Monday, 2-June-2014 5:35 PM SMS message from Rob Kera ) to


Monday, 2-June-2014 5:35 PM SMS message from Rob Kera ) to
Monday, 2‐June‐2014 5:35 PM
Tuesday, 3‐June‐2014 6:54 AM
Tuesday, 3‐June‐2014 6:59 AM
Tuesday, 3‐June‐2014 7:19 AM
Tuesday, 3‐June‐2014 7:21 AM
Tuesday, 3‐June‐2014 8:12 AM
Tuesday, 3‐June‐2014 8:17 AM
Tuesday, 3‐June‐2014 8:24 AM
Wednesday, 4‐June‐2014 6:29 AM
Wednesday, 4‐June‐2014 6:40 AM
Wednesday, 4‐June‐2014 9:31 AM
Wednesday, 4‐June‐2014 10:25 AM
Wednesday, 4‐June‐2014 10:58 AM
Wednesday, 4‐June‐2014 11 01 AM
Thursday, 5‐June‐2014 7:26 AM
Thursday, 5‐June‐2014 7:52 AM
Thursday, 5‐June‐2014 10:06 AM
Thursday, 5‐June‐2014 10:06 AM
Thursday, 5‐June‐2014 1:27 PM
Thursday, 5‐June‐2014 1:27 PM
Thursday, 5‐June‐2014 1:39 PM
SMS message from Rob Kera ) to Darren Greenfield (
Darren Greenfield ) calls Robert Kera ) Rob Kera ) calls Darren Greenfield ) Brian Parker calls Darren Greenfield Darren Greenfield (
) calls Robert Kera ) Brian Parker ) calls Darren Greenfield (
) Darren Greenfield ) calls Brian Parker )
Darren Greenfield ) calls Robert Kera Darren Greenfield (
) calls Robert Kera )
Darren Greenfield (
) calls Robert Kera Rob Kera ) calls Darren Greenfield )
Darren Greenfield (
) calls Robert Kera Rob Kera (
) calls Darren Greenfield ) Darren Greenfield (
) calls Robert Kera )
Darren Greenfield (
) calls Robert Kera ) Rob Kera ) calls Darren Greenfield Darren Greenfield ) calls Mazen Hourani )
SMS message from George Alex ) to Darren Greenfield Mazen Hourani ) calls Darren Greenfield ) Mazen Hourani ) calls Darren Greenfield ) Darren Greenfield ) calls Mazen Hourani Thursday, 5‐June‐2014 1:43 PM
Friday, 6‐June‐2014 11:14 AM
Friday, 6‐June‐2014 12:09 PM
Friday, 6‐June‐2014 4:24 PM
Friday, 6‐June‐2014 4:34 PM
Tuesday, 10‐June‐2014 2:46 PM
Wednesday, 11‐June‐2014 5 04 PM
Wednesday, 11‐June‐2014 5 05 PM
Wednesday, 11‐June‐2014 5 06 PM
Wednesday, 11‐June‐2014 5 06 PM
Wednesday, 11‐June‐2014 5 08 PM
Thursday, 12‐June‐2014 11:50 AM
Thursday, 12‐June‐2014 11:57 AM
Thursday, 12‐June‐2014 11:57 AM
Thursday, 12‐June‐2014 12:01 PM
Thursday, 12‐June‐2014 3:18 PM
Thursday, 12‐June‐2014 3:27 PM
Thursday, 12‐June‐2014 3:51 PM
Thursday, 12‐June‐2014 3:53 PM
Thursday, 12‐June‐2014 4:43 PM
Friday, 13‐June‐2014 10:15 AM
Friday, 13‐June‐2014 10:34 AM
Friday, 13‐June‐2014 1:55 PM
Mazen Hourani (
) calls Darren Greenfield ) Mazen Hourani ) calls Darren Greenfield ) Rob Kera (
) calls Darren Greenfield ) Darren Greenfield (
) calls Robert Kera ) Rob Kera (
) calls Darren Greenfield (
) Darren Greenfield ) calls Robert Kera ) Darren Greenfield (
) calls Robert Kera )
Darren Greenfield (
) calls Brian Parker (
Rob Kera ) calls Darren Greenfield (
) Rob Kera (
) calls Darren Greenfield (
) Darren Greenfield ) calls Robert Kera )
Darren Greenfield ) calls Mazen Hourani ) Darren Greenfield ) calls George Alex (
) SMS message from George Alex ) to Darren Greenfield SMS message from Darren Greenfield ) to George Alex Darren Greenfield (
) calls George Alex (
) Darren Greenfield (
) calls George Alex (
SMS message from George Alex ) to Darren Greenfield SMS message from Darren Greenfield (
) to George Alex Darren Greenfield ) calls George Alex ) Mazen Hourani (
) calls Darren Greenfield )
Darren Greenfield (
) calls Mazen Hourani ) Mazen Hourani (
) calls Darren Greenfield ) Friday, 13‐June‐2014 1:55 PM
SMS message from Darren Greenfield (
Friday, 13‐June‐2014 2:06 PM
Friday, 13‐June‐2014 2:09 PM
Friday, 13‐June‐2014 2:11 PM
Friday, 13‐June‐2014 4:50 PM
Monday, 16‐June‐2014 6:37 AM
Monday, 16‐June‐2014 10:25 AM
Monday, 16‐June‐2014 10:26 AM
Monday, 16‐June‐2014 10:28 AM
Monday, 16‐June‐2014 10:29 AM
Monday, 16‐June‐2014 1:01 PM
Monday, 16‐June‐2014 1:08 PM
Monday, 16‐June‐2014 4:23 PM
Tuesday, 17‐June‐2014 8:11 AM
Tuesday, 17‐June‐2014 8:26 AM
Tuesday, 17‐June‐2014 9:06 AM
Tuesday, 17‐June‐2014 11:46 AM
Tuesday, 17‐June‐2014 4:07 PM
Tuesday, 17‐June‐2014 5:00 PM
Wednesday, 18‐June‐2014 6:33 AM
Wednesday, 18‐June‐2014 6:36 AM
Wednesday, 18‐June‐2014 11:35 AM
Wednesday, 18‐June‐2014 11:38 AM
Wednesday, 18‐June‐2014 1:15 PM
Wednesday, 18‐June‐2014 3:23 PM
Wednesday, 18‐June‐2014 4:13 PM
Wednesday, 18‐June‐2014 4:17 PM
Wednesday, 18‐June‐2014 4:20 PM
Wednesday, 18‐June‐2014 4:29 PM
Wednesday, 18‐June‐2014 4:30 PM
Wednesday, 18‐June‐2014 4:30 PM
Wednesday, 18‐June‐2014 4:31 PM
Thursday, 19‐June‐2014 7:17 AM
Thursday, 19‐June‐2014 10:22 AM
Thursday, 19‐June‐2014 10:23 AM
George Alex (
) calls Darren Greenfield )
Darren Greenfield (
) calls George Alex (
) SMS message from Darren Greenfield (
9) to George Alex Darren Greenfield (
) calls George Alex ) Rob Kera ) calls Darren Greenfield (
) George Alex (
) calls Darren Greenfield (
) SMS message from George Alex ) to Darren Greenfield SMS message from Darren Greenfield (
) to George Alex SMS message from George Alex ) to Darren Greenfield SMS message from George Alex ) to Darren Greenfield Darren Greenfield ) calls Robert Kera ) Darren Greenfield ) calls Robert Kera ) Darren Greenfield (
) calls Robert Kera ) Rob Kera ) calls Darren Greenfield ) Darren Greenfield (
) calls Robert Kera ) SMS message from Rob Kera ) to Darren Greenfield Darren Greenfield calls Robert Kera ) Rob Kera ) calls Darren Greenfield (
) Darren Greenfield ) calls Robert Kera )
Darren Greenfield (
) calls Robert Kera ) Rob Kera (
) calls Darren Greenfield (
Darren Greenfield ) calls Robert Kera Darren Greenfield ) calls Robert Kera ) Rob Kera ) calls Darren Greenfield (
) Darren Greenfield ) calls Robert Kera ) calls Darren Greenfield )
Rob Kera Rob Kera ) calls Darren Greenfield (
) Darren Greenfield (
) calls Robert Kera ) Rob Kera ) calls Darren Greenfield (
Rob Kera ) calls Darren Greenfield Darren Greenfield (
) calls Robert Kera )
Darren Greenfield (
) calls Brian Parker Darren Greenfield (
) calls Robert Kera ) Darren Greenfield ) calls George Alex ) ).
). )
). ) to Mazen Hourani 27 seconds
29 seconds
1 minute 20 seconds
16 seconds
55 seconds
5 minutes 11 seconds
5 minutes 10 seconds
6 minutes 55 seconds
2 seconds
2 minutes 31 seconds
16 seconds
30 seconds
50 seconds
58 seconds
10 seconds
49 seconds
Free at Walsh bay at 1
4 seconds
4 seconds
2 seconds
0 seconds
2 minutes 37 seconds
1 minute 15 seconds
1 seconds
1 minute 42 seconds
6 minutes 53 seconds
4 seconds
1 minute 57 seconds
32 seconds
21 seconds
3 minutes 58 seconds
15 seconds
4 seconds
Call u next hour buddy
8 seconds
36 seconds
Can u be at earlwood in an hour? Yes mate
11 seconds
0 seconds
28 seconds
3 seconds
). )
). )
1 minute 45 seconds
22 seconds
He just messaged me but I can't get him
48 seconds
5 minutes 13 seconds
5 seconds
Can u pop over to home office today at 12
14 seconds
11 minutes 16 seconds
3 minutes 57 seconds
29 seconds
2 minutes 13 seconds
29 seconds
5 minutes 17 seconds
2 minutes 6 seconds
52 seconds 29 seconds
5 minutes 13 seconds
1 minute 12 seconds
3 seconds
16 seconds
30 seconds
7 minutes 41 seconds
2 seconds
3 seconds
3 seconds
3 minutes 19 seconds
15 seconds
3 seconds
37 seconds
Page 111 of 207
Wednesday, 30‐July‐2014 11:18 AM
Wednesday, 30‐July‐2014 11:18 AM
Wednesday, 30‐July‐2014 11:19 AM
Wednesday, 30‐July‐2014 11:20 AM
Wednesday, 30‐July‐2014 11:21 AM
Wednesday, 30‐July‐2014 11:22 AM
Wednesday, 30‐July‐2014 11:22 AM
Wednesday, 30‐July‐2014 11:23 AM
Wednesday, 30‐July‐2014 11:26 AM
Wednesday, 30‐July‐2014 11:30 AM
Wednesday, 30‐July‐2014 12:33 PM
"M‐COMM" message from George Alex (
Darren Greenfield (
) calls George Alex "M‐COMM" message from George Alex (
"M‐COMM" message from George Alex (
"M‐COMM" message from George Alex (
"M‐COMM" message from George Alex (
"M‐COMM" message from George Alex (
"M‐COMM" message from George Alex (
"M‐COMM" message from George Alex (
Darren Greenfield (
) calls George Alex (
Darren Greenfield (
) calls George Alex (
) to George Alex (
to George Alex (
to George Alex (
to George Alex (
to George Alex (
to George Alex (
to George Alex (
to George Alex (
Wednesday, 30‐July‐2014 5:46 PM
Brian Parker ) calls Senad Kocic )
SENAD KOCIC: Hey, buddy.
BRIAN PARKER: How are you going, mate? All right?
SENAD KOCIC: Good, man. Good, man. I've been back up to the 'burbs, but didn't want to bother you, mate. How are you going?
BRIAN PARKER: Good, mate, good, good. Mate, "listen, just about this horse ‐‐
BRIAN PARKER: Now, that bill that I give to ‐ I ‐‐
SENAD KOCIC: I paid it.
BRIAN PARKER: You paid it?
SENAD KOCIC: Yeah, I paid it today, mate. Paid today or yesterday.
SENAD KOCIC: You don't want me to pay it?
BRIAN PARKER: Oh, no, no, I definitely wanted you to pay it, mate. You're a fucking champion.
SENAD KOCIC: No, no, it's paid, man. It's paid. It's paid, man.
BRIAN PARKER: How ‐ how ‐‐
SENAD KOCIC: I seen her ‐ she ‐ she ‐ I rang her. She ‐ you gave it to her last week.
BRIAN PARKER: Yes, that's right.
SENAD KOCIC: She rang me. She rang me. She rang me and she goes, oh, she sent John, the guy that we work with ‐ she sent him the email, and I've seen it and I said, "Pay it", fuck, and I've paid it ‐ it's paid, four thousand something dollars.
BRIAN PARKER: You know, did that ‐ how ‐ how did you get it to 'em, though?
SENAD KOCIC: No, she ‐ no, I paid ‐ I transferred it to 'em.
BRIAN PARKER: Oh, so he give you the bank accounts or something, did he?
SENAD KOCIC: Yeah, he gave ‐ let me ring you back in 30 seconds. Let me ask how he did it ‐ 30 seconds.
BRIAN PARKER: All right, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Let me know.
SENAD KOCIC: All right. All right, bro. All right, bro. One minute. One minute, mate. Bye.
BRIAN PARKER: Good on you, mate. See you, mate. Bye, mate.
Wednesday, 30‐July‐2014 5:49 PM
Senad Kocic (
) calls Brian Parker ) BRIAN PARKER: Senno?
SENAD KOCIC: Yeah. Fucking, it's the invoice number that ‐ he thought it was the bank details and he goes, "I'll pay it", and then I just rang him up and he goes, "Can you ‐ can you ring 'em and just tell 'em to text it
to me, the bank details straightaway, and I'll get it paid straightaway now."
BRIAN PARKER: Okay, okay.
SENAD KOCIC: Because he thought it was on there, but it wasn't, or do you want differently? How did they want it?
BRIAN PARKER: Maybe ‐ have you got the address ‐ you got the address of the invoice there, I think.
SENAD KOCIC: Yeah, I'm pretty sure everything's on the invoice. I'll send the cheque out?
BRIAN PARKER: Send the cheque, but do it by courier. Can you do it by courier?
SENAD KOCIC: Yeah, done tomorrow. It'll be done tomorrow.
BRIAN PARKER: Beautiful. Get him to do it ‐‐
SENAD KOCIC: One hundred per cent, man.
BRIAN PARKER: Do it ‐ do it ‐ get him to do it to that address.
BRIAN PARKER: By courier.
BRIAN PARKER: And ‐ and I'm ‐ and I'm going to ring him just to let him know that it's what's going to happen. All right?
SENAD KOCIC: Yeah, just tell him ‐ tell him I apologise. He thought that the account details and then went to pay it and it was just ‐ because the ‐ the invoice number was 062 and they thought Commonwealth Bank and they didn't look at it properly, you know.
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
SENAD KOCIC: Because he just got it yesterday. I got it yesterday afternoon.
BRIAN PARKER: No, no, no, I know that, I know that.
SENAD KOCIC: Angela sent it. Angela sent it.
BRIAN PARKER: I know that. I know Angelo ‐‐
6 seconds
2 seconds
GEORGE ALEX: How are you, mate?
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yeah, good. Sorry, mate, I ducked back into a quick meeting at Waco. Are you still down there?
GEORGE ALEX: No, that's all right.
DARREN GREENFIELD: Still down there?
GEORGE ALEX: Look, I'll tell you what I've got to do.I've just got to catch up with Michael Cohen down at Bondi there.
DARREN GREENFIELD: Right. GEORGE ALEX: So I'm going to ‐ I'm just going to head there now, because I've got to be there at about 1.30.
MALE SPEAKER: Do you want to meet up tomorrow, if that's all right, if you're going to head off?
GEORGE ALEX: Because you're not coming back into town, are you?
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yeah, I'm heading back into town now.
GEORGE ALEX: Oh, are you? Oh, do you want me to give you a call when I've finished the meeting?
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yeah, if you can. I'll catch up with you after that.
GEORGE ALEX: Beautiful. I love you. All right, then ‐‐
DARREN GREENFIELD: All right, mate, I'll talk to you then.
GEORGE ALEX: Thanks heaps. Bye, buddy, bye.
Page 117 of 207
Wednesday, 30‐July‐2014 5:49 PM
Senad Kocic (
) calls Brian Parker ) SENAD KOCIC: Yeah.
BRIAN PARKER: Oh, sorry, I know Angela was holding it up, so ‐‐
BRIAN PARKER: I knew that, mate. Don't worry.
SENAD KOCIC: No, because ‐ oh, she ‐ she's confused, she goes, "I feel sorry, I ‐to pay half." She should pay half. All right? I don't understand. I got confused there now. I'm confused, because they used to ‐‐
BRIAN PARKER: No worries.
SENAD KOCIC: ‐‐ they used to own 40 per cent or something, they owned 40 per cent. They still have to pay for ‐ for this.
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, well, that's ‐well, that's ‐well, that's right. I mean, at the end of the day, if they don't want it, well, you get ‐ you get it ‐ get it all given to you because I think it's, you know, it's not right that
they should ‐ they should ‐ anyway ‐‐
SENAD KOCIC: Not pay and keep 40 per cent.
BRIAN PARKER: That's right.
SENAD KOCIC: You know?
BRIAN PARKER: So we'll have to change the details and ‐‐
SENAD KOCIC: Yeah. I'll work that out. Don't worry, I'll ‐ we'll work it out, I'll work that out.
BRIAN PARKER: Well, we'll work ‐ we'll work it out, anyway. I can help you work that out.
SENAD KOCIC: Yeah, yeah.
BRIAN PARKER: All I'm ‐ all I ‐ you know, the big thing with Angela is she ‐ what she didn't realise, I said, "Angel a, this horse is having a trial this week. It needs to have a trial this week", you know?
BRIAN PARKER: Because I spoke to the trainer. No bullshit, I'm not bullshitting, Senno. The trainer said to me, he said ‐ I said, "Bruce, in all honesty, how's it going?", because he had a few niggling things, problems with it. Right?
SENAD KOCIC: Yep, yeah.
BRIAN PARKER: And he started to get a bit worried, and he says, "Look, I tell you, we're over the niggling stuff."
Wednesday, 30‐July‐2014 5:49 PM
Senad Kocic (
) calls Brian Parker ) SENAD KOCIC: Yeah.
BRIAN PARKER: He said, "Everything's going well."
BRIAN PARKER: He said, "I'm telling you now", he says, "I don't know how good it is until it has a trial."
BRIAN PARKER: But he said, "I'll tell you one thing, that horse is definitely going to win races."
SENAD KOCIC: Okay, beautiful.
BRIAN PARKER: To what standard those races are he does not know at this stage, but he knows that the horse is good and good enough to win races. All right?
SENAD KOCIC: Okay, beautiful. So ‐‐
SENAD KOCIC: So this weekend he's just going to trial, he's just going to trial it himself; he's not going to put it into a race yet, is he?
BRIAN PARKER: No, no, no. He's just going to trial it first.
SENAD KOCIC: Yeah, yeah.
BRIAN PARKER: And ‐ and ‐ and maybe it only needs one trial and it goes to racing, but we don't know yet. You know, he'll ‐ he'll ‐‐
SENAD KOCIC: Because we want to fix ‐ I want to fix all the paperwork up first before it goes anywhere, you know.
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, I know, I know, I know, and that's ‐ that's the ‐‐
SENAD KOCIC: Because there's ‐ there's other people involved and I want to get rid of 'em all.
BRIAN PARKER: That's right, exactly.
SENAD KOCIC: You know?
BRIAN PARKER: Exactly. Exactly; but ‐‐
SENAD KOCIC: How are you going, bud, how are you going? How's everything? How are you going?
BRIAN PARKER: I'm going very good, mate. I'm fucking going very good.
SENAD KOCIC: Everything all right?
Wednesday, 30‐July‐2014 5:49 PM
Senad Kocic (
) calls Brian Parker ) BRIAN PARKER: Oh, fuck, I'm going well.
SENAD KOCIC: Oh, that's good.
BRIAN PARKER: Oh, there was a good ‐ there was a good ‐ I don't know if you've seen it, but there was a fucking fantastic article in the ‐ we released to the media, or it found ‐‐ SENAD KOCIC: No, I haven't seen it.
BRIAN PARKER: When I say ‐ we didn't release it. It found its way to the media, anyway.
BRIAN PARKER: Where ‐ where it just more or less smashes fucking Fitzpatrick as a witness in the Royal Commission, just, oh, he's fucking ‐‐ SENAD KOCIC: He's just a fuckwit.
BRIAN PARKER: Oh, he is, mate. Fucking, really good ‐ really good. And even ‐ even so, even so, honestly, Senno ‐‐ SENAD KOCIC: Oh, yeah?
BRIAN PARKER: ‐‐ he could ‐ he ‐ he could ‐ he could end up fucking going to gaol because he's perjured himself.
SENAD KOCIC: He's fucking an idiot. He's a fucking ‐ he's a fucking idiot.
SENAD KOCIC: I don't know. So, oh, well, as long as you're ‐ everything's all right with you.
BRIAN PARKER: No, it's sweet, mate. It's good.
SENAD KOCIC: I'm ‐ I'm going back tomorrow for about four weeks, five weeks. I just came ‐ I just came ‐‐
BRIAN PARKER: All right, well ‐‐ SENAD KOCIC: I'm going back for four or five weeks.
BRIAN PARKER: Well, I'll have to ‐ I'll have to fix ‐ I'll have to fix ‐ fix the other stuff now. If this horse races in between then ‐‐
BRIAN PARKER: I'll have to text you. Will you get text messages on your phone?
SENAD KOCIC: Yeah, yeah, I get text messages no problem.
BRIAN PARKER: I might have to text you or I might have to ring ya, or whatever, because ‐‐
SENAD KOCIC: Yeah, yeah, you just text me and we'll work it out.
Page 118 of 207
Thursday, 14‐August‐2014 1:06 PM
Thursday, 14‐August‐2014 3:32 PM
Thursday, 14‐August‐2014 3:47 PM
SMS message from George Alex ) to Lindsay Kirschberg (
Darren Greenfield (
calls Robert Kera ) George Alex (
) calls Darren Greenfield Thursday, 14‐August‐2014 4:07 PM
Thursday, 14‐August‐2014 4:12 PM
Thursday, 14‐August‐2014 4:12 PM
Thursday, 14‐August‐2014 4:22 PM
Rob Kera (
) calls Darren Greenfield (
) SMS message from George Alex ) to Mazen Hourani Rob Kera (
) calls Darren Greenfield Darren Greenfield (
) calls Robert Kera 30 seconds
Told Lindsey u Ritchy running trade division seperate company . Like Herman running guardian . His conftable with that Sweet bro
3 seconds
ROB KERA: How are you, mate?
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yeah, good, mate. No, just on the phone to Ivan. Still I'm not out here, mate. I'm going to do it at 10.30 in the morning with him.
ROB KERA: What; you didn't get out there?
DARREN GREENFIELD: I'm still not there. I didn't leave until late. I should have left there about ‐‐
ROB KERA: Oh, okay.
DARREN GREENFIELD: I should have left there about 2.30.
ROB KERA: What; traffic's a cunt, is it?
ROB KERA: Oh, okay, fair enough.
DARREN GREENFIELD: I'm going to do it at 10.30. I'llmeet you at Lidcombe in the morning. I'll go out there for stuff, (indistinct) but then I'll ‐ I'll go and ‐‐
ROB KERA: Yeah, no.
DARREN GREENFIELD: ‐‐ (indistinct) and do that with them, and then go from there. I felt a bit of a cunt because he got the bloke from the city ‐ from his office in town, Tim, to actually go out to Lidcombe.
ROB KERA: Oh, okay. Tim?
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yeah, I think it's Tim.
ROB KERA: Oh, he's that bloke fucking that's involved in Peter Genovese's shit, as well.
DARREN GREENFIELD: Oh, that's ‐ yeah, that's just his sidekick; you know what I mean? I don't know what he does.
ROB KERA: Oh, okay.
DARREN GREENFIELD: I got Tim to come out, and he was in a organisers' ‐ ah, delegates' training until 3 30 anyway. That's why I didn't rush.
DARREN GREENFIELD: Because I didn't ‐ I didn't realise the traffic was going to be like this, mate.
ROB KERA: Just so you know, fucking, I had a meeting with Mirvac.
Thursday, 14‐August‐2014 4:22 PM
Darren Greenfield (
calls Robert Kera ROB KERA: They were very fucking nervous about Capital.
ROB KERA: But I vouched for 'em.
ROB KERA: Fucking, if you're speaking to Mase or fucking Steve, let 'em fucking vouch for them there. Apparently they fucking hit Mirvac up for an extra four bucks an hour for their traffic controllers.
ROB KERA: And ‐‐
ROB KERA: I said, "Oh, well"‐‐
ROB KERA: Sorry?
DARREN GREENFIELD: Apparently Herman was underquoting the fucking jobs, hey; that's why they loved him.
ROB KERA: He was what?
DARREN GREENFIELD: Underquoting; like, giving them that cheap a price they weren't even covering the fucking EBA.
ROB KERA: Yeah, well, Mase and fucking Steve hit Mirvac up for an extra four bucks an hour for the traffic controllers. I said, "Look" ‐ I didn't even think of that, but I said, "Look" ‐ I didn't even know that, that he was underquoting the jobs, mate. I said, "Look," I said, "There is a wage increase on the first of October," and he goes, "Yeah, but what's that? Fucking two and a half percent." He said he's still fucking nervous. And I said, "Look, I'll vouch for them, mate." I said, "Westfields are nervous too but they're all right now." I said, "I'll fucking vouch for them." So, ya know.
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yeah. But that's what it is. He's ‐ he was under ‐ I know from Tommy, he was underquoting and ‐ just to get the work and (indistinct) and he was giving them that cheap a price he wasn't even ‐
that's why he was struggling to pay BUS and ACIRT and everything. He wasn't even covering the fucking ‐ the entitlements in the EBA.
Thursday, 14‐August‐2014 4:22 PM
Darren Greenfield (
) calls Robert Kera )
Thank u@
2 seconds
DARREN GREENFIELD (voioemail message): Hi, you've reached Darren Greenfield. Can't get to the phone at the moment, Please leave a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible. If urgent, please call the office on
. Thank you.
VOICEMAIL INSTRUCTION: Please leave a detailed message after the tone, When you have finished reoording, you may hang up or press 1 for more options.
GEORGE ALEX: Oh, Darren, George here, buddy. It's quite urgent. Can you give me a call back? It's just in relation to the Cbus, ACIRT.
DARREN GREENFIELD: It wasn't only to them. To all the companies.
ROB KERA: Oh, well, look, I did him a good turn. I said, "Look, you've got nothing to fucking worry about. I'll vouch for 'em. There's no dramas, no issues. Westfields haven't. So neither should you." So I said ‐‐
DARREN GREENFIELD: Just to let you know I've got the ‐ we know ‐ I've got the entitlements covered with FX, the rest of it coming in. It's a new company. If anything happened to them it's not a big issue; you know what I mean? They're fucking ‐ they're new. So it's not a big issue. But anyway.
ROB KERA: Fair enough, mate.
DARREN GREENFIELD: I spoke to Michael briefly too, mate. I was just talking to him on the phone before and I said, "Mate, have you ‐ over at Probuild there at Chatswood, have you been dealing much with Superstructures?" And he said, no, they've had a couple of meetings with them and that. He said (indistinct) "they've got some right form boys on the job". I said, "Yeah, I heard." He said they were struggling for men and that. I said, "Have you heard that they've got a labour hire company on there too, mate, a traffic control company, that has an agreement with supplying other blokes through their labour hire company with no agreement?" And he said, "No." And I said, "You haven't heard that?" I said, "No, Luke hasn't." He said, "Luke hasn't been" ‐ he said, "Luke's been once with me, but the last" ‐‐
DARREN GREENFIELD: "Luke hasn't been with me." I said, "No, mate." I said, "I'm not saying anything about Luke, Michael. I'm just asking. Is he" ‐ because I said, "I thought he might know the bloke because he's from Queensland, this company," and he said, "Not that I know of." He said, "I don't ‐there's nothing that I've seen that he's pushed or anything like that"; you know what I mean?
DARREN GREENFIELD: So I said, "No, fair enough."
Page 125 of 207
Thursday, 14‐August‐2014 4:22 PM
Darren Greenfield (
) calls Robert Kera )
ROB KERA: Oh, really?
DARREN GREENFIELD: Fuck, it doesn't stop.
ROB KERA: What; was there more today? He doesn't say it in front of me, mate. Like, was there more, was there?
DARREN GREENFIELD: He doesn't ‐ Luke doesn't in front of me. But fucking Michael just fills me in, you know whatI mean, telling me ‐‐ ROB KERA: Yeah?
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yeah, just garbage. Just garbage.
ROB KERA: God ‐ God's put him on the fucking planet to save the fucking human race and ‐‐
ROB KERA: You know, "Fuck, I should be the President of fucking America and" ‐ you know.
DARREN GREENFIELD: Well, at least ‐ at least the New South Wales branch anyway.
ROB KERA: Because Sparkles said to me this morning, he said fucking, he said ‐ he said ‐ apparently he went to Sparkles and he goes, "Oh, Aaron Cartledge asked me to go to ‐ to fucking" ‐ he even said it to Sparkles. He said, "Oh, Aaron Cartledge in South Australia asked me to go down to Adelaide and fucking, you know, he wants me to (indistinct) secretary."
ROB KERA: "I don't ‐ I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do." And Sparkles goes, "Oh, well, fucking go if you want." Fuck me dead.
DARREN GREENFIELD: I wonder even if he did ‐ Rob, if he did offer him. Remember when I said ‐ remember he got in the shit that Friday and Sparkles ripped it into him, and then on the ‐ within the next two days his two girls were pregnant, his grandfather had died eight weeks before and no cunt told him, and I said that he's fucking ‐ "I think he might be full of it. It's just for the attention," you know what I mean, he's thrown off.
ROB KERA: Yeah, yeah.
DARREN GREENFIELD: Well, he told Michael today the girl ‐ he's ex in Melbourne lost the baby and other one is not pregnant. So ‐‐
Thursday, 14‐August‐2014 4:22 PM
Darren Greenfield ) calls Robert Kera )
ROB KERA: Oh, fuck me. He sounds like to me like a classic fucking boy who cried wolf.
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yeah, yeah. Michael said to me, he said, "Darren, I think you were right when you said that he's fucking ‐ he's just putting all this out there to get sympathy because he's in the shit." I said, "Yeah, I thought so. Thought so."
ROB KERA: Fuck me. Fuck him. Yeah, because Sparkles was saying this morning, he goes ‐ he goes, "Fuck me, he said to me" ‐ I said, "You know he's fucking (indistinct) he's telling everybody that fucking he's been ‐ he's been offered this job in South Australia." And he goes, "Yeah, he just fucking told me." And he said, "Oh, I don't know what to do." He's telling me. Well, I said, "Well, if you don't know what to do, fucking go then."
ROB KERA: "Don't let us hold you back fucking if you want to go." Fuck.
DARREN GREENFIELD: "See you later."
ROB KERA: Yeah, oh, fuck, he is. He's just full of fucking shit, mate.
ROB KERA: He's a story teller.
DARREN GREENFIELD: He is, mate. He's a (indistinct) fucking lonely cunt, mate. I reckon he's had no family. His life is fucking ‐ just hangs on the ‐ clutches on to whatever he can. And Michael ‐‐
ROB KERA: Yeah, exactly.
DARREN GREENFIELD: And Michael said to me, he said, "Yeah, you're right, because he's told me he's got eight brothers and sisters and it's a different old man with every one of them."
DARREN GREENFIELD: You know what I mean? And Michael's heard him on the phone to his grandmother saying, "Oh, fucking cunts. Fucking dirty fucking cunts."
ROB KERA: Fucking ‐ somebody fucking ‐ on our Facebook ‐ not Facebook, on that fucking ‐ you know when they were shit canning him on that fucking website ‐‐
Thursday, 14‐August‐2014 4:22 PM
Darren Greenfield (
calls Robert Kera )
ROB KERA: ‐‐ for breaking a bloke ‐ some bloke's head. "Oh, he's just a fucking (indistinct) west ‐ from fucking West Heidelberg who used to fucking ‐ used to fucking peddle drugs for (indistinct).
DARREN GREENFIELD: You know I even ‐ I even wonder if it's as bad that issue in Queensland he's talking about, you know?
ROB KERA: Yeah, I don't ‐ yeah, exactly. You don't know, mate. He tells a few stories, mate. I think ‐ I don't know whether he's fucking true, mate. DARREN GREENFIELD: Because that came out at the same time, that issue.
ROB KERA: Yeah, that's right.
DARREN GREENFIELD: (Indistinct) nothing until then, and then it was a fucking ‐ because I said to him the other day, "Buddy, you told me you ‐ you had the publican on side, mate, and there were no cameras on." ''Yeah, yeah, he bullshitted us, mate. He fucked up. He fucked up." And I thought, "Oh, yeah. Righto."
ROB KERA: I think he's a bit of a bullshit artist, our fucking ‐‐
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yeah, I think so. I think so.
ROB KERA: Fair enough.
DARREN GREENFIELD: Anyway. All right, mate. I'll talk to you after. So you're going to go to Lidcombe in the morning, are you?
ROB KERA: Yeah, I'll be out at Lidcombe, yeah, first thing.
DARREN GREENFIELD: All right. I might come out and have a coffee out there.
ROB KERA: No, worries, mate. I'll see you there.
DARREN GREENFIELD: All right, mate. I'll see you.
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Thursday, 14‐August‐2014 6:00 PM
Mick Gatto (
calls George Alex (
Thursday, 14‐August‐2014 6:28 PM
Hermann Fiegg ) calls George Alex )
GEORGE ALEX: Hey, buddy. No, that's not true at all. I was just writing you a text. What‐ who told you 1,400?
HERMANN FIEG: That's what Ellen. Ellen checked all the ‐ all the, you know, what's gone through on the payroll
GEORGE ALEX: Yeah. What have you been getting every week?
HERMANN FIEG: Two and a half I was supposed to be getting and ‐‐
HERMANN FIEG: And I'm ‐ I'm just really struggling, George, and I'm ‐ I'm putting all this effort ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: No worries, buddy.
HERMANN FIEG: ‐‐ effort into the new company and I'll ‐ I'll ‐ I'll ‐ I will keep doing that, but, you know‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: Mate, I'll ‐ I'll have it sorted tomorrow. You know what it is? Look, I'll be honest with ya, I brought Abz in over Richard, so you're not ‐‐
HERMANN FIEG: Yeah, yeah.
GEORGE ALEX: I've cut a ‐ I've cut a fair bit out. You know that, don't you? And I was just going to have you ‐ that's why I want to work in with you, and I told Steve today, too.
HERMANN FIEG: Hang on, it's nothing to do with that, Georgie, and I love working at ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: So that way, at the end of the day ‐‐ HERMANN FIEG: ‐‐ I love working out there. I'm not turning. But I ‐ I've (indistinct)
GEORGE ALEX: The, the last thing I want you to worry ‐‐ HERMANN FIEG: Sorry, George?
GEORGE ALEX: The last thing I want you to do is worry about the money aspect of things. So I just wanted to ask ya, yeah ‐‐
HERMANN FIEG: I know, you know. Please, please, mate, can I ‐ can I just get my money fixed tomorrow, mate? Fuck.
HERMANN FIEG: Fuck, man, you know.
GEORGE ALEX: How much has she ‐ how much has she given ‐ how much have they been paying you in the hand ‐ two and a half?
Thursday, 14‐August‐2014 6:28 PM
Hermann Fiegg ) calls George Alex )
HERMANN FIEG: Oh, it's been ‐ last ‐ last year ‐ last week was two and a half, but the other weeks it hasn't been that.
HERMANN FIEG: And this week I'm told it's 15.
GEORGE ALEX: No, I ‐ I'm in there in the morning, buddy, so don't worry. Okay?
MALE SPEAKER: Please, George.
GEORGE ALEX: I'm taking over. Oh, let me ‐ let me ‐ let me just ‐ I'm doing this the right way. Let me ‐ I'll be in there tomorrow and I'll be in there every day now.
HERMANN FIEG: You know, I'm ‐ I'm going to start this other biz for you tomorrow and‐ and that's all cool. But
please, mate, just ‐ I just need a little bit. Please, mate.
GEORGE ALEX: I'll see you in the morning, buddy. All right? Don't stress out, okay?
HERMANN FIEG: All right, okay.
GEORGE ALEX: I love you, buddy.
HERMANN FIEG: Thanks, George.
GEORGE ALEX: Thanks, Hermann, all right.
HERMANN FIEG: Thank you.
GEORGE ALEX: Bye, buddy. Bye, mate.
HERMANN FIEG: See you, mate.
Friday, 15‐August‐2014 6:30 AM
Friday, 15‐August‐2014 6:40 AM
Friday, 15‐August‐2014 6:40 AM
Friday, 15‐August‐2014 6:46 AM
Friday, 15‐August‐2014 6:46 AM
Friday, 15‐August‐2014 6:46 AM
Friday, 15‐August‐2014 6:46 AM
Darren Greenfield (
) calls Robert Kera ) SMS message from George Alex (
) to Lindsay Kirschberg SMS message from George Alex (
) to Lindsay Kirschberg SMS message from Lindsay Kirschberg (
to George Alex SMS message from Lindsay Kirschberg (
to George Alex SMS message from Lindsay Kirschberg (
to George Alex SMS message from Lindsay Kirschberg (
to George Alex Friday, 15‐August‐2014 9:23 AM
Friday, 15‐August‐2014 9:25 AM
Darren Greenfield (
Rob Kera (
) calls Robert Kera ) calls Darren Greenfield (
GEORGE ALEX: Hello, mate.
MICK GATTO: What's doing mate?
GEORGE ALEX: I'm good, buddy. Yourself?
MICK GATTO: Allquiet, Georgie. How is everything, buddy? GEORGE ALEX: All good boy. Yeah, it's going pretty good,actually, Mick. I ended up getting all that traffic that was
making Stevie and that and I bought out ‐‐
MICK GATTO: I heard, yeah, I heard. We should, we should catch up, mate.
GEORGE ALEX: Yeah, so I wanna, I want to regroup. Can I get you up here at all? There's a meeting ‐‐
MICK GATTO: We might pop up for a day, mate.
GEORGE ALEX: Do you know what day roughly because I've got a meeting ‐ someone wants to meet up with youse and I also need to give you something too, I want to clear up a few things too from, from the past ‐‐
MICK GATTO: No problem, mate.
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐‐ when you're there, so I want to do that early next week if we could.
MICK GATTO: One, one day next week we'll pop up, mate. GEORGE ALEX: Yeah? Oh beautiful. Excellent. Alright.
MICK GATTO: I'll just pop in there and I'll come and see you.
GEORGE ALEX: Yeah, if you can, that would be great, mate. MICK GATTO: Alright, buddy.
GEORGE ALEX: And, um, things are going really well up here.
MICK GATTO: No problem, mate. I'll just work a couple of things out and then let ya know.
GEORGE ALEX: Fantastic, buddy. That sounds great. Alright, buddy.
MICK GATTO: Take care, George. See you soon.
GEORGE ALEX: I'll wait for your call next week and if you can come up here, that would be great. Alright, buddy.
MICK GATTO: No problem, mate. I'll ring you when we're there.
GEORGE ALEX: Thank you very much. Bye, buddy. MICK GATTO: Bye, buddy, bye.
) ) .
36 seconds
Goodmorning Lindsay. If u can put another 8 k into that account before u get on the plane u will make my weekend . I'm onto payments today 100 percent. E
njoy ur few days in nz and let me know if u need anything x
Already thru...@
Hi George and Steve. It is truly crunch time. Agon has no choice regards funding next week. Only what comes in from the builders will be available for
next week. If you have any other source now is the time to line it up. We cannot rely on builders or union. This week was a last ditch scramble by me.
I cannot do it next week. Again there is no choice in the matter.
Good luck with Mirvac and the others. All the best. Lindsay
5 seconds
1 minute 38 seconds
Page 127 of 207
Monday, 18‐August‐2014 11:51 AM
Hermann Fiegg calls George Alex ), answered by Abuzar Sultani
ABUZAR SULTANI: Hello, Hermann. HERMANN FIEG: Hey, George.
HERMANN FIEG: How are you, buddy?
ABUZAR SULTANI: Abz. What are you doing, mate?
HERMANN FIEG: Oh, not much. Wet. Are you getting rained out there, George?
HERMANN FIEG: I didn't recognise ‐‐
ABUZAR SULTANI: What are you doing?
HERMANN FIEG: Mate, just about to go and have a look at a small office just down the road.
ABUZAR SULTANI: Oh, yeah, for Guardian?
HERMANN FIEG: Yeah, yeah.
ABUZAR SULTANI: Oh, yeah, beautiful.
HERMANN FIEG: Does ‐ does ‐ does he need anything, Abz, or?
ABUZAR SULTANI: No, no. Things with his ‐ his legs, he's getting someone, what's it, an osteo or someone, chiro, working on his legs. What do you want me to tell George?
HERMANN FIEG: Oh, sorry. Okay, sorry, mate. Mate, just ‐ just that bloody ‐ those pricks down at Victoria, the feds, they put a caveat on my house.
HERMANN FIEG: They put a caveat on my house, the trustee.
ABUZAR SULTANI: The trustee put a caveat on your house?
ABUZAR SULTANI: Oh, because they're saying that the funds went across from there or something like that? Oh.
HERMANN FIEG: Yeah, yeah. So I just need to ‐ just need to get together to work out ‐‐
ABUZAR SULTANI: Okay, just regroup and ‐ and ‐‐
Monday, 18‐August‐2014 11:51 AM
Hermann Fiegg calls George Alex ), answered by Abuzar Sultani
HERMANN FIEG: Yeah, yeah, exactly, Abz. Perfectly put.
ABUZAR SULTANI: All right, no worries, then. Have you tried calling Ned?
HERMANN FIEG: His dad's ‐ I ‐ I haven't bothered him because I think his dad's getting surgery today, Abz.
ABUZAR SULTANI: Oh, okay. Umm. All right. I'll give him ‐ oh, just leave him a message, I think, and then ‐ and then we'll follow through ‐ follow up to ‐ and then I think best regroup today or tomorrow and we'll just work out strategy how to take it off, because they can't do that.
HERMANN FIEG: Yeah, no worries, Abz. If you can do that, that'd be good, buddy.
ABUZAR SULTANI: Yeah. No worries. (Indistinct). Right, thanks, Hermann, bye.
HERMANN FIEG: Thanks a lot. Yes, Abz. Bye‐bye.
Monday, 18‐August‐2014 11:58 AM
Brian Parker ) calls Mazen Hourani (
) BRIAN PARKER: Mase, hello? Mase?
MAZEN HOURANI: How are you, mate?
BRIAN PARKER: Good, mate, good, good. Just lettin' you know, I've been up in my wage claims department this morning. We've gone through with Metropolis about this money that's that we still haven't allocated to the BUS and the ACIRT, right?
BRIAN PARKER; We're trying to do that at the moment, but the problem being is that their fucking records are all over the place ‐‐ MAZEN HOURANI; Yep.
BRIAN PARKER: ‐‐ and when they've previously put in the reoords, they've said, you know, we overpaid this bloke this part of the year, so don't pay him anything even though he worked, and all that type of stuff, so it doesn't ‐ it makes it harder to do that when ‐‐ MAZEN HOURANI; To allocate, yeah.
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, so they're trying to do it, right. They know ‐ because my understanding is, in speaking to Darren, that youse are waiting on a cheque from Mirvacs for 200 grand or something, and they're not ‐ they're saying, "Well, unless you can demonstrate that some of these payments for BUS and ACIRT have been paid, well, this is the reason why", or something. So we're‐ we're‐ we're doing that, and as soon as we ‐ and they're working hard on it, I can assure you. Today's an RDO, and I've made them come in on an RDO. Right?
BRIAN PARKER; Because today they usually have it off, right? So I've got ‐‐ MAZEN HOURANI: Are you ‐ are you at the office, the lidcombe office?
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, yeah, I am. Yes, yes, yes.
MAZEN HOURANI: Are you going to be there for a while?
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, I'll be here.
MAZEN HOURANI: I'm in the city. I've just left the city. Can I pop in?
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, yeah, absolutely, absolutely. I'll wait until what it takes you come and see me, all right?
MAZEN HOURANI: I'll need just half an hour to get to Lidcombe. I'll see you soon.
Monday, 18‐August‐2014 11:58 AM
Brian Parker ) calls Mazen Hourani (
) BRIAN PARKER: All right, all right, well. I'll hold on‐ I'll hold on to ‐ I was gonna ‐ I was gonna bolt, but I can hang here. Do you want me to hang here until 1? Will you reckon you'll be here by 1?
MAZEN HOURANI: Well, if ‐ if you want to bolt, I'm going to catch up with you outside, or ‐
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, yeah, well, what I'll do, what I'll do, I'll go and ‐ I'll go and have some lunch, and then I'll come back and I should be back here by about quarter past 1, half past 1.
MAZEN HOURANI: All right, then. I'll see you then.
BRIAN PARKER: All right. See you then, Bye mate.
Monday, 18‐August‐2014 3:09 PM
Darren Greenfield ) calls Robert Kera 7 seconds
Page 130 of 207
Monday, 18‐August‐2014 3:23 PM
Mario Barrios (
) calls Brian Parker (
MR PARKER: Mario? MALE SPEAKER: Yes, mate?
MR PARKER: How are you going, mate, all right?
MALE SPEAKER: Good, good.
MR PARKER: One thing ‐ Sammy Manna asked me to give you a call to ‐‐
MR PARKER: talk to you about an audit that was done by David Hicks for Hutchinsons on a concreter that they had, right? And ‐‐
MALE SPEAKER: By David Hicks for who?
MR PARKER: For a concreter who was working forHutchinsons. Now, they ‐ they done an audit, and Sammy said to me, "Maybe we can ring Mario." I said, "Look, I don't think it's going to ‐ it's not going to do anything ringing Mario." I think the‐ Hicks would only do an audit based on the audit that's been provided to them. Right? So the information ‐‐ MALE SPEAKER: Yep.
MR PARKER: ‐‐ provided to them, that's as far as they can go on an audit. Right?
MR PARKER: Because it's certainly that they're ‐ they said that this company come up clean and this company's definitely not clean. Right? One hundred per cent not clean.
MALE SPEAKER: Who is the company?
MR PARKER: I think it's called All Concrete. It's a concrete company that was working for Hutchinsons, or still is working for Hutchinsons, out at a job out at ‐ fuck, what's the name of it? It's out west. I'll think of the place in a minute.
MALE SPEAKER: Yes, it doesn't matter (indistinct), but where do we come in place?
Monday, 18‐August‐2014 3:23 PM
Mario Barrios (
) calls Brian Parker (
MR PARKER: Oh, well,Sammy said well (indistinct) Mario said, and I said, "Well, I don't think it'll help anything, because I don't think that David Hicks is going to" ‐ and you can't blame David Hicks for the audit, either. He's only going to audit based on the information that was available to him. But I said, "Look, I'll talk to Mario about it, but I just don't think it's going to do anything. It's not going to fucking help us", you know, to be quite honest.
MR PARKER: I think we can ask ‐ I said, "We'll ask Hutchinsons to provide us with the audit." That's the easiest way of doing it, you know. And he thought that we might have a meeting with Hicks and say, "Here you go, David Hicks. What ‐ your audit is not right because of this, that and that", but they're just going to come back and say, "Well, hold on. We weren't provided with that information. Otherwise, we would have said that", you know?
MALE SPEAKER: Yeah, yeah. I can talk to David Hicks if you want me to and see if he can ‐ if, you know ‐ what do you want (indistinct) ‐‐
MR PARKER: Sometimes David doesn't ‐well, that's what I thought, but I thought sometimes David doesn't do the audit. I talk to him every now and again. Sometimes he doesn't do it.
MALE SPEAKER: Yes, it used to be that Chinese guy.
MR PARKER: Sometimes ‐ sometimes it's done by other people, you know, and they do the audit and then pass you on to them, you know. But it's all based on information, anyway. So I just wanted to make sure that I spoke to you about that issue and Sammy understands that I talked to you, but I said to Sammy, "I don't think Mario's going to be able to help us." I mean, it's ‐‐
MALE SPEAKER: I doubt if he could. Like you said, he would have done the audit with the information they gave him and to look for what they ‐ they asked him to look for, you know. Like, when David Hicks does the audit, for example, for Multiplex for a ‐ for a ‐ for a subbie that is ‐ may get the job, they don't go looking there at how much they got back pay. They're going to look in there how much money they've got in the bank, if they can pay their wages, that sort of audit, if the company's financially sound. That's what they look for.
MR PARKER: Yes, yeah, that's right, that's right. MALE SPEAKER: But maybe Hutchinson did the same. Monday, 18‐August‐2014 3:23 PM
Mario Barrios (
) calls Brian Parker (
MALE SPEAKER: Unless Hutchinson ‐ was the audit requested by the union, or Hutchinson actually did that because they got to work on the job?
MR PARKER: Yeah, well, that's it exactly. It‐ it was requested by Hutchinsons, anyway. It wasn't requested by us, so, yeah.
MALE SPEAKER: So what Hutchinson has done ‐‐ MR PARKER: Yeah.
MALE SPEAKER: ‐‐ because the guy from Hutchinson, you know who it is, don't you, the ‐ the big guy who's from Hutchinson?
MR PARKER: Yeah, yeah, Brian Hood, yeah, yeah.
MALE SPEAKER: Yeah, he used to work for us. So he would be doing the same thing ‐ checking if the company is, you know ‐ is financially sound to ‐ to pay the wages on time.
MR PARKER: Yeah, that' s right, that's right. And then ‐ and what he was getting on about, because Sammy mentioned it to him (indistinct) they'll undergo investigations by the ATO, and he says, "Well, they paid all their taxes up", and I said,"Well, that doesn't mean that they haven't been fucking investigated by the ATO. I said, "Oh, but our audit it shows that they've paid all their taxes up." Yeah, that's taxes on what? It still doesn't mean they haven't been investigated by the ATO, because even if they've paid their taxes up to date ‐ taxes based on, you know, what they've said to the ATO they've worked, you know?
MR PARKER: Yeah, that's basically it. That's no worries, look ‐‐
MR PARKER: That was that part of it ‐‐
MALE SPEAKER: I think before asking ‐ do you think that Brian Hood will not cooperate if you ask him?
Monday, 18‐August‐2014 3:23 PM
Mario Barrios (
) calls Brian Parker (
MR PARKER: No, he'll cooperate. I mean, Sammy's just jumping ‐ Sammy's just jumping over the top of everything and thinking, well, this might be another way of doing it, and I said, "Well, look", I said, "I'll ask Mario, but Mario's ‐ if I was Mario, this is what I expect that Mario would come back to me and say", you know, and exactly ‐ exactly what I thought he'd say, you know. It's only going to be based on what information is provided to David Hicks. David ‐ there's nothing wrong with ‐ I always say to people there's nothing wrong with David Hicks' audit. That's what he's been asked to audit on, not ‐‐
MR PARKER: not basically, you know ‐ you know ‐ you know, and, you know, if he's ‐ if there's some cover‐up, well, we point out it to them, and then next minute, well, they won't ‐ they won't fucking ‐ they don't try and protect anybody. I've done that before with Hicks as well, you know. But, anyway, look, that's no issue.
The other issue is that Rita asked me to talk to you about ‐ about Active Labour Hire, Metropolis Traffic Control and that ‐ that becoming Capital ‐ Capital Labour or Capital whatever it is. (Indistinct).
MALE SPEAKER: Yeah, yeah.
MR PARKER: Right? So I don't know if you're aware, but the bloke who was in ‐ in business with George Alex moved away from him, no longer ‐ no longer with George, George Alex at all.
Page 131 of 207
Monday, 18‐August‐2014 5:40 PM
SMS message from Mick Gatto (
) to George Alex ).
Good afternoon sponsors Could you please forward a company logo you would like to use for the ring canvass /posters /main event / and all other extensive advertising I do need your company logo by tonight if you want to be on the posters they are going to print tomorrow otherwise ASAP My email address is Or text if you like Regards mick Gatto Ps this is going to be a huge show thanks for your support
Tuesday, 19‐August‐2014 7:37 AM
Rob Kera (
calls Brian Parker Tuesday, 19‐August‐2014 7:37 AM
Rob Kera (
) calls Brian Parker )
BRIAN PARKER: I say, "Keryn, is this true?" She goes, "Oh, I don't know." She says, "Oh, well, I know that the" ‐ you know, she said, "I've got files here, I've got files there", and blah, blah, blah, and, you know, so on and so on, and she says umm, "Look, you know, we've got money in here. We've got to pay that", because I got her on to that other thing that Darren was asking me to do, you know.
BRIAN PARKER: And yesterday, you know, to have it allocated by today.
BRIAN PARKER: And ‐ and, you know, fucking ‐ anyway, Mario says, "Well, what have you done?", and I said, "Well, yeah, I've given them another agreement because they're going to get rid of that Active Labour and it's not George Alex. There's ‐ there's no shareholders that are in there. There's no" ‐ but he said, "Oh, no, it's not. It's just fucking reinventing the whole‐ same fucking people", and I said, "Well, no, it's not." And he says, "Oh, yes, it is", fucking rah, rah, rah, rah, rah. I said, "Look, mate", you know. And then ‐and then Keryn McWhinney said to me, "Well, under the last companies, George Alex's name wouldn't be seen, anyway", you know.
BRIAN PARKER: What do you fucking do, you know? I said ‐‐
ROB KERA: You know where he's getting his information from, don't ya?
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, I know. I know where he's getting it from.
BRIAN PARKER: He's getting it from Angelo and fucking ‐ you know.
BRIAN PARKER: Because, because (indistinct), right? Anyway, he's fucking ‐ he's being a fucking smart‐arse, you know.
ROB KERA: I spoke to him twice yesterday. He seemed all right. Fuck me, he never mentioned that at all. He never mentioned those issues.
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, well, there ‐ that's what I mean. Look at this bloke.
ROB KERA: Oh, fair enough.
Tuesday, 19‐August‐2014 7:38 AM
Rob Kera (
calls Brian Parker )
ROB KERA: I just wondered what the fuck the black snake's fucking up to. He's ringing fucking ‐ he's ringing fucking Darren yesterday two or three times, fucking asking him to return his phone call urgent.
ROB KERA: But anyway. Okay, mate.
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, I don't ‐ I don't know ‐ I don't know ‐ I don't know what exactly he's up to, but he hasn't ‐ they haven't got rid of that concreter off that job out at fucking ‐‐
ROB KERA: Rouse Hill.
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, Rouse Hill. No. I got to speak to him this morning. It's funny you say that. That's jogged me memory, because I spoke to Brian Hood last night.
ROB KERA: Yeah, yeah. There's ‐‐
BRIAN PARKER: Yes, yes, and Brian Hood wants to take the front. I said, "Look, it's fucking up to you, mate", you know.
ROB KERA: Oh, really? He wants to hold onto it, does he? BRIAN PARKER: He ‐ he ‐ he reckons that they've done an audit with ‐ with Dixon Co and the audit has come back clean, and I said, "Well, what, on the 17 workers? Only got 17 working for that company." "Oh, we just let it all with subcontractors and we only got to" ‐ well, you know, he's got to employ his own ‐ his own employees. I said, well, the problem is some of it's with his own employees, you know. "Oh, yeah, we'll see, let's see what the audit says, and if it's not right", you know.
ROB KERA: Yeah. There's only one way you achieve it, mate. Sit on the fucking job and punish it, mate. That's unfortunately the only fucking way.
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, that's ‐ yeah. ROB KERA: (Indistinct).
BRIAN PARKER: And that's what he'll do, because I know he'll ‐ he'll want to do that. So I said, "Brian, oh, well, it's up to you", you know.
ROB KERA: No, fair enough.
BRIAN PARKER: No problem. That's why ‐ that's why ‐‐ ROB KERA: How did it go. with ‐ sorry?
ROB KERA: Sparkles, how are ya, mate?
BRIAN PARKER: Good, mate.
ROB KERA: Are you ‐ you're coming in this morning to have this meeting with John Garvey, hey?
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
ROB KERA: Okay, mate, no worries.
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, but I've got a ‐ I've got a meeting out at Lidcombe at 8 o'clock first up with Curtain, and, ah, and then I'll ‐‐ ROB KERA: Yeah, that's fine, mate. Sorry?
BRIAN PARKER: Then I'll come in. With Curtain and Rita.
BRIAN PARKER: And then I'm going to have to drive a jumbo jet to get in there in time.
ROB KERA: Okay, mate, no worries. Hey, a quick one for you. Fucking, apparently the black snake was trying to ring fucking Darren yesterday several times. Fucking, well, he was desperate.
ROB KERA: Yeah, yeah, yesterday morning, Darren was saying.
BRIAN PARKER: Nah, nah, oh, he's playing some fucking games, I know, because Rita reckons that ‐ she says to me, "Oh, you'd better speak to Mario", and I said, "Oh, yeah." So I spoke to ‐ I rang Mario. She said it's about fucking Capital Workforce, you know, like, taking over from Active Labour Hire and all that.
BRIAN PARKER: Right? And umm so I spoke to Mario. I said, "What's the problem here?", you know? He said, "Well, you know, they still haven't fucking paid these months from this year, from when it was Capital fucking Payroll. Then it's Capital", and I said ‐ I said, yup, "Well, mate, I don't know what you're saying is true." He goes, "Yeah, I know it's true", fucking, blah, blah, blah. So he's done all this homework. So I went and seen Keryn McWhinney.
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Tuesday, 19‐August‐2014 7:38 AM
Rob Kera (
) calls Brian Parker )
Tuesday, 19‐August‐2014 7:38 AM
Rob Kera calls Brian Parker Tuesday, 19‐August‐2014 7:38 AM
Rob Kera ) calls Brian Parker Tuesday, 19‐August‐2014 7:52 AM
Tuesday, 19‐August‐2014 7:53 AM
Tuesday, 19‐August‐2014 8:39 AM
SMS message from George Alex (
) to Steve Spiteri (
SMS message from George Alex (
) to Steve Spiteri (
Mazen Hourani ) calls Brian Parker (
ROB KERA: How did it go with the concreters, the meeting with the concreters?
BRIAN PARKER: Oh, it went all right. I mean, he didn't ‐ he definitely didn't set it up. He ‐ they're all fucking whingeing and carrying on, "We've got our agreement. We want to fold it up", you know. I said, "You can fold it up, if you like, but, you know, I'm the one that's got to sign it. I'm not going to commit fucking political suicide. You know, you do what you like."
ROB KERA: The problem is two ‐ two concreters have already signed.
ROB KERA: Brijo and fucking Concrete & Cement. So, I mean, how ‐ how can they be fucking arguing for something lesser, you know what I mean?
BRIAN PARKER: Yes, yes, yes. Yes, yes, that's ‐‐
ROB KERA: Oh, fair enough.
BRIAN PARKER: Exactly. Oh, he's playing (indistinct). Don't worry about that.
ROB KERA: They got all the fucking work in Sydney and because they lost out on one job at fucking Rouse Hill, all of a sudden they're trying to create that as a fucking major issue. Fuck me.
BRIAN PARKER: Well, we started ‐ they said ‐ I said, "Well, where's the jobs, where's all these big fucking jobs?" He started talking about over at Holsworthy army base, about doing the fucking contract to do footpaths. I said, "Footpaths?"
ROB KERA: Yeah, I know.
BRIAN PARKER: I said, fucking, "Are youse right in the head? Is that the only job you can pick out?", you know. I was giving it to him.
ROB KERA: That's right. You have a look around fucking the CBD or even further, they've got everything, mate. Fuck me dead.
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, yeah.
ROB KERA: Fucking games, mate, fucking games. They think they got a .bit of fucking, you know, bargaining power. Fuck them.
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.
ROB KERA: Fair enough, mate. Okay, Sparks.
BRIAN PARKER: But he had ‐ he had one bloke fucking writing everything down. I said, "Write this fucking down."
ROB KERA: Oh, really?
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah. I said, "Write this down, mate." Yeah, yeah.
ROB KERA: Who was he?
BRIAN PARKER: I don't know. He didn't tell me who he was. I think he was ‐ I don't know if he was from Boral or he might have been ‐ because Louis was there, but he has ‐ he has Boral hanging off his fucking shoulder everything he does, you know.
ROB KERA: Fuck. Did you tell him to fucking ‐ "You can stick that pen up your fucking arse", mate?
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, oh, I'd ignore it. I said nothing that's going to fucking, you know, kill us.
ROB KERA: Yeah, no. Fuck that game. Fuck me dead, yeah. Fucking, you know (indistinct) some cunt's starting to write down fucking everything that you're saying.
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah. And then ‐ and then Ideas ‐ and Ideas Man Ben was saying, "Oh, you know, we should look at the site allowance and crane attrition", and I'm going, "Fuck, mate, listen. No, no, no, not going to do it", you know.
ROB KERA: Oh, you're kidding? He tried to fucking sell it out, did he?
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
ROB KERA: You're fucking kidding?
BRIAN PARKER: And I said nah. And I said nah. I said, "No way, no, not ‐ not now, not yet. Not fucking giving them nothing. Nothing. Not a thing." And then ‐ and then he come back and he went, "Oh, I'm talking about, you know, maybe ‐ maybe at the lower end of the scale, we bring that up and ‐ and then, you know, the rest of it we'll keep in place." And I go, "Well, yeah, all right, okay. Well, you come back with that and we'll see." But in the meanwhile ‐ because they started screaming about how it puts them in a disadvantage between blokes on smaller jobs and larger jobs. I said, "Well, that's right."
ROB KERA: Oh, fuck, mate. Yeah.
BRIAN PARKER: I said, "Bad luck, that's right, but then youse whinge that you were fucking priced out of the job, too."
ROB KERA: Mate, the best ‐ mate, after what you've told me, the best decision I've ever made as assistant secretary is fucking that bloke out of my office, mate.
BRIAN PARKER; Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
ROB KERA: Fucking just working fucking against what‐we're trying to achieve, here. He can go fuck himself.
BRIAN PARKER: Oh, he's Mr Ideas Man. It's not so much ‐ I don't think it's so much he's working against ‐ it's just that he comes up with all these fucking ‐ he thinks they're brilliant ideas, but they're not, you know.
ROB KERA: Yeah, they're brain dead and they're ‐ and ‐ and when he goes ‐ you tell him to go out, "Okay, put 'em into practice", he can't fucking do it.
ROB KERA: Fucking idiot.
BRIAN PARKER: No worries.
ROB KERA: Oh, fair enough.
BRIAN PARKER: All right.
ROB KERA: Okay, Sparks.
BRIAN PARKER: I'll ‐ I'll see you later on today, anyway, but, yeah ‐‐
ROB KERA: No worries, mate.
BRIAN PARKER: See you, mate.
Go there to union office and give her the list ... Get Lindsey to meet u there. His there for metropolis .
I gave the union big ammo yesterday for active that gives em what they need . So I demanded this gets done by 10 am
0 seconds
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Tuesday, 19‐August‐2014 8:39 AM
Brian Parker ) calls Mazen Hourani (
) MAZEN HOURANI: How are you, mate?
BRIAN PARKER: Sorry, mate, I missed your call. Yeah, yeah, good, mate, good. How are you?
MAZEN HOURANI: Yeah, good, good, mate. I spent ‐ last night, I spent about to and‐a half hours organising um all those emaiis.
MAZEN HOURANI: And all the ‐ like, the, the whole scenario, step by step. Fuck me dead.
MAZEN HOURANI: Like, it's going to be good to give that to the ‐ to the union because not one from there did the fucking union have any involvement in it. And not only that ‐‐
BRIAN PARKER: Beautiful.
MAZEN HOURANI: ‐‐ got the ‐ the Kathy Jackson from theDepartment of Education and Training, the first email and then all the emails of our meeting, the minutes of meeting, (indistinct) sending it to the other side of the job, the hooking us up with Theo brothers.
MAZEN HQURANI: I was discussing the EBA rates with the guys that, no, like, I won't ‐ I won't give them the cheap rates that Theo brothers wanted.
MAZEN HOURANI: Do ya know what I mean?
BRIAN PARKER: Yep. Beautiful.
MAZEN HOURANI: Everything. With Dalmar, the whole ‐ the whole story s there, so ‐ yeah.
BRIAN PARKER: Okay. Good stuff.
MAZEN HOURANI: So it's going to be interesting to see what they're fucking going to come back with, the fucking dogs.
BRIAN PARKER; Beautiful. Now, where can I go and get that off you?
MAZEN HOURANI: Well , I'm ‐ I'm going to come ‐ I'll drop it off to you today. I've got it on a USB, so I'll put it all in a folder.
Tuesday, 19‐August‐2014 8:39 AM
Brian Parker ) calls Mazen Hourani ) BRIAN PARKER: Okay, yep.
MAZEN HOURANI: So it's all in a folder.
MAZEN HOURANI: And then all all you've got to do is ‐ oh, look, well, what I'll do is I'll print it all off and I'll go out to Homebush. That way you don't have to do anything. I'll print it all off. BRIAN PARKER: Yep.
MAZEN HOURANI: And I'll put it in order so you could just go through it, anyway.
BRIAN PARKER: All right. Well, I'll be back at Lidoombe ‐ I'm at Lidoombe at the moment, but I've got to go to the city for a meeting. I'll be back at Lidcombe around about 1, I suppose.
MAZEN HOURANI; That's perfect, because I've got to be at Homebush by 10, and then after that, like, I'll be able to finish about 12.30, 1, anyway.
BRIAN PARKER: Beautiful. Good stuff.
MAZEN HOURANI: Okay, excellent, mate. I'll see you then.
BRIAN PARKER: Good on you, buddy. See you, mate, bye.
MAZEN HOURANI: See you, mate, bye.
Tuesday, 19‐August‐2014 8:45 AM
Tuesday, 19‐August‐2014 8:46 AM
Tuesday, 19‐August‐2014 8:55 AM
Tuesday, 19‐August‐2014 8:58 AM
Tuesday, 19‐August‐2014 9:11 AM
Tuesday, 19‐August‐2014 9:14 AM
Tuesday, 19‐August‐2014 9:14 AM
Tuesday, 19‐August‐2014 9:15 AM
Tuesday, 19‐August‐2014 9:18 AM
Tuesday, 19‐August‐2014 9:18 AM
Tuesday, 19‐August‐2014 9:19 AM
Tuesday, 19‐August‐2014 10:39 AM
Tuesday, 19‐August‐2014 12:33 PM
Tuesday, 19‐August‐2014 12:37 PM
Tuesday, 19‐August‐2014 12:37 PM
Tuesday, 19‐August‐2014 12:37 PM
SMS message from George Alex to Steve Spiteri (
SMS message from Steve Spiteri to George Alex (
SMS message from George Alex to Steve Spiteri (
SMS message from Steve Spiteri to George Alex (
SMS message from Steve Spiteri to George Alex (
SMS message from George Alex to Steve Spiteri (
SMS message from Steve Spiteri to George Alex (
SMS message from George Alex to Steve Spiteri (
SMS message from Steve Spiteri to George Alex (
SMS message from George Alex to Steve Spiteri (
SMS message from Steve Spiteri to George Alex (
Darren Greenfield ) calls George Alex (
calls Brian Parker calls Brian Parker Abuzar Sultani ) with Lindsay Kirschberg calls Brian Parker Abuzar Sultani ) and Lindsay Kirshberg call Brian Parker ).
. Basically 1. Abz to pay wages he had it yesterday . 2. Union to confirm cbus acirt payed for mirvac . 3. Stevo if number 2 is done can mirvac pay today ?
I'm calling union lady now. I'll let you know how they went and if it's payed I'll call mirvac for payment
They worry about bills wages entitlements etc . We just gotta bring the work in@
That's what we need brother... I got the house issue aswell, divorce issue and custody battle going on outside work, just need to sort my shit out mate
She is being a cunt. Can you let sparkles know that ellen is emailing Acirt and cbus outstanding amounts for mirvac people only. All we need is CFMEU to
Call Darren for me please
Tell him next hour or Lindsey won't process wages for us
Just told him he is calling Keryn now
Thanx bro. Can u get mirvac ready?
I'm on it
2 minutes 18 seconds
6 seconds
8 minutes 5 seconds
8 minutes 15 seconds
BRIAN PARKER: Hello. Hello. ABUZAR SULTANI: Hello, Brian?
ABUZAR SULTANI: It's Abz. How are you? Abz from Metro, Metropolis.
BRIAN PARKER: Sorry, who is it? ABUZAR SULTANI: Abz. Abz.
BRIAN PARKER: Oh, g'day, mate. How are you going?
ABUZAR SULTANI: Yeah, good, good. I'm just here with the funder, Lindsay. He just wants to have a quick word with you about just the ACIRT, Cbus payments that ‐‐
BRIAN PARKER: Yep, yep, yep.
ABUZAR SULTANI: From the fund, from (indistinct). Is it all right if I put him on?
BRIAN PARKER: Okay, put him on. ABUZAR SULTANI: Thanks.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Oh, g'day, Brian, how are you doing? BRIAN PARKER: Good, mate. How are you?
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Very well, very well. I saw you on TV the other day.
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, mate, yeah. Keeping up appearances.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Yeah, well, you've always got a ‐ you've always got a role in entertainment TV if you want to get there. You can go and work on The Block.or something.
BRIAN PARKER: Oh, I don't think so, mate, not by the texts I get. "Got a good head for radio'' ‐‐
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: You took more of a caning.
BRIAN PARKER: ‐‐ and "Your mother's ‐ we've seen better heads on a schooner" and "You've got a head a mother can only love", you know. All those ones, mate.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Yeah, yeah, very good. Yeah, look, Brian, I'm obviously calling about this ACIRT and Cbus allocation of money.
BRIAN PARKER: Mmm‐hmm. Yep, yep.
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Tuesday, 19‐August‐2014 12:37 PM
Abuzar Sultani ) and Lindsay Kirshberg call Brian Parker )
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: You know I've obviously ‐ sorry, you do remember who I am and that I finance the ‐ cap ‐ cap.
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, yeah, yeah, absolutely. Yeah, yeah.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Sorry, Brian, yeah, look, I find myself in a very strange circumstance where the builders, Metropolis in particular, will pay what they owe when they know ‐‐
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: ‐‐ their entitlements have been paid, they've got the ACIRT receipt and they get the Cbus receipt.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Now, I understand the union does hold sufficient funds to allocate to the list of names
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: ‐‐ as supplied by Metropolis to the union.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Either a copy is in your in‐box or someone's in‐box or wherever it is.
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, yeah, yeah, we have. Yep, yep.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Yeah, and I understand we're probably, you know, very close to having it all resolved, anyway, but my real concern is that, for whatever reason, the administration doesn't get done, ACIRT and Cbus don't issue the receipts and we find ourselves in this terrible situation on Friday of the boys haven't been paid, but the money's there, you know.
BRIAN PARKER: Mmm. Yeah, yeah.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: You know ‐ you know, because of course from my perspective, I ‐ I need to ‐‐
BRIAN PARKER: Well ‐ well, there is ‐ there ‐ there is money to be allocated both to those funds, right, Cbus and ACIRT. Right?
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, that's my understanding.
BRIAN PARKER: The problem ‐ the problem ‐ the problem is, is that to actually do that efficiently, you've got to go back through the list and go through it, and that's what they've been doing. They've been doing it since Monday, right? Since Friday. I tell a lie.
Tuesday, 19‐August‐2014 12:37 PM
Abuzar Sultani ) and Lindsay Kirshberg call Brian Parker )
BRIAN PARKER: And it should be completed ‐ I'm thinking it should be completed by today. The problem is ‐‐‐ LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Yeah.
BRIAN PARKER: ‐‐ is that if you look at the difference between them and Active, Metropolis, is what I've been told by the head of our wage claims department, it's been an absolute nightmare in the past, so she wants to go back and second‐check everything because what happens ‐ we aren't getting the blame if moneys aren't allocated properly to the individual accounts. Right?
BRIAN PARKER: Because what's happened previously before, well before your involvement, right
BRIAN PARKER: is that the ‐ they ‐ they ‐ they provide us with lists and then say, "Look, oh, no, no, I know that person's there, but don't allocate him anything because we overpaid him the last time." Right?
BRIAN PARKER: We're saying, "Well, provide the information." And then it takes forever to get the information back out of them. And that's where ‐ where it's been. So she said, "Look, I'm a little bit anal about the fact that", she says to me, you know, "I'm a bit anal about the fact that‐ how I do it." Because why? Because previously before, you know
BRIAN PARKER: ‐‐ they've actually provided, you know, a process where it says the person, here he is, for this
month, but then don't ‐ don't allocate it to 'em. And then what happens? That person then doesn't get it for that
month, so it's ‐ that's where the nightmare is. But definitely got the money.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: (Indistinct) yep.
BRIAN PARKER: Definitely ‐ definitely ‐ definitely going through it right now.
BRIAN PARKER: And, you know, to be quite honest, it's not just that. It has been a complete hold‐up, because as you would have seen from that program the other night, right?
Tuesday, 19‐August‐2014 12:37 PM
Abuzar Sultani ) and Lindsay Kirshberg call Brian Parker )
BRIAN PARKER: Is that that became a priority and everything else got put on the backburner and ‐‐
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Yeah, I understand.
BRIAN PARKER: For two ‐ for two large sites and two big issues. Right?
BRIAN PARKER: And as an example, you know, I mean, there was a process of nearly half a million dollars that had to be allocated to a variety of different employees for wages, for wages every week, for the last couple of weeks they hadn't been paid, for superannuation, for redundancy, for everything else, so ‐‐
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Yeah. So what ‐ what ‐ Mase said to me he's trying to catch up with yourself today, but what do we need to do to ‐ because we're at the stage now, unfortunately, where funding won't be forthcoming from AGON because of the overall situation.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: So it will be no problem if all this stuff was resolved and AGON knows the ACIRT's been paid andknows the Cbus has been paid.
BRIAN PARKER: But then there ‐ then there is other money that a ‐ that are coming in from the whole issue related to the developer where ‐ where Steve Nolan Constructions went broke as well.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Yeah, yeah, that's right. Yes, that's right.
BRIAN PARKER: That money's in abeyance as well, a substantial amount.
BRIAN PARKER: I think what I remember seeing ‐ I don't know if it was for ‐ I don't know, I think it might have been for Active. It might ‐ mightn't have been. It might ‐ oh, I can't remember.
BRIAN PARKER: But if it weren't Active, it would have been Metropolis.
BRIAN PARKER: I can't remember the amount, but I think it was in excess of ‐ well in excess of three hundred‐odd thousand dollars.
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Wednesday, 20‐August‐2014 3:09 PM
Kerryn McWhinney ) calls Brian Parker (
Wednesday, 20‐August‐2014 3:09 PM
Kerryn McWhinney ) calls Brian Parker (
Wednesday, 20‐August‐2014 3:09 PM
Kerryn McWhinney calls Brian Parker BRIAN PARKER: Hello?
KERRYN McWHINNEY: Brian, it's Kerryn. Got asked to call you.
BRIAN PARKER: Gidday, Kerryn, sorry. No, no, that's all right. That's all right, Kerryn. No problem. Listen, just to make you aware, right, this is the important bit, this morning we were hit with more questions from the media in relation to, yeah, Capital Workforce and Active Labour. Me and Rita have been just working on it this afternoon, which has had ‐‐
KERRYN McWHINEY: Me, too, but different things.
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, I know, I know, I know, I mean, I feel sorry for you.
KERRYN McWHINEY: Oh, man, it's insane. But, anyway, go on.
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, so what's happened is they're going to write a story on Saturday's paper, there's no doubt. Right?
BRIAN PARKER: Now they're trying to relate Capital Workforce to George Alex and all that type of stuff, Right? There's a‐number of ‐ there are five or six questions they've put to us that you know, outlining me in most most of it. Right?
BRIAN PARKER: But the ‐ the problem ‐ the problem being is that that's where ‐ the questions on Friday are going to come thick and fast, because Mario Barrios has been on (indistinct) as you know, we spoke the other day about it.
BRIAN PARKER: About Active Labour.
BRIAN PARKER: And then in relation to Capital Workforce.
BRIAN PARKER: And and also Metropolis as well.
BRIAN PARKER: Now, remember I was saying to you he brought up some times and dates? I forget what they were. What Imight try and do some time tomorrow is ring Mario and go, what were the dates that you were saying about these companies weren't paid'', because‐‐
BRIAN PARKER: we'll go back back through it just to just to check.
KERRYN McWHINEY: But they haven't, they haven't paid, I mean, but we and we got the big wage claim in
BRIAN PARKER: Yes, that's right.
KERRYN McWHINEY: ‐‐ earlier this year, and as soon as we found out about it, we started fixing it up.
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, that's right, exactly. Exactly.
KERRYN McWHINEY: But they're all ‐ they're all trading bankrupt, so it's been bloody hard.
BRIAN PARKER: Yes, exactly, Exactly, so ‐‐
KERRYN McWHINEY: So, yes, so you want me to what do you want me to do?
BRIAN PARKER: Well, I suppose I can get the information off try and get the information off Mario tomorrow and I'll come back to you about it, but they're probably going to be ‐‐
KERRYN McWHINEY: Yeah, that might be the idea, yeah. BRIAN PARKER: Probably they're probably going to be throwing a few things ‐ a few things at us tomorrow, so ‐
I mean, on Friday at the committee of management, Friday week at the committee of management.
KERRYN McWHINEY: Do you want me to get a summary up there and answer some questions or ‐‐
BRIAN PARKER: No, no, sorry, sorry, just
MALE SPEAKER: Is it Friday week or Friday? Sure? BRIAN PARKER: Yes. Friday week's the committee of management. All right, well, gives us a little bit of
time, I suppose. But maybe ‐ Rita's saying if we oan have something by lunchtime on Friday, that might be for the media, that's ‐ that's ‐ that's all. We might be able to add some more questions ‐ more ‐ more answers to them. I mean, maybe ‐ maybe that's ‐ and I'm sorry, Kertyn, I'm so sorry. I know you're under the pump, I don't ‐ I honestly don't mean to do this to you, but ‐‐
KERRYN McWHINEY: It's all right. That's all right. That's okay.
BRIAN PARKER: You know, I know that Mario has been ringing around all the committee of management, getting them (indistinct), because they're all ringing me, telling me, you know.
KERRYN McWHINEY; Surely we should be having a bit of unity here at this particular time?
BRIAN PARKER: That's exactly right. And you know what, that's what Mario gets up and says, and I keep on saying it to him, and you know what, he keeps on going forward, keeps on going, keeps on going, keeps on going for me. He doesn't care, He doesn't care, you know?
BRIAN PARKER: But, you know because, you know, I mean, it's a bit different ‐ anyway, I won't say nothing over the ‐ over the phone.
BRIAN PARKER: But there's some really hairy stuff that he was involved in, I can tell you, and he didn't even know. I said, Mario, you know, (indistinct). Anyway, when I see you, I'll tell you the full story. It's a cracker. You'll love it. You'll love it.
KERRYN McWHINEY: Oh, okay, well, what do you need by Friday, then?
BRIAN PARKER: Well, I'll find out the dates that Mario was talking about.
BRIAN PARKER: I suppose we will pull out the whole file on ‐ because we know that Active Labour, we've got 300 and something thousand that's yet to be allocated. If we pull out the file an Metropolis ‐‐ KERRYN McWHINEY: No, that was ‐ that was their full claim, I think, but I don't know that we got that much. Did ‐ did we get that much? Yep.
BRIAN PARKER: Oh, I don't ,. I don't know.
KERRYN McWHINEY; You've probably got the numbers better than me.
BRIAN PARKER: I can't remember. I know ‐ I know that we got money. I don't know whether we got money
KERRYN McWHINEY: 334,000, yep.
BRIAN PARKER: 334,000, yeah. So we don't know because I think that ‐ I think everybody thinks that that covers it.
KERRYN McWHINEY: We have no idea, because we don't know what the bill is.
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Wednesday, 20‐August‐2014 3:09 PM
Kerryn McWhinney ) calls Brian Parker (
BRIAN PARKER: Okay, no problem. Well, I suppose we'll pull out ‐ l suppose the Metropolis, when we pull out ‐‐
KERRYN McWHINNEY; Like, we're not running the ‐ yeah. The thing is, Brian, because we're not running the company, we don't know what they have and haven't paid.
BRIAN PARKER: That they ‐ yeah, yeah,
KERRYN McWHINNEY: You know, we've got we've got money there, but
KERRYN McWHINEY: We do have a lot of records from them. Mase brought them in the other day ‐ oh, not the other day, the other month. I must try and drag those out. I'll make a note of that. That might be ‐‐
BRIAN PARKER: I'll have a talk ‐ I'll have a talk to Mase, too, because he'll know a rough idea, anyway.
KERRYN McWHINEY: Yeah, he will, actually, because he brought the ‐ he brought the records in, yeah.
BRIAN PARKER; And I'll try and find out these dates and times with Mario, because they go back to 2012 and 2013, so I don't know what he's going on about ‐ three months of one and six months ‐‐
KERRYN McWHINEY; Oh, you know what i think he's talking about?
KERRYN McWHINEY: I think he's talking about ‐ we did the wage claim, like went back for the recoveries of money. Can you hear me okay?
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yep, yep.
KERRYN McWHINEY: For the recoveries of money back to ‐ I think we started in June 2013, and he ‐ I think what he's on about is, "Well, what about, you know, January to June 2013 ‐ '12"?
BRIAN PARKER: Okay, okay.
KERRYN McWHINEY: ''You know, what about all ‐ you know,what about 2012?"
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, I think that's what he was doing, too.
KERRYN McWHINEY; " And the first six months of 2013?" I think that's what he's on about.
BRIAN PARKER: Okay. Well, maybe I'll sit down with him some time tomorrow and we might be able to he might be able to explain what he means, half of what he means, so I've got the answers. That's all.
Wednesday, 20‐August‐2014 3:09 PM
Kerryn McWhinney ) calls Brian Parker (
KERRYN McWHINEY; And ‐ and I think he's asked me this question, because it rings a bell,and I've said, "Well, we don't have anything on them. Nobody's even approached us that they were around." You know, like ‐
you know?
BRIAN PARKER: Anyway, I can see ‐‐
KERRYN McWHINEY: We ‐ we don't go looking for bad bosses, you know, out there and say ‐ put up our hand and say, "Hi, we're here, can we help?''
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, yeah. Okay, I'll come and see you tomorrow at some time, anyway ‐‐
KERRYN McWHINEY: Okay, okay.
BRIAN PARKER: ‐‐ and annoy you. I apologise.
KERRYN McWHINEY: No, don't apologise.
BRIAN PARKER: I'll apologise in advance. All right? Talk to you later.
KERRYN McWHINEY: It's okay. I'm trying to control my stress levels. It's not working too well.
KERRYN McWHINEY: We've got to learn to laugh a lot, I think.
BRIAN PARKER: That too. That too.
KERRYN McWHINEY: Okay, mate, thanks for the warning.
BRIAN PARKER: Okay, thanks. Thanks, bye.
Wednesday, 20‐August‐2014 3:16 PM
Wednesday, 20‐August‐2014 3:16 PM
Wednesday, 20‐August‐2014 4:35 PM
Wednesday, 20‐August‐2014 4:36 PM
Wednesday, 20‐August‐2014 4:36 PM
Wednesday, 20‐August‐2014 4:37 PM
Wednesday, 20‐August‐2014 5:02 PM
SMS message from Mazen Hourani ) to George Alex (
Darren Greenfield (
) calls Robert Kera ) SMS message from Darren Greenfield (
) to Mazen Hourani SMS message from Mazen Hourani to Darren Greenfield SMS message from Darren Greenfield ) to Mazen Hourani SMS message from Mazen Hourani ) to Darren Greenfield Mazen Hourani calls Brian Parker ).
Bro where you at we need to have crisis meeting can Ned be there got a disturbing phone call
27 seconds
BRIAN PARKER: How are you going, mate?
MAZEN HOURANI: Oh, yeah, good, good, Sorry to bother you. Just a quick question.
MAZEN HOURANI: Do you think it's a wise idea if we send The Australian or the media ‐ media outlet a statement, like, if they're intending on running the article, with the consequences?
MAZEN HOURANI: Because you've got no affiliation with me, you know that, so ‐‐
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look, I don't ‐ look, I don't know. Look, there's something else I have to ask you, because somebody come in on behalf of Metro Traffic Control today and spoke to Kerryn McWhiney.
BRIAN PARKER: But I don't want to say ‐ I don't want to say it now.
MAZEN HOURANI: Yeah, yeah,
BRIAN PARKER: I'd rather leave it until tomorrow.
BRIAN PARKER: So I've got to tell you that, too.
BRIAN PARKER: The issue being is that we have ‐ if we then ‐ we have been given the email from ‐ sent to us by ‐ by the paper. I'll tell you what the paper was. The paper was the ‐ oh, a journalist down in Melbourne, but he ‐ he works for the Herald here. Oh, I'm trying to ‐ The Age. The Age in Melbourne. The Age newspaper.
MAZEN HOURANI; Do you know his name at all, or no?
MAZEN HOURANI: Do you know his name?
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Wednesday, 20‐August‐2014 7:52 PM
Brian Parker ) calls Rita Mallia (
Wednesday, 20‐August‐2014 7:56 PM
Mario Barrios calls Brian Parker Wednesday, 20‐August‐2014 7:56 PM
Mario Barrios calls Brian Parker )
RITA MALLIA: Hey, sorry to call you so late.
BRIAN PARKER: No, that's all right.
RITA MALLIA: I just got a. call from Mario, who just took a. phone call. He's about to go ‐ he's going to go to the police to report it ‐ someone saying, "This is George Alex. I want to know why you're saying bad things about me, I'm a patient man. I want to come and see you on the job, and my patience is running out." But the number is on the ‐ his phone, so whoever it is, they'll be able to track it. So I'm just letting you know that I got that call from Mario. He tried to ring you.
BRIAN PARKER: Well, he still had to ring me. Oh, well.
RITA MALLIA: So that's why he's trying to ring you. So I just said to him, "Go and report it, and, you know, they'll track the number. It's on your phone."
BRIAN PARKER: I'll try and try and ring him. I mean, you know ‐‐
RITA MALLIA: Yeah, it might be better if you do.
BRIAN PARKER: It's a bit of a ‐ bit of a set up, I think.
BRIAN PARKER: Why ‐ why would ‐ if George Alex ‐‐
RITA MALLIA: Anyway, just ‐ just ring ‐‐ BRIAN PARKER: Yeah.
RITA MALLIA: Well, like I say, I don't know, would it be him, because why would he ring why would he ring on a phone that could be traced, if that's true?
BRIAN PARKER: That's right.
RITA MALLlA; But whoever it is is going to be found out, so, you know. BRIAN PARKER: No worries.
RITA MALLIA: Anyhow, I'm just letting ya know.
BRIAN PARKER: No problem.
RITA MALLIA: I'll talk to you tomorrow.
BRIAN PARKER: See you tomorrow. Bye.
RITA MALLIA: See ya. BRIAN PARKER: How are you?
BRIAN PARKER: Rita just rang me and told me some ‐ somebody rang you or something. I missed your call. I missed her call, too.
BRIAN PARKER: Then I rang her back first.
MARIO BARRIOS: Yes, she told you the whole ‐‐ BRIAN PARKER: Just yeah, who ‐ who would ‐ who would leave their phone open for the number to show up?
MARIO BARRIOS: Yeah, but who will fucking identify their name, either, as well?
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, that's right.
MARIO BARRIOS: Because it's definitely clear. He said, "My name is George Alex. I know you Mario for a long time. I want to come and pay you a visit. I'll see you. I want to know why you're talking so much shit about me. I know you are" ‐ I don't know if he said "in bed" or "with Tony Balisto" or ‐ "and I want to know where you're working, because I want to come and see you." I said, "Yeah, no problem, you can come and see me tomorrow. I work in the city," He said, "Yeah, I know already where you work." And I said, "Who's telling you that I'm talking shit about you?", and he said, "I'm a very patient person, but I'm running out of patience with you.'' So ‐‐
BRIAN PARKER: But if it was if it was ‐ if it was George Alex, why would he leave a number open on his phone so it could ‐ it could be traced? MARIO BARRIOS: Well, if he was George Alex, why would he say his name? I mean, he would say his name. He didn't threaten me. He didn't say he was going to bash me up or anything like that, but I take this as a threat, you know, "l'll come and see you. Why are you talking so much shit about you", so I'm going to the police station now.
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, yeah, yeah. No worries. Good, good.
MARIO BARRIOS: So have you got his number? What's his number?
BRIAN PARKER: Who ‐ George Alex's number?
MARIO BARRIOS: George Alex, yeah, (indistinct).
BRIAN PARKER: I kept it because I needed to keep it for the Royal Commission. Hold on one second. I'll get his number ‐‐
MARIO BARRIOS: Okay, I don't know if that's the number.
BRIAN PARKER: Was that ‐ was that the number was that the number that rang you?
MARIO BARRIOS: I don't know. I'll have to check. Let me see if I can go back without cutting you.
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah. Oh, I would say he's got more than one phone.
BRIAN PARKER: You l now, so ‐‐
MARIO BARRIOS: Yeah, I can't ‐ I can't. Let me see. No, it shows me ‐ it shows me your name when I call, because I'm still talking to you. All right.
BRIAN PARKER: Have you got an iPhone? Have you got an iPhone?
MARIO BARRIOS: No, I got ‐ no, it's not. I don't think it's an iPhone, no.
BRIAN PARKER: No, your phone, is it an iPhone? No?
MARIO BARRIOS: No, I don't think it is, no.
BRIAN PARKER: Because an iPhone, you can look it up, I think, while you're talking.
MARIO BARRIOS: After I call you ‐ after I hang up from you, I'll be able to see it. ‐
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, no worries. All right.
MARIO BARRIOS: All right, so what's your ‐ what's your ‐ your direction to me?
BRIAN PARKER: Oh, Rita's already told you. I'd go to the police, too.
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Wednesday, 20‐August‐2014 7:56 PM
Mario Barrios calls Brian Parker (
BRIAN PARKER: I'd go to the police.
MARIO BARRIOS: So you think that's what I should do?
BRIAN PARKER: But I just ‐ I just think that ‐ I think it's somebody being fucking ‐ being a smart arse. That's what I think.
BRIAN PARKER: But, you know, I might be wrong, so you're better always to go to the police, anyway.
BRIAN PARKER: You know, so ‐‐
MARIO BARRIOS: Can you organise a meeting with this guy? I never know this guy. I never met him.
BRIAN PARKER: Mario, I haven't fucking spoken to this bloke since ‐ since the ‐ the whole process of the Royal Commission started, you know. I haven't spoken to him, and I can prove that I that I haven't. So why would I go ringing him about this?
BRIAN PARKER: Why would I go and do that now?
BRIAN PARKER; I could do ‐ I could do it if you want me to. I'll go and do it, I'll ring him and see if see if he'll answer. I don't even know if he's ‐ if this is still his phone number.
MARIO BARRIOS: Okay, no problem. Leave it. I'll tell you what the police say, and then we go from there. I just got to report it.
BRIAN PARKER: No worries.
MARIO BARRIOS: The only problem is my wife, she heard the name and she said, "Isn't that the guy that everyone is talking to?", and now she's petrified because I'm going to work, so ‐‐
BRIAN PARKER: Have you ever heard George Alex's voice before?
MARIO BARRIOS: I never no ‐ I never met him. Maybe I met him, but I can't remember him, but I never heard his voice or I don't know who he is. He said, "I know you very well. I know you for a long time", he said.
Wednesday, 20‐August‐2014 7:56 PM
Mario Barrios calls Brian Parker (
BRIAN PARKER: I've never ‐ I've never heard George Alex threaten anybody or even use that kind of wording at all.
BRIAN PARKER: Never ever, ever. He's not like that, you know.
MARIO BARRIOS: Yep, all right, not a problem. I'm here, trying to find parking.
BRIAN PARKER: No worries.
MARIO BARRIOS: All right, mate. I'll let you know what happens.
BRIAN PARKER: All right. Catch you later.
Wednesday, 20‐August‐2014 8:03 PM
Brian Parker ) calls Rita Mallia )
Wednesday, 20‐August‐2014 8:03 PM
Brian Parker ) calls Rita Mallia )
RITA MALLIA: Sparkles.
BRIAN PARKER: Sorry, Rita. I‐ I spoke to Mario.
BRIAN PARKER: He went right through the issue with me, and I said to him ‐‐
BRIAN PARKER: I said to him and then he said to me, you know, "I'm fucking not happy", ra, ra, ra, and I said, "Oh, yeah, all right, okay."
BRIAN PARKER: He said, ''So what's" ‐ he said, "Have you got his number?'' And I said, "Yeah, I actuall y have."
BRIAN PARKER: "I've got his number that he rings me on, but I'm not suggesting that ‐ he's probably got more than one phone. I ‐ I wouldn't know," RITA MALLIA; Yeah.
BRIAN PARKER: "But", I said, "I'll give you this number.''
BRIAN PARKER: So I give it to him. I said because I ‐ when I ‐ when Igive it to him, Isaid, "I've kept it because of the Royal Commission stuff." Right?
BRIAN PARKER: I had to keep it. But then he turned around and he said ‐ he said to me, "Look, can you ring this fucking bloke up and get a meeting with me and you?" and I said, "Mario, why would I do that for?"
RITA MALLIA: What bloke? George Alex?
BRIAN PARKER: So I said ‐‐
RITA MALLIA: No fucking way,
BRIAN PARKER: I said, "Mario", I said, "why would I go and do that?" Isaid, "Fucking, I haven't spoken to the bloke ever since the Royal Commission stuff had all started‐ started the process off."
BRIAN PARKER; ''I haven't even spoken to the bloke. Why would Igo and ring him up now?" I said, "What, do you think that is going to do any good? I said, "Honestly", I said, "Who's to say ‐ you know, who ‐ who rings ya and threatens you on an open number?" I said, "You know, I mean, you know, in all honesty?" He said, "Oh, yeah, but, you know, my wife heard his name and she said 'Isn't that the bloke?'", and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I said, "Well, yeah, okay, you know."
RITA MALLIA: Even more reason not to meet with him. Go to the police. Report it.
BRIAN PARKER: And then he says to me, "Well, what's your ‐ what's your advice now?‐ What are you going to tell me what to do?" And I said, "Well, I think Rita's already given you the advice, but my advice would be exactly the same as Rita. Go and see the police, Go and talk to them, a hundred per cent."
BRIAN PARKER: And, anyway, I'll fucking be quite honest with you, Rita, if anybody brought George ‐ even if
George Alex did ring him, even if ‐ even if someone did, he ‐ Mario's been running around telling everybody the story. He's been ringing everybody.
RITA MALLIA: Crazy. It's just crazy. It is just crazy.
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah. He's been ‐ he's the one ‐ he's the one that's been running around telling everybody, you know, what a fucking joke it is and everything else. I mean, you know, I mean, you've gotta be kidding, you know. Fucking ‐‐
RITA MALLIA; I don't ‐ you know, I can't fathom it. Anyway, I think all he needs to do is go and report it. That's the best we can do. I don't think we should be meeting with anybody, and we should leave it with the police.
BRIAN PARKER: No. No, we're not going to go meet him. I said ‐‐
RITA MALLIA: I mean, imagine that. You've just gone to the police to report something, and then the next minute there'll be evidence that you've actually met with the bloke.
BRIAN PARKER; That's exactly right. Does he think I'm a fucking idiot? I mean, honestly, is this bloke right in the head?
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Wednesday, 20‐August‐2014 8:03 PM
Brian Parker ) calls Rita Mallia Wednesday, 20‐August‐2014 8:03 PM
Brian Parker calls Rita Mallia Wednesday, 20‐August‐2014 11:46 PM
George Alex (
) calls Abuzar Sultani RITA MALLIA: This is truly bizarre, Brian. It's truly bizarre.
BRIAN PARKER: I ‐ I couldn't believe it. I had to tell ya before ‐‐
BRIAN PARKER: ‐‐ I even missed something out of the conversation.
BRIAN PARKER: But he went through everything, what he said.
BRIAN PARKER: And‐ and he said, "Well, he didn't really threaten me", and I said, "Well" ‐‐
RITA MALLIA: That's what he said to me.
BRIAN PARKER: And I said, "Well, you know, I don't know about that", but I said, "look, I'll be honest with you,
Mario. I've never heard George Alex talk in that sort of you know, those sort of words, anyway", so I don't ‐‐
BRIAN PARKER: I just don't know. It doesn't sound like it'd be George Alex to me. I said ‐‐ RITA MALLIA: Well, I just don't know how‐ why someone would do that on the telephone, with a with a number that could be traced. But I would leave it to the police; that's their job.
RITA MALLIA: And if it's a prank call causing distress, well, we'll know soon enough who it is and they can be warned not to do it into the future.
BRIAN PARKER: That's right, exactly. Exactly.
RITA MALLIA: Because that's what the police will do
RITA MALLIA: ‐‐ if it's an identifiable number.
BRIAN PARKER: Geez, I hope it comes back and Mario doesn't want to tell us who it is.
RITA MALLIA: Well, you know
BRIAN PARKER: I'd love ‐ I'd love it, because I reckon it'll be someone ‐‐
RITA MALLIA: ‐‐ I think ‐ I think as the secretary of the union, you're very much entitled to know if one of the members of the committee of management feels like they've been threatened.
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right. I mean, you know, I'd love to know who it was, because I'm pretty ‐‐ RITA MALLIA: I'd love to know who it was, too, because it's very unhelpful.
BRIAN PARKER: I feel pretty confident ‐ I feel pretty confident that somebody that's spoken to somebody who spoke with someone probably got somebody to do it, you know, and, you know ‐‐
RITA MALLIA: Oh, I don't know.
BRIAN PARKER: ‐‐ because he's been ‐ he's been running around doing it, fucking he's an idiot. Anyway.
RITA MALLIA: Anyway, well, let's just leave it to the coppers. It's their job, and if he feels threatened, that's what he should do. He should go to the police, and you certainly shouldn't speak to him,
BRIAN PARKER: Oh, I was never going to do it, anyway, but I couldn't ‐‐
BRIAN PARKER; I couldn't fucking believe my ears when he said that. I couldn't ‐ Icouldn't believe what ‐ what ‐
what drugs is this bloke on?
RITA MALLIA: I‐ yeah, well, I certainly would be against that. Anyway, all right.
BRIAN PARKER: All right, no worries.
RITA MALLIA: I will ‐ I'll leave you to it and I'll talk to you tomorrow.
BRIAN PARKER: Okay. Talk to you later.
RITA MALLIA: See you, Brian. Bye,
BRIAN PARKER: See you, bye.
GEORGE ALEX: [While phone is ringing] And Jule is a pest.
GEORGE ALEX: Hello, buddy.
MALE SPEAKER: What are you doing, rocking and rolling?
GEORGE ALEX: I'm good, buddy. Rocking and rolling, buddy.
MALE SPEAKER: Yeah, so what time do you need the guys?
GEORGE ALEX: Ah, well, look, I made a phone call to a bloke that's been cursing me out there ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ from Multiplex.
MALE SPEAKER: Who? What happened?
GEORGE ALEX: I made a phone call to a bloke with when me and Mase came out.
GEORGE ALEX: Because of the article. You heard about the newspaper article?
GEORGE ALEX: Did you hear they drop in your name, my name, everyone's name?
MALE SPEAKER: And who's name?
MALE SPEAKER: Yeah, my name, yeah. And what happened?
GEORGE ALEX: So it come from the Zenith Mario Barrios, Tony Bleasdale, Jim Byrnes, Angelo ‐ (indistinct), you know.
GEORGE ALEX: And just starting my phone calls to Mario Barrios. I was very nice.
GEORGE ALEX: You know me. Anyway, the police rang me.
MALE SPEAKER: Yeah? And what did they say?
GEORGE ALEX: You shit yourself. Yeah, but he ‐ he knows that I didn't threaten him.
GEORGE ALEX: And he just said he's feeling very intimidated.
Page 144 of 207
Wednesday, 20‐August‐2014 11:46 PM
George Alex (
) calls Abuzar Sultani )
Wednesday, 20‐August‐2014 11:46 PM
George Alex (
calls Abuzar Sultani )
Wednesday, 20‐August‐2014 11:46 PM
George Alex ) calls Abuzar Sultani )
GEORGE ALEX: Then I said, "I'm coming to see you tomorrow, buddy" (indistinct).
MALE SPEAKER: And who's this guy, from Multiplex?
GEORGE ALEX: Oh, works for Multiplex.
MALE SPEAKER: What do ‐ how do you know he's put his two cents in?
GEORGE ALEX: Oh, I know from before.
GEORGE ALEX: And I said, "Youse got a wife and kids" and this and that, "And you want to ‐ you've dropped my name and you're putting things" ‐ "Don't worry, tomorrow you're going to ‐ we're going to get to the bottom of it and come to your job site" ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ "You don't know me" ‐‐ MALE SPEAKER: Yeah.
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ "but you think you do because ‐ you must know me because of the way you're talking about me".
GEORGE ALEX: "So I want to know what I've done wrong to ya".
GEORGE ALEX: "So you're going to explain to me tomorrow when I see you what I've done wrong to ya, that's all".
GEORGE ALEX: "And if I'm happy with the answer, then you continue to talk bad but if I don't find out an answer
I really want to know why you've spoken bad and that's it, you're gonna‐ then we are going to deal with it then".
GEORGE ALEX: And, yeah, you ‐‐
MALE SPEAKER: ‐‐ and then what did he say? GEORGE ALEX: Then I got Bill to ring up Zenith ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ so I can meet him tomorrow. MALE SPEAKER: Yeah.
GEORGE ALEX: Because after he's been mouthing off, because ‐‐
MALE SPEAKER: Are you ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ "Capital, is George Alex and we (indistinct) the newspaper" and all that shit.
GEORGE ALEX: And a big article, all that shit.
MALE SPEAKER: What ‐ oh really ‐ so they
GEORGE ALEX: Yeah, so ‐ and I ‐ and to Zenith it's the truth, you know. Icon is our client, Meriton is our client and Partridge's our client but I don't want them working for ‐ I don't want no‐one ‐ no lad of mine comes in to work for them tomorrow. Anyone, that's supposed to be out there.
GEORGE ALEX: (Indistinct), no‐one's working for them.
MALE SPEAKER: So when ‐ when the ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: Anyone works for them, they can get the bloke out.
MALE SPEAKER: Why are they destroying people's livelihood just for a letter.
MALE SPEAKER: The newspaper cause so much havoc.
GEORGE ALEX: Yeah, and I wanted to tell them afterwards, "What did you go to the Royal Commission for, so you'll get to enjoy all the bullshit lies you said to them to go against me".
GEORGE ALEX: You know what I mean? Youse were on TV, why? Why did you go" ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ "to support here ‐ the 1yi ng dogs?"
GEORGE ALEX: "I know they're lying".
GEORGE ALEX: It's a big competition, (indistinct) to tell.
MALE SPEAKER: Did you ring Arthur?
GEORGE ALEX: No, I got Bill to do that, yeah.
MALE SPEAKER: And what did Arthur say?
GEORGE ALEX: Oh, we're going to meet him tomorrow. They should ‐ before, everyone should before, starting here.
GEORGE ALEX: All right, I'm gonna rattle every cunt.
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ let you go.
GEORGE ALEX: Anyway, I'm getting blamed for it, anyway, so I may as well rattle them.
MALE SPEAKER: Yeah, but ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: Anyway, I'll be rattling every cunt, every cunt. Every cunt.
MALE SPEAKER: All right. So that was Ed but how did Ed know about me, yeah? What the fuck ‐ like, how is that got to do with?
GEORGE ALEX:It came from LJ. So then I rang up LJ, put it in an email ‐‐ MALE SPEAKER: Yeah.
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ that you and me and everyone.
MALE SPEAKER: Oh, because my name is on the company director, that's why ‐ I think (indistinct) so I know, yeah.
GEORGE ALEX: Yeah, look, don't worry. You saw the email, I'll send it you.
MALE SPEAKER: Yeah, that's why I don't understand it and now ‐ but I don't understand ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: Fuck them, you don't have nothing. Look, there's nothing there, We've done nothing wrong. It's just the same guys that are paid by Jim Byrnes and Jim Byrnes is dying because it's come to an end and it didn't get the effect and now John and Bill (indistinct) everything and I'm blaming every labour bloke up there still.
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Wednesday, 20‐August‐2014 11:46 PM
George Alex (
) calls Abuzar Sultani )
Wednesday, 20‐August‐2014 11:46 PM
George Alex (
) calls Abuzar Sultani )
Wednesday, 20‐August‐2014 11:46 PM
George Alex (
) calls Abuzar Sultani )
GEORGE ALEX: And Angelo.
MALE SPEAKER: What about, you know, Angelo's doing it?
GEORGE ALEX: Because he's Mario Barrios's best mate.
MALE SPEAKER: Why ‐ what are they doing this for? Not only are they paying ‐‐
MALE SPEAKER: ‐‐ they're gonna have to (indistinct).
GEORGE ALEX: Like, (indistinct) Jim because he told ‐ you know, what (indistinct) said. Like, he thinks ‐ he told, I think, ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ that dickhead that they all back Dave, so I want to burn him where he ‐ I cut off all his taps and he nearly did (indistinct).
MALE SPEAKER: Yeah, I know.
GEORGE ALEX: He nearly did. You know why?
GEORGE ALEX: Because all the weak cunts around us ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ fuckin' want this.
MALE SPEAKER: Yeah. Well ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: Have his (indistinct). Oh, good on him. Like, for me Byrnes did good. He cleaned them all up.
MALE SPEAKER: Yeah, I know.
GEORGE ALEX: Didn't he do that?
MALE SPEAKER: Yeah, if that.
GEORGE ALEX: He cleaned up the shit and look what we're left with.
GEORGE ALEX: The ‐ the ‐ the good and the ones that we still don't ‐ Steve and that, (indistinct) want ‐ you know, I want to make sure he's tied in the cunt and we're going to have one of our boys to mirror image it.
MALE SPEAKER: Yeah. Nah, fuckin' oath.
GEORGE ALEX: Like, you ‐ and you know what? And then another question ‐ I do own Capital and I do own all these cunts.
GEORGE ALEX: And I own fuckin' developments sites, I ‐ and I own half because I'm a silent partner, and I own
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ all the ‐ I own a million things and I want every fucking cunt to know about it after the Royal Commission is over.
GEORGE ALEX: I want my trustee to know about it horrendous cunt.
MALE SPEAKER: (Indistinct) and fuckin' dogs an.
GEORGE ALEX: He's a fuckin' piece of (indistinct).
MALE SPEAKER: Oh, I was going to say do ‐ do you need the two guys to come or no? So, where are you going, are you going anywhere?
GEORGE ALEX: Well, tomorrow I want us to see, yeah, I want to ‐ I want to speak to a few people there, so I want a little ‐ little ‐ little army.
MALE SPEAKER: All right, no worries.
GEORGE ALEX: Because I ‐ I don't trust them because I ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ just don't. I don't trust the other party.
MALE SPEAKER: Who's the other party?
GEORGE ALEX: These people we're going to.
MALE SPEAKER: Who's that?
GEORGE ALEX: I'll talk ‐ when I see you tomorrow ‐
GEORGE ALEX: Oh, you got ‐ are you in tomorrow?
MALE SPEAKER: No, .I've got uni after 4 but why ‐ who ‐ what time do you want ‐ what time are you going to be at work?
GEORGE ALEX: Well, it's only when I've got that stuff, the things that I want ‐ that I have to post tomorrow and I want you to be using your money.
MALE SPEAKER: Yeah, that's right, but what time are you going to be in tomorrow ‐ huh, what did you say?
GEORGE ALEX: I don't want you using your money Abs.
MALE SPEAKER: Oh, there's no ‐ it's too late for that, I have to because we need the money to be clear tomorrow arvo because you don't want the workers ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: I'm going to ring Lindsay up and they didn't issue ‐‐
MALE SPEAKER: Yeah, but Lindsay only takes it on but somebody transfers to there, transfers to that ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: But it would ‐ is there a two‐hour clearance?
MALE SPEAKER: Hmm, I don't know.
GEORGE ALEX: All right, if he doesn't do it tomorrow I'll say, "Right, Lindsay lied?", "I went and got you the receipt, you saw me getting them, we got them" ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ "and that's it".
GEORGE ALEX: Now, because you know ‐‐
MALE SPEAKER: Yeah, I do (indistinct) understand but ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: (Indistinct).
MALE SPEAKER: ‐‐ George, if
MALE SPEAKER: ‐‐ some of that is started ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: Yeah, yeah.
MALE SPEAKER: ‐‐ you need everyone to feel confident about it. Bro, (indistinct) Lindsay plays sides then leave it ‐‐
Page 146 of 207
Wednesday, 20‐August‐2014 11:46 PM
George Alex (
) calls Abuzar Sultani Wednesday, 20‐August‐2014 11:46 PM
George Alex (
) calls Abuzar Sultani Wednesday, 20‐August‐2014 11:46 PM
George Alex (
) calls Abuzar Sultani )
GEORGE ALEX: No, he (indistinct), you know.
MALE SPEAKER: I know, but leaves everyone last minute. You've just got to think ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: Yeah, no, yeah.
MALE SPEAKER: ‐‐ gets the workers all fucking thingy ‐‐ GEORGE ALEX: Yeah.
MALE SPEAKER: ‐‐ and this article comes out and the workers think, "Yeah, fuck, we didn't get even get" ‐‐
MALE SPEAKER: ‐‐ "paid last week. We didn't" ‐‐ GEORGE ALEX: That's fair enough.
MALE SPEAKER: "even get paid this week on time", you know what I mean?
GEORGE ALEX: And ‐ yeah.
MALE SPEAKER: That's most important for the workers to get paid pretty much by lunchtime ‐‐
MALE SPEAKER: ‐‐ when they want to go get their lunch and they see their account.
GEORGE ALEX: Yeah, yeah.
MALE SPEAKER: It's all done. Do you get me?
MALE SPEAKER: And in order to do that it needs to happen pretty much from 9.30 when the banks open, two hours, three hours and it'll be all done, or at least ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: All right.
MALE SPEAKER: ‐‐‐ the majority of it done. GEORGE ALEX: All right, and then you know
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ what to do with get it back.
MALE SPEAKER: But it's funny, they're saying proceeds of crime, like, we're borrowing $10 grand from each of
people's savings and putting it in for (indistinct). It's not like ‐‐
MALE SPEAKER: ‐‐ fuckin' Jimmy, fuckin' GEORGE ALEX: Maybe it's (indistinct).
MALE SPEAKER: You know what I mean? Jim Byrnes ‐‐ GEORGE ALEX: Yeah.
MALE SPEAKER: and fuckin' offshore accounts, like in tax avoidance, tax evasion, tax this, tax that.
MALE SPEAKER: Angelo, the accountant covering up all the paperwork and
MALE SPEAKER: ‐‐ to say it's funny how‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: Don't (indistinct) anything. I'm gonna ‐‐
MALE SPEAKER: ‐‐ they're saying it's proceeds of crime, proceeds of crime.
MALE SPEAKER: ‐‐ of what bro.
GEORGE ALEX: Mate, they want ‐ they're gonna ‐‐
MALE SPEAKER: They've still got a mortgage, we've all got bills, debts, uni HECS fee ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: They're going to answer to me. They've got nothing, they've got nothing.
MALE SPEAKER: I know, but I'm just saying it's funny how they ‐‐ GEORGE ALEX: Yeah.
MALE SPEAKER: ‐‐ make all those things, like, "Look at this bloke", I know we're not with fuckin' ‐ a diamond pinky ring like Jimmy and fuckin' Byrnes having Swiss accounts all going through Macau and stuff ‐ like ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: And boats.
MALE SPEAKER: You know what I say.
GEORGE ALEX: And boats.
MALE SPEAKER: Yeah, fuckin' luxury boats, this, that.
GEORGE ALEX: Range Rovers and Land Rovers.
GEORGE ALEX: And fuckin' ski lodges and (indistinct).
MALE SPEAKER: Yeah, Land Rovers. My parents drive a fucking $2,000 car, (indistinct) drives a $4,000 car.
GEORGE ALEX: That's right, I don't even own a car.
MALE SPEAKER: We don't ‐ we don't go ‐ when we go travel, we travel in economy, so what's the proceeds of crime they're talking about? You see what I mean? Anyway. Hello?
GEORGE ALEX: That's Jim Byrnes' the cunt.
GEORGE ALEX: That's all, just Jim Byrnes' the cunt.
MALE SPEAKER: Yeah, but I'm just saying it's funny andthen there's a (indistinct) but you never hear too much stuff about when (indistinct) and about (indistinct), and it's all good. God's great.
GEORGE ALEX: I'll talk to you tomorrow. MALE SPEAKER: Or (indistinct), so
GEORGE ALEX: All right, I'll talk to you tomorrow. MALE SPEAKER: No worries, bye.
GEORGE ALEX: All right. Be safe, all right. I'll see you in the morning.
Page 147 of 207
Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 7:03 AM
Brian Parker ) calls Rob Kera )
BRIAN PARKER: [While phone is ringing] He reckons he got a call from a bloke on a phone. He rang me. I'll tell you (indistinct).
ROB KERA: How are you, mate?
BRIAN PARKER: Good, mate. How are you? I just finished speaking with them. I've got to go along with the employer, have another meeting.
ROB KERA: Yeah, no worries. Look, just so you know, Barrios is coming to see me today. He wants to come and see me. Apparently George Alex has rung 'im and allegedly threatened him, last night.
BRIAN PARKER: Well, well, well ‐ well, he rang me last night. Rita rang me.
ROB KERA: Yeah, he told me he did.
BRIAN PARKER: He tried to ring ‐ he tried to ring me, and I said, "Well, what did he say?", and he went through it and he said, "No, he didn't threaten me, but he said it was ‐ you know, it was George Alex. He said his name was George Alex", and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And I said, "Well" ‐ I said, "Well, fucking" ‐ and then he said, "And ‐ but the phone number come up on me phone. The actual number of the phone call come up on me phone."
BRIAN PARKER: And he said, "Have you got George Alex's number?" I said, "Yeah. I'll fucking give it to you." And I said, "That sounds a bit weird to me." I said, "I mean, why would George Alex ring ya and leave his number come up on the phone?", you know. I said, you know, "Maybe it's someone else." And the way I look at it ‐ and he said ‐ and then he says to me, "Oh, I want you to get a meeting with me and George Alex." said, "Mate, I'm not having no fucking meeting with you and George Alex." I said, "I haven't spoken to George Alex since the fucking ‐the whole process of the Royal Commission", you know. "You gotta be fucking kidding." I said, "No way in the world."
ROB KERA: I don't ‐ I don't really ‐ I don't really know the bloke. I don't have no reason to meet him. I don't
really ‐ met him fucking a couple of times fucking a couple of years ago. That's it. I got no reason to fucking meet him.
BRIAN PARKER: No, no, no, he ‐ he ‐‐
Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 7:03 AM
Brian Parker calls Rob Kera )
ROB KERA: But also, on face value, if ‐ if ‐ if what Mario's saying is fucking true and correct, I don't know who the fuck he thinks he is, fucking ringing up the delegate, fucking saying what he's saying. But then again, like I said, two sides to every fucking story.
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, yeah.
ROB KERA: But, look, I'm going to meet up with Mario today, anyway. He said he wants to meet up with me. BRIAN PARKER: But even Mario mentioned, from his words, that George Alex didn't threaten him. He says that he said to him, you know, "I don't like what you've been saying about me." You know, if it was George Alex, I don't know if it fucking was, said to him, he ‐‐
BRIAN PARKER: ‐‐ he's the one that's been running around fucking telling everybody about every fucking thing.
ROB KERA: Yeah. No, fair enough.
BRIAN PARKER: He ‐ he ‐ I ‐ I got off the phone. I said to Rita, I said, "Fuck, it is a bit bizarre." I said, "For fuck's sake", I said, "I'm not the one that's been running around fucking talking about fucking all his companies." I said, "He has. He's told somebody that's fucking told George Alex." You know, for fuck's sake. How the fuck does he ‐ you know? But he wasn't blaming me. He was just being real coy.
BRIAN PARKER: But I said to him, "Mate, I find it very bizarre. Why in the fuck would someone ring somebody and leave their number come up on the phone ‐ on their phone, so they can go to the police and say" ‐‐
BRIAN PARKER: ‐‐ "that was the number that rang me"?
ROB KERA: Fair enough.
ROB KERA: Well, look, I ‐ look ‐ look, I got an obligation. He ‐ he ‐ he's asked for a meeting with me. I'll have to catch up with him today and have a talk to him, okay?
BRIAN PARKER: No, yeah, go on. Yeah, go and have a talk to him.
ROB KERA: Yeah, okay, just letting you know, that's all. Okay, Sparks.
BRIAN PARKER: No problem.
Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 7:03 AM
Brian Parker calls Rob Kera )
ROB KERA: Okay, mate, I'll talk to you later.
BRIAN PARKER: See you later, mate. Bye, buddy. ROB KERA: Bye.
Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 7:42 AM
Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 7:43 AM
Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 7:46 AM
Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 7:47 AM
Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 7:48 AM
Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 7:56 AM
Darren Greenfield (
) calls Robert Kera SMS message from Mazen Hourani ) to George Alex (
SMS message from Darren Greenfield (
to George Alex SMS message from George Alex ) to Darren Greenfield (
SMS message from Darren Greenfield (
) to George Alex Darren Greenfield ) calls George Alex (
). 1 minute 11 seconds
What a worm that Mario is
Can you make sure you let willie know I can't attend meeting with Elite scaffolders tomorrow. Thanks
). Thanks
GEORGE ALEX: Hey, buddy.
DARREN GREENFIELD: How ya going, mate?
GEORGE ALEX: Yeah, just been sick, buddy.
GEORGE ALEX: How are you going? Are you feeling all right?
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yeah, just pissed off, mate. Pissed off.
GEORGE ALEX: Fuck, yeah.
DARREN GREENFIELD: But anyway, mate, the reason I'm running you up, there's no point me talking to Nemer or Michael or anyone. Willy's ‐ I think he's gonna organisethat meeting with Global blokes and the Elite blokes. He can't do it. He can't put the two together. You know what I mean? It can't happen.
DARREN GREENFIELD: Also, mate, he's got ‐ I had Richard Crookes on the phone all day yesterday. I'm trying to deal with issues I've got.
GEORGE ALEX: What did they want ‐‐
DARREN GREENFIELD: And I've got them ‐ I've got them all ‐ he's on the job with 14 of his blokes. They're going berserk. And they're all too scared to deal with it. They want me to deal with it. And I'm wrapped up in fucking the shit I've got. I can't ‐ I can't get there. Ya know what I mean? I asked him ‐‐
DARREN GREENFIELD: ‐‐ not to fucking put his blokes on these four jobs. They're ‐ they're Elite's jobs. They're an EBA company. You know what I mean? He can't do it, mate. He can't do it.
GEORGE ALEX: Yeah, yeah. What's he gone and done? He's put blokes on that job ‐ on those four jobs, has he?
DARREN GREENFIELD: Not just ‐ I think ‐ yeah, I know on a job yesterday at Rozelle that Richard Crookes arranged
and they were going berserk about it. I don't need him going there causing shit, then I've got to get there. I'm
trying to deal with issues with my wife today and fucking, ya know what I mean. I just ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: Yeah, I know. Yeah, yeah. DARREN GREENFIELD: I don't have time, mate. Page 148 of 207
Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 7:56 AM
Darren Greenfield (
) calls George Alex )
DARREN GREENFIELD: I asked him politely not to fucking do it, and he's gone and done it anyway; you know what I mean.
GEORGE ALEX: Yeah, right. Let me ‐ he's going to come and visit me. So I'll probably see him about 11 o'clock. So I'll sort it out then.
GEORGE ALEX: So I'm going to cancel tomorrow, is that all right, for him?
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
GEORGE ALEX: And I'm going to tell him ‐ what do you want me to do with these blokes that he's got? Has he got his own blokes, has he, or are they Elite's blokes?
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yeah, they're ‐ they're Global blokes. He's put 14 of them on Rozelle, I think on Atlas he's put some, and I think at Toga. I think ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: Okay. All right.
DARREN GREENFIELD: I know ‐ I know at Richard Crookes definitely.
GEORGE ALEX: All right. All right, buddy. All right. I'll sort that out. How are you feeling anyway? Are you feeling all right?
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yeah, mate. Yeah. Okay. Okay.
GEORGE ALEX: All right. Yeah.
DARREN GREENFIELD: We'll get there, mate.
GEORGE ALEX: I had issues with Mario I had an issue with Mario Barrios. I had to speak to him ‐ I rang him last night. I was bit annoyed with ‐‐ DARREN GREENFIELD: Did you?
GEORGE ALEX: Yeah, yeah. I was a bit annoyed with him because he's mouthing off a lot, and I just wanted to know what I've done to him. Didn't threaten him or anything like that but just, um, you know ‐ but um fucking funnycunt. Anyway ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: Yeah, yeah, straightened him out. And, anyway, the coppers ring me.
Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 7:56 AM
Darren Greenfield (
) calls George Alex )
GEORGE ALEX: I just laughed it off. They laughed too. They said, "Look, he did say you didn't threaten him, but for some reason he's just intimidated." And I said, "Well, look, there's no reason to be intimidated. Just talking about people, you know."
GEORGE ALEX: But, yeah, he's a funny cunt. Anyway, you know, he's just gone out and mouthed off a bit 'bout Capital ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: About me and that and um ‐‐
DARREN GREENFIELD: People seem to be doing that to you all the time, don't they?
GEORGE ALEX: Yeah, yeah. Him and Tony Bleasdale and bloody Zenick and all them. So anyway.
GEORGE ALEX: (Indistinct). But, ah, mate, I'm sorry, to hear mate with what they're saying. But, um, your stuff, you've done nothing wrong and all you've done is look after blokes ‐‐
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yeah, no, I know that. It's just fucking ‐ I can handle it for me, mate. I just ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: Just fucking annoying, mate. If anything, he'd be fucking harder on you.
GEORGE ALEX: Not one fucking difference, and everyone knows that.
GEORGE ALEX: It just makes me sick. (Indistinct), mate. That's all it is, I think.
GEORGE ALEX: Just a bit of aggression and just a bit annoyed that ‐‐
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yeah, I know what it is. I've ‐ I've sort of upset people internally in the union, you know what I mean, dickheads that fucking have their own agenda. But, anyway, I'll get through it.
GEORGE ALEX: Hide behind you ‐ hide behind you when the dramas on, fucking, for the men take the glory. Anyway. All right, buddy. If you need anything let me know. I'll sort that thing out for you, okay?
Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 7:56 AM
Darren Greenfield (
) calls George Alex (
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yeah, if you can just sort that out, mate, with him for us. You're the only one I know that would fix it, mate, for us. That's all.
GEORGE ALEX: No, that's all right. I'll bring him here and (indistinct) ‐ let me just speak to (indistinct) find out what's going on. I'll cancel tomorrow's meeting.
GEORGE ALEX: And with these boys over here you can't mix them and pull them back off; is that what ‐‐
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yeah, and I'll meet ‐ I'll meet up with him next week, mate, tell him.
GEORGE ALEX: Yeah, no worries. No worries.
DARREN GREENFIELD: All right. Thanks very much.
GEORGE ALEX: 100 percent. All right? Take care.
Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 8:37 AM
Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 8:39 AM
Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 8:40 AM
Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 8:40 AM
Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 8:41 AM
Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 9:25 AM
SMS message from George Alex (
to George Alex (
SMS message from George Alex to George Alex (
SMS message from George Alex to George Alex (
SMS message from Steve Spiteri ) to George Alex (
SMS message from George Alex (
to George Alex (
Mazen Hourani (
) calls Brian Parker (
) Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 10:33 AM
Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 1:35 PM
Darren Greenfield (
Mazen Hourani (
) calls Robert Kera ) calls Brian Parker (
) .
No email from CFMEU. We are chasing her.
MAZEN HOURANI: How are you, mate?
BRIAN PARKER: Good, mate.
MAZEN HOURANI: That's good, mate. 2 o'clock?
MAZEN HOURANI: I'll , I'll, I'll yeah, I'll, I'll be in the office at 2 o'clock. I'll, I'll, I'll, I'll drop off all the paperwork. All right, mate?
BRIAN PARKER: Okay, mate, no problem.
MAZEN HOURANI: See, you mate. I'll see your then.
BRIAN PARKER: Yep, see you then, mate. Bye, mate.
3 minutes 18 seconds
5 seconds
Page 149 of 207
Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 1:35 PM
Mazen Hourani ) calls Brian Parker (
Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 4:14 PM
Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 6:02 PM
SMS message from George Alex Mario Barrios calls Darren Greenfield Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 6:02 PM
Mario Barrios calls Darren Greenfield (
) ) to George Alex (
BRIAN PARKER: How are you going, mate?
MAZEN HOURANI: Good, mate. Yourself?
BRIAN PARKER: Good, mate, good.
MAZEN HOURANI: Just a quick question. I'm with Des, the lawyer.
MAZEN HOURANI: Ah, is there any chance that we could meet up in Pitt Street at the union office or ‐‐
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, you could. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, no worries at all.
BRIAN PARKER: I, I ‐ I've got a meetin' there at 3 o'clock upstairs for about an hour.
MAZEN HOURANI: Yeah, beautiful. Well, we're in town now and we just wanted to go through a few things with you just regarding Active and Capital.
BRIAN PARKER: Yep, no problem.
MAZEN HOURANI: Yeah, and if I oould catch up with you there, it's much easier.
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, all right. So = so what do you say; about 4, 4 o'clock?
MAZEN HOURANI: Like, could we do it before or, like, now?
BRIAN PARKER: Look, yeah, but I'm ‐ I'm ‐ I'm at another place, not ‐ not near the, the office there.
MAZEN HOURANI: Oh, yeah, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep.
BRIAN PARKER: Okay? I'm ‐ I'm in Kent Street, so I think you might know where it is. It's ‐‐
MAZEN HOURANI: Yeah, yeah.
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, okay. All right, well, if you come here, I'll wait here ‐‐
MAZEN HOURANI: All right, then.
BRIAN PARKER: ‐‐ because I don't have to be there until 3.
MAZEN HOURANI: All right, then, Well, I'll be there soon. See ya. Okay, bye.
BRIAN PARKER: See you, mate, bye.
DARREN GREENFIELD: How ya going, mate?
MARIO BARRIOS: Titch, how are you?
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yeah, good, mate. Robbie was just filling me in, Mario. If these bastards want to make fucking threats to you, if there's anything I can do to help you, mate, fucking phone me; okay? They can get fucked.
MARIO BARRIOS: No, no, I appreciate, Titch. I appreciate that.
DARREN GREENFIELD: They can go and get fucked, mate. They can go fuck themselves.
MARIO BARRIOS: Yeah, look, I don't know the guy from a bar of soap. Only when I saw his fucking picture on the paper ‐‐
DARREN GREENFIELD: Mario, to be honest, he's a weak cunt. He's a fucking weak cunt; ya know what I mean?
MARIO BARRIOS: Yeah, yeah, but that's ‐that ‐ that's what ‐ that's what you have to be worried about. When these cunts are weak, they don't do anything.
MARIO BARRIOS: They get somebody else to do it for you.
DARREN GREENFIELD: Exactly. But, mate, any ‐ I don't know what I can do, Mario, but anything I can do, mate, I'm prepared to front the cunt for you, whatever you want. I don't care. You know what I mean? MARIO BARRIOS: No, no, no, Titch. No, no, no.
DARREN GREENFIELD: . They're not going to ‐ they're not going to start making threats to fucking us, mate. They can get fucked.
MARIO BARRIOS: Look, I'd ‐ he didn't make a threat, you know. This is what the police tell me. He said ‐ I said, "How come, you know, you don't take a statement?"
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yeah, but they're smart about what they do, Mario; you know what I mean?
MARIO BARRIOS: Yeah, yeah. Oh, look, mate, I'm 100 percent sure that he was taping himself because
MARIO BARRIOS: Sparkles said to me, "No, no, no, it wouldn't be him, mate. He's not that sort of person." I said, "Sparkles, what it couldn't be is someone leaving the phone number impersonating someone else."
MARIO BARRIOS: That what it can't be because then you can be charged; you know?
MARIO BARRIOS: I say, "I'm sure it's him, even though I don't know," but I say, "I'm going to the police station." I went over there. They ring him‐‐
MARIO BARRIOS: And he did identify himself.
DARREN GREENFIELD: Oh, they phoned him ‐‐
DARREN GREENFIELD: They spoke to him?
MARIO BARRIOS: Yeah, yeah, they spoke to him and ‐ and ‐ and said, "Look, I didn't threaten him. I want to have a meeting with him, and I'm having a meeting with him tomorrow." The cop was a fucking‐ look, he was an arsehole, the cop; very arrogant young guy.
MARIO BARRIOS: But probably ‐ probably at the end of the day it was good that he never took my statement.
MARIO BARRIOS: Because I've been pushed left, right and centre to go and make a statement.
MARIO BARRIOS: But, between you and me, I've been pushed to go to the coppers say, "I want a statement." But I was talking to ‐ to ‐ to Dennis Matthews and he's 100 percent sure, he said, "Mario, you can go and do a statement. But if you get a copper that take interest that statement will go straight to the Royal Commission."
MARIO BARRIOS: So, so I'm not going to do it. So it was ‐ but obviously last night I was so ‐ so upset that I wanted to do it. But I tell you exactly his words were. You know, I was sitting on the living room about to come to work because I start at 9 o'clock.
Page 150 of 207
Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 6:02 PM
Mario Barrios calls Darren Greenfield (
MARIO BARRIOS: It was 7.40. The phone rang and I looked at the number. I didn't recognise the number, you know, and I say, "Hello." And he said, "Mario, it's George Alex." I said, "Yeah, mate. What's up?" And after I say, "What's up," I said, "George who?" And he said, "Yeah, Mario, George Alex." And when I said, "George Alex" I ‐ my fucking wife listened to me when I said "George Alex".
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yeah, right. Yeah.
MARIO BARRIOS: Anyway, he said, "Yeah," he said, "George Alex, Mario, yeah, it's me." He said, "I wanna come and pay you a visit. I want to know why you're talking so much shit about me." I said ‐ I said, "Who's telling you that I'm talking shit?" I said ‐ he say, "Never mind. Never mind." He said, "Look, Mario, I know you for a long time. I know you're in bed with fucking" ‐ I don't know if he say, "You're in bed" or "You are with Tony Bleasdale." I'm pretty sure he say, "You're in bed with Tony Bleasdale." He say, "I never get fucking close to your job. But, mate, I'm a very patient person, but I'm running out of patience with you so I'm coming and see you tomorrow. Where are you working?" I say, "You know where I'm working. If you want my number you know that I'm working in the city." He say, "Yeah, I already know that." I said, "By the way," I said, "Bring the person that is saying that about me." He says, "Never mind." He say, "I see you tomorrow," and he hang up.
MARIO BARRIOS: So when the ‐ you know ‐‐
DARREN GREENFIELD: If it's any consolation, Mario, I've had to work with these dogs for fucking two years now, mate. It's been the worst two years of my fucking life. And, I tell you, if it's any consolation don't worry too much about the cunt because I understand, I know what you're saying about who he knows and whatever, but, mate, I can't see it ‐ I can't see the dog taking that next step. He knows we're not going to fucking cop that shit lying down, mate; you know what I mean? He fucking ‐‐
DARREN GREENFIELD: He's not going to fuck it up that way. He's not completely stupid.
Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 6:02 PM
Mario Barrios calls Darren Greenfield )
Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 6:02 PM
Mario Barrios calls Darren Greenfield (
MARIO BARRIOS: Yeah, when I went to the coppers the guy said, "Well, but it's not a ‐ it's not a fucking threat. He told you that he's running out of patience." I said, "Mate, you look at the profile of this guy." I say, "He's not ‐ he's not your next‐door neighbour that you want to have." But I said, you know, "How" ‐ I said, "Well , if you're not going to take a statement," I said, "Can you check this number and ring him to see if it is that guy," because I said ‐ so he asked me for the name and, to be honest, I said "George Alex", but I said, "I think it's George and Alex." I say, "I don't know if it's one word."
MARIO BARRIOS: But, anyway, they rang that number that rang me and he identify himself. He say, "Yeah, it's me."He say, "I didn't threaten him. I'm going to have a meeting with him and he agreed to meet me tomorrow." So the copper come back. And oh, the copper told him, he said, "Listen, you don't ring him anymore direct. If you need to ring, you ring his employer."
MARIO BARRIOS: And, you know, I rang Sparkles. He couldn't answer. Then I rang Rita, and Rita rang Sparkles. He called me after that.
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yeah, Robbie was telling me not long ago.
MARIO BARRIOS: Yeah, so I said ‐ I said to ‐ I said this morning, you know ‐ I did call a few people and, you know, a lot of people are saying, "Fuck, you've got to go to the coppers and make a statement and ask them why they don't want to take a statement, cover yourself." But talking to Dennis, I got a lot of respect for Dennis ‐‐
DARREN GREENFIELD: I think you've covered yourself, Mario, by doing what you did; you know what I mean? You've ‐ by going there and doing what you did, you've got yourself covered anyway. You know what I mean?
MARIO BARRIOS: Yeah, yeah. Dennis said, "Mario, you do whatever you want, you know, is right." But he says ‐ he say, "If you go there and make a statement and this police take any interest on it, they would pass it on to the ‐ pass it on to the BBF, ABBC or AWF or C, whatever they call themselves."
MARIO BARRIOS: You know, because if I go ‐ so I decide not to and I told Robert I decide not to.
DARREN GREENFIELD: Mario, I'm telling you, mate, if ‐ if you don't feel safe or your family or anything, I'll front this cunt for ya. I don't give a fuck, mate. I've dealt with these cunts for two years now and I don't give a fuck anymore, Mario; seriously.
MARIO BARRIOS: No, no, I appreciate that, mate. I um ‐‐
DARREN GREENFIELD: I still have to ‐ I still have to deal with these dogs, mate, I'm hoping for another month or two until they fold the company, all of them, there are six of 'em. But, mate, if you want, if I'm dealing with these cunts and, at any stage, if you want me to say something I'll fucking call them up up and say something.
MARIO BARRIOS: Yeah. No, look ‐‐
DARREN GREENFIELD: I don't cop that fucking shit laying down, mate.
MARIO BARRIOS: I ‐ I be honest with you, Darren. I called Sparkles ‐ I called Rita the other day about an EBA. I was having a meeting with Vic IH ‐‐
MARIO BARRIOS: ‐‐ about the EBA. I said, "Look, maybe I can get somewhere. I know you haven't signed the EBA or anything."
MARIO BARRIOS: "But they look like they're going to come on my job." And I said to him, I said, "I. don't want my job to be the battleground for your fucking EBA."
MARIO BARRIOS: I said, "I'm not going to tell you you have to sign. I want to see what's holding you from signing, see if we can fucking fix it before anything."
MARIO BARRIOS: I said ‐ so, anyway, I was talking to Rita about that. And then I said to Rita, I said, "How legal is our EBA," blah, blah, blah. And then I said to Rita, I said Rita, "How come ‐ I just noticed that I've been told there is another company that's going to take over Active Labour Hire," blah, blah, blah. I said, "How come we give them an EBA." She said, "Look, it's got to ‐you've got to talk to Sparkles. It's got nothing to do with me. I'm too busy." So I called Sparkles.
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Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 6:02 PM
Mario Barrios calls Darren Greenfield (
MARIO BARRIOS: And I ‐ and I told him that, and he say, "No, no, mate. The fucking ‐ it's got nothing to do with George Alex." I said, "Sparkles, at the end of the day you're the ‐ you're the secretary. I'm just telling you now. I don't believe so. I believe that it's got things to do with him. I believe that a fucking $43,000 cheque that they paid three ‐ three days ago it fucking bounced for ACIRT.
DARREN GREENFIELD: What was that for?
MARIO BARRIOS: They pay a cheque for 43 or $53,000 three days ago to ACIRT and it bounced.
DARREN GREENFIELD: But what company, Mario?
MARIO BARRIOS: A banker pay on behalf of fucking the traffic control company.
DARREN GREENFIELD: I've got the entitlements covered for the traffic control company.
DARREN GREENFIELD: I did ‐ I helped Jock and I got ‐ what I did, I helped Jock and I got ‐ I didn't get involved in the paperwork side of it because I don't deal in labour hire or whatever, but ‐‐
MARIO BARRIOS: Look, let me ‐ let me ‐ I'm gonna ring ‐ I'm telling you what, when I was talking to Dennis that's what he told me. He said, "Mario" ‐ but I don't know if he said for the traffic control or Active Hire Active Labour Hire.
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yeah, no, what I've done, I've got ‐ I said to Jock, mate, "What I'll do, I'll help you out," because I'm dealing with that Stephen Nolan issue and they were both on them jobs.
MARIO BARRIOS: Yeah, yeah.
DARREN GREENFIELD: And I said to him, "I'll get the money covered for ya. You just take care of the paperwork with Karen; you know what I mean?"
MARIO BARRIOS: Yeah, yeah.
DARREN GREENFIELD: And I'll make sure whatever they get out of this we get wrapped up. I'll get letters to you off them to say any moneys recovered go to entitlements first. And I got all the money for Active Labour that I know of, the paperwork Jock had, which was about 350,000 I think.
Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 6:02 PM
Mario Barrios calls Darren Greenfield (
DARREN GREENFIELD: And then from Metropolis Traffic there was a hundred and ‐ and this is only going off Jock's figures that he's given me ‐‐
MARIO BARRIOS: It's 150,000.
DARREN GREENFIELD: A hundred and ‐ hah, 167 I think for Metro.
DARREN GREENFIELD: Which I've got, but I haven't got all in yet. I've still got another 100 to come for Metro out of Lindfield.
MARIO BARRIOS: Look, Darren, I'm telling you what I said to Sparkles. I mean, I never work with you, but I always have respect with you when I ‐ when I needed you to tell the truth in front of Darren Taylor, even though he's your friend, you fucking told the truth.
MARIO BARRIOS: So I respect you for that, and that's the only thing I dealt with you. I said to Sparkles, I said, "Sparkles," I said, "I may be wrong, Sparkles, and if I'm wrong I'm prepared ‐ and you prove me wrong, I'm prepared to apologise to you. But Direct Active Payroll still owes six months from 2012 and three months from 2013," and I gave him the month.
MARIO BARRIOS: I said, "What make you ‐ what make you think that it's not going to happen again?"
MARIO BARRIOS: So I said, "Mate, you're the ‐ you're the ‐ the, the secretary. If you done your check and you're happy with it," I say, "I let it be. I leave it with you." I say ‐‐
MARIO BARRIOS: "I don't want you to end up with egg on your face." This is exactly what I said to him.
MARIO BARRIOS: "And then you're going to say, 'But no‐one told me. I didn't know about it.'"
DARREN GREENFIELD: That's fair enough.
MARIO BARRIOS: I say, "If you done your check and you're happy, I'll let it be."
Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 6:02 PM
Mario Barrios calls Darren Greenfield )
MARIO BARRIOS: And that was on the Tuesday, and then this guy rang me on the Wednesday. And, you know, I ‐ you know, if he's got nothing to do with this company, what the fuck he's fucking ringing me for?
MARIO BARRIOS: So, but, mate I ‐‐
DARREN GREENFIELD: I don't know ‐ I don't know, Mario, what ‐ as I said, I haven't seen all the figures. I know Karen and Jock have got hem, but they were the figures that were told to me and that's what I ‐ with all the money, all the money I recovered for them I put in there to Karen, in the trust account. But I wouldn't have a clue if there's other money outside that; you know what I mean? I've got no idea because I haven't seen any paperwork on it.
MARIO BARRIOS: And then when I was talking to Dennis and Dennis say, "Look, Mario, you do whatever you want. But, you know, if you go there it's going to be on the Royal Commission."
MARIO BARRIOS: And I said, "Dennis, that's the last thing I want. I don't want to be fucking here like another Fitzy."
MARIO BARRIOS: So I'm not going to go. And that's when he told me, he said, "Look, I got a" ‐ I can't remember who he say he was going to say because the money that they pay on ACIRT last week, the cheque bounced. So I'm going to find out exactly who they paid for what company they pay and I give you a call.
DARREN GREENFIELD: You know why they normally do that, and I said this to Robbie, and it's happened ‐‐
MARIO BARRIOS: They do that so they can go to the builders and say, "Look, we paid."
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yep. "Release money."
MARIO BARRIOS: Yeah, yeah.
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yep, exactly right. Scaffold companies do it for ACIRT BUS.
MARIO BARRIOS: Yeah, yeah. And they also ‐ when they owe four or five months, they pay the last month ‐‐
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Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 6:02 PM
Mario Barrios calls Darren Greenfield )
MARIO BARRIOS: and then they go with the receipt for the last month; ya know?
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yep. And that's all a lot of builders worry about, is the current month; you know what I mean? Yeah, and they get behind. But, mate, anything ‐ as I said, Mario, anything you need, mate, if these dogs want to fucking operate like that ‐‐
DARREN GREENFIELD: ‐‐ they can get fucked. And I ‐ I'm at a point, Mario, with all these cunts, I don't care anymore. I've had enough. The life I've had for two years now because of these cunts, I don't care. I deal with them every day of the week. I don't care.
MARIO BARRIOS: I ‐ I appreciate that. I said to Robert, I said, "Rob, I don't want to get you into ‐ into any more fucking stress than what you already are. I'm just telling you because, if anything, to be honest, Titch, I was disappointed with Sparkles because this happened last night. He hasn't called me to see if I need anything. He hasn't fucking say, "How did you go?"
DARREN GREENFIELD: Why ‐ why hasn't he called you?
MARIO BARRIOS: Fucking, you tell me. At least ‐ at least he should have called me to say, "How did you go last night? You all right?"‐ Blah, blah, blah.
DARREN GREENFIELD: I thought he would have, Mario, to be honest with ya.
MARIO BARRIOS: No, no, he hasn't even called me, mate. If Sparkles thinks probably that I've got something against him, mate, I told him last time, I said, "Listen, Sparkles, I consider you a friend."
MARIO BARRIOS: "And because I consider you a friend I come and tell you in front of you. I don't fucking talk behind you."
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yeah, that's fair enough. People should prefer that; you know what I mean?
MARIO BARRIOS: I said ‐ I said to him ‐ I said, "It would be a lot worse if people fucking agree with you and smile" ‐‐
MARIO BARRIOS: And fucking ‐ and is still spreading rumours.
DARREN GREENFIELD: And then knock you in the back. Yep, yep.
Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 6:02 PM
Mario Barrios calls Darren Greenfield (
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yeah, you're right.
MARIO BARRIOS: And that's why ‐ that's why I brought it up about Capital and I told ‐ and I said that when I went to see him the first time and I said, "Sparkles, I ‐ these are the rumours there. You need to do something about it to clear the name of the union and your name."
MARIO BARRIOS: "Oh," he said, "There's a lot of rumours there. There's rumours that you're going to get togetherwith Munro and Martin Wyre and put a vote of no confidence on me." I say, "Sparkles," I said, "Look at me in my eyes." I say, "If I ever want to put a vote of no confidence on you, you'd be the first one to know."
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yeah, you'd come and tell him.
MARIO BARRIOS: Yeah. So, Titch ‐‐
DARREN GREENFIELD: He should know better than to listen to fucking bullshit rumours, Mario.
MARIO BARRIOS: Yeah, mate, like I said, you don't know me very much, I don't know you. But I don't have nothing against him or I've got nothing to ‐ all what I want is that our union fucking doesn't get fucking stained by ‐‐
MARIO BARRIOS: people that are using the industry and doing these things; you know?
DARREN GREENFIELD: No, that's fair enough. That's fair enough.
MARIO BARRIOS: And it's better if I go and ask him than if I fucking go and spread rumours; you know?
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yeah, of course. I don't see why he's got a problem with you fronting him and asking him.
MARIO BARRIOS: And, believe me, Darren, this is exactly what I ‐ my last words to him, I said ‐ I said, "Mate, you're the secretary. If you reckon you've done enough check and you fucking believe them," I said, "You know, if you end up with egg on your face," I say, "I don't want you to say no‐one told you."
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yeah, well, that's true. That's true.
Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 6:02 PM
Mario Barrios calls Darren Greenfield )
MARIO BARRIOS: ‐‐ that was on Tuesday.
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yeah. I'll be honest ‐ I'll be honest with you, Mario. Jock ‐ Jock asked me because I recovered the money from Metro (indistinct) he told me him and Rebel were going to meeting with these cunts ‐‐
MARIO BARRIOS: Darren? Hello? Darren? Hello?
Thursday, 21‐August‐2014 6:18 PM
Darren Greenfield calls Mario Barrios MARIO BARRIOS: Darren.
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yeah, I was just going through that tunnel, mate. No‐‐
DARREN GREENFIELD: ‐‐ Jock asked me ‐ Jock said to me, when I recovered that money for the other two companies and Jock said, "Darren, we've got an EBA vote on the weekend with two traffic control companies. Do you want to ‐ can you come?" And I said, "Mate, I don't look after traffic labour hire. I don't want to come." I said, "To be honest with you, Jock, if. I come someone will say something that I've done something with this co pany or" ‐ and I want nothing to do with it, mate. I want nothing to do with it." But I tell you what I ‐ I tell you what I did do. When I ‐ I heard that they hadn't ‐ they hadn't honoured the annual leave and the RDO money ‐‐
DARREN GREENFIELD: ‐‐ and I fronted Mase and I said, "If you do ‐ if you do not honour that money, either roll it over or pay it out, I'm going to come after ya." I said, "That's the workers' money, mate. I don't care what's been discussed with Rebel, he's assistant secretary. Jock, I'm telling you if you don't honour the workers' money I'm coming after ya," and I left that with them and I don't know where it's gone from there. So I'm not ‐‐
MARIO BARRIOS: All right, mate. I appreciate that. Look, again, you don't know me very much, Darren.
MARIO BARRIOS: But if I've got a problem with you I would fucking tell you; you know?
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yeah, no worries, mate. No worries. MARIO BARRIOS: And I'm disappointed that Sparkles didn't took any interest or took the wrong way or think that I, because I told him I'm after him. I'm not after him. I'm just fucking ‐ you know, it's better to fucking let him know than to fucking talk behind his back.
DARREN GREENFIELD: Yeah, no, I agree, mate. Definitely. I'd rather the same thing. But as I ‐‐
MARIO BARRIOS: All right, mate.
DARREN GREENFIELD: I'll let you go. As I said, if anything ‐ if I can help you in any way, mate, don't hesitate to call me, Mario. If there's any dramas at all, mate, I'll stand against these cunts any day of the week for you. I don't give a fuck.
Page 153 of 207
Tuesday, 26‐August‐2014 12:02 PM
Tuesday, 26‐August‐2014 12:09 PM
Tuesday, 26‐August‐2014 12:09 PM
Tuesday, 26‐August‐2014 2:21 PM
Tuesday, 26‐August‐2014 2:59 PM
SMS message from Lindsay Kirschberg (
) to George Alex (
SMS message from George Alex ) to Lindsay Kirschberg SMS message from George Alex to Lindsay Kirschberg (
Rob Kera (
) calls Darren Greenfield George Alex (
) calls Nemer Antoun Tuesday, 26‐August‐2014 2:59 PM
George Alex (
) calls Nemer Antoun )
Tuesday, 26‐August‐2014 3:54 PM
George Alex (
) calls Nemer Antoun )
Kent at 1 is good.Wf paid 1 site. 100k to come.
Ok.. Sorting union cbus acirt out today .. Mirvac x
Ok.. Sorting union cbus acirt out today .. Mirvac x
3 minutes 41 seconds
MALE SPEAKER 1: (Indistinct).
GEORGE ALEX: Oh, Nemer, how are you?
MALE SPEAKER 1: (Indistinct) unless your phone line (indistinct).
NEMER ANTOUN: Good thanks, George, how are you?
GEORGE ALEX: Good, buddy. Whereabouts are you at the moment?
NEMER ANTOUN: I'm ‐ I'm over in ‐where are we going now?
MALE SPEAKER 1: (Indistinct).
NEMER ANTOUN: Bass Hill and then I'm driving down.
GEORGE ALEX: Okay. I'm going to ‐ Lindsay's going to ‐ has put 10,000 into your account.
GEORGE ALEX: 10 into your account.
NEMER ANTOUN: Yeah, yeah.
GEORGE ALEX: And can you pull it out, please.
NEMER ANTOUN: Yeah, not a problem.
GEORGE ALEX: It's got to be in the
NEMER ANTOUN: I've already ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ NAB account. It's NAB.
GEORGE ALEX: His colleague sent it. Can you make sure before 4 you can have that pulled out?
NEMER ANTOUN: Yep, okay, the minute ‐ ah ‐‐
NEMER ANTOUN: ‐‐ the minute it's transferred.
GEORGE ALEX: That ‐ don't tell no one, don't tell no one, just me and you know
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ and Lindsay at the moment, I'll explain to you why ‐‐
NEMER ANTOUN: Not a problem.
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ it's very important and if you can come to the city straight after ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ it'd be great. All right?
NEMER ANTOUN: Not a problem.
GEORGE ALEX: I think ‐‐
NEMER ANTOUN: All right, no worries.
GEORGE ALEX: Thank you. Bye‐bye.
NEMER ANTOUN: Thanks, mate. Thanks, bye‐bye.
NEMER ANTOUN: Hello, George. GEORGE ALEX: Hey Nemer.
NEMER ANTOUN; Yeah, mate, I'm just ducking into the bank now.
GEORGE ALEX; I'm sorry?
NEMER ANTOUN: I'm just ducking into the bank now. Hello? Hello?
GOERGE ALEX: Yes, buddy.
NEMER ANTOUN: Yeah, I'm just ducking into the bank.
GEORGE ALEX: Okay. Perfect.
NEMER ANTOUN: Yeah. Otherwise I'm going to have to come to the city and get it.
GEORGE ALEX: You won't have ‐‐ NEMER ANTOUN: Yeah, no, no, the banks close at 5 in the city. GEORGE ALEX: Do they? NEMER ANTOUN: Yeah, city ones only. GEORGE ALEX: Oh okay. See what you can do.
NEMER ANTOUN: Yeah, okay. GEORGE ALEX: Alright. Thank you. Bye.
NEMER ANTOUN: Okay, bye.
Page 157 of 207
Tuesday, 26‐August‐2014 3:59 PM
George Alex (
) calls Lindsay Kirschberg (
GEORGE ALEX: Sorry, mate, I just had to sort out the other blokes. It's all under control with the ‐‐
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: (Laughs) ‐ what ‐ what ‐‐ GEORGE ALEX: He's all right. But sorry about that. Took me ‐‐
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: What's under control, George?
GEORGE ALEX: Took me ‐ oh, just (indistinct) out, yeah. I'm used to Mr Willy, that's all. I just wanted to make sure‐ I got told something different, that's all it was.
GEORGE ALEX: Yeah, so it's all good. I'll sort it out when ‐ next time you want to meet and give you a big hug and a kiss.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Yeah, there's no worries.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: No worries, thank you, George. Yeah, look, if ‐ if he can pick up the gear from bloody OzList at some stage, that would be brilliant.
GEORGE ALEX: Well, I've told him that now, so he's got to do that, so ‐ and I said, "Hurry up and get the others 10 grand" and he said he'll ‐ he'll organise that too for ya. So I said, "Please, mate ‐ he done that as a favour and then you're talking to, to people like that that helps you, you can't do that". He goes ‐‐ LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Yeah.
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ oh, it's just because he was ‐ "it's very emotional, I had the priest next to me and" ‐ it wasn't the priest it was another guy and he said something ‐ anyway. Long sorry. Long sorry. Now, I just ‐ I'm a little bit ‐ sorry about today with that John Holland guy, he's just assumed that you had that in your account already.
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐and the (indistinct) fuck. Well ‐well, can you ‐ has it been paid yet, do you know, or it hasn't cleared for you yet?
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: No, I don't expect to see it (indistinct). The earliest will be overnight, George.
GEORGE ALEX: Shit, okay. Well, then ‐ okay. What ‐ did Steve come back to you at all, Lindsay?
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Did who? Steve, no.
Tuesday, 26‐August‐2014 3:59 PM
George Alex (
) calls Lindsay Kirschberg (
GEORGE ALEX: With Mirvac, Steve?
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: No, no, he hasn't. Because any case ‐‐
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: ‐‐we can only do it tomorrow with John Holland Group money anyway.
GEORGE ALEX: Of course, that's right, that's exactly right. No, no, now I understand, I understand 100 percent your position. I didn't ‐ so I thought there was about 350 there, 330 or something.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Ha. Why, what a shit.
GEORGE ALEX: Yeah, shit.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Yeah. So, look, we'll ‐ no, we'll get it through and I've sent the wages through, so Abs should be running that this afternoon.
GEORGE ALEX: What were they? Do you know what they were?
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: 90 grand plus an extra 7 for Dave Glover to fix them up for what he ‐ he's done.
GEORGE ALEX: Oh, okay, all right. Okay. So that's ‐ and that covers ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ the wages.
GEORGE ALEX: The ‐ yeah.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: And we've got ‐ still got a bit more to do because staff ‐ yeah, office staff and all that sort of stuff, George.
GEORGE ALEX: That's fine, but let's get the money in first
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ before we do anything, okay.
LINDSAY KIRSCHSERG: Yeah, I'll get it to you.
GEORGE ALEX: No, I understand 100 percent your position now, I didn't realise that, mate. I just assumed that your money had gone in and you'd already received it.
Tuesday, 26‐August‐2014 3:59 PM
George Alex (
) calls Lindsay Kirschberg (
GEORGE ALEX: So all he wants is your advice, so let me ‐ okay, so let me just follow it up for you to make sure, mate, because ‐ so if it's come in the morning, great, and then it's up to you if you want to use that for CBUS, ACIRT and then we ‐ as long as you get the money tomorrow night from Mirvac.
GEORGE ALEX: Who do they bank with, do you know?
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: No, I don't but look, the whole thing is, if, if the union‐ if Brian will sign off on the Metropolis allocation ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: That makes it so much easier, doesn't it.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: It does because, George, what'll happen is ‐‐
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: ‐‐ we'll pay ACIRT and the ‐‐
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: ‐‐ union will hang on to the 70 grand anyway.
GEORGE ALEX: Yeah, understand, okay.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: That will leave ‐ they've got another 70 grand hole that I don't have ‐‐
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: ‐‐ to recycle.
GEORGE ALEX: Let's ‐ why don't we do this, then. Why don't we just stick with the original plan and let me just ring up now. I'll get Mase to speak to Brian, I'll get him to do it.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Yeah, what ‐ what does Brian want? Does he want, a letter comfort that he wants our ‐ you know, comfort from the financier saying, you know, it's got to be done because Capital are above their limits and no more funding will be forthcoming without it.
GEORGE ALEX: All right, okay.
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Tuesday, 26‐August‐2014 3:59 PM
George Alex calls Lindsay Kirschberg (
GEORGE ALEX: It's employees' money.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Well, that's right. That's right.
GEORGE ALEX: It's not theirs, it's employees' money, you know, so just ‐ anyway, let ‐ let me just ring Mase to have (indistinct) can ring him right away.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Yeah, see ‐ see what he says.
GEORGE ALEX: And let's get it done today. Yeah. All right, buddy.
GEORGE ALEX: Lindsay, thank you very much for everything. Let's keep this thing to ‐ just till I sort out my issue on Monday, after it'll be all right, okay?
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Yeah. Heads down George, stay hard ‐ stay hard to find, George.
GEORGE ALEX: I love ya. Thank you so much, Lindsay, for everything. Thank you, bye‐bye.
Tuesday, 26‐August‐2014 4:07 PM
Nemer Antoun calls George Alex Tuesday, 26‐August‐2014 4:49 PM
Abuzar Sultani ) calls George Alex )
GEORGE ALEX: Hey, buddy.
ABUZAR SULTANI: Hey, bro. Where are you gonna be?
GEORGE ALEX: I'm just heading now back towards Anzac Bridge ‐‐ ABUZAR SULTANI: Yeah.
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ and heading back towards the area. And whereabouts are you at the moment?
ABUZAR SULTANI: I'm just at our office.
GEORGE ALEX: Yeah, mate. Oh, are you?
GEORGE ALEX: I heard you had a good day today.
ABUZAR SULTANI: Who said that?
GEORGE ALEX: Oh, the wages done already and ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: But we didn't get to 222 yet or nothing, no?
ABUZAR SULTANI: No, no, not from John Holland, that didn't come through yet.
GEORGE ALEX: Shit, okay. And ‐‐
ABUZAR SULTANI: Yeah, so we're just going to work on that, what the fuck, okay?
GEORGE ALEX: Yeah. And Tommy just had a chat ‐‐
ABUZAR SULTANI: Oh, the 140 from Westfield came.
GEORGE ALEX: What, how‐ how much did you ‐ oh, that's good, that's good.
ABUZAR SULTANI: And so we're still waiting for the hundred and the ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: Beautiful.
ABUZAR SULTANI: ‐‐ and the 220 from John Holland should have came, but whatever.
ABUZAR SULTANI: Explain all of that.
GEORGE ALEX: And if we do get the John Holland's tomorrow ‐‐
ABUZAR SULTANI: And the Mirvac ‐we've got to get the Mirvac, the 250 that hasn't come through, and that's got ‐‐
Tuesday, 26‐August‐2014 4:49 PM
Abuzar Sultani ) calls George Alex )
GEORGE ALEX: And, yeah, look ‐‐ ABUZAR SULTANI: So I don't know what
GEORGE ALEX: I tell you what happened there. ABUZAR SULTANI: Yeah.
GEORGE ALEX: If Mase rings up Sparkles ‐‐ ABUZAR SULTANI: Huh? Yeah.
GEORGE ALEX: If Mase rings up Sparkles he can release it and ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: But the best thing to do really, I'll be honest with ya, and Tommy Mitchell done it with ‐ told Lindsay, "Why don't you get the John Holland money, pay 70 and then you get 200 the same day", but Steve was going to confirm that. So if you could ‐‐
ABUZAR SULTANI: So wait on, so ‐ so ‐ so what are we going to do if the money is fuckin' ‐ that ‐ that the union's holding on, the 130 from Raymond Group, why are they holding onto it?
GEORGE ALEX: They're not holding onto, they're only holding 7 ‐ 90.
ABUZAR SULTANI: But how come they don't ‐ from ‐ why aren't they putting that to ACIRT or CBUS.
GEORGE ALEX: You're going to have to speak to ‐ they ‐ they are 'cause we're ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: we're putting it for the Mirvac job but can you ring Mase up to ring Sparkles so he can release it?
GEORGE ALEX: If you do that now ‐‐ ABUZAR SULTANI: I'll
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ and then ‐ and then ‐ and then ‐‐ ABUZAR SULTANI: Because Mir ‐ yeah.
GEORGE ALEX: And then if they do that, then Mirvac can release it too, mate.
NEMER ANTOUN: I've got it. I'm on my way.
GEORGE ALEX: Thank you, mate. I'm down at World Square, World Square. Sorry. I'm just down at World Square, that's all.
Page 159 of 207
Tuesday, 26‐August‐2014 4:49 PM
Abuzar Sultani ) calls George Alex Tuesday, 26‐August‐2014 4:49 PM
Abuzar Sultani ) calls George Alex Tuesday, 26‐August‐2014 5:03 PM
Wednesday, 27‐August‐2014 6:09 AM
Wednesday, 27‐August‐2014 8:01 AM
Wednesday, 27‐August‐2014 8:02 AM
Wednesday, 27‐August‐2014 8:02 AM
Wednesday, 27‐August‐2014 8:02 AM
Wednesday, 27‐August‐2014 8:38 AM
Wednesday, 27‐August‐2014 8:38 AM
Wednesday, 27‐August‐2014 8:38 AM
Wednesday, 27‐August‐2014 11:22 AM
Wednesday, 27‐August‐2014 11:23 AM
Wednesday, 27‐August‐2014 12:09 PM
Wednesday, 27‐August‐2014 12:42 PM
Wednesday, 27‐August‐2014 12:43 PM
Wednesday, 27‐August‐2014 1:59 PM
Wednesday, 27‐August‐2014 2:23 PM
Wednesday, 27‐August‐2014 2:24 PM
Wednesday, 27‐August‐2014 2:24 PM
Wednesday, 27‐August‐2014 2:24 PM
Wednesday, 27‐August‐2014 2:44 PM
Abuzar Sultani ) calls Brian Parker )
Rob Kera (
calls Darren Greenfield ) Rob Kera (
calls Darren Greenfield )
SMS message from Lindsay Kirschberg (
to George Alex (
SMS message from Lindsay Kirschberg (
to George Alex (
SMS message from Lindsay Kirschberg (
to George Alex (
SMS message from George Alex (
to Abuzar Sultani (
SMS message from George Alex (
to Abuzar Sultani (
SMS message from George Alex (
to Abuzar Sultani (
SMS message from (
to George Alex ).
SMS message from Teagan Mullens (
) to George Alex Rob Kera calls Darren Greenfield (
Darren Greenfield (
calls Robert Kera (
Darren Greenfield (
calls Robert Kera (
SMS message from Richard Makdessi (
) to George Alex (
SMS message from George Alex ) to Richard Makdessi (
SMS message from Richard Makdessi (
to George Alex (
SMS message from George Alex ) to Richard Makdessi (
SMS message from George Alex ) to Richard Makdessi (
Brian Parker ) calls Rita Mallia GEORGE ALEX: But if they can't ‐ if they can't, like, tomorrow, there must be a reason why they can't, all right.
ABUZAR SULTANI: And if ‐‐ GEORGE ALEX: And they'll let you know what the reason is, they'll let Mase know what the reason is.
GEORGE ALEX: So I'm not too sure what the numbers are, 'cause we weren't there ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ as you know, so that's to do with Herman's stuff.
ABUZAR SULTANI: No worries, I'll ‐‐ GEORGE ALEX: And I don't want ‐‐ ABUZAR SULTANI: I'll find out.
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ I don't want too much of Capital.
ABUZAR SULTANI: I'll find out ‐‐ GEORGE ALEX: Yeah.
ABUZAR SULTANI: I'll let ya know. GEORGE ALEX: Well done, mate.
ABUZAR SULTANI: I'll see you later. Are you going to go home?
GEORGE ALEX: Yeah, I'm going to go home. I had ‐ oh, what else was there? I spoke to ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: She's actually really good, actually, to be honest with you Abs.
GEORGE ALEX: It came with ‐ just with one bloke but I'll talk to her when I see her. A few things have happened ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ so I'll see you (indistinct).
ABUZAR SULTANI: I spoke to (indistinct), don't worry, boss, that's ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: Yeah, so ‐‐
ABUZAR SULTANI: I'll speak to him. GEORGE ALEX: All right?
ABUZAR SULTANI: I'll see from here. I'm gonna head there, I'll come to the corner, yeah?
GEORGE ALEX: Yeah, please, all right? ABUZAR SULTANI: All right, no worries. GEORGE ALEX: Love you, buddy.
GEORGE ALEX: Bye, buddy, bye.
1 minute 13 seconds
2 minutes 32 seconds
3 minutes 41 seconds
Hi Mase. No funds from JHG. They may have recorded the account number incorrectly in their bank system even though the pay advice is correct or they and
there bank simply have not done it. We now need an urgent same day transfer. We need to make urgent payments including Capitals Cbus etc. The cbus is po
itical and EBA related. We must pay. Call Sally Cloney call Paul Cassell. Really urgent now. Thanks. Lindsay
Hi Mase. No funds from JHG. They may have recorded the account number incorrectly in their bank system even though the pay advice is correct or they and
itical and EBA related. We must pay. Call Sally Cloney call Paul Cassell. Really urgent now. Thanks. Lindsay
there bank simply have not done it. We now need an urgent same day transfer. We need to make urgent payments including Capitals Cbus etc. The cbus is po
Still bleeding for you xx I feel so grown up.
I have to b in parramatta at 2:30. Where will u be so I can get the money to u?@
33 seconds
20 seconds
3 minutes 19 seconds
There's 10k in the nab account can I take that
Who as access to the account
Mase and I
What are ya waitin for!!!!
Bring 2500 ASAP pl
RITA MALLIA: Hello, Brian.
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, Rita, how are you going?
RITA MALLIA: Two things. One, I've put in your diary an 11 appointment for you and Darren Greenfield ‐ I'll come along too ‐with the barristers on Friday afternoon. They wanted to speak to you. They probably won't know much more, but they might know some more about what's happening on Monday, but they want to touch base, so I'll put that in our diaries.
RITA MALLIA: Also, I got a call from Mario Barios. He got another call from that number, he didn't answer it, and he went and reported it to the police.
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, I know he did. He rang me and told me that too.
RITA MALLIA: So I've told him that's, that's fine and we'll discuss it further tomorrow and I just asked Leah to ring him and jot down the details, so we'll just add it to the statement he's already given.
RITA MALLIA: Alrighty.
BRIAN PARKER: No worries.
RITA MALLIA: No worries. Just wanted to let you know.
BRIAN PARKER: Okay then. No problems.
RITA MALLIA: Oh, I did tell him that you pulled those EBAs. BRIAN PARKER: Oh did ya? I wish you didn't. Don't want to lose it.
RITA MALLIA: Oh sorry. I'm sorry. He asked me about it. Well he's going, "Well, we've still got an EBA with them" and I told him. Sorry. I just said you did it yesterday. I didn't even think about it. Sorry about that.
BRIAN PARKER: That's alright.
RITA MALLIA: I should have just referred him to you.
Page 160 of 207
Thursday, 28‐August‐2014 8:29 AM
Rob Kera (
) calls Brian Parker (
BRIAN PARKER: Rob, sorry, mate, how are you going? How are you?
ROB: Good, mate, good.
BRIAN PARKER: Are you sure? You said you were fucking really crook.
ROB: I was fucked yesterday but I was better last night. No, I'm at work. I went and saw Steve this morning, you know what I told you, Steve Costigan.
BRIAN PARKER: Oh yeah, yeah. How did that go?
ROB: Yeah, good ‐ I'll speak to you when I see you ‐ but, no, it went well. I'm going back into town now. Yeah, no, I was fucking ‐ I'll be honest with you, mate, after the executive meeting yesterday, the biggest fucking migraine I've ever had in me life kicked in.
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, I know.
ROB: And I nearly ‐ (indistinct)
BRIAN PARKER: That's what I was worried about.
ROB: But; no, I was better by the afternoon, mate.
BRIAN PARKER: Alright (indistinct)
ROB: It was the most fucking seven or eight fucking ‐ oh fuck. I just dropped my cigarette out of the fucking car and I just lit the cunt up. Fucking hell. Fuck it.
BRIAN PARKER: I'll replace it when I see you.
ROB: Okay, no worries, mate.
BRIAN PARKER: (indistinct)
ROB: No, you're right. I'm going back into town now. We've got that meeting at 12 o'clock. What time are you going to be in town?
BRIAN PARKER: No, I won't be in town, I'll be at Lidcombe. I've got a meeting with all the contractors ‐ the concreting contractors at 9.00.
ROB: Yep.
BRIAN PARKER: And then I've got the meeting with you and Mario and fucking ‐‐
ROB: Yeah, fair enough. So you'll be down, what, about 11, 11.30 or something?
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, I'll be ‐‐
Thursday, 28‐August‐2014 8:29 AM
Rob Kera calls Brian Parker )
Thursday, 28‐August‐2014 8:29 AM
Rob Kera (
) calls Brian Parker (
ROB: Okay. Just so you know, what Darren told you yesterday, Darren Greenfield, about Gasparini, they're getting a bloke to sign some fucking ‐‐
ROB: Just mention that.
BRIAN PARKER: I'll be mentioning it, don't you worry, alright.
ROB: Who is in there supporting you, Sammy Manna and Den Manna?
BRIAN PARKER: Oh yeah, that's it, that's it. It's fucking lovely.
ROB: Yeah. Fucking great support, mate.
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, I know, yeah. That's life, that's it. I can handle that, that is an easy one.
ROB: I know you can. Fair enough.
BRIAN PARKER: That is an easy one. I've just got to stop meself from fucking bashing fucking the other bloke today.
ROB: Who is that?
ROB: Oh okay. Fair enough.
BRIAN PARKER: I've got to stop meself because I will. The tension is pretty fucking high and Rita is a bit worried, you know. I said, "Well, don't be worried because it will be all over in fucking‐ in five seconds." I said, "You've never seen me unleash." I said, "I've been building up this up for a fortnight," you know. I said, "The problem is if I fucking end up doing it, you know, it will and up ‐ you know, he'll end up fucking doing a stint in hospital, I'm fucking telling you, because I won't stop."
ROB: Okay. Fuck.
BRIAN PARKER: I've had enough
ROB: Okay, mate. I might fucking sit you right down one fucking room ‐ one way and the other way ‐and me and Rita in the middle. Just don't fucking (indistinct) connect with Rita (indistinct)
ROB: Okay.
BRIAN PARKER: Because I heard ‐ a few other things Rebel told me yesterday too, so fuck the ‐‐
ROB: Yeah?
BRIAN PARKER: Oh yeah, mate, I'm fucking telling you. I mean, Rebel was telling me a few things what's been going on behind the scenes here, what he's been doing. Mate, he's gone everywhere, mate, I'm telling you, he's ‐‐
ROB: I know he has, I know he has.
BRIAN PARKER: He (indistinct)
ROB: I know he has. He is with someone right now, right this minute, because I rang Scotty Andrews to talk about an issue fucking about a worker that worked on his job and he's with him right now.
BRIAN PARKER: Yeah, there you go ‐
ROB: Okay, mate. I'll be there anyway, mate.
BRIAN PARKER: Alright, mate. No worries.
ROB: Okay. See you, mate, bye.
BRIAN PARKER: See you, mate, bye, mate. Thursday, 28‐August‐2014 9:00 AM
Thursday, 28‐August‐2014 10:12 AM
Thursday, 28‐August‐2014 10:22 AM
SMS message from Hermann Fieg SMS message from George Alex SMS message from Hermann Fieg ) to George Alex (
) to Hermann Fieg (
) to George Alex (
Hi George I haven't been paid for 3 weeks will I be getting paid today
Hi mate.. Is guardian been set up bank account
Bsb Acc thanks George am owed 3 weeks 7500 I will pay my car out if that if you could do today so I can pay my morgatge . Thanks mate@
Page 162 of 207
Thursday, 28‐August‐2014 10:27 AM
Steve Spiteri (
) calls George Alex (
) GEORGE ALEX: Hey, Stevo.
STEVE SPITERI: Hey, buddy, how you doing?
GEORGE ALEX: Yeah, not bad, buddy, yourself?
STEVE SPITERI: Good, good. Did ‐‐
STEVE SPITERI: Lindsay's stuff came through.
GEORGE ALEX: Did it come through, did it? .
STEVE SPITERI: Yeah, we got the 222 from John Holland and 107 from Westfield.
GEORGE ALEX: Oh, beautiful. Fantastic. He's got it in his account, has he?
STEVE SPITERI: Yeah, he's got it.
GEORGE ALEX: Ah, you legend, buddy. Well done, mate. Well done, Stevo.
STEVE SPITERI: So what's the ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: Well done, buddy. Well done.
STEVE SPITERI: What's the plan with him?
GEORGE ALEX: I'm gonna give him a call now.
GEORGE ALEX: I'll give him a call straightaway, all right, buddy, so I can't talk anymore, right, and I'll (indistinct) there. Whereabouts are you today?
STEVE SPITERI: I'll be in the office. I'm meeting ‐‐ GEORGE ALEX: That's a (indistinct).
STEVE SPITERI: I'm meeting Lindsay at 11.30 at the office. GEORGE ALEX: Yeah. Oh, are you? Okay. How ‐ how about I get him to come ‐ okay. Well, let ‐ let me give him a
quick call.
STEVE SPITERI: Yeah. GEORGE ALEX: And ‐ and ‐‐ STEVE SPITERI: Give me ‐ give me a call back
GEORGE ALEX: All right? Thursday, 28‐August‐2014 10:27 AM
Steve Spiteri (
) calls George Alex (
) STEVE SPITERI: Beautiful.
GEORGE ALEX: Because I can't go to the office, that's all.
GEORGE ALEX: All right, buddy. STEVE SPITERI: Give me a call back.
GEORGE ALEX: All right, no worries. All right. All right, brother, bye‐bye.
STEVE SPITERI: Thanks, mate. GEORGE ALEX: Bye‐bye.
Thursday, 28‐August‐2014 10:34 AM
George Alex (
) calls Lindsay Kirschberg (
GEORGE ALEX: Sorry, Lindsay. You there, buddy?
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Your phone keeps on ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: Can you hear me better?
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: ‐‐ break ‐ break ‐ yeah, better now.
GEORGE ALEX: Yeah. So, Lindsay, what I want to do is the purpose of you going to ‐ I'll tell you why, I want to run one channel of communication when it comes to you through Abs.
GEORGE ALEX: And I need to know why was Steve ‐ is that for you to collect merit ‐ Mirvac money?
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Well, I ‐ yeah, we're ‐ we're going to get the ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: Because I've got everybody here at the moment and I can't go to the office, I can't operate from there at the moment because of the media.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Yeah, understand.
GEORGE ALEX: And I've got Tom here ‐ I've got Tom here, I've got everybody here, so I need to see if I can have you redirect yourself to come here and I've got Steve here. So ‐‐
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Well, I can't afford the time today, George. I've got other urgent stuff this afternoon. I ‐I just can't afford the time.
GEORGE ALEX: All right, okay. No, that's ‐ that's fine, if ‐ I'd rather not go to Steve and without Abs being there because ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ we're going to start to ‐ I want him to do sales. If you need him to do anything I'd rather I get to know what it is, so then I can direct Tommy or whatever I need to do.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Well, at ‐ at ‐ at ‐ at the moment it's just ‐‐
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: ‐‐ getting our head around the final ACIRT and Cbus numbers for Capital.
Thursday, 28‐August‐2014 10:34 AM
George Alex (
) calls Lindsay Kirschberg (
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Yeah, there were ‐ no, there was another wrinkle. I don't know if Alan told you but bloody John Holland Group said, "No, we won't accept the Capital invoicing, we want X amount back into Metropolis". That's ‐ you know, it's just one of these ongoing bloody issues, George, that causes us ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: It's not ‐ yeah, mmm. Okay. First of all, has John Hollands paid the 200,000, they've paid ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ at this point? Okay.
GEORGE ALEX: Has Westfields paid the money ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ across? Okay. So we're still ‐ what are we short from Westfields, at the moment?
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: I believe that they've paid all the Metropolis money.
GEORGE ALEX: They've paid all the Metropolis money, right?
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Yes, because they made ‐‐ GEORGE ALEX: Okay.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: They made no earlier payment ‐‐ GEORGE ALEX: But ‐‐
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: in the week and then they made ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: All right.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: they made two payments this week. GEORGE ALEX: Okay. So has ‐ okay. So we've received funds over there, that's good. Now, we need ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ to get Mirvac's money, is that right?
GEORGE ALEX: Okay. So for me I'm going to ‐ I'm doing that now with Tommy here.
Page 163 of 207
Thursday, 28‐August‐2014 10:34 AM
George Alex ) calls Lindsay Kirschberg (
GEORGE ALEX: They've done some numbers yesterday, they approved them. She knows exactly what we need to do, I don't know what's changed from yesterday because I've gotTommy over here at the moment and I'm seeing Tommy on ‐‐
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Well, she's ‐ if she ‐ if she did those numbers after the John Holland change, then that's fine, she probably has. 'Cause she sent ‐ she ‐ she sent an email to me with the new numbers and I'm assuming they're ‐‐
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: ‐‐ the same numbers you've got now? GEORGE ALEX: Well ‐ well, that's why I'm just going to ‐see, I don't want everyone‐ I ‐ I'm ‐ I've sort of ‐ I'm running down one channel and I've got everyone changingthings and I've got it locked in with ‐ because I had Ellen do that yesterday. LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Okay.
GEORGE ALEX: And the lady's aware of it, she's clear on it but I don't ‐ I don't ‐ what I don't want to see is ‐ is everyone going to different people. They're havin' access to ya and there's a lot of ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ talking going out there at the moment and I just ‐ I just need that really ‐ it's ‐ it's not ‐ it's not healthy for the business at the moment. We've got to have ‐ we've got to have some ‐ we've got to show it from me and you've got to show it in terms of you're running with Abs, I'm running with Steve. Does that make sense? And when I've got Steve and Alan meeting with you and Abs not there, it's not good. So I need to address any ‐‐ LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Well, that's ‐ that's ‐ that's the problem, that's ‐ that's the problem, George, you don't have a competent manager.
GEORGE ALEX: Yeah, no, I know that, I know that but ‐ okay. But at the same time I've ‐ you ‐you ‐with all the circumstances that are around us at the present moment ‐‐
Thursday, 28‐August‐2014 10:34 AM
George Alex (
) calls Lindsay Kirschberg (
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ we've just got to work in together a little bit and I'd rather ‐ as I said, I can't go to the office, that's my issue, and I can't have ‐ but I've got Abs ‐ Abs is there and we know that he's got his ‐ he knows
what he needs to do and he's doing it right. I think all the men have been paid in one sweep but I just need to ‐ to address this issue because I'm addressing it with Steve.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: What ‐ what ‐ what issue are we talking about, just the lines of communication or what ‐ what issue are we talking about?
GEORGE ALEX: Mirvac, with Mirvac.
GEORGE ALEX: With the Mirvac issue.
GEORGE ALEX: I've got Tomcat ‐ I've got Tommy Mitchell here at the present moment. LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Mmm‐hmm.
GEORGE ALEX: And we're about to make phone calls to make sure that Sparkles has released those funds.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Okay. Now, see ‐ so ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: Then I can give the ‐‐
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: All right. So, look, the ‐ the last email ‐ I got an email from Ellen, it's dated 7 o'clock last night.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: It was to me and to Steve (indistinct) and it said:
"After recalculating everything and splitting between Capital and Metropolis, after the change from John Holland group, here are the final numbers."
So that's what she sent at 7 o'clock last night, so I don't know what numbers you're operating off but I thought today we'd be sorting that out, so that's why I was going across, George, just to say, "Okay, what's" ‐‐
Thursday, 28‐August‐2014 10:34 AM
George Alex (
) calls Lindsay Kirschberg (
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: "What's the numbers, what have we got to pay?", but ‐ so I'll leave that with you until I hear back. How about I just stay out of that?
GEORGE ALEX: Perfect, if you could do that and let me first find out about where ‐ where are we with a few other things there.
GEORGE ALEX: I'm getting through to Abs now. He just had a meeting this morning, just in relation to a defamation matter for Capital ‐‐
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: How (indistinct), yeah.
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ to show that to the clients
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ which we done that. So give me about 15, 20 minutes. Canc ‐ look, I'm going to get Steve to ‐ because I need Steve to do a few other things as well, so I know Steve will ‐ I need Steve to go to Mirvac ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ and get him to press the button once I give him these receipts that I'm getting Tommy Mitchell
to organise now for me ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ based on the fact that the numbers that she was happy with yesterday.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Yeah, so we don't ‐ we don't ‐‐
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: ‐‐ want to disturb that. Yeah, quite right, quite right.
GEORGE ALEX:. No. Okay? So I ‐let me‐ and I'll ‐ I'll make sure that happens now and I don't know what Abs has
requested off you, whatever it is, if we can cater to him or I think ‐ I think you've done that already, I believe.
So I haven't spoken to Abs in terms of that but he was going to come and see me after that or he was going to come and speak to you, or whatever. So let ‐‐ LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Well, that's the ‐ that's ‐ that's the second ‐‐
Page 164 of 207
Thursday, 28‐August‐2014 10:34 AM
George Alex (
) calls Lindsay Kirschberg )
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Yeah, that's the second issue that I was going to cover this morning, is that ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: All right.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: ‐‐ is we're tidying up the last of staff who haven't been paid, head office staff ‐‐
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: ‐‐ I was tidying up some of those last bills, how there was. Ellen did a breakdown of that,
I was going to go over that breakdown with whoever ‐ Ellen and Abs, if Abs is there but obviously that's not going to happen, is it?
GEORGE ALEX: Yeah, that's right, and the ‐‐
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: I mean, this is Manny's money and, you know, those things, George.
GEORGE ALEX: Yeah, but I rather ‐ yeah, but let me ‐ especially right now we all need to sort of work in together because there are pressing issues.
GEORGE ALEX: Ellen's issues and my issues are two different things.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Yeah, I understand.
GEORGE ALEX: She might have a ‐ she might want to have her phone paid, I'd rather have my lawyers paid, where I'm ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ continuing to give documentation to my builders to keep us on site.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: No, 2 or 300 bucks doesn't make much difference ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: Oh, okay.
GEORGE ALEX: I ‐ I don't know what she was saying, what she's ‐‐
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Look, that's all it was, it was a couple of hundred bucks.
GEORGE ALEX: Yeah, okay. All right, okay. Okay. I don't ‐ I don't know what they're trying to you know, and I've got ‐ I've got ‐ there's ‐ it's more of a ‐ and, look, there ‐ there's some things that are, you know, obviously happening next week in terms of ‐‐
Thursday, 28‐August‐2014 10:34 AM
George Alex (
) calls Lindsay Kirschberg )
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ people going to ‐ you know, they're there and Hermann might be one of them. I need him very calm at the moment. He just rang me before. He is calm, I've got him calm, I just ‐ you know, so there's a few little things there that we're trying to ‐we're trying to ‐we're trying to achieve here and I ‐ I think we can do it quite easily, without putting pressure on anybody. My main thing was to make sure you get paid and we ‐ we're going to get all our money in this week, that's what I'm trying to do.
GEORGE ALEX: At the same time we're under a little bit of pressure on certain aspects of ‐ like, certain things that ‐ that might need to get paid, in terms of, like ‐ just keep the lawyers a little bit going, that's really about it, and I don't know what Abs has got lined up there but he's keeping a ‐ he's cutting back. Cutting everything, cutting cars ‐ oh, like, stopping all periodic payments that were coming out previously with Hermann, you know. So he's ‐ he's ‐ he's ‐ he's in there and he's got his ‐ he's got his list of what ‐ what's happening there. So you stay tight on your end and ‐ and at the same time also Steve. I need to keep two,
three key people happy and ‐ and that's ‐ of the business.
GEORGE ALEX: And we need to do that together. I mean, that's why I needed, I wanted to see you, to see you, if
I could, with those people but first on your own. Is there any way I can see you or I'll come to you if we need to or is it easier for me to come to Gordon? I don't know. Can you see if you can work your timetable, you
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Yeah, well, you have to leave ‐ you have to leave that with me because I've got so many things and ‐ and ‐‐
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: ‐‐ you know, that are also urgent. So let me send ‐ I'll have to send you a text if I can do something about that this afternoon, George. It's just, you know, bad timing ‐‐
Thursday, 28‐August‐2014 10:34 AM
George Alex (
) calls Lindsay Kirschberg (
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Yeah, yeah. So at the moment I thought everything was roughly under control, we were
just going to tidy up some of the smaller things today and sort out the ACIRT so that we get paid, but if you've got that under control, that's fine, I won't ‐ I ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: I'm gonna ‐ I've got ‐ let ‐ let ‐ I'm sort of ‐ because I've got Tommy, I've got everyone here at the moment ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ and I'm sending him out on ‐ on ‐ to get what we need done.
GEORGE ALEX: So my priority is for us to use the union's money that are holding ‐ the union holding the money on behalf of the Metropolis employees ‐‐
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ to release to Cbus, ACIRT, so then Mirvac can release the funding as well.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: That ‐ that's correct. GEORGE ALEX: Okay.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: The second ‐ the second ‐‐ GEORGE ALEX: Mmm.
LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: The second issue, George, on the ACIRT stuff is, I don't know ‐ you j ust told me how urgent this is. Capital; ACIRT and Cbus needs to be paid so you get your EBA and also we don't get held up by payment from John Holland Group coming up first week in September.
GEORGE ALEX: True ‐ but ‐ oh, for me, like, I need ‐‐ LINDSAY KIRSCHBERG: Yeah.
GEORGE ALEX: ‐‐ certain things done from our lawyers.
GEORGE ALEX: From our lawyers so they will ‐ they're ‐ our clients can stay with us and ‐‐
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