ASLP News-2011-3 - Association of Special Libraries of the
ASLP News-2011-3 - Association of Special Libraries of the
ASLP Newsletter THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE ASSOCIATION OF SPECIAL LIBRARIES OF THE PHILIPPINES ISSN 2094-8417 Issue 3, November 2011 The First National Congress of Special Libraries of the Philippines Inside this Issue . . . Forum on Web Safety and Security .................... 5 Simpleng Buhay, Simpleng Kulay of FHL ........... 5 Cornell Digital Collections ................................... 5 Lib News ..............................................................6 Surigao: ASLP’s Next Stop .................................7 19th IT&CMA and 14th CTW Asia Pacific .......... 7 ASLP 2011 Members ........................................... 8 ASLP 2011 Executive Board ............................... 9 Featured Photos! For t he f irst t ime, t he A ssociation of Sp ecial L ibraries of t he Philippines, Inc. organized the National Congress of Special Libraries of the Philippines at H otel Supreme Convention Plaza, Baguio City last October 19-21, 2011. The theme was Moving Forward: Managing Libraries and Information Centers in a Fast Changing Environment. Hon. Mauricio Domogan T he f irst Nat ional C ongress of Sp ecial Libraries of t he Philippines was the pr imary gathering of special librarians and information specialists across the country. It was conceived to bring together knowledge workers settling in the different types of industries and fields such as medicine and al lied health, law and litigation, bu siness, f inance and e conomics, trade and commerce, education, training and human resources, communications, and other special f ields whe re libr ary and libr arians exist. The congress was participated not only by special librarians, but also b y ac ademic, s chool and public libr arians. T here w ere 11 resource persons who gave their time and shared their expertise for the t hree-day e vent. T he op ening c eremony w as gr aced b y Pr of. Thelma Kim, Philippine Librarians Association, Inc. (PLAI) President Cont. on page 2-4 1 2 • ASLP NEWSLETTER who introduced the Mayor of Baguio, Hon. Mauricio Domogan. The Mayor stressed the special role of librarians in spreading knowledge all throughout the nation. We are also honored that Ms. Robin D. Diallo, Counselor for Public Affairs of the U.S. Embasssy- Manila graced the event as our guest speaker. She definitely energized the c ongress ar ea as she gr eatly expounded the r ole of libr arians in today’s generation and referred to information professionals as “DJ’s of Knowledge.” She even added a phrase from Pres. Obama when he delivered a speech addressed to the librarians as “libraries represent more than a building that houses books and data, the library has always been a window to a larger world - a place where we’ve alw ays c ome t o dis cover big ide as and pr ofound c oncepts.” L astly, s he imparted that “more than ever, libraries have a great role as channels to enhance multi-cultural unde rstanding. B ut t he init ial e ffort is t o s ee whe re e merging technology and right information meets, how issues can be addressed, what new skills must be learned.” Ms. Robin D. Diallo As a me mber of t he or ganizing c ommittee, I am mor e r elaxed t o t alk ab out t he p articipants’ background but I am still making myself aware of the presentations being talked about by the invited resource p ersons. Sinc e t his is t he f irst c ongress f or s pecial libr arians’, t hough A SLP s uccessfully conducted seminars and workshops annually since 1954, it is still encapsulating that librarians coming from the subject-specific / industry-specific sector arrived to the congress to interact with fellow special librarians. T here w ere r epresentatives f rom t he le gislative b odies li ke t he S enate and H ouse of Representatives, news organizations like the Manila Bulletin and ABS-CBN, the judiciary like the Supreme Court, the administrative branch like the Presidential Management Staff, department agencies of the government like t he D epartment of Agr iculture, D epartment of En vironment and Nat ural Resources and Department of Foreign Affairs. Even the military has their representative through the LRC of PMA. It is truly a convergence wherein highly specialized libraries consider attending this first congress which includes sports facilities like the Manila Polo Club or the Philippine Columbian and a power sector like the MERALCO Central Library. Discussing about the presentations made, I shall imply all of them in detail according to how they appeared during the congress: UP School of Library and Information Studies @ 50: meeting the challenges of the future by Prof. Johann Frederick A. Cabbab. Prof. Cabbab focused on the five things to look at today since UP SLIS celebrated its 50th year. These are the: purpose, people, processes, product and plac e. We may also c onsider budget and t he environment. By t hese things, we mean that a library school should look at how people complement each other by checking the competencies of the faculty which complements the n umber o f s tudents en rolled a nd th e n umber o f s taff to h andle th e students and guide t he faculty. Pr ocesses may be checked based on t he thesis process, on ho w theses are being taken care of f rom the proposal to t he appr oval. Pr oducts ar e t hose k nowledge a ssets pr oduced b y t he school l ike thei r jou rnal pu blications a nd the sis output s. Pl ace is a lso something t o c onsider like e stablishing of an ar chives lab oratory f or t he archives and r ecords manage ment c lass whic h is de emed ne cessary f or Prof. Johann Frederick A. Cabbab this pur pose. L astly, t he pur pose is t o pr oduce graduates who imbibe the honor and excellence of the university combining intellectual freedom and intellectual honesty. E-products, networking, and outreach: changing context of library services in the digital age by Dir. Reysa C. Alenzuela. In a nutshell, Dir. Alenzuela discussed e-products, networking, and the outreach programs of the Thomas Jefferson Information Center, US Embassy Manila. The use of social media is very much welcomed by TJIC because it breaks the barrier of time and space. Their outreach programs are designed to extend library services beyond their community, with this in mind, their community continuous to expand yearly. Dir. Reysa C. Alenzuela Issue 3 • November 2011 • 3 Rizal manuscripts: access vs. conservation by Dr. Ambeth Ocampo. Dr. Ambeth Ocampo Dr. O campo te lls a s tory of ho w he vic toriously s tudied t he r are materials of Dr. Rizal in the walls of the National Library even if s ome librarians r estrict h is ac cess to the v ault. He g ained the tr ust of the people and he une arthed R izal manuscripts that were never exposed after the death of the national hero. His works could tell how he loved Dr. Rizal such that he needed to learn the life of Rizal. He retold the story of Rizal to the Filipino people that’s why he championed in providing access to these Rizaliana materials and likewise preserving Rizal’s works by c oming-up wit h a new r elease of R izal’s b ooks t ranslated int o t he language of our time. Goethe Institut Philippinen @ 50 by Dir. Richard Kunzel. Dir. K unzel nar rates t he s tory of J ohann W olfgang v on G oethe and his contribution to the German and world literature. He also took the opportunity to int roduce G oethe-Institut Philippine n (GIP). GI P pr omotes t he G erman language as a foreign and second language and cultivates international cultural cooperation like the TJIC. Library collaboration, not a luxury, but a necessity by Ms. Xin Li. Ms. Xin Li Dir. Richard Kunzel Ms. L i int roduced C ornell Univ ersity a s one t he I vy League s chools and among t he t op te n univ ersities lis ted in t he Ac ademic and Research Libraries. Cornell University has more than 7 million collection and more than 4 million users annually. The university wants to promote collaboration as a strategy in creating corporate partnerships and global engagement with other university lib raries. H er p resentation p rovided s amples of a ctual c ollaborations within A merica and A sia. She f inally c oncluded t he pr esentation s aying t hat collaboration cannot be done by one institution only, thus, the future of the libraries is towards collaboration and cooperation. Open access and academic research repository at the Institute of Developing Economies (ARRIDE) by Ms. Yuko Sawada. This presentation by Ms. Sawada concentrated on open access initiatives and institutional repositories. She provided background information on the directory of open access repositories. This was the result of a serials crisis thus, a development in open access movement emerged. She reiterates that “librarians are well positioned for a c rucial role in s upporting dissemination, ensuring access and mak ing use of such new digital media.” National Library of the Philippines (NLP): Library of the nation and for the nation: challenges and prospects by Atty. Antonio M. Santos. Mr. Jilven Amar Ms. Yuko Sawada In behalf of Atty. Santos, Mr. Jilven Amar gave the presentation about the National Library. The National Library of the Philippines (NLP) is a public library serving the information needs of the Filipino people. NLP implements the legal and cultural depository law. It is also the national center for numbering systems (ISBN, ISSN and ISMN ). It ha s al so s pecial s ervices s uch a s libr ary f or t he blind, Philippine e-Lib host, children’s reading hub and a house for government publications. 4 • ASLP NEWSLETTER Workshop with the Master: Designing & Redesigning your Libraries by Mr. Ben-hur Villanueva Mr. Ben-hur Villanueva The participants welcomed Mr. Villanueva as he gave a workshop in redesigning and promoting their libraries. It was hectic day for the participants as they were all requested to make a p oster for their own libraries. Later on, one p articipant f rom L aguna w as pr oclaimed t he winne r a s s he de signed a beautiful and meaningful poster. Supreme Court Library services: balancing the needs of the Philippine Judiciary in a fast changing environment by Ms. Milagros S. Ong. Ms. O ng gave an o verview of t he ac tivities, s ervices and c ollection of t he Supreme C ourt L ibrary. T he b est ac hievement of SC L ibrary is t he Supr eme Court E-L ibrary whic h digit izes al l p ertinent la w inf ormation of t he Philippine history. Knowledge for Development Center: changing the way we do library and knowledge service by Mr. Vincent M. Abrigo. Ms. Milagros S. Ong KDCs or Knowledge for Development Centers support the World Banks access to information and open date initiative. They provide resources for people with disabilities and like the TJIC, they collaborate with different institutions in the country to share information as diverse as possible. Bridging access to global health research by Ms. Alma Mila D. Prosperoso. Ms. Alma Mila Prosperoso Ms. Prosperoso introduced the World Health Organization to the participants. The gist of her presentation revolves with the Western Pacific Region Index Medicus (WPRIM). WPRIM’s goal is to to create an online index of medical and health journals published in Me mber St ates of t he WH O Western Pac ific R egion, whic h c an b e accessed on the Internet thus, ensuring global accessibility of medical and health research done in t he R egion. She al so int roduced t he Philippine A ssociation of Medical J ournal E ditors (PAMJE). T he mis sion of P AMJE is t o c ontribute t o t he improvement of he alth in t he Philippines and t he Asia Pacific Region by ensuring the qualit y and dis semination of he alth-related information published in me dical journals, utilized for the purposes of better decision-making and effective delivery of health services. This three-day event gave me another best experience which is strenuous yet fulfilling because I have contributed again to my association, the ASLP. The association is greatly indebted to the following exhibitors: Claretian Communications Foundation, Inc. Globe Publication Pvt Ltd. Universal Magazine Exchange Corp. Zeutschel Special thanks to: National Book Development Board Mayor’s Office - Baguio City Baguio Cultural Dance Group To do wnload the pr esentation of the speakers, visit our web site at http://aslpwiki. We hope to see you on our next congress! Issue 3 • November 2011 • 5 Forum on Web Safety and Security As part of t he ac tivities of t he 32nd Manila I nternational B ook Fair (MIBF), the A ssociation of Sp ecial Libraries of the Philippines, Inc. (ASLP) presented a “Forum on Web Safety and Security” last September 15, 2011 at the SMX Convention Center seminar rooms 2 and 3. The forum was conducted by Mr. Severo “Sonnie” Santos, the Director of Web Safety Philippines. According to his consulting site, “Sonnie is one of the early but few adopters of social web. When blogging is still unknown, he started writing and sharing HR matters on 2005.” The forum which ran for about 2 hours has attracted more than 107 participants. All ears captured the speaker’s celebrity status as he was often seen in various local public affairs television shows talking about web safety and security. He received the “Best Blog on Advocacy” award by the Philippine Blog Awards on 2010. For more information about Mr. Santos, you can visit: This forum was sponsored by C&E Publishing, Inc. ********************************* Simpleng Buhay, Simpleng Kulay of FHL S I M P L E N G B U H AY, SIMPLENG KULAY 2 opens November 4 at the Filipinas Heritage Library and can be viewed up to November 22, 2011. This exhibit is in line with the 15th a nniversary of t he F ilipinas H eritage Librar y an d t he 2 0th anniversar y of A ng Ilustrador ng Kabataan. Libros Festival: calendar/other-events/205-first-libros-festival Cornell Digital Collections Cornell University has now its own digital collections in their library, this is the Cornell Digital Collections which is the registry of their digital collections. They ha ve t he c ollections s uch a s: A ndrew D. White Architectural Photographs Collection;; Beyond the Taj: Architectural Traditions and Landscape Experience in South Asia; Billie Jean Isbell Andean Collection: Images from the Andes; Bolivian Digital Pamphlets Collection; Claire Holt Collection: Slides of Indonesian Ar t, Ar chitecture, a nd C ulture; Co re Historical Literature of Agriculture; Cornell Daily Sun; Cornell East Asia Series; and more. To le arn m ore an d s ee t he dif ferent digit al collections of C ornel Univ ersity, vi sit t he C ornell University L ibrary at search/index.php?mode=browse&type=Collection. 6 • ASLP NEWSLETTER Lib News International Open Access Week National Reading Month and Nationwide Araw ng Pagbasa On O ctober 25, 2011, t he Depar tment o f Ed uc ation (DepEd) r eleased t he D epEd Memorandum No. 244, s. 2011 that de clares the mon th of November as the “National Reading Month” and November 25, 2011 a s t he “Nat ionwide Araw ng Pagbasa.” Last O ctober 24-31, t he 5th International O pen Access Week was celebrated. It is a global event that promotes Open Access as a new norm in scholarship and research. To learn more about the Open Access Week, visit PLAI National Congress 2011 in Baguio The P hilippine L ibrarians Association, Inc. (PLAI) will be having it s Nationa l C ongress with a theme “ National Conference on L ibraries for Progress” it will b e he ld o n November 16-18, 2011 in Hotel Elizabeth, Baguio City. DepEd e ncourages t he s chools an d le arning centers to join the activities, such as: a. Read-A-Thon b. Drop Everything and Read c. Big Brother/ Big Sister/ Kaklase Ko, Sagot Ko/ Shared Reading d. Pull-Out Remedial Class/ Reading Assistance Program/ Remediation Classes/ Intensified Remedial Reading e. F ive Words A W eek (FWAW)/ A Par agraph A Day (APAD)/ Library Hour A Week f. Reading Camp To learn more about the activities that the DepEd offers, r ead t he t he D epEd M emo at http://www. No.%20244,%20s.%202011.pdf. 77th National Book Week According to PLAI, the objectives of the congress are: 1. To impress among librarians the importance of their r ole in t he pr omotion of r eading, e ducation, research, lifelong learning as well as dissemination of information; 2. To revitalize the libraries and librarians’ role in the creation and promotion of a post-literate society; 3. To pr ovide up dates on t he issues c oncerning libraries, information centers and librarians. To know the details of the congress, please visit On November 24-30 the 77th National Book Week with a theme “ Aklatan Tungo sa Kaunlaran: Libraries for Progress” will be celebrated. The sponsors of this event are: Philippine Librarians Association, Inc., the National Library of t he Philippines, and the NCCA – National C ommittee on L ibraries a nd I nformation Services. Issue 3 • November 2011 • 7 Surigao: ASLP’s Next Stop Ready, set, go! ASLP brings you to the country’s surfing capital, Siargao. “Dubbed as the country’s surfing capital and one of the best game fishing areas in this side of the Pacific, Surigao del Norte hosts the Annual International Surfing Cup and Annual International Game Fishing Tournament, both in Siargao Island.” Their t ourist s pots ar e t he f ollowing: Suh oton c ave, L umondo w aterfalls, Cuyapnit cave, Magpupungko Rock Formation, Lake Mainit, and Guyam, Daku & Naked Islets. We welcome all me mbers of A SLP, all libr arians, an d inf ormation s pecialists t o at tend our up coming seminar in Surigao. Source: ********************************* 19th IT&CMA and 14th CTW Asia Pacific The World’s Only Doublebill Event, the Incentive Travel & C onventions, Meetings Asia (IT&CMA) is the premier int ernational MICE (Meetings, Incentives, C onventions an d E xhibitions) s how in t he A sia-Pacific region. While CTW (Corporate Travel World) is a conference and exhibition on Travel & Entertainment (T&E) management for the Asia Pacific region. This event was participated by the President of ASLP, Ms. Shirley Cruz last October 4-6, 2011 at Bangkok Convention Center, Thailand. Prior to this event, Ms. Cruz also participated in the Philippine Meetings, Incentive Travel, Conventions, and Exhibitions and Events Conference or M.I.C.E.Con2011 at the Province of Cebu on 10-13 August 2011 representing the ASLP. 8 • ASLP NEWSLETTER ASLP 2011 Members Abrigo, Vincent M. The W orld B ank in t he P hilippines (KDC) Dominado, Liezl M. Far Eastern University Lopez, Wilhelmina D. BETP-DTI Dublin, Darlene R. Marlow Navigation Training Center, Inc. Mabalot, Adalia L. Duran, Maria Flordeliz U. Carmelite Sisters of Our Lady Madlangbayan, Ma. Luisa R. Supreme Court of the Philippines Enem, Nolie G. LRC - Philippine Military Academy Mallo, Geraldine G. Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation Estrada, Rosalie B Mines and Geosciences Bureau - DENR Manalo, Leona Rica EFLC - BSP Fermanejo, Maria Merconi E. Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo Memorial Hospital Manhit, Jesusa C. Office of the Press Secretary (Ret.) Balidoy, Rosemarie D. Legislative L ibrary S ervice - H ouse o f Representative Flojo, Fidel Ian EFLC - BSP Maninang, Leilani EFLC - Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Buenaventura, Gracia E. Maria Montessori Foundation Funclara, Rosally D. Presidential Management Staff Manocsoc, Editha G. Eastern Visayas Regional Medical Center Caluang, Surfina M. Universidad de Zamboanga Gallo, Edeliza C. Mariano, Norberto III EFLC - BSP Canaway, Elsa C. Trinity University of Asia Galora, Huwaran Mapalarin-Sinag C. C&E Publishing, Inc. Monteclaro, Mildred L. Casio, Teresita R. National Statistics Office Garcia, Corazon G. EFLC - BSP Nipes, Lourdelene Q. Komisyon sa Wikang Filipino Ciubal, Annabel S. Far Eastern University JD Law Library Garing, Natalia L. Lipa City College Ocampo, Karen F. Meralco Central Library Cruz, Shirley I. Commission on Appointment Garsuta, Editha B. St. Joseph College Sindangan, ZN Ong, Milagros S. Supreme Court of the Philippine Cuenca, Josephine M. Galas National High School, Dipolog Gayman, Aileen R. Laguna State Polytechnic University Orca, Imelda L. Angelicum College Dacillo, Marjorie C. DTI-BETP Gayman, Hoseal B. Laguna State Polytechnic University Pacheco, Rey E. Manila Bulletin Dalina, Daisy S. Fortun Narvasa Salazar Law Office Gorospe, Maria Judith Faye T. C&E Publishing, Inc. Paraiso, Alicia S. Goethe-Institut Philippinen David, Lourdes T. Rizal Library, Ateneo de Manila University Gravador, Carmencita C. LGU - ZN Peñaflor, Janice DC dela Cruz, Estrellita G. Colegio de Dagupan Hamid, Rufaida A. Universidad de Zamboanga Ponce, Vinamar A. St. Bridget School del Mundo, Rafael Joseph C. Manila Observatory Julian, Rosalie O. Manila Polo Club, Inc. Prosperoso, Alma Mila D. World Health Organization (WPRO) de los Reyes, Louise Ian T. STII-DOST Lim, Rothman T. EFLC - BSP Rafael, Janette M. Tomas del Rosario College, Butuan Alba, Christopher A. Binan City Library Alenzuela, Reysa C. Thomas J efferson In formation C enter, US Embassy, Manila Altoveros, Abigail E. Bureau of Agricultural Statistic Arevalo, Delia J. Dr. Emilio B. Espinosa, Sr. Memorial State College of Agriculture and Technology Occupational Safety and Health Center-DOLE Southville International School and College Caraga State University - Cabadbaran Campus American Studies Resource Center, DLSU Issue 3 • November 2011 • 9 ASLP 2011 Executive Board Cont. of ASLP 2011 Members NATIONAL L IBRARY OF THE PHILIPPINES R M. 301, T.M. K ALAW ST., E RMITA, MANIL A TEL. NO. (632) 523-0068 Rebadulla, Elma C. Philippine Columbian Association Sayson, Avelina T. TESDA Servida, Mercedita B. Lopez Museum and Library Sumaway, Zenaida C. Tomas del Rosario College, Butuan Tablizo, Melba National Library of the Philippines President SHIRLEY I. CRUZ Commission on Appointments Tel. (632) 834-2709 Email: Vice-President ALICIA S. PARAISO Goethe-Institut Philippinen Tel. (632) 840-5723 Email: Directors MA. LUISA R. MADLANGBAYAN Supreme Court of the Philippines MERCY B. SERVIDA Lopez Museum & Library AVELINA T. SAYSON TESDA ELMA R. REBADULLA Philippine Columbian Association Secretary Tabayoyong, Valentina T. Philippine In stitute f or D evelopment Studies Villarin, Portia S. Saint Estanislao Kostka College Yap, Joseph M. De La Salle University Yap, Julita A International Labour OrganizationManila Ydayan, Alicia B. St. Vincent’s College, Dipolog City HUWARAN MAPALARIN-SINAG C. GALORA C & E Publishing, Inc. Tel. (632) 929-5088 loc. 188 Email: Treasurer TERESITA R. CASIO National Statistics Office Tel. (632) 713-7090 Email: Auditor EDELIZA C. GALLO Occupational Safety & Health Center Tel. (632) 924-2413 Email: Ex-Officio WILHELMINA DP. LOPEZ Bureau of Export Trade Promotion Dept. of Trade and Industry Advisers JESUSA C. MANHIT Office of the Press Secretary (Ret.) MILAGROS S. ONG Supreme Court of the Philippines VALENTINA T. TABAYOYONG Philippine Institute for Dev’t Studies ******************** ******************** Do you want to become a member of the growing association? Follow the steps: 1. Go to the ASLP Wiki site at and download the form. 2. Fill-out the downloaded form. 3. D eposit y our p ayment f or y our membership fee. You may deposit it to o ur o ur L and B ank S avings N o. 1771-0359-70 at BSP Branch, Mabini St., Manila. Account name: Association of Special Libraries of the Philippines 4. S end t he s canned c opy o f t he deposit slip to claim official receipt from ASLP. Join us now! Public Relations Officer JOSEPH M. YAP De La Salle University Tel. (632) 753-4611 loc 103 Email: Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief: Shirley I. Cruz Associate Editor: Alicia S. Paraiso News Editor: Joseph M. Yap Managing Editor and Layout Artist: Shine C. Galora Contributor: Geraldine G. Mallo Visit o ur we b s ite t o k now t he latest u pdates a nd ac tivities of ASLP at: