`rade, that? Thanks, also, for checking your zip code` I note that your


`rade, that? Thanks, also, for checking your zip code` I note that your
2 AUG Or, Dear C"ad: Ihar.k-_ for your ieL.er or trJe,nl-ie" JLI l'n sorry L'o read thaL Lhe 'rohotos"
uere forbidalen without your name & # thereon. I recently had to put that infor:ration on an_
only 20Gother WSP inmate's "photos" so he could receive them. To my knovrledge, l'lSP is the lran
gulag \,rhich has such a rule. Another gulag in CA seized
in the typerrritten text: uhite out! Thereafterr I have to send the inrate phot:ocopied lettersl $,ith no white-out! Ihe 8ufa8-zoggies lnay have thou8ht that the white-out ,as
ira recreational substancerr. As we la:lovJ, the zoggies like to monopolize that
as thel'do
iten is
zoggie thinks
in t"texican prisons. Apparently, one
a 'rphoto'r. Pretty t\,reaky, eh? 1111 see !,/hat can
to tou. I see that your gulag censors the mainstrean iewsmedia
articles one can receiv. in a given mailing. I vonder
that? Thanks, also, for checking your zip code' I note that your acldress is Ul) North tl!
Avenue. That means lhere coufd be a llfl South lilrr Avenue' In Yakima' we have str"eets L avenues,
letter, say to 214 6t, Yetkima,
lius North & south version; of each. II i weregetto mail nyself a back
by the post office!
incorrect zip code, I'd
"itn "" e ' . l l,iIGHT receive the ietter if I had a correc: zj.I, code' bui that I'otl1d b''Lsunrrundeliverabl
likely, unless the letter ca rier kne!,/ me. I once received a letter addresseal to "Lric Thotison,
Tcro.'to, canada.,'l v/as, a?larertlyr so weff P,novrn to cANzoG 8r the Post olfice'.lrat I received
re letter !,ithoui delayi That says scncthinS in favor of The surveilfance Society depicted in
orwetl's novef, rrl984rr! I am a journalistr so I donrt mind others reading &y mai:t' The more
'subscribexgi , the nerrler.
The jews llke to distort r,,ord-meanings to nislead the Gcyim or Gentiles' as i's their tribal
duty or 'lnitzvah", & nosir Goy sheepfe go ri8ht along vith misus;ne their oun lanAuage ' one distorted,,,rorrl i6 r'paranoj.ar'. ff someone uants to kilf you' & )-cu kno!, about iL' Iour r.6u1tant
behavior coul.l not be defined a6 "paranoid". If no one was cut to }i1l you, bit lror \dere to
behave as if there were, then you coufd be considerecl 'rparanoid'r . People can & dc worry about
all sorts of thingsr but it is reaLly Bhen those worries affect behavior in a dysfunctionaf
manner that we may be deemecl "laranoid'r ' as you say' paranoia ma)r serve as a survival-aid if
li keeps one atert in pGtentiali, dangerous situationS. They, uhy not be paranoid? In ny own
ca6e. i have bee:l snoopeC on in various countriest had backgrou[d checks done for lr.5.secu,j.ty
clearances & passpoits, &c, f ard on surveillance videos when I step outside my roon & feave
the buildinA. ?hent as I walk down tile sireet to the lost office' I am on all sorts of surveiuance cameras, the locations of ]|lhic}1 I kro\d, from observ:1tior". Alf pelsons al'e aiso subjectedtosuchvideotapings.But'idonctworly'$of;innot]rar.inoi'd.BeinSundersurveiliance is now a ro'tine' a habit, uith me. I noY, expect it' & I would be su.prised.if I could
uaik around toun & not be under surveillancel of course' I I'JIGI{T be !.rorriecl if I thought that
I was tlle CNLY one under surveiflance. I think that Nietzsche malr have vievred Etluggle & suffering a6 v/ou1d a bcdy-builder'lvho s.rys, "No pain, no Sain'r' of courset that whj-ch coes not
ki1l one outright may rre11 weaken hifl so badly that he becomes an invalid, rather than €r
strong man, A lood exarople in contradiction to Nietzsche wa6 the tragedl/ cf former'rSupernan",
Christopher leeve, uho was paralyze.I frod the neck down by his horse.jumping accident. A relative oi his, as r understard! cor0mitted suicid-., a1legedly because he had been t-peca6t in
lhe ,,su!ernan,' role, & could not 8et any othef acting roles. one night beSin to think that the
role ol lgupermanrr is a jinx, as tras been suSgeste{l for the roLe ofrrsherlock ilolmes". Iunny,
I've ne.rer heard of any actor being typecast for portrayirg Adolf Hitler! Aclors are very sup_
erstitiousr as I gather. one definiie aci-in6 "no-noi'i6 to say the narne of shakespearers
rrbad lucki' so
actors !,,ill r-efer to|]Thc scottiGh play'., inste:id. Aviators avoided certaix expressions, ]n
the Luftwaffe, it was consialered "bad luck'r to wish a pilot or crev a safe flight' Insleadl
one !,oulC {ish: rrlials und Beinbruch:r' (Break your neck & a 1e8!)
rhaCr to
\,hen he asks the attacker vr'hy he did iir, the lrenchnan exDlains the logic of uhy he
do il. Another is stnbbed by a German! who bursts into tears of regret' but says
?he last victin was stabbed by an l;n8lishman.
that his siabbing was
vou never
tim a6ks him iwhy?" The Englishman replieE:
'rfnife? What knife?'t 'uJith 6uch.,lren
in our
reauy neans' ve carr use ii
need en6mies. Ha! Since Ue lfllow what
,*y fit", but what works, & communication neans getting uhat ve want by neans of words' If Ide
do not get what we want, then we have failed to conmunicate properly. Cne joke wentr rr}la
femme ne me comprend l)a,i which a man says to his barlender. The bartender replies, -|So ,^rhy
don'i you talk to her in Enefish?r' In my fractured french, the nan is saying: rrliy wife does
not understand ll)e.rr 1 sLould h:rve statcd that in Spanisir' since we now flve i.:r Northern Me{ico:
I'La nujer no me comprende.r' fncidentally' the uord for wife is "esposa'i, rrEsposasrr doe6 not
mean 'nrlives" in common spanish usage, but 'thandcuffsrr. In nnglish, a !,ife i6 sonretines referred
io as rrmy ball & chainirby her hu6band. Not nice!
Chaflenges are opportunities. The Chinese cliaracter for i'crisis'r is comprlsed of two characters: rrdangerr' & 'ropportuniiy". This neans lre should l1ot 6hun challenges, but we shou]d use our
judgenrent in-deciding uhich challenges we wish to l:akc on, if we have lhe luxury of alecialingl
I do not vlel,l ny ou/n decision$ a:; "cha1lences", bul as taking advantage of opportunitles. 0n
the whole! I've h.rci :r very eaiEir life, in vhich I have rarel)r been i11, nor did I starve &/or
freeze (rnuch). I thlnk f u:1s jur:t fortunate 1$ recognizin8 opportuniiies vrhich uorl.-ed for my
benefit in terms of kio ledge, career & survival! although none of those were guaranteed. Cne
thing wiih rhjcii alf of us may rest assuyedi III'X IS FATALI This means that all other rrisksi
we iake are rsmall poiatoesr, sinoe the vrorst outcome of risk-taking ,,{ould bc death, !,hich ue
tuay only postpone. I do not nake a habit cf r'eaCirg obltuaries, but nany tines, as I cflp ltems
fron the newspapers, I notice people much younger ihtirL f am who have croaked iprenatureli".
i.le never know uhen rrdeath wifl surprise us", as Che Guevara $aid. Che Guevara uas a Marxist
revolutlonary vrl,o !r-s buflled off in a coUaboration of the USSR & the USA, for he i.ras fembarrassing( to lhe jed-conmie regime in led Russia, as !/elf as the :ier-capitalist regine in zionist occupic.i USA. Leon Tiotsl.,i' alias l,ev Davidovicn Bronstein was assassinated in Uexico! by
order of rrsLal,in'r aljas Josip .Djugashvili (Jewson)' for the sane reasons.There zLre celtain
popular xevolutions
live-wirelj or third lails uhich jev{-bankster-bolshevik6 nut ioff-linits':
are one & issuing debt-free money i6 a real 'bi68jer. Abraham Lincoln vas asEascinated, irartly
because he issued debt-free Breenbacks or United States liotes' instead of borrorvipg noney to
fidance The Clvil lrar, iohn tr. (ennedy was rguiltyr of issuing high-denofirination greenbacks
ciri.1B his administration. In 195i, thl3 year of his assassinaticn! I SPfi'IT $2o United states
Notes. in 1954, The tr'ederal Reserve (a jev-owned conpany) took over atl U.s. currency: no aore
Unitecl states Notes, no fiore sil,ver Certificates; just lealeral lieserve llotes from 1964 to the
Dresent. In the zoq century, , political feaders printe(l debt-free money: Tsar Nicholas I1 of
Russia (l..illed by the jers), Ado1f Hitler (attacked by order of the jews) & John I. Kennedy
(killed on behaii cf jewish interests).
Secret societies often have an organizational structuro like the assasslns & I'reemasons'
the Corcmunists & Christians, as ell as the je\,/s. Irm surethere are other Sroups uhich look
like l:lie pyramid depicted on the accompanying page. Cn tile bottom of the organiz.ltion are the
lruseful idiotsrl or dupes. They are taught to believe things about the orBanization ,,rhict1 .lre
known to be false by those on the upper 1eve1s. In lreemasonry, for exaople' the initi.rte is
taught the meaning of tile syllbols of Ireemasonry, !,hich have dilferent eanlngs at each 1eve1:
as on tLe lirst degree, second degree & third de8ree. rrThird degree" is used by cops ln regard
lo interrogation of a pri$oner', uslrafly meaning very tough intdrrogation techniques. In lreemasonic munbo-jumbo, the Third Degree initiation includes the synbolic killing of the initiate
by J rra6sass)ins!!, & his Eymbolic iresurrect.ionr by The Master Uason of the Lodge. There are
more than ji Cegrees.9he lf" is tops (perhaps) & it nay not be earned, but only conferxed. The
British Satanist, Cro!,/1ey, & Iranklin Delano Roosevclt; lj.S. traitor, were 'Dcth Jr6 masons.
The lreemasons recruit by mean6 of rrvatcLersr' uho lurk in universities & in so-ca11ed rlrhiterl
masonic groups ilke iions, Kivanas' oCd lellows' et al. Ihe watchers also Iur'k in nasonic
todges, $here they can observe the behavior of lodge members, lrith the object of evaluating
a memberrs qu.rlifications for the next 1evel or degree. one!6 eating, drinking & socializing
behavior indicate his fitness for the next levef' Lodge rituals ara usuaily for-1oue.l by socials,
in which everything is 'infornat" so ne@bers perceive this as an invitation to 1et tr,eir guard
do,rn, Those v,ho do are not usuatly deerned fit for rpromotionr to the nexl leve1. I"lasonic social
activities, particularll' conventions, are opportunities for blackroail of the members, to insure
their obedience to ruasonic orders, lrhic; usually invbl-ve la{-breaking & breach of trust. Cor-
ruptio. is a6 corruptior doesl
Cver lhe J.ears, I have fearned the old Ronan question, "Cui llono?" (who benefits?)
crincs erici, i1s 'rterrorism'r. 9-ll
on the
ilagir att:cks by Israeli a8;ents airainst the 'i.S.A.. in hopes of bfanxing those attacks
rrBy ilay of
Arabs &/or Moslerns, as hinted at by forn€r
a D1;ce. I,enizenrr of C:nad:r f thL: U31i live under 3ion15t occupution Governnients, vhjle those livinq south oI tile U.ll, border coriform to tl.e Cefilition of Zionist
c:ln regines h'rvo been
ir:fcrial satr:ipies. is far:s I kr,ow ' all iront_co1onia1 l-atir r\,'[erj
fli18, for exalxJ'lc' I
eslai'li shed by Frr:eri.sor.;. lrqentjlla hijLs Frcenasonic el,blens
yor.r are.r lreeJnless
canrt do;.rnytirinE in lolitlcs
ll-.xican attorney assured re that
l"exici"n Freeue:e
ma.ion.'! 1 iisl.cc hirir if he uer". a- Catholic, t hc s,ijd hc;tas'
.\rn.:ricr, :is
:I.:ilorr3 he knel,i.
'!hc chr.nic ioteirlreciEc .triflr :'ou derrcribc rs o:lgoing ano:rfet ecots & lrish indicrte:i
thei. in-,1jilitl. to forx. liriisr':a;l ljtat.1 oI their oiin, hcnc. t'l-'ir" r-eprit'1tion for figl,tjnC
ir-rv.1:r i.r otiicrs' f.ilons, on i,eiralf 3f.'fie'r cause.. fi nG:r €'xpl'1ir r:Ly nci+-!er hal'e been
:tb1e to tl":"..tr off ior"oiai: ru1e, rlor our,r't ilre anti-Ir"ich l-r'ots of 'Jf"ete.. Thc i.'ci thlt t:1e
proi:r ni.lr h:rvc hicher I.q,.s tha! lhe lrich ho$ts doci; not pfeclude llle rie.lrabilit:r of Irl r:l-rLa:iln.rListsr custiil ttcm. Cr:co ar1 Irirh goverrrr:aEl rule:r Ilel.:[d, I.e. can b. lurlradeC b"!
nesns of po;it:ve i: rlesstive eueenics. 3ut thi3 c.rn only occur if ]relaud' 'I1 of it' has ar'
lrish fov.rlilr,ent' of' by ti fr. :rish.
ils you $ay' Ostensible llhiles fror inerictl thirk likc jcvs. Ii Africa' uihen I wa; ihcrel
jeirs suddenfy prcclaioed themselves :rs non-lihiiesr after- enjoylng st.ltus as','lhiteri for ce!turies, ?he;ihites were surprised, bLrt the B1acks uere not fooled' since iews al their dark_
cst looked ruch llhlier than B]3.cks. llence, th-" )rebc$ sked.rtldfed to Anrerica &,lu:tr.rlia; a.)'_
(here but lsr'.re1l As ieniaflln Ilranklin declared, thcy vill noi 8o to Israel, for v'rmpires do
befall Oste:rsible i,hites r.ho thirk they car plel'
not live off van-oires. Thc same fate 'riil
adnixtures. Desirable traits in ron-lihj tc'
both si.les !,/i-th thclr r"e31 c. in"rgiEed
rio n.'t rial{e them l'lhite, .o our rhlte lJationalist probles iji to inprove olrr orn' by ourselves' :11., .11d t?re.{lEer"i.} reb€Is rleiricted in "TL-" ilattle o: '11?i.rs'( The fi1'f irout Ltvr
the c.loniil nexur; of explcjtatio]i !. dominstior iJas cut. Crine,i,s one tentacle, ili'l''lin4
clr'..:g:. The Algerians' tarli i,r1s sim.ller rrnll}:e thrt of ilationalists in former LIhite courtrli:i,
ilr whicl] cri.rirri.; -rc c:ten non-,;Li"es r./ltc oirer.ite out of tl"cir .i'r. cc1onie5, -16 jcri hrv!
dorle fo): ,renturic$, As noch{elf ;.oc1.iixrcd: 'rycxr ski.ri \.rilf be your uniforn irr t]le comira
race warii.'' I sa, vhat he meatlt Nhen Blacks r:oted in libclty City' Floiidat becijiuse t! oes_
tizo cop killed:i fleeirg ts1ack. Bluck iioters haulcd a flulatto or quadroo' lror his c'"r'
fle said hc ua; B1ack, but he w.1sn't 31.-.ck elough' so they killed hir.. -s conditions l'ecou]e
city' A1_
primitive, rrcirif identificatlon ,irill become pr-i.iitivc, a1so. fn a.Ier', ycr} 6tatcrrilhilie!'''r
barrians wore their n.r:ion.rl cclors, black & red, I thiilk, The ltacks obiected
fiercei:r, without fear. /,1b.rnians have not been taught 'IYIhite Guilt'r bv our ZOG' as vct'ln
fact, i,:Lbariaos are tauflht by their culture to be n:en, not rcice' since thel 'rre iioslerls'
lloycott, which you desclibe in lrance & Gcrrnany, is oIre lxe:]r]s of passive resistancc to
ulie:1 invaders, bJ avciali S soclal contact with str.illgers. In '.1-Ian, 1 felL as if I vJere in
ir direct contait with the peopler for I ,r,ras gaijin, a foreigner. Thi3 ui,s the first time I
experienced thisr irlvisible barrier. I iras not shunled' but my contacts were specific t ]j.mlt;di no social contacts. I do not conrplain, for Japanese h.Lve a right to ffeedon of aFrsociation, or behalf of theix or,rn existence. I respect the J.rlxrnese for defendinq their identity in such a disci!1ined & i,olite rianner. I lear$eal ll:y r.rcism frofl ny contact with other
on the sub_
rac;s, so your racial education is much better than you could alerive from book'rjnler-raci':1
ject, for it is both real & current. vjhai I learnec outsiCe the lrSA 'rpplies to
re]ation6 within the Jervnited States. Aj vou say! our*1OGl; have col,ed llhites so ','re are afraial tc speak of our own rrce, but llon-llhites -re no"so brain-da,na8ed. They pxcudly proclai their racial existence, as h/ith the msjor l.lexican polilical movement in the usA: Lii
Raza Unida (Th-. United Race). Thc Bli:ck lo\ic1'E1og.trn 8.rve some vlhites the courage to 'raJ
"';Il-ite Power! "
Sorry there uJas no cornnerclal intere€t in the ,ostage 6tanxPE. i save n:r foreign $tainrsl
wlich are cancelled, to givc to alyone interestedl. i tel1 them it is a Ererit lray for kids to
loarn geogr;r?hy, by learning v/herc the stanps origin.lte.
I can synpathiTe in l'our alien.ltion iron life in lreland' for it ''rs likc nine in the
:o do vlith tiemr on
Jeunited States. Eve though the ZOG-slav.'G vere llhite, I vanted nothing
behaff of ny own truc lntereste of frceCon froo shulloiJ materialism & regimented ecol1onic &
inrellectual s13very. I had rct sirent good moncy to open n:,' rinal in univarsity' iust to
c1o6e it agaili in tl litt1c ,,rorld of trivi-' toil t 'redium. Lras like a trec shcse g'owth
had jus', beflun, onliv to br-' stuntcd by ifi,i:lci.r1 re.t..(ints.
4) It ls r'emxrk"1b1e, as yo'J cb:iervei hon the vest:iGes of Comnulriso have become liitionalirt. it ii logical for:i llatioB tc adopt .r forr-'r of sccialj.sm, so as to tr)ut, the:,'ationiE
xeIl-bejng ahcad, of priv.-rte lrofit. The l:SL has Corle the oljpositc, cc we have a study in
cotltrasto. Ihe IIS.rr \,r.rs n\)ver a nation! .rlthouqh it ha,; -bused the ?ord, as it abuses tbe
trrn, I'Cemocracy,!r l.rlrich thc IjSl has ncve. been, accordinil to iti Fcundiis lreerna6onic Fe1cnr. If trutir be'rtrc.rson'iI, lh6 eJr. cf FEDZOGUSA, thei lying,',iU t,e.or.',c ctnirulscry,
rs ir.'rl.'3l.." C:sref1 lrcaic'"€4 tllat su11eir obc(lienco ill not be +"o1er.atod u;1def Bi3 !ro'ih.rr, lli.ri ;.il,jectri I6ust l.nrC'ly pr"ccloirn lhe-lr cnthusiar:tic -utlport for hir irol:cioE, r1o
fl;i1.cr hoi, ircr.j.clolir, i\cJ ri'.j fc, tl.e floverned.
l_. r-hj. r.qu.i, lrr. Jeiri-r(rCi,r are r-rfortintl th.it i. l'.:.-irorr je,,; ,rhc::". frtl:r'r c.'I!".C
iiiei: f.ifi:1.:r )l"iflei co.rvertcd to Iol...:ri, after" vilritinT frllristan. lloh/, hc is r,t iant bro:rCcasts in lin;.1.i sh for:r ',,)ro-'.'Ii|:di-,tt r:itic:.:/o,- lrtr.".rnei otcr.r:-'o!. I;lDZon2lIS- h.ts cr:r5ed
\l.r rith :..a.or,, :1,lii.ili i! tf,r'j.rL.ibr € b:,'de-1'"1 . 11tr. i.::or:j.st rfrt,,iiir, fcrL..' or i,,r ,ith
.'-lat afaiDjt 3.rlrr.:ut::;.ih.1:!1 TLe ,jni::'j cf tlre jel.I-Isl.crri,rtrs r,,..1ie sai oL1.I r,,,j3t prcacha: :r11rrJ:: .:r: ab:))'r ".'.:i.rr c"rn r.rt.rrii:ljsn i. :i.nr:i c.31', . " Cr,,r car. hc:i! ;i.rch :t,ifl:r!r' lliy
thc 'I.Jrt!' i)Lrfii t - I dJ:.r: r'r.,r ltl'rt
-."1.it ,r ir:,,jr)'., hr I ,-.' if it i. br.rdcrst fr"or.: rcvo.r;tes
vio'lcnt 3.t:ions .;s 0.,r'ington
:r1:. ti:ir cfficir'l 'L|idlorr h:r3 :o ri,J, bL;t rif l1e
,oe:r, aJalnst t.1e l'-'1..,, he could l,c ch.u"qecl !ri_!:1 Sivin:l'riid ! c.:rtfort'r iJ th. e:lcrieri of
l:r.: 'a:., 1il:'r :,xls !r11;' . l:lryo :iJse, Err"i ii,r1.:il i. Lo.d Eavr-gar,l ct a]. -1i:r CijrcJirr.iol of
L.:. lolicJ: i dlrseri :hcreto, a. protected urlic. c,r, liirrt .'a,-nCr:cntrr.ralr !:orv be punished
:r. ir]}j cac€, i:j.iice '"h,, foflior" 'ri-lLL' tr. hrbou. .)rirr h1D _clrL tl,e wal of tlie Ccdo luiiier
Ojxclli.rr1 "I)..triot nctE.r'1,'o uuro :Live in e}.citirit tifies. ().e thiLg nerticnt:d ir, thc jertr*itorL s:eech !r'as hiri predictic:r th-t'rb1oo(] vould run in rrr.e.icrl's strcets." rilhat rncch
Povre.]-I ur.id dec"lales ago is no',', deemcd "!re.rso!" in Jualeo-,heric.1. Snch a deal: T.r.kcn cut of
ccnlexlu ,rs it was by +,he jeirisl. ccnsiors, that statenenl seens no morc 'tre..sorious' to r,c
llir lhe st..teLents by Ind Tines Armageddonists ho rpeark of Proph-6cir & ;'!oc.11trpsc fron Lhe
jew-bco!- wldch vri11 affect tile uhole ,rorldr including the USA, ireather folecasters over predic-; citiesr streats a,rash with watcr fror hurricanes. the dana0e & loss of life from Hurr:cane &.trira rras certainly greater than that fron 9-f1, so wouid it be tre*$or for someone to clairi that I';irina lvas The i'rj 1l of l1lah, punishing the fnfide: Usl: IIov, s-.llsitive
our ZCG has become: How much i! ircltement & ho!. much is nierely dire predictiorr ::n these
alfeptedly treasonorrs statements','ZOG knousl Is it Itreasonr to applaud a percoived eneflyrs
rrisfortuues, as wLen Benyanin I'etanyahu blurteal that ?-11 v/as rrvery goorl for Israel, r'befo:'e
he shed his kosher crocodil.e tears 311e0ing hisrsoirow' for the US,l? Itetanyahu i:;.r dx.1l
'ri.3.-fsraeli citizen, as are flost of our zoiigie$ *ho qualify ao Isr.relis under their l3w of
Return, so uo,rl"d their statencl1ts afso be const.ued a6 lrtreason?rrlet's not hold our breath,
Pe;ta1in: One Russi.Lr oource clairied that he h,as arrKl'r:ite, bui not a jew'r' w-',ich is the
sa,re non.rense as declarinq him {.i fihazar, but not a je ." If otly je,v$ eristed on ihi6 p1anet, therc lrould be ceaseless w!f, as appears to be the ca6e if everyonc wera Irish or Scottishl ;Lrab dupes selve to flirintain je!,ish unity, such as ii is. '/ie nust distinguish betvreen
a land & a nation. There is nothinf vrron8 with any 1and, Iand is never the problenr, but always tlle looples 1jving thereon. e rust keep our definitlons straight if h7e :rre to achieve
anylhing of ,orth E of loly: duration, .o our liati on vill hav: futu.!e & continuity. .4ur.,$ianrj
in i:hiie livi.gsl,ace do not protect 'rlhites from genocide & they do no+- protect 'Jhites fro:n
theriselves. Ihites '6,ho share livingspace l1lith non-irhites choose extincticn. I reconoend thc
riork of Richard n'cculloch which appearlj on the Internet. A pohcJ of doflinatinc other r3ces
does not preservc the lrlite Raca, as histcry prove6, Hotr fl;lny tines riust we .epeat tLe niistakes of ?omer Portugal, sp:rin, Frarcer Sritajn & the USI before rle flnauy run out of Aryans? llnFire i€ largel-y our probl-enx, not our oolutic,r1. \le uust seek anti-Zionist allies on
beiralf of our self-Ccvernment & thelrs, for our enemies are at hor,er not abr.oad. !'].ites may
,ish to avoid lacial confronte.ltions I but non-'rlirr-tes wifl lorce confrontatio upor! us. Crine
hac becone one visible, immediate aspect of rrice r^,ar, as occurs in l,lorth limerica, & it is
fess l less pcssible for individual white bunny-rabbits to "1void it. one must tread the
streetE of Brornest yakin:r vith th6 vi[i]ance one bringi te p.cdator-infe;t,€,d junc1.iS, i,$
onc nust in most ;'!meri.can tourts g cities. Thc young, the decrepit & the stu?id are nost
vrlnerable, .is in any junEle. fhis is the society for which we foueht & ',,,/on'. Such a de31:
Iirst, attacke begin on the 6'"rcetii! then in our hones, sc our lifestyle tenCs to resenble
trcrich r,/3rfale. Thcse lrho.1r'e Iiot preirarcd ,rilt ?cr"i$h in bewilder"nant, lor tneJ donrt ,,r:lit
to l-no,,r, like the foolish iri:ite farn-.r6 in lll cli ;'.frica.
i) llc l!,rjr.:.'' t!c -"-rrri.jt .rlrrd..-rictins Ll:li.:j to th: iris.i l,jlo cr:4rtot 'lr'fc:rd ir'ri-r'd
fr..r unarmea iu'r.i.dorir, :let rfone irrnicC oli,rs. le:cirC i.rr'ic'lf cI dic: r',hal .L si ir;rl e conceirt.
;Iv(r T* llec :x'-8ht b,-';b]o ic coi,rlehc,ic ti1r1i olte. ;l'rce vr.tr j! nol $oiictilid3 !r'e iJ.rni, bul'
Llri .re ,,,e Lvcir: it, th. {cr.io i.t ,ii'.1 f,,i,
;.; i suy, rrjli,p{ri..1irm, i.r rroi,r'/hut Jhites need' it's.1llti-ilionist al:Lies' & as you
o'r,.jcrv!, tlioiie lrhr lc'oir IhitE' brt ar:e not' iar.i (iangcro'.r,,. Th:ir:ks for the !iciar.j of ihc
U..-1. r^av-l kilie, iickover. I:r]s(, r"ccull hisi.-r.:nlriri; hclres ln I;j:OG fonce$, such as c.' Crarl8. in
err1l ii orr,ran :ch,^'iirj.l.cirft Gen-'r,rf FranlG & ;idniral 3.r]",'",a1+, $hc inttoduced
of tl.c U.j' gtraVi.€lii:,r 8 ,,rlto..c jjol Cied tl'rer.frc:ri. TlLerc r'.r.: alsQ t.,e l.on!l-tinr-' jer^ herd'igerlt
iexic r'ir Colr.l(i)nC' irh!,je ;r;xe ctrrrently cs.iLJ).' ne: Crtrl:s Iellrv. '!hat':r i+-: Ij. ] e;erbl "C
. n.' 'j.rrl' Citi'. ,'... ..-J.., r .i,.'-di:.
l:o, th.:'j via{.o.!toCucUol:s a.(j c}!!aper_ to r,.,::e th:,n evart lrllj: di;itai c.r er:iJ l:r/!.,
l;y c.irr't l.:hilc:; ru[, l] e:r? lle hi,ve th. .lbillity, but no+, th.'.rt:L.'ix.iiior'! '{' c",,':r' :lii-rt
ur--ich l bc]-ieve :ro! 6entjoned'c:rn be u,;ed for voice i:,/o! text l)ro[re*6' & lasse'] irro'.ind '
Tric ]Lt..rnct rr.ii be us,,rlj UCC ui]linc, to fuxction trl a !rd:.a/'I'l,/LcjT.p3-,er brorldcai;t n.tliofl',, ,riil.oxJ thc I1']ceisit:r of bu:rinI st:rticns' studios, trr..r,ritt.r'J ! big i:,r'irltinfl pre'jses. lc far' tlle dain ri. of C)s a lwj uhich ]rve reaC about is for l:hite Ro'k present:'ijor.s. Sureiy, we have r,ore ina$in.rtion tl13n tiris:
OLa web-.rurf{rr of rlhite-:rite:r rcports tLat Goc3le j; bcing Simmickcd by }tebe-hittert
rd.iro loll on & off to $-ke lnferior f.hlte-sites ai'pear mcre !opri].f. As i unde!'eta11d, sites
are.eleC blr th.ri. r fotul.rriiy !, pofular"ity i:i Iaterl in |-it$ on thc sites' rIe sav.] that i'hc
korihlr cro,Id alpcaxs to be populilrizing lr.i(a r'rit.s, ratlier tli:rn'r)iazi" oneit' After all'' tl:e
fi(( H:rs estal,lished b:f the Ireenasons after +-hc {-1.3. Civil (ar' & the trlree&a6cns !r'ere est*btished by the jeu-b.1nksters. l:hen.'{c lea.n that tire rulers ol 3ritaln! led hy the Norr.ai
ccffiuerors' vieweal 3rit;.in ars a neull'_acquired pasture populated by rovine twc-1c86ed catt1e, v:e see i continuiiy r/ith the sl,,very of Rornan ru1e. The f.ing of th' nr:E1i-sh bccame Tho
Iiinl of INGT,A];D I v,hich meant thal; his peopLe \',ere iuefevant' .rside fron: being sorrces cf
inco:ie. The Church !:irtic:Iratcd in the sam.' rackets vhich devolved fror, th. dehufianiz.rtion
of rule, froln n-tio; to country. The kjE8s no fonger representeal the ]]eople, but the land
thoy lived on. This cancept p.rved the rray for the oustirg of tlie llative !eo!1es' as occurrcd in Sritiiin, a:; rveli as in Irelandr A the inportation of whornsoever dppe.ireC .1rlva:1t:rge_
ous to the lich. I understarld that lrakis were brought in to lriiain to flood the textile
indiistry in the 2O!r century, thus di5-rlacing Whlte workers in ttlrt in{iu,rtrJ. This has been
tre theme lI, I;orth Lnrcrica: lhe imlolt.rtion of labor to deny natives fair livinq wages'Th'
lmericall colonieE' incl-ucir,8 the Caribbeanr vere vast consuilers cf 'dhite slaves' "'ho cost
ncthina, ir1 co parison to the relatively hiSh-priced Blacks. lihite slaves acconpanied the
eve. so pious Pil-grinrs on t\e liayflower. Vikings enslaved lJ-hites, but thc heydav of'hite
s1r1ve.y lv.rs under Christianity, & th.i s1.lves were dhite Christiads in thc overw]lefning na_
jcri:y. ; letsile listed .ieveral of ny rel.rtives viio werc brought over frcn 3ritain in
chr^ini, us Uhite slaves, so the slave experience rras more conmon thal1 not. The nunber of
recorded skive ir[nisrants to ]3ritainrs Aner:ican colonies vast17 out-numbered the free innigr.rits, & most of the llhitc slaves wete vrorkeil to death before they reacheil their_ 2Os'
Britain w:rs loenijrU wit:1 ljhito child slaves! whc werc quickly consuned b)' chimneJ-srceping,
nining, we:iv:ng & oiher h,rr(l labor, lon8 :rfter Black slavery ',,,.1s rbolished by Britaii'T\ey
co:itinued to be translorted to British colo]iios, long riftex expensive 31.icks i,ere uorking
there as slaves. Since'dhitcs Here {)nsl,lveal f.rr little or rothi4gt Blackjr {ere troatcd be:_
tcr, Cne €.roup of Bl:1ck rl.rves compl.rired that thcy v,'er:e being '\orked like Irishnen"' €,
il1:.cks sang: "Bct:c: to be .i nigger than a looi ljhite manl" The ]:isto:y of 3ritain, lrel3nd
i. !ritish col.onies of the tneric.rs i5 one of lihite flenocide i. non-'tlhite occirl:.ticn, so lt
is tire ULjtes rrho should be ,./rathful todard our anti-ljhit. rulcrij, even rsore tha]] tslacks.
'.:rL:I vra see bc,.r guilt;r oir pnes..t r"ul.erG:rrc jn thei!'genocjcal' parasitic role :1'.1: :it
i:lites, we s!.1].i:rcl:ievc r1o Senuine !J:fite Nationalism in fofmerlJ lrhite countries. Thi:t'c
,rl,\.C;i;Cl:: i,j s. jrlortDrt. Can Ircl-ld f.ee itself froll rioD-Trisl invaCcri i fro:, ant-iTrjsh rul.e? lio, bl1t thc TJish canl Ca.n 1u55i: free itsoff f:ror.r1je]1 exl:loitatior: lior but
tLe;i:ssitin.r c-n. ',,Ii rlrrt stop thjr,kinfl in terro of re]I e:rtaie &, inr:rte'td ' tirirk of peopl€'
& t4eir l:tr"Liilgle tc :l.ivc or1 thc 1:rrld fo1' lhcir' bcnefi.t, not the benefit of crimina]-s & parasites. f 3n !:t.1tinf +,1:c obvjolis' bul tliis;11:.oe3r.rl 'rnfortun.ltely ' n(--cessary, because oth'r:j
,efuse to.ee it. lol.i.tics is peopla-lower; ]]olitics ir tilc art of the poirsible; lolitlcs
is re.r1ity. Cne's ririht to his I:rnd dcpends on hic ability to iight for it' on behalf of
ti]c $rtes open to t]lc.1ien invaderS ale our re:rl en{]Il.ies, vithoul
Lis folL. Those v/h., hold
..rL.:-L L'.rc rr':.lu be no _;nvrdc--, \ll L:-a be:t !, C:ilC'::: -.'.