Staatsweingüter Kloster Eberbach


Staatsweingüter Kloster Eberbach
Staatsweingüter Kloster Eberbach
Rheingau – VDP
Founded in 1136 by Cistercian Monks
This former monastery has a long and illustrious history in the German wine world.
It was founded in 1136 by Cistercian monks who came from Burgundy.
experienced in making wine, they planted vineyards in the surrounding Rheingau
region and soon became the largest wine producer during the Middle Ages.
Owner of the prestigious monopole vineyard Steinberg
Today the estate has the most vineyard holdings in Germany with an impressive 494
acres under vine.
It was at Kloster Eberbach from which the current Kabinett
designation was developed. The monks kept their best reserve-level wines from each
vintage in their “Cabinetkellerei.” Kloster Eberbach owns the prestigious monopole
vineyard Steinberg (Stone Mountain), which is an official Erste Lage site and
dedicated solely to top Rieslings.
Region: Rheingau (457.5 acres) / Hessische Bergstrasse (86.5 acres)
The Rheingau is a relatively small but hugely important region that lies in the
“elbow” of the Rhein, where the river takes a brief east-west jaunt on its journey
up to the North Sea. Riesling dominates here, with a little enclave of Pinot Noir
being planted around the village of Assmannshausen. The Rheingau is renowned for
promoting dry styles of Riesling, having created both the Charta and Erstes Gewächs
(First Growth) designations for top dry Rieslings (Erstes Gewächs also applies to
the top Pinot Noirs in the Rheingau). Many of their wines are sold in a blue-green
fluted bottle that is only allowable for Rheingau wines.
Estate owner:
The State of Hesse
Vineyard manager:
Stefan Seyffardt,
Managing Director:
Dieter Greiner
Acres under vine:
total 544 acres
Varietals produced:
Vineyards (Rheingau):
415.5 acres
100 % Riesling
Vineyards (Rheingau):
42 acres
100 % Pinot Noir
Vineyards in Rheingau:
Marcobrunn, Rauenthaler
Estate owner:
Quarzite and loess
Stony clayish slate, loessloam, Taunus quarzite
Weckerlingplatz 1
D-67547 Worms / Germany
Phone: +49-(0)6241-9111-0
Ralf Bengel
Sales Office
2918 Open Gate Rd
Crystal Lake, IL
60012, USA
Phone: +1-815-345-1968