2016 July/August Newsletter - Rocky Mountain Conference IPHC
2016 July/August Newsletter - Rocky Mountain Conference IPHC
NEWS July / August 2016 BISHOPS Message I was in a meeting a few months back and I heard this statement by a former Bishop, “We have to practice violent, radical, risky love.” A love that in its purest form can crush, melt and soften even the hardest of hearts. Demonstrating this kind of love puts Christianity in a class all by itself and the world doesn’t know how to react to it. For example, after the thieves had beaten and robbed a man, a Samaritan came by and showed a love so fierce, Bishop & June Herrera a love that was more violent than the beating that left him for dead, a love that says, “whatever it takes.” Our Lord suffered such extreme violence from the roman soldiers who punched, beat, whipped and crucified Him, but this is how He demonstrated His violent, fierce love for us; while we were yet sinners, He died for us and endured the cross, despising the shame and hostility from sinners against Himself. As Christians our love has to be such an essential part of who we are that no matter what level of hatred and slander is thrown our direction our only response is to love. Jesus said, “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you.” When radical love becomes something we do...not just something we talk about, God will give us the opportunity to show it. Violent and radical love will drive us to do something risky. On June 12th just days ago 49 people were killed and 53 others were injured at a gay night club putting the Christian world in a rather precarious situation. If the only way we are known, is our love one for another then we missed the mark. John wrote, “For God so loved the world” that tells me, God wants me to do the same. I must practice violent, radical, risky love! VIOLENT...RADICAL... RISKY LOVE Estuve en una reunión hace unos meses y escuché esta declaración de un ex obispo: Tenemos que practicar el amor violento, radical, y arriesgado. Un amor, que en su forma más pura, puede aplastar, derretir, y suavizar aun los corazones más endurecidos. La demostración de este tipo de amor coloca al cristianismo en una categoría única y distinta y el mundo no sabe cómo reaccionar ante ella. Por ejemplo, después de que los ladrones habían golpeado y robado a un hombre, un samaritano se acercó y mostró un amor tan feroz, un amor que era más violenta que la paliza que lo dejó por muerto, un amor que dice: Todo lo que sea necesario. Nuestro Señor sufrió este tipo de violencia extrema de los soldados romanos que perforaron, golpearon, batieron y lo crucificaron; pero así es como demostró su amor violento, feroz para nosotros; siendo aún pecadores Él murió por nosotros y sufrió la cruz, menospreciando la vergüenza y la hostilidad de los pecadores contra su persona. Como cristianos nuestro amor tiene que ser una parte esencial de lo que somos que no importa qué nivel de odio y difamación es lanzada hacia nosotros, nuestra única respuesta es el amor. Jesús dijo: Amad a vuestros enemigos, haced bien a los que os aborrecen, bendecid a los que os maldicen, y orad por los que os ultrajan. Cuando el amor radical se convierte en algo no sólo de labios, Dios nos dará la oportunidad de demostrarlo. Amor violento y radical nos llevará a hacer algo arriesgado. El 12 de junio, sólo hacen unos días, 49 personas murieron y otras 53 resultaron heridas en un club nocturno de gays lo que puso el mundo cristiano en una situación bastante precaria. Si lo único que nos identifica es nuestro amor el uno por el otro, ya perdimos la marca. Juan escribió: Porque tanto amó Dios al mundo. Esto me dice que Dios me manda a hacer lo mismo. ¡Tengo que practicar el amor violento, radical, arriesgado! P l a c e of H O P E P e op l e of P R O M I S E FAQs... Conference Leaders Larry Herrera - Bishop Executive Council Members Tyler Clark - Assistant Superintendent Carole Burgess - Secretary/Treasurer Jake Ishmael - Youth Ministries Robert Lopez - Discipleship Ministries Rocky Mountain IPHC Ministries Contact Information Mailing Address: P.O. Box 1382 Englewood, CO 80150 Office Address: 7010 N Broadway Denver CO 80221 Conference Phone: 303-379-9071 Conference e-mail: rm.iphc@yahoo.com PRAY THEN VOTE In this contentious and divisive election year, it is still our duty and responsibility to vote and encourage those in our churches to do likewise. We do NOT tell our people how or for whom to vote for, but we guide them to Prayerfully consider the choice of candidates and issues then exercise their right and vote! Bishop Herrera contacts: Cell Phone: 303-359-4289 E-mail: larry_herrera@centurylink.net Office Manager: Verna Clark HEY...CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE: http://rmciphc.com July / August Send a card or warm wishes to: BIRTHDAYS: August July 1 18 19 25 25 26 Clifford Sanchez Stephen Hanscom June Herrera Juanita Diaz Wyatt Mullins James Martinez Jr P l a c e of H O P E 7 8 8 10 11 11 11 30 Heriberto Martinez Zechariah Derks Neva Lenhardt Matias Pacheco Alex Barnes Bobby Carey Dawn Lubin Jill Ishmael ANNIVERSARIES July 7 16 19 21 26 Bruce & Gail Heil Jim & Cindy Roberts Brian & Carole Burgess Jose & Maria Mendoza John & Candice Oh 5 14 19 26 David & Crystal Sanchez Jerry & Cheryl Milhorn Dawn & Mylon Bruce Paul & Verna Clark August P e op l e of P R O M I S E Missions... Pastor Tyler Clark Annual MissionsConference August 27, 2016 Special Guest Missionaries: Dr. Vijay & Aparanjani Balla Location: Trinity Christian Fellowship Northglenn, CO In 2002, the Balla family left their home in India with an apostolic call to take the Gospel to Bangladesh, and now, 32 churches have been established. • They set up the Bangladesh Theological Institute in Dhaka. • Founded the primary school Holiness Academy. • Frances Carter Boarding for village children with no educational opportunities. • The Ballas also give oversight to IPHC works in Nepal, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, and Pakistan, and they are committed to planting many more churches in places where there is no IPHC work 11a.m. – 12 noon Missionaries Report 12 noon – 1:15 p.m. Lunch (pot luck) (please bring a dish of your choice) 1:20 - 2:30 p.m. Missionaries Vision for the future DEIDRA COHOE MISSIONS TO ETHIOPIA Churches remember if you did not bring your GLOBAL OUTREACH offering to Annual Conference with you, please send it to the Conference office. We collected $1,173.00 for GO at Conference. Thank you for your support of Global missions. Thank you for the special offering of $840.61 that you gave in support of Deidra as she moves to Ethiopia to teach at Thrive Academy. Deidra completed her course at Ascend Masters Commission and is now putting into action what she learned. Prayers and continued financial support is needed. Marriage Retreat July 29 - 30, 2016 Location: Drury Inn, Westminster CO Cost: $150 per couple (includes room & food) Who should attend? This retreat is for ALL couples within your church or community as well as pastors and leaders. Marriage retreats give couples the chance to take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. This retreat is designed to help couples heal from hurts, defuse conflict and reactive cycles, communicate effectively and reconnect and renew their covenant to each other and God. Our churches are more effective within our communities when they are filled with and led by healthy couples. Please bring as many couples as you can to this retreat. Your church will be blessed by the outcome of healthier marriages. We will have times of fun, games, teaching, deep conversations and spiritual renewal. The sessions will be led by Pastor Tyler & Laura Clark, Bishop & June Herrera, and two couples who have been married for 50+ years - Rev. Paul & Verna Clark and Pastor Brian & Carole Burgess. The Drury Inn is holding a block of rooms but only until July 15th. Please call and reserve your room asap!!!! Remember you are responsible for your room and a $20 registration fee. Your room includes light dinner on July 29th and full breakfast on July 30th. We will be done by 11:00 AM on Saturday so you can enjoy the rest of your day. Go to this link to register https://www.druryhotels.com/locations/ denver-co/drury-inn-and-suites-denver-westminster or call 303-460-1220 (recommended) and tell them you are with the Rocky Mountain IPHC Group. Friday July 29, 2016 4-5 p.m. 5 - 6:30 7 - 7:15 7:15 - 8 8 - 9 9 - 9:45 9:45 - 10 Schedule Saturday July 30, 2016 Check-in Dinner Welcome skit (Tyler & Laura Clark) Bishop & June Herrera Bishop Emeritus Paul & Verna Clark Fun & Activities The good night “Challenge” 7 - 8:30 a.m. 8:30 - 8:40 8:40 - 9:40 9:40 - 10:40 10:40 - 11 For more information contact: Pastor Tyler Clark 720-949-3658 Breakfast Short Exercise Brian & Carole Burgess Men & Women Breakout Wrap up session In Christ’s Service, Jerry and Cheryl Milhorn How many times have we heard 2 Chronicles 7:14 preached or taught? It was a promise given to King Solomon for the nation of Israel. If they had sinned and fallen away from God and blessing were no longer falling upon the nation as a whole, they were promised healing and restoration if they would; Humble themselves, pray, seek God’s face and turn from their evil ways, then God would forgive and heal and restore the land. Israel eventually failed to do their part and the nation was plunged into captivity. Why? Did God’s promise become void? Certainly not! I believe God’s mercy was shown to them for many years, but one day God had enough. We as Christians are called by God’s name and are called to repent for our personal and national sins. The prophets of old lamented over the sins of the people and were desperate for the people to turn to God again. In his message at conference Bishop asked how many of us were desperate enough to see others healed, or to see revival and seek God’s presence. I’m asking also, How many of us are desperate to see America return to God? Are we weeping like the prophets of old? Are we crying out in anguish for holiness in our nation? For repentance? Yet I wonder has this nation crossed the line where God has said: “Enough is enough? I do not know the answer, but I do believe that day is soon upon us. The trumpet will sound, the dead in Christ will rise and we who remain will be caught up with them. I know that it’s not to late to pray desperate prayers for family, for loved ones and friends. Repentance begins in the House! God, shake us out of our indifference and compliancy. Get us involved! Minister’s and Spouse Retreat September 30 & October 1 Colorado Springs, CO This retreat is for all licensed and Ordained Ministers and their spouse. This year we will be hosting our Retreat in conjunction with the IPHC Discipleship Conference. Our guest speaker will be Dr. Michelle Anthony, who is the IPHC Family Ministries Consultant. Schedule Friday Sept 30 3 - 5p.m. Check in 5:30 - 6:45 Dinner 7 - 9 p.m. Evening Session Saturday Oct.1 7 - 8:30 Breakfast 8:30 - 8:45 Room Check-out 9 - 12 noon Session I: Principles of Family Ministry 12 - 1:30 p.m. Lunch Break 1:30 - 4:30 p.m. Session II: Developing your Family Ministry Strategy Cost: $150 per couple (this includes room, Friday dinner, Sat breakfast and Conference registration. Sat lunch is not included) 2016 La Cumbre Latina Inaugral Guardar esta fecha 19 y 20 de Agosto Montanas Rocosas IPHC Orador invitado: Rev. Luis Avila Director of Hispanic Ministries and INCaM - IPHC Lugar: Monte de Los Olivos 12150 Andrews Dr Denver CO 80239 lPrayer lMinistry lTraining lFellowship lTeaching lWorship lWorkshops lServices lugar que se anunciará más información para seguir Boys Campout Date: August 12-13,2016 Date: August 12 & 13, Location:The The Healing Place Location: Healing Place Brighton, CO Brighton, CO Come bring your tent & sleeping bag evening and morning Comeand bring your tent &of food, fu devotions. sleeping bag and enjoy and evening and information morning contact: of food, For more Matt and Pacheco at 303.710.9496 fun, Rev. games devotions. For more information contact: Rev. Matt Pacheco at 303.710.9496 Event: FREE Girls Retreat August 12 & 13, 2016 Location: Nueva Vision Christian Assamblea Northglenn, CO Retreat Sleep-over FREE Fun Fellowship Games Praise & Worship For more information contact: Savannah Schamp – 303.999.9632 Brighton Outreach Ministries would like to introduce you to: FirstArt Christian Academy A Christian School & Preschool of the Arts A ministry based approach to meet the needs of our students and their families! 303-659-1202 NOW ENROLLING! State Certified Teachers 801 South 5th Ave. Kindergarten-4th grade Church services at 10:45 on Sunday with Brighton Outreach Ministries Class from 8:30-3:00 with before and after school available Weekly music classes that includes violin instruction Physical Education in a full size gymnasium Integration of Science, Technology, Engineering, Math and the Arts! Rates as low as $47.50 a week with a volunteer/pick your own rate program 625 S. 8th Ave. Preschool ages 2-5 Full time preschool available from 6:30-6:00 (2-5 full days/week) Part time preschool available 8:45-11:45 Hands on-fun instruction and activities with the Core Knowledge curriculum Opening a NEW 4 year old classroom in August 2016! Enroll Now! Loving, safe and enriching environment Yearly art show theatrical/musical performances Gardening for kids Fun Family Activities: Shakespeare in the park (for kids!), Family Putt Putt day, Thanksgiving Day Potluck, Santa’s Workshop, Amazing Race challenge… Enrichment includes: P.E, Spanish, Japanese, Music and Bible Camps and Activities include cooking, science, piano and much more! Core Knowledge curriculum July 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Saturday 2 3456789 10111213141516 Women’s & Men’s Ministry at Last Harvest 17181920212223 ......National Youth Quest............ 24252627282930 Marriage Seminar & Retreat Drury Inn- Westminster CO 31 P l a c e of H O P E P e op l e of P R O M I S E August 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 123456 78910111213 Girls Retreat - Nueva Christian Northglenn, CO Boys Campout - The Healing Place - Brighton CO 14151617181920 La Cumbre Latina Inaugral Monte de Los Olivas - Denver 21222324252627 Missions Conference 11 a - 2:30 p Trinity Christian Fellowship Northglenn CO 28293031 P l a c e of H O P E P e op l e of P R O M I S E Alpha and Omega IPHC Pastor Rogelio Diaz Pueblo, CO Rocky Mountain IPHC Ministries La Senda Antigua Pastor Luis Garcia Denver, CO Ascend Masters Commission Pastor Jake Ishmael Federal Heights, CO Brighton Outreach Ministries Pastors Tyler & Laura Clark Brighton, CO The Healing Place Worship Center Pastor Joe L. Sanchez Brighton, CO Roca De Salvacion Pastor Rodolfo & Maria Sosa Yuma, CO Denver House of Prayer Pastor Carl Joseph Denver, CO Iglesia Pentecostal Monte De Los Olivos Pastor Saul Ruano Denver, CO Phoenix Fellowship Pastor Greg Sampier Cherry Hills, CO North Gate Community Church Bishop Larry Herrera, Interim Ault, CO Templo El Sinai Pastors Jose & Marie Mendoza Longmont, CO Eternal Life Temple Pastor Saul Ochoa Denver, CO Growing in Christ Ministries Pastor Clifford & Rosy Sanchez Lafayette, CO Iglesia Cristo Vive Pastors Jorge & Norma Luna Denver, CO Healing Waters Pastor Jim Roberts Canon City, CO Last Harvest Ministries Pastors Adrian & Rosy Olivas Denver, CO The Lighthouse Pastor Linda Talbert Grand Junction, CO New Haven PHC Pastor Bob Carey Palisade, CO Nueva Vision Christian Assamblea Pastor Robert Lopez Thornton, CO Trailhead Community Church Pastors Mylon & Dawn Bruce Norwood, CO Trinity Christian Fellowship Pastor Brian Burgess Northglenn, CO Trinity Church Pastor Frank Hilty Springfield, CO 180 Community Church Pastor Jerimie Olvera Lafayette, CO
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