Saving the world from funny cats OR How efficiency is not
Saving the world from funny cats OR How efficiency is not
Saving the world from funny cats OR How efficiency is not sustainability greenqloud Eiríkur S. Hrafnsson CEO & Co-founder Climate Change and IT • IT causes 2% of global CO2 emissions (Gartner 2007) • 2020 IT emissions = 4% of global CO2 emissions(McKinsey) • The problem: Emphasis on Efficiency over Sustainability • Efficiency ≠ Sustainability greenqloud Efficiency vs. Sustainability in Data Centers • • PUE : Power usage effectiveness • Measures how much energy is wasted (cooling) per useful kilowatt hour • • Typical PUE ranges from 1.5-2+ PUE = Total Facility Power/IT Equipment Power PUE < 1.5 said to be green greenqloud GPUE = Green Power Usage Effectiveness greenqloud G = Weighed Sum of energy sources and their lifecycle KG CO2/KWh G =∑( %EnergySource x ( 1 + weight) ) GPUE = G x PUEx or = G @ PUEx • Weighs PUE for comparing DC to DC true greenness by including their energy sources • • Lifecycle CO2 emissions per usable KWh for computing PUE 1.20, 50% Coal / 50% Hydro G = 1.531, GPUE = 1.84 or 1.531@1.20 CO2 per usable KWh = (G-1) x PUE = 0.64 Kg How green is the industry with GPUE? % Energy Kg CO2/ KWh 1,97 50.5% Coal 38.7% Nuclear 0,76 1,79 34.% Coal 3.3% Nuclear 0,59 G PUE GPUE Lenoir North Carolina 1,630 1,21 Dalles Oregon 1,490 1,2 Apple North Carolina 1,630 1,5 2,44 50.5% Coal 38.7% Nuclear 0,94 Iceland 1,021 1,1 1,12 70% Hydro 30% GeoThermal 0,02 Chicago Illinois 1,819 1,22 2,22 72.8% Coal 22.3% Nuclear 1,00 San Antonio Texas 1,936 1,2 2,32 37.1% Coal 1,12 Lockport New York 1,497 1,16 1,74 21.0% Coal 27.0% Nuclear 0,58 La Vista Nebraska 1,834 1,5 2,75 73.5% Coal 14.6% Nuclear 1,25 greenqloud Multipliers based on 2008 Sovacool survey GPUE Multipliers by energy source Coal & Mixed x1.050 Diesel & Heavy Oil x0.778 Natural Gas x0.443 Nuclear x0.066 Geothermal x0.038 Solar PV x0.032 BioMass x0.014 Hydro x0.013 Wind x0.010 So what’s the deal with funny cats? greenqloud What’s fur got to do with IT? • • greenqloud One Google search = 7g of CO2 740 Google searches for : "funny cat pictures" equals as much CO2 as making a cheezburger ~ 5.18kg The Cheeseburger footprint greenqloud There are 113.500.000 searches per month for "cats/cat” (Google's Keyword tool)* * Warning : may include not so funny cats greenqloud Saving the world from funny cats • 113.500.000 searches a month for "cats/cat" • • • 9.534.000 kg CO2 a year! 1.8 million cheesburgers Ergo: Funny cats are causing climate change* and we need to do something about it. * Figuratively speaking... greenqloud Saving the world from funny cats • Data centers are the biggest polluters in IT - dirty energy • Cloud computing and internet use are driving the need for more data centers • We have a great opportunity to fight climate change with IT • The key is using renewable energy behind the clouds! greenqloud greenqloud Efficiency ≠ Sustainability but Efficient Sustainability = Truly Green IT greenqloud The Truly Green Compute Cloud twitter: @GreenQloud Eiríkur S. Hrafnsson CEO & Co-founder