Wafer Level Packaging – New achievements of technical
Wafer Level Packaging – New achievements of technical
Arcsis Micropackaging Days 29th-30st November 2007 Gardanne, France Wafer Level Packaging – New achievements of technical feasibility & reliability by using an electroless UBM T. Oppert, Dr. E. Zakel, Dr. T. Teutsch oppert@pactech.de Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential Content • Overview on Semiconductor Markets – – • ENIG UBM – History & Now – – – – – • The early days of eless NiAu Licenses & worldwide wafer bumping capacity Pac Tech and eless NiAu now Yield, CpK etc. Equipment for eless NiAu Soldering – • 1970 to 2010 Applications and usage/implementation of eless NiAu Paste Printing Reliability Data Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential Overview on Semiconductor Markets Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential Evolution Semiconductor Market 1970 - 2010 Consumer/Wireless Internet Enterprise Government Military/ Aerospace Source: SIA Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential Semiconductor Market 2006 Cell Phone/ mobil 17,00% Wired Comm 7,00% PC/ Computer 43,70% Industrial/ Military 7,30% Automotive 8,70% Consumer 17,20% Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential Worldwide use of Pac Tech ENIG & solder printing LCD Driver/ ASIC; 5,00% Memory; 5,00% RFID; 20,00% Medical; 10,00% Mobile Phone; 40,00% MOSFET; 20,00% Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential Electroless NiAu History & Now Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential History of electroless Ni/Au @ Pac Tech • • • • • • Basic studies & publications in 1985 First active electroless bumped wafer in 1989 Formation of Pac Tech in 1995 Further developments of the eless Ni UBM Pilot production line in 1997 Start of customer qualification & production in 1998 2007…Pac Tech Wafer Bumping facilities in Germany, USA, Japan, Malaysia …10x Pac Tech eless NiAu Bumping process licensed and equipment installed worldwide Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential …more electroless Ni/Au • ENIG NOT only for Al, also for Cu pads • ENIG UBM for FC and Wire Bonding • Eless Ni/Pd/Au for Wire Bond of Power Devices Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential Business Development – Installed Equipment for ENIG UBM & Technology Transfer/Licenses of Pac Tech Germany Growth Telecom. France Telecom. USA (PacTech) Japan (ABT) Subcon Korea (STW) LCDDriver USA Memory 30 0m m SubCon 30 0m Philippines Telecom. 30 0m 30 0m m USA Power Dev. Malaysia Japan Q4/07 Nagase 30 0m m 30 0m m France Q4/07 m m Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 2008 Confidential Pac Tech Group Worldwide Wafer Bumping Capacity 2006 <4-8" Wafer> <12" Wafer> Pac Tech GmbH 600k 100k Pac Tech USA 600k 150k ABT ("Pac Tech Japan") 450k 2007 <4-8" Wafer> - <12" Wafer> Pac Tech GmbH 600k 100k Pac Tech USA 600k 150k ABT ("Pac Tech Japan") 600k - Pac Tech Asia 300k 100k 2008 <4-8" Wafer> <12" Wafer> Pac Tech GmbH 600k 100k Pac Tech USA 600k 150k ABT ("Pac Tech Japan") 600k 150k Pac Tech Asia 600k 150k Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential Wafer Level UBM Electroless NiAu & NiPdAu Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential Design Rules for Electroless Ni/Au Bumping wafer size 4” - 12” wafer thickness 175 µm (7 mil) (up to 8“) pad geometry any (square, rectangular, round) pad size 40 µm (10 µm) pad spacing 20 µm (5 µm) metallization AlSi1, AlSi1Cu0.5, AlCu2 Al thickness 1 µm (0.5 µm) passivation defect-free nitride, oxide, polyimide scribe line insulating (test structures acceptable) probing before or after Ni/Au plating laser trimming depending on technology Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential Process Flow - Electroless Ni/Au Bumping Al Pad Cu Pad Zinkating Pd Seed Ni Plating Flash Au FCB Pd Barrier Flash Au Flash Au Thick Au Wire Bonding Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Wire Bonding Confidential Under Bump Metal Process Electroless Plating of Ni/Au Bumps on Al pad 1/2 Backside Coating Pad Cleaning Pad Activation Electroless Nickel Flash Gold Coating Removal Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential Under Bump Metal Process Electroless Plating of Ni/Au Bumps on Al pad 2/2 Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential 300 m Electroless Ni/Au on Copper Pad m Ca pabi lity ! Backside Coating Pad Cleaning Pd Treatment Electroless Nickel Flash Gold Coating Removal Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential Electroless Ni/Pd/Au Bumping on Al Backside Coating Aluminum Cleaning Zincate Pretreatment Electroless Nickel Electroless Palladium Immersion Gold Coating Removal Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential Flip Chip Modules for contactless Smart Cards UBM: Electroless NiAu Assembly: Flip chip attach by Laplace soldering Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential Eless NiAu UBM Yield, Cpk Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential Chip yield • Average chip yield for all customer prodcuts – 2005: 99.65 – 2006: 99.73 – 2007 (Jan-Sep): 99.91 Yield (%) Yield (% ) 100,20 100,00 99,80 99,60 99,40 99,20 99,00 98,80 98,60 Jan Feb März April Mai Juni Juli Aug Sept Monate (2007) Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential CpK – bump height Average CpK 2007 for all processed wafers (Jan-Sep): 1.78 Cpk- Werte Bump-Höhe 2,50 Cpk-Wert 2,00 1,50 1,00 0,50 0,00 Jan Feb M ärz A pril M ai Juni Juli A ug Sept Monate (2007) Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential CpK – shear force Average CpK 2007 for all processed wafers (Jan-Sep): 2.42 Cpk- Werte Scherkraft 3,50 3,00 Cpk-Wert 2,50 2,00 1,50 1,00 0,50 0,00 Jan Feb M ärz A pril M ai Juni Juli A ug Sept Monate (2007) Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential Equipment for ENIG UBM Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential Advantages of ENIG UBM using PacLine 300 A50 • Low Capital Investment Cost 10-20 Mio US$ ElectroPlating: Electroless UBM + Solder Print/Ball: 3-5 Mio US$ • High Throughput 600.000 wafers per year 8“; 312.000 wafers 12“ per year • Maskless Process No tooling required • Low Process Cost compared to Electroplating Low Cost Process cost per wafer • Compatible for wafers from 4“ to 12“ no additional invest for different wafer sizes • Proven Reliability • Compatibility with all FC-Assembly processes Soldering ACF NCP • Suitable for Al and Cu pad metallization • Suitable for NiAu and NiPdAu • Compatibility with Wire Bonding Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential Pacline 300 - A50 10 ENIG Plating Systems in the Field @ major OEM’s 300 mm Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential Pacline 300 - A50 Parallel processing of 3 carriers with each 50 wafers 8“ or 3 carriers with 26 wafers 12” - UPH: max. 150 Wafers 8"/hour or max. 78 wafers 12”/hour (5µm Ni/Au UBM) - Thick Au ability for wire bonding reliability - Ni bath control with ConPac 2.0 (bath conditioner) and ConPac control set - Central Computer Control Unit (CCCU) - PLC with Profi Bus system - Additional security tanks for each module and pump system - Design will be adapted to customer’s facility - SECS GEM Interfacing - The system fulfils the fire safety standard FM 4910 Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential Wafer Level Solder Printing Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential Comparison of Solder Bumping Technologies Evaporated Solder Bump C4 Solder Sputtered UBM + Plating Sputtered UBM + Print (FCT) Electroless UBM (+) Print or Ball Attach Solder Solder Au Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Solder Ni/Au Confidential Stencil Solder Printing Process Flow SnPb37, Lead-free: SnAgCu Electroless Ni/Au Bumping PbSn Solder Paste Printing Reflow Wafer Cleaning Wafer Inspection Pack & Ship Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential Applications GSM Phone: Battery Control Wafer: Si-Ge Technology Protection Devices Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential Solder Printing on 300mm Wafer • 740.000 I/O per Wafer • 680 I/O per Chip • 225µm pitch • 100µm pad size • 70µm solder ball height Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential Reliability Data Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential TYPICAL WAFER LEVEL CSP TEST CONDITIONS 1.ACLV (Autoclave) @ 121 °C, 15 PSIG, 100% RH with 3x Reflow @ 260°C, 96 Hrs 2.TMCL (Temperature Cycle) – Component Level @ -65 to +150 °C, 15min Dwell with 3x Reflow @ 260°C, 500 Cycles 3.B-TMCL (Board Level Temperature Cycle) @ -10 to +100 °C, 15min Dwell with 2x Reflow @ 260°C, 2000 Cycles 4.PRCL (Power Cycle) 2 mins on/off (others), Delta Tj >=100°C, 10,000 Cycles 5.HAST (Highly Accelerate Stress Test) @ 85% RH, 130 °C, Vr = 80%Bv with 2x Reflow @ 260°C, 96 Hrs 6.HTRB (High Temperature Reverse Bias) @ Ta = 150 °C, 80% Rated BVDSS, 1000 Hrs 7.HTGB (High Temperature Gate Bias) @ Ta = 150 °C, 100% Rated VGS, 1000 Hrs Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential 1) Wafer Level CSP MOSFET – Customer A Die size: 1 x 1.5 mm Number of I/O's: 6 bumps per chip Pitch / Ball Dia. 500 µm / 300 µm Wafer size: 6 inch Assembly: Soldering on organic PCB w/o underfill Reliability: • • • • • • • TMCL, -65°C / + 150°C HAST, 130°C /85% rH HTRB, 150°C HTGB, 150°C PRCL, Tj=100°C ACLV, 121°C, 15 PSI B-TMCL, -10°C / + 100°C Lot size: 500 cycles 96 hours 1000 hours 1000 hours 10k cycles 96 hours 2000 cycles - no failure - no failure - no failure - no failure - no failure - no failure - no failure 77 parts per test conditions Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential 2) Wafer Level CSP MOSFET – Customer B Die size: 1 x 1.5 mm Number of I/O's: 6 bumps per chip Pitch / Ball Dia. 500 µm / 300 µm Wafer size: 6 inch Assembly: Soldering on organic PCB w/o underfill Reliability: • • • • • • • TMCL, -65°C / + 150°C HAST, 130°C /85% rH HTRB, 150°C HTGB, 150°C PRCL, Tj=100°C ACLV, 121°C, 15 PSI B-TMCL, -55°C / + 125°C Lot size: 1000 cycles 100 hours 1000 hours 1000 hours 10k cycles 96 hours 1000 cycles - no failure - no failure - no failure - no failure - no failure - no failure - no failure 55 parts per test conditions Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential 3) Wafer Level CSP - FM Radio Die size: 3.5 x 3.5 mm Number of I/O's: 34 bumps per chip Pitch / Ball Dia. 500 µm / 300 µm Wafer size: 6 / 8 inch Assembly: Soldering on organic PCB w/o underfill Reliability: • • • • • • • TMCL, -55°C / + 125°C U-HAST, 130°C /85% rH HTOL, 125°C, biased HTSL, 150°C THB, 85°C/85% RH, biased B-TMCL, -40°C / + 125°C Drop Test (84 devices/7 boards) 1000 cycles 192 hours 2000 hours 1000 hours 2000 hours 500 cycles 300 drops - no failure - no failure - no failure - no failure - no failure - no failure - < 5%* *Required: 100 drops < 5% Lot size: 77 parts – HTSL, UHST, TMCL, 44 parts – HTOL, THB Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential TYPICAL LEAD FRAME BGA TEST CONDITIONS 1.ACLV (Autoclave) @ 121°C, 100%RH, 15psi with 3x Reflow @ 260°C Peak Temperature 2.Component Level TMCL (Temperature Cycle) @ -65 to 150°C, 15min Dwell with 3x Reflow @ 260°C Peak Temperature 3.Board Level TMCL (Temperature Cycle) @ -25 to 125°C, 9min dwell with Sony-Ericsson Precondition flow 4.PRCL (Power Cycle) @ 125°C Tjc, delta Tj of 100°C, 2min ON & 2min OFF 5.HAST (Highly Accelerated Stress Test) @ 130°C, 85%RH, Vr = -16V 6.UHAST (Unbiased Highly Accelerated Stress Test) @ 130°C, 85%RH 7.HTRB (High Temperature Reverse Bias) @ 150°C, Vr = -16V 8.HTGB (High Temperature Gate Bias) @ 130°C, 85%RH, Vgs = -12V Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential 4) Lead-frame MOSFET BGA Die size: 1 x 1.5 mm Number of I/O's: 6 bumps per chip Pitch / Ball Dia. 500 µm / 300 µm Wafer size: 6 inch Assembly: Soldering on organic PCB w/o underfill Reliability: • • • • • • • TMCL, -65°C / + 150°C HAST, 130°C /85% rH HTRB, 150°C HTGB, 150°C PRCL, Tj=100°C ACLV, 121°C, 15 PSI B-TMCL, -25°C / + 125°C Lot size: 500 cycles - no failure 96 hours - no failure 1000 hours - no failure 1000 hours - no failure 10k cycles - no failure 96 hours - no failure 1000 cycles - no failure 77 parts per test conditions Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential 5) Lead-frame MOSFET BGA Die size: 3.5 x 4 mm Number of I/O's: 20 bumps per chip Pitch / Ball Dia. 650 µm / 300 µm Wafer size: 6 inch Assembly: Soldering on organic PCB w/o underfill Reliability: • • • • • • • TMCL, -65°C / + 150°C HAST, 130°C /85% rH HTRB, 150°C HTGB, 150°C PRCL, Tj=100°C ACLV, 121°C, 15 PSI B-TMCL, -25°C / + 125°C Lot size: 500 cycles - no failure 96 hours - no failure 1000 hours - no failure 1000 hours - no failure 10k cycles - no failure 96 hours - no failure 1000 cycles - no failure 77 parts per test conditions Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential 6) Lead-frame BGA Die size: 4.3 x 5.5 mm Number of I/O's: 20 bumps per chip Pitch / Ball Dia. 800 µm / 500 µm Wafer size: 6 inch Assembly: Soldering on organic PCB w/o underfill Reliability: • • • • • • • TMCL, -65°C / + 150°C HAST, 130°C /85% rH HTRB, 150°C HTGB, 150°C PRCL, Tj=100°C ACLV, 121°C, 15 PSI B-TMCL, -25°C / + 125°C Lot size: 500 cycles - no failure 96 hours - no failure 1000 hours - no failure 1000 hours - no failure 10k cycles - no failure 96 hours - no failure 1000 cycles - no failure 77 parts per test conditions Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential 7) PowerMOSFET (Clip Attach) Die size: Number of I/O's: Wafer size: Assembly: multiple layouts 2 pads per chip (gate & source) 6 inch / 8 inch soldering, clip attach, Au wire bonding (gate) Reliability: • HTSL, 150°C 1000 hours - no failure Preconditioning: 168hrs 85%/85C + 3 solder reflow @ 260°C (peak) • • • • • TMCL, -65°C / + 150°C HAST, 130°C /85% rH ACLV, 121°C, 15 PSI Parametric Drift Bond Integrity , 150°C, N2 1000 cycles 100 hours 96 hours 250 cycles 500 hours - no failure - no failure - no failure - no failure - no failure Lot size: HTSL (82 pcs), HAST, TMCL, ACLV (55 pcs), PD (200 pcs), BI (40 pcs) Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential Summary • Overview on Semiconductor Markets • Electroless NiAu UBM – History & Now – Eless NiAu & NiPdAu for Al and Cu – Eless Equipment • Soldering Process • Reliability Data Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential Thank you! Certified ISO 9001: 2000 & ISO TS 16949 Confidential
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