Presentation - San Diego Housing Commission


Presentation - San Diego Housing Commission
1100 Broadway
San Diego, CA 92101
About The Collaborative
• Housing Opportunities Collaborative (HOC) is IRS
501(c)(3) tax exempt nonprofit
• Established in 2005 by nonprofits, governmental
organizations, and business associations
• To serve as a clearinghouse
• To become a bridge
• To serve as a neutral convener
• To standardize counseling and encourage best
SoCal Footprint
Population Served: 10,794,239
Stepping Into Action
HOME Clinics originated at the start of foreclosure crisis in
2007 to assist distressed homeowners
Leveraged the limited resources in the community
HOME Clinic Highlights:
Total HOME Clinics – 111
Total Homeowners’ Attendance – 10,434
Total 1-on-1 Counseling – 5,048
Total Homeowners Avoided Foreclosure – 1,534
Total Volunteers – 3,141
Total Pro Bono Attorneys – 722
Total Pro Bono Attorneys’ Hours – 3,837
Total Volunteer Hours – 18,862
HOC leverages its 6 FTE and 4 volunteers to enable its various
A Dream Now A Reality …
Housing Resource Center
1100 Broadway
San Diego, CA 92101
Housing Resource Center
• Launched in November 2010
• By the vision and support of the San Diego
Housing Commission (Rick Gentry) and City of
San Diego (then City Council President Ben
• Designed to be a hub for housing services
and resources
• Furthered HOC’s efforts to empower nonprofit
service providers and clients
• More than 7,200 individuals provided
counseling and related resources
• Orange County and Inland Empire are trying
to replicate the Housing Resource Center
Thinking Strategically
Over the past 6 years, HOC identified:
The need to pool resources and knowledge in a COLLABORATIVE
effort to service the increased needs of the community
The need to create SUSTAINABLE PROCESSES that would further
empower nonprofit service providers and clients without
duplication of efforts
The need to use INNOVATIVE technology in order to enable
nonprofits to be readily accessible to the communities they stand
The need to respond to a TECHNOLOGY-DRIVEN world with an
increased use and familiarity with communications, media, and
digital technologies
Change Is In The Air
- MAP for nonprofits
Unleashing Innovation: Using Everyday Technology to Improve Nonprofit
The Virtual Counselor Network (VCN) is a unique
and innovative technology in the non-profit
VCN delivers tailored solutions by linking services
that provide near-instant response to client
Real-Time Collaboration
Virtual Counselor Network
Connects the public to the services and resources they need
from one convenient location
Allows partner agencies to provide assistance with requests
outside their scope of services
Use as a vehicle to provide products, services, and education
Manage and improve operational efficiencies
VCN was awarded Citi’s Innovation Grant – 1st time in the
West Coast & only the 2nd time in the US that the entire
amount was awarded
HUB – HOC Clearinghouse
Triage Counseling Center
Virtual Empowerment Center
Entry Point for clients Into The VCN
Virtual Counselor
Subject Experts
Mary Jane
Geographic Footprint
Affordable Housing Clearinghouse (AHC)
Inform, Qualify, Connect, Fulfill
Vision: Creating additional opportunities in affordable housing supply resulting in the
placement of more families in financially sustainable rental housing
AHC Evolution
Widely discussed dream project
City Land Use & Housing Committee
requested better access to affordable
housing information
Rick Gentry, CEO of San Diego Housing
Commission, brought his vision of the AHC to
AHC Objectives
Manage property information & rental
Aggregate property search
Assist families in their pursuit of affordable
and sustainable housing
Improve the quality and reduce costs of
existing processes
Leverage with VCN
AHC Core Team
San Diego Housing Commission
 U.S. Department of Housing & Urban
 City of Chula Vista
 Housing Opportunities Collaborative
 The Center for Innovation in Financial
Education (Technology Partner)
AHC Stakeholders
Housing Authorities
 Government Housing
 Members of the Virtual Counselor
 Property Owners / Managers
 Renters
Measure of AHC Success
Increased number of rental opportunities (both
“A” affordable and market affordable)
Increased efficiency and reduced costs for
renters, PMs, and Administrators during the
application process
Aggregate data collection and analysis
providing reliable, actionable information for
future improvements in affordable housing
AHC - Work in Progress …
The Partnership has
storyboarded the project
 Developed the concept for
the AHC system
 In the process of seeking seed
investment ($200,000) to
develop public facing system
Coming Soon …
In August 2013 HOC has applied to
become a HUD Housing Counseling
Regional Intermediary
which will enable HOC to be at the
national policy making table to provide
input from localized experiences and
needs. HOC will be the first in San Diego
and the first collaborative in the nation
to become an intermediary.
Vino Pajanor
President & Executive Director
1100 Broadway
San Diego, CA 92101