Kyle LeRoy: Hello and welcome to a SearchHealthIT


Kyle LeRoy: Hello and welcome to a SearchHealthIT
The Evolution From Performance Management to Business Service
Sponsored by: ASG Software Solutions
Speakers: Ed Hallock, Senior Director, Infrastructure and Operations, Product
Management, ASG Software Solutions and Gary Henderson:, Director, Product
Management and Performance Management. ASG Software Solutions
Moderated by: Patrick Devine
Patrick Devine: Hello, and welcome to a presentation, ‘The
Evolution from Performance Management to Business Service Alignment’. This
presentation is being brought to you by ASG Software Solutions. For more information
on ASG Software Solutions, you can click on their logo in the lower portion of your
screen. My name is Patrick Devine. I am the moderator for today’s presentation.
Joining me today is Ed Hallock, Senior Director, Infrastructure and Operations, Product
Management, and Gary Henderson, Director, Product Management and Performance
Management. Before we begin the presentation, I would like to review a few
housekeeping items with you. The slides for this presentation will be pushed to your
screen automatically. If you have any questions throughout the presentation, you can
type them into the ‘Ask a Question’ area, which is located on the right side of the viewing
console and they will be addressed at the end of the presentation. If you have any
difficulty reading or viewing the slides, there is an ‘Enlarge Slide’ button that you can
click on, which is located just below the slides. If you experience any technical
difficulties with this presentation, there is a ‘Help’ link that you can click on, which is
located on the lower right hand corner of your screen. With that being said, I am now
going to turn things over to Ed to begin today’s presentation. Ed, take it away.
Ed Hallock: Well thanks very much, Patrick. Good morning, good afternoon, good
evening wherever you might be. It is our pleasure today to speak with you for the next
may be 45 minutes and take some questions and answers on ‘The Evolution from
Performance Management to Business Service Alignment. Gary and I both have been in
this performance management business for a lot of years and we really I think all started
out just taking a look at monitoring the performance and availability of the silos of
technology and we are finding that that does not really work in today’s IT infrastructure
and business environment. So we are going to talk about really how things have changed
where kind of the industry is going from this perspective and how we think ASG fits into
helping some customers and prospects address these issues.
So, a little bit about ASG and who we are. We are an independent software firm, based
in head quarters in Maples, Florida. We have over a 1000 employees in 70 offices
worldwide, servicing 5 or 5000 customers and our real goal has been to deliver softwares
to clients and prospects that kind of help them optimize their IT infrastructure and their
information environments so that they can really get better value from IT to service the
business and our solutions cross a variety of different platforms and disciplines within the
infrastructure from IT infrastructure and operations management, applications
management, the information management and metadata management.
Expectations of Business Users Have Changed
• Users expect QUALITY of their
business services
• QUALITY is a combination of IT
Availability and Performance
across the entire enterprise
• The proper metrics show the
business users the QUALITY of the
services IT provides
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With that being said, let us really jump right into meat of why we are all here today and
really what it has come down to is expectations of business users have changed. We used
to really measure quality as I kind of opened up the discussion this morning by looking at
the performance and availability of the technology and the different silos within the
technology, but business users have come to expect a different level of quality right now.
They really want to know about business services, are they being serviced, and typically
from their perspective that service comes down to are they given the kind of response
time they want to get when they are going in for applications and they are trying to do
what they want to do, and so quality now becomes a combination of IT availability and
performance not just in individual areas but really across the enterprise collating together
so that business metrics now show the business users that they are getting quality that
they expect and want to get. So this is really I think the number of challenges for the
business and for the technologists within the business because in this economy that we all
have been placed with over the last 18 to 24 months, every IT organization is being
challenged today to reduce costs, do more with less and while they are doing it, they are
trying to align their IT infrastructure with their lines of business, but they are also being
faced with this challenge of growing the business in an attempt to growing the business,
they have to spend dollars on infrastructure but they are trying to contain really how they
are spending those dollars. So what that means is that you know certainly from a
technology perspective and a business perspective they are challenged and then we tie
that to what is happening from an economic perspective, well in a lot of cases they are
trying to do more with less staff and that staff is trying to support a more complex
environment using disparate set of tools and that really puts a burden on the staff to do
that and we are finding in our mainframe shops that the staff is aging, they are retiring.
There is a lot of expertise that is leaving as they retire and the staff that is left now is
being asked to do and take on responsibilities for an area that are outside their comfort
zone and that really makes it very difficult.
Performance Management Challenges
• Business Challenges
• IT continually challenged to reduce costs and do more with less
• Lack of alignment between Infrastructure and the Business Lines
• Future growth costs associated with infrastructure upgrades
• Cost for additional monitors to manage new applications/systems areas
• Technical Challenges
• Fewer staff to support increasingly disparate tools and apps – need solutions that
are easy to manage the business
• Mainframe staff is aging, retiring, and those left are being challenged to expand
beyond their comfort zone
• Reduce business disruptions, highly visible to mgmt if a failure or cannot identify
a problem or prevent an outage. IT is always to blame…
• Ability to aggregate critical alerts and data from the various infrastructure and
application components
• Managing both the physical and increasingly virtual infrastructure
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The mainframe expertise that exists in a lot of organizations today as it begins to get
diluted and as it begins to disappear that is a difficult gap to back fill because the
educational institutions today aren’t really putting out really new talent that is well versed
in the mainframe infrastructures and so now that causes another challenge really for the
organization, because they are trying to reduce the business interruptions, they don’t have
the technical expertise within the staff and it becomes very visible to the management
when the failure occurs when that staff cant identify that problem or prevent that outage.
Inevitably IT takes the blame for that. So we have got to be able to really I think arm
them with the tools and technologies so that they can correlate and aggregate together the
critical alerts, the data from the various infrastructure components, so that they can really
understand and identify the problems that are going to impact the business and be able to
deal with them before that happens. And then adding to the complexity is they are being
challenged now to manage not only their existing physical infrastructures but everybody
is virtualizing and that is making the environment more complex and the management of
it even more challenging.
Complete infrastructure and application visibility needed
• Network
• Servers
• Web-applications
• Messaging & middleware
• Databases
• Transaction systems
• End user experience
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So what it really comes down to now is the need for complete infrastructure and
application visibility. You have to look at the network, you have to look at all the
servers, regardless of whether those are mainframe servers or distributed servers, you
have to look at the web applications, the messaging and middleware technology, the
databases, the transaction systems, you have to be able to aggregate and correlate
together the information from all those sources and then you have to tie it to what is the
end user is actually experiencing because that is the bottom-line. The end-user is going
to expect a certain level of quality, if they are not getting that level of quality, then you
have to be able to understand what within the infrastructure is being impacted and how is
that directing really delivery of service to the end user. Because the cost is not
succeeding here, it is high, it is really high. If you take a look at regardless of what the
type of application is, regardless of what the vertical industry is, and inevitably downtime
is very expensive. You know this is just an example of a transportation application being
down but it can cost a business 670,000 dollars an hour if that application is not available.
So this is a really high cost. We have got to be able to manage this stuff but the
complexity in managing it has gotten very challenging and that has really increased the
risk. The complexity is adding to the risk and it is really forcing us to get very
disciplined about operational practices and how we address this.
The cost of not managing successfully?
IT business systems are vital to delivering quality business
applications and system downtime from failures has significant
impact on business operations.
Average Lost Revenue per
Hour of Systems Downtime
Source: IT Performance Engineering &
Measurement Strategies: Quantifying Performance
Loss, Meta Group (Network Computing Article)
• Applications and systems are “vital” to the success of ANY
• System failures can be devastating – average loss of revenue
from an hour’s downtime in Transportation is approx.
• Increasing quality is critical
• Reducing risk of failure with disciplined operational practices is
even more critical
The complexity of the business IT environments increases the risk of downtime,
can be prevented
with disciplined
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| Strategize
> Synergize
> Executeoperational practices.
Organizations continue spending in an attempt to fix this!
Forrester: The IT Management Software Market By Categories, 2005 To 2010
•Demand for end-to-end
application performance
management is increasing.
•The growth in this market is
directly linked to the complexity
and size of new applications.
•Companies are striving for
Business Service Management
Forrester Research: February 2010 “Market Update: IT Management Software In 2010”
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The net of that is that the organizations are spending lots of money to try to address this
problem. I mean when we take a look at, this is a Forrester Research Group survey of IT
management software market where dollars are getting spent, we can see certainly an
increase in budgets year to year, there is a demands for end-to-end application
performance management, and this is really being tied to this growth is linked to the
complexity and the size of new applications.
But IT Operations is increasingly failing…
What is the Business Impact of Application Failures?
% of End-User Reported Calls Continues to Increase
Calls from End Users Now
Calls from End Users - 2
yrs Ago
Don't Know
Not Very
90% of application failures have some
critical or important impact on business
11% increase in two years, despite large
IT spending!
Business views the end-user experience as critical, but despite many tools and
apps, IT still lacks visibility into application performance and availability
Source: EMA Research/ASG Webinars
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So companies now are understanding they have got to manage the business services.
They just cannot manage the individual technology, they can manage the applications
like a business and they have to understand whether or not the end users are getting
service. So in essence, companies are striving for business service management at this
point. That being said, they spend and are not solving the problem. Unfortunately the
organizations are still failing at this. We see over a two-year period and an 11% increase
in cost of the help desk across organizations. Even though IT is spending to solve the
problem, to prevent calls to the help desk, what is still happening is the percentage of
incidents is increasing by 11%. So that is a clear indication of even though IT is
spending the dollars to solve the problem, the complexity is outpacing our ability now to
go and address those issues. And we can see 90% application failures today have a
critical or important impact on a business service. That is a lot higher than what we
would have seen in the past. So this is really a big, big challenge and it really means that
that businesses is viewing the end user experience as critical now and in spite of all the
tools and technologies that are in place, IT still does not have the visibility they need to
understand application performance and availability.
Why are IT Organizations failing?
Where Problems Come From?
• Increasing complexity of application environments
provides mgmt challenges
• Web server, DB server, App server,
Identity server, etc.
• UNIX, Linux, Windows, J2EE, .NET
• Systems, Apps, Storage, Switches,
Accelerators, Optimizers, etc.
• LAN, WAN, VLAN, Internal, External
Source: EMA Customer Research
Calls From Users
NOC or
Monitoring Center
• Results vary by the time of day, day of the week,
functional group, user location and other factors – difficult to measure
• Organizations often have multiple tools, but few of them integrate and provide real enduser intelligence and insight
• More Complex Integrations: Users, Customers, Partners, Suppliers, Int’l Growth
“An application performance monitoring tool, including the end-user experience
monitoring is the ultimate judge of IT and the business alignment in term of:
Availability, Performance, Usability and Accuracy” Forrester Research
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Taking a look at this in another way, you know we have talked about application
complexity but we can see you know problems, 54% of the problems are reported into the
help desk and then we are seeing a next larger percentage of those are getting caught by
network operations control centers and then finally by transaction monitoring products.
So it is really about the end user, it is about the network and it is about monitoring the
transactions and applications and then tying that information all together. So that we can
really understand what is impacting the end-user and what is their experience and this is a
very complex application environment. We are talking about web servers, database
servers, application servers, different platforms, you know, different technologies and
unfortunately their performance results are going to vary. They are going to vary
depending upon time of day, day of week, where the user happens to be trying to get
service from geographically can be a problem and sometimes just geographic location is
going to affect service delivery and so organizations today typically they have got
multiple tools, they don’t integrate, they don’t in a lot of cases have a realtime view into
what the end user is experiencing. So this is just creating a lot of pain in most
organizations and organizations are still continuing to fail at addressing end-user
problems to the tune of over 50% of problems are still being called in by end-users.
So leaving you with this final thought from Forrester Research this is an application
performance monitoring problem that includes end user experience monitoring as the
ultimate judge of IT and the business alignment in terms of availability performance
usability and accuracy. So again this is back to being gamble to tie application
performance to what is the end user experience. That is what we are striving for.
Business Service Management is the solution
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BSM implies different things for different people
What does BSM look like?
BSM has as many ‘looks’ as it has ‘users’.
Sales, Facilities, Customer Support – each is a unique look
What about IT Executives?
CIO, CTO, VP IT, VP Systems, VP Apps?
Director Level -- Help Desk, Application, Asset, NOC?
Windows Support, Unix Support, Mainframe Support?
Storage, Network, Desktop, Security Administration
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And really when we talk about or talking about business service management, and this is
just out of wikipedia, a definition of business service management. I am not going to
deliver the time today by reading through this because you know this is kind of an
encyclopedia-like definition but bottom-line is business service management means a lot
of things to a lot of people. It has different looks depending upon users, certainly
different departments are going to have different view of business service management is,
business organizations versus IT organizations are going to look at it differently at the
executive level, it is going to be viewed differently, a CIO or CTO is going to have a very
different view of what they think business service is versus what the VP of HR might
think business service is. So bottom-line is we are going to have to be able to be dynamic
and flexible in terms of how we aggregate information and how we present it to the users
that are concerned about business service management.
Polling Question #1
Where are you currently with your BSM implementation projects?
(Select Only One of the Following Answers)
BSM is fully implemented
b) Ongoing, but expect to complete in 12-24 months
Not started, but planning to begin implementing BSM in 2010
d) No plans at the present time to implement BSM
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So with that being said, I think it is probably a good time to get just a level set of where
folks are in terms of business service management, I would like to open it up for a polling
question and I will pass it back to Pat to handle that.
Patrick Devine: Okay thank you Ed. So this time we have a polling question for the
audience. If you could take a couple of minutes just to submit your answer, that would
be great and the polling question is being pushed out now, and the question is where are
you currently with your BSM implementation projects? BSM is fully implemented,
ongoing but expected to complete in 12 to 24 months, not started but planning to begin
implementing BSM in 2010 and no plans at the present time to implement BSM. So if
you could submit your answer that would be great.
Ed Hallock: And Pat while folks are answering it, at this time, I think I will just
interject. I guess my expectation is we are going to see you know most of the folks are
going to fall probably in the I am going to guess an equal distribution between B, C and
D. I don’t think we are going to see a lot of folks that have BSM fully implemented but
hopefully some are ongoing and have started it, some are planning to start and probably
some have no plans at all to start it. So it would be interesting to see what the results
actually are.
Patrick Devine: Okay great. Our results have been submitted. I am pushing them out
right now and with 5.5% of BSM is fully implemented, 27.7% ongoing but expected
complete in 12 to 24 months, 11% not started but planning to begin implementing BSM
in 2010 and 55.5% with no plans at the present time to implement BSM.
ASG-BSP™ Solution Architecture Pulls it All Together
Presentation Layer: Status Items representing services placed on dashboards built your way to enable decision support
Technology Layer: ASG’s metaManager™ federation using dynamic information models
ASG’s metaManager™
powered by Rochade®
Interface Layer – ASG’s Wide Array of Flexible Adapters “plug-and-play” to any data source
ASG Sentry®
(SNMP Manager)
(User Experience
(J2E-SOA Tools)
Server and VM
Business Applications and Software Tools (ASG and Third Party)
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Ed Hallock: That is a little bit higher on the D answer than I would have expected but
let us see as we talk through this today, maybe we are going to get some people to start
thinking a little bit differently about business service management. So what I want to do
right now is just briefly talk about kind of the ASG, BSP solution architecture, this is our
business service platform that is what we build all of our business service management
solutions on and this really is a three kind of tired architecture. We start with a interface
layer that interface layer that is just pull via a set of adaptors, metrics information data
from a lot of different sources. The resources are typically ASG software packages as
well as third party tools. That information is funneled up into a technology layer that
really does the correlation of that information. We call that our ASG Meta Manager. It
really takes the business service metrics, advanced automation information, it provides
the dashboard management capabilities so that we can corrugate and aggregate the
information coming from the point products that are connected via the adaptors and then
it feeds that information up to a presentation layer that allows dashboards, customized
dashboards to be created that provide a view of how is the business providing services,
essentially it ties IT to the business and it gives a view of is IT servicing the business
well. And what that looks like from a high level perspective here is and I kind of touched
down earlier that really BSM means different things to different people that we have got
to be able to provide really different perspective.
Advanced BSM Provides Different Perspectives
Refined layer of
‘IT Services’
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Corp. Portal
Help Desk
Unified Threat
So this is a primary dashboard that is actually used within our IT organization for
monitoring business services within ASG but you can see when we look at IT services
out in the middle there, we have still even some different perspectives, we have a view
into our virtualized infrastructure, we have an overview enterprise, wide view of our IT
infrastructure, we have information about our corporate information portal, a view of how
our help desk is responding to customer incidents, a view into whether or not there are
any threats happening from a security perspective to our network or infrastructure, a look
into mainframe perspective in terms of how our mainframe system is performing. So this
really gives us the flexibility to structure really the dashboards and provide business
services in a perspective that really meets the needs of the individual audiences.
Human Resources Business Processes
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So for an example and from an HR perspective, we can understand that HR is going to
have a different set really of applications and business processes that it is going to want to
deliver to its end users and typically the end users for HR business services are ASG
employees and we were to kind of take a look at what would the director of HR, the VP
of HR be concerned with. Well they might be concerned with things like you know what
are benefit applications, how are benefit applications performing. Our expense reporting
applications are working work, what is happening with employee lookup technologies are
and applications, are the things that users of services provided by human resources are
they able to get to the things that they need to get to, are they able to get to on a timely
efficient manner.
Human Resources Business Processes
Is the Fidelity Web Site available for Employee Benefits?
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End User Experience for the Fidelity Site is Ok!
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So one of the things that HR would be concerned about for example is, are benefits
administered through fidelity and these are employees able, for example to get access to
get employee benefits through the fidelity portal. So simply by clicking on that, they can
get a very quick view of what is response time into the fidelity net benefits site and is that
portal performing very well and quickly understand whether or not employees are
impacted by issues that might be occurring with the fidelity website. Kind of talked
about a little bit earlier about virtualization impacting just about every organization, so
certainly there are some trends that we are seeing in virtualization management and
certainly it is becoming stream, it is probably one of the hottest areas of investment for IT
but that is the I guess the easy part that has been done, right.
Trends in Virtualization Management
• Virtualization is mainstream and remains the hottest area of investment
within IT Management
• Now that the easy work is done, everyone is talking about managing sprawl,
capacity, & performance across both the physical and virtual infrastructure
• Application Performance Management in a virtualized environment emerging
as a new customer issue
• Virtualization management spans across multiple IT departments and
• Holistic virtualization management emerging as the foundation of cloud
• Less than 25% of VM Management tools support both physical and virtual
• Less than 15% of VM tools focus on Business Alignment and visibility (BSM)
• Virtualization is heterogeneous across platforms, technologies and vendors
but most VM tools do not integrate
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We are starting to see a lot of organizations are beginning to virtualize, they are running
pilot programs to establish virtual servers within their physical server environments, so
that they get maximum usage out of those physical servers but that is kind of now causing
everybody to start talking about you know how do we manage this virtual sprawl, how do
we manage capacity and performance in the virtual infrastructure and tie that to the
physical infrastructure what happens to application performance management versus
virtualized environments and virtualization now really is starting to span across multiple
IT departments which is really causing IT to require more of called holistic virtualization
management approach. And certainly virtualization is playing to cloud computing room
or hearing so much hype around cloud right now but most of the cloud is enabled through
virtualization technologies. So for everything that is happening around virtualization, the
sad fact is that less than 25% of the virtualization management tools out in the market
today support both physical and virtual infrastructures and less than 50% of them actually
can do any kind of focus on business service alignment, which means they really cannot
tell you a lot about what the application performance in a virtualized environment.
Virtual Infrastructure Management
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Virtual Infrastructure Exposed via
ASG-BSP Virtualization Management
• Performance Mgmt
• Capacity Planning
• Configuration Mgmt
• Asset Mgmt
Server Status
Server Health
Server Status
and Health
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So this is creating a lot of challenges and we part of our BSP strategy and business
service management solution delivery have built a offering to help address this for
customers and prospects and you can see here, we use this hard cell, we have our ASG
virtual enterprise and simply by taking a drill down from their off of the main dashboard
we can get to another dashboard that shows performance management information rolled
up, capacity planning information, configuration and asset management for virtual
servers all flowed up into dashboards that then allow to drill down to ASG point products
that will show things like virtual server matrix, alerts that are coming from the virtual
environment as well as build a view of the virtual infrastructure, what virtual servers are
being hosted on what physical servers, what software packages are deployed on each
virtual server environment. In essence, what it is doing it is helping customers and
prospects answer all of the questions around configuration, performance and capacity.
Virtual Infrastructure Exposed via
BSP Virtualization Management
Systems & Endof-Life Care
Resource Expense
Problems in my
Real / Physical
Virtual Systems
Business Systems
Capacity Reports
Overall health of
entire server farm
Optimize ‘09 | Strategize > Synergize > Execute
Inefficiencies &
Micro Problems &
You know it is certainly from a configuration perspective, it is helping them answer the
questions about, you know what do I have and where is it. You know where are my
performance issues and what do I need to do to prevent performance problems from
happening within that virtual infrastructure and then finally kind of what is the overall
health of my server form both from a physical and a virtual perspective, you know do I
have basically can ledges out there? Physical servers that I should be thinking about
turning into virtual servers because I will get better utilization in doing that and taking
that approach, so really it is a very holistic approach to virtualization management that
looks at assets, the configuration of the virtual assets ties it performance and availability
and it also looks at utilization and capacity so it can help to identify better candidates for
ASG’s IT Infrastructure
Performance and Availability Monitoring
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And then finally we have kind of enterprise wide view and this is really something that
our CIO uses to take a look at you know really what is happening enterprise wide within
the ASG IT infrastructure and simply by drilling down here, he can kind of get a view at
really at different levels, he certainly gets a departmental view for example, sales,
customer support, accounting, development of the different applications and business
services and how those business services are performing within each of the departments,
so he gets kind of a business process view but it also can get an IT service view at
different levels within the IT organization. He can look it geographically to see what is
happening in North America, versus EMEA, versus Latin America. He can look at it
from an infrastructure perspective down another level that will let him look at you know
what is our VPN status, what is our domain controller status, really get an infrastructure
view and then finally also down at the lowest levels really understand from a point
product perspective what is happening from configuration perspective, what is happening
from an end user perspective and really pull it altogether so from a high level view, he
can see across the departments, he can see applications within the department, he can see
the infrastructure supporting those applications within each department and he has got the
capability to drill down really and take a look at more details if he needs to do that. So
let us kind jump to the next polling question, and I will turn it back to Patrick to take this
Polling Question #2?
• Which of the following best describes how you are
monitoring your business services today? (Select only one of
the following answers)
With an in-house or vendor supplied BSM solution
b) Getting by with using existing monitoring tools and applications
Not currently monitoring our business services
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Patrick Devine: Okay thank you, Ed. And our next polling question is which of the
following best describes how you are monitoring your business services today within
house or vendor supplied BMS solution getting by with using existing monitoring tools
and applications or not currently monitoring business services. If you can get a few
minutes to submit your answer that will be great.
Ed Hallock: And I guess we are going to see about 50 or 55% for C since we know
about from the last poll half of the folks were not doing business services or any kind of
business service management. So but we will be interested to see what split is on A & B.
Patrick Devine: Okay. We have our answers now and with 23% with in house or
vendor supplied BSM solution, about 39% we are getting by with using existing
monitoring tools and applications and about 38% with we are not currently monitoring
our business services.
ASG’s IT Infrastructure
Performance and Availability Monitoring
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Ed Hallock: Well, thanks, Patrick. I think with that being said, I am going to push to
the next slide and I am going to turn it over to Gary to take it from here. So Gary. Okay,
I think we are having a little hard time in hearing Gary, so I will just continue until we get
him back.
ASG-BSP™ Enterprise Performance Management
Monitoring ASG’s z/OS Platform using TMON’s…
CICS Exceptions
Thresholds indicate
a critical problem
Enables enterprise-wide monitoring of z/OS operating systems, subsystems and applications
Built on the proven foundation of ASG-TMON® Performance Management technology
Drill down to toolsets directly from the dashboard to quickly pinpoint and resolve IT issues
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So let us kind of take a look at our mainframe status and what is again starting from this
IT services view, we have got a mainframe status indicator there that will show the
overall status of the mainframe environment and then if we were really to drill down
what we would see is we would enter a lower level BSP solution that is focused around
enterprise performance management and this is really using our ASG team on products
for the most part to monitor the ZOS mainframe platform. And what this does is this lets
us again similar approach take and drill down and take a look at what is happening within
the mainframe infrastructure and again we can organize this by services or departments
or looking in today, we kind of broken this out by production versus development versus
test and we might for example see that there is a problem related to an issue with CICS
running into development environment and simply by selecting that we can then drill
down and we could take a look at you know what is causing this problem and we get
directly to a web interface into our team on products that show we have got a CICS
region that has got a shortage, getting the storage exception and by selecting that alert
what we can do is we can then drill down into the TMON 3270 web interface that shows
the team on CICS exception analysis, takes a look at everything that has been issued in
terms of exceptions and we can see we have got a short on storage exception that has
been escalated from a warning to a critical condition and we can maneuver back, we can
use the navigation facilities in the browser interface to continue to do the analysis on the
problems. We could for example go directly to the CICS storage system storage
summary and we can take a look at what is happening with cap storage and from within
this browser interface have the capability to actually make adjustments, dynamically
make adjustments for the storage environment we need to do that.
Activity Summary
Shows Monitored Address Space, Summary Stats and Exceptions
CICS Short On
Storage exceptions
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ASG-TMON 3270 Web Browser User Interface
Exception Analysis
Drill down to TMON
CICS Exception
SOS has escalated
from Warning to
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CICS System Storage Summary
Review CICS Storage
and dynamically
adjust if warranted
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Historical Summary
Shows Monitored Address Space, Historical Summary and Exceptions
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Review Exception
History to identify if
this is a reoccurring
Here is another one where we are taking a look at and we have actually gone back now.
We may want to get an understanding of well is this just a one-time type of issue or is it a
pattern that is happening in the environment, so we can go and we can take a look at a
historical summary for monitored address spaces and get a summary of exceptions that
have happened over a period of time and then again by taking that summary of historical
exception reporting, we could again drill down and get a view of what has happened from
within a CICS perspective to determine whether or not this has been a problem that has
been an ongoing problem or is it a single occurring event that we need to just go address
it and take care of it right now with may be some type of CICS storage modification or is
it an ongoing thing that may be we need to go back and take a look at a different
approach beyond the dynamic storage nebulization now may be there is something we
have got to do from a storage allocation perspective or a transaction flow perspective in
terms of volume to take a look at some detailed analysis and adjustment to prevent this
from happening again in the future.
Drill down to Primary Display – CICS Enterprise Wide View
Drill down to TMON
CICS to do further
analysis and
problem resolution
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One of the other capabilities that we have got built in and this is one of the nicest things
that we have is the TMON and have a lot of historical reports that traditionally what we
would like to call Old Green Bar reports but we have the capability to take those reports,
put them into a repository that we call the ASG ViewDirect Technology and then expose
those Green Bar Reports in a web interface using the ASG document direct from the
Internet product, so that lets us really go as far as back in time as we need to not just to
get a quick trend of what is going on from an exception perspective but also go back and
take a look at detailed historical performance records back at any point in time in the
ASG Performance, Infrastructure, Virtualization Management
A Complete and Comprehensive Product Set
Operating Systems
Online Transaction Monitors
ASG-TMON for Web Services (USS)
ASG- Sentry and ASG TMON for WebBased Applications (Open Systems)
Network Management
ASG-Sentry (Network Management)
ASG-TMON for Web Services
ASG-TMON for Web Based Applications
ASG-TMON for DB2 SQL Analyzer feature
Messaging and Web Services
ASG-TMON for WebSphere MQ
ASG-TMON Web Services
End User Experience Monitoring
Database and Storage
ASG-TeVISTA Performance Manager
Active and Passive Response time
All ASG Products are integrated into our BSP solutions via the metaManager
technology to provide total flexibility!
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So that kind of just gave me an idea how our team on products today are leveraged
together the support of BSP solutions to really funnel up the information and allow to be
correlated so that we can surface information at the dashboards to identify problems that
are impacting business services and drilled down all from within that web interface to go
directly into the TMON to the detailed analysis problem resolution and if need back, go
back to a point in time and take a look at historical reports and understand what has been
happening from a historical perspective. So our TMON products are just used, kind of a
brief overview of the features and functions and benefits of those products, they are all
integrated together. They have a very common look and feel. You can see that from the
web interface that they are pretty easy to use. We believe that from an industry
perspective they are the most easy to install and maintain products. They have an online
history capability that we have integrated into that BSP solution so you can from within a
browser interface go take a look at, those historical reports they provide advanced early
morning capabilities via alerts, those alerts are the really the mechanism that are used to
feed the correlation engine at the middle layer of our BSP solutions that ultimately funnel
our dashboards but also built into the products are tracing capabilities to allow for easy
application tracing and detailed analysis and the team on products themselves they are
very low in terms of resource utilization. They just don’t chew up a lot of resource. The
team on products today in ASG overall from a performance infrastructure virtualization
management perspective, you can see a pretty wide depth and breadth of platforms and
technologies we cover, operating systems, platforms, network management technologies,
databases storage, performance management technologies, online transactions,
applications, messaging middleware and end user experience monitoring.
ASG-BSP For Enterprise Performance Management
Presentation Layer: Real-time & predictive dashboards built your way to enable decision support
Technology Layer: ASG’s MetaCMDB federation using dynamic information models
ASG’s MetaCMDB™ Manager
End User
Internet and
powered by Rochade
Interface Layer – ASG’s Wide Array of Flexible Adapters “plug-and-play” to any data source
ASG Sentry
SNMP and
Network Mgmt
Server and VM
Web Based
ASG TrackBird
Config & Asset
Third Party
Business Applications and Software Tools (ASG and Third Party)
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Again this is kind of back to you know what we talked about earlier the applications that
have gotten so complex that you have to be able to understand and correlate matrix from
the different pieces within the IT infrastructure whether is from the servers or from the
networks, it is from the applications from the databases, correlate that all together and tie
that to what the end user is really experiencing and these products are all integrated into
our BSP solution that is what really makes them flexible so that we can deliver a BSP
solution for enterprise performance management, our business service platform solution
for enterprise performance management takes the information through the interface layer
from the business application, software tools from our TMONs for example, from our
TeVISTA product which monitors end-user experience, from our Sentry products which
takes network information and monitors the network, from our TMON for web based
application products which actually monitors web application technologies, J2E and
dotnet technologies, feeds that up to our MetaCMBB, allows us to correlate it and then
we can present in dashboard views that are really unique and pertinent to who the end
user is from a business perspective.
How ASG Can Address Your
Performance Management Needs?
Our extensive background in IT infrastructure management enables
ASG to offer products and services to assist your organization,
regardless of where you are on the path to optimization.
Our solutions address the broadest range of technologies;
Mainframe to distributed platforms
Physical and virtual environments
Servers, networks, web applications, end-user experience
Seamless integration with third party tools and applications
ASG addresses a wide range of your pressing issues;
• Performance and availability across the entire enterprise
• Total Business Service Management that scales with your business
• Protect your current and future IT investments
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So ASG we have been in this performance management business for a long time, we have
got an extensive background or IT infrastructure management, we crossed the mainframe
distributed platforms, in both physical and virtual worlds. We monitor service networks,
apps, the end user experience so we can integrate this information along with information
party tools, technology and applications with our BSP platforms so that we can integrate
it together, provide the dashboards really that you need for business service management,
it really lets you leverage tools that you might have in place after being replaced and
supplement them with potentially with some other ASG monitoring tools and
technologies and then basically take and leverage what you have got in place and move it
all over towards a business service management approach. So I have kind of rambled on
here for about the last 45 minutes or so. I will pop up for my contact information for both
Gary and I and then I will be happy to answer any questions that might have come up. So
I guess I will turn the, I am not sure Patrick are you doing the Q & A or Steve or should I
just go take a look at those?
ASG Contact Information
• Ed Hallock - Senior Director, Product Management
• Gary Henderson – Director, Product Management
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Patrick Devine: Yeah I will be going into the Q & A now.
Ed Hallock: Okay.
Patrick Devine: Thanks you for your presentation as well. Before I go into the Q & A
session, operator Holly, is there any way you can un-mute Gary Henderson’s line?
Operator: He has an open line.
Patrick Devine: Okay he has an open line, okay, thank you.
Gary Henderson:: Can you hear me.
Patrick Devine: Gary, before I go into the Q and A session was there any comments that
you had?
Gary Henderson:: No we will just go into the Q & A at this point.
Patrick Devine: Okay great. Okay well at this time, I would like to remind everyone
that you are participating in a presentation, ‘The Evolution from
Performance Management to Business Service Alignment’, which is being brought to you
by ASG software solutions. If you like more information on ASG software solutions,
you can click on their logo which is located in the lower portion of your screen. We are
now going to go onto the live question and answer portion of today’s presentation and I
encourage you to answer in your questions in the ‘Ask a Question’ area that is located in
the right-hand side of the presentation screen and we will respond to as many as time
allows and it looks like our first question for today is going to be who does ASG use for
their dashboards?
Ed Hallock: I think the question is do we buy dashboard technology from anyone else
and OEM that as part of our BSP solution and the answer to that is no we actually have
built all of that dashboard technology on our own that is ASG developed technology.
Patrick Devine: Okay great, our next question is so this arrangement of well level point
products getting the CMDB allows for non-ASG products as effectively as your own?
Gary Henderson:: Yes that is true. The only difference between that is ASG products
provide automated adaptors out of the box that simplifies the implementation obviously
but we can map to other data sources, third party products, we can length the URL to any
web based solution from an icon indicator, you can take messages from SNP for example,
so you are not restricted to an ASG solution only you can basically do anything you want
and also on the CMDB point knowing that 55% of the people were not implementing
CMDB or business service management processes that is not required for solution. You
can continue to operate the way you do today using the dashboards for easier
consolidation of IT service and support which drill downs to point products so there is no
requirement for you to go out and build a CMDB to accomplish this. If at some point in
the future, you are ready to do that, take on that project, then you can leverage exactly all
the work you have done in our dashboards to integrate your CMDB, either RS or third
party products.
Patrick Devine: Okay. Great. Thanks. And our next question. You have a small
business solution what is the minimum level of service you would recommend or support.
Ed Hallock: That is a good question. I mean we do have a scalable solution, so kind of
the way the solution is positioned packaged and sold, it is sold really starting at a
minimum entry point for organizations that have a small number of servers and then it
can scale up really as high as needed for those very large enterprises. So but in terms of
minimum level of servers, you would recommend your support obviously for solution of
this type we are really talking about integrating matrix for complex application
environments, I would expect that we would be seeing you know at least servers in the
multiple of 10 factors with databases being deployed on some, web apps being deployed
on some others, may be some other application components still deployed on others, you
know networked together so, you know it is probably non-appropriate solution for one or
two small you know windows or LINUX server environments. It is really geared towards
complex application environment that span across the IT infrastructure.
Patrick Devine: Okay. Great! Thanks! And our next question what is the platform
predicted trending.
Ed Hallock: Not sure I understand the question.
Patrick Devine: Yeah that is all the minute for that question. I can move on to the next
question though.
Ed Hallock: Okay.
Patrick Devine: Our next question does your APM solution requires deployment of an
Ed Hallock: Well, at the risk of sounding flippant, it may be or I guess sometimes, I
guess that it depends upon what we want to monitor. In some cases, yes agent
technologies require to get some of the metrics and in some cases it is, as an example end
user experience monitoring. There are really two ways to do end user experience
monitoring. This is what called active monitoring which is typically might be referred to
as issuing synthetic transactions, for example that might be you might want to know what
the response time is from an individual website or http address, so you periodically might
issue request out to that site and see and measure what the response time back is from it.
In that case, no agent is required to do that. That can actually be driven directly from the
technology itself but for example if you want to measure individual end user response
time, you would need an agent that was sitting at the individual users desktop or laptop,
that is typically called passive monitoring and it would sit there, and it would look at
everything that the user was doing what application was it opening, where was it going
within, it is browser technology and it would measure for that specific end user what the
actionable response time was. So in some cases, agents are required to be deployed and
in some cases we do without our interfaces and other technologies.
Patrick Devine: Okay. Great! Thanks! And our next question which is going to be it
looks like our last question. Can your end user solution monitor applications in both
physical and virtual environments?
Ed Hallock: Yeah the answer to that is an obvious yes. Our end user technology again
that product is called TeVISTA Performance Manager, it has as I just described in the last
answer really, the capability to do active monitoring, synthetic transactions as well as
passive monitoring sit on end users desktops or laptops and look at what they are doing
and it works in both physical and virtual infrastructures, in fact it really is not what are
you looking at end user response time whether you are running in a physical or virtual
infrastructure is really not relevant. Trying to understand what is the end user experience
and you can do that in both physical and virtual environments.
Patrick Devine: Okay now it looks like we have another question that just rolls in. I
think it is pertaining to the last question, two previous questions that were submitted and
it is do you do predictive trending.
Ed Hallock: Okay I will let Gary take that one. If he is not muted, otherwise I will take
Gary Henderson:: Can you hear me? Again there is a complex scenario there, we don’t
do predictive trending across a large array of technologies but we do, do some and that is
very specific. We also do things like setting thresholds. We can manage the data,
analyze it and determine what proper threshold should be set automatically for you to
make recommendations but in terms of wholesale predicted trending all across
technologies not necessarily but in certain product cases yes we do.
Patrick Devine: Okay, great! Well that wraps up today’s Q & A session. Were there
any last minute comments that you had Ed or Gary?
Ed Hallock: No, I thank everybody for their time today. I hope it has been at least
informative for them. If they have any questions or follow-up ones, they certainly have
my e-mail address and Gary’s e-mail address and there is information available for them
on if they would like to look at the ASG technologies. So more there is
actually demos of our BSP, live demos of our business service management solutions and
our business service platform available on So they are welcome to avail for
themselves that opportunity and that is it from me. So thanks.
Gary Henderson:: Thank you folks.
Patrick Devine: Okay great! Thanks! That concludes today’s presentation, ‘The
Evolution from Performance Management to Business Service Alignment’. If you would
like to review today’s material at some later date, an archived version of this event will
be made available on our webcast library. I would like to thank
Ed Hallock and Gary Henderson for taking the time to be part of today’s presentation. I
also would like to thank ASG Software Solutions for sponsoring this event, and as
always, thank you for taking the time to join us. This is Pat, wishing everybody a great