Bay Area Police Gazette - Coos Bay North Bend News Calendar


Bay Area Police Gazette - Coos Bay North Bend News Calendar
Bay Area
Police Gazette
Jarvis Communications
June 2013
Serving Coos Bay, North Bend, Empire, Eastside, Charleston, Lakeside, Coquille, Bandon, & Myrtle Point
Police Logs & Reports
Most are entries off the various daily police logs
Douglas Co. warrant for DWS. Transported to the Coos Co. Jail at Coquille.
Also, 32-year old Chaunacee L. Carter
Six people died in five separate acci- charged with PCS Meth and transported
dents on Oregon's highways over the to the county jail.
2013 Memorial Day holiday weekend
Hung up sailboat
according to preliminary statistics released by the Oregon Department of A report of a sailboat hung-up on oyster
Transportation's Fatality Analysis Re- beds in the Coos Bay Channel led to a
porting System. Three died during the response by the North Fire Department's
same holiday period a year ago. The Water Rescue team and the U.S. Coast
highest number was 13 fatalities in Guard Sunday, May 19. According to
1979. The deaths include a pedestrian in an entry on the police log, 2:43 p.m., the
Springfield, a motorcycle rider east of Water Rescue team assisted in moving
Fall Creek in Lane Co., a rollover acci- the boat from the oyster beds. "Sailboat
dent killed a Hermiston male in Umatilla and its occupants were able to continue
Co., a Portland male involved in a three- to its dock / assistance rendered."
Lover's Lane?
vehicle accident and a male and female
in a vehicle that ran a stop sign on the According to an entry on the Coos Co.
Hillsboro Hwy. The Oregon State Po- Sheriff's log for Tuesday, May 21, 9:15
lice report arresting 48 drivers for Driv- p.m., Coos Head Road, Charleston,
ing Under the Influence. Last year, "suspicious vehicle, warned Public Indetroopers arrested 64. The Springfield cency."
Area Command led the state with eight
Underwear only
DUII arrests. Astoria had four on the According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for early Sunday, Feb. 3, 1:54
Memorial Day Weekend
According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for Saturday, May 25, 4:25
p.m., Empire Boat Ramp, Empire District of Coos Bay, "officers out attempting to locate Coos Bay PD's suspect
male who was at the Empire Boat Ramp
in a GMC pickup, with a rifle, threatening to shoot everyone. Suspect left the
boat ramp and was last seen headed eastbound on Newmark." According to an
entry on the Coos Bay Police log for
4:22 p.m., 200 block Holland St., "result
of subject waving gun, threatening people," 33-year old Jeffery R. Jensen arrested on OSP warrant for DWS and
a.m., Virginia & Sherman avenues,
"officer out with male on bench in his
underwear. Officer request Yellow Cab
to location, subject claims he lost a bet
and that was why he was in underwear."
Twenty-four year old male involved.
Animals, Animals, &
More Animals...
Oregon State Police (OSP) troopers are continuing the investigation
into Wednesday morning's serious injury collision involving a passenger car and commercial truck that occurred at the intersection of
Old Highway 99S and the northbound Interstate 5 off ramp at exit 112
north of Myrtle Creek. According to Lieutenant Doug Ladd, on May
22, 2013 at approximately 11:20 a.m., a commercial truck driven by
STANLEY McHUGILL, age 63, from Sutherlin, was exiting the
northbound lanes of Interstate 5 at exit 112. A 2001 Dodge Stratus
two-door with 2 teen occupants from California traveling on Old Highway 99S failed to stop at a stop sign, drove into the truck's path and
was struck in the driver's side. The Dodge's 17-year old female
driver, NATASHA HASTINGS from Redondo Beach, California, was
not using safety restraints and received serious injuries. She was
extricated by firefighters and initially transported by ambulance to
Mercy Medical Center in Roseburg, then transferred to Sacred Heart
Medical Center at RiverBend in Springfield. She is in critical condition. The 18-year old female passenger, GABRIELLE SWAIN from
Redondo Beach, was using safety restraints and received minor injuries. Airbags deployed in their car. McHUGILL was not injured. He
was using safety restraints. Photograph - Oregon State Police
bear sitting on his vehicle." RP called p.m., Fairview Road & No. Collier,
back, "the bear left the area."
"possible cougar sighting inside city
According to an entry on the Coos Co.
Bear Cub
Sheriff's log for Sunday, May 26, 9:45 A 38-year old female reported to Coquille
an entry on the Coos Co.
a.m., Potlatch Lane, Lakeside, "large
Bay Area Police Gazette June 2013, page 2
Sheriff's log for Sunday, May 19, 8:59
a.m., E. Beaver Hill Road, Coquille,
"Snared bear cub." Information relayed
to Oregon State Police.
Stolen dog
According to an entry on the Coos Co.
Sheriff's log for Sunday, May 19, 3:02
p.m., Carlisle Lane, Coos Bay,
"neighbor stole dog." Forty-eight year
old Anita D. Hatfield charged with Theft
Companion Animal, Animal Abandonment.
According to an entry on the Coos Co.
Sheriff's log for Sunday, May 19, 8:25
p.m., Crystol Creek Lane, Coquille, "has
seen cougar in area." Information forwarded to Wildlife Services.
Dog dispatched
According to an entry on the Coos Co.
Sheriff's log for Monday, May 20, 2:18
p.m., Troller Road, Charleston, "pit bull
at large. Animal dispatched. Report
taken, owners cited Dog at Large, Dog
Bite Person."
he was out walking his dog on a leash
and when a van approached them, the
dogs inside the van started barking and
raising a fuss and RP's dog jumped up
and out of his leash. RP had to chase his
dog around the van to catch him and get
him back on his leash. The female passenger in the van opened up her door
and cussed at RP and then took the lid
off of her coffee and threw it all over
RP. Officer made contact with RP and
then contacted the suspect female to
rectify the situation."
Cougar sighting
According to an entry on the Coos Bay
Police log for Friday, Feb. 1, 7:27 p.m.,
4th & Hall, 22-year old female reported,
"cougar sighting." Area checked, unable
to locate, information forwarded to OSP
and ODFW.
According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for Saturday, Feb. 2, 9:58
p.m., 1800 block McPherson Ave., "RP
requests officers respond to take burglary report. Officers responded and
Dogs & Coffee
advised Burglary II, Theft III and CrimiAccording to an entry on the North Bend nal Mischief.
Under investigation."
Police log for Saturday, May 25, 8:34 According to an entry on the Coos Bay
a.m., Brussells & Lombard, "RP reports
Police log for Saturday, Feb. 2, 3:20
p.m., 300 block So. 5th St., 44-year old
female reported "burglary to garage." At
9:19 a.m., 1800 block Thomas Ave., 62year old male reported "burglary."
According to an entry on the Coos Co.
Sheriff's log for Saturday, Feb. 2, 11:53
p.m., Beach Loop Road, Bandon,
"flagged down officer. No crime; female had been handcuffed and they
broke a key off trying to get them off of
According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for Saturday, Feb. 2, 8:47
p.m., 16th St. & Ash St., "officer out
with two." Jackson Co. warrant served
on 20-year old Eric Alain Lehouiller for
Failure to Appear on Possession of Meth
vised that if we received further reports
on him today, he will be taken into custody."
According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for Saturday, Feb. 2, 3:36
p.m., 3133 Broadway Ave., "officer out
with 2 subjects working on their vehicle
in Perry's parking lot." Fifty-three year
old Terry Lucky Price, Coos Bay, arrested on Linn Co. warrant for Failure to
Appear on original charge of Attempt to
Elude, Reckless Driving, Criminal
DWS, Possession of Meth and Possession of Hydrocodone.
Probation violation
According to an entry on the Coos Bay
Police log for Saturday, Feb. 2, 9:55
p.m., Lowell Lane off Cape Arago
Hwy., "from traffic stop." Arrested 27year old Johnathan Windhurst for Probation Violation.
According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for Saturday, Feb. 2, 7:48
p.m., 1735 Virginia Ave., Safeway, "RP
requests officers respond for Attempted
Theft. Value $320. Female with long
blonde hair, 5-8, 5-9, late 20s, dressed in
all grey, last seen headed southbound on
Marion. Officers respond and advised
unable to locate, the video is not available. No suspects, no leads."
According to an entry on the Coquille
Police log for Saturday, Feb. 2, 7:04
p.m., Hwy. 42 & Hwy. Deli Mart,
"result of traffic stop," 22-year old Astashia Edwards-Trevino arrested on
Douglas Co. warrant for Failure to Appear on charges of UUV and Criminal
Trespass II. Transported to the Coos
Co. Jail at Coquille.
According to an entry on the North Bend According to an entry on the Coos Bay
Police log for Saturday, Feb. 2, 5:51 Police log for Saturday, Feb. 2, 10:59
p.m., 1900 block Virginia Ave., "RP a.m., 200 block So. Marple St., 55-year
request officers respond to make contact
with male subject who is getting aggressive because RP will sell him alcohol."
Thirty-four year old Larry J. Statham,
Coquille, charged with Interfering with
Police, Resisting Arrest and Criminal
Mischief III. "Statham is permanently
trespassed from 7/11." Earlier, at 2:16
p.m., Broadway & Virginia avenues,
"two 911 calls of a male subject in the
roadway on Broadway, flipping people
off. The second caller reports the subject chased after his vehicle." Officers
located Larry J. Statham and warned him
for Disorderly Conduct. "He was adOregon State Police (OSP) is continuing the investigation into Monday morning's single vehicle fatal traffic crash along Highway 101
about fifteen miles south of Tillamook that resulted in the death of a
20-year old man. The victim's name is released in this update. Speed
and failure to wear a safety belt are possible contributing factors.
On May 20, 2013 at approximately 6:18 a.m., a 2001 Dodge pickup
driven by LUIS CORONA ESPINOZA, age 20, from Beaver, was
northbound on Highway 101 near milepost 81. As the pickup was
negotiating a sweeping right curve, the driver lost control and traveled off the shoulder striking an embankment. The pickup rolled and
came to rest on its roof. The driver, who was not using safety restraints, was ejected from the pickup and pronounced deceased at
the scene. Photograph - Oregon State Police
Downtown Coos Bay
Curtis & Broadway
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Bay Area Police Gazette JUne 2013, page 3
old Bryan Galyean arrested on charges
of Assault IV-Domestic and Strangulation. Transported to the Coos Co. Jail at
Coquille. Victim listed as a 54-year old
Missing woman found
Bay Area Police issued a missing person
alert Friday evening, Feb. 8, for a 41year old transient female not seen since
Jan. 30, 2013. However, a half-hour
later, an update was released stating
Tracey Michelle Wilson had been located by the Coos Co. Sheriff's Dept. at
a residence in Lakeside. Law enforcement agencies are still searching for two
other missing females in the area. Thirty
-four year old Holly Maxner Berry. She
was last seen Jan. 3, 2012 leaving her
apartment on Norman Ave., Coos Bay.
Fifty-nine year old Glenda Campbell
was reported missing Nov. 6, 2012. She
was last seen at her apartment near
South Empire Blvd. and Fulton Ave. in
the Empire District of Coos Bay.
were destroyed. The fire was reported at
11:40 a.m., but firefighters remained on
the scene until nearly 5 p.m. Damage
was estimated at $225,000 and the contents at $100,000. The cause of the fire
is under investigation. The Oregon Red
Duplex fire
LaClair Street in Coos Bay was blocked Cross stepped into to assist the two
off Friday, Feb. 8, mid-day, during a families displaced by the fire.
Taxi Hijacked
duplex fire on the 1600 block of
Milligan St. Coos Bay Fire was assisted An 18-year old male was arrested Saturby North Bend Fire. An 83-year old day, Feb. 2, following a police pursuit of
resident was rescued from one of the a stolen taxi van on Hwy. 101 in Curry
units by an off duty Charleston fire- County. Cody Pettit allegedly rode the
fighter, a former Charleston firefighter taxi to Eureka, CA, but on the return to
and a neighbor. Charles Landis was the Brookings area, Pettit allegedly
found in a recliner chair in the burning threatened the driver with a knife and
unit and quickly whisked outside. He stole the vehicle. Deputies pursued it
was taken to Bay Area Hospital where north on Hwy. 101 to the Meyers Creek
he was treated and released. Both units area north of Pistol River where Pettit
wrecked it on Meyers Creek Road. He
was taken into custody without incident,
charged with Robbery in the First Degree, Attempt to Elude by Vehicle,
Unlawful Possession of Methamphetamine, Reckless Driving, Criminal Mischief in the Second Degree, two-counts
of menacing, five-counts of Harassment,
Reckless Endangering, Theft of Services, Unauthorized use of a Motor Vehicle and Coercion. He was lodged in
the county jail at Gold Beach.
failed to negotiate a curve at milepost
2.1 of the Logsden Road and the vehicle
left the roadway about 2 p.m.
Rollover accident
A black 1991 Toyota pickup truck, eastbound on Hwy. 42 at milepost 8.1, went
out of control Feb. 3, 6:36 p.m. and left
the roadway to the eastbound shoulder.
According to an Oregon State Police
report, 19-year old Nicole Lynn Reeder,
Coquille, was "unable to maintain control of the vehicle." It traveled down a
"brushy embankment and overturned
coming to rest on the railroad tracks."
Reeder was injured and transported by
ambulance to Coquille Valley Hospital.
Threw a lit cigarette
A passenger in a black 2004 Chevrolet
Trailblazer "threw a lit cigarette from the
front passenger window onto the roadway" in front of an Oregon State Police
trooper who was following the vehicle
on Hwy. 101, milepost 238 northbound
in Coos Bay on Feb. 2, 8:09 p.m. According to an OSP report, a traffic stop
was initiated and the passenger contacted. Twenty-three year old Jami Ann
Farrell, Coos Bay, "admitted throwing
the cigarette butt from the vehicle. She
was warned for Littering within 100
yards of a Waterway (Coos Bay) and
Vehicle in river
was cited for Throwing Burning MateAn 83-year old Central Oregon Coast rial.
male was found deceased in his vehicle
after it left a Lincoln County road and A "motorcycle operator struggling to
plunged into the Siletz River east of maintain his balance and weaving within
Siletz on Tuesday, Feb. 5. According to his lane" was stopped on Hwy. 101,
a news release from the Sheriff's Office, northbound milepost 238, Feb. 1, 7:16
a Rope Rescue Team had to be brought p.m. According to an OSP report, 62in to reach the vehicle 50-feet down a year old Samuel Louis Winslow, Coos
steep embankment, upside down, and Bay, "displayed signs and symptoms of
halfway submerged. The driver, Elmer impairment; however, he refused to perKibler, of Logsden, is believed to have form field sobriety tests. He was taken
Atlas Ed
On 05-14-13 at about 1834 hours, Coos County Sheriff’s Deputies
responded to 91587 Dolezal in Coos Bay to a report of a trespasser,
identified as Richard Curtis at that location. Upon arrival Deputies
contacted, 43 year old, Coos Bay resident, Richard Curtis at the intersection of Cape Arago Highway near Washington Road, Coos
Bay. As the result of the investigation, it was learned that Richard
Curtis was trespassing on and around a residence on Dolezal Lane,
and had to be run off by the home owner. Deputies learned that Mr.
Curtis was currently on Probation and contacted the Coos County
Community Corrections Department and was requested to detain
Mr. Curtis by his Probation Officer. Mr. Curtis was arrested for a Parole Violation and transported to the Coos County Jail, where he is
being held without bail.
Employee Drug Use isn't
always this obvious !
340 N Front St
Coos Bay, Oregon 97420
Phone: 555555-5555
Fax: 555-555-
Bay Area Police Gazette June 2013, page 4
into custody for DUII and transported to a BAC "which was inconsistent with his
the Coos Bay Police Dept." He provided level of impairment." He agreed to meet
with a DRE and provided a urine sample. Winslow was released to a sober
adult from the police department.
South Coast
Police Agencies
Coos Bay
500 Central Ave.
Coos Bay, OR 97420
North Bend
835 California Ave.
North Bend, OR. 97459
851 No. Central Blvd.
Coquille, OR 97423
555 Hwy. 101
Bandon, OR 97411
Myrtle Point
424 5th St.
Myrtle Point, OR 97458
Unlawful transport
A white 1989 Chevrolet 3500 flatbed,
towing unlicensed flatbed trailer, was
stopped on Hwy. 101 at Hwy. 38,
Reedsport, on Feb. 1, 2:55 p.m. According to an OSP report, 58-year old Gary
S. Dudley, Coos Bay, was stopped for an
inoperative turn signal and brake lights
on the trailer. "The trailer was also unlicensed in spite of being obviously over
the required weight. The truck and
trailer were both fully loaded with recently cut up scrap metal, which the
driver did not have any required documentation for." Dudley was cited for
Unlawful Transport of Metal Property
and released at the scene. He was also
warned for Defective Lighting and for
the unregistered trailer.
avoid one of them." The vehicle was
towed and a local rancher removed the
cow. "The owner of the cow has not yet
been identified."
reasons." Thirty-two year old James S.
Johnson, North Bend, arrested on Multnomah Co. warrant for Probation Violation, Theft II.
According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for Sunday, Feb. 3, 4:05 p.m.,
1775 Thompson Road, BAH, Coos Bay,
"out with wanted subject at location.
Cited in lieu of custody due to medical
According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for Sunday, Feb. 3, 3:45 p.m.,
2700 block Virginia Ave., Airport
Heights Park, "gun shot victim at the
ER." Report taken for Assault and Rob-
Vehicle vs. cow
A 1996 Ford F-350 Flatbed truck suffered heavy damage and a cow was
killed during a collision on Hwy. 42
South, milepost 5.9, Jan. 31, 5:30 a.m.
According to an OSP report, 46-year old
Rodney A. Jordan was eastbound when
several cows suddenly appeared in the
roadway. "The driver managed to avoid
at least three of them, but was unable to
Coos Co. Sheriff
250 Baxter St.
Coquille, OR 97423
Oregon State Police
1360 Airport Lane
North Bend, OR 97459
Open Mon. - Sat.
8 am-5 pm
790 No. Bayshore Dr.
Coos Bay
Lose those Winter
Blues, Spring into
Spring with a nice Tan.
Call for an Appointment
106 Hall Ave., Coos Bay
Open Mon-Fri 8:30a—7p,
Sat. 10-6, Sun. 12-6
On 05-14-13 at about 2058 hours, Coos County Sheriff’s Deputies responded to the area of 63434 Railroad Road in the Bunker Hill area of
Coos Bay, to a report of a transient female trespassing on private
property. While Deputies were enroute they were notified that the reporting party and the female were now involved in some sort of disturbance. Upon arrival deputies contacted Bobbi Jo Smith, age 31 of
Coos Bay. It was reported that 48 year old Gene Coplen, the resident
at the Railroad address and his 38 year old son-in-law, Scott Johnston had been threatened by Ms. Smith when they had contacted her
to get her off the property. It was learned that Ms. Smith was currently on Parole / Probation through Coos County Community Corrections and her Probation Officer was contacted and authorized her
detention. Bobbi Jo Smith was arrested for a Probation Violation and
transported to the Coos County Jail. Bobbi Jo Smith is also being
referred to the Coos County District Attorney’s Office for Unlawful
use of a weapon and unlawful possession of Methamphetamine. She
was transported to the Coos County Jail and booked. She is being
held without bail.
Bay Area Police Gazette June 2013, page 5
bery I.
According to an entry on the Coos Bay
Police log for Monday, Feb. 4, 4:54
a.m., Air Gas, Koos Bay Blvd., Stanley
Security reported a "burglary." Two
other entries reported business alarms at
3:47 a.m., from Baywatch Security at
the Silver Dollar Tavern, 479 Newmark,
and Blossom Gulch, 333 So. 10th St.,
from Gold Coast Security at 3:21 a.m.
According to an entry on the Coos Bay
Police log for Sunday, Feb. 3, 3:44 p.m.,
Michigan & So. Wall, "report of possible Criminal Mischief in Progress."
Fifty-four year old Stacey Sanders arrested for DUII and transported to the
Coos Co. Jail at Coquille.
According to an entry on the Coquille
Police log for Sunday, Feb. 3, 3:29 p.m.,
West 3rd, Coquille Fire Dept., 45-year
old Leslie A. Ballantyne arrested for
UEMV & Criminal Mischief III. Transported to the Coos Co. Jail at Coquille.
According to an entry on the Coquille
Police log for Sunday, Feb. 3, 2:05 p.m.,
200 block E. 2nd St., "driving complaint
- possible DUII." Forty-four year old
Kimberly Foster arrested on charge of
DUII and cited for Failure to Carry Current Proof Insurance. Transported to
Coos Co. Jail at Coquille.
According to an entry on the Coos Co.
Sheriff's log for Monday, Feb. 4, 3:09
p.m., Welch Road, Coos Bay, "male
with pickaxe or hoe trying to bust down
door, threatening to harm a female.
Contacted subject advised he was defending himself against a subject with a
at location til the morning and then will
Theft by Deception
be trespassed for 6 months."
According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for Tuesday, Feb. 5, 12:46
According to an entry on the Coos Bay p.m., "US Bank request officer for male
Police log for early Tuesday, Feb. 5, subject who returned after attempted
4:20 a.m., 1400 block NW Ocean Blvd., theft." Forty-four year old Jimmy Davis
Dealing with
69-year old male reported burglary. At McClain, Grants Pass, charged with At6:02 p.m., 1300 block SW Blvd., 68- tempt Aggravated Theft I and Attempt
Entries on the North Bend Police log for year old reported "attempted burglary." Theft by Deception.
Monday, Feb. 4, involving officers having to deal with intoxicated subjects. At According to an entry on the Coos Bay A 46-year old male entering the Coos
4:30 p.m., 768 Virginia Ave., "RP re- Police log for Monday, Feb. 4, 9:22 Co. Jail at Coquille Tuesday, Feb. 5, was
ported 3 men arguing in the lobby of the p.m., 2051 Newmark Ave., Walmart, served an NBPD warrant. According to
North Bend Hotel, no physical. Officers "suspicious vehicle." Twenty-eight year an entry on the police log for 11:11 a.m.,
respond / contact involved parties, 2 old Daniel Speaks arrested on CCSO Forest Martin charged with Failure to
males actually involved were both in- warrant for Failure to Appear on Harass- Appear on original charge of Possession
toxicated, warned for DOC and in- ment charge. Transported to the Coos Marijuana, Burglary II, and Theft II.
structed to go back to their apartments." Co. Jail at Coquille.
Reckless driver
At 5:45 p.m., 2056 Sherman Ave.,
A report of a "reckless driver cutting off
"Humboldt Club reported male subject According to an entry on the Coquille vehicles and almost causing accidents,"
who just left there walking down the Police log for Monday, Feb. 4, 1:07 Tuesday, Feb. 5, at Tremont & Newmiddle of the street in traffic, subject p.m., Hwy. 42 & Central, "intoxicated mark in North Bend, led to a referral.
may be mental or intoxicated. Officers subject walking on side of Hwy." Thirty According to an entry on the police log
respond and located the subject / warned -four year old Larry Statham arrested on for 10:06 a.m., officers located the mafor PCS Less Ounce." At 6:07 p.m., charge of Disorderly Conduct II and roon 2003 Toyota Camry parked on HarTremont Ave., "subject just released for transported to the Coos Co. Jail at Co- bor St. Twenty-three year old Coleen
walking in the middle of the roadway quille.
O'Neill, Bandon, referred to DA for PCS
and PCS Less Ounce warned for DOC
Heroin and warned for PCS Less 1 Oz.
again after officer observed him cause a
Marijuana and Reckless Driving.
semi to almost lose control by stepping According to an entry on the North Bend
Probation Violation
out in the roadway. Subject warned if it Police log for Wednesday, Feb. 6, 2:30
to an entry on the North Bend
happens again he will go to jail." At
for Tuesday, Feb. 5, 9:52
7:51 p.m., 3201 Tremont Ave., "Mill
Virginia Ave., "officer
Security advised they out with a blue
subject." SeventyMercury in the Valet Parking Lot, advised subjects in vehicle are intoxicated Violation on original charges of DUII two year old Paul Rogers, North Bend,
and smell like marijuana. Officer seized and Reckless Driving. Also additional taken into custody on Probation Violapipe from subjects, warned for PCS Less charge of PCS Schedule I. Transported tion charge and PCS Meth charge.
Transported to the Coos Co. Jail at Co1 Oz. Marijuana. Subjects will be stay to the Coos Co. Jail at Coquille.
quille. Forty-five year old Darlene
Huntley, North Bend, cited for PCS Less
1 Oz. Marijuana and warned for PCS
Less 1000 feet of school.
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Gas siphoned
Two entries on the North Bend Police
log for Tuesday, Feb. 5, regarding gas
siphoned from vehicles. At 8:32 a.m.,
1900 block Channel St., $25 worth of
gas siphoned from 2005 Chevrolet Trailblazer. At 3:54 p.m., 1300 block Bayview St., 20 gallons of gas siphoned
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Bay Area Police Gazette June 2013, page 6
from a vehicle and 35 gallons from mo- Bay, on Jan. 30, 7:15 p.m., to report of a
possible violation of a restraining order.
The female thought her ex-boyfriend,
According to an entry on the Coos Bay David Johnson, had been inside of her
Police log for Tuesday, Feb. 5, 7:17 residence. "It was also reported that the
p.m., Central & Broadway, "naked male suspect might be armed with a knife."
just walked into the old Hub Building." Coquille Tribal Police responded along
with the deputies. No one was found
inside, but "evidence indicated the susA 49-year old female was served with pect had been back at the residence after
three warrants from the Coos Bay Police being served." A Probable Cause was
Dept. on Tuesday, Feb. 5. According to issued for Johnson's arrest. At 7:58
an entry on the police log for 1:36 p.m., p.m., he was located by an Oregon State
900 block So. Empire Blvd., Cheryl Police trooper on the Cape Arago Hwy.
Grove had called 911 about "threats," at Wallace Road. He was arrested on the
and was arrested on three warrants PC. Johnson was charged with twocharging "Improper Use 911." She was counts of VRO and one-count of Carrytransported to the Coos Co. Jail at Co- ing A Concealed Weapon. He was
transported to the county jail at Coquille.
Concealed Weapon
A 35-year old Coos Bay male, who had
been served earlier in the day with a
Restraining Order involving his 37-year
old ex-girlfriend, was arrested after he
was found within the 150-foot limitation
of the Restraining Order. According to a
news release from the Coos Co. Sheriff's
Office, deputies were dispatched to a
residence on Pigeon Point Loop, Coos
A 50-year old female, who allegedly
"slapped or hit" her 44-year old brotherin law during an argument Feb. 2, at
property on Larson Lane, North Bend,
was arrested on a charge of Harassment.
According to a news release from the
Coos Co. Sheriff's Office, deputies were
dispatched at 3:54 p.m. "to a report of
some type of dispute." Geraldine Wideman was in a dispute with 44-year old
Luckie Wideman. She is married to his
"Luckie Wideman wanted
Geraldine arrested." While deputies
were conducting interviews, "Geraldine
Wideman began throwing Luckie's
clothes out the door of the residence."
She was taken into custody "to prevent
further assault of property damage," and
transported to the county jail at Coquille.
PCS Meth
A vehicle stopped on Barview Road, off
the Cape Arago Hwy. between Coos
Bay and Charleston, on Super Bowl
Sunday, Feb. 3, at 7:21 p.m., led to a
couple of arrests. The deputy was part
of the Southern Oregon Coast DUII
Task Force working Super Bowl Weekend. The 1992 Honda Accord was operated by 55-year old Raymond Blodgett,
Coquille. There were three other occupants. Blodgett was found to be Driving
While Suspended and issued a citation.
With the assistance of a K-9 unit, the
vehicle was searched and over 100
grams of Methamphetamine and other
illegal substances were discovered.
Blodgett was arrested for Possession and
Delivery of Meth. Twenty-three year
old Joshua A. Lincoln, Coos Bay, was
arrested on a felony Oregon Parole and
Probation warrant. Thirty-two year old
Jason Penland, Coos Bay, was on probation for drug offenses and was detained
for Probation Violation. Twenty-six
year old Lacy J. Potts, Coos Bay, was
referred to the District Attorney's Office
for possible drug charges. Blodgett,
Lincoln and Penland were transported to
the county jail at Coquille.
Violation of Release
A 31-year old Coos Bay male was arrested on Tuesday, Feb. 5, after Coos
County Sheriff's deputies responded to a
residence on Welch Lane, Coos Bay
about 4 p.m. According to a news release from the Sheriff's Office, Beau
Stemen was reported at the residence in
violation of his release agreement from
the Coos Co. Jail. Deputies contacted
and arrested him. He was transported to
the Jail at Coquille.
According to a news release from the
Coos Co. Sheriff's Office, 40-year old
Fred Stufflebean, Coos Bay, was arrested on Feb. 6, 1:15 a.m., after a deputy contacted him on Charleston Road
near Metcalf Road in Charleston
"pertaining to a illegally parked RV."
He was found to have a misdemeanor
warrant for Contempt of Court out of
Coos Co. He was transported to the
county jail at Coquille.
Referred to DHS
According to an entry on the Coos Co.
Sheriff's log for Wednesday, Feb. 6,
8:14 a.m., Spaw Lane, Coos Bay,
"anonymous female reports father selling marijuana out of container in backyard, leaves the children without supervision." Referred to DHS.
Unauthorized use
According to an entry on the Coos Co.
Sheriff's log for Wednesday, Feb. 6,
9:52 a.m., Cape Arago Hwy., Coos Bay,
black 1998 Mitsubishi Mirage, "obtained
signed stolen, arrested Cardoso for
UUV, also charged PCS Heroin. Transported to CCJ." News release from the
Sheriff's Office, " On 02-06-2013 at
about 11:00 am, Coos County Sheriff’s
Deputies along with the assistance of
BLM Law Enforcement Officer and
Confederated Tribal Police contacted
Vanessa Cardoso, 23 years old, of Coos
Bay in a 1998 black Mitsubishi Mirage
as she was leaving a motel room at Captain Johns Motel in Charleston. Deputies were investigating a report from 20
year old Cody Prescott of Coos Bay, that
some person had stolen his vehicle, the
Mitsubishi Mirage earlier in the morning. Mr. Prescott and Ms. Cardoso had
been out the night before and contacted
by law enforcement at the parking lot of
Englund Marine in Charleston and due
to their state of intoxication were told
not to drive. When Mr. Prescott returned to the Englund Marine parking lot
get his vehicle this morning it was gone.
During a search incident to the arrest of
Ms. Cardoso, Sheriffs deputies found a
number of drug paraphernalia items and
a small container with a substance suspected to be heroin. Vanessa Cardoso
was arrested on the charges of Unauthorized Use of a Vehicle and PCS Heroin.
She was transported to the Coos County
Jail and lodged. The vehicle was returned to Mr. Prescott."
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Bay Area Police Gazette June 2013, page 7
year old Kai Mikal Dendy served CBPD original charge of Possession of ConAccording to an entry on the Coos Co. warrant for Failure to Appear on Lar- trolled Substance II, and Jackson Co.
warrant for Failure to Appear on original
Sheriff's log for Wednesday, Feb. 6, ceny charge.
charge of DWS Misdemeanor. TransFour arrests
10:35 a.m., Evergreen Lane, Coos Bay,
"burglary to residence. Occurred some- According to an entry on the Coos Bay ported to the Coos Co. Jail at Coquille.
time between midnight and 0600." Report for Burglary I and Theft I. Red
Honda 420 TRX ATV entered into
LEDS/NCIC. According to an entry on
the North Bend Police log for Feb. 6,
4:12 p.m., 2400 block Broadway Ave.,
"RP reported her residence broken into
on Jan. 20, 2013. On the Coos Bay Police log for Feb. 6, 7:29 p.m., 900 block
Webster Ave., 71-year old male reported
"cold burglary."
According to an entry on the Coos Bay
Police log for Wednesday, Feb. 6, 10:07
a.m., 27-year old Mark Sands arrested
by Portland Police on CBPD warrant for
Probation Violation, PCS Schedule I.
Four entries on the Coos Bay Police log
involving Unauthorized Entry Motor
Vehicle (UEMV) for Wednesday, Feb.
6. At 8:40 a.m., 700 block So. 4th St.,
21-year old female reported "theft from
vehicle." At 10:19 a.m., 500 block No.
2nd St., 52-year old female reported
"unlawful entry into vehicle." At 2:48
p.m., 200 block Park Ave., 36-year old
female reported, "unauthorized entry
into a motor vehicle." On Feb. 7, 5:54
a.m., 100 block 2nd Ave., 39-year old
female reported, "UEMV."
Police log for Thursday, Feb. 7, 1100
block Michigan Ave., 20-year old Cody
Hinerman arrested for Probation Violation; 21-year old Taylor Killinger arrested for Probation Violation, PCS
Meth and PCS less than an Oz.; 19-year
old Krysta Guptill arrested for PCS
Meth; and, 18-year old Jamey Lemmer
arrested for PCS Meth.
Domestic Assault
According to an entry on the Coquille
Police log for Thursday, Feb. 7, 3:08
p.m., 700 block No. Birch St., 35-year
old Cheryl Longberger arrested for Assault IV Domestic Felony. Victim 31year old male.
According to an entry on the Coquille
Tribal Police log for Thursday, Feb. 7,
1:26 p.m., 3201 Tremont Ave., Mill Casino, "suspicious subject across from
Mill Casino." Twenty-one year old
Cory Beaudette arrested on charges of
PCS Heroin and PCS Meth. Transported to the Coos Co. Jail at Coquille.
A "deceased subject" was reported
Thursday, Feb. 7, on the Coos Co. Sheriff's Log. According to an entry at 1:23
p.m., North Bank Lane, Bandon, a female on a cell phone "reports trailer on
fire, man inside, across river from Bandon on Hwy. 42. Determined to be Coquille River RV Park on North Bank
Lane." Small camp trailer.
Five entries on the Coos Bay Police log
for Thursday, Feb. 7, regarding Unauthorized Entry Motor Vehicle (UEMV).
At 5:54 a.m., 100 block 2nd Ave., 39year old female reported "UEMV." At
6:18 a.m., 1200 block No. 7th St., male
reported "UEMV to 2 vehicles." At
11:30 a.m., 1100 block No. 8th St., 61year old male reported "unauthorized
entry into motor vehicle." At 3:14 p.m.,
500 block 10th Ave., 25-year old male
reported "unauthorized entry into a motor vehicle." At 5:11 p.m., 230 Johnson
St., Safeway, 51-year old male
"observed subjects getting into cars."
Trailer fire
According to an entry on the Coos Co. According to an entry on the North Bend
Sheriff's log for Thursday, Feb. 7, 2:16 Police log for Thursday, Feb. 7, 8:48
p.m., Peninsula Road, North Bend, 24- p.m., 3201 Tremont Ave., Mill Casino,
"male used brother's ID to drink and
gamble at location. Report taken, charge
Misrepresenting age for Alcohol and
Gaming. Under investigation."
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According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for Thursday, Feb. 7, 2:12
p.m., Tremont Ave. & Clark St., "officer
out with two 12-28 subjects at location."
Twenty-four year old Kurt D. Trujillo,
Grants Pass, arrested on Josephine Co.
warrant for Failure to Appear on original
charge of Contempt of Court. Also
GPPD warrant for Failure to Appear on
He "came to station to turn himself in on
warrant." According to an entry on the
North Bend Police log for Thursday,
Feb. 7, 11:43 a.m., 835 California, 22year old Sean Magnus Gorda served
NBPD warrant for Failure to Appear on
original charge of Burglary.
Probation Violation charge and transported to the Coos Co. Jail at Coquille.
According to an entry on the Coos Bay
Police log for Friday, Feb. 8, 10:45 a.m.,
200 block Holland Ave., "burglary."
According to an entry on the Coos Bay
Police log for Friday, Feb. 8, 9:18 a.m.,
48-year old Dean Bolton arrested on
CCSO warrant for four-counts of Theft
According to an entry on the Coos Bay
According to an entry on the Coos Bay Police log for Friday, Feb. 8, 8:03 a.m.,
Police log for Saturday, Feb. 9, 5:11 Andrew Schneider arrested on Jefferson
a.m., 200 block So. Schoneman St., Co. warrant.
"result of dispute," 53-year old Becky A.
Probation Violation
Music charged with Harassment - Domestic and transported to the Coos Co. A traffic stop at Pacific St. & 14th in
Jail at Coquille. Police were summoned North Bend early Saturday morning,
to the same address twice earlier by the Feb. 9, led to an arrest. According to an
same 50-year old male complainant. At entry onthe police log for 2:03 a.m., 481:59 a.m. for a "dispute." At 3:50 p.m., year old Jarmain Lucila Reyes, Lakeside, was charged with PCS Meth and
Friday, Feb. 8, "domestic dispute."
warned for Failure to Signal. TransDisorderly Conduct
ported to the Coos Co. Jail at Coquille.
A "report of subject in the street throwGrocery theft
ing things," Friday, Feb. 8, 9:13 p.m., 1st
& Central, Coquille, led to an arrest. According to an entry on the North Bend
According to an entry on the CQPD log, Police log for Friday, Feb. 8, 3:52 p.m.,
50-year old Mary Daniel was charged 1736 Virginia Ave., Safeway, "RP rewith Criminal Mischief II and Disor- ports male shoplifter just feld on foot
derly Conduct II. She was transported to with cart full of groceries." Fifty-four
year old James Robert Hughey, Lakethe Coos Co. Jail at Coquille.
side, arrested on charge of Theft II.
Probation Violation
Same location, at 4:30 p.m., "RP reports
According to an entry on the Coos Bay male and female shoplifters just fled the
Police log for Friday, Feb. 8, 3:12 p.m., store on foot. Officer responded; how1900 block Newmark Ave., "RP re- ever, RP gave up the chase when susported detainable subject at location." pects got out into the parking lot. The
Thirty-year old Jami Dahack arrested on
1085 So. 2nd
Coos Bay
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garden, farm,
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Bay Area Police Gazette June 2013, page 8
items never made it out of the store."
A report of a "female stripping off her
clothing and screaming and yelling at
someone," led to a warning Friday, Feb.
8, 1:40 p.m., at Meade & California in
North Bend. According to an entry on
the police log, 50-year old Mary F.
Daniel was warned for Disorderly Conduct. The same individual was contacted earlier, 10:58 a.m., 1600 block
Virginia, "RP reports female looks like
she is 'tweaking' outside of Mini Pet
Mart. Officer responded and made contact with her. She advised she is just
upset over a friend passing away. Said
she will be fine."
Reports to the North Bend Police Dept.
for Friday, Feb. 8, involving UEMVs
(Unauthorized Entry Motor Vehicle). At
7:29 a.m., 800 block Oregon St., "RP
reports someone entered his daughter's
vehicle this morning between 0545 a.m.
and 0715 a.m. Nothing taken, nothing
damaged." At 7:37 a.m., 2100 block
Meade St., "RP reports someone entered
his vehicle sometime this morning.
Nothing taken, nothing damaged." At
1:25 p.m., 2000 block Monroe Ave.,
"RP reports her vehicle was entered
sometime last night. Loose cash in the
amount of approximately $14 taken.
Some type of liquid was spilled on the
According to an entry on the Coquille
Police log for Sunday, Feb. 10, 12:05
a.m., Dean & 2nd, 39-year old Robert
Clinton Sanborn arrested on a Sutherlin
PD warrant charging Contempt of Court.
According to an entry on the Coos Bay
Police log for Saturday, Feb. 9, 9:40
p.m., 600 No. Bayshore Dr., 35-year old
Roger Peterson arrested on charge of
Assault IV Domestic and transported to
the Coos Co. Jail at Coquille.
Coast to Valley
According to an entry on the Coos Bay
Police log for Saturday, Feb. 9, 1:05
p.m., Astro Gas on Newmark Ave.,
"result of traffic stop," 21-year old Riley
Rickman arrested on charge of PCS
Schedule I LSD. He was transported to
the Coos Co. Jail at Coquille. Christopher Postlewait was cited for DWS Violation, Driving Uninsured, Failure to
File SR-22, and PCS Less than an Oz.
According to an entry on the Coos Bay
Police log for Sunday, Feb. 10, 5:21
a.m., 900 block Augustine, 46-year old
Glen Green arrested on a charge of Assault IV.
Disorderly Conduct
According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for Sunday, Feb. 10, 1:01
a.m., 2200 block Broadway Ave., North
Bend Community Center, "officers out
with subject refusing to leave location."
Twenty-seven year old Jovani Sanchez
Portillo, Klamath Falls charged with
Disorderly Conduct and transported to
the Coos Co. Jail at Coquille. Earlier,
same location, 12:42 a.m., "fight at location. Officers advised subjects left prior
to arrival." At 10:07 p.m., "RP reported
a fight between 2 of the people at the
party. Officers respond / advised suspects had departed on foot, officers located the victim who did not wish to
press charges.
According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for Saturday, Feb. 9, 3201
Tremont Ave., 8:18 p.m., "Mill Security
request an officer respond to contact the
victim of an assault." Forty-eight year
old Stanley James George, Sutherlin,
charged with Assault IV Domestic and
transported to the Coos Co. Jail at Coquille. Also, permanently trespassed
from the Mill Casino property.
Drunk Driver
A Coos Co. Circuit Court Judge sentenced 65-year old Charles Laurence
Maitland to 106 months in prison for his
(No Saturday Service)
involvement in a two-vehicle collision
with a Coos Co. vehicle on Fairview
Road, June 7, 2011. Maitland pled
(541) 269-7183
guilty to one-count of Assault in the
Sun.—Fri. depart Coos Bay 7:15 a.m., Reedsport 7:40 Second Degree, one-count of Assault in
a.m., Florence 8:15 a.m. arrive Eugene 9:35 a.m.
the Third Degree and one-count of DrivMon.— Fri. depart Eugene 10:05 a.m., Florence 11:20 ing Under the Influence of Intoxicants.
a.m., Reedsport 11:50 a.m., arrive Coos Bay 12:20 p.m. As part of a plea agreement, a separate
Afternoon bus departs Coos Bay at 12:35 p.m.
charge of Failure to Appear in the First
Evening bus departs Eugene at 4:05 p.m.
Degree was dismissed. Both the Coos
Call for fare information or
County employee and Maitland's passen
ger were seriously injured in the crash.
Public Bus Service
Porter Stage Line
As part of Judge Martin Stone's sentence, Maitland will not be eligible for
any sentence reduction and will be subject to 36 months of post-prison supervision according to Chief Deputy District
Attorney Erika Soublet who prosecuted
the case.
Counterfeit Bills in Area
The Coquille Police Department has
received information that counterfeit
$50.00 bills are being used in the Coos
County area. These counterfeit bills
were previously $5.00 that have been
bleached and and dried and then made to
look like the amount if $50.00 instead of
$5.00. If there is any doubt to the
money being authentic, please do not
accept the bills. If you feel you have
received a counterfeit bill or someone
attempts to pass a counterfeit bill, please
call the Coos Bay Police Department at
(541) 269-8911, or North Bend at (541)
Fatal accident near
Gold Beach
A 62-year old Brookings man was killed
and a North Bend couple injured in a
two-vehicle accident on Hwy. 101, south
of Gold Beach, Thursday, Feb. 8. Rodney Dean Henderson was killed when
his southbound 2009 Mazda Miata
struck a westside curb, about 6 p.m.,
sending it sideways into the path of a
northbound Jeep Liberty operated by 54year old Antonio Moore, of North Bend.
His wife, 54-year old Laurie Moore was
a passenger. The Moore's received minor injuries and were treated and released from the hospital in Gold Beach.
Henderson died shortly after arriving at
the hospital.
A 16-year old Central Oregon Coast
high school student who sprayed cologne on another student and then twice
lit the fumes on fire, has been charged
with a Class A Misdemeanor and referred to the Lincoln Co. Juvenile Dept.
According to a news release from the
Sheriff's Office, a deputy was dispatched
to Toledo High School on Friday, Feb.
15, regarding an incident between two
students. The victim did not require
medical attention.
Ten-Counts Sexual
A call to investigate a domestic disturbance on the Central Oregon Coast
Thursday, Feb. 14, led to charges of 10counts of Sexual Abuse II involving a 37
-year old male and an underage female.
According to a news release from the
Lincoln Co. Sheriff's Office, "the investigation revealed that Adam M. Britto,
age 37 of Waldport, was involved in a
sexual relationship with an underage
female. He was transported to the
county jail at Newport and bail was set
at half-a-million dollars.
Bay Area Police Gazette June 2013, page 9
Cellphones &
The feeling within the Oregon Senate
Judiciary Committee is that motorist
who still use cellphones while driving
really are not taking a law banning such
usage seriously. Hearings got underway
Tuesday at the State Capitol in Salem
over a bill proposed by Senate President
Peter Courtney to treat drivers who use
cellphones the same as those who drink
and drive. The current fine, if caught, is
$142. Senator Courtney's bill, if approved the Legislature and signed into
law by the Governor, would increase the
fine up to $1,000.
Fast motorcycle
A 23-year old Grants Pass man was arrested Sunday, Feb. 10, after he attempted to elude law enforcement officers on a high-speed chase that began on
Interstate-5 in the Canyonville area of
Douglas Co. The rider was going 95
mph, but sped up to over 100 mph when
an Oregon State Police trooper began
chasing him about 11:45 a.m. The rider
exited I-5 at Garden Valley Blvd. in
Roseburg and went west. An OSP Fish
& Wildlife trooper spotted him near the
community of Umpqua, 17-miles northwest of Roseburg. He drove up Hubbard
Creek Road and continued after the
pavement ended on the gravel portion.
The rider lost control of the Suzuki
R650 motorcycle and it slid on its side.
He then fled on foot into the woods but
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North Bend
was captured. about 12:30 p.m. Jeffrey
B. Engebretson was checked out by
paramedics and then arrested on charges
of two-counts of Felony Attempt to
Elude on a Vehicle; two-counts of Reckless Driving; and, one-count of Recklessly Endangering Another Person. He
also admitted to reaching speeds near
183 mph on I-5 and 140 mph on a
county road.
Cape Arago Hwy.
The right rear wheel of a westbound red
1996 Chevrolet Camaro was severed
when it struck a curb during a singlevehicle accident on SR 240 (Cape Arago
Hwy.) Feb. 10 at 4:25 p.m. According
to an Oregon State Police report, 26-year
old Jose Concepcion Gallo-Camacho,
Coos Bay, was operating the vehicle at
milepost 6.15 when he reportedly "lost
control while attempting to negotiate a
curve at a high rate of speed. The vehicle rotated across teh eastbound lane
striking the curb." He was uninjured,
but cited for No Operator License and
Failure to Drive within Lane. The vehicle was towed.
While following an orange/white 1984
Ford Bronco II on Hwy. 101, milepost
237, Feb. 10, 2:09 a.m., an Oregon State
Police trooper clocked it at 53 mph in a
40 mph zone. According to an OSP
report, "female passenger threw lit cigarette from vehicle onto roadway." A
traffic stop followed. "Contacted occupants, strong odor of alcoholic beverage
emanating from vehicle." The operator,
22-year old Jacob William Schneider,
North Bend, agreed to a Field Sobriety
Test, but failed. He was charged with
DUII, Reckless Endangering, PCS Less
than 1 Oz. Marijuana, Open Container,
Driving Uninsured and Failure to File
SR22. Twenty-two year old Adalena
Ann Moody, Coos Bay, "admitted to
throwing cigarette from vehicle." She
was charged with Throwing Burning
Material and PCS Less than 1 Oz. Marijuana and Open Container. "A marijuana pipe and shake was discovered in
the vehicle, along with multiple closed
and opened containers of alcohol and
illegal fireworks. Rear seat male passenger was a minor and was visibly intoxicated." Nineteen year old Nicholas Skylor, Coos Bay, was charged with MIP
Consumption and Open Container.
PCS Meth
A check on a blue in color 1971 Dodge
Van/Camper on the Cape Arago Hwy.,
near milepost 8, Feb. 7, 2:15 p.m., led to
a criminal citation. According to an
OSP report, "I stopped to check on a
vehicle that was possibly abandoned.
Investigation revealed that someone was
living in the van and was also found to
be in possession of Methamphetamine."
Thirty-one year old Kayla Donaca, Gold
Beach, was cited for Unlawful Possession of Methamphetamine and released
at the scene.
Hwy. 101 Collision
walking home." Twenty-eight year old
Elizabeth Rose Farris, Lakeside, was
arrested on charges of Disorderly Conduct II and Harassment. She was transported to the Coos Co. Jail at Coquille.
PCS Meth
A 1988 Toyota pickup truck was
stopped on Feb. 5, 8:54 a.m., on Hwy.
42, milepost .50 because the operator
was not wearing a seatbelt. According
to an OSP report, 50-year old Tracy
Reichlen, Coquille, "admitted being in
possession of Methamphetamine and
was arrested." He was transported to the
Coos Co. Jail at Coquille and cited for
Failing to Wear a Seatbelt, Unlawful
Possession of Less than an Oz. Marijuana and criminally cited for Unlawful
Possession of Methamphetamine.
One vehicle stopped for another stopped
vehicle on Hwy. 101, milepost 253, Feb.
1, 1:34 a.m., but then a third vehicle, a
2001 Chevrolet van operated by Charles
L. Orchard, wasn't able to stop before
crashing into the rear of a 2012 Volvo
operated by 58-year old Ronald Less
Hass. According to an OSP report, "the
unknown make/model vehicle drove off
without contact. Both vehicles were
towed from the scene due to damage.
All occupants denied sustaining inju- According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for Monday, Feb. 11, 5:52
a.m., 2600 block Sheridan Ave., "RP
reported she caught someone inside her
A request for "assistance with a belliger- vehicle. Subject last seen headed south
ent patron at the Up The Creek Tavern on Sheridan. Officers checked area and
in Lakeside," Feb. 5, 11:30 p.m., led to unable to locate the subject." At 8:54
an arrest. According to an OSP report, a.m., 2100 block Wall St., "RP reported
"OSP and NBPD unites arrived and someone entered her unlocked vehicles
learned that the female patron had as- and took some change and some cosOn the
saulted another patron before leaving the tume jewelry. Value $15."
bar on foot. The female suspect was
located a short distance from the bar
Bay Area Police Gazette June 2013, page 10
old female reported "unlawful entry to 4:38 p.m., 23-year old Joshua Lincoln
Seeking a ride
motor vehicle."
was charged with Theft III, Probation According to an entry on the Coos Co.
Violation and transported to the Coos Sheriff's log for Monday, Feb. 11, 7:28
Misuse of 911
According to an entry on the North Bend Co. Jail at Coquille.
p.m., Roderick Road, Coos Bay, "male
Criminal Trespass
Police log for Sunday, Feb. 10, 3:23
came to RP's residence saying the Lord
p.m., 2400 block Broadway Ct., "RP A report of a "suspicious subject looking told him to stop & ask for a ride, didn't
called 911 after not wanting to pay to in vehicles" at Walmart, 2051 Newmark want to leave but eventually did."
call 411 due to the cost, request assist in Ave., Sunday, Feb. 10, 4:02 p.m., led to
Sheriff's Office
contacting a plumber. Officer respond an arrest. According to an entry on the
and contact the RP." Fifty-two year old Coos Bay Police log, 33-year old Clint
Diane M. Wilskey, North Bend, charged Brody Greg Pruett was charged with Various entries on the Coos Co. Sheriff's
with Misuse of 911 and transported to Criminal Trespass II and transported to log for Monday, Feb. 11. At 9:18 a.m.,
Hwy. 101 & Fahy, Bandon, attempted
the Coos Co. Jail at Coquille.
the Coos Co. Jail at Coquille.
traffic stop, suspect eluded deputy. VeArrest
hicle towed. At 8:04 a.m., Olive Barber
According to an entry on the Coos Bay According to an entry on the Coos Bay Road, Coos Bay, "Pacific Power substaPolice log for Sunday, Feb. 10, 11:43 Police log for Sunday, Feb. 10, 2:41 tion broken into." Midnight, Hwy. 101/
p.m., So. 8th St. & Johnson St., p.m., 500 block Wisconsin, 87-year old Hackett, Coos Bay, result of traffic stop,
"possible mental subject," 31-year old male reported "burglary."
individual arrested for PCS Schedule I
Loyd R. Todd arrested on charges of
Heroin and Probation Violation.
Unlawful Possession Meth and an addi- According to an entry on the Coos Bay
Criminal Trespass
tional charge of Supplying Contraband. Police log for Sunday, Feb. 10, 10:02
According to an entry on the North Bend
a.m., Coalbank Slough Bridge, "located Police log for Monday, Feb. 11, 9:18
According to an entry on the Coos Bay wanted subject." Thirty-two year old p.m., 2700 block D St., "RP reported
Police log for Sunday, Feb. 10, 10:18 Tosha Tyhee Ekblad arrested on CBPD male subject came into their residence.
p.m., 189 So. Wall St., Empire Fire Hall, warrant charging Theft I & Theft II. RP doesn't know who he is. RP reported
"suspicious subject." Forty-five year old Transported to the Coos Co. Jail at Co- subject stated that he lives next door and
Kenneth Jankowski arrested on NBPD quille.
is locked out." Thirty-five year old Jerwarrant charging two-counts of ViolaArrest
emy Johnson, North Bend, cited and
tion of Restraining Order and cited for According to an entry on the Coos Bay released for Criminal Trespass I.
PCS Less 1 Oz. Marijuana within 1,000 Police log for Sunday, Feb. 10, 9:39 "Permanently trespassed from location."
feet of School.
a.m., 600 block Hemlock Ave., "follow
Probation Violation
A report of an "uncooperative shoplifter"
at Bimart, 550 So. 4th St. in Coos Bay
Sunday, Feb. 10, led to an arrest. According to an entry on the police log for
up resulting in arrest of detainable subject." Thirty-four year old Jesse Nathan
Hayes charged with Theft III and Probation Violation. Transported to the Coos
Co. Jail at Coquille.
According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for Monday, Feb. 11, 6:08
p.m., 2200 block Pony Creek Road, "RP
called 911 reported interrupting a burglary at his home, suspect fled on foot
down to Pony Creek Road. Officers
respond, assisted by CBPD officers and
OSP trooper in attempt to locate & perimeter, NBPD canine assisted with
track for suspect. Unable to locate the
Battery theft
According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for Monday, Feb. 11, 5:36
p.m., 2500 block Ash St., "RP reported
someone stole batteries out of their
travel trailer parked in their yard."
Value $300.
According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for Monday, Feb. 11, 4:45
p.m., 2100 block Newmark St., "Bi Mart
request officer for cooperative shoplifter
in custody for attempting to take a drill
value: $162."
Twenty-six year old
David Kenneth Edgerton, Coos Bay,
charged with Theft II, PCS I and Probation Violation. Transported to the Coos
Co. Jail at Coquille.
Entries on the North Bend Police log for
Monday, Feb. 11, involving Unauthor-
ized Entry Motor Vehicle (UEMV). At
8:30 a.m., 500 block Ohio St., "RP reported someone entered his unlocked
vehicles last night." Taken was change,
50-cents. At 8:03 a.m., 2600 block
Sheridan Ave., "RP reported someone
entered her unlocked vehicle and stole
some change." $1.
Entry on the North Bend Police log for
Monday, Feb. 11, 7:19 a.m., 1400 block
Union Ave., "RP reported possibly interrupting a burglary at his residence. Back
door and window open." An entry on
the Coos Bay Police log for Monday,
Feb. 11, 6:33 p.m., 1000 block Oakway,
34-year old female reported "cold burglary." At 2:17 p.m., 900 block Webster, 61-year old male reported
According to an entry on the Coos Bay
Police log for Monday, Feb. 11, 1:12
p.m., 192 Norman Ave., Ocean Crest, 31
-year old female reported, "subject exposing himself & attempting to gain
access to the building."
According to an entry on the Coquille
Police log for Monday, Feb. 11, 11:24
a.m., 250 No. Baxter, Coos Co. Sheriff's
Office, Coquille, CCSO arrested 49-year
old Ronald Neuwirth on CQPD warrant
charging Furnishing Alcohol to a Person
under 21 Years of Age. Lodged at the
county jail at Coquille.
According to an entry on the Coos Co.
Sheriff's log for Tuesday, Feb. 12, 7:55
a.m., Bay Park Lane, Bunker Hill area of
Coos Bay, "someone went through RP's
vehicle sometime last night. Nothing
taken." At 12:44 p.m., Bay Park Lane,
"UEMV occurred last night. Stolen
Bay Area Police Gazette June 2013, page 11
property/binoculars, gloves, keys." According to an entry on the Coos Bay
Police log for Tuesday, Feb. 12, 9:23
a.m., 1300 block No. Bayshore Dr., 32year old female reported "theft of laptops from vehicle." At 8:52 a.m., 400
No. Wasson St. 25-year old female reported "vehicle broken into last night."
At 8:34 a.m., 600 block So. Marple St.,
35-year old reported "damage to vehicle/
theft of gas."
Parked on tracks
ported ex-girlfriend stole items out of his
residence. RP stated that she stole his
keys couple days ago. RP doesn't want
to file theft report. RP just wants us to
watch the house and make sure she doesn't return. RP advised that she lived
there for over 3 months and moved out 3
days ago."
"employee sold cigarettes to a male subject of age. He walked outside and
handed them to a male juvenile. Group
of five males started walking towards
Taco Bell. Officers responded/advised
male subject that took cigarettes is 18."
Eighteen year old Seth V. Burch, Coos
Bay, cited for Endangering Welfare of a
Minor. "Subject released in lieu of cusFraud
According to an entry on the Coos Bay tody."
Criminal Trespass
Police log for Tuesday, Feb. 12, 4:25
p.m., 2051 Newmark Ave., Walmart, According to an entry on the North Bend
"Fraud." Twenty-three year old Susan Police log for Wednesday, Feb. 13, 6:57
Miller arrested on charges of Probation p.m., 400 block Virginia Ave., "subject
Violation, Theft II and Theft by Decep- on property that was previously trestion. Transported to the Coos Co. Jail at passed." Sixty-year old Robert E. HolCoquille.
comb, transient, charged with Criminal
Trespass II and transported to the Coos
According to an entry on the Coos Bay Co. Jail at Coquille.
What was discovered may explain why
it was parked there. According to an
entry on the Coos Co. Sheriff's log for
Tuesday, Feb. 12, 8:59 a.m., Old Horsfall Road, North Bend, "railroad reporting vehicle abandoned on tracks." A
Toyota pickup truck was towed off the
tracks. "No hold on vehicle. Seized less Police log for Tuesday, Feb. 12, 6:13
than 1 oz. marijuana, marijuana pipe a.m., 600 block Newmark Ave., "broken
from vehicle."
window at location - Burglary."
Shot with a Potato Gun McKay's Market and First Student Bus
According to an entry on the Coos Co. Co. identified as "Complainant."
Sheriff's log for Tuesday, Feb. 12, 12:32
p.m., Viking Lane, North Bend, "vehicle According to an entry on the North Bend
shot with a potato gun. Investigation Police log for Tuesday, Feb. 12, 4:59
p.m., 100 block No. Cammann, "NBPD
Criminal Mischief
A report of Domestic Harassment Tuesday night, Feb. 12, at the 7-11 in the
Empire District of Coos Bay, 1075 Newmark Ave., led to an arrest. According
to an entry on the police log for 11:20
p.m., 33-year old Ranae Yell was
charged with two-counts of Domestic
Harassment and transported to the Coos
Co. Jail at Coquille. The victim was
identified as a 31-year old male. Earlier,
at 8:21 p.m., same location and same
victim, police responded to a report of
an Assault. On the North Bend Police
log for Tuesday, Feb. 12, 11:10 p.m.,
1000 block Connecticut Ave., same individual arrested listed as "Involved/
Contacted" in a report stating, "RP re-
According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2:58
p.m., 645 Virginia Ave., "per OLCC Sin
City is shut down permanently and there
should be no activity at that location."
Probation Violation
According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for Wednesday, Feb. 13, 2:31
p.m., 2600 block Broadway Ave., "RP
request to speak with officer." Fifty-five
year old Lauralie Burt Beavean arrested
on charge of Probation Violation.
a.m., 3600 block Pine St., "RP reported
break in to vehicle and items left behind." At 1:46 p.m., 3600 block Pine
St., "RP reported break in to vehicle."
According to entries on the Coos Bay
Police log for Wednesday, Feb. 13. At
6:55 a.m., 1800 block Ocean Blvd., 24year old male reported "UEMV." At
9:44 a.m., "UEMV on Cape Arago
Hwy." At 11:11 a.m., 1313 No. Bayshore Dr., Red Lion, 49-year old male
reported, "unlawful entry motor vehicle." Entry on the Coquille Tribal Police
log for Wednesday, Feb. 13, at 9:01
p.m., 500 block Miluk Dr., "request
Tribal unit meet deputy out with a car
clout." Entries on the Coos Co. Sheriff's
log for Wednesday, Feb. 13, Windy
Lane, Coos Bay, "UUV just occurred.
Vehicle silver Chrysler Voyager Van.
Last seen south on Cape Arago Hwy.
RP recalled and advised UEMV to two
other vehicles." At 9:45 a.m., Windfall
Road, Coos Bay, "theft from unlocked
vehicle. Stolen property Safeway bakery box of cookies, $5 in change."
According to an entry on the Coquille
Police log for Wednesday, Feb. 13, 7:17
p.m., Hwy. 42, milepost 16, "result of
traffic stop," 78-year old Hal Clark arrested on charge of DUII and transported
to the Coos Co. Jail at Coquille.
served Salem Police Dept. valid" warrant on 55-year old Tony Eugene Richards, Coos Bay, for Failure to Appear on
original charges of Criminal Driving,
Driving Suspended or Revoked & FailWarrant
ure to Carry, Present. Transported to the According to an entry on the North Bend
an entry on the Coos Bay
Coos Co. Jail at Coquille.
Police log for Wednesday, Feb. 13, Police log for Wednesday, Feb. 13,
Probation Violation
12:40 p.m., 3201 Tremont Ave., Mill 11:14 a.m., 200 block No. Broadway, 47
According to an entry on the North Bend Casino, "NBPD served valid Douglas -year old male reported "burglary."
Police log for Tuesday, Feb. 12, 2:10 County" warrant for 21-year old Gary
Welch Road
p.m., Monroe St., "traffic stop." Thirty- David Danielson for Parole Violator.
entries on the Coos Co.
year old Brandon Bockwinkel, Coos Transported to the Coos Co. Jail at CoSheriff's
Wednesday, Feb. 13,
Bay, taken into custody on Probation quille.
Coos Bay. At 9:33
Violation and DWS Misdemeanor.
things from RP's
Transported to the Coos Co. Jail at Co- Entries on the North Bend Police log for
a.m., assault requille. The arrest was connected to an Wednesday, Feb. 13, involving UEMVs
to be referred to
earlier log entry at 1:51 p.m., 1611 Vir- (Unauthorized Entry Motor Vehicle). At
RP working
ginia Ave., Pony Village Mall, "RP re- 7:35 a.m., 3400 block Fir St., "Rep reacross
ported customers told her to call 911 ported her vehicle broken into." At 7:42
regarding fight in parking lot. Officers a.m., 3600 block Spruce St., "RP reresponded/contacted involved parties. ported vehicle broken into." At 9:37 tried to stab her."
Victim will call back with vehicle information." The two individuals, ages 23
& 38, identified as "Involved/
Contacted," were also listed in an earlier
During the Month of June ‘13—Not valid with any other offer
call at 1:12 p.m., 700 block Virginia
Ave., "RP reported male subject atoff Septic Pumping Or
off Service Call
tempted to sell her vehicle to another
male subject. Unknown how he obtained her keys. Officer responded/
requested it reported it for info only.
Advised how to secure vehicle."
Summer Septic Maintenance
MIP Tobacco
According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for Tuesday, Feb. 12, 9:55
a.m., 1600 block Virginia Ave.,
Bay Area Police Gazette June 2013, page 12
According to an entry on the Coos Co.
Sheriff's log for Thursday, Feb. 14, 7:43
a.m., Libby Lane, Coos Bay, "theft of 3
batteries. Just occurred. Suspect vehicle
white vehicle. On security camera."
Case possibly connected to Tribal PD
case of Unauthorized Use Vehicle, tan
1993 Subaru Legacy taken during night.
"RP contacted, report taken, video footage obtained."
Late night involving
she wanted a ride. She declined." At
12:15 a.m., McCullough Bridge,
"assisting CBPD with welfare check.
Female contacted and taken to BAH on a
voluntary mental hold." At 12:37 a.m.,
2500 block Sherman Ave., "female
knocking on doors in the area. Area
checked, unable to locate, gone prior to
arrival." At 2:44 a.m., Ferry Road,
"officer out with female at location.
Subject is fine." Eighteen year old female involved.
According to an entry on the Coos Bay
Police log for Friday, Feb. 15, 3:32 a.m.,
200 block So. 10th St., "Domestic Assault," 30-year old Kristen Lohman arrested on Clark Co. warrant charging
PCS Meth. Transported to the Coos Co.
Jail at Coquille.
p.m., 2323 Pacific Ave., North Bend
High School, "Fire Dept. request officer
for two subjects that set a glove on fire.
Officer respond and advised no damage,
will be handled by parents and school."
Fourteen year old girl and 15-year old
boy involved.
Probation Violation
According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for Thursday, Feb. 14, 2:05
p.m., 1611 Virginia Ave., Pony Village
Mall, "off duty officer advised possible
detainable subject at mall. Officers responded, attempt to locate, did not locate." Arrested 33-year old Jerry Allen
Loreman on charges of Probation Violation, PCS Schedule I, PCS Schedule II
within 1,000 feet of School, Tampering,
Attempted Assault on Public Safety Officer, Disorderly Conduct II and Interfering.
Entries on the North Bend Police log for
Thursday night, Feb. 14 and early Friday
morning, Feb. 15, involving females. At
7:04 p.m., 1300 Virginia Ave.,
"incomplete 911, no voice. No problems
at business. Suspect, 50-year old Mary
F. Daniel, transient, warned for Misuse
Glove fire
of 911 and permanently trespassed from
Criminal Trespass
an entry on the North Bend
North Bend Lanes. At 9:13 p.m., 2200
to an entry on the Coos Bay
block Sherman Ave., "male asked RP if
Police log for Friday, Feb. 15, 1:10 a.m.,
1000 block Anderson Ave., "Criminal
Trespass," 21-year old Christopher
Brown arrested on Probation Violation
charge and transported to the Coos Co.
Jail at Coquille.
According to an entry on the Coos Bay
Police log for Thursday, Feb. 14, 5:03
p.m., 230 E. Johnson Ave., Safeway, 43year old male reported "counterfeit
Disorderly Conduct
According to an entry on the Coos Bay
Police log for Thursday, Feb. 14, 2:52
p.m., Newmark & Ocean Blvd.,
"intoxicated male walking out into traffic." Forty-seven year old Troy Boyerr
arrested for Disorderly Conduct II.
According to an entry on the Coquille
Police log for Thursday, Feb. 14, 5:27
a.m., Hwy. 42 & Finley Loop, "result of
traffic stop," 45-year old Robert Mayea
arrested on charges of Failure to Register as Sex Offender and PCS I. Transported to the Coos Co. Jail at Coquille.
According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for Friday, Feb. 15, 11:52
p.m., 3201 Tremont Ave., Mill Casino,
"wanted subject at location." Thirtyseven year old Michael Ian Cowan,
Coos Bay, arrested on CCSO warrant for
Probation Violation - Amphetamine Possession. Transported to the Coos Co.
Jail at Coquille.
Probation Violation
According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for Friday, Feb. 15, 11:16
p.m., Hwy. 101 & East Bay Dr., "traffic
stop," 34-year old James M. Wenzell
cited for DWS Violation and warned for
Defective Tail Light. Twenty-six year
old Cory L. Webber, North Bend, arrested on Probation Violation charge and
cited for PCS Less than an Oz. Marijuana. Both transported to the Coos Co.
Jail at Coquille.
Suspicious subject
It was unseasonable warm in the Bay
Area Friday, Feb. 15. Temperature hit
the mid 60s and some took to the outdoors to enjoy the sun, some maybe too
much. According to an entry on the
Coos Co. Sheriff's log for 5:13 p.m.,
Flanagan Lane, Coos Bay, "female on
cell, female wearing thong underwear
and bathing suit top walking around.
Subject is by the Blue Moon, referred to
Bay Area Police Gazette June 2013, page 13
Violating Park Rules
zance from the Coos Co. Jail at Coquille. Weapons were seized "as the
person whose custody they were in is a
convicted felon." The ranch owner was
contacted and "it is apparent that the
owner was not aware of the illegal activity on the property."
According to an entry on the Coos Co.
Sheriff's Office for Friday, Feb. 15, 7:40
p.m., Beale Lake, North Bend, "made
casual contact with 6 subjects in two
Razors on the 432 Road, north of Beal
Lake. All were warned regarding AlcoProbation Violation
hol Ban and dumped out about 3 cases
of beer."
According to an entry on the Coquille
SCINT finds drugs & Police log for Friday, Feb. 15, 3:45 p.m.,
100 block No. Adams, 32-yea rold Talweapons
lon James McDonald arrested on charges
An ongoing investigation into metham- of Failure to Register & Probation Viophetamine possession and distribution lation. Transported to the Coos Co. Jail
led to the execution of a search warrant at Coquille.
at a ranch on South Coos River Lane,
Coos Bay, Thursday, Feb. 14. AccordA
"domestic assault" early
ing to a news release from the South
Feb. 15, 200 block So.
Coast Interagency Narcotics Team
arrest. According to
(SCINT), narcotics officers were accoman
Bay Police log for
panied by officers from the Coos Bay
Kristen Lohman
Police Dept., Coquille Tribal Police,
Oregon State Police, Coos Confederated
Tribe of the Coos, Lower Umpqua and
Siuslaw Tribal Police and deputies with
Criminal Trespass
the Coos Co. Sheriff's Office. The
search warrant was executed shortly According to an entry on the Coos Bay
after noon and entry was made into the Police log for Friday, Feb. 15, 1:01 a.m.,
home and in outbuildings. Two persons 1000 block Anderson Ave., 21-year old
were detained. Forty-eight year old Christopher Brown charged with ProbaCrystal Lynn Shaffer and 47-year old tion Violation and transported to the
Michael James Marble, both of Coos Coos Co. Jail at Coquille.
Bay. They were charged with Unlawful
Possession of a Firearm and Unlawful A traffic stop early Sunday morning,
Possession of Methamphetamine. Both Feb. 17, 12:38 a.m., 1300 block Virginia
were later released on their own recogni- Ave., led to an arrest. According to an
entry on the North Bend Police log, 44year old John M. Wallace was charged
with PCS Meth and transported to the
Coos Co. Jail at Coquille. The driver,
30-year old William Postlethwait was
cited for DWS Violation, Driving Uninsured, and Failure to Register the Vehicle. The driver was also warned for
Failure to Signal 100 Feet. Passengers
were warned for Failure to Wear Seat
Belts. The Vehicle was towed. On Saturday, Feb. 16, 2:43 a.m., 2000 block
Newmark Ave., same driver, Postlethwait, was cited for DWS Violation
and Driving Uninsured. "Vehicle secured on scene."
Probation Violation
According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for Saturday, Feb. 16, 5:55
p.m., 1900 block Cottonwood St.,
"casual contact with male subject."
Forty-one year old Troy E. Harris, North
Bend, charged with Probation Violation
and will be referred for PCS.
Recovered bike
According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for Saturday, Feb. 16, 12:50
p.m., Hwy. 101/Newmark, "RP reported
subject with possible stolen bike."
Thirty-one year old Loyd Ross Todd
cited Theft III in lieu of custody.
According to an entry on the Coos Co.
Sheriff's log for Saturday, Feb. 16, 2:42
a.m., 2000 block Newmark Ave., arrested Thomas Pusztai State Parole
Board warrant.
Transported to the
county jail at Coquille.
According to an entry on the Coos Co.
Sheriff's log for Saturday, Feb. 16, 9:17
a.m., Crannog Road, North Bend,
"burglary to residence." Report taken
for Burglary I, Theft I. Extensive list of
stolen property." According to an entry
for 9:27 a.m., Abbey Lane, Coos Bay,
"burglary to residence & barn." Report
taken for Burglary I, Criminal Mischief
II, DNA obtained also."
According to an entry on the Coquille
Police log for Saturday, Feb. 16, 11:135
p.m., Central & 1st, 64-year old Bruce
H. Dierks charged with DUII and transported to the Coos Co. Jail at Coquille.
According to an entry on the Coos Bay
Police log for Saturday, Feb. 16, 4:55
p.m., Curtis & Broadway, "located
wanted subject." Forty-seven year old
George Michael Ivanoff arrested on
CCSO warrant for Criminal Trespass II.
Transported to the Coos Co. Jail at Coquille.
Five Cited For
Carpenterville Road Fire
Five Brookings-Harbor area residents
have been cited for causing the Carpenterville Road Fire and an additional person may yet be cited. The fire started on
September 18, 2012 and was located
northeast of Brookings. It destroyed 6.6
acres of 4-year-old reproduction timber.
Coos Forest Protective Association investigates all fires to determine fire
cause and establish responsible parties.
In this case, all five individuals responsible for the start of the fire received a
citation and are liable for the cost of the
fire. The law requires the State to recover suppression costs on all humancaused fires deemed negligent. In this
case, it is expected to be over $20,000.
The landowner can also seek reparations
for damage caused by the fire. The fire
occurred on reforested timber land, with
potential to burn a large area of forest
land and homes in the area. The fire danger was high and the fire occurred simultaneously with another fire being managed by CFPA resulting in this fire having limited resources to suppress the
fire. Resources from South Coast Lumber Company, Cape Ferrelo Rural Fire
Department, Brookings Fire Department
and Harbor Fire Department assisted
with the suppression efforts, working
with CFPA resources to control the fire.
“We don’t believe that these individuals
set out to cause the fire but they ultimately did,” said fire investigator Derwin Boggs. “They failed to properly
report the fire or make a bona fide effort
to suppress the fire. They were behind a
locked gate on private land, shooting
exploding targets. Closures during fire
season prohibit the use of exploding
According to an entry on the Coquille
Police log for Saturday, Feb. 16, 8:02
p.m., Hwy. Deli Mart, "result of traffic
stop," 24-year old Michael Cooper arrested on OSP warrant for Possession
Marijuana, additionally cited for DWS
Violation and Driving Uninsured.
According to an entry on the Coos Bay
Police log for Saturday, Feb. 16, 6:04
p.m., 2051 Newmark Ave., Walmart,
"shoplifter & criminal trespasser. Fiftythree year old Diana Brown charged
with Theft II, Criminal Trespass I and
Dumpster Diving
Unlawful Possession of Meth. Transported to the Coos Co. Jail at Coquille.
According to an entry on the North Bend
Bay Area Police Gazette June 2013, page 14
Police log for Sunday, Nov. 17, 10:44
p.m., 2100 block Broadway Ave., "out
with 2 male subjects going through trash
behind Public Square." Forty-six year
old Christopher Grove, transient, cited
and released for Criminal Trespass.
"Warned for no lighting on his bike."
According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for Sunday, Nov. 17, 8:19
p.m., 1400 block Sherman Ave., 911 call
from Parkside Motel. Thirty-eight year
old Brian Michael Christian taken into
custody and transported to the Coos Co.
Jail at Coquille for Violation of Restraining Order. "Warned for Disorderly
Conduct, dispute was verbal only."
According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for Sunday, Feb. 17, 6:03
p.m., Pittam Loop, "RP reported sometime between 1500 & 1630 her window
was smashed on her vehicle and purse
and IPad Mini were stolen." At 6:15
a.m., 3900 block Sheridan, "vehicle bro-
ken into at location."
Registration. Transported to the Coos At 7:22 a.m., 600 block Date St., 57Co. Jail at Coquille.
year old male reported, "unlawful entry
into motor vehicle."
Traffic stop
According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for Sunday, Feb. 17, 3:28 According to an entry on the North Bend
p.m., 2500 block Liberty St., "officers Police log for Monday, Feb. 18, 12:02 According to an entry on the Coos Bay
attempted warrant service at location." p.m., Oak & Ohio streets, 27-year old Police log for Tuesday, Feb. 19, 6:20
Thirty-three year old Dale Robert Eck- William Patrick Randolph, North Bend, p.m., 130 No. Cammann St., 28-year old
ley, North Bend, served valid NBPD charged with Probation Violation and Kyle Golden arrested on warrant chargwarrant charging Unlawful Possession transported to the Coos Co. Jail at Co- ing PCS Meth, PCS Heroin. Also
Meth. Transported to the Coos Co. Jail quille. Twenty-eight year old Adam C. charged with Probation Violation, Felon
at Coquille.
Amsbary, Coos Bay, cited for Driving in Possession Restricted Weapon and
Without License, Driving Uninsured and Carrying Concealed Weapon.
Kids and chalk
According to an entry on the North Bend Expired Registration.
Police log for Sunday, Nob. 17, 1:34
p.m., 3000 block A St., "RP request officer contact kids playing on the newly
paved street with sidewalk chalk, and
make them stop, she wants it to stay
clean. RP was advised this was not a
crime, kids can play with the chalk on a
street that is not busy. RP was not
happy and stated she would run them off
anyway. Officer responded, advised RP
making more threats on way to run off
the kids, officer counseled the resident
on issues of Harassment and Disorderly
A report of a dispute on the 700 block of
No. Birch St. in Coquille Sunday night,
Feb. 17, resulted in an arrest. According
to an entry on the police log for 10:56
p.m., 60-year old Charley R. Smith was
charged with Domestic Harassment and
Interfere 911 Call.
ID Theft
According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for Monday, Feb. 18, noon,
2300 block Broadway Ave., "RP reported his son used his name and SS# to
obtain a phone and did not pay bill @
AT&T. Value $1130.13."
According to an entry on the Coos Bay
Police log for Tuesday, Feb. 19, 10:22
a.m., 200 block No. 2nd Ct., 45-year old
female reported "burglary." At 8:53
a.m., 400 block Date St., 47-year old
male reported, "garage entered and items
Entries on the Coos Co. Sheriff's log for
Tuesday, Feb. 19, involving Unauthorized Entry Motor Vehicle (UEMV). At
4:25 p.m., View Crest Lane, Coos Bay,
"UEMV occurred last night." At 9:10
a.m., Short Lane, Coos Bay, "UEMV
Sex Offender
occurred Thursday or Friday." Entries
on the Coos Bay Police log for 8:17
According to an entry on the Coos Bay a.m., Tuesday, Feb. 19, 60-year old male
Police log for Monday, Feb. 18, 3:21 reported, "unlawful entry into a motor
p.m., 1400 block Newmark Ave., vehicle," on the 1200 block No. 7th Ct.
"violation of sex offender registration."
Sixty-two year old Larry Raymond
Sheldon arrested for Failure to Register
Address as Sex Offender.
A 45-year old Bandon woman was arrested on charges of DUII, Reckless
Endangering, Felony Elukding with a
Vehicle, Felony Eluding on Foot and
Reckless Driving after Bandon Police
officers attempted to stop her for a traffic violation at Beach Junction and Hwy.
101 Wednesday evening, Feb. 20, about
5:30 p.m. Debra Cinko drove away
from the attempted stop, came to a stop
and then fled on foot. She was quickly
apprehended. Two police officers received minor injuries during the chase
and were treated at Bay Area Hospital in
Coos Bay. Cinko was transported to the
Coos Co. Jail at Coquille.
A traffic stop Wednesday night, Feb. 20,
Union & Virginia in North Bend for
Speed Racing, led to a DUII arrest. According to an entry on the police log for
11:28 p.m., 54-year old Jeffrey Kent
Lillebo, North Bend, cited for Refused
to Blow and DUII. Transported to the
Coos Co. Jail at Coquille. Vehicle secured on scene.
Coos Bay Marine
According to an entry on the Coos Bay
Police log for Monday, Feb. 18, 11:07
a.m., Lower Empire Lakes, 45-year old
female reported "theft from her vehicle." At 8:53 a.m., 500 block Johnson
Ave., 22-year old female reported
"unlawful entry into a motor vehicle."
On the North Bend Police log, 5:35
p.m., 1700 block Johnson St., "RP reported someone stole his wallet from
his vehicle parked at location."
1201 Ocean Blvd., Coos Bay
According to an entry on the North
Bend Police log for Monday, Feb. 18,
3:35 p.m., Oak & Newmark streets, 21year old Kyle Westin Campbell, Coos
Bay, charged with PCS Schedule 1
Meth and cited for DWS Misdemeanor
and Driving Uninsured and Expired
(541) 888-2535
Toll Free 866-840-1544
Bay Area Police Gazette June 2013, page 15
Police log for Wednesday, Feb. 20, 1:22
p.m., East Bay Road, "officers attempt to
locate stolen vehicle. Arrested 50-year
old Benjamin John Cullipher on charge
of Unauthorized Use Vehicle.
According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for Wednesday, Feb. 20, 1:47
p.m., East Bay Road, 57-year old John
R. Bowen arrested on CBPD warrant for
four-counts of Violation of Restraining
Order. Transported to the Coos Co. Jail According to an entry on the North Bend
at Coquille.
Police log for Wednesday, Feb. 20, 1:17
p.m., 2300 block Oregon St., "RP reUEMVs
According to an entry on the Coos Bay ported burglary to residence." Stolen
Police log for Wednesday, Feb. 20, 5:10 property includes: black Sony Playstap.m., 300 block So. Marple, 55-year old tion3; Nintendo Wilser; Amazon Kindle
female reports "unlawful entry into mo- Fire; Apple IPad; Vizio 42" flat screen
tor vehicle." At 4:20 p.m., 400 block TV; jewelry tree.
Montgomery Ave., 63-year old male
reported "unlawful entry motor vehicle."
At 8:17 a.m., 200 block So. Wall St., 44year old male reported "theft from vehicle." At 7:34 a.m., 1200 block So. 8th
St., 33-year old male reported "unlawful
entry into motor vehicle." At 7:05 a.m.,
300 block So. Empire Blvd., 26-year old
female reported "unlawful entry into a
motor vehicle." At 2:13 a.m., 400 block
So. Wasson St., 59-year old male reported "someone just tried to get into
RP's vehicle."
Bell stolen
According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for Wednesday, Feb. 20, 1:13
p.m., 2200 Meade St., "RP reported theft
of bell from steeple that had been removed from church."
Recovered Stolen
According to an entry on the North Bend
Land Developers Realtors
Sellers Buyers Contractors
Unlawful Possession Heroin. Cited in
lieu of custody.
According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for Friday, Feb. 22, 2:12 a.m.,
2700 block 32nd St., "man outside with
a gun."
According to an entry on the Coos Co.
Sheriff's log for Thursday, Feb. 21, 2:21
p.m., Coal Bank Lane, Coos Bay,
"burglary to residence." Report taken
for Burglary II, Criminal Mischief III
and Theft II.
Co. Jail, 26-year old David Edgerton
arrested on warrant for Unlawful PCS
and Theft III.
According to an entry on the Coos Bay
Police log for Thursday, Feb. 21, 11:29
a.m., 500 block W. Anderson Ave.,
"warrant service," 24-year old David
Kaufman arrested on CCSO warrant for
Parole Violation and additionally
According to an entry on the North Bend charged with Burglary I, Identity Theft
Police log for Thursday, Feb. 21, 11:07 and Unlawful Use Credit Card. Transa.m., 2000 block Monroe, "officer out at ported to the Coos Co. Jail at Coquille.
location." Fifty-one year old Matthew
Kent Wignall cited in lieu of custody for According to an entry on the Coos Bay
DWS Misdemeanor and for Driving Police log for Thursday, Feb. 21, 11:03
a.m., 200 E. Second St., Coquille, Coos
According to an entry on the Coos Bay
Police log for Thursday, Feb. 21, 9:29
p.m., Michigan & Morrison, "from person stop," Leon Luck arrested on
charges of Interfering and PCS Meth.
Twenty-six year old Blake Topping arrested on charges of Felon in Possession
of Restricted Weapon. Both transported
to the Coos Co. Jail at Coquille.
According to an entry on the Coos Bay
Police log for Thursday, Feb. 21, 4:50
p.m., 2051 Newmark Ave., Walmart,
"shoplifter," 25-year old Christina
Husko charged with Theft III and
According to an entry on the Coos Bay
Police log for Thursday, Feb. 21, 10:33
a.m., 149 So. 7th St., Freshmart,
McKay's, 31-year old Loyd Todd arrested on charge of Theft III and transported to the Coos Co. Jail at Coquille.
According to an entry on the Coos Bay
Police log for Thursday, Feb. 21, 10:22
a.m., 212 So. 5th St., Sterling Bank,
"counterfeit money."
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A request by a DHS case worker for law
enforcement coverage during a home
check on Lillian Slough Road, off South
Coos River, Coos Bay, Thursday, Feb.
21, led to an arrest. According to an
entry on the Coos Co. Sheriff's log for
10:27 a.m., 47-year old Timothy
Holmes, Coos Bay, was charged with
Assault IV Domestic Felony and transported to the county jail at Coquille.
The victim was found to have "multiple
facial injuries," according to a news release from the Sheriff's Office. The
charges were "determined to be felonies
when the assault occurs within sight or
sound to children."
A report of a victim of domestic violence in the ER at Bay Area Hospital
Thursday, Feb. 21, led to an arrest. According to an entry on the Coos Co.
Sheriff's log for 12:07 p.m., Dallaire Dr.,
Coos Bay, Steven Carson arrested and
transported to the county jail at Coquille
for Assault III Domestic.
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According to an entry on the Coos Bay
Police log for Wednesday, Feb. 20,
12:53 p.m., 479 Newmark Ave., behind
Silver Dollar, 27-year old Cory Webber
arrested for PCS Schedule II Morphine
and Probation Violation. Transported to
the Coos Co. Jail at Coquille.
to 19-year old Krysta Guptill for DWS
Violation, Driving Uninsured, Unlawful
Parking in a Handicap Zone, and a warning issued for Failure to Carry and Present. Another citation for PCS Less than
an Oz. was issued.
According to an entry on the Coos Co.
Sheriff's log for Thursday, Feb. 21,
12:10 p.m., Wallace Road, Coos Bay,
"neighbor sending RP's 10 year old
granddaughter propositions and a $10.00
bill." Evidence seized, "will attempt
contact with suspect at later date."
Probation Violation
According to an entry on the North Bend
Police log for Friday, Feb. 22, 12:12
a.m., 1900 block Virginia Ave., "traffic
stop," 21-year old Brendan M. Canevari,
Coos Bay, arrested for Probation Violation and transported to the Coos Co. Jail
at Coquille. Citations were also issued
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Bay Area Police Gazette June 2013, page 16
occurred during night." At 1:52 p.m.,
Kingfisher Road, Coos Bay, "theft of
documents from vehicle." At 3:47 p.m.,
Wilshire Lane, Coos Bay, "UEMV occurred last night, theft of GPS unit."
According to an entry on the Coos Bay
Police log for Thursday, Feb. 21, 2:27
a.m., 34th & Lindberg, 25-year old
Shane Todd arrested on CBPD warrant
for Failure to Appear on charge of Assault III. Transported to the Coos Co. According to an entry on the Coquille
Jail at Coquille.
Police log for Saturday, Feb. 23, 12:30
a.m., 90 W. 1st St., Mr Zacks, "out with
According to an entry on the North bend 2 disorderly subjects in front of locaPolice log for early Saturday morning, tion." Fifty-one year old Rodney Baker
Feb. 23, 1:41 a.m., 3201 Tremont Ave., arrested on charge of Disorderly ConMill Casino, "syringes and PCS found at duct and Interfering with Police.
p.m., 1735 Virginia Ave., "Safeway security reported a female adult shoplifter
in custody," 34-year old Jennifer Roufs,
Lakeside, cited and released for Theft II.
"two female shoplifters are leaving the
store." Twenty-one year old Kallie
Richardson arrested on CBPD warrant
charging Unlawful Possession of Meth
and additionally charged with Theft III.
According to an entry on the North Bend She was transported to the Coos Co. Jail
Police log for Saturday, Feb. 23, 1600 at Coquille.
block McPherson Ave., NBPD served
CCSO warrant on 50-year old Steve A traffic stop in Coquille Sunday night,
Richard Warren Anderson, North Bend, Feb. 24, led to a drug possession arrest.
for Probation Violation on original According to an entry on the Coquille
charge of Assault IV and Resisting Ar- Police log for 8:44 p.m., 155 E. 1st St.,
rest. Transported to the Coos Co. Jail at Safeway, 25-year old Devin C. Athorne
was charged with PCS Meth and Driving
While Suspended Misdemeanor. He
According to an entry on the North Bend was transported to the Coos Co. Jail at
Police log for Saturday, Feb. 23, 9:30 Coquille.
Probation Violation
location," 26-year old Eric M.
Borchman, transient, charged with PCS According to an entry on the Coquille
Meth and transported to the Coos Co. Police log for Friday, Feb. 22, 8:31 a.m.,
Jail at Coquille.
100 block No. Birch St., 36-year old
Jeremiah Fields arrested on charge of a.m., 2131 Newmark, "Bi Mart request
Entries on the North Bend Police log Probation Violation and transported to officer for female subject attempting to
pick up fraudulent prescription. Officers
involving Unauthorized Entry Motor the Coos Co. Jail at Coquille.
respond / located the suspect driving
Vehicle (UEMV). At 2:23 p.m., 2100
block Sherman Ave., "RP reported A reported fight at the Super 8 Motel in away." Traffic stop at Newmark &
UEMV and theft of wallet containing Coos Bay early Sunday morning, Feb. Broadway, 39-year old Rhonda J.
two credit cards, OLN, SS card and 24, attracted police from both Coos Bay Power, North Bend, charged with Tam$100 cash." At 4:21 p.m., 3800 block and North Bend to 1001 No. Bayshore pering with Drug Records & Attempt
Vista Dr., 1985 Toyota pickup truck Drive. According to an entry on the PCS Schedule III. She was transported
broken into. "Nothing damaged. Noth- NBPD log, 47-year old George Ivanoff, to the Coos Co. Jail at Coquille.
ing taken." On the Coos Bay Police log
for 3:14 p.m., 1800 block Thomas St.,
41-year old male reported "unlawful
entry into a motor vehicle." On the
Coos Co. Sheriff's log for 4:56 a.m.,
Henderson Lane, Coos Bay, "UEMV
occurred sometime during the night." At
7:02 a.m., Henderson Lane, Coos Bay,
"UEMV occurred sometime since midnight." At 10:55 a.m., Robertson Lane,
Coos Bay, "car clout, theft of change
and lighter from 2 unlocked vehicle,
Coos Bay, was taken into custody on a
Probation Violation charge and transported to the Coos Co. Jail at Coquille.
"Knife was confiscated and placed in
evidence." An entry on the CBPD log
for 11:57 p.m., "RP walking on RR
tracks near Super 8, across the street are
2 'hobos' and one is waving a knife
According to an entry on the Coquille
Police log for early Sunday morning,
Feb. 24, 12:14 a.m., Newberg-Dundee
PD arrested 25-year old Kevin Pinkley
on two CQPD warrants charging Failure
to Appear 2nd Degree, and Criminal
Mischief 2nd Degree.
According to an entry on the Coos Bay
According to an entry on the North Bend Police log for Saturday, Feb. 23, 3:56
Police log for Saturday, Feb. 23, 8:40 p.m., 230 E. Johnson Ave., Safeway,
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June 2013 Schedule
June 1 - Winged Sprint Cars & Les Schwab Championship Series
June 8 - Late Model Showdown & Les Schwab Championship Series
June 15&16 - NHRA Drags Wally Weekend
June 20 - Wild Wild West Modifieds & Les Schwab Championship Series
June 22 - Golder's NAPA Presents Lucky Rides for the Kids & Les Schwab
Championship Series
June 29 - Winged Sprints, IMCA Modifieds & Les Schwab Championship Series
Hwy. 42 So. Of Coos Bay, Track Hot line 541-269-2474,
“Be Travel Ready”
Tires — Brakes — Batteries — Wheel Alignments
Coos Bay
North Bend