Airborne Systems - Todd Cosgrove - Mission
Airborne Systems - Todd Cosgrove - Mission
Mission Survival Next Generation – SAR/CSAR Equipment Todd T. Cosgrove Airborne Systems Canada Ltd. Customer Business Manager Tel:1-613-967-8069 Email: Airborne Systems Group Airborne Systems’ Mission is to design, develop, manufacture and supply unique Air Delivery Systems, Products and Services for Aerospace and Military Customers worldwide. Para-Flite Irvin Aerospace Inc. Irvin Aerospace Canada Ltd. Airborne Systems Group Irvin-GQ Airborne Systems employs over 950 people and has an annual revenue of $150 million Airborne Systems Locations Airborne Systems Canada Ltd. Belleville, Canada Airborne Systems North America Santa Ana, California Airborne Systems R&D Test Support Facilities Yuma, AZ Eloy, AZ Airborne Systems Europe Limited Bridgend, Wales Airborne Systems North America Pennsauken, NJ Airborne Systems Headquarters Pennsauken, NJ Airborne Systems Canada Ltd. Airborne Systems Canada Ltd. was established at Fort Erie in 1925 • Relocated to Belleville in 2001- adjacent to CFB Trenton • ISO 9001 : 2000 certified ASCL is the AS Group’s • Controlled Goods Registered Center of Excellence for • Cleared NATO Secret LSE/SAR Systems and Products • Plant Size 38,700 sq. ft. Canadian Forces Base – Trenton, ON Headquarter for Canadian Search and Rescue Aerial Rescue Kit (ARK) was presented at HOC 2009 – HOC 2010 Presents the GPS Guided ARKFly ARK can be hand-launched from the ramp or side door of Transport aircraft as a single kit or up to four linked kits. The ARK system can be deployed within a range of altitudes and speeds and the System is currently in service with the Canadian Forces on the C-130 Hercules. ARK to GPS Guided ARKFly ARKFLY Concept of Operation 1: Dispatch Phase Dropped from the aircraft up to 25,000 ft MSL 2: Flight Phase Navigating from altitude to the target “set up” release point. 3: Target Phase First raft separates and is deployed upwind and perpendicular to the target. (250 ft of buoyant line connected) 4: Landing Phase Second raft and sea anchor deployed, AGU disconnected. Survivor Path SAR Mission Profile* C-130E/H C-130J ARKFly C-130E/H 3.5 Hrs out C-130J 4 Hrs out * Endurance Hours do not include Loiter, 406 ELT require min. time on station. GPS Guided ARK Loads up to 500 lbs. of Rescue Equipment/ Inflatable Raft for 1-10 people. Deployable day time and at dusk up to Sea State 6 with +/- 75 m accuracy for single ARK with Survival Equipment and 10 person Raft, or up to four Kits for (mass) evacuation with 40 person Capacity per drop CSAR Mission Profile ARKFly C-130E/H Performance Max Ope Km/ H Comparison C-130E/H 3.5 Hrs out Spead Ea Way Range 0 2000 C-130E/H 4000 6000 C-130J Altitude ARKFly Max and Operational Feet 30000 C-130J 25000 Glide Distance C-130J 4 Hrs out C-130E/H 20000 15000 10000 C-130J 5000 0 C-130J C-130E/H Km 0.0 10.0 20.0 30. Airborne Systems RAM-Air Parafoil and GPS Guided Delivery Systems GPADS Overview Guided Precision Aerial Delivery Systems* SAR/CSAR Missions Transport Aircraft Cargo Delivery Missions Fighters/ MPA Aircraft 2K FireFly ARKFly SARFly Completed Currently in Development Development at Testing 2009 at Airborne Canada Airborne Canada In Service with US Army: Airborne NJ Contracts 10K DragonFly In Service with US Army: Airborne NJ Contracts * GPADS is Airborne’s product name for the US Military JPADS Program 30K+ MegaFly Currently in US Army Funded Development with Airborne NJ ARKFly System Components ARKFly In Autonomous Flight Delivery Unit before release Airborne Guidance Unit (AGU) Common User Interface Across all RAM-Air Parafoil load classes ARK Payload: Aerial Rescue Kit Remote Control Unit Remote Control Unit with Thumb Switches for Manual Control ARKFly Data • ARKFly is a derivative system of MicroFly, specially optimized for the SAR/CSAR Missions • Delivers ARK Payloads from 200 lbs (90 kg) to 500 lbs (225 kg) • Deployable up to 25,000 ft. MSL with 25 Km Glide-in Range • Same Remote Control Unit and User Interface - compatible with the USAF Common Mission Planner for SARFly, MicroFly, FireFly, DragonFly and MegaFly ARKFly System Deployed Retained Drogue Canopy Slider Airborne Guidance Unit (AGU) ARK Payload Airborne Systems ARKFly and SARFly Delivery Systems Functionality Airborne Systems Mission Planner • Calculates area of potential release points given wind conditions. • Displayed area of recommended release point allows for easier mission planning. • Shows potential failure area. • Linked to Google Earth Map for import and export of target areas. • Optionally linked to AGU. Guidance, Navigation and Control • To place the System into operation, the user inputs the location of the Impact Point (IP). • No wind data to be uploaded into the System. • Upon Opening, the Airborne Guidance Unit (AGU) determines its location and calculates the necessary actions to fly to the target. • During flight, the System updates its location in three dimensions at a frequency of four times per second. • Calculations are continually made and approach patterns are adjusted until the System lands on the target. Stand-off Deployment/ Autonomous Flight/Landing Accuracy • The user can designate an approach azimuth for the System. • The System will force the landing on the azimuth and compensate for the ground winds on approach. • The System when released at 25,000 ft. (7,620m) will have a stand-off range of 25 Km. • The landing accuracy will be +/- 75m of the input landing coordinates, as in this Sample of 2k FireFly Test Data. Airborne Systems Operators - also deploying Fighter aircraft and MPAs for the SAR/CSAR Mission can use the SARFly Companion to the ARKFly delivering a single Payload and using the same Mission System Evolution from SKAD to SAR Fly SAR Fly can be delivered from Wing Pylons or from an internal Weapons Bay Unguided SKAD (Hard Shell Container) • Maximum deployment altitude is 500 ft. MLS • No Stand-off range • The payload is delivered by Round Parachute • Accuracy dependent on wind speed and the SKAD release point • Carriage speed 350 KIAS • Deployment speed 130 - 300 KIAS • Separate Heavy Internal (MPA), and Light External deployed Fighter/Transport Aircraft SAR Fly GPS Guided Delivery System • Deployment altitude is up to 25,000 ft. with • 25 km Stand-off range • The payload is delivered by RAM-Air Para foil • Accuracy +/-75 m from pre-selected Impact Point – selected landing coordinates • Carriage speed 350 KIAS • Deployment speed 130 - 300 KIAS • One common version interchangeable for Internal and/or External deployment LSE/SAR Equipment - Overview 36” x 20” 88 lbs ARK: Air Rescue Kit - Single or Bundled Hand Deployed from Ramp or Doorway of Cargo Aircraft (DND Development 2006) Applicable to all Transport Aircraft, standard Equipment for the SAR Mission 96” x 18” 200 lbs. 96” x 22” 700 lbs. SKAD Light Weight: Unguided Survival Kit Deployed from Wing Hard Point of Fighters SKAD Heavy Weight: Unguided carried Internally released through Weapon’s Port Applicable to all Fighter Aircraft, standard Equipment for the SAR/ CSAR Missions 120” 60” 500 lbs. ARK-MicroFly - GPS Guided Delivery System Deployed from Ramp with single or multiple ARKs– Next Generation alternative to the unguided Heavy Weight SKAD. Applicable to Transport Aircraft and Large Helicopters - standard Equipment for the SAR Mission 96” x 18” 200+ lbs. SARFly - GPS Guided Delivery System deployed either Internally from the Bomb Bay or Externally From the Wing Hard Points – Next Generation alternative the unguided Light Weight SKAD. Applicable to all MPAs and Fighter Aircraft, - next generation standard for the SAR /CSAR Missions Is there Anything more Important than Survival ? QUESTIONS?