The Clermont Summer 2010 - Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School


The Clermont Summer 2010 - Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School
The Clermont
Summer 2010
Bishop Loughlin MHS
Brother Dennis Cronin, FSC, President
James Dorney, Principal
The Clermont
Department Of Development & Alumni Relations
John E. Klemm ‘65
Director Of Development
Janet Griffin
Director Of Major Gifts
Melissa Benjamin
Alumni Relations Manager
Joan Hotaling-Cramer
Development Associate
Shaunte Miller
Communucations Coordinator
Charlie O’Donnell ‘59
Development Assistant
Rita Monaghan-Maloney, Bishop McDonnell ‘59
Bishop McDonnell Alumnae Coordinator
Ed Bowes `60
Development Assistant
Graphic Designer: Creative Geers
Summer 2010
Loughlin For A Lifetime
Page 6
In this issue:
• President’s Address
• Principal’s Address
• Around Loughlin
Board Of Governors
• Athletic Hall of Fame
2009 – 2010
Hector Batista ‘77
Rev. Richard J. Beuther
Vincent D. Callagy ‘65
Br. Thomas Casey
Brian C. Connolly ‘73
Robert K. Conry ‘70
Br. Dennis Cronin, FSC, President Ex-Officio
Michael J. Dean, MD ‘69
Joseph P. Dunne ‘65
James P. Flaherty ‘65, St. Augustine
Andrew L. Jacob ‘65
Rev. James F. Keenan, S.J. ‘55
Frank J. Macchiarola, PhD ‘58, St. Augustine
Yvonne A. Mason, MD ‘76
John J. McCabe ‘61, St. Augustine
Noreen McCartney Haffner ‘63, Bishop McDonnell
Rev. Clinton Miller ‘85
Daren Roberts ‘96
Claude Trahan
Peter Williams ‘77
• 2009 Alumni Reunion Recap
• In Memoriam
• 2010 Alumni Reunion
• Angelo Consoli Awards
Pictured: 2010 Nugent Brothers Award Winners, Elisa Randall ’10 and Rasi Jenkins ’10 with Jim Nugent ‘43.
The Clermont is published by The Bishop Loughlin Memorial
High School Development Office. Correspondence and address
changes should be mailed to: Development Office, Bishop Loughlin
Memorial H.S., 357 Clermont Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11238, (718)
857-2700 Ext. 2250,
The Clermont
Message from the President & Principal
and increased student participation
and school spirit. The director of
this program at Loughlin has been
invited to present on this innovative
approach to student leadership at a
high school in Minneapolis.
Dear Alumni and Friends
of Bishop Loughlin:
I am writing at the end of the school
year. As I look back we had a very
good year. Jim Dorney’s letter captures many of the high points.
One of the gratifying experiences at
Loughlin is hearing positive feedback from visitors. I had one such
experience just a few weeks ago.
Ten Loughlinites were fortunate
to work with the Virtue Foundation. Their task was to create
digital stories about their community service work
which would be incorporated into a larger story.
For two mornings, Virtue staff oriented students
to creating a storyboard and demonstrated editing skills. The final morning students presented
their edited work to members of the Virtue board
and staff. While accompanying a member to her
car at the end of the presentation, she shared what
a good experience it was working with our students. She observed what a good school Loughlin
is. It is affirming to know that the good Loughlin
accomplishes for young people is observable.
Recently, we submitted our mid-point review to the
Middle States Association. Upon review I can report
that we met or exceeded our goals. In academics,
we are growing the number of graduating seniors
earning a Regents Diploma with Distinction. All
graduating seniors (100%) earn a Regents Diploma
currently. We have added one AP course to our
curriculum in science with others to follow in various disciplines. In leadership, students have been
able to serve in many leadership roles within the
House System of Student Governance. They have
planned and completed several school wide projects
All of these exciting developments position us well to engage in
strategic planning. Our goal in this
process is to map a course of action
that will promote long term success
and sustainability. Urban Catholic
education has many challenges to
meet. We are resolved to ask the tough questions
and put in place the disciplines that will provide a
bright future for the students we serve.
LaSalle himself becomes our model. He negotiated
the tough and unyielding streets of Rheims and
Paris to procure a Christian and human education
for young people, especially the poor. He faced
opposition from established guilds and even unsupportive ecclesial structures.
Yet, relying on God’s providence, hard work, an
unwavering commitment to young people, and the
support of benefactors, the mission not only endured
– it thrived. Join me in praying for the same result.
Your support is essential.
Live Jesus in our hearts.
Br. Dennis Cronin, FSC
That is roughly nine months of
full time work. Through their
generosity our students raised
$8,448 for our sister school, St.
Mary’s in Kenya and $8,898 for
the earthquake victims in Haiti.
Dear Alumni and Friends
of Bishop Loughlin,
“We are resolved
to ask the tough
and put in place
the disciplines
that will provide
a bright future for the
students we serve.”
“In one of our
strongest years ever,
we had 129 students
perform 1400
hours of volunteer
community service,
absent any school
credit or tangible
reward. That is
roughly nine months
of full time work.”
Summer 2010
As Bishop Loughlin concludes its
second year under the President
– Principal administrative model,
the school is strong and filled
with vitality and spirit. We had
a wonderful year as a school.
We successfully initiated the House
System of Student Governance. We
had family meetings every Wednesday
morning that involved every student
and every teacher. The 40 members
of the Student Government, who represented the
families, met twice monthly. The House System
director, along with the four student officers met
regularly with the administration. As expected, we
also learned much and have engaged an outside
resource to help us develop the students’ leadership
skills next year. We are confident that year number
two will build on a highly successful first year.
Our second year debate team had a highly successful
campaign, attending the National Championships in
Atlanta, Georgia. So many students qualified that it
made the cost of flying down prohibitive. As a result,
eight student debaters, two adults with luggage and
four large rubber bins filled with debate materials
drove to Atlanta in one of our small school buses.
It was seven hours on a Thursday night and eight
more hours on Friday morning and, of course, the
ride back on Sunday and Monday. Obviously they,
students and adults, are not only good but very
dedicated and, most obviously, YOUNG. Our varsity
boys basketball team reached the city championship
game against Christ the King, which turned out to
be the only triple overtime championship game in
the history of the Catholic High School Athletic
Association. It is widely being touted as the greatest
championship game ever. While we scored fewer
points than C.K. in the third overtime, the game
was one of the strongest examples of the old adage
“there were no losers,” that you could ever see.
Of our students on scholarship,
through your generosity, 96 are on
the honor roll. This indicates how
important your scholarships are to
us and to our young people. You can
also see what excellent use we, and
our students, put your tremendous
generosity to. This year we have had a senior garner
both the Coca- Cola National Scholarship and the
Gates Millennium Scholarship. Both are highly
prestigious, with the Gates Millennium being
awarded to 1,000 graduates out of 20,500 applicants
and the Coca- Cola Scholarship being given to only
250 students out of 70,000 applicants. While we have
had semi-finalists in the past, this is the first time
that we have had a winner at Bishop Loughlin.
This year, along with our 224 student graduates,
we graduated Mr. Robert Fenn. Mr. Fenn attended
Bishop Loughlin from 1939 – 1943. When he turned
18, Mr. Fenn enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Corps and
never graduated from Loughlin. Now, he is a member
of the class of 2010 and a fellow alumnus to you all.
Each time I write to you, I ask you to include us
in your prayers. Please pray that The Good Lord
bless our 2010 graduates, while they take what we
have given them, with your help, along with their
Loughlin spirit and faith in God out into the world.
James Dorney
In one of our strongest years ever, we had 129
students perform 1400 hours of volunteer community
service, absent any school credit or tangible reward.
Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School
Support Loughlin and make a difference
Around Loughlin
The Clermont
Achieve3000: The Power of One
Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School Raises over $8,000 for Haiti Relief
On January 12, 2010 one of the most devastating
Haiti, but every Loughlin student rushed in to help.
natural disasters occurred in Haiti.
Over the past few months, the faculty, staff and
The earthquake caused major damage to
Port-au-Prince and other settlements in the
region. Many notable landmarks and buildings
were significantly damaged or destroyed.
People from all over the U.S. and beyond responded
to appeals for humanitarian aid, pledging funds
and dispatching rescue and medical teams. Bishop
Loughlin’s students took part in the efforts. It wasn’t
students at Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School
have raised $8,898, with events including dress down
Calling all Volunteers!
Bishop Loughlin is
looking for you!
day and a bake sale. Students and teachers collected
• Career Day Speakers
for the Wyclef Jean’s Yele Haiti Foundation.
• Mentors for the Student
and Haitian cultural facts was shown in the first
floor hallway to educate students about the crisis.
The most powerful way to help students read, write and learn better.
Achieve3000 and its product TeenBiz are taking Bishop Loughlin students by storm. Used
by every freshman, sophomore, and many juniors, this program is the first web-based,
individualized learning solution for grades 6-12, scientifically proven to accelerate reading
eight boxes of power bars and medical supplies
A powerpoint presentation with earthquake pictures
Summer 2010
Sponsorship Program (SSP)
• Special Event Volunteers
• Class Coordinators
comprehension, vocabulary, writing proficiency and performance on high stakes tests.
Powered by a proprietary software engine that distributes assignments to the entire class, but tailors
them according to each student's reading level, TeenBiz enables teachers to easily customize content
and monitor student progress over time. It extends teachers' reach without increasing workloads or time
demands. TeenBiz also provides teachers and administrators with ongoing management reports and
only the many Loughlin students with family in
diagnostic data that enable individualized intervention and remediation based on a given student's needs.
If you are interested in
TeenBiz utilizes a five-step process designed and scientifically validated to spur literacy achievement
volunteering your time or services,
among teenage students. Loughlin students are given an initial reading assessment upon the start
please contact the
of the program to determine their reading level. Students' Lexile levels are assessed initially using
Development Office
LevelSet, a proprietary assessment tool that determines each student's level of comprehension
to learn how you can help.
for informational text. The program then takes articles from the Associated Press and rewrites
them based on each student’s individual reading level. After reading the article, students answer
Call 718-857-2700 x 2252 or
questions that monitor comprehension, vocabulary mastery and higher-order thinking skills.
Highlighted vocabulary words, geography questions, and other writing assignments are given.
One particular Loughlin student benefited greatly from TeenBiz. This student entered
We look forward to
Loughlin as a freshman with a fifth grade reading level. With the help of TeenBiz, his
working with you!
reading improved two levels by the end of his freshman year. He has since been moved
to honors classes and remained an honor student throughout his senior year.
Denise Seva ’10, Frankee Cooper ’10, Angelique Avin ’10.
Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School
Support Loughlin and make a difference
The Clermont
Around Loughlin
Summer 2010
Two Seniors Accepted To Georgetown University
Loughlin Becomes Debate Powerhouse in Two Years
In the fall, two of Loughlin’s most recent alumni will be packing their bags and heading for Georgetown
University. Originally from New Orleans, Naa-Shorme Aidoo and her mother were displaced after Hurricane Katrina. They had the choice of moving to Oklahoma to live with family or New Jersey to live near
her brother who was attending Columbia University at the time. They chose New Jersey and after a few
months moved to Brooklyn. The next year she began her freshmen year at Loughlin and was awarded an
SSP scholarship. She quickly adapted to her new school by joining the track team, the Jamesonian staff
and eventually was accepted to the National Honor Society. For the last two years she has interned at the
Brooklyn Children’s Museum. Naa-Shorme was awarded a full scholarship to Georgetown and plans to
study business and psychology.
The Bishop Loughlin Varsity Basketball team
had a stellar year. Lead by Villanova-bound
forward and McDonald’s All American,
Jayvaughn Pinkston, the Loughlin Lions
went to the City Championship game, the
first Loughlin team since 1993 to make it that
far. Some consider that game to be the ‘best
high school championship of all time.’
The Bishop Loughlin Debate Team was founded
in its present incarnation during the 2008-2009
academic year. The original team was made up of
six juniors, one sophomore, and three freshman.
In Loughlin’s first year of debate existence,
over half the team qualified for the New York
State Tournament in Policy Debate (featured
on the movie The Great Debaters).
February of 2010, the team travelled to the
Lexington Winter Invitational in Lexington,
MA and two partnerships advanced to
the elimination rounds, eventually losing
to the champions in the Semifinals.
Sweenie Saint-Vil is the class valedictorian for 2010 and received first honors for every quarter of her four
years at Bishop Loughlin. She was a member of the cheerleading squad, step team and yearbook committee and this year served as President for the National Honor Society. She worked very hard to be at the
top of her class and credits her teachers for always being willing to help her before and after class – not
only with academics but instilling her with strong values and a deeper faith in God. Sweenie will study
biology in the pre-med program at Georgetown this fall.
a top three program for both Policy Debate and
Student Congress in the team sweepstakes.
JV and Varsity debaters travelled to Georgetown
University, Yale University, Bronx High School
of Science, and the Woodward Invitational in
Atlanta, GA to compete against elite programs
from all over the country. Bishop Loughlin
was the only Catholic School in Brooklyn
and Queens attending these tournaments.
Eight students qualified for the 2010 NYSFL
State Debate Tournament across three events:
Student Congress, Original Oratory, and Policy
The team expanded rapidly in 2009-2010.
Captain Babajide Ajisafe ’10 attended a debate
camp in Kansas City, MO and was awarded
a full tuition scholarship to the University
of Missouri Kansas City effective upon his
graduation from Loughlin, June of 2010.
Debate. Loughlin’s top team advanced all the
Over 50 students attended tryouts for the speech and
debate team. Over 40 students represented Loughlin
at speech and debate competitions in Brooklyn
and Queens. Loughlin consistently finished as
Over the summer, 2010-2011 Team Captain
way to the finals of the 2010 State Tournament in
Intermediate Policy Debate as the only undefeated
team before losing on a split decision to traditional
New York City debate power, Bronx Science.
Marrissa Williams ‘11 has been invited to attend the
prestigious California National Debate Institute at
Berkeley with a $1500 scholarship for three weeks.
With four regional televised games, the Loughlin
Lions started the season out in Miami, Florida
on a three game trip and ended the season with
an outstanding record of 24 and 6. The team
has a new found confidence under the direction
of coach Edwin Gonzalez. Gonzalez, from the
Riverdale section of the Bronx, commutes to
Brooklyn as both the admissions director and
basketball coach. “Winning 20 games isn’t easy,
but we have a great bunch of kids,” says Gonzales,
who is referring to students like Branden
Frazier. Frazier will attend Fordham University
this September on a basketball scholarship.
Sweenie Saint-Vil ‘10 and Naa-Shorme Aidoo ‘10
Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School
The future looks bright for Loughlin Basketball,
with prominent underclassman and a great
outlook by Gonzalez. “It’s not just about the
game, it’s about academics as well,” he says.
“I’m hoping that they not only get into college
but can use basketball as a platform to do so.”
Babajide Ajisafe ‘10 and Marissa Williams ‘11
Support Loughlin and make a difference
Reunion Recap
The Clermont
Summer 2010
Loughlin For A Lifetime
Every October, hundreds of alumni return to Bishop
Loughlin to celebrate their anniversary reunion.
No matter what year you graduated, by the end of
the night everyone realizes they have something
in common – they are part of the Bishop Loughlin
family. Many years separate our oldest and youngest attendee but all agree that Loughlin shaped
them into the man or woman they are today. The
tireless efforts of caring teachers, academic structure and discipline, strong character formation and
life-long friendships are just a few of the reasons
that continue to make people’s blood run purple
and gold. The following pages are anecdotes from
Loughlin members of the anniversary classes –
1960, 1970, 1985, and 2000. Hopefully you will
find yourself alongside them in their memories.
Class of 1949
Class of 1999
Class of 1959
Class of 1964
Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School
Class of 1954
Support Loughlin and make a difference
Anniversary Stories: 1960
The Clermont
Looking Back At The Class 0f 1960
us on life’s journey well prepared. Fifty years later we
By John Fehling, Howard Ammerman and Frank Russo
was practice, practice, and practice. Fortunately we
This marks the 50th anniversary of the class of
had the track in the schoolyard to sharpen our skills.
1960. Three hundred and sixty-two students
received their diplomas on Sunday, June 26.
The following are a few reflections on our
experiences during our Loughlin Years.
The class was composed of two separate groups.
One half of the class started in September 1956
and completed their program in four years, while
the other half started in January, 1957 and finished
in three and one half years. The second group was
referred to as the accelerated class. The students
came from all areas of the Brooklyn Diocese,
which at that time also included the counties of
Nassau and Suffolk. Typically two students were
chosen from each parish by competitive exam.
The tuition was free and the fees minimal. As a
result of the academic reputation and the cost,
We would also play handball on the courts inside
the track. On days when there was an afternoon
dance, we would shower and quickly head over to the
cafeteria to check out the scene. Br. James ruled the
roost at the dances by reminding you exactly how far
apart you should remain, if you had the guts to ask a
young lady to dance.
The toughest part of track was the cross country
and indoor seasons. The practices were held
at Van Cortland Park and occasionally at the
to our children the very same idea that marriage is
a permanent union resulting in family stability and
respect of each other.
Manhattan College singing group. After trying in
vain to persuade two of us to go into The Christian
Brothers Novitiate to sing in their chorus, he arranged
for us to receive a partial scholarship to Manhattan.
This was typical of the faculty being willing to go to
from Nassau and Suffolk arrived at Flatbush Avenue
bat for their students
by the Long Island Railroad. The fares for both were
The various clubs and intramural programs allowed
very reasonable. What a contrast from today. After a
the four year and accelerated classes to blend with
few weeks we all were defined by the train we rode.
each other and develop friendships that continue
There was the “A,” the “GG” and the “Myrtle Ave”
today. We lifted weights under the supervision of Br.
lines as well as the “LIRR” that all led to Loughlin.
Francis and bowled with Br. Jerome. There was a club
We all eventually became subway savvy and found
or team for every interest and a faculty member to
there were advantages to this mode of travel including
direct each activity.
1. Boat Ride- Each year on the “John A Mesick”
2. Swim Team- Practiced at the Hotel St. George
3. Intramural Bowling- Strand Lanes
4. Junior Prom- Hotel Granada
Our business experience was based on the
Christian principles of fairness and honesty to our
5. Senior Prom- Astoria Manor, May 13, 1960
management, co-workers and customers. We did not
have to be everyone’s friend but people could count
6. Cost of the Senior Prom- $20
7. Tuxedo Rental- $6.50
8. Prom Orchestra- Jimmy Caruso
careers. We are involved in community issues, church
taught us the discipline of assignment completion
Our first day of class was intimidating. To travel by
activities, and not to forget, support of Loughlin.
9. Senior Smoking Room- Rear stairwell UGH!
“Fifty years later we
can look back on our
lives and appreciate
what we brought with
us from Loughlin.”
Our class did well academically setting a school
record for college scholarships. Our preparation,
Many sports were available. Loughlin was famous
by the faculty, resulted in our later success in life.
for track and field and the secret to reach that level
Whether we attended college or not, Loughlin sent
Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School
married in excess of forty years and have passed on
training even though we are retired from our primary
was that it offered an opportunity to study. This
by Br. Basilian, who previously was involved with the
McDonnell, St Michaels and other schools.
during our high school years. Many of us have been
Class of 1960- Facts you may have forgotten
Some of us are still using the skills nurtured by our
after practice. One advantage of the long rides
Not all pursued athletics. Our Glee Club was directed
meeting the girls from Queen of All Saints, Bishop
Values that our families taught us were strengthened
what we are.
involved a long subway and then a return ride
the graduation classes of the various parishes.
at least one subway train, possibly two. The students
“The various clubs
and intramural
programs allowed
the four year and
accelerated classes
to blend with each
other and develop
friendships that
continue today.”
to take you to and from practice. Both places
the girls were the shining stars to reach for by
the prior eight years. Most traveled to Loughlin via
brought with us from Loughlin.
on our word being Gospel. Truth is what made us
Loughlin for boys and Bishop McDonnell for
walking to school in our neighborhoods as we did for
can look back on our lives and appreciate what we
168th St. Armory. There were no school buses
that remained with us in years beyond school.
ourselves for many miles was a great departure from
Summer 2010
Support Loughlin and make a difference
Anniversary stories: 1970
The Clermont
Summer 2010
The Class of 1970
By Antonio Michell MD FACS
grounding and moral guidance I received continue
lyn, I was exposed to a lot of influences and choices
less discipline intense, but they were nevertheless
I hope to get back for a visit soon. I understand
Forty years have passed like a flash. I can close my
to pay dividends for me to this day. Since graduating,
that could have led me down less productive and
effective educators and role models for the all-male
the demographics are quite different now; coed
eyes and see myself back at BLMHS. With the ex-
I have lived in New England, on the West Coast, in
more destructive life paths. Fortunately, I had
student body. I always liked the purple and gold
is hard for me to imagine. I am heartened to
ception of the aches and pains, I feel the same until
the Deep South and now the Mid-Atlantic. I finished
parents who understood the value of a Loughlin
school colors, wished we had a football team, and
hear the mission remains the same and enjoy
I look in the mirror and see the tolls of time. I wish
medical school, served a tour of duty with the US
education and though of meager means made the
enjoyed the annual Loughlin Games and the intense
reading the success stories of Loughlin grads
I had my yearbooks so that I could attach names to
Public Health Service and have an exceptional
financial sacrifice to send me there. The school had
competition in the CHSAA Basketball League.
past and present. I always have and always will
all the faces I see as I reminisce. I recall it was the
career as a urologist with the Mid-Atlantic Perma-
plenty of Christian Brothers back then who all had
I did not use the smoking lounge but thoroughly
be proud to say I went to Bishop Loughlin!
era of the Beatles and with the last name “Michell”
nente Medical Group. I have a wonderful wife and
our best interest in mind and were, for the most
enjoyed the after-school mixers and my friends
I heard “My Bell” quite a bit. My four years at
four great kids.
part, no-nonsense disciplinarians—some quite
at Bishop McDonnell. I still remember dissect-
Loughlin were well worth it because the academic
Growing up in the Brownsville section of Brook-
physical—and always effective. The lay faculty was
ing the fetal pig in Mr. Andrews’ biology class.
Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School
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The Clermont
My Loughlin Experiene - Class of 1985
by Yvette Jackson Aikens
Bishop Loughlin has had a great impact on my life.
Even though we learned the necessities of life at
home, our school filled in some of the gaps. There
are so many wonderful things I could mention when
talking about my experience at Bishop Loughlin.
Being a teenager at Bishop Loughlin was an experience I will never forget. I looked forward to taking
the bus to school every morning with my friends.
Trying to figure out who has been to the swimming
pool on the fifth floor. Having Mr. Dorney greet
the students with his smiling face every morning in
front of the school. Bishop Loughlin was our family
away from home. We respected our teachers and one
another. We learned how to be team players and
learned how to give back. We learned quickly to
stick together and had a code of silence that was unbreakable (If you don’t believe me ask Mr. Dorney)!
I believe I can speak for the majority of my classmates by saying we had teachers who genuinely
loved us, educated us and prepared us for the next
phase of our lives, adulthood. There are several
teachers I could never forget like Mr. Longobardi,
who made history pleasurable and very easy to
understand. Mr. Rusnak and Mr. Visco with their
awesome styles of teaching English. Ms. Sheehan who made Spanish a breeze. Mr. Maffei who
taught music. There is one person who students
probably overlooked throughout the school year,
but I felt the need to acknowledge Ms. Hoops,
the school nurse. Everyone agrees that Mr. Visco
was clearly the coolest teacher in the world and
still is to this day. Most of all, I am amazed how
Mr. Dorney remembers everyone’s names after all
these years. Just like we will never forget them,
they never forgot us. On several occasions we’ve
been told that the Class of 85 is one of the best, if
not the best, classes Loughlin has ever had and we
stand by the name we were given-“Alive in 85.”
Anniversary stories: 1985
Summer 2010
“To this day, the
Class of 85 has
a friendship
that has lasted for
many years.”
ball team, they looked forward to seeing Loughlin’s
cheerleaders. When we entered the gym, we clearly
made a statement. Our basketball team won the
State Championship in 1983.
As adults, we’ve stuck together through good times
and bad times. Together, we’ve experienced births
and deaths, weddings and funerals. When we have
a classmate who is going through a difficult time,
we pull together to help that person in their time of
need. To this day, the Class of 85 has a friendship
that has lasted for many years. We talk to one another regularly and travel together. If you saw us together, you wouldn’t think it has been 25 years since
we left the school. We had a bus trip to Atlantic City
with primarily students from the Class of 85 and 86
that departed from the school. We had so much fun
from the beginning to the end of the trip. This year,
we had a party the night after the homecoming game
at the Marriott and many of our classmates attended. As a matter of fact, the party was so successful,
we intend on making that our signature party. The
Class of 85 plans on donating money for a scholarship so a student(s) can have the same experience we
had. There are people who often ask “how do you all
manage to maintain a strong friendship for so many
years?” We smile and tell them “You would have to
be a Loughlinite to understand!”
I enjoyed being in the drama club performing in
the play Grease and the Wiz to name a few. I also
enjoyed being a cheerleader. In my opinion, we had
the best cheerleading squad around. In addition to
spectators coming to watch our phenomenal basket-
Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School
Support Loughlin and make a difference
Anniversary stories: 2000
The Clermont
My Loughlin Experience As A 2000 Graduate
By Mike Boynton
to attend Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School.
The four years of my life from 1996-2000 were
In September 1996, I began my freshman year at
filled with moments that shaped the adult I have
Loughlin. It didn’t take long for me to make friends
become ten years later. However, to truly be able
as there were other people from my neighborhood
to describe how much of an impact those years
and a few people that had attended P.S. 308 al-
of development were, I have to briefly recap the
ready enrolled in the school and my reputation as
preceding year. In 1995, my family made a decision
an athlete preceded me into the school. My time at
to send me into a private education setting. From
Loughlin was highlighted with my experiences and
first grade until the completion of seventh grade, I
encounters with the people that I was able to meet
attended P.S. 308 and I excelled in the classroom
and develop relationships with. The teachers at
each year, even to the extent that I received inter-
Loughlin became not only a great source of knowl-
est from elite high schools around the city as early
edge to me with regard to physics and literature but
as sixth grade. I began to play basketball when I
also non-academic issues.
was eight years old and my natural ability made me
Mr. Marchan, the assistant principal at the time,
stand out around the age of ten. I fell in love with
immediately comes to mind when I think back on
the game of basketball and immediately began to
those individuals that had a great influence on my
develop the goals in my life, both long term and
social development while in high school. I sat in his
short, around playing the game. Part of the decision
office on several occasions just to bounce ideas off of
to attend a private school was to give me the best
him knowing I would get an honest, well thought out
opportunity to eliminate distractions and keep me
answer. Another individual who made a tremendous
focused on my goals. I enrolled in Mount Carmel,
impact on my life at Loughlin was Mike Williams,
a catholic school, just off the East River in Harlem
the athletic director at the time. Whether it was
as an eighth grader in 1995. The structure at Mount
balancing my academic focus, with the athletic and
Carmel was ideal – small classroom settings and
social sides of my life, making sure I was prepared
more individual attention allowed the students to
to take on the challenges I would face as a collegiate
get a thorough understanding of the curriculum.
student athlete, Mr. Will was my guy. And I couldn’t
After a year of getting acclimated to the catholic
go without mentioning my coaches Bob Leckie and
school system, I was better prepared for the transi-
Kenny Pretlow, my teammates, and all of the other
tion to high school. I would come back to Brooklyn,
teachers that I would come to meet and grow to love
where I lived, and stay in the catholic school system
while I was at Loughlin. These people, Mrs. Turzo,
Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School
Summer 2010
Ms. Rooney, Mr. Flack, Mr. Fortune, Ms. Proce,
meet Michael Jordan while working as a coun-
Mrs. Jemott, Ms. Palm, Ms. Mac, Mrs. Hayes, Mr. B,
selor at his basketball camp in Santa Barbara,
Mr. Cronin, Mr. Dorney, the entire guidance depart-
California. However, the biggest highlight of
ment, and of course Ms. McKeever are the people
that summer was getting my driver’s license.
who I credit for making my experience a great one.
In the end, my experience at Bishop Loughlin
They all made my experience at Loughlin the best
helped prepare me for the rest of my life. I learned
four years of my life. These people are the reason
so much from so many people that I will always
that still ten years later I sometimes day dream wish-
cherish those four years. I couldn’t imagine what my
ing I could start all over again.
life would have turned out to be like had it not been
As I continue to reflect on my life as a Loughlin
for the time I spent at 357 Clermont Avenue. I am so
Lion, there are several specific memories that stand
proud to have gone to school at Bishop Loughlin.
out. I can remember back as far as my freshman
field day. A day early in the school year dedicated to
first year students. I remember my first experience
with intramural basketball. In my sophomore year,
I played on the Varsity basketball team, a team that
traveled to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina to play
in a national tournament and a team that would be
ranked in the top ten nationally. During my junior
year, our team again traveled to South Carolina for
a basketball tournament, this time in Charleston.
Class of 2000 Varsity Basketball Team
My junior year was also the year that I began to give
serious consideration to what college I would attend.
In September of 1999, my senior year at Lough-
“They all made
my experience at
Loughlin the best
four years of my
life. These people
are the reason that
still ten years later I
sometimes day dream
wishing I could start
all over again.”
lin began after a summer filled with a wide range
of emotions for me personally. On the low side
of the emotional roller coaster was the passing
of my grandfather, Nathaniel Reed, after battling several illnesses. On the high end of those
emotions was the fun I had traveling the country playing basketball and the opportunity to
Support Loughlin and make a difference
The Clermont
St. Augustine 100th Anniversary
Summer 2010
St. Augustine Celebrates 100th Anniversary
On November 20, 2009, over 300 guests gathered at
the Union League to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the founding of St. Augustine Diocesan High
School. Governor Hugh Carey ’38 served as Honorary Chairman and Frank Macchiarola ’58 was the
Master of Ceremonies. Five Lancers were inducted
into the Hall of Fame – Thomas Nee ’58, Paul Evanson ’59, Brendan Dugan ’64, Kenneth Mann ’58 and
John McCabe ’61. The event raised over $100,000
for the Ray Brustman Scholarship Fund.
St. Augustine Diocesan High School was founded
in the spring of 1909 by Msgr. Edward W. McCarty,
Pastor of St. Augustine’s Church. Under the direction of the first principal, Brother Calixtus Peter,
four Christian Brothers taught 190 boys in the upper
grades of the grammar school.
In September of 1926, Bishop Thomas E.
Molloy selected St. Augustine’s Academy to be
incorporated into the Brooklyn Diocesan High
School system. In memory of the first Bishop
of Brooklyn, its name was changed to Bishop
Loughlin Memorial High School. St. Augustine
Diocesan High School resumed its former title
upon the completion of the building on Clermont
Avenue in 1933 and continued its fine academic
and athletic programs for the next 35 years.
St. Augustine alumni have merited admission into
all professions of business, industry, education,
medicine, religion and public service. Through the
generous support of the Lancer community, the
legacy of St. Augustine continues at Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School through the Ray Brustman Scholarship Fund, the Br. Jerome Corrigan
Scholarship Fund, the St. Augustine Chapel and
Lancer Hall.
th Anniversary
Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School
Tom Nee ‘58, Brendan Dugan ‘64, Paul Evanson ‘59, Ken Mann ‘58, John McCabe ‘61, Gov. Hugh Carey ‘38
Support Loughlin and make a difference
Hall of Fame
The Clermont
Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School is pleased to
announce that seven exemplary individuals have been
selected as inductees into the St. James/Bishop Loughlin
Brother Aurelius James McManus Athletic Hall of Fame.
A dinner to honor the inductees took place on Saturday,
May 1, 2010 at Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School.
Thomas P. Asip ’45
Lester George ’75
Bill Lindsay ‘41
Track & Field
Tom McHugh ‘47
Track & Field
Tom joined the well-respected
swimming program at Loughlin
and was a member of the threepeat Bishop Loughlin CHSAA
City Champions. Winning a
City Championship three years
in a row was a unique feat for a
school. Tom was the CHSAA and AAPS (Private Schools)
champion in the 100yd Breaststroke event during his high
school career. Tom joined the United States Marine Corps
for a tour of duty before attending Boston College where
he received a BS in Biology in 1951. While in high school
and college, Tom competed for the New York Athletic
Club with their Championship water polo teams.
After his high school- the New
School (replaced old St. John’s
Prep in Brooklyn) closed after
three years, Lester George had
the opportunity to be accepted
to Loughlin for his senior
year. He made Loughlin’s
team, in fact became a tri-captain of the team, and led
the Pat Quigley coached team to their first CHSAA City
Champion since 1961. He led the team in scoring with 19.8
points per game average plus doing the heavy work with
12.8 rebounds a game. As Loughlin’s undersized big man,
he had to constantly guard the opposing team’s center.
In the 1975 CHSAA City Championship play-off he was
selected as the Most Valuable Player in leading the Lions
to the title. He was chosen to the New York Daily News
All Brooklyn-Queens First Team and the Brooklyn Tablet
All Diocesan First Team. Long time Loughlin basketball
coach Pat Quigley calls Les George “one of his best three
all time players”- this includes players who have enjoyed
college and professional careers.
Although small of stature,
somewhat quiet and reserved,
Bill Lindsay was “Big Bill” to
his fellow classmates because
of his athletic prowess. A wellrounded student, Bill also was a
member of the Student Council
and the Chemistry Club. Bill excelled in track for Coach
George Eastment’s nationally famous Lion track team.
Lindsay was a Penn Relay Champion in the One Mile
Relay in 1940. He has three CHSAA Mile Relay Championships in 1939 and 1940 and two CHSAA Individual
440 Titles in 1941. He was also a member of the National
Indoor Relay Champions in 1941.
Tom McHugh was part of
the legendary Coach George
Easement’s Track program
at Loughlin. As a Lion, Tom
had two Penn Relay titles as a
member of the One Mile Relay
in 1946 and 1947. He also had
a CHSAA 880yd Relay Outdoor Championship in 1945.
Add to those a National Track and Field Championship in
the One Mile Relay in 1947 and an IC4A One Mile Relay
Championship in 1947.
Tom successfully worked as a Wall Street stock broker at
various firms for 50 years. He is married to his lovely wife
Patricia. They have a daughter, Helena and three grandchildren, Isabella, Francesca, and Liliana. Whether as a
young Loughlin Lion from Long Island or as a lifeguard at
Jones Beach or as a leatherneck with the Marine Corps, or
as a Boston College Eagle or Wall Street stockbroker, Tom
is always grateful to Bishop Loughlin and the Christian
Brothers for the excellent education he received that was
of great value to him in his life. Tom presently resides in
Port Washington, Long Island.
Br. Joe Reilly ‘57
Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School
Summer 2010
Les accepted a basketball scholarship to Iona College
in New Rochelle, New York where he starred for four
years. After college Lester worked for the New York State
Department of Correction, where he recently retired.
Les George is a die-hard Loughlin supporter and during
the basketball season: you can find him cheering for the
Loughlin Lion’s basketball team throughout the gyms in
the city. Lester presently resides in the Bronx, New York.
Bill was a Lieutenant in the United States Army Rangers
and was part of the D-Day landing in Europe. Lieutenant
William R. Lindsay was awarded the Bronze Star for his
heroic actions.
Lest we forget, the Bishop Loughlin Hall of Fame
Committee posthumously bestowed the honor
of induction into the Athletic Hall of Fame to
William R. Lindsay ’41, a Loughlin hero and
an American hero. May he rest in peace.
Tom pursued his college education at St. Francis College
of Brooklyn where he was a member of the Duns Scotus
Honor Society and graduated with a BS in Chemistry. He
went to the New York University College of Dentistry followed by two years in the US Army Dental Corps. Following his military duty, Dr. McHugh went into private dental
practice from 1957 till 1994 practicing in Brooklyn and
the Adirondack Mountains region. He performed Oral
Surgery at Kings County Hospital, Brooklyn from 1958 till
1974 and was the Dental Consultant at Moses-Ludington
Hospital and Nursing Home in Ticonderoga, New York
from 1974 till 1986.
He is married to the former Emily Zimmerman.
They have nine children, 21 grandchildren and two
step grandchildren and one great grandchild. They
presently reside in the southern college town of Athens,
Georgia. One of Dr. Tom McHugh’s fondest memories
is “the teams he had the pleasure of participating
with along the Loughlin trail-a distinct honor.”
Support Loughlin and make a difference
Hall of Fame
The Clermont
Summer 2010
Hal Nichter ‘64
Track & Field
Mike Rowland ‘64
Ken Wilson ‘82
Track & Field
2010 Honored Team – The
1970 Outdoor Track Team
Hal Nichter came to Bishop
Loughlin High School in
September of 1960 and became
a member of the Lion Track
program under legendary coach
Bill Miles. Hal was the CHSAA
440yd Indoor Champion in
1964. Along with being the CHSAA sectional Indoor
Champ in the 440yd, he became the record holder in the
event. He was named to the CHSAA 1st Team All-City for
the 440 in 1964. Hal was an outstanding sprinter and also
long jumper for the Lions.
Mike Rowland developed as a
basketball player at Loughlin
under Coach Ralph Tedesco.
In 1964 Mike was voted to the
Brooklyn-Queens CHSAAAll Diocesan 1st Team- a team
selected by the Coaches of the
League. The Brooklyn Tablet also named Mike to their
All-Diocesan Team in 1964. Mike who was an outstanding
jumper and rebounder scored at a clip of 18.7 points per
game in his senior year at Loughlin. He was offered a four
year scholarship to St. John’s University where he played
all four years. Mike graduated St. John’s University with a
Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics.
Ken Wilson has never stopped
loving track and field and his
dream of becoming a middledistance Coach at Loughlin. He
is one of the best runners that
ever competed for Loughlin.
Ken ran for Loughlin under legendary head Coach Ed Bowes. Coach Bowes who coached
at Loughlin for 39 years calls him one of his best ever. His
Track accomplishments at Loughlin would fill up multiple
scrapbooks. His scrapbook certainly contains his two Penn
Relay Titles in the Distance Medley Relay and the 3200m
Relay in 1981. He is a six-time Catholic High School Athletic Association Champion, a four–time Loughlin Games
Champion and the National Indoor Mile Run Champion
in 1982 that was held in Kansas City between the 10 best
high school milers in the United States-this also being his
fondest memory of his high school career. He has been a
champion in the Penn Relays, the Millrose Games, and the
New York State Championships.
On May 31st, 1970, on a beautiful day at Dowling Stadium
on Randall’s Island, Loughlin’s outdoor track team was
attempting to win the school’s
first outdoor title since 1962.
Loughlin won the title in a
dramatic finish. Phillip Sylvester, in the last event of the
day, finished third in the 330yd intermediate hurdles.
The three points he earned gave Loughlin 27 points for
the day, putting Loughlin over the top by one point to
beat St. Francis Prep. Over 30 schools competed that day.
Loughlin’s three champions from that competition were
John Babb, who won the long jump, Henry Szczepanski,
who won the discus throw, and the two mile relay team of
Louis Tuminello, Martin Kreppein, Paul Mascalli, and Bill
Heaney, who won in a great time of 7:56.9. Also scoring
valuable points were Louis Cenicola in the 100yd dash
and Gary Marcinkowski in the 880yd run. Bro. Joe Reilly
’57 was the team’s moderator, and this was also the first
CHSAA Title won under Coach Ed Bowes ‘60.
Hal accepted a track scholarship to track power Villanova
University in Philadelphia where he was a member of the
NCAA Indoor and Outdoor 4 x 400 Champions and also
winner of the 4 x 400 Championship of America at the
Penn Relays. His best 400 meter time was 46.7 seconds.
Hal was also ranked in the top 25 in the United States in
the 400 meter hurdles. He was named an NCAA 1st Team
All-American at Villanova University in his senior year.
Hal graduated from Villanova with a BS in Mathematics.
Starting in 1968, he took a position with Kimble
Glass in Vineland, NJ holding various positions
in engineering, production, and marketing and
sales. He became President of the Science Division
in 2003 and since retired in 2010, but currently is
President of HGN Management Corporation.
After graduating St. John’s, Mike went to Europe
to play professionally. He wound up playing and
coaching professional basketball in Europe from 1970
till 1989. He has played and coached professionally
in Amsterdam, Netherlands and also in France and
Stockholm, Sweden. He speaks both Swedish and
French fluently. In Sweden in 1982 he began to teach
Mathematics at the International School of Stockholm
where he became the Chairman of the Mathematics
Department. He has been teaching Mathematics in
California since 1989 in Santa Monica, Viejo and at
present is tutoring in Orange County, California. Mike
presently resides in San Juan Capo, California.
Hal and his wife Terry, will be married 42 years in
November. They have four children and 10 grandchildren.
They presently reside in West Chester, Pennsylvania.
Nichole Bullard ‘01, Derek Cox ‘76, Henry Dillard ‘75, Lester George’75, Crystal McKay
Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School
Ken went on to star at Arkansas State University winning
the State of Arkansas Conference Championships three
years in a row in 1983, 1984, and 1985. He was named Mr.
Black Arkansas State University in 1983, and also belongs
to Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
Ken Wilson ‘82
After college Ken began volunteer work with the New
York City Board of Education that eventually led to a
career in Special Education becoming an administrator.
Ken presently resides in the Bronx.
Jayvaughn Pinkston ‘10 and coach Edwin Gonzalez
Hal Nichter ‘64 with his family
Support Loughlin and make a difference
Angelo Consoli Award
The Clermont
Summer 2010
Recipients of the Angelo Consoli Award February 2010
Each year the performing arts department honors outstanding alumni, faculty and moderators
for their contributions and success in the arts.
This year Nancy McKeever – Faculty, Tabitha
Price-Billips ’88, John Sheehan – Former Faculty
and Gerard McKetney ‘85 received the Angelo
Consoli Award on March 4th at the Afternoon
of Culture and Fashion. This award was named
in honor of Bishop Loughlin’s first Director of
Music, Mr. Angelo Consoli, who dedicated 42
years of service to the school. Mr. Consoli was a
virtuoso violinist who had facility with all instruments in his program. His championship orchestra
was one of Loughlin’s most popular activities.
Joseph F. Sheehan Faculty Member 1940 - 1971
Mr. Sheehan taught Latin and English at Bishop
Loughlin for 31 years. He loved the classics, was a
stickler for correct English and thoroughly enjoyed
playing the violin. Joe, as he was known by his peers,
gave many performances at Loughlin concerts, arranged by his colleague and good friend Mr. Angelo
Consoli. At home when he wasn't preparing his lessons or listening to classical music, he often played
for his three children in their younger years. Joe
earned an MA from Hunter College, NY and a BA
from Belmont Abbey College, NC. He was married
to his beloved wife, Sylvia, and a proud father to his
children. His son, Michael Sheehan, accepted the
award for his father.
Gerard McKetney ‘85
Gerard began playing the piano at the age of five
with Ms. Bodi and Ms. Cook. He later studied with
Robert Harris at Carnegie Hall. Throughout his life
he has always been an active church musician. He
has fond memories of his participation as a keyboard
player and singer at St. Clement Pope Church in
Queens. At Bishop Loughlin he was section leader
of the band. He graduated with honors in music. At
Loughlin he played piano in Guys and Dolls and
Purlie. He was a key soloist in the jazz band. He
and Al Davis ‘85 also started a small group called
Passion for which they both led and arranged. While
attending Hofstra University, he began playing professionally. He recorded with Uniworld Group. He
wrote jingles for commercials. The most recogniz-
Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School
able ones were those which he wrote for New York
Telephone. For a liturgical group called the Voices
of Spirit, he wrote and produced Sayip. Gerard
continues to record and create music in his studio
and around the greater New York area. Currently
he is president of a development company ProEm
Property Corporation. He is married to Tanya and
has four beautiful children.
Tabitha Price-Billips ‘88
Tabitha has been singing since the tender age of
seven years old. She was an active singer in her
church. Tabitha graduated in June 1988 with honors
in music. She was part of the Performing Arts Club
from her freshman year, singing in the Chorus under
the direction of Mr. Robert Bero. There she learned
technique and developed her sound. As an upperclass student she performed in the school's broadway
show Purlie and sang background for the school's
band under the direction of Mr. Louis Maffei where
she was featured in many solos. Tabitha currently
serves as the Pastor and founder of 2nd Chance
Worldwide Ministries, Inc. located in Brooklyn,
New York. She sings and performs in the greater
New York area as well. Currently she is working on
her debut gospel CD entitled "My Favorite Place"
Nancy McKeever Administrator Educator Since 1977
For the last 32 years, Nancy has been an avid supporter of the arts at Bishop Loughlin. Her support
began when she moderated the student council. The
council would serve food and usher at the Spring
Show which would take place on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday in April. As Activities Director,
she guided the program through four musicals and
numerous shows. As Assistant Principal for Academics, she helped create the program that serves as
the foundation of the highly successful arts program
at Loughlin. Over the past 32 years, you can count
on one hand the amount of performances she has
missed. She has always gotten the resources to
purchase equipment for the program. As a result 400
students at Loughlin use instruments owned by the
school. Nancy is a true leader and strong advocate
for the arts at Loughlin.
Nancy McKeever, Tabitha Price-Billips ‘88, Michael Sheehan, Gerard McKetney ‘85
Support Loughlin and make a difference
Class Notes
The Clermont
Class Notes 2010
Francis A. McDonald ’39 has had two occasions to celebrate
this past year. He celebrates his 70th anniversary his
graduation and 65th anniversary of marriage to his wife.
Robert Auber ’41 says “Hi” to ’41 grads that are still with
us and says a prayer for those who have passed away, hopefully in the state of grace.
John Sweeney ’41 greetings to Anthony Thomas and Walter
Stumpf (Florida). He hopes to see them at the reunion in
Joseph Lynch ’42 (R.I.P.) His daughter (Barbara Lynch Wissemann) writes: My father held a deep loyalty to Loughlin.
He often spoke fondly of its friendship and its conviction to Christian tradition. He would be pleased that you
remain committed to quality education and charity for all.
God Bless your work.
Dr. William F. Reilly ’43 has nothing but fond memories as a
Loughlin student and teacher.
James E. McHugh ’44 retired after 25 years at Mt. Sinai
Medical Center as night Engineering Administrator.
He enjoys gardening and reading Civil War History and
Biographies and ushers at St. Margaret of Cortona Parish (Bronx). “I still marvel at the wonderful appearance
of Bishop Loughlin HS and the fact that academic and
athletic standards remain so high!” (Editor’s note- Jim is
a legendary former Track Coach at St. Francis Prep and
Manhattan College)
George S. Covek ’46 is hanging in there at 80+. He has
three children and nine grandchildren-all live within one
mile of his house. He spends lots of time babysitting and
playing sports games and enjoys being in touch via email
with classmates Bill McManus and Gerard Klingler.
Rev. Daniel J. Sullivan SJ ’46 has been a Professor in the
Biology Department at Fordham University for 41 years.
Bart J. Cassidy ’49 says he is most appreciative of the training he received at Loughlin.
Richard E. Fister ’49 says congratulations to Bro. Dennis
and all the staff! 98% college attendance! Remarkable!
He’s still managing his own Investment Banking Firm and
looking forward to their first great-grandchild soon. Where
did all the years go?
Joseph A LeMay ’51 has retired from Ramapo College of
Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School
New Jersey. He is now Professor Emeritus of Political Science & International Business. Prior to Ramapo he taught
at Vassar College and Rutgers University. After serving
four years in the US Navy, he earned a B.A. in Political
Science from Penn State. In 1960 worked in Washington
DC with the Kennedy Administration. Earned his M.A.
from Georgetown and his PhD from Fordham.
James A. Casey ’52 and his wife, Mary Jane, just celebrated
their Golden Anniversary. They took their family (four
children, spouses, and ten grandchildren) to Ireland for
a two week celebration. We are blessed with a wonderful family, all in good health. My education at Loughlin
certainly played a part in shaping my future.
Arthur R. DeSimone M.D. ’52 is the Medical Director of a
free clinic for Bergen County, New Jersey residents who
can’t afford health insurance. The clinic is called The Bergen Volunteer Medical Initiative and is supported entirely
by private donations with no state or federal funds.
Joseph G. Kiefer ’54 retired from teaching in June of 1996
after close to 40 years in the classroom. He started at St.
Pascal Baylon HS and moved to the North Babylon school
district for 34 years. He and his wife, Mary Ann, have
three children and four grandchildren.
Rev. Anthony Dell’Anno ’55 has been appointed National
Chaplain for the Catholic War Veterans of America.
James J. Begley ’56 retired four years ago. He lives with
wife, Alberta, travels and visits his five children from Ohio,
Nebraska, Virginia, Washington and the Bronx. They are
snowbirds in the Florida panhandle. When at home in Valley Stream, Long Island, they are active in their parish of
Holy Name of Mary.
Robert J. Fudjinski ’56 is hoping the Brother Raphael
House (House System) is named after Brother Imar
Raphael who was his homeroom teacher in 1951. A truly
wonderful man. He could toss the waste basket from his
desk to the back wall.
John P. McCarthy ’56 is Professor Emeritus of History,
Fordham University and writes frequent columns for the
New York weekly, Irish Echo, about Irish and American
politics, society and culture.
Robert Vlacancich ’56 gratefully works as Bereavement
Coordinator and Chaplain for local hospice. He is active
in Kanos (Cursillo in prisons) and enjoys gardening and
yard work. He became a Board Certified Chaplain for the
Association of Professional Chaplains in 2009. Enjoyed his
70th birthday in Costa Rica doing a “Be Peace” training
and great sight seeing.
Francis P. Naughton ’57 writes that a memorial endowment
has been established at Evergreen State College (Olympia,
Washington) in honor of its former Provost and Professor
of Philosophy, Patrick J. Hill (Loughlin ’57).
Thomas J. Billings ’58 is still working at the College of St.
Elizabeth and hopes that some Loughlin seniors (female)
will consider this fine school in Morristown, NJ. Pray that
God continues to bless Loughlin’s fine work and bless his
classmates from the class of 1958.
Joseph A. Daniels ’58 continues working as a Financial
Planner and CPA. He has six grandchildren and misses his
friends Ed Dwyer ’58, Vic Rossi ’58 and Andy Balash ’58.
He moved to Atlanta, GA in 1975 working with Simmon
Company and has had his own CPA Firm since 1987. “Life
is good”
Robert G. Edmonds ’59 says congratulations to all fellow
Loughlin classmates of the class of ’59 on the Golden Anniversary of graduation. He was unable to attend the formal October celebration but did manage to celebrate this
occasion with two fellow classmates, Tom Berry and Ken
Telesca in Williamsburg, VA this past July. They fondly
reminisced about days at Loughlin, the good Brothers and
a few high jinks. He currently serves as the Vice Chair of
the Global Business & Transportation Dept. at the SUNY
Maritime College after retiring from 28 years in marketing
and sales.
Anthony J. Garro ’59 currently serves as Provost and
Vice-Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs at the
University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth.
Deacon Arthur Griffin ’59 was named NY 1(Cable Station)
Queens Person of the Week for starting a soup kitchen and
serving and counseling the needy in his home parish of
Transfiguration RC Church in Maspeth, Queens.
James H. McDonald ’59 enjoyed the 50th Reunion and had
a great time renewing old friendships. Looking forward to
the 55th in 2014. Loughlin Development Staff did a great
job. Kudos to all!
Charles J. O’Donnell ’59 had a great time at the 50th Reunion and brunch and thoroughly enjoyed working with a
Summer 2010
terrific 59er Committee. Year 2014 will be here in no time.
Francis J. Devlin ’60 is an adjunct Professor, University
of Houston Law Center. In November 2009 he spoke at
International Business Law Summit in Luxor, Egypt and
published an article in Houston Journal of International
Law– “Resale Price Maintenance and Leegin: Opening
Kay’s Kloset Opened The Lid On Pandora’s Box In Global
Competition Law.”
Pat Farley ’60 looks forward to seeing classmates at the
50th reunion-October 16, 2010.
William T. Hinson ’60, as a recipient of a full Diocese of
Brooklyn scholarship to Loughlin, is grateful for the
opportunities that his four years at Loughlin gave him; it
started a journey through learning that is ongoing to this
Thomas A. Mullady ’60 was named 2008 Owens Corning
Retiree -Global Volunteer of the Year for charitable volunteer service work at Licking County (OH)-United Way,
Memorial Hospital & Foundation, mentoring at Newark
City School District, Newark Rotary Club, the Salvation
Army, and the Babe Ruth Baseball World Series.
Francis J. Ayers DDS ’61, will retire as Associate Dean of
Student Affairs at Creighton University School of Dentistry on June 30, 2010.
John J. Burns ’61 retired and took a trip to the Holy Land
with wife, Joan. He currently enjoys his five grandchildren
at home. He released his Book of Poems-Lifebeats in
January 2010.
Matthew Lukaszewshi ’61 is enjoying northern Arizona
and traveling internationally. He thanks BLMHS and its
Brothers for all that they have done.
me as a person and the teachers were outstanding men of
dignity. Standing up for lunch for three years shaped my
life forever.”
After 35 years of marriage Charles J. Siegel ’69 has been
blessed with two new grandkids from his daughters.
Ralph P. Fasano ’70 has been with Customs and Border
Protection (formerly US Customs) for 32 years. Wishing
BLMHS the best always. He is married with two boys
aged 17 and 15. Patrick graduated Regis HS and attends
University of Richmond. Thomas attends High School for
Construction Trades.
Joseph G. Grabowski ’73 is enjoying life in Frisco, Texas
with his wife Christina. He is a Business Development
Manager with McGuire Sponsel, a specialty tax firm.
Karen C. Perch-McFarlane ’80 is married to husband, Gilberto (CEO of Zion Reliable Painters). They have three
children-Cassiana attending Michigan State, Jahpheth will
be graduating 2010 and baby Nailah will be graduating
elementary school.
We have created the Bishop Loughlin Alumni group
on Facebook. The page offers new features, including an event calendar, photos, notes, a news feed and
more – all to help you stay connected with Loughlin.
The group is called Bishop Loughlin Memorial High
School Alumni. Become a member today!
John F. Witkowski ’61 spends retirement in Florida during
the winter months.
Stephen A. Chmela ’62 is a member of the Lake Grove Lions Club where he serves as Secretary and Treasurer and
chairs the Diabetes Awareness Committee. “Hey James
P. McLaughlin ’61, remember those rides on the GG and
Jeffrey M. Albies ’63 retired as Associate Director of
Athletics and Head Baseball Coach at William Patterson
University after 32 years. He is married to Andrea (39
years) and has two lovely daughters- Erica and Ashlee.
“I loved my four years at Loughlin. BLMHS developed
Support Loughlin and make a difference
The Clermont
Alumni Events
Harry J. Hanley Memorial Golf Outing
In Memoriam
Alumni Events
Harry J. Hanley ‘47 attended Bishop Loughlin and
was a member of the Catholic High School Track
October 16, 2010
and Field team that won the championships in 1946.
Hanley was a firm believer that strong education,
November 13, 2010
beginning at an early, was a major component
fueled his dedication and commitment to Long
Island Head Start and his involvement with
as a Long Island Head Start Board Member
Jim Harrington ‘47, Harry Hanley ‘47,
Bill McManus ‘46
and as Chair of the Finance Committee.
Hanley is survived by his wife, Margret,
and eight grandchildren.
In his memory, the Hanley family is pleased
Alumni Reunion
Save the Date
October 16, 2010
to present the Harry J. Hanley Memorial Golf
Outing, on Thursday, July 22, 2010. All proceeds
from this event will be donated to Long Island
Head Start. For more information, or for tickets
878-3137 or
St. Augustine
Alumni Reunion
Enjoy the afternoon and evening at
Loughlin. The day will include Mass, cocktail
reception, welcome ceremony, and dinner.
five daughters, thirteen grandchildren,
for this event, contact Gracemarie Collins, (631)
Alumni Reunion
Save The Date!
of the success for any individual. His belief
Bishop Loughlin. He served for many years
Bishop Loughlin
Harry Hanley ‘47 and Br. Dennis
Help make your Alumni reunion be a success.
Get involved with the Alumni Reunion by
joining your class Reunion Committee. Contact
the Development Office to learn how you
can help make the Reunion a triumph;
Call 718-857-2700 x 2252 or
Summer 2010
Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School expresses sympathy to the families and friends of these individuals.
Thomas Boyd ‘37
Ricardo C. Joseph ‘50
Rev. John G. Nugent ‘40
Henry J. Bailey ‘51
Henry C. Wiedmaier ‘41
Joseph E. Murphy ‘52
Edward R. Herleth ‘42
John O. Donato ‘54
James Donnelly ‘43
Garrett J. Kelleher ‘55
Joseph E. Twomey ‘44
Brian P. McShane ‘58
Francis R. Fitzgerald ‘45
Rev. James J. Mueller ‘58
Martin J. Donahue ‘47
Charles V. Lipari ‘63
Harry J. Hanley ‘47
Joseph E. Melenkivitz ‘67
Stephen J. Ledogar ‘47
Joseph A. Frascella ‘68
Rev. Alfred R. Guthrie ‘48
James Schiavo ‘68
Richard M. Hamber ‘49
Francis D. Krasinski ‘70
Thomas J. Connelly Esq. ‘50
Peter A. Mancuso ‘72
Kevin M. Boyd ‘82
Giuseppe Angelone,
Father-in-Law of Edward Bowes ‘60
former Track Coach
Ann Smith
Wife of Edward A. Smith ‘47
Harry Hanley ‘47 with Classmates
Bishop Loughlin Memorial High School
Support Loughlin and make a difference