November 2012


November 2012
November 2012
Volume 1, Issue 3
Chester’s Eighth Annual Festival of Bands held on October 5th
was graced with the attendance of 27 bands. Although the day
was windy and chilly, Ms. Mogen and the Band Parents hosted
a successful event.
November 1- Picture Re-takes
November 12– Veterans Day Program 10:00
School Board Meeting 5:30
November 21– 2:30 Dismissal
November 22 - No School (Thanksgiving)
November 23 - No School
November 26 - No School-Teacher In-service
Message from Mr. Reinhiller
Chester Middle School and Chester High School are both off to a great start. We have over 20
new students and they are really fitting in with the rest of the student body. That is a true compliment to not only the school but the community as a truly caring environment. We have over
120 open enrollments at Chester Area School which is about 33% of our total enrollment.
The end of the first nine weeks is Friday, October 19th. Parent teacher conferences will take
place next Thursday, October 25th from 3:30-9:30 pm. Please make every effort to attend this
important event.
Chester Area School not only takes pride in academics but extra-curricular activities as well. Ms. Mogen’s band
just completed their marching portion of band last week. They placed in four marching contests highlighted by
hosting the 8th annual Festival of Bands. 27 bands and over 1,200 students marched down Main Street of Chester. Sioux Falls Lincoln High School performed on Flyer Field after the contest and were incredible. In my opinion, they were better than most college bands I’ve seen on tv.
Mrs. Benson’s honor choir performed last week in Howard at the Big East Honor Choir. Twenty of Chester’s 50
chorus students participated. What is more impressive is 50% of our 9-12 enrollment is involved in our choir.
The cross country team has completed their regular season and the girls team qualified for the state meet in
Huron. Mr. Peterson has them running many miles in preparation for this prestigious event.
The football team is in the playoff hunt again this year. They have played many ranked teams in the state and
even though they have lost to them they have put up some tremendous offensive numbers. After their game
against Baltic they will probably be on the road for the first round.
The volleyball team has one regular season match left against rival Arlington. They currently have a record of 16
-5 and have the inside track of hosting the districts that will be held in late October/early November.
Once again, I hope to see all of you at conferences next week. I also encourage you to stop in and see me if you
have any questions or concerns. Together, we can make a difference in the education of our students.
Mike Reinhiller
HS/MS Principal
Chester Area School
Thursday, October 25, 2012
3:30 PM - 9:30 PM
School will be dismissed at 2:30 PM.
NO SCHOOL on Friday, October 26th
The Chester Area School will be piloting a new program on its school buses
beginning in November. This program, called BlinkSpot, will provide the school
with an accurate way to identify the students riding the bus each day. It will also
provide parents with the chance to receive real-time information about where and
when their children are entering and exiting the school bus sent directly to their
email address. Representatives from BlinkSpot will be at the school on October 25th from 3:30-9 pm to answer any questions parents may have.
BlinkSpot utilizes the BlinkSpot Camera to capture an iris image of the students as they enter and exit the bus. The information is then transmitted via secure connection to the school and the student’s parents so they can know the exact time and location the students entered and exited the bus. This system provides parents with the security of knowing that their child got to school or home
and it provides the school with the knowledge of who is riding the bus in the
event of an accident or other catastrophe.
Q: What is an iris?
A: The iris is the colored part of the eye. The iris has distinctive patters that al low
for very accurate identification. No two people have the same iris patterns.
Q: Is the iris camera safe to use?
A: There are no health risks associated with iris recognition. There are no flashes
or bright lights and all cameras are FCC compliant and approved to meet international eye safety standards.
Q: Can iris recognition be used for forensics?
A: No, iris recognition cannot be used for forensic applications as one does not
leave one’s iris at the scene of a crime.
Q: Does the camera use any laser beam to capture the iris image?
A: No, iris recognition is safe because it uses simple video photography without
emitting any laser rays or X-ray or other harmful rays.
Students are expected to be on time and in school regularly. The NCLB legislation dictates that schools maintain a 94% attendance rate. This is about 8 absences per year. Being diligent in attendance is the most effective way a parent can show their
child that their work and time at school is important. In today’s world, it is more important than ever to have a good education,
and one of the key factors to obtaining it, is having good attendance in school.
Research has shown that there is a strong correlation between a strong attendance record and a higher grade point average. In
fact, students who attend school on a regular basis not only have higher levels of academic achievement than students who are
frequently absent, they have stronger bonds to the school and community, lower rates of delinquent and high risk behaviour, and
increased participation in higher education.
Research has also shown that students who have high rates of absenteeism usually do not do well in school mainly because they
can not keep up with their school work. The U.S. Department of Education reports that for every missed day of school, it takes
students two days to catch up since they must make up missed learning and catch up with new learning at the same time. Additionally, since school is not only about academic work, a child being absent means that children miss out on the social side of
school life which can affect their ability to make and keep friends, and work alongside people later in life.
What can I do to help ensure regular school attendance?
There may be many reasons why your child is not or does not want to attend school. Initially you should speak to your child to
see if there are any underlying issues. If you are unable to resolve these issues it is important you speak to someone at the school
for advice and support. Here are some simple suggestions to encourage attendance:
Be ready - Make sure that your child is ready and prepared for school with the uniform, books and equipment needed. Set all of
their supplies and clothing out the night before.
Be careful about breakfast - Children of all ages need a nutritious breakfast. Snacks, sweets and drinks that are high in salt,
sugar and additives are not a good start to the day.
Be interested - Make sure you have time to talk to your child about school each day and find out what homework needs to be
done. Your child is more likely to attend school if they feel supported and their anxieties addressed. Completing their homework on time prevents many stressors.
Be positive - Problems in school may occur with other children or with your child’s work. Reassure your child that you and the
school will work together to provide help and support.
Be firm - Unless your child is too ill to attend school, then he or she should be in school. Make sure your child understands that
you do not approve of them missing school.
Be clear with the school - If your child is too ill to attend school then contact the school on the first day of absence and keep the
school informed.
Be aware - You should not take your child out of school for a holiday during school time.
Be available - Let the school know how you can be contacted and provide emergency telephone numbers. Drop children off and
pick them up on time. Make sure you don’t make children or employees wait.
Be supportive of the school - Make sure your child follows the school rules and you are clear about the school’s expectations,
policies and procedures.
Be involved – Speak regularly to your child’s teacher and attend events scheduled for parents.
Be Knowledgeable – Keep a copy of your child’s schedule. This may help to avoid any issues. For example, do they have their
PE clothes or their band instrument?
STEM Day 2012
“You’re Hired”
If you are a parent of a 612 grade Chester student,
you probably heard about
an activity your child
completed in the first
couple of weeks of school.
This activity is what is
known as a STEM activity—I will explain in the
second part of this article.
Students were broken
into groups of 6-8 grade
students and 9-12 students and posed a situation. The situation is
this; Greaner Ways is a
company that developed
Magic Sand and promotes
it as a product for cleaning up oil spills. Their
first job, was to determine
if the sand would clean up
an oil spill, they then had
to come up with a method
of using it, and a proposal
to give to a board room
(Donald Trump’s Apprentice). Students had to use
time management, teamwork, critical thinking
(magic sand was designed
for this, but was not used
due to economic reasons),
and communication both
in their groups and in the
board room. Students
had a great time researching the product
and finding ways to promote a solution. At the
end of the day, board
members “hired” a team
from the junior high and
high school. These
groups were then
awarded a lunch out to
the Hillside.
November 2012
Volume 1, Issue 3
A group of students busy
working on STEM.
Special points of interest:
Marissa, Rachel, and Evan
working on their STEM project
STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering & Math
So, what is STEM and
why are we implementing
STEM activities. STEM
is the learning process of
combining science, technology, engineering, and
math into a project/
problem. Students use
these subjects to solve a
given problem/situation.
The new science standards that are being implemented not only at the
state level, but also at the
national level are centered around STEM and
Problem Based Learning.
Students are being asked
to be critical thinkers,
work well in teams, improve communication
skills, as well as use their
science, technology, math,
and engineering skills.
The JH/HS Math and
Science Department attended a STEMwise conference last spring and
came home with some
great STEM ideas. We
applied and received a
grant which is being used
to fund our STEM activities as well as develop a
relationship with North
Dakota State College of
Science. NDSCS teaches
teachers how to implement STEM in their curriculum. We have had
the opportunity to complete one of 3 planned
STEM days and look forward to the remaining
activities. Please take
time to talk to your 6-12
grade student about
Winning JH & HS STEM
teams, receiving their
The STEM team is composed of Jarrod Huntimer,
Brooke McDonald, Sara
Miller. Mike O’Connell,
and Kristi Philips.
STEM could also replace
the E for English, as students use a great deal of
English skills and standards in their project/
The STEM team
would like to thank
everyone who helped
play a part in our
STEM day. Our
community members
who acted as our
board and Ron Alverson for announcing
our project. Without
these individuals,
“You’re Hired,”
could not have been a
Congratulations to
the winning teams of
ErasOil and Sandblasters. Thank you
to the Hillside for
allowing our students
to come and enjoy a
great lunch.
Mrs. Philips’
Science Summaries
Physical Science
Physical science has proven to be a difficult adjustment for
many 9th graders. It is the first science class that combines
theories and concepts with mathematical calculations. We
use the calculations to explain why things happen the way
they do. We just finished our study of motion including
velocity, and acceleration. We are currently discussing
Newton’s 2nd and 3rd Laws of Motion. To help us understand the concept of gravity, we did a lab where we
dropped objects with different masses, and found out that
they all fall at the same rate. Next, we will discuss momentum, and simple machines.
At the beginning of the year, we reviewed measurements used in science, the metric system, scientific notation, and significant digits. Next, we
studied matter and the changes that it undergoes.
We distinguished between substances and mixtures and further classified them into elements
and compounds. Then, we had the opportunity to
observe both chemical and physical changes, and
calculated the percent of each element in a compound. We are currently learning electron configurations which is the location of electrons in an
The seniors who were courageous
enough to take Physics recently studied projectile motion including using
vectors to solve problems. We have 2
text books for physics, we use the first
book to gain an understanding of the
major scientific concept, and then we
use the second book to support and
strengthen our study with the use of
mathematical calculations. We started
the year with a review of linear motion, including velocity and acceleration calculations. We discussed free
fall, and did a lab to calculate our
“hang time”.
News From Mrs. McDonald
Upcoming Events:
October 25th: Parent - Teacher Conferences
October 26th: No School
November 22th - 25th: Thanksgiving Break
November 26th: Teacher In-service
“Imagination is more important
than knowledge.”
Albert Einstein
Algebra I: Eighth grade students have finished two units covering patterns,
linear patterns, order of operations, real numbers, and simplifying expressions.
They are now focusing on solving equations, using formulas, and will continue
to use the distributive property which they love so much!! Looking ahead, they
will be working on proportional reasoning & statistics.
Pre-Algrebra: This group of students started the year working hard on solving
equations and inequalities. Their focus has been on how to solve problems
with all operations. Besides learning the operations of integers, students have
spent many hours practicing solving equations & inequalities containing integers and rules of exponents. Coming up next, these 8th graders will be learning about the number system including rational and real numbers.
Middle School Students Enjoying
Conferences will be held on October 25th from 3:30 to 9:30. Middle
School Conferences are held in the high school gymnasium. I hope
to see all of you there to discuss your child’s progress over the first
9 weeks of school!!
6th Graders & Middle School !!
Sixth graders have been very busy this year. With transitioning to the middle
school, to meeting a new teacher every hour, as well as keeping organized, the
students seem to be loving the middle school. They love moving every hour to
a new class, however, one of the down falls is the size of their lockers.
In math, the sixth graders have been working on their first unit which covers
numerous topics including problem solving, order of operations, functions,
equations, statistics and graphs. Next, they will work on operations with decimals and fractions.
7th Grade Tackle Order of Operations,
Equations & Integers
This year, we have 21 seventh
graders: 8 girls & 13 boys. Seventh graders have had a very
busy start in math so far. They
have been busy learning & mastering how to add, subtract, multiply & divide integers. They
have also learned how to solve
‘simple’ equations, expressions,
and the order of operations.
Next, 7th graders will tackle solving equations with integers, 2step equations, inequalities, and
functions & graphs.
Spanish Club starts out the year with a strong enrollment of 27 high school students. Spanish Club is
an organization that has activities to enrich the cultural learning experience of Spanish students. Some
of the activities that the students do are Christmas caroling in Spanish, ethnic food cooking and
sampling, club fiestas, and they will celebrate many other holidays with activities. These students will
also get to try an authentic eating experience and use their Spanish speaking skills. Students will be
working 2 concessions in February. Students will receive a club pin by attending meetings and actively
In the Spanish and
English Classrooms
9th English: 9th grade students started the year with a intense
review of the parts of speech and recently they have been
working with short story fiction. Some of the short stories they
have read are: “The Most Dangerous Game”, “Three Skeleton
Key” and “The Scarlet Ibis” to name a few. Soon they will be
reading the novel To Kill A Mockingbird.
Spanish I: Spanish I students have been working on greetings
and goodbyes and other dialogue exchanges in Spanish. They
will soon be presenting their “soy projects”. These projects
describe who they are as a person and what their likes and dislikes are.
Spanish Club Officers
President: Callie Baumberger
Vice President: Bailley Schneider
Sec./Treasurer: Sam Ordal
Spanish II: These Spanish students have been working on grammar in class and learning how to use D.O. pronouns and how to conjugate verbs in the command form so they can guide each other around the school blindfolded using directions and commands in Spanish. These students must know their command verbs and direction
words extremely well. These students were also studying Mexico and Mexico City and its culture, geography, history, and the popular food, art and customs of that region.
Spanish IV: These students have been working on an intensive unit of grammar using the past progressive and
perfect tenses. They have also been using dialogue to share what they like and dislike about food. They soon will
be studying the different artwork of famous Spanish artists and the history of art and architectural time periods.
Some of the artists that they will study are Pablo Picasso, Francisco de Goya, Salvador Dali, Diego Velazquez, El
Greco, Bassa, Rubens, Sorolla, and others.
Drama Club Officers 12’-13’
President: Callie Baumberger
Vice President: Adam Anderson
Secretary Bailley Schneider
Treasurer: Evan Baumberger
Drama Club 12’-13’
Drama club has an enrollment of 24 students
this year. This is a new club that was formed
last winter to enrich the fine arts experience
for high school students. This club will help
students get to see performances from the high school level through the collegiate level. Students will
work 3 concessions in February to earn money to support drama club. Those who are actively involved in drama club will get a drama club pin at the end of the year.
Mrs. Olivier’s Classes
MS Students Learn ‘The Parts of Speech’
So far this year,
students in the middle
school have been very
busy learning about
nouns, pronouns,
verbs and adjectives.
Coming up, the students will begin working on their first big
first writing project,
which will focus on
descriptive writing.
They have done very
well, and have had an
awesome start to the
school year!
In November and
December, students
will continue learning
about the different
parts of speech,
focusing on adverbs,
prepositions, conjunctions and interjections.
They will also be completing another writing assignment, focusing on either expository writing or compare and contrast writing. It’s always fun to
read their papers! :)
Makayla works on creating a
poster her project for STEM
day. All of the middle school
students did awesome!!!
It’s All About Short Stories!
In reading, middle school
students have been very
busy learning about the
key elements of short stories. They have read several stories, and we discuss the different ele-
ments that each story
focuses on, knowing that
the purpose of each short
story is different than
the others we read.
ing novels, which is always a favorite part of
reading class! I can’t wait
to share some of my favorites with the kids!
Next we will begin read-
Middle School Fun!
Seventh Grade Geography - World
For our first quarter project, each student in the 7th grade made
two different population charts. The first chart was over the
Top 10 most populated countries in a selected year. Students
went to the Internet, found the top 10 countries, recorded their
population and then made a chart of their year.
The 2nd part of the Population Charts was having each
student select a country from around the world and
record their population for 11 different years. They
then listed the years and their population totals.
8th Grade Science
Both of these pictures are dealing with a lab called Origami Boxes. This
lab tested volume, estimation, engineering, and prediction. skills.
6th Grade Science
Testing acceleration, force, and
motion using hot wheels.
7th Grade Science
Skin surface lab.
Measuring heart beat using
Vernier technology.
Ice Cream in a bag lab is what
the 6th graders performed. This
coincides with states of matter
and physical and chemical
change standards.
High School Geometry Quilts
We recently finished our first ever quilts in Geometry. The students started off by researching
transformations such as reflections, rotations, and translations. Next they were supposed to create a design and then transform it into the remaining 3 quadrants of a graph. They had a lot of
fun doing this project. It really gave them a hands-on physical approach in learning transformations. The students did a great job of working hard and completing deadlines. I am very proud
of them. Great job Geometry students!
In Pre-Calculus and Algebra 2 we finished our unit on slope and linear concepts. We did a
project throughout the school where we measured all the sets of steps and ramps. Students
were given information about state safety codes and they were glad to report that we meet those
public codes. This was a great hands-on activity that made them think outside the box.
In Algebra we spent a lot of time on linear concepts as well. We focused a little on slope but
mostly on word problems that pertain to everyday situations. Students were solving and writing their own cost production equations. We started a little slow but did very well towards the
Something new this year in my room is Scholastic Math Magazine. Every student gets one.
We read them as a class and they are to answer all the questions in it. This is a great magazine
because it promotes reading in math and focuses on skills that students struggle with such as
fractions, unit conversions, and graph/table reading. Please spend some time with them and go
though it or check out the website
Social Studies Projects
By: Mr. Gale
We have been doing some great things in government class this
year with the seniors. It is a very interesting time of the year for
government and we have been paying a great deal of attention to
the general election. Seniors who were of the age of 18 were registered to vote and other students filled out their applications so they
could send those in upon their 18th birthday. Another major project
that we do in government class is our “congress project”. Students
of the government class are split into the Senate and the House of
Representatives equally. From there both chambers must follow
present day rules for creating bills into laws that we must follow in
the classroom. I am the president and for this year’s term of Congress Coach Knight is the Supreme Court Justice.
2012-2013 Junior High Football Team
The 2012-2013 Junior High Football team finished up the season with a 14-1 record. This group of kids beat the following
Arlington Jamboree 3-0
Emery/Ethan Jamboree 3-0
Chester Area Jamboree 2-1
Parker Jamboree 3-0
Baltic – 22-13
Parker – 21 – 6
Canistota – 14-12
I want to wish these guys the best of luck throughout their football careers at Chester and hope one day we will be raising up a
trophy. It was a honor to coach these young men and teaching them the basic fundamentals of football. Thank you parents for
your support and following throughout the year.
Joe Whealy, 2006 graduate
of Chester High School
My name is Joe Whealy and I graduated from Chester in 2006. Since then I
have been going to school at Dakota State University where I received a degree in Exercise Science. I played football at Dakota State for 5 years where I earned 3 times All
Conference honors. I now live in Sioux Falls, SD where I work for a company called
Transamerica. My career provides me an opportunity to help people make good decisions about growing and protecting their assets. My long range goal is to own a comprehensive financial services organization in southeast South Dakota. My career allows me
to stay involved in athletics as I continue to enjoy going to sporting events and staying
involved the local sport scene. What I love most about my career is helping people not
only now, but long into the future to make good decisions.
Mr. O’Connell
This past July I had the opportunity to attend the Mickelson Exxonmobil Teachers Academy in
Jersey City, New Jersey (July 22-27). This was a once in a life time opportunity for me. I applied
for this academy last May and was notified in March that I was selected out of 1500 applicants.
The Mickelson ExxonMobil Teachers’ Academy is an innovative five-day professional development program which helps middle school science educators implement research-based instructional strategies to engage students in science and math inquiry learning. Since 2005, the Academy has worked
with close to 3,000 teachers and school leaders with the objective of making a significant contribution to reinforcing the science and math education of middle school students. This academy instructed me for 48 contact
hours on how to combine math and science concepts into effective lessons.
Soprano– Emily Weinand
Alt - Bailley Schneider
Alto– Sierra VanLiere
Alt - Madison Swift
Tenor- Kyle Heyn
Alt – Evan Baumberger
Bass – Adam Anderson
Alt – John Nelson
All-State Chorus and Orchestra concert is at 7:00 on
Saturday, October 27th at the Rapid City Civic Arena.
Remember the
Scrip Program!!
Don’t forget about the Scrip program!
Many Scrip cards are in stock
at the Chester School!
Log on to
to see a full list of retailers that are
and let us know which ones
you would like to order.
If you have any questions,
please call Faith or Kari
at 489-2412.
“Think Pink” Cheer Camp
The Chester Cheerleaders held a “Think Pink” event on Friday October 12th. Seven Varsity
Cheerleaders taught 48 Kindergarten through 5th grade girls, the basics of Cheerleading. They
started with a short presentation and then moved into learning a cheer and a chant. We would like
to say thank you for your support of Breast Cancer awareness, and Chester Cheerleading.
1st Grade
3rd Grade
5th Grade
4th Grade
Chester FFA Fruit Sale
The Chester FFA is having their annual fruit sale.
Grapefruit Oranges
Apples Butter Braids Pears
Mixed Boxes Meat Cheese
Sale will be from Oct. 19 till Nov. 12
Contact your Chester FFA member or
Monday, November 12th from 10:00 to 11:00
Chester High School Gym
All are welcome to attend our annual Veterans Day Tribute. If you have served or know
of someone who has served in the armed forces in any capacity, we invite you to be a
special guest at our Veterans Day Tribute as we honor those all those
who have helped preserve our freedom.
Honored soldiers and their spouses are invited to stay
for a free lunch served by the Chester cooks after the ceremony.
Please attend this special recognition to show our students how much we appreciate all
those who have helped in some way to keep our nation free.
Elementary & High School Book Fair is going on
October 17th-25th during school hours and also
during parent teacher conferences. Come check us out!!
Stoltenberg is School Counseling Intern
Shelli Stoltenberg is completing her school counseling internship at Chester
Area School. Originally from Garretson, SD, she is finishing her degree at
South Dakota State University. She is gaining experience with the K-12 students as well as working at High Plains alternative school. In addition, she
will be visiting one of the Hutterite colonies with some of the Cyber School
teachers. As if that wasn’t enough, Shelli has been coaching the grade 5-6
girls volleyball team.
After her school counseling internship, Shelli will complete an internship
for agency counseling in Brookings. Shelli is a beneficial asset to our school
community, and we are excited that she is with us. We will be sorry to see her leave in December but bid
her warm wishes as she starts her career.
National Honor Society, 2012-13
Service, Scholarship, Leadership, Character
*President— Kenneth Shaffner
*Vice President—Adam Anderson
*Secretary/Treasurer—Austin Opdahl
*Historian—Emily Weinand
Grade 12: Callie Baumberger, Hannah Herman, Kyle Heyn, Lizabeth Reck, Tabitha Sargent, Nicholas Willuweit,
Jade Wolf.
Grade 11: Mackenzie Alverson, Erin Benson, Logan Miller, John Nelson, Rachel Reiff, Brock Reinhiller.
Grade 10: Cole Acheson, Kole Fetters, Sara Heyn, Taylor Reinhiller, Bailley Schneider, Madisen Swift.
CAS Yearbook
Yearbooks for Sale!
There are still several older yearbooks
available for purchase. If you know of
a specific year that you are looking for
please contact Sarah Olivier at or at the
school at 489-2412.
If you ordered the 2012 yearbook, THEY ARE IN! Stop by the
school during school hours and
pick up your copy from Mrs.
Olivier in the MS/HS library!
If you would still like to get a
copy of the 2012 yearbook,
please let me know as we do have
a few extras for purchase.
The cost is $35.00!
Senior Parents! Senior Parents! Senior Parents!
Please send a senior picture, along with your favorite baby picture to Mrs. Olivier by April 1st, 2013. Please
remember these two pictures are different than those wanted by the front office, and that they will be returned
to you after the yearbook is completed. You may e-mail senior pictures to or you may
send your child’s pictures to the school in an envelope addressed to Sarah Olivier. Please remember that if you
do not send these pictures by April 1st, there may not be enough time for it to be added before publishing!
The 2013 Yearbook can now be purchased for the pre-order price of
$30.00 until April 1st, 2013. After that the price will return to the original
cost of $35.00. If you would like to personalize your yearbook, you will
again be able to do that for a $5.00 charge!
All yearbooks must be pre-paid!
2013 Yearbook Order Form
Name: ____________________________
Quantity: _____________________________
Grade: ___________________________
Amount Enclosed: __________________
Personalization (Please add an additional $5.00): ____________________________________
Ms. Mogen & the members of the Chester Flyer Band would like to
thank all those who helped to make their marching season a successful one. Thank you to the parents who chaperoned and to the bus
drivers for all their help - they go much above & beyond. Also, a
big thank you goes to Mrs. Philips for volunteering her time to help
with the flag corps!! We appreciate all of you!!
Annual Band Dinner
TURKEY with all
The trimmings!!
Sunday, November 4, 2012
It’s Greenery Season!! The Chester Band students are once again selling Christmas greenery and Scentsy products in the community. If you are interested in ordering, contact any high school band student or call Ms. Mogen at the school (489‐2411). Orders must be in by November 1. Delivery will be the weekend of Thanksgiving. Thank you for your support!! The Chester Area High School band has an amazing opportunity to work and per‐
form with a Beatles Tribute Band out of Branson, MO called the “Liverpool Leg‐
ends”. They were hand‐picked by Beatle original George Harrison’s sister, Louise. She has an organization called “Keep Music Alive In the Schools” which involves go‐
ing in to schools and giving music students a “hands‐on experience”. Some students will be involved in performing instrumentally and vocally. Others will help with lights and sound. I believe it should be an amazing experience for everyone. To find out more about the “Liverpool Legends”, check them out on You Tube or at their website ‐ There will be a concert in the Chester Area School Gymnasium on Tuesday evening, November 20, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. Tickets are on sale and are available from HS Band Students. There are reserved seat tickets in the office. Reserved tickets are $30 and General Admission are $25. 7 Cereal, & Toast, Juice, Milk
Cereal, Toast, Juice, Milk
Chicken Wrap, Corn & Tater Tots
Bacon Cheeseburger Soup & Salad
(A&B) Peaches, Bread or Bun
(A&B) Mixed fruit, Bread or Bun
Crispitos, Green Beans
Taco Chili Soup & Salad Bar
Cereal, & Toast, Juice, Milk
A) Fish Sticks, Mashed Potatoes, Corn
B) Chicken Noodle Soup & Salad Bar
Pasta Bar, Carrots
(A&B) Pineapple, Bread or Bun
28 Cereal, & Toast, Juice, Milk
(A&B) Biscuit Bar & Salad
Fruit Cocktail, Bread or Bun
A) Hot Pork Combo, Cooked Carrots
B) Chicken Noodle Soup & Salad Bar
(A&B) Pears, Bread or Bun
14 Cereal, & Toast, Juice, Milk
Breakfast Pizza, Juice, Milk
(A&B) Apple Crisp, Bread or Bun
(A&B) Applesauce, Bread or Bun
Colby Cheese Omelet, Sausage
Links, Juice, Milk
A) Tacos, Cheesy Beans
B) Chili Soup & Salad Bar
(A&B) Fresh Fruit, Bread or Bun, Rice
and Raisins
Breakfast tac-go, Juice, Milk
Egg & Sausage Patty, Toast, Juice,
12 Cereal, & Toast, Juice, Milk
A) Turkey Gravy, Mashed Potatoes,
B) Chicken Tortilla Soup & Salad Bar
Cranberries, Peas
Pumpkin Bars
A) Meat Loaf, Mashed Potatoes,
Tater Tot Casserole, Carrots, Celery
Frozen Mixed Vegetable
Taco Chili Soup & Salad Bar
B) Chicken Noodle Soup & Salad Bar
(A&B) Mandarin Oranges, Bread or
(A&B) Applesauce, Bread or Bun
Cereal, & Toast, Juice, Milk
Chicken Strips, Mashed Potatoes
Green Beans
B) Bacon Cheeseburger Soup & Salad
(A&B) Fresh Fruit, Bread or Bun
Chilidogs ,Cheesy Beans
Turkey Vegetable Soup & Salad
Pizza & Corn
Tomato Soup , String Cheese, &
Salad Bar
French Toast Sticks, Sausage,
Juice & Milk
Mac & Cheese w/ Peas
Pepperoni Pizza Soup
(A&B) Fresh Fruit, Bread or Buns
Cereal, & Toast, Juice, Milk
Chicken Patty on a Bun w/ Tater
Tots, Green beans
B) Tomato Soup w/ Salad Bar
String Cheese
(A&B) Applesauce
Potato Soup & Salad Bar
String Cheese
(A&B) Applesauce, Bread or Bun
Cereal, & Toast, Juice, Milk
(A&B) Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Salad Bar, Peaches, Bread or Bun
(A&B) Pears, Bread or Bun
15 Biscuits & Gravy , Juice, Milk
A) Spaghetti, Carrots, Celery
/b) Vegetable Beef Soup & Salad Bar
Corn Bread
(A&B) Mandarin Oranges, Bread or Bun
A) Potato Soup
B) Tomato Soup
9 Cereal, & Toast, Juice, Milk
(A&B) Pineapple, Bread or Bun
Cereal, & Toast, Juice, Milk
A) Chicken & Biscuits, Carrots
B) Bean & Ham Soup & Salad Bar
8 Colby Cheese Omelet, Juice, Milk
Banana Cream Pie
(A&B) Apricots, Bread or Bun
Cinnamon Toast, Sausage Links,
Juice, Milk
Students may go back for bread, peanut butter, fruits and vegetables every day without an extra charge. If students choose to go back for a second helping of either lunch
entrée, their account will be charged an extra $0.50. Homemade whole wheat buns are served daily. A variety of milk items such as skim, fat free and chocolate are offered
daily for lunch. An * in front of a type of fresh fruit means that fresh fruit will be served when available.
November 2012 Breakfast & Lunch Menu
(GRADE 11)
@ 10:00
November 2012
School Reach-Telephone Broadcast Service
will be the radio stations for school cancellation.
These stations will be contacted by 7:00 a.m. If possible.
The television stations that will be contacted.
If there is no announcement, it automatically
means school will be in session.
Chester Area School No. 39-1
PO Box 159
Chester SD 57016-0159
Address Service Requested
The safety of our students,
staff, and bus drivers is our
number one concern. Please be
advised that students will not
be counted absent or tardy due
to bad weather.
Non-Profit Organization
US Postage Paid
Chester, SD
Permit No. 7