just go into winter?
Registration and the Special Family Program will be on SUNDAY, AUGUST 16TH. If you
have not already received the religious school year calendar and registration papers
(online), you will soon. All religious school sessions, Family Worship Services,
community programs and other special activities are in place. We have a lot of very
exciting things planned for the coming year.
If you know of anyone who has children Kindergarten age or older…please let them
know about our religious school and invite them to check us out.
I can’t wait to see everyone August 16th.
TASTE OF JUDAISM: Are you curious?
We will again offer a three session presentation sponsored with the Union for
Reform Judaism for anyone interested in learning more about Jewish beliefs,
practices, peoplehood and the land of Israel.
Sessions will take place on Thursdays in October and are open to the entire
community. Please let your friends and neighbors know and encourage them
to attend. Dates and times to follow.
Invitation to Play Mah Jongg
The new Mah Jongg cards have arrived. All of us will be
taking a little while to get used to the new hands for this
year. What a great time to come and join us to either
refresh your Maj skills or learn the game from the
beginning. We have groups who play every Thursday afternoon (1:00 pm) and Sunday
morning (10:00 am) and all are welcome to join us. Our friendly games are usually
slower paced and we have all enjoyed getting to know one another better. We'd like to
get to know you better, too. Drop in any time. There's always a spare card that you
can use!
Larry Gill, President
We startup Brotherhood this month with a Welcoming Breakfast on Sunday, August 30th at 9:00 am!
Please come and join us for the annual breakfast get-together. I know everyone that attends really
enjoys the food and the camaraderie.
TBE Brotherhood is an organization where men get together for a few hours each month and
socialize. A chance to be yourself with other men; talk about sports, cars, even the happenings in
one’s life (although, we are men and that does not happen often enough; at least that’s what my wife
says). Your presence is always welcome and wanted. Some of the best ideas for future programs
come from the membership. The breakfast at 9:00 am is a great way to start off the season!
There is a lot happening at Brotherhood for the Fall (it seems strange to say this when this is the
hottest day of the year, so far). Here is the schedule to date:
Sunday, August 30: 9:00 am Opening Breakfast
August/September: Honey Cakes for the High Holidays - see the flyer
Saturday, October 17: 4:30 pm Hayride and BBQ at the Hatfield’s “ranch”
Monday, October 26: Blood Drive - We are looking for volunteers to help for a couple of hours
Tuesday, November 10: 6:30 pm Brotherhood Meeting
Friday, November 13: Brotherhood Shabbat
December - Latkes and Blintzes for Chanukkah
December event – TBD
Looking forward to seeing you on the 30th! Call in your reservation to the office.
Larry Gill
Family Worship Service
Friday, August 21st
Dinner at 6:00 pm Service at 7:30 pm
Please call Temple office by Wednesday, August 19th to RSVP 219/934-9600
Sisterhood News
Judy Stevens, President
Even though summer time is supposed to be more restful, Sisterhood is very busy planning for the
coming year.
On Sunday, August 30, please join us for the Meet and Greet Afternoon starting at 2:00 pm. It is a
great time to talk and get to know each other in a relaxed atmosphere. Refreshments will be served.
Please mark your calendar for Sisterhood’s Shabbat Prayer Book Program on November 1, 2015.
Under the able direction of Kristin Stern, we will learn about the various parts of our Shabbat service
and their themes. We will use outside sources to create a new and different Prayer Book that we then
will use in our Sisterhood Shabbat Service on February 26, 2016.
We are planning more Sisterhood programs for 2015/16. If you have any suggestions or have topics
that interest you and your family, please let me know so we can plan events based upon those interests.
If you feel you can speak about a topic, or can teach other people about a subject that you know well,
please let me know. We would love to plan our programs around the interests of Sisterhood members.
You can reach me at
We all enjoy the wonderful food, drinks and camaraderie after our Friday evening service. We need
your help in order to make this happen all 52 Friday nights a year. Please contact Barbara Bame at
219/864-1149 if you would like to host an Oneg. You could sponsor an Oneg in honor of a birthday,
anniversary or other special occasion.
I hope you have received the renewal notices for your Sisterhood Membership. Please return them to
the Temple Office with your dues enclosed.
In summary, please mark on your calendar the following dates:
Sunday, August 30: 2:00 pm Meet and Greet
November 1, 2015: Shabbat Prayer Book Program; time of program will be posted next month
February 26, 2016: Sisterhood Shabbat Service
Shalom and see you soon.
Judy Stevens
Schedule of High Holy Day Services 2015/5776
Saturday, September 5
Sunday, September 13
Monday, September 14
Teusday, September 15
Saturday, September 19
Tuesday, September 22
Wednesday, September 23
Selichot – Wine & Cheese/Social Time
Erev Rosh Hashanah
Rosh Hashanah
Children’s Service
Morning Service
Rosh Hashanah 2nd Day Morning Service
Shabbat Shuvah
Kol Nidrei
Yom Kippur
Children’s Service
Morning Service
Discussion with Rabbi
Afternoon Service
Ne’ilah (concluding) Service
8:00 p.m.
8:30 p.m.
9:30 p.m.
10:00 p.m.
8:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
3:00 p.m.
5:15 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
1. Tickets are required for all High Holy Day services.
2. Members in good standing who have paid at least 2/3 of current year’s financial obligation (dues,
Religious School fees from prior school year(s), pledges and commitments from past years, etc.)
will be issued tickets at no cost.
3. Members’ children 18 years of age and younger will not need tickets.
4. Paid-up members’ parents, grandparents, children/grandchildren over 18 will be issued
complimentary tickets upon request of the member in good standing.
5. Non-members who are members in good standing of another congregation will be issued tickets
at no cost upon presenting a letter of membership from their congregation.
6. Jewish individuals or families new to our community since last year’s High Holy Days will be
issued complimentary tickets upon request.
7. Other non-members shall pay a minimum of $360.00 per person. This option is available to nonmembers one time only. In order to obtain tickets in subsequent years, these non-members must
become Temple Beth-El members. Ticket payment can be applied to membership dues, if
membership is applied for and approved within six months.
8. Cases of financial hardship will be reviewed upon request by the Dues Evaluation
Committee in confidence.
9. Complimentary tickets will be issued upon request for the service on the second morning of Rosh
(Adopted by the Board on 4/20/2010)
Honors and Prayer Books
While most TBE members realize that they must be in “good standing” financially to receive tickets for the High
Holy Days, some may not know that honors for the many services are also given to members in “good
Congregants are expected to bring their own copies of Gates of Repentence, the High Holy Days prayer book.
We have a limited number of books on hand that may be purchased for $28.00 each.
Afternoon Book Discussion
Thursday, September 17
1:30 pm
The next TBE book discussion is scheduled for Thursday, September 17, at 1:30 pm in the
Bertha and Dan Rabin Library. At that time we will review The Chaperone by Laura Moriarty.
"With her bobbed black hair and strikingly red lipstick, Louise Brooks was a femme fatale in
early Hollywood movies. In this latest novel from Moriarty, a teenage Louise heads to New
York City in 1922 from her home in Wichita, chaperoned by proper Kansas matron Cora
Carlisle. Once in New York, Louise is accepted by the renowned Denishawn School of
Dancing and is on her way to fame. An innocent young adult she is not—hard as nails, she is
both self-promoting and self-destructive. The real story here, however, is about Cora, a kind
soul despite the shocks she has endured at several crucial times in her life. Cora's visit to
New York gives her a new perspective and changes her life in unexpected ways. The novel,
which spans the next six decades of Cora's life, also reminds us how dramatically American
life changed over the 20th century. Moriarty is a wonderful storyteller; it's hard to put this
engaging novel down. Fans of the Jazz Age and sweeping historical fiction will likely feel the
same way." -- (Library Journal, March 15, 2012)
Copies of the book will be available in mid-August at Temple or at the Munster Branch
Library. Questions? Contact Linda Dunn (219-836-8450). Newcomers to this Temple activity
are always welcome!
Limmud Chicago 2015 For the last two years TBE members have travelled to Chicago for a unique adult
education conference. Each year there are instructors from every walk of life and every flavor of
Judaism! Please mark your calendars now for Saturday evening, November 7 and Sunday, November 8. If you
would like more information please check out the website
Once again it’s time to think about Rosh Hashanah.
We are getting our New Year’s Greetings booklet together,
and we are asking for your support.
This is a lovely booklet of warm wishes extended to and
by our congregation. It will be distributed at the
Erev Rosh Hashanah service.
The cost for listing your family in the booklet is a minimum $7.50.
This is a major fundraiser for Sisterhood.
Please mail this completed form and your check
made payable to Temple Beth-El Sisterhood, to:
Debbie Feinberg
c/o Temple Beth-El
10001 Columbia Avenue
Munster, IN 46321
The deadline to list your family is Friday, September 4th.
Please print all names as you wish them to appear.
Our Sisterhood has been using the same Sisterhood Shabbat worship booklet for many years,
and we feel it is time to update it. We would like to have any of our members interested
in helping with these revisions to have that chance. We have postponed the program until
November 1 at 12:00 pm. We will have lunch before the program. On that date, Kristin
Stern will lead a program explaining the various parts of our Shabbat service and their
themes. We will discuss how to draw from sources outside the prayerbook to create new and
different worship experiences. To conclude the program, we will use Sisterhood sources
and put together a unique service which we will use in the coming years. A registration
form with the cost will be in a future bulletin.
Scrip Update
Below is a the SCRIP that we have left. A gift card is great for birthdays, anniversaries,
holidays, bar and bat mitzvahs – even house warming gifts. SCRIP inventory is accessible
for sale by request to one of the following Temple officers:
Ed Front, Miriam Marcus, Rabbi Zukrow
Barnes & Noble
Best Buy
Boston Market
Cracker Barrel
Lands End
Pizza Hut
Red Robin
Texas Roadhouse
Card $ Amount
8/1 Evelyn Coltun
Herman Hanauer
Matilda Kaplan
Dr. William L. Young
8/9 Phyllis Liberman Rubin
Lillian Wechsler
8/10 Paul Berman
Carmel Stern
Naomi Denmark
David Kaplan
Dorothy Lewis
Michael (Max) Mayer
Moses Reich
Louis Rosenthal
Esther Wechsler
8/11 Cyrl Jeffries
David Weinberg
8/12 Ann Goldberg
Yetta Vick
Miriam J. Friedman
8/13 Martin Shaykin
Anna Weiss
Beatrice Lahn
Jack Levin
8/14 E Edwin Carpenter
Bessie Rosenthal
Rebecca (Becky) Glueck
Cecelia Janco
Ida Kaner
Phillip Mossler
Frances Shaps
Dr. Louis L. Teplinsky
Nathan Yaffin
8/15 Jacob Fox
Dorothy Levin
Fern Tolchinsky
Pearl N. Isaacson
Diana Palacci
Edward Robinson
Doris Shaykin
8/20 Sol Benjamin
Henri S. Front
Dr. Irwin Greenspon
Dennis T. Karas
H. Milton Meyers
Julius Taussig
8/16 Evelyn Fox
8/19 Iris Casson
8/21 Sarah Cohen
8/23 Charlotte Kretz
Eva Meyers
8/24 Gussie Benjamin
Bella Weinberg
8/1 Reuben & Sharon Blumberg
Lorin & Helen Brown
Jim & Debbie Harris
8/25 Mary Pitzele
Irene Berlin Zweig
8/26 Sophie Hanover
Florence Leopold
Alan & Ro Lahn
8/27 Sheldon Steinberg
Louis Hatfield
Berenice Schneider
Michael & Sue Zweig
8/29 Allen Freedman
Paul Miller
8/14 Richard & Kimberly Marks
8/11 Alan & Honora Saks
8/30 Abe Friduss
Julian Hirsch Nassau
8/15 Barry & Lynda Levin
8/31 Shirley Hirschman Fleischmann
Don Goode
Leora Seelig Joffee
8/18 Brian & Michele Dedelow
Veronica & Ramiro Graham-Diaz
Jay & Francie Gerson
Sonny Klein
8/19 Gene & Shirley Deutsch
Adele Tilles
8/20 John & Susie Dodge
Michael & Sydney Saks
Alexander Maurawski
Jack Selig
8/25 Seymour & Jean Oberlander
Frances Meyer
8/29 Stephen & Marybeth Tepper
8/16 Arnold & Priscilla Sutker
8/30 Henry & Debbie Feinberg
The Congregation extends its sincerest condolences to:
The family of Alison & Ray Hanania, on the death of Alison’s father, Gerald Resnick.
Zichronam liv’racha – May his memory be for a blessing
8/15 Jason Horn
Aaron Brody
8/16 Terry Baer
Stephen Tepper
Lydia Dershewitz
Dr. Robert Dershewitz
Donna Levin
Laura O’Connor-Santell
8/20 Steve Arnold
8/21 Dr. Scott Kaufman
Michele Dedelow
Dr. Henry Feinberg
Michael Front
Susan Wolf
Dr. Arnold Sutker
8/23 Sharon Gill
Richard Marks
Griffin Poulsen
Keegan Poulsen
8/23 Joyce Berry
Matthew Fefferman
8/11 Mitchell Goldman
Talia Harman
8/25 Kristin Stern
8/26 Jay Sklar
8/12 Dr. Reuben Blumberg
8/28 Devin Malum
8/13 Dr. Cheryl Brody
Rabbi Zukrow would welcome your visit. Sometimes he may not be in the
office due to outside meetings, hospitals calls, etc. To be sure he will be at
Temple when you are there, call the office 219/934- 9600 or Rabbi directly
219/595-9245 to make an appointment.
To contribute to Temple Funds, send your name, name of fund, reason for donation, and
card recipient’s name and address, along with payment to the Temple office.
Helen Brown
in memory of Charles Beck, Sr.
Lorin & Helen Brown
in memory of Berdine Brown
Sam & Cathy Coltun
in memory of Evelyn Coltun
Shirley Deutsch
in memory of Rebecca Spiegel
Jacqueline Friedman
in memory of Ronald Friedman
Jacqueline Friedman
in memory of Rachel Scherer
Jacqueline Friedman
in memory of Sheri Scherer
Larry & Sharon Gill and Eleanore Gill
in memory of Herman Hanauer
Alan & Judy Gordon
in memory of Minnie Gordon
Judith Grambo
Shabbat Dinner
Maxine Hyman
in memory of David Rosenthal
Jerry & Pat Janco
in memory of Cecelia Janco
Jerry & Pat Janco
in memory of Beverly Janco
Huette Kaplan
in memory of Jerrold Kaplan
Howard & Susie Marcus
in memory of Albert Marcus
Sydney & Michael Saks
in memory of Rose Weinraub
Michael & Sheila Shaykin
in memory of Doris Shaykin
Michael & Sheila Shaykin
in memory of Martin Shaykin
Michael & Sheila Shaykin
in memory of Anna Weiss
Annette Steinberg and Gurevitz Family
in memory of Jonah Meyer Liberman
Richard & Pam Sussman
in memory of Walter Sussman
Sara Sussman
in memory of Walter Sussman
Jean Tolchinsky
in memory of Fern Tolchinsky
Rabbi Michael & Judy Stevens
Pam Cohen Deal
Julia Wodarski
in memory of Perry Stevens
in memory of Sidney B. and Audrey J. Cohen
in memory of Charles Burin
Paul Bloomberg
Ro, Alan, Adam & Melissa Lahn
Carrie Morris
Miriam Marcus
Judy Feinberg
Paul Bloomberg
Huette Kaplan
in memory of Dr. Samuel L.
in memory of Beatrice Ruth Lahn
in memory of Tilva Diamond
in memory of Gerald Resnick
Dr. & Mrs. Ron Treiber on their
in memory of Mel Chalfen
in memory of David Kaplan
Francie & Jay Gerson
Bea Selig
in memory of Gerald Resnick
in memory of Irving Selig
Herb & Susan Shaps
in memory of Frances Shaps
All contributions to Temple Beth-El are greatly appreciated. Please consider any of
our funds to honor and remember family members and friends. Your gifts advance the
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund and the work of Temple Beth-El to service the needs of our
members and community.
Pastor Joe Ramirez and Charlotte Moore collect slightly worn clothing for those in need.
As you transition from summer to fall, please consider a donation. Thank you.
Marcie Gierman
Bea Selig
Annette Steinberg
Annette Steinberg
Mazel Tov to Phyllis Rosenfield on the recent
marriage of her grandson Ira.
Wishing Marcie Gierman a Very Happy Birthday
Wishing Marcie Gierman a Very Happy Birthday
Mazel Tov to Phyllis Rosenfield on the recent
marriage of her grandson Ira.
Please contact the Chairs of these funds directly to make a donation. Thank you.
Contact Annette Steinberg at 219/922-6620
Courtesy Announcements
Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership is pleased to announce the Chicago launch of
the Midwest Jewish Artists Lab, generously supported by a grant from the Covenant Foundation.
The Midwest Jewish Artists Lab addresses the need to broaden the impact of the arts in Jewish
life, helping foster meaning, community, identity, and spirituality. For the participating artists, the
project will provide a community of creativity, support, and enrichment. An exhibit of participants'
work will be mounted at Spertus in 2016.
This opportunity is open to Jewish artists who live and work in the Greater Chicago area. Artists
may work in any medium. Applications are due August 3, 2015.
For more information go to their website:
Honoring Rabbi Raphael Ostrovsky
Saturday, August 22 at 9:30 a.m.
Rabbi Ostrovsky was honored by the Rabbinical Assembly and the Jewish Theological Seminary
for 50 years as a rabbi. CBI will sponsor a kiddush lunch to honor and recognize him for receiving these awards. Everyone is welcome.
Women's Rosh Chodesh Group
Wednesday, August 19, 7:00 pm at CBI
Our next Rosh Chodesh gathering will be a very special night. Our guest speaker
Beatrice "Trixie" Muchman will share with us her experiences as a hidden child
during the Nazi regime.
Trixie is the author of Never to Be Forgotten: A Young Girl's Holocaust Memoir by Beatrice
Muchman (Jun 1997), a book available only through Amazon. It is not necessary to read Trixie's book to come to the gathering and participate. Please RSVP to the CBI office at 219-9220101 or
Illiana Jewish Genealogical Society
Sunday, August 9 2:00 pm
Dennis Aron will present "German Jewish Genealogy." Mr. Aron is a member of JGS Illinois and GerSIG and a genealogy volunteer at the Skokie Public Library. He has been researching his family for
30 years. Everyone is invited to attend the meeting, which is free to members. Non members: $2.00
Temple Beth-El has many funds that support the variety of
work we do for our members – floral fund, kitchen fund,
music fund, program funds, Rabbi’s fund, school fund and
Contributions to any of these funds are a wonderful way to
honor and remember a loved one, friend, Temple member
and so on.
Please contact the Temple office for a list of funds. Thank you.

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Click on this link to print and view the bulletin.

Click on this link to print and view the bulletin. OUR TEMPLE FUNDS To contribute to Temple Funds, send your name, name of fund, reason for donation, and card recipient’s name and address, along with payment to the Temple office.

More information

Click on this link to print and view the bulletin. - Temple Beth-El

Click on this link to print and view the bulletin. - Temple Beth-El OUR TEMPLE FUNDS To contribute to Temple Funds, send your name, name of fund, reason for donation, and card recipient’s name and address, along with payment to the Temple office.

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