Untitled - Fort Bliss Bugle


Untitled - Fort Bliss Bugle
2A • October 10, 2013 • FORT BLISS BUGLE
IMCOM CG sends
Columbus Day
Holiday safety
message 2013
Benny Ontiveros / WBAMC
Abe Lujan, right, a Department of Defense certified nursing assistant, checks the vital
signs of Spc. Japeth Ngojoy, Company B, William Beaumont Army Medical Center, at
the internal medicine clinic. Lujan was one of many who cared for patients during
the furlough.
Courtesy photo
Pvt. Wesley Wooten of 5th Battalion, 52 Air Defense Artillery, 11th ADA Bde., donates
blood on the 12-year anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001. Donate blood Friday at Freedom
Crossing from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Sgt. Larry B. Barnhill / 24th Press Camp Headquarters
Jessica Robbins, a Junior Enlisted Family Center
volunteer, and Nina Carey, the JEFC coordinator, help
Spc. Nathan Evans, of 2nd Bn.,43rd Air Defense Artillery, 11th ADA Bde., find an item in the JEFC food
pantry at the Trading Post here, Wednesday. Join the
Fort Bliss community stock the JEFC food pantry
during the Commissary’s food drive.
Gilbert Telles / Fort Bliss Public Affairs
Plans, Analysis, and Integration Office staff receive recognition as “Champion of the Day” for outstanding contribution
and service to Team Bliss and the 1st Armored Division. From left to right: Col. Brant V. Dayley, Garrison Commander,
Ronnie Kelley, 1st AD command sergeant major, Van Johnson, PAIO, Peggy Brown, PAIO, David Johnson, PAIO, Robert
Weatherley, PAIO, David Lynch, PAIO, DeAnna Quintero, PAIO, Col. Patrick Matlock, 1st AD, chief of staff, and Shannon
Navarro, PAIO director.
Fort Bliss civilians return to work
This week, the Department of Army announced the return to work of civilians furloughed due to the government shutdown.
A joint review of the Pay Our Military
Act by the Departments of Defense and
Justice determined civilians who contribute
to the morale, well-being, capabilities and
readiness of the Army may return to work.
This decision means all of our civilian
employees are absolutely essential to our
success. In fact, we have zero “non-mission
essential” civilian employees.
All post agencies, facilities, and medical
facilities are back to normal operating hours
and the Commissary has reopened.
Fort Bliss’ leadership greatly appreciates
the patience, professionalism and dedication our civilian workforce has displayed
during the government shutdown.
Donate blood this week
The Armed Services Blood Program on
The Fort Bliss Bugle is an unofficial publication authorized by
AR 360-1 and printed each Thursday in the interest of the Fort Bliss
and El Paso, Texas, communities. It is the only Fort Bliss publication
allowed to be distributed on Fort Bliss property.
The contents of the Fort Bliss Bugle are not necessarily the
views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of
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The appearance of advertising in the Fort Bliss Bugle does not
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Any article or service advertised in the Fort Bliss Bugle will be
made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to
any non-merit factor of consumers. If a violation or rejection of
Fort Bliss is in need of blood donors.
Please come to the Blood Donor Center,
Bldg. 7167 by the Fred Wilson gate inside
the WBAMC complex between 8 a.m. and
3:30 p.m. this Thursday or Friday.
Additionally, a blood drive will be held
Friday at Freedom Crossing next to Italian’s
restaurant from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Twenty percent of all blood received by
Fort Bliss’ Blood Donor Center goes to Afghanistan to treat our warriors in combat.
All blood types are needed, so please help
our service members downrange.
Fort Bliss Commissary’s
Annual Food Drive
the Junior Enlisted Food Bank on post.
Fort Bliss PAIO
This week we recognize the Fort Bliss
Plans, Analysis and Integration (PAIO)
Team, a group of seven dedicated DA civilians who provide oversight of quality, productivity, cost management and long-range
planning. The current fiscal constraints have
added additional stressors to the entire Garrison workforce. The PAIO staff has repeatedly assumed additional assignments,
allowing the Garrison staff to achieve mission success.
Bliss Commissary initiated its annual
holiday food drive, which will go every day
until Dec. 22. Please make a donation at the
cash register during your next trip to the
Commissary. The donations go directly to
this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, advertising from that source will be discontinued until the violation is
The Fort Bliss Bugle has a circulation of 15,000 copies. Editorial content is prepared, edited and provided by the Public Affairs
Office of Fort Bliss, Bldg. 15, 915-568-4088 or fax 915-568-3749.
Items submitted for publication in the Fort Bliss Bugle should
be sent to fortblissbugle@gmail.com, or sent to Fort Bliss, Texas
79916, by noon on Friday before issue. All submissions become
Army property and should be typed, double-spaced with the author’s name, signature, and mailing address. Photos should have
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full name. The editor reserves the right to reject or edit all submissions or advertising that do not conform to the Fort Bliss Bugle’s
journalistic standards.
All photos are U.S. Army unless otherwise designated.
The Fort Bliss Bugle’s classified ad page is a free service reserved for active duty personnel, military retirees, military family
members and DAC’s only. Because there is no fee, the only advertisements permitted to be published on this page are ads that can-
On Monday, America will celebrate
Columbus Day: a holiday commemorating Christopher Columbus’ landing in
North America 521 years ago. He was
an inspired leader and a visionary. His
quest began a century of exploration to
discover our great Nation.
His spirit to seek adventure and hunt
for the good stuff continues today, in our
Soldiers, Army civilians and families
who help the Installation Management
Command enable a ready and resilient
Army. As you plan your Columbus Day
activities, make safety your vanguard.
With this first, long holiday weekend of the fall season, we will have the
opportunity for travel and recreational
activities with family and friends. The
overall health, welfare, and safety of
the IMCOM Family is my first priority.
Whatever your plans may be, put safety
first and commit to preventing on- and
off-duty accidents this Columbus Day
holiday weekend.
As we near the end of the year, hours
of daylight get shorter. Plan trips to
minimize travel in darkness, and use
tools provided at safety.army.mil/povmotorcyclesafety/ to plan a safe driving
experience. If you are driving or riding
on two or four wheels, get plenty of rest
prior to travel, plan adequate rest stops
during trips, make sure your vehicle is
in good condition, and ensure everyone
wears their seat belt.
On long weekends, such as this,
as Family and friends enjoy cookouts
and go out to dinner, the consumption
of alcohol often increases. Inevitably,
abuse of alcohol is a contributing factor
in automobile and motorcycle crashes.
Please drink responsibly, and do what’s
Now is also a good time to start
thinking about winterizing your vehicles. Many accidents are due to the
operators’ failure to adjust their driving
to the dangerous conditions during winter months or the occasional failure or
malfunctioning of equipment. Be proactive in making sure you are ready for
winter’s woes.
Whether your plans include driving
to watch the sunrise over the Alaskan
mountains or hitting the beach in Florida, or camping with the Family in the
Rockies, Command Sgt.Maj. Rice and I
hope you enjoy a safe and accident-free
holiday. Look out for each other. Live
well, eat healthy, increase your fitness,
and rest and relax. Together, we can
save lives and stay ready and resilient,
and Army strong!
LTG Michael Ferriter
not be considered commercial ventures. Ads must be written on
the standard form published from time to time, or located at Bldg.
15. As classified ads are personal in nature, the Fort Bliss Bugle
cannot publish ads received through “Shotgun” mail or by fax.
The Fort Bliss Bugle is a registered trademark in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office issued Jan. 12, 1988, #1472244.
Publisher/Commanding General
1st AD and Fort Bliss
Maj. Gen. Sean B. MacFarland
1st AD and Fort Bliss Command Sergeant Major
Command Sgt. Maj. Ronnie Kelley
1st AD Public Affairs
Lt. Col. Lee Peters, Maj. Joseph Buccino,
Master Sgt. Kelly McCargo, Sgt. 1st Class Dave McClain,
Staff Sgt. K.R. Allen, Sgt. Valerie Lopez
Garrison Commander
Col. Brant V. Dayley
Garrision Command Sergeant Major
Command Sgt. Maj. Michael A. Mendoza
Garrison Public Affairs Officer
Jean Offutt
Managing Editor: Jim Gonzales; Editor: Virginia Reza
The Fort Bliss Bugle is published by the commanding general
of Fort Bliss through The Laven Group, LLC, 5959 Gateway Blvd.
West, Ste. 450, El Paso, Tx. 79925 • 772-0934; fax, 772-1594,
email: susan@lavenpublishing.com.
Check out the online version of the Fort Bliss Bugle at fortblissbugle.com. Click on the e-Edition tab to view the entire
newspaper electronically. For BUGLE advertising information, call
the Laven Publishing Group at 915-772-0934. For rates and mechanical information, visit www.lavenpublishing.com and click on
the advertise tab.
4A • October 10, 2013 • FORT BLISS BUGLE
FORT BLISS BUGLE • October 10, 2013 • 7A
Photos by Sgt. Robert Golden / 16th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment
Spc. Alexander Ramirez, a Patriot missile launcher operator, 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, break dances during a competition to judge which
unit is the most motivated during the BOSS Bash at Biggs Park, Sept. 27.
(Right) Pvt. Michael Johnson, left, and Pfc. Donnie Clay, both infantrymen
in 4th Bde., 1st AD, slide down the zip line during the BOSS Bash at Biggs
Park, Sept. 27.
Bliss BOSS holds bash at Biggs Park
By Sgt. Robert Golden
16th Mobile Public Affairs Detachment
The Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers program here, hosted their annual bash
at Biggs Park, Sept. 27.
The event, held during duty hours, gave
Soldiers a break from work and let them celebrate their accomplishments from the previous year.
“It’s good to get a day off from work to relax and have fun,” said Pfc. Dustin Bennett,
supply clerk, 212th Fires Brigade. “BOSS is
a good program, so you don’t have to worry
about just work and stressing all of the time.”
The event opened at 9 a.m. with an award
presentation to recognize some of the BOSS
representatives for their service to the program and their fellow Soldiers.
Spc. Kenny Carter, Sgt. Steven Morse and
Spc. Harrison Nichols, the executive council
for the BOSS program on post, were recognized for their outstanding dedication to the
BOSS program and for volunteering in the
Fort Bliss and El Paso communities.
Spc. Gregory Anderson was announced
as the official vice-president of the BOSS
program here and was recognized for dedication while continually organizing events
and working behind the scenes to keep the
program running smooth.
In addition to the ceremony, attendees
could participate in basketball, flag football
and paintball competitions or try out the free
carnival rides, like the zip line and electric
A featured DJ provided musical entertainment for the Soldiers while Fuddruckers
served complimentary burgers and brisket.
BOSS supports the overall quality of life
for single Soldiers with activities nearly every week, including trips and various discounts and free passes to shows and sporting
events. The program also coordinates with
local agencies for volunteer opportunities in
the community.
“BOSS wasn’t around when I came in the
Army 28 years ago, but it is something that
has grown over time and gives single Soldiers a way to get together and experience
different activities in the community,” said
Command Sgt. Maj. Michael A. Mendoza,
senior enlisted advisor for U.S. Army Garrison Command, here.
To learn more about the Fort Bliss BOSS
program and their future events, updates or
giveaways, go to www.facebook.com/teamblissboss or twitter.com/teamblissboss.