Seasonal Allergies: Four Steps to Relief


Seasonal Allergies: Four Steps to Relief
MAY 2015
7 5 7 No rl a n d Av e, St e 10 5  C h am b er s bur g , P A 17 20 1  ( 7 17 ) 2 1 7 - 6 7 90
Seasonal Allergies: Four Steps to Relief
Ah, spring! The perfect time to get outside for long
walks in the neighborhood, hikes in the hills, and
gardening. But that ―ah‖ can quickly become ―ahchoo‖ if you’re one of the 36 million Americans
with seasonal allergy problems. The runny nose, itchy eyes,
and congestion – all typical allergy symptoms – can slow you
down and make you miserable.
While there have been no dramatic advances recently in allergy treatment, you can take a number of steps to minimize
the misery.
1. Know Your Allergy Triggers: Triggers, or allergens, can
vary by region, but two main culprits are to blame for many
seasonal allergy problems:
 Ragweed and other weed pollens. Ragweed is a stubborn
plant and grows easily in fields, along roadsides, and in vacant lots. A plant can produce a billion pollen grains in a
season, and the grains can travel up to 400 miles because
they are so lightweight.
 Molds. Outdoor molds grow in heavy vegetation, hay and
straw, and are found in raked leaves. Outdoor molds increase after rain, too.
Predicting how bad an allergy season will be is an inexact science, but there are some general links with weather. More rain
usually means more pollen. Outdoor mold can increase, too,
with moisture. So if you live in an area struck by flooding or
heavy rains in the spring or summer, you can probably expect
a worse-than-usual allergy season.
2. Take Measures: It may sound obvious, but avoiding the
allergens is the number one measure suggested by allergy experts. There are many steps you can take to eliminate or minimize your exposure to allergens and improve seasonal allergy
 Wear a protective mask when doing yard work.
 Keep allergens out of your indoor environment by using
HEPA filters in air conditioners to better trap pollen spores.
And be sure to change your filters often.
 Protect your eyes. Wear sunglasses when outdoors to reduce the amount of pollen coming into the eyes.
 Wash your hair at the end of the day to wash out pollens.
 Get outside early in the morning or late in the day, when
pollen counts are typically lower. Recognize that pollen
counts are typically higher on a hot, windy, sunny day compared with a cool day without much wind.
3. Avoid Foods that Trigger Your Symptoms: If you have
seasonal allergies to ragweed, be aware that eating certain
Wayne Myers, Pharm. D.
foods may trigger your symptoms. About one-third of people
with seasonal allergies will have a cross-reaction to certain
foods. Foods that might provoke symptoms in those with ragweed allergies include bananas, cucumbers, melons, zucchini,
sunflower seeds, and chamomile tea.
4. Get Treatment: There are a variety of medications to improve your seasonal allergies. Many are approved for use in
 Topical nasal sprays, available by prescription, work well.
They contain medications called corticosteroids, which
work by reducing inflammation and are minimally, if at all,
absorbed. The sprays are typically used daily, before and
during allergy season.
 Oral antihistamines are another option. Some are available
over-the-counter while others require a prescription. Many
over-the-counter allergy options contain a combination of
drug ingredients that may include a decongestant. Decongestants may elevate blood pressure and heart rate, so check
with your doctor before taking.
 Try an all-natural route. NATURAL D-HIST is our best
selling allergy treatment. It contains the most effective
natural allergy-fighters known to man:
Quercetin: an anti-inflammatory and histamineblocker, its effect on allergies is unmatched by any
other natural substance.
Vitamin C: proven to significantly lower symptoms of
allergies, colds, and asthma.
Stinging Nettle: forms an antihistamine effect.
Bromelain: reduces inflammation by inhibiting kinin
formation (the cause of swelling and pain).
N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC): breaks down the viscosity
of mucous better than any other natural substance.
Many people have had success with
this product, and there is even a version specifically for children. We are
so sure it will work for you, we offer
a money back guarantee. If it doesn’t
work, bring the bottle back with
your receipt, and we will refund
your money.
God’s created an amazing world to
be enjoyed. Don’t let seasonal allergies keep you inside. Please feel free to stop by the pharmacy
and ask if you need more information. Our staff will be happy
to help.
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. - 1 Corinthians 10:31
What are Bio-Identical Hormones?
Many of you have heard of hormone replacement therapy (HRT). But do you know what bio-identical hormone
replacement therapy (BHRT) is? Is there a difference? If so, why does it matter?
I am frequently asked these questions. There are many differences between HRT and BHRT, but the biggest
difference is that traditional HRT utilizes synthetic hormones. Synthetic hormones are defined as synthetic chemical compounds
that mimic the activity of hormones produced in the body but differ in structure from hormones that occur naturally in the body.
Bio-identical or ―natural‖ hormones are also synthetic chemical compounds that mimic the activity of hormones produced in the
body; however, they have the exact same structure as hormones that occur naturally in the body...
Stacie Kramer, Pharm. D.
Which is why drug manufacturers do not produce bio-identical hormones. The fact that bio-identical hormones have the
exact same molecular structure as naturally occurring hormones means that drug manufacturers cannot patent them.
The drug manufacturers usually obtain synthetic hormones from animal sources,
namely horses (using pregnant mare urine). Bio-identical hormones are usually sourced
from plants, namely soy and yam. Synthetic hormones are also typically stronger than
naturally occurring human hormones and are without natural pathways to be broken
down and eliminated safely from the human body. Bio-identical hormones typically
have a similar efficacy to their naturally occurring counter-parts and the body does
have natural elimination pathways.
Bio-identical hormones are often associated
with compounding, but not all bio-identical
hormones require compounding: progesterone
and estradiol are both available as manufactured products. While they are limited in
their dosage size and some may contain peanut oil (an allergy concern for some), they
may be a viable option for certain women. Compounded bio-identical hormones offer
the advantage of individualized dosing. Based on saliva testing, a compounding
pharmacy can make the dosage specific to your hormone levels with the ability to
eliminate unwanted chemicals.
What about safety? There is no shortage of controversy surrounding this topic.
Proponents for bio-identical hormones claim that they are safer than comparable
synthetic and nonhuman versions of HRT, while the US Food and Drug Administration
and The Endocrine Society claim there is little or no evidence to support claims that bioidentical hormones are safer or more effective.
According to a review of published papers identified from PubMed/MEDLINE, Google
Scholar, and Cochrane databases, physiological data and clinical outcomes demonstrate
that bio-identical hormones are associated with lower risks, including the risk of breast
cancer and cardiovascular disease, and are more efficacious than their synthetic and
animal derived counterparts.* Further randomized controlled trials are needed to
delineate these differences more clearly (Kent Holtroft, 2009).
If you would like more information, please join me for our FREE Hormone
Replacement Seminar on Tuesday, May 26th, from 7-8pm.
“March of 2009 was a new beginning
for me. I had taken a salvia test in
February that year and, based on the
results, got a prescription for a bioidentical hormone cream.
Before I began using the compounded
cream, I was tired all the time and had
no energy. I was moody, had low sex
drive, and low self esteem. It didn’t
take much to “set me off.” All due to a
hormonal imbalance.
In just 2-3 three weeks I began to
notice a change. I started to have
more energy and less mood swings. I
felt good about myself. It’s been two
years since starting the compounded
cream. I feel young, vibrant and energetic. I feel good about myself. Thank
- Ethel Brogan
* The Bioidentical Hormone Debate: Are Bioidentical Hormones (Estradiol, Estriol, and Progesterone) Safer or More
Efficacious than Commonly Used Synthetic Versions in Hormone Replacement Therapy? Kent Holtorf, MD
Located in Shippensburg, the Drew Michael Taylor Foundation was founded after the death of three-year-old Drew
Michael Taylor on June 13, 2006. The organization aims to
provide educational opportunities and grief and loss support
programs for children, teens, and their families.
Find out more by visiting
Page 2
I broke my finger today…
But on the other hand I am completely fine.
Why did the guy get fired from the orange juice factory?
Because he couldn’t concentrate.
W W W. N O R L A N D R X. C O M
True or False? Join us as
we debunk the myths of
diabetes. This seminar is
also being offered on
Wednesday, May 20th,
at the Chambersburg
Senior Center starting at
10:30am. Dr. Stacie
Kramer will be presenting
at the Senior Center, so
you can choose what
works best for your
Omega 3s are good fats
and probably the most
important nutrients you
can take. Come hear
how Omega 3s counter
inflammation and ten
other health issues. Samples and literature will be
available. A questions
and answer session will
be included.
Michael Hennessey,
Health Educator,
Dr. Erin Brennan, R. Ph. Wildberry Education
If you or a loved one are
flashes, insomnia, painful
intercourse, sleeplessness, irritability, etc.,
please join us to learn
more about what treatment options are available and which one may
be the best fit for your
Dynamic guest speaker,
Tracy Kreider, will be
joining us to present
Aging Gracefully. You
won’t want to miss her
fun presentation style.
Please be sure to
reserve your spot as this
seminar is sure to fill-up
quickly. This seminar will
run 7-8:30pm.
Dr. Stacie Kramer, R.
Speaker: Tracy Kreider,
Naturopathic Doctor,
Certified Nutrition Consultant
Seminars run from 7-8pm at the Summit Health Center. Seating is limited.
Please reserve your spot: (717) 217-6790 or
Biblical Health Tip…
The Pathway to
There is no doubt that stress and anxiety are damaging to
your health. When you are content with life it is good for
both your body and mind. Here is what the Bible has to say
about being content.
Proverbs 19:23 – The fear of the Lord leads to life: Then one
rests content, untouched by trouble.
To be content, fear (respect) the Lord. The Apostle Paul
learned the secret of contentment:
Philippians 4:12-13 – I know what it is to be in need, and I
know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of
being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or
hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
Do you want to be content? …
Put your trust and hope in Jesus.
Page 3
Stop in soon for
the best selection.
Sale includes
Lottie Dotties and
Ginger Snaps.
May 1st-15th.
W W W. N O R L A N D R X. C O M
Pain Relief
If you’re tired of having to live with daily muscle
and deep tissue pain, here’s a reason to celebrate! We offer a
well-formulated non-prescription remedy called FibroMed that
helps alleviate deep tissue pain with zero side effects.
FibroMed’s 13 synergistically-reinforced ingredients harness
the power of the latest scientific research and combine it with
the safety of nature. You get exceptional pain relief—unlike any
you’ve ever experienced—and unparalleled safety. Even Fibromyalgia patients who had given up hope for pain relief are
finding fast, long-lasting relief with this
high-powered formula.
“My husband Harry was having a lot of
trouble standing, walking, etc. After taking
FibroMed for a few weeks he is walking
and getting in and out of his van much easier.”
Independently tested, FibroMed is so potent
that it even alleviates joint pain. I’m so
convinced that it will work for you, that we
offer a guarantee. If you’re not satisfied
after 30 days of use, bring back the bottle
with your original receipt for a full refund.
Tracie Roles
May 1st-15th: 20% Off All Jewelry (just in time for
Mother’s Day)
5/12, 7-8pm: FREE Diabetes Sweet Spot Seminar:
Debunking Myths
5/19, 7-8pm: FREE Nordic Naturals Seminar
5/20, 10:30-11:30am: FREE Diabetes Sweet Spot
Seminar: Debunking Myths, Chbg Senior Center
5/26, 7-8pm: FREE Dealing w/ Menopause Seminar
6/2, 7-8:30pm: FREE Aging Gracefully Seminar
Seating for the seminars is limited. Reserve your spot:
(717) 217-6790 or
“Every time you smile at someone, it is an
action of love. A gift to that person, a
beautiful thing.” - Mother Teresa
In this Issue:
Seasonal Allergies: Four Steps to Relief ................. Pg 1
What Are Bio-Identical Hormones? ....................... Pg 2
Upcoming Seminars .................................................. Pg 3
Jewelry Sale ............................................................... Pg 3
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