w celebrate - Woodcreek Fate
w celebrate - Woodcreek Fate
FALL 2014 WOODCREEK FALL NEWSLETTER A PUBLICATION OF WOODCREEK FATE HOA, INC. WHAT’S INSIDE Page 2 Manager’s Corner Yard-of-the-Month Page 3 Celebrate FATE Photos Page 4 Covenant’s Corner Page 5 Be a Good Neighbor Page 6 Fall Fest / Vendor Fair Page 7 Family Pool Party Page 8 Fall Home Maintenance Checklist Page 10 Local Fall Events Page 11 Woodcreek Fall Events W oodcreek and the City of Fate celebrated Labor Day with a bang on Saturday, August 30th by hosting a party in the city park and a grand fireworks display. The event, sponsored by Southstar Texas, LLC, the developers of Woodcreek, and the Woodcreek Homeowners Association, was dubbed CELEBRATE FATE. Over 1500 residents and guests attended the party at Smith Family Park in Fate for an afternoon of activities and events. Along with food trucks, bounce houses, water slides, a rock climbing wall, dunk tank, and a live band. Residents were treated to displays of Fate and Rockwall County fire trucks and police response vehicles. The highlight of the day, however, was a fireworks display that lasted over 45 minutes and was impressive in both sights and sounds. The display, along with music, kept the crowd in awe. The City of Fate and Woodcreek hope to make this an annual event to celebrate small town life in east Dallas and as a way for residents to come together and enjoy their community. See more photos on Page 3. CELEBRATE FATE “Over 1500 residents and guests attended the party at Smith Family Park in Fate for an afternoon of activities and events.” “Autumn is the season to find contentment at home.” A Word from the Manager W heat of the Texas summer, the following households upheld beautiful landscapes for the month of August. The Landscape Committee will head out for one more round of Yard-of-theMonth winners for the season during October. Their eyes will be peeled for fall and Halloween décor as they judge yards that are awardworthy. We’re evaluating ways to bring more value to residents with community events. I know that I’m personally looking forward to seeing the highly popular Fishing Tournament return in 2015, (including prizes) as well as Movie Night in the Park. For those of you who joined us on Labor Day weekend, Smith Park is a wonderful city resource located within the borders of Woodcreek with athletic fields, playground, and Frisbee golf course. As Woodcreek grows, the HOA hopes to be able to increase partnership opportunities with the city to bring even more entertaining events to Smith Park. WINNERS Even through the Yard-of-the-Month hat a great summer! With temperatures about ten degrees below seasonal norms, July was almost spring-like, allowing community members to get out and enjoy the natural beauty of Woodcreek and all that it offers. To help gauge what type of lifestyle offerings are desired, we recently completed a survey of residents and have learned that many of you place a very high value on fitness and outdoor entertainment. The large quantity of homeowners I have observed out walking, jogging, cross training, and exercising certainly support this. Now that school is back in session, many of you are busy shuttling your children to after school practices and activities. Take a look at the community calendar because there are some truly fun events planned that the whole family will enjoy. If you are new to Woodcreek, our community events are a great chance to meet other people who have also chosen to call Woodcreek home. I look forward to seeing you there! Best, — Jonas Tune General Manager Woodcreek HOA Lafayette Neighborhood WINNER 391 Florence Hatfield Residence Bradfield Neighborhood WINNER 606 W. Fate Main Green Residence Barringer Neighborhood WINNER 918 Silktree Trimmer Residence PHOTO GALLERY CELEBRATE FATE C ovenantsCORNER Trash and Recycling Containers, Bulk Waste Items, and Litter on a property line between your property and your neighbors, it is deeded as a party structure, often referred to as a common fence. This means that both neighbors who enjoy the benefit of the fence have an equal responsibility for the cost of maintenance, repair, and replacement. When conflicting viewpoints come up, work to find a mutually agreeable compromise. Discuss with your neighbor what you consider to be necessary for a satisfactory fence repair or replacement and agree on the steps involved for the repair before you begin the process. Make a plan that is agreeable to both parties, and keep lines of communication open. For example, you could both invest sweat equity, and work on repairing the fence together. If neither party is handy with hand tools or doesn’t have the time, you can agree to hire a contractor and split the costs. Keep in mind, after you have repaired or replaced the fence, it’s too late to ask your neighbor to share the cost if you proceeded on your own and did not involve them in dialogue about the common fence. Avoid bad relations by talking to your neighbor and making a joint decision. All arrangements and costs should be understood by both parties and finalized beforehand. Also, please remember that if a fence is being replaced, you must fill out a Property Modification Approval Request Form, which will be sent to the Architectural Control Committee (ACC). A separate municipal fence permit is required as well. While the HOA’s Architectural review process usually takes an average of 10-14 days, up to 30 calendar days are allotted for review, so please factor review lead time into your project. Garbage and recycling cans may not be stored in front of the garage. They are to be placed in the most inconspicuous area as possible. Acceptable trash and recycling container storage locations include the side yard, rear yard, or inside the garage. For trash service pick up, the garbage can may be placed out by the curb the night before service, but must be returned to its storage location on the same day service occurs. These rules apply to recycling containers as well. Please remember to place your trash cans out of sight until collection day and to secure loose garbage. Boxes are to be broken down and secured with the garbage can at the curb. There have been a number of instances where garbage cans have been blown over by the wind and left in the street. If you have the need to have bulk waste removed beyond what is offered at no charge under the municipal contract, please contact Progressive Waste at (903) 450-8282 to obtain a quote. We need all residents to help keep our community looking its best! Please do your part and remember to: Pick up after your pet and dispose of waste properly. Pick up litter you notice in the community and dispose of it. Make sure household trash is bagged, secured, and disposed of in a timely and appropriate manner. Thank you for taking pride in the appearance of our community. Your cooperation is appreciated! Most Common Fencing Questions Asked of Management Who is responsible for repairing or replacing this fence? You want to be on good terms with your neighbor, but sometimes tensions arise when common fence issues are viewed differently by each neighbor. If the fence in question is Do I need HOA permission to extend or replace my fence? Yes, all exterior modifications require review and approval by the Architectural Control Committee (ACC). Do I need a city permit? Replacing 60% or greater of the total linear footage of an existing fence requires a city permit to be obtained before beginning work. What if I do the work myself? Do I still need to get a city permit? Yes, the same regulations apply if you utilize a contractor or perform the work yourself. The pickets or “smooth side” of the fence face my home, so the fence is mine, right? All fencing that is shared between two neighboring residences is deeded as a party structure, also known as a common fence, assigning an equal obligation to both property owners for repair or replacement costs. My neighbor bought their house before I did, so I don’t have to pay for any fence repairs, because the fence is theirs, not mine. This is unfortunately a misperception; please see the above answer for clarification. How tall can fences in Woodcreek be? The maximum allowable fence height was raised to 8’ effective November 2013. My neighbor and I agreed to replace the common fence between our homes after a storm. I submitted paperwork to the ACC and received approval to begin the work. Does my neighbor also need to turn in an ACC request if they have decided to use the same contractor and replace their fence, too? In this case, both property owners would need to submit an ACC request, as two separate fence projects would be involved. A fence contractor told me that the City of Fate requires steel posts for new fences – is this true? At this time, no municipal ordinance is in place which specifies that steel posts must be used on new fences. What about stain colors for my fence? The community governing documents allow for any “natural” wood stain color. This has been promulgated to mean a clear coat stain or any brown color. No colored stains (red, blue, green, etc.) are permissible. I would like to change my fence from wood to wrought iron. Upgrading an existing wood fence to a wrought iron fence generally will receive a favorable review by the ACC. Can I put in a vinyl fence? Vinyl fencing is not permitted under the community governing documents. Annual Daddy/ Daughter Dance Woodcreek daddies and daughters enjoyed dressing their best and dancing the afternoon away on September 13th at the annual Daddy/ Daughter Dance. NOW ENROLLING! 12 MONTHS – 12 YEARS (CHILD MUST BE EATING TABLE FOOD AND WALKING) We are a Christian based school that focuses on the personal development of each child. Our objective is to teach responsibility, respect, build new childhood experiences, and promote a foundation that starts your child's educational future, though play, movement, music, stories, and interactions with other children and adults. Our Philosophy of child development allows each child to plan what they want to accomplish (Goal Setting), accomplish what they have planned (Meeting the Goal), and recall what they have actually accomplished (Reflection/Evaluation). Children learn through play and exploration how goal setting affects their lives and that they can be in charge of many of the choices in life on the way to fulfilling their short-term and long-term goals. Fall Fest/Vendor Fair “In addition to the T vendor fair, kids can he Social Committee is working to organize the annual Woodcreek Fall Festival and Vendor Fair. If you are a business owner, this event is the perfect way to showcase your talents to other Woodcreek residents. To pre-register as a vendor, you can contact the Social Committee by emailing social@woodcreekfatehoa.com. Vendor space is limited, so please don’t delay if you plan to participate! So far, you can expect the following vendors to be on hand for this exciting community event on Sunday, October 19th from 2-4 p.m. outside the Woodcreek Clubhouse: The Pampered Chef Jamberry Nails TX Health Presbyterian DROP OFF and PICKUP at Miss May Vernon and Billie Stevenson FAMILY OWNED and OPERATED CCS PROVIDER 601 SH 66 Fate, TX 75132 (972) 771-0788 (469) 323-2055 www.firehouseds.com director@firehouseds.com Hospital Rockwall Eric’s Pop Kettle Corn Heather Nichols Photography Premier Designs Jewelry Freda’s Fancy… a little jewel Plexus Worldwide Scentsy and Isabel enjoy a live DJ, bounce houses, carnival games, a face painter, and a cupcake walk.” Advocare KB’s Brats Billie Stevenson PTA Bake Sale Dallas Caramel Company St. Barnabas Episcopan Church Craft Guild Mary Kay Crochet by Rachel Darn Skippy Photography and Designs Carter BloodCare Blood Drive In addition to the vendor fair, kids can enjoy a live DJ, bounce houses, carnival games, a face painter, and a cupcake walk. Halloween costumes are welcome, but are not required to join in the fun! PRE-K Program CHRISTIAN BASED CIRRICULUM 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Sun., Oct. 19 from 2-4 p.m. family POOL PARTY Residents took advantage of the sunshine and warm weather on Saturday, August 16th for the last HOA Family Pool Party of the 2014 summer. DJ Josh entertained with music, games, and prizes for all ages. Pumpkin Pie Cake Cake: Cooking spray 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 1 cup granulated sugar 1/2 cup packed brown sugar 1/4 cup canola oil 1/2 cup egg substitute 2 large eggs 1 (15 oz) can unsweetened pumpkin 2 cups all-purpose flour (about 9 oz) 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 2 teaspoons pumpkin-pie spice 1/2 teaspoon salt Frosting: 2 tablespoons butter, softened 1 (8-oz) package 1/3-less-fat cream cheese 3 cups powdered sugar 2 teaspoons fresh orange juice 1/4 cup chopped pecans, toasted Directions: Preheat oven to 350°. To prepare cake, coat 2 (8”) round cake pans with cooking spray. Dust pans evenly with 2 tablespoons flour. Combine 1 cup granulated sugar, brown sugar, and oil in a large bowl; beat with a mixer at medium speed 2 min. or until well blended. Add egg substitute and eggs; beat until well blended. Add pumpkin, beating until blended. Lightly spoon 2 cups flour into dry measuring cups; level with a knife. Combine flour, baking powder, and next 3 ingredients (through salt) in a medium bowl. Gradually add flour mixture to pumpkin mixture, beating just until blended. Spoon batter into prepared pans. Bake at 350° for 30 min. or until a wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool in pans 10 min. on a wire rack. Remove cake from pans; cool completely on wire rack. To prepare frosting, beat butter and cream cheese at medium speed until creamy. Gradually add powdered sugar, beating until blended (do not overbeat). Add juice, stirring until blended. Place 1 cake layer on a serving plate. Spread 1 cup frosting over layer, and top with remaining cake layer. Spread remaining frosting over top of cake. Sprinkle with pecans, and garnish with orange slices, if desired. — Source: Cooking Light WOODCREEK FATE HOA INC. C/O FIRSTSERVICE RESIDENTIAL 3102 OAK LAWN AVE, STE 202 DALLAS, TX 75219 WWW.FSRESIDENTIAL.COM TELEPHONE: (214) 871-9700 FAX: (214) 889-9980 GENERAL MANAGER JONAS TUNE (972) 722-6484 JONAS.TUNE@FSRESIDENTIAL.COM LIFESTYLE DIRECTOR MALLORIE BARR (972) 722-6484 MALLORIE.BARR@FSRESIDENTIAL.COM ACCOUNTING / BILLING QUESTIONS (877) 378-2388 ACCOUNTSERVICES.TX@FSRESIDENTIAL.COM RESALE & REFINANCE CERTIFICATES (888) 679-2500 WWW.FSRESIDENTIAL.COM/RESALE.HTML facebook.com/woodcreekfatesocial twitter.com/woodcreekfate Social Committee Email: social@woodcreekfatehoa.com Are you considering a home improvement project? All exterior property modifications or improvements require review and approval by the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) before work is initiated. ACC request forms are found online by visiting the ‘Forms and Documents’ section of the HOA website, located at woodcreekfatehoa.com. While the ByLaws provide for a period of up to 30 days for review, the ACC review process is often completed more quickly. To allow sufficient lead time to schedule work with your contractor, please factor the review period into your improvement project planning. Clubhouse Rentals, Outdoor Kitchen, Pool Parties, and Athletics Field Booking If you would like to check availability for a private event, we are here to help you! Weekday rentals (Mon-Thurs) are $100, and weekend rentals (Fri-Sun) are $150; $500 security deposit is required. Clubhouse rentals are booked in 5-hour increments, with reservations accepted up to 90 days in advance of your desired event date. Outdoor kitchen rentals are taken in 2-hour blocks with a $25 fee. Pool parties and use of the multipurpose athletics field (for practices, games, bounce houses, etc.) must be scheduled through the management office as well. There is no fee to schedule a pool party or use of the multipurpose athletics field. Please contact the management office by emailing manager@woodcreekfatehoa.com or by phone at (972) 722-6484 for assistance. Accounts must be in good standing. www.woodcreekfatehoa.com
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