Mouthpiece - Symbolic Solutions


Mouthpiece - Symbolic Solutions
E a s t B a y Re c o rd e r S o c i e t y
Vol. 18 No. 5
January 2015
Twelfth Night Celebration
with Shira Kammen
Saturday, January 3, 2015
2:30 pm to 5:00 or so
followed by a potluck dinner.
Hillside Community Church
1422 Navellier St, El Cerrito
Everyone—bring your music stand,
instruments and a dish to share for the
fabulous potluck that follows .
Shira Kammen -
al Lupo, as well as frequent collaborations in
theatrical and dance productions. She has
worked with students in many different settings,
Multi-instrumentalist and occasional vocalist
among them teaching summer music workshops
Shira Kammen has spent well over half her life
in the woods, coaching students of early music
exploring the worlds of early and traditional
at Yale University, Case Western, the University
music. A member for many years of the early
of Oregon at Eugene, and working at specialized
music Ensembles Alcatraz and Project Ars
seminars at the Fondazione Cini in Venice, Italy
Nova, and Medieval Strings, she has also
and the Scuola Cantorum Basiliensis in
worked with Sequentia, Hesperion XX, the
Switzerland, and recently joined the music
Boston Camerata, the Balkan group Kitka, the
faculty of Mills College in Oakland, CA.
King’s Noyse, the Newberry and Folger
She has played on several television and movie
Consorts, the Oregon,
soundtracks, including O, a
California and San
modern high school-setting
Francisco Shakespeare
of Othello, and The Nativity
Festivals, Rose of the
Story, and has worked with
Compass, Anonymous IV,
many diverse artists in
the California Revels, and
diverse projects, among
is the founder of Class V
them singers Azam Ali and
Music, an ensemble
Joanna Newsom, poet Jane
dedicated to providing
Hirshfield, storyteller/
music on river rafting trips.
harpist Patrick Ball,
She has performed and taught in the United
medieval music experts Margriet Tindemans
States, Canada, Mexico, Europe, Israel,
and Anne Azema, percussionists Peter Maund
Morocco, Latvia, Russia and Japan, and on the
and Glen Velez. Some of her original music can
Colorado, Rogue, Green, Grande Ronde, John
be heard in an independent film about fans of
Day, East Carson and Klamath Rivers.
the work of JRR Tolkien. The strangest place
Shira happily collaborated with singer/
Shira has played is in the elephant pit of the
storyteller John Fleagle for fifteen years, and
Jerusalem Zoo.
performs now with several groups: a Medieval
ensemble, Fortune’s Wheel; a new music group,
For Twelfth Night we will play Medieval and
Ephemeros; an eclectic ethnic band, Panacea;
traditional winter carols, Renaissance drinking
an English Country Dance band, Roguery; the
and carousing songs, and a reflective piece or
early music ensembles Cançoniér and In Bocca
two to usher in the New Year.
Greetings fellow recorderists and musicians,
As I’m writing this I am looking forward to Christmas and our 12th
night celebration. It reminds me to celebrate the wonderfully
talented and committed volunteers that make the EBRS
organization run effectively and provide musically challenging and rewarding
experiences for all of us. Ours is a very small organization but it accomplishes a great
deal. There are nine or ten monthly playing sessions that require finding conductors,
providing the music and booking the venues. EBRS hosts a one-day workshop in the
fall that is always a great success. Then there is our really big event, the annual
Headlands weekend workshop, a major undertaking. The planning and execution of
the many different tasks for this event is a group affair. The Headlands committee
includes Glen Shannon, Jody Harcourt, Bill Stewart, Patricia Wheeler, Merlyn
Katechis and Carol Coon. Our Treasurer, Susan Merrill, is always a player and there
are probably others that participate. The first “save the date” email went out already so
mark your calendars for May 15-17. It’s going to be a great weekend.
Here’s a reminder that our next meeting is Saturday, January 3, at Hillside
Community Church in El Cerrito at 2:30 pm. Shira Kammen is conducting. As always ,
this is a potluck event so bring your tastiest goodies. Guests are welcome.
See you in January 2015 (my how time flies).
Susan Jaffe
EBRS President
Lost recorder: Someone left a Yamaha plastic tenor at the December chapter
meeting and I have it. Email me at if it is yours.
Calextone Welcomes the New Year
Calextone in Concert
Friday January 2,
January 2,
Calextone (Letitia
Berlin, recorders and
douçaine; Frances
Blaker, recorders and
hackebrett; Shira
Kammen, vielle, harp
and voice; Allison Zelles
Lloyd, voice and harp)
presents a concert to
welcome in the New
IANUARIO: Medieval
and early Renaissance
music celebrating the
New Year, including
New Year’s songs by
Dufay and music from
the original Carmina
Venue: Hillside
Community Church
1422 Navellier St.
El Cerrito,
Time: 7:00 pm
Ticket price(s): $20
general, $15 student/
Contact phone # for info
or to reserve tickets:
(510) 559-4670, or email
Letitia Berlin at
Flauti Diversi: Medieval Dance & Arabic Music
January 11,
Frances Feldon,
recorders/flute; Gary
Haggerty, oud;, Sarah
Michael, kanun; Roy
Whelden, vielle; and
Peter Maund and
Karolyn Stonefelt,
Venue: California Jazz
Conservatory, 2087
Addison St. Berkeley.
Tickets are $15;
reservations are
recommended. For
reservations and
information, please call
the California Jazz
Conservatory at (510)
845-5373 or email You may
purchase tickets online
flauti-diversi-presentedby-the-sf-early-musicsociety/; click on the
calendar date Jan 11,
2015. For more
information, email
Frances at:
Time: 4:30 to 6:30 pm
Smorgasbord workshop January 17 and 18, 2015
Peter Maund, Shira
January 17. 2015
Church in Kensington
Kammen and Tish
from 10 am to 5 pm
(near Berkeley).
Berlin will present a
and Sunday,
The flyer is
workshop for singers
January 18 from
attached to this
and instrumentalists
1:30 pm to 5 pm at
on Saturday,
Arlington Community
Mid-Peninsula Recorder Workshop
Rustic and Bawdy
Songs Dressed in
Courtly Finery
The workshop will
explore how simple
popular songs of the
late Middle Ages and
Renaissance, often
with bawdy lyrics,
were transformed by
the great composers of
the day, such as
Antoine Busnois,
Josquin Desprez
and Henricus
Isaac, into elegant
courtly love songs,
sacred motets, and
even Masses using the
intricate polyphony of
the late 15th and early
16th centuries.
Holy Trinity Episcopal
Church, 330
Ravenswood Avenue
Menlo Park, CA 94025
January 31, 2015
9:30 am to 4:30 pm
Flyer attached to
this newsletter
Adam Gilbert
San Francisco Recorder Society Workshop
Save the date for a workshop presented
Details to follow. Contact
by the San Francisco Recorder Society:
Greta Hryciw,
February 21, 2015
10:00 am to 4:30 pm
Hanneke Van Proosdij and Louise
Carslake, conductors.
South Bay Recorder Society Workshop
Save the Date: March 28, 2015
Recorder workshop with Glen Shannon directing.
EBRS Monthly Meetings
January 3
Shira Kammen
(Twelfth Night Celebration at Hillside
Community Church in El Cerrito, 2:30 pm
with potluck following.)
February 6
E a s t B a y Re c or de r
Te a c he r s
David Barnett
Letitia Berlin
Frances Blaker
Tom Bickley
March 6
Judy Linsenberg
April 10
Louise Carslake
May 1
David Morris
Frances Blaker
June 5
Andrew Levy
Louise Carslake
EBRS Members' Recital
Frances Feldon
2015 is Sunday, March
22, 2015 at St. Albans
beginning at 3 pm.
Judy Linsenberg
EBRS Members' Recital
2016 is Sunday, March
6, 2016 at Hillside
beginning at 4 pm.
Hanneke van Proosdij
2014 – 2015 EBRS Board of Directors
President: Susan Jaffe
Treasurer and Electronic Distribution: Susan Merrill
Conductor Locator: Rachel Bradley
Newsletter Editor and Producer: Carol Coon
Chapter Meeting Music: Linda Skory
Webmaster: Suzanne Siebert
Headlands Committee: Glen Shannon (Coordinator),
Merlyn Katechis (Registration),
Bill Stewart (Contract), Patricia Wheeler (Publicity)
Publicity/Librarian/Composer-in-Residence: Glen Shannon
Member Performances: Cindy Keune
Annual Workshop: Cindy Keune and Jody Harcourt
Hospitality: Anna Lisa Kronman, Ray White, Brenda Bailey
Members at Large: Britt Ascher, Kathy Cochran, Brenda Bailey
The Mouthpiece is published by the
East Bay Recorder Society.
EBRS is a chapter of the American Recorder Society and an affiliate of the
San Francisco Early Music Society.
Please send information and photos for newsletter consideration to Carol Coon at
The deadline for the February issue is January 15, 2015
a workshop for instrumentalists and singers
Choose from many tasty musical styles & favors, including:
motets and songs by Ciconia
settings of Susann ung jour
music about and for Queen Elizabeth I
motets and chansons by Josquin des Prez
songs and instrumental music of medieval Europe and other far-fung places
percussion classes
music from the Middle East and Eastern Europe
TISH BERLIN, recorder
PETER MAUND, percussion
Singers and instrumentalists (including percussion!) welcome
Arlington Community Church
52 Arlington Ave., Kensington, CA
Mail form with your check to Tish Berlin
at 806 Washington Ave., Albany CA 94706
Instruments you will bring to the workshop (workshop pitch is A=440):
If you plan to sing, indicate your voice type and range:
Workshop tuition: $220 for both days (after December 30 – see below)
January 17th only: $125
January 18th only: $110
Early registration discount: register by December 30 th and pay $110 for Saturday
or $100 for Sunday, or $200 for both days)
Amount enclosed: (please make check out to Tish Berlin) _____
Workshop Schedule (location: Arlington Community Church, Kensington CA)
Saturday January 17th: 10:00-5:00 (bring a lunch)
Sunday January 18th: 1:30-5:00
Workshop classes will include Medieval, Renaissance, and traditional music
Singers and instrumentalists (including percussion!) welcome
QUESTIONS? Call Tish at 510-882-1169 or email
A Mid-Peninsula
Recorder Orchestra Workshop
Adam Gilbert, Director
Villain et Courtoise:
Rustic and Bawdy Songs
Dressed in Courtly Finery
Saturday, January 31, 2015
9:30 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church
330 Ravenswood Ave.
Menlo Park
The workshop will explore how simple popular songs of the late Middle Ages and Renaissance,
often with bawdy lyrics, were transformed by the great composers of the day, such as Antoine
Busnois, Josquin Desprez and Henricus Isaac, into elegant courtly love songs, sacred motets,
and even Masses using the intricate polyphony of the late 15th and early 16th centuries. The
workshop is open to recorder players from the intermediate to advanced level.
Adam Gilbert has performed with several outstanding early music ensembles in the United
States, Latin America and Europe on recorder and historical double reeds and is a founding
member of Ciaramella, which specializes in the performance of 15th-century music. He is
currently on the faculty of the University of Southern California where he teaches early
music performance and is Director of the Early Music Program.
For further information visit the MPRO website at:
or contact Leslie Pont at 650-941-3065. Registration form below.
Registration Form: Advanced registration is encouraged as space is limited
Workshop Fees: MPRO, SFEMS and ARS Members: $50.00; Non members: $55.00
Bring a music stand and a lunch. Snacks and beverages will be provided.
_____MPRO member
_____SFEMS member
_____ARS member
_____Non member
Please make checks payable to MPRO and mail with this form to:
Leslie Pont, 1184 Laureles Dr., Los Altos, CA 94022.
The location of this workshop is wheelchair accessible.
Name___________________________ Phone__________________ Email_________________________
MPRO is an Affiliate of the San Francisco Early Music Society.
330 Ravenswood Avenue (at Laurel St.)
Menlo Park, CA 94025
From 101: Take the Willow Road exit west to Menlo Park. Turn right onto Middlefield Road. Take a left at the second signal (Ravenswood Ave.). The church is on
the corner of Ravenswood and Laurel Street. The entrance to the parking lot is off
Ravenswood just after Pine Street before you get to the signal at Laurel.
From 280: Take the Sand Hill Road exit toward the Bay.Turn left on El Camino
Real and proceed to Menlo Park. Turn right at Ravenswood Avenue and proceed
to Laurel Street. The church is on the left at the corner of Laurel and Ravenswood.
The entrance to the parking lot is off Ravenswood after the signal at Laurel past
the church building to the left.
Please note that the Menlo Park CalTrain station is just a couple blocks from the
church if you’d like to try public transportation.