
Advances in Production Engineering & Management 4 (2009) 3, 115-126
ISSN 1854-6250
Scientific paper
Krajnik, P.; Drazumeric, R.; Vrabic, R. & Kopac, J.
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Mechanical engineering,
Askerceva 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Europe
By reducing a set-up time of a centreless grinding system, higher process flexibility and
productivity can be obtained. This goal is approached by developing and implementing
different simulation models that assist in efficient system set-up. The paper deals with the
simulation of a geometrical rounding mechanism in plunge centreless grinding and a
simulation of workpiece kinematics in throughfeed centreless grinding. Firstly, an analytical
2D process model is described. The model incorporates the workpiece forming mechanism
along with the workpiece dynamics and facilitates the simulation of workpiece form,
workpiece centre displacement and geometrical stability index. The latter calculation has
been embedded to a machine tool controller. Secondly, an analytical 3D process model is
described. The model includes a parametrical description of all grinding gap elements and
their kinematics and enables the determination of optimal regulating wheel form. Moreover,
the model can be used in a simulation tool that creates an interactive virtual environment,
places all grinding gap elements in the defined set-up and visualises the process. The
simulation software is programmed in C#. Its platform consists of Windows OS, .NET
framework and OpenGL graphics library.
Key Words: Centreless grinding, Modelling, Simulation
Centreless throughfeed grinding is commonly employed for the mass production of
rotationally symmetrical parts, particularly in automotive industry. It is a process that often
suffers from inaccuracy problems due to the centerline of the workpiece not being fixed. The
ability to manufacture parts that are capable of meeting the wide range of quality, availability
and cost requirements depends on various input parameters. On the shop floor, where
different part geometries have to be ground with the same machine tool, the employed input
parameters do not always yield desired outputs. This requires adjustments that are based on
trial-and-error, which lead to a decrease in the machine tool usability of up to 50%. The goal
of the presented research is to provide the possibility of performing simulation based
adjustments that are independent of an operator, thus significantly reducing the set-up time
and in turn increasing productivity.
The workpiece form in plunge centreless grinding is largely dependent upon a multitude
of the system, the set-up and the process parameters [1]. The most influential set-up
parameter on workpiece form relates to a grinding gap geometry that is controlled by
workpiece centre height [2]. The workpiece forming mechanism for different geometries of
the grinding gap has been analytically and experimentally studied by many researchers. A
review that gives more detailed account of various aspects of the workpiece forming
mechanism was conducted by Rowe [3]. The importance of the process parameters such as
the feedrate and the number of workpiece revolutions in achieving acceptable workpiece
form was established by Yonetsu and Reeka [4, 5]. Computer simulation that could assist in
the selection of adequate set-up and process parameters as well as predict workpiece form
was demonstrated by Guo [6]. Recently, Friedrich separately analysed two effects of grinding
induced and polygon induced workpiece centre displacements on workpiece forming [7]. In
Krajnik, Drazumeric, Vrabic & Kopac: Advances in Centreless Grinding Modelling and Simulation
this paper, first a 2D model is presented that incorporates all abovementioned parameters. It
consists of the workpiece forming mechanism and the model of workpiece dynamics. The
dynamic behaviour of a machine tool and grinding chatter are not taken into account. The
two sub-models are linked up with workpiece centre displacement. By this means, the
presented analytical process modelling process overcomes the limitations of previous
simulations. It unites separate descriptions of the workpiece centre displacement due to
material removal and rotation of out-of-round workpiece, and incorporates workpiece forming
mechanism [8].
An experimental based shop floor problem diagnostics of through feed centre less
grinding revealed that apart from the rounding mechanism, one of the main problems is
related to the variation in workpiece speed along the grinding gap. The workpiece speed was
measured with eddy current sensors mounted into a coolant needle nozzle. In order to attain
a steady feed rate along the grinding gap the workpiece has to be in simultaneous line
contact with the grinding wheel, the regulating wheel and the work rest blade. This yields a
noncylindrical shape of the inclined regulating wheel that leads to variations in workpiece
speed, especially when grinding long work pieces [9]. This can lead to undesired process
disturbances and vibrations of the workpiece. The simulation tool incorporates a 3D model of
the grinding gap that enables visualisation of the workpiece forming and kinematics [10].
Based on this, the exact process parameters can be calculated for any point along the
grinding gap. The software is programmed in C#, using the .NET framework and the OpenGL
3D graphics library, which is used because the simulation tool is to be ported to the CAVE
virtual reality system in near future.
In plunge centreless grinding the workpiece lies in a defined position between a grinding
wheel, a workrest blade and a regulating wheel, which determines the workpiece speed. A
2D grinding gap is shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: 2D grinding gap geometry.
The grinding gap geometry, defined with angles α and βG, is dependent on the radius of
the grinding wheel rS, the radius of the regulating wheel rR, the workpiece radius rW0, the
workpiece centre height h, and the angle of the workrest blade β:
h 
 S rW 0 
α = 90° − β − arcsin 
h 
 − arcsin 
 S W0 
 R W0 
βG = 180° − arcsin 
Krajnik, Drazumeric, Vrabic & Kopac: Advances in Centreless Grinding Modelling and Simulation
The workpiece forming mechanism is largely dependent on grinding gap geometry. The
workpiece out-of-roundness relates to the radial deviations of the workpiece from an ideal
circle, as shown in Figure 1. Workpiece lobe Arwk coming in contact with the regulating
wheel and the workrest blade will cause the horizontal xw and vertical yw workpiece centre
displacement that results in growth or suppression of the lobe in contact with the grinding
wheel. The growth or suppression of lobes is largely dependent on a stability index SIk
introduced by Friedrich [7], whereas the negative stability index leads to the growth of lobes,
and the positive stability index to the suppression [1]. For a given grinding gap geometry the
stability index can be calculated for any lobing order k:
sin (α ) ⋅ cos ( k ⋅ βG ) − sin ( βG ) ⋅ cos ( k ⋅ α ) 
SIk =  1 +
sin ( βG − α )
The stability index can assist a machine tool operator in grinding gap set-up. A software
tool, shown in Figure 2, which visualise the stability index directly on the machine tool
controller has been developed [11].
Legende für den Stabilitätsindex
Figure 2: GUI for stability index calculation [11].
It has to be remarked that the stability index is only an aid for assessing the resulting
workpiece form. Static and dynamic characteristics of the machine tool, process kinematics
as well as possible contact loss between the grinding wheel and the workpiece are not taken
into account.
3.1 Geometrical workpiece forming
In plunge centreless grinding the grinding wheel is usually fed towards the workpiece in
horizontal direction from its centre MS0 in the direction of the regulating wheel centre MR
with the feedrate vfr. In time t the grinding wheel centre is moved to position MS(t).
Consequently, due to the material removal, workpiece centre is displaced from the initial
position MW0 in the direction of regulating wheel centre to position MW(t). The described
time dependent geometrical relations are shown in Figure 3.
Krajnik, Drazumeric, Vrabic & Kopac: Advances in Centreless Grinding Modelling and Simulation
Figure 3: Time-dependant geometrical relations.
In time t, grinding wheel feedrate causes the shift of the grinding wheel projection MS0 in
the direction of workpiece centre MW0. Consequently, workpiece centre is displaced in the
direction of grinding wheel centre MS0 for xW(t), shown in Figure 4.
Workpiece form is described with function rW(φ). A detailed formulation of the
geometrical workpiece forming mechanism is given in [8]. In order to calculate the workpiece
form, the workpiece centre displacement has to be determined. Its values represent the
output from the workpiece dynamics model, which is described in the following chapter.
Figure 4: Workpiece forming.
3.2. Workpiece dynamics
In the workpiece dynamics model, the workpiece contacts with the grinding wheel, the
workrest blade and the regulating wheel are represented with mass of the workpiece,
connected with the contacts by springs and damping, as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Workpiece dynamics.
Krajnik, Drazumeric, Vrabic & Kopac: Advances in Centreless Grinding Modelling and Simulation
The model presumes infinite stiffness of the workpiece and the machine tool beyond the
grinding gap. The model considers the workpiece rotation of form rW(φ) according to
introduced geometrical workpiece forming mechanism.
Workpiece dynamics is described with the system of two differential equations that are
solved numerically. The system of differential equations includes normal and tangential
components of forces in three contacts of the grinding gap. Normal force components include
values of stiffness and damping for each contact, which are difficult to quantify. Consistent
description of contact stiffness is nonlinear and complex. Normal force components also
consider displacements in the normal directions of contacts. Displacements are related to the
grinding wheel feedrate, workpiece centre displacement and instantaneous workpiece form.
Tangential force components include influence of friction in contact of the workpiece with the
grinding wheel and the workrest blade. The calculation of the tangential force in the contact
of the workpiece with the regulating wheel postulates the absence of contact slip. Model of
the workpiece dynamics outputs the workpiece centre displacement that represents the input
to the geometrical workpiece forming model. Again, a detailed formulation of the workpiece
dynamics is given in [8].
As demonstrated above, significant gains have been made in the understanding of a
workpiece forming by analytical modelling of the 2D grinding gap. In contrast to
comprehensive 2D modelling, little attention has been given to 3D modelling of the grinding
gap. In order to calculate adequate dressing paths or to simulate workpiece forming and
kinematics in throughfeed centreless grinding a 3D geometry of the grinding gap has to be
analytically described.
4.1. Regulating wheel dressing
Productivity of throughfeed centreless grinding is largely determined by the workpiece axial
speed, which is related to the regulating wheel rotational speed and its inclination angle. If
the grinding gap set-up is changed to a different workpiece diameter, centre height or
regulating wheel inclination angle, the regulating wheel form has to be adjusted by dressing.
In most centreless grinding applications, regulating wheels are rubber bonded, and can be
dressed by a single-point diamond dressing tool. In conventional regulating wheel dressing
the dressing tool is traversed across the regulating wheel in a straight line. The path of the
dressing tool is inclined to the regulating wheel axis and displaced by the defined height. A
CNC dressing system can reduce the contact interference problem between the workpiece
and the regulating wheel. A CNC dressing system enables simultaneous feed control of a
dressing tool in a direction parallel to the regulating wheel axis and radial direction. For the
implementation of the CNC regulating wheel dressing an input device converts 3D
geometrical parameters into the data related to the given form of the regulating wheel. These
data are entered to the arithmetic unit, which converts them into CNC control data. For this a
3D grinding gap model is required.
4.2. 3D grinding gap modelling
For the modelling purpose, several basic demands for the analytical display of the 3D
grinding gap have to be defined:
a.) Simultaneous line contact of the work piece with the grinding wheel, regulating
wheel and the work rest blade.
b.) Cylindrical grinding wheel.
c.) Noninclined work rest blade.
d.) Regulating wheel is inclined and swivelled in its centre.
Krajnik, Drazumeric, Vrabic & Kopac: Advances in Centreless Grinding Modelling and Simulation
The simultaneous line contact of the work piece with the grinding wheel, regulating wheel
and the workrest blade enables steady work piece kinematics along the grinding gap. In this
way a contact loss between the work piece and the regulating wheel can be avoided. The
simulation presumes the employment of a CBN grinding wheel that is practically cylindrical.
In view of the machine tool design, the workrest blade is never inclined in the direction of the
machine tool plane. The work piece axial speed is obtained by the inclination of the
regulating wheel. Most machine tools are designed so that the regulating wheel is inclined
and swivelled in its centre, as shown in Figure 6.
Figure 6: 3D grinding gap.
Analytical modelling of the 3D grinding gap requires a parametrical description of the
grinding wheel, the workpiece, the workrest blade and the regulating wheel. All four elements
are described as two parametrical surfaces in a global coordinate system which lies in the
front plane of the workrest blade, shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7: Global coordinate system.
For the grinding gap parameterisation, a definition of geometrical parameters is required.
Some basic parameters that are included in the models are shown in Figure 8. Additional
parameters are further described in subsections below.
Krajnik, Drazumeric, Vrabic & Kopac: Advances in Centreless Grinding Modelling and Simulation
rW 1
rW 0
rR 0
Figure 8: Geometrical parameters of a 3D grinding gap.
The geometry of a cylindrical grinding wheel is determined by its radius rS and width bS.
Its analytical model in the global coordinate system gives:
x = rS ( cos u − 1) − x A
y = rS sin u
z =v
0 ≤ u ≤ 2π
0 ≤ v ≤ bS
where parameter xA denotes the distance between the grinding wheel and the workrest
blade. This distance is later shown in Figure 10.
The geometry of a workpiece with length lW, centre height h, input radius rW0 and output
radius rW1 along the grinding gap is determined with the following model:
x = xS − rS − x A + xW (v ) + rW (v ) cos u
y = −h + yW (v ) + rW (v ) sin u
z =v
in the intervals and . The parameter xS describes the horizontal distance between the
grinding wheel centre and the workpiece centre and is calculated as:
xS =
( rS + rW 0 )
− h2
The workpiece radius function, shown in Figure 4, is a major technological input
parameter that determines the material removal rate along the grinding gap. The centreless
grinding end users require inputting this function directly to the machine tool controller. For
the simulation tool we introduced a polynomial workpiece radius function along the grinding
gap that enables continuous material removal and undisturbed workpiece passage to the
spark-out zone:
rW (v ) = rW 1 +
( rW 0 − rW 1 )
(v − bS + bsa ) (v + 2bS − 2bsa )
2 ( bS − bsa )
where bsa describes the length of a spark-out zone.
Krajnik, Drazumeric, Vrabic & Kopac: Advances in Centreless Grinding Modelling and Simulation
rW [mm]
rW 0
rW 1
zW [mm]
b sa
Figure 9: Workpiece radius function.
The geometry of a workrest blade depends on its width bA and angle β, shown in Figure
10. Its analytical model in the global coordinate system gives:
x =u
y = u ⋅ tan β − hA
z =v
0 ≤ u ≤ bA
0 ≤ v ≤ bS
where parameter hA is calculated as follows:
hA = 
( rS + rW 0 )
− h 2 − rS − x A  tan β + h − W 0
cos β
k ⋅ bA
Figure 10: Geometrical parameters of a workrest blade.
The contact point between the workpiece and the workrest blade should lie within a
certain interval on the support plane. The input workpiece position is controlled by the
parameter k.
The size of the gap between the grinding wheel and the workrest blade xA can also be
entered as input. In order to prevent collision it is important to keep its value positive.
To achieve workpiece throughfeed, the regulating wheel has to be inclined for an
appointed angle αR. Because of this inclination, the contact point between the workpiece and
the regulating wheel is displaced along the grinding gap. The regulating wheel form has to
compensate this displacement in order to achieve the required line contact. If the regulating
wheel form deviates from the optimal form, the contact gets interrupted and continuous
throughfeed of the workpiece is not guaranteed. In order to avoid unsteady workpiece
kinematics, the regulating wheel form has to be adapted to the already determined workpiece
radius function.
Krajnik, Drazumeric, Vrabic & Kopac: Advances in Centreless Grinding Modelling and Simulation
The geometry of the regulating wheel depends on its width bR, inclination angle αR, input
diameter dR0 and output diameter dR1. The latter two values can be easily acquired from
the machine tool controller. Its parameterisation gives:
x = xS + xR − rS − x A − (v − z0 ) cos αR sin δ R −
rR (v )( cos δ R cos u + sinα R sin δ R sin u )
y = (v − z0 ) sinα R − rR (v ) cos α R sin u
z = z0 + (v − z0 ) cos α R cos δ R −
rR (v )( sin δ R cos u − sinα R cos δ R sin u )
The application of a system of two conditional equations of the contact enables us to
calculate the regulating wheel radius rR and the contact angle φR, shown in Figure 11, in
every point of the grinding gap. The solution to these two equations further enables us to
determine the distance between the regulating wheel centre, the workpiece centre xR and
the swivelling angle δR, which is an important parameter for the machine tool set-up. The
discussed system of two equations, which describe the contact between the workpiece and
the regulating wheel, is given in [9].
When 3D grinding gap is fully described, the values of angles α and βG are known in all
axial positions along the grinding gap. In this way stability indexes in throughfeed centreless
grinding are determined.
4.3. Workpiece kinematics
In order to determine workpiece kinematics, a non-sliding contact with the regulating wheel in
every point of the grinding gap is presupposed. The regulating wheel speed depends on its
radius and revolutions. Since the regulating wheel rotation is constant, the workpiece speed
is directly related to the calculated regulating wheel form (Figure 11).
v fa
Figure 11: Kinematical parameters.
Taking into account the workpiece and the regulating wheel geometries we can
determine the rotational component nW and the axial component vfa of a workpiece speed:
nW =
nR ( cos αR cos ϕR cos ϕW +
cos δ R sinϕR sinϕW − sinα R sin δ R cos ϕ R sinϕW )
Krajnik, Drazumeric, Vrabic & Kopac: Advances in Centreless Grinding Modelling and Simulation
v fa =
π ⋅ rR
nR ( sinα R cos δ R cos ϕ R + sin δ R sinϕR )
The workpiece speed in a contact is changing throughout the grinding gap, whereas a
nonsliding contact is only possible in one point at a time. Therefore actual speeds are
calculated as average values at a certain workpiece position. These values are prerequisites
for the calculation of the grinding cycle time and the specific material removal rate that are
major estimates of the process productivity.
A software simulation tool was developed to support the underlying analytical models with
visualisation. The grinding gap elements can be placed into the defined set-up. The process
kinematics and workpiece forming are simulated in an interactive virtual environment.
The simulation tool is currently developed for the Windows platform and is written in the
C# programming language using the .NET framework and the OpenGL library. The .NET
framework is used for the graphical user interface (GUI) and for certain operations that
support the software features, such as parameter loading, saving and screenshot acquisition.
The OpenGL library is used to visualise the geometry and kinematics. All of the technologies
are widely used and allow the simulation tool to be ported to a variety of operating systems
using the Mono platform, which is a runtime environment similar to the .NET framework.
Figure 12: Simulation tool structure.
The analytical model of the grinding gap inputs the parametrical data that describe all
grinding gap elements. When the parameters are determined, the analytical model outputs
the geometry and kinematics of the elements, as shown in Figure 12.
In case any errors are found, they are reported to the user and to the visualisation
classes, which are able to represent them graphically. All images are built with the OpenGL
function calls. Figure 13 shows a screen image of the simulation tool.
Krajnik, Drazumeric, Vrabic & Kopac: Advances in Centreless Grinding Modelling and Simulation
Figure 13: Simulation tool screenshot.
An analytical 2D model was firstly developed for simulation of plunge centreless grinding.
The model inputs the geometry of the grinding gap, the system mechanical properties, as
well as the process kinematics, and outputs the workpiece form along with its centre
displacement. The model provides the basis for a new software tool, which a machine tool
manufacturer will implement in a CNC controller. In this way all considered outputs will be
readily available to an operator. A simulated output workpiece form will enable an operator to
select input parameters in a way to avoid grinding of workpieces with low lobing orders of
high amplitudes that give rise to out-of-roundness, while values of workpiece centre
displacement will enable exact determination of depth of cut adjustment.
Secondly, a simulation tool was developed for the visualisation of throughfeed centreless
grinding. The simulation is based on a parametric description of the 3D grinding gap
geometry and kinematics. The simulation tool enables a machine tool operator to input setup and process parameters in such a way as to achieve the required productivity. Further it
enables an optimal dressing of the regulating wheel in such a way as to avoid unsteady
throughfeed. It can also warn an operator if error conditions exist for the given set-up. In this
way it is possible to test different inputs without trial-and-error on the machine tools, which in
turn reduces the downtime and avoids the risks of crashes in reality.
The presented PC based simulation tool provides the basis for a future state-of-the-art
CAVE virtual reality system embedded software tool for training activities that will enhance
knowledge and skills in centreless grinding technology.
This research was conducted within the CEGRIS II project, which is sponsored by the
European Commission as part of the Sixth Framework Programme for Research and
Technological Development (FP6).
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