Arpa for UK Collection
Arpa for UK Collection
ARPA PRESENTS FOR THE UK MARKET, A STOCK COLLECTION OF HPL FOR INTERIOR DESIGN APPLICATIONS WITH A FAST DELIVERY PROGRAM. A WIDE RANGE OF COLOURS, DECORS AND FINISHES, ALWAYS READY FOR YOUR INSPIRATION, IMAGINATION AND CREATIVITY. Samples within 48 hrs Sample Line +44 (0) 1782332368 These references are Made in Italy and particularly suitable for Retail and Contract applications. FINISHES The finishes illustrated on this page are presented in their actual dimensions. To correctly understand the depth and tactile effect, it is advisable to request an A4 sized sample. To ascertain which finish can be produced on each decor, please refer to the table on the reverse or to the notation below the particular HPL image. CLIFF CLI CORALLOERRE COR R FARAH FRH FLATTINGGHIBLI FLA GH LARIX LAR MESH MSH MIKA MK NAKED NKD OPACAPESCAPIXEL OP PES PXL SATINATA SAT uk collection COLORSINTESI HGS (standard) 0,9 mm 3050x1300 mm vg only for vertical applications VGS HGP (postforming) 0,8 mm VGP (postforming) 0,8 mm Samples within 48 hrs 3050x1300 mm Sample Line +44 (0) 1782332368 vg only for vertical applications 0028 RR 0001 0010 R 0249 RR 0020 0201 RR 0227 0666 RR 0622 0247 RR 0616 0232 R 0244 RR 020402000237 R RR 0225 02180533 RR 02140248 RR 06140644 RR 0664 R 0517 RR 06510665020302640641060706050606063905350610 R RR RR RR RR R 063702560648052305430703069805710538068906930511 RR R RR RR RR RR R 0202 RRRRRRRRR 053605340576 0559 0510 0553 07010709 RRRRRRRRRR 0507 067302150634 0515 06210562 06270636 0692 RR R RR RR RR RR R 0593 056605690669 0662 05700549 06600661 05730670 0647 RR R RR RR RR RR R 0675 061907020685 0594 05610638 06910500 06990682 0564 RR R RR RR RR RR 0266 025405270211 0210 02340595 06230526 07000509 vg LUC 0001 vg LUC 0244 vg LUC 0204 vg LUC 0256 vg LUC 0682 vg LUC 0561 0028 vg LUC 0693 vg LUC 0709 vg LUC 0701 vg LUC 0509 vg LUC 0211 vg LUC 0702 vg LUC 0660 vg LUC COLORSINTESI SELECTED FINISHES HGS (standard) 0,9 mm 3050x1300 mm vg only for vertical applications VGS 00010001 vg TX vg FRH 00010001 vg MSH vg PXL 0001000100010001 NKD MK LAR vg COR 0001 CLI 02040204 vg TX vg FRH 02040204 vg MSH vg PXL 0204020402040204 NKD MK LAR vg COR 0204 CLI 021102110211021102110211021102110211 vg TX vg FRH vg MSH vg PXL NKD MK LAR vg COR CLI 05710571 vg TX vg FRH 05710571 vg MSH vg PXL 0571057105710571 NKD MK LAR vg COR 0571 CLI 05530553 vg TX vg FRH 05530553 vg MSH vg PXL 0553055305530553 NKD MK LAR vg COR 0553 CLI 05090509 vg TX vg FRH 05090509 vg MSH vg PXL 0509050905090509 NKD MK LAR vg COR 0509 CLI uk collection UNICOLOR BTS (unicolor) 1,2 mm 3050x1300 mm BTS (unicolor) 1,2 mm Samples within 48 hrs Sample Line +44 (0) 1782332368 3050x1300 mm 0249 R 0211 R 0509 R 0001 R 0204 R 0571 R COLOUR EVOLUTION HGS (standard) 0,9 mm 3050x1300 mm vg only for vertical applications VGS 92069206 vg R vg LUC 9208 vg LUC 92099209 vg R vg LUC 9211 vg LUC 9214 vg LUC 92159213 vg LUC vg LUC 9202 24432439 QZQZ 2417 QZQZ 24162445 QZ 24442447 QZQZ 2446 QZ vg LUC uk collection WOODS HGS (standard) 0,9 mm 3050x1300 mm 4200x1600 mm vg only for vertical applications VGS vt cross grain HGP (postforming) 0,8 mm VGP (postforming) 0,8 mm Samples within 48 hrs 3050x1300 mm Sample Line +44 (0) 1782332368 vg only for vertical applications vt cross grain 4268 vg LUC 1955 vg R 43274201 R vg LUC 1971 R 1984 vg LUC 45214098 R vg LUCR 4123 407144204419 R R vt R 4497449645204519 vt vg LUC vt vg LUC LAR LARLARLAR 451643844456 LAR 4367 LARR 18774514 LARR 4517 4511 LARR 4512 4418 LARRRR 42604442 4416 4518 R 18861890 RR 43251372 RR 4303 RRRR 44714472 4176 1993 R 4178 R 1286 R 18524515 R LAR 4513 LAR 4445 LAR 42474479 R LUC 4475 LAR GH 4494 vg LUC 4495 vg LUC 4493 vg LUC GHLARLAR LARLAR LAR 3309 33104452 4486 4484 4390 4485 FLA FLA RRR R FLA 4491 4492 44904489 4128 4450 1870 uk collection MATERIC EXPRESSIONS HGS (standard) 0,9 mm VGS (standard) 1 mm 2440x1220 mm 3050x1300 mm 3050x1300 mm 4200x1600 mm vg only for vertical applications Samples within 48 hrs HGP (postforming) 0,8 mm VGS (standard) 1 mm 3050x1300 mm Sample Line +44 (0) 1782332368 vg only for vertical applications 2440x1220 mm 3050x1300 mm MKMKMKMKMKMK R R R R 3328 33273325 3324 33263329 3193 31913190 3192 3112 MK 3099 MK 31093264 MK CLI 33022620 MK vg TX 2619 vg TX 2618 vg TX 3318 vg TX 3317 vg TX 2206 vg LUC 22092211 vg LUC vg LUC 3296 R 3297 R 32763279 R R 2205 vg LUC 3320 LAR 3319 LAR 3331 FLA 3330 FLA 3294 2578 vg PES 2575 vg PES FLA 2005 vg LUC 2006 vg LUC 2008 vg SAT 2002 vg OP 2003 vg SAT 2012 vg SAT 2000 vg SAT 2007 vg CT 2516 vg LUC 2608 vg LUC 2550 vg R 25512621 vg R vg LUC 26173283 vg LUC R 2606 vg LUC 3149 Over 50 years of research and experience at your service. QZ COLORSINTESI vg only for vertical applications Code Name vg 0001 Bianco • 0010 0020 0028 Bianco Azzurro Bianco Industriale Bianco Nube 0200 0201 0202 0203 0204 Avorio Sabbia Rosa Antico Bianco Ghiaccio Magnolia • 0210 0211 Grigio Medio Grigio Perla • 0214 0215 0218 0225 0227 0232 0234 0237 0244 Verde Tenero Blu Acciaio Beige Alabastro Bianco Mandorla Grigio Sasso Grafite Creta Porcellana 0247 0248 0249 0254 0256 Grigio Siliceo Verde Inglese Bianco Decò Grigio Gabbiano Giallo Pastello 0264 0266 0500 0507 0509 Azzurro Polare Avorio Cisa Aragosta Blu Notte Nero 0510 0511 0515 0517 0523 0526 0527 0533 0534 0535 0536 0538 0543 0549 0553 0559 0561 Carruba Vinaccia Verde Bosco Verde Malva Giallo Colorado Grigio Antracite Grigio Argento Verde Limone Bruno Antilope Rosa Baby Beige Isabella Amaranto Terracotta Verde Prato Cioccolato Nocciola Rosso Devil 0562 0564 0566 Verdone Giallo Mais Blu Caraibi • • • • • Finish LUC R R R LUC R R R R R LUC R R LUC R R R R R R R R R LUC R R R R R LUC R R R R R LUC R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R LUC R R R R Lucida Erre Erre Erre Lucida Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Lucida Erre Erre Lucida Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Lucida Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Lucida Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Lucida Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Lucida Erre Erre Erre Erre Sheet size (mm) Sheet size (ft/in*)RAL Cl. PantoneNCS 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 9016 10A01 (BS) S 0500-N 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 9003 9010 9003 10A1 (BS) - S 0502-B S 0502-Y S 300 N 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 9002 1013 9002 - 400C 482C - S 0510-Y20R S 1005-Y S 1005-Y50R S 1002-B S 0505-Y20R 3050x1300 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 7040 7038 429U 428U S 3502-B S 2502-B 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 5024 1015 1013 7004 9001 9010 577C 3025U 468U 4545C Cool Gray 6U 430U 454C - S 2030-G70Y S 4040-B S 1010-Y30R S 1005-Y20R S 1005-Y10R S 3502-R S 4502-B S 1005-Y20R S 0502-Y50R 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” - 406U 558C 5315U 134C S 2005-Y50R S 1010-B70G S 052-R50B S 1002-Y S 0520-Y20R 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 9003 2002 5011 9004 2706U 179C 289U Black C S 0520-R70B S 1000-N S 1080-Y80R S 7020-R70B S 9000-N 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 8019 3007 6011 6019 1017 7024 7047 1000 1019 3009 6032 8025 3020 412C 5115U 371C 579C 129U 432U 427U 5777C 466U 488C 465U 202U 1605C 349C 439C 4635U 186C S 8505-Y20R S 7010-R10B S 5040-G40Y S 1020-G40Y S 1060-Y30R S 8000-N S 1500-N S 2020-G80Y S 3010-Y20R S 0520-R S 3020-Y10R S 4050-R S 2060-Y40R S 4050-G10Y S 8010-Y30R S 6020-Y30R S 1080-Y90R 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 1003 - 553C 123C 293C S 7010-G10Y S 1070-Y20R S 3060-R90B RAL, NCS & Pantone references are the nearest equivalents and should be verified visually. * Please note that due to conversion from metric, The imperial values provided are approximate. vg only for vertical applications Code Name vg 0569 0570 0571 0573 0576 0593 0594 0595 0605 0606 0607 0610 0614 0616 0619 0621 0622 0623 0627 0634 0636 0637 0638 0639 0641 0644 0647 0648 0651 0660 Blu Valencia Verde Golf Rosso Oriente Giallo Primula Bruno Gazzella Blu Faenza Fucsia Grigio Nembo Glicine Lilla Lavanda Bruno Egizio Verdino Grigio Alpaca Blu Artico Verde Foresta Grigio Viola Grigio Ferro Verde Jaguar Verde Mare Verde Barbados Giallino Rosso Fragola Rosa Cammeo Crocus Turchese Pastello Giallo Bisanzio Giallo Murano Verde York Verde Acido 0661 0662 0664 0665 0666 0669 0670 0673 0675 0682 Giallo Gallio Verde Cuba Verde Francese Verde Scozia Grigio Piombo Verde Polinesia Giallo Altamira Blu Violetto Blu Greco Arancio 0685 0689 0691 0692 0693 Blu Spazio Porpora Rosa Persia Verde Farm Rosso Rubino 0698 0699 0700 0701 Rosso Ciliegia Arancio Tagete Grigio Vernice Cacao • 0702 Blu Iris • 0703 0709 Arancio Marte Melanzana • • • • Finish R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R R LUC R R R R R R R R R R LUC R R R R R LUC R R R R LUC R LUC R R LUC R Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Lucida Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Lucida Erre Erre Erre Erre Erre Lucida Erre Erre Erre Erre Lucida Erre Lucida Erre Erre Lucida Erre Sheet size (mm) Sheet size (ft/in*)RAL Cl. PantoneNCS 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 6032 3003 5010 4006 7037 6003 6033 6028 3017 6034 1018 - 2995C 3415C 195C 100C 287U 247U 431U 529U 263C 543U 5015C 5575U 407U 2718C 350C 406U 432U 343C 5483U 5535C 461C 1785C 503C 277U 5493U 129C 155U 573U 375C S 1060-B S 3560-G S 2570-R S 0540-Y S 5010-Y50R S 4050-R80B S 2060-R30B S 5502-B S 2040-R50B S 0525-R60B S 2030-R90B S 2020-Y80R S 2010-B90G S 3502-Y S 2060-R70B S 6030-G30Y S 1502-Y50R S 7500-N S 6030-G S 3030-B30G S 7020-G S 0510-Y S 0565-R S 0510-R S 1020-R80B S 2020-B50G S 0580-Y S 1020-Y20R S 1010-B90G S 0570-G30Y 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 1016 6019 7044 6027 1018 - 379C 569C 5575C 5513C Warm Gray 2U 318C 107C 534U 284U 1375C S 0550-G80Y S 3050-B70G S 2020-G30Y S 0510-B50G S 2005-Y20R S 2030-B70G S 0570-Y S 6020-R70B S 2030-R80B S 0570-Y50R 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 5022 3004 6007 3005 280U 491U 158U 5605C 202U S 5040-R70B S 5040-R S 1060-Y60R S 8010-G10Y S 5040-R10B 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 3031 2009 7024 8017 485U 2X 165U Black 6 U 1817C S 1580-Y90R S 0580-Y70R S 7502-B S 8010-Y70R 3050x1300 10’x4’3” - Blue 072 U S 3060-R70B 3050x1300 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 2001 4007 180C 5115C S 2570-Y70R S 7020-R20B COLORSINTESI SELECTED FINISHES Code Name 0001 Bianco vg • • • • • 0204 Magnolia • • • • • 0211 Grigio Perla • • • • • 0509 Nero • • • • • 0553 Cioccolato • • • • • 0571 Rosso Oriente • • • • • Finish vg only for vertical applications Sheet size (mm) Sheet size (ft/in*)RAL Cl. PantoneNCS CLI COR FRH LAR MSH MK NKD PXL TX Cliff Corallo Farah Larix Mesh Mika Naked Pixel Tex 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 9016 10A01 (BS) S 0500-N CLI COR FRH LAR MSH MK NKD PXL TX Cliff Corallo Farah Larix Mesh Mika Naked Pixel Tex 3050x1300 10’x4’3” - - S 0505-Y20R CLI COR FRH LAR MSH MK NKD PXL TX Cliff Corallo Farah Larix Mesh Mika Naked Pixel Tex 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 7038 428U S 2502-B CLI COR FRH LAR MSH MK NKD PXL TX Cliff Corallo Farah Larix Mesh Mika Naked Pixel Tex 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 9004 Black C S 9000-N CLI COR FRH LAR MSH MK NKD PXL TX Cliff Corallo Farah Larix Mesh Mika Naked Pixel Tex 3050x1300 10’x4’3” - 439C S 8010-Y30R CLI COR FRH LAR MSH MK NKD PXL TX Cliff Corallo Farah Larix Mesh Mika Naked Pixel Tex 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 3003 195C S 2570-R UNICOLOR Code Name Finish 0001 0204 0211 0249 0509 0571 Bianco Magnolia Grigio Perla Bianco Decò Nero Rosso Oriente R Erre Sheet size (mm) Sheet size (ft/in*)RAL Cl. PantoneNCS 3050x1300 10’x4’3” COLOUR EVOLUTION 9016 7038 9004 3003 10A01 (BS) 428U Black C 195C vg only for vertical applications Code Name vg Finish 9202 9206 Alu Yellow Alu Snow 9208 9209 Alu Fog Alu Rain 9211 9213 9214 9215 2416 2417 2439 2443 2444 2445 2446 2447 Alu Water Alu Flame Alu Fire Alu Burn Madreperlato 17 Madreperlato 18 Madreperlato 40 Madreperlato 44 Madreperlato 45 Madreperlato 46 Madreperlato 47 Madreperlato 48 • • • • • • • • • • LUC LUC R LUC LUC R LUC LUC LUC LUC QZ QZ QZ QZ QZ QZ QZ QZ Lucida Lucida Erre Lucida Lucida Erre Lucida Lucida Lucida Lucida Quarzo Quarzo Quarzo Quarzo Quarzo Quarzo Quarzo Quarzo Sheet size (mm) Sheet size (ft/in*) 3050x1300 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 3050x1300 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” WOODS vg only for vertical applications vt cross grain Code Name 1286 Faggio Alpino R Erre 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 1372 Noce Treviso R Erre 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” vg vt Finish Sheet size (mm) Sheet size (ft/in*) 1852 Faggio Giapponese R Erre 3050x1300 1870 Faggio Lamellare R Erre 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 1877 Rovere Fiammingo Chiaro R Erre 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 1886 Noce Guarneri Scuro R Erre 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 1890 Noce Guarneri Antichizzato R Erre 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 1955 Acero Bianco 1971 Ciliegio Aosta 1984 Esche Bianco 1993 Pero Rosso • • R Erre 3050x1300 10’x4’3” R Erre 3050x1300 10’x4’3” LUC Lucida 3050x1300 10’x4’3” R Erre 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 3309 Ribo Beige GH Ghibli 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 3310 Ribo Avana GH Ghibli 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4071 Rovere Calcinato Beige 4098 Mogano Florida S 0500-N S 0505-Y20R S 2502-B S 052-R50B S 9000-N S 2570-R • R Erre 3050x1300 10’x4’3” LUC Lucida 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4123 Mogano Amazzonia R Erre 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4128 Noce Listellare Crudo R Erre 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4176 Ontano Mielato R Erre 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4178 Faggio Junior R Erre 3050x1300 10’x4’3” vg only for vertical applications vt cross grain Code Name 4201 Marbella Rosato vg vt • Finish LUC Lucida Sheet size (mm) Sheet size (ft/in*) 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4247 Teak Sonda R Erre 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4260 Wengel R Erre 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4268 Zebrato Zucchero 4303 Canaletto • LUC Lucida 3050x1300 10’x4’3” R Erre 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4325 Noce Coloniale R Erre 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4327 Acero Italiano R Erre 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4367 Rovere Rhone LAR Larix 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4384 Rovere Royal Moka LAR Larix 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4390 Zebrano Natural LAR Larix 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4416 Makassar Giava R Erre 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4418 Rovere Nervers 4419 Rovere Allier VT • LAR Larix 3050x1300 10’x4’3” R Erre 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4420 Rovere Allier R Erre 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4442 Wengè Lusaka R Erre 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4445 Lamphun Teak LAR Larix 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4450 Walnut Block R Erre 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4452 Legno Fino Chiaro LAR Larix 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4456 Rovere Zadar LAR Larix 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4471 Pao Marrone R Erre 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4472 Pao Grigio R Erre 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4475 Vesuvio LAR Larix 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4479 Ulivo Taggia LUC Lucida 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4484 Legno Fino Ruggine LAR Larix 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4485 Legno Fino Moka LAR Larix 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4486 Legno Fino Argilla LAR Larix 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4489 Oak Block R Erre 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4490 Tavolato Nero FLA Flatting 4200x1600 13’8”x6’ 4491 Tavolato Bianco FLA Flatting 4200x1600 13’8”x6’ 4492 Tavolato Ruggine 4493 Fenice Scuro • FLA Flatting 4200x1600 13’8”x6’ LUC Lucida 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4494 Fenice Marrone • LUC Lucida 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4495 Fenice Chiaro • LUC Lucida 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4496 Lauter • • LUC Lucida 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4497 Ghota • • LUC Lucida 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4511 Rovere Fumo LAR Larix 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4512 Rovere Barrique R Erre 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4513 Pino Grey Chic LAR Larix 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4514 Rovere Smirne LAR Larix 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4515 Pino White Chic LAR Larix 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4516 Rovere Asburgo Scuro LAR Larix 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4517 Rovere Carbone R Erre 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4518 Nocino R Erre 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4519 Rovere Asburgo LAR Larix 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4520 Rovere Asburgo Naturale LAR Larix 3050x1300 10’x4’3” 4521 Frassino Americano R Erre 3050x1300 10’x4’3” MATERIC EXPRESSIONS vg only for vertical applications Code Name vg 2000 2002 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2012 2205 2206 2209 2211 2516 2550 2551 2575 2578 2606 2608 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 3099 3109 3112 3149 3190 3191 3192 3193 3264 3276 3279 3283 3294 3296 3297 3302 3317 3318 3319 3320 3324 3325 3326 3327 3328 3329 3330 3331 Alluminio Alu Alluminio Dorato Alluminio Lucido Ottone Lucido Canna di Fucile Rame CA Alu-Steel Magnetite Reflex Titanium Sunrise Sunlight Madreperla Pervinca Visone Spazzolato Nero Spazzolato Argento Aluwave Argento Micro Nero Sixty Verde Sixty Crema Sixty Bianco Micro Pruno Ecodecor Astro Ecodecor Ginepro Ecodecor Magnolia Platino Copperfield Marrone Copperfield Avana Copperfield Grigio Copperfield Chiaro Piasentina Firecoat Volcanic Ash Abstract Alum. Rust Orion Red Storm Glitter Bianco Sixty Nero Sixty Grigio Canovaccio Antracite Canovaccio B/N Porfido Naturale Porfido Marrone Porfido Grigio Porfido Chiaro Porfido Gesso Porfido Nero Corten Sabbia Corten Grigio • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Finish SAT OP SAT LUC LUC CT SAT SAT LUC LUC LUC LUC LUC R R PES PES LUC LUC LUC TX TX TX LUC MK MK MK QZ R R R R CLI R R R FLA R R MK TX TX LAR LAR MK MK MK MK MK MK FLA FLA Satinata Opaca Satinata Lucida Lucida Cotton Satinata Satinata Lucida Lucida Lucida Lucida Lucida Erre Erre Pesca Pesca Lucida Lucida Lucida Tex Tex Tex Lucida Mika Mika Mika Quarzo Erre Erre Erre Erre Clff Erre Erre Erre Flatting Erre Erre Mika Tex Tex Larix Larix Mika Mika Mika Mika Mika Mika Flatting Flatting Sheet size (mm) Sheet size (ft/in*) 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 2440x1220 2440x1220 2440x1220 2440x1220 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 4200x1600 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 3050x1300 4200x1600 4200x1600 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 8'x4’ 8’x4’ 8’x4’ 8’x4’ 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 13’8”x6’ 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 10’x4’3” 13’8”x6’ 13’8”x6’ For information about our sales network, to download technical information and access Arpa’s services, visit our website Tech Consultation and technical support pre and post-sale. This service is tailored according to application field and individual planning requirements. Trends Specialized team keeps track of global innovations and developments so that you can stay at the forefront of the latest interior design trends. Hub Experimental platform showcases events and schedules occasions for meeting face-to-face to share ideas and experiences, learn techniques and stay up-to-date. Quick Sample A quick delivery service of samples in A4 format in the desired Arpa for You reference. The most important quality characteristics of decorative High Pressure Laminate according to EN 438 Impact resistant Scratch and wear-resistant ≈70% ≈30% Paper Thermosetting Resins Light fastness Overlay* Easy to clean Decorative Paper Heat-resistant (up to 180°) Kraft Paper Hygienic Suitable for contact with food * Only for printed decors Over 50 years of research and technology Since 1954 Arpa Industriale has been designing and manufacturing panels with very high quality HPL technology for the most diverse applications: from architecture to interior design, from healthcare to shipyards, from transport to hospitality, from retail to kitchens. Arpa Industriale offers a vast range of choices of products, extremely varied in both structure and appearance. Arpa HPL are produced at the 150,000 sqm plant (over 1.6 million square feet) in Bra, Piemont, with all the originality of expressive design and creativity that the label “made in Italy” stands for. The over 50 years of investment in research & technology and staff training have enabled Arpa to gain a leading position on the international markets and a reputation for great reliability: Arpa is a company that stands out for the expertise of its staff, the quality and variety of what it offers, its manufacturing flexibility and its range of services. Arpa Industriale S.p.A. Via Piumati, 91 12042 Bra (CN) – Italy Tel. +39 0172 436111 Fax +39 0172 431151 E-mail: Arpa Industriale is a single member company under the direction and coordination of Broadview Holding BV. Arpa UK Ltd Block 3, Parkhall Business Village, Park Hall Road, Longton Stoke-On-Trent St3 5xa – Great Britain Tel. +44 (0)1782 332 368 Fax +44 (0)1782 331876 E-mail: Samples within 48 hrs Sample Line +44 (0) 1782332368 Disclaimer The disclaimer that follows is a summary of the applicable full disclaimer (which can be found on The information provided by Arpa Industriale S.p.A. (“Arpa”) in this document is solely indicative. Arpa is unable to warrant the accuracy and completeness of this information. No rights can be derived from the information provided; the use of the information is at the other party’s risk and responsibility. This document does not guarantee any properties of Arpa’s products. Arpa does not warrant that the information in this document is suitable for the purpose for which it is consulted by the other party. The document does not contain any design, structural calculation, estimate or other warranty or representation that customers and third parties may rely on. Colours used in Arpa’s communications (including but not limited to printed matter) and in samples of Arpa’s products may differ from the colours Distributed by Inspired Surfaces Limited Redmoor Link Wimblington Drive Redmoor Milton Keynes Buckinghamshire MK6 4AH Tel: Fax: Email: Web: +44 (0) 1908 711952 +44 (0) 845 0710784 Customers and third parties must have a professional adviser inform them about (the suitability of) the Arpa’s products for all desired prior notice. To the maxmum extent permitted under the applicable law, Arpa is not liable (neither contractual nor non-contractual) for any damage arising from or related to the use of this document, except if and to the extent that such damage is the result of wilful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of Arpa and/or its management.All oral and written statements, offers, quotations, sales, supplies, deliveries and/or agreements and all related activities of Arpa are governed by the General Terms and Conditions of Arpa Industriale S.p.A. All oral and written statements, offers, quotations, sales, supplies, deliveries and/or agreements and all related work of Arpa USA, Inc. (“Arpa USA”) are governed by the Arpa USA General Terms and Conditions of Sale. All intellectual property rights and other rights regarding the content of this document (including logos, text and photographs) are owned by Arpa and/or its licensors.