HI 280 History of Rock`n`Roll
HI 280 History of Rock`n`Roll
HI 280: SPECIAL TOPICS IN AMERICAN HISTORY CM 561: SPECIAL TOPICS IN MASS COMMUNICATION THEHISTORYOF HI 280 / CM 561, Summer 2014 ROCK’N’ROLL ELVIS PRESLEY was in some ways the personification of the American Dream. Professor WILLIAM McKEEN Office 131 COM Phone 353-3484 Email wmckeen@ bu.edu Office hours Fridays, 10:30-noon and by appointment Home page williammckeen.com Twitter @wmckeen @outlawjourno Facebook @Boston University Department of Journalism About this course This course examines the role of popular music in American culture. It is not a music course, but more of an examination of the effects of recorded sound on popular culture. We will study the origin and growth of the recording industry in the United States, but focus most of our energies on tracing the threads of mainstream music during the 20th century. We will attempt to integrate the general social and intellectual 1 history of the country into the story of popular music. There will be a special emphasis on rock 'n' roll and its impact on America in the last 40 years, especially the 1954-1970 era. Although this course is a lot of fun, it is not easy. There is a lot of work. These are the required books for the course: ✓ C HARLIE G ILLETT The Sound of the City: The Rise of Rock and Roll (Da Capo Press, 1996; second edition) ✓ G REIL M ARCUS Mystery Train: Images of America in Rock’n’Roll Music (Plume, 2000; fifth edition) ✓ W ILLIAM M C K EEN Rock and Roll is Here to Stay (W.W. Norton, 2000). My goal in selecting texts is to require books that are so good you won’t want to sell them back. Hope that’s the case with you. Remember this quote from the King of Rock’n’Roll, Elvis Presley: “If this ceases to be fun, we will cease to do it.” HI 280 / CM 561, Summer 2014 Grading and other issues These are the major assignments in the course: ✓ ✓ a research paper two extensive multiple-choice examinations. A note on behavior: It should go without saying that I expect you not to talk, dance or make rude noises while I am trying to lecture. Any sort of disruptive behavior will be damaging to your grade. We follow the standard grading scale for the tests and the paper: • • • • • • • • • • • 93 and above A 90 to 92.99 A87 to 89.99 B+ 83 to 86.99 B 80 to 82.99 B77 to 79.99 C+ 73 to 76.99 C 70 to 72.99 C67 to 69.99 D+ 60 to 66.99 D 0 to 59.99 F Attendance You will not be allowed to make up any missed work unless the reason for your absence is extremely grave (a death in the family or perhaps the contraction of some loathsome disease), and you call me or email me before the class period to be missed. I have strong feelings about attendance. As Herman B (no period) Wells, chancellor of Indiana University, once said: "Education is the one thing people pay for, then do not insist upon receiving." We cannot have a successful class without you. Be here every day. If you don't show up, the quality of class will be diminished. Remember your John Donne (and, of course, remove the gender bias from this centuries old quote): "No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less.... (A)ny man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." In short, don't be a clod. But do be polite. There's no excuse for rudeness. 2 JANIS JOPLIN came from Port Arthur, Texas, outside of Houstin, but found her voice as a singer in San Francisco, becoming part of that cityʼs vibrant music scene in the later 1960s, during the socalled “Summer of Love.” She died at 27, after years of heavy drug and alcohol abuse. • Style. Consistency is what matters most to me. Historical papers generally follow the style outlined in A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses and Dissertations by Kate Turabian. This is a recommended guide. But as long as you are consistent and give me bibliographical information, I will be delighted. • Citations. Follow the simple practice of indicating a citation with a superior number. Then, put all your notes at the end. I prefer that book citations follow the format under the required-texts section of this syllabus. Cite interviews with a superior number and include all relevant information in the endnote. Thus: 47. Wanda Jackson, telephone interview, June 8, 2014. • Page Numbering. Some lunatics apparently think if they don't number the pages I won't notice that they did not make the minimum length. I can count. But make it easy on me. Don't include a lot of blank paper to make your paper fatter. It will make me think that your paper is flimsy. It's a waste, too. • Title Page. Put this sort of stuff on the cover: Title of paper, your name, course number (HI 280 / CM 561 Hiatory of Rock’n’Roll) and the date (Summer Session I, 2014). Writing your paper The research paper is on a topic of your choosing. I strongly urge you to take one of these two approaches: Approach A: Write about a trend, a genre, or a popular notion about music. Concern yourself with cover versions of R&B songs. Or perhaps you are interested in narrative songs. Subcategories of popular music may interest you acid rock, heavy metal, bubblegum, Philadelphia Soul, or whatever. That may be a bit amorphous for lots of you, so I recommend the second approach. Approach B: Your research paper may take the form of a report on a single musician (or band). Consider this the adopt-a-rock'n'roller plan. Early in the semester, select a musician, living or dead, and accumulate as much information as you can on that artist. It must be an artist whose career is (or was) of some duration. You will prepare a written biographical/discographical report and then briefly present your information to the class. I like this second approach because I think it will be more meaningful to you and should make class presentations more fun. If you don't like either of these approaches, then talk with me and we will figure out what to do. Here are answers to questions you might ask about writing this research paper: Continued on next page HI 280 / CM 561, Summer 2014 Writing your paper continued • Errors. Errors of fact seriously damage your grade. Spelling and grammar errors also will hurt. Typographical errors will be considered spelling errors. Edit carefully. • Revision. I may ask you to revise your paper. This will not affect the grade. But I will not record your grade -- give you credit for the work -- unless you turn in a revision if one is requested. • Report Covers. I hate those flimsy little plastic things. I usually throw them away. Paper covers and other fancy forms of presentation are mere annoyances. Save your money. Just staple or paper clip the pages together. And don't come to class the day that paper is to be turned in expecting me to have a stapler. You think I carry one in my back pocket? Get real. • • General Quality. One last, vital thing: Do not think of this as "another boring term paper." You are a student in a college of communication. You are a writer. I will be judging your paper as a piece of writing. It must be interesting. It should read like a good magazine article. Hope you enjoy this assignment. I’m pretty sure you will. BOB DYLAN shielded from fans during his timultuous 1966 world tour with The Hawks. Dylan unveiled his new rockʼnʼroll sound and fans showed up at his concerts to boo. Course outline and reading assignments We will attempt to stick to the outline below. We might deviate from this list of lecture topics, but it ought to give you some idea of the material covered. About the readings: ✓ Read Mystery Train by the midpoint of the semester. It will be covered on the first exam. ✓ Read The Sound of the City during the second part of the course. It will be covered on the second exam. ✓ Readings from Rock and Roll is Here to Stay are listed with the class meetings in the outline below. ✓ Suggested readings will be on reserve. As you might surmise, these are not required, but reading selections from these works will deepen your understanding and appreciation of the subject. We will announce the dates of tests in class and will present lectures in the order below: 3 Introduction Required reading: From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: Salman Rushdie, “A World Worthy of Our Yearning”; Levon Helm, Martin Scorsese and Robbie Robertson, “And if it Dances” ; Nick Hornby, “Looter” The Art of the Music Business Suggested reading: Ken Emerson. Doo-Dah!: Stephen Foster and the Rise of American Popular Culture (Simon and Schuster, 1997) James Kaplan. Frank Sinatra: The Voice (Doubleday, 2010) The Ghost of Robert Johnson Required reading: From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: Robert Johnson, “Me and the Devil”; Bob Dylan, “Blind Willie McTell”; James Miller, “King of the Delta Blues” Suggested reading: Alan Lomax. The Land Where the Blues Began (Pantheon, 1993) Peter Guralnick. Searching for Robert Johnson (Dutton, 1989) John Fahey. Charley Patton (Little Hampton, 1970) The Birthing of Rock’n’Roll Required reading: From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: DonDeLillo, “Free of Old Saints and Martyrs”; Richard Goldstein, “Next Year in San Francisco” Suggested reading: Ian Whitcomb. After the Ball: Pop Music from Rag to Rock (Penguin, 1974). Richard Cohen, The Record Men (WW Norton, 2005) The Sound of the City, Part 1: New Orleans Required reading: From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: Grace Lichtenstein and Laura Dankner, “The Fat Man”; Greil Marcus, “The Myth of Staggerlee” Recommended reading: Alan Lomax. Mister Jelly Roll (Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1950) John Broven. Rhythm and Blues in New Orleans (Pelican, 1978) Jeff Hannusch. I Hear You Knockin’: The Sound of New Orleans Rhythm and Blues (Swallow, 1985) The Sound of the City, Part 2: Chicago Required reading: From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: Robert Palmer, “From the Delta to Chicago”; Charlie Gillett, “From the introduction to The Sound of the City” Suggested reading: Charles Shaar Murray. Boogie Man: The Adventures of John Lee Hooker in the American 20 th Centur y (St. Martin’s, 2000) Continued on next page HI 280 / CM 561, Summer 2014 Course outline continued BUDDY HOLLY in his Greenwich Village apartment a couple of weeks before his death in the Feb. 3, 1959 plane crash. His last songs, recorded bedside on a home tape recorder, signaled a change in direction for the singer. James Segrest and Mark Hoffman. Moanin’ at Midnight: The Life and Times of Howlin’ Wolf (Pantheon, 2004) Willie Dixon, with Don Snowden. I Am the Blues: The Willie Dixon Story (DaCapo, 1990) The Sound of the City, Part 3: Memphis Required reading: From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: Colin Escott and Martin Hawkins, “706 Union Avenue” Suggested reading: Robert Gordon. It Came From Memphis (Faber and Faber, 1992). Stanley Booth. Rythm [cq] Oil: A Journey Through the Music of the American South (Pantheon, 1992) James L. Dickerson. Goin' Back to Memphis: A Century of Blues, Rock 'n' Roll, and Glorious Soul (Schirmer, 1996) Elvis, Part 1: The Hillbilly Cat Required reading: From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: Peter Guralnick, “Elvis, Scotty and Bill”; Doc Pomus, “Treatise on the Blues” Suggested reading: Peter Guralnick. Last Train From Memphis (Little, Brown, 1994) Dave Marsh. Elvis. (Warner Books, 1983) Colin Escott and Martin Hawkins. Good Rockin' Tonight: Sun Records and the Birth of Rock 'n' Roll (St. Martin's, 1991) Elvis, Part 2: Lonely Street The Day the Music Died Required reading: Required reading: From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: Peter From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: Guralnick, “Return of the King”; Lester Unknown, “The Plane Crash” Bangs, “Where Were You When Elvis Suggested reading: Died?” Ellis Amburn. Buddy Holly (Sr. Martin’s, Suggested reading: 1996) Peter Guralnick. Careless Love (Little, Brown, 1997) The Five Styles of Rock'n'Roll Required reading: Chuck Berry: Guitar Like Ringing a Bell From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: Required reading: Charlie Gillett, “The Five Styles of Rock’n’Roll” From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: Chuck Berry, “Got to Be Rock and Roll Music” Rock'n'Roll, Inc.: The Brill Building Sound Suggested reading: Required reading: Chuck Ber r y. The Autobiography From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: Doc (Harmony, 1989) Pomus, “Treatise on the Blues”; Mae Boren Axton, “Estimony in the Payola After Chuck, the Deluge Hearings” Required reading: Suggested reading: From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: Ken Emerson. Always Magic in the Air Bumps Blackwell, “Up Against the Wall (Viking, 2005 with Little Richard” Suggested reading: The Wall of Sound, Part 1: Teen Symphonies Required reading: G r a c e L i ch t e n s t e i n a n d L a u r a Dankner,. Musical Gumbo (W.W. Norton, From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: Phil 1995) Spector, “Save the Last Dance for Me”; Lucy O’Brien, “Girl Groups” The Sun Also Rises Suggested reading: Required reading: Mick Brown. Tearing Down the Wall of Sound (Knopf, 2007) From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: Nick Tosches, “Jerry Lee Lewis Sees the Bright Lights of Memphis” The Wall of Sound, Part 2: Spectacles Suggested reading: Required reading: 4 From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: Ronnie Spector, “Inflatable Phil”; Tina Turner, “A Fool in Love” Motown: Berry Gordy's Empire Required reading: From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: Patricia Smith, “Life According to Motown,” David Ritz, “What’s Going On” Nelson George. Where Did Our Love Go? (Sr. Martin’s, 1986) Bob Dylan, Part 1: Gather 'Round People Required reading: From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: Bob Dylan, “Bringing it All Back Home” and Blind Willie McTell” Suggested reading: Bob Dylan. Chronicles, Vol. 1 (Simon and Schuster, 2006 The Beach Boys, Part 1: All-American Boys Required reading: From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: Brian Wilson, “Do You Remember?” Suggested reading: Steven Gaines. Heroes and Villains (New American Library, 1986) The Beach Boys, Part 2: All-American Boys on Drugs Required reading: From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: Jules Siegel, “A Teen-Age Hymn to God” Suggested reading: Brian Wilson. Wouldn’t It Be Nice? (HarperCollins, 1993) Continued on next page HI 280 / CM 561, Summer 2014 Course outline continued The British Invasion Required reading: From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: Patti Smith, “Rise of the Sacred Monsters” The Beatles, Part 1: Moptops Required reading: Bob Dylan, Part 2: Going Electric Required reading: From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: Philip Norman, “A Good Stomping From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: Al Band” Kooper, “How Does it Feel?”; Jomn Suggested reading: Pareles, “Precious Oddball” Suggested reading: Philip Norman. Shout (Simon and Schuster, 1981) The Beatles. The Beatles Anthology (Chronicle, 1996) The Beatles, Part 2: Turning Left at Greenland The Godfather of Soul Required reading: Required reading: From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: Tom From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: Wolfe, “Words to the Wild” James Brown, “The TAMI Show”; Suggested reading: Nelson George, “The Godfather of Soul” Bob Spitz. The Beatles (Little, Brown, 2005) Suggested reading: James Sullivan. The Hardest Working The Beatles, Part 3: Man (Gotham, 2009) More Popular Than Jesus Required reading: The Sound of the City, Part 4: From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: Los Angeles and San Francisco Maureen Cleave, “More Popular Than Required reading: Jesus” From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: Joan Suggested reading: Didion, “Waiting for Morrison” Suggested reading: Hunter Davies. The Beatles: The Authorized Biography (revised, W.W. Barney Hoskyns. Waiting for the Sun(St. Norton, 2010) Martin’s, 1996) The Beatles, Part 4: Twilight of the Gods Required reading: From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: John Lennon, “The Ballad of John and Yoko”; Yoko Ono, “Statement to the Press” Suggested reading: The Beatles. The Beatles Anthology (Chronicle, 1996) The Guitar Gods Required reading: From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: Anthony DeCurtis, “A Life at the Crossroads”; Ellen Sander, “Inside the Cages of the Zoo”; Pamela des Barres, “Every Inch of My Life’; Peter Townshend, “Meaty, Beaty, Big and Bouncy”; Charles Shaar Murray, “Hendrix in Black and White” Suggested reading: Eric Clapton. The Autobiography (Broadway, 2007) Sweet Soul Music Required reading: From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: Daniel Wolff, “Change is Gonna Come”; Jon Landau, “Otis Redding, King of Them All”; Jerry Wexler, “Queen of Soul” Suggested reading: Peter Guralnick Sweet Soul Music (Harper and Row, 1986); Robert Bowman, Soulsville USA (Schirmer, 2003) The Sound of the City, Part 5: Memphis (Again) and Muscle Shoals Required reading: From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: Robert Gordon, “Dan and Spooner” Suggested reading: Robert Gordon. It Came from Memphis (Faber and Faber, 1995) The World’s Greatest Rock’n’Roll Band Required reading: From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: Terry Southern, “Riding the Lapping Tongue” Suggested reading: Keith Richards Life (Little, Brown, 2010) The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Required reading: From Rock and Roll is Here to Stay: Bill Graham, “Woodstock Nation”; Lewis Shiner, “Saving Jimi”; Stanley Booth, “Altamont” THE ROLLING STONES in 1965. From left, KEITH RICHARD (he had not added the S to his last name yet) MICK JAGGER, CHARLIE WATTS, BRIAN JONES and BILL WYMAN. Only Mick, Keith and Charlie are with the band today. Brian died in 1969 and Bill retired in 1994. 5 HI 280 / CM 561, Summer 2014 6 Rockʼnʼroll bibliography Like all bibliographies, this is a work in progress. • Aaseng, Nathan. Bob Dylan: Spellbinding Songwriter. Minneapolis: Lerner Press, 1987. • Aldridge, Alan, editor. The Beatles Illustrated Lyrics. New York: Delacorte, 1969. • _______, editor. The Beatles Illustrated Lyrics, Vol. 2. New York: Delacorte, 1971. • Alpert, Jane. Growing Up Underground. New York: Morrow, 1981. • Amburn, Ellis. Pearl: The Obsessions and Passions of Janis Joplin. New York: Warner Books, 1992. • ______. Buddy Holly: A Biography. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995. • Amendt, Gunter. Reunion Sundown: Bob Dylan in Europa. Munich: Hobo Press, 1985. • Anderson, Dennis. The Hollow Horn: Bob Dylan's Reception in the United States and Germany. Munich: Hobo Press, 1981. • Anson, Robert Sam. Gone Crazy and Back Again: The Story of Rolling Stone Magazine. New York: Doubleday, 1981. • Anthony, Gene. The Summer of Love. Berkeley, California: Celestial Arts, 1980. • Azerrad, Michael. Come as You Are: The Story of Nirvana. New York: Doubleday, 1994. • Bacon, David, and Norman Maslov. The Beatles' England: There Are Places I'll R e m e m b e r . N e w Yo r k : N i n e HundredTen Press, 1982. • Baez, Joan. Daybreak. New York: The Dial Press, 1968. • ______. And a Voice to Sing With. New York: Summit Books, 1987. • Baker, Glenn A. The Beatles Down Under: The 1964 Australia and New Zealand Tour. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Pierian, 1985. • Bane, Michael. White Boy Singin' the Blues. New York: Penguin Books, 1982. • Bangs, Lester. Psychotic Reactions and Carburetor Dung. Edited by Greil Marcus. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1987. • Barlow, William. Looking Up at Down: The Emer gence of Blues Cultur e. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1989. • ______, and Cheryl Finley. From Swing to Soul: An Illustrated History of African ARETHA FRANKLIN with JERRY WEXLER of Atlantic Records. He had the smarts to take her to Muscle Shoals, Alabama in 1966 to record. • • • • • • American Pop Music, 1930-1960. Washington, D.C.: Elliott and Clark, 1994. Barnouw, Eric. The Golden Web: A History of Broadcasting in the United States from 1933 to 1953. New York: Oxford University Press, 1968. Bauldie, John. Bob Dylan and Desire. Romford, England: Wanted Man Press, 1982. ______. Wanted Man: In Search of Bob Dylan. London: Black Spring Press, 1990; New York: The Citadel Press, 1991. Bedford, Carol. Waiting for The Beatles: An Apple Scruffs Stor y. London: Blanford Press, 1984. Belz, Carl. The Story of Rock. New York: Oxford University Press, 1969. Benjaminson, Peter. The Story of • • • • • • Motown. New York: Grove Press, 1979. Benson, Joe. The Beatles. Glendale, California: Benson, 1986. Berry, Chuck. The Autobiography. New York: Harmony Books, 1987. Berry, Jason, Jonathan Foose, and Tad Jones. Up from the Cradle: New Orleans Music Since World War II. Athens, Georgia: University of Georgia Press, 1986. Berry, Peter E. "...And the Hits Just Keep on Comin'." Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1977. Best, Peter, and Patrick Doncaster. Beatle! The Pete Best Story. New York: Dell, 1985. Blake, John. All You Needed Was Love: The Beatles After The Beatles. New York: Perigee, 1981. Continued on next page HI 280 / CM 561, Summer 2014 Bibliography continued • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 7 Bockris, Victor. Uptight: The Velvet Underground Story. London: Omnibus Press, 1983. ______. Keith Richards: The Biography. New York: Poseidon Press, 1993. Boggs, Vernon W. Salsiology: Afro-Cuban Music and the Evolution of Salsa in New York City. New York: Excelsior Music Publishing Company, 1992. Bogle, Donald. Brown Sugar: Eight Years of America's Black Female Superstars. New York: Harmony Books, 1980. Booth. Stanley. Dance With the Devil: The Rolling Stones and Their Times. New York: Random House, 1984. _______. Rythm Oil: A Journey Through the Music of the American South. New York: Pantheon, 1991. ______. Keith: Standing in the Shadows. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995. Bowden, Betsy. Performed Literature: Words and Music by Bob Dylan. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1982. Bronson, Fred. The Billboard Book of Number One Hits. New York: Billboard Publications, 1988. Broven, Robert. Rhythm and Blues in New Orleans. Gretna, Louisiana: Pelican, 1974. Brown, James, and Ken Tucker. James Brown: The Godfather of Soul. New York: Macmillan, 1986. [Revised, with a new introduction by Dave Marsh, 1990] Brown, Peter, and Steven Gaines. The Love You Make: An Insider's Story of The Beatles. New York: McGrawHill, 1983. Burke, John. The Beatles in a Hard Day's Night. New York: Dell, 1964. Burton, Jack. The Blue Book of Tin Pan Alley. Watkins Glen, New York: Century House, 1950. Cable, Paul. Bob Dylan: His Unreleased Recordings. New York: Schirmer Books, 1980. Campbell, Colin and Allan Murphy. Things We Said Today: The Complete Lyrics and a Concordance to The Beatles' Songs, 19601970. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Pierian, 1980. Carpozi, George. John Lennon: Death of a Dream. New York: Manor Books, 1980. Carr, Patrick. The Illustrated History of Country Music. New York: Doubleday, 1980. Carr, Roy, and Tony Tyler. The Beatles: An Illustrated Record. New York: Harmony Books, 1975 (Revised 1981). • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Cartwright, Bert. The Bible in the Lyrics of Bob Dylan. Romford, England: Wanted Man Press, 1985. Castleman, Harry and Walter J. Podrazik. All Together Now: The First Complete Beatles Discography, 19611975. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Pierian, 1976. _______. The Beatles Again. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Pierian, 1977. _______. The End of The Beatles? Ann Arbor, Michigan: Pierian, 1985. Catone, Marc A. As I Write This Letter: An American Generation Remembers The Beatles. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Pierian, 1982. Cepican, Bob, and Ali Waleed. Yesterday . . . Came Suddenly. New York: Arbor House, 1984. Cerf, Christopher, editor. Help! New York: Random House, 1965. Chapple, Steve, and Rebee Garofalo. Rock'n'Roll is Here to Pay: The History and Politics of the Music Industry. Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1977. Charles, Ray. and David Ritz. Brother Ray: Ray Charles' Own Story. New York: The Dial Press, 1978. Charlton, Katherine. Rock Music Styles: A History. Dubuque, Iowa: William C. Brown, 1990. Charters, Sam. The Country Blues. New York: Rinehart, 1959. Christgau, Robert. Any Old Way You Choose It. Rock and Other Pop Music, 1967-1973. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1973. ________. Rock Albums of the '70s: A Critical Guide. New Haven: Ticknor and Fields, 1981. ________. Christgau's Record Guide: The '80s. New York: DaCapo Press, 1990. Clarke, Donald, editor. The Penguin Encyclopedia of Popular Music. New York: Viking-Penguin, 1989. Cohn, Nik. Rock from the Beginning. New York: Stein and Day, 1969. Coleman, Ray. John Winston Lennon. London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1984. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . L e n n o n . N e w Yo r k : McGrawHill, 1984. Corbett, John. Extended Play: Sounding Off from John Cage to Dr. Funkenstein. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 1994. Cott, Jonathan, and David Dalton. The Beatles Get Back. London: Apple Publishing, 1969. Cott, Jonathan, and Christine Doudna, editors. The Ballad of John and Yoko. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • New York: Doubleday / Rolling Stone Press, 1982. Cott, Jonathan. Dylan. New York: Rolling Stone Press/Summit Books, 1984. The Country Music Foundation. Country Music and the Musicians. New York: Abbeville, 1988. Courtney, Richard G. I Never Saw a Beatle. New York: Cross Bridges Press, 1986. Cowan, Philip. Behind The Beatles Songs. London: J. Landesman, 1980. Cox, Perry. The Beatles Price and Reference Guide for American Records. Phoenix, Arizona: CoxMiller, 1986. Crosby, David, with Carl Gottlieb. Long Time Gone. New York: Doubleday, 1988. Cross, Charles, editor. Backstreets: Springsteen, the Man and His Music. New York: Harmony Books, 1992. Curtis, Jim. Rock Eras: Interpretations of Music & Society, 19541984. Bowling Green, Ohio: Popular Press, 1987. Dalton, David. Janis. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1971. _______, and Kenny Kaye. Rock 100. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1978. Dance, Helen Oakley. Stormy Monday: The T-Bone Walker Story. Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana State University Press, 1987. Dates, Jannette L., and William Barlow. Split Image: African Americans in the Mass Media. Washington, D.C.: Howard University Press, 1990. Davies, Hunter. The Beatles: The Authorized Biography. New York: McGrawHill, 1968 (revised 1978, 1981, 1985). Davis, Clive, with James Willwerth. Clive: Inside the Record Business. New York: Morrow, 1975. Davis, Edward E. The Beatles Book. New York: Cowles Communications, 1968. Davis, Stephen. Hammer of the Gods: The Led Zeppelin Saga. New York: William Morrow, 1985. Day, Aidan. Escaping on the Run. Romford, England: Wanted Man Press, 1984. De Blasio, Edward. All About The Beatles. New York: McFaddenBartell, 1964. DeCurtis, Anthony, editor. Present Tense: Rock & Roll and Culture. Durham, Continued on next page HI 280 / CM 561, Summer 2014 Bibliography continued • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 8 North Carolina: Duke University Press, 1992. _______, and James Henke with Holly GeorgeWarren, editors. The Rolling Stone Illustrated History of Rock & Roll. New York: Random House, 1992. [Third Edition] Del Buono, Robert. The Beatles: A Collection. Philadelphia: Robinson Associates, 1982. Denisoff, R. Serge. Great Day Coming: Folk Music and the American Left. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1971. _______. Sing a Song of Social Significance. Bowling Green: Bowling Green University Popular Press, 1972. _______, and Richard A. Peterson, editors. The Sounds of Social Change: Studies in Popular Culture. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1972. Densmore, John. Riders on the Storm: The Story of The Doors. New York: Delacorte Press, 1990. De Somogyi, Mick. Jokerman and Thieves: Bob Dylan and the Ballad Tradition. Romford, England: Wanted Man Press, 1986. DeTurk, David A. and A. Poulin Jr. The American Folk Scene. New York: Dell, 1967. DeWitt, Howard A. The Beatles: Untold Tales. Toronto: Horizon Books, 1985. Dickstein, Morris. Gates of Eden: American Culture in the Sixties. New York: Basic Books, 1977. Didion, Joan. The White Album. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1979. Diddle, Gavin. Images and Assorted Facts: A Peek Behind the Picture Frame. Manchester, England: The Print Centre, 1983. Dixon, Robert, and John Godrich. Blues and Gospel Records, 1902-1942, a Discography. London: Rust, 1969. Di Franco, J. Philip, editor. A Hard Day's Night: A Complete Pictorial Record of the Movie. New York: Chelsea House, 1977. Di Lello, Richard. The Longest Cocktail Party: An Insider's Diary of The Beatles. New York: Playboy Press, 1972. Doney, Malcolm. Lennon and McCartney. London: Omnibus Press, 1982. Dodge, Consuelo. The Everly Brothers: Ladies Love Outlaws. Starke, Florida: CinDav Inc., 1991 Dorman, James E. Recorded Dylan. San Francisco: Soma Press, 1982. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Dowley, Tim, and Barry Dunnage. Bob Dylan: From a Hard Rain to a Slow Train. New York: Hippocrene Books, 1982. Dreau, Jean Louis and Robert Schlockoff. Hypnotist Collectors: An International Illustrated Discography. Paris: Media Presse, 1989. Ducray, F., P. Manoeuvre, H. Muller, and J. Vassal. Dylan. Paris: Albin Michel, 1975. (Revised, 1978.) Duncan, Robert. The Noise: Notes From a Rock'n'Roll Era. New York: Ticknor and Fields, 1984. Dundas, Glen. Tangled Up in Tapes: A Collector's Guide to Tape Recordings of Bob Dylan. Thunder Bay, Ontario: SMA Services, 1987. Dunson, Josh. Freedom in the Air: Song Movements of the 60's. New York: International Publishers, 1965. Dylan, Bob. Tarantula. New York: Macmillan, 1971. ______. Writings and Drawings. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1973. ______. Lyrics, 1962-1985. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1985. ______. Drawn Blank. New York: Random House, 1994. ______. Chronicles, Volume 1. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2006. Edwards, Henry. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. New York: Pocket Books, 1978. Eisen, Jonathan, editor. The Age of Rock: Sounds of the American Cultural Revolution. New York: Random House, 1969. ______. The Age of Rock 2: Sights and Sounds of the American Cultural Revolution. New York: Random House, 1970. Epstein, Brian. A Cellarful of Noise. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1964. Erenberg, Lewis A. Steppin' Out: New York Nightlife amd the Transformation of American Culture, 1890-1910. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1981. Escott, Colin, and Martin Hawkins. Sun Records: The Brief History of the Legendary Record Label. New York: Quick Fox, 1980. _______. Good Rockin' Tonight: Sun Records and the Birth of Rock 'n' Roll. New York: St. Martin's, 1991. Eva, Lesley. The Beatles. London: Barnet Library Services, 1982. Evans, Mike. In the Footsteps of The Beatles. Liverpool: Merseyside County • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Council, 1981. ______. The Art of The Beatles. New York: Morrow, 1985. Ewen, David. All the Years of American Popular Music. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall, 1977. _______. The Life and Death of Tin Pan Alley: The Golden Age of American Popular Music. New York: Funk and Wagnalls Company, 1964. Fast, Julius. The Beatles: The Real Story. New York: Putnam, 1968. Fawcett, Anthony. John Lennon: One Day at a Time. New York: Grove, 1976 (Revised 1980, 1981). Fenick, Barbara. Collecting The Beatles. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Pierian, 1982. Ferris, William, and Mary L. Hart, editor. Folk Music and the Modern Sound. Jackson, Mississippi: University Press of Mississippi, 1982. Flippo, Chet. Your Cheatin' Heart: A Biography of Hank Williams. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1981. ______. On the Road with the Rolling Stones: 20 Years of Lipstick, Handcuffs and Chemicals. New York: Doubleday, 1985. _______. Yesterday: The Biography of Paul McCartney. New York: Doubleday, 1988. ______. Everybody was Kung Fu Dancing: Chronicles of the Lionized and Notorious. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1991. _______. Graceland: The Living Legend of Elvis Presley. San Francisco: Collins, 1993. FongTorres, Ben. What's That Sound?: Readings in Contemporary Music. New York: Anchor Books, 1976. _______. Hickory Wind: The Life and Times of Gram Parsons. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1991. Fox, Ted. Showtime at the Apollo. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1983. Freeman, Robert. Yesterday: The Beatles, 19631965. New York: Henry Holt, 1983. Friede, Goldie, Sue Winer, and Robin Titone. The Beatles AZ: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. New York: Methuen, 1981. Friedman, Myra. Buried Alive: The Life and Death of Janis Joplin. New York: William Morrow, 1973. Friedman, Rick, editor. The Beatles: Words without Music. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1968. Continued on next page HI 280 / CM 561, Summer 2014 Bibliography continued • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 9 Frith, Simon. The Sociology of Rock. London: Constable, 1978. ______. Sound Effects: Youth, Leisure and the Politics of Rock'n'Roll. New York: Pantheon, 1981. _______, and Howard Horne. Art into Pop. London: Methuen, 1987. ______, editor. Facing the Music: A Pantheon Guide to Popular Culture. New York: Pantheon, 1988. ______. Music for Pleasure: Essays in the Sociology of Pop. New York: Routledge, 1988. ______, and Andrew Goodman, editors. On Record: Rock, Pop and the Written Word. New York: Pantheon, 1990. ______, Andrew Goodman, and Laurence Grossberg, editors. Sound and Vision: A Music Video Reader. New York: Routledge, 1993. Fulpen, H. V. The Beatles: An Illustrated Diary. New York: Perigee, 1985. Gaar, Gillian. She's a Rebel: The History of Women in Rock 'n' Roll. Seattle: Seal Press, 1992. Gaines, Steven. Heroes and Villains: The True Story of The Beach Boys. New York: New American Library, 1986. Gambaccini, Paul. Paul McCartney in His Own Words. New York: Flash, 1976. Gans, Terry. What's Real and What is Not: The Myth of Protest. Munich: Hobo Press, 1983. Garbarini, Vic, and Brian Cullman, with Barbara Graustark. Strawberry Fields Forever: John Lennon Remembered. New York: Bantam, 1980. Garland, Phyl. The Sound of Soul. Chicago: Henry Regnery, 1969. Garofalo, Rebee. Rockin' the Boat: Mass Music and Mass Movements. Boston: South End Press, 1992. George, Nelson. The Michael Jackson Story. New York: Dell, 1984. ______. Where Did Our Love Go?: The Rise and Fall of the Motown Sound. New York: St. Martin's, 1986. ______. The Death of Rhythm and Blues. New York: Pantheon, 1988. ______. Buppies, B-Boys, Baps and Bohos. New York: HarperCollins, 1992. Gillespie, Dizzy, with Al Fraser. To Be or Not to Bop: Memoris -- Dizzy Gillespie. New York: Doubleday, 1979. Gillett, Charlie. The Sound of the City: The Rise of Rock and Roll. New York: Outerbridge and Dienstfrey, 1970. [Revised, 1983] • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • _______. Making Tracks: Atlantic Records and the Growth of a Multi-Billion Dollar Industry. New York: E. P. Dutton and Company, 1974. Giuliano, Geoffrey. The Beatles: A Celebration. New York: St. Martin, 1986. _______. Dark Horse: The Private Life of George Harrison. New York: Dutton, 1990. _______. The Lost Beatles Interviews. New York: E. P. Dtton, 1994. Gleason, Ralph J., editor. Jam Session: An Anthology of Jazz. New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1958. ______. The Jefferson Airplane and the San Francisco Sound. New York: Ballantine, 1969. Goldman, Albert. Elvis. New York: McGrawHill, 1982. _______. The Lives of John Lennon. New York: William Morrow, 1988. Goldstein, Richard. The Poetry of Rock. New York: Bantam Books, 1969. Goodall, H.J., Jr. Living in the Rock 'n' Roll Mystery. Carbondale, Illinois: Southern Illinois University Press, 1991. Goodgold, Edwin, and Dan Carlinsky. The Compleat Beatles Quiz Book. New York: Warner Books, 1975. Gordon, Robert. It Came from Memphis. Boston: Faber and Faber, 1994. Gordy, Berry, Jr. To Be Loved: The Music, the Magic, the Memories of Motown. New York: Warner Books, 1994. Gray, Michael. The Art of Bob Dylan. London: Hamlyn Press, 1981; New York: Dutton, 1973. _______, and John Bauldie, editors. All across the Telegraph. London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1987. Green, John. Dakota Days. New York: St. Martin's, 1983. Grossman, Lloyd A. A Social History of Rock Music. New York: David McKay Company, 1976. Grove, Martin A. Beatle Madness. New York: Woodhill, 1978. _______. Paul McCartney: Beatle With Wings. New York: Woodhill, 1978. Gross, Michael. Bob Dylan: An Illustrated History. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1978 [Revised, 1980.] Guralnick, Peter. Feeling Like Going Home: Portraits in Blues and Rock 'n' Roll. N e w Yo r k : O u t e r b r i d g e a n d Dienstfrey, 1971. _______. Lost Highway: Journeys and Arrivals of American Musicians. Boston: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • D. R. Godine, 1979. _______. The Listener's Guide to the Blues. U.S.A.: Facts on File, 1982. _______. Sweet Soul Music: Rhythm and Blues and the Southern Dream of Freedom. New York: Harper and Row, 1986. _______. Searching for Robert Johnson. New York: Dutton, 1989. _______. Last Train to Memphis: The Rise of Elvis Presley. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1994. Guterman, Jimmy. The Best Rock 'n' Roll Records of All Time. New York: Citadel Press, 1992. Guthrie, Woody. Bound for Glory. New York: Dutton, 1943. ______. Seeds of Man: An Experience Lived and Dreamed. New York: Dutton, 1976. ______. Pastures of Plenty: A SelfPortrait. New York: HarperCollins, 1990. Guzek, Arno. Beatles Discography. Copenhagen: Guzek, 1976. ______, and C. Mattoon. Recordings of John, Paul, George and Ringo. Portland, Oregon: GuMa Productions, 1977. Guralnick, Peter. Feel Like Going Home: Portraits in Blues and Rock'n'Roll. New York: Outerbridge and Dienstfrey, 1971. Hamm, Charles. Yesterdays: Popular Song in America. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 1979. H a m m o n d , Jo h n , w i t h I r v i n g Townsend. John Hammond on Record. New York: Ridge Press / Summit Books, 1977. Hamontre, Patsy Guy. Elvis Presley: A BioBibliography. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1986. Hampton, Wayne. Guerrilla Minstrels. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1987. Hannusch, Jeff. I Hear You Knockin': The Sound of New Orleans Rhythm and Blues. Ville Platte, Louisiana: Swallow Publications, 1985. Haralambos, Michael. Right On: From Blues to Soul in Black America. London: Eddison Press, 1974. Harrison, George. I, Me, Mine. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1980. Harry, Bill. The Beatles Who's Who. New York: Delilah, 1982. _______. Beatlemania: The History of The Beatles on Film. New York: Avon, 1985. Continued on next page HI 280 / CM 561, Summer 2014 Bibliography continued • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 10 _______. The Book of Beatle Lists: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know and Never Thought Of About The Beatles. New York: Sterling, 1985. _______. Paperback Writers: The History of The Beatles in Print. New York: Avon, 1985. _______. Ask Me Why: The Beatles Quiz Book. New York: Sterling, 1986. Heilbut, Tony. The Gospel Sound: Good News and Bad Times. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1971. Helm, Levon, with Stephen Davies. This Wheel's on Fire. New York: HarperCollins, 1993. Hemenway, Robert. The Girl Who Sang with The Beatles and Other Stories. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1970. Hentoff, Nat, and Albert McCarthy, editors. Jazz. New York: Grove Press, 1959. Herdman, John. Voice without Restraint: Bob Dylan's Lyrics and Their Background. New York: Delilah Books, 1982; Edinburgh: Harris Press, 1982. Heylin, Clinton. Bob Dylan: Stolen Moments. Romford, England: Wanted Man Press, 1988. _______. Rain Unravelled Tales: A Rumourography. Romford, England: Wanted Man Press, 1982. _______. To Live Outside the Law: A Guide to Bob Dylan Bootlegs. London: Labour of Love Productions, 1989. ______. Bob Dylan: Behind the Shades. New York: Summit Books, 1991. ______, editor. The Penguin Book of Rock & Roll Writing. New York: VikingPenguin, 1992. _______. From the Velvets to the Voidoids: A Pre-Punk History for a Post-Punk World. New York: Penguin, 1993. ______. Bootleg: The Secret History of the Other REcording Industry. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995. ______. Bob Dylan: The Recording Sessions. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996. Hilburn, Robert. Springsteen. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons / Rolling Stone Press, 1985. Hinchey, John. Bob Dylan's Slow Train. Romford, England: Wanted Man Press, 1982. Hine, Al. The Beatles in Help! New York: Dell, 1965. Hirshey, Gerri. Nowhere to Run: The Story of Soul Music. New York: Times Books, 1984. BOOKER T & THE MGʼS were the house band at Stax Records in Memphis. Left to right: DUCK DUNN, BOOKER T. JONES, STEVE CROPPER and AL JACKSON, JR. • • • • • • • • • • Hoare, Ian. The Soul Book. London: Methuen, 1975. Hoffman, Dezo. With The Beatles. New York: Omnibus, 1983. _______. The Beatles Conquer America. New York: Avon, 1985. Hoffman, Frank. The Literature of Rock, 1954-1978. Metuchen, New Jersey: Scarecrow Press, 1981. Hoggard, Stuart, and Jim Shields. Bob Dylan: An Illustrated Discography. Dumbarton, Scotland: Transmedia Express, 1979. Holliday, Billie, with William Dufty. Lady Sings the Blues. London: Penguin, 1956. Hopkins, Jerry. The Rock Story. New York: Signet, 1970. _______. Elvis. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1971. _______, with Danny Sugerman. No One Here Gets Out Alive. New York: Warner Books, 1980. Hoskyns, Barney. Across the Great Divide: • • • • • • • The Band and America. New York: Hyperion, 1993. Hotchner, A.E. Blown Away: The Rolling Stones and the Death of the Sixties. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1990. Howlett, Kevin. The Beatles at the Beeb: The Stor y of Their Radio Career, 19621965. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Pierian, 1983. Humphries, Patrick, and John Bauldie. Oh No! Not Another Bob Dylan Book. London: Square One Books, 1991. ______. Absolutely Dylan. New York: Viking Studio Books, 1991. Jacobs, Norman, editor. Culture for the Millions? Princeton, New Jersey: Van Nostrand, 1959. Jones, Hettie. Big Star Fallin' Mama: Five Women in Black Music. New York: The Viking Press, 1974. Jones, Leroi. Blues People. New York: William Morrow, 1963. Continued on next page HI 280 / CM 561, Summer 2014 Bibliography continued • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 11 _______. Black Music. New York: William Morrow, 1968. Kahn, Steve. Tops in Pops. New York: McFadden, 1961. Karpel, Craig. The Tarantula in Me: Behind Bob Dylan's Novel. San Francisco: Klohn, 1973. Karpp, Phyllis. Ike's Boys: The Story of the Everly Brothers. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Popular Culture Ink, 1988. Keenan, Debra. On Stage with The Beatles. Mankato, Minnesota: Creative Editions, 1975. Keil, Charles. Urban Blues. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1966. Kesey, Ken. Demon Box. New York: The Viking Press, 1986. Kinkle, Roger D. The Complete Encyclopedia of Popular Music and Jazz, 1900-1950. New Rochelle: Arlington House, 1974. Klein, Joe. Woody Guthrie: A Life (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1985). Kocandrle, Mirek. The History of Rock and Roll: A Selective Discography. Boston: G.K. Hall, 1988. Kooper, Al, with Ben Edmonds. Backstage Passes: Rock 'n' Roll Life in the Sixties. New York: Stein and Day, 1977. Kozak, Roman. This Ain't No Disco: The Story of CGBG. Boston: Faber and Faber, 1988. Kramer, Daniel. Bob Dylan. New York: The Citadel Press, 1967 [Revised, 1991]. Krogsgaard, Michael. Twenty Years of Recording: The Bob Dylan Reference Book. Copenhagen: Scandanavian Society of Rock Research, 1980. ______. Master of the Tracks: The Bob Dylan Reference Book of Recording. Copenhagen: Scandanavian Society of Rock Research, 1988. ______. Positively Bob Dylan: A ThirtyYear Discography, Concert and Recording Session Guide. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Popular Culture Ink, 1991. Landau, Jon. It's Too Late to Stop Now. San Francisco: Straight Arrow Books, 1971. Landy, Elliot. Woodstock Vision. Hamburg, Germany: Rowohlt, 1984. Lapidos, Mark, and Carol Lapidos. A Loving Tribute to John Lennon. Westwood, N.J.: Lapidos Productions, 1981. Larkin, Rochelle. The Beatles. New York: Scholastic Books, 1981. Leadbetter, Mike, and Neil Slaven. Blues Records 1943-66, a Discography. New York: Oak Publications, 1968. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Leaf, David. The Beach Boys and the California Myth. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1982. Leaf, Earl. The Original Beatles Book: Delicious Insanity, Where Will It End? Los Angeles: Peterson, 1964. Leigh, Spencer. Let's Go Down the Cavern. London: Vermilion, 1984. Leigh, Vanora. John Lennon. New York: Bookwright, 1986. Lennon, Cynthia. A Twist of Lennon. New York: Avon, 1978. Lennon, John. In His Own Write. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1964. _______. A Spaniard in the Works. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1965. _______. Bag One: A Suite of Lithographs. New York: Lee Nordness Galleries, 1970. _______. The Last Lennon Tapes. New York: Dell, 1983. _______. Skywriting by Word of Mouth. New York: Harper and Row, 1986. _______, Adrienne Kennedy and Victor Spinetti. The Lennon Play: In His Own Write. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1969. _______, Yoko Ono and David Scheff. The Playboy Interviews with John Lennon and Yoko Ono. New York: Berkley Books, 1981. Lewisohn, Mark. The Beatles Live: The Ultimate Reference Book. New York: Henry Holt, 1986. _______. The Beatles Recording Sessions: The Official Abbey Road Studio Session Notes, 19621970. New York: Crown Publishers, 1988. Lichtenstein, Grace, and Laura Dankner. Musical Gumbo: The Music of New Orleans. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1993. Logan, Nick, and Bob Woffinden. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Rock. New York: Crown, 1977. Lomax, Alan. Mister Jelly Roll: The Fortunes of Jelly Roll Morton, New Orleans Creole and "Inventor of Jazz." New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1950. _______. The Land Where the Blues Began. New York: Pantheon, 1993. Lomax, John A. Cowboy Songs and Other Frontier Ballads. New York: Macmillan, 1910 [Revised, 1945). ______, and Alan Lomax. American Ballads and Folk Songs. New York: Macmillan, 1934. _______, and Alan Lomax. Folk Song: U.S.A. New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1947. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • London, Herbert I. Closing the Circle: A Cultural History of the Rock Revolution. Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1984. Lornell, Kip. "Happy in the Service of the Lord": Afro-American Gospel Quartets in Memphis. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1988. Loucks, Kathleen Ann. The Beatles. Kent, Ohio: Loucks, 1974. Lukas, Richard C. From Metternich to The Beatles. New York: New American Library, 1973. Lydon, Michael. Rock Folk. New York: Delta, 1971. ______, and Ellen Mandel. Boogie Lightning: How Music Became Electric. New York: DaCapo Press, 1974. MacDonald, Ian. Revolution in the Head: The Beatles' Records and the Sixties. New York: Henry Holt, 1994. Malone, Bill C. Country Music U.S.A. Austin: University of Texas Press, 1968. Marchbank, Pearce, editor. With The Beatles: The Historic Photographs of Dezo Hoffmann. New York: Delilah, 1983. Marcus, Greil, editor. Rock and Roll Will Stand. Boston: Beacon Press, 1969. _______. Mystery Train: Images of America in Rock 'n' Roll Music. New York: Dutton, 1975 [Revised 1982, 1990]. ______, editor. Stranded: Rock and Roll for a Desert Island. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1979. ______. Lipstick Traces: The Secret History of the 20th Century. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1989. ______. Dead Elvis: Chronicle of a Cultural Obsession. New York: Doubleday, 1991. ______. Ranters and Crowd Pleasers: Punk in Pop Music. New York: Doubleday, 1993. ______. The Dustbin of History. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1995. Marsh, Dave. Born to Run: The Bruce Springsteen Story, Vol. 1. Garden City, New York: Dolphin Books, 1979. ______, with Kevin Stein. The Book of Rock Lists. New York: Dell, 1981. ______. Elvis. New York: Warner Books, 1983. ______. Fortunate Son: Criticism and Journalism. New York: Random House, 1985. Continued on next page HI 280 / CM 561, Summer 2014 Bibliography continued • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 12 ______. The First Rock & Roll Confidential Report. New York: Pantheon, 1985. ______. Glor y Days: The Bruce Springsteen Story, Vol. 2. New York: Pantheon, 1987. ______. The Heart of Rock & Soul: The 1001 Greatest Singles Ever Made. New York: Plume, 1989. ______. Louie Louie: The History and Mythology of the World's Most Famous Rock'n'Roll Song; Including the Full Details of Its Torture and Persecution at the Hands of the Kingsmen, J. Edgar Hoover's FBI, and a Cast of Millions; and Introducing, for the First Time Anywhere, the Actual Dirty Lyrics. New York: Hyperion, 1993. ______, with James Bernard. The New Book of Rock Lists. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1995. Martin, George, and Jeremy Hornsby. All You Need Is Ears. New York: St. Martin's, 1982. Maugham, Patrick. Life with The Beatles. Albany, New York: Highlight Publications, 1964. McCabe, Peter, and Robert D. Schonfeld. Apple to the Core. New York: Pocket Books, 1972. _______. John Lennon: For the Record. London: Bantam Books, 1984. McCartney, Linda. Linda's Pictures. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1976. McCartney, Mike. The Macs: The McCartney Family Album. New York: Delilah, 1981. _______. Mike Mac's White and Blacks Plus One Color. New York: Penguin, 1987. McCartney, Paul. Composer / Artist. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1981. McClary, Susan. Feminine Endings: Music, Gender and Sexuality. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1991. McCoy, William, and Mitchell McGeary. Every Little Thing: The Definitive Guide to Beatles Recording Variations, Rare Mixes and Other Musical Oddities, 19571984. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Pierian, 1986. McEwen, Joe. Sam Cooke: The Man Who Invented Soul. New York: Chappell Music, 1977. McGeary, Mitchell. The Beatles on Record. Lacey, Washington: Ticket to Ryde, Ltd., 1979. McGregor, Craig, editor. Bob Dylan: A Retrospective. New York: Morrow, 1972; London: Angus and Robertson, 1980. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • _______, editor. Bob Dylan: The Early Years. New York: Da Capo Press, 1990. McKee, Margaret, and Fred Chisenhall. Beale Black and Blue: Life and Music on Black America's Main Street. Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana State University Press, 1981. McKeen, William. The Beatles: A BioBibliography. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1989. ______. Bob Dylan: A BioBibliography. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1993. Mellers, Wilfred. Twilight of the Gods: The Beatles in Retrospect. New York: The Viking Press, 1974. _______. A Darker Shade of Pale: A Backdrop to Bob Dylan. New York: Oxford University Press, 1985. Melly, George. Revolt Into Style: The Pop Arts. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1971. Meltzer, R[ichard]. The Aesthetics of Rock. New York: Something Else Press, 1970. Mendelsohn, John. Paul McCartney: A Biography in Words and Pictures. New York: Sire, 1977. Miles, Barry. The Mersey Beat: The Beginnings of The Beatles. New York: Quick Fox, 1978. _______. Bob Dylan: In His Own Words. New York: Quick Fox Press, 1978. _______. Bob Dylan. London: Big O Publishing Ltd., 1978. _______. The Beatles in Their Own Words. New York: Quick Fox, 1979. _______. John Lennon in His Own Words. New York: Delilah, 1979. Middleton, Richard. Pop Music and the Blues. London: Gollancz, 1972. Millar, Bill. The Drifters. London: Studio Vista, 1971. _______. The Coasters. London: W. H. Allen, 1975. Miller, Jim, editor. The Rolling Stone Illustrated History of Rock 'n' Roll. New York: Rolling Stone Press, 1976 (Revised, 1982). Morgan, Thomas L., and William Barlow. From Cakewalks to Concert Halls: An Illustrated History of African American P o p M u s i c Fr o m 1 8 9 8 - 1 9 3 0 . Washington, D.C.: Elliott and Clark, 1992. Morella, Joseph, and Patricia Barey. Simon and Garfunkel: Old Friends. New York: Birch Lane Press, 1991. Murray, Charles Shaar. Crosstown Traffic: Jimi Hendrix and the Post-War Rock'n'Roll • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Revolution. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989. Naha, Ed, editor. John Lennon and The Beatles Forever. New York: Tower, 1981. Neises, Charles P., editor. The Beatles Reader: A Selection of Contemporary Views, News and Reviews of The Beatles in Their Heyday. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Pierian, 1984. Nite, Norm. Rock On: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Rock'n'Roll. New York: Crowell, 1974. Noebel, David A. Communism, Hypnotism and The Beatles. Manitou Springs, Colorado: Summit Ministries, 1965. _______. The Beatles: A Study in Drugs, Sex and Revolution. Tulsa, Oklahoma: Christian Crusade Publications, 1969. _______. The Legacy of John Lennon: Charming or Harming a Generation? Chicago: Nelson, 1982. Norman, Philip. Shout! The Beatles in Their Generation. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1981. O'Brien, Lucy. She Bop: The Definitive History of Women in Rock, Pop and Soul. New York: Penguin Books, 1995. Obst, Linda Rosen, editor. The Sixties: The Decade Remembered Now, By the People Who Lived it Then. New York: Random House / Rolling Stone Press, 1977. Ochs, Michael. Rock Archives: A Photographic Journey Through the First Two Decades of Rock and Roll. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1984. O'Grady, Terence J. The Music of The Beatles. Madison, Wisconsin: Unpblished University of Wisconsin dissertation, 1975. _______. The Beatles: A Musical Evolution. Boston: Twayne, 1983. Okun, Milton, editor. The Pocket Beatles. New York: Cherry Lane, 1980. _______. The Compleat Beatles (2 volumes). New York: Delilah, 1981. _______. Beatles Complete Easy Guitar. New York: Cherry Lane, 1982. _______. Twenty Greatest Hits: The Beatles. New York: Cherry Lane, 1982. Oliver, Paul. The Meaning of the Blues. New York: Macmillan, 1963. ______. Songs and Saints: Vocal Traditions on Race Records. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1984. ______, Max Harrison and William Bolcom. The New Grove Gospel, Blues and Jazz. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, 1980. Continued on next page HI 280 / CM 561, Summer 2014 Bibliography continued • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 13 Ono, Yoko. Grapefruit. Bellport, New York: Wunternaum, 1964. _______. This is Not Here. Syracuse, New York: Everson Museum, 1971. Orton, Joe. Up Against It: A Screenplay for The Beatles. New York: Grove Press, 1979. Osterberg, James [Iggy Pop], with Anne Wehrer. Iggy Pop: I Need More. New York: Karz-Cohl Publishing, 1982. Otis, Johnny. Listen to the Lambs. New York: W. W. Norton Company, 1968. Palmer, Robert. Baby, That Was Rock and Roll: The Legendary Leiber and Stoller. New York: Harvest / Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1978. ______. A Tale of Two Cities: Memphis Rock and New Orleans Roll. Brooklyn, New York: Brooklyn College of the City of New York, 1979. ______. Jerry Lee Lewis Rocks! New York: Delilah / G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1981. ______. Deep Blues. New York: The Viking Press, 1981. ______. The Rolling Stones. New York: Doubleday / Rolling Stone Press, 1983. Pang, May, and Henry Edwards. Loving John. New York: Warner Books, 1983. Pareles, Jon, and Patricia Romanowski, editors. The Rolling Stone Encyclopedia of Rock & Roll. New York: Summit Books, 1983. Pascall, Jeremy. The Story of Rock: The Beatles. New York: Phoebus, 1973. _______. Paul McCartney and Wings. Seacaucus, N.J.: Chartwell, 1977. Passman, Arnold. The Deejays. New York: Macmillan, 1971. Pastonesi, Marco. Beatles. Milano, Italy: Gammalibri, 1980. Pavlow, Big Al. The R and B Book: A Disc History of Rhythm and Blues. Providence, Rhode Island: Music House Publishing, 1983. Peck, Abe. Uncovering the Sixties: The Life and Times of the Underground Press. New York: Pantheon, 1985. Peellaert, Guy, and Nik Cohn. Rock Dreams. New York: Popular Library, 1973. Pennebaker, D. A. Bob Dylan: Don't Look Back. New York: Ballantine Books, 1968. Perry, Charles. The HaightAshbury. New York: Random House, 1984. Phillips, John, with Jim Jerome. Papa ohn. New York: Dell, 1986. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Pichaske, David R. Beowulf to Beatles: Approaches to Poetry. New York: Free Press, 1972. ______. A Generation in Motion: Popular Music and Culture in the Sixties. New York: Macmillan, 1979. Pickering, Stephen. Bob Dylan Approximately: A Portrait of the Jewish Poet in Search of God. New York: David MacKay, 1975. Pirmantgen, Patricia, and Dick Brude. Beatles. New York: Creative Editions, 1974. Pleasants, Henry. The Great American Popular Singers. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1974. Podrazik, Walter J. Strange Days: The Music of John, Paul, George and Ringo Twenty Years On. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Pierian, 1986. Posener, Alan. John Lennon. Hamburg, Germany: Rowohlt, 1987. Preiss, Byron. The Beach Boys. New York: Ballantine Books, 1979. Pruter, Robert. Chicago Soul. Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1991. Ranson, Arthur. The Beatles. London: ITV Books, 1982. Rebennack, Mac [Dr. John], with Jack Rummel. Under a Hoodoo Moon. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1994. Reeves, Martha, and Mark Bego. Dancing in the Street: Confessions of a Motown Diva. New York: Hyperion, 1994. Reinhart, Charles. You Can't Do That: Beatles Bootlegs and Novelty Records. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Pierian, 1981. _______. The Book of Beatles Lists. New York: Contemporary Books, 1985. Reise, Randall. Nashville Babylon. New York: Congdon and Weed, 1988. Ribakove, Sy, and Barbara Ribakove. FolkRock: The Bob Dylan Story. New York: Dell, 1966. Richards, Keith. Life. New York: Littl, Brown, 2010. Riley, Tim. Tell Me Why. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1988. ______. Hard Rain: A Dylan Commentary. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1992. Rinzler, Alan. Bob Dylan: The Illustrated Record. New York: Harmony Books, 1978. Ritz, David. Divided Soul: The Life of Marvin Gaye. New York: McGraw Hill, 1985. Robbins, Ira A. The Trouser Press Guide to New Wave Records. New York: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Charles Scribner's Sons, 1983. Roberts, John Storm. The Latin Tinge: The Impact of Latin American Music on the United States. New York: Oxford University Press, 1979. Robinson, Richard, and the editors of Creem Magazine. Rock Revolution. New York: Curtis Books, 1973. Robinson, Earl, editor. Young Folk Songbook. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1963. Rockwell, John. AllAmerican Music: Composition in the Late 20th Century. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1983. Rodnitzky, Jerome L. Minstrels of the Dawn: The Folk Protest Singer as Cultural Hero. Chicago: NelsonHall, 1976. Rolling Stone editors. The Rolling Stone Record Review. New York: Pocket Books, 1971. ______. Knockin' on Dylan's Door: On the Road in '74. New York: Pocket Books, 1974. _______. The Rolling Stone Interviews: The 1980s. New York: St. Martin's, 1989. Rollins, Henry. Get in the Van. Los Angeles: 2.13.61 Publications, 1994. Rosenthal, David. Hard Bop: Jazz and Black Music, 1955-1965. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992. Roques, Dominique. The Great White Answers. Salindres, France: Southern Live Oak Productions, 1980. Rose, Tricia. Black Noise: Rap Music and Black Culture in Contemporary America. Hanover, New Hampshire: University Press of New England, 1994. Rosenbaum, Helen, editor. The Beatles' Trivia Quiz Book. New York: New American Library, 1978. Roszak, Theodore. The Making of a Counter Culture. New York: Doubleday, 1968. Roxon, Lillian. The Rock Encyclopedia. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1969. Rublowsky, John. Popular Music. New York: Basic Books, 1967. Russell, J.P. The Beatles Album File and Complete Discography. Poole, England: Blandford Press, 1982. _______. The Beatles on Record: A Listener's Guide. New York: Scribner, 1982. Salewicz, Chris. McCartney: The Definitive Biography. New York: St. Martin's, 1986. Continued on next page HI 280 / CM 561, Summer 2014 Bibliography continued • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 14 Sanjek, Russell. American Popular Music and Its Business: The First Four Hundred Years. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988. Sarlin, Bob. Turn it Up! I Can't Hear the Words. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1973. Saroyan, Aram. The Beatles. New York: Barn Dream Press, 1971. Savage, Jon. England's Dreaming: Anarchy, Sex Pistols, Punk Rock and Beyond. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1991. Scaduto, Anthony. Bob Dylan: An Intimate Biography. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1971 [Revised, with an afterward by Steven Gaines, 1979]. Schaffner, Nicholas. The Beatles Forever. New York: Cameron House, 1977. _______. The Boys From Liverpool. New York: Methuen, 1980. _______. Saucerful of Secrets: The Pink Floyd Odyssey. New York: Harmony Books, 1991. Schaumberg, Ron. Growing Up With The Beatles. New York: Pyramid Books, 1976. Schiffman, Jack. Uptown: The Story of Harlem's Apollo Theatre. New York: Cowles Book Company, 1971. Schoenberg, Eric. Fingerpicking Beatles. New York: Amsco Music, 1981. Schultheiss, Tom, editor. A Day in the Life: The Beatles DayByDay, 19601970. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Pierian, 1980. Schuster, Peter. Four Ever. Stuttgart, Germany: Belser, 1986. Selvin, Joel. Summer of Love: The Inside Story of LSD, Rock & Roll, Free Love and High Times in the Wild West. New York: Dutton, 1994. Shannon, Bob, and John Javna. Behind the Hits: Inside Stories of Classic Pop and Rock and Roll. New York: Warner Books, 1986. Shapiro, Harry. Waiting for the Man: The Story of Drugs and Popular Music. London: Quartet Books, 1988. Shapiro, Nat, editor. Popular Music: An Annotated Index of American Popular Songs, 1920-1969. New York: Adrian Press, 1973. _______, and Nat Hentoff. Hear Me Talkin' to Ya. New York: Dover, 1966. Shatskin, Mike, Lyn Belanger, and Jo Kearns. A Tribute to John Lennon. New York: Proteus, 1981. Shaw, Arnold. Honkers and Shouters: The Rhythm and Blues Years. New York: Macmillan, 1977. THE BEATLES. Left to right: GEORGE HARRISON, PAUL MCCARTNEY, JOHN LENNON and RINGO STARR. • • • • • • • • • • Shelton, Robert. The Country Music Story. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1965. _______. No Direction Home: The Life and Music of Bob Dylan. New York: Beech Tree Books/Morrow, 1986. Shepard, Sam. Rolling Thunder Logbook. New York: The Viking Press, 1977. Shepherd, Billy. The True Story of The Beatles. New York: Bantam Books, 1964. Shipper, Mark. Paperback Writer. New York: Jordan Books, 1978. Shotton, Pete. The Beatles, Lennon and Me. New York: Stein and Day, 1984. Shotton, Pete, and Nicholas Schaffner. John Lennon in My Life. New York: Stein and Day, 1983. Silvester, Peter J. A Left Hand Like God: A History of Boogie Woogie Piano. New York: DaCapo Press, 1988. Sloman, Larry. On the Road with Bob Dylan: Rolling With the Thunder. New York: Bantam Books, 1978. Smith, Joe. Off the Record: An Ora • • • • • • • • • History of Popular Music. New York: Warner Books, 1988. Southern, Eileen. The Music of Black Americans: A History. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 1971. Spence, Helen. The Beatles. New York: Crescent Books, 1981. Spitz, Bob. Dylan: A Biography. New York: McGrawHill, 1989. Spungeon, Deborah. I Don't Want to Live This Life. New York: Fawcett, 1983. Stambler, Irwin, editor. The Encyclopedia of Pop, Rock and Soul. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989. [Revised edition.] Stannard, Neil. The Long and Winding Road: A History of The Beatles on Record. New York: Avon, 1982. _______. The Beatles. New York: Avon, 1984. _______. The Beatles, Vol. 2. New York: Avon, 1984. _______, and John Tobler. Working Continued on next page HI 280 / CM 561, Summer 2014 Bibliography continued • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 15 Class Heroes. New York: Avon, 1984. Stearns, Marshall W. The Story of Jazz. New York: Oxford University Press, 1956. Stein, Jean, edited with George Plimpton. Edie: A Biography. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1982. Stokes, Geoffrey. StarMaking Machinery: Inside the Business of Rock and Roll. Indianapolis: BobbsMerrill, 1976. _______. The Beatles. New York: Times Books, 1980. Sutton, Margaret. We Love You, Beatles. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1971. Swenson, John. The Beatles: Yesterday and Today. New York: Zebra, 1977. _______. The John Lennon Story. New York: Leisure Books, 1981. Taylor, Derek. As Time Goes By. San Francisco: Straight Arrow Press, 1975. _______. Fifty Years Adrift. Guilford, England: Genesis Publishing, 1984. _______. It Was Twenty Years Ago Today. New York: Fireside, 1987. Terry, Carol D. Here, There and Everywhere: The First International Beatles Bibliography. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Pierian, 1985. Thompson, Dave. Space Daze: The History and Mystery of Electronic Ambient Rock. Los Angeles: Cleopatra, 1994. Thompson, Toby. Positively Main Street: An Unorthodox View of Bob Dylan. New York: CowardMcCann, 1971; London: New English Library, 1972. Thomson, Elizabeth M., editor. Conclusions on the Wall: New Essays on Bob Dylan. Manchester, England: Thin Man Press, 1980. _______, and David Gutman, editors. The Lennon Companion: 25 Years of Comment. New York: Schirmer Books, 1987. ______, editors. A Dylan Companion. New York: Delta Books, 1991. Tobler, John. The Beatles. New York: Exeter, 1984. _______, and Stuart Grundy. The Record Producers. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1982. Tosches, Nick. Country: The Biggest Music in America. New York: Stein and Day, 1977. _______. Hellfire: The Jerry Lee Lewis Story. _______. Unsung Heroes of Rock'n'Roll: The Birth of Rock in the Wild Years Before Elvis. New York: Harmony Books, 1984 [Revised, 1991]. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Townsend, Charles R. San Antonio Rose: The Life and Music of Bob Wills. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1976. Vollmer, Jurgen. Rock 'n' Roll Times: The Style and Spirit of the Early Beatles. New York: Overlook Press, 1983. von Schmidt, Eric, and Jim Rooney. Baby Let Me Follow You Down: The Illustrated Story of the Cambridge Folk Years. New York: Anchor Books, 1979. Wallgren, Mark. The Beatles on Record. New York: Fireside, 1982. Walser, Robert. Running With the Devil: Power, Gender and Madness in Heavy Metal Music. Hanover, New Hampshire: University Press of New England, 1993. Ward, Ed, Geoffrey Stokes and Ken Tucker. Rock of Ages: The Rolling Stone History of Rock and Roll. New York: Rolling Stone Press, 1986. Washington, Joe. The Beatles For Classical Guitar. New York: Amsco Music, 1974. Weberman, A.J. My Life in Garbology. New York: Stonehill Press, 1980. Weiner, Allen J., editor. The Beatles: A R e c o r d i n g H i s t o r y. N e w Yo r k : McFarland, 1986. Weiner, Jon. Come Together: John Lennon in His Time. New York: Random House, 1984. Wenner, Jann. Lennon Remembers. San Franscisco: Straight Arrow, 1971. _______. What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been: 20 Years of Rolling Stone. New York: Friendly Press, 1987. Wexler, Jerry, and David Ritz. Rhythm and the Blues: A Life in American Music. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1993. Whitburn, Joel. Top Pop Artists and Singles, 1955-1978. Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin: Record Research, 1979. ______. The Billboard Book of Top 40 Albums. New York: Billboard Publications, 1987. ______. The Billboard Book of Top 40 H i t s . N e w Yo r k : B i l l b o a r d Publications, 1987. ______. Joel Whitburn's Top Pop Singles, 1955-1986. Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin: Record Research, 1987. ______. Joel Whitburn's Top R&B Singles, 1942-1988. Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin: Record Research, 1988. ______. Joel Whitburn's Top Country Singles, 1944-1988. Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin: Record Research, 1989. Whitcomb, Ian. After the Ball: Pop Music From Rag to Rock. New York: Simon • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • and Schuster, 1973. White, Charles. The Life and Times of Little Richard: The Quasar of Rock and Roll. New York: Harmony, 1984. White, Timothy. Catch a Fire: The Life of Bob Marley. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1983. ______. Rock Lives: Profiles and Interviews. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1990. ______. The Nearest Faraway Place: Brian Wilson, the Beach Boys and the Southern California Experience. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1994. ______. Wiener, Jon. Come Together: John Lennon in His Time. New York: Random House, 1984. Wilk, Max. Yellow Submarine. New York: New American Library, 1968. Williams, Allan, and William Marshall. The Man Who Gave The Beatles Away. New York: Macmillian, 1974. Williams, Don. Bob Dylan: The Man, the Music, the Message. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Fleming Revell, 1985. Williams, Paul. Outlaw Blues: A Book of Rock Music. New York: Dutton, 1969. Williams, Paul. Dylan: What Happened? San Francisco: Entwhistle Books, 1979. ______. Dylan: One Year Later. San Francisco: (Privately published), 1980. ______. The Map: Rediscovering Rock and Roll (a Journey). South Bend, Indiana: And Books, 1988. ______. Performing Artist: The Music of Bob Dylan, Volume 1, 19601973. Novato, California: UnderwoodMiller, 1990. ______. Performing Artist: The Music of Bob Dylan, Volume 2, 19741986. Novato, California: UnderwoodMiller, 1992. ______. Rock and Roll: The Best 100 Singles. New York: Carroll and Graf, 1993. Williams, Richard. Out of His Head: The Sound of Phil Spector. New York: Outerbridge and Lazard, 1972. ______. Dylan: A Man Called Alias. New York: Henry Holt, 1992. Willis, Ellen. Beginning to See the Light. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1981. Wilson, Brian, with Todd Gold. Wouldn't It Be Nice: My Own Story. New York: HarperCollins, 1991. Wlaschek, Mathias. The Beatles: Here, Ther e and Ever ywher e. Cologne, Germany: Modern Music, 1983. Continued on next page HI 280 / CM 561, Summer 2014 Bibliography continued • • • • • • • IKE AND TINA TURNER during their days on the Chitlinʼ Circuit. After years of playing to mostly black audiences, they were introduced to the mass audience by producer PHIL SPECTOR, who considered Tinaʼs voice the most vital ingredient in his Wall of Sound. The failure of his masterpiece, “River Deep,, Mountain High” sent him into retirement at age 26. Ike was one of the fathers of rockʼnʼroll and the man behind what many consider the first true rock;n;roll record, “Rocket 88.” Woffinden, Bob. The Beatles Apart. New York: Proteus, 1984. Wolff, Daniel, with S. R. Crain, Clifton White, and G. David Tenenbaum You Send Me: The Life and Times of Sam Cooke. New York: William Morrow, 1995. Wolfe, Tom. The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1965. Wootton, Richard. John Lennon. New York: Random House, 1985. Yablonsky, Lewis. The Hippie Trip. New York: Pegasus, 1968. Young, Paul. The Lennon Factor. New York: Stein and Day, 1972. Zappa, Frank, with Peter Occhiogrosso. The Real Frank Zappa Book. New York: Poseidon Press, 1989 collection of stories about childhood in Florida by Carl Hiaasen, Tom Petty, Zora Neale Hurston, Instructor biography Before I started teaching, I worked for newspapers and magazines. My first job, at the Courier-Tribune in Bloomington, Ind., lasted until that fine little newspaper went out of business. I was at the Palm Beach Post briefly, joined The American Spectator, then served two years at The Saturday Evening Post. While at the Post, I edited a couple of books. Since I started teaching, I've taken several short term jobs — sometimes in the summers, sometimes night work on the copy desk during the school year – on the Norman (Okla.) Transcript, the CourierJournal (Louisville, Ky.), the St. Petersburg Times and the Gainesville (Fla.) Sun. I’ve written or edited a dozen books, including these: • 16 Homegrown in Florida (University Press of Florida, 2012), a • Mile Marker Zero (Crown Books, 2011), about the writers, artists, actors and musicians who found their artistic identities in Key West. • Outlaw Journalist (W.W. Norton, 2008), my biography of Hunter S. Thompson. • Highway 61 (W.W. Norton, 2003) a memoir of a 6,000-mile road trip I took with my eldest son, who turned 19 on the road. • Rock and Roll is Here to Stay (W.W. Norton, 2000), a mammoth history of popular music in America. • Literary Journalism: A Reader (Wadsworth, 2000), a collection of the finest journalism from the last three decades of the 20th Century. I’m married and have seven children — Sarah, an architect / interior designer with a Chicago architectural firm; Graham, the environmental manager for Indiana University; Mary, a nightlife impresario in Chicago; Savannah, 16, 10th grader at Cohasset High School; Jack, 11, and Travis, 9, and Charley, 8, all young scholars at Deer Hill and Osgood schools in Cohasset. It goes without saying that my wife, Nicole, is a saint. She is also a midwife interning in the Philippines this summer. Before becoming professor and chairman of the Boston University Department of Journalism, I taught at Western Kentucky University for five years, the University of Oklahoma for four years, and the University of Florida for 24 years, the last dozen there as department chairman. My bachelor’s degree is in history and my master’s is in journalism. Both are from Indiana University. My PhD is in educational history and philosophy, from the University of Oklahoma. I sincerely hope you enjoy the course.