september 2012 COMMODORE` S CORNER
september 2012 COMMODORE` S CORNER
september 2012 Happenings COMMODORE’ S CORNER September Board Meeting Wednesday, Sept 5 Cruise to Reid Harbor September 8-9 General Membership Mtg September 19 Cruise to LaConner September 21-23 Commodore Diana Hancock 468-3871 Vice Commodore Duane Bordvick 468-3152 Rear Commodore Jim Ghinazzi 468-4292 Secretary Julie Duncan 468-2161 Treasurer Judy Welker 468-4007 Trustees Jerry Hancock Dave Welker 468-3871 468-4007 Membership Chair Gayl Beller 468-2977 July Fourth Float Chair Judy Welker 468-4007 Reciprocal Chair Dave Welker 468-4007 “Newsline” Editor Shanley Lett 468-3990 Ahh...September. Staff Commodore Jerry and I left the office early this week; boating to the West Sound Café on Orcas Island for a wonderful pasta dinner. The boating was smooth and dinner was delicious. The event was a great opportunity to recharge while being on the water in softer evening light, and we had plenty of time to make it home before dark. I bring this up because now is the time to be filing away those great boating memories for conversation around the winter fireplace. By the way, boating in the morning is also fun. On the east side of Orcas Island, Café Olga is no longer serving dinner but the owners still serve breakfast and lunch. Their breakfast rolls and blackberry pie are wonderful. However, if you are planning on eating pie for breakfast, we were told to call ahead (the day before), because they sometimes sell out. You might think berry pie for breakfast is a little unusual. I live with unusual. The staff commodore keeps saying, “Live a little, life is short, let’s take a boat the morning.” Lopez Island North Cruise members apparently heard the message about having a good time. Finishing their 13 day, eight ports of call cruise in northern waters; their final stop was Sidney BC where Jerry and I joined the group for a rousing good time. Jim and Shanley Lett hosted the event that produced great stories, a delicious barbecue and potluck under the Port of Sidney tent, and a boat-to-boat poker walk with prizes for the best and worst hand. (I won the prize for the worst hand.) We also had an opportunity to visit the Thursday evening Farmers’ Market, window shop and visit on each other’s boats. The last Slo-Mo Zeman cruise of the season is September 8-9 to Reid Harbor on Stuart Island. Gary Zerbst said he will be there and knows Sam and Gayl Beller plan on attending. Stuart Island has the Turn Point Light (house) Station, Lovers’ Leap and a wooden box stocked with printed T-shirts and Continued on page 3 SEPTEMBER GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING September 19, 2012 Islander Resort Marina 6:00 No-Host Social Hour 7:00 Potluck Dinner and Program Bring a main dish, salad, side or dessert to share and your own plates, utensils, napkins. Coffee and tea will be provided. Other beverages can be purchased in the Islander Lounge. Bill and Migael Scherer Will present “Living Aboard: The Romance and the Reality” CRUISE TO REID HARBOR, STUART ISLAND Saturday, Sept 8—Sunday, Sept 9 . For details, contact Gary Zerbst, 468-2861 or MAK E YO MOO UR OW N RA RES ERV GE ATI ONS LaC Call onne r Ma 360466- rina, 3118 CRUISE TO LACONNER September 21-23 Quilt Walk in LaConner Shops Museum of Northwest Art: Wine and Glass Talk (Benjamin Moore) And lots of shopping, restaurants, galleries Dinner Details to Follow Questions: Call your hosts Tom and Susan Patty and Bill and Glenda Pugerude COMMODORE’S CORNER, continued envelopes (for the honor system payment). Gary said he is looking forward to seeing other LIYC members on this relaxing and fun cruise. The first summer membership meeting and potluck dinner is September 19, at the Lopez Islander Lodge and Marina. Bill and Migael Scherer will present “Living Aboard: The Romance and the Reality”. The Scherers have been cruising for 37 years and living aboard aboard Tuwamish, a 54 foot ketch they built. Migael is the author of A Cruising Guide to Puget Sound and the San Juan Islands. And, two days later, September 21-23 is the last (gasp!) cruising event of the season. The cruise to LaConner is being hosted by Tom and Susan Patty and Bill and Glenda Pugerude. Under the heading of “Ask Busy People to Get Things Done”, the Pattys have just returned from Switzerland and Glenda has just finished baking 400 cake pops for The Galaxy of Burlesque at the Lopez Community Center. Glenda also recently baked the desserts for the third Great Pairings wine and food pairing benefit at Woodmen Hall. A big “Thank You” to these four LIYC members for stepping up as hosts on the club’s last cruising event of the season. And the party goes on. THE 2012 LOPEZ ISLAND CLASSIC YACHT RACE The race is in the record books. On Saturday, August 18, 2012, eleven yachts competed for honors in this first of its kind race (at least in recent history) on Lopez Island. All eleven boats raced in the same class and sailed under the Performance Handicap Racing System (PHRF) which provides a seconds per mile handicap to equalize the ability of all boats to compete. The top 3 finishers were (1) Tom Andrewes (shown at right with race organizer Russ Johnson), on his Davidson 29, Madame Pele (2) Russ Johnson, Dave Welker, and Duane Bordvick on the Etchells 22, Valkyrie and (3) Bill White, Rod Duncan and Fred Nielson on Etchells 22, Williwaw. Ed. Note: See also the first hand account of the race by racing enthusiast Miss Windbags on page 4. Diana 22nd ANNUAL LIST OF BOAT NAMES The 10 most popular boat names for 2012 include: 1. Seas the Day 2. Nauti Buoy 3. Aquaholic 4. Dream Weaver 5. Pegasus 6. Serenity Now 7. Second Wind 8. Liquid Asset 9. Miss Behavin’ 10. Blew By You This year there are 3 newcomers: Nauti Buoy, Serenity Now, and Blew By You (a word play on an old Roy Orbison song made famous by Linda Ronstadt. Gt it? Blue Bayou?) Two others made the list for a second time: Dream Weaver and Pegasus. The list has been tallied for the last 22 years using the half-million-members of Boat Owners Association of the United States (BoatUS). The Scoop from the Poop Deck …a first hand account The shores were packed. Okay okay okay - Jane Simonson, Karen Bistrin, Judy Welker and Beth Andrewes sat out on the deck of the Bay Café drinking wine, eating lunch and watching eleven sailboats joust for position on the starting line. Okay, okay, okay - it was a staggered start and each boat would be crossing the starting line at a unique time based on its individual rating. Welcome to the inaugural Lopez Island Classic Yacht Race, talked about by old Lopez salts for years and finally put together in 2012 by a couple of LIYC brain surgeons. Things started to get lively pre-race Friday night in the meeting room at the Islander. Fierce competitors edgily sized up one another. Okay, okay, okay - most of them couldnt recognize each other without their glasses on. It is important to note that for a short 8 mile race, long pre-race meetings are absolutely essential to heighten the stature of the event. Okay, okay, okay - we lingered because we like to drink. One single handed sailor found out he was one of the early starts and confessed that he was going to follow the first boats around the course because he had never raced before. Sailmaker Tom Andrewes let drop that a Seattle sailing pro and his wahine were coming up to crew for him. (Tom had also invited LIYC secret weapon Lori Taylor aboard.) All this got Russ Johnson, our esteemed race organizer and no lightweight sailor himself, revved up and thinking more strategically about tactics on the Etchells that he, Dave Welker and Duane Bordvick were sailing. Rodman Duncan and Bill White watched all the shenanigans with aplomb. They knew they also had a fast Etchells and werent worried. And, they had their own secret weapon Fred Neilson coming aboard. Okay, okay, okay - The race. Well, it was all on and bam bam bam the boats crossed the starting line more or less on time and the sails became specks as the boats raced down towards Cattle Pass. Out of sight, out of mind. Another glass of wine all around for the gals at the lunch table, binoculars and handheld VHF radio forgotten. We may be race chasers but ladies do like to lunch. Uh oh. Boats on the horizon. Everybody at the table look busy. The winds stayed strong, the sailors stayed stronger, spinnakers flew and our gang was headed home. Cheers erupted each time a competitor crossed the finish line, and bicyclists, beachcombers, and Doug Cram with a great camera added to the ever growing list of spectators. Doug Cram. That reminds me. Ever diligent and never off duty Duane Bordvick and Doug came upon the perfect perpetual trophy for the event while away on the recent LIYC North Cruise. Impressive find. History will remember those whose names shall grace thy gleaming cup. Okay, okay, okay - its a little tarnished but it sure would be great to have the winner fill it up with rum and pass it around next time. Trophy presentation at 6 PM. Welker had cleaned behind his ears and looked rather spiffy. Russ started off the presentation by thanking all participants. What a range of boats, what a range of experience. From single hander Jay Simonson on his Cape Dory, Eric Hall on Bluenose, Doug Simmons on his Columbia 28, Richard Miklich on his Arlberg 35 to Lark Dalton on the 5.5 with Russ Levine and Laine Nichols. There was Dick Behan on Rowdy, Dean Vandemant on his Buccaneer 295, George LeBoutillier on his Alerion Express with Stepper and the kids, and the previously mentioned characters on their Etchells and Davidson 29. They were all winners, they all did our yacht club proud and they now have lots of stories to embellish at the bar. Props to single-handers Dick Behan and Jay Simonson for beating to weather in small boats and big winds. Great prizes from Bill Diller and the Islander were awarded. Thanks, Bill! The turnout and enjoyment had by all makes it almost a certainty that the Lopez Island Classic Yacht Race will return again next year. Okay, okay, okay - thats it. Sincerely, Miss Windbags NORTH CRUISE 2012 LURES 24 LIYC MEMBERS AND FRIENDS—July 29 thru Aug 12 Mike and Barbara Morey and Duane and Audrey Bordvick dinghy to Telegraph Harbor. At right, Dick and Barbara Reiswig, Lisa Cram, Shanley Lett and Audrey Bordvick enjoy a hike above Howe Sound. Below, Jamie and Lauren Stephens survived their first Strait of Georgia crossing. (Above) Jerry and Diana Hancock and Jay and Gale Lynch caught up with the North Cruisers at the tail end for a fun weekend in Sidney. (Left) Jim and Shanley Lett, Mike and Barbara Morey, Dick and Barbara Reiswig, and Steve and Cindy Fessler (on their first cruise with the yacht club) enjoyed the won ton prawns at Thetis Island Marina. In all, 24 members and guests participated in all or part of this year’s North Cruise, which included Silva Bay, Vancouver’s False Creek, Bowen Island, Ladysmith, Thetis Island, Maple Bay, Genoa and Sidney. Tom Andrewes 360-468-9090 • • • • • • New sails Sail repairs Dodgers Awnings Canopies Canvas work Tom Andrewes, a “Sailmaker’s sailmaker” Sailing and Sailmaking since the 1970s. Member of Lopez Island Yacht Club and Royal New Zealand Yacht Club Reservations /Inquiries: Phone: 1-800-233-3004 Email: Located in Anacortes Marina, 2415 T Avenue, the "Gateway to the San Juan Islands", Anacortes Yacht Charters has established itself as the leading charter company with the largest selection of power and sail boats available for charter in the San Juans and Gulf Islands, you’ll find options to fit budget and needs. Visit our website: • • • • • Online Specials & Discounts Charters Instruction Yacht Management Brokerage RATED #1 by Cruising World Magazine Click here for details See AYC @ these upcoming Boat Shows: Anacortes Boat Show 3/23/12 until 3/25/12 Strictly Sail Pacific 4/12/12 until 4/15/12 Newport Boat Show 4/19/12 until 4/22/12 (800) 828-2446 The Boat Insurance Agency is an independent agency representing the best marine insurance companies. We carefully compare a number of policies to find the lowest premiums and best values for your boat insurance needs. We invite you to request an insurance quotation and learn more about Boat Insurance Agency. Boat Insurance Agency is owned and operated by Northwest boaters. We have the local knowledge needed to understand boating in the West along with your special needs. Please contact us to learn more about the value and service we can offer. Contact Us: Neal Booth Boat Insurance Agency 2601 W. Marina Place, Suite B Seattle, WA 98199 (800) 828-2446 (206) 285-1350 Fax: 206-285-1370 Visit our website: SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS !!#" Open Every Day 8AM to 8:30PM (360) 468-2713 From 11AM Daily (360) 468-2874 • • • • • • • &!"# "( #$ !! &,#"#!#!"!+ ##"# #)!"&!)!) !!!!+ $ !")#( + #!#! $ )!"# %!") "+ " "". "!))$ + ."&# "#)%""&+ " !! !&$+ " #"!,& "!)& "!)!!! % "!+ !!"!#& )%)# "! $+ #! "/!!10$."""*--%%%+ #! '+ SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS
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