KAIKOURA TO HAUMURI BLUFFS, SCALE 1:40,000 Bathymetry Shelf Texture / Habitats 173°35'0"E 173°40'0"E 173°45'0"E 173°30'0"E 173°35'0"E 173°40'0"E Kowhai River su la 42°25'0"S Pe ni n Ka ik ou ra 42°25'0"S 42°25'0"S 10 42°25'0"S Kowhai River Ka ik ou ra 173°30'0"E 173°45'0"E Pe ni n su la 20 30 40 Pinnacle Rock Pinnacle Rock 50 60 70 Riley's Lookout Riley's Lookout 80 90 100 Goose Bay Goose Bay 42°30'0"S 42°30'S any on 42°30'0"S any on 42°30'S Kaikoura C Kaikoura C Oaro 100 60 50 40 173°45'0"E 30 10 20 Oaro Haumuri Bluffs 173°30'0"E 173°35'0"E 173°40'0"E 173°30'0"E 0 2.5 5 Cartography: Projection: Transverse Mercator False Easting: 500,000 False Northing: 10,000,000 Central Meridian: 174° Latitude of Origin: 0.0° Scale Factor: 0.9996 Datum: WGS 1984 Coastline: from Land Information New Zealand (LINZ), 1:250,000 Digital Topographic Database Aerial photography provided by LINZ Locality Diagram Depth (m) Disclaimers: 1. These charts are not to be used for navigation. 2. NIWA accepts no liability for any damage or loss incurred as a result of the use of this information. 173°40'0"E 173°45'0"E 10 Seabed Textures / Habitats Reliability Diagram 0 0 A. Close spaced (approx. 25m line spacing) hydrographic echo-soundings B. Hydrographic echo-soundings (approx. 125m line spacing) C. Multibeam (Swath) bathymetry from R.V. L'Atalante; EM 12D D. Soundings from NIWA bathymetry database E. Side-scan sonar and sounder launch survey F. Seismic and sounder launch survey A Sidescan Coverage 1:10,000 Map Sheets Shore platform A Rock "reef" Kowhai River Cook Strait B+D 700 South Island B + +E NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF WATER AND ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH LTD Boulder-rock apron B+E F B+E+F Pebble gravel pavement B+D Goose Bay B+C Digital Terrain Models: Compilation of echo-sounder and other bathymetry data by M. Dunkin Areas A soundings allowed a 1m grid size, Area B soundings allowed a 10m grid size, Area C is a 10m grid based on the NIWA Coastal Bathymetry Database using 10m contour lines where available (generally at depths less than 100m), elsewhere 50m contour data. All shaded relief grids have x5 vertical exageration. 173°35'0"E Kilometres Data Collection: Nearshore launch surveys using echo-sounder, side-scan sonar, Uniboom seismic system and grab sampler, with positioning by differential GPS in April and December 1996 and LINZ Hydrographic Survey, January to April 1998. Deep water swath survey from French (IFREMER) RV L'Atalante using Simrad EM 12D swath mapping system in November, 1993. Coastal and shore platform morphology from aerial photographs. Other seismic reflection data, soundings, and samples from R.V. Rapuhia surveys 1988-1992, and from published and archived bathymetric, scientific and industry sources. Haumuri Bluffs Megarippled coarse sand E E C Fine sand cover Pacific Ocean E Haumuri Bluffs E+F 1400 1400 Compilation and chart production funded by Dept. of Conservation Banks Peninsula Mud D D E Mud with horse mussels Kaikoura Peninsula
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