Ministries Directory 2014 - 2015
Ministries Directory 2014 - 2015
G ermantown P resby terian C hurch Ministries Directory 2014 - 2015 CONTENTS Services...................................................3 Stay Connected.......................................3 Welcome.................................................4 Adult Education...................................5-7 Wednesday Nights..................................7 Presbyterian Women...........................8-9 Fellowship Groups.............................9-10 Youth Ministry..................................10-11 WORSHIP SERVICE BASICS On Sunday mornings Germantown Presbyterian Church offers two times for worship: 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM. These services essentially are mirror images of each other, but the later service is slightly longer and includes the Chancel Choir. Special music including ensembles, solos, and duets are a regular and inspirational part of all our worship services. Also, GPC handbell choirs and children’s choir lead worship several times throughout the year. Guest artists from Opera Memphis and instrumentalists from around the city also enliven worship on a regular basis. Holy Communion is served, most months, on the first Sunday of the month at both worship services. Sundays at 10:30 AM there is a family fellowship time with refreshments in the Activity Center. Childcare is available for both Sunday morning worship times and during the Sunday school hour at 9:30 AM. Children’s Ministry................................12 STAY CONNECTED! Missions........................................... 13-15 There are many ways to stay informed about activities at Germantown Presbyterian Church: Worship............................................16-17 • Join our e-mailing list for weekly e-mail updates and monthly newsletters. E-mail Communications Director Hannah Keathley at to be put on the list. • Check out our website for events at • Like us on Facebook- go to • Follow us on Twitter- our handle is @germantownpres. Music Ministry.................................18-19 Congregational Life..............................20 Congregational Care.........................21-23 2 3 WELCOME! Germantown Presbyterian Church worships through scripture, prayer, music, and fellowship. Christian education is vital to children, youth, and adults of all ages. Church groups, small and large, build faith and relationships in the congregation. Through ministry outreach, God’s work is done in Germantown, Memphis, and around the world. Opportunities are provided to translate faith into action, from the governing Session and Diaconate to church committees and programs that offer volunteer and learning opportunities for every member of the congregation. A Note From the Pastor As Jesus called His followers to Him, He invited them to a new way of thinking and living. By teaching and example, He showed them how to live as God intends so that they could enjoy abundant life. He summed up His ministry by saying, “I have come that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” Our purpose at GPC is to open up avenues of learning and service so that all who worship here can grow into this abundant life that Jesus offers. The membership and staff of GPC have been working hard over the last several months to build up our offerings in many areas for all participants in our church. This booklet highlights the many groups for worship, service, learning, fellowship, and more. There is a place for you to get involved in meaningful activity that will cause you to grow closer to God through the work of these groups. If you have musical skills and can use them in worship, there is a place for you. If you want to learn more about theology, there is a class for you. If you want to work with children or youth, there is an opportunity available. If you have a gift for prayer, there is a prayer group you can join. There are so many possibilities for people of all ages, spiritual gifts, and faith levels to find abundant life through this church. Our church is growing in many ways, and we are being built by Christ into a fellowship of believers who love and care for one another through all seasons of life. I often hear people say after a crisis, “I don’t know how I would have gotten through this without my church family.” We need each other as we move through all of the blessings and burdens we experience in this life. Christ has called us to be part of this family of faith, and through this booklet, you are invited into a deeper relationship with God and with others through ministry at GPC. I look forward to growing with you over the course of the next year. May God be with you and those whom you love. A Word from our Associate Pastor on Adult Education Spiritual formation and discipleship are such important aspects of our walks as Christians. Without stretching and learning, our faith can easily turn stale—or even boring. The Book of Hebrews offers some powerful words here: “Indeed, the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing until it divides soul from spirit, joints from marrow; it is able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” (Heb. 4:12) Our hope is that you would all be eager to enter into this process of spiritual formation and discipleship, even when it challenges you. There are so many opportunities for spiritual growth, both in our individual practices and in group settings like Sunday morning classes, weekly small groups, or our Wednesday night program. I pray that the Spirit would stir and guide you in your growth in grace. The following is just an introduction to our program. For more details please contact Tom Wilson, Adult Education Chair, at ( or Associate Pastor Jay Howell at jayh@ In Christ, Jay Howell @JayFHowell Will Jones @WillGrayJones 4 5 ADULT EDUCATION Adult Sunday Classes Sundays, 9:30 - 10:30 AM The “bread and butter” of our Adult Education ministry is our Adult Sunday Classes. From 9:30 - 10:30 AM every Sunday, you can choose from a number of different offerings that were put together with your discipleship growth in mind. The classes are regularly changing, so there is always a good time to get plugged in. At any given time, groups may be focusing on topics in the Bible, Christian Foundations, Missions/Evangelism, Theology, Christian Living, and Spiritual Formation. Check our website or contact Pastor Jay (jayh@ to learn more. GROW Small Groups at GPC There’s something powerful about simply opening up God’s Word and exploring a passage with a small group of people. Nothing fancy, but growing in faith, knowledge, and fellowship should be a pillar of a healthy Christian faith. GROW Small Groups are dedicated to this calling. These groups, ranging in number from as intimate as 4-6 people to as large as 30 people, meet at various times and locations throughout the week. They study and discuss in depth a Scripture passage, often from the previous Sunday’s sermon. They also focus on intentional prayer and fellowship. If you’re interested in joining (or forming) a small group, please contact Pastor Jay at or 901754-5195, or come to one of our groups! Young Adults Bible Study Sundays, 9:45 – 10:30 AM, Mellor Library The Young Adults Sunday group meets Sundays at 9:45 AM in the church library. Young adults and college students are invited to attend. Together, we explore God’s Word through discussion and build relationships with one another. Contact Myles Beaupre ( or Lauren Beaupre (lauren.beaupre@ for more information about joining this class. 6 SONrise MENistry (Men’s Breakfast) Fridays, 6:30 – 7:30 AM, Warren Hall Start your Fridays off right with a great breakfast and Bible study! The men of the church cook and lead this weekly Bible study. Contact Jim Boyd (901-756-7359 or or John Colmer (901-7556961 or for more information. Eat, Read, Pray GPC’s book study group, Eat, Read, Pray, meets the second Monday of each month from 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM in the parlor. Women who like to read and discuss books that lead to a greater understanding of our Christian faith are encouraged to come and be part of this lively and supportive group. Participants take turns leading the monthly time of discussion, prayer, food, and fellowship. Each person is responsible for purchasing her own book and reading it before the day of discussion. For more information, contact Stephanie Wall at 901-754-6869 or WEDNESDAY NIGHTSTHE COMPASS Luke 13:29 - People will come from east and west and north and south, and will take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God. Wednesdays (during the school year) 5:45 - 7:00 PM Wednesdays are a great time midweek to share in fellowship and dive into the word with your church community! Join us for dinner in the Activity Center 5:45 – 6:15 PM. Dinner will be an open table, buffet style meal. Dinner prices will be $6 for each adult and $4 for each child (infants-5th grade). Please RSVP for dinner with the church office. You can make a reservation for the entire semester, or by week. Dinner punch cards will be available to purchase for individuals or families. At 6:15 PM education offerings for all ages will begin. Children will meet in the lower level of the church, youth will meet in the Youth Loft and adults will meet in the sanctuary for a bible study led by Pastor Jay Howell. 7 PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN Presbyterian Women (PW) is an independent organization of more than 300,000 women within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). The programming and resource options for the organization offer a variety of ways for women to work for justice and peace, and to live out their faith in an inclusive, caring community among other women, strengthening the Presbyterian Church and witnessing to the promise of God’s kingdom. We are service-oriented, assisting with both local and global missions. (A sampling of missions we’re involved in is included below.) We utilize Bible study as the common thread of our efforts and offer opportunities for fellowship and leadership. Please consider joining our group! The small groups, called Circles, meet the first Tuesday of every month, and everyone meets together, as their schedules permit, every third Tuesday. Gathering times accommodate just about every schedule, and you are invited! Please consider serving and enhancing your faith through our sisterhood ministry! Anyone who is interested or has any questions, please contact Catherine King at 901-755-2534 or Martha’s Manor Threads of Love All are invited to join this group that meets once a month to make articles needed to help others. We need workers to sew or cut or stuff or iron, etc. You do not have to have any previous experience. We are a fellowship group that makes pillows for surgery patients, bags to attach to walkers, dresses for African girls, hats for chemo patients, and anything else that can be of help to others. We meet on the second Tuesday of each month from 9:30 AM until noon in the sewing room in the basement of the chapel on the northwest side of the building. We don’t meet during the summer and start back on Tuesday, September 9, 2014. We hope you will join us! If you have questions or would like more information, please contact Susie Lyle at 901-754-1811 or FELLOWSHIP GROUPS Fellowship groups are an important way to build up friendships within our congregation. Groups vary in age and meeting times. These groups meet on the first Friday of each month: A day activity center for mentally challenged women, Martha’s Manor provides rewarding volunteer opportunities for members of our congregation. Volunteering includes working with the ladies from 10 AM to noon on the first and third Tuesdays of the month on craft projects and hand stitching skills. Every Thursday volunteers meet from 10 AM to 11 AM to exercise, play games, read, write, and sing with the ladies. Also every Tuesday and Thursday there are opportunities to drive the ladies to Curves at Quince and Kirby roads for exercise. Martha’s Manor is a ministry that will bring you joy and will be of great service to these wonderful women. For additional information please contact Bonnie Algee at 901-761-6190 or 8 • Young Adults FG (people in their 20’s and 30’s); Convener: Courtney Wall ( • Young Families FG (people in their 30’s and 40’s); Convener: Amber Phelan ( • Parents’ Night Out FG (people in their 40’s and 50’s); Convener: Susan Jones ( • Hits of the 50’s and 60’s FG (people in their 50’s and 60’s); Conveners: Helen Norman ( and Melinda Russell ( 9 FELLOWSHIP GROUPS The Cornerstones The Cornerstones fellowship group is a meeting of friends through GPC and works as an extended family for the members. This fellowship group meets once each month for dinner and games, sometimes at homes or neighborhood club houses. No matter what the occasion is, the theme is fun, and there is always great fellowship with Christian friends. Please contact Ann and Roscoe Phillips at 901-756-6670 or jroscoep2013@ with questions or for more information. The Keystones The Keystones fellowship group is a meeting of Germantown Presbyterian Church friends which provides the group members with a chance to bond on a less formal basis in individual homes and other locations once a month. The group meets one Saturday a month, usually the third, with the intention of developing and growing deep Christian friendships. New members are welcome. Please contact Evelyn Mosley at 901-754-4929 or with questions or for more information. YOUTH MINISTRY GPC Live Theater GPC Live Theater Group is a fellowship group that attends a live theater production each month from September to May. Specific plays and productions are usually picked by the group as a whole at the first gathering. We’d love to see you join the group and come along to create new friendships and enjoy live theater performances. Contact Sally Ostheimer at with questions or for more information. Young at Heart Young at Heart is a fellowship group interested in daytime activities geared toward those mature in age but not limited to any particular age group. We meet on the fourth Friday of each month (September to May) at 11:30 AM at the church in Warren Hall. This year our meetings consist of catered lunches with a program. In addition, we go out to lunch as a group at 11:30 AM on the second Friday of each month. No reservations are needed; carpooling can be arranged by arriving at the church at 11:00 AM. As the year’s programming has not been finalized, specifics detailing future plans will be announced from the pulpit, published online, in the church bulletins and newsletters, and communicated through all the other church publications. Be sure to keep your eyes open for announcements of upcoming events. For more information about Young at Heart, please contact Tom Sauer (901-754-5195 or 10 And Jesus said “The Kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground. He sleeps and rises night and day, and the seed sprouts and grows; he knows not how.” (Mark 4:26-27) GPC Youth Ministry exists to open a welcoming and safe environment for middle school and high school aged youth to engage their faith in Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit, creating a deep, grounded relationship with God the Father. Through the teachings of the Bible we provide opportunities to instill confidence in faith, cultivate a desire to serve, and encourage active participation in Christian community. We meet on Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings, and Wednesday nights from September to April for Bible study, fellowship, games, and worship. We also participate in mission projects and retreats (from overnights to week-long conferences) throughout the year. If you would like more information or would like to sign up for our weekly e-mail updates, please contact Director of Youth Ministries Adam Peterson (901-754-5195 or or chair Bob Pitts (901-737-2179 or You can find more information on our web page at 11 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6) Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14) The GPC Children’s Ministry Team exists to provide a safe and loving environment for all children to know God as their Father and Creator. Through a developmentally appropriate environment with biblically based curriculum we partner with families to nurture children’s faith and to lay the foundation for a lifelong journey as a disciple of Christ. We seek to nurture relationships for each child with his or her peers, leaders and church family. We provide Sunday School classes that meet Sunday mornings at 9:30 AM year-round for children age three years through fifth grade in the preschool buildings at the south end of the church and in the elementary classrooms beneath the sanctuary. Our Wednesday Night program meets September through April and is a fun time of worship, fellowship, and activities. If you would like more information about how to get involved, please contact Director of Children’s Ministries Kelle Wesson at 901-754-5195 (ext 109) or Special Needs Ministry GPC is in the process of establishing a special needs ministry. If you are a family touched by special needs, we want to hear from you! Allow us to get to know you and your child, and together we can work to develop a program that is right for you. It is our desire to partner with parents so all children can know God’s love and feel at home in His church. We presently offer a shadow program, with plans to expand our offerings as the ministry grows. For more information, please contact Mary K. Grantham at 901-751-4202 or 12 MISSIONS Mission Leadership Team The Mission Leadership Team (MLT) is a committee of the Session open to all members of the congregation. The purpose of the MLT is to help GPC develop a clear, robust theological and scriptural understanding both of the need for mission and its implementation. The MLT has several important goals: to establish GPC as an action-oriented missional church; to provide long-term, relationship-based mission opportunities for the GPC congregation; to work with other committees and groups to provide proactive/hands-on involvement; and to provide clear global missions direction, seeking to establish longstanding international partnerships. We try to focus on “hand-up” efforts as opposed to “hand-out” efforts in order to break the cycles of dependence. We are always praying for God’s guidance in new opportunities to go with our established efforts. In particular, given our church’s passion for teaching and education, we are exploring what it would mean to focus on education-related missions and ministries as a church. The MLT meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM, and you are always invited! For information, contact Jay Howell in the church office at 901-754-5195 or jayh@germantownpres. org or Merrill Wise at 901-896-4396 or The following is a sampling of just some of the wonderful missionary partners of GPC. LOCAL MISSIONS Binghampton Christian Academy Binghampton Christian Academy is a Pre-K through eighth grade Christian school in the Binghampton area of Memphis serving students who need love and hope. As stated on their website (, the school’s goal is “to give each child the opportunity to appreciate who he or she is in Christ Jesus, to succeed academically, and to live a meaningful life.” Germantown Presbyterian Church has joined BCA students for dinner, homework, and games and has purchased and installed a playground for the school. To learn more, contact Helen Norman ( 13 Habitat for Humanity Twice per year (spring and fall), Germantown Presbyterian joins several other corporations and congregations to sponsor a Habitat for Humanity home. During the builds, you can sign up for a day, a partial day, or multiple days. Lunch and tools are provided. Volunteers of all skill levels are needed, but for safety reasons, all volunteers must be at least sixteen years of age to participate. If interested, please contact George McGaha (901-757-4108, gamcgaha@ or Austin Simmons (901-754-4095, austinsuga66@gmail. com). Lifeblood Lifeblood is the Memphis region’s only non-profit volunteer blood center. Every year Lifeblood supplies more than 100,000 units of blood and blood products for local patient transfusion. GPC hosts several blood drives throughout the year in our Activity Center. For more information, please contact Phil Carroll (901-361-8252 or Memphis Athletic Ministries Memphis Athletic Ministries (MAM) is a network of gyms and after-school programs for children and youth in the city of Memphis, combining sports, homework help, and Bible studies. GPC partners with MAM’s gym at Olivet Fellowship Baptist Church on Knight Arnold Rd. We help with homework and get to know the kids on Monday and Tuesday afternoons. For more info, contact Pastor Jay (, 901-754-5195). Team Read GLOBAL MISSIONS Xpujil, Mexico For the past two years, GPC has been partnering with a Presbyterian missionary in Xpujil, a small community in the Yucatan peninsula of Mexico. Every year, we join teams from other Presbyterian churches in the Mid-South in partnering with this ministry in Mexico, joining members of the community to build clean water cisterns. Independent Presbyterian Church of Brazil, Caico GPC’s partnership with this church in Caico, Brazil, began in 2000 as part of the Sertao Project. The Sertao region of Northeast Brazil is semi-arid, characterized by severe droughts, causing not only material poverty from lack of food and water, but emotional and spiritual poverty as well. The Sertao Project was established to develop self-supporting church communities throughout the region and to seek and train local individuals for leadership. Now, after fourteen years, GPC continues to partner with our brothers and sisters in Christ in Caico as the church grows under the leadership of Rev. Alberto and Erica Soares. Team Read is a partnership program between schools and churches, focusing on improving vocabulary and reading skills for second graders. GPC is partnering with Oak Forest Elementary, just a few minutes south of the church. With an hour once a week, you can make a huge difference in the lives of two students, setting them up for success academically and, more importantly, sharing the love of Christ with them. For more info, please contact Beth Willingham ( We serve and are served through vibrant worship services, children’s and youth ministry, men’s ministry, and active outreach and evangelism. 14 15 For more information about global and/or local missions, please contact Jay Howell (901-754-5195 or or Merrill Wise (901-896-4396 or WORSHIP Worship Committee The Worship Committee plans and organizes all aspects of our worship services. This is the place to be if you would like to help greet, usher, read the liturgy, set up for Communion prior to worship, clear Communion things from the sanctuary after the service, or help with the flower committee. We also assist members as parking attendants and funeral hostesses. We would love to include you in any of these activities. Please contact Elaine Cates (901-754-6598 or Greeters Germantown Presbyterian Church is known for its warm and friendly greeting every Sunday morning to members and visitors alike. We want everyone who comes to GPC to feel that they are very welcome. Stationed at the entrances of the sanctuary prior to both services, greeters give the first impression. All it takes is a smile and a “Good Morning.” This is a great opportunity for you to greet people you know and meet people you don’t. Volunteers are vital in welcoming others into the house of the Lord. If you’re interested, there are two different opportunities to serve in this way. GPC Flower Committee This group of dedicated individuals is responsible for arranging the flowers on the chancel for each Sunday worship service. After the service, members break down the flowers into small vases which are stored in the flower room cooler. These flowers are then available to be taken by church members and staff to the homebound, and/or those in need (Petals and Prayers ministry). The Flower Committee also decorates the sanctuary, chapel, and other areas of the church for Advent/ Christmas. The committee is occasionally asked to arrange flowers for memorial services and receptions as well. Training will be provided to those interested in joining the flower committee; however, some experience with flowers is helpful. New members are always welcome. Please contact Barbara Armstrong at 901-754-9319 or with any questions or if you are interested in joining. 8:30 AM service: 3 people arrive at 8:10 and greet until the start of the service. When possible, people agree to serve a month at a time. The contact person for this service is Aggie Losa (901-754-4013 or 11:00 AM service: 2 people arrive about 10:30 and greet until the start of the service. About every four months you’ll be asked to greet for about 30 minutes. That’s three times a year. The contact person for this service is Mary Ann Harding (901-754-4820 or 16 17 MUSIC MINISTRY Music at GPC occupies a very special place in the life of the church. For years quality music in worship, and worship at GPC have been synonymous. Throughout the church year talented members of the congregation as well as the finest musicians from our community lead our services of worship. For additional information contact Director of Music Jerold Teachey at or Carolyn Mason, Organist/Handbell Director at carolynm@germantownpres. org. Chancel Choir The GPC Chancel Choir sings regularly at the 11:00 AM worship service and is comprised of 40-50 singers who are dedicated in sharing their talents to lead the congregation in worship through music. On Easter Sunday, during Advent and for other special music presentations, the choir sings at both the 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM worship services accompanied by instrumental ensembles. Traditional anthems as well as standard cantata and oratorio repertory are presented for worship. Rehearsals are held at 10:20 AM each Sunday morning and Wednesday evenings, 7:159:00 PM in the Choir Suite. For additional information about the Chancel Choir, contact Jerold Teachey at 901-754-5195 or jeroldt@ Children’s Choir Children’s choirs are part of the Kids Ring and Sing music program designed for children from 4 years old through 5th grade. The choirs are divided into two age groups and meet 4:00-5:00 PM each Sunday afternoon of the school year. The Cherub Choir (4 years old- 1st grade) meets with Karen Schowalter Cooper; 2nd-5th grade children meet with Sandra Franks. The children will be exposed to traditional and current church music and a variety of musical instruments. These choirs present the skills they learn during the year in worship services several times throughout the year. For additional information about children’s choirs, contact Sandra Franks at 901-212-4540 or 18 Handbells GPC handbell choirs are designed for all levels of abilities and ages. The goal of the handbell program is to glorify God with the gifts and talents He has given and to use those gifts as an offering for worship. All skill levels are welcome. Please see the descriptions of each choir below. Carolyn Mason is the director of each group. Adult Ringers - For those who read music easily and have some ringing experience. This group plays in worship 3-5 times during the school year and rehearses on Sunday evenings 6:00-7:30 PM. Intermediate skill level. Liberty Ringers - For those youth, 6th – 12th grade who have some music reading and ringing experience. This is a 4-week class that meets on Wednesday evenings 5:00-5:45 PM, October 15, 22, 29, and November 5, and again January 28, February 4, 11, and 25. Please contact Carolyn to register for each 4-week class. Beginning to intermediate skill level. Jr. Liberty Ringers - For those children, 3rd – 5th grade who wish to learn the art of handbell ringing. We create a lot of different sounds with handbells and have a lot of fun exploring different techniques. The children learn to not only ring handbells, but to read music as well. This is part of the Kids Ring and Sing music program that meets on Sunday evenings beginning September 7. This group plays in worship 2-3 times during the school year. Beginning skill level. A class for adults who want to learn to ring handbells will be offered on Wednesday evenings for 4 weeks in September and 4 weeks in the spring. There is no expectation of a long-term commitment. The ability to read music is not necessary. All rehearsals take place on the second floor of the church in UL 217. For additional information about any handbell choir, contact Carolyn Mason at 901-754-5195 or 19 CONGREGATIONAL LIFE Congregational Life Committee The Congregational Life Committee seeks to draw GPC members closer together in Christian community by organizing special events, the annual church-wide retreat to NaCoMe, and miscellaneous recreation programming throughout the year. Recent events planned by the committee include GPC at the Redbirds nights, congregational potluck suppers, congregational breakfasts, Christmas caroling and chili suppers, Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, and Easter egg hunts. The committee meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM in UL212. All GPC members are invited to join Deacons at committee meetings and to help with events. For more information, please contact Bill Burnett at 901-251-6839 or CONGREGATIONAL CARE GPC Stephen Ministers Stephen Ministry has been part of the care provided to those in crisis for over twenty years. But much may not be known about what a Stephen Minister really does. Just simply call Stephen Ministers the “after” people—after a traumatic event occurs. Perhaps it is the death of a loved one, a serious illness, a divorce, when the pink slip arrives, or other crises. That’s when the Stephen Ministers step in. They are someone of the same gender who will walk beside you during a time of need and will be there to provide comfort and support for as long after as needed. If you or someone you know may desire confidential support from a Stephen Minister for any type of after, please feel free to contact GPC’s pastors at 901-754-5195, and they will arrange for a Stephen Minister to be assigned. Card Making with Stephen Ministry The Dr. Ernest Mellor Library The library is located off the south end of the Welcome Center, and is open daily during regular church hours. There is a varied collection of materials for reference, teaching classes, personal studies, or leisure reading. There is also a large children’s collection of new and classic books. The easy check-out procedure is posted on top of the card catalog cabinet, and books may be kept for a period of three weeks. Selections from the staff and new books reviewed in the Vine are available in the library. For more information, you can e-mail us at, or give Nicki Lamar a call at 901-755-3831. You are encouraged to come see us soon. 20 E-mail, Twitter, and Facebook are all great for staying in touch, but the old fashioned card or letter still says something extra special to those who need to know that they are in our thoughts and prayers. Stephen Ministers are trained to stay in contact with their care recipient – preferably through a personal visit, but if that is not possible, through a phone call or card. Germantown Presbyterian Church Stephen Ministry is now sponsoring a Card Ministry that meets once a month to create handmade cards that can be sent out by anyone who would like to keep in touch with members of our church and community for any occasion: birthdays, get well, sympathy, congratulations, or just thinking of you! Meeting dates and times will be determined by those who express an interest in this ministry. We also accept all donations of card-making supplies, including but not limited to: card stock, glue, stickers, rubber stamps, ink pads, colored pencils, scissors, watercolor paint, paint brushes, and A2 sized envelopes. Please contact Karen Cooper at 901-292-1710 or with any questions or to get involved. 21 CONGREGATIONAL CARE Home Visitation If you or someone you know is unable to attend church services, we have volunteers who would love to visit you! Once a month a volunteer will come and bring you all the news from church. We can also arrange for a pastor to bring Communion. Volunteers are always needed. Anyone who would like to volunteer for this wonderful ministry is invited to contact June McClellan (901-881-1607 or or Linda Oakes (901-853-7880 or Grief Support Ministry As members of the body of Christ, we are told to “bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Gal. 6:2) and to “rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep” (Rom. 14:15). The Grief Support Group is an outreach ministry to those in the Germantown Presbyterian Church community who have lost a loved one through death. This is not professional counseling or group therapy; rather, it is a gathering of those in the family of faith who are going through the grief and bereavement journey, to gain comfort, encouragement and support. Grieving is the normal expression of sorrow associated with the loss of a loved one, and no one has to walk through this journey alone. Participants meet once a week for a 6 week period (schedule may vary) with group facilitators in a confidential setting to discuss aspects of the grief process, to gain new insights into grieving, and to become equipped with skills for navigating this journey. Contacts: Beth Brock ( or 901-3550262), Linda Oakes ( or 901-2376566), and Stephanie Wall ( or 901-7546869) 22 Prayer Ministry GPC has a wonderful Prayer Ministry offering caring support for members of our church at all times. If you would like to participate in any aspect of the Prayer Ministry or for more information on contacts for the specific prayer opportunities, please contact Linda Allwood (901-854-2194 or The Prayer Ministry includes: 1. E-mail Prayer Chain: distributed as needed with new prayer requests and updates to existing ones. Contact Margaret Owens at to be added to the prayer chain. 2. Emergency Phone Prayer Chain: calls made for specific and immediate emergency prayers. 3. Small Prayer Groups: groups within the congregation formed for various reasons. 4. Congregational Prayer: each member/family is prayed for once per year. 5. Congregational Prayer List: updated weekly and includes members, families, and friends of members as well as ministries of the church. 6. Prayer Card Prayer Team: dedicated to pray specifically every week for requests on prayer cards from the church pews. 7. Petals and Prayers: developed by the Flower Committee; floral arrangements created weekly from the sanctuary arrangement and delivered by staff/members of the congregation to the ill or homebound. 8. An ecumenical World Day of Prayer service was hosted by GPC on March 7, 2014. A World Day of Prayer service will be held again on March 6, 2015. We are all blessed to be part of this wonderful, prayerful congregation. God listens and answers all of our prayers, sometimes even providing miracles. 23 LEADERSHIP TEAM CHAIRS Elders Membership Carolee Carlin Mission Merrill Wise Education Tom Wilson (adult) Bob Pitts (youth) September Eason (children) Stewardship John Colmer Worship Elaine Cates Deacons Congregational Care Linda Allwood June McClellan Congregational Life Bill Burnett Marjorie Reynolds Buildings and Grounds Leah Lumm Mike Phelan G ermantown P resbyterian C hurch 2363 Germantown Road South Germantown, Tennessee 38138