Needle Notes - River City Quilters` Guild


Needle Notes - River City Quilters` Guild
Needle Notes
February 2016
Volume 40 Issue No. 2
Birthdays – Page 6
Classifieds - Page 10
Connie Horne - Page 10
Community Service – Page 2
Fat Quarter Exchange - Page 3
Guild Board & Committees –
Page 13
In the Spotlight - Page 2
Membership News – Page 3
Neighborhood Circles - Page 45
Over The Back Fence - Pages
President's Message – Page 2
2016 Programs & Workshops –
Page 14-16
All Things Quilt Show - 2016 –
Pages 7-8
Send A Greeting – Page 3
UFO Challenge - Page 5
Leora Raikin
February 16, 2016
Safari Through African Folklore Embroidery
In the lectures I present on African Folklore Embroidery I try and convey information about South Africa and African Folklore Embroidery in a humorous, entertaining, informative and interactive manner. A percentage of all
book sales are donated to Kidzpositive, an AIDS charity that supports mothers and children with AIDS in South Africa.
Workshop Date: Feb. 17th
Embroidery Stitches for African Folklore Embroidery
Description: Students can select a kit design from different options, either
before or at the class. Kits include design, needle, threads, stitch diagram
and beads. This workshop includes instruction on: Discover the history and
background of African Folklore Embroidery. Learn about the Culture, traditions and customs of the Ndebele tribe with fun quizzes and more. Get training in the stitching techniques for completing an African Folklore Embroidery
design. These stitches include: Chain stitch, Satin stitch, French knots and
Bullion stitch.
Get instruction on embellishment techniques for enhancement and effects,
use of color, variegated and metallic threads, beading & beadwork techniques, Mola Barbara Interweaving, Double-sided Interweaving, Roller
Coaster, and African Crouching. Play with threads and color and how to mix
(Continued on page 2)
Upcoming Events – Page 11
Veterans Quilts Group - Page 8
Meeting Night Reminder!
Please remember to sign in
and pick up your door prize
ticket when you arrive - this
will save time later when the
time comes to draw the winning door prize tickets. Remember to wear your name
The River City Quilters’ Guild Monthly General Meeting is held on the Third Tuesday of each
month at the Unitarian Universalist Society of Sacramento, located at 2425 Sierra Blvd. in Sacramento. The evening begins at 6:30PM with social time, and the general meeting starts at
7:00PM. There is no charge for members, guests pay $5 when a speaker is featured. Members,
remember to bring your name tag (or 25 cents), and any/all of the following: Sew and Show Project(s), Library Books, Community Service Projects, Dollar Bills for Quilters Treasures, Fat Quarters for Fat Quarter Exchange, and your Secret Pal Gift if participating. Guild Website: The guild’s mailing address is: River City Quilters' Guild, P.O. Box
15816, Sacramento, CA 95852-0816
The monthly Board Meeting is held on the First Thursday of each month at Northminster Presbyterian Church, located at 3235 Pope Ave in Sacramento. The Quilt Show Meeting begins at
6:00PM, with the General Board meeting starting at 7:00PM. ALL Guild members are welcome
to attend the Board Meeting.
Newsletter article submission deadline is the First Saturday of each month. Send to
February 2016
Needle Notes
threads and fibers. Completed designs can be converted into quilts, tote bags, pillows and wearable
Costs: $35 class fee, Kits: $30 to $45
President’s Message
Page 2
Greetings from Community Service
We had our first Community Service meeting
of the year on Wednesday, Feb 3, 2016. We
had a great turn out and prepared lots of
quilts for you to quilt and kits for you to put
together. Don’t forget to pick up a block-of-the
-month from us as well. We have assembled
many quilts from the squares you have completed.
We wish to thank Meissner’s for machine
quilting about 30 quilts for us at their store.
They used them to demonstrate using a long
arm quilting machine. That got us caught up
with our quilting and we are ready to go on
from there. They have to be bound and labeled and will be ready to deliver soon.
Remember to check us out at the back table
and if you are interested please feel welcome
to join us at our monthly meeting at Joyce
Reece’s home.
Mary Jane Motter
In the Spotlight: Pictures Wanted
If any of you have pictures of your local quilt
group, class or other activity you as a guild
member have that were taken in 2015, I would
love to have copies of them for historical purposes. I especially need to have pictures of
January and February 2015, as I was not the
historian during that time. You can give them
to me in hard copy, on a CD, or e-mail them to
me at Thank you
for your help in making this past year more
complete. If you have questions, you can
reach me at 916-692-5803. Thank you
Peggy Robles
Guild Historian
February 2016
Needle Notes
Send out a Greeting!
Did you know you can wish your
fellow RCQG members well in
times of illness? Or make sure
they get recognized for a welldeserved accomplishment? Or
congratulate them on becoming a
full time quilter because they have retired? We have a
greeting card for that!!!
Please notify Kellie Willey, Corresponding Secretary,
at the monthly meeting; or, you can email her at or call her at (916) 628-3484
with your friend’s name and the reason for the greeting. A card will be sent post haste!
Membership News
Wasn’t the January meeting great!?! Loved seeing everyone and getting all those renewal forms
– keep’em coming! Greetings to new and returning members:
Mairy Guthleben of Orangevale #2577
Dana L. Judson of Carmichael #2578
Catherine Kearney of Sacramento #2579
Mary McKinnon of Rancho Cordova #2580
Carol Surjan of Sacramento #2581
Tina Weller of Sacramento #2582
Judith Michaels of Sacramento #2250
Michelle Mills of Sacramento #2337
Elyse Marinos of Sacramento #2474
Welcome! Your 2016 member cards will be ready
for you at the Membership Table.
Be sure to get your 2016 membership form submitted this month so your information will be in the
new roster (available in April). The form is on the
Web site, and hard copies are available at the
meeting. Your completed form, along with payment, can be turned in at the meeting or mailed to
the Guild’s post office box.
Happy Quilting!
Deborah Ciarla
2015-2016 Membership Chair
Page 3
Membership Project News
Well, my sabbatical, vacation, and holidays are all
over, so it’s time to finally get back to work on two
special membership projects! And your help is
The first project is to create a complete list of all
the membership numbers and names from #1 to
the present. There are still some pages of membership records to go through and record, but
names and numbers are needed as follows:
#14 in 1977 through #133 in 1980
A few in the 200’s and 300’s
#396 through #499 in 1984
Most of the 500’s and 600’s
Some of the 700’s through the 1100’s
A few in the 1200’s in 1994
#2013 in 2002 through #2208 in 2005
#2230 in 2005 through #2238 in 2006
I have all of the numbers from #2239 in 2006 to
the present.
The second project is to create a complete list of
the Guild’s historical information, including President, Quilt Show Chairperson, Quilt Show theme,
Featured Artist, etc. for each year since the Guild’s
inception in 1977. I do not believe that this information exists anywhere in the Guild’s records, and
I feel it is important to record it and keep it for posterity. This project is in its early stages, so there is
very little information to go on, just what little I
have been able to collect.
If you have any records, old directories, newsletters, etc. with this information, either membership
names/numbers or historical information, I would
really appreciate seeing it (I don’t need to keep it).
Hopefully, we can complete both of these before
we celebrate the Guild’s 40th Anniversary in 2017!
My email is Thanks so
much for your help!
As always, Happy Quilting!
Carol L Smith
February 2016
Needle Notes
Page 4
Fat Quarter Exchange
Neighborhood Circles
I would like to thank the guild for their interest in the Fat Quarter Exchange in the last
few months. The turn out of fabrics has lead
to being able to supply the winners with a
wide variety of fabrics in their prizes. I am
hoping that if we can get even more members interested to the exchange that I might be able to increase the number of prizes that I can hand out in the future. We are going to continue with the option of being
able to do a direct exchange for every even numbered fat
quarter you turn in or you can risk it all for a chance to win
one or more of the drawing prizes. In the past Batiks have
brought so many of our members out that if there is
enough participation I am hoping that I can draw as many
as ten (10) winners from the pull of names. I am looking
forward to have at least two (2) Batik months through the
year. As always, I will be giving out chocolate with every
Good news to our members in the Arden area!
We have currently received questionnaires
from three of our members in the area that
have stated that they would be interested in
hosting a Neighborhood Circle in their homes. Also, there
has shown to be interest in starting both a morning/
afternoon and an evening circle in the Carmichael/Citrus
Heights area, if you are interested in either of these times
and may be able to host or know of a location that can
handle a group at either times please contact Carole Girard
or KJ Chase or come by the Neighborhood Circle table to fill
out a Questionnaire at the next guild meeting.
Here’s the theme list for the entire 2016 year:
February - any shade or tone of fabric that reads as a
March - any shade or tone of fabric the reads as a Yellow/Orange
April - any novelty print of fabric (this does not include floral prints as I have and will again give them their
own month.)
May - Hurrah! it's BATIK month. bring in any batik that
you would like.
June & July - CHRISTMAS IN JUNE/JULY! let's celebrate
and start those holiday projects early.
September - any shade or tone of fabric that reads as a
October - any shade or tone of fabric that reads as a
November - Woohoo! Batik Month is BACK!
December – none, Christmas Potluck Dinner
Keep quilting,
KJ Chase
Sometimes, getting to know people at the Guild Meeting
can be difficult as everyone is chatting with people they
know, submitting their fat quarters, checking out a Library
book, buying tickets for Quilters Treasure or the Opportunity Quilt, participating in the block of the month or
checking out a quilt for the Community Service table.
There is a lot going on at every Guild Meeting.
To alleviate this problem we have a number of Neighborhood Circle Groups
across the city. Check out the days, times
and locations for the May meetings and
give the contact person a call and visit a
meeting. You may find just the right fit
for you so that you too will be chatting with friends at each
Guild meeting or planning a sewing night with friends from
your Circle group.
For 2016, the Neighborhood Circle Coordinators are Carole
Girard ( and Korey Chase
( If you wish to form a circle,
please send information about the circle to the newsletter
editor at, and it will be
added to the list of open neighborhood circles, shown below. Also, if there are any changes for existing circles,
please contact Carole about that as well. The following
groups are accepting new members:
Circle Q Gang
2nd and 4th Wednesdays, 1 pm
February 2016
Needle Notes
(Continued from page 4)
Contact: Joyce Reece (916) 944-2772
Crafty Quilters
Fridays, 12 Noon
South Sacramento
Contact: Connie Horne (916) 423-1898, email
South Sacramento
Contacts: Laura Jones 916-254-8141,
Vicki Cooley-Soto 916-442-5989, email
Mid Town Quilters
2nd Monday, 6:00-8:00 pm
Pioneer House, 415 P St., Sacramento
Contact: Phyllis McCalla - (7070 676-5640, email
Mission Oaks Quilt Club
Thursdays, 9 am
Contact: Lila Erl (916) 481-9747
Pins and Needles (art quilting)
4th Wednesdays, 6:30 pm
Contact: Kari Bauer (916) 483-2315
Quiltessential Quilters
4th or 5th Thursdays, 7 pm (contact for date)
Widespread area
2016 UFO Challenge
Let’s start the New Year with a bang!! Sign up for the
RCQG UFO Challenge. Go to the RCQG website,
download the "UFO Inventory Register" and list 10 unfinished quilting projects you want to complete for
2016. Bring your list and entry fee to the next guild
meeting, or mail it as directed below. Motivation is the
Key and 2016 is the year to GET IT DONE!
Any quilt project that you have actually started
(meaning, at least cutting into some fabric) but which
remained unfinished as of January 31, 2016 (this year).
Any quilt kit that you have purchased will qualify as a
Page 5
UFO for this Challenge (everyone has several of
Sorry, an untouched stack of purchased fabric is not a
qualifying UFO! “Studies,” “experiments,” samples for
practicing a technique are not UFOs either, if you never intended them to be completed items.
ENTRY FEE: $5.00
ENTRY DEADLINE: Open throughout the year
 Select 10 UFO projects that you would like to
complete during 2016 and list them and their information on the "UFO Inventory Register"
 Turn in your “UFO Inventory Register" and
"Entry Fee" at the January or February General
 Or Mail it to:
 RCQG, P.O. Box 15816, Sacramento, CA
95852, Or
 Laura L. Jones 10264 Los Palos Drive,
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
 February 1, 2016: Submit your “UFO Inventory
Register", keeping a copy for yourself, and pay the
 February 2016 through November 2016: All
RCQG General Meetings
 Show and Tell in process and completed
UFOs as you get them done!
 Update your UFO Inventory Register
 Bring or email me your written account of
funny or inspirational UFO stories
 December 2016 RCQG Christmas Party
 Prize drawing – Each participant will receive one entry for every completed UFO (up
to ten) presented during show and tell at the
2016 RCQG General Meetings.
NO, but this challenge is to help us all commit to giving it our best shot! And we have ten months to work
on it. Let's inspire each other.
You can have any kind of help from anyone, including
some of UFO-less members.
 Monthly prize drawing for completed UFO's
presented during show and tell.
(Continued on page 6)
February 2016
Needle Notes
(Continued from page 5)
 One entry per quilter for each completed
UFO and/or show and tell UFO.
Yearly Prize drawing - December 2016 RCQG
Christmas Party
 One entry per quilter
for each completed UFO
presented for show and
tell February 2016 thru
November 2016.
Laura Jones
UFO Challenge Committee Chair
Page 6
Looking Ahead:
April: Scissors & Frivols
May: Precuts in various sizes
June: Ott Lights & Embroidery
That should pique you interest! Thanks for supporting Q.T.!
Vickie Carter
UFO Challenge Co-
Chair to support the Chair with all aspects of the UFO
Challenge. Coordination of RCQG meeting attendance/
coverage, newsletter updates, recordkeeping, and motivation collaboration. Contact Laura Jones (916)2548141 or
Assistance League of Sacramento:
Designer Fabric Sample & Sewing
Event begins Saturday, January 30.
We work hard to keep you supplied with wonderful materials for your crafts and projects. We have a special supply
of designer fabric samples in stock from Designers Only.
They carry the highest quality fabrics and each piece is
large enough for your unique projects.
We also have loads of patterns, several sewing machines,
and fleece for spinning or quilt lining,
Fabulous Finds On Fulton ~ 2751 Fulton Ave. ~ Sacramento, CA 95821
Quilter’s Treasures
There will be NO Quilter’s Treasures in February.
David and I have been invited by his brother and
sister-in-law to join them at their timeshare in Las
Vegas. This is our first trip; looking forward to
seeing the quilt stores!
In March, we will explore the new craze of adult
coloring. There will be six different coloring
books, and six different coloring implements,
such as crayons, markers, colored pencils, twistable crayons, oil pastels and color sticks. (All by
Crayola, since I feel they make the best coloring
3 Kimberly Hess
2 Suzette Mott
3 Kate Christiansen
3 Shir Lee Belisle
13 Jan Millner
9 Beverly Beedie
13 Lyn McMillin
9 Linda Newens
14 Linda Kneeland
11 Jaime Watson
15 Mary Wilkinson
14 Jill Marchuk
16 Claudia F Breeding
14 Nancy Dagle
17 Barbara Kiehn
15 Janice Chally
17 Nancy Tennyson
18 Sandra (Sandy) Ross
18 Mary Jane Motter
18 Tacy Zschokke
18 Joanne Schwilk
20 Cindy Neumyer
21 Lynn Kraus
23 Tracey List
22 Esther M (Mikki) Pond
24 Kathleen T Schneiderman
22 Julianne Keeler
26 Carole Girard
24 Virginia (Gail) DeLuca
27 Janice Mezquita
24 Susan Hadden
29 Jacquelynn (Jacques)
25 Anita Lerch
26 Susan Dileanis
26 Penny Muller
28 Korey J Chase
February 2016
Needle Notes
Quilt Show Chair Update
Thank you to everyone who attended the first Quilt Show
Committee meeting on February 4th. My least favorite of all
meetings is the budget meeting because I have so little experience in this area. I apologize for the late start, due to me
not having a key to let us in, and also for not having enough
time to let others talk about their ideas and concerns about
the show. The budget did consume the evening, but it is
now done and we can now start getting down to the real
nitty-gritty. For those of you unable to speak at last Thursday’s meeting and are unable to attend the March meeting,
please send your comments to me and I will make sure they
are brought to everyone’s attention and discussed, if required.
I’d like to give a big shout out to Cindy Parsell, our Treasurer, for being very prepared and so helpful in guiding us
through the budget making process.
PLEASE VOLUNTEER: There is one job open on the
Quilt Show Committee: Publicity Chair. Please check
out the newsletter ad for a brief description of this position
and see me if you are interested. The bookmarks and posters have already been printed. Lori Wisheropp, our Graphic
Design & Printing go-to gal, did a wonderful job with their
design. As I’ve said before – she makes us look good.
Two jobs that have been filled are the Boutique Chair and
the Opportunity Quilt Travel Chair. Chrissie Reiswig is now
in charge of the Boutique. See Chrissie if you have donations for the Boutique. Michelle Mills has graciously taken
over Opportunity Quilt Travel and will be taking signups for this years’ travel at our general meeting.
Speaking of the Opportunity Quilt, in addition to selling raffle
tickets for the quilt, we will be raffling off a really cute, red
hot, Featherweight, donated by Chris Shores-Hague. Our
standard raffle ticket will be good for either the quilt or the
sewing machine – we will have 2 separate containers to
deposit those tickets in for the drawings, one marked quilt
and one marked sewing machine.
Publicity materials are available for members to use to
promote our guild or quilt show on our Website. From the
menu on the left side choose Documents, then Publicity
Materials. The files for our logo and quilt show flyers are
there. Thank you, Lori Wisheropp, for updating these.
Page 7
Fabric Challenge. The two fabrics for the challenge
have been selected and purchased. Linda Bergmann
(Fabric Challenge Chair) was able to cut up fabrics to make
the packets to sell. She will not be at the February meeting,
however Kelly Willey will be there selling the Fabric Challenge packets. Time to get those creative juices working to
create something quilted that goes with the theme “A River
Runs Through It.”
Okay, one more thing. Thank you Sue Kooiman, our Newsletter person, for letting me use her, on short notice, to
send out e-mail blasts to all our members so no one gets
left out the loop as far as guild events. This is very helpful
in getting the word out.
Our next meeting of the 2016 Quilt Show
is Thursday, March 3, 2016, at the Northminster Presbyterian Church, 3235 Pope
Ave., Sacramento at 6:00 p.m. Please
mark your calendars.
Thank you,
Diane Ferrel
2016 RCQG Quilt Show Chair:
Quilt Show Publicity Chair
Position Open
Job Description: To provide public recognition and support
of the annual guild show in the Sacramento area.
Brief Summary of Responsibilities:
Distribute bookmarks and posters to local quilt shops and
other locations by mail and in person. Purchase advertising in Valley community papers, send out press releases
to area news organizations. Bring printed materials to
guild meetings for ad hoc distribution by volunteer members to quilt shops, etc. Submit information to the RCQG
newsletter as requested by the Quilt Show Committee.
Collaborate as appropriate with guild Webmaster, Newsletter Editor, and other board members. Report to the Quilt
(Continued on page 8)
And lastly, one of the fun activities of our yearly show, the
February 2016
Needle Notes
(Continued from page 7)
Show Committee by attending the monthly meetings or
electronically sending a monthly report.
Our Graphic Design & Printing/Webmaster, Lori
Wisheropp, is able to help construct ads for newspapers
and other print venues and is willing to work with this person on any ads required.
Please contact Diane Ferrel, Quilt Show Chair, if you are
interested in this position or if you would like to see a more
detailed job description. There is a job manual for this position and the previous publicity chair is willing to answer
questions. This could also be a shared position.
Thank you!
Diane Ferrel or (916) 662-5497
Volunteer Opening: Silent Auction
Co-Chair with Phyllis McCalla
1. Skills: Computer skills are a must.
 Excel is used to enter all the information listed
on the silent auction entries; to complete the accounting of the artist sales; and complete the silent
auction accounting report that is submitted to the
treasurer mid December.
 Word is used to keep in touch with committee
members via email.
Page 8
that volunteers bring their sewing items that they are
comfortable with them as some of us are more comfortable with the tools we work with on a regular basis. We
will be supplying materials such as machine needles,
thread, and any other items needed to piece, sandwich ,
baste, and bind. All sewing machines will be supplied by
the Twice Nice Shoppe of Fremont, CA and Vacuum
and Sewing World with shops in Roseville and Folsom,
CA. We will need volunteers to piece, sandwich, quilt/
tie, bind and sew on labels.
If you are interested in any aspect of the Quilt Show
demonstrations, either as a demonstrator, volunteer for
a shift, or if you would be willing to assist as a member
of the demonstrations committee for the show, please
contact me at or please stop by
the Fat Quarter Exchange table at the next guild meeting.
Thank you all for your support in making the 2016 Quilt
Show a great success.
Keep quilting,
KJ Chase, 2016 Quilt Show Demonstrations Chair
Veterans’ Quilts Group
Quilt Show Demonstrations
The members of the Veterans group would
like to take all of the guild members who at
the last guild meeting picked up one of the
prepared kits that we had available to take
home. As we are scheduled to visit with patients at
Mather Field VA Hospital in May, we are asking that
we can get as many quilt tops back, in time for them to
be sandwiched, quilted, bound and labeled, by the
March guild meeting. We will also be bringing items
that are ready to be quilted and bound to the February
guild meeting and asking for the members assistance.
Please stop by and give us a hand if you can.
I am so excited about the 2016 Quilt Show already. We
already have some of the vendor demonstrators from the
2015 show excited about the upcoming show and ready
to demonstrate their talents and featured goods. This
year, however, we will be having fewer demonstrations at
the show. Last year I wanted to introduce our visitors to
see exactly what and how our Community Service items
are completed and how simple it is to start quilting and
sharing with those that are in need of our quilts, lovies,
and drawstring bags.
We would also like to encourage everyone interested
and available to join us the second Wednesday of
every month at the Northminster Presbyterian Church
at 3235 Pope Ave., Sacramento between 10 am and 3
pm. If you have any questions, please contact KJ
Chase at or Cindy Parsell at Please place Veterans Quilts in
the subject line.
This year I am asking for volunteers to take turns doing
45 minute shifts between our demonstrators to show our
skills and our commitment to our community. We ask
Keep quilting,
2. Phyllis is working on an extensive manual that anyone
can follow and has plans for that manual to be completed
by this year’s quilt show (2016)...with photos.
If you are interested in learning how the Silent Auction
works, please contact Phyllis at or by phone 707 676-5640.
KJ Chase
February 2016
Needle Notes
Page 9
moved there. Jonell says “Yea, no more living room clutter!” At least now she has a dedicated room that she can
clutter up with all her stuff and no more fussing!
(Congratulations, Jonell, on psyching out your Sweetie
with the mess and making him think it was HIS idea to
clean out the storage room! You go Girl!)
SHIR LEE BELISLE and hubby, TOM, met with friends on
the Big Island of Hawaii on February 6th. They had a great
time on a zip-line, learning to segway, touring a botanical
garden, quilt shops and volcanoes. On February 20th they
traveled to Kauai for a few days of fun, more quilt shops,
and seeing the house her friends are buying! Shir Lee has
been leaving lots of hints to Tom that she would like a yearly reservation in her friend’s Hawaiian spare bedroom. The
Belisles returned home on Feb 24, more tanned than when
they left!
Also see the tan lines on NANCY GANGLER who was also
in Hawaii recently with her husband and sister who has a
timeshare vacation house there.
Major Congratulations to JAN SOULES as her quilt, VENICE REMEMBERED, has been selected to be displayed
with the Pieced Perfection: Selections from the Book 500
Traditional Quilts exhibit at the International Quilt Festival/
Chicago, April 7-9, 2016. The quilt was previously at the
International Quilt Festival/Houston 2014 and Quilt! Knit!
Stitch! 2015 in Portland, Oregon. Thanks, Jan, for sharing
this with us!
The Art Deco class “Sunrise/Sunset” will be taught by KIM
BROWNELL at Fabric Garden Quilt Shop in March. Check
the shop newsletter for exact times and dates.
2014 group quilt winner at the RCQG Show, also won “Best
Group Quilt” at the 2016 Road to California Quilters Conference! Four of THE FAB 5 members JAN SOULES, CATHY
McCALLA are RCQG members.
We are very sad to say that JUDY CLASON’S husband
passed away January 12th after a very short illness. Our
prayers are with Judy and her family.
Continuing to stock the FREE TABLE at RCQG’s general
meetings, we see DEBBIE JOYNER is still cleaning out her
stash of home fabric. And thankful we are!! Whoever helps
her carry the fabric from the trunk of her car to the free table, gets first choice! (I just made that up).
Upgrading her long-arm quilting area, JONELL CARTER is
moving all of her crap (I mean valuable fabric stash) from
her living room to a wonderful 14’ X 12’ sun room! Her
Sweetie suggested the living room is just too small for her
long-arm frames, batting & fabric. So he has arranged for
their storage room (aka the sun room with lots of windows
and natural light) to be cleaned out & her quilting frames
Joyous February marked the celebration of JACQUES
TUCKER’s youngest son (#5 of 7 children) coming home
from China where he has been studying this last year at
the Natural Conservatory in the mountains of Yang Tai.
He will be home for a few months while he waits for his
Visa approval to Tibet, Nepal, India, and Europe where he
will be traveling for another year. Jacques says she will be
glad when he finally finishes his travels. What a trip of a
JANIE MEZQUITA went on her very first cruise with her
friend, Heather & family, to Ensenada and Catalina Island
aboard Carnival Cruise Lines in September 2015. She
reports they enjoyed lots of great food, drinks, onboard
activities and shopping at different ports. Each of them
completely enjoyed the cruise experience and have a lifetime of warm memories!
Just returning from a fabulous 4-day retreat, AMY RYAN enjoyed “Quilting at the
Hilton” in Ontario, CA. This is an annual
January quilt retreat that Amy and her sister Diane attend with some 80 other crazy
quilt ladies. They sewed, took mini classes,
drank wine, ate cheese, had massages,
drank more wine, indulged in a chocolate
fountain and gambled with fat quarters of fabric. She
loved it!! Sounds like great fun!
“OASIS ON THE JOURNEY” was selected for the juried
art show “Unreal and Imagined” sponsored by the Rancho
Cordova Arts Council. We are pleased to learn that JAN
MILLNER was selected among some really special talented artists. The Meet the Artists Reception was held on
January 28, 2016.
I wanted to tell you that I just finished reading the most
wonderful book “THE GHOSTLY QUILTS ON MAIN” by
Ann Hazelwood. My son gave it to me for Christmas. In a
series I like to start reading the first book, but I didn’t have
the first. In this fifth novel of the Colebridge Community
Series, busy flower shop owner Anne Brown Dickson
takes on the task of helping fellow shop owners on Main
Street, Colebridge, Missouri. The shop owners decide to
have an outdoor quilt show (in snowy winter) to help increase spending in the low economy. All of the shops are
suffering, including the quilt shop. Anne’s dead Grandmother’s ghost haunts an antique quilt sewn by Mrs. Marion Taylor, the dead wife of Albert Taylor (deceased) with
whom the Grandmother had an illegitimate baby while he
was still married to Marion. To make matters worse,
Granddaughter Anne and her husband now own and live
in the house that Albert and Marion last occupied before
they died. The Grandmother hates the quilt even more
than the house and occupies both. There are many other
(Continued on page 10)
February 2016
Needle Notes
(Continued from page 9)
ghosts that live in the historic shops on Main Street and
interfere with the planning of the quilt show. Active in the
Jane Austen Literary Book Club, all are challenged by the
ghosts, not all of whom are angry.
If you have any items to share, please call, text or email
me at Gale Turner, (916) 213-2019 or at Would love to hear from you!
Page 10
Guild Members’
This section is devoted to classified advertising of quiltingrelated items for Guild members only. Sell that extra machine, trade scraps, or seek help locating fabric. Text only.
No fees charged, ads run for one month at a time.
Send your ad to by the FIRST
SATURDAY of each month.
Treasurer’s Report
Jan 1 through Jan 31, 2016
Beginning Balance
Ending Balance
$ 1,625.00
Cash on Hand
On the Road to South Lake Tahoe
1444 Broadway, Placerville, CA 95667
WE’VE MOVED!!! We are now located in Placerville, on the
east end in the Grocery Outlet Center. Take the Schnell
School exit off Hwy 50. Visit our shop with over 5000+ bolts
of 100% cottons. Our friendly and knowledgeable staff can
help you with all your sewing needs.
Open 7 days a week: Mon-Fri 9:30-5:30 Sat 9:30-5 Sun 11
Check us out on the web at or
� The Lyn Stauch Fabric sale continues!!!
There is a 500 square foot building plus
rooms in the home filled with all of Lyn’s
fabric, books and other quilting stuff.
The fabric is being sold at $2 at yard. A
Bernina 820 is also being sold. Mike
Strauch would like it if you are interested to call him at 916-747-3475 to make
an appointment to come and shop.
Connie Horne: A Busy 2016
Connie Horne will be doing a Trunk Show at the Oak Park
Community Center, 3425 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Sacramento on March 18, 2016 from 5:30p.m. until 7:30p.m.
Cost $15 for SQC members and $20 for the general public.
Connie will also be the featured quilter at the Sisters Quilting Collective, 2016 Quilt Show on Saturday, March 19
and 20th. Admission to the quilt show is $7.00. Connie is
very excited to find out she will be the Featured Artist for
the 2016 River City Quilt Show November 18 through 20,
Connie Horne
Information regarding the quilt shows can be found here:
River City Quilters Guild Show - http://
Sisters Quilting Collective - http://
February 2016
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Upcoming Events
Now - February 21, 2016
“Yo-Yos & Half Squares: Contemporary California Quilts”
Oakland Museum of California
1000 Oak Street (at 10th Street)
Oakland, California 94607
Now - February 28, 2016
February 18, 2016
Quilt, Craft and Sewing Festival
San Mateo Event Center
Fiesta Hall
1346 Saratoga Drive
San Mateo, CA 94403
“Beyond The Surface”
San Jose Museum of Quilts and
520 S. First. St,
San Jose, CA 95113
February 18 - 21 2016
Quilt Con West
The Modern Quilt Guild
Pasadena Convention Center
300 E. Green St. Pasadena, CA 91101
Now - February 28, 2016
“Earth Stories”
San Jose Museum of Quilts and
520 S. First. St,
San Jose, CA 95113
Now - March 4, 2016
SJMQT 3rd Annual FiberShots
Community Challenge and Sale:
“A Shot of Fiber”
San Jose Museum of Quilts and
520 S. First. St,
San Jose, CA 95113
February 13 - 14, 2016
"Celebrating the Red, White, and
South Bay Quilters Annual Show
Torrance Cultural Arts Center
3330 Cultural Center Drive
Torrance CA 90503
February 27 - 28, 2016
"Fruits of Our Love and Labor”
Foothills Quilters Guild
Gold Country Fairgrounds
1273 High Street
Auburn CA 95603
The Guild of Quilters of Contra Costa
Centre Concord
5298 Clayton Road
Concord, CA 94521
April 25 - 26 2016
Redwood Empire Quilters Guild
Redwood Acres Fairgrounds
3750 Harris St.
Eureka, CA 95501
March 12 - 29, 2016
“Heavenly Stars and Other Beauties”
Folsom History Museum
823 Sutter St.
Folsom, CA 95630
March 19 - 20, 2016
February 27 - 28, 2016
38th Annual Quilt Show
Pajaro Valley Quilt Association
Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds
Hwy 152 East Lake Ave.
Watsonville, CA 95076
“Adventures in Quilting”
Valley Quilt Guild
Yuba-Sutter Fair Grounds
442 Franklin Avenue
Yuba City, CA 95992
May 21, 2016
“Glorious Color”
Kaffee Fassett Lecture
San Jose Museum of Quilts and Textiles
520 S. First. St,
San Jose, CA 95113
March 11 - July 3, 2016
“Kaffe Fassett: Blanket Statements”
San Jose Museum of Quilts and
520 S. First. St,
San Jose, CA 95113 June 4 - 5, 2016
March 19 - 20, 2016
February 13 - 14, 2016
“The 2016 Cotton Patch Quilt
Kern County Fairgrounds
1142 South P Street
Bakersfield, CA 93312
“Quilts of Many Colors”
Sisters Quilting Collective
Oak Park Community Center
Sacramento, CA 95817
April 2 - 3, 2016
“Poppy Fields Forever”
Wine Country Quilt Show
Moonlight Quilters of Sonoma County
Santa Rosa Veterans Memorial
Building, 1351 Maple Ave,
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
February 2016
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10127 Fair Oaks Blvd, Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Cottons, flannels, minky,
felted wool, silks, velvets
Books, patterns, notions,
and buttons
Handwork and crazy quilting supplies
Friendly, expert staff
Great classes
Conveniently located in
Old Fair Oaks Village
Mon-Fri 10:00a-5:00p
Sat 10:00a—5:00p
From Hwy 50, exit at Sunrise Blvd; go north about
2.5 miles and turn right on Fair Oaks Blvd.
From Hwy 80, exit at Sunrise Blvd So.; go south
about 7 miles and turn left on Fair Oaks Blvd.
February 2016
Needle Notes
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2016 RCQG Executive Board & Committee Chairs
� President Chris Shores-Hague
� President Elect 2017 Nancy Causey
� Recording Secretary Kathy Orsburn
� Corresponding Secretary Kellie Willey
� Treasurer Cindy Parsell
� Quilt Show Chair Diane Ferrel
� Quilt Show Elect: 2017 Teri Moore
� Program Chair Nancy Causey
� Program Chair Elect 2017 Jacques Tucker &
Chris Shores-Hague
2016 Committee Chairs:
� Block of the Month: Kate Christiansen
� Community Service: Penny Berggren, Vera
Karnes, Charlotte Westlake
� Community Outreach: (open)
� Fat Quarter Exchange: Korey Chase
� Historian-Photography: Peggy Robles
� Librarian: Carol Zelinski
� Mentors: Nancy MacDonald
� Membership: Debra Ciarla
� NCQC Representative: Jan Soules
� Neighborhood Circles: Carole Girard & Korey
� New Member Meet & Greet: Judy Scollay
� Newsletter: Sue Kooiman
� Over the Back Fence: Gale Turner
� Parliamentarian: (open)
� Property: David Carter
� Publicity: Susan Spicer
� Quilter's Treasures: Kim Brownell
� Retreat Coordinator: Jonell Carter
� Scholarship: Helen Zinn
� Secret Pals: Pat Wilkins
� Sew & Show: Roxanne Ziegele
� State Fair: Chris Shores-Hague, (co-chair
� UFO Challenge: Laura Jones
� Webmaster/Graphics: Lori Wisheropp
� Welcome: Amy Ryan
Workshops: Diana Muenzler & Jacques Tucker
February 2016
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2016 Speakers & Workshops Schedule
RaNae Merrill
Lecture Date: March 15th
Title: How I Became a Spiralmaniac
An enchanting cottage is created then landscaping the
garden with the aid of pattern options completes the
composition. Explore roof lines, windows and doors
along with fences, flowers and other elements of a
landscape. Broderie Perse appliqué and Needleturn
hand appliqué technique will be taught but the project
is adaptable to any appliqué method, including machine work. A 20”block will be well on its way to completion in this exciting class.
Description: Get to know RaNae in this lecture/trunk
show as she shares her spiral quilts and demonstrates
different types of spirals and settings. Includes an easy
hands-on demonstration of how to draw a spiral
Workshop Date: March 16th
Title: "Ribbons & Fountains & Stars, Oh My!" Point-toPoint Spiral Workshop
Make this stunning quilt using Point-to-Point spiral
blocks. You'll learn how to color and combine these elegant spirals to create a quilt design with flowing ribbons,
fountains, stars and more. Along the way, you'll also
learn how to select fabrics by color, value and pattern,
and learn techniques for foundation piecing that make it
easier than ever before. You'll work on the center block
in class to learn the techniques so you can finish the
quilt at home. The finished quilt is 50" square. (And in
case you only want to make one block, there's a placemat pattern so you don't end up with another UFO!)
Cost: $35 class fee, Materials Fee: $25 per student or
optional fabric kit $69
Dixie McBride
Lecture Date: April 19th
Title: Garage Sale Heirlooms
Description: Dixie McBride is an avid collector of garage
sale quilts. She has gathered the stories that come with
them. Stories she says we may find "a bit sad, humorous and some that will warm your heart." Dixie shares
more than 60 of her treasures in this light-hearted slide
lecture presentation.
Workshop Date: April 20th
Title: Cottage in the Garden
Cost: $35 Class fee
Mickey DePre
Lecture Date: May 17th
Title: Coloriffic Quilts, The Lecture
Description: One hour PowerPoint presentation of the
workshop. I will take the audience through exercises of
fabric selection for projects. They will learn to stretch
their wings and see that using colors/patterns they
may not of considered before will add “zing” to their
next projects palette. This will be followed by a short
trunk show and of course a question and answer period.
Workshop Date: May 18th
Title: Pieced Hexie Buffet
Description: Level: All Levels
Join me and learn how to take the Hexie to a whole
new level with my Pieced Hexies Patterns. We will be
making the following designs: Cogs, Jacks, and Sparkle Hexies. Some English Paper Piecing experience
would be helpful but not necessary. Students will leave
class with three new design samples and their imagination running wild. BOOK PURCHASE REQUIRED –
Pieced Hexies – A New Tradition in English Paper
Piecing will be required for all workshop attendees.
BOOK can be purchased at the time of the workshop
at a discount.
February 2016
Needle Notes
Cost: $35 class fee, $18 discount price for book
Page 15
Community Service
Date: July 19th
Dierdra McElroy
Lecture Date: June 21st
Title: The Tifaifai Way
Description: Tahiti is a French protectorate so this lecture is appropriately opened with an enthusiastic greeting in French as the program chairman is presented
with a unique Lei. During this lecture a thorough, yet
entertaining, history of the islands is given in order to
give the audience the necessary understanding of the
island's culture. Over 30 Tifaifai (pronounced tee-fayfay) in various stages of production are shared with the
listeners. Each design has a purpose and story which
is explained and the audience is slowly lured into a virtual tropical paradise! The traditional rules for designing
a Tifaifai are also given as Dierdra encourages quilters
to create their own 'picture book' quilts from paradise.
Workshop Date: June 22nd
Title: Tahitian Appliqué
Description: The Tifaifai is Dierdra's singular passion
because it exudes complexity when, in reality, its simplicity is unrivaled in the appliqué world. This free-form
appliqué method requires no pins, ironing, spray
starch, or major preparation. The secrets of laying out
the appliqué piece (which is cut while folded like a paper snowflake) onto the base fabric is shared and practiced in class. Students experience and learn about
grain lines, warps and wefts of fabric weave and then
baste their design with Roxanne Glue. The afternoon is
then dedicated to learning the five basic elements of
Needleturn Appliqué and Dierdra's tricks for easy precision. Lots of individual attention is given so that everyone can learn the techniques easily.
Cost: $35 Class fee, $20 kit fee
You may bring any community service quilt you are
working on to the meeting. We will be hand tying
quilts, binding, or doing machine work. There will also
be the annual ice cream social. Make sure you bring
your sweet along with you.
Annual Flea Market
Date: August 16th
Buy a table for $15 and bring any items you wish to
sell. The workshop chairperson will be glad to take
your money. Remember, your junk is someone else's'
Robyn Green and Laural
Lecture Date: September 20th
Title: Hoffman Batik Seminar
Description: Robyn is a sales rep. for Hoffman Fabrics. She will give a lecture and DVD presentation on
Workshop Date: September 21st
Title: How to Dye cotton, silk and bamboo batting
Description: Laural Anderson is one of our members.
She will be teaching how to dye fabric.
Cost: $35 class fee $8.00 per yard fee for PFD fabric.
Bring enough for at least 3 yards.
February 2016
Needle Notes
Donna Thomas
Lecture Date: Oct. 18th
Title: What in the world is On Point Patchwork?
Description: On-point patchwork is something we haven’t done much of since we stopped making templates
for all our piecing. It is NOT about on-point quilt sets
but rather about pieced units set on point inside the
boundaries of blocks and borders. I’ll walk you through
the how’s and why’s of the problems we encounter with
on-point patchwork and the simple math-free solution
that now allows us to make all kinds of interesting
blocks that our grandmothers made with templates.
This is an information- and quilt-packed lecture---the
ideas will open up all kinds of design possibilities for
today’s quilter.
Workshop Date: Oct. 19th
Title: Rainbow Radiance
Description: Learn how to make this great stash-buster
quilt using lots of prints and one cream solid for all the
blocks. Since parts of the block are set on point, you’ll
learn how to use the On-Point ruler so they fit perfectly
with the straight-set parts. Fun to make in pairs of
blocks, make your quilt as big or small as you want by
making more or fewer pairs of blocks. Intermediate. All
day. Machine piecing and rotary cutting experience required
Cost: $35 class fee
It takes awhile for the link to come up, so have patience.
Cara Gulati
Lecture Date: November 15th
Title: So You Want to Make an Art Quilt?
Description: Would you like some inspiration to get
started making art quilts? Are you afraid that it’s too
Page 16
hard and only gifted people can make art quilts? Then
this lecture is for you! I will talk about how to get started making art quilts from a traditional stand point and
work my way up to making the giant art quilts like the 3
-D Explosion series. I will discuss art fabrics and techniques to make them as well as show samples. This is
a trunk show if you are within driving distance!
Workshop Date: Monday Nov. 14th and Tuesday Nov.
Title: 3-D Explosion... two day workshop
Description: Would you like to create your own art quilt,
but not sure where to start? Learn to draw curved lines
and choose fabrics to create an explosion of the third
dimension- depth! Then construct your new creation
and get suggestions for the quilting design to enhance
the illusion. My quilt Scrolls in the photo on my website
is the inspiration for this two day workshop.
December Christmas
Date: Dec. 20th
It is once again time for the annual Christmas Party
and pot luck. There will be an ornament exchange,
games and M and M's. I hope you will be able to come.
Unless otherwise noted, classes are held at:
Northminster Presbyterian Church
3235 Pope Avenue
Sacramento, Ca. 95821
Set up time is 8:30 a.m. Class starts at 9:00 a.m. till
February 2016
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