29th July 2011 Catholic Education Week Luke Reed MSB College


29th July 2011 Catholic Education Week Luke Reed MSB College
29th July 2011
Principal: Mr Luke Reed
Assistant Principal - Mission: Ms Janette King
Assistant Principal - Curriculum: Mrs Janine Conolly
Head of Boarding: Ms Veronica Loudon
Business Manager: Mr Paul Withnall
Office Manager: Mrs Sue Wegert
Catholic Education Week
This first newsletter of Semester Two comes at the end of our celebration of Catholic Education Week. This year’s theme is ‘Excelling in Education: Mind, Heart and Spirit”. Students, families and staff form a coalition here at MSB in the cause of Catholic education. Thank you for all you are
doing to further the work of Catholic Education for the benefit of our young people.
MSB hosted a celebration Eucharist last Friday. Students and staff from all six Tablelands Catholic schools were in attendance. It was a fantastic
afternoon. Special thanks to all who supported and lead our celebration. The day before 10 students and staff travelled to St Monica’s Cathedral for
the Diocesan celebration; another great day!
Our College Commitment in Catholic Education Week
MIND: May we assist our students to explore and contribute to the world of knowledge, and guide the use of their intellects to penetrate the
mysteries of faith.
HEART: May all touched by our work know they are valued and loved; we give of our best efforts in the cause of the education of our students.
SPIRIT: May we receive from and contribute to the up-building of our faith, learning community at MSB. Our tradition is ‘Mercy’ in character. May ‘hopefulness’ be a hallmark of our shared life.
The work of Catholic education transforms lives, and through the lives of those so transformed, transforms the world in a myriad of ways we will
never know. We undertake our work in this well founded hope! Here at MSB: our Mission is to Educate; our Vision is to Transform.
Staff News
Many in our school community would already be aware that Mr Craig Terrens, member of our teaching staff and Head of Faculty (HOF)-Maths &
Science, has resigned from staff at MSB. With a view to supporting continued student learning outcomes as a top priority and wanting to provide as
smooth a transition as possible for them, arrangements have been put in place for an incoming teacher to take classes from Monday 25 July.
Consequently two important staff appointments have been made: firstly, the services of Mr Paul Bannister, a highly skilled and respected specialist
maths/science teacher with broad and long experience, have been secured; and secondly, Mr Andrew Jamieson, also a highly experienced and skilled
educator and administrator, has agreed to take leadership of the Maths/Science Faculty in the role of HOF. Both appointments are effective immediately. I am sure Mr Bannister will be warmly welcomed to the MSB community. Mr Terrens has liaised closely with both Mr Bannister and Mr
Jamieson in the transition time to ensure an effective handover of both class teaching and faculty administration duties, and for this I am grateful.
I take this opportunity to thank Mr Terrens for his passionate contribution to MSB over many years. We are celebrating Catholic Education Week
just now, its theme this year is ‘Excelling in Education; Heart Mind and Spirit’. Without doubt, as an educator, Craig’s overriding objective has been
to lead his students in their learning; Heart, Mind and Spirit.
I have the utmost faith in the capacity of our students to take these developments in their stride and I am confident that their learning opportunities at
MSB will continue to be both strong and comprehensive, well supported by MSB’s dedicated and professional staff.
Best wishes for success to all as we launch into another busy Semester at MSB.
God Bless!
Luke Reed
MSB College Principal
Celebrating Catholic Education Week
Excelling in Education – Heart, Mind and Spirit.
This past week saw us celebrating Catholic Education. A group of students
from Mount St Bernard travelled to Cairns to celebrate Mass at St. Monica’s
Cathedral along with students from Catholic schools and Colleges across the
Diocese. The gospel reading was from Luke 8: 4-10: A farmer went out to
sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path; it was
trampled on, and the birds ate it up. Some fell on rocky ground, and when it
came up, the plants withered because they had no moisture. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up with it
and choked the plants. Still other seed fell on good soil. It came up and yielded a crop, a hundred times more
than was sown. This parable, particularly the last two verses, supports the premise that if we give ourselves,
Heart, Mind and Spirit to our education opportunities and possibilities are endless.
After Mass the students enjoyed morning tea where they were able to spend time
with students from the other Catholic schools. Morning tea was followed by a presentation from Sr. Margaret Madden who has just returned to Australia after spending
16 years in Pakistan working with students and student teachers in Catholic schools.
She talked about and showed pictures of the diverse range of schools in Pakistan from
fairly affluent well equipped schools to schools that operated in the open where students had no access to basic resources such as desks, chairs or books. She reinforced
for our students that no matter where we lived: no matter what resources we had
available: no matter what buildings we had: no matter what our socio economic background is, committing ourselves Heart, Mind and Spirit to education opens up boundless opportunities and possibilities.
The MSB community celebrated Catholic Education Week with Mass followed
by a barbecue lunch, we were joined by students and teachers from St. Anthony’s, St. Thomas’s, St. Joseph’s and St. Teresa’s Primary schools along with
St. Stephen’s Catholic College. The message called for each student in our
Catholic schools to excel in education- heart, mind and spirit, an invitation to
experience Jesus, practice His teaching and to develop to his or her full potential. Catholic schools challenge students to discover God and make value of
their lives, encourage students to appreciate the intrinsic worth of who they
are now and where they are now and use the students’ experience as a basis
for developing a synthesis of faith and culture and of faith and life. Learning is
the journey of discovery which we share, as teachers, parents and students walk the path of life together.
I would like to thank the students and teachers from the Catholic Schools
across the Tablelands who participated enthusiastically in the Mass, Fr.
Greg Moses for leading us in the celebration of Eucharist and the NET
team who along with our College choir lead the singing.
Excellence is the result of caring more than others think is wise, risking
more than others think is safe; dreaming more than others think is practical; and expecting more than others think is possible.
God Bless
Janette King
Assistant Principal Mission.
Legal Studies goes to Court
A serious murder had taken place. A trail of witnesses answered carefully phrased and detailed questions
about seemingly miniscule details of an event that had occurred two years earlier. The room was hushed
and tense. A jury peered intently at the murder weapon. Prosecution and Defence summed up their arguments and then the accused took the stand...
Last week Mount St Bernard College Year 11 & 12 Legal Studies students observed three criminal cases in
the Supreme Court, Cairns. The first case involved fraud, a result of submitting false documents to an employer. The second case involved breach of a suspended sentence and the third was a murder trial. In an
adjournment, students enjoyed lunch outside the court and discussed possible sentencing and a host of
issues that lead to criminal and civil charges. Judge Jones took time out of his busy schedule to explain to
students the recent changes in the law regarding manslaughter and the process of indictment, empanelling
of jurors and the role of a Supreme Court judge and his associate. Students were made aware of the
gravity of judicial proceedings, the work of solicitors and police officers and the anxiety and upheaval
experienced by victims, their families, individual reputations and the accused when involved in the judiciary.
Our thanks to PCAP for travel assistance, His Honour Jones and Ms Dianne Flanning of the Cairns courthouse for their assistance and Mrs Weedon.
Eating lunch during a quick break from court.
Jake , Melissa , Holly,
Cameron & Flora.
Year 9 students Irene Bani, James Heritage, Daniel Putt and Fergus
Terrens participated in the region-wide Readers’ Cup Competition in
Term 2, an annual event organised by the Children’s
Book Council of Australia.
After weeks of reading the six set texts and many team meetings, the
students were ready.
They had worked hard to prepare and set off to Malanda High
School, joining 18 other teams from Cairns and the Tablelands’
Fergus, James and Irene about to leave for the Readers Cup competition
Maybe its Hello Kitty?
We KNEW that answer! !
SCHOOL DENTAL VAN Qld Health has their Dental Van at Mount St Bernard College
checking and treating students as required in Years 8 -10. Staff in administration will be requesting families and carers to complete forms
so this process can be completed. Please assist with faxing, emailing or mailing forms back to the school office
promptly. We appreciate your assistance with this important health matter for your children.
Results For Mt St Bernard College Athletics Carnival
New School Records
New Record
Old Record
14 Years
14 Years
14 Years
16 Year
16 Year
Pamai Dau
13.01 s
Tom Gutry
Long Jump
High Jump
Shot Put
13 Year
15 Year
16 Year
Open Relay
Age Champions
13 yrs Boys
13 yrs Girls
14 yrs Boys
14 yrs Girls
15 yrs Boys
15 yrs Girls
16 yrs Boys
16 yrs Girls
Open Boys
Open Girls
Benjamin Pootchemunka
Annie Gela
Terry Waia
Heidi Steinmann
Jack Daniel/Brian Pickering
Katie Braithwaite-Girle
Tom Gutry
Annika Malachi
James Cockburn
Emma Wood
Champion House
St Bernard
1097 Points
St Augustine
966 Points
3 -
St Patrick
890 Points
St Joseph
763 Points
14 Years
14 Years
14 Years
16 Year
16 Year
1997 M.
1997 C.
1997 M.
2007 D.
1997 M.
Long Jump
High Jump
Shot Put
13 Year Relay
15 Year Relay
16 Year Relay
Open Relay
2006 Bernard
2010 Patrick
2006 Bernard
Annie Gela
Jack Daniel
Team Spirit Award
St Augustine
Vicki Wilson Cup Netball 2011
Queenslander Vicki Wilson’s achievements on the
netball court and as an Australian sporting icon are
celebrated each year in a state-wide school netball
competition. In the Marlin Coast region eleven
schools competed on Friday 29 July at the Martyn St
courts, Cairns. Mount St Bernard College fielded a
strong team of players who demonstrated the
athleticism, team work, endurance, speed, ball skills
and character of true champions.
Jinnarra Logan, Alfreda Tarpencha, Kyisha Clarmont,
Julie Witoka-Sharry, Rickeisha Kerindun, Petronella
Daly, Jacinta Elu, Leilanie Aniba, Kelly Ross-Kulka and
Taleesha Aniba made up this year’s Vicki Wilson Cup
team and represented our college with outstanding
displays of sportsmanship and skill. Well done girls.
Below: Alfreda as Wing Defence
Kyisha, Jacinta & Petronella resting between games. Kyisha worked hard all day as Centre and Goal shooter. Left: Turning over the ball. Hardworking defence players Jinnarra & Julie Expeditions – Ready to GO... Year 11 Sunday 13 August – Friday 19 August
Year 9 Monday 15 August – Friday 19 August
Get your gear ready and off we go
Please return all permissions forms back to the front office
Mrs Kidner’s Year 9 Math Class
Students in Mrs Kidner’s class this term will have a homework
booklet to complete for each topic studied.
Booklets will cover up to 2 weeks of class work and are to be
submitted to Mrs Kidner within a given time frame to form
part of the student’s portfolio of work for the term.
Mrs Louise Kidner
Parent and Family Wellbeing Workshop - 19 August 2011
Do you want to reduce stress and worry; rise above fear, doubt and insecurity; build genuine confidence; handle painful
thoughts and feelings fare more effectively; break self-defeating habits; improve performance and find fulfillment in your
work; develop self-acceptance and self-compassion; let go of inaccurate and misleading (but very popular) ideas about happiness; build deeper, more satisfying relationships; and above all, create a rich, full and meaninfgul life? Well this workshop is for you. The workshop is an initiative of the diocese’s Social Emotional Learning Strategy. The presenter, Dr.
Joseph Ciarrochi, Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Wollongong, NSW, is a dynamic and entertaining trainer.
8:45 am to 3:00 pm, 19 August 2011
Boathouse, JCU Campus, Cairns
$60 per person (includes morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea)
Parents are asked to complete the registration (available from the school office) and return by 29 July 2011 to Paula
Knight by one of the following means: fax (4051 2859); email pknight@cns.catholic.edu.au ; or mail to PO Box
5296, Cairns 4870. Register now as spaces are limited.
Nomination Forms for the Torimba Festival are now available at the Ravenshoe Newsagency or online at
All girls who are 17 or turning 17 this year, live, attend school or work in the Ravenshoe area are eligible to enter.
Nominations forms can be returned to the Ravenshoe Newsagency or be posted to Torimba
Festival, PO Box 246, Ravenshoe, Q, 4888.
Dear Parents,
I’m writing to ask for your help. Our school is taking part in Woolworths Earn & Learn community
program. This year, they are giving away more than $5 million worth of educational resources for
Primary and Secondary schools all over Australia, including ours!
From July 18th to September 18th 2011, Woolworths will give you one Earn & Learn point for every
$10 you spend in store (excluding the purchase of cigarettes, alcohol and gift cards). Points will automatically appear on
bring them to school (Woolies have given us a special collection box). You will be able to track our progress on our points
barometer poster at school or online at woolworths.com.au/earnandlearn
At the end of the 9-week program, we can redeem our collection
classroom equipment, art & craft materials and much, much more...
of points against a choice of
There’s no limit to the number of points we can collect, so your participation will really make a
difference. The more points we earn, the more resources we can order!
Kindest regards,
Chris Weedon
Teacher in Charge Library
Catholic Education Week July 24 - 30
Catholic Education Week will be held across Queensland 24‐30 July, celebrating the high quality, values‐based education that is pro‐
vided in Catholic schools. This year’s theme is Excelling in Education ‐ Heart, Mind and Spirit, to focus on the opportunities provided for students to reach their full potential ‐ spiritually, intellectually, physically, culturally, socially and emotionally. By working to engage the ‘heart’, ‘mind’ and ‘spirit’, Catholic schools lead students to develop deeper understandings of the world and their place in it. The week is planned to be a celebration of the distinctive nature of Catholic education and of its success in guiding and inspiring students to reach new heights. Ambassador
This year’s Catholic Education Week Ambassador is Sr Margaret Madden, a Sister of Mercy who has spent the past 16 years educating teachers in strife‐torn Pakistan. Sr Margaret is adamant that education is central to creating positive change across the world, including in Paki‐
stan. “You’re not going to root out violence with violence but through more constructive means, and education is basic to that,” she says. “Our students come from all over Pakistan and from different ethnic and religious groups and work together in a spirit of cooperation and faith. “They study to be teachers who can go back into their communities and offer new opportunities and horizons to children who might otherwise have no hope,” she said. In addition, a range of school‐based and classroom activities are planned, along with a number of community functions. Award recipient
Recipients of this year’s Spirit of Catholic Education (SOCE)Awards will be presented at the launch by Her Excel‐
lency, the Governor of Queensland, Ms Penelope Wensley AO. Cairns Diocese recipient of a SOCE Award, teacher Harry Graepel from St Mary’s Catholic College, oree, will receive his award for initiating a program and/or activity in response to a need. Since identifying a need in 2007, Harry Graepel has worked tirelessly to gather and deliver tens of thousands of books and educational resources to schools on some of the most remote islands of Papua New Guinea. Harry’s work has stocked libraries at more than 50 schools as well as providing IT equipment, stationery, sporting gear, furniture and uniforms. His most recent project was to load a 25 cubic meter container with educational materials for 21 remote PNG primary schools in May this year. In addition, since 2007, Harry has also run a weekly raffle at his school to support children who might otherwise not receive a primary education because their parents can't afford to pay school fees in these remote communi‐
ties. Increased demand
Catholic Education Week comes at a time when latest statistics show increasing numbers of parents across far north Queensland are choosing a Catholic school for their children’s education. Student numbers for 2011 in schools run by Cairns Catholic Education have jumped by 3% cent on 2010 enrolments and, over the past 10 years, have grown by more than 23%. Almost 10,000 students fill classrooms in the 26 Catholic schools across the Diocese of Cairns, which covers far north Queensland from Tully in the south, west to the Atherton Tablelands and Northern Territory border, and north to the Gulf and Torres Strait Is‐
lands. In future years, a new Prep to Year 12 school is planned to open in the Cairns southern growth corridor of Mt Peter, as demand for the values‐based learning philosophy of Catholic schools continues to increase. For more information about enrolments and to find a local school, visit www.cns.catholic.edu.au For details of Catholic Education Week events, visit www.catholiceducationweek.com.au. Catholic Education Week 2011 is sponsored by Queensland Teachers’ Credit Union, the Australian Catholic Superannuation and Re‐
tirement Fund and the Australian Catholic University. Upcoming Events
Wed 3rd Aug
Fri 5th Aug
Mon 8th Aug
Thurs 11th & Fri 12th Aug
Mon 15th Aug-Fri 19th Aug
Sat 13th Aug-Fri 19th Aug
Wed 24th Aug
Wed 24th Aug
Sept 5th—9th
Tues 13th Sept
School Photo Day
Qld Arts Council Performance
Natural Fertility Services Program
District Athletics
Year 9 Expedition
Year 10 Work Experience
Year 11 Expedition
St Bernard’s Day Mass
Subject Selection Evening Year’s 10 & 11
In class assessment week
All students finish Term 3 at 3.05pm
FREE Well Women’s Clinics
Atherton Community Health – Friday 19th & Wednesday 24th August 2011
Service includes Pap Smears, Sexual Health Screening, Breast Awareness, also info on Contraception,
Continence, Menopause, Lifestyle Issues, Domestic Violence, etc. All services are provided by a specially trained Women’s Health Nurse.
For appointments phone 4091 0263
Big green shed behind Merrilands in the Showgrounds Reserve!!!
The following classes are currently available.
Kindergym – 22mths – 5 years
Tues, Wed & Fri from 10am til 11am
GymFun4Kids – 5 years and up
Wed & Fri from 3.30pm til 5pm
Sat from 9am til 10.30am
Senior GymFun – Teens and older
Wed from 5pm til 6.30pm
Boys Fitness and GymSkills – 5 years & up
Mon from 3.30pm til 5pm
Girls Levels – 5 years and up
Competitive program
Times and days vary depending on level of participation.
Please see the club for further info.