THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA CONFERENCE OF MANITOBA AND NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO Financial Statements For the year ended December 31, 2015 THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA CONFERENCE OF MANITOBA AND NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO Financial Statements For the year ended December 31, 2015 Contents Independent Auditor's Report Financial Statements Statement of Financial Position Statement of Operations Statement of Changes in Net Assets Statement of Cash Flows Notes to Financial Statements THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA CONFERENCE OF MANITOBA AND NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO Statement of Operations For the year ended December 31 Revenue Presbytery assessments General Council Office Grants Income Investment Book sales and miscellaneous Donations Archives revenue Amortization of lease inducement Truth Reconciliation Council $ Expenses Executive Committees Archives expenses Web Development United Church Women Communication Justice, global relations and public witness Ministry and personnel Mission support Young adults and youth Truth Reconciliation Council Formal Complaint 01-2014 Annual meeting (Note 9) Record of proceedings Conference grants Calling Lakes Centre Social justice network of Ontario Conference Operating United Church Centre (Note 10) Office and administration Amortization Personnel costs Salaries, benefits and training Travel Staff continuing education Reserve Discretionary Fund payments Deficiency of revenue over expenses The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. $ 2015 2015 2014 Budget Actual Actual 477,476 $ 477,446 $ 472,748 293,105 4,800 1,800 7,000 26,700 5,370 - 293,105 3,270 1,626 7,775 12,963 6,444 - 293,105 8,651 138 9,616 14,999 6,444 17,258 816,251 802,629 822,959 24,250 15,415 14,128 32,200 1,000 3,875 3,600 2,600 35,700 2,000 6,050 20,000 500 13,720 173 2,330 1,095 2,039 15,965 1,389 3,765 406 30,835 5,334 21,907 23,989 2,887 1,113 2,876 13,055 1,783 4,620 17,233 1,596 32,321 641 500 500 3,000 500 46,840 34,600 25,625 51,732 30,536 22,516 50,547 35,908 21,776 599,105 22,000 7,000 585,651 11,566 7,000 602,476 19,997 6,500 5,000 1,660 1,775 872,445 803,627 880,628 (56,194) $ (998) $ (57,669) THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA CONFERENCE OF MANITOBA AND NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO Statement of Changes in Net Assets For the year ended December 31 Internally Restricted Net Assets Executive DiscreFunded tionary Conflict Projects Fund Resolution Investment in Capital Assets Unrestricted Balance, beginning of year $ Deficiency of revenue over expenses for the year $ (22,516) Allocation for the year Investment in capital assets Balance, end of year 136,583 $ The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. 172,610 $ 8,000 $ 19,285 $ 5,000 $ 2015 2014 Total Total 341,478 $ 23,178 - (1,660) - - (1,660) - 1,660 - - - 2,131 (2,131) - - - - - 116,198 $ 191,997 $ 8,000 $ 19,285 $ 5,000 (998) 399,147 $ 340,480 (57,669) $ 341,478 THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA CONFERENCE OF MANITOBA AND NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO Statement of Cash Flows For the year ended December 31 Cash Flows from Operating Activities Deficiency of revenue over expenses for the year Adjustments for non-cash item: Amortization of capital assets 2015 $ 2014 (998) $ (57,669) 22,516 21,776 21,518 (35,893) 11,320 6,444 2,216 (17,557) 6,444 119 (182) (3,482) (221) (6,444) (470) 1,243 (80) (6,444) 31,169 (52,638) (2,131) 355,516 (311,957) (1,128) 335,755 (344,766) 41,428 (10,139) (25,604) (24,843) Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents for the year 46,993 (87,620) Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year 18,060 105,680 Changes in non-cash working capital items Accounts receivable Lease inducement receivable Prepaid expenses Accounts payable and accrued liabilities and accrued vacation pay Trust and special funds Deferred revenue Deferred contributions Cash Flows from Investing Activities Purchase of capital assets Proceeds from disposal of capital assets Proceeds from disposal of investments Purchase of investments Cash Flows from Financing Activities Repayment of loan payable Cash and cash equivalents, end of year The accompanying notes are an integral part of these financial statements. $ 65,053 $ 18,060 THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA CONFERENCE OF MANITOBA AND NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO Notes to Financial Statements For the year ended December 31, 2015 1. Nature of Operations and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies Nature of Operations The United Church of Canada was formed in 1925 via the union of three denominations Congregational, Methodist and part of the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The Church's legal form is set out in The United Church of Canada Act of 1925. Within the conciliar structure of The United Church of Canada, there are thirteen bodies called "Conferences", of which the Conference of Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario (the "Conference") is one, which exercise certain local responsibilities under The United Church of Canada Act and the Church's bylaws. The Conference is a registered charity under the Income Tax Act. It and the other Conferences have no other independent legal status as they are part of the national corporation, The United Church of Canada. The Church's General Council has oversight and significant influence over the Conferences and The United Church of Canada is ultimately responsible for any liabilities of the Conferences. The purpose of the Conference of Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario is: • to offer resources of faith to the Presbyteries and Pastoral Charges within its bounds; • to ordain, commission and recognize new ministry personnel at an annual gathering of ministry personnel and elected lay representatives from all Pastoral Charges within its bounds; and • to speak both pastorally and prophetically while providing education and advocacy on issues that affect the health of our communities. Basis of Accounting These financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations. Revenue Recognition The Conference follows the deferral method of accounting for contributions. Grants and Assessments - These revenues are recognized as revenue in the period for which the grant is receivable or the assessment is made based on the approved Unified Budget of the General Council or the assessments approved at the Conference Annual meeting. Memberships, Service Charges and Fees - These revenues are recognized as revenue in the period for which the membership is in effect or when the services have been rendered or goods provided in the case of service charges and fees. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA CONFERENCE OF MANITOBA AND NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO Notes to Financial Statements For the year ended December 31, 2015 1. Nature of Operations and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued) Revenue Recognition (continued) Interest - Interest revenue is recognized as income when the Conference becomes entitled to such earnings. Travel Pool Fees - Fees for the Conference's annual meeting and other events are recognized as revenue at the time the event occurs and the entitlement of registrants to a refund passes. Deferred Contributions - Contributions restricted for the purchase of capital assets are deferred and amortized into revenue on a straight-line basis, at a rate corresponding with the amortization rate for the related capital assets. Volunteer Services The Conference receives the benefit of the contribution of significant time by many volunteers. Due to the difficulty in determining the fair value of the time, volunteer services are not recognized in these financial statements. Capital Assets Purchased capital assets are recorded at cost. Leasehold improvements are amortized on a straight-line basis starting in the year of acquisition and will be amortized based on the term of the lease. Other capital assets are amortized on a straight-line basis starting the year after acquisition over the following term: Computer equipment Office equipment 3 years 5 years Internally Restricted Net Assets Reserve for Executive Funded Projects - Funded Projects - The purpose of this Reserve is to provide funds for projects or activities arising within a particular year which are deemed by the Executive to be necessary or worthy of funding by the Conference but for which no prior approved budget funding exists. The Reserve is to be replenished annually from an allocation of Executive funding to a level established in the Conference budget (currently $8,000). THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA CONFERENCE OF MANITOBA AND NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO Notes to Financial Statements For the year ended December 31, 2015 1. Nature of Operations and Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (continued) Internally Restricted Net Assets (continued) Discretionary Fund - The purpose of this Reserve is to provide a contribution to support personnel in emergency circumstances at the discretion of the Conference Personnel Minister in consultation with the Conference Executive Secretary and Conference Administrator, and the Pastoral Relations Convener of the relevant Presbytery. Presbyteries and/or pastoral charges with the costs of 363 reports and/or related to Directed Programs arising from them at the discretion of the Conference Executive Secretary in consultation with the Conference Personnel Minister, the Conference Administrator and the Treasurer of the relevant Presbytery or Pastoral Charge. The fund is to be maintained by setting aside $5,000 per year from the Conference Budget to a maximum of $20,000. Conflict Resolution - The purpose of this Reserve is to provide funds to support the training of the Conference-appointed Conflict Resolution Facilitators. This Reserve is also used to provide honoraria and reimbursement for expenses of a Conflict Resolution Facilitator who is engaged by the Conference Executive to provide services under the Dispute Resolution Policy of the United Church of Canada. The Reserve is to be replenished annually by an allocation from the Conference Budget, to a level of $5,000. Financial Instruments Financial instruments are recorded at fair value when acquired or issued. In subsequent periods, financial assets in actively traded markets are reported at fair value, with any unrealized gains and losses reported in income. All other financial instruments are reported at cost or amortized cost less impairment, if applicable. Financial assets are tested for impairment when changes in circumstances indicate the asset could be impaired. Transaction costs are the acquisition, sale or issue of financial instruments are expensed for those items remeasured at fair value at each statement of financial position date and charged to the financial instrument for those measured at amortized cost. Post Retirement Benefit Plan The employees of the conference participate in a defined benefit pension plan administered nationally by The United Church of Canada. Defined contribution plan accounting is applied to this multiemployer contributory defined benefit. Use of Estimates The preparation of financial statements in accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from management's best estimates as additional information becomes available in the future. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA CONFERENCE OF MANITOBA AND NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO Notes to Financial Statements For the year ended December 31, 2015 2. Investments 2015 Canadian Western Bank GIC - 1.55% due March 28, 2016 Concentra Financial GIC - 1.75%, due June 22, 2016 Concentra Financial GIC - 1.66%, due October 06, 2016 Concentra Financial GIC - 1.65%, due November 02, 2016 Equitable Bank GIC - 1.45%, due March 28, 2016 Home Trust GIC - 1.56% due March 28, 2016 Canadian Western Bank GIC - 1.71%, redeemed Equitable Trust GIC - 1.60%, redeemed Home Trust GIC - 1.60%, redeemed Concentra Financial GIC - 2.000%, redeemed Concentra Financial GIC - 2.010%, redeemed Assiniboine Credit Union, term deposits at a rate of 0.2% due April 4, 2018 and 0.2% due April 5, 2018 $ $ 14,584 $ 3. 72,000 40,000 28,000 29,000 32,000 100,000 - 2014 315,584 28,092 101,311 101,311 28,140 85,913 14,361 $ 359,128 Capital Assets 2015 Cost Leasehold improvements Computer equipment Office equipment 2014 Accumulated Amortization Cost Accumulated Amortization $ 182,490 19,652 4,446 $ 72,996 14,041 3,369 $ 182,490 17,537 4,446 $ 54,747 10,663 2,480 $ 206,588 $ 90,406 $ 204,473 $ 67,890 $ 116,182 $ 136,583 Cost less accumulated amortization THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA CONFERENCE OF MANITOBA AND NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO Notes to Financial Statements For the year ended December 31, 2015 4. Loan Payable 2015 Due to The United Church of Canada - monthly payment of $2,246 principal and interest, due February 2017. $ 31,441 2014 $ 57,046 The principal payments due over the next two years are as follows: 2016 2017 5. $ 26,402 5,039 $ 31,441 Deferred Revenue 2015 6. 2014 Revenue generation fund, opening balance Expenses $ 10,952 $ (221) 11,032 (80) Revenue generation fund, closing balance $ 10,731 10,952 $ Deferred Lease Inducement 2015 2014 Opening balance Less: current portion $ 32,217 $ (6,444) 38,661 (6,444) Closing balance $ 25,773 32,217 $ THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA CONFERENCE OF MANITOBA AND NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO Notes to Financial Statements For the year ended December 31, 2015 7. Trusts and Special Funds 2015 Trusts Archives Sale of Property Fund Belair Camp Bergey Estate Trust McArthur Estate Oral History Archive Trust $ Special Funds Archives Website Fund Avel Resource Fund Bursary Fund Education & Students 2015 Education and Justice - projects Effective Leadership events 2013-2015 Flood and Disaster relief Funds Returned and Sale Proceeds G.C. Commissioners Training Individual Learning Grants Interchurch Council on Hydro Power Inc. Overview & Visioning event 2014 Ministry and Personnel - projects Special events and projects Staff Coffee Fund Stereo Fund - Youth Committee Trinity Brandon Refugee Fund Youth Events Youth Leadership Development $ 15,264 1,078 7,376 9,857 16,164 2014 $ 14,766 1,057 7,235 9,834 16,991 49,739 49,883 2,870 1,234 9,139 1,000 3,686 4,964 5,169 6,727 7,383 3,768 2,500 6,262 3,075 132 220 9,820 12,988 2,965 11,604 1,414 11,983 1,000 4,878 4,964 5,169 9,227 1,045 6,554 1,643 2,500 6,262 597 84 331 9,820 5,500 2,665 83,902 87,240 133,641 $ 137,123 The Conference administers various trust funds according to the terms and conditions of the respective trust. During the year, interest earned on investments totaling $1,053 ($1,007 in 2014) was allocated to trusts under the administration of the Conference. The Conference also administers funds for various projects and groups operating within the Conference of Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario. Amounts received and expended on behalf of these projects and groups are recorded directly to these accounts. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA CONFERENCE OF MANITOBA AND NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO Notes to Financial Statements For the year ended December 31, 2015 8. Commitments The Conference has an operating lease for its building beginning on January 1, 2012 for a period of ten years. The following are the minimum lease payments over the next 5 years: 9. 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 $ 53,287 54,810 56,333 57,855 59,378 Total $ 281,663 Annual Meeting 2015 Annual meeting costs Less revenue $ $ 2014 76,337 $ (45,502) 30,835 $ 70,796 (38,475) 32,321 10. United Church Centre 2015 Occupancy costs Less rent revenue $ $ 2014 70,097 $ (18,365) 51,732 $ 68,522 (17,975) 50,547 THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA CONFERENCE OF MANITOBA AND NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO Notes to Financial Statements For the year ended December 31, 2015 11. Pension Plan Retirement benefits for employees of the Conference are provided through the pension plan of The United Church of Canada (the "Plan"). The Plan is a multi-employer pension plan which provides pensions for members of the Ministry Personnel and lay employees of the Offices of the General Council and any Presbytery, Conference or Pastoral Charge of The United Church of Canada. The Plan is a contributory defined benefit pension plan which is financed by contributions from participating employers and employees, and by the investment earnings of the Plan. The Plan is registered under the Pension Benefits Act, (Ontario), Registration #0355230. At the date of the last actuarial valuations and publically available financial information, there were no unfunded liabilities related to either past service or to amendments to the Plan. During the year, the Conference made employee contributions to the plan of approximately $29,867 ($50,744 in 2014). 12. Financial Instrument Risk The Conference is exposed to different types of risk in the normal course of operations. The Conference's objective in risk management is to optimize the risk return trade-off, within set limits, by applying integrated risk management and control strategies, policies and procedures throughout the Conference's activities. (a) Credit Risk Credit risk is the risk that one party to a financial instrument fails to discharge an obligation and causes financial loss to another party. Financial instruments which potentially subject the Conference to credit risk consist principally of accounts receivable. The Conference is not exposed to significant credit risk as the receivable is spread among a broad base of organizations and payment in full is typically collected when it is due. The Conference establishes an allowance for doubtful accounts that represents its estimate of potential credit losses. The allowance for doubtful accounts is based on management’s estimates and assumptions regarding current market conditions, customer analysis and historical payment trends. These factors are considered when determining whether past due accounts are allowed for or written off. (b) Market Risk Market risk is the risk the fair value of future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in market prices. THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA CONFERENCE OF MANITOBA AND NORTHWESTERN ONTARIO Notes to Financial Statements For the year ended December 31, 2015 12. Financial Instrument Risk (continued) (c) Interest Rate Risk Interest rate risk is the risk that the value of a financial instrument will fluctuate due to changes in market interest rates. The Conference is not exposed to significant interest rate risk. Its cash is held in short-term or variable rate products. (d) Foreign Currency Risk The Conference is not exposed to significant foreign currency risk as it does not have any financial instruments denominated in foreign currency and the number of transactions in foreign currency are minimal.