Gross Rock Volume Estimation And Petrophysical Analysis Of Lower
Gross Rock Volume Estimation And Petrophysical Analysis Of Lower
Geodynamics Resea rch International Bulletin (GRIB), Vol. (3), No. 05, SN:13, Spring 2015 All rights reserved for GR IB Available online at: GRIB Geodynamics Resea rch International Bulletin ISSN 2345 - 4997 Vo l. (3), No. 05, SN:13, Spring Issue, 2016 3 rd Article- P. XXVII to XXXV TCSN 4102 3627 Gross Rock Volume Estimation And Petrophysical Analysis Of Lower Eocene Sui Main Limestone In Sara West Block Lower Indus Basin, Pakistan Furqan Mahmood1, Umair Bin Nisar 2, Sarfraz Khan *3 , Tahir Nagra4, Syed Amjad Ali Bukhari5 , Aqeel Gohar 6, Muhammad Farooq7 1 Depa rtment of Metrology, COMSATS In stitute o f informa tion Technolog y Isla mabad , Pak istan Departmen t of Earth Sciences, COMS ATS Institute of in fo rmation Technology Abbottabad , Pakistan . 3 NCE in Geology, University of Peshawar, Pak istan . 4 Qua id-I-Aza m University, Islamabad , Pakistan . 5 Depa rtmen t o f Ea rth Sciences, COMS ATS Institute o f info rmation Technology Abbottabad , Pak istan . 6 Departmen t of Earth Sciences, COMS ATS Institute of in fo rmation Technology Abbottabad , Pakistan . 7 Depa rtmen t o f Ea rth and En vironmen tal Sciences Bahria University Isla mabad, Pakistan. 2 * Corresponding Author ( Article History: Revised: Nov. 12, 2015 Received: May 25, 2015 Accepted: Jan. 05, 2015 Reviewed: Jul. 10, 2015 Published: Mar. 16, 2016 ABSTRACT In any trap beneath the surface the most influential technique or parameter applied in the determination of estimation and magnitude of resource volume concentration or potential concentration of the reservoir is the Gross Rock Volume (GRV) technique. Gross Rock Volume (GRV) is the volume of rock between a top and base reservoir surface and above a known or postulated hydrocarbon-water contact in a geologic trap. Two Dimensional seismic interpretation of the Sara West Exploration block, Lower Indus Basin was done to determine the reservoir properties and volume of hydrocarbon contained within the Lower Eocene Sui Main Limestone (SML). The seismic time sections, time and depth contour maps revealed fault assisted closures at the center of the field, which corresponded to the horst and graben structures serving as the trapping medium. The estimated volume of hydrocarbon in place within the interval ranging from 2340 m to almost 2500 m was calculated as 9.2 x 1013 standard cubic feet (SCF) which is approximately equal to 2.6 x 1013 cubic meter of gas in place. The study also revealed the feasibility of integrating borehole data and structural m ap in mapping reservoir fluid boundaries towards calculating the volume of hydrocarbon in place. The B-Sand reservoir of Lower Goru Formation with average porosity values of 0.13, water saturation of 0.4 and average net to gross ratio value of 0.8 confirms reservoir as a good reservoir. Keywords: Gross Rock Volume; B-Sand Reservoir; Volumetric Gas in Place. 1. INTRODUCTION Seismic waves carry information about the structures, subsurface faults or valleys, physical characterization of layers, hydrogeological information and also sediment or rock type present in the subsurface (Steeples, 2005). The largest component of geophysical spending in the exploration and production business is driven by the need to characterize the reservoirs (Alao et al., 2013). The elastic properties, reservoir properties and reservoir architectural properties are bridged by the science of rock physics. Rock physics allow for a reliable prediction and perturbation of seismic response to changes in reservoir conditions (Saberi, 2014). At the first phase seismic analyst focuses on the physical view point with less emphasis on the mathematical aspects. Then the geophysical parameters which affect the fidelity of the resulting output from each process are critically examined via an extensive series of synthetic and real data examples (Rabbel, 2006; Yilmaz, 2001). In any trap beneath the surface the most influential technique or parameter applied in the determination of estimation and magnitude of resource volume concentration or potential concentration of the reservoir is the Gross Rock Volume (GRV) technique. It is fundamentally important to estimate XXVII Geodynamics Research International Bulletin (GRIB), Vol. (3), No. 05, SN:13, Spring 2016 All right s reserved for GRIB Geodynamics Research Int ernational Bulletin, Vol. (3), No. 04, SN:12, Winter, 2015 both the estimation and the scope of uncertainty for GRV accuracy and the more possibly close to approximation in any petroleum analysis. In nature, complex geometries are exhibited by geological traps and they are extremely variable. Geological traps exist in an assortment of ranges in shape, i.e. from overturned limbs to multiple high points along the axis of folds, from simple antic lines that resemble the overturned bowl to all manner of complexly arranged structural features with variable dips. In these cases of a diverse suite of trap configurations the reserve estimation is found by calculating from the method called Gross Rock Volume (James et al., 2013). 2. THE STUDY AREA The Sara West Block is located on the leading northwestern edge of the Indian Plate. The separation of the Indian Plate from Gondwana is thought to have occurred in Mid-Late Jurassic times. A major progradational build-out occurred as the opening of Tethys spread southwards. From the Late Jurassic until the Late Cretaceous the sedimentary history of Pakistan records a passive margin development. With the separation of Madagascar from the Greater Indian Plate (~80 MY) the passive margin experienced a period of extension. The early Paleocene witnessed another phase of extensional faulting, caused by mantle p lume impingement, as the Indian Plate All rights reserved for GR IB crossed a "hot-spot" on its journey northward; this led extrusion of the Deccan Trap basalts in northwest India and southern Pakistan. Foreland basin development occurred from the Oligocene onward, as the Indian P late under-thrust the Eurasian Plate. The resulting loading of the Indian Plate caused flexure, lead ing to the development of a molasses-filled foredeep. A major phase of inversion, caused by the ongoing collis ion, took place in the Late Pliocene/Early P leistocene (Jamil and McCann, 2009). In the Figure-1 we see the generalized petroleum system of the Sara/Suri Area. This figure shows the major reservoirs and also shows the seal rocks. In this figure the Sui Upper Limestone, Sui Main Limestone, Ranikot Formation and the Lower Goru Formation are the reservoirs. In the Sara West Block Mari High, a major regional structural feature 40 km to the west of Sara and Suri, was formed. The Sara structure was also formed as a result of inversion and is primarily a four-way d ip-closed structure oriented along north-south faults. Areal extent of the structure is approximately 8 sq. km. A thick shale (>200 m) of Ghazij Formation (Eocene), which is a proven regional seal, overlies 5-6 m thick sand of the Basal Ghazij Sand reservoir sand (Figure 1). Fig. 1. Location of the Sara West Exploratory Block in the Sindh P rovince of P akistan The reservoir sand is relatively thin but exhibits excellent reservoir characteristics. Geochemical analysis indicates that the sections with the greatest source potential are in the Lower Goru and Sembar Formation. Migration of the hydrocarbon is believed to have been through vertical faults connecting Cretaceous source to Eocene and other reservoirs. Gas composition in Tertiary reservoirs is different from Cretaceous and deeper reservoirs (Jamil and McCann, 2009). A schematic petroleum system of the Sara West exploration block is shown in Fig. (2). XXVIII Geodynamics Resea rch International Bulletin, Vol. (3), No. 04 , SN:12, Winter, 2015 All rights reserved for GRIB Geodynamics Research Int ernational Bulletin, Vol. (3), No. 04, SN:12, Winter, 2015 All rights reserved for GR IB Fig. 2. Generalized petroleum system of Sara/S uri area (Jamil and McCann, 2009) 3. MATERIALS AND METHODS Eight seismic horizons were identified by using synthetic seismogram. Among the eight horizons main focus was on Sui Main Limestone which acts as a reservoir in the area as shown in the Fig. 2. The two faults identified on seismic sections are of extensional origin. The faults specify the tectonic and structural style that is why special emphasis is made while making the fault interpretation. Time contour maps are constructed by taking two way travel times that were made at different levels which shows the position of the specific formations in time. Depth contour maps are generated in order to view the true image of the subsurface structure. To generate the depth contours first the velocity is calculated by taking time from the seismic time sections and depth from the well data to convert the time grid into depth grid. Dip of the structure and the orientation are similar to their time contour maps. The surface maps represent the lateral and vertical distribution of the formation and are based on contour maps. The highlighted portion in the Fig. (3) shows the polygon area of the Sui Main Limestone where reserves are estimated. The polygon is made in this area due to presence of all the wells in this vicinity. The second reason behind the selection of this vicinity is because if we see towards the left and right side of the vicinity there are two faults running. One fault has the orientation from NW to SE and the other has the same orientation as the first one. This shows that the maximum concentration of the hydrocarbon is present in that area. XXIX Geodynamics Resea rch International Bulletin, Vol. (3), No. 04 , SN:12, Winter, 2015 All rights reserved for GRIB Geodynamics Research Int ernational Bulletin, Vol. (3), No. 04, SN:12, Winter, 2015 All rights reserved for GR IB Fig. 3. The area of the P olygon around which the Gross Rock Volume of the reservoir has been estimated. Another reason behind the selection of this part is that all the contours are closing in this area. This shows that there is surely a structure available in the subsurface which is supporting the accumulation of hydrocarbon. The gross volume is defined as the accumulation of area of the grid cell multiplied by the Z-Value associated with the grid as follows: (1) Gross Volume = Area * Z-value Where Z-value is the value within the area specified by the grid or limited by the planimeter polygon. Zvalue can be a depth value or a zone attribute within the grid cell. Gross volume here is calculated using a single structure depth grid. From the gross volume the Net Volume, Pore Volume, Hydrocarbon Pore Volume, and Hydrocarbons in-place measurements can be calculated. After that when all these steps are done then we calculate the gross rock volume in any area, for this first we have to decide about the orientation and shape of the structures which are present in the subsurface. When this is done then the next step comes in which it is decided about the contacts of gas, oil or water. In the single structure grid we calculate the gross volume between one structure grid and up to two contact values, such as a flat oil water contact (OWC). In the following diagram, the volume will be calculated between the surfaces. From the single structure grid we can calculate the pore volume, hydrocarbon pore volume and gas in place. The formulas for the calculation of the above mentioned parameters are as follows. (2) Pore Volume = Net Volume * Porosity XXX Geodynamics Resea rch International Bulletin, Vol. (3), No. 04 , SN:12, Winter, 2015 All rights reserved for GRIB Geodynamics Research Int ernational Bulletin, Vol. (3), No. 04, SN:12, Winter, 2015 (3) Hydrocarbon Pore Volume= Pore Volume * (1-Water Saturation) (4) OGIP = [UCF×Area×Net×Porosity×(1-Water Bgi Saturation)]× Where UCF = Universal Constant Factor 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION All rights reserved for GR IB depth contour maps towards the eastern side the time and depth has less value than on the western side. This shows that Sui Main Limestone is shallower in the eastern side as compared to western side and in the middle portion the formation time and depth values are in between the values of eastern and western side and two faults are running within this formation so this gives the evidence of horst and graben structure. This horst and graben structures serves as a perfect trap for hydrocarbons and because of this reason Sui Main Limestone is a reservoir in this area. The Fig. (2) and (3) shows the time and depth contours of Sui Main Limestone. In the time and Fig. 3 Time C ontour map of Sui Main Limestone. The availability of the structure is confirmed from the location of the faults because the map the Eastern side of the map the color of the contours is yellow to reddish green which shows the depth ranging from 1850m-2300m and on the west side of the map the color of the contour is light blue to dark blue which shows that the depth is ranging from 2550m-2800m showing that this part is the deepest. XXXI Geodynamics Resea rch International Bulletin, Vol. (3), No. 04 , SN:12, Winter, 2015 All rights reserved for GRIB Geodynamics Research Int ernational Bulletin, Vol. (3), No. 04, SN:12, Winter, 2015 All rights reserved for GR IB Fig. 4. Depth C ontour map of B-Sand If we see the middle part of the faults the color of the contour is reddish green to bluish green and has the depth ranging from 2310m-2500m which shows that this part lie in between the deepest and the shallowest part showing that there is a horst and graben structure. This faulting confirms that there is a trap in the subsurface. The results of the vo lumetric calculations are shown in the following tables (1) and (2). Table.1 Information about the Calculation of Gross Rock Volume Volumetric Mode l Single Structure Grid B sand Depth Polygons Used Basal Sand P olygon Lower Contact: -2,475.00 Net/Gross Ratio: 0.8 Average Porosity: 0.13 Average Water Saturation: 0.4 Unit Conversion Constant: 35.31 Gas Volume Factor: 270 Table 2. Information about the Basal Sand Polygon area and also showing the Gross, Net, P ore, Hydrocarbon P ore V olume and Gas InPlace. Polygon Name Polygon B asal Sand Polygon P olygon Area 33375000 m2 P olygon Area within the Grid(s) 30964100 m2 Gross Volume 155,645.3538 x 106 m3 Net Volume 124,516.2830 x 106 m3 P ore Volume 16,187.1168 x 106 m3 Hydrocarbon Pore Volume 9,712.2701 x 106 m3 Gas In-P lace 92,593,869.2326 x 106 SCF The average porosity value is 0.13 whereas average water saturation is 0.4. Table (2) represents net volume, pore volume hydrocarbon pore volume and gas in place. The gas in place is higher than rest proving it to be gas bearing reservoir XXXII Geodynamics Resea rch International Bulletin, Vol. (3), No. 04 , SN:12, Winter, 2015 All rights reserved for GRIB Geodynamics Research Int ernational Bulletin, Vol. (3), No. 04, SN:12, Winter, 2015 4. 1. PETROPHYSICAL INTERPRETATION The litho logy variation of Sui Main Limestone and results shows that the formation mainly consists of Limestone with some sequences of Dolomitic Limestone and Dolomite. The zone for the Limestone include from 1180 m to 1250 m approx. and that is FORMATION SUI MAIN LIMESTONE All rights reserved for GR IB marked because of the increase in density and decrease in porosity and the rest of the zone is Dolomite (tab le 3). In the Fig. (5) and (6) there are cross plots of RHOB vs PE (PEF) and in this figure dominance of Dolomitic Limestone throughout the log is observed. Table 3 Petrophysical interpretation of Sui Main Limestone in Sara West-1 INTERVAL THICKNESS AVG. VOLUME OF AVG. EFFECTIVE (m) (m) SHALE (VSH) POROSITY (PHIE) 1180 - 1258 78 11% 10.5% AVG. WATER SATURATION (SW) 35% Fig. 5. Facies analysis of Sara West-1 with density vs neutron porosity log Fig. 6. Facies analysis of Sara West-1 with density vs P hoto Electric Absorption log. XXXIII Geodynamics Resea rch International Bulletin, Vol. (3), No. 04 , SN:12, Winter, 2015 All rights reserved for GRIB Geodynamics Research Int ernational Bulletin, Vol. (3), No. 04, SN:12, Winter, 2015 From the table 1 the results show that Sui Main Limestone is a good quality reservoir with low volume of shale and good interconnected porosity. In Fig. (7) the petrophysical log of the Sui Main Limestone is shown. We have highlighted the portion All rights reserved for GR IB of the logs because here we see that the Gamma Ray is decreasing and Spontaneous Potential log values are increasing and similar to this we see that porosity values are also increasing so by this we can assume that in this portion hydrocarbons are present. Fig. 7 P etrophysical Results of S ui Main L imestone of well Sara West-01 5. CONCLUSIONS In this study we carried out a 2D interpretation of the Sara West area, characterized and compute it by the use of well logs and surface seismic sections. The hydrocarbons in place were within the depth ranging from 2340 m to almost 2500 m. The estimated reserve of gas in place was calculated because the study area is a gas bearing reservoir. From the well log data we analyzed five hydrocarbon bearing reservoirs but we were interested in only one that was B-Sand of Lower Goru Formation. Reservoir areal extent obtained revealed that the reservoir had an area estimate of 3.3 x 10 7 m2 and the reserves calculated were 9.2 x 10 13 standard cubic feet (SCF) which is equal to 2.6 x 1013 m3 approx. of gas in place. The structure map and seismic section also revealed that the principal structure responsible for the hydrocarbon entrapment in the field was the horst and graben structure at the center of the field which shows that the reservoir is trapped within this structure. The extensive faults which were structure building faults, support suspected hydrocarbon prospects which can be explored in the future. For the B-Sand reservoir sand of Lower Goru Formation with average porosity values of 0.13, water saturation of 0.4 and average Net to Gross ratio value of 0.8 are calculated. The lower the water saturation, the higher the hydrocarbon saturation in the reservoir sand also the higher the net to gross ratio higher the hydrocarbon saturation. So that is why this area has to be explored more for further prospects. Special Core Analysis is the most reliable source of information on average hydrocarbon saturation and the depth at which hydrocarbon production is first expected to occur. So that is why for more accurate information about this reservoir we should also have the core data. This data is best obtained from cores cut from the reservoir of interest, failing this; offset well data may be satisfactory. Accurate reserves estimation demands the correct distributions of the parameters that we have used in the hydrocarbon in place equation and that dependent petrophysical parameters are linked where appropriate. XXXIV Geodynamics Resea rch International Bulletin, Vol. (3), No. 04 , SN:12, Winter, 2015 All rights reserved for GRIB Geodynamics Research Int ernational Bulletin, Vol. (3), No. 04, SN:12, Winter, 2015 All rights reserved for GR IB REFERENCES Alao, P.A. Olabode, S.O. and Opeloye, S.A. (2013) Integration of Seismic and Petrophysics to Characterize Reservoirs in “ALA” Oil Field, Niger Delta. The Scientific World Journal. James, B. Grundy, A.T. and Sykes, M.A. (2013) The Depth-Area-Thickness (DAT) Method for Calculating Gross Rock Volume: A Better Way to Model Hydrocarbon Contact Uncertainty, AAPG International Conference & Exhibition. AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90166©2013, Cartagena, Colombia, 8-11 September. Jamil, A. McCann, J. 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XXXV Geodynamics Resea rch International Bulletin, Vol. (3), No. 04 , SN:12, Winter, 2015 All rights reserved for GRIB