Club Med Americas Sandpiper Bay
Club Med Americas Sandpiper Bay
Club Med Americas Sandpiper Bay Sandpiper Bay – Florida October 21, 2011 Agenda Americas Strategic overview South America Overview North America From Defense to Offense HENRI GISCARD D’ESTAING Chairman and Chief Executive Officer MICHEL WOLFOVSKI Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer XAVIER MUFRAGGI Chief Executive Officer – North America JANYCK DAUDET Chief Executive Officer – Latin America 2 America in Club Med Customers: Villages: 4 main outbound countries 11 resorts in Club Med portfolio 2010 2011 US 74 82 Brazil 68 73 Canada 29 34 Argentina 13 16 (In ‘000) Sandpiper Bay 4 Tridents Cancun Yucatan 4 Tridents Ixtapa Pacific 4 Tridents Columbus Isle 4 Tridents Turk and Caicos 3 Tridents Punta Cana 4 Tridents La Caravelle 4 Tridents Les Boucaniers 4 Tridents Itaparica 3 Tridents Mexico & Others 12 13 Trancoso 4 Tridents TOTAL 196 217 Rio das Pedras 4 Tridents 3 Status post 2001 2001 2002 Number of Villages 19 14 Capacity 4 Tridents 27% 26% Customers (In ‘000) 284 233 o/w Customers 4 & 5 Tridents 20% 27% Revenues (In €m) 317 220 (34) (41) Operating Income (In €m) Survive Stop the losses Change the model 4 Strategic decision: Is there a room for Club Med in the Americas ? Club Med Threats in America post 2001 Club Med Strengths A huge potential market in all inclusive upscale family segment: USA/Brazil/Canada Product positioning not clear enough: For couples, Fun? Families? Villages not upscale enough Disparity of products Not suitable with American standards Fierce copying from competition Copy of the Club Med Concept: Super Clubs, Sandals etc… Going one step further with the allinclusive BUT Club Med offer fits with American customers Worldwide Geographical spread with international customers filling up villages in unique locations Unique experience in kids Clubs: best family experience 5 Huge shift already achieved Actions to fit Club Med Worldwide Upscale Strategy Achievements 9 villages closed + 1 opened Product repositioning to fit the market 6 villages upgraded in 4 Tridents 84% of capacity in 4 Tridents in 2010 vs Upgrading the villages Substitution of clientele to upscale 26% in 2001 70% of customers in 4 & 5 Tridents Headcount : -21% vs ‘05 in North Cost optimization Specific Actions versus America’s situation Shift from triple clientele to family/couples only America First results 64% of families vs 50% in 2001 Launching Total All Inclusive in 2005 Regain footprint with resorts in the USA Regain leadership position toward competition in the USA Sandpiper: US upscale Flagship 6 Portfolio post 2001 & actions RENOVATED UPGRADED CLOSED Villages in 2001 Permanent Premium Critical size Actions Copper Mountain 3T NO NO NO Closed in 2002: only opened in winter Crested Butte 4T NO YES NO Closed in 2006: only opened in winter Huatulco 3T NO NO YES Closed in 2001 Paradise 4T YES NO NO Closed in 2004 Playa Blanca 3T NO NO NO Closed in 2001: only opened in winter Sainte Lucie 3T YES NO NO Closed in 2001 Sonora Bay 3T NO NO YES Closed in 2001 Varadero 4T YES YES YES Closed in 2003 Mexican Villas YES NO NO Closed in 2008 Buccaneer s Creek 2T NO NO NO 48 M€ to upgrade from 2 to 4 Tridents in 2005-2006 + product repositioning : from single to family segment Cancun 3T YES NO YES 24 M€ to upgrade from 3 to 4 Tridents in 2006 -2007 + product repositioning : from single to family segment Caravelle 3T NO NO NO 20 M€ to upgrade from 3 to 4 Tridents in 2005-2006 + extension to come Ixtapa 3T YES NO YES 19 M€ to upgrade from 3 to 4 Tridents in 2007-2008 Punta Cana 3T YES NO YES 28 M€ to upgrade from 3 to 4 Tridents in 2007-2009 Sandpiper 3T YES NO YES 21 M€ to upgrade from 3 to 4 Tridents in 2010-2012 Itaparica 3T YES YES YES fits to strategy Turkoise 3T YES YES NO Room lifting in 2003 Colombus Isle 4T NO YES NO fits to strategy – renovation/extension project Rio das Pedras 4T YES YES YES Renovation started in 2010+ extension to come 7 Where are we today ? Worldwide main events 9/11 H1N1 Virus Gulf War Global financial crisis 2001 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2011 Number of Villages 19 14 14 12 12 11 11 Capacity 4 Tridents 27% 26% 29% 32% 58% 77% 84% Clients (In ‘000) 284 233 268 222 211 196 217 Clients 4 & 5 Tridents 20% 27% 32% 29% 47% 68% 86% Revenues (In €m) 317 220 203 196 181 176 196 Op. Income – Villages (34) (41) (6) (2) (6) (3) (In €m) profit Profitable in 2011 Moving to a profitable & sustainable model Huge shift already achieved 8 2011-2015 drivers: Working on Seasonality issue Seasonality in profitability Areas for improvement in Summer Operating Income Villages Reported figures in €m 23 15 12 W09 Developing Club Med Business Offer S09 (20) W10 S10 (18) W11 Launching new concept : Golf and Tennis Academies Increasing number of Europeans clients 1/3 of hotel days 9 2011-2015 Key drivers Villages capacity Opening of a 4th village in Buzios (Brazil) • • Inbound customers (Brazil/Argentina) International customers Sandpiper Bay – Phase 2 • Fully renovated as of Dec. 22, 2011 (Winter 12) Capacity Optimization • • • • • • Columbus renovation + 60 new Deluxe Condos (Winter 13) Ixtapa/Cancun 14 Villas or condos Sandpiper phase 3: 30 new deluxe rooms Boucaneers : capacity increase of 60 deluxe rooms Caravelle: capacity increase of 36 deluxe rooms Rio das Pedras: capacity increase of 22 rooms and renovation Market and pricing Market potential • • Brazil growing market Canada: A mature country to reach 60% sales contribution in 2015 Pricing initiatives • • Structural: coming from new upscale capacity and room reclassification Pricing project: reassess pricing practices to improve BV STS Mid Term Additional villages : opening of a mountain bi-seasonal village (managed) • • Europeans in summer Easy access 10 Conclusion Huge shift made in America since 2001 Coming back to profitability in this zone is only a milestone Time to be offensive Growth drivers: optimizing existing capacity, work on prices Development phase : New villages 11 South America overview Sandpiper Bay – Florida October 21, 2011 Potential Market Latin America Brazil Brazil´s population: 190 million Club Med´s clients: 73 thousand Potential clients: 2.18 million of people Argentina Argentina´s population: 40 million Club Med´s clients: 16 thousand Potential clients: 1.20 million of people Mexico Mexico´s population: 113 million Club Med´s clients: 11 thousand Potential clients: 1.76 million of people Social Classes: A+, A, B+ and B 13 Sales Distribution 2010 - 2011 Brazil 2010 40% 60% 2011 49% (direct Sales) 51% (indirect sales) Argentina Mexico 2010 29% 71% 2010 2011 69% 72% (direct sales) 31% 28% (indirect sales) 2011 32% (direct sales) 68% (indirect sales) Shop in Shop: Club Med Corners Definition: Club Med Corners inside tourism agencies Objective: Strengthen the brand / direct link with customers / increase sales 2 opened Club Med Corners : Belo Horizonte (MG) ; São Paulo (SP) 4 future projects: Campinas (SP) ; Porto Alegre (RS); Curitiba (PR); Buenos Aires (Argentina); Belo Horizonte, BH 14 Brazil: Macroeconomic indicators GDP Inflation Rate 10 25 7,5 8 20 6 4 4,2 15 2 10 0 5 -2 5,9 5,4 0 Brazil is in a very favorable economic time, with prevision of growth rate of 4%. The inflation rate is under control. The outlook for the future continues to be favorable, with high growth economy. 15 Brazil: Incoming Tourism Foreign tourists (mn) 7,2 8 7 6 5,4 5 4 3 2 0,15 0,10 1 0 Tourists Resorts Tourists BRA Brazilian Govern expects to receive over 7 million people in 2014, right after our next opening: Peró in 2013 16 Next Resort in Brazil – Buzios, Peró Club Med Pero – P&L 2013 4th Resort in Brazil Localization: Peró Beach (Cabo Frio, RJ) next to Buzios Beach 5 Km longer, larger than Copacabana Situaded in a natural reserve 4T Resort with a 5T Luxury Space Family Resort 400 apartments Opening: End of 2013 17 North America from Defense to Offense Sandpiper Bay – Florida October 21, 2011 We have been in defense mode since 9/11/2001 Surviving Repositioning Growth DEFENSE OFFENSE 9.6% +14.6M 9/11 Turkoise 13 20 Pl an 20 12 20 11 20 10 20 09 20 08 20 07 20 06 20 05 20 04 20 03 20 02 Columbus ROCV Pub 19 We have been in defense mode since 9/11/2001 Surviving Repositioning Growth DEFENSE OFFENSE 9.6% Phase 1 Surviving 2001 - 2005 - Selling Assets - Restructuring 9/11 Varadero Paradise St Lucie Huatulco Playa Blanca Sonora Bay 20 11 20 10 20 09 20 08 20 07 20 06 20 05 20 12 Columbus Crested 20 04 20 03 20 02 Copper ROCV Pub 20 We have been in defense mode since 9/11/2001 Surviving Repositioning DEFENSE Phase 1 Surviving 2001 - 2005 - Selling Assets - Restructuring Phase 2 Repositioning Upscale Family 2005 - 2010 - Resorts Portfolio Renovation - New Marketing/Sales strategy St Lucie Caravelle Buccaneers Turkoise 13 20 Pl an 20 12 20 06 20 05 Columbus 20 11 Punta Crested 20 04 20 03 20 02 Copper Sandpiper Bay Ixtapa 20 10 Sonora Bay 20 09 Playa Blanca Cancun 20 08 Huatulco 20 07 9/11 Varadero Paradise ROCV Pub 21 2005 – 2010: A defensive strategy to become sustainable Sandpiper Bay – Florida October 21, 2011 KEY DRIVER #1: renovate our Resorts to give a financial step change… * AFTER (2013) BEFORE (2009) CURRENT (2011) 3 4 4 Average # of beds 652 728 988 Capacity (in ‘000s) 192 232 361 Average price (per hotel nights) $115 $135 $137 Duration of the season 295 days 319 days 365 days REVPAB $77 $97 $83 GOP * $1.9m $6.6m $11.0m + 17% X 3.5 Gross Operating Profit GOP B-Case planned for Y13 should be closed to be achieved in Y12 New Club Med model 28.9 M$ invested in Sandpiper renovation Source: Hyperion Planning 23 … and deliver a consistent Premium Promise Global Customer Satisfaction in North American Villages +2pts vs last 3 years Sandpiper 4/5 Columbus 4.5/5 Turkoise 4/5 Ixtapa 4.5/5 Punta Cana 4.5/5 Cancun 4.5/5 Customer Feedback measurement TripAdvisor rating in September 2011 Customer Satisfaction and « Word of Mouth » effect are the heart of our Resort Renovation Strategy 24 KEY DRIVER #2: Successful positioning as upscale family oriented USA – Customer typology evolution Canada – Customer typology evolution 80% 80% 66% 70% 63% 65% 64% 64% 64% 70% 60% 56% 60% 50% 46% 48% 56% 60% 49% 47% 50% 40% 40% 30% 30% 20% 30% 29% 24% 22% 24% 23% 23% 20% 22% 30% 21% 19% 20% 19% 20% 20% 21% 44% 35% 33% 33% 37% 32% 30% 10% 15% 17% 42% 33% 33% 35% 33% 30% 31% 26% 25% 16% 16% 15% 30% 31% 27% 27% 14% 15% 14% 2009 2010 2011 YTD 24% 25% 19% 15% 53% 58% 32% 20% 20% 42% 52% 62% 59% 10% 18% 16% 0% 0% 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Families 2005 2006 Couples 2007 2008 Friends/Singles 2009 2010 2011 YTD 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Families 2005 2006 Couples 2007 2008 Friends/Singles More than 60% of upscale “Family” Customers in North America (+18 pts in the US and + 27 pts in Canada vs. 2000) Source: Enterprise Guide 25 KEY DRIVER #3: Strong shift of distribution towards direct sales and targeted Travel Agents… USA CANADA 100% 100% Total Indirect Total Direct Total Indirect 90% 90% 87% 88% Total Direct 87% 83% 80% 80% 80% 70% 70% 76% 70% 64% 59% 53% 50% 47% 64% 36% from Internet 56% 60% 50% 60% 52% 48% 65% 60% 50% 44% 41% 18% from Internet 35% 40% 40% 36% 36% 40% 30% 30% 30% 24% 20% 20% 13% 20% 10% 13% 12% 2004 2005 17% 10% 0% 0% 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Forecast 11 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Forecast 11 64% direct sales in the US vs. 47% in 2004, from 13% to 35% of direct sales in Canada in 5 years Source: Enterprise Guide 26 … which permits a main commission sales decrease and foster our Marketing Strategy digitalization 1 A cost optimization thanks to our new distribution… 2 …and a main shift in our Marketing strategy… - 5.5 M$ in Sales commissions between 2005 and - 6.6 M$ in Marketing budget between 2010 2005 and 2010 3 …with a strong reallocation in digital spending From 0 to 60% of media spending online between 2005 and 2010 27 2011-2015: Moving To Offense Sandpiper Bay – Florida October 21, 2011 The North American equation for Club Med in the next few years A Strategic Market AMN #1 market in the World (Around $16MM*) for All Inclusive vacations… … with a strong competition in the Caribbean *Source: PhoCusWright Travel Agency Distribution Landscape 29 The North American equation for Club Med in the next few years A new Customer Behavior A Strategic Market The Club Med challenges BRAND: Still not known for what it has become Premium all inclusive resorts an enormous market but that has become a commodity SEARCHED by clients through OTA / websearch AMN #1 market in the World (Around $16MM*) for All Inclusive vacations… … with a strong competition in the Caribbean BOOKED by Clients still a lot from TO after checking “Word Of Mouth” and Tripadvisor SHARE OF VOICE: too low to reverse the trend and demonstrate our difference DISTRIBUTION: Low/no visibility in TA, OTA, TO PRICE: over market competition with aggressive promotions policy *Source: PhoCusWright Travel Agency Distribution Landscape 30 RECRUITMENT LOYALTY UPSCALE STRATEGY GLOBAL TRENDS …but the structural basis are solid and opportunities exist Club Med North America is in a positive dynamic growth in Customer & BV In 2012, Club Med North America will completely achieve its upscale strategy in terms of Customers 87% of Customer will book a 4-5T Resort whereas they were 68% in 2010 (and 30% of TOP4* Customers) Within 2015, recruitment will remain key to aliment Customer Stock and ensure business with more than 60% of New Customers expected every year… …but Customer repurchase rate has increased during the last 3 years and is a key opportunity to leverage the top-line and to optimize occupancy rate * 4% of the richest Households of the country 31 Opportunity #1 - Club Med Brand, a unique history in North America and key points of differentiation vs. competitors 2 Unique World Class Sport Premium offer 30 years of Club Med “signature” in North America 1 An iconic Brand in North America for 30 years 3 Sandpiper Bay (Florida), the only All Inclusive Family Resort in North America 32 Opportunity #2 - The new world of travel marketing & distribution, a key axis to develop our Share of Voice Around 100MM searches/month 40M Visitors/month More than 600M of Members 10.6M Visitors/Month 9M Visitors/Day 15M Visitors/Day 19M Visitors/Month 10M Visitors/month The “Digital revolution” (OTA role, Social Network development) represents a strong opportunity to maximize our visibility 33 Opportunity #3 - Canada, a market with high potential for Club Med in Quebec Club Med potential in Quebec Brand Awareness Preferred Brand for vacations Current Penetration 85% 45% 9% 34% 15% 10% 21% 1% 8% 11% 4% 12% 9% 1% 5% Source: Ad hoc Research, 2011 Brand Awareness study in the Province of Quebec 34 Opportunity #4 - Our Customer Database, an asset to exploit to maximize BV and Ambassadorship 1 Our 100K North American Customers are more loyal… 2 …on who we already have a great understanding thanks to our unique Customer Database… + 2 pts of increase in repeat purchase rate between 2008 and 2011 3 …and we could benefit from a direct contact with the largest part of our Customers to increase our Customer Knowledge… More than 50% of direct distribution to personalize our relationship at each contact point with Customers 4 …including a new Social dimension thanks to the digital revolution Already 120 000 Facebook Fans in less than 6 months 35 Opportunity #5 - A new Premium Pricing Strategy to sustain growth by the Top Line Create Saturation… …Earlier in the season… …in a clear communication for the Customers… …in an international approach… • Ascending price curve implementation (Pricing Premium virtuous circle) • • Leverage a readable Promotion Strategy based on early booking reinforcement • New Pricing graphic identity Consistent Price harmonization between North American Customers expectations and European demand …to develop Business Volume • A fair, transparent and understandable Price & Promotion strategy 36 Conclusion Sandpiper Bay – Florida October 21, 2011 And today we celebrate Sandpiper Bay renovation 38 Sandpiper renovation in 8 figures $28.9M of investment… A renovation in 2 phases (Phase 1 from Sept. to Dec. 2010 and Phase 2 from Sept. to Dec 2011) +336 beds with the same number of rooms +$4.7M of GOP in 2011 vs 2010 (before renovation) +6.4K Customers in 2011 vs 2010 (including 90% of New Customers) 21 Tennis courts in the Village 1 Golf on-site and 15 others ones at less than 20 mns 39 Club Med Sandpiper Bay, first flagship of the “premium Sport” category The best of a 4 Trident Club Med Family Village… The only family all-inclusive destination in the USA, located in the Sunshine State 340 rooms, including Family and Couple Deluxe rooms Children’s programs available for ages 4 months - 17 years 2 gourmet dining options An endless array of sports and activities 3 swimming pools and a splash park for children …with a point of difference: Sport Academies World Class infrastructures • 21 Tennis Courts (clays and hard court) • 16 Golf courses 20 min with concierge • Fitness Center and L’Occitane Spa Multicultural World Class Coaches specialized in kids and juniors Program personalized for everyone • Kids to Seniors • Novice to Elite A new Spa featuring the latest treatments designed to renew the senses 40 Last figure but not the least… 100% of those tennis players were coached by our Pro in the past 41
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