The new world of BI and CPM
The new world of BI and CPM
The new world of BI and CPM Better decisions. Better business It’s all about making better decisions In a global economy, traditional competitive factors are losing their importance: many organisations offer similar products, new technologies are quickly copied, scope for innovation is increasingly limited and off-shoring has weakened geographical advantages. It is the decision-making processes that make the difference Winning companies are those that make the best decisions and implement them in the shortest timeframes, by aligning strategy with operations and providing relevant and timely information to every organisational level. By integrating Business Intelligence and Corporate Performance Management in a single product, BOARD helps companies manage and control the entire decision-making process: from data collection to information analysis; from goal-setting to decision-making; from operational execution to results monitoring. Along with delivering an unmatched speed in building applications the innovative “toolkit approach” provides an intuitive self-service analysis environment bringing the benefits of Business Intelligence and Performance Management to every user. All in One Within a single product BOARD offers all the functionalities needed to build any Business Intelligence and Corporate Performance Management application, without the need for any programming. Its revolutionary toolkit approach, as well as delivering unrivalled speed in BI and CPM application building, customisation and maintenance, provides end-users with an advanced interactive interface. This unique capability turns the self-service creation of any report or analysis into the simplest of tasks. CORPORATE PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE One product One vision One technology From the outset, BOARD was conceived as a solution to maximise the efficiency of organisations’ decision-making processes, by integrating Business Intelligence (BI) with Corporate Performance Management (CPM): a visionary approach called Management Intelligence. BOARD helps organisations reach a single vision of their performance in a simple and extremely effective manner. Unlike its main competitors, BOARD is not based on a patchwork of different products and technologies coming from multiple acquisitions and then forcibly integrated. Twenty years later, BOARD leads the way in BI and CPM unification, providing a seamless solution from both a technological and also functional standpoint. A full range of Business Intelligence functions, including reporting, data exploration, ad hoc querying and interactive dashboarding, are combined with the ability to manage and monitor all performance planning and control processes, from budgeting, planning and forecasting to profitability analysis, scorecarding and financial consolidation. Information originating from various sources is integrated into a virtual data repository shared by the entire organisation, thus providing business users with a customised but unitary vision. The native integration between the information base and applications ensures that changes made to applications are propagated to data, and vice versa. The end result is a full alignment of the Business Intelligence and Performance Management environment, which translates into a shared vision of Corporate Performances throughout the organisation, hence into a single version of the truth. The result of an organic development project launched in 1994, BOARD is a unique, integrated product, which enables organisations to oversee their entire Business Intelligence and Performance Management areas using a single interface, a single application construction environment, a single technology and a single strand of know-how. Reporting Analysis Dashboards Scorecarding Budgeting, Planning & Forecasting Profitability Analysis Strategy Management Financial Consolidation BUSINESS ANALYTICS HR Marketing & Sales Operations Supply Chain Business Intelligence and Corporate Performance Management working together Analysis BOARD makes it possible to easily integrate data from different sources and create a self-service analysis environment, that allows users to run: Reporting BOARD offers a modern self-service reporting environment that allows users to create and edit any report using drag and drop measures and dimensions of analysis. An advanced point-and-click interface enables users to utilise any BOARD object (graphs, cockpits, dataview lines) as a driver for analysis and to effortlessly manage filters, sorts, and alerts, interacting in a natural and intuitive way with the data. Once the results are achieved, each user can save and organise their analyses in their own repository, ‘PinBOARD’, creating a personalized way to access information. Full integration with MS Office environment allows users to perform both analysis directly from Excel, and to create Word booklets and PowerPoint presentations based on BOARD objects and consequently able to interactively access data and to auto update. Data Discovery, to easily explore data, metadata and applications and to use the results as navigation drivers for further explorations. Drill-through & drill-anywhere, to navigate data from the highest level of aggregation to the lowest level of detail. OLAP slice & dice analyses, to obtain a multidimensional view of data (e.g. viewing sales by channel, zone, agent, POS), and identify and analyse any sub-set (e.g. sales by agent X, of product Y, for territory Z). What-if and Goal-Seeking scenarios, to simulate the impact of future events and to determine the necessary actions to achieve a previously set objective. Business data modelling, to build sophisticated models for distribution, allocation, consolidation, conversion and reclassification. Ad-hoc queries, to allow users to build personalised data analysis in a self-sufficient way. Scorecards Dashboards Thanks to a wide selection of gauges, dataviews, charts, widgets, and other data-aware objects, BOARD users can easily create customised dashboards. These representations provide a visual overview of Corporate Performance and of the main trends and factors affecting it. Role-based views enable the build of a single dashboard for multiple users, with data seen based on security profiles. The ability to feature pictures, images, icons and the latest-generation graphical animations and containers, such as carousels, books and sparklines, ensures that key data is represented with groundbreaking clarity. Native drill-down and drill-through functions enable users to examine the information down to the lowest level of detail, for immediate and in-depth analyses. Thanks to innovative graphic functions, BOARD makes it possible to easily create sophisticated Strategy Maps and Scorecards, combining striking visual appeal with outstanding effectiveness when illustrating corporate strategy. The integration of BI and CPM provides an interactive link between the visual representation of KPIs and the data, thus giving all users a customised and updated view of their performance against set goals. Users can make in-depth analyses of the trends, highlighted by the Scorecard, by using the native drill-down and drill-through functions to explore the events and dynamics affecting the various KPIs, to the lowest level of detail. The extreme flexibility of the toolkit approach makes it easy to create Scorecards adhering to the most popular methodologies, such as Balanced Scorecard and Six Sigma, or to a customised criteria. Budgeting, Planning & Forecasting BOARD offers a modern IBP (Integrated Business Planning) platform that enables the integration of strategic, financial and operational planning, providing a full control of performances across the organisation. Unlike spreadsheets, BOARD’s multidimensional planning environment makes it possible to utilise a single shared data repository and to introduce workflow, security, audit trail and versioning mechanisms. This enhances the controllability and efficiency of the entire process - making it fully reliable in terms of results and significantly less onerous in terms of time and resources. Advanced functions of What-if and What-for analysis are combined with the capability to create and manage scenarios, allowing multidimensional simulations in which the impact of future events is automatically spread to every level of data aggregation, from the broadest outline (e.g. Sales by Division) to the lowest level of detail (Item Code). • Complete management of: workflow, audit trail, versioning, scenarios and approval status processes • Automatic allocation of changes, to modify data at all levels of aggregation (e.g. budget by division) and to distribute the change automatically to the finest levels of detail (e.g. items and customers) • Advanced data-entry (cell-freezing, drivers and model based allocations, validation rules, data entry on calculated fields) • What-if and What-for functions, for real-time impact assessments • Excel add-in, with offline data-entry functionalities • Support to any kind of planning process (rolling, top-down, bottom-up) and methodology (incremental, zero-based, driver-based) • ERP, RDBMS write-back Business Intelligence and Corporate Performance Management working together Financial Consolidation Strategy Management Profitability Analysis BOARD provides a complete Visual Modeling environment to create sophisticated models for the allocation of costs and earnings, generating detailed views of company profitability and optimising pricing, product inventory and commercial policies. Thanks to BOARD’s multidimensional logic, costs and earnings can be calculated to the lowest level of detail and automatically distributed by aggregation to different objects, allowing immediate association of several analysis perspectives (e.g. highlighting product earnings in relation to a specific customer). In this way, in addition to the traditional marginality by customer and product, BOARD makes it possible to calculate profitability at various levels of hierarchy and drill-up and drill-down to aggregate and disaggregate data for each analytical or reporting dimension. The multidimensional “What-if” and “What-for” capabilities make it possible to test hypothetical scenarios to verify the potential impact of future events or new business strategies, providing a powerful tool for simulating and optimising corporate profitability. In addition to offering multidimensional and simulation capabilities, BOARD stands out from conventional cost controlling solutions for its ability to integrate margin analysis with the processes of Budgeting, Planning and Forecasting, providing a control for the future economic performance of the entire organisation. BOARD helps organisations to manage the process of strategy formulation, to translate it into practical action and to monitor its execution. The toolkit approach ensures that the strategy can be converted into accurate Strategy Maps and Balanced Scorecards, with the capability of providing users with a customised vision of their goals. Advanced simulation capabilities allow organisations to manage Scenario Planning, and to evaluate the impact of hypothetical events on company results. The integration of BI and CPM makes it possible to align reporting and budgeting processes with strategic objectives, and to promptly monitor results and their impact on performance. In the Financial Consolidation area, BOARD integrates its Toolkit approach with BOARD FC, a packaged solution that natively meets all statutory and management requirements. BOARD FC addresses the challenges that multi-entity organisations face today with intercompany reconciliations, consolidation adjustments and group reporting. Turn-key functionality merges data from different locations and across multiple general ledgers, performing multi-currency conversions and eliminating time consuming and non-compliant spreadsheet based processes. A Workflow Control Panel makes it easy to monitor and manage the consolidation process across the whole enterprise, highlighting the operations status and certifying internal controls. • Legal and management multi-level consolidation of complex group structures, with automation of: - Currency conversion with exchange rate difference calculation - Investments (Holding company) / Equity (Subsidiaries) - Intercompany transactions (receivables/payables, expenses/revenues) - Dividends and tax credit on dividends elimination - Mark up on inventory - I/C profits on assets disposals - Write off / revaluation on investments - Consolidation difference allocation (goodwill / badwill) - Minority interest calculation • Flat and Staged consolidation model • Creation and comparison of unlimited scenarios (Actual, Budget, Forecast, etc.) • Multiple and customisable closing periods (Year, Quarter, Month, etc.) • Management of multiple charts of accounts: local, group and reporting • Journal entries at company and group level • Multilanguage Specific Solutions HR HR Performance Management HR KPIs and Dashboards Skills Mapping Employee Cost Monitoring HR Planning, Budgeting and Forecasting MARKETING & SALES Sales Analysis Analytic CRM Brand Performance Cross-Selling Analysis Loyalty Cards Management Loyalty and Retention Monitoring Merchandise Intelligence Products, Channels, Customers Profitability Promotions Analysis OPERATIONS Capacity Planning Inventory Forecasting and Optimisation Labour Management Procurement Manufacturing Intelligence Supplier Rating SUPPLY CHAIN Demand and Supply Management Delivery Optimisation Financial Insights across the Extended Supply Chain Smarter, Easier, Faster The Toolkit Approach The Toolkit Simply the best way to build, customise and maintain your analytic applications BOARD provides the user with every tool needed for database creation and update, data presentation and analysis, and process modeling in a single visual and interactive environment, making it easy to quickly build customised analytic applications (“Capsules”). “BOARD Capsules” are containers that can accommodate any BOARD object: reports, graphs, spreadsheets, folders, point and click filters, simulation models, gauges and navigation menus. These objects can be freely positioned on the screen using a simple drag & drop from the ribbon bar, and interactively configured. They are immediately synchronised with each other and with the database with the ability to then automatically react to users’ actions. CREATING A SCREEN IN A BOARD CAPSULE INVOLVES THREE SIMPLE STEPS: 1.Dragging and dropping of objects from the ribbon bar 2.Synchronisation of the objects with the data Thanks to its innovative toolkit approach, BOARD makes it possible to create customised Business Intelligence and Corporate Performance Management solutions without the need for any programming. From simple reports to the most sophisticated performance management applications, any analysis can be easily built using the drag and drop function and the configuration of objects that are automatically synchronised with the data. End-users have access to a full self-service information environment, which enables them to obtain immediate answers to their questions through a verified, consistent, shared information source. Application administrators can efficiently build and maintain applications, with a “Time to Solution” and “Total Cost of Ownership” which is unachievable from traditional BI and CPM solutions. 3.Configuration of the graphic format Turning data into results Unified Business Intelligence and Corporate Performance Management BOARD unifies Business Intelligence and Corporate Performance Management, seamlessly linking data discovery and analysis to the planning, controlling and strategic cycles of the Enterprise. This unique approach makes business insights infinitely more actionable and inherently connected to the business decision making processes and, consequently, allows organisations to deliver tangible business value, extending the traditional Business Intelligence perspective from static information to dynamic performance. Integrated Business Planning What-If, What-For Scenarios BOARD offers the flexibility and functionality to manage and unify any planning phase (strategic, financial, operational) vertically across all organisational levels and horizontally across functions and departments. This provides the capability to evaluate and simulate the impact of business decisions across the whole company. Advanced what-if and what-for analysis capabilities are combined with the ability to create and manage scenarios, making it easy to compare different business assumptions and to coherently simulate future outcomes. Dynamic Data Model Business Models BOARD enables the rapid creation of sophisticated models for simulation and support of business processes, such as Planning, Cost Allocation, Financial Consolidation and Rolling Forecast by means of a comprehensive set of business rules. Configurable Workflow BOARD has the capability to assign tasks to different users in sequence, for launching processes when certain conditions arise, and for notifying users of occurrences, making it possible to effectively build, customise and manage any corporate work-flow, from simple approval cycles, to complex multi-company and multi-currency budgeting processes. BOARD offers the unique ability of modifying the data model during a planning or forecasting process, without affecting users’ operations. A new business unit, a new product, a new market or a different investment can be added in a controlled way during a planning cycle, simulating “on the fly” the effect of a new scenario on the whole business model. Financial and Management Reporting Capabilities Unlike the main data discovery and visual analysis tools, BOARD embeds all the additional logic and presentation capability required to create structured Financial Statements and to meet the related regulatory and reporting requirements. Full MS Office Integration Multi-User Concurrent Write-Back BOARD supports simultaneous, multi-user write-back through a native logical function, which spreads changes to all levels of detail (e.g. if you enter the turnover of a products line, the turnover of each individual product will be automatically updated). BOARD technology guarantees data integrity and consistency, without the need to run batch processes for allocating and consolidating changes made by each individual user. Advanced Data Entry BOARD offers the most comprehensive set of data-entry capabilities available on the market today. Validation rules, role based security, cells freezing, handling of calculated fields, drivers/calculation based data spreading, ERP write-back, real time multiple calculation (to insert data in one currency and to then have them immediately available in several different currency formats) and data spreading modeling (to freely define, adjust and simulate data allocation patterns) simply makes BOARD the best fit for managing any kind of data collection process. BOARD offers the ability to access its multidimensional data models from its Office add-ins, providing users with the traditional OLAP analysis functions (drill-down, slice and dice, filtering, ad hoc-query) directly into their Excel spreadsheets, Word documents or PowerPoint slides. The BOARD Excel add-in offers a familiar environment for managing data collection processes and enables users to work both on-line and off-line. The Word add-in allows users to easily embed BOARD reports and charts into Word documents for the creation of dynamic company statutory reports and management booklets. The PowerPoint add-in allows users to meet advanced presentation needs and create dynamic slides including BOARD charts, cockpits, bubble charts, and data view. Comments and Attachments at Cell Level BOARD enables any type of file (e.g. Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, RTF, image files) to be associated with an individual cell, in order to qualify the numeric or textual information contained within it. Business insights at your fingertips Data power unleashed Search based Data Discovery BOARD Multidimensional Database Hybrid in-memory, Fast-track, Data Federation, Write-back INTEGRATED SEARCH BOARD revolutionises the concept of multidimensional database and projects it into the future, offering a Hybrid in-memory generation, obviating the effort required by traditional solutions for creating cubes and sparsity (fast-track) and providing the opportunity to transparently apply a single multidimensional business model across multiple relational data sources (data-federation) – all of this improving the ability for advanced write-back and data modeling that has fueled BOARD’s international success. Performance, ability to handle large volumes, and the ease of construction of the data model are combined with an unmatched flexibility in modeling and analysing information, making the BOARD multidimensional database superior to any other technology currently available on the market. BOARD offers an interactive search function working across screens, data, metadata, and applications. As a single, unified solution, BOARD allows any search result to be immediately used as a driver for further analysis (i.e. if the search is for a product name the user can immediately choose a report where this is included, and use the product or a correlated dimension as a navigation criteria) or as an element for creating new reports, using the new drag and drop selfservice analysis UI. Automatic creation of a BOARD database 1. Point to a relational data source DRAG AND DROP ANALYSIS In BOARD the visual modeling environment (toolkit) is complemented with a drag and drop UI, which allows the user to create their own reports or to customise centralised reports on the fly. Any user can choose values, set rows and columns, define calculations, run reports and view business insights at the speed of thought. 2. Instant creation of a BOARD data model PINBOARD BOARD enables each user to create their own personal Business Intelligence apps. Users can select and combine any existing report, graph, or gauge and save it as a personal app to the PinBOARD, and even edit as required. This is all without the need for IT to intervene. Once created, the apps offer personalised access to information that is physically distributed across the entire Enterprise. AN INNOVATIVE ARCHITECTURE Unified Metadata Multiple clients BOARD is the only product on the market to offer a unified architecture for Business Intelligence and Corporate Performance Management. BOARD is a modern “Service Oriented Architecture” (SOA), entirely built according to the Windows Presentation Foundation standards. Both reporting, dashboarding and analysis functionalities, and planning, consolidation and simulation capabilities are delivered from a shared data repository with a single logical view of the data model (metadata layer), a single security, a single interface, and a single administration and development environment. In this architecture, a “service provider”, the BOARD Server, sends data to a set of different consumer endpoints, which are the client applications, namely the BOARD client, the web-browser client, the MS Excel, Word and PowerPoint add-ins and the BOARD tablet and mobile environments. The result is a platform in which any change to the data, data-model, security profiles or business rules is immediately propagated to every Business Intelligence and Performance Management application, offering great ease of use, unmatched time to solution and a single version of the truth across the entire organisation. Furthermore, the services supplied by the BOARD Server can be consumed by portals, web services, and any other application in a simple and standardized way, enabling the easy integration of BOARD across the existing company application environment, through a platform independent technology (SOAP/XML). This modern structure provides significant advantages in terms of interoperability and architectural management of scalability and technological risk. HBMP (Hybrid Bitwise Memory Pattern) BOARD’s unique HBMP technology has been conceived to exploit the full potential of IMC (In-Memory Computing) in terms of better performance, without sacrificing the flexibility, scalability and ability to support write-back that have fueled BOARD’s international success. Enterprise Class Capabilities Unified BI and CPM BOARD not only enables the quick creation of any BI and CPM application, but makes its enterprise delivery simple, offering an architectural framework and a set of administration features analogous to transactional applications. >No modules >No integration costs >Single know-how BOARD enterprise class capabilities include: Access to any RDBMS or other data source Data Federation Role based security Logging and audit trail Windows and LDAP authentication This innovative approach delivers the capability to do all the processing against data held in-memory or to just use the most appropriate data-set, or to store in-memory indices and mapping and to retrieve data only when needed. Strong data encryption This provides clear advantages over standalone BI technologies in terms of: Standards conformance (WPF, WCF) Multi-level workflow Programming-free (toolkit) >Unmatched time to solution >Easier application maintenance >Faster learning curve Sharepoint and company portal integration Parallel processing System performance monitoring 24x7 fault tolerant environment User self-sufficiency >Lower impact on IT resources >Higher user effectiveness >Minor support costs Scalability (not limited by RAM availability) Support for write-back and data spreading (poorly supported by stand-alone in-memory solutions) Data model flexibility (not achievable if data is only stored in RAM) Application extensibility (to data stored in relational databases) Capability to embed CPM functionalities Outstanding TCO Why BOARD is unique? Since our founding we have pioneered an integrated approach to Corporate Performance Management and Business Intelligence, naming it Management Intelligence. By combining our vision and creativity with the continuous flow of feedback from customers about their needs, we have nourished the continuous and organic growth of an All in One BI and CPM solution that is completely programming-free: BOARD. This is why BOARD’s superiority is even more evident when compared to the competition. From the disconnect between CPM and BI modules, to the need to resort to programming; from the lack of flexibility, to the excessive costs; from restrictions when dealing with large volumes of data, to complex architectures: it does not take much to spot the limits of traditional Business Intelligence and Corporate Performance Management solutions. Pervasiveness Speed The five values of BOARD Simplicity A self-service data-discovery environment enabling any user to easily search for information, interact intuitively with data, and make in-depth analyses with the utmost simplicity. • • • • Search based data discovery Self-service reporting Self-service analysis Interactive visualisation From the revolutionary HBMP in-memory technology, to the toolkit; from the Fast-track, to the multithreading, every component of BOARD has been designed to ensure maximum speed of development and high performance in managing large volumes of data. • Hybrid in-Memory (HBMP) • Multithreading • Fast-track ORGANISATIONAL A unique framework and know-how can be used in various business units, divisions and departments across the whole enterprise. FUNCTIONAL From Business Intelligence to Budgeting, Planning & Forecasting; from Profitability Analysis to Scorecarding; from Dashboarding to Financial Consolidation: BOARD provides a holistic view of business performance in a single solution. ARCHITECTURAL • Personal or shared, local or distributed applications • SOA for a full interoperability • BOARD Web Services • Native mash-up • Clients auto update Integration A single integrated platform combines all the features and functionalities needed to build pervasive Business Intelligence and Performance Management applications quickly. • Single administrative environment • Single user interface • Single metadata layer • Single security management • Single data-repository • Data federation and integration Self sufficiency The programming-free approach empowers customers to rapidly develop and maintain applications autonomously, drastically reducing the Total Cost of Ownership. A powerful and friendly end user environment minimises training time and maximises individual productivity. We help our clients become high-performance organisations After two decades, BOARD is the preferred solution for over 2,500 companies of all sizes, Food & Beverages across all industries - each of which shares a common asset: an excellent decision-making system. Ahemon; Amica Chips; Aperitivos Snack; Austral Group; Bacardí España; Balocco; Bauli; Bayerische Milchindustrie; Berlucchi; Bindi; Birch&Waite; Caffé Vergnano; Castello Banfi; Chupa Chups - Perfetti Van Melle; Damm; Döllinghareico; Farchioni Olii; Fontanafredda; Fratelli Averna; Fratelli Saclà; Fruttagel; Galbusera; Geti Wilba; Granarolo; Grandi Mulini Italiani; Greenland; Gruppo Grifo Latte; Gruppo Salov (Olio Sagra e Filippo Berio); La Versa; Lindt & Sprüngli; Loacker Remedia; Mahou San Miguel; Malgara Chiari & Forti; Marchesi Antinori; Marlow Foods; Monini; New England Seafood International; Norbega; Nosio Spa - Gruppo Mezzacorona; Nutrexpa; Palacios Alimentación; Panapesca; Panrico - Galletas Artiach; Pasqua Vigneti e Cantine; Pastificio Rana; Pastificio Rummo; Pepsico - Snack Ventures; Pernigotti; Riso Gallo; Riso Scotti; Sab Miller - Compañía Cervecera de Canarias; San Lucar Fruit; Sibeg (Coca-Cola); Sterilgarda Alimenti; Stock Spirits; Strega Alberti; Terre da vino; Terre del Barolo; TIC Gums Banking & Insurance Amlin; Banca d’Alba; Banca Sella; Bank of Cyprus; Brightside Group (Rock Services); B-Source; Corner Bank Group; EGARSAT; Fondo italiano Investimento SGR; Gruppo Credito Valtellinese; HanseMerkur; Hauck & Aufhäuser Banquiers Luxembourg; Hwa Hong Corporation; Legal & General UK; Pulaski Bank; Tenet Sompo Insurance; UBAF (Union de Banques Arabes et Francaises); Unicredit Holding; Uniqa Assicurazioni; Willis DuPont Performance Coatings; Eigenmann & Veronelli; Gruppo Sapio; Klüber Lubrication Italia; Kuraray; Materis Paints; Ricardo Molina S.A.; Syngenta Group; Tamoil Construction BG&E; Billimoria; Clivet; Gruppo Santarelli; Mace; MC Prefabbricati; Naim Holdings; Pavimental; Pickard Chilton; Simonds Homes Energy Chemical AGL Loy Yang; Alerion; Greenenergy; juwi; Sorgenia ALMC (Australasian Lubricants Manufacturing Company); American Refining Group (ARG); Arexons (Petronas Group); BASF Agro; Fashion & Beauty Acqua di Parma (LVHM); Alviero Martini; Bata; Bio Line spa; Calze Gallo; Clarins Paris; Dainese; Desigual; Giorgio Armani Operations; Incotex (Industrie Confezioni Tessili); Keaton (Ciro Paone); Kemon; L’Oréal Productos Público; Levante; Nike; Puma; Seven; Shiseido Cosmetici Italia; The Purist Company; Trussardi; Uno de 50 Government & Education CONAI; Consorci Sanitari de l’Alt Penedès; Contraloria; DGA; ERSAF Lombardia; FIP - Federazione Italiana Pallacanestro; Fondazione Arena di Verona; GIP-MDS; Informatica Trentina; Kreisverwaltung Pinneberg; L&Q Housing Association; LA CDC - Los Angeles Community Development Corporation; Landeshauptstadt Potsdam; Note Printing Australia; Oakland Housing Authority; Provincia Autonoma di Trento; Richmond Housing; Security Industry Authority; US Navy; YPO Manufacturing Acer; Aga Rangemaster; Alfa Acciai; Arntz Optibelt Gruppe; Basler; Baxi Group; Beko Technologies; Buckeye Technology; Buzzi Unicem; Calligaris; CF Gomma; Chateau d’Ax; Coop Bilanciai; Doga; Duktus Rohrsysteme Wetzlar; FALKEN Tyre; Ferriere Nord (Gruppo Pittini); Fissler; Fokker Elmo; GF AgieCharmilles; Gienanth; Gigaset; Gruppo Avio; Hoppecke; Ideal Standard; Irinox; Jäger Direkt; Japan Tobacco International (JTI); K V Sanghvi; KARL MAYER Textilmaschinenfabrik; Klingspor; König+Neurath; KUKA Roboter; Kyocera Mita; Luvata; Magneti Marelli; Meliconi; Mitsubishi Electric; NEC; NGK Spark Plug; nkt cables; Pro-Dex; Redi; Ros Roca Group; Salamander Industrie-Produkte; Siemens Hearing Instruments; Snaidero; STIEBEL ELTRON; Terraillon; Tristone Flowtech; UFI Filters; Verder Group; Vimec; VOSSEN; Woco; ZAPF; Zimmer Pharmaceutical & Health Care Alliance Health Care; BAG Health Care; Bioiberica; Boehringer Ingelheim; Casa di Cura Columbus; Diakonie Michaelshoven; Eisai; Euro Medic; Farmac Zabban; Farmacie Comunali Torino; Giuliani; GlaxoSmithKline; Grupo Lactalis Ibérica; HengYang Central Hospital; HuaiRou Hospital; ISDIN; Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori (RCCS); Johnson & Johnson; KOS; Laboratorios Combix; Laboratorios Leti; Liaocheng Hospital; Medicare local (Perth Central & East Metro); Merz Consumer Care; Montefarmaco OTC; Musculoskeletal Transplant Foundation (MTF); Nestlé Nutrition; Ning He Xian Hospital; Novartis Consumer Health; Otsuka Pharmaceutical; Sacco Azienda Ospedaliera; Specchiasol; Unifarma Distribuzione; Vitaldent; Zai Xing Hospital Publishing & Media IGP Decaux; Il Secolo XIX; Kompass Karten; MAIRDUMONT; Marketing General, Inc.; MDR; Rai Way; Rainbow; Sevenload; Telegraph Media Group; Vincentz Network RETAIL & DISTRIBUTION 3Pagen; A. Victor Wehling; Agorà Network; Bollin Group; Carburoil; Charlotte Russe; Computer Gross; Conad; Coviran; Dental Trey; Dia Argentina; Doctor Glass; Elettroveneta; Euronics; European Tyre Enterprise; Excelpoint; Fred’s; Ge.S.A; GEPA - The Fair Trade Company; Halfords; Harvey Nichols; HD Covalco; Hein Gericke Deutschland; Home Shopping Europe; Interdis; J.J. Haines; Jane Norman; Kwik Fit; La Senza; Landgard; MacKays; Mothercare; PAC 2000; Reifen Ruhdorfer; Reiss; Rexel; Richter + Frenzel; Salov NA; Schmidt’s Handelsgesellschaft; Shaker Group; Sogegross; Tavola; World Duty Free Services Assicom; Bilfinger Real Estate; Börsenverein des dt. Buchhandels; CAF ACLI; Carglass; DKV Euro Service; Gabetti Property Solutions; Landesmesse Stuttgart; NTT Data; Piepenbrock Services; Water Logic Textile Arvind Mills; Cotonificio Albini; Frette; Gruppo Marzotto; Kusumgar Corporates; Leinefelder Textilwerke; LH Dienstbekleidung; Olimpias (Benetton Group); O.R.V. Manufacturing (Industrie Maurizio Peruzzo); Parkdale Mills; Precision Fabric; Vardhman; Vitrulan Textilglas Tourism & Entertainment Banyan Tree; Best Western; Casinò di Venezia; Derby Hotels; Digital Bros; Emaar; Fußball- und Leichtathletik-Verband Westfalen e.V; Luna Park Sydney; Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre; Park Plaza; Rainbow; Robinson Club; Robintur; Seneca Business Travel; Sistic; Slow Food; The Space Cinema; Van Der Valk; Warner Music; Webjet Transport & Logistic BTC Speciality Chemical Distribution; Cemat; Ceva Logistics; Darwin Airline; DHL Exel; Gregorys Transport; Heinrich Koch Internationale Spedition; Kuehne + Nagel; Lufthansa Cargo Charter; Moventia; Saga Italia; Sita; Star Trasporti; Umbria Tpl e Mobilità Utilities & Telecoms Acque Veronesi; BARD Engineering; Drachen-Propangas; DYAS; Egea; Gelsia; Iren; Monaco Telecom; NCPA -Northern California Power agency; Nord Stream; Telcoinabox; Warid Telecom; Westfalen AG BOARD International BOARD International is a global leader in the Business Intelligence and Performance Management space. BOARD has enabled over 2,500 companies worldwide to rapidly deploy BI and CPM applications Where to find us: HEADQUARTERS ARGENTINA ASIA BOARD International Via Balestra 18 6900 Lugano - Switzerland Tel.: +41 91 911 6020 Fax: +41 91 911 6021 e-mail: BOARD Argentina Godoy Cruz 2841 3rd fl. Ciudad de Buenos Aires C1425FQM Tel: +54 1147777575 e-mail: BOARD Asia Pacific 1 Maritime Square #12-06A HarbourFront Centre 099253 Singapore Tel: +65 62789138 Fax: +65 62789136 e-mail: to all levels down to operational detail. AUSTRALIA GERMANY - AUSTRIA HONG KONG - CHINA Headquartered in Switzerland, BOARD is a fast growing international company BOARD Australia 100 Walker Street NSW 2060 North Sydney Tel: +61 289049777 e-mail: BOARD Deutschland Schaberweg 28 61348 Bad Homburg v.d.H. Tel: +49 6172171170 Fax: +49 61721711770 e-mail: BOARD Hong Kong Unit A, 20/F, 9 Queen’s Road Central, Central Tel: +852 31897087 Fax: +852 31897689 e-mail: INDIA ITALY JAPAN BOARD India 602, Landmark Pllatinum 337/338, S.V. Road Khar West, Mumbai 400052 Tel: +91 2226050100 e-mail: BOARD Italia Via Caduti di Marcinelle 5 20134 Milan Tel: +39 022108071 Fax: +39 0221098550 e-mail: BOARD Japan 10F TOC Minatomirai 1-1-7 Sakuragicho Naka-ku Yokohama 231-0062 Kanagawa Tel: +81 452285165 Fax: +81 452285166 e-mail: MEXICO MIDDLE EAST SPAIN - PORTUGAL BOARD Mexico Durango 269, Piso 3. 06700 Col. Roma Norte Tel: +52 5585968693 Fax: +52 5552720178 e-mail: BOARD Middle East Level 28 Al Habtoor Business Tower Dubai Marina United Arab Emirates P.O Box: 29805 Tel: +971 44532832 e-mail: BOARD Iberica c/Galileo, 303 - 4º 08028 Barcelona Tel: +34 933944426 Fax: +34 933399171 e-mail: UNITED KINGDOM IRELAND USA - CANADA in a single integrated environment, completely programming-free and in a fraction of the time and cost associated with traditional solutions. BOARD provides one accurate, complete view of an organisation’s information, fully integrated with its processes, uniquely linking performance from strategic vision with offices and partners in all major markets worldwide. BOARD’s strategy is based on: Management Intelligence Since our foundation, we have pioneered an integrated approach to Corporate Performance Management and Business Intelligence, which we have called “Management Intelligence”. After more than a decade, we lead the way in the unification of BI and CPM, by offering a fully integrated solution from both a technological and functional point of view. Toolkit philosophy By combining our vision and creativity with the continuous flow of feedback from customers about their CPM and BI needs, we have nourished the continuous and organic growth of an All in One solution that is completely programming-free: the Toolkit. Innovative technology Our development laboratory has always dedicated its energies exclusively to the creation of a single product: BOARD. Our specialisation and continuous investment in Research & Development enable us to adopt the most advanced technologies rapidly and introduce major functional innovations frequently, thus confirming our position as one of the most innovative vendors in the field of BI and CPM. BOARD UK Exchange House 494 Midsummer Boulevard MK9 2EA Milton Keynes Tel: +44 1908255611 Fax: +44 1908255891 e-mail: BOARD USA 33 Broad Street, Suite 502 Boston MA 02109 Tel: +1 8572638919 Fax: +1 8572638919 e-mail: Other areas BOARD has a worldwide reseller network with local partners in: BELGIUM, BRAZIL, CHILE, DENMARK, EQUADOR, FINLAND, FRANCE, HOLLAND, HUNGARY, LITHUANIA, MALAYSIA, NEW ZEALAND, NORWAY, PERÙ, PHILIPPINES, SAUDI ARABIA, SOUTH KOREA, SWEDEN, THAILAND FOR YOUR LOCAL BOARD CONTACT PLEASE REFER TO: BOARD International Network Copyright © 2013, BOARD International and/or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. This document is provided for information purposes only and the contents hereof are subject to change without notice. While every attempt has been made to ensure that information in this document is accurate, some errors or technical inaccuracies may exist. BOARD specifically disclaim any liability with respect to this document, and no contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document. BOARD Management Intelligence Toolkit is a registered trademark of BOARD International S.A. All other products are trademarks of their respective holders.