aerocom"your partner for pneumatic tube systems"


aerocom"your partner for pneumatic tube systems"
aerocom "your partner for pneumatic tube systems"
aerocom continually
develop new types of
stations to meet the
demands of modern
The Titan is a front
loading universal
station which is now
available in both 160
and 110mm diameter
ac3000 pneumatic
tube systems. Stations
are available with
either baskets or
alternatively secure
cabinets tailored to
your design.
More than matching
the standard of the
"HTM for pneumatic
tube systems in
hospitals" the ac3000
system takes tracking
and diagnostics a step
Aerocom are
developing software
upgrades keeping the
ac3000 system at the
forefront of technology
ac3000 has been developed to run on the widely available,
globally trusted, Microsoft Windows operating system
Performance is quick
and easy to research,
statistical filters can
produce graphs
illustrating many
presets, including
the 24 hourly peaks
and troughs of the
systems traffic flow
From basic control panels to in depth statistical filtering, the
ac3000 software allows easy access to system information
Features included as standard;
Total system control from the PC
Real time animated transportation graphics
Timed redirection or station availability
Automatic carrier distribution from labs etc.
Complete transit and waiting time statistics
Diagnostics which interact with graphic filters
Quick display fault finding summaries
Remote service tests for equipment
Error relay to external alarm centres
and a host of other enhancements.
Carriers equipped with transponders are scanned and tracked
from the moment they are inserted into the station, the send is
tagged to the transponder which is also scanned on arrival at
the final destination
Each carrier is listed in the
ac3000 software app called Tag
The transponders embedded at
each end or the carrier are
hyperlinked to the specific
carrier number
When the dispatch arrives at the destination
station the transponder is scanned inside
the station before the carrier is ejected.
If the Tag does not match the individual
send ID the system will go into auto clearing
and search for the missing carrier.
When an interested client
approaches aerocom for
details about our pneumatic tube system solutions our
designer will be at their disposal
Detailed plans will be drawn up supported by documentation to ensure
the client is getting the best possible return on the investment
System performance will be tailored to the requirement of the user group by
means of proven calculations of station designation cross checked against
expected turnover. This type of expertise guarantees the AC3000 system we
deliver to any hospital meets the clients expectations.
Stations can be made
secure in ward areas
through installing
lockable cabinets.
Our designer has a full
range of accessories
“designed for hospitals”
Should something non
standard be required we
can develop the cabinetry
to suit, recently even
making the door locks on
the cabinet activate by
using the staff security
swipe cards in a futuristic
new hospital in Bristol
aerocom offer a whole host of solutions for hospital applications, if the
requirement is complex, we make it easy
Empty carrier return units, bench stations and long distance transportation are
only some of the many benefits brought by utilising scanner mode
aerocom “at your ser vice”
Once an aerocom air tube system is installed its
only the beginning of our partnership
What sets Aerocom UK Ltd apart from other companies is clear, our
professional service and standards benefits the asset investment therefore
making the installer the obvious choice for after care, we offer;
 24 hour online and telephone support
 Prompt call out attendance
 Expert knowledge of the installation, hardware and software
 Full technical backup from the manufacturer
 Free software upgrades
 An extensive nationwide infrastructure
 A comprehensive stock of parts and spares
 All employees with Advanced CRB checks for hospital installations
“your par tner is suppor ting you”
Using Team Viewer we can log into your system
swiftly when our 24hr remote assistance is required
"Designed for Hospitals"
We offer so much more in return for investing in the
"ac3000 pneumatic tube system"
For more details or enquires contact us at:
aerocom(UK) Ltd
"your partner for pneumatic tube systems"
12 Vickery Way, Chetwynd Business Park,
Chilwell, Nottingham. NG9 6RY
Tel: 0115 9463515
 Fax: 0115 9463520
 Website: