2012-02 Courier - The Colonial Hills Civic Association


2012-02 Courier - The Colonial Hills Civic Association
The Colonial Hills Courier
The Friendly Community
Facebook Group: Colonial Hills
President’s Message
Have you noticed the new look of the Courier? Thank you to the entrants for the new logo, when you open this edition up,
you’ll see more to choose from. If you want something else to do – try helping out at a Civic Association event. Residents
have been keeping me on my toes asking for help to announce new events and reserve the shelter house – it’s a terrific
problem to have! Check the schedule below for upcoming events, and remember, before you know it, the 4th of July will
be here and we need several volunteers to help run events, also new officials are needed for the Civic Association
continuation – join now and shadow current officials and event chairs to keep this going.
Rachael Dorothy, 2011-2012 CHCA President
About the Colonial Hills Civic Association
Upcoming Events
Community Café – Selby Park shelter
Kindergarten Meet and Greet Selby
Park shelter house
Ohio Fire House Museum open
house – 260N. 4th St.
Wednesday, Feb. 22nd,
Sunday, February 26th,
Tuesday, March 6th,
Block Watch Captain’s meeting –
Selby Park shelter House
Vermicomposting Info Selby Park
shelter house
Election Day go Vote!- Selby Park
Shelter House
Wednesday, March 7th,
OSU History Course Presentation
Selby Park Shelter House
Tuesday, March 13th,
Monthly CHCA Meeting – shelter
Treasurer – John Drago 505-6347
Saturday, March 23rd,
Saturday, March 31st,
10am sharp!
Easter Egg Stuffing - shelter house
volunteers needed!
Easter Egg Hunt!- shelter house
Web Master - George Campbell
Sitters – Baby and/or Pet!
Rosemary Harris, 436-6294, newborns 8 wks-24 mo.
Casey Gelin, 885-4701, Red Cross Cert. baby sitter
Perri MacKenzie, 846-2415, Red Cross Cert. baby sitter
Jesse Lilly, 352-4515, baby sitter
Caroline Smyth. 785-7064, Red Cross Certified baby
• Zach Weinle, 854-9196, Red Cross Certified baby sitter,
also does pet sitting and yard work.
• Haley Carnahan, 436-6798, Red Cross Certified
• Sophie McCallister, 436-3653, Red Cross Certified
President – Rachael Dorothy
Thursdays after school,
Friday, Feb. 17th,
Sunday, February 19th,
Vice President –Matt Lehky
Vice President- This should be
Learn about how the Civic Association
works and help with some events.
Secretary- Kelly Jaeger
• Ruby Clark, 296-4315, certified (Girl Scouts), baby sitter
• Freddy Woodrum- /red cross certified babysitter/can
watch ages 3 and up/#431-0206
• Emma Webster Age 14 (freshman at TWHS) Red Cross
Certified h 880-9655
• Marra Miller- /red cross certified babysitter #623-0104
• Audrey MacKenzie- red cross certified babysitter,
This list also appears on the web site, www.colonialhills.us
To be added or removed from this list please contact:
Rachael Dorothy rachaeldorothy@gmail.com
The Courier is published monthly by the Colonial Hills Civic Association and distributed to approximately
710 homes, 1800 residents. P.O. Box 676, Worthington, OH 43085. 2012 advertising rates are
$150/year for a business card and $25 for one month. For more advertising information or
contributions please contact Rachael Dorothy (406.6391, rachaeldorothy@gmail.com).
Residents are encouraged to contribute articles for publication
Fire & Learning Museum Free Open
House for C.H. Residents Sunday,
Feb. 27th 11am– 1pm Our friend, Cynthia
MacKenzie, supporter of the Central Ohio Fire
Museum, has made special arrangements for Colonial
Hills Residents to take a free tour on Sunday
February 19th from 11 am – 1 pm.
Located at 260 N. Fourth Street, it has an
impressive historical collection and a modern message
of fire safety. For more information, visit their website,
http://www.centralohiofiremuseum.com This is a
great winter activity for the kids. Normal operating
hours and admission are Tuesday-Saturday 10am to
4pm, closed Sunday & Monday, Adults $6 Seniors $5
Children $4.
Celebrating 58 years of
marriage on March 6th
Long Time Resident of the
Charles & Bonnie Rose
5650 Indianola
Design the New Face of Colonial Hills
Logo Contest Can your design be the new calling card
of “Colonial Hills, The Friendly Community?” The new
winning design will be available for T-shirts, coffee mugs and
other Friendly Community spirit wear and available for
purchase at www.colonialhills.us . Entries should be emailed
to rachaeldorothy@gmail.com Shown below are entries from
Sally Shane, who lives on Meadoway, We will have a vote
on entries by the end of the year.
Block Watch Members continue to increase and over the last month and we now have over
95 people registered to be members. To emphasize the positive impact of watchful neighbors, we
recently had one neighbor call the police to report suspicious activity which resulted in an
arrest and recovery of stolen property. Please keep up the good work, and keep our
neighborhood a safe and great place to live. Currently the group is working with the Police
Department regarding erecting Block Watch signs in portions of the neighbor. Locations being
considered are as follows: Four main entrances to the neighborhood
1. On East Selby Blvd as you enter Colonial Hills from High Street, right after the apartments. 2.
On Foster Ave just south of East Selby Blvd 3. On Indianola Ave, on the east side of the street
right before South Selby Blvd 4. On Park Blvd as you come
around the huge hill and curve from Old Worthington.
Another location is a minor entrance to the neighborhood, BUT
it is also the park and multiple people mention that's a good
place for one 5. Andover by Selby Park, just north of south
Selby Blvd (NW corner) And by the school. Not an entrance, but
certainly a place we want as a safe zone 6. Greenwich near the
entrance to the school.
David Nadolny is looking for a couple more captains
from streets without one (at least Park Overbrook, Meadoway
Park, Park Blvd, Park, Lake Ridge Rd, and North Selby Blvd). To
keep up to date with current crime activity, join the block watch,
email group online at www.colonialhills.us or contact David
Nadolny, 175 Kenbrook Dr., dnadolny@columbus.rr.com, or sign up at www.crimereports.com or the new
Worthington website http://www.worthington.org/list.aspx
To report suspicious activity, call the Worthington Police Department 885-4463.
Let’s Talk Worms – Vermicomposting at Colonial Hills:
As an outgrowth of the discussion on the Colonial Hills Civic Association Facebook
page, we are pleased to announce a Vermicomposting Meet Up for residents of
Colonial Hills and greater Worthington.
Vermicomposting is the natural process of composting kitchen trash or garden garbage
with the use of red wiggler worms. This meet up is for EVERYONE from the curious, to
the enthusiast. We invite those who have boxes to please bring them (if possible) so
that we can do a little "show and tell."
Please RSVP so we know how many people, to rosa@rosahuff.com, co-owner of the Computer Lab, or
Rachaeldorothy@gmail.com (406.6391). Also, if you want to demonstrate your own passion – cooking,
knitting, etc., let Rachael know!
Exploring the Colonial Hills
Neighborhood in Worthington
OSU Course is finishing Winter Quarter 2012 at the
Shelter House. The Class, Resources of the Recent
Past, taught by Nancy Recchie & Jeff Darbee,
nrecchie@columbus.rr.com 614-221-0358 (office)
will have a final presentation of student findings
March 7, at Selby Park Shelter
House at 7pm, all welcome.
Is Your Child Starting Kindergarten in August 2012? A playgroup will meet monthly for
kids who start Kindergarten August 2012, to let kids and parents get to know each other before starting school, and
provide a transition so our children will have less fear and more confidence in August. It is also a great resource for
first time parents to ask questions they may have about Colonial Hills Elementary/St.
Michael’s or what to expect in kindergarten, when to register, what the testing is all about,
should I send my child, etc. The next meet and greet will be February 17, 2012 at
6:30pm at the Selby Shelter House. I will bring pizza and drinks, please bring a few
dollars to help contribute. Please spread the word to anyone who has a child who is going
to kindergarten. If you are unable to make the meeting, but interested in participating
please contact Denise Barnes at barnes_denise@yahoo.com by February 14th.
Colonial Hills Soccer for Tots
A new soccer program will begin on April 19th at 6-7pm and will continue every
Thursday through June 21st.
This will be a NO COST program for the children of Colonial Hills ages 3-4. I would
like to expand these sessions to a 5-6 year old age group based on responses.
• These training sessions will not focus solely on technique, but simply center
around creating a fun and non-intimidating place for kids to grasp the very
fundamental elements of the game.
• Eric Klopfer will be championing these training sessions with the help of
other volunteers. Eric has been coaching for 10 years. From U8 to U18 club
teams at the highest levels to High School JV and Varsity teams.
• Volunteers and Donations are welcome and encouraged: Donations of
any kind, snacks, treats, volunteers for play and coaching.
Parents are strongly encouraged to get involved in the games and training.
Equipment needed weekly: Size 2-3 soccer ball, water bottle with name, cleats or gym shoes, positive learning
Please respond quickly with ages of children interested and any type of donations to Ericfutbol@aol.com
The more responses the more trainings we can set up!
Clear Your Driveway of
24 hour locally owned and
fully insured!
Call today for your
residential snow removal
plowing and salting!
Richard Markley
Getting to know our Neighbors:
Karen Young (Park Blvd)
Tell us a little about you and your family and how
& when you came to Colonial Hills. Scott
MacKenzie, my husband took a job with Anshen and Allen
Architects in February 2008, just before the big economic
down-turn. My two girls, Perri and Audrey, and I moved
up at the end of the summer while I wrapped up some
projects I had to finish before leaving Atlanta. Initially we
had thought going to the Evening Street school district
would be most like where we came from in Atlanta but
CHES was really the right place for our younger daughter,
Audrey, who would be in 4th grade at that time. Perri had
been selected to go to Phoenix MS—the first name drawn
so we knew it was the right thing to do, even if she didn’t
like to make changes and leave Atlanta (that was awful for
her). We had rented a house on Kenbrook at first but it
had a sewer problem that the owner wouldn’t fix so we put
out flyers looking for a house to buy or rent. After getting
five responses we chose one on Park Blvd. near
Greenwich. I guess the stress really took its toll and I was
diagnosed with non-hodgkin’s lymphoma the following
spring. That was really unexpected! But after treatment
and recovery I have come back to full swing and good
health since then. It certainly gave me some cause to
reflect on my life and what I wanted it to mean. So I
returned to working in the film business, even though I
knew it would take me away from home all too often.
How many different locations for work do you
visit on a typical year? It all depends—in 2010 I spent
a full nine months working in Atlanta and finished on the
coast of Georgia on the Lifetime series Drop Dead Diva,
then a little on The Walking Dead, the remake of
Footloose next, and finished with X-Men: First Class.
But in 2011 I was all over the place—Atlanta in March;
New York City for April, May, and June; took my girls
with me to Wyoming for a catalog shoot; then to
Cleveland for Avengers; a small job here in Columbus;
and finished the year in Arkansas on an independent
movie. When I’m off I’m unemployed and when I’m
working that’s all I do and have no personal life. I did
fly in a few times to meet with my family at Perri’s water
polo games—Pittsburgh, Erie, and I think one other
place too.
What's been your favorite or interesting
location and why? I love to travel and see all kinds of
places. I don’t know if I have a favorite—I did enjoy the
experience of being in Arkansas but I’d never want to
live there. I love New York City and will never argue about
working there. I enjoyed getting to know Cleveland. It’s
all fun and it’s all an adventure. I think any location that
has some outdoors elements to it are my favorites like
Wyoming and the Tetons as well as being on the
Mississippi River in Arkansas.
Where would you like to work at and why? When I
was doing Drop Dead Diva I thought how easy—in an air
conditioned studio all day, making money—what better
way to do it? Then I went to The Walking Dead, that I had
thought would be messy, hot, sweaty, dirty, nights—but it
was like playing Hallowe’en every day for work! That was
really fun! So I like all working conditions. I will say that
I think going to some place exotic like Brazil is definitely
on my wish list of work places though. That would be
fascinating to see what it’s like in another country.
Although a friend of mine did a Bollywood film in India—
after hearing her stories about the experience I might be
okay with skipping that one.
Where will we most likely run into you around
town? When I’m at home I walk my dogs through the
Village every morning during the week. But I spend a fair
amount of time at the Farmer’s Market on Saturdays
(summer or winter) and The North Market for fun or
Whole Foods for my main grocery shopping. I hate to say
it but I probably go to JoAnn’s way too much—when I’m at
home I’m working on projects that need to get done like
sewing window treatments and decorating.
Scholarship information Reminder- CHCA does present at
least one scholarship (based on funds available) a year to a high school senior
who lives within the neighborhood. Applications are due in April, but
requirements include documentation of 10 hours of community service
within CH and attendance to one CHCA meeting.
In Remembrance: Colonial Hills Neighbor and friend, Crystal Keller
of S Selby Blvd, died after her car was hit by a train at the Lincoln crossing Jan
23, 2012. She passed the night of the 25th. Profound condolences to her
friends and family. Crystal helped many people and is now at peace.
Breakfast to Celebrate Character:
Partners for Community
and Character & Leadership Worthington Invite you to their third “Breakfast
to Celebrate Character” With a special guest speaker, Chip Weiant. The topic
will be Leadership Character, Civility & Civil Society...An award winning Ohio
Hometown story. Chip Weiant, director of the American Center for Civic
Character Project , the Hilliard United Project and the BBB's National Center
for Character Ethics will unpack both a local story and a national toolbox for
restoring America's community-building principles in an age of division &
• When- March 1, 8:30am-10:00am
• Where- J.Liu’s of Worthington, 6880 North High St., Worthington,
OH 43085
• Who should attend: Area businesses and community members.
• Cost- $10.00 (includes breakfast) Registration- is limited.
Please register on the PCC website: communityandcharacter.org (go to the calendar of events tab for registration or
contact Holly Richard at hrichard1006@wowway.com or 885-6646. To learn more about Partners for Citizenship and
Character & Chip Weiant, please visit: Communityandcharacter.org. For additional information on Leadership
Worthington visit: leadershipworthington.org. for more information about this and Circle of Grandparents Newsletter
see http://www.circleofgrandparents.com/pdfs/Around-the-Circle-v5i6-Jan..pdf
I go to John's Auto too....always great
service and never over-charged. Since I
live so close they will take me back home
when I drop off my car. ~R.H.
Love John's Automotive!!
Yep - take it to John's
What is Colonial Hills saying about John’s Automotive?
Ford told me the same thing on my 2002
Explorer, I took it to John's Automotive on
Lincoln, they couldn't find anything wrong
with the computer and replaced brakes for a
great price. That was 6 months ago, car works
great! HIGHLY recommend them. ~E.K.
The 2012 Membership Drive is just
around the corner.
Memberships represent the majority of
our funding and are only $15 for family
and $5 for seniors. You can mail dues to
PO Box 676, Worthington, OH 43085
or pay online at
Love Johns auto but they
don't do transmissions. ~R.V.
Trustees Gearing Up for New Season
Below is a current list of wonderful Trustees who deliver the Courier and other Civic Association information during the year, door
to door throughout the neighborhood. Without continued support, we would not be able to reach out to everyone.
Thank-you Current, Past and Future Trustees!A list of
trustees as of 01/2011
Delivery Range
# of
Gretchen Wessel
215 E. Selby Blvd.
165-235 E. Selby, 5549-5573 Foster
Joni Duffy
291 E. Selby Blvd.
254-329 E. Selby
Kim Garner
385 S. Selby Blvd.
300's S. and N. Selby, 5500's Greenwich
Will Pearce
365 S. Selby Blvd.
416-500 S. Selby
Dan and Jennifer Button
572 S. Selby Blvd.
507-627 S. Selby
Jenny Kendall
418 Park Overlook
510-591 N. Selby
Your Name Here
Please Volunteer
416-501 N. Selby
Cindy Newell
5593 Indianola
5493-5603 Indianola
Bob Kendall –new 10/2011 5571 Indianola Ave.
491-587 Kenbrook
George Campbell
554 Kenbrook Dr.
416-484 Kenbrook
David Nadolny
175 Kenbrook Dr.
175-318 Kenbrook
Cindy Taylor
361 Kenbrook Dr.
334-396 Kenbrook
Shawn Haybron
482 Loveman Ave.
417-497 Loveman
Jeff & Connie Bunger
348 Loveman Ave.
500-583 Loveman
Angy Zalenski
5631 Indianola
5610-5698 Indianola
Mary Ann Ogle
5759 Indianola
5704-5782 Indianola
Dave Forman
449 Park Blvd.
429-507 Park Blvd.
Greg & Erin Claussen
566 Park Blvd.
512-580 Park Blvd.
Darci Stoller
536 Meadoway Park
464-517 Meadoway Park
Ben Niebauer
562 Meadoway Park
522-584 Meadoway Park
David & Dawn Curran
565 Colonial Ave.
496-584 Colonial
Kate Stengel-New 11/2011
430 Colonial Ave.
424-497 Colonial
Jennifer Wellman
374 Loveman
334-401 Loveman
Kim and Rob Miller
391 Park Blvd.
345-409 Park Blvd.
Doug and Nancy Matthies
5736 Andover
346-397 Colonial, 5710-5736 Andover
Zoë Meyers
272 Colonial Ave.
263-333 Colonial
Steve Bass
298 Park Blvd.
234-332 Park Blvd.
Kathy & David Moore
567 Park Overlook
483-567 Park Overlook
Christine Hayes
410 Park Overlook
410-482 Park Overlook, 5765-5791 Andover
Ken Paul
287 Loveman Ave.
251-322 Loveman
Anne Curran
5717 Foster Ave.
5684-5731 Foster
Lisa Callander-Adams &
229 Loveman Ave.
174-235 Loveman
Bruce Adams
Karen Young
357 Park Blvd.
100's Park Blvd., 212-256 Colonial, Hardy Way
179 Kenbrook Dr.
Rose Vidmar
196 E. Selby Blvd.
164-238 E. Selby, 5568-5584 Morning
Rosa Huff
62 E. Southington
22-85 E. Southington
Future expansion-this
Contact me to join!
519-530 Dendra Lane, 195-345 E. South Street,
could be you
500-519 Evergreen Circle
Future expansion – this
Contact me to join!
5791-5796 Foster, 5788-5830 Granby, 507-576
could be you or your
Greenwich, 265 McCoy, 142 Park Blvd., 52942
539 Plymouth St.
Future expansion- this
Contact me to join!
544-564 White Oak Place
could be you
150-170 E. Brookside Oval
Future expansion- this
Contact me to join!
32-130 RiverglenDrive East
could be you
Future expansion- this
Contact me to join!
21-135 Orchard Drive, East
could be you