President`s Cabinet Meeting August 19, 2013 Present: Susan
President`s Cabinet Meeting August 19, 2013 Present: Susan
President’s Cabinet Meeting August 19, 2013 Present: Susan Changnon, Linda Dodd, Jim Hrabosky, Nick Neupauer, Bill O’Brien, Ruth Purcell, Francie Spigelmyer, Case Willoughby Absent: Brian Opitz Also Present: Pat Massaro ACTION Nick reviewed his speech. Susan presented the tenure and new hires Convocation videos. The Butler Chamber’s annual dinner is scheduled for 9/11 at SRU. BC3 Celebrate Business Dinner will be the recipient of the Chamber Business Champion award. Contact Julie if you’re interested in attending. Staff Reports Nick reported on the recent Council of Presidents meeting: Nick Neupauer ‐There is a possibility of mid‐year cuts by the state this year. ‐A new PA State System of Higher Education Chancellor was hired. ‐Working on PA Commission information packets to provide the candidates for Governor. ‐We need to think more strategically when it comes to capital projects. ‐It is possible that an Executive Order will be created for community colleges to establish performance goals and objectives. ‐Performance funding is a very real possibility. ‐Talked much about future plans for the PA Commission. ‐The search for the new President/CEO of the PA Commission will be run through BC3 vs. the Commission office. ‐Affinity group meetings will be held on 9/25 in Harrisburg. ‐A Student Success Forum will be held on 10/30 in Camp Hill. ‐Nick, Case and Jim toured student housing at PSU Altoona on 8/15. ‐AACC proposals are due the end of September. ‐Purge efforts by staff were unbelievable. Everyone showed great teamwork in getting the number down. 1 Bill O’Brien Case Willoughby Ruth Purcell Pat Massaro ‐8/21 BC3 @ Brockway orientation ‐To date there are 43 students registered at Brockway. ‐Kudos to Case and staff at the off‐campus sites for their successful welcome days. ‐There are 547 students attending BC3 from Mercer County. ‐To date there are 21 (of 29) CWHS classes set to run. ‐Kudos to Susan and the signage committee for the beautiful sign at Cranberry. ‐Case distributed student evaluation forms from the off‐site welcome day events. ‐Thank‐you to all of the volunteers for the welcome day events. ‐There are 400+ students and 200+ parents registered for the main campus welcome day. ‐The Shaffer Walking Trail challenge has ended. ‐There are 117 golfers registered for the 8/23 outing. ‐Sunday Faseyitan requested $20,000 from the Foundation for funding of Strategic Plan initiatives. ‐Ruth expects to hear from Alcoa on 8/20 about our grant request. ‐Trustee Nancy Staible started an endowed scholarship. ‐9/12 Foundation board meeting ‐9/24 Campaign consultant meeting with the steering committee ‐10/10 Campaign training for the boards ‐Safety and security will be reviewed at the fall convocation. ‐There will be a Police presence at the off‐campus sites each day this semester. ‐Two new part‐time Police Officers have been hired. They are Erik Bohin and Brian Lambermont. ACTION 2 Jim Hrabosky Linda Dodd Francie Spigelmyer ‐Thanks to the following for all of their work at BC3 @ Brockway: Robert Fullwood, Matt Miller, Cody Norco, Nicole Barnes and Amanda Fleming. ‐Jim received word from PDE that they accepted our expense report for BC3 @ Brockway. Thank‐you to Linda for the expense information. ‐Jake and Jim are working on a finance plan for the Library. ‐Jim met with Brian to discuss Library architectural services. ‐Textbook rental is going very well. Rentals must be conducted face‐to‐ face vs. online at this point. So far, 87% of the textbooks that are available to rent are being rented. Kudos to Donna Pallone, Rich Benko, Beth Pallone and Nicole Potter who got the program up and running in 30 days. ‐HR is working on job descriptions for the new positions. ‐Be sure to submit your completed 2012‐13 performance plan to HR. ‐The adjunct training held on 8/15 went very well with 101 participating. Thanks to Pat Massaro, Josh Novak and Ivory Dunlap for their excellent presentations. ‐Francie presented the Kouzes and Posner “Leadership Challenge” to the executive leadership for Phi Theta Kappa. ‐Francie is making a presentation to CCAC faculty as part of CCAC’s fall professional development series. ‐Francie distributed the Professional Day schedule. Thanks to Case for getting the keynote speaker. The theme this year is “Creating a Safe Space for Learning.” Pat Massaro, Joy Walsh, and Bessie Jeffries will be presenting for BC3. Also, Dr. Case Willoughby will serve as the moderator for panel discussion on veterans’ issues. ‐Thanks to Rosemary Keasey, Bill Miller, Juli Loutitt, and Ruth Scott for all their work in scheduling courses with Mid‐Atlantic Youth in Emlenton, PA. ACTION 3 Susan Changnon ‐Thanks to Dennis Birkes and Jessica Matonak for their work on welcome day. ‐Convocation videos are in process. ‐BarkleyREI will hold web redesign meetings on 8/26. ‐A request was submitted for Strategic Plan funds for Brockway and LindenPointe for signage and building needs. ‐A 50th anniversary meeting is scheduled for 9/05. ACTION 4 President’s Cabinet Meeting September 3, 2013 Present: Susan Changnon, Linda Dodd, Jim Hrabosky, Nick Neupauer, Bill O’Brien, Brian Opitz, Ruth Purcell, Francie Spigelmyer, Case Willoughby Also Present: Pat Massaro and Lori Henderson & Tony Shakely of the Butler Armco Employees’ Credit Union ACTION Butler Armco Tony Shakely gave an update on the project. Three student interns will Employees’ Credit Union work at the credit union. They will work in all aspects of the branch. Thanks to Rosemary Keasey for providing student candidates for the positions. Grand opening is 9/17. This is a full‐service branch (with the exception of mortgages). Business hours are Monday‐Friday 9:00 a.m.‐ 1:00 p.m. BC3 @ Brockway Opening Open house on 11/07 from 5:30‐7:00 p.m. The grand opening will be held on 11/08 from 1:00‐2:30 p.m. and be by invitation. A staff visit will be scheduled at a later date. Steffler Board Room Plaque Presentation of the plaque will be during the President’s Report at the 9/18 board meeting. Campaign Update Ruth distributed an update for review. Welcome Day Case distributed student and parent evaluations and data regarding welcome day. The survey results were very positive. Thanks to all who helped. Kudos to Morgan Rizzardi for a successful parent program. Mini Semester The mini semester will run 9/24/13 – 12/13/13. Eleven courses will be offered in Humanities, Business and Math. Staff Reports ‐Alex Gladis and Sherri Mack have agreed to be the Middle States co‐ Nick Neupauer chairs for the next Self‐Study process. Both will attend a co‐chair Self‐ Study conference in November. 1 Francie Spigelmyer Jim Hrabosky Ruth Purcell Bill O’Brien ‐Nick, Bill, Jim and Ruth will meet with the president of Lorain County Community College to discuss Lorain’s economic development program. ‐Nick asked Brian to review the details of the upcoming campus clean‐ up day. ‐There have been considerable issues with iTV as a teaching delivery method; Francie and the deans will discuss and evaluate the concerns to determine next steps. ‐WPCCRC Professional Day plans are complete. The event will take place on October 1, 2013 at the RLA in Cranberry Township. ‐As BC3 Middle States liaison, Francie will be working with Sherri and Alex (Co‐chairs) and Sunday on plans for the Self‐Study. ‐ Francie, Lisa Campbell, Bill O’Brien, Matt Kovac, and Karen Zapp will meet with a natural gas industry expert from Pardee Resources to discuss curriculum possibilities for BC3 (Credit and Noncredit). ‐The Anderson Strickler representative will make several presentations about student housing on 9/12. It will be taped for those who cannot attend. ‐The Brockway lease is about complete. ‐Textbook rental was a home run. Kudos to the Bookstore staff. ‐Gross income from the golf outing is $82,415 which is an increase over last year. ‐Alcoa awarded $25,000 to the CCLC for construction of a playground. It was a pleasure working with Judy Zuzack on this project. ‐Kudos to Paul Lucas, Deb McAllister and Barb Gade and Nancy Atwell for a successful GED graduation. ‐Kudos to Case for the off‐campus welcome days. ‐Bill and Lisa Campbell met with Penn College about joint training for Marcellus Shale. ACTION 2 Brian Opitz Pat Massaro Linda Dodd Susan Changnon ‐Lockers are currently being assembled for off‐campus sites. ‐The main campus Adirondack chairs are a hit with students. ‐The new lock sets for classroom doors are in process. This is a $100,000 project. ‐Work continues at 278 Old Plank Rd. ‐Brian and Jim are talking about professional services for the Library renovation. They will send the RFI/RFP to a select group. ‐The parking permit change is going well. ‐The off‐site Police schedule is working well. ‐President’s former car (Ford Taurus) is now a Police car. ‐Pat is monitoring the upgrades necessary to accommodate the credit union. ‐Pat will attend a conference at Robert Morris. One of the speakers will be a Police Officer involved in a campus shooting in Ohio. ‐Mickey Baines will conduct a session on 10/01 at Cranberry for the secretarial/clerical staff and their supervisors. He will meet with the professional/technical staff on main campus on 10/02. ‐Susan distributed new informational flyers for review. ‐The 2013‐14 catalogs arrived. ‐On 8/29 Jessica Matonak reached 5,000 Facebook followings. Kudos to her for building this audience. ‐Jessica opened an Instagram account. ‐Nick will receive the NCMPR Pacesetter Outstanding President’s award in Connecticut in October. The College will also receive five awards including one for the President’s Timeline. ‐Dennis Birkes is developing a web advisory committee. They will meet beginning this fall through completion of the web site redesign. ‐Dennis recommends look into It is an online chat room that we could use from our desktops if our cell phones don’t work during a crisis. It is also mobile friendly and we could use it instead of ACTION 3 Case Willoughby doing a conference call from our cell phones if they were operational. Cabinet wants to have a backup means of communication primarily if cell phones or land lines would not be available. He will demonstrate it at a future Cabinet meeting. ‐A 50th anniversary meeting will be held on 9/05. ‐The start of tutoring will be delayed this fall. We cannot connect the tutor with tutees due to the computer changeover. This is an unintended consequence of the changeover. ‐Thanks to Dottie Los for her help in getting furniture for the Veterans’ lounge. ‐The ribbon cutting for the Veterans’ lounge is being planned. ‐Case, Brian and Pat will meet with Student Services staff to discuss office safety. ‐Case will chair the General Convention Programs, Roundtables, and Promising Practices at the 2015 Annual Convention of the American College Personnel Association. ACTION 4 President’s Cabinet Meeting September 30, 2013 Present: Susan Changnon, Linda Dodd, Jim Hrabosky, Nick Neupauer, Bill O’Brien, Brian Opitz, Ruth Purcell, Francie Spigelmyer, Case Willoughby Also Present: Zach Braham of BarkleyREI, Dennis Birkes, Michelle Jamieson, Pat Massaro ACTION Zach Braham made a presentation on the status of the web redesign. BarkleyREI The research & discovery phase as well as the strategy & planning phase are complete. Several more phases are in process with user testing the final step. BarkleyREI intends to weave BC3’s story throughout the site, making it a student‐centered user experience. Dennis Birkes is developing a Web Advisory committee scheduled to meet once a month beginning in October. Susan will check with Rick Dennis Birkes demonstrated, a site offering free, private Michelini & Joe Matthews chat rooms that we could use in the event all telephone lines are about Cabinet having an unavailable during an emergency. e2campus chat room or utilize SharePoint. Pat reviewed the timeline of the shooting incident in Brockway last Jim will contact Pete week and how BC3 @ Brockway handled the lockdown. The staff did an excellent job. Much of the building is wired for security cameras. Varischetti about our plans for Several cameras will be installed as well as installing a window in the security upgrades to the building. secretary’s office. BC3 @ Brockway Opening Susan reviewed the details of the event scheduled for November 8 at 1:00 p.m. A bus will be reserved for Trustees, Foundation Board members and invited staff members. It will depart main campus at 10:00 a.m. A tour of the site will be offered to all staff at a later date. New Trustee Orientation Julie will contact Paul Harris for his availability on October 28 or November 15. Please hold both dates. 1 Scholarship Guidelines Professional Day Grove City College Visit 50th Anniversary Library Renovation Prep Campaign Work Session Clarion & Articulation Interests at BC3 Michelle Jamieson discussed the pros and cons of permitting staff and immediate family members to receive scholarships. Francie thanked Case for integrating Student Services into Professional Day. Kudos to Patty Colosimo and Renee Piovesan for their help in preparing for the event. Jim, Case, Brian, Ruth and Nick will tour Grove City College’s dorms with IKM on November 19. Susan distributed notes from the September 5 brainstorming meeting. Keeping the celebrations on‐campus was a strong theme. A committee will be assembled along with honorary chairs. Each honorary chair will represent a specific decade. Funding for anniversary activities will be addressed in the January rebudget. Nick and Ruth met with Glenn Miller to discuss his gift for an icon. Brian will meet with Dave Harris of DPH Architects to talk about erecting a statue on main campus. RFIs and RFPs are in process and will be sent to several firms. Design of the Library must begin in January, with construction scheduled to begin in September 2014. The Foundation Board, Trustees and Cabinet will meet on October 10 for a campaign work session presented by Sue Kubik of eAdvancement Consultants. Francie met with representatives of Clarion’s business dept. They want to articulate Education, Business & Business Administration, beginning in January. Francie and Bill are leading a charge to develop a rubric to help evaluate such requests. A meeting will eventually take place with all of the university and colleges who are interested in on‐ campus/hybrid/distance degree completion programs. ACTION Staff & immediate family may apply for any scholarship. The student may receive no more than one scholarship. The scholarship will be a stipend not to exceed $500. 2 Middle States Forum Erie County Proposal Baines Conference Call Staff Reports Nick Neupauer Francie Spigelmyer Francie & Sunday met and discussed Middle States standards training and talked about task groups. A speaker will come to campus to talk about being a Middle State reviewer. Bill presented the plan for developing an off‐campus site along with the Erie business plan. He also reviewed the degree programs that are of interest to the citizens of Erie County. Mickey Baines called in to discuss the details of the training sessions he is providing to staff on October 1 & 2. ‐The annual budget presentation to the County is scheduled for October 29. ‐A board work session will be scheduled in November to discuss economic development, program costs and Marcellus Shale. ‐Matt Kovac and Pat Massaro are now full‐time administrators. ‐Nick talked about a request from the Social Work Club regarding World AIDS Day on December 1. Nick will meet with a member of the club on November 11 to talk about the request. ‐Deborah Stage will have the following paper published: In and Out of the rRNA Genes: Characterization of Pokey Elements in the Sequenced Daphnia Genome. Authors: Elliott A Tyler, Stage E Deborah, Crease J Teresa, Eickbush H Thomas, Journal: Mobile DNA. ‐Professor David Anderson had accepted a bibliographic study, “Notes on Twenty Volumes of Stories at Windemere” to the Hemingway Review. The essay will be published in the spring 2014 issue. ‐Congratulations to John Ripper and his genetic students (spring 2013‐ BIOL 209) who are now published in GenBank (which is part of the National Center for Biotechnology Information and the National Library of Medicine at the National Institutes of Health). The students investigated a gene that codes for an enzyme important in metabolism ACTION 3 Susan Changnon Linda Dodd in mung beans (bean sprouts, generously provided by Jim Morrow!). They grew the plants from seed, isolated genomic DNA from the plants, isolated the gene in question, cloned it into a bacterial system, sequenced the gene, and analyzed the gene structure using a variety of bioinformatics software tools. The database is shared with similar ones from Japan and Europe. ‐Francie’s book review, “Practical Truth in the Online Environment,” will be published in the spring 2014 edition of the International Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (IJICTE ‐Francie & Suzanne Spigelmyer participated with Alex Gladis and his BC3 Cranberry Center team in the Cranberry Heart Walk on September 28. ‐Francie will be attending the Education Public Policy Leaders Seminar in Gettysburg in October. ‐The Business Division ACBSP reaccreditation visit is scheduled for October 6‐8. ‐The WCCPRC Professional Day will be held on October 1, 2013, at the RLA in Cranberry. ‐Jessica Matonak will create a One Second at a Time video during renovation of the Library. ‐Dennis Birkes & Susan are seeing demonstrations of content management systems by several companies. ‐Strategic Plan funds for the LindenPointe sign were received. ‐Interviews are in process for the Marketing Coordinator for Off‐ Campus Locations & Web Content Editor. ‐HR is doing a mandated mailing regarding the Affordable Healthcare Act to all employees. ‐Steve Catt has a new position – Director of Conferences, Seminars and Events. As Director of the Cultural Center, Larry Stock will report to Steve. Adding this department under Continuing Education and Off‐ Campus Sites provides an opportunity for the College to showcase BC3 ACTION 4 Jim Hrabosky Pat Massaro Case Willoughby Brian Opitz to the community as a conference center and expand and group the rentals of our facilities and theater. ‐Jim attended a PA community college Business Officers’ meeting on September 18‐19. A representative from Moody’s spoke to the group. The speaker noted 81% of community colleges had their state or local appropriations decrease. The higher education outlook is negative for the foreseeable future. ‐BC3 is one of two community colleges in the state with an increase in headcount this semester. Reading is down 10%, CCAC is down 9%, Luzerne & Montgomery are down 5% and Harrisburg received three warnings on Middle States standards. ‐2012‐13 audit fieldwork began on September 23. ‐Pat will observe a mock crisis drill at Mars High School soon. ‐A mock crisis drill will be held on main campus in the spring. ‐The Retention committee is collecting the 2011 cohort that exited in 2012. ‐278 Old Plank Rd. ‐ Exterior accessibility work complete, working on reconfiguring the interior. ‐The enhancement to the Financial Aid office is about complete. One more camera is due to be installed. ‐Cranberry will get an interior renovation and reconfiguration. ‐CCLC drawings @ 90%‐will put in drawer till ready to bid pending Library funding. ‐Library ‐ Putting RFI out for Professional Services ‐Science Building ‐ Working on plans to refurbish exterior. ‐Campus Entrance ‐ Working on design for new campus entrance and signage ‐Campus Icon ‐ Working with Susan on plans for this. ACTION 5 Bill O’Brien ‐Steve Catt & Janice Reiter will be in charge of booking space on ASTRA as of November 1. ‐Lisa Campbell & Bill met with representatives from the Butler Vo‐Tech to discuss lab use for welding and automotive training programs. ‐Butler Health System contracted with BC3 for training. ‐BC3 will continue to do training for the Butler Prison next year. ‐There were 140 students who have applied for Adult Basic Education classes this year. We offer GED classes at four locations. ‐There are 27 College Within the High School classes running with 391 seats taken. ‐BC3 @ Brockway hosted numerous visits and meetings since opening including the Rotary Club, Geneva College, Clarion University and Junior Achievement. ‐BC3 @ Cranberry staff participated in the Heart Walk on September 28. ACTION 6 President’s Cabinet Meeting October 23, 2013 Present: Also Present: Susan Changnon, Linda Dodd, Jim Hrabosky, Pat Massaro, Nick Neupauer, Bill O’Brien, Brian Opitz, Ruth Purcell, Francie Spigelmyer, Case Willoughby Steve Joseph, Ann McCandless ACTION Library Renovation & Move The RFP will be sent to approximately 14 firms next week. Next steps: -Mandatory on-site meeting with the interested firms -Review information submitted -Select four-five firms in mid-December 2013 -Begin design phase in January 2014 -Bid the project in May 2014 -Construction September 14-December 15, 2014 The Library will be relocated in summer 2014. Mitch Uram Portrait Mr. Uram was a member of the original board of trustees. A portrait of him was found in the Library. The Foundation accepted the portrait New Trustee Orientation The VPs will meet with Mr. Paul Harris on 10/28 at BC3 @ Cranberry. BC3 @ Brockway Visit Staff is invited to tour BC3 @ Brockway on 11/22. Bus transportation and lunch (at the site) will be provided. There will be no reimbursement for anyone driving on their own. Brian will send an allcampus email with details. Holiday Lunch 12/05 from 11:30- a.m. – 1:30 p.m. in Founders Hall. 1 ACTION Trustee Work Session 11/21 from 4:00-6:30 p.m. in Lawson board room. Agenda items include: -Erie County update -Economic development -Program costs -Student housing Registration & Payment Sch. Case distributed a draft plan for a comprehensive advising, registration & payment calendar. This is the next step toward pursuing a payment plan. Three vendors have been consulted. They cannot integrate with Ellucian. Ellucian has preferred partners. Touchnet is the preferred partner for payment plans. Safety Measures Once all of the locksets are installed, Pat will conduct a drill. A mock emergency will be announced over the interior & exterior speakers. The users will be asked to report on their experience. This is a bid project and the expected installation is over the holiday break. New Program Opportunity Bill reported on Refresh Dental Management. The company operates Refresh Dental, Dental Express & Corner Dental. The company provides back office support services including HR, finance, marketing, PR and IT to dentists who concentrate exclusively on patients. They recently purchased the Riverplex building in New Castle and are interested in partnering with BC3 in offering dental assistant, dental coding, office management and dental hygienist programs. The Riverplex would be a hands-on training facility. Bill & Francie will follow-up with a meeting. Bill distributed the proposed non-credit Energy Production Technology certificate Francie & Matt Kovac will work on stackable opportunities for credit programming. Jake Friel will contact Touchnet. 2 ACTION Faculty/Staff Appreciation Breakfast Hunter Green & Tanner McCaw spoke to Cabinet about the Executive Council and PTK plans for an appreciation breakfast on 11/19 (PTK Founders’ Day) in the Annex. Pancakes & sausage will be prepared by CRH, Marburger Dairy will provide the drinks and students will serve. After discussion, there are conflicts with this date. The students will consider a different date. Campaign Thanks to all who attended the Sue Kubik campaign steering meeting on 10/29. Ruth is lining up the next six months. The actual kick-off will be the first of the year. The contract with Armistead has been extended for another six months. The campaign position will be filled soon. Staff Reports Nick Neupauer -Francie will contact Dr. Vitale of Seneca Valley regarding College Within the High School. -A follow-up conference call will be held with the housing consultant and Nick, Jim, Brian & Dick Rittelmann. Bill O’Brien -Alex Gladis contacted the RLA for use of the space during the Cranberry renovation this summer. He is waiting for costs. -Matching funds per the capital work group will probably not be available until 2015. -10/23 LindenPointe open house -11/21 Marcellus Outreach event on the main campus Brian Opitz -Scott Daubenspeck accepted the maintenance position. He starts on 11/01. -The CCLC plans are complete. The playground project will be bid in March. -The exterior of 278 Old Plank Rd. is complete. The interior will be complete in the next week. -Other projects in process are the entrance redesign, T building refurbishment and tree cutting in November. 3 ACTION Pat Massaro -Ashley Harrison accepted the position of part-time dispatcher. She began last week. -Tiffini Sintz accepted the position of part-time Police Officer. Her background check is currently in process. She is scheduled to begin December 3. Case Willoughby -Thanks to all for participating in the open house. We welcomed 247 prospects, 435 guests and 176 applications were submitted. -Thanks to Nick & Brian for the security upgrades in Financial Aid -Case is working on the Admissions Director job description. Meetings with the Deans are currently being held about this. -Case, Francie & Morgan Rizzardi will meet with representatives from SRU about dual enrollment. -The men’s golf team placed second in the state. -Torey O’Donnell accepted the position of Assistant Director of Student Life. -11/11 Grand opening of the Veterans Lounge -Ivory Dunlap & Case will make a presentation entitled “Parents As Partners In 2-Year Colleges: Promoting Student Autonomy” at the ACPA: College Student Affairs International annual convention in Indianapolis in April, 2014. Susan Changnon -Nick & Susan attended the NCMR District 1 conference. The College received five awards. Kudos to Jess Matonak & Dennis Birkes for the gold award received for the President’s Timeline. Nick received the “Pacesetter of the Year” award. -Susan met with Rick Michelini as a follow-up to the Cabinet discussion about using during a crisis incident on-campus. SharePoint & GoToMeeting are not appropriate for our needs. Rick also suggested installing a private line in Lawson board room. -Susan attended her affinity group meeting recently. She reported BC3 is far ahead of the curve regarding campus safety. Rick Michelini will get the private line installed in Lawson. 4 ACTION Francie Spigelmyer -Francie will be speaking about BC3's experiences with the SOAR Program for the Perkins oversight panel at WCCC on 10/24. -Francie joined other community colleges in the state to explore collaborative partnerships for international educational opportunities. -The Scholars Committee met to discuss the future of the program. Arlene and Francie will put together a proposal based on the discussion during the meeting and present it to the committee. Jim Hrabosky -Please update your capital needs list and email it to Jim by 11/13. He can commit up to $200,000. -Further requests for Strategic Plan funding will be filled in January. The total to be allotted is $25,000. -Rick Michelini is currently working Tuesdays & Wednesdays through March. He will retire after that. -Kudos to Dottie Los & Brian Opitz on their work on the RFP for Library architectural services. Ruth Purcell -The Legacy Dinner was a wonderful success due to the hard work of Michelle Jamieson & April Stuble. There were 355 in attendance. -Ruth expects an additional veterans’ scholarship from the Lyndora American Legion. 5 President’s Cabinet Meeting 12/10/13 Present: Susan Changnon, Linda Dodd, Jim Hrabosky, Pat Massaro, Nick Neupauer, Bill O’Brien, Brian Opitz, Ruth Purcell, Julie Sheptak Absent: Francie Spigelmyer, Case Willoughby Also Present: Shari Berg, Tina Fleeger Office Directory Linda distributed the Administrative Dept. and Office Directory for review. Once Cabinet reviews and comments, it will be available on the portal and BC3 forms. Last 25 Years Shari Berg reviewed the Last 25 Years document she is writing on the history of BC3. It encompasses 1990‐present. Some uses for the document are gifts for the campaign, trustees and retirees and kept as an historical document. This board initiative is an accurate depiction of the College (both good and bad). Susan will email the document to Cabinet for review. Send her your comments by early January. AACC Conference April 4‐5, 2014 in Washington, DC. Let Julie know if you are going. Carpooling will be discussed as the date nears. Cabinet meeting dates 1/14 @ 11:00‐4:00 2/04 @ 8:30‐2:00 2/24 @ 8:30‐2:00 3/28 @ 8:30‐2:00 4/15 @ 8:30‐12:30 5/05 @ 8:30‐1:00 5/20 @ 8:30‐1:00 Campaign To date, 22 employees (9%) have made a commitment to the campaign @ $36,000. The case statement was sent to the ad agency. Ruth will solicit Cabinet members who have not yet pledged as leadership participation is critical. Nick Neupauer ‐Distributed CCSSE results for Cabinet review. ‐Employments ads for upper level positions need to include information about our standing with Middle States, financial stability, etc. HR and PR will provide Nick with examples of such an ad. Susan Changnon ‐Web redesign user testing results were reviewed. ‐Susan is canceling our account with Zimride. We will go with Their cost is $25/month for up to 1,000 users and is very easy to use. All those currently participating in Zimride will be notified by Dennis Birkes. 1 ‐Susan received strategic plan money for LindenPointe signage. She is working with the City of Hermitage and the business park on this. Dottie Los is getting quotes for the sign. ‐The Signage committee will meet in January about the main campus entrance. ‐Jessica Matonak is working on the President’s Timeline. It will be completed in January. ‐Susan is working with Ruth and the ad agency on the campaign’s case for support document. ‐Jerry Johnston and Maggie Slater are getting up to speed in their new positions. ‐Spring semester ads are in process. ‐Susan is working on media relations: Eagle article about Adult Literacy test changes Guitar certification program and the next grant Meggett system virtual training module article in Butler County Matters in March Eagle article about the CCLC and nutrition ‐The mini semester is a go for the spring semester. ‐The January term numbers are good. These students will be counted as spring students. ‐3/22 Open House at main campus (10:00‐12:00) ‐4/02 Open House at Lawrence Crossing (6:00‐7:30) Jim Hrabosky ‐Amanda Fleming was hired as the full‐time College Business Services Specialist. Thanks to Nicole Barnes and Bonnie Morrow for serving on the search committee. ‐Jim signed a letter of acceptance with an insurance consultant. He/she will evaluate our risk and determine if our current policies are sufficient. Pat Massaro ‐Tiffany Sintz began her duties as a part‐time Police Officer. ‐Officers will be at all sites to assist during book buyback. Ruth Purcell ‐The Alumni Council is considering changing the golf outing to another event. Please let Ruth know if you have any ideas. Brian Opitz ‐Twelve RFI packets were received for the Library design. After review, five strong applicants will be considered. ‐Current/upcoming projects: Cranberry renovation CCLC tree lines are down; power lines being relocated Main campus entrance 278 Old Plank Rd. to be inspected by Butler Township on 12/11 ET moving into 278 Old Plank Rd. next week AH186 will be wired for lab purposes over the holiday break The Lawrence Crossing student lounge will be painted Bill O’Brien ‐Chuck Geist was hired as the part‐time Business Training Coordinator for Butler County. Chuck began on 12/09. ‐Kudos to Paul Lucas and Jessica Matonak for the spring Lifelong Learning brochure. ‐Bill distributed and reviewed a document from the LERN conference he attended. 2 ‐Summer weekend events on the main campus will be held to four‐five weekends only. ‐Bill distributed a proposed facilities request form. Please review and send your comments to Bill as soon as possible. ‐Maryl McGinley resigned at Brockway. A search is in process to fill her position. 3 Present: President’s Cabinet Meeting 1/14/14 Susan Changnon, Linda Dodd, Jim Hrabosky, Pat Massaro, Nick Neupauer, Bill O’Brien, Brian Opitz, Ruth Purcell, Julie Sheptak, Francie Spigelmyer, Case Willoughby Also Present: Jake Friel Reschedule of March 28 Cabinet Meeting The Community Development Corporation’s annual meeting is scheduled for March 28. Nick will be a featured speaker. Please put this meeting on your calendar. The 3/28 Cabinet meeting was moved to 4/04; 8:30 a.m.‐2:00 p.m. Review of Presidents’ Meeting Enrollment is down at other institutions from 2½ ‐10 percent. Penn Highlands reported a 2 percent increase. There was discussion about examining affordability via student loan debt and the default rate. We purged 182 in December 2013 as compared to 165 in December 2012. Touchnet Webinar Touchnet is the preferred vendor for Ellucian. Representatives made a presentation on BC3 offering a tuition payment plan. It will cost $35,000/year to administer the plan. We would be able to charge students to enroll in the payment plan. This would cover the cost. Uncollectables will likely increase, however. All activity is in real time. Implementation of Touchnet is 14‐16 weeks from the date of the agreement. A one‐time implementation fee plus an annual right to use software and customer service. Fees are based on enrollment. Action—Jim will meet with the internal stakeholders and report back to Cabinet for a decision. Spring Safety Drill April‐‐ Training of the new door lockset system at division meetings May‐‐ Building supervisors and backups will receive training. Fall convocation‐‐ Active shooter scenario and lockdown. This involves faculty and will be held in lieu of division meetings. Tom Buttyan and Pat Massaro are working on this training. Pat and Brian will schedule these events. Student Housing The feasibility study is a complicated report. After more research and discussion, those involved are comfortable with it. A RFI for a developer is next. The trustees asked for a housing plan that creates new bodies in addition to retention. A reputable third party is very interested in pursuing this. The Facilities committee will meet on 1/15 to summarize the recent Hudson meeting and discuss the RFI. 278 Old Plank Road ET moved to the house in December. The 2/04 Cabinet meeting will be held there. 1 Campaign Update Thank‐you to Cabinet members for supporting the campaign. On‐campus participation is at 21 percent. Ruth will attend division meetings and Faculty Org. in the spring. Steering committee meetings are held monthly. Ruth distributed the prospect list. Bob Hunter and Nancy Hunter Mycka are the campaign co‐ chairs. They are hosting an event in Florida on 3/12 for the Butler snowbirds to learn about the campaign. Mark Your Calendar December 2, 2014 Holiday lunch in Founders Hall from 11:00 a.m.‐1:00 p.m. May 1, 2014 Employee Recognition Dinner in Founders Hall at 6:00 p.m. Nick Neupauer ‐To confirm, no College funds are being used toward our participation in the Kaufman House acquisition by the Butler Tourism Board. If anything, there might be a one‐time equipment purchase. ‐Our two presentations have been accepted by the American Association of Community Colleges for the April conference. Nick, Bill, Ruth and Gary Gulla (of the City of Hermitage) will present on April 6 and Francie and Rosemary Keasey will present on April 7. ‐There was discussion about where to house the Library during the renovation: use existing space bring in a temporary building (expensive, but an option @ 6,000‐7,000 sq. ft.) move off‐site A decision needs to be made by the end of the month. ‐The CCLC playground will be sufficiently complete by fall 2014. A groundbreaking will be scheduled for April. ‐The Con‐Ed oil and gas curriculum will be ready to go in February. Susan Changnon ‐Our account with Zimride has been closed. We are now using There were three students registered at the end of December, with that number expected to increase as the start of the semester nears. ‐A new company got the bid for LindenPointe signage. Susan will meet with them soon. ‐Jill Martin‐Rend updated the media emergency/closing list. The Youngstown television station was added to Lawrence Crossing’s emergency/closing list. Be sure to sign up for the BC3 alerts. ‐Susan distributed The Post Gazette’s Top Work Places 2014. A tiered cost is associated with this. The deadline is 2/21. This will be discussed further. ‐Mickey Baines will meet with Susan’s staff to discuss social media. ‐There will be a spring mini semester. Case Willoughby ‐Welcome Day at all sites was a success. ‐If SRU denies admission to an applicant, they will now receive a letter from Case, introducing them to BC3. Thank‐you Francie, Susan and Morgan Rizzardi for their help with this. ‐The Dean of Admissions search is in process. The search committee has been assembled. Thank‐you to Linda Dodd for her help with this. ‐The Retention committee is collecting data on students who left BC3 in good standing. Pat Massaro ‐There is a Police presence at all sites on Monday‐Friday this semester. 2 Ruth Purcell ‐The Alumni Council meets on 1/16. Brian Opitz ‐The front door and entry were replaced at Cranberry. ‐Work continues on the CCLC, Cranberry designs and refurbishments. ‐The Facilities committee will meet on 1/15 to discuss the Lawrence Crossing building. ‐ATMs are being installed at all off‐campus sites in February. The Armco Credit Union is responsible for this. Bill O’Brien ‐Bill distributed three options for the renovation of Cranberry room 133. Cabinet selected option two. ‐The IMSN partnership is being evaluated. Kip Deleonibus will consider this and get back to Bill. ‐Bill will serve on the Butler Township Fire Commission board. ‐Bill met with John Stokes about the fees we charge per our agreement with the Butler Fire Chiefs Assoc. ‐Bill noted the passing of Art Zarrone. He was a former director of the Lawrence County Vo‐Tech. Mr. Zarrone was very instrumental in BC3 having a presence in Lawrence County. ‐Barb Gade was offered the position of Director of Adult Literacy; replacing Deb McAllister who retired in January. ‐Pending approval of the Joint Operating committee, four welding machines will be brought to the main campus from Brockway and installed in the Public Safety Training Facility. Francie Spigelmyer ‐Deb Kruger will replace Dr. Bill Weisberger who retired in December. ‐Advancement in Rank committee is in process. ‐Distance Ed committee is done. ‐Francie distributed the Professional Day schedule. ‐ Alex Gladis and Sherri Mack are doing a great job as Middle States co‐chairs. ‐Francie and Bill will meet soon to discuss 2+2. ‐Grand Canyon University (Phoenix, AZ) is interested in an articulation with BC3. ‐The Scholars surveys have been returned with good results. Linda Dodd ‐Linda distributed Oscar information based on a previous discussion about proposing an extra‐effort award. 3 Present: President’s Cabinet Meeting 2/04/14 Susan Changnon, Linda Dodd, Jim Hrabosky, Pat Massaro, Nick Neupauer, Bill O’Brien, Brian Opitz, Ruth Purcell, Julie Sheptak, Francie Spigelmyer, Case Willoughby Also Present: Ann McCandless Webcam Demonstration Ann demonstrated GoToMeeting. This replaces Wimba, Panopto and ITV equipment for holding remote meetings/classes. Recognition Dinner Nick distributed the list of honorees/retirees. The dinner will be held on May 1 at 6:00 p.m. in Founders Hall. Extra Effort Award We need to establish parameters and come up with an appropriate name for the award. Linda, Susan and Ruth will work on this and report back at the 2/24 Cabinet meeting. Energy Symposium The symposium will be held in Founders Hall on 3/13 from 7:30 a.m.‐1:30 p.m. Contact Julie if you are interested in attending the luncheon. Dave Spigelmyer, President of the Marcellus Shale Coalition, is the keynote speaker. Middle States Update Francie reported that on January 10, 2014, Dr. Nicole Reaves, VP for Academic Affairs and Student Services from Westmoreland County Community College spoke to the Nursing/Allied Health Division and the Natural Sciences/Technology Division on the Middle States process. Dr. Reaves serves as a reviewer for Middle States and has participated in numerous site visits. BC3’s Middle States Task Force co‐chairs are in place. Alex Gladis and Sherri Mack are doing an outstanding job as Steering Committee co‐ chairs. Dr. Ellie Fogarty, our Middle States liaison, will visit campus on April 24 to meet with students, staff, faculty and trustees. Campaign Update Internal giving is currently at 23 percent ($81,000). Commitments are at $500,000 overall. Team BC3 was established. The case statement is nearly complete. Thank‐you to Susan for her work with LarsenO’Brien on the case statement. Post‐Gazette Top Work Places Susan distributed the survey questions that will be used. A total of 500 employees will be eligible to participate. The survey must be completed by 4/07. Susan will get the results in May, with Post‐Gazette recognition in September. This is promotional, but it is also good for continuous improvement, hiring and retention. Linda will register BC3 to participate. Nick Neupauer ‐The state budget is flat in operating and decreased by $1 million in capital. 1 ‐The TACT grant expires 9/14. The community colleges submitted a request for an extension. ‐Think about new position requests and unfilled faculty positions. Send your requests/faculty positions to Linda by 2/14. ‐Julie is the contact person if you want to book a meeting/event at 278 Old Plank Road. Once Nick approves the meeting, it will go through the established facilities request process. Susan Changnon ‐Jessica Matonak and Dennis Birkes are finalizing the Presidential Timeline. ‐LindenPointe signage will be complete in the spring. ‐Susan distributed the main campus Open House flyer. It is scheduled for 3/22. ‐Susan distributed the spring 2014 mini semester flyer. ‐50th anniversary logos were distributed for consideration. A logo was selected. ‐The CCLC groundbreaking will be held on 4/29. ‐To date, seven students are enrolled in the new rideshare program. ‐Work continues on the 50th anniversary book. Case Willoughby ‐Data continues to be collected on students who began in fall 12 but did not return in fall 13. ‐Kudos to all who participated in the Welcome Day events. Case distributed attendee survey results. ‐A PowerPoint version of Welcome Day is currently available for online students. A better presentation will be developed. ‐Kudos to Sherri Rigby for the Leadership program. ‐e2campus: 752 registered to receive student information and 3,554 receiving alerts. Pat Massaro ‐A camera and dedicated server were recently purchased. ‐Police training is scheduled during spring break. ‐The door lock presentation is ready. Pat will email the information to College staff on 3/10. ‐Building monitor training will be held in May and incident training in the fall. Ruth Purcell ‐2/05 Alumni Council meeting ‐8/21 Foundation golf outing ‐9/19 Alumni bowling event (in place of the Pioneer golf outing) Brian Opitz ‐Main campus entrance signage will be worked on this summer. ‐Brian reviewed the status of the current projects at all locations. Bill O’Brien ‐Barb Gade is the new Director of Adult Literacy, replacing Deb McAllister who retired in January. ‐Bill discussed low credit enrollment at the off‐campus sites with his staff. A few other factors in addition to low high school graduation rates and the Obamacare regulation change allowing children to remain on their health care coverage until the age of 26, staff reported that welfare recipients are now only funded for one year of college vs. two. Also, students do not read their email and miss messages about being selected for financial aid verification. ‐Brockway: 18 classes running; 150 seats taken; four applied for May graduation. ‐College Within the High School: 28 classes running; 240 students. 2 ‐The café at Brockway is about to open. Students will now have access to hot meals on‐site. This is a first for off‐campus sites. ‐Fifty new students attended the BC3 @ Lawrence Crossing Welcome Day event. ‐The lounge at BC# @ Lawrence Crossing has been updated. Funds provided by the Lawrence County Commissioners were used for this project. ‐Bill recently attended a Workforce Development conference. He toured St. Petersburg Community College. They have amazing healthcare offerings/equipment. They rely heavily on their politicians for funding by bringing them to campus and making them aware of what is offered and selling the job end of the visit. He also learned of the value of having a Makers Club for students. A Makers Club would be an off‐chute of a Makers lab that would have to be created here on campus. It is all about creating a room where students congregate to experience making things. It’s all about hands on learning, working collaboratively to find creative solutions while discovering things. The room would be equipped with a 3‐ D printer and various tools. Students and instructors tinker with robots, creating video games and experience with 3‐D printers. It fosters innovation and entrepreneurship. The best example here on campus in a formal setting is what Mike Aikens does with his Guitar class. This would be in an informal setting giving students the opportunity to bounce ideas off of each other. Francie Spigelmyer ‐Administrators and faculty members will attend an upcoming Middle States conference on assessment. ‐Representatives from the Energy Innovation Institute in Pittsburgh will come to campus to discuss possible partnerships with BC3 ‐Joy Walsh, Bessie Jeffries, and Lori Shuber had their article, “The Winds of Change in Developmental Education,” fall 2013, The Pipeline: A Newsletter for the Commission for Two‐Year Colleges – CONGRATULATIONS!!! ‐ BC3 agreed to collaborate with California University of PA on a NSF grant for STEM programs. ‐The Deans will be participating in faculty evaluation training including preparation for the review of online classes which begins this semester. Linda Dodd ‐The adjusted operating schedule will be offered this year. Details will be distributed to all employees this week. ‐HR is working on offering training in AED, CPR, First Aid and fire extinguishers this summer. ‐Faculty and staff preparedness training will be offered at off‐campus sites this summer. ‐Discussed having President's Cabinet participate in this training at a time to be determined. ‐In addition, the required training for Globally Harmonizes System (GHS) is being provided. Jim Hrabosky ‐The tuition payment plan has a big impact for next year. The cost of the software will be covered by a fee for enrolling in the tuition payment plan of $25 per semester from approximately 25 percent of the student body. Jim expects to collect $40,000‐$50,000. In talking with his peers, Jim expects three‐four percent of the tuition will be uncollectable. We need to commit to the plan by the end of February in order to have it in place for fall 2014. 3 Present: President’s Cabinet Meeting 2/24/14 Susan Changnon, Linda Dodd, Jim Hrabosky, Pat Massaro, Nick Neupauer, Bill O’Brien, Brian Opitz, Ruth Purcell, Julie Sheptak, Francie Spigelmyer, Case Willoughby Economic Development Presentation from 2013 Trustee Work Session Nick and Jim visited ABCD Corp. (Altoona‐Blair County Development Corp.) in Altoona. ABCD houses all organizations related to economic development under one roof. A visit was also made to Lorain County Community College as they are a leader in economic development in northeast Ohio. Lorain gathers and conveys all of the players. Their philosophy is: o attract companies; o gowth in existing companies; o grow your own companies via a business incubator. Nick is meeting with all the Butler players. The College will pay for a RFP for an economic development study as approved by the Board. The plan is to have an economic development building on the main campus and have the Butler players housed there. The County will be asked to assist with 25% financial assistance. Summer Retreat Cabinet will visit Montgomery County Community College to learn more about their one‐stop shop and fund raising. They will then visit Delaware Community College and tour the STEM Center/Learning Commons and also discuss their one‐stop shop. The trip is scheduled for June 3‐5. Extra Effort Award Susan and Linda met to develop the criteria and name for the award. An all‐campus email will be sent on 3/17, announcing the Above and Beyond Award. Winners and their nominators will be acknowledged at the Employee Recognition Dinner on May 1. Intersession About 85% of the students enrolled were current students. We did not capture many new students. Financial aid for this term was lumped with the spring enrollment. New Positions There are currently eight unfilled faculty positions. We are moving forward with filling the Hospitality Management and Criminology faculty vacancies at this time. Send your new position requests to Linda. She will compile for Cabinet’s review. Nick Neupauer ‐Nick distributed the latest IPEDS data. ‐We need to consider adding a noon start as an option on severe weather days. After discussion, Cabinet agreed. Susan will publicize this and it will be implemented next year. Susan Changnon ‐We are now able to opt into e2campus by site. ‐Kudos to Diane DeCarbo and her staff for how they handled the 2/19 lockdown at BC3 @ Lawrence Crossing. 1 ‐Kudos to Jessica Matonak, Dennis Birkes and Maggie Slater for doing a great job on the President’s Timeline. ‐Meetings are scheduled this week for the 50th anniversary and the CCLC groundbreaking. ‐BC3 is the winner of the Butler Eagle Readers’ Choice Award for 2014 in education. ‐It is time to select a participant for Leadership Butler County. The new session begins in the fall. ‐Chris Calhoun will be the keynote speaker at the annual meeting of the PA Commission for Community Colleges on 3/31. ‐Jessica Matonak is coordinating the Leadership Education Day event that will begin with breakfast on the main campus on 3/06. Case Willoughby ‐There will be no official interim Director of Admissions while the search is in process. Case is meeting regularly with Sean Carroll. ‐The orientation committee has been reformed. The committee welcomed Mary Beth Galante to the group. ‐The Leadership Series will be ramped up next year. Kudos to Sherri Rigby and the presenters for their work on the current program. ‐Kudos to Linda and the HR staff for their work on the Dean of Admissions search. ‐Ruth Scott will retire in September. A national search will be conducted. ‐Focus groups will meet to discuss the best way to use student fee money. ‐Pattie Bajuszik retired; her last day on‐campus was 2/21. Pat Massaro ‐The Safety committee meets monthly. Thanks to the Operations staff for making any necessary safety corrections. Ruth Purcell ‐The campaign case statement is at the printer and will be ready soon. ‐Ruth is meeting with the campaign leadership team members. A $50,000 commitment has been received. ‐Pioneer Proud internal meetings continue. ‐The Foundation moved $270,000 from Northwest Bank to Farmers National Bank. ‐The next Foundation board meeting is scheduled for 3/20. ‐8/21 Foundation golf outing ‐9/19 Alumni bowl‐a‐thon event ‐Future POS is hosting a competition for technology students. A BC3 team will participate. Thanks to Francie and her staff for their work on this event. ‐We need to provide Alcoa with a mid‐term report on the grant for the CCLC. ‐Ruth is working with Jim on the Morgan Stanley agreement to pay off the Science & Technology building bonds. Brian Opitz ‐The locksets have been installed. All of the old door keys are currently being collected. ‐Main campus entrance signage is in process. ‐Architectural & engineering services are in process for the Library. ‐Work is ready to begin on the CCLC playground and refurbishment of the Science & Technology building. ‐Work at Cranberry will be put off until next year. 2 Bill O’Brien ‐Kip Deleonibus met with IMSN and he recommends we discontinue the contract with them. A letter was sent to IMSN stating such. No word back from IMSN to date. ‐Kudos to Lisa Campbell, Tom Baughman, Tracie Nehilla and staff for $37,125 in contracts in January. These contracts returned $18,675 to the College. ‐A Pipefitter program is running for 24 employees of Indspec. ‐Tom Baughman developed an industrial Safety Council with members from organizations located from Cranberry to Slippery Rock. Francie Spigelmyer ‐Francie, Rosemary Keasey, Scott Campbell and Deborah Kane will attend a Middle States conference on assessment in New York City next week. ‐Development of the Gas Certification training is moving forward with the assistance of two consultants as part of the XTO grant ‐Francie participated in Chris Calhoun’s water rescue training exercise this month. Professor Calhoun did an outstanding job with his students. They are receiving invaluable training in his program. ‐Francie met with the Professional Affairs Committee to discuss not only academic topics for professional development, but also the possibility of social events at the Bennitt House. ‐The work of the Middle States team thus far has been outstanding. Thanks to Sherri Mack and Alex Gladis for their leadership and to all the committee members who have engaged in this process! ‐Promotion and tenure files are currently being reviewed. ‐The Faculty Supplemental Workload Committee will meet on March 17th to review job descriptions. ‐The Advancement in Rank Committee will meet after Spring break to finish criteria review and move forward with recommendations. Thanks to all the faculty and administrators on this committee for their outstanding work. Linda Dodd ‐Ordinance No. 8 Tobacco‐free Campus will be revised to include electronic cigarettes. ‐The Dean of Admissions search is in process. Jim Hrabosky ‐The Executive committee approved the contract with Stantec for architectural and engineering services for the Library. ‐The RFI for student housing is ready to go out. ‐Jim met with Farmers National Bank about a commercial loan for the Library renovation. ‐Thanks to Dottie Los for compiling a great copier user group meeting. The ComDoc contract expires in December. ‐The insurance consultant’s work is about complete. He will present his recommendations at an upcoming Safety committee meeting. 3 Present: President’s Cabinet Meeting 3/10/14 Susan Changnon, Linda Dodd, Pat Massaro, Nick Neupauer, Bill O’Brien, Brian Opitz, Julie Sheptak, Francie Spigelmyer, Case Willoughby Absent: Jim Hrabosky, Ruth Purcell Nick Neupauer ‐Nick reviewed the schedule for the Cabinet retreat in June. Visits to Montgomery County Community College and Delaware County Community College have been confirmed. ‐Scott Docherty of CID Associates, Inc. of Sarver will attend the 4/04 Cabinet meeting to discuss bullet‐ proof whiteboards and how they can be used in the classroom during an incident. ‐Nick is preparing to write his annual self‐evaluation for the Board of Trustees. He requested various documents from Cabinet to be referenced in the self‐evaluation. ‐3/28 Annual meeting of the Community Development Corp. Nick is speaking at this event. ‐Elizabeth Bolden, President and CEO of the PA Commission for Community Colleges, will be the keynote speaker at Commencement. ‐Nick and Jim are discussing the 2014‐15 tuition policy with the Finance committee. Case Willoughby ‐The search committee working on the Dean of Admissions did an awesome job. Thank‐you to the HR staff for their work. ‐Ivory Dunlap, Rob Snyder and Case will attend the ACPA conference for student affairs professionals on 3/30‐4/02. ‐A meeting was held to discuss payments and deregistration. We are working on a new plan. ‐There are many concerns about students registering during the first week of classes. Do we want to continue permitting this? ‐Award Day was held on 3/04. Thanks to Nick, Patty Colosimo, Josh Novak, Sherri Rigby and Rob Snyder for a very nice event. ‐The Retention committee’s data collection is complete. It is currently being analyzed. Pat Massaro ‐The all‐campus email describing the new locksets was sent out and will be resent today. Trainings will be held: March & April off‐campus sites (except Brockway) April 10 faculty May building monitors June Brockway ‐Mandatory Police training is taking place this week. ‐All off‐campus sites have a Police presence throughout the week. Susan Changnon ‐Susan received requests for a television show and a movie to be shot on the main campus. Movie: If approved, the movie trailer will be filmed in March/April, with the actual movie filmed next winter. All of the “to dos” were discussed regarding insurance, facilities requests, Police coverage, etc. Susan will forward the request to Steve Catt. 1 Television Show (Farm Kings): The episode is requested to be filmed in April in the Hospitality kitchen. A baking competition is being held by Farm Kings and the winner will be hired to work in the family bakery. This request has also been forwarded to Steve Catt. ‐4/29 CCLC groundbreaking at 11:00 a.m. There will be eight children, Nick, Judy Zuzack, Ruth Purcell and Paul Harris participating. The Butler Eagle will cover the story. ‐A brochure geared specifically to parents will be created for Admissions to use for recruiting. ‐We need to consider building the mini semester into the schedule. ‐Susan will attend the annual CUPRAP conference next week. ‐Jessica Matonak is working on the fall credit schedule. ‐Videos for the Recognition dinner will be held in the T Building Annex on 4/10, 4/11 & 4/14. ‐A 50th anniversary meeting was held. Suggestions for activities included: staff spelling out “BC3” with a drone taking a video of it; an event in the forum (band, bonfire, etc.) on 10/10/14; open house on 10/23/14; an event in the Succop Theater on 3/03/15. Financial needs for the 50th anniversary: commemorative Facets; banner design; dedication of the new entrance sign in August; ad campaign; recreation of vintage photos. Brian Opitz ‐Brian met with Stantec and discussed the next steps in the Library renovation project. Meetings with Library staff, Student Services staff and some Cabinet members are forthcoming. ‐Brian presented several renderings of a new main campus entrance sign as prepared by DPH Architects. The project will be sent out for bid in April. Linda Dodd ‐The 2014 adjusted work schedule begins on 3/17/14. ‐Annual evaluations of secretarial/clerical and campus police will take place soon. ‐The Dean of Admissions interviews and open forums are scheduled for 3/20 and 3/27. Francie Spigelmyer ‐Francie distributed the "Degree Completion Rubric for BC3 Campus Site Approval” for review and comment. ‐Scott Campbell, Deborah Kane, Rosemary Keasey and Francie attended the Middle States Assessment conference on 3/03. ‐The Middle States Committee is doing outstanding work on our Self‐Study Design! Dr. Ellie Fogarty, BC3's liaison, will visit on April 24, 2014. ‐Tenure and promotion meetings are in process. ‐Classroom observations and training are underway. Online course work review will begin in a few weeks. ‐Professional Affairs is interested in hosting a social at 278 Old Plank Road. ‐A faculty luncheon will be scheduled to discuss BC3 course work that includes global competencies. ‐Rosemary Keasey and Francie are scheduled to make a presentation on adjunct faculty at the AACC conference in April. ‐Francie met with the WPA Consortium VPAAs. 2 Bill O’Brien ‐Kip Deleonibus, Director of Public Safety Training (PSTF) Programs, has tasked the public safety training staff to create a plan that embeds the Advanced Disaster Management Simulation (ADMS) training system into credit and non‐credit classes. ‐A total of 510 students were trained at the Public Safety Training Facility during the months of January and February. ‐EMS and Police Training division‐‐a profit of $25,889 was realized for the months of January and February. A total of 33 courses were offered during January and February; 309 total students were served. ‐Fire Training division‐‐as of February 28, the year‐to‐date total number of training classes that were conducted is 171 with a year‐to‐date total fees collected of $54,089. ‐The new Introduction to Nonprofit Management certificate program began on January 21, at the main campus. Thirteen students are enrolled. ‐The first Industrial Safety Council Meeting for Butler County recently took place. Kudos to Tom Baughman for getting this group organized for meetings. ‐The Business Training Division is providing training to Indspec Chemical in Petrolia. A customized Pipefitters training program has been developed over the last year for approximately 48 of their employees. ‐Classes have been scheduled for March for the Industrial Mechanics course for the Energy Production Technology Certificate. There are eleven individuals enrolled. ‐A training program providing Car Fire/ Dumpster Fire Response Training for malls and retail outlet malls has been developed. ‐As of February 25, at total of 58 students have successfully completed the GED since July 1, 2013. ‐Lifelong Learning‐‐total tuition realized for January and February was $27,853. A total of 453 seats were enrolled for the two months. ‐Total number of College Within the High School classes is 30 and the total number of seats is 386. ‐Seat count at BC3@Brockway is 150, eighteen classes are running. ‐Brianne Ryen was hired as the new Student Service Specialist at BC3@Brockway ‐The student lounge enhancements made possible by a grant from the Lawrence County Commissioners at our BC3@Lawrence Crossing Center are close to completion. ‐“Bridges out of Poverty” with Human Services personnel throughout the County was scheduled for March 7. ‐An Energy Symposium with BC3 hosting in partnership with the Butler Chamber is scheduled for March 13. ‐Bayer Nonprofit Center Management Seminar for Butler Agency Executive Directors and Board Members is scheduled March 14. ‐The BC3/Butler Fire Chiefs agreement has been amended to include an additional eight acres that BC3 allotted for use for Public Safety Training classes. ‐Through a $3,000 grant from the Butler County Fire Chief’s Association, the staff at the PSTF is building new training props. The props are for a firefighter survival class to be taught to firefighters from MSA that includes several students from South America. The props are called “wire entanglement” and “smoke maze”. ‐The Public Safety Division is working with the Philadelphia Fire Department to provide Technical Rescue Training. ‐Paul Lucas has been researching and compiling a business plan that would allow BC3 to manage the Adult Education Program at the Butler Area Vocational and Technical School. This Business Plan will be presented to the Vo‐Tech Director soon. 3 Present: President’s Cabinet Meeting 4/15/14 Susan Changnon, Linda Dodd, Jim Hrabosky, Pat Massaro, Nick Neupauer, Bill O’Brien, Brian Opitz, Ruth Purcell, Julie Sheptak, Francie Spigelmyer, Case Willoughby EMSI Webinar Mike Hall made a presentation on his company, Economic Modeling Specialists, Inc. EMSI helps colleges evaluate programs based on the best possible employment outcomes. By aligning curriculum to the needs of the community, colleges will have the best possible impact on the workforce and economy of the regions they serve. EMSI uses these same data elements to help colleges reach out to students and potential students through their website, illustrating the connections between their programs and concrete labor market outcomes. EMSI’s full‐fledged Economic Impact Study helps institutions articulate the impact they have on the local economy and workforce. In addition, EMSI has started to pull together résumés from CareerBuilder to produce an analysis of the performance of past graduates — whom they work for, where they work, how much they make, and what programs they took. This is a report that helps to detail the College’s labor market outcomes. Mission, Vision and Goals Review It is time for the five‐year review of the Mission, Vision and Goals. A Mission Review committee will be established in the fall. Faculty and staff will be asked to comment on the Mission statement. Goals statements will not be considered at this point unless there are changes to the Mission and Vision statements. Also, a Strategic Plan committee will be appointed and begin work in the fall of 2015. The committee will deliver a strategic plan that will be deployed in July of 2016. New Position Requests Linda reviewed the new requests as well as the carryover requests from last year. Edits will be made to the list based on Cabinet’s input. Linda will present the updated list at the May 5, Cabinet meeting for prioritization. Campaign The campaign is progressing with Nick and Ruth attending meetings and receiving commitments. Welcome Day Fall 2014 We need to work on developing connections between students at Welcome Day. This will be discussed over the summer and woven into the day. Case distributed a draft of the Welcome Day agenda scheduled for August 22. Student Fee Project Case distributed student input for use of $60,000 in comprehensive fee money on the main campus. The top choice is a pavilion to replace (or in addition to) the forum. This is not enough money to build a pavilion, but waiting another year would increase the funds available to put toward it. Also, a pavilion is 1 on the Master Plan. Case will do a student Survey Monkey in the fall about the pavilion. He will also talk about this at an upcoming Finance committee meeting. Nick Neupauer ‐There was discussion about the safety presentation from CID Associates, Inc. Pat and Brian will make a recommendation to Nick in two‐three weeks. ‐A trustee work session is scheduled for June 25, from 4:30‐7:30 p.m. Case Willoughby ‐To date, summer enrollment is down 12% over this time last year. Most of the PA community colleges are reporting a decline. ‐Fall enrollment is currently down 14%. ‐Bob Morris is the new Dean of Admissions. He will begin on May 12. Thank‐you to the HR staff for their work in this search. Pat Massaro ‐Faculty training on the new door locks is complete. ‐Pat will meet with the building monitors next week. ‐Pat met with the Butler High School Principal and the Chief of Security to discuss the upcoming prom. Susan Changnon ‐Industrial Safety Training is being added to the Public Safety schedule. ‐Renate Mueller is the 2014 Commencement featured student. Her story will appear in the Butler Eagle. ‐Thanks to all the directors for identifying featured graduates from all sites. ‐Susan attended a recent conference session by SafeColleges. It is an online training and compliance management system specifically designed for campus staff. ‐To date, Susan has received 25 responses to the CCLC groundbreaking. ‐Thank‐you to the 15 honorees who participated in the recognition dinner videos. Brian Opitz ‐Projects in process: Science & Technology building CCLC Library Main entrance sign Linda Dodd ‐Linda presented information about a BC3 night at PNC Park this summer. The tentative date of June 19 was selected. Linda will work on this and report back to Cabinet. ‐The Above and Beyond Award process is going well. The awards will be presented at the May 1 Employee Recognition Dinner. Francie Spigelmyer ‐Kiwanis of Cranberry is presenting “Early Childhood Learning‐Investing in our Future: A Symposium” on May 14 at BC3 @ Cranberry. The event is free and will include guest speaker, Dr. Mary Beth Spore, Dean of Education at St. Vincent College in Latrobe, PA. Adjunct faculty members, Sari Harris and Annie Lindsay will present related topics during breakout sessions as part of the event. 2 ‐Rosemary and Francie presented “Ambiguous Partners: The Completion Agenda and the Role of Adjunct Faculty” at the AACC convention in Washington, DC. ‐Final plans are set for the MSCHE visit on April 24, 2014 ‐Bill Lucas, consultant for BC3’s energy curriculum, is evaluating course content for experimental course offerings in the fall. ‐BC3 students, Chelsea Relich and Jacob Frantz, participated in the financial literacy panel sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh based on the book, The Missing Semester, utilized in Melissa Philson’s Human Growth and Development course. This is the second year, BC3 served as not only a sponsor, but also had two students selected to attend. Special thanks to Melissa Philson and Juli Louttit who traveled with Chelsea and Jacob to Pittsburgh! BC3 has a financial literacy course taught by Assistant Professor Deborah Kane. Bill O’Brien ‐Bill distributed a draft of the updated 2+2 degree completion articulation rubric. ‐Per Bruce Mazzoni, the Cranberry Township Community Chest’s project for 2014 is to raise $500,000 for the following: 1. $150,000 to purchase a training trailer for the purpose of training children and businesses in fire protection; 2. $350,000 will be given to the Foundation for an endowed scholarship for volunteer firefighters. In return for the scholarship, students would be required to volunteer so many hours a week (to be determined) at one of the 33 volunteer fire departments in Butler County. ‐The Butler Vo‐Tech board approved BC3 using their welding lab. The Vo‐Tech board will also be asked to approve the Automotive Technician program. ‐Bill distributed an article about Edinboro’s Porreco Center being renamed “Porreco College” and marketed as “the community’s college.” ‐Bill reported on MSA holding public safety training on the main campus for firefighters from Central and South America. KDKA television and the Butler Eagle covered the story. Kudos to Tom Baughman, Kip Deleonibus, Wayne Kovac, Bill Rooker and Tom Sweesy. ‐Jill Martin‐Rend attended a dinner hosted by Senator Scarnati where it was announced the Educational Consortium of the Upper Alleghenies (ECUA) will offer college courses in an 11‐county area in northern PA. Jim Hrabosky ‐Textbook rental will be available online. ‐The tuition payment plan conversion is underway. ‐The student housing RFI is due today. One response has been received so far. 3 Present: President’s Cabinet Meeting 5/5/14 Susan Changnon, Linda Dodd, Jim Hrabosky, Pat Massaro, Bill O’Brien, Brian Opitz, Ruth Purcell, Julie Sheptak, Francie Spigelmyer, Case Willoughby Absent: Nick Neupauer Also Present: Patty Lambert, Dave Zarnick 2015 Jeep Parade Patty Lambert and Dave Zarnick presented information about the 6/14/15 parade. They requested to use the Main Campus as the staging area for the parade. All Jeeps must be driven in; no trailering will be permitted. Cabinet will discuss this with Nick and a decision will be made as soon as possible. Review of New Position Requests A request was made to add Police coverage at BC3 @ Brockway at 16 hours/week, along with security cameras there. Student Club Use of Theater & Founders Hall Case presented the first draft and the rationale for the waivers. All waivers are approved or declined by Nick. They will be brought to the next Cabinet meeting. 50th Anniversary Susan invited Dr. Jill Biden to speak during activity period on 3/03/15 which is the 50th anniversary of BC3’s Charter. If she accepts, Dr. Biden will be asked to speak on the national perspective on community college initiatives and also on her experience as a community college faculty member. Classes will not be cancelled for this event. Susan distributed a timeline for the 50th anniversary activities. Pioneer Proud Campaign Ruth reported the campaign is at approximately 25% of goal to date. Library Renovations Brian reported on the status. Bill O’Brien ‐Per Mike Dotts of PDE, FEMA is offering “Building a Disaster‐Resistant University.” It is a how‐to guide and also gives examples of the experiences of six universities and colleges that have been working to become more disaster‐resistant. The guide may be downloaded from ‐Bill distributed the Regional Rural Community College Initiative flyer as prepared by ECUA. The proposal has passed the State Senate and is currently in the House of Representatives. Susan Changnon ‐Armstrong confirmed they will stream Commencement on 5/21. ‐The Farms Kings television shoot is scheduled for the afternoon of 5/06 in the Hospitality kitchen. ‐The KEYS program will be featured in the Mothers’ Day issue of the Butler Eagle. 1 Case Willoughby ‐The Retention committee gathered good data from students. It will be presented to Cabinet in June. Pat Massaro ‐Security issues are increasing with much time spent at BC3 @ Lawrence Crossing. This puts a strain on other sites. We need to look at what we will do in the fall as similar issues are expected to continue. 2 Present: President’s Cabinet Meeting 5/20/14 Susan Changnon, Linda Dodd, Jim Hrabosky, Pat Massaro, Nick Neupauer, Bill O’Brien, Brian Opitz, Ruth Purcell, Julie Sheptak, Francie Spigelmyer, Case Willoughby 2015 Jeep Parade The parade will be held on 6/14/15 and the Main Campus will be the staging area. Food vendors will be available for the participants. Jim will talk to Barry Cummings of Cummings Candy and Coffee House for his interest in participating in some way. Cabinet Meeting Dates 6/25 7/30 9/03 7/15 8/18 2015 Recognition Dinner Date 4/30/15 278 Old Plank Road Concerns Let the President’s Office know if you have anything to display at the house. There is currently no clear separation between office and social areas. There was discussion about placing a door in the hallway leading to the offices. Food prep space is also needed. Custodial coverage and soundproofing were also discussed. Student Club Use of Theater & Founders Hall These locations are expensive to operate. Case distributed a draft Fee Waivers or Reductions for Use of Succop Theater or Founders Hall by Recognized Student Clubs and Organizations. After a few editorial changes, this will be published in the Student Handbook and Club Guidelines. Takeaways from Recent Conferences Susan distributed information she received at recent conferences regarding dealing with a campus crisis and the Safe Colleges web‐based training program. ‐When evacuating, take your personal items with you ‐Send out a message within 20 minutes of an incident, alerting staff/students what is going on. ‐Include students in crisis training. ‐Susan showed the Safe Colleges video about what to do in a crisis. Safe Colleges also provides web‐ based training on the topics of employment practices, environmental, HR, IT, nutrition, security, social & behavioral and transportation. 50th Anniversary ‐A video and still shot are scheduled for 9/09/14 at 12:45 p.m. Approximately 300 people are needed to spell out “BC3” on the grass near the observatory. The rain date is 9/11/14. ‐Pioneer Proud Day is 10/10/14. There will be activities on‐campus from 5:00‐8:00 p.m. for faculty, staff, students and their families (pig roast, alternative food and a band). Tickets will be handed out for the event. 1 ‐Susan ordered 750 copies of the book chronicling the last 25 years of BC3 history. Copies will be available for sale in the Bookstore and 500 are expected to be given out on 3/03/15 which is the 50th anniversary of BC3’s charter. ‐Susan will take the lead on determining the service hours that BC3 faculty, staff and students will give back to the community between 9/01/14‐9/01/15. Francie and Ruth will work on this with Susan. ‐May 2015 graduates will wear a 50th anniversary pin on their robes. Pioneer Proud Campaign All contributions received in 2013 will count toward the campaign. To date, $1.6 million has been pledged. In‐house participation is currently at 37%. International Students Bill talked with David Ho of the American Scholars group about concerns. Case will send agenda items to Bill to share with Mr. Ho. A meeting will be scheduled for 6/18/14 for Mr. Ho to meet with Nick, Francie, Bill, Jim, Ruth and Bob Morris. Review of New Position Requests Cabinet discussed the requests one more time. Nick and Jim will review and report back to Cabinet what requests can be filled. Nick Neupauer ‐We are subscribing to EMSI. Sunday Faseyitan and Sharla Anke will be the point people for training. ‐Nick accepted an offer to join the board of the Community College of the Appalachians consortium. 2 Present: President’s Cabinet Meeting 6/25/14 Susan Changnon, Linda Dodd, Jim Hrabosky, Pat Massaro, Nick Neupauer, Bill O’Brien, Brian Opitz, Julie Sheptak, Francie Spigelmyer, Case Willoughby Absent: Ruth Purcell Also Present: Lisa Campbell, Bill Lucas, Karen Zapp Preparation for XTO Presentation Bill Lucas made a presentation on Phase II of the XTO grant with the College. Discussion topics included: ‐Does the College want an exclusive energy partner? ‐Who is the best energy partner and why? ‐The “all‐in” approach to energy production that includes BC3 offering an education program and functioning as a training resource. ‐Timeline Debrief of Cabinet Retreat Montgomery’s one‐stop‐shop and Delaware’s call center are very developed and impressive. The College will explore these models in the fall. Board Lunch Presentations September 17 Student Orientation October 15 PSTF tour & presentation December 17 New Nursing curriculum January 21 Web site March 18 My Math Lab April 15 Economics America May 20 Academic Programs June 17 Con‐Ed Programs Respective Cabinet members are to notify staff of this opportunity. Degree Completion Meeting Bill reported on the 6/17 meeting. Interested colleges and universities will submit RFP proposals by 8/17 with a fall 2015 start time. Nick Neupauer ‐A Trustee Work Session is scheduled for 6/25. Discussion topics include bylaw review; Mission & Vision feedback; board self‐assessment and student housing. ‐A meeting was held with David Ho of the American Scholar group. International students were discussed. Mr. Ho currently has housing available for international students attending high schools in Lawrence and Mercer Counties. Therefore, if we proceed, it would be best to have the students attend the Lawrence Crossing and LindenPointe sites. ‐Most new position requests will remain on hold due to the current decrease in fall enrollment. The exceptions are: Public Safety Secretary; all those currently paid $7.75/hour will go to $8.00/hour; the hourly rate for tutors will increase. 1 ‐Nick and Francie attended a PASSHE/community college planning meeting on 5/30. ‐Nick met with Gary Gulla to discuss an opportunity for an entrepreneurship program at the LindenPointe incubator site. Case Willoughby ‐To date, fall enrollment is down 8.5 percent as compared to this time last year. ‐Applications for fall admission increased by 25 percent in comparing 5/13/13 to 5/14/14. ‐The Registrar’s search is in process. Twenty‐one applications have been received. ‐The Welcome Day committee is considering doing a flash mob during lunch for the students/parents on 8/22. ‐Leadership Butler is holding a “Hog Wild” fund raiser at the Atrium on 6/26. Proceeds benefit the Victim Outreach Intervention Center (VOICe) in Butler County. Pat Massaro ‐There was a lockdown at BC3 @ Brockway on 6/24. It was a safety precaution due to an issue in Brockway. It had nothing to do with BC3. Susan Changnon ‐LindenPointe signage is complete. Thanks to the Signage committee. ‐Congratulations to Maggie and Josh Slater on the birth of their daughter on 6/23. ‐There will be two “debt‐free” commercials running for seven weeks beginning on 7/10. ‐The “Last 25 Years” book was sent to the publisher. Thanks to Nick, Ruth, Shari Berg and Eric Pedersen. ‐Nicole Barnes and Amanda Fleming are working on 50th anniversary needs. ‐Thanks to Morgan Rizzardi for writing the new parent brochure. ‐Jess Matonak is doing more with LinkedIn. There are ways to use it for fund raising and recruitment. Jess met with Erin Cioffi and Mary McGinnis about this. ‐Thanks to Dennis Birkes and Joe Matthews for the Commencement streaming; 174 watched live and 281 have tuned in since. These numbers are an all‐time high for viewing. ‐Kudos to Ivory Dunlap and Karen Jack for doing a great job on the radio recently. Brian Opitz ‐Brian gave an update on the current projects. A meeting with the Library architects (Renaissance III) is scheduled for 7/02. They have been on the campus several times and are ready to proceed. Francie Spigelmyer ‐The Promotion committee’s work is about complete. ‐Francie participated on an anthropology dig with Alex Gladis and his students on 6/21. Congratulations to Alex for a wonderful day and for his tremendous knowledge that he shared. Bill O’Brien ‐A press conference is scheduled for 7/01 at the PSTF to announce the Cranberry Twp. Community Chest project for the year. The goal is to raise $500,000 for a training trailer for the Cranberry Township Fire Dept. and for the creation of an endowed scholarship at BC3 for volunteer firefighters. ‐Bill distributed a 2013‐14 facilities budget summary for the Main Campus. 2 Jim Hrabosky ‐Thank‐you to Jake Friel, Sara Artzberger and Student Services staff for their work on the student payment plan and the software conversion involved in implementing the plan. The payment plan goes live on 7/15. 3 President’s Cabinet Meeting 7/15/14 Present: Susan Changnon, Linda Dodd, Jim Hrabosky, Pat Massaro, Nick Neupauer, Bill O’Brien, Brian Opitz, Ruth Purcell, Julie Sheptak, Case Willoughby Absent: Francie Spigelmyer Also Present: Steve Catt ASTRA Presentation Steve Catt made a presentation on the new ASTRA scheduling program. The facilities request form is no longer available. Room/event requests can only be made via ASTRA. Community College Horizon Network BC3 is being recruited to join the organization of professional development opportunities. CCHN comes out of the University of Michigan. Selected colleges are invited to join. A topic is selected for the academic year. They look at the “large picture” when selecting a professional development topic. BC3’s Energy Plan Nick distributed and reviewed the draft plan, which contains a Phase II proposal for XTO funding. Pioneer Proud Campaign Ruth distributed the “Gifts In” and “Pledges Balances” charts. College employee participation at 45% to date. Evening Safety Measures Pat reported that not all buildings heard the emergency message last week. The emergency message may be transmitted by microphone, landline and mobile phone. All three methods were tested afterwards and worked. Pat will meet individually with building monitors to review their responsibilities when an emergency message is announced. Kudos to Michelle Jamieson (AD building monitor) for moving everyone in upper AD to the lower level. Nick Neupauer -Nick and Jim will speak with Amy Wilson on 7/17 to discuss the Cranberry Township Community Chest money that will be used to purchase the fire training trailer. -Community colleges were awarded additional funds from the state (a 1.65% increase). The only sector of higher education to receive an increase this year is community colleges. -The establishment of a 15th community college in PA is not happening. A technical college will be established instead. A technical college is not part of the community college system. -New position requests continue to be on hold. All community colleges are reporting a decrease in enrollment from 6½ - 10%. -Clarion University dropped flat rate tuition and is charging per credit instead. Case Willoughby -There are six candidates scheduled to be interviewed for the Registrar’s position. 1 Susan Changnon -Susan presented the debt-free commercials and radio ads. The campaign begins on July 15. Thanks to LarsenO’Brien, Juli Louttit, Becky Smith, Carla Schoentag, Patty Colosimo and Jerry Johnston for their help with the campaign. -Tenure and promotion videos will be shot on 8/13. -Catalogs are due to be delivered this week. Maps and wallet cards are in process. -A 50th anniversary meeting is scheduled for today. -Susan is working on the drone photo. Brian Opitz -Utility relocation at the CCLC is going will. Layout of the playground begins today. -The T building refurbishment is well underway. -The Library architects met on-campus on 7/02. It was a good meeting. Renovation is due to be completed in April 2016. -The BH lab renovation is in process. It is a nice upgrade. -The Cranberry design is underway again. Brian will meet with Dave Harris of DPH Architects on 7/17 to discuss this. Bill O’Brien -The 2+2 partnerships are starting to come in. -Pledges to the Cranberry Township Community Chest are at $250,000 to date with $130,000 earmarked for the purchase of a fire training trailer and the balance used for scholarships. -The Kids on Campus program is going very well this year. -A meeting will be scheduled this fall with David Ho of The American Scholars Group. Those interested in attending are Nick, Case, Francie, Bill, Jim and Ruth. -Steve Catt is doing a very good job on the ASTRA upgrade. -Since charging local level fire companies $200/year for classes, we have raised $80,000. Kudos to Wayne Kovac for this. -There are five College Within the High School classes running this summer. Jim Hrabosky -The tuition payment plan is ready to go live this week. Kudos to Sara Artzberger and Jake Friel for their work on this. -Two interviews are scheduled this week for the copier RFP. Linda Dodd -Linda met with Brian, Bill and Pat to discuss the need for temporary part-time help for conferences and events. Nick approved this on-call position that will pay no more than $2,481/year. -Numerous faculty positions are in process of being filled. Ruth Purcell -Ruth received official approval to continue the EITC program. 2 President’s Cabinet Meeting 7/30/14 Present: Susan Changnon, Linda Dodd, Jim Hrabosky, Pat Massaro, Nick Neupauer, Bill O’Brien, Brian Opitz, Ruth Purcell, Julie Sheptak, Francie Spigelmyer, Case Willoughby Also Present: Steve Catt, Brayden Darnell, Sunday Faseyitan and Sarah Brooks & Bill Padnos of BotsIQ BotsIQ Steve Catt introduced Sarah Brooks and Bill Padnos. BotsIQ is a high school robotics competition. The goal of the competition is to spark interest in engineering and manufacturing. The annual competition is held at California University of PA, with preliminary competitions at Westmoreland County Community College. The competition has grown enough that BotsIQ is looking for a second preliminary location north of Westmoreland County as many of the participating high schools are from the north. Sarah and Bill have already toured the campus and believe Founders Hall would work well for approximately 20 teams to compete. The preliminary competition at Westmoreland is scheduled for March 14-15, 2015. If approved, the competition at BC3 would be held on March 5-6, 2015. The Cal U. competition is on April 24-25, 2015. This would be a considerable commitment on the part of BC3 regarding set-up and all aspects of accommodating up to 300 competitors/visitors. The competition requires about 75 volunteers with 20-30 of the volunteers being BC3 faculty and staff. Hosting this event is a direct recruiting tool. BotsIQ needs to know no later than the first of September if we intend to participate. Francie, Case and Susan will work on this and report back to Cabinet with their recommendation. Noel-Levitz Data Sunday Faseyitan reviewed the results of the student satisfaction survey that is conducted every three years. Student satisfaction was greatly improved from 2011 to 2014. Case will report on the data at the fall convocation. Francie, Case, Sunday and Susan will work on sharing this information in a publication. Convocation Speech August 21, from 8:30-11:00 a.m. in Founders Hall Speakers will include: Nick- state of the College address Francie – faculty awards; promotion & tenure videos Case – Noel-Levitz student satisfaction survey results Linda – new hires Brian – 2013-14 capital projects Susan – 50th anniversary Ruth – campaign Pat will give safety updates at faculty division meetings. Fall Cabinet Dates September 23 October 20 November 24 December 16 The meetings begin at 8:30 a.m. in Lawson. November 5 1 Erie Business School The school will close in December 31, 2014. The director is interested in a meeting to discuss transferring their students to BC3. Nick, Case, Bill, Diane DeCarbo, Rosemary Keasey and Bob Morris will meet with the director at the Erie Business School’s New Castle location on August 5. College Within the High School A question was raised if there was a minimum age to participate in the CWHS program. Age is not a factor; students must have a 3.0 QPA and be a high school junior or senior. Francie, Case, Bill, Bob Morris and Jane Dollhopf will meet with the academic Deans about this and report back to Cabinet. BIT Rebranding BIT (Behavioral Intervention Team) will now be CARE (Campus Assessment Response & Evaluation) team. WorkAmerica This is a non-profit organization whose mission is to create seamless career pathways that unite education and employment, to make it easier for American’s job seekers to get to work. They work with employers and community colleges that offer vocational education programs. Their Job Commitment Model improves job placement (of community colleges) and recruiting methods (of employers) by liaising directly between community colleges and employers. Funding comes from the participating employers; there is no cost to the colleges. Discussions continue about our participation. Pioneer Proud Campaign Commitments received @ $1.5 million Pledges @ $1.8 million Goal @ $5.5 million The Campaign steering committee met on 7/29 and agreed to a Butler event fall 2014 and another Florida event in February 2015. Many thanks to Team BC3 for their spirited and productive work on the Pioneer Proud Campaign. 50th Anniversary Update -Thanks to Kevin Loomis and Ed Stark for picking up the covered wagon. It will be stored at the PSTF. The wagon will be used in the 50th celebration activities and the holiday parade. Larry Stock, Ann McCandless and Morgan Rizzardi will coordinate decorating the wagon for the parade. The drone photo of “BC3” will be taken to the left of the main entrance, above the green. The Student Success Center is the staging area. The October 10 event for staff/family will include a band on the SSC patio; games at the former Armstrong Lodge area; five scattered fire pits to be used as s’mores stations and a BBQ dinner. The SSC will be open for restroom use. Bring your own chairs and blankets. All RSVP’s will be via email. Tickets will be issued for the meal. Everyone participating in the meal must have a ticket. The week of October 27, 2014, will be “Dress for the Decade” week. Monday=1970s, Tuesday=1980s, etc., with Friday, October 31, being a Halloween costume day. Anniversary banners will be put up within about two weeks. Nick Neupauer -The TACT grant has been extended through 2015. Be sure to let Jim and Linda know of a budget when TACT funds and other grant funding are acquired by the College. 2 Case Willoughby -Amy Double Pignatore accepted the position of Director of Records and Registraiton. She begins on October 5. Francie Spigelmyer -Adjunct faculty orientation and professional development is scheduled for August 14. Dr. David Saenz is the presenter. -The gas curriculum will be included in the mini semester. Susan Changnon -Susan distributed new wallet cards. -Through the work of the Signage committee, parking lots will be numbered. The Student Success Center lot will be #1, Science & Technology #2 and so on through the lot at the Old Plank Road entrance. -Cabinet agreed to pass on the Safe Colleges video opportunity. -Be sure to talk to your staff about making their own advertising pieces. Please run your ideas past Susan for consistency. -The “Debt Free” campaign is getting many hits on the website. -Advertising is running for “Walk-in Wednesdays.” Students are able to do everything from applying through registering in one day. Brian Opitz -Library design work will be complete in October; bids out in January/February 2015; construction begins April 2015. Bill O’Brien -Francie and Bill are scheduled to meet with Robert Morris University regarding 2+2. -The PA College of Technology trip went well. We came away with a lot of ideas about the gas and oil curriculum. Jim Hrabosky -To date, 70 students are enrolled in the payment plan. -The fall purge is scheduled for the week of August 4. -The 2014-15 budget will be available to cost center managers by September 1. Pat Massaro -Pat met with all but four building monitors to confirm their responsibilities. He will meet with the four as soon as possible. New backups were also named. -Fall Police coverage at off-campus sites is good. Any gaps will be covered with overtime. -The Safety committee met recently with Kip Deleonibus to discuss recent student injuries during a repelling class. 3 President’s Cabinet Meeting 8/18/14 Present: Susan Changnon, Linda Dodd, Jim Hrabosky, Pat Massaro, Nick Neupauer, Bill O’Brien, Brian Opitz, Ruth Purcell, Julie Sheptak, Francie Spigelmyer, Case Willoughby Also Present: Dennis Birkes Web Redesign Dennis made a presentation on the redesign. The College is at the point of buying a content manager system (CMS). OmniUpdate made a CMS presentation to the web redesign committee. It is the leading CMS provider for institutions of higher education. The web redesign committee agreed on OmniUpdate. BarkleyREI will finish their work, then turn the project over to OmniUpdate. A quiet launch of the website is scheduled for October/November. Presidents’ Retreat -The PA Commission is going through a strategic planning process with the Armistead Group. -Community colleges are using the Voluntary Framework of Accountability for performance funding. -10/29 Developmental Educators’ Summit in Harrisburg -A public launch of the Prior Learning Assessment portal will be marketed as college credit fast track. There will be a common flat fee of $125. -There are many new presidents in place at the PA community colleges. -Veterans get priority registration. At BC3, that is 200 people needing early advising. Convocation Speech Nick distributed his speech. The convocation agenda was also reviewed. Secretary of Labor & Industry Visit Secretary Julia Hearthway will visit the campus on September 18. One topic of discussion will be assisting all PA citizens obtain the job they want through the many resources in JobGateway web site. Volunteer Firefighter Initiative The members of the Cranberry Township Community Chest realized there is a dramatic drop in volunteer fire training. Their goal is to raise $300,000 that will be given to the Foundation in the form of scholarships for volunteer fire personnel. We are sending letters to 31 fire companies, inviting them to an informational meeting about the scholarship on 9/15. Pioneer Proud Campaign Pledges and money received @ $3.1 million Cabinet and Deans giving @ 100% Staff giving @ 50% Faculty giving @ 28% Donor conversations are scheduled through the next quarter. Nick Neupauer -Enrollment at off-campus sites is doing well. LindenPointe is currently showing a 35% increase over this time last year. 1 -The Jeep parade is being moved from 6/14/15 to 6/12/15. We have been contacted about our ability to still stage the Jeeps on 6/12/15. A decision will be made soon. Case Willoughby -Walk-in-Wednesdays is going well. -The Retention committee report is in process. Thanks to all who read it. -Thanks to Rob Snyder Sherry Rigby, Tory O’Donnell, Patty Colosimo, Josh Novak and the Operations staff for all of their work in preparing for Welcome Day. RSVP’s to date are 395 students and 200 parents for 8/22. -Welcome Day was held last week at the off-campus sites. Lawrence Crossing had 110 and LindenPointe had 83 in attendance. Francie Spigelmyer -Thanks to Ivory Dunlap and Pat Massaro for their presentations at the Adjunct Faculty orientation last week. Many thanks to adjunct faculty member and licensed psychologist, Dr. David Saenz, for his presentation on recognizing and working with students experiencing mental illness. There were 90 in attendance. -9/02 Francie is meeting with Dr. Tracy Vitale, Superintendent of the Seneca Valley School District, to discuss potential partnerships. -Middle States training is scheduled for 8/21. -Thanks to Lisa Campbell, Bill Lucas, Karen Zapp, Susan Changnon and Jerry Johnston for all their work on advertising for the Energy Program. Susan Changnon -Susan just completed five days of great videos of new hires, faculty tenure and promotion, as well as for Welcome Day. The videos will be shown at Convocation. -Five former students agreed to do videos for the Welcome Day audience. -Open House flyers are in process. -The energy training classes’ campaign is in process. -Susan distributed 50th anniversary activity flyers, including a photo of the recently-purchased Conestoga wagon and wooden Jeep. -Thanks to all of the members of the 50th Anniversary committee for their work. Brian Opitz -On track with the CCLC project. -The entrance sign project is ready for bid. -Cleaning of the exterior of the Science & Technology building will be complete this week. -Renaissance 3 Architects is starting to provide design information on the Library. -The upgrades to the computer rooms in BH are done. Thanks to the Maintenance, College Services and IT staffs for this renovation. Bill O’Brien -8/29 Public Utility Commission meeting held on the main campus regarding the natural gas curriculum. -Jane Dollhopf and Bill met with the PA Cyber School. They are interested in their students participating in online College Within the High School courses. This could begin in January. The PA Virtual Charter School is also interested. -Installation of emergency telephones at BC3 @ Brockway is in process. -The GED graduation ceremony was very nice with 17 of the 24 graduates from BC3. 2 Pat Massaro -Pat met with Kip Deleonibus to discuss safety at the Public Safety Training Facility. -Pat attended a Butler Fire Chiefs’ meeting to discuss training opportunities. -Pat’s staff recently tested the panic buttons. Some issues were detected and will be resolved. Ruth Purcell -8/22 Golf outing at Olde Stonewall; 100 golfers participating -9/11 President’s Scholarship Award reception. There are 40 students invited. The Bennitt House will be dedicated at this time. -9/19 Alumni Bowling for Scholars event at Family Bowlaway -10/16 President’s campaign reception -2/19-20 Florida campaign receptions -A new GED scholarship was named. 3 President’s Cabinet Meeting 9/03/14 Present: Susan Changnon, Linda Dodd, Jim Hrabosky, Pat Massaro, Nick Neupauer, Bill O’Brien, Brian Opitz, Ruth Purcell, Julie Sheptak, Francie Spigelmyer, Case Willoughby New Trustee Orientation The orientation for Gail Paserba is scheduled for October 1, at 11:00 a.m. in Lawson board room. 2015 Regatta at Lake Arthur Holly Muchnok, Event Director, made a presentation on the Regatta. The August 2014 event was the first year a full-time person was assigned to run the event. There were 9,500 attendees. SRU Parks and Recreation students, as well as summer practicum students helped work the regatta. Holly sees a partnering opportunity with BC3 via student volunteers, sponsorship and/or the Regatta’s SummersCool experience. Proceeds from the 2014 regatta will be used to enhance and re-sand the south shore beaches. Bowling for Scholars This event replaces the annual Pioneer golf outing. It will be held on Friday, September 19, at the Family Bowlaway. To date, $5,000 in sponsorships has been received. Pioneer Proud Campaign -$1.9 million in gifts received to date. -We recently received $100,000 from XTO. -Leadership level visits continue. -Team BC3 has done a great job. -Fifteen staff members filled out pledge forms after Convocation. -Overall, staff participation is at 60%, with 100% participation from Library staff. -Ruth expects to net approximately $54,000 from the Foundation golf outing. This counts toward the campaign. This year is the 20th anniversary of the golf outing. 50th Anniversary -9/03 ice cream social; giving out tee shirts for the drone photo. -Meeting with PTK to discuss digging up the 40th anniversary time capsule; displaying the contents and reburying it. -Thanks to Mike Beck, members of the 50th anniversary committee and students who are helping to refurbish the covered wagon. -Thanks to Fred Green and Kevin Loomis for hanging the 50th anniversary banners. -A proof of The Last 25 Years book is due soon. Welcome Day Report Case distributed Welcome Day data. The student evaluations showed very positive results. 2014-15 Department Budgets Discretionary budgets (53, 54, 55 & 59) have been transferred and are available to everyone. The transfer of the remaining budgets is still in process. We are still following the bottom-line budget 1 method. Jim demonstrated how to access department budgets through the portal. Any changes may be submitted to Jim or Jake Friel. Nick Neupauer -A Mission Review committee was formed. The first meeting is scheduled for 9/16. -All staff will receive an informational wallet card with an explanatory email from Nick or Sunday. -Several staff are attending the Shell Insight conference in Pittsburgh on 9/24-25. -The annual Middle States meeting is scheduled for 12/3-5, with a number of staff attending. -A student housing meeting is scheduled on 9/04 with several trustees and members of the Foundation board. -A part-time disabilities counselor position will be advertised. -A law was recently passed stating that ECUA will be a regional college that emphasizes technical programs vs. a community college. This does not impact the community colleges’ state funding. Four of their service area counties are the four that BC3 serves through the Brockway site. We are doing very well in Brockway. Case Willoughby -We are now required to offer priority registration to veterans. This is in process. -Full-time registration is up, although we are down in credits taken. -Case will graduate from Leadership Butler on 9/10. Francie Spigelmyer -Gloria Sabatelli recently attended the International Society for Technology in Education conference. -Many thanks to Bill Lucas who arranged a meeting with Public Utility Commission (PUC) to discuss the energy curriculum and to examine possible training and educational opportunities. Francie, Matt Kovac, Lisa Campbell, Bill O’Brien, Karen Zapp and Steve Laslavich also attended. -David Garnes from the Pennsylvania Department of Education/Bureau of Career and Technical Education met with Francie and Matt Kovac regarding the SOAR Program and to applaud BC3’s work on this initiative. Also, Mr. Garnes commended Matt Kovac and Karen Riethmiller for their outstanding work on the Applied Technology Certificate, which he believes will be a model for the state. -Professor David Anderson participated in the Keystone Exams session in Harrisburg, PA, from July 7-11, 2014. David was assigned to the Literature Rangefinding component. Assistant Professor Michael Dittman published two poems and a photograph in The Bridge Literary Journal., Also, Mike attended a meeting of the Textbook Advisory Committee whose purpose is to craft a bill that would make textbooks more affordable. -Congratulations to Ashlee Esplen, PTA, MS, LMT received the recognition of Advanced Proficiency for the Physical Therapist Assistant in Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy in Charlotte, North Carolina given by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) Feb. 1, 2014 – Jan. 31, 2019. Susan Changnon -The College will receive two awards from the National Council for Marketing and Public Relations for the Debt-Free ads and for the President’s Timeline. -Jessica Matonak is doing a photo contest for the Debt-Free campaign. -Jessica also wrote an article on the guitar program for the Appalachian newsletter. -Jessica and Rob Snyder have collected vintage photos and then recreated them with current students. It will be the Then and Now exhibit. -10/06 Susan will speak at the College and University Public Relations Association of PA conference on milestone anniversaries. Jessica will speak on using social media. 2 Brian Opitz -The Science & Technology building cleaning and re-caulking is complete. The difference is very noticeable. -The CCLC project is moving along well with turf and fencing yet to be installed. -The outlet structure at the PSTF pond was replaced due to rust. -A meeting with the Library architects is scheduled for 9/16. -Brian will meet with DPH Architects to discuss the Cranberry bid documents. -The main entrance signage project will be bid in November. The steel will be fabricated by AK Steel over the winter and the project will be complete by the May 2015 activities. The value of the steel will be included in AK’s gift to the campaign. Bill O’Brien -AK Steel has recently contracted for significant training; the Midwest Intermediate Unit has contracted for training as well. -There were 23 participants in the 8/13 GED graduation. -There are 23 College Within the High School classes running this fall. -There are 20 online students from Brockway. -The Butler Chamber of Commerce is opening an extension office two days per week at the Cranberry site beginning on 10/02. -Lawrence Crossing experienced a 9% increase in enrollment this semester vs. fall 2013. Susan Davis and Garrett Nogan are doing a nice job in Diane’s absence. -LindenPointe’s enrollment increased 35% this semester vs. fall 2013. -To date, seven 2+2 partnership proposals have been received. Pat Massaro -The Campus Police have a backup public address system and will test it this month. -All off-campus site have Police coverage this semester. -The Safety committee is finding fewer issues when make inspections. -The Police will undergo annual training and certifications in October. -Pat is attending division meetings to review the lock-down procedure. -Pat submitted a request to Jim for additional security cameras to be funded through the strategic plan budget. -The fitness center position is vacant. Rob Snyder is covering this with work study students. The telephone in the fitness center is currently inoperable. Ruth Purcell -A Foundation business meeting is scheduled for 9/11, followed by a reception for the recipients of the President’s Scholarship. -10/16 Reception for donors and prospective donors in Founders Hall at 4:30 p.m. -10/18 Legacy Dinner honoring Distinguished Alumni Steve Newcaster. Ed Shields will also be recognized for his many years of teaching in the non-credit area. Bob Heaton is invited to speak as well. A suggestion was made to consider asking Jay Kifo to tell his story of going from earning a GED to a Ph.D. Jim Hrabosky -There are 360 students participating in the payment plan. It was a big initiative to undertake. We need to communicate better with students about the process of how payments are automatically deducted. -Processing financial aid refunds via an “e-refund” method with TouchNet is in process. 3 -Thanks to Dottie Los, Robert Fullwood, Matt Miller and the Operations staff for their work in renovating the BH classroom & BLC. Audio visual upgrades will now be a part of the grading process for classroom updates. -Thanks to Robert Fullwood and Matt Miller for estimating the internet capacity at off-campus site. -The Coca-Cola agreement expired on 12/31/13. Jim is meeting with Pepsi on 9/08. To date, Coca-Cola has not submitted a new proposal, but one is expected. 4 President’s Cabinet Meeting 9/23/14 Present: Susan Changnon, Jim Hrabosky, Pat Massaro, Nick Neupauer, Brian Opitz, Ruth Purcell, Julie Sheptak, Francie Spigelmyer, Case Willoughby Absent: Linda Dodd, Bill O’Brien Also Present: Tina Fleeger Middle States Conference December 3-5 in Philadelphia with attendees Sharla Anke, Scott Campbell, Sunday Faseyitan, Kim Geyer, Grace Hawkins, Jim Hrabosky, Nick Neupauer, Francie Spigelmyer and Nancy Staible. Jeep Parade Pat met with the Jeep Parade committee recently with the following report: -The event is scheduled for Friday, June 12 (the College will be closed) with staging for the parade in the parking lots with additional spaces at the ball field and the Bennitt House yard. -They want to use the forum and SSC patio for vendor use. They will refurbish the forum as an in-kind donation. -The Jeep committee will handle all logistics. -This is not a BC3 event. -BC3 volunteers are not necessary. -Our responsibility is to protect our property. -BC3 Police and Operations staff will be here during the event. -The Bookstore will be open. -Significant rain prior to the event will create a problem. -Butler Airport is their backup location. -The committee will be invited back to a Cabinet meeting in early 2015 to provide an update. Erie Business College Bob Morris is working with the students who attend Erie Business College’s New Castle site. We are passing on the Erie location opportunity. Professional Day Activities and Budget -October 7 on the main campus. -Alex Gladis & Sherri Mack will give a Middle States update and include accreditation background information to benefit new faculty members. -Two hours will be devoted to a meeting of the Middle States task forces. -Breakout sessions will be held while the Middle States task forces meet from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. -Division meetings in the afternoon. Pioneer Proud Campaign Ruth distributed a chart of the campaign numbers. The Foundation has received $3.5 million in pledges to date. Thanks to Nursing & Allied Health, Finance & Administration and the Library staff for 100% participation. Thanks to the work of Team BC3, staff participation is currently at 73%. The Team will attend division meetings this semester and then take the winter off as of 12/15. Kudos to Team BC3 1 members Patty Annear, Ivory Dunlap, Jake Friel, Polly Goettler, Kevin Loomis, Dottie Los, Ann McCandless, Ruth Orloski, Melissa Philson, Maggie Slater and Kathy Sommers. 50th Anniversary -Thanks to everyone who participated in the drone helicopter video on 9/09. -October 10 is Pioneer Proud Day. The bbq picnic will be held in the forum area from 5:00-8:00 p.m. There are 400 dinner tickets available. To date, 184 tickets have been distributed. -Special thanks to staff and students Mike Beck, Becca Coffey, Olivia Cox, Caroline Holt, Jerry Johnston, Corbin McCullough, George Richardson, Tim Rodgers, Carla Steffy and Larry Stock for their work on refurbishing the covered wagon. The job is complete and the wagon is awesome. -Thanks to Scott Daubenspeck for making the Conestoga top for the Jeep sculpture’s trailer and to Scott Richardson for helping to load them into a trailer to be painted. Joe Lytle is painting the BC3 Jeep sculpture and trailer. -The following staff volunteered to emcee the Dress for the Decade fashion show each day during the week of October 27: October 27 1960s Susan Changnon October 28 1970s Ruth Purcell October 29 1980s (This one is open) October 30 1990s Case Willoughby October 31 Halloween Steve Joseph Participants will be called on stage in the Pioneer Café and a panel of judges will cast votes for the best outfits. The winner each day will receive assorted candy that was popular during that decade. -Be sure to register your volunteer hours on the “Make it Count” site at As of 9/22, there were 19 people registered with 535 hours. Mini Semester Enrollment is struggling. Bill Miller and Ruth Scott met to discuss this. They suggest running the mini semester schedule along with the regular semester schedule, but only open 10 seats at a time in the mini semester classes. Once the 10 are filled, open more seats. Cabinet agreed to do this. Also, a J term will not be offered in January. Noel-Levitz PR The Noel-Levitz report is very good news. Who is to receive a printed piece about it? This will help tell our story to the Middle States visiting team. More discussion to come on this subject. Case will talk with Bob Morris about what he wants to do with the Noel-Levitz information. Nick Neupauer -All staff members need to familiarize themselves with the College’s mission, vision, goals and strategic plan in preparation for the Middle States site visit. -10/03 New trustee orientation session at 11:00 a.m. in Lawson. -Nick confirmed several new position requests that will be filled. Case Willoughby -9/24 Involvement Fair -10/02 An IUP consultant is meeting with various staff to discuss ramping up student engagement. -10/03 Dig Pink annual volleyball game -Case is on the recently-formed Mission Review committee. When complete, the committee will forward recommendations to Cabinet. 2 -Joe Vaughan completed a report that addressed opportunities to increase enrollment in technology programs. Joe will meet with Case and Bob Morris soon. Francie Spigelmyer -Francie, Karen Zapp, Lisa Campbell, and Bill O’Brien will be attending the Shale Insight Conference in Pittsburgh on September 24-25. -Energy consultant, Bill Lucas, has arranged a meeting with Kathy Pape, President of PA American Water, to discuss possible training programs for the College. -Bill Lucas and Francie will meet with XTO to discuss the outcome of BC3’s grant proposal. -Bill, Francie, Bob Morris and the Deans reviewed the degree completion proposals. Six proposals were moved forward and will be finalized after some follow-up work with the appropriate personnel from each institution. -Faculty mentors received training for new faculty. Thank-you to Kathy Wood for assisting. -Congratulations to Amy DeVore and BC3’s Medical Assisting Program, not only for CAAHEP reaccreditation, but also for the outstanding work she does to prepare her students for the workforce. -The PA community college CAO Fall Meeting will be held this year on BC3’s main campus on 9/30. -A special thank you to Sharla Anke and Dennis Birkes for their assistance in meeting Middle States compliance regarding a newly created consumer information page for BC3’s website. Outstanding job! -Francie participated in a Magee Hospital’s Women’s Institute and Research Foundation fundraiser benefitting women’s health research programs on September 11-12. -Thanks to Joe Vaughan who is working on an excellent research project regarding issues driving declining enrollment in the architecture program and other technical majors at BC3. His work will assist the College in moving forward with academic programming. Susan Changnon -Thanks to Dennis Birkes for placing student consumer information on the web site. -Kudos to Scott MacMaster for creating online tutoring and to Dennis Birkes for putting it on the web. -Thanks to Morgan Rizzardi, Jerry Johnston & Jessica Matonak for writing/editing the text for the new Pioneer Parent Guide. -Funds were awarded from the strategic plan budget to purchase parking lot signs. The parking lots will be numbered for safety and identification purposes. -10/01 Photos will be taken of each off-campus site. -Nick and Susan are currently proofing the commemorative book. Brian Opitz -Fence work at the CCLC should be complete today. The Dept. of Public Welfare needs to inspect the area before it can be used by the children. -A Library meeting was held last week. We are back on track with dynamic designs presented by the architect. The clock tower will be moved to the oak grove with a center entrance into the Learning Commons. Brian will work on getting concept drawings for Ruth to take on donor visits. -There is a problem with the wallpaper in the Steffler board room and annex. The paper will be removed and the walls painted. -Jay Motko was recently hired in the Maintenance Dept. He replaces Jerry Lukavich who retired in June. Pat Massaro -The latest Safety and Security report was sent to the state. -10/13 Active shooter training for the Campus Police. -Scott Richardson and Pat will attend a Safety Conference at Robert Morris University next week. 3 Ruth Purcell -Thanks to everyone who participated in the Bowling for Scholars event. -The Foundation will be the leader in continuing to pursue student housing. -The President’s Scholarship reception was held on 9/11 and was a very nice event. -Team BC3’s next giveaway is a Bucco Buddies package including two tickets to a 2015 Pirates game. Jim Hrabosky -The 2013-14 audit began this week. No major issues are anticipated. -RFPs are out for an economic development vendor and a construction manager for the Library project. -Donna Pallone is purchasing hand-held scanners to be used in processing internet book sales. This is a large component of the Bookstore’s sales and the turnaround needs to be done as quickly and efficiently as possible. -The county budget presentation is scheduled for 10/02. -Kudos to Polly Goettler, Dottie Los & Ron Thompson for discovering and correcting a water company overcharge of $30,000. 4 President’s Cabinet Meeting 10/20/14 Present: Susan Changnon, Linda Dodd, Jim Hrabosky, Pat Massaro, Nick Neupauer, Bill O’Brien, Brian Opitz, Ruth Purcell, Julie Sheptak, Francie Spigelmyer, Case Willoughby Also Present: Sunday Faseyitan, Jake Friel, Juli Louttit Review of Payment Plan/Registration Procedures Jake & Juli reported the payment plan, which was launched in July, was successful for the fall semester. o A total of 410 students took advantage of the opportunity and, overall, were satisfied. o Participating students will be asked to complete a survey about their experience. o Forty students were purged. This number can be dramatically improved as students will be alerted earlier moving forward. o The payment plan aligns with the mission of affordable and accessible education. o This was a positive initiative. o When the first payment was due, 12 student remained unpaid @ $2,800. o When the second payment was due, 40 students remained unpaid at $18,000. o Jake reviewed the two payment plan options for spring 2015. Degree Completion Project Agreements being considered are: Main Campus Pitt (Administration of Justice) Youngstown State (Social Work) BC3 @ Lawrence Crossing Edinboro (Early Childhood Education) LaRoche (Psychology) Online Bellevue University Franklin University Grand Canyon University Agreements to be added: Main Campus Chatham University (Nursing) Franklin University (Business Administration) LaRoche (Psychology) Robert Morris (Organizational Leadership) BC3 @ LindenPointe Penn State Shenango (several programs TBD) -Nick will call a meeting of interested parties to further discuss on 11/04/14. A meeting with the accepted players will be held by the end of the semester. 1 High School Yield Data Nick reviewed data related to the number of students who have enrolled at BC3 from Armstrong, Butler, Clarion, Lawrence and Mercer county high schools in the past 10-12 years. Proposed New Mission Statement Case distributed the proposed mission statement. The Mission Review committee recommends the word “quality" needs to be noted in the mission. Cabinet agreed to the proposed change. The next step is board approval of the new mission statement. The proposed statement will read: “BC3 is dedicated to providing quality education, training and enrichment opportunities that are affordable, accessible and responsive to the needs of the communities we serve. The College is committed to fostering a supportive, student-centered environment that values integrity, diversity and excellence.” Sunday distributed the Report on Stakeholder Consultations 2009 and the Models for Deriving Vision and Goals Statements. Ideas for inclusion in the vision or goals statements: Nick -private giving -completion agenda -overall college experience -economic developments -signature programs -technical pipeline Bill -Rebrand our curriculum. Go back to our roots and offer true occupational two-year programs. If we determine that they cost more, then we need to assess those associated costs to the students enrolled in those programs. The time has come to target market our occupational programs. Jim Enrollment management ACTION Review the existing goals and write four or five new ones. Send your goals to Sunday by 12/08. He and Cabinet will meet on 12/15 to discuss the results. Armstrong County Nick and Bill toured a new adult education facility in Armstrong County. The Director of the Lenape VoTech (Dawn Kocher-Taylor) is interested in BC3 returning to Armstrong County and lease the space @ $30,000/year. We currently have 158 students from Armstrong County attending BC3. At one time there were 400+ students attending. ACTION Bill will schedule a follow-up meeting with Dawn Kocher-Taylor, Nick, Francie, Case and Brian. 2 50th Anniversary -Thanks to all who attended the BBQ on 10/10. Thank-you to the 50th Anniversary committee and the Operations staff for all of their work on the event. -The Jeep cutout has been well-received. Joe Lytle painted it. -Kudos to Jess Matonak & Rob Snyder who did the Then & Now photo display. -Volunteer hours are at 1,650 to date. -Susan Changnon, Ruth Purcell, Mike Dittman, Steve Joseph & Case Willoughby will be the emcees for the Dress in the Decades judging contests. -The parade application is due on 10/31. The parade is scheduled for 11/29. Nick Neupauer -11/20 Southwest regional trustee meeting in Founders Hall. -The Pioneer Proud and 50th Anniversary committees will be recognized in the spring for all of their work. -Internet and hybrid enrollment is down. Get back to Nick with the reasons why. -A recent article was published stating that BC3 is going to Sunbury, PA. That is not correct. BC3 is helping with a community college initiative as related to Luzerne County Community College. -The Foundation event is scheduled for 2/19 in Florida. -It’s time to begin holding new employee orientation sessions again. HR will conduct one per semester. -EITC money is currently used for College Within the High School and the Stock Market Game. There was discussion about using it for other purposes. Ruth will follow the proper channel for requesting additional use from the state. -A meeting will be held at the Kaufman House on 10/21 with Nick, Bill, Steve Catt, Mark Mattern and Jack Cohen of Butler Tourism. -There was discussion about the creation of a family business advisory board/creation of a family business institute. Case Willoughby -Data indicates an uptick in student participation in campus events. -Thank-you to Jake Friel and Jim Hrabosky on the registration and payment schedule. -Steelers event this evening in the Student Success Center. -10/22 Main campus Open House. -Thanks-you to Sara Artzberger and Scott MacMaster for creating a database on the Care Team. -SAEM staff along with others will discuss the report Student Success@BC3 to begin the process of identifying which opportunities to improve student success should be pursued, and in which order. Francie Spigelmyer -Thanks to Alex Gladis, Sherri Mack and Jim Hrabosky for their MSCHE updates and insights on Professional Day and to the MSCHE Task Forces for meeting to work on their respective standards. -Thank-you to Jean Shumway and the Professional Affairs committee for planning and coordinating Professional Day. Also, thanks to Travis Timmons and Julia Carney for facilitating the Magna Webinars for faculty. -Thanks to Mark Mattern and BC3 hospitality students for all their hard work on the food and its beautiful presentation on Professional Day. 3 -Francie and Ann McCandless met with Dick Rittelmann to discuss his compilation of technology issues that will affect BC3 in the future. More discussions will follow with faculty and College staff. Susan Changnon -Susan and Jessica Matonak made presentations at the recent CUPRAP conference. -We received a Gold Medallion award for the Debt Free TV ads and a Bronze Medallion for the President’s Timeline from NCMPR. -Sign Pro is currently working on the signs for the parking lots and the Bennitt House. -Thank-you to Morgan Rizzardi, Jess Matonak and Jerry Johnston for their work on the new Pioneer Parent Guide. -Dennis Birkes and Maggie Slater have gone through training on the new CMS (content management system) for our web redesign. Content migration begins soon. -Dennis Birkes and Jessica Matonak are working on the President’s Timeline. It will be complete at the first of the year. -We do not have a formal social media policy. Jessica Matonak will create one this year. Brian Opitz -A Library meeting is scheduled for 10/31. The process is going well. The architects are beginning to integrate tutoring. Brian will schedule a time for Bob Heaton to meet with Renaissance III. Pat Massaro -The Safety committee was recently recertified. -Two officers participated in the Seneca Valley safety drill held on 10/13. -Pat distributed a proposal for a position request in his department. Ruth Purcell -Thanks to everyone who attended the Legacy Dinner on 10/18. -There is currently $80,000 in EITC funds. -11/13 Dedication of the Bennitt House. Jim Hrabosky -Emergency telephones have been installed at Brockway. -Bandwidth has been expanded at LindenPointe. -Kathy Sommers is looking into installing a paging horn at the Bennitt House. -Summer IT projects are currently being scheduled. -Thank-you to Sara Artzberger for getting Web Advisor back on track; to Joe Matthews for his work on email access; to Jake Friel for the balance sheet for board members. -Jim met with Brian and Crown Castle Communication to discuss cellphone capacity issues on the main campus. Crown Castle Communication builds towers and they are proposing a 40’ mini tower on the main campus to correct the issue. The company will send Jim an agreement for consideration. 4 Bill O’Brien -Bill met with the eCenter@LindenPointe entrepreneurial group. They are looking at offering a certificate and also want to do College Within the High School. We may be able to combine the two and issue a BC3 certificate to those high school students enrolled in the program. -Kudos to Kip Deleonibus for a nice Public Safety presentation to the Board of Trustees on 10/15. -Sean Carroll accepted the position of Coordinator of High School Programming. He begins on October 27. -Beginning November 1, Mike Beck will report to Steve Catt. -There were four applications submitted for the part-time Brockway secretary position. -Bill attended the Lawrence Crossing and LindenPointe advisory board meetings held on October 17. The drone video was shown at these meetings. Kudos to Susan for a nice job on the video project. -There were 19 applications submitted for admission to the College at the Brockway Open House on October 17. Linda Dodd Linda distributed the Organizational Chart and asked that everyone review and get back to her with any revisions. 5 President’s Cabinet Meeting 11/24/14 Present: Susan Changnon, Linda Dodd, Jim Hrabosky, Pat Massaro, Nick Neupauer, Bill O’Brien, Brian Opitz, Ruth Purcell, Francie Spigelmyer, Case Willoughby Also Present: Bill Lucas, Matt Miller, Kathy Sommers Energy Update Bill Lucas made a PowerPoint presentation on 2014 energy activities including: -Design energy technology workplace certificate created. -Launched marketing campaign. -Hired energy and equipment instructors and advisor. -Secured PUC endorsement; BC3 the only institution in PA to receive it. -Host company coalition tour and funding request in December. -Many training opportunities for PA American Water and their subcontractors. -Outdated pipelines are now on an accelerated replacement schedule; more pipe layer certificates for out-of-state employees and pipeline inspection training and operator qualification certification and plumbers training. Challenges -Need a solid coalition for financial resources. -Does the current org structure support this growing business? -Determine resources needed to design a capital construction plan. -Define and track performance metrics for each company. -Allocate resources who provide customers with a single point of contact. Email Retention Update Kathy Sommers and Matt Miller spoke on this subject. We are running out of space on our servers. Stored emails takes up much space. BC3 receives 2 million emails per year. Kathy and Matt will propose a timeline for keeping emails and then they will be purged after a certain length of time. We will be working on developing a policy. After much discussion, it was agreed that emails from 20002008 that have been archived will be deleted in the near future. Staff will be notified regarding the process. Middle States Conference The agenda and other details were discussed. Holiday Lunch Plans for the 12/02 luncheon were reviewed. President’s Meeting -The PA Commission is moving forward with a strategic plan. -Other colleges are interested in our unified economic development plan. 1 Cabinet Meeting Dates (8:30 a.m. in Lawson) January 13 April 16 January 26 April 30 (9:00 a.m.) February 17 May 13 March 10 May 27 March 30 Jeep Parade -The parade is scheduled for Friday, June 12. The College is closed this day. -The Jeeps will arrive in two stages. -Some buildings will be open for restroom use. Outdoor facilities will also be available. -There will be four food vendors in the Forum. -The Jeep committee will clean and upgrade the Forum area in late spring. -The Jeep committee will provide 25 volunteers to assist with the staging of the Jeeps. -The Student Success patio will be used. -The Bookstore will be open. -Campus Police Officers will monitor the entrances to campus and walk the grounds. -An ambulance will be on-campus during the event. Library Function -Tutoring will not relocate to the Library. -An offer was made to Massaro C.M. Services for pre-construction management services. -IT and the Library will be connected. -The proposed groundbreaking is April 8, at 11:00 a.m. -Things are going very well with Renaissance III. They will make a presentation at the December board meeting. 50th Anniversary -The Spirit of Christmas parade is scheduled for November 29. Nick, Tammy and her parents will participate. -The 50th Anniversary co-chairs will meet on December 9 to discuss the March 3 event. -The anniversary book is coming along well. Nick Neupauer -Nick talked about last week's power outage. Everyone did a good job. -Nick and staff will visit to Lenape Vo-Tech and IUP Northpointe on December 10. -A meeting of the degree completion partners is scheduled for December 8. Bob Morris will be the point person. We will need to identify an evening contact as well. -A Trustee/Foundation work session is scheduled for February 5. -Nick will host a breakfast or lunch with new faculty in January. -We need to follow-up on the recent Slippery Rock University focus group meeting. -Nick will talk to Dr. Reber, president of CCBC, about identifying a cohort of five future leaders. A nominating committee will be formed. BC3 and CCBC will partner and invest in these staff members. Pat Massaro -Pat’s staff went through domestic violence training. Shortly thereafter, a domestic incident occurred on-campus and the offender was arrested. 2 -Scott Richardson is scheduled to attend crisis and hostage training at the Allegheny County Police Academy. Case Willoughby -The Enrollment Management committee meets for the first time next week. -A Student Success meeting is scheduled for December 18. It will combine academics and student services personnel. Forty-five are expected to attend. -Student participation at events continues to grow. -The Mission and Goals committee sent an email to staff, asking for feedback. The committee has scheduled meetings with two divisions to discuss this. -Thanks to Lexie Jones and Josh Novak for their work in investigating tutoring models. Brian Opitz -The main entrance sign and gate bids are due November 25. -Library work is on schedule. We will be able to condense the construction schedule with the hiring of a construction manager. -The Foundation offices will be upgraded beginning the first of December. -Lawrence Crossing code issues continue. -Brian and Nick will discuss Cranberry upgrades soon. -The UPS upgrade in IT is a significant undertaking. Francie Spigelmyer -Spring professional day planning is in process. -The work of the Middle States committees are going well. Ruth Purcell -Team BC3 did a tremendous job this semester. They are taking a break for a few months and will be back at it in 2015. Jim Hrabosky -The copier/printer upgrades will be done in December. Training will be provided. -The 2013-14 audit will be presented to the Trustees on December 3. It is a good audit with minimal findings. -An upgrade to the telephone system will be done over the Christmas break. -Dottie Los will conduct a Pepsi/Coke preference survey. The results will be discussed at a Cabinet meeting. -Nursing and Allied Health needed a new SimMan. Bookstore funds were used to make the purchase. Susan Changnon -The shell site of the web is about complete. Information will be moved to the site soon. -Jess Matonak is working on all of the spring schedules. -Jess Matonak and Dennis Birkes are working on the President’s Timeline. 3 President’s Cabinet Meeting 12/16/14 Present: Susan Changnon, Linda Dodd, Jim Hrabosky, Pat Massaro, Nick Neupauer, Bill O’Brien, Ruth Purcell, Francie Spigelmyer, Case Willoughby Also Present Tina Fleeger, Bob Morris Absent: Brian Opitz Degree Completion Follow-up Nick reviewed the notes from the December 8 meeting. Bill distributed the proposed agreement for Cabinet’s review and edits. Once Linda re-words some of the language in the agreement, Jim will forward it to our solicitor. NASA Robot Challenge Per Ruth’s discussion with Matt Kovac, BC3 will not participate in the next robot challenge scheduled for June 2015. Armstrong County There are currently 158 Armstrong County students who are enrolled at BC3. At one time, there were over 490 enrolled when BC3 had a site in the Lenape Vo-Tech. Class and office space are available at Lenape. This decision needs to be based on new revenue. Nick and several Cabinet members also toured IUP Northpointe. ACTION Jim and Bill will cost-out some of the details for the January 13 Cabinet meeting. International Student Recruitment The plan is to have a cohort of 12-15 students who will enroll in Business Administration at LindenPointe and then articulate to Franklin University at LindenPointe. Discussion included making funds available for strategic enrollment management initiatives. All of Cabinet would be asked to contribute. The funds could be used for degree completi on, recruiting on the Ohio line and energy programs. David Ho is also looking at Firefighter I & II international training. ACTION Bob Morris will research the Ohio line possibility and international recruitment agency members. Board Lunch Presentations January 21 Financial Literacy March 18 My Math Lab April 15 Economics America May 20 New Nursing curriculum June 17 Con-Ed programs 1 2015 Employee Holiday Lunch Thursday, December 3 Campaign Update 80% staff participation. $50,000 received from the Varischetti Family Incentive Scholarship. $50,000 received from George Beck. 50th Anniversary Update -Thanks to everyone who worked so hard on the parade wagon and to those who participated in the parade. -March 3, 2015, is Charter Day and it will be celebrated on-campus from 1:00-4:00 p.m. -There was discussion about burying a time capsule vs. placing it in a Plexiglas viewing area in a wall in the Heaton Family Learning Commons. ACTION Jim will talk to the architect about including space in a wall for this. Nick Neupauer -A President’s Advisory Council will be established. -Sunday Faseyitan will conduct a campus climate inventory measurement. -Case is working on an assessment process presentation. -There will be a joint meeting of the Trustees and Foundation on February 5, to discuss student housing. Pat Massaro -The Safety committee continues to meet, resulting in fewer safety concerns. -Pat gave a safety presentation to the tutoring staff. -A part-time officer is leaving and a full-time officer might leave as well. -A part-time officer was hired. The officer has 14 years of experience. Case Willoughby -To date, credit enrollment is down 4.6% over this time last year. -A student success planning meeting is scheduled for 12/18. Ruth Purcell -Thanks to Dottie Los and the Maintenance staff for their work on the office upgrade. Jim Hrabosky -Comdoc will install new copiers between December 17-January 9. -Work on the installation of a new power system for IT began on 12/15. An electrical contractor will begin work on 12/17. That portion of the job will take 17 hours to complete. Susan Changnon -Jessica Matonak is working on the fall 2015 credit schedule. -The debt-free campaign will continue into January. -Email reminders to register for spring classes will be generated on 12/16. -Content migration is the next step in the web site upgrade. 2 Tina Fleeger -Please remind your staff to get their new photo ID card as they are necessary to operate the new copiers. Bill O’Brien -Summer rentals were discussed. 3 President’s Cabinet Meeting 1/13/15 Present: Susan Changnon, Linda Dodd, Jim Hrabosky, Pat Massaro, Nick Neupauer, Bill O’Brien, Brian Opitz, Ruth Purcell, Francie Spigelmyer, Case Willoughby Also Present Bob Morris International Students Bob Morris reported on Sinclair Community College’s (Dayton, OH) experience using agents to recruit international students. They chose to use agents as they do not have the budget to place people in foreign countries. Most of their students are from China and Viet Nam. Use of agents varies on how they are compensated….a flat fee vs. paid one year of tuition. Agents prefer being paid a flat fee. However student scholarships impact the agents’ percentage. They do not have residence halls which was a strategic decision on their part. Wright State University is a neighbor of Sinclair. Sinclair has a dual agreement with Wright. Students are not forced to attend Wright, but if they do, Wright opens their residence halls to the students. Sinclair plans to sign agreements with other four-year institutions in order for students to offer students a full college experience. Sinclair currently has 180 international students with three full-time international staff. Bob also spoke with La Salle University (Philadelphia, PA) about their use of agents. La Salle pays a flat fee of $2,500 but the fee will be increased soon in order to compete with Drexel University. La Salle hires agents through the American International Recruitment Council (AIRC) as AIRC is accepted by all players in the international student arena and AIRC keeps everyone one a level playing field. La Salle warned that much time will be spent with agents on the telephone and to be leery of agents promising exclusivity. Our concerns with international students are: -the cost of tuition -F1 visas (held by full-time degree-seeking students) and whether the F1 accepts the American English Institute courses as part of full-time degree-seeking. Morgan Rizzardi is our point person on main campus. Off-campus contacts are Mary Kay Bernat at LindenPointe, Garrett Nogan at Lawrence Crossing and Lauren Buchanan at Cranberry. Degree Completion Program Follow-up Mike Hnath tweaked the document. Evening Administrators Should we go forward with evening administrators again, we need to identify four people to cover the evenings one night per week as well as Degree Completion program coverage. Case will work on this. Degree Completion Program Suite Brian and Case made a presentation on where to house the Degree Completion offices. They focused on moving the KEYS office space down a bit from the current location. The Degree Completion offices will be located across the lobby from Admissions. There will be three university offices, a waiting area and a computer area. Cathy Baranowski will cover this area. Cabinet and Bob Morris agreed to the proposed 1 arrangement. Bill Lucas will be impacted. He will move to Con-Ed. The CUBE office will be moved upstairs to a student club room. What will the Degree Completion suite be called? “University Center” is the standard term. Think about other names as well. Case thanked Bob Morris for all of his work in researching the possibility of international students at BC3. Armstrong County Numbers Bill distributed an Armstrong County Feasibility Report. He reviewed the history of our relationship with Armstrong County. We have had a presence at the Lenape Vo-Tech School since 1982. We increased the personnel presence from 1990-2002. We need 100 new students with an average credit load to support Bill’s proposed budget. He proposed offering eight day and 12 night classes to support General Studies and Business Administration programs. We are permitted to offer as many evening classes as possible. We would sign a two-year lease. Next steps: Develop a schedule. Francie will discuss this with the Deans and also have a conversation with IUP. Bill will review the population numbers in Indiana County. The Middle States component will be addressed. Nick, Jim and Bill will look at the budget and then make a presentation to the Trustees. Professional Day Nick reviewed his talking points and the Middle States Institutional Assessment. He will discuss developing a campus advisory board include to include representation from all areas of the College. Athletic Hall of Fame A commemorative wall will be installed in the Field House in March or April. President’s Meeting Update The joint PASSHE and community college working groups are in process. Francie represents the community colleges as the chair of the CAO group. Other working groups are PR Messaging, Access & College Readiness, Transfer and Data. Case will participate on Access & College Readiness. Prior Learning Assessment has a website up and running. This is a macro approach from the PA Commission level. Denise Collins of Montgomery County Community College is responsible for the PLA statewide initiative. She will attend the next Cabinet meeting on January 26 to report on the website, fees, etc. Governor Wolfe appears to be a big proponent of community colleges. Phi Theta Kappa is participating in the initiative, “Commit to Complete.” A meeting is scheduled with BC3, Beaver & Westmoreland County Community Colleges and Pitt on 3/02 to discuss a newly created Future Leadership Institute. Westmoreland invited BC3 and Beaver (staff & trustees) to tour their new Advanced Technology Center. This will also take place on 3/02. 2 50th Anniversary Update -3/03 Anniversary celebration – Susan reviewed the agenda for the day. -Weather permitting, the covered wagon will be on display for photo opportunities. -Commissioners Eckstein & Pinkerton will attend. A proclamation from the County will be presented. -Rob Snyder will coordinate the sale of 50th anniversary items in AK Lobby and the Bookstore. -Tom Wotus will play the piano in AK Lobby. -The students are working on the time capsule. The contents will be exhibited in the Phillips Gallery on 3/03 and buried at a later date; possibly in Bartok Circle. -Celebration events will be streamed to the off-campus sites. Off-campus guests will be invited to visit their site vs. coming to main campus. Susan Changnon -Maggie Slater & Dennis Birkes are working on the web site content migration. The web site resizes for tablets and mobile phones. -Jessica Matonak is working on the President’s Timeline. -The book covering BC3’s 50-year history is about complete. -Jerry Johnston is working on the spring open house. -Massaro Construction is drafting a press release about securing the library project. Case Willoughby -To date, 114 responses have been received for the spring Welcome Day event. -A Student Success meeting was held on December 18. There were 50 in attendance who analyzed opportunities for student success as identified in the Student Success Report. Thank-you to Nick, Francie & Bill for their participation. -The strategic enrollment management committee met for the third time. The first goal is the need for better data. The committee will meet with Kathy Sommers & Scott MacMaster about this. Brian Opitz -The Library architects met with the construction manager. It was a good meeting. A core meeting is scheduled for next week with the architect. The cost estimates are favorable. -A signage contract was signed. -The lab installation at LindenPointe went well. -Brian is scheduled to meet with DPH Architects to discuss the Cranberry upgrade. - Kudos to Matt Miller for his great work on the UPS installation project. Bill O’Brien -The Adult Literacy grant is complete. -The BOTS IQ event will be held on the main campus on 3/06. -Bill will serve on the Lawrence/Mercer County WIB board. -Bill will serve on the senior leadership board of LERN. Jim Hrabosky -A contract was signed with Fourth Economy for the Unified Plan for Butler County. -We are now a Pepsi campus. Nick Neupauer -Nick has been asked to comment on President Obama’s federal initiative on community college tuition. 3 -A joint meeting of the trustees and Foundation board is scheduled for 2/05 to discuss student housing with Arctecon consultants. -Bill McCoy of Digital Technology sent Nick a letter about placement of a U.S. flag/pole on the main campus. Brian will investigate this. 4 President’s Cabinet Meeting 1/26/15 Present: Susan Changnon, Linda Dodd, Pat Massaro, Nick Neupauer, Bill O’Brien, Brian Opitz, Ruth Purcell, Francie Spigelmyer, Case Willoughby Absent: Jim Hrabosky Also Present: Jake Friel, Rosemary Keasey, Matt Kovac, Ann McCandless, Pat Mihalcin, Bill Miller, Josh Novak, Amy Pignatore, Morgan Rizzardi, Kim Smith Prior Learning Assessment Denise Collins of Montgomery County Community College spoke on the PLA grant. She is the community college representative for the statewide initiative. Only $2.5 million of the $15 million grant was approved by the state. The money went to Montgomery as the lead college. The objective is to make PLA widely available in a statewide common framework. In April 2013, a work group was developed to come up with a plan of common language. In June 2013, a survey was sent to colleges to develop an inclusive listing of PLA options. Overarching principles were developed; similar to what Middle States uses. The work group continued to meet monthly for the next year. In December 2014, the site was launched – Denise walked the group through the site. Each college should have an administrator of the site. The administrator will have a list of the students who have proceeded with the portfolio option. Our administrator is the Associate Director of Admissions (Morgan Rizzardi). The PLA process: o Interested students submit a request to the Associate Director of Admissions. o If the Associate Director sees potential, she meets with the student. o The student speaks with the appropriate Academic Dean. o Once approved by the Academic Dean, the portfolio development process then begins. Payment $125 is the standard portfolio evaluation fee per course. This gives the student the opportunity to move forward and receive credits. The fee is paid after the student receives the okay to build a portfolio from the Academic Dean. There is no additional tuition charge. It costs $50,000/year to maintain the website through the duration of the grant. The grant ends on 9/30/16. Afterwards, possibly the PA Commission can assume responsibility for the site and assess fees to each college. 1 Payments will be issued quarterly to each college from Montgomery. Webinars are available this week about how to use the screens. Degree Completion Partners’ Meeting The meeting is scheduled for 2/25 from 11:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m. in Founders Hall. Leadership Institute Meeting/ Tour of WCCC’s Advanced Technology Center The executive teams of BC3 and CCBC have been invited to attend a Leadership Institute meeting at Westmoreland County Community College on 3/02 at 9:30 a.m. Following the meeting, a tour of their Advanced Technology Center will be provided. Trustees are also invited to attend the tour at 1:00 p.m. Center for Community College Development Visit Representatives from this organization will meet with Nick and tour Cranberry, LindenPointe and Lawrence Crossing on 3/09. They will also attend the 3/10 President’s Cabinet meeting. CCBC Tours of LindenPointe & Lawrence Crossing Member of CCBC’s executive team will meet with Nick and tour LindenPointe and Lawrence Crossing on 3/11. Armstrong County Bill distributed the “Next Steps” timeline and talked about a presence at Lenape Vo-Tech vs. IUP Northpointe. Francie will research the time it takes to get a substantive change approval from Middle States and if Lenape will be a location, site or center. College Goals/Metrics & Vision Sunday reviewed the latest version of the goals as discussed at the 12/15 Cabinet meeting. After a few changes today, Julie will forward the updated document to Cabinet and Sunday. Please share this with your staff as informational. Also, discuss this with your Deans and Directors. A vision statement will be crafted at the 3/10 Cabinet meeting. The vision and goals will then be presented to the Board for adoption. Campus Climate Survey As a follow-up to Nick’s presentation at the spring convocation, Sunday presented several survey options for the college community. Cabinet agreed on a Noel-Levitz Employee Satisfaction Survey. It measures satisfaction, culture and climate. Additional questions may be added to the standard survey. Cabinet will send their additional questions to Sunday and then he will then bring the prepared survey to Cabinet for discussion. 50th Anniversary Update -Chris Calhoun suggested placing the time capsule near the mace at Commencement. A tassel would be put into the capsule during the Presentation of the Tassel portion of the ceremony. Cabinet agreed to this. -Anniversary Day invitations have been sent (50% mailed and 50% emailed). Campaign Update -A steering committee meeting is scheduled for 1/27 to discuss naming opportunities and when to move the campaign into the public phase. 2 Susan Changnon -Susan distributed Open House flyers for Main, Lawrence Crossing, LindenPointe & Brockway -To date there are 5,300 Make It Count volunteer hours logged. Case Willoughby No report. Brian Opitz A Library meeting is scheduled for 1/28 at Cranberry. Bill O’Brien The idea of an Engineering Technology certificate program for high school students is being considered. Matt Kovac is instrumental in this. Butler superintendent Dale Lumley is very supportive of the idea. A proposed curriculum was distributed. Pat Massaro -Pat and Officer Richardson are scheduled to attend training sponsored by the FBI and made available to members of the College and University Police & Security Association. -Officers Pearson and Richardson are scheduled to attend crisis response and civil rights training, also sponsored by the FBI. -Pat will attend the College & University Summit at SRU in March. Linda Dodd Please respond to the New Hire Orientation invitation you received. Francie Spigelmyer No report. Ruth Purcell -Thank-you letters have been received from the Varischetti scholarship recipients. -A golf meeting is scheduled for 1/27. 3 President’s Cabinet Meeting 2/17/15 Present: Susan Changnon, Linda Dodd, Jim Hrabosky, Pat Massaro, Nick Neupauer, Bill O’Brien, Brian Opitz, Ruth Purcell, Francie Spigelmyer, Case Willoughby Also Present: Matt Kovac STEM Premier Don Tylinski, Shea _____ and ______ made presentation on their company, STEM Premier. STEM Premier is a web site that helps students who excel at science, technology, engineering and math connect with the colleges and corporations who are looking for them. Students create profiles where they showcase what makes them awesome. The annual membership fee is $5000 for post-secondary and $8000 for corporations. The first year would be no charge for BC3. Don reported that technical schools in South Carolina, Missouri and Indiana are advising their high schools to get on-board with STEM Premier so the technical schools can recruit their students To do: We hold a presentation event for our students to show them how STEM Premier works. This semester is a good time (after spring break through mid-April.) We have already identified 135 students in Natural Science/Technology with 12 credits, a minimum of 2.3 GPA and enrolled in the 2015 spring semester. This includes occupational and transfer students. 30% of our current students are in occupational programs---about 1,000. STEM Premier provides an administrative dashboard as well. After discussion, there were still many questions. STEM Premier has been diluted with the addition of business and medical vs. just STEM courses. The annual fee is considerable as compared to using LinkedIn. ACTION: Francie, Case and Matt will discuss this with Nick after Nick hears back from Don Tylinski. Customer Service Training Jerry Andree (Cranberry Township Supervisor) recently sent staff to Florida to attend the Disney Institute’s customer service training. He is interested in bringing the training here as it is a fantastic opportunity. He is looking for co-sponsors because the fee is $39,500 for the training, plus expenses. Jerry inquired about our interest (as well as inviting the other local community colleges). Bill distributed an expense worksheet with three option levels. Bill recommends option two which includes an additional 90 minute training session at no charge for 200 people if we are a sponsor. Option two requires four partners. Potential partners were suggested – Butler Chamber, Cranberry Township and Butler Hospital. We cannot move forward without three additional partners. Dates for this event were 1 discussed. Holding the main session on October 5 and the 90-minute session on October 6 (Professional Day) was suggested. Possibly offer an educational discount for the western community colleges and the standard price for business & industry. To do: Nick will check with the western presidents about planning their own professional day schedule if they choose not to participate in this training. Francie will check with the Regional Learning Alliance regarding our Professional Day commitment. Armstrong County Bill distributed the Armstrong County schedule. It includes eight day classes and eight evening classes. He included the staff schedule for a full-time Student Service Specialist and a full-time Secretary. Bill is scheduled to work there two days per week as well. At this point, vacations, sick days and emergencies will be covered by Mary Kay Bernat (for the Student Services Specialist), Cindy Lewis (for the Secretary) and off-campus directors (for Bill). It was suggested that Student Affairs staff could help out with coverage. The budget is $269,433. This is similar to Brockway without rent and the cost of the director. The programs to be offered are General Studies, Psychology and Business Administration. Francie will check with Rosemary Keasey about offering Business Administration. Nick will contact the president of IUP about us selecting a presence at Lenape vs. IUP Northpointe. He will then contact the Director of Lenape, Dawn Kocher-Taylor. The Trustees and Deans have been informed of this. Middle States does not require a substantive change process. We will move in and conduct training over the summer. The lease begins on 7/01. Bill will meet with College Services about ordering furniture. Bill will meet with Linda about job postings. Heaton Family Learning Commons Brian presented the latest slides of the project. The cost of the project is on-target. Library services will stay in place on first floor and then move upstairs after phase I is completed. The date for the groundbreaking will be moved from 4/08 to 6/24 based on the construction schedule. Academic Programs 2 President’s Cabinet Meeting 3/10/15 Present: Susan Changnon, Linda Dodd, Jim Hrabosky, Pat Massaro, Nick Neupauer, Ruth Purcell, Julie Sheptak, Francie Spigelmyer, Case Willoughby Absent: Bill O’Brien, Brian Opitz Also Present: Sunday Faseyitan Student Success Initiatives Case made a PowerPoint presentation (attached). Dr. Ten Hoeve’s Reception May 20, 2:30-4:30 p.m. in the Ray D. Steffler board room and Annex. The board meeting follows at 5:00 p.m. and Commencement at 7:00 p.m. Dr. Ten Hoeve provided a list of people he wants to invite. An all-campus invitation will be emailed as well as a press release about the reception. Cabinet Meeting Dates 6/18 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. 7/15 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. 7/30 12:00-4:00 p.m. 8/10 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. 8/27 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Campaign -$3.914 million in gifts received and some pledges. -There were 37 guests at the Florida reception. -Thank-you to Susan for the 50th anniversary celebration. Donors are receiving the commemorative books. -Meetings continue with community leaders. -Twenty-seven businesses and individuals qualify for naming rights. -The Campaign Steering committee meets the end of March. -6/24 Heaton Family Learning Commons groundbreaking. 50th Anniversary -Lawrence Crossing participated in the live stream, held a party and had “Then & Now” photos. -Members of the LindenPointe advisory board attended the anniversary party in Hermitage. -Cranberry also held a party. -Susan is working with Renee to place anniversary books in the AD mailroom for faculty. -Thank-you to the Operations staff for all of the work involved in this event. Katie Badura-Duke and Charmaine Wulff were awesome. Thank-you to the Succop Theater ushers, Fred Green, Barry Pallone and the 50th Anniversary committee. Crafting a Vision Statement Two statements are being considered. Sunday also discussed the timeline, cost and goal of the Employee Satisfaction Survey. 1 Nick Neupauer -Nick spoke with Dr. Driscoll of IUP about the decision to offer classes as Lenape Vo-Tech vs. IUP Northpointe. -A bill was introduced in the General Assembly requiring community colleges (and others) to provide cyber schools access for the purpose of standardized group testing. -Nick is preparing his self-evaluation document and requested information from Cabinet members to include in the document. The information is due to Nick on 3/27. Case Willoughby -Case attended the American College Personnel Association conference last week. -Case & Jake are working on improving the seamless experience for students. A meeting will be held on 3/11 with Students Affairs staff, Charlene Eckert & Donna Smith. Finance processes will be the topic. -The cost for Compass placement testing is going up. Josh Novak is looking into options. Pat Massaro -Officer Curt Suprano was recently hired in a part-time capacity. This leaves one part-time opening in the department. -Cameras for the Field House and Student Union were purchased. They will be installed soon. -Pat will attend a Safety Summit next week at SRU. -The pathways on main campus have much winter damage. Pat will inspect them next week. Susan Changnon -Susan is attending the CUPRAP conference this week. -Parking lot signs will be placed on 3/12. There will be two signs per lot and one sign in the Public Safety lot. Campus maps are being reprinted to reflect this addition. Strategic Planning funds paid for the signs. -Jess Matonak is doing a great job with the President’s Timeline. -Catalog bids are in process. -The website is 85% complete. -Thank-you to Maggie Slater and Matt (Armstrong employee) for their work with Armstrong to stream the 50th anniversary program to the off-campus sites. -Degree completion materials are in process. The first information session is scheduled for 3/25. -BC3 ads are running in Armstrong County. -Library artifacts are being reviewed. Some items will go to the Bennitt House. The 25th anniversary quilt will be stored. Linda Dodd -PA state law required background checks (criminal, child abuse & FBI clearance) are required for everyone who comes in contact with students. This will be discussed at the PA Commission annual meeting in April. Linda will report back to Nick about the plan to conduct the background checks in a consistent manner by the PA community colleges. -Linda presented the administrative manual that will be available online. After discussion, some tweaks will be made and brought back to Cabinet. Francie Spigelmyer -Patty Annear & Karen Zapp are working on the reverse transfer project. -More equipment & donations are coming in for the energy program. 2 -Judy Wadding, Mary Beth Galante, Annie Lindsay & Tracy Hack are working on a Pre-K to 4 Curriculum Mapping Project, aligning content with certification examinations. Jim Hrabosky -The state capital application process opens next week. -Jim is working on the 2015-16 budget. He will share assumptions at the 3/30 Cabinet meeting. -Dottie Los is organizing the storage of Library inventory at the mines as well as the transfer of collections. Mid-April is the deadline for these moves. Ruth Purcell -Scholarship payouts will be discussed at the 3/12 Foundation board meeting. Ten new scholarships were created in the past year. -All scholarship applications are online. The timeline to apply is 4/15-7/01. -Student housing will also be discussed at the 3/12 meeting. 3 President’s Cabinet Meeting 3/30/15 Present: Susan Changnon, Linda Dodd, Jim Hrabosky, Pat Massaro, Nick Neupauer, Bill O’Brien, Brian Opitz, Ruth Purcell, Julie Sheptak, Francie Spigelmyer, Case Willoughby Middle States Team Visit Report Francie reported the self-study is going well overall. We have a great story to tell. Budget Assumptions Nick reported BC3 & Lehigh Carbon have the lowest tuition and fees in the state. Nick reviewed the 2015-16 budget talking points and Jim reviewed the assumptions made in building the proposed budget. An additional $1.3 million is needed to balance the budget to meet payroll, benefits and the current deficit. Vision Statement Please get feedback from your staff and send any comments to Julie by 4/16. Athletic Hall of Fame The dedication/unveiling was moved from 4/30 to 5/06. Community College Horizon Network Colloquium Cabinet will attend on 5/31-6/02. Future of Occupational Programs The academic Deans are concerned about enrollment in the College’s occupational programs. Nick mentioned that a new Strategic Enrollment Management fund, similar to our Strategic Initiative and College Goal funds, will commence in 2015-16. Occupational programs, as well as other agreed-upon enrollment initiatives, will have opportunities to obtain funding for specified advertising and marketing. Reverse Transfer We are in a pilot project with SRU as part of the reverse transfer grant. Amy Pignatore, Karen Zapp & Patty Annear are involved in the project. It was proposed to waive graduation fees for the students in the program or lower the fee from $40 to $20. It is a very worthwhile project. Armstrong County The Armstrong County site will be located at the NexTier Adult Learning Center on Armstrong Street in Ford City. All classes will be held there except for biology, which will be held at the Lenape Vo-Tech across the street. It was proposed to use “NexTier Adult Learning Center on the Lenape Vo-Tech Campus” when referring to the site. Customer Service Training We cannot book an October training date with the Disney Institute until their enrollment opens for the next fiscal year. That is not until mid-summer. American English Institute Bill spoke with David Ho. He will not join the American International Recruitment Council that Bob Morris spoke about at the January Cabinet meeting. The Association of Independent Colleges and 1 Universities in PA is interested in sending their international students to BC3 for American English Institute classes. Campaign 6/24 Groundbreaking Nick Neupauer -STEM Premier is a sponsor of the annual meeting of the PA Commission for Community Colleges. They will also do a breakout session there. Francie will attend the presentation. Case & Francie will discuss a possible STEM Premier breakout session at our next Welcome Day. -The first Degree Completion Program information session was held last week. Twelve students attended. Do we plan to put out a RFP in 2015-16, allowing other college/universities to participate in the DCP? Francie, Case & Bill will discuss. - Nick spoke at a meeting of the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities in PA. Private schools are interested in partnering with us. We need to be proactive with our summer offerings. -The Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine is interested in an affiliation with BC3. Case Willoughby -Amy Pignatore & Kathy Sommers are co-chairing Core 2.0 Team—a group from IT, IR, Financial Aid, Finance & Admissions discussing wishes & concerns regarding Ellucian. Results might include additional training and the purchase of additional modules. Case & Jim will review & respond to their report. -Eight staff members attended a veterans’ workshop at SRU. -Bob Morris is analyzing data from the open house events from the past several years. The number of applicants is going down. The open house is still a vital strategy, but we cannot rely solely on it. There is discussion about having high school students attend a class and the expansion of recruitment months. Pat Massaro -Pat recently received correspondence from the PA State Police that our CLEAN Quality Assurance Review reflected no discrepancies. No follow-up response to this correspondence is necessary. -Nine cameras were recently installed: four in the Field House, three in the Student Union, one at the College entrance and one on the T building bridge. Susan Changnon -Thank-you to Jessica Matonak, Dennis Birkes & Maggie Slater for their work on the President’s Timeline. -Susan attended CUPRAP and NCMPR conferences in March. -BC3 received an award from CUPRAP for the drone video. -The new website content is 85% migrated. New content is no longer being added to the old site, unless absolutely necessary. The web team is concentrating on the new website now. -BC3 was voted best college/university & best education by The Butler Eagle Readers’ Choice survey. -The news of the degree completion program resulted in the largest response ever on our Facebook page with 6,360 views. The debt-free campaign resulted in 3,707 hits. -Dennis Birkes attended the recent Omni Update conference. Linda Dodd -No report. 2 Francie Spigelmyer -Thank-you to Bessie Jeffries for her excellent presentation to the Trustees on My Math Lab. -Sharla Anke & Ann McCandless were part of two Middle States team visits recently. They will report on their experiences at the next Cabinet meeting. -Distance Ed is offering more Quality Matters workshops. -Thank-you to Gloria Sabatelli for developing the Technology Matters flyer. -Congratulations to Karen Aul for earning her Ph.D. -Congratulations to Les Graves for earning tenure. -Congratulations to Karen Aul, Tammy Boice, Melissa Philson & Karen Stubenbort for their advancement in rank. -Two new programs - Associate in History & Certificate in Entrepreneurship. -Francie will attend a joint meeting of PASSHE & the PA community colleges on 5/11. Jim Hrabosky -Thanks to Dottie Los for streamlining our surplus sale process. -Kudos to Nicole Barnes for working with Kiley Cribbs & Kip Deleonibus in writing the RFP for ambulance services. -Kudos to Scott MacMaster for developing electronic timesheets. They will be ready for use next fiscal year. -Kevin Fish is currently working on issues in the voicemail system. Ruth Purcell -The Alumni Council is looking into offering discount cards for members. Cabinet approved. Brian Opitz -The front entrance project will begin soon and is expected to be complete by the May activities. -Brian met with the Library construction manager recently. He will also meet with the architect this week. The construction bid will be awarded at the 6/17 board meeting. Contractors should be on-site in July. Bill O’Brien -5/11 & 12-Shale Energy Conference at Nemacolin Woodlands. -The Kittanning newspaper did a nice article on BC3 offering classes in Armstrong County. 3 President’s Cabinet Meeting 4/16/15 Present: Susan Changnon, Linda Dodd, Jim Hrabosky, Pat Massaro, Nick Neupauer, Bill O’Brien, Brian Opitz, Ruth Purcell, Julie Sheptak, Francie Spigelmyer, Case Willoughby Middle States Team Visit Report Sharla Anke, Ann McCandless & Jim Hrabosky reported on their experiences with the “soft touches” as Middle States team members. A list of the dos & don’ts is available in the President’s office. Vision Statement Follow-up Discussions & tweaks continue. The vision will be presented to the board at the June meeting. Oak Hills Legacy Dinner October 24, 2015 Campaign Ruth distributed a status report. The steering committee is scheduled to meet at the end of May. Time Capsule Students requested to bury the time capsule immediately after Commencement. Brian & Susan will determine where it will be buried. A map to that location will be kept in the Library. Nick Neupauer -A joint celebration of the 50th Anniversary committee & Team BC3 will be held on 6/04 at the Bennitt House at 3:00 p.m. This is to thank the committees for their great work. -Nick reviewed topics discussed by the presidents at the annual meeting: pensions; tuition freeze; background checks; emphasis on completion; Friday closings. -Bob Morris is developing a strategic plan for Admissions. Nick will meet with Bob & Case to discuss. Items to consider: > focus on Butler County enrollment > non-sponsored enrollment; especially Armstrong County > out-of-state enrollment > occupational programs > degree completion programs > strengthening summer programs including distance education Susan Changnon -Jessica Matonak will be on maternity leave over the summer. Coverage for her responsibilities is in place. -Work continues on the website. Ruth Purcell -There is artwork in the Foundation office that is available to hang in your office. Please stop in and take a painting. -The Alumni Council is considering having student representation on the Council. 1 Bill O’Brien -Kudos to Jim on the Lenape & Lawrence Crossing leases. -Brian is the new Joint Operating committee president for the Public Safety Training Facility. 2 President’s Cabinet Meeting 4/30/15 Present: Susan Changnon, Linda Dodd, Jim Hrabosky, Pat Massaro, Nick Neupauer, Bill O’Brien, Brian Opitz, Ruth Purcell, Julie Sheptak, Case Willoughby Absent: Francie Spigelmyer Conference Ideas from CUPRAP & NCMPR Susan attended both conferences this year. CUPRAP (College and University Public Relations and Associated Professionals) members are mostly universities; NCMPR (National Council for Marketing and Public Relations) members are two-year community colleges & technical schools. Susan distributed takeaways from both conferences. A number of ideas can be applied at BC3. Conference sessions included: o Active shooter session o Use of video to enhance your message o Recruiting/enrollment o In-house research o Web content o Transitioning to a marketing culture o Digital marketing o Social media policies & procedures o Branding Seneca Valley Prom Seneca Valley is requesting a quote to hold their 2016 prom on the main campus. Steve Catt will cost out their request. Butler’s 2016 prom is on 5/13. Nick Neupauer -The subject of the 2016 Commencement date was discussed. The date will be 5/16 or 5/18. Butler’s prom is on 5/13 will be considered when making the Commencement decision as the Operations staff needs time for the turnover. -Nick met with Sunday about our Vision Statement. They agreed to wait until the fall to move forward. To clarify, we will use the current mission & goals in the 2015-16 catalog as the Self-Study is based on them. The new mission & goals will be printed in the 2016 catalog. -Let Julie know if you intend to participate in the Cabinet retreat. -The Future Leadership meeting that was postponed from this winter will be rescheduled for this summer. Participants from Butler, Beaver and Westmoreland County Community Colleges will meet to develop a curriculum. Nick, Bill, Case, Jim & Linda will attend these meetings: 6/09 at Cranberry 7/14 at Westmoreland or Beaver 8/11 at Westmoreland or Beaver -An information sharing session for Administrators will be held on 7/31. The time and location will be announced. -All of the Middle States Standards are complete except for Standard seven. The work was matched against the Standards of Excellence. 1 Susan Changnon -Thank-you to Josh Novak & Amy Pignatore for recommending graduating students to be featured in the Butler Eagle. Two students have each earned three degrees. Two of the four newspapers covering the off-campus sites are doing articles also. -Thank you to Dottie Los for overseeing the parking lot number signs installation while Susan was away. -Students Hunter Green and Andrea Dean helped with collecting items for the time capsule. They will be there to bury it on May 20. -Thanks to Ed Stark, Jr. and Ron Thompson for moving the Pioneer Proud covered wagon so the 50th Committee could remove the Christmas decorations and get it ready to be placed outside on May 20 for photos with students and families. -The new website will be approximately 1,930 pages with 230 pages manually produced and managed, while 1700 pages are dynamically driven pulled from 3 databases - Lumens, Ellucian and Acalog. -The catalog goes to the printer today. -Jessica Matonak joined the new Colleague Core Team 2.0. This team will meet monthly to discuss Colleague and IT needs. -Jessica Matonak is working on the Public Safety schedule. Case Willoughby -Congratulations to Judy Zuzack and the CCLC staff for winning the Bright Star Award. The Bright Star Award is given to a childcare facility whose educational program exemplifies one or more of the Ten Pillars of a Good Childhood, as adopted by the Association for Childhood Education International. -Thanks to Diane DeCarbo & John Suesser for inviting Case to attend the Lawrence Crossing & LindenPointe advisory board meetings on 4/17. - ACE, Admissions and Records and Registration have collaborated to create better pathways into the institution for transfer and guest students. Transfers will now have their transfer credits evaluated prior to new in group advising and registration sessions that orient them to the college, provide timely service, and teach necessary skills. Guest students will now be funneled to Admissions in a streamlined process to facilitate registration. -The ACE Center staff is teaching students to use Ellucian to register resulting in very short registration lines. -Case is a member of the American College Personnel Association. He was invited to do a video for the Association on 5/15. -Thanks to Francie for her help in the Student Affairs & Enrollment Management initiatives. -Thank-you to Trustee Kim Geyer for providing a new contact at the Butler VA. This will help in coordinating support services for student veterans. -The American Legion is providing bus tokens to veterans. Thanks to Stella Smith for making this happen. -Thanks to Michelle Jamieson for securing a $5,000 scholarship from the American Legion. Pat Massaro -Everything is in place for the Jeep Parade on 6/12. -Pat met with Butler High School officials about the prom that will be held on-campus on 5/08. -Staff background checks and fingerprinting are in process. -The Safety committee will visit Brockway on 5/11, Lawrence Crossing & LindenPointe in June and Cranberry in October. 2 Ruth Purcell -Kudos to the Library staff for the removal of the card catalog. -The Butler Day of Giving is scheduled for 5/05. Online donations may be made from 8:00 a.m.6:00 p.m. Some matches will be provided. Bill O’Brien -There was discussion about the civilian handgun training that will be held at the firing range. The parties will meet to discuss and finalize the training plan prior to proceeding. Linda will present this to the Personnel committee for their information. -Bill distributed off-campus data for 2010-2014, showing enrollment and student counts by county. He also provided a Lumens document that provided data by generation (boomer, X, Y, Z & veteran). -Wayne Kovac retires today. -Amy Dobkin, Public and Government Affairs Advisor at XTO Energy, is interested in helping to fund the College Within the High School program. -EMS training personnel are now required to undergo FBI fingerprinting. -Jill Martin-Rend has been appointed to the Board of Directors for the Brockway Area Business and Professional Association. -The Coordinator of Public Safety Training position has been re-opened. -Fire training income to date (calendar year) is $47,000. -The annual Art & Portfolio Show will be held at BC3@Cranberry on 5/08. -BC3@LindenPointe hosted a nationally recognized event called “Poverty Simulation”. This event spotlighted the plight of those living in poverty as they try to navigate the various social agencies. Students and representatives from various agencies transformed the first floor of BC3@LindenPointe into a maze of “offices” as the students and reps interacted to simulate what a person/family would encounter seeking assistance. Kudos to John Suesser, Mary Kay Bernat, Alice DeBonis, Dr. Terri Finamore and her Psychology club for their participation and coordination of this event. -The contract for the welding program at the Vo-Tech was approved for fall. Class begins in September. - In Events Management, summer activities include Butler County Fire School, Jeep Parade Staging Area, MADD Impact Panel, two Aging Agency Seminars, Sing Hosanna Production, STEM Guitar Workshop, Summer Dramatics, and Kids on Campus. Jim Hrabosky -Thanks to Matt Miller for his work with Armstrong & Consolidated Communications. He negotiated a 30% decrease in our internet cost while increasing our internet processing capacity. -The payment plan default rate has increased. Follow-ups had been done in-house, but with the increase, a vendor will be hired to do it. Jim will request funds from the Strategic Plan account to pay for this. -Sara Artzberger & Kathy Sommers will build an Ellucian mobile app for registration over the summer. The goal is to have it ready for the fall. -Kathy Sommers has been named the Director of IT. -Robert Fullwood & Matt Miller are doing much behind-the-scenes work regarding the Library renovation. Brian Opitz -Brian met with a forester to discuss a managed select-cut timbering program. -The University Center entrance is complete. -The May events and Jeep parade are a huge undertaking for the Operations staff. -Installation of the entrance sign will begin after Memorial Day. 3 -The Library renovation will go out to bid next week. However, it could be postponed for two weeks as the current drawings are not what they should be. There have been many tweaks to the floor plans. The Library café will sell Starbucks products through a contract between Starbucks & CRH. -All of the Library books are stored on-campus in an environmentally controlled space. The cost to store them at the mines was $35,000 vs $3,000 for the additional HVAC to store them here. 4 President’s Cabinet Meeting 5/13/15 Present: Susan Changnon, Linda Dodd, Pat Massaro, Nick Neupauer, Bill O’Brien, Ruth Purcell, Julie Sheptak, Francie Spigelmyer, Case Willoughby Absent: Jim Hrabosky, Brian Opitz Also Present: Stacy Delp, Matt Kovac, Bill Lucas Public Safety Mini Master Plan Bill Lucas gave an overview of the energy program development plan. He also gave an update on the energy industry. Natural gas prices are at an all-time low. There is no incentive to drill at this time. Drillers are moving to Ohio & West Virginia due to less taxes. BC3 will move forward with developing a plan; the slowdown is temporary. PA American Water has training needs. There are over 15 training classes required for their 800 contractors and up to 600 staff members. We already offer over half of the courses. Peoples Natural Gas is also interested in offering training through BC3. Expanding the Public Safety Training Facility to include a simulation yard will fill a local & regional void. This is the next natural step regarding the PSTF. The simulated city proposal is an 11-acre site. We would do backhoe, helicopter and train derailment training. Bill proposed developing a workforce development program that targets utility companies. One third of the simulated city could be developed in 2015. The simulated city would be open six days/week, have a separate entrance onto campus, this will be a secure site, public & private funding would be used to construct the simulated city and new staff would be hired to oversee. Direct costs to BC3: construction management, labor, engineering, permits, misc. tools & equipment Bill constructed a simulated city for Equitable Gas at a cost of $400,000. Our cost will be higher as it will be a larger site. Cabinet discussed funding (including corporate gifts), current capital projects and ordinances. Discussions will continue Matt spoke on the need for an industrial training trailer to be placed on-campus for 12-18 months. Donation requests are in process. Sensus Technologies is donating meters; that is in process. In-School Youth Name Change “College Pathways” was proposed in place of “In-School Youth.” Cabinet approved the name change as long as “In-School Youth” is not a nationally recognized name. Bob Morris will investigate. 1 Butler & Seneca Valley Proms 5/13/16 is Butler’s prom 5/07/16 is Seneca Valley’s prom – They are requesting to hold the prom here. Bill will confirm with Steve Catt what we charge Butler. Bill, Pat & Brian will meet with Butler & Seneca Valley about their proms. BC3 as a Testing Site-Issues & Solutions Many schools are asking BC3 to proctor tests. The BLC is currently used as the testing site. Two certified proctors will monitor the testing next year. There will be space in the renovated Library for proctoring tests, but a staffing model needs to be created. 2016 Recognition Dinner Thursday, April 28, 2016 2016 Graduation Wednesday, May 18, 2016 Nick Neupauer -Francie & Nick will meet with representatives from the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine on 5/15. -A board work session is scheduled for 6/30 from 4:30-8:00 p.m. Susan Changnon -The photographer will be here on 5/20 to take photos of the Board and Cabinet members. -The time capsule is ready for burial immediately following Commencement on 5/20. Ruth Purcell -The Butler Day of Giving netted $16,000 in gifts to the BC3 Foundation. -The Fab Lab Alcoa grant was submitted. Bill O’Brien -Search committees were formed for the Armstrong County positions of secretary & student services specialist. -Amy Dobkin of XTO is interested in giving $20,000 to the College Within the High School program, with the focus on Butler High School. She plans on giving $20,000 next year as well. -Entrepreneurship orientation is 5/18. Francie Spigelmyer -The community colleges/PASSHE meeting was held on 5/12. Two initiatives were selected to work on for the September meeting. They are degree completion and reverse transfer. -Francie & Susan met to discuss marketing; it was a great meeting. -The first draft of the Middle States self-study was sent to the task force. -Faculty observations were fantastic this year. Pat Massaro -There is no emergency button on the new college telephones. Pat will speak with Kathy Sommers about this. 2 Case Willoughby -Headcount for the fall is currently down 5.29%. -An orientation day devoted to veterans will be held in addition to Welcome Day. -A program modeled after Safe Zone is being developed for veterans. The VA will conduct the training. -Case was invited to co-coordinate a one-day training session at Morgan State University in Baltimore on 7/16. Correction to the April 30 Cabinet notes: Thanks to Stella Smith for securing a $5,000 scholarship from the American Legion by attending their gatherings and discussing it with their leadership. Thanks to Michelle Jamieson for working out the specific agreement. 3 President’s Cabinet Meeting 5/27/15 Present: Susan Changnon, Linda Dodd, Jim Hrabosky, Pat Massaro, Nick Neupauer, Bill O’Brien, Brian Opitz, Ruth Purcell, Julie Sheptak, Francie Spigelmyer, Case Willoughby Also Present: Matt Kovac Veterans Choice Act By 1/01/16, all colleges & universities will charge in-state tuition to veterans. There is some clarification that needs to be made as “resident” tuition and “in-state” tuition differ. We are working on how to code & identify the veterans in our system. A person coded as a veteran may be discharged up to three years ago. They also may live in the state but do not have to be a resident. Case will report back to Cabinet on a meeting that will be held next week to work on this initiative. Nick Neupauer -There was discussion about moving the flag pole from the Field House to the front of the Student Success Center. This is not included in any current project. Brian will work on this. -Morgan was selected to be part of a committee to work with the state & Phi Theta Kappa on completion. -Nick distributed the BC3 Culture of Assessment flowchart. -Dr. Risser will be here on October 26 -27 for her preliminary Middle States team visit. October 26 Meet with Nick Tour campus Dinner with Cabinet October 27 Meet with co-chairs Meet with self-study steering committee Meet with faculty & administrative leaders Lunch with trustees & Nick Meet with self-study co-chairs -Visiting Team special committees will be: Resource & reference IT Transportation Facilities Hospitality Escorts -Representatives from the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine will meet with College officials on 6/23. -Brockway funding is being held up during the Wolf transition. We are not alone in this. -The Finance committee asked for a new category in the performance review document regarding fiscal responsibility. This will be added to the performance characteristics for 2015-16. The committee also recommends increases in various College fees. Jim Hrabosky -Nick & Jim are attending a meeting of the PA Commission’s Economic Modeling Workgroup at Penn Highlands Community College on 5/28. 1 Susan Changnon -Thanks to Kevin Loomis and the Operations staff for their time capsule work. A shadowbox will be placed in the Library with instructions on when to open it and what is in it. -The fall 2015 schedules are in process. -The web site upgrade is about done. Ruth Purcell -6/24 Heaton Family Learning Commons groundbreaking -The Foundation received the most gifts during the recent Butler Gives campaign. Bill O’Brien -The searches for the Armstrong Student Support Specialist & Secretary are completed. -An energy meeting is scheduled for 6/10. Francie Spigelmyer -The self-study rewrite will be ready in the next few weeks. The document will be sent to the campus community this summer. Case Willoughby -The Strategic Enrollment Management Committee in collaboration with Communications, Student Life and Off-Campus Sites will host “RegFest,” a new three-day event designed to boost enrollment. On July 21-23, from 1-6PM, each campus location will host a fun event that will assist new students anywhere in the enrollment process. Brian Opitz -A mandatory pre-bid meeting regarding the Library was held on 5/26. Turnout was great with about 60 contractors attending. We are on track for the bid approval at the 6/17 board meeting. -The Fab lab is being painted today. -The Butler Vo-Tech graduation is scheduled for 5/28. -A Jeep parade logistics meeting is scheduled for 5/29. -Maintenance crews are completing work orders today at Lawrence Crossing & LindenPointe. -A property evaluation will be done this summer regarding timbering. Matt Kovac -KLX is loaning BC3 two trailers for use in the Energy Technology Workplace certificate program. The trailers are on-loan for 18 months for both credit & non-credit lab use. They are 13’x56’ and 12’x56’. There was discussion about where to place them. The south parking lot will work as they must be on a solid surface and security cameras are in the area. Butler Township will have to be made aware of this. Because the trailers will be considered classrooms, we will likely need permits, and also make them ADA accessible, attach hurricane straps and place them in proximity to restrooms. Brian will contact Butler Township. 2 President’s Cabinet Meeting 6/18/15 Present: Susan Changnon, Linda Dodd, Jim Hrabosky, Pat Massaro, Nick Neupauer, Bill O’Brien, Brian Opitz, Ruth Purcell, Julie Sheptak, Francie Spigelmyer Absent: Case Willoughby Also Present: Pat Carter & Dick Alfred of the Center for Community College Development/Horizon Network Center for Community College Development/Horizon Network Pat and Dick reviewed the background and objectives of the organization that began in 2005 at the University of Michigan. Some of the objectives are: -Enhance capabilities in strategic management to identify, create and pursue opportunities. -Enhance strategic capabilities through collaboration with colleges working in a network. -Access state-of-the-art tools and best practices which can be used to build institutional capability through assistance from experts in industry-leading organizations. -Instruction-wide leader development through collective efforts and experience of a network. Discussion included: -Senior faculty are a resource. We need to tap into them. -Value statements are important to an institution. It can be used as a benchmark for bad behavior. Requests college presidents have made of the Horizon Network: -Conducted a needs assessment. -Held a train the trainer series in order to become more strategic. -Developed a senior staff & trustee leadership series. -Developed a professional development program. -Did a community needs assessment. -Assisted with strategic planning. -Helped colleges with their vision and value statements. The next meeting of the Center for Community College Development is October 11-13, 2015, in Cleveland. Nick and other staff members will attend. Heaton Family Learning Commons Groundbreaking The groundbreaking is scheduled for 6/24. There are 152 confirmed attendees with 75 from the community. There are several events on the main campus on 6/24, so kudos to Steve Catt for coordinating all of them. Ruth will use the fall convocation to go public with the campaign. 1