catch fish: virtual balancing game to enhance trunk
catch fish: virtual balancing game to enhance trunk
CATCH FISH: VIRTUAL BALANCING GAME TO ENHANCE TRUNK STRENGTH FOR STROKE PATIENT KHALIL ASYRANI BIN SULAIMAN UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA PSZ 19:16 (Pind. 1/07) UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MALAYSIA DECLARATION OF THESIS / UNDERGRADUATE PROJECT REPORT AND COPYRIGHT Author’s full name : KHALIL ASYRANI BIN SULAIMAN Date of Birth : 24TH MARCH 1991 Title : CATCH FISH: VIRTUAL BALANCING GAME TO ENHANCE TRUNK STRENGTH FOR STROKE PATIENT Academic Session : 2013/2014 I declare that this thesis is classified as: CONFIDENTIAL (Contains confidential information under the Official Secret Act 1972)* RESTRICTED (Contains restricted information as specified by the organization where research was done)* OPEN ACCESS I agree that my thesis to be published as online open access (full text) I acknowledged that Universiti Teknologi Malaysia reserves the right as follows: 1. The thesis is the property of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 2. The Library of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia has the right to make copies for the purpose of research only. 3. The Library has the right to make copies of the thesis for academic exchange. Certified by: SIGNATURE SIGNATURE OF SUPERVISOR KHALIL ASYRANI BIN SULAIMAN DR. EILEEN SU LEE MING (910324-10-5937) Date: JUNE 2014 NOTES: * Date: JUNE 2014 If the thesis is CONFIDENTAL or RESTRICTED, please attach with the letter from the organization with period and reasons for confidentiality or restriction. “I hereby declare that I have read this thesis and in my/our* opinion this thesis is sufficient in terms of scope and quality for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Computer)” Signature : …………………………......... Name of Supervisor : Dr. Eileen Su Lee Ming Date : ……………………………….. CATCH FISH: VIRTUAL BALANCING GAME TO ENHANCE TRUNK STRENGTH FOR STROKE PATIENT KHALIL ASYRANI BIN SULAIMAN A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Engineering (Computer) Faculty of Electrical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia JUNE 2014 ii DECLARATION I declare that this thesis entitled “Catch Fish: Virtual Balancing Game to Enhance Trunk Strength for Stroke Patient” is the result of my own research except as cited in the references. The thesis has not been accepted for any degree and is not concurrently submitted in candidature of any other degree Signature : ……………………………………….... Name of Candidate : KHALIL ASYRANI BIN SULAIMAN Date : ………………………………………… iii Specially dedicated to Mama and Abah I really miss both of you. May Allah bless you both always. iv ACKNOWLEDGMENT Firstly, I would like to give the greatest gratitude to Dr.Eileen Su Lee Ming from Electrical Faculty of University Teknologi Malaysia for the guidance in completing my project – “Catch Fish: Virtual Balancing Game To Enhance Trunk Strength For Stroke Patient”. It would be impossible to complete without helps, advices and hospitality given by her. In addition, I would like to thank Dr. Yeong Che Fai and Yong Bang Xiang for helping me in providing libraries and source codes to aid me in designing the algorithm of this project. Apart from that, I also would like to give my appreciation to all my friends, specifically Ahmad Bustamam, Chang Mun Keong, Muhammad Safwan and Muhammad Fadzly for helping me in testing, giving idea, and feedbacks for this project. Lastly, for the others that had helped me in this project, your help is appreciated. v ABSTRACT Stroke is a common yet serious medical condition that potentially can affect every person. Due to the danger of stroke, lots of prevention and awareness campaign have been broadcasted throughout the media around the world. However, stroke is not a disability or disease that cannot be cured. Lots of rehabilitation centre has been opened to aid the stroke patient. With rehabilitation, stroke survivors can regain some form of functionalities. Many alternatives are available to help stroke patients in rehabilitation, either through conventional method or modern alternatives to further enhance and improve the conventional methods used today. This project entitled, “Catch Fish: Virtual Balancing Game to Enhance Trunk Strength for Stroke Patient” aimed to develop an interactive game to help stroke patients in their training. This project used the concept of virtual reality as the main idea to motivate stroke patients in their training. Microsoft Kinect Xbox 360 Sensors and XNA Game Development kit are used to develop the game. This project can help to enhance the stroke patient trunk strength through single player or multiplayer gameplay. vi ABSTRAK Strok merupakan penyakit kronik yang umum dan serius, berpotensi menyerang setiap orang. Dengan kesedaran akan bahaya strok, banyak kempen kesedaran dan pencegahan awal telah disiarkan di media di seluruh dunia. Walau bagaimanapun, strok bukan kecacatan atau penyakit yang tidak boleh diubati. Banyak pusat pemulihan telah dibuka untuk membantu pesakit strok. Melalui proses pemulihan, mangsa strok boleh mendapatkan semula fungsi-fungsi motor utama pada badan mereka. Banyak alternatif yang sedia untuk membantu pesakit strok dalam proses pemulihan, sama ada melalui kaedah konvensional atau alternatif moden yang membantu meningkatkan dan membaiki kaedah konvensional yang digunakan masa kini. Projek ini yang bertajuk, "Catch Fish: Virtual Balancing Game to Enhance Trunk Strength for Stroke Patient " bertujuan untuk pembangunan permainan interaktif untuk membantu pesakit strok dalam latihan mereka. Projek ini menggunakan konsep “virtual reality” sebagai idea utama untuk memberi motivasi kepada pesakit strok ketika sesi latihan mereka. Microsoft Kinect Xbox 360 Sensor dan XNA Game Development kit digunakan untuk pembangunan permainan ini. Projek ini boleh membantu untuk meningkatkan kekuatan tulang belakang pesakit strok melalui permainan perseorangan atau permainan berkumpulan. vii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 2 TITLE PAGE DECLARATION ii DEDICATION iii ACKNOWLEDGMENT iv ABSTRACT v ABSTRAK vi TABLE OF CONTENTS vii LIST OF FIGURES x LIST OF TABLE xii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS xiii LIST OF APPENDIX xiv INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Project Background 1 1.2 Problem Statements 2 1.3 Research Objective 3 1.4 Research Scopes 4 LITERATURE REVIEW 5 2.1 Conventional Rehabilitation Therapy 5 2.2 FAME (Fitness and Mobility Exercise) 6 viii 2.3 11 2.5 Balloon Burst 13 2.8 5 6 8 Serious Games for Rehabilitation 2.7 4 Balance Exercise 2.4 2.6 3 Neverball: Virtual Environment Game-Based PlayMancer: A Serious Gaming 3D Environment Rehabilitation Gaming System (RGS) Catch the Fish: Virtual Balancing Game to Enhance Trunk Strength for Stroke Patients 14 16 18 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 19 3.1 Hardware 19 3.2 Software 23 3.3 Boat Game 32 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 29 4.1 Game Logic and In-Game Assessment 29 4.2 Analysis and Data Extraction 33 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE RECOMMENDATIONS 34 5.1 Introduction 34 5.2 Catch Fish Game 34 5.3 Limitations 35 5.4 Recommendations 36 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 37 6.1 Introduction 37 6.2 Project Schedule 37 REFERENCES 40 ix APPENDIX A 45 List of Audio 45 x LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. TITLE PAGE 2.3.1 Neverball in-game interface and gameplay 8 2.3.2 Neverball played on a wobble board 9 2.5.1 System setup for Gamebased Exercises for Dynamic Short- 13 Sitting Balance Rehabilitation [28] 2.6.1 Simplified block diagram of PlayMancer platform [30] 15 2.7.1 The Rehabilitation Gaming System set-up [32] 16 2.7.2 Virtual player’s arm tried to “hit” the flying sphere [32] 17 2.8.1 Catch Fish game menu 18 3.1 Kinect sensors (1) Infra-red (IR) Depth Sensors, (2) IR 19 Camera, (3) Microphone array, (4) Tilt sensor and motor 3.2 Microsoft Kinect camera and microphone used to measure 20 object’s depth 3.3 Microsoft Kinect depth sensors flow diagram to detect 21 depth in prototype of early development 3.4 Process in getting the skeletal point from the depth sensors 22 3.5 Relationship of platform used to develop Catch Fish game 23 3.6 The classification of classes that created for the Catch Fish 24 game in this research 3.7 Classes interaction and data flow during gameplay 26 3.8 Boat Game in early development 27 4.1 A player playing the Catch Fish game 30 xi 4.2 3-D viewer of Kinect 3-D depth data are extracted during 30 the gameplay 4.3 2-D Depth data and skeletal point mapped for each players 31 (patients) 4.4 Skeletal point data that chosen inside the game 32 4.5 Head skeletal point data of one sample player 32 4.6 Spine skeletal point data of one sample player 33 5.1 Main screen of Catch Fish game 36 xii LIST OF TABLES TABLE NO. TITLE PAGE 1 Mean and Standard Deviation for Specific Usability Scores 11 2 Mean and Standard Deviation for Overall Usability Scores 11 Classification and Comparison of Rehabilitation Serious 12 3 Games 4 Project Gantt chart for semester one 40 5 Project Gantt chart for semester two 41 xiii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS VS - Visual Studio CVA - Cerebrovascular Accidents FAME - Fitness and Mobility Exercise CNS - Central Nervous System SDK - Software Development Kits USB - Universal Serial Bus PC - Personal Computer xiv LIST OF APPENDIX APPENDICES A TITLE List of Audio PAGE 45 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Background Rehabilitation can be defined as very essential therapy to obtain back control of muscle and joint movement. Typically rehabilitation involves method for retraining neural pathways or training the new neural pathway in order to regain or improve the neurocognitive functions [1]. Each year, nearly 800,000 persons are estimated to suffer Cerebrovascular Accidents (CVA), also known as “stroke” [2]. From this figure, nearly 78 percent of survivors have impairment in executive function, attention and memory [2]. Although it has been claimed that patients can recover from stroke, there is no immediate results as the patients need to undergo consistent and prolonged therapy. Rehabilitation require constant discipline and willpower as it require the patients to constantly pursue their training and therapy, even after they have managed to regain their cognitive functions. The concept of virtual reality can simply be defined as an interactive, computer generated environment that simulates the real world [3]. By combining both elements together, the rehabilitation can be further improved because virtual reality can help even severely disabled people to participate and learn safely in simulated hazardous and complex tasks [3]. 2 The key principle of stroke rehabilitation is to include a functional approach targeted at specific activities, the frequency, and intensity of practise and to start as early as possible within a day or weeks after stroke [4]. Conventional rehabilitation such as FAME (Fitness and Mobility Exercise) is one of the rehabilitation programs to help stroke patient with all possible of traditional conventional training exercise. The FAME program has been designed to improve the mobility, fitness and fall-risk. For stroke patients, FAME program can serve as a complement to regain healthy living [5]. Lack of interest or attention span can impair the potential effectiveness of the therapeutic exercise. This is particularly true when a large volume of practice is needed when dealing with many central nervous system (CNS) disorders [6]. The use of rewarding activities has been shown to improve patient’s motivation to practice, such as virtual reality games [7]. In an augmented reality experiment, Weghorst et. al projected virtual objects on to the patients’ physical world to give them the impression that they were walking over or through them, thereby restoring their mobility [8]. 1.2 Problem Statement Traditional or conventional therapy are time consuming and tedious [9]. It requires repetitive muscle movement during training session. One such training is the balance training where stroke patients with weak trunk strength and body balance will need to learn shifting their weight from one leg to another or to sit on a large exercise ball and sway their upper body. This requires determination and courage from the patients and supervision from the therapist because many patients are afraid to move their weights about fearing that they might fall. Conventionally, therapist will have to closely monitor each patient and rehabilitation sessions because people with motor disabilities experience limitations in fine motor control, strength, and range of motion [10]. With increasing number of stroke patients and the lack of manpower, a more efficient and effective system for rehabilitation 3 is needed to motivate people with motor disabilities to increase the number of exercises and improve the motor proficiency and quality of life without being too dependent on therapists. Some rehabilitation centres conduct group rehabilitations and rely on patients’ own motivation to exercise. Patients who lack motivation will feel left out and may not practise much. With virtual reality games, patients could continue their training because the virtual environment provides a setting that encourage and reward movements [11]. The properly designed game can help patients practise balancing skills in a novel way. In addition, a competitive mode with multiplayers will allow patients to compete among themselves and continue exercising despite the lack of supervision. A computerised system helps the therapists to gather data during the game since patients’ movement pattern and behaviour can be extracted from sensor readings. This data can be used to identify specific issues with patients and to tailor their trainings based on their recovery. 1.3 Research Objective The objectives of this research focuses on three main issues derived from the problem statement of this project:- i. To determine suitable types of game for balance training in improving the trunk strength of stroke patients for rehabilitation. ii. To develop a game that uses Kinect hardware and software for group rehabilitation. iii. To assess and record the movement of stroke patient during gameplay for therapist and game development improvement. 4 1.4 Research Scope This research focuses on several scope in order to fulfil the needs and specification of the Catch Fish game development. The first criteria needed is the fundamental research on current studies related to rehabilitation of stroke patients, specifically focusing on balancing training for trunk strength improvement. Secondly, the project will use Microsoft Kinect Xbox 360 hardware and software development kit. The software will be developed on Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate using both XNA Software Development Kits (SDK) and XNA .NET Framework are needed as platform to develop the algorithm of the project. Assessment will fall into two categories, in-game assessment for the game score and movement assessment based on skeletal data extraction from the specific game sessions. As for in-game assessment, the player (patients) will be evaluated based on the scoring system in which the player must collect coin or beat the current high score set in the game. For movement assessment based on skeletal data extraction, this assessment architecture has been designed to work in background while the game is on-going. The points of interest are the head and spinal skeletal point which can be used therapist to assess a patient’s movement and track their range of motion. 5 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Conventional Rehabilitation Therapy Rehabilitation is training which requires discipline and consistent training to recover from stroke. With proper training and continuous practice, stroke patients may regain control of their movements, specifically repetitive trunk and body balance while standing or sitting. It is possible to improve outcomes related to physical activity by implementing exercise programs carried out at home or in groups [12]. Conventional balance training involves repetitive muscle movements. Unassisted repetitive movement is effective in persons who have the ability to complete at least a portion of upper limbs movements, but external assistance is required in more severely impaired patients [13]. Stroke patient who suffer balance difficulties will feel fear of falling when they stand from sitting position. Apart from that, stroke patients will also face problem in performing daily activities. This eventually will affect their confidence in dealing with other people around them. With the introduction of balancing game by groups of researchers, rehabilitation has become more comprehensive in helping stroke patients to undergo balance training effectively. Rehabilitation should include the element of 6 excitement to keep stroke patient motivated in their training and exercise. Several balancing games are reviewed in this chapter. 2.2 FAME (Fitness and Mobility Exercise) The FAME (Fitness and Mobility Exercise) is one form of rehabilitation program to help stroke patient use traditional conventional training exercise. The FAME program has been designed to improve the mobility, fitness and fall-risk. For stroke patients, FAME program can serve as a rehabilitation routine to regain healthy living. The objective of FAME is to aid people who suffer stroke to regain physical activities and to minimize complication such as falls due to their current conditions. FAME program focuses on group activities as it considers group activity to be important to enhance stroke patient’s adherence to the program. Interaction between two people in group training is much more beneficial as compared to self-training because communication and feedback occur at the same time. Thus, group training has proven to be more effective in giving confidence and motivation for stroke patients. Stroke is considered as one of the top risk factors for incurring fractures as a result of a fall, with a 3 to 7 fold increase in fracture risk following a stroke. Fractures may be caused by various factors, but improving balance and bone density can significantly stroke patients’ risk of falls and other form fractures [14]. FAME program was introduced and developed in Vancouver, Canada by Janice Eng, PhD, PT/OT with invaluable assistance from Andrew Dawson, MD, FRCP, Daniel Marigold, PhD and Marco Pang, PhD, PT. There were three trials conducted with chronic stroke patient that have shown positive effect as compare to conventional rehabilitation therapy with specific duration of program for each trials. The FAME Program was developed for group training program due to the needs of the stroke patients. Stroke patients believe the group training was more motivating as well as socially stimulating. 7 The FAME Program utilizes five basic component in their training program. Firstly, the training program started with a short warm-up. Secondly, the training followed up with stretching exercises to relax the specific muscle joint. Third component created to address the muscle weakness through functional strengthening. As for the fourth component, the training focuses on the agility and fitness with rapid repetitive movements and finally ended with challenges balance with slower pace exercises. One of the trials was conducted for 5 months and results showed that the control group had bone density lost as compared to the FAME group. Apart from that, FAME group had 30% reduction of falls in participants who had fallen prior to the trial as compared to the control group which practices slower moving program with weightbearing and stretching exercises. In order to further assess the patients, the FAME group were also screened by a standard cardiovascular stress test which permitted a higher intensity of training compared to previous trials and control group. This positive outcome shows the improvement of the FAME Program in all aspect which include walking endurance, mobility, and fall risk improvement over all trials assessed by different FAME groups. 8 2.3 Neverball: Virtual Environment Game-Based Balance Exercise Neverball is an open source computer game which has been design for player to tilt the on-screen floor to roll a ball through an obstacle course and collect virtual coins before time runs out as shown in Figure 2.3.1 [15]. Figure 2.3.1: Neverball in-game interface and gameplay. Figure 2.3.2 shows the Neverball game set up, comprising off-the shelf components such as wobble board, orientation tracker, an USB communication cable and a personal computer. To set the wobble board as input controller for the system, the orientation tracker is attached to the surface of the wobble board. This inertial-based orientation sensor allows 3 degree of freedom detection, therefore tracking the 3D orientation of the wobble board using the balance exercise setup as shown in Figure 2.3.2 [15]. 9 Figure 2.3.2: Neverball played on a wobble board. The result demonstrated a positive outcome towards virtual balance training usability. Twelve participants (six female and six male) consisting of stroke patients tested balance training set-up. Likert scale-type questions are divided into 10 separate usability categories to get feedback on the functionality, user input, system output (display), user guidance, consistency, flexibility, simulation fidelity, error correction/handling and robustness, sense of immersion/presence, and overall system usability. Likert scales were widely used in survey studies for attitude measuring [16]. These outcome were tabulated and were used to analyse the functionality of the system. Neverball game showed that virtual environment game-based has helped to improve rehabilitation training as it aided stroke patients to undergo repetitive training without noticing that the time passed. 10 Table 1: Mean and standard deviation for specific usability scores Usability Category Max* Min+ Score ± SD Functionality 35 7 29.67 ± 2.77 User Input 70 14 54.25 ± 5.01 System Output 100 20 83.67 ± 6.08 Consistency 40 8 34.92 ± 3.09 Flexibility 30 6 22.67 ± 2.42 Simulation Fidelity 55 11 45.25 ± 6.18 Error Correction 35 7 24.67 ± 3.23 Sense of Immersion 50 10 37.75 ± 5.53 Overall System 55 11 48.00 ± 3.49 Usability *Figure indicates the maximum possible score for individual categories +Figure indicates the minimum possible score for individual categories Table 2: Mean and standard deviation for overall usability scores Usability Category Max* Min+ Score ± SD Functionality 5 1 4.42 ± 0.67 User Input 5 1 4.25 ± 0.87 System Output 5 1 4.75 ± 0.62 Consistency 5 1 4.75 ± 0.62 Flexibility 5 1 4.17 ± 0.83 Simulation Fidelity 5 1 4.25 ± 0.87 Error Correction 5 1 4.42 ± 0.79 Sense of Immersion 5 1 4.08 ± 0.90 Overall System 5 1 4.83 ± 0.58 Usability *Figure indicates the maximum possible score for individual categories +Figure indicates the minimum possible score for individual categories 11 2.4 Serious Games for Rehabilitation Serious Game aims for problem solving in diverse areas and evaluate the potential of the games [1]. Although the term game agreed by different author that refer to the use of computer simulation sorely for entertainment, but virtual reality based game can offer more benefits depending on the content and purpose of the game [1]. Serious Games have been applied in different areas such as corporate and military training [17], health [18] – [20], education [21] – [25] and others [26]. These areas are taken into consideration as it relates with other division such as e-learning, eduitament and game-based learning. For example, in rehabilitation the requirement of timing management, patient’s selection, choice of rehabilitation program and other is important because rehabilitation procedure itself must be specific for specific stroke patients training. Table 3 shows previous research that have used the concept of Serious Games for Rehabilitation. One of the research by Betker et. al used body weight movement as the interaction or input to the game. This game used the concept of balance training as compared to the other games listed in Table 3. This game was convenient as patients were able to perform the training at home [27]. Table 3: Classification & Comparison of Rehabilitation Serious Games [1]. 12 13 2.5 Balloon Burst Another game, the Balloon Burst game required player to control the cursor to move it over the balloon to pop it. The assessment is measured by the total number of balloons, the number of balloons popped, and the movement range of the player. The concept of virtual reality such Balloon Burst game deliver player the excitement to conduct training by themselves and able to progress further than the normal conventional training procedure. Figure 2.5.1: System setup for game based exercises for dynamic short-sitting balance rehabilitation [27]. The game setting is as shown in Figure 2.5.1, where patient sat on the pressure mat (1), which was connected to the laptop by the interface box (2). The laptop displayed the game Balloon Burst. The pressure mat was placed on top of the SwisDisk (3); the Physio Gymnic (4) ball also was depicted [27]. Balloon Burst deliver effective balance training to stroke patient to assess themselves and proven to helpful for the therapist to monitor their progression from time to time. 14 2.6 PlayMancer: A Serious Gaming 3D Environment PlayMancer aims to implement a framework and a platform for serious game by augmenting existing 3D gaming engines [29]. One of the important objectives is to evaluate the proposed framework and gaming infrastructure by developing and testing series of serious game modules as applied to two application domain. These two application domain were physical rehabilitation, and therapeutic support and lifestyle management programs for behavioural and addictive disorders [29]. Based on Figure 2.6.1, PlayMancer platform was composed of three major parts which is Game Engine, Game or Application Manager, and Hardware Abstraction Layer [29]. The Hardware Abstraction Layer provide interface to the input and output devices and auxiliary component. During runtime, profiles is updated and models are generated according to the preferences for both single player and multiplayer environment. PlayMancer platform was used to overcome barriers by augmenting existing 3D engines with new possibilities and thusly creating a development framework for serious games [29]. In future game development can further improve older gaming engines by bringing new architecture which enable more assessment and results. Figure 2.6.1: Simplified block diagram of PlayMancer platform [29]. 15 16 2.7 Rehabilitation Gaming System (RGS) Rehabilitation Gaming System (RGS) is virtual reality based game introduced for enhancement of functional recovery after lesions to the nervous system using non-invasive multi-modal stimulation [31]. With virtual reality, training protocols can be well controlled within specifically defined interactive scenarios [31]. In given condition, RGS is capable to generate task-specific training scenarios which designed for the rehabilitation of upper limbs. The training can be monitored and quantified as for the improvement of patients over time. Figure 2.7.1: The Rehabilitation Gaming System set-up [31]. Game set-up is shown in Figure 2.7.1, where patient resting his or her arms on the table surface while facing the display. Movement of the arms are visually captured by camera that placed on top of the main display. Movement were captured from the colour patches which located at wrists and elbows. A pair of data gloves were also equipped to the patients to measure finger flexure. The main display were used to show the avatar moving according to the movements of patients performs task in virtual reality. 17 Figure 2.7.2: Virtual player’s arm tried to “hit” the flying sphere [31]. Based on Figure 2.7.2, in-game training requires patients to intercept spheres that fly towards him or her by hitting those sphere using virtual arms displayed on the main display. The purpose was to allow patients to gain their upper limbs control. As the patients continue to assess themselves, the parameter of the game continue to adapt to keep the performance level at around 70% [31]. 18 2.8 Catch Fish: Virtual Balancing Game to Enhance Trunk Strength for Stroke Patients Catch Fish game overcome the limitation of both conventional and modern rehabilitation therapy by using the virtual reality. Derived from the FAME Program, Catch Fish was designed for group training because the group training is important factor in improving rehabilitation training, specifically balance training in order to improve their trunk strength. Based on Figure 2.8.1, Catch Fish game allowed single player mode and multiplayer mode. The design used the Microsoft Kinect hardware with its SDK and XNA as development platform to increase the robustness and smoothness of the gameplay Figure 2.8.1: Catch Fish game menu. 19 CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 3.1 Hardware In this chapter, the hardware and software development of Catch Fish game are discussed. Based on Figure 3.1, the Kinect consists of several important components. First is 3-D depth sensor, which tracks three-dimensional movement of player’s body within specified region. Secondly, an RGB camera which reads red, green, and blue colour array in distinguishing specific outcome such as getting distance of an object or takes ingame pictures and videos. Lastly, the multiple microphone array is used for speech recognition and chat programs. Figure 3.1: Kinect sensors (1) Infra-red (IR) Depth Sensors, (2) IR Camera, (3) Microphone array, (4) Tilt sensor and motor. 20 This project only requires the function of the 3-D depth sensor, which will capture the player’s joints or specifically the skeletal point data and deliver to the system algorithm for further processing. Since the project primarily focuses on trunk movements, therefore the skeletal points of interest would be the human spinal area. The depth sensor captured the skeletal points and directly sent the data to be represented as movements on screen for further analysis and processing. Microsoft uses different alternatives in measuring the depth of object in space. Older software programs used IR-depth sensors to differentiate the colour and texture to distinguish objects from their backgrounds. Conversely, Microsoft uses the camera to transmit invisible near-infrared light and measure its “time-of-flight” after it reflects off by the objects. The difference was the processing speed. In Kinect, the “time-of-flight” is much faster to be calculated as compared to measuring colour and texture differences. Complexity increases if the colour and texture at background is same as objects within the area. Figure 3.2: Microsoft Kinect camera and microphone used to measure object’s depth. 21 Start 1. 2. Invisible light source illuminates the subject Sensors chip measures the distances of the light travels, to each pixel within the chip. 3. Unique embedded imaging software uses the “depth map” to perceive and identify objects in real time 4. End-user device react appropriately to algorithm that have designed. End Figure 3.3: Microsoft Kinect depth sensors flow diagram to detect depth in prototype of early development. Based on both Figure 3.2 and Figure 3.3, the camera acts as sensor in measuring the time-of-flight which theoretically work like sonar. The concept works by measuring how long the light takes to return. Besides that, infrared modelling also partially solves the problem of ambient light from the older modelling. This is because the sensor is not designed to register visible light. Therefore, it does not generate as much false positive in rendering the depth of an object detected. For the skeletal point detection, Microsoft uses maps or draws skeletal point on the player’s body through its program and display it. Figure 3.4 shows the flow chart depth and skeletal point detection using the Kinect sensor. 22 Start IR-Depth sensor transmit light into the field IR-Camera sensor capture the reflected light Draw the object Kinect Software measure the depth on the main time-of-flight display Software send the data to the library Mapped the depth data into algorithm Library identified and process the algorithm into skeletal point Joint the skeletal point to form player’s body on main display End Figure 3.4: Process in getting the skeletal point from the depth sensors. 23 For this project, the Kinect depth sensor was first initialized to detect nearest player’s body from the sensor. Next, the location of player’s joints were extracted to form XY plane of movements. Finally, quantization error reduction was performed to smoothen movement data for tracking. These skeletal data were sent into the algorithm for further processing. Player was able to control their screen movements based on the changes captured by the Kinect’s depth sensor. 3.3 Software Based on Figure 3.5, several software platforms were used to construct the algorithms for this game. Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate (VS) was chosen as the primary platform to develop the Catch Fish game. This was because VS platform was compatible with XNA game development plug-in (pre-defined library) and its frameworks (XNA Frameworks) for game design and algorithm support. The Catch Fish game was developed using C# language. Kinect sensors initialization Kinect libraries provided by SDK Windows and Xbox game development project integration Figure 3.5: Relationship of platform used to develop Catch Fish game. 24 To access and control the Kinect, the Microsoft Kinect SDK (Software Development Kit) is needed. This project used version 1.8 of the Microsoft Kinect SDK which was downloadable from Microsoft website. Using these libraries, programmers would be able to interface with the Kinect hardware such as the IR Depth sensors. Other than that, a custom library was also used to correctly map the graphical items within the algorithm. Class objects such as Sprites.cs and Object.cs were used to ensure the image or object that were designed can be easily controlled within the game algorithm. GestureRecognizationEngine.cs, GestureBase.cs, and GestureAngleCalc.cs were derived and modified from “Durian Runtuh” game developed by Yong Bang Xiang for the full control of Kinect inputs to the Catch Fish game. These classes interacted with each other for the full function of the main program. Figure 3.6 below shows the relationship of all custom classes to the main class which is Game1.cs. Object.cs Object control and behaviour Sprites.cs Game1.cs Kinect process as primary input to the game GestureRecognization Engine.cs GestureBase.cs GestureAngleCalc.cs Figure 3.6: The classification of classes that created for the Catch Fish game in this project. 25 As shown in Figure 3.6, Object.cs is used to control the game logic such as collision of objects that affect the scores of player and the object size as well as initial position in the game. Sprites.cs is used to control the animation, texture selection and update behaviour of the object created in the game. As for the Kinect processing part, GestureBase.cs takes the initial, current and final updates on skeletal track on the player. If fails to detect an updates, the value will return “false” to the main algorithm. For the GestureAngleCalc.cs, most part of game calculation were taken from the update states of the player’s movement. For example, the initial position were recorded and would be compared to the current position which were tracked in every single frame. As for the GestureRecognizeEngine.cs, it helped the game to update the availability of the player in the game and returned it to the main algorithm. Thus, it will help to reduce unwanted process if skeletal point cannot be traced due to absence of player. Figure 3.7 shows the algorithm flow of Catch Fish game in every frame. In each frame, the Kinect sensors will update the data obtained from the software libraries and would be process in each classes to perform specific task. This is because the Kinect sensors need simulation from its own libraries to perform skeletal mapping on the player in each frame count 26 Start Kinect initialization, game logic initialization. GestureRecognizeEngine scan for player available player No Player? Yes Send data to GstureBase to update the initial, current and final position of player GestureAngleCalc will perform calculation by comparing values taken from previous frame and the next frame Object.cs is use to determine objects size and initial position. Value retrieved from GestureAngleCalc is use to perform process to main algorithm by Sprites End Figure 3.7: Classes interaction and data flow during gameplay. 27 3.4 Boat Game Initially, Boat Game was designed for this project using Microsoft Kinect Libraries as main algorithm for the game. Boat Game was derived from the ShapeGame which is available in the Microsoft Kinect SDK. Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate was chosen to be the only platform for the game development and modification. The concept was very simple. Players (stroke patients) need to move their body in play area to collect points by collecting colourful circle released from top of the screen. Every time players moved their upper body either to the left or to the right, the object boat on the screen will follow their movement. Figure 3.8: Boat Game in early development. Based on the Figure 3.8, in early development of Boat Game, the only focus was to track player’s skeletal point, specifically the head and spinal point on the player’s body. The attempt was successful and the Boat Game was able to detect up to two active players at one time. However, after the assessment algorithm had been integrated with the Boat Game, several bugs were identified. One of the bug was related to the assessment log files where the text file “log.txt” was successfully created, but the content was empty. Other than that, movement of the object that represented player in the game was not suitable for the stroke patients. The scale factor applied in the algorithm was not 28 working properly and movement distortion is very large. Patients will find it difficult to move their body based on movement of boat represented on the screen. Hence, the development of Boat Game was discontinued and replaced with Catch Fish game. Using the previous Visual Studio platform, the Catch Fish game was created. This project used an available commercial sensor, which is the Microsoft Kinect to detect movements. For the software algorithm, the project integrated several platform and used both pre-defined and custom written libraries. 29 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Game Logic and In-Game Assessment The Catch Fish game (Figure 4.1) was successfully developed to train trunk strength for stoke patients through swaying movements. Players (patients) were required to sway their body to move a boat left and right within the game. The boat was used to collect fishes that drop from the sky and to dodge stones to avoid being penalized. To pass one game level, players have to collect 150 points. The fish acted as an in-game object for them to catch and players gained points by using their boats which was the representative of their own movements mapped into the virtual game itself. Stone caused point deduction and number of lives deduction which helped to increase challenges for the players. 30 Figure 4.1: A player playing the Catch Fish game. An algorithm was written to extract 3-D skeletal points to analyse the movement patterns of the player. The 3D data was used to record the full movements of the player and was extracted when players were playing the game. Figure 4.2 shows the 3D Kinect depth data extracted during game play. From the 3D data, the XY values were extracted to be mapped onto the screen for 2D object movements on screen, as shown in Figure 4.3. Figure 4.2: 3-D viewer of Kinect 3-D depth data are extracted during the gameplay. 31 Figure 4.3: 2-D Depth data and skeletal point mapped for each players (patients) Specific skeletal points used inside the game algorithm were the head skeletal point and spinal skeletal point (Figure 4.4). Changes of these two points will cause the boat inside the game to be moved to the left or to the right. Figure 4.4: Skeletal point data that used inside the game. 32 4.2 Analysis and Data Extraction The skeletal data were tracked for each frame with speed of 30 frames per second. The data was then tabulated for analysis. Graph representation of the data can be seen in Figure 4.5 and 4.6 where the movements were plotted based on pixel position on screen (y-axis) versus frame number (x-axis). The data extracted from the graph is important to study the pattern and behavior of the players (patients) at a particular session. Pixel position on screen Head Skeletal Point Data 900 800 X - Axis Y - Axis 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 1 25 48 71 94 117 140 163 186 209 232 255 278 301 324 347 370 393 416 439 462 485 508 531 554 0 Frame Number Figure 4.5: Head skeletal point data of one sample player. 33 Pixel position on screen 800 Spine Skeletal Point Data X - Axis Y - Axis 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 1 23 45 67 89 111 133 155 177 199 221 243 265 287 309 331 353 375 397 419 441 463 485 507 0 Frame Number Figure 4.6: Spine skeletal point data of one sample player. 34 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE RECOMMENDATIONS 5.1 Introduction Catch Fish game could be a motivating and interactive game to help therapists in conducting rehabilitation training sessions. The game allows therapists to obtain specific data that can be used to improve rehabilitation for the stroke patients. The more motivated the patients are, the more training they would voluntarily perform and the higher the intensity they will put into their movements, which may translate into more effective training. The scoring system implemented in-game was helpful in setting up goals for the patients for continued training. 5.2 Catch Fish Game Based on the research objectives, Catch Fish game has been successfully designed to complement conventional rehabilitation. This game involved balancing exercise for trunk strength of stroke patients. The Catch Fish game also has been redesigned from totally new algorithm after the discontinued work of Boat Game, discussed earlier in this 35 thesis. Catch Fish provided an alternative for stroke patients to undergo their training more convinently and interactively. This research has overcome the limitation of hardware technologies in Neverball and Serious Game by using only Microsoft Kinect hardware and software to develop the Catch Fish game. Kinect hardware is commercially available to the end-user and allows user to fully utilize the software resources available in the given libraries or customize it accordingly to their application. Catch Fish game successfully integrated multiplayer mode to help stroke patient to motivate each other through healthy competition. Self-confidence and excitement will make stroke patients to continue their balance training for longer duration using Catch Fish game. 5.3 Limitations The early version of Microsoft Kinect was designed separately for both Xbox 360 edition and PC edition. Some of the features available in the Xbox version are not available for PC version. However, as for Kinect for Windows, useful near-tracking mode are available for this version and includes a license for commercial distribution of apps. For the Xbox version, it is only available for developers to develop their game or software that runs smoothly on Xbox 360 console. Apart from that, XNA game development allow publication for only PC and Xbox 360 console. The support for XNA are no longer available in the latest edition of Visual Studio, such as Visual Studio 2012 edition. Not only the supports for XNA has been discontinued, XNA game development also require the latest edition of .NET framework in order to work and run properly. 36 5.4 Recommendations With latest release of Microsoft Kinect version 2.0, Microsoft has successfully improved the weaknesses found on previous versions of Kinect. The improvement of latest Microsoft Kinect allows developers to trace and program their algorithm more easily as the depth sensor in Kinect version 2.0 is more accurate and detailed. This can further help the developers to test their algorithm that requires very precise detection using the improved IR-Depth sensors. An alternative for XNA game development, MonoGame, has become a popular tool for Visual Studio. This is because MonoGame supports almost all platforms available in the market today such as IOS, Android and Windows Phone. With code structure almost identical to XNA game development, MonoGame can help developer to code their ideas on different operating systems for different markets and target groups. Figure 5.1: Main screen of Catch Fish game Figure 5.1 shows the home screen of the Catch Fish game. High score and multiple levels of play will provide motivation for players to give their best during training. To set proper targets suitable for stroke patients’ capability, a clinical study will have to be conducted to assess the average score for various stages of stroke. This will make the game more achievable yet, not too simple for the patients. 37 CHAPTER 6 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 6.1 Introduction Project management is crucial in order to achieve all project goals, in this case, the objectives of the study. Project management is divided into project planning, organizing and controlling the resources within a time interval. In this study, there are some constraints and limitations that need to be overcome by the researcher, which are research scopes, research time, research budget and human resource to perform the research activity. 6.2 Project Schedule Gantt charts for Semester one and two are shown in Table 4 and 5 respectively. From the Gantt chart in Table 4, there is some delay in the project background study. This is due to the late assignment of supervisor to the students. Other than that, the 4th year problem-based laboratory started earlier than the date of the announcement of supervisor in charge for the final year project. After discussing with the supervisor on the title that need to be done, then only the study on the previous works were done. Other than that, 38 other tasks commenced as proposed on date. The red cells represent the expected duration of each task, while the green cells represent the actual duration of each task. Meanwhile, Table 5 shows the project Gantt chart for semester two. In contrast to semester one, there was an unexpected long delay in some task due to the long simulation time. Table 4: Project Gantt chart for semester one Activity 1 Research on Kinect Software preparation Online Tutorial Hand drawn UI design UI design using Visual Studio 2010 Working with XNA Boat Game Complete and Report writing Report submission September 2 3 4 2013 October November December 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 39 Table 5: Project Gantt chart for semester two Activity Implement multiplayer versions in the game Analysis of game algorithm to improve smoothness of the game Discontinued Boat Game and proceed to new game development (Catch Fish) Revised C# and XNA coding Objects and Sprites design Kinect as main input with multi-player integration and skeletal data extraction Analysis the skeletal tracking data from log files Project completed and tested (Second Stage) and Thesis writing February March 2014 April May June 40 REFERENCES 1. Rego, Paula, et al. "Serious games for rehabilitation: A survey and a classification towards a taxonomy." 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SEGA, City Escape, Sonic Generation OST