2012 Annual Report Flintwood - Flintwood Disability Services Inc.


2012 Annual Report Flintwood - Flintwood Disability Services Inc.
Disability Services
Annual Report
above: Volunteer at animal holding facility
04 Presidents repor t
06 treasurers repor t
08 CEO
repor t
10 general manager repor ts
admin repor t
Human resources repor t
2012 sponsors and data
our people
Presidents report
Russell Gould
“We are continually fine tuning our short term strategic
plan, which focuses on increasing Flintwood’s profile,
building partnerships with families, the community & all
levels of Government”
“Ensuring the
organisation remains
responsive to our
This year the Management Committee has been focusing on preparing
Flintwood for the challenges to come in the next few years and ensuring
the Organisation remains responsive to our Service Users, their Families and
the Community. To achieve this we have been working on the following key
Service Users, their
Families and the
Key areas:
Strategic Plan
We are continually fine tuning
our short term strategic plan,
which focuses on increasing
Flintwood’s profile, building
partnerships with families,
the community & all levels of
Government, also ensuring
our back-end processes
support our dynamic Senior
Management team.
as possible on issues impacting
Flintwood, the majority of
members attended the NDS
“Leading the Way” seminar
earlier this year and have had
regular guest speakers present
topics of “Risk Management”,
“Changes to the OH&S Act and
our Responsibilities”, “Not for
Profit Legislations Reforms”
and “Work, Health & Safety”.
Government Funding
The NSW Government is
moving away from block
funding, to individual based
funding, as has other State
Governments. As a result of
this, our General Managers
and CEO have spent time
throughout the year with
interstate service providers
that have been through this
process and are using this
knowledge to ensure that
Flintwood are well positioned
to handle this transition.
To ensure that the committee
members are as well informed
To ensure Flintwood has
adequate facilities for
the ongoing support of
its programs and respite
services, the management
committee has been involved
with leasing new premises in
Salisbury Road Castle Hill as a
replacement for Brookhollow
Norwest, in addition land has
been purchased on Rocklea
Way, Ropes Crossing and a
builder signed to commence
the building of a new Respite
facility on this site.
In acknowledgement of the
exceptional support offered
to Flintwood by Dr Brian and
Jackie Sommerville over the
years, this new Respite facility
will be called Sommerville
Flintwood is in a strong
and healthy position and
endeavors to provide excellent
service to its Service Users
as well as those associated
with them. This would not
be possible without the
tireless dedication of the CEO,
Management Team, combined
with the support of all the
Flintwood staff. On behalf of
the Management Committee
I wish to thank everyone for
their efforts. Additionally
I wish to thank my fellow
committee members for their
dedication, commitment and
for volunteering their valuable
time for such a worthy cause.
Russell Gould
Treasurers report
Treasurer Gordon McLean
“All sites and areas of
operations have been
able to successfully
operate within
funding allocations
and budgets.”
Once again it is an honour
and a pleasure to present
the Treasurer’s Report for
Flintwood Disability Services
Inc for the financial year
The year just concluded
has seen Flintwood once
more enjoy sound growth,
expansion and the further
purchase of equipment
and necessary items for the
betterment of all Service
All sites and areas of
operations have been able to
successfully operate within
funding allocations and
budgets, and achieve goals
and objectives set for the past
Flintwood’s balance sheet
remains in a healthy position
notwithstanding the ever
increasing pressures base,
with relative cost increases
in running a service such as
A sound and stable platform
is in place for the future and
all Service Users should enjoy
the benefits associated with
this situation that has been
Much has been achieved
over the past year and all
would not have been possible
without the articulate,
astute, highly motivated
and dedicated leadership of
the CEO Jackie Romein and
as always the Management
Team and staff. On behalf of
all involved and associated
with Flintwood, a big thank
As Treasurer I have enjoyed
my role, entrusted to me,
over the past year and look
forward to the future and
continued success that I have
no doubt will occur.
Gordon McLean
2011-2012 committee
The management Committee has a strategic role and makes major decisions
on policy, long term goals, legal matters and finance, maintaining the vision of
providing a flexible service.
Russell Gould President.
Brian Conway Vice president
Gordon McLean Treasurer
Sharon Foord Secretary
Alan Bradbury Member
Sigrid Rottmann Member
Michael Maughan Member
Peter Willis Member
CEO report
CEO Jackie Romein
Flintwood remains true to our
mission and continues to strive
towards being flexible and
enhancing the lives of people
with disabilities.
We are in the process of
changing and exciting times
are ahead when we will see
many opportunities for people
with disabilities and their
support networks, make their
own choices and decisions
about their lives and personal
goals. As an Organisation
we will need to be more
responsive to working with
families to ensure the support
we provide is in line with
individual’s goals and life
aspirations. This will mean
further development for
Flintwood as an Organisation
as we work with families as
true partners.
In preparation for the coming
changes and with the aim
to provide the best possible
outcomes for people with
disabilities we have been
working on the following:
direction for Service Providers
into the future
*Updating buildings,
equipment and resources
*Sourced information from
other states about the impacts
of Individualised funding
*Network with other services
and the community to provide
new opportunities and options
*Introduction of new induction
system for all new employees
and core training modules
developed for all employees
*Development of individuals
files, information and personal
*Review of recruitment
standards to increase our
quality of employees
*Introduction of Clinical
Services as a service we provide
*Developing the leadership
skills of the Management team
*Development of administration and financial systems to
support all funding types
*Actively participated in
all new training, industry
development and taken on
all new information about the
The future looks bright for
people with a disability
and their families and I am
privileged to be a part of the
changes and directing the
future of Flintwood through
challenging times.
We welcome new families to
Flintwood this year and thank
you for choosing us as your
provider. Sadly we saw the
passing of Anna Russo, Anne
Morris, Rebecca Brewer and
Annalies Malm this year. They
are missed and our thoughts
go out to their families and
Following reports will give
finer detail on sites and
programs and you will see
pictures of our people and
faces of Flintwood. I am
proud to be associated with
a progressive and forward
thinking Organisation and
look forward to 2012 - 13 to
realize the person centred
Organisation it is. This
includes: the Board for their
vision and dedication, the
Senior Management team
for their commitment and
drive, the Management
team for their dedication
and willingness to learn, the
Employees for their constant
hard work, the Families for
their loyalty and Service Users
for their trust. Together, we
can achieve so much.
There are many contributors
to making Flintwood the
Jackie Romein
general manager
Kay McPartland
sit aspernatur
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quia consequ
rationebest Rd Day Service.
Hill, Ropes
Clinical Services,
Every year my report starts
with what a big year this
has been for Flintwood,
however this year has left
me speechless! This year has
been a year of change and
lots of planning and I am
honored to be a part of the
Management Team involved in
making decisions around these
Castle Hill Respite continues
to provide support to 73
families, 48 weeks a year; John
Bindley continues to support
his team and is learning more
and more the needs of the
Families and of the Service
Users since he started working
hands on shifts. The friendly
staff at Castle Hill continue to
communicate with Families
effectively and maintain the
positive relationships they
have built up.
Quakers Hill Respite recently
moved to Ropes Crossing
due to structural damage to
the house. This was an epic
move, but we all survived!
Thank you to everybody who
assisted on the day, it was a
long and tiring few days and
certainly couldn’t have been
done without the number
of people who volunteered
their time on the day. Ropes
Crossing provides support to
72 families, 52 weeks a year.
Leeanne Ratcliffe continues
to lead her team and pass on
her years of knowledge and
skills in the respite field to
them. Thank you to all Ropes
Crossing staff for your patience
and assistance with the move
– very much appreciated. By
next year we plan to have a
brand new, purpose built,
respite house operating in the
Ropes Crossing area. Plans
have been drawn up and are in
the process of going to council.
We have chosen a builder and
if everything goes to plan, the
new house will be operational
by February next year.
I think the biggest
achievement this year has
to be successfully providing
Flexible Respite to 90 Service
Users. Jessica Provan has
done an outstanding job
in getting this program up
and running and needs
to be recognized for her
commitment to the program
and her organisational ability,
yet flexible to meet all of the
Service Users needs. Jessica’s
skills are an asset to Flintwood
and I am very proud to have
her on the team.
Clinical Services is also a new
division of Flintwood which
is operating very well. The
small team which consists of
a Clinical Psychologist and
a Behaviour Consultant is
lead by Amanda Wood. The
team is focused on Behaviour
Management, Training and
Counseling. This is offered
internally and externally to
smaller organizations. My
vision for this division is to
grow, so that eventually
Flintwood will have its own,
well resourced Clinical team
consisting of a Psychologist, a
Behaviour Clinician, a Speech
Therapist, a Physiotherapist, an
Occupational Therapist and a
Registered Nurse.
smaller organisations.
Rd. When the Lachlan Centre
went through devolution, all
of the Service Users moved
into cluster housing in Norton
Rd. The Service Users where
then funded under Life
Choices which would enable
them to attend a Day Service.
The Service Users have been
in institutions most of their
lives and 11 of those Service
Users have chosen to attend
Flintwood during the day.
Kelli has been involved with
this transition extensively, as
again, there has been a lot of
‘behind the scenes’ work done
to ensure we have all up to
date information and to ensure
we can provide the correct
Kelli Simmons continues
to manage the day to day
operations of Best Rd and
must be congratulated for its
smooth running and effective
community inclusion for all
Service Users. Kelli has been
a huge asset in assisting with
some large projects I have
been leading. Some of the
projects are the ‘behind the
scenes’ of building a new
house; there is an extensive
amount of work involved
in this and Kelli has been
wonderful, dealing with the
Council and various agencies.
I have also been involved with
the redevelopment of Norton
A major project developed this
year is a competency based
induction system for the whole
organization. This induction
is run over 5 days and covers
HR systems, WHS, Operational
Systems, Introduction to
Challenging Behaviour,
Behaviour Management Plans,
Duty of Care, Freedom from
Abuse, Personal Development
Plans, Epilepsy, Mealtime
Management and Manual
Handling. This training has
now been running for 8
months on a 3 monthly
basis and the feedback I am
receiving is excellent.
Eight Service Users from
Respite went to the ‘Having a
Say!’ conference in Geelong
for 3 nights. The Service Users
participated in lots of events
and a great time was had by
all!! I would like to thank all
staff for their hard work to
make this trip a huge success!!
I would like to thank all of the
Management Team, inclusive
of Administration and Human
Resources for their ongoing
support on a day to day
basis. I would also like to
acknowledge Jackie Romein
at this time, for her hard work
and dedication and for making
Flintwood an organisation
which thrives and is something
to be proud of.
Finally, I would like to
acknowledge and thank all of
the staff who have worked so
hard all year, giving everything
and doing over and above
what is expected of them.
My job would not be as
pleasurable as it is without our
wonderful, professional staff.
Kay McPartland
General Manager
“the biggest achievement this year has to be successfully providing Flexible Respite to 90 Service Users.”
general manager
Gerard Connolly
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aut odit
fugsed quia
rationeto work
2012 has brought an ever
increasing number of enquiries
about Flintwood services
and in particular its Self
Managed programs, surely
proof of Families’ awareness
and their preparations for the
introduction of individualised
In late 2011 we learnt that
our current Brookhollow
Ave, Baulkham Hills site
was required by Transport
NSW for the development
and construction of State
Governments North West rail
link. This take over and the
finding of an alternative and
suitable site has demanded
the giving of considerable time
and resources from everyone
across the entire Management
Team and it has yielded a very
suitable site at Salisbury Rd,
Castle Hill.
This new site has met with
the approval of Families,
Service Users and Flintwood
Management and from here
we will continue to provide
all our current programs
and activities. There is also
additional growth potential
through the improved facilities
for both Service Users and for
training, development and
My thanks to Joanne Blume
who manages to aid the
support of the Service Users
and Families and lead the
Brookhollow team through
the transition period, Jo has
juggled these competing
systems well and has been
supported by the staff at
Brookhollow who also have my
thanks for their willingness to
support our Families.
Pennant Hills continues to
support their Families and
Service Users under the
leadership of Olessia Bella.
Olessia’s team are developing
well under her guidance, they
are close knit and supportive
of one another and this aids
the greater understanding of
the needs and wants of the
Service Users and of Flintwood.
Amanda Haines has
responsibility for running
our two most western sites
at Kingswood and Penrith.
Kingswood the larger of the
two sites has seen an increase
in Service User numbers and
general interest from the
greater western area. Penrith
has seen a few changes in staff
but Service Users continue
to enjoy a healthy range of
programs and activities.
For the majority of 2011/12
John Bindley had responsibility
for leading the Transition
to Work program with the
emphasis on rebuilding and
future planning to increase
declining numbers. The role
of General Manager has its
rewards and demands and
there are always challenges
to face. To face these I have
the support from my fellow
General Managers Lauren
Abel and Kay McPartland
whom possess a wealth
of knowledge, skills and
experiences which they freely
share with me.
Personal thanks to our
CEO, Jackie Romein, for her
continuing guidance, Jackie
ensures that we, as her
General Managers, keep the
focus on Service Users and
Families without losing sight
of the efforts of all others who
support us. Which brings me
to our tireless admin and HR
teams led by Janet Griffin and
Alicia Ferreira respectively.
Their day to day assistances
and with support from the
Management committee, keep
us all together.
Gerard Connolly
General Manager
Below: management team meeting
general manager
Lauren Abel
sit aspernatur
odit aut fugsedaccommodation
quia consequ ratione
park 55/59,aut
john/moala st
The past 12 months have
passed us by in an instant. We
have faced some incredible
challenges and obstacles that
have strengthened Flintwood
as an organisation. For me the
greatest challenge was taking
on our accommodation sites,
this was something that I had
never experienced.
Both John Street and Moala
Street staff welcomed me with
open arms and supported
each other as individual teams
to overcome the challenges
they faced. The health of
the residents has been well
supported and although
winter was cold and miserable,
they managed to enjoy their
weekends with social events
and spending quality time with
their families.
Brookvale and Billenya have
been working hard to fill the
block funded vacancies at
their sites. We have warmly
welcomed Sara Nicols as
Service Manager for both sites
and we have already seen
the physical transformation
of the sites to help improve
the quality of the services
delivered on the Northern
Beaches. The Service Users
have enjoyed a renewed
sense of community access,
retirement age appropriate
activities and new social
activities. Brookvale and
Billenya are looking forward
to the future and having all
vacancies filled, providing
more opportunities for social
connections and enjoying
their beautiful local suburbs.
Brookvale‘s highlight was
definitely the inaugural Art
show that was displayed on
site in November 2011 raising
over $4500! A massive thanks
goes out to the artists and
staff at Brookvale for putting
on such a professional and
exciting night. Members of
the community have been
engaged with Flintwood ever
since and we thank them also
for their ongoing support to
our programs.
Harris Park have openly
congratulated and welcomed
Patricia Hartlett as Service
Manager of number 55.
Patricia’s experience and ‘can
do approach’ has already made
positive impacts with the
quality of the programs being
delivered and the flexibility
given to all Service Users.
The Liberty Swing has been
the other welcome addition
to the site and provided
opportunities for Service Users
that have rarely been available.
This will continue to be a great
resource for all Flintwood sites
to use and stay connected
with each other. 59 Harris
Street has seen a change in
Service Users from those who
attended the old Mons Road
site. 59 is a heritage building
and provides’ a great sense
of calm and openess with
the large backyard to those
who love experiencing nature
at its root. New programs
have been developed with
community access as a major
Being part of the Flintwood
team has been an incredible
opportunity and I would
like to thank all the Service
Managers that I have worked
with over the past 12 months
including Jane Callaghan and
Annie Dallimer who are no
longer with Flintwood for their
support. The guidance that
I have received from Jackie
Romein, Kay McPartland and
Gerry Connolly as well as the
Management Committee has
been greatly appreciated. I
look forward to the next 12
months and the exciting
changes that Flintwood is
Lauren Abel
General Manager
“The Service Users have enjoyed a renewed sense of community
access, retirement age appropriate activities and new social activites.”
Admin report
Janet Griffin
On reflection the financial year
July 2011 to June 2012 has
thrown many challenges and
surprises to the administration
area of Flintwood.
We have been extremely lucky
to have finally employed Alicia
Ferreira in the newly created
role of Human Resources
Manager. Alicia will contribute
her report on behalf of the
Human Resources area which
now totals three employees.
Diane Ridley who has had
an integral role within
administration for the past
three years was successful in
her application for the Human
Resources Officer in July 2011,
this has left a vacancy for the
administration assistant which
although was filled temporarily
for five months remains again
Whilst Diane has managed
to work between two roles
for most of this year we have
had the assistance of Ashley
Gundalach on a casual basis
throughout the year which we
have all been most grateful for.
We would like to thank those
who subscribe to membership
of Flintwood at a cost of $11.00
including GST, we currently
have 58 full members and 6
associate members. Current
members can vote at our
Annual General Meeting (AGM)
Funds raised from membership
are put back into programs for
our Service Users.
The vehicle fleet of Flintwood
has continued to grow as
programs and services expand.
We now have 53 vehicles in
total consisting of 35 Vans,
17 Cars and 1 Sprinter Bus
which is available to hire at a
minimum cost of $40 per day
with restrictions that it is used
for the transportation of either
frail, aged or disabled people.
Following the introduction of
BPay, Post Bill Pay and Credit
Card options for our accounts
there has been a reduction
in unallocated payments as
all these services require a
payment reference number
that is shown on the invoice.
When making a payment
directly at a Commonwealth
Bank it would also assist in
allocating payments correctly
if an invoice number is given
at time of deposit. Payments
made over the internet are also
increasing in popularity and
we hope having these facilities
in place assists our Service
Users and families in some
small way.
All our sites have received
replacement or new
equipment as required with
none going without. Services
provided are enhanced by
the upkeep of the premises
and the interior decoration
providing a comfortable
environment for everyone
using them.
Flintwood is certainly
dedicated to providing
the very best in service
and support for those who
attend and I look forward to
another year of challenges
and surprises under the
guidance of our Management
Committee and CEO Jackie
Janet Griffin
Administration Manager
Become a Flintwood member for only $11.00 plus GST
Human Resources
Alicia Ferreira
sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugsed quia consequ ratione
I am excited and honoured to
be able to contribute to this
year’s annual report. I was
appointed in the position of
Human Resources Manager
in September 2011. Since
coming on board, I have learnt
so much about what Flintwood
represents; its values, missions
and its commitment to helping
those in the community with a
I am very thankful to the
Management Team for
their time in teaching and
supporting me through the
first few months since coming
on board. They have taught
me what it truly means to be a
member of Flintwood.
I am supported in my role
with the help of two Human
Resource Officers; Jenny
McGowan, who looks after
Recruitment and Workers
Compensation matters and
Diane Ridley who manages
payroll and other H.R.
same direction by frequently
clarifying and reminding them
of the organisation’s goals.
Other functions within Human
Resources include:
The function of Human
Resources is to deal with the
management of workers within
the organisation. Although
we perform many duties, one
of our key areas is to support
the organisation through
recruitment, which is one of
the most fundamental roles.
This ensures that not only do
we need to attract the right
people for the organisation,
but also those who are the
most skilful and competent.
We work with staff in assisting
them in their positions and
ensuring that they perform to
the standard that is required
by Flintwood. We also ensure
that workers follow the
Employee Relations: We strive
to ensure that all workers
issues are dealt with in a
professional manner, taking
into account both moral
and legal responsibilities of
the organisation through
prevention of discriminatory
policies, procedures and
practices that are relevant to
hiring, training, compensating,
and appraising. Work Health & Safety:
We work together with
Management towards
promoting a safe and healthy
work environment that
includes safety training,
employees’ assistance program
as well as a health and wellness program. The aim of this
awareness is to provide workers with an understanding of
their responsibilities in line
with the new WHS Laws that
came into effect in January this
Workers Compensation: Jenny
continues to do an outstanding job in looking after our
injured workers. She works
very closely with them to
achieve the best possible
return to work outcome for
them. This is done through
careful planning and developing return to work plans with
the assistance of Doctors,
rehab providers and our insurer.
Salary Determination; Diane is
excellent in ensuring that all
staff wages are processed in a
timely manner. She also gets
involved with internal investigations as well as being a
proactive member of our WHS
Finally, I’d like to finish off by
saying that the last 10 months
so far has produced many challenges for me and I can confidently say that there will be
more to come and I look for-
ward to working through them
all to achieve good outcomes
for the organisation. I couldn’t
have done this of course without the excellent support of all
the Management Team, in particular, the General Manager’s,
Kay McPartland, Lauren Abel
and Gerry Connolly, who
have made me feel welcome
and supported from day one.
Lastly, Jackie Romein, the CEO
who not only has been patient
with me but through her kindness and understanding, has
made me believe in myself.
Alicia Ferreira
HR Manager
workforce and program
Stewart Bates
Sommerville Family
NSW Softball Association
The Grant family
Commonwealth Bank
55 and over
Graph 1.1
Ratio of workforce
Graph 1.2
Male - Female ratio
Post School Options
Respite/Quakers Hill
Respite/Regent Place
Graph 1.3
Program numbers
Community Participation
Transition to Work
Block Funded Day Programs
Flexible Respite places
Stronger Together program
“Maree, Sadie and
Tabitha enjoying a
warm beautiful day at
the scenic Brittanica
“To be a flexible
service that enhances
the opportunities of
people with disabilities
to have a varied and
fullfilling life within the
Annual Report
contact US
Flintwood Disability Service
11 Fennell Street
North Parramatta, NSW 2151
Phone: 02 9630 1777
Photography & design
Fairpay Media
Email: timengelbrecht@gmail.com
Mobile: 0433 364 504