The Significance of the Chicano Moratorium


The Significance of the Chicano Moratorium
of Publication
1976 2010
La Prensa Muñoz, Inc. Publications
Vol. XXXVI No. 35
La Raza Unida
Party’s National
40 Years Later
By: Herman Baca
Forty years ago on Labor Day
weekend (Sept 1-5, 1972), a call was
issued by Reyes Lopez Tijerina,
Rodolfo “Corky” Gonzales, and Jose
Angel Gutierrez, (two months before
the presidential election, Richard
Nixon and George McGovern), for a
national convention in El Paso, Texas.
The purpose; to create a national political party for Chicanos… La Raza
Unida Party (LRUP).
Numerous individuals from San Diego joined thousands of others from
thru-out the U.S. to journey to El Paso
to attend and partake in the convention. At that time Chicano movement
activists perceived the convention as
being the most important political
event to be ever be organized by
Chicanos in the history of the U.S.
Over 3,000 Chicanos from 18 states,
the majority from the Southwest, but
some as far away as Washington,
D.C., Maryland, Rhode Island, Minnesota, Illinois, Wisconsin and Nebraska convened at the historic national convention to discuss strategy
and policy to create the new national
Chicano political party.
The convention represented at that
time the broadest based number of
Chicanos to attend the largest political gathering of our people in U.S.
history. Aside from addressing the
creation of a national political party,
attendees also discussed issues/problems that have historically affected
our people in the U.S. The principal
reasons for the massive turnout and
convening of the convention (I believe) was because of the deep historical anger felt by Chicanos against
both the Democratic and Republican
parties. The pent up anger was especially virulent against the Democratic Party. A party that our people
had supported and blindly voted for,
since the 1930 depression era election of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Anger
was even more virulent against the
white controlled Republican Party
that was anathema to our people for
its historic racism against Mexicans,
blacks, other minorities and working
Chicanos used to politically state
that, “for Mexicans, Blacks, other
minorities, or working people to
vote Republican, was tantamount
to a chicken voting for Colonel
Sanders,” and “Chicanos always
put Democrats first, and they always us put us last!”
To understand the call for the creation of LRUP in the U.S., one has
to review Chicano political history.
One has to remember that outside of
Texas and New Mexico (that have
elected Governors and U.S. Senators) that up until 2012 Chicanos have
only been politically involved for 52
years, while Anglos have been involved for hundreds of years! California and other states with large
Mexican American populations had
no statewide or local political representation. Those were the reasons for
the Mexican American Political Association (MAPA) being organized in
1960 by Humberto “Bert” Corona, Ed
Roybal and Juan Quevedo. At its inception MAPA was nonpartisan,
with objectives of electing MexicanAmericans to political offices, caring
out voter registration drives, bringing
out the vote during elections, and endorsing Democrats, Republicans,
Peace and Freedom, etc., candidates
for public offices.
In 1968 when most of us in San
Diego and other areas of California
became involved politically with the
Chicano movement, it was thru
MAPA. In 1968 we in National City
(NC), CA organized a MAPA Chapter. However, even at that time the
political facts were that after eight
years of MAPA being in existence,
(see La Raza, page 5)
AUGUST 31, 2012
A dream that keeps growing
San Ysidro Health Center opens King-Chavez Health Center
By Pablo Jaime Sáinz
In 1969, a group of immigrant
women got together to try to bring
quality health care service to the
underserved community of San
Their dream was to make health
care available to everyone there, no
matter if they had health insurance
coverage or not. What began as a
small goal, became the San Ysidro
Health Center, one of the largest community clinic systems in San Diego
Today, more than 40 years later,
the dream of those women continues
to expand with the opening of the
King-Chavez Health Center, which
will serve residents in southeastern
San Diego.
On Friday, September 7, 2012 San
Ysidro Health Center will celebrate
the grand opening of the new center,
located at 950 South Euclid with a
Community Open House from 3 p.m.
to 6 p.m.
The event will begin with a ribbon
cutting ceremony attended by Congressman Bob Filner, Assemblyman
Ben Hueso, County Supervisors Greg
Cox and Ron Roberts; Mayor of San
Diego Jerry Sanders; and City of San
Diego Council President Anthony
Dental Hygienists at the King-Chavez Health Center are anxiously awaiting their first patients.Dental
Hygenist at the King-Chavez Health Center are anxiously awaiting their first patients on September 7th..
“As Supervisor for the First District, which includes Southeastern San
Diego, I cannot wait for the opening
of the King-Chavez Health Center,”
Supervisor Cox said. “In this medical
desert where people are without in-
surance and cannot afford health
care, I am pleased to see San Ysidro
Health Center expand their services
to meet the demand in a way that
respects the cultural and linguistic diversity of this community. With medical, dental, mental health, counseling,
pediatrics, lab and radiology services
under one roof, it is essentially a onestop shop for the community.”
Funding for the new 25,000 square
foot facility was provided through a
(see A Dream that, page 5)
The Significance of the Chicano Moratorium
By Jimmy Franco Sr.
“Either you’re part of the solution
or you’re part of the problem.”
-Eldridge Cleaver
Many will ask what is the purpose
of commemorating the Chicano
Moratorium each year in August. The
original National Chicano Moratorium
march and protest against the Vietnam War was held in East Los Angeles on August 29, 1970. Two previous smaller marches took place in
L.A. in order to organize for the larger
August 29, 1970, national march.
Other build-up marches were also
organized in San Francisco, Oakland,
Fresno and other cities.
The culminating march and protest
that was held on August 29, drew over
25,000 participants from various parts
of the country.
This significant event was an historical and political watershed for
Chicanos as their emerging role and
voice in this society had finally asserted themselves in a bold and proud
manner which overturned the conservative politics of a previous generation. The importance of the Chicano
Moratorium is that it has now become
a part of our tradition and culture and
should be commemorated as such
each year with a sense of pride and
The August 29, 1970, National Chicano Moratorium drew over 25,000 people to East L.A. with slogans
of Chicano power and self-determination and was followed by other marches
recommitment. This pride and legacy
requires a renewed dedication to continue the political, social and cultural
activism that is aimed at promoting
progress within our communities.
To just sit around and simply be
proud cannot replace such an activism as new problems and issues that
affect us need to be engaged and resolved with concrete solutions. Attempting to retreat and escape into our
own little world and pretend that these
problems will go away is no solution
and makes the situation become even
Journalist Ruben Salazar: a man of principle and one of the four
martyrs of the Chicano Moratorium protest marches
worse. If these problems impact one
of us, they will eventually impact all of
us as they require a united and active
What level of progress have we
achieved since 1970?
The Vietnam War was ended due
to domestic pressure that was applied
on the government in the form of
massive protests throughout the
country in which Chicanos played a
key role. There has been some
quantitative progress made in the
level of civil rights achieved since
1970, but it has fallen far short of full
social and political equality. Today,
many of these hard-won rights are
being slashed by the regressives and
outright racists. This situation is especially true for the majority in the
barrios whose progress has stagnated. The recent unrest and clashes
in Anaheim California and other areas that have resulted from a deeply
ingrained social and political inequality are an example of this continuing
second-class status. The blatant discrimination and promotion of stereotypes that still exist within the Anaheim schools is reminiscent of the
19502s or worse and needs to be totally eliminated.
Many of the activists who participated in the 1970 Moratorium have
since moved on to new and better
lives while some are still active despite the ups and downs of the political movement. Most political movements do not continue at a consistently high level as they have an ebb
and flow nature to them that is determined by objective conditions. However, what is needed is a consistent
and unified response to actively confront any new violations of our basic
rights. Many old problems have been
resolved since the original Moratorium, some issues still persist, while
new ones have arisen. To state that
nothing has changed is an incorrect
and static way of thinking as change
is constant. We must be able to adapt
accordingly with our tactical activities to confront the new conditions
and issues that we face. Looking
back, one particular and serious
shortcoming that emerged out of the
post 19702s was an insufficient
amount of training that was given to
the next generation of young activists in order to ensure the political
consistency and leadership of these
The significance of the Chicano
Moratorium: nostalgia or political activism?
The cultural importance of the
Chicano Moratorium lies in its tradition of being involved in the social,
political and cultural work that improves our communities and the continuation of the struggle for basic civil
rights and equality. The location of the
1970 National Chicano Moratorium
in East Los Angeles does not make it
only a local tradition as the site was
not the important element. This historical event and rich cultural legacy
belong to all Chicanos and Latinos
who embrace its proud symbolism and
lessons of struggle that further the
demand and quest for social justice.
The tradition and legacy of the
Chicano Moratorium is something
(see Significance, page 5)
Jorge Mújica Murias
AUGUST 31, 2012
“Whenever I Got Out of School, it Was Straight to the Fields”
y Fallos
“Celebra la Secretaría de
Relaciones Exteriores los
fallos pro-migrantes en EU”,
titula escuetamente un
periódico mexicano la nota de
la reacción allá en el sur
sobre la cancelación de un
montón de artículos de leyes
anti-inmigrantes aprobadas
por los congresos estatales
En detalle, la
“celebración” se debe a que
la Corte de Apelaciones del
11 Circuito dejó sin efecto
algunas disposiciones de la
ley HB87 de Georgia y la
Ley HB56 de Alabama, que
establecían entre otras
lindezas, que los contratos de
varios tipos que se hicieran
con inmigrantes
indocumentados no tendrían
reconocimiento judicial. En
otras palabras, un contrato de
trabajo, un contrato de
compra-venta de una casa y
mil transacciones económicas
más podían ser legalmente
desconocidos por una de las
partes (obviamente la parte
“documentada”), y dejar
colgados de la brocha a los
compradores o trabajadores.
La ley dejaba a los
inmigrantes indocumentados
a la deriva, dificultándoles la
vida en muchos aspectos.
La otra parte clave de las
suspensiones es la sección 28
de la Ley HB56 de Alabama,
que obligaba a las escuelas a
conseguir información sobre
la situación migratoria de los
nuevos estudiantes que
entraran a las escuelas
públicas del estado, bajo el
argumento de que interfieren
directa e indebidamente con
el derecho constitucional de
los menores de edad a la
El fallo de la Corte de
Apelaciones da un respiro,
pequeño, a la situación cada
vez más grave para miles de
inmigrantes en Estados
Unidos que no solamente
tienen que cuidarse de que se
los lleve la Migra o los corran
del trabajo gracias a los
programas de la
administración de Barack
Obama, sino hasta de las
administraciones escolares
vueltas migra o los
comerciantes que se los
quieran tranzar.
The Story of Javier Mondar-Flores Lopez
in the kitchen cabinets and the
refrigerator. When they cook
in the morning before work it
gets pretty chaotic in there.
It’s hard sharing the bathroom with so many people in
the house. They try to kid
around about it. I remember I
was always a morning student,
so I would wake up and take a
shower. My older siblings
would tell me to get out because I already had a huge line
waiting for me to finish. It was
always in and out, flush after
Javier Mondar-Flores Lopez
By David Bacon
the summers. When I was
younger it would be right after
Three bills now making school, and then during vacatheir way through Sacra- tions.
mento promise to dramatically
My sister Teresa slept in the
improve conditions for Cali- living room and one night when
fornia farmworkers, includ- I was doing my homework at
ing one that requires overtime the table, I could hear her crypay for shifts above eight ing because she had so much
hours. The overtime benefits pain in her hands. My mother
bill is currently awaiting Gov. and my other sister complained
Jerry Brown’s signature. For about how much their backs
Javier Mondar-Flores Lopez, hurt. My brother talked about
an indigenous Mixtec farm- his back pain as well. It’s pretty
worker in Southern Califor- sad. I always hear my family
nia, the bills are welcome talk about how much they’re
news. A recent high-school in pain and how’s it’s imposgraduate, Lopez has worked sible for me to help them.
in the fields since he was in
I always moved. In my high
elementary school. He lives in school years, I moved six
an apartment with his family times. In junior high I moved
in Santa Maria, California, three times and in elementary
but has become an activist school I’m not sure. I went to
and plans to go to Los Ange- six different elementary
les. He told his story to David schools. For a while we went
to Washington to work, but
Thanks to Farmworker aside from that it’s always
Justice for its support in been in Santa Maria. We’d
documenting this story.
move because the lease ended
and we couldn’t afford the
SANTAMARIA, CA — Growing rent, so we tried to look for a
up in a farmworking family — cheaper place.
well, it’s everything I ever
We always lived with other
knew. Whenever I got out of families. The first time I can
school, it was straight to the remember we lived with four
fields to get a little bit of money other families. The second
and help the family out. That’s house we lived with five famipretty much the only job I ever lies. Each family gets their own
knew. In general we would room and does their own cookwork on the weekends and in ing. They get their own space
ers] were paid by the hour and
they were slow, the foreman
would send them home and not
let them work anymore. They
would only let kids work if they
were doing piece rate. We
were actually really slow because we were only in third or
fourth grade.
The first [paycheck I received] was for $40. I was
crying because I counted my
boxes that day and I knew how
much I had earned that week.
When the foreman gave me
Hieronyma Hernandez picks strawberries in a crew of indigenous
Oaxacan farm workers in a field near Santa Maria. Many members
of the crew are Mixteco migrants from San Vincente, a town in
Oaxaca, Mexico. The earth in the beds is covered in plastic, while
in between the workers walk in sand and mud. Working bent over
the plants all day is very painful and exhausting.
flush. In the morning people are
rushing to work so they try and
make the best out of it. Plus
you can’t be late or you lose
your job.
The first time I worked in
the fields was when I was
seven, in Washington, where I
picked cucumbers. It was
summer. We didn’t go to
school in Washington [but] the
foremen never said anything
because my brother knew
them. He worked in the crew,
so the foremen were OK with
it. There were other kids there
as well. It wasn’t a huge company, just a small rancher.
When they paid by the hour
we couldn’t work. If [work-
my pay he said I hadn’t
worked [more than that]. I
was in fourth grade. I was crying because I had worked and
really wanted my money. I
wanted to buy something with
it. Finally he paid me my money
in a white envelope. I was
pretty happy.
When we got older, we did
get more money. We got to
earn our own money because
before then my mother would
take everything we earned. As
we got older we had more interest in money, so we would
keep half of it. We were getting our own pay, and my older
siblings would ask us to give
The biggest problem was
working in the vineyards. I
worked for three months in the
summer and it was the hardest work I’ve ever done. They
gave us clippers to clip the
vines, and that’s what you did
all day. Clip them and pull the
grapes off. When I got home
my hands hurt so much I
couldn’t make a fist or hold a
cup or anything. I would just
lie down since the pain just
stayed. In the morning there
was nothing else I could do, just
go out there and work again.
In the weekends in elementary school it was pretty easy
working on the weekends and
going to school during the
week. They didn’t give us
much work and school came
pretty easy. I would like to think
that I am a good student. I took
predominately AP and Honors
classes, and got good grades
— mostly A’s and B’s. I never
got any C’s.
I felt discrimination, not so
much because I’m from an
immigrant family, but because
I’m indigenous [Mixtec]. The
first time I was in second
grade, kids would call us
“Oaxaca.” Apparently that’s a
bad thing… they would think
of us as beneath them. Even
in the fields. For example, one
foreman divided the Oaxaqueños and the Mexicans. He
put the Oaxaqueños in the bad
fields and the Mexicans in the
fields with no weeds.
Everywhere we went — the
welfare office, the hospital —
we were always discriminated
against for being indigenous.
Spanish-speaking and Englishspeaking [people] would get
more information, because
they couldn’t communicate
with us [Mixtec speakers].
It would make the situation
better for the indigenous in
Santa Maria if [some of us]
were working in the system.
(see Whenever, page 8)
El Gobernador Entrega becas a Talentos Artísticos Breitfelder: “Los mejores
días de Chula Vista están
Valores de Baja California en Tecate
delante de nosotros”
Por: Paco Zavala
Con el fin de apoyar a
Talentos Artísticos Valores de
Baja California, el Sr. Gobernador del Estado de Baja California, Lic. José Guadalupe
Y a Media Celebrada…
Osuna Millan, entregó becas a
Nomás que a media
jóvenes pertenecientes al
celebrada por el fallo de la
programa artístico cultural el
Corte gringa, le cayó el
primer cheque por $1200 pecubetazo de agua helada al
sos mensuales; la ceremonia
calderonismo, cuando se
reveló, en ocasión del
se verificó la semana pasada
segundo aniversario de la
en la Supervisión de obra del
masacre de San Fernando,
edificio en Construcción del
que en este sexenio han
Centro de Estudios de las Artes
desaparecido 70 mil personas de Tecate (CEART) el que se
(vea Celebraciones, página 8) pretende inaugurar para el
próximo marzo de 2013.
Durante el desarrollo de la
La Prensa San Diego
el gobernador estu651-C Third Avenue
vo acompañado de diversos
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Ph: (619) 425-7400
funcionarios del estado y del
Fax: (619) 425-7402
municipio de Tecate, personaEmail:
Web Site: lidades y público en general;
para concluir el evento los
asistentes disfrutaron de un
gran festival artístico, presentado por jóvenes valores pertenecientes a este programa.
Los estudiantes beneficiados de este apoyo econóFounded: December 1, 1976
mico lo recibirán mensualSan Diego, California
mente durante el ciclo 2012Founder:
2013 para solventar el costo de
sus estudios en las diferentes
Daniel L. Muñoz
disciplinas artísticas en las que
participen, de esta manera
Daniel H. Muñoz, Jr.
continuarán sus estudios hasta
La Prensa San Diego was adjudicated a concluirlos sin contratiempos.
newspaper of general circulation for the City
CEART, es un programa
and County of San Diego, Fourth Judicial District
para impulsar a niños y
of the Municipal Court of San Diego. File
jóvenes interesadas en desa#4137435 of May 9, 1978.
Press releases, photos, and advertisements are rrollar sus talentos en las disciaccepted. Submit by mail, fax or email. La plinas de: danza, teatro, música,
Prensa San Diego reserves the right to accept artes plásticas y literatura.
or reject material sent.
La ciudad de Tecate en
La Prensa San Diego
será el centro espeis a wholly owned subsidary of
para crear e impleLa Prensa Muñoz, Inc.
mentar programas académicos
Por Pablo Jaime Sáinz
Karla Susana López Chávez recibe de manos del C. Gobernador José
Guadalupe Osuna Millán apoyo económico para estudiar danza.
de alto nivel para la formación,
especialización, actualización y
perfeccionamiento de artistas,
docentes y público en general.
Baja California, es el único
estado en todo el país en
construir programas de CEART, para este fin está construyendo edificios en Mexicali, Tijuana, Ensenada y
Tecate respectivamente, los
que serán inaugurados en este
año 2012 y en el próximo 2013.
En nota de complemento la
artista cubana Yunayka Martín,
inaugurará una exposición suya
el próximo sábado 1 de septiembre en la Galería del ICBC
Tijuana. El curricular de la artista
informa que nació en La Habana, Cuba, ciudad en donde
radica, estudió en la Academia
Nacional de Bellas Artes “San
Alejandro”, en donde trabaja
como maestra de dibujo y
especialista en las galerías de la
propia institución, además su
trabajo ha sido expuesto en su
natal Cuba, Yugoslavia, Rumania, Estados Unidos, Italia,
España y Méxi-co, ha recibido
varias men-ciones honoríficas y
premios internacionales y ha
parti-cipado en la creación de
varios murales.
El Centro Cultural Tijuana
presenta para este mes de
septiembre un gran panorama
artístico cultural, como es
costumbre ya de percibirlo de
esta manera, teatro, exposiciones, música, conferencias,
charlas, lectura de cuentos,
libros y un sinfín de actividades,
todo es cuestión de visitar su
página web http://www.cecut. y Facebook/forosyencuentros.cecut o llamar a los
teléfonos: 01152 (664) 6879680 y 81, también puede
acudir a sus instalaciones en
la Zona Río en Tijuana.
En las pasadas elecciones
primarias de June, en la contienda para el Cabildo de la
Ciudad de Chula Vista, Puesto
3, el retador Larry Breitfelder
recibió más votos que la actual regidora, Pamela Bensoussan.
Breitfelder recibió 38 por
ciento, mientras que Bensoussan el 33 por ciento.
Esta fue la primera vez en
la historia reciente que un
retador sale muy por delante
de un actual regidor en una
primaria en Chula Vista.
Mucha de la gente que
apoyó a Bensoussan durante
su elección en noviembre del
2008, se ha desilusionado con
ella. Algunos dicen que sólo es
demócrata en nombre, pero en la
práctica se ha aliado a la alcaldesa
republicana, Cheryl Cox.
Cuatro años después de la
elección de Bensoussan, la
gente quiere ver un cambio
verdadero. De acuerdo a
Breitfelder, eso es lo que lo
convirtió en un candidato
“Hay mucha insatisfacción
con la regidora”, dijo Breitfelder. “Especialmente de personas que confiaron y eligieron
a Pamela Bensoussan al
puesto en el 2008”.
Breitfelder es un empresario de Chula Vista que está
corriendo por el puesto 3 del
cabildo de Chula Vista con un
objetivo muy concreto: “Creo
que tenemos que tener corazón
y tenemos que tener mucho
cuidado con nuestro dinero
para hacer la mejor labor
posible en cuidar de las
necesidades de la gente a largo
plazo”, dijo.
Hijo de una madre originaria
de Toluca, Breitfelder nació en
Tijuana y creció en Chula
Vista. (En la boleta, usará su
nombre completo, Larry Breitfelder Navas, rindiendo tributo
a su herencia mexicana.)
“Quiero que todos sepan
que feliz y orgulloso estoy de
mi herencia. Mi sentimiento
para la comunidad latina está
en mi alma y mi sangre”, dijo.
Como propietario de una
pequeña empresa, Breitfelder
dijo que en el ayuntamiento él
peleará por otras pequeñas
empresas, ya que las considera
el alma de la ciudad.
“El ayuntamiento escucha a
las grandes empresas”, dijo.
“Ahí es donde está el dinero
para los políticos. Necesitamos
trabajar arduamente con las
empresas que invertirán y
crearán empleos, no vender a
nuestra gente ni a nuestros
vecindarios y pequeñas empresas. En vez de ayudarlas,
la ciudad trata de destruir a las
pequeñas empresas”.
Cuando sea electo al cabildo, Breitfelder dijo que no
olvidará de donde viene.
“Si llegamos al futuro con
visión, valores y valentía, los
mejores días de Chula Vista
están delante de nosotros”,
indicó el candidato.
AUGUST 31, 2012
Breitfelder: “Chula Vista’s best days should be ahead of us”
Larry Breitfelder
By Pablo Jaime Sáinz
In the past primary in June,
in the race for the Chula Vista
City Council, Seat 3, challenger Larry Breitfelder received more votes than the
incumbent, Councilmember
Pamela Bensoussan.
Breitfelder got 38 percent,
against Bensoussan’s 33 percent.
This was the first time in
recent history that a challenger
has come in substantially ahead
of an elected incumbent
councilmember in a Chula Vista
Many people who supported
Bensoussan during her election
in November 2008, have become disillusioned with her.
Some say she’s only Democrat
in name, but in practice, she
has become an ally of Republican Mayor Cheryl Cox.
Although the race is nonpartisan, Bensoussan had run
as a community grass-roots
organizer and activist, in part
for her work at the Northwest
Civic Association of Chula
But four year later, people
want to see real change. According to Breitfelder, that’s
what’s attractive about his candidacy and that’s the main reason he beat Bensoussan in the
“There is a hunger in Chula
Vista to move forward as
friends, to improve the quality
of life for families and individuals in our neighborhoods,” said
Breitfelder, a life-long Chula
Vista resident. “I have a long
history in Chula Vista of advocating for the interests of regular people. I talked of helping
small business so we have the
jobs and income to help our
neighborhoods, I also spoke of
being independent and not selling out. Based on my history, I
had credibility.”
For many, Bensoussan is a
sell-out, someone who be-
trayed the community, and her
2008 supporters.
“There’s great dissatisfaction with the incumbent,”
Breitfelder said. “Especially
from people who trusted and
elected Pamela Bensoussan to
office in 2008. Sometimes
based on expensive things like
hundreds of thousands of dollars spent on what has been
described as a ‘backroom deal,
sometimes based on more symbolic things like being the only
council person to take an over
$4,000 a year car allowance
while living less than two miles
from city hall.”
Breitfelder is a Chula
Vista businessperson who is
running for Seat 3 of the Chula
Vista City Council with a very
clear objective: “I believe that
we have to have a heart and
we have to be very careful
with our money so that we do
the best job of taking care of
people’s needs over the long
run,” he said.
The son of a Mexican mother
from Toluca, Breitfelder was
born in Tijuana and raised in
southwest Chula Vista. (In the
ballot, he uses his full name,
Larry Breitfelder Navas, paying homage to his mother’s
“Like everyone else, I get
perspective from what I’ve
observed and experienced,” he
said. “I’ve never believed in
division. I care about everyone
and I believe we should all do
what we can to help each other
reach our full potential.
“I just want everyone to
know how happy and proud I
am of my heritage. My feeling
for the Latino community is in
my soul and my blood - just
like it is for my mother and sister. I couldn’t be anything else
and I wouldn’t want to be.”
As a small business owner,
Breitfelder said that in city hall
he will fight for other small
businesses, which he considers the soul of the city.
“City Hall listens to big business,” he said. “That’s where
the political money comes
from. We have to work with
businesses that will invest and
create jobs, not sell out our
people or their neighborhoods
and small businesses. Right
now instead of helping our
small businesses operate, our
city tries to bleed them. While
protecting health and safety we should try to make our
regulations as easy to understand and affordable as possible. Our fees should be based
on reimbursing the people for
cost of providing specific services to businesses. Instead our
city tries to make a profit off
them. It’s short sighted and
costs us jobs and tax income
for neighborhood services.”
Breitfelder is the founder of
the Chula Vista Taxpayers
Association, where he successfully advocated against a
10 percent sales tax in 2009,
which was strongly supported
by Bensoussan.
“I believe most Latino residents and small business
people were against the 10%
sales tax advocated by Pamela
because it would have hurt lo-
cal small business, resulted in
people losing their jobs and
been a disproportionate burden
on our people of lower income,” he said.
He has been in the Otay
Water District board. He’s endorsed by th Chula Vista Police Officers Association,
Chula Vista Firefighters Association, Deputy Sheriff’s Association, and Chula Vista
Mobilehome Park Residents
“It’s been too easy for
people in power to throw
around money on their pet
projects at the expense of the
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basic needs of our residents,”
Breitfelder said. “Our streets
have not been properly maintained since the early 1980‘s.
Even though our police protection is the smallest in San Diego (relative to our population)
Pamela attempted to lay off
police officers.”
When elected to the city
council, Breitfelder said he will
not forget where he came
“If we approach the future
with vision, sound values and
courage, Chula Vista’s best
days should be ahead of us,”
he said.
AUGUST 31, 2012
Labor Day Tips From the U.S. Labor Secretary
On Labor Day 2012 and
every day, one of my top priorities is to help those looking
for work get the training they
need for good-paying jobs.
By 2020, 17 of the 30 fastest-growing occupations will
require a postsecondary certificate or degree. In fact, employers are actively looking to
fill nearly 4 million job openings in America right now. Getting the skills employers want
and need are critical to a successful career.
Here are a few tips:
• Get started! Your first
step is to check out your local
American Job Center. These
nearly 3,000 “one-stop-shops”
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Find your local center by visiting
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paths in more than 900 careers.
This site will also identify local
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• Don’t have Internet access at home? We’ve partnered with local libraries all
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Call us. You can reach our tollfree helpline at (866) 4-USADOL for the most up to date
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The United States Department of Labor has other resources to help you find a first
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And our services are free.
Happy Labor Day!
NAVFAC Southwest Construction Manager Selected
for 2012 MAES Award
Pedro Lopez Recognized as Positive Latino Role Model
Pedro Lopez, Naval Facilities Engineering Command
(NAVFAC) Southwest construction manager at the Resident Officer in Charge of Construction (ROICC) office at
Marine Corps Air Station
(MCAS) Miramar, was selected July 27 for a 2012 Society of Mexican American Engineers and Scientists (MAES)
“It is a great honor being the
recipient of the Brillante
Award,” said Lopez. “This
means a lot to me. It means that
there are organizations such as
MAES that care about individuals who excel in the field of science and engineering. MAES
serves as an inspiration for future Hispanic students to pursue careers in the field of science and engineering.”
The Brillante Award is one
of eleven categories of the
MAES Bravo Awards given to
two individuals. One individual
is a corporate employee and
another is a civil servant, active duty member or retired
member of the armed services.
The Bravo Awards recognize
excellence throughout the collegiate to professional pipeline
by identifying and projecting
the positive image of a Latino
role model within science,
technology, engineering, and
mathematics fields.
Lopez has executed highly
visible and critical projects required to maintain the mission
aboard MCAS Miramar by
procuring construction contracts on time and with no dis-
El Soporte Informativo Para Millones
de Hispanos
Por Luisa Fernanda Montero
El virus del Nilo mata
Es muy probable que por
estos días haya escuchado
hablar del virus del Nilo Occidental - VNO - pero ¿qué es
realmente y cómo puede afectarnos?
Vamos por partes. Para
empezar estamos hablando de
un virus. La palabra virus
viene del latín y significa toxina
o veneno. En términos generales, pues, un agente infeccioso microscópico que
puede llegar a nosotros de
diversas formas y hacernos
La más común de dichas
formas es a través de un
dichoso mosquito. De acuerdo
con la información suministrada
por los Centros de Control de
Enfermedades de Estados
Unidos – CDC - una sola
picadura de mosquito le puede
transmitir el virus del Nilo Occidental.
¿Qué mosquito? De acuerdo con los enciclopedistas
existen varias especies de
culícidos que pueden transmitir
el virus. ¿Y qué viene siendo
entonces un culícido? Los
enciclopédicos explican que los
culícidos son los famosos
dípteros nematóceros que
todos conocemos como mosquitos, moscos o zancudos.
Hay muchos tipos de fastidiosos zancudos. ¿De dónde
salen? Salen de los depósitos
de agua al aire libre donde sus
larvas se reproducen amplia y
felizmente. Crecen en cualquier charco, pozo, estanque,
llanta, paila, balde o recipiente
de agua estancada que per-
sista por más de 4 días.
Los abrevaderos, los canales de irrigación, los barriles
para recoger agua de lluvia, los
estercoleros y otros cuerpos de
agua estancada son también un
criadero fenomenal para
aumentar las poblaciones de
mosquitos que además suelen
ser asiduos habitantes de
espacios con espesa vegetación como matorrales o
arboledas o donde sea que
crezca la maleza.
Y entonces, ¿qué hacemos?
Además de evitarlos a toda
costa controlando la proliferación de aguas estancadas,
usar repelente.
El asunto no es de menor
importancia. Los CDC reportan que más de 30,000 personas en los Estados Unidos se
han enfermado por el virus del
Nilo Occidental desde 1999.
Más de 1,200 fallecieron.
En lo que va del 2012, 47
estados han reportado casos
de infección, más de 1,118 personas han adquirido la enfermedad y 41 de ellas han
muerto en lo que representa la
mayor tasa de infecciones
jamás vista en Estados Unidos.
Aunque muchas veces no
causa síntomas, en el 20 por
ciento de los casos la infección
por VNO genera síntomas
parecidos a los de la gripe o
influenza, como fiebre, fatiga,
dolor de cabeza y dolor muscular. Puede presentarse también
rigidez en el cuello, desorientación, temblores,
debilidad muscular y parálisis.
Las personas afectadas gra-
Luisa Fernanda Montero
vemente pueden contraer
encefalitis —inflamación del
cerebro— o meningitis —inflamación de las membranas
del cerebro o de la columna
vertebral— y los casos graves
pueden ser mortales.
Cualquier persona puede
infectarse, pero los mayores de
50 años de edad o aquellos que
han tenido un trasplante de
órgano corren un mayor riesgo
de enfermarse gravemente.
Así que recuérdelo muy
bien y póngalo en práctica.
Use repelente, protéjase. El uso
del repelente puede evitarle
serios dolores de cabeza,
escoja el que crea más adecuado para sus necesidades,
recuerde que existen repelentes para usar sobre la ropa,
revise las instrucciones de uso
y vuelva a aplicar el repelente
cuantas veces sea necesario.
No olvide lavarse la piel
tratada con agua y jabón al
regresar a su casa y usar
pantalones largos, camisas de
manga larga y medias a la hora
de exponerse. Ocúpese de los
espacios al aire libre en su casa
y en su barrio en los que pueda
haber focos de reproducción
de mosquitos. Recuerde: el virus de Nilo mata y todos
estamos expuestos. No sea un
caso más.
Prepare For More Quakes
Residents Can Find Preparedness Information at County ReadySanDiego Site
Pedro Lopez. U.S. Navy. Photo by Lee H. Saunders.
ruptions to current tenants. He
is currently working on a $103
million hangar for the Marine
Corps’ new MV-22 aircraft.
The project contains first of its
kind scientifically engineered
materials, which requires
Lopez to work and coordinate
with research developers to
ensure the project’s success.
Lopez has also served as a
mentor to several interns with
diverse backgrounds providing
training and oversight on the
management of several construction projects. He trained
interns on how to perform engineering calculations, material
take-offs, and environmental
planning during their rotations
through the ROICC office.
“Having been nominated by
NAVFAC Southwest, especially by the great team of
ROICCC Miramar, has the
most personal meaning to me,”
said Lopez. “This recognition
proves to me that my command believes in me, and I take
pride in representing NAVFAC
Southwest at the 2012 MAES
Symposium on Oct. 12, 2012.”
Lopez will receive his award
Oct. 12 at the MAES 38th
Annual Symposium in Las Vegas.
Pronto Californianos Podrán Registrase a Votar Por Internet
En las oficinas de elecciones
del condado recibirán software
para empezar a implementare
el sistema para registrar a los
votantes de California por el
internet. El sistema estará listo
y disponible al público las
primeras semanas de Septiembre donde podrán registrarse
las personas antes de la fecha
limite, el 22 de octubre para las
elecciones presidenciales del 6
de Noviembre.
El registro de votar por
internet fue posible con la ley
del senador Leland Yee (D-San
Francisco/San Mateo) que
pasó el año pasado.
“Me da tanto gusto ver que
finalmente estamos usando
tecnología para ayudar a las
personas a participar en nuestra democracia,” dijo Yee.
“Poder registrarse por internet
ayudará e incrementará la
participación de los votantes,
especialmente nuestros jóvenes quienes tradicionalmente
han sido ignorados”.
Dean C. Logan el jefe del
registro del condado de Los
Angeles dijo “Poder registrarse a votar por internet va
mejorar la democracia de este
estado además mejorará el
acceso mientras ayuda a
eliminar los errores administrativos y reduce los costos”.
Do you know what to do in
an earthquake? Sunday’s Imperial County earthquake
swarm, some of which were
felt in San Diego County, are
reminders for residents to take
steps to prepare their homes
and families for a potential
earthquake here.
Residents of San Diego, Imperial, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties should be
ready for more shaking following the magnitude 5.5 earthquake swarm centered in
Brawley, according to the California Emergency Management Agency.
California Geological Survey scientists worked with the
state’s Emergency Management Agency to advise them
of the potential for continued
seismic activity for the next 24
hours. The shaking could be
new earthquakes as large as
or greater than 5.5 magnitude
or additional aftershocks, and
can be damaging in Brawley
and Imperial County.
In San Diego County,
wildfires and earthquakes
are potential hazards with the
overdue San Andreas Fault located just outside the County.
Learn what to do before,
during and after an earthquake,
by visiting www.ReadySan
En Arizona, donde esta
misma ley fue implementada
algunos condados vieron el
costo disminuir por 83 centavos. El condado Mariposa
de Arizona ha ahorrado más de
La Medida:
$1 millón de dólares desde que
Con esta ley, la SB 397, los empezaron a registrarse las
californianos podrán introducir personas por internet.
sus datos en el DMV y podrá
verificar la autenticidad con la
firma que usa la persona en sus
Experienced Immigration Attorney
documentos del DMV. La
firma luego se usará para
Detention - Removal
verificar si se registró para
Deportation Hearings
votar el día de las eleccioGreencards, Visas,
En este momento, las firAll Applications
mas en los lugares de votaCall Neal at (619) 497-2599
ciones solo son comparadas
con el registro de papel.
Además, ayudará para ponerle
un alto al fraude.
La SB 397 también minimiza la práctica de pagarles a
las personas que colectan
registros de votantes que tal
vez son falsos solo por entregar
PHONE: 619-993-5778
una cuota y ganar dinero.
FAX: 619-286-2231
Las oficinas del condado
reconocen que este sistema los
ayudará a reducir los errores
con la información personal de
los votantes.
Download a free template
for a family disaster plan and
create a home emergency kit.
Some of those tips are included
• Check home for potential
hazards – things that can
topple over and cause injury.
• Secure televisions, bookshelves and other heavy furniture to the wall.
• Use special hooks to secure photos and art to walls.
• Plan and rehearse with
your family where you can
seek cover during shaking in
each room of your home.
• Drop, Cover and Hold On.
Get down low to avoid falling,
find a sturdy desk or table to
seek cover under and hold onto
it while covering your head
with your other arm.
• If there are no tables, find
an interior wall that is not near
any heavy furniture or near
glass picture frames, windows
or under light fixtures, scoot
down and cover your head.
• If outside, find an open
area away from buildings,
trees, or overhead utility
wires, sit down and cover your
• Check your home for potential hazards.
• If you smell gas, turn it off
at the valve.
Someone you
know thinks
she might
feel a lump
in her breast.
To make an appointment call 1-888-743-PLAN (7526) |
Find us on Facebook:
AUGUST 31, 2012
Un sueño que sigue creciendo
El San Ysidro Health Center abre el King-Chavez Health Center
King-Chavez Health Center
Por Pablo Jaime Sáinz
En 1969, un grupo de mujeres inmigrantes se unió para
tratar de traer cuidado de salud
de calidad a la empobrecida
comunidad de San Isidro.
Su sueño era hacer que el
cuidado médico estuviera
disponible para todos, sin
importar si tenían seguro
médico o no. Lo que inició
como una pequeña meta, se
convirtió en el San Ysidro
Health Center, uno de los
sistemas de clínicas comunitarias más grandes del Condado de San Diego.
A más de 40 años, el sueño
de esas mujeres continúa
creciendo con la apertura del
King-Chavez Health Center,
que servirá a los residentes del
sureste de San Diego.
El viernes, 7 de septiembre,
el San Ysidro Health Center
celebrará la inauguración del
nuevo centro, ubicado en el 950
A Dream that
South Euclid con un evento de
3 p.m. a 6 p.m.
Al evento asistirán políticos
locales, incluyendo el Congresista Bob Filner, Asambleísta
Ben Hueso, Supervisor del
Condado Greg Cox y Ron
Roberts; Alcalde de San Diego
Jerry Sanders; y el Regidor de
San Diego Anthony Young.
“Como supervisor del Primer Distrito, que incluye el
sureste de San Diego, no puedo
esperar a que abra el KingChavez Health Center”, dijo el
Supervisor Cox. “En este
desierto médico donde la gente
está sin seguro y no puede
costear cuidado médico, me da
gusto ver que el San Ysidro
Health Center está expandiendo
sus servicios para llenar la
demanda en una manera que
respeta la diversidad cultural y
lingüística de esta comunidad”.
El nuevo centro de tres
pisos, que recibió casi $10
millones en fondos federales
ness Center, Pediatrics, HIV
Services, Health Education,
Radiology, Laboratory, and a
unique Dental Clinic for Children, Adults and People with
Special Needs.
“The King-Chavez Health
Center’s primary service goal,”
Martinez said, “is to provide a
healthcare home to all patients—one that serves as the
first point of entry into the
healthcare system—while also
providing continuity of care
over time, as well as emphasizes preventive care and coordinates care across various
institutional barriers.”
In recent years, the SYHC
has become an example to
other community clinic systems throughout the country.
Since Martinez became CEO
in 1998, the SYHC has evolved into one of the county’s
largest safety net providers delivering health services to lowincome, uninsured residents.
“I think it is very meaningful that our projects give testimony of the high-caliber and
para su construcción, tendrá
servicios como medicina familiar, consejería, cuidado prenatal y para mujeres, pediatría y
una clínica dental.
“La meta de servicio principal del King-Chavez Health
Center”, dijo Ed Martinez,
gerente general del SYHC, “es
proveer un hogar de cuidado de
salud para todos los pacientes
–uno que sirva como entrada
al sistema de cuidado de salud—mientras que también
provee continuidad de cuidado
a través del tiempo, así como
enfatizar el cuidado de prevención”.
Desde que Martínez se
convirtió en gerente general en
1998, el SYHC se ha convertido en una red de clínicas
comunitarias que provee servicios de salud a personas de
escasos recursos y sin seguro.
Para conocer más acerca
del San Ysidro Health Center,
La Raza
(con’t from page 1)
not one Mexican American had
(since the late 1800’s) been
elected to a California statewide office, only one Mexican
American (Alex Garcia from
Los Angeles) elected to the
state legislature, and in San
Diego County one Mexican
American elected, Louie
Camacho from National City.
During that period many
MAPA members participated
in electorate politics in SD
County, but soon became disillusioned due to the inherent discrimination and racism that
they encountered in the Democratic Party. Particularly aggravating to Chicanos was the
Democratic Party’s failure to
address issues affecting the
Mexican American community, and assist/support Mexican-American candidates for
public offices. MAPA, after
attaining some of its political
objectives unfortunately
changed, and ended up as an,
“endorsing political organization,” mainly for Democratic
Party candidates.
By1971 National City
MAPA activists had come to
the conclusion that the Democratic and Republican parties
were not going to change, or
provide the needed solutions to
the issues/problems afflicting
our people in California, and
other states. It was at that time
that Texas LRUP founder Jose
Angel Gutierrez visited our office in National City. After
meeting and talking to him, a
vote was later taken by MAPA
members to start a political
chapter of LRUP in San Diego County. Bert Corona was
then LRUP national organizer.
The SD County Chapter of
LRUP set a goal of registering
10,000 voters to meet the required 67,000 voters needed to
become a statewide political
party in California. The stated
goal of SD County LRUP organizers was that once 10,000
voters were registered, a convention would be held and
those voters would provide organizers with a mandate to
determine what kind of political party they wanted to create. Either a vanguard party as
proposed by Colorado’s
Rodolfo “Corky” Gonzales that
would build power to create a,
“nation within a nation”
Aztlan. Or an electoral party
that would control cities, counties and states politically where
Chicanos were the majority as
Texas Jose Angel Gutierrez
Unfortunately after years of
ideological battles and infighting, that LRUP was unable to
overcome, the concept of organizing a third political party
to control the politics of our
communities’ had to be left to
a future generation.
This coming Labor Day
weekend, participants (after
forty years) will again meet in
El Paso. Not just to commemorate the 1972 convention, but also to address the
fundamental issues of our
people’s historical political disenfranchisement. The question
for those in attendance will be
numerous, but one of the major questions raised will be,
what role did LRUP play, or
will play in the political future
of this nation’s fastest growing population?
In my opinion, after having
participated in both electoral
and movement politics, the
legacy that LRUP leaves is
numerous, it includes the following political concepts, A)
The first to utilize the principal
of self-determination to create
a political party for our people,
that would be controlled and
accountable to our people, B)
A call for our people to build
“political power” to control
their destiny C) Political philosophies and ideologies to create mandates, a constituencies
and an infrastructure so our
people could define issues that
affected them, and so they
would be able to select and
elect their own candidates, etc.
In closing, one thing that no
one can dispute is the demographic change of the last 40
years…50 million Chicano/
Latinos in 2012, projected to
increase to 132 million by 2050,
and that both the Democrats
and Republicans parties continue to fail to represent our
people. The Democratic
Obama administration has deported record numbers of undocumented Mexican workers,
and Republicans have literally
“declared war” on our
people, with draconian measures such as Arizona’s SB
1070, the elimination of
Chicano studies, etc. In conclusion the question for all attending the commemoration in
El Paso will certainly be…do
50 million Chicanos/Latinos need to create a third
political party like La Raza
Unida in 2012?
such as funding cuts to vital
social services, lay-offs and a
loss of homes. Social issues
such as deteriorating schools
and health care have been accompanied by the growth of
gangs and drug use within their
neighborhoods. Laboring under
inhumane conditions that are
reminiscent of the Middle
Ages, millions of farm workers still work the land that is
owned by the few who grow
richer as the misery of the farm
workers increases. These agricultural workers still endure
low pay, unsafe working conditions, sub-standard health
care, their children laboring in
the fields instead of attending
school, and the lack of union
organization and laws to protect their interests.
Chicano youth also face an
uphill struggle in society as college costs have spiraled drastically while the future prospects for a secure and decent
job have dwindled. Other related problems such as gang
membership, drug use, the
pressure to join the military with
its possibility of death, have
created obstacles to a stable
future for young people. The
Chicano intelligentsia within
the universities is experiencing
a growing campaign of funding cuts and efforts to diminish
or eliminate Chicano Studies
programs which if successful
will negatively affect their students and the jobs of these professors. The situation of many
Latino immigrants is precarious not only from an economic
standpoint, but also a legal one
as they have to live under the
increasing threat of deportation
while their children exist in a
legal limbo where they are unsure of their future status or
(con’t from page 1)
that is alive and active when
applied to today’s conditions
and should not be viewed as
some sort of interesting historical relic to be intellectualized
over at a reunion. Neither
should the Moratorium be commemorated as a bit of lifeless
nostalgia and a walk down
memory lane interspersed with
cults of personality and then left
at that. A people’s culture and
traditions are created by their
struggles and experiences and
the Chicano Moratorium was
one of the pinnacles of this historical social practice and as
such enriched our cultural
legacy. This rich tradition can
only be further strengthened by
continuing our present
struggles. In 2012, our task is
to commemorate the legacy of
the Moratorium by making a
commitment to expand and
deepen its lessons by confronting the social problems presently facing us, and by doing
so, we will collectively enhance
our cultural experience and tradition even further.
professionalism of staff and
doctors,” Martinez said. “It is
(con’t from page 1)
very gratifying.”
Martinez added that the
main reason that doctors and
highly competitive federal proother health professionals
gram called the Facilities Imcome to SYHC instead of goprovement Program adminising to higher paying hospitals
tered by Health and Human
is that they want to contribute
Resources Agency (HRSA).
to the community.
This competitive funding pro“Many of the doctors feel
gram started in 2009 with apsupportive of the legacy of the
proximately 600 applications.
founding mothers,” Martinez
After an extensive review
said. “Many of them grew up
process, HRSA awarded only
here and now want to come
80 grants to community clinics
back to their communities.
across the nation. California
Working here gives more
received only 11 grant awards,
meaning to what they do.”
and in San Diego County only
Currently servicing the
2 grants received funding.
South Bay and Central San
San Ysidro Health Center
Diego, SYHC now provides an
was awarded a $9,754,515
extensive array of family-origrant for the King-Chavez
ented primary health care serHealth Center.
vices, including pediatrics, obThe three-story state-ofstetrics and gynecology, adult
the-art health center will promedicine, dental care, mental
vide the community with comhealth, podiatry, radiology, laboprehensive health services inratory, and pharmacy.
cluding Family Medicine, FamFor additional information, Presently, there is still
ily Counseling, Prenatal Care,
please visit San Ysidro Health much to be done
One thing is certain during
A Women’s Health and WellCenter at
this present period which is that
we cannot live narrowly within
Defferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Processing Location Set by SD Unified our own shell and avoid what
Parent Center in Old Town will Handle Requests for School Documentation is occurring throughout society.
New problems arise in the form
Needed for Deferred Immigration Program
of new issues that must be dealt
To help smooth the hun- available from the San Diego Services.
with and resolved in our perdreds of requests it is receiv- Unified School District until the
Applicants must bring an sonal lives as well as within
ing for documentation of school office opens Tuesday, Sept. 4. original birth certificate and our communities. Chicanos
attendance, the district has des- The hours are 8:30 a.m. to 1 photo identification and com- are not a monolithic group as
ignated its Ballard Parent Cen- p.m. The process will not be plete an application for the in- they are members of different
ter in Old Town as the location conducted at schools or other formation. If the application is social classes.
for requests under the federal district locations.
being made for another person,
The middle class that has
Deferred Action for Childhood
According to the depart- all the identification material developed since the 19702s is
Arrivals (DACA) program ment, residents without docu- must be presented, along with facing a wall of obstacles that
beginning Tuesday, Sept. 4.
mentation “who came to the a letter from the individual au- deny it further financial and
The center will only serve United States as children and thorizing the release of infor- social opportunities as the
current and former students of meet several key guidelines mation.
country’s economic pie
the San Diego Unified School may request consideration of
Applicants should also know shrinks. Leaving the barrios has
District and is located at 2375 deferred action for a period of what years and the schools that not solved all of the problems
Congress St. in Old Town. two years, subject to renewal, they attended in the San Diego for these new middle class
There is onsite parking avail- and would then be eligible for Unified School District. A list of Chicanos as the increasing fiable and it is served by the San work authorization.”
those schools is online at http:// nancial pressure to provide an
Diego Trolley and MTS buses.
One of the guidelines is
adequate education, housing
At the center, former stu- showing proof of school attenThere is no charge for pro- and health care for their famidents can apply to receive the dance. San Diego Unified staff cessing and district staff will lies has stifled their social modocumentation needed to ap- will make every effort to pro- make every effort to provide bility and pushed many of them
ply to the U.S. Citizenship and vide former students with the the information the same day. downward.
Immigration Services Depart- documentation that may help For more information on the
Working class Chicanos and
ment for the program.
them achieve this status with Ballard Center process, call other Latinos in the barrios face
This service will not be Citizenship and Immigration (619) 209-4533.
numerous economic problems
Commemorate the
martyrs of the Moratorium
by continuing their
The march and protest
against the Vietnam War and
for justice here at home that
took place on on August 29,
1970, was a peaceful one until
it was attacked by the police
authorities. This violent assault
led to the deaths of three individuals: journalist Ruben
Salazar, Brown Beret Lynn
Ward and Angel Diaz. An Austrian student and political supporter named Gustav Montag
was killed in 1971 by L.A. sheriffs at a subsequent Moratorium march that had also been
The commemoration of the
cultural legacy and tradition of
the Chicano Moratorium must
also include a remembrance to
the memories of these four
martyrs who died in the resistance against injustice. They
were heroes of the Moratorium
who did not die in vain as their
historical legacy lives on with
that of this event. This Saturday, let us all commemorate
this traditional event that is
now an essential part of our
history and culture, and the four
martyrs who are symbols of
our struggle by continuing their
valiant work to achieve equal
rights and justice.
AUGUST 31, 2012
South Bay water rates hiked
up with little fanfare
t a time where every cent
counts and we are we pinching pennies to make it to the
next paycheck, you would
think that the community would have
demonstrated a vested interest when the
water board proposed a rate hike. If you
thought that, you would have been mistaken!
The Sweetwater Authority Board anticipated a large turnout and had set up extra
seats for the crowd which never materialized. The board, with seemingly little
opposition to the proposal quickly passed
the rate increase, despite the passionate
pleas from the few community members
that did show up to protest the rate hike.
After the vote, none of the community
members went home happy. Especially
after seeing the cost of water increased
once again in two years. For Bonita residents this was a particularly tough pill to
swallow. Their rates were tripled for
some last time. Those who saw their
water rates go to $800 every two months
once again saw their rates raised by 6.5%.
Even those who stringently conserve
water and meet the goal of only using 10
units of water, or 748 gallons, every two
months, saw their water rate double. This
group includes senior citizens on fixed
incomes and low income folks.
At a time where we have little control
over the ever increasing cost of living,
gas and electricity or the price of gasoline, the water rate increase is one of the
few places where the community can
actually have a say, that is when the community shows up. By staying home, the
community relinquishes its voice and in
turn has little to say when they receive
their next water bill and complain about
the high cost. The time to say something
was before. Afterwards is too late.
The Republican Party platform.
Cause for concern.
party platform is a document
presented at the nominating
convention that presents and
represents the ideals, vision,
goals, and attitudes of that particular political party. This week the Republican
Party presented their platform. After
reading all 62 pages of it, there wasn’t
anything in there that we didn’t already
know about the Republican Party.
The Republican Party is anti-immigrant, wants to do away with the DREAM
Act and impose stiffer immigration enforcement. Its platform makes no mention of employer sanctions. It wants to
reprisal the failed guest worker program.
It seeks to make English the official language, supports state laws such as those
passed in Arizona, and refers to immigrants in the most draconian of terms:
“Illegal immigration undermines
those benefits and affects U.S. workers. In an age of terrorism, drug cartels, human trafficking, and criminal
gangs, the presence of millions of unidentified persons in this country poses
grave risks to the safety and the sovereignty of the United States.”
The Republican Party is all about big
business and lowering taxes, which in
turn impacts most if not all social service programs. It seeks to eliminate most
if not all regulations and safeguards, in
particular the Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA), while continuing tax
breaks for the wealthiest in our country.
It protects tax loop holes which allow
major corporations that make billions of
dollars in profits to continue to pay no
taxes at all. The Republican Party wants
to repeal Dodd-Frank, the financial reform laws, and go back to the days when
banks had free reign to do as they wish.
The list goes on to the benefit of the rich
and powerful.
For the poor, Republicans offer the
fairytale that “any American who works
hard, dreams big and follows the rules
can achieve anything he or she wants.”
The GOP wants to cut Medicare, MediCal, food stamps and welfare. And of
course they want to dismantle the Universal Health Care Program that will insist that everyone has some sort of
health insurance.
It is well known that the GOP is against
any form of abortion, even in the case of
rape, and strongly supports the “onewoman one-man” doctrine for marriage.
This is today’s modern Republican
Party, more conservative than the Republican Party of President Ronald Reagan.
A party that is dominated by the ultraconservative, Tea Party leadership that
sees no problem with a person having the
unfettered ability to own and carry a gun
in public, with as many bullets as needed
to “defend themselves.”
There are 62 pages of this document,
which by the way, barely mentions Latin
America with the exception of Cuba and
Venezuela. This manifesto is not a binding contract with the party’s presidential
candidate, but it does give us a clear idea
of where the Republican Party would lead
us, if they gained control of the executive office in addition to the congress.
This document goes a long way in explaining why, particularly in California, the
Republican Party has lost ground to the
Democratic Party. Their platform represents a party for the rich, for the racist,
and for the sexist. Republicans are clearly
out of step with the demographic shift in
the United States. Just take a look at the
crowd at this convention and you will have
a hard time finding any minorities sitting
in the audience.
The Republican Convention of 2012
will soon be over and forgotten, but the
platform which all Republican candidates
must subscribe to provides a good window into the soul of today’s Republican
Party. It is not a pretty picture.
No Decent Reason for 2,000 Dead in
By Matthew Rothschild
just get murkier and murkier.
Osama bin Laden, after all, is dead. And he
was killed not in Afghanistan but in Pakistan.
Defenders of the war say we need to stay
there to keep the Taliban from coming back to
power. But Karzai himself has endorsed a code
of conduct by the country’s Islamic council that
approves of husbands beating their wives under Sharia law.
The United States is not at war with Afghanistan for humanitarian reasons.
It is there because Afghanistan borders Iran
to the West and China to the East: two countries in the Pentagon’s sights. And it is there
because Afghanistan is a transport route for
oil from the stans of the former Soviet Union
down to the Arabian Sea.
These are the real reasons the United States
is at war with Afghanistan. But these are not
decent reasons for letting 2,000 U.S. service
members perish.
This past week marked a grisly milestone in
Afghanistan: The 2,000th U.S. service member has now died there.
And the pace of those deaths has increased,
with Obama’s surge bringing about a surge of
U.S. deaths. As the New York Times notes, it
took about nine years of war to claim the first
1,000 U.S. soldiers and Marines. And it took
just a little more than two years to slay the second thousand.
Just in the last week alone, nine U.S. servicemen have died at the hands of Afghan security
forces who are supposed to be our allies.
President Obama needs to ask himself, as
I’m sure many of our servicemen and their families are asking themselves, “Why are we over
there if even our so-called friends are killing
There are now more than twice as many U.S.
service members in Afghanistan today than on
the day George W. Bush left office.
Matthew Rothschild is the editor of The ProAnd the ostensible reasons for keeping them gressive (
Todd Akins is not alone in extremist views
Local Congressman Brian Bilbray co-sponsored a bill to redefine rape; voted to defund
Planned Parenthood
Recently Missouri Senatorial candidate Todd
Akin stated that he opposes a woman’s right to
terminate a pregnancy, even in cases of rape,
because he says “legitimate rape” rarely results in pregnancy. He claims that a woman’s
body somehow knows to “shut the whole thing
down” and prevent pregnancy that might result from a sexual assault.
Rape is rape and it is ignorant and insensitive
to suggest that some forms of rape are legitimate and others are not. Additionally his claim
about pregnancy is medically inaccurate; there
is absolutely no evidence that the female body
can instinctively defend itself against pregnancy
as Akin suggests. According to the National
Sexual Violence Research Center, 25,000 become pregnant women each year as a result of
rape. For Akin to suggest that their experience
is illegitimate is appalling.
It is disturbing that people are legislating and
running for office who have such a fundamental disregard for women and women’s health.
Akin is not alone in his beliefs, though. His
statements reflect the views of Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan and many others. Last
year, Ryan cosponsored a bill that would essentially redefine rape in order to create legislative barriers for women seeking to terminate
a pregnancy. It would do so at one of the most
traumatic and vulnerable points in a woman’s
life. San Diego Congressman Brian Bilbray
co-sponsored the bill to redefine rape. He also
voted to defund Planned Parenthood. Bilbray
calls himself a moderate, but his record shows
him in lockstep with extremists like Todd Akin.
Presidential candidate Mitt Romney has
stated that he wants to shut down Planned Parenthood and the nation’s family planning program, which currently provides five million lowincome people with lifesaving cervical, breast
and testicular cancer screenings, testing and
treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, and
contraception. As most people know, more than
90% of Planned Parenthood services are preventive and federal funds do not pay for abortion except in very rare cases. There is no other
organization that does more to reduce the rate
of abortion than Planned Parenthood.
A small percentage of Planned Parenthood
services is abortion care. Abortion is a deeply
personal and often complex decision for a
woman. There’s no simple answer because no
one knows a woman’s specific situation.
Women don’t turn to politicians for advice on
birth control, mammograms, or cancer screenings and treatments. Politicians should not be
involved in a woman’s personal medical decisions about her pregnancy because they have
not walked in her shoes.
Our nation needs leaders who address problems rationally, with data and scientific evidence. We know that the best way to reduce
the rate of abortion is to create greater access
to contraception. Scientists also firmly reject
the notion that women’s bodies can defend
themselves against pregnancy in the case of
rape. And most people are appalled when they
hear of attempts to redefine rape and decide
which are “legitimate.”
Planned Parenthood Action Fund of the Pacific Southwest urges the community to pay
close attention to the voting records and public
statements of candidates on the November
ballot. We need representatives who are focused on positive strategies for economic recovery and broad access to health care, not
extremists who are out of touch with the needs
of our community.
Linda LeGerrette is a member of the Board
of Directors at Planned Parenthood Action
Fund of the Pacific Southwest.
Visit for more information on where local candidates stand
on health care matters.
La plataforma
Por Rafael Prieto Zartha
Este domingo que pasó, en el programa Al
Punto de Univisión fue invitado el exburócrata
de la Administración del expresidente George
W. Bush, Adolfo Franco, quien nos llegó a los
televidentes con un cuento nuevo: las plataformas que aprueban los partidos en las
convenciones no cuentan.
Es decir, que todo el esfuerzo de gastar
millones de dólares para hacer los encuentros
cuatrienales en los que se oficializa el
lanzamiento de la fórmula presidencial y se
establecen los principios del partido no sirven,
en lo que tiene que ver con el delineamiento de
los fundamentos de la agrupación política.
Afortunadamente, la gente no es tonta y no
se traga entero todo lo que dicen en los medios
de comunicación.
Franco pretendía desviar la atención de la
grosera plataforma republicana en materia de
inmigración, que solo ofrece dolor y sufrimiento
para la comunidad indocumentada afincada en
Estados Unidos.
La carta de principios del partido republicano
para los inmigrantes fue presentada nada menos
que por Kris Kobach, el autor intelectual de la
mayoría de las medidas antiinmigrantes que se
han propuesto o aprobado en este país en la
última década.
Sus obras iniciales fueron las normativas locales en Hazleton (Pensilvania) y Farmers
Branch (Texas), que proponían prohibir el
alquiler de vivienda a los indocumentados.
Después, impulsó la ley SB1070 de Arizona,
con el fin de criminalizar a los indocumentados
y metió la mano en las otras leyes estatales
que buscan la “autodeportación” cacareada por
el candidato Mitt Romney durante las primarias
Kobach ha estado detrás de la ley de Alabama, que asigna funciones migratorias a los
educadores asignándoles la tarea de preguntar
por el estatus migratorio a los niños, para
determinar si entre sus alumnos hay indocumentados. Ese invento de Kobach hizo que
(vea La plataforma, página 8)
AUGUST 31, 2012
Commentary/Opinion Page
Why Latinos Need to
Register and Vote
By: Arturo Vargas
Latinos are the fastest-growing and second
largest population group in the United States.
According to projections from the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials (NALEO) Educational Fund, more than
12.2 million Latino voters are expected to cast
ballots on Election Day, an increase of 26 percent from 2008.
The Latino voter will again be a decisive force
in the White House race, in addition to statewide and local elections across the nation.
Latinos are predicted to be the deciding factor
this November in nine key states, which carry
101 Electoral College votes of the 270 needed
for either President Obama or Governor Romney to win this year.
Despite the ability of the Latino voter to shape
America’s political landscape more than 10
million Latinos are expected not to vote this
Imagine the electoral potential if all 23.5 million Latino citizens of voting-age were not only
registered, but voted. Imagine if all Americans
of voting-age were not only registered, but
Campaigns and candidates are battling for
support and for voters to rally behind their ideas
and their leadership. Voting does not just send
a candidate to Washington D.C., the state legislature or city hall; it speaks to the issues most
pressing in a voter’s life such as the economy,
education, and healthcare.
We can bring change to our communities, but
we need to vote. In order to secure funding
for schools, to create new jobs and safer streets
we must cast our ballot in every election including the next one on November 6.
Ensuring today’s voter is informed, empowered, and inspired to own this year’s election
means continuing to eliminate the barriers that
prevent participation. Now more than ever, the
need to register to vote is high.
Registering to vote hass never been easier.
NALEO Educational Fund, in collaboration with
other national Latino organizations and Spanish-language media, coordinates the historic
non-partisan Latino ya es hora (“It’s Time”)
civic participation campaign, which helps voters navigate the registration process.
Individuals interested in registering to vote
can call ya es hora’s national bilingual hotline,
1-888-VE-Y-VOTA, which is operational yearround to help voters with electoral information.
While the Post Office and libraries provide voter
registration forms, citizens can also register to
vote easily online at It
takes less than 5 minutes to complete, and once
complete, must be printed, stamped, and mailed.
In addition, the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) will offer Californians
the ability to register to vote online without
needing to print the form by visiting
With less than three months until Election
Day, it is critical people register to vote ahead
of the registration deadline. The registration
deadline in California is October 22, however
it is never too early to register to vote or to
encourage others to do the same. Registering
to vote is the first step towards bettering communities and country. The second is making an
informed vote on November 6 that speaks on
what matters most to you. The next is continued engagement. Only through active participation, year after year, will we continue
strengthening our democracy and our country.
Make your vote count on November 6. Register to vote!
Arturo Vargas is the Executive Director of
the National Association of Latino Elected
and Appointed Officials (NALEO) Educational Fund. The organization is the nation’s
leading non-partisan, non-profit organization that facilitates full Latino participation
in the American political process, from citizenship to public service. He served on the
Census Advisory Committee from 20002011, appointed by the U.S. Secretary of
An Open Letter to Mrs.
Mitt Romney
Dear Mrs. Romney:
During your party’s national convention, at
some gathering, you urged La Raza (that’s
what we call ourselves) to get “past our biases” and vote Republican. You emphasized
how “important” this election will be for us.
Then, like a true Republican wife, you said we’d
be mistaken if we thought we’d be better off
voting for Barack Obama again.
You do know that we are one of the fastest
growing voting blocs in America, and you and
your husband and other politicians are trying to
pander to us, but hoping other prospective voters aren’t looking.
For many of us, you were simply another
poignant example of politicians abandoning us.
Following your script, you then said that “if
Mitt Romney wins, America wins.” Aww, what
a cute line . . . but stupid!
Your brow beating continued as you advised
us to wake up and really look at the issues . . .
this time.
To quote you, “You’d better really look at your
future and figure out who’s going to be the guy
that’s going to make it better for you and your
children, and there is only one answer.” The
answer, according to you, is your husband.
You went on to say that you and
Whatshisname, “ very much care about you
and your families and the opportunities that are
there for you and your families.”
Then you stressed your immigrant roots,
mentioning your grandfather who was a Welsh
coalminer, as you were aiming to connect with
the Latinos in the audience, probably in the
back of the room. Or in the kitchen.
Adding to your insensitive remarks, you mentioned Puerto Rico’s first lady then said “you
people really know how to party, it was crazy!”
Listen up first lady wannabe: the only Latino
votes your husband can count on are coming
from rich Cuban Americans in Florida. Maybe
some from
more rich Cubanos in Texas and that’s about it.
Biases? We don’t have no stinkin’ biases! Not
when it comes to Republicans, we know who
they are and how much they care about the
“other Americans.” Seriously, Mrs. Romney,
these professed great Americans care more
about their horses or offshore bank accounts.
Unless they feel we can be used, then they’ll
come around (every four years, like clockwork)
to offer us “help.”
Democrats aren’t seen as much better by
many of us, to be honest.
But let’s be frank, this bit about us being better off with our current president, let me just
say that BO is the lesser of the proverbial two
evils. Your line about “if Mitt wins -America
wins” - methinks you mean, that if your husband wins, white-America wins. Been there,
done that.
What do you mean by interjecting that
“wake-up” line? Were you implying that we’re
on some sempiternal siesta? Maybe propped
against a cactus and wearing a huge sombrero?
Jesuscristo, first-lady wannabe! Who’s your
speech writer?
That immigrant line was a killer. Something
about you knowing what it’s like to be the
daughter of an immigrant. (If the kitchen workers understood what you said, they probably
cringed.) Then you threw out the ever popular, “you people” line to the Puerto Ricans.
The Romneys shouldn’t be surprised that the
low support the GOP already had among
Latinos will continue to diminish after the
convention’s bump wears off.
(Democrats, as you know, use Spanish language ads to target Latino voters, but an increase in deportations and a lack of progress
on immigration reform has many questioning
the motives of Democrats as well, by the way.
The hypocrisy of our legislators saying one thing
but doing another is classic American politics.)
So, Mrs. Romney, like your fellow Republicans, you have clearly told us what to expect
from the GOP should, eh, you people make it
to the White House this fall.
God help us all.
PS: For what it’s worth, Mrs. Romney, should
Hurricane Isaac become an omen to remind
you and your friends of a Republican
Administration’s gross negligence the last time
the Gulf Coast was inundated, so be it.
Andy Porras
Por qué los latinos tienen
que registrarse y votar ¡ASK A MEXICAN!
Por: Arturo Vargas
Los latinos conforman la población segunda
más grande y de más rápido crecimiento en
Estados Unidos. Según predicciones del Fondo
para la Educación de la Asociación Nacional
de Oficiales Latinos Electos y Nombrados
(NALEO, por sus siglas en inglés), se anticipa
que más de 12.2 millones de votantes latinos
ejercerán el sufragio el Día de las Elecciones,
un aumento del 26 por ciento comparado con
El votante latino nuevamente será una fuerza
decisiva en la carrera para la Casa Blanca, así
como en elecciones estatales y locales en todo
el país. Se anticipa que los latinos decidan el
resultado este noviembre en nueve estados
clave, que cuentan con 101 de los 270 votos
requeridos en el Colegio Electoral para que el
Presidente Obama o el Gobernador Romney
gane este año.
A pesar de la capacidad del votante latino de
dibujar el retrato político de Estados Unidos, se
anticipa que más de 10 millones de latinos no
votarán este noviembre.
Imaginemos el potencial electoral si todos los
23.5 millones de ciudadanos latinos mayores
de edad no sólo se registraran para votar, sino
que votaran. Imaginemos que todos los
estadounidenses mayores de edad no sólo se
registraran, sino que votaran.
Las campañas y los candidatos pelean por
apoyo y para que los votantes apoyen sus ideas
y su liderazgo. El votar no solamente envía a
un candidato a Washington, D.C., al congreso
estatal o al ayuntamiento; habla por los asuntos
que más afectan la vida de un votante, tales
como la economía, la educación y la salud.
Podemos traer cambios a nuestras comunidades, pero tenemos que votar. Para
asegurar fondos para las escuelas, para crear
nuevos empleos y calles más seguras, tenemos
que votar en cada elección, empezando por la
del 6 de noviembre.
Asegurar que el votante de hoy esté
informado, empoderado e inspirado a tomar el
control de estas elecciones significa seguir
eliminando las barreras contra la participación.
Ahora más que nunca hay una gran necesidad
de que todos voten.
Nunca ha sido más fácil registrarse para votar.
El Fondo Educativo de NALEO, en conjunto
con otras organizaciones latinas nacionales y
con los medios de habla hispana, coordina la
histórica campaña latina sin nexos con partidos
políticos “ya es hora”, para la participación
cívica, que ayuda a los votantes a navegar el
proceso de registro.
Quien tenga interés en registrarse para votar
puede llamar al número nacional bilingüe de
“ya es hora” al 1-888-VE-Y-VOTA, el cual
funciona todo el año para ayudar a los votantes
con información electoral. La Oficina de
Correos y las bibliotecas proporcionan formatos
para registrarse a votar, y los ciudadanos
también pueden registrarse fácilmente en línea
en Se tarda menos de 5
minutos para llenarse, y una vez llenada, debe
imprimirse y enviarse con estampilla. Además,
el Departamento de Vehículos Motorizados
(DMV) de California ofrecerá a los californianos la posibilidad de registrarse en línea
sin tener que imprimir el formato, en
Quedan menos de tres meses para las
elecciones, y es crítico que la gente se registre
para votar antes de la fecha límite. La fecha
límite para registrarse en California es el 22 de
octubre, pero es bueno registrarse temprano e
incitar a los demás a hacer lo mismo.
Registrarse para votar es el primer paso hacia
mejores comunidades y un mejor país. El
segundo paso es votar con conciencia el 6 de
noviembre y representar lo que más le importe
a usted. El siguiente paso es seguir participando.
Sólo mediante la participación activa, año tras
año, seguiremos fortaleciendo nuestra democracia y nuestro país.
Que su voto cuente el 6 de noviembre.
¡Regístrese para votar!
By Gustavo Arellano
Dear Mexican: What is the reason for
the colors of the Mexican flag? Is there
any razón it resembles the Italian flag,
minus the águila y serpent? Conozco
más mexicanos que estadounidenses
pero none of mis ‘manitos morenos
seem to know why…
El Girafe
Dear Male Giraffe Gabacho: Good for
you for having Mexican friends AND
learning Spanish to speak to them! And for
having such cultured conversations instead
of just whistling at hot chicas who pass by
the workplace and talking trash on your
kind! What’s now the Mexican tricolor is
technically older than the Italian tricolore—
although Italian kingdoms had used redwhite-green color schemes in their flags
since the late 18th century, modern-day Italy
really didn’t form until the Kingdom of Italy
in the 1860s, and it adopted the general
design that still exists today in Italy’s flag.
Mexico’s tricolor, on the other hand, dates
back to shortly after the War of
Independence for Spain and is based on the
flag of the Army of the Three Guarantees,
the unit led by Agustín de Iturbide, Mexico’s
first emperor; that flag was also red, white
and green, although the stripes were
diagonal instead of vertical. Reason for
those color choices? Maybe Iturbide was a
fan of Risorgimento, the movement that
eventually unified all of Italy; maybe he
wanted to confuse gabachos y Mexicans
alike for centuries. Whatever the reason is,
it’s lost to history, like numerous Aztec
Arturo Vargas es Director Ejecutivo del codices and Salma Hayek’s talent.
Fondo Educativo de la Asociación de
I cycle-commute, daily and follow the
Oficiales Latinos Electos y Nombrados
(NALEO). La organización es la más rules of the road, which include riding
importante en la nación, sin nexos con with traffic, not against it. (Riding
partidos políticos y sin fines de lucro, que against traffic is a good way to hurt
facilita una participación completa de los another cyclist or get one’s self killed at
latinos en el proceso político esta- an intersection.) Several times per
dounidense, desde la ciudadanía hasta el week, I encounter (I don’t want to say
servicio público. Fue miembro del Comité “run in to”) characters who do this
Asesor del Censo de 2000 a 2011, nom- exactly backwards, riding against traffic
brado por el Secretario de Comercio de and even making their right turns
across lanes of traffic like normal
Estados Unidos.
people make their
lefts. Invariably,
they’re either
college students or
Mexicans. Is this
the normal way of
riding a bike in
Mexico? Do
cyclists in Mexico more often find
themselves becoming involuntary hood
ornaments, or is this something that
only happens on this side of the border?
Thinking “Lucha Pollo” is not the
Translation of “Chicken Fight”
Dear Gabacho: In 2004, the Center for
Applied Research did a study for the
Federal Highway Administration titled “The
Pedestrian and Bicyclist Highway Safety
Problem As It Relates to the Hispanic
Population in the United States” that found a
couple of interesting things. One stat was
that Latinos were twice more likely to bike
to work than gabachos; another was that
“Hispanics and Blacks are over-represented
in pedestrian crashes,” with Latino deaths in
bike crashes were 2.88 per 100,000
population, while the rate for gabachos
were 1.78 per 100,000, and that a
disproportionate amount of said deaths and
accidents in general happened late at night,
when most Mexi riders are returning or
going to work. The report recommended
educational outreach to Mexicans to correct
the errors that you pointed out, but to say
it’s due to Mexican culture is false: negritos
had a greater rate of death than Latinos, and
while no hard stats exist for cycling deaths in
Mexico, Mexico City is world-renowned
for its great urban cycling environment. If
you see Mexicans cycling wrong, it’s
probably because the urban streets don’t
allow for a proper environment (cycling
with traffic is also dangerous). This is a
teachable moment: get with them and
advocate for designated lanes, bike-sharing
programs, and amnesty for illegal
Ask the Mexican Ask the Mexican at themexican@, be his fan on Facebook, follow him on
Twitter @gustavoarellano or ask him a video question
AUGUST 31, 2012
Whenever I Got Out
(con’t from page 1)
That’s what I always wanted — to have people
that actually speak our language working in the
hospitals and in the welfare office, teachers in
the school and in the system. Wherever we go,
there would be one of us there.
In addition, I wish there were free medical
care, and we were able to get overtime. You
only start to get overtime after ten hours. I was
pretty upset when I heard that.
When I worked in the tomatoes recently,
[some workers] stole four boxes from me. I
told my family to report it to the Labor Department, [but] to them it’s inevitable. They think
we should just put up with it and be grateful
that we have a job. [They] also fear losing their
job if they make a complaint. That’s pretty much
how it is. They would make fun of my dad because he would complain a lot. They’d say,
“That’s why your dad is like that and never gets
I was emancipated for about seven to eight
months. My family was very conservative and
strong in their Christian beliefs. I couldn’t do
anything, and felt like I was trapped. I really
wanted to go with my friends to dances. Plus
I’m bisexual — to them that’s a sin and you’re
going to hell. I couldn’t live like that. I left home
and went to live with my dad. He wasn’t like I
expected. He blamed me too, so I was homeless for three months.
I was working the graveyard shift, ten hours
a night at C & D Zodiac, where they make jets.
During the day I went to school. My AP History teacher saw I was dozing off and sleeping
in class. I came out to him, and he told me,
“You can’t live like this. You need to confront
them.” So I went back to my family and confronted them. I became an activist, and I’ve
been one ever since.
But I think it’s possible to change things,
which I get from my heroes and earlier activists, like Gandhi and Martin Luther King. I’m
going to go to Los Angeles and work for an
organization that serves the indigenous community and then start school. I want to see
how you run an organization like that, and open
one here. I’ll work in the fields if I have to in
order to pay off my debt, but I don’t want to
work there just to earn a living.
I’m proud of what my mom and older siblings did in order to get the family here and
survive. That was my motivation for choosing
only AP classes. My sister didn’t get an education. None of my older sisters could go to
school. I really want fairness and equality in
schools. I want the discrimination against indigenous kids to stop in elementary schools.
That’s where it starts. They affiliate themselves
with gangs, to get it to stop. That’s the only
I didn’t want to learn Spanish, because I
didn’t want to lose my Mixteco language. I
try to keep in touch with my indigenous roots.
Whenever I cut my hair I always bury it. I
asked my mother why we did that, and she
says it’s because you fertilize the earth.
When it rains, I get a bowl and fill it with
rainwater and drink it. I would talk with her as
our bowls filled up. When I visit my dad I ask
him to tell me folktales. When I have a dream
I ask him to tell me what it means. I want to
write down my language before it gets lost.
La plataforma
el ausentismo, entre los menores de edad latinos,
llegara al 13 por ciento.
Las palabras de Kobach durante la presentación de la plataforma republicana de
inmigración fueron más que dicientes: “Si
verdaderamente quieres crear empleos mañana,
puedes eliminar a un inmigrante ilegal hoy”.
Los principios republicanos en inmigración,
que se votarán durante la convención de Tampa,
- Más E-Verify.
- No a las ciudades santuario.
- Terminar el muro fronterizo con México.
- No a las matrículas para estudiantes
indocumentados, al precio de residentes
Claramente los republicanos se lanzan de
(con’t de página 6)
Celebraciones y Fallos
(con’t de página 2)
migrantes y deportarlos. Son esos mismos
policías quienes entregan a los migrantes a
los delincuentes en las casas de seguridad, lo
que significa un aumento de la putrefacción
de las estructuras de administración de la
Es otro de esos casos de “candil de la
calle, oscuridad en la casa”. El gobierno
mexicano respondió, forzadamente, obligado
por las denuncias no solamente en México
sino de la comunidad internacional, votando
al vapor la Ley Mexicana de Migración, y
sacando las fotos del Padre Solalinde en
primera plana.
Hoy, a dos años de San Fernando, Solalinde
vive medio escondido y de hecho abandonó el
país por una temporada, ante las amenazas
de muerte, y la Ley no entra en vigor porque
sin Reglamento simplemente no puede
aplicarse. Efectivamente, un pendiente es que
el régimen de Felipe Calderón no ha
terminado todavía el Reglamento que debe
acompañar la famosa Ley de Mexicana de
Migración, esa que con tanta premura aprobó
el Congreso el año pasado con gran
escándalo y que se utilizó para tremenda
campaña publicitaria en su favor, con la foto
al frente del Padre Solalinde.
Francamente, no veo que fallo “celebra la
Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, si a final
de cuentas son mucho peores las políticas del
gobierno mexicano contra los inmigrantes,
que dejan muertos por miles, que las leyes
anti-inmigrantes gringas…
en tránsito hacia el Norte.
“Durante el sexenio del presidente Felipe
Calderón se emprendió una política de terror
en materia migratoria, caracterizada por
asesinatos, secuestros y torturas contra miles
de migrantes que transitan por territorio
nacional”, se dijo en el evento, y que “el
gobierno federal deja una deuda en la
protección de las garantías y seguridad de ese
Hace dos años por estas fechas se hallaron
los cuerpos de 72 migrantes en una fosa
clandestina en San Fernando, Tamaulipas, y el
caso será analizado por el Tribunal
Permanente de los Pueblos como crimen de
Estado y de esa humanidad, y posiblemente
como genocidio, según el obispo de Saltillo,
Coahuila, Raúl Vera López. Como en el caso
de San Fernando, en grupos o de uno en uno,
ha cobrado desde 2006, unos 70 mil migrantes
han desaparecido en el país, muchos de ellos
encontrados en fosas clandestinas en
diferentes ciudades, según la denuncia de
Vera López.
“Las políticas migratorias del gobierno
mexicano no son de apoyo o asistencia sino
de control, y su finalidad es evitar que lleguen
a Estados Unidos. Es muy clara la impunidad
en la que se deja actuar al crimen organizado,
es una política de terror”, afirmó el prelado, y
agregó que “San Fernando exhibe la
Contacto Jorge Mújica Murias e
complicidad entre quienes están en los
retenes supuestamente para capturar a los
programa de Jorge Ramos, fueron tan descaradas, que su copartidario, el exdirector del
Servicio de Inmigración y Ciudadanía (USCIS),
Alfonso Aguilar, se vio obligado a corregirlo.
Hace unos días, Franco elogiaba al alguacil
Joe Arpaio y justificaba las cárceles privadas
de ICE, en un programa de la cadena internacional NTN24, diciendo que el sheriff
actuaba de acuerdo con la ley y los centros de
detención funcionaban relativamente bien.
Las demandas contra Arpaio indican que lo
dicho por Franco no es cierto, y los estudios
sobre las prisiones señalan lo mismo. Tampoco
es verdad que la plataforma de un partido que
tiene siglo y medio de existencia no valga para
hecho contra los soñadores, que aspiran a
continuar sus estudios superiores pagando, pero
pagando unas tarifas asequibles.
La última aventura de Kobach, el “de facto”
portavoz republicano en inmigración, es asesorar
una demanda de agentes del Servicio de
Inmigración y Aduanas (ICE) de Texas contra
la acción diferida. La querella, alabada por el
congresista antiinmigrante Lamar Smith,
argumenta que la medida del ejecutivo hace que
los agentes migratorios “violen la ley”. Esa es
la oferta republicana: pretender negar una
oportunidad a dos millones de jóvenes, que son
vitales para el país y la mejora de la economía.
Pero eso es algo que no entiende gente como Rafael Prieto Zartha es el director editorial
del semanario Qué Pasa-Mi Gente, en CharKobach y Franco.
Las aseveraciones de Franco durante el lotte, Carolina del Norte.
*** LEGALS * 619-425-7400 * * CLASSIFIEDS ** FAX 619-425-7402 ***
personas han sido nominadas para los cargos designados a ser
ocupados en la Elección Municipal General a celebrarse en la
Ciudad de Carlsbad el martes, 6 de noviembre de 2012:
Para Miembro del Concejo de la Ciudad - Vote por no
más de Dos
KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Secretaria de la Ciudad Asistente
Fechado: 30 de agosto de 2012
de noviembre de 2012 se celebrará una Elección Municipal
General en la Ciudad de Carlsbad, para la siguiente Iniciativa
de Ley:
¿Debe enmendarse la Sección 502 Retención de
Beneficios de la Carta Constitutiva de Carlsbad, California para incluir límites en los aumentos en los
beneficios de jubilación para empleados varios sin
enmendar esta sección?
Sección 502 Retención de Beneficios.
A los empleados de seguridad contratados el 4 de
octubre de 2010 o posteriormente y a los empleados
varios contratados después del 27 de noviembre de
2011 (la fecha efectiva de las ordenanzas que
enmiendan el contrato de la Ciudad con CalPERS para
crear un segundo nivel de beneficios de jubilación para
empleados de seguridad y varios) no se les aumentarán
las fórmulas del beneficio de jubilación (comúnmente
conocidas como las fórmulas del 2% a los 50 años de
edad o 2% a los 60 años de edad respectivamente) sin
una enmienda de esta sección. El Concejo de la Ciudad
puede reducir esta fórmula según lo establece la ley
estatal sin una enmienda de esta sección.
siguientes personas han sido nominadas para los cargos
mencionados a continuación para ser cubiertos en la Elección
Municipal General a llevarse a cabo el martes, 6 de noviembre
de 2012 en la Ciudad de Oceanside.
Para Alcalde
Vote Por Uno
Jim Wood
Jerome M. “Jerry” Kern
Terry Warren Johnson, Sr.
Para Miembro del Concejo
de la Ciudad
Dana Corso
David Zernik
Esther Sanchez
Donald Snyder
James “Jimmy” Knott, III
H. “Chip” Dykes
Jack Feller
Vote Por No Más De Dos
Para Secretario de la Ciudad
Jerry L. Salyer
David L. Downey
Joe Gallagher
William F. Marquis
S. Sheryl Jacobs
Zack Beck
Vote Por Uno
Para Tesorero de la Ciudad
Vote Por Uno
Gary M. Ernst
Fechado: 27 de agosto de 2012
Barbara Riegel Wayne
Secretaria de la Ciudad/Funcionaria Electoral
Las casillas electorales estarán abiertas entre las 7:00 a.m. y
las 8:00 p.m.
KAREN R. KUNDTZ, Secretaria de la Ciudad Asistente
Fechado: 27 de junio de 2012
siguientes personas han sido nominadas para el cargo de
Concejal de la Ciudad a ser cubierto en la Elección Municipal
General que se llevará a cabo el martes, 6 de noviembre de
2012 en la Ciudad de Solana Beach.
Vote por Tres:
Vickie Driver
Daniel Powell
Paul Frankel
David Zito
Lesa Heebner
Peter Zahn
pregunta será puesta a consideración de los electores en la
Elección Municipal General que se llevará a cabo el martes, 6
de noviembre de 2012 en la Ciudad de Solana Beach.
Iniciativa de ley sometida a votación:
¿Debe adoptarse la ordenanza propuesta que
enmienda el Código Municipal de Solana Beach para
permitir dispensarios de marihuana medicinal en
áreas no residenciales en la Ciudad de Solana
Fechado: 23 de agosto de 2012 Angela Ivey, Secretaria de la
SDHC is soliciting proposals for Project No. RED-13-01 Calle
Primera and Juniper Street (Commercial Spaces) Lease Opportunity for Community Based Program. Interested and
qualified San Diego nonprofit or community organizations are
invited to submit responses. The proposal packet with complete
instructions is available for download at
If you do not have a username and password for the Onvia
DemandStar website, please register at
register.rsp and select the FREE AGENCY option.
A pre-proposal conference will be held on Wednesday, September 12, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. (PST) at the SDHC office below. A site visit will immediately follow the pre-proposal conference. Sealed proposals marked “Calle Primera and Juniper
Street Lease Opportunity for Community Based Program
RFP No. RED-13-01 – Do Not Open” will be received on or
before Monday, October 1, 2012 at 2:00 p.m. (PST) at the
SDHC office below. Three (3) additional copies and one (1) digital copy (on CD-R) must be submitted with the original proposal
packet. Late proposals will not be accepted.
San Diego Housing Commission
Attn: Greg Wellong
1122 Broadway, Ste. 300, San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 578-7571,
Published: 8/31/2012
La Prensa San Diego
show cause why the petition should not
be granted. If no written objection is
timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.
Date: 10-12-12. Time: 1:30pm. Dept.: 7.
The address of the court is Superior Court
of California, County of San Diego, 500
3rd Ave., Chula Vista, CA 91910, South
County Division
A Copy of this Order to Show Cause
shall be published at least once each
week for four successive weeks prior to
the date set for hearing on the petition
in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa
San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C,
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Date: AUG 7, 2012
Judge of the Superior Court
Published: Aug 17, 24, 31, Sept 7/2012
La Prensa San Diego
(CCP 1277)
SALAZAR, filed a petition with this court
for a decree changing names as follows:
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons
interested in this matter appear before
this court at the hearing indicated below
to show cause, if any, why the petition
for change of name should not be granted.
Any person objecting to the name
changes described above must file a
written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court
days before the matter is scheduled to be
heard and must appear at the hearing to
show cause why the petition should not
be granted. If no written objection is
timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.
Date: 09-25-12. Time: 8:30Am. Dept.: 3.
The address of the court is Superior Court
of California, County of San Diego, 325 S.
Melrose Dr., Vista, CA 92081, North
County Division
A Copy of this Order to Show Cause
shall be published at least once each
week for four successive weeks prior to
the date set for hearing on the petition
in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa
San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C,
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Date: AUG 08, 2012
Judge of the Superior Court
Published: Aug 17, 24, 31, Sept 7/2012
La Prensa San Diego
(CCP 1277)
BETANCOURT, filed a petition with this
court for a decree changing names as follows:
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons
interested in this matter appear before
this court at the hearing indicated below
to show cause, if any, why the petition
for change of name should not be granted.
Any person objecting to the name
changes described above must file a
written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court
days before the matter is scheduled to be
heard and must appear at the hearing to
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: Petitioner: CESAR JUAREZ, filed a petition
with this court for a decree changing
names as follows:
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons
interested in this matter appear before
this court at the hearing indicated below
to show cause, if any, why the petition
for change of name should not be granted.
Any person objecting to the name
changes described above must file a
written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court
days before the matter is scheduled to be
heard and must appear at the hearing to
show cause why the petition should not
be granted. If no written objection is
timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.
Date: 10-19-12. Time: 1:30Am. Dept.: 7.
The address of the court is Superior Court
of California, County of San Diego, 500
3rd Ave., Chula Vista, CA 91910, South
County Division
A Copy of this Order to Show Cause
shall be published at least once each
week for four successive weeks prior to
the date set for hearing on the petition
in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa
San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C,
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Date: AUG 14, 2012
Judge of the Superior Court
Published: Aug 17, 24, 31, Sept 7/2012
La Prensa San Diego
interested in this matter appear before
this court at the hearing indicated below
to show cause, if any, why the petition
for change of name should not be granted.
Any person objecting to the name
changes described above must file a
written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court
days before the matter is scheduled to be
heard and must appear at the hearing to
show cause why the petition should not
be granted. If no written objection is
timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.
Date: OCT 03, 2012. Time: 8:30am.
Dept.: 15.
The address of the court is Superior Court
of California, County of East County , 250
East Main Street, El Cajon, CA 92020,
East County
A Copy of this Order to Show Cause
shall be published at least once each
week for four successive weeks prior to
the date set for hearing on the petition
in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa
San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C,
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Date: AUG 22, 2012
Judge of the Superior Court
Published: Aug 24, 31, Sept 7, 14/2012
La Prensa San Diego
GONZALEZ, filed a petition with this
court for a decree changing names as follows:
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons
interested in this matter appear before
this court at the hearing indicated below
to show cause, if any, why the petition
for change of name should not be granted.
Any person objecting to the name
changes described above must file a
written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court
days before the matter is scheduled to be
heard and must appear at the hearing to
show cause why the petition should not
be granted. If no written objection is
timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing.
Date: 11-02-2012. Time: 1:30pm. Dept.:
The address of the court is Superior Court
of California, County of San Diego, 500
3rd Ave., Chula Vista, CA 91910, South
County Division
A Copy of this Order to Show Cause
shall be published at least once each
week for four successive weeks prior to
the date set for hearing on the petition
in the following newspaper of general circulation printed in this county La Prensa
San Diego, 651 Third Avenue, Suite C,
Chula Vista, CA 91910
Date: AUG 21, 2012
Judge of the Superior Court
Published: Aug 24, 31, Sept 7, 14/2012
La Prensa San Diego
behalf of LIDIA MAYELA PEREZ, filed a
petition with this court for a decree changing names as follows:
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons
The Petition for Probate requests that:
as personal representative to administer
the estate of the decedent.
The petition requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent
Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain
very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give
notice to interested persons unless they
have waived notice or consented to the
proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless
an interested person files an objection to
the petition and shows good cause why
the court should not grant the authority.
A hearing on the petition will be held
in this court as follows: Date: October
4, 2012. Time: 1:30pm. Dept: PC-2
Address of court: SUPERIOR COURT OF
1409 Fourth Avenue, San Diego, CA
92101. Madge Bradley Building - Probate
If you object to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and
state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your
appearance may be in person or by your
If you are a creditor or a contingent
creditor of the decedent, you must file
your claim with the court and mail a copy
to the personal representative appointed
by the court within four months from the
date of first issuance of letters as provided
in Probate Code section 9100. The time
for filling claims will not expire before four
months from the hearing date notice above.
You may examine the file kept by the
court. If you are a person interested in the
estate, you may file with the court a Request for Special Notice (form DE-154) of
the filing of an inventory and appraisal of
estate assets or of any petition or account
as provided in Probate Code section 1250.
A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk.
Attorney for petitioner: Hilary J. Vrem, Esq.,
BOLANDER LAW GROUP, 1941 Friendship Drive, Ste. F, El Cajon, CA 92020.
Tel. (619)-696-0667.
To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may
otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both of: PAUL G. SMITH
A Petition for Probate has been filed by:
LINDA GERIANN CAUSEY in the Superior Court of California, County of San Di- Published: Aug. 31, Sept. 7,14,21/2012
La Prensa San Diego
¡Anúnciate en
La Prensa San Diego!
Fax: 619-425-7402
* Fictitious Business
Name: $25.00
* Change of Name:
AUGUST 31, 2012
~ ~ ~ CLASSIFIEDS ~ (619) 425-7400 ~ LEGALS ~ FAX ~ (619) 425-7402 ~ ~ ~
Fictitious Business Name:
GREENFLOW, 2220 C Street #208, San
Diego, CA 92102. Mailing Address: P.O.
Box 120399 Chula Vista, CA 91912
This Business is Conducted By: A Corporation. The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Diaz International Inc.,
2220 C Street #208, San Diego, CA
92102 State of Incorporation: California
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Javier Diaz
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County JUL 20, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-019557
Published: Aug 10, 17, 24, 31/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name: GLORIA’S
Brightwood Ave, Chula Vista, CA
County of San Diego 91910
This Business is Conducted By: An Individual. The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Gloria L. Vasquez, 709
Brightwood Ave, Chula Vista, CA 91910
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Gloria L. Vasquez
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County AUG 8, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-021191
Published: Aug 10, 17, 24, 31/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name: THE
THOUGHTFUL THIMBLE, 508 Casselman St., #A, Chulla Vista, CA, County of
San Diego, 91910
This Business is Conducted By: An Individual. The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Theresa L. Torres, 508
Casselman St, #A, Chula Vista, CA,
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Theresa L. Torres
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County AUG 8, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-021219
Published: Aug 10, 17, 24, 31/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name: EYE
CANDY OF LA JOLLA, 7856 Girard Ave,
La Jolla, CA County of San Diego, 92037.
Mailing Address: 651 Palomar St., Suite
A17, Chula Vista, CA 91911
This Business is Conducted By: A Corporation. The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Henry, Inc., 651 Palomar
St Suite A17, Chula Vista, CA 91911.
State of Incorporation: California
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Enrique Metta,
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County AUG 6, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-021018
Published: Aug 10, 17, 24, 31/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name: COLDWELL
BANKER WEST, 2300 Boswell Rd.,
#100, Chula Vista, CA County of San Diego, 91914
This Business is Conducted By: An Individual. The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Armida Martin Del Campo,
677 “G” St #123, Chula Vista, CA 91910
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Armida Martin Del
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County AUG 6, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-021066
Published: Aug 10, 17, 24, 31/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name: SUNSHINE
REALITY, 677 “G” St #123, Chula Vista,
CA 91910
This Business is Conducted By: An Individual. The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Armida Martin Del Campo,
677 “G” St #123, Chula Vista, CA 91910
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Armida Martin Del
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County AUG 6, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-021068
Published: Aug 10, 17, 24, 31/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name: XOOK, 2421
Crooked Trail Rd., Chula Vista, CA,
County of San Diego, 91914
This Business is Conducted By: A Corporation. The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: XOOK, 2421 Crooked
Trail Rd., Chula Vista, CA, 91914 State
of Incorporation: California
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Gina M.
Blachard, Vice President
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County AUG 9, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-021325
Published: Aug 10, 17, 24, 31/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-021466
Published: Aug 17, 24, 31, Sept 7/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name: DISCOUNT
PRICES, 29 Oxford St, Chula Vista, CA,
County of San Diego, 91911
This Business is Conducted By: An
Indvidual. The First Day of Business
Was: N/A
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Monette Desmond, 29
Oxford St., Chula Vista, CA 91911
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Monette Desmond
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County AUG 9, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-021309
Published: Aug 10, 17, 24, 31/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name: BILLIARDS
INTERNATIONAL, 877 Island Avenue
#907, San Diego, CA, County of San Diego, 92101
This Business is Conducted By: Husband and Wife. The First Day of Business Was: 01/01/2012
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: #1 Gregg B. Hovey, 877
Island Avenue #907, San Diego, CA
92101. #2 Mary Leslie Hovey, 877 Island
Avenue #907, San Diego, CA 92101
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Gregg B. Hovey
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County AUG 6, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-021032
Published: Aug 10, 17, 24, 31/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name: NUTRIFOOD, 970 Broadway #110, Chula Vista,
CA San Diego County, 92111
This Business is Conducted By: An Individual. The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Gloria Gonzalez, 1555
Satellite Bld #66, San Diego, CA 92154
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Gloria Gonzalez
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County AUG 13, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-021590
Published: Aug 17, 24, 31, Sept 7/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name: TWENTY
FOUR SEVEN MOVING AND STORAGE, 2184 Gill Village Way Apt 505,
San Diego, CA, San Diego County,
This Business is Conducted By: An Individual. The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Aliaksei Maskaliou, 2184
Gill Village Way, Apt 505, San Diego, CA
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Aliaksei
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County AUG 1, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-020686
Published: Aug 17, 24, 31, Sept 7/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name: BETTER
HERITAGE PROPERTIES, 2675 Windmill View Rd., El Cajon, San Diego
County, 92020
This Business is Conducted By: An Individual. The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Alan M. Goldbarg, 2675
Windmill View Rd., El Cajon, CA 92020
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Alan M. Goldbarg
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County AUG 08, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-021281
Published: Aug 17, 24, 31, Sept 7/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name: LOGICAAZ,
2475 Paseo De Las Americas #1055,
San Diego, CA, San Diego County,
This Business is Conducted By: An Individual. The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Beatriz Perez, 198 Anita
St., Apt B, Chula Vista, CA 91911
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Beatriz Perez
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County AUG 10, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-021462
Published: Aug 17, 24, 31, Sept 7/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name: SAN DIEGO
Dawson Dr., Chula Vista, CA, San Diego
County 91911
This Business is Conducted By: A General Partnership. The First Day of Business Was: 08/10/2012
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: 1. Arthur S. Paclibar,
2192 Caminito Ridaldo #123, Chula
Vista, CA 91915 2. Shella V. Pante, 1319
Dawson Dr., Chula Vista, CA 91911
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Shella V. Pante
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County AUG 10, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name: LITTLE
SUGUR PLUM, 4433 Berting St., San Diego, CA, San Diego County, 92115
This Business is Conducted By: A General Partnership. The First Day of Business Was: 05/18/2006
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: 1. Julie Perez Rasco,
4433 Berting Street, San Diego, CA
92115. 2. Gil A. Perez, 2625 W. Hamilton
Ave., El Centro, CA 92243
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Julie Perez-Rasco
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County AUG 10, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-019414
Published: Aug 17, 24, 31, Sept 7/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name: THE
3rd Ave #204, Chula Vista, CA, San Diego County, 91910. Mailing Address: PO
Box 2055 Bonita, CA 91908
This Business is Conducted By: An Individual. The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: RENE LUMABAN 45 3rd
Ave 3204, Chula Vista, CA 91910
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Rene Lumaban
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County AUG 9, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-021431
Published: Aug 17, 24, 31, Sept 7/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name: SAN DIEGO
LETTERJACKETS, 4885 Ronson Ct - B,
San Diego, CA, San Diego County, 92111
This Business is Conducted By: An Individual The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: SUSAN REYES 4885
Ronson Ct - B, San Diego, CA 92111
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Susan Reyes,
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County JULY 17, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-019200
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County JULY 19, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-019534
Published: Aug 17, 24, 31, Sept 7/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name: PHPLAWYER,
4960 Concho Pl., Oceanside, CA, San
Diego County, 92057.
This Business is Conducted By: A Corporation. The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: SCOOMPY INC., 4960
Concho Pl., Oceanside, CA 92057, California
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Ciprian Oltean,
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County AUG 16, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-021987
Published: Aug 24, 31, Sept 7, 14/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name: AMERICA
2348 Westwood St., San Diego, CA, San
Diego County, 92139
This Business is Conducted By: An Individual. The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Pascual Vargas, 2348
Westwood St., San Diego, CA 92139
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Pascual Vargas
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County AUG 16, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-021954
Published: Aug 24, 31, Sept 7, 14/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name: TAPATIO
PICANTE EXPORTS, 1255 Aguirre Dr.,
Chula Vista, CA, San Diego County,
This Business is Conducted By: Joint
Venture. The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: 1. Hans-PeterFabian
Wallen, 3665 Ash St., #10, San Diego,
CA 92105. 2. Vincent Jimenez, 1255
Aguirre Dr., Chula Vista, CA 91910
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Hans-Peter
Fabian Wallen
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County AUG 20, 2012
Published: Aug 17, 24, 31, Sept 7/2012 The filing of this statement does not of
La Prensa San Diego
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Fictitious Business Name: a. CLUB Assigned File No.: 2012-022227
CATALINA b. BBW CLUB CATALINA, Published: Aug 24, 31, Sept 7, 14/2012
1045 Fourth Avenue, #9, Chula Vista, La Prensa San Diego
CA, San Diego County, 91911. Mailing
Address: PO Box 1227 Escondido, CA
This Business is Conducted By: An Individual. The First Day of Business Was: Fictitious Business Name: SHIRLEYS
KITCHEN, 7118 University Ave., La
This Business Is Hereby Registered by Mesa, CA, San Diego County, 91942
the Following: KATHERINE HERNANDEZ, This Business is Conducted By: Hus1045 Fourth Avenue #9, Chula Vista, CA band and Wife. The First Day of Business Was: 6/1/03
I declare that all information in this state- This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: 1. Agustin Zaragoza, 575
ment is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Katherine Otis St., Chula Vista, CA 91910. 2. Estela
Zaragoza, 575 Otis St., Chula Vista, CA
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest 91910
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
of San Diego County AUG 15, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of Signature of Registrant: Agustin Zaragoza
itself authorize the use in this state of This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
Fictitious Business Name in violation of J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
the rights of another under federal, state, of San Diego County AUG 20, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
or common law.
itself authorize the use in this state of
Assigned File No.: 2012-019905
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
Published: Aug 17, 24, 31, Sept 7/2012 the rights of another under federal, state,
La Prensa San Diego
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-022176
Fictitious Business Name: CUBE COMPUTER SERVICES, 2170 Coronado Ave.,
San Diego, San Diego County, 92154.
Mailing Address: 591 Telegraph Canyon
Rd. #101, Chula Vista, CA 91910
This Business is Conducted By: An Individual. The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Eleazar Cuba, 410
Westby St., Chula Vista, CA 91910
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Eleazar Cuba
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County JULY 17, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-019237
Published: Aug 24, 31, Sept 7, 14/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name: a. ALLAN
Street, Unit 108, Chula Vista, CA, San
Diego County, 91911. Mailing Address:
3451 Main Street, Unit 108, Chula Vista,
CA 91911
This Business is Conducted By: A Corporation. The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: D’Style, Inc., a California
Corporation, 3451 Main Street, Unit 108,
Chula Vista, CA 91911
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Roberto Besgum,
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
Published: Aug 17, 24, 31, Sept 7/2012 of San Diego County AUG 14, 2012
La Prensa San Diego
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
Fictitious Business Name: IGLESIA or common law.
CRISTIANA PALABRA EN ACCION, Assigned File No.: 2012-021818
4106 Swift Ave, San Diego, San Diego Published: Aug 24, 31, Sept 7, 14/2012
County, 92104. Mailing Address: 12734 La Prensa San Diego
Briarcrest Pl., #8, San Diego, CA 92131
This Business is Conducted By: An InFICTITIOUS BUSINESS
dividual. The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by Fictitious Business Name: MRS BRAIN
the Following: William Jhandi, 12734 FREEZE ICE CREAM, 1037 Harding AvBriarcrest Pl., #8, San Diego, CA 92130 enue, National City, CA, San Diego
I declare that all information in this state- County, 91950
This Business is Conducted By: An Inment is true and correct.
dividual. The First Day of Business Was:
Signature of Registrant: William Jhandi
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest 07/01/12
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Maria M Palafox, 3606
of San Diego County AUG 6, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of Del Sol Blvd. Apt. B, San Diego, CA
itself authorize the use in this state of 92154
Fictitious Business Name in violation of I declare that all information in this statethe rights of another under federal, state, ment is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Maria M Palafox
or common law.
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
Assigned File No.: 2012-021026
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
Published: Aug 17, 24, 31, Sept 7/2012 of San Diego County JUL 30, 2012
La Prensa San Diego
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
Fictitious Business Name: a. CALIFOR- or common law.
NIA ROOTER SERVICES b. CRS Assigned File No.: 2012-020340
PLUMBING, 3063 Crela St., Bonita, CA., Published: Aug 24, 31, Sept 7, 14/2012
San Diego County, 91902
La Prensa San Diego
This Business is Conducted By: An Individual The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Jesse Perez, 3063 Crela
St., Bonita, CA 91902
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Jesse Perez
Fictitious Business Name: a. COASTAL
PROPERTY RENTAL, 825 Bowsprit Rd.,
Chula Vista, CA, San Diego County,
91914. Mailing Address: 825 Bowsprit
Rd., Chula Vista, CA 91914
This Business is Conducted By: A Corporation. The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Coastal Property Group,
Inc., 825 Bowsprit Rd., Chula Vista, CA
91914, California
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Hector M Zamaro,
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County AUG 21, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-022359
Published: Aug 24, 31, Sept 7, 14/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name: MUY
CALIENTE EXPORTS, 1255 Aguirre Dr.,
Chula Vista, CA, San Diego County,
This Business is Conducted By: An Individual. The First Day of Business Was:
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Vincent Jimenez, 1255
Aguirre Dr., Chula Vista, CA 91910
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Vincent Jimenez
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County AUG 23, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-022529
ment is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Rafael Larraenza
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County AUG 28, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-022986
Published: Aug 31, Sept 7, 14, 21/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name: a. RELAX
Broadway - Suite 1030, Chula Vista,
CA, San Diego County, 91910
This Business is Conducted By: An Individual
The First Day of Business Was: N/A
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Nathan O’Hara, 1773
Tiesa Lane, Oxnard, CA 93030
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Nathan O’Hara
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County AUG 01, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-020589
Published: Aug 31, Sept 7, 14, 21/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Fictitious Business Name: ALPHA TV
REPAIR, 2433 E. Plaza Blvd., National
City, CA, San Diego County, 91950,
Mailing Address: Same
This Business is Conducted By: An Individual
The First Day of Business Was: N/A
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Elmer Dominguez, 2433
E. Plaza Blvd., National City, CA 91950
I declare that all information in this statePublished: Aug 24, 31, Sept 7, 14/2012 ment is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Elmer Dominguez
La Prensa San Diego
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County AUG 27, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name: CALLIN
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
Breeze Dr., Spring Valley, CA, San
or common law.
Diego County, 91977
This Business is Conducted By: An In- Assigned File No.: 2012-022866
dividual. The First Day of Business Was: Published: Aug 31, Sept 7, 14, 21/2012
La Prensa San Diego
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Javier Melo, 10445 Lake
Breeze Dr., Spring Valley, CA 91977
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Fictitious Business Name: SAHARA
Signature of Registrant: Javier Melo
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest Jamacha Rd. #116, El Cajon, CA, San
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk Diego County, 92019
of San Diego County AUG 23, 2012
This Business is Conducted By: A CorThe filing of this statement does not of poration
itself authorize the use in this state of The First Day of Business Was: N/A
Fictitious Business Name in violation of This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the rights of another under federal, state, the Following: Sahara Taste of Middle
or common law.
East Inc., 2990 Jamacha Rd. #116, El
Assigned File No.: 2012-022637
Cajon, CA 92019, California
Published: Aug 31, Sept 7, 14, 21/2012 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
La Prensa San Diego
Signature of Registrant: Joe Salem, CEO
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County AUG 27, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
Fictitious Business Name: VERTICE
itself authorize the use in this state of
DISEÑO, 1956 Caminito Alcala, Chula
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
Vista, CA, San Diego County, 91913
This Business is Conducted By: An In- the rights of another under federal, state,
dividual. The First Day of Business Was: or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-022833
This Business Is Hereby Registered by Published: Aug 31, Sept 7, 14, 21/2012
the Following: Victor Guillermo Saldaña La Prensa San Diego
Tapia, 1956 Caminito Alcala, Chula
Vista, CA 91913
I declare that all information in this stateNAME STATEMENT
ment is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Victor G. Saldana Fictitious Business Name: KRISP
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest 7th Ave., San Diego, CA, San Diego
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk County, 92101
of San Diego County AUG 22, 2012
This Business is Conducted By: A CorThe filing of this statement does not of poration
itself authorize the use in this state of The First Day of Business Was: N/A
Fictitious Business Name in violation of This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the rights of another under federal, state, the Following: Super Jr., Inc., 1036 7th
or common law.
Ave., San Diego, CA 92101, California
Assigned File No.: 2012-022481
I declare that all information in this statePublished: Aug 31, Sept 7, 14, 21/2012 ment is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Kamul Mikhail,
La Prensa San Diego
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County AUG 27, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
Fictitious Business Name:
itself authorize the use in this state of
AMARKETING, 819 Anchorage Place
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
Suite 24, Chula Vista, CA, San Diego
the rights of another under federal, state,
County, 91914
This Business is Conducted By: An In- or common law.
dividual. The First Day of Business Was: Assigned File No.: 2012-022834
Published: Aug 31, Sept 7, 14, 21/2012
This Business Is Hereby Registered by La Prensa San Diego
the Following: Angela A. Quintero, 819
Anchorage Place Suite 24, Chula Vista,
CA 91914
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Fictitious Business Name: J & N
Signature of Registrant: Angela A. CLEANING SERVICES, 1441 Elder
Ave. Apt. A, San Diego, CA, San Diego
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest County, 92154
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk This Business is Conducted By: An Inof San Diego County AUG 06, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of The First Day of Business Was: N/A
itself authorize the use in this state of This Business Is Hereby Registered by
Fictitious Business Name in violation of the Following: Jose Castro, 1441 Elder
the rights of another under federal, state, Ave. Apt. A, San Diego, CA 92154
or common law.
I declare that all information in this stateAssigned File No.: 2012-020996
ment is true and correct.
Published: Aug 31, Sept 7, 14, 21/2012 Signature of Registrant: Jose Castro
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
La Prensa San Diego
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County AUG 23, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name: ALL STAR Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
TILE, 1678 Donax Ave., San Diego,
or common law.
CA, San Diego County, 92154
This Business is Conducted By: An In- Assigned File No.: 2012-022519
dividual. The First Day of Business Was: Published: Aug 31, Sept 7, 14, 21/2012
La Prensa San Diego
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Albert Ramirez, 1678
Donax Ave., San Diego, CA 92154
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Fictitious Business Name: HEALTHY
Signature of Registrant: Albert Ramirez
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest Cajon Blvd., La Mesa, CA, San Diego
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk County, 91942. Mailing Address: P.O.
of San Diego County AUG 01, 2012
Box 13311, San Diego, CA 92170
The filing of this statement does not of This Business is Conducted By: An Initself authorize the use in this state of dividual
Fictitious Business Name in violation of The First Day of Business Was: N/A
the rights of another under federal, state, This Business Is Hereby Registered by
or common law.
the Following: Daniel Villeda, 3242½
Assigned File No.: 2012-020665
Ocean View Blvd., San Diego, CA 92113
Published: Aug 31, Sept 7, 14, 21/2012 I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
La Prensa San Diego
Signature of Registrant: Daniel Villeda
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County AUG 09, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
Fictitious Business Name: ANGELES
DEL DESIERTO FUNDACION DE SAN itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
DIEGO, 4460 Mississippi Apt. 1, San
the rights of another under federal, state,
Diego, CA, San Diego County, 92116.
or common law.
Mailing Address: 4460 Mississippi St.
Assigned File No.: 2012-021345
Apt. 1, San Diego, CA 92116
This Business is Conducted By: Co- Published: Aug 31, Sept 7, 14, 21/2012
La Prensa San Diego
The First Day of Business Was: 01/01/
This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: 1. Rafael Larraenza
Hernandez, 4460 Mississippi St. Apt. 1, Fictitious Business Name: FAST
San Diego, CA 92116. 2. Monica JANITORIAL SERVICE, 763 North Fox
Larraenza Bedolla, 760 Saratoga Av. Unit Run Pl., Chula Vista, CA, San Diego
2-103, San Jose, CA 95124. 3. Laura County, 91914. Mailing Address: Same
Ramos Larraenza, 4460 Mississippi St. as above
Apt. 1, San Diego, CA 92116. 4. Liz This Business is Conducted By: An InLarraenza Alpizar, 4460 Mississippi St. dividual
Apt. 1, San Diego, CA 92116
The First Day of Business Was: N/A
I declare that all information in this state- This Business Is Hereby Registered by
the Following: Graciela Quintero, 763
North Fox Run Pl., Chula Vista, CA
I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Graciela Quintero
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County AUG 29, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-023107
Fictitious Business Name:
a. LITTLE SUGAR PLUM, 4433 Berting
St., San Diego, CA, San Diego County,
The Fictitious Business Name Referred
to Above Was Filed in San Diego County
On: 05/18/2006, and assigned File No:
Is (Are) Abandoned by the Following
Published: Aug 31, Sept 7, 14, 21/2012 Registrant(s): 1. Julie Rasco, 4433
Berting Street, San Diego, CA 92115. 2.
La Prensa San Diego
Victoria M. Mitchell, 10864 Caminito
Colorado, San Diego, CA 92131. 3.
Brandi Ortiz, 1902 Golden Circle Drive,
Escondido, CA 92026
Fictitious Business Name: ALTO
I declare that all information in this statePRESTIGIO, 1151 Fourth Ave. #1108,
ment is true and correct.
Chula Vista, CA, San Diego County,
Signature of Registrant: Julie Rasco
This Business is Conducted By: An In- This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder/County Clerk
The First Day of Business Was: 1/1/2012 of San Diego County JUL 18, 2012
This Business Is Hereby Registered by Assigned File No.: 2012-019416
the Following: Alfredo Madrigal, 1151
Fourth Ave. 1108, Chula Vista, CA 91911 Published: 8/17,24, 31, Sept. 7/2012
I declare that all information in this state- La Prensa San Diego
ment is true and correct.
Signature of Registrant: Alfredo Madrigal
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr. Recorder/County Clerk
of San Diego County AUG 14, 2012
The filing of this statement does not of
itself authorize the use in this state of
Fictitious Business Name in violation of
the rights of another under federal, state,
or common law.
Assigned File No.: 2012-021745
Published: Aug 31, Sept 7, 14, 21/2012
La Prensa San Diego
FROM PARENTAL CUSTODY through 10, inclusive.
NOTICE! You have been sued. The court
may decide against you without your being heard unless you respond within 30
In the Matter of: DAILLANA PAMELA
days. Read the information below.
You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS after
this summons and legal papers are
on you to file a written response
You are advised that you are required to
appear in the Superior Court of the State at this court and have a copy served on
of California, County of San Diego, in De- the plaintiff. A letter or phone call will not
partment ONE at the Superior Court of protect you. Your written response must
California, County of San Diego, Central be in proper legal form if you want the
Division, Juvenile Court, 2851 Meadow court to hear your case. There may be a
Lark, San Diego CA 92123, on OCT 12, court form that you can use for your re2012, at 9:00 a.m., to show cause, if you sponse. You can find these court forms
have any, why DAILLANA PAMELA and more information at the California
VERGARA PRECIADO, DOB 10/21/ Courts Online Self-Help Center
2005, and KENIA VERGARA PRECIADO, ( help), your county
DOB 10/02/2003, minors should not be law library, or the courthouse nearest you.
declared free from parental custody and If you cannot pay the filing fee, ask the
control (*for the purpose of placement for court clerk for a fee waiver form. If you
do not file your response on time, you
adoption) as requested in the petition.
You are advised that if the parent(s) are may lose the case by default, and your
present at the time and place above wages, money, and property may be
stated the judge will read the petition taken without further warning from the
and, if requested, may explain the effect court.
There are other legal requirements.
of the granting of the petition and, if requested, the judge shall explain any You may want to call an attorney right
term or allegation contained therein and away. If you do not know an attorney, you
the nature of the proceeding, its proce- may want to call an attorney referral serdures and possible consequences and vice. If you cannot afford an attorney, you
may continue the matter for not more than may be eligible for free legal services
30 days for the appointment of counsel from a nonprofit legal services program.
You can locate these nonprofit groups at
or to give counsel time to prepare.
The court may appoint counsel to repre- the California Legal Services Web site
sent the minor whether or not the minor (, the Califoris able to afford counsel. If any parent nia Courts Online Self-Help Center
appears and is unable to afford counsel, (, or by
the court shall appoint counsel to repre- contacting your local court or county bar
sent each parent who appears unless association. NOTE: The Court has a
such representation is knowingly and in- statutory lien for waived feed and costs
on any settlement or arbitration award of
telligently waived.
If you wish to seek the advice of an $10,000 or more in a civil case. The
attorney in this matter, you should court’s lien must be paid before the court
do so promptly so that your plead- will dismiss the case.
¡AVISO! Lo han demandado. Si no resing, if any, may be filed on time.
ponde dentro de 30 días, la corte puede
Date: AUG 01, 2012
decidir en su contra sin escuchar su
versión. Lea la información a continuaBy GLORIA MONARREZ, Deputy
Clerk of the Superior Court
Published: 8/10, 17, 24, 31/2012
después de que le entreguen esta
La Prensa San Diego
citación y papeles legales para presentar
una respuesta por escrito en esta corte
CITATION FOR FREEDOM y hacer que se entregue una copia al
demandante. Una carta o llamada
CUSTODY AND CONTROL telefónica no lo protegen. Su respuesta
por escrito tiene que estar en formato leCASE NUMBER: A 58438
gal correcto si desea que procesen su
In the Matter of: JORGE ZACHERY caso en la corte. Es posible que haya un
formulario que usted puede usar para su
Date of Birth: 05-09-2009
respuesta. Puede encontrar estos
formularios de la corte y más información
You are advised that you are required to en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de
appear in the Superior Court of the State California (, en la
of California, County of San Diego, in De- biblioteca de leyes de su condado o en
partment ONE at the Superior Court of la corte que le quede más cerca. Si no
California, County of San Diego, Central puede pagar la cuota de presentación,
Division, Juvenile Court, 2851 Meadow pida al secretario de la corte que le dé
Lark, San Diego, CA 92123, on OCT 26, un formulario de exención de cuotas. Si
2012, at 9:00 a.m., to show cause, if you no presenta su respuesta a tiempo,
have any, why JORGE ZACHERY puede perder el caso por incumplimiento
ARELLANO GEMMILL minor should not y la corte le podrá quitar su sueldo,
be declared free from parental custody dinero y bienes sin más advertencia.
Hay otros requisitos legales. Es
and control (*for the purpose of placement
for adoption) as requested in the petition. recomendable que llame a un abogado
*Strike this portion if not applicable. inmediatamente. Si no conoce a un
You are advised that if the parent(s) are abogado, puede llamar a un servicio de
present at the time and place above remisión a abogados. Si no puede pagar
stated the judge will read the petition a un abogado, es posible que cumpla
and, if requested, may explain the effect con los requisitos para obtener servicios
of the granting of the petition and, if re- legales gratuitos de un programa de
quested, the judge shall explain any servicios legales sin fines de lucro.
term or allegation contained therein and Puede encontrar estos grupos sin fines
the nature of the proceeding, its proce- de lucro en el sitio web de California Ledures and possible consequences and gal Services, (www.lawhelpcalifornia.
may continue the matter for not more than org) en el Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes
30 days for the appointment of counsel de California ( o
poniéndose en contacto con la corte o el
or to give counsel time to prepare.
The court may appoint counsel to repre- colegio de abogados locales. AVISO: Por
sent the minor whether or not the minor ley, la corte tiene derecho a reclamar las
is able to afford counsel. If any parent cuotas y los costos exentos por imponer
appears and is unable to afford counsel, un gravamen sobre cualquier recuthe court shall appoint counsel to repre- peración de $10,000 ó más de valor
sent each parent who appears unless recibida mediante un acuerdo o una
such representation is knowingly and in- concesión de arbitraje en un caso de
derecho civil. Tiene que pagar el gravatelligently waived.
If you wish to seek the advice of an men de la corte antes de que la corte
attorney in this matter, you should pueda desechar el caso.
do so promptly so that your plead- The name and address of the court is (El
ing, if any, may be filed on time.
nombre y dirección de la corte son): SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA,
Date: AUG 28, 2012
By K. CMHAY, Deputy
Division, 325 S. Melrose Drive, Suite
Clerk of the Superior Court
1000, Vista, CA 92081
Published: Aug 31, Sept 7, 14, 21/2012 2. The name, address, and telephone
La Prensa San Diego
number of plaintiff;s attorney, or plaintiff
without an attorney, is: (El nombre, la
dirección y el número de teléfono del
abogado del demandante, o del demanFICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME dante que no tiene abogado, es): CRAIG
Diego, CA 92111
DATE (Fecha): FEB 22, 2012
Clerk, by (Secretario, por) T. BUTACAN,
Deputy (Adjunto)
Fictitious Business Name: NEW
You are served as
7710 Balboa Ave. #326, San Diego, CA, LA ENTREGA: Esta entrega se realiza:
County of San Diego, 92111, Mailing
as an individual defendant (a usted como
Address: 7710 Balboa Ave. #326, San individuo demandado)
Diego, CA 92111
The Fictitious Business Name Referred Published: Aug 24, 31, Sept. 7, 14/2012
to Above Was Filed in San Diego County La Prensa San Diego
On: Aug/15/2011, and assigned File No:
Is (Are) Abandoned by the Following
Richland Realty & Inv., 7710 Balboa Ave.
#326, San Diego, CA 92111, California
I declare that all information in this state¡Anúnciate en
ment is true and correct.
San Diego!
Signature of Registrant: Jee Hee Oh,
This Statement Was Filed With Ernest
J. Dronenburg, Jr., Recorder/County Clerk Fictitious Business Name:
of San Diego County AUG 27, 2012
Assigned File No.: 2012-022869
Published: Aug. 31, Sept. 7,14,21/2012
La Prensa San Diego
Change of Name: $50.00
AUGUST 31, 2012
Tips to make a game day party
fun for everyone
ame day is no time
to be sidelined in
the kitchen. Do a
little pre-game
planning so you can spend less
time cooking and more time
cheering on the home team.
Keep it simple — Instead of
taking up space with a lot of
dishes to hold condiments, use
muffin pans. Each well in the
pans can hold a different topping
for your burgers, hot dogs or
chili. Put a spoon in each for
easy dipping. It’s simple, fun,
and you’ll have fewer post-game
dishes to wash.
Set up a dipping station —
Have a selection of salsas and
guac available so everyone can
have their favorite. From Wholly
Salsa’s classics to the new red
pepper mango or roasted tomato
varieties, fans can find a salsa to
cheer about. And for guacamole
lovers, try Wholly Guacamole’s
all-natural, gluten free varieties.
In addition to chips, set out some
of these tasty dippers:
Bell pepper slices
Baked mozzarella sticks
Pita chips
Bagel chips
Jicama sticks
Mini rice cakes
Make sure you have enough —
Don’t disappoint guests by running out of munchies or drinks.
Here’s how to figure out how
much you need to prepare:
If you’re having 8 to 10
guests, figure on three
different appetizers. For
up to 16 guests, plan four
or five appetizers.
For non-alcoholic drinks,
plan on two 16-ounce cups
per person. Plan on about
two glasses of wine or three
beers per person.
To have enough ice for
drinks, as well as to keep
drinks cold in a cooler, get
about a pound and a half
of ice per person.
These game day recipes will score big with the crowd at your house. You can find more delicious ways to
homegate at
Homegating Snackers
Guacamole Chicken Taquitos
Yield: 10 to 12
1 tube pre-made pizza crust (thin)
1 7-ounce package Wholly Guacamole dip
1 red bell pepper cut into small strips
Roll out uncooked pizza dough on counter.
Use football or other shaped cookie cutter to
cut pizza dough and place on cookie sheet sprayed
lightly with oil.
Cook dough according to packaging instructions.
Allow to thoroughly cool.
When cool, spread with guacamole and use
cheese shreds and pepper to create football laces
and markings.
Optional: Plate on a bed of shredded lettuce,
and use sour cream to create field yard lines.
Yield: 28 taquitos
1 orange, juiced
1 lime, juiced
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
2 teaspoons chili powder
1 teaspoon ground cumin
6 tablespoons canola oil, divided
8 boneless skinless chicken thighs
1/3 cup minced yellow onion
2 tablespoons cilantro, minced
1 7-ounce package Wholly Guacamole
28 corn tortillas
Mix together orange juice, lime juice, salt,
pepper, chili powder, cumin and 3 tablespoons
Add to chicken and marinate for 20 to
30 minutes.
Heat remaining canola oil over medium
high heat.
Remove chicken from marinade. Reserve
marinade for later.
Cook chicken for 3 minutes on one side.
Flip over and cook for another 3 minutes.
Add reserved marinade, turn heat to low,
and allow to simmer for 20 minutes.
Uncover, and continue cooking for 5 minutes.
Remove from heat and cool for 15 minutes.
Shred chicken into a separate pan. Coat with
a little of the reduced sauce — don’t use all of
it or the taquitos will be oily.
Mix chicken with guacamole, cilantro
and onion.
Warm tortillas, between wet paper towels,
in the microwave (about 5 at a time), or by
dipping them into a hot pan with a few tablespoons of oil.
Add about 2 tablespoons filling to each tortilla.
Roll up and skewer with a toothpick to hold it
For best results, prepare deep fryer according
to manufacturer’s instructions, and fry in batches
for 2 minutes. When all taquitos have been fried,
warm them up in a 350°F oven for 10 minutes.
Avocado Cream Cheese Dip
Serves: 6
1 8-ounce package cream cheese
1 7-ounce package Wholly Guacamole
3/4 teaspoon salt, divided
1 lime, juiced
1 tablespoon cilantro, minced
1/2 teaspoon chili powder
2 cups sour cream
3 tablespoons chipotle peppers in
adobo sauce, pureed
1 cup 3-cheese blend shredded cheese
1/2 cup green onion, sliced
3/4 cup Roma tomatoes, cored, seeded
and diced
Allow cream cheese to soften and warm to room
temperature, about 30 minutes.
Whip cream cheese at medium speed for 3 minutes to fluff. Add guacamole and beat for another
Season mix with 1/4 teaspoon salt, half of lime
juice and cilantro.
Transfer mixture to a 9 x 9-inch pan, and dust
with chili powder.
Mix together sour cream, chipotle, 1/2 teaspoon
salt and the rest of the lime juice.
Add to pan as the second layer.
Top with cheese; garnish with green onion and