MARCOPOLO DAY Carlos Zignani - IR Director Thiago A. Deiro - IR Manager June, 2010. AGENDA Bus Bus Market Market Overview Overview Marcopolo Marcopolo as as aa leading leading player player Operating Operating & & Financial Financial Highlights Highlights Corporate Corporate Governance Governance Marcopolo Marcopolo Corporation Corporation Product Product Line Line –– Generation Generation 77 BRAZILIAN BUS BODIES PRODUCTION (units) 35,410 +24.8% 32,027 25,280 21,680 21,787 21,381 18,099 26.7% 26,983 29.8% 27,952 25,645 46.9% 35.4% 27.3% 32,000 34.1% 32.8% 31.6% 28.9% 17.7% 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Brazilian Production 2006 2007 2008 2009 21.9% 2010 E External Market 3 MARKET SHARE IN BRAZIL (%) 50% 49.8% 46.5% 47.0% 46.0% 45.9% 40% 44.7% 42.8% 43.0% 45.5% 41.7% MP/Ciferal 39.2% Busscar 30% Caio/ Induscar Comil 20% Neobus Mascarello 10% Other (*) (*) Irizar, Maxibus. 0% 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 1Q10 SOURCE: Fabus/ Fabus/Simefre. Simefre. 4 BUS BODY WORLD PRODUCTION OTHER ASIA 2009 = 3,000 2019 = 5,000 NORTH AMERICA - NAFTA 2009 = 12,000 2019 = 15,000 EUROPE 2009: 35,000 2019: 40,000 EGYPT 2009 = 3,000 2019 = 6,000 AMERICAS 2009: 48,000 2019: 66,000 OTHER SOUTH AMERICA 2009 = 6,000 2019 = 9,000 EAST EUROPE 2009: 16,000 2019: 30,000 MIDDLE EAST & TURKEY 2009: 11,000 2019: 14,000 JAPAN 2009 = 9,000 2019 = 10,000 ASIA & ASIAN SOUTHEAST 2009: 196,000 2019: 260,000 CHINA 2009 = 130,000 2019 = 150,000 AFRICA 2009: 5,000 2019: 9,000 BRAZIL 2009 = 30,000 2019 = 42,000 SOUTH KOREA 2009 = 12,000 2019 = 15,000 INDIA 2009 = 42,000 2019 = 80,000 SOUTH AFRICA 2009 = 2,000 2019 = 3,000 TOTAL PRODUCTION SOURCE: OICA and internal estimates for the production of buses with more than 7ton, except for India and China. Note: School Buses in the USA and Canada are not considered. considered. 2009 = 311,000 2019 = 419,000 CAGR = 3.0% 5 BRAZILIAN BUS FLEET Total Fleet & Average Age 16.3 457,873 15.2 13.9 13.5 14.1 12.1 235,161 82,880 76,823 38,088 Midwest 24,921 Northeast Fleet per Region (units) SOURCE: Fenabrave and Denatran. Denatran. North Southeast South Average Fleet Age (years) BRAZIL OUTLOOK • Events in Brazil 2010 – Federal and State level elections 2011 – Renewal of interstate and international lines concessions 2012 – Municipal Elections 2013 – FIFA Confederations Cup 2014 – FIFA World Cup / Federal and State level elections 2016 – Olympic and Paralympic Games / Municipal Elections • Growth Drivers / Opportunities – GDP Growth – Investments in BRTs and public transit systems BRTs: Approx. R$ 10.0 MM / Km Subway: Approx. R$ 200.0 MM / Km – School Buses for rural areas – Long term financing for buses – Generation 7 success – Global Presence – Global Sourcing – New Concession lines - fleet renovation 7 PERSPECTIVES • New Projects/Trends – Intercity School Buses – “Caminhos da Saúde” program – CBU’s exports financed by BNDES – Restrictions on the circulation of vehicles in central areas of big cities • Targets/Goals – #1 or #2 in every region in which we have factories – Premium prices – Lowest production cost • Threats – Strong exchange rate appreciation – Regional airlines – Trains/subways – Cars / Motorcycles 8 NEW PROJECTS IN BRAZIL Belo Horizonte Porto Alegre 6 BRTs 1 Surveillance project 1 Pavement project Total: R$ 1.023,3 MM 2 BRTs 3 Bus lanes 1 Surveillance project Total: R$ 368.6 MM São Paulo 1 Monorail Total: R$ 1,082.0 MM Rio de Janeiro 1 BRT Total: R$ 1,190.0 MM Recife 2 BRTs 2 Bus lanes 1 Bus Terminal Total: R$ 648.0 MM Manaus 1 BRT 1 Monorail Total: R$ 800.0 MM Salvador Growth Acceleration Program for public transport: R$ 11.5 billions in investments 39 projects for public transport, including: 1 BRT Total: R$ 541.8 MM • 20 BRTs systems Total: R$ 361.0 MM SOURCE: NTU 1 Pavement project 1 Light Rail system Curitiba Fortaleza 3 BRTs 1 Light Rail system 1 Bus lane 1 Subway project Total: R$ 414.4 MM Brasília Cuiabá Natal 2 BRTs 1 Bus lane Total: R$ 454.7 MM 2 Pavement projects 1 Bus lane Total: R$ 361.0 MM 1 BRT 1 Surveillance project 2 Pavement projects 3 Bus lanes 1 Bus Terminal Total: R$ 440.6 MM 9 AGENDA Bus Bus Market Market Overview Overview Marcopolo Marcopolo as as aa leading leading player player Operating Operating & & Financial Financial Highlights Highlights Corporate Corporate Governance Governance Marcopolo Marcopolo Corporation Corporation Product Product Line Line –– Generation Generation 77 GLOBAL PRESENCE 11 STRATEGIC POSITIONING PRODUCTION UNITS CHANGZHOU - CHINA (components) MONTERREY - MEXICO 2009 = 1.510 2010e = 1.500 SUEZ - EGYPT 2009 = 207 2010e = 600 DHARWAD/LUCKNOW INDIA 2009 = 2.517 2010e = 6.000 COTA - COLOMBIA 2009 = 638 2010e = 600 RIO DE JANEIRO - BRAZIL LOMA HERMOSA - ARGENTINA 2009 = 470 2010e = 500 CAXIAS DO SUL - BRAZIL 2009 = 13.672 2010e = 14.900 JOHANNESBURG - SOUTH AFRICA 2009 = 308 2010e = 600 MARCOPOLO’S TOTAL PRODUCTION 2009 = 19,384* 2010e = 24,700 Variation = + 27.4% * Includes 54 units produced in Portugal and 8 units in Russia. Russia. 12 VERTICALIZATION & COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES Components ► Seats ► Foams ► Windows Bus Production ► ► ► ► ► ► Sales representants ► Technical Assistance and 7 abroad ► ► 11 units: 4 in Brazil and Post-sales Support Presence in over 100 product guarantee countries Doors ► Up-to-date technology ► Low cost Structure Hydro-sanitary installation Handbag Compartment ► Specialized efficient plants ► Qualified workforce ► Customization ► Quality widely recognized Plastic Components Air Conditioning System ► Retail facilities ► Possibility of financing from Moneo Bank 13 AGENDA Bus Bus Market Market Overview Overview Marcopolo Marcopolo as as aa leading leading player player Operating Operating & & Financial Financial Highlights Highlights Corporate Corporate Governance Governance Marcopolo Marcopolo Corporation Corporation Product Product Line Line –– Generation Generation 77 TOTAL PRODUCTION (units) & MARKET SHARE (%) Marcopolo’s Total Production +27.4% 24,700 21,811 19,384 17,807 16,456 14,824 +8.3% 4,964 +55.9% 6,134 5,375 3,935 EM DM 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 E 3Q09 4Q09 1Q09 Marcopolo’s Market Share in Brazil 1Q10 (by model) 70.9% 54.3% Intercity Urban 37.1% Micro 31.5% Mini 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 1Q10 15 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (R$ Million) Total Net Sales +23.9% 2,532.2 2,101.1 1,709.1 2,550.0 2,057.7 1,750.3 +28.6% 480.3 617.5 +46.6% 679.2 463.4 EM DM 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 E 3Q09 4Q09 1Q09 1Q10 Gross Profit & Margin -16.5% 474.1 395.8 329.7 342.6 257.2 +64.0% +65.7% 163.7 131.7 99.8 79.5 15.1% 18.8% 16.3% 18.7% 19.2% 2005 2008 2006 2007 2009 16.6% 21.3% 3Q09 4Q09 21.5% 24.1% 1Q09 1Q10 16 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (R$ Million) EBITDA & Margin 273.5 -32.5% 184.7 168.2 168.5 +139.6% 120.4 112.6 +85.2% 56.5 47.0 9.2% 10.1% 30.5 7.0% 9.6% 2005 2006 8.0% 10.8% 9.0% 2007 2008 2009 6.4% 16.6% 3Q09 4Q09 1Q09 1Q10 EBITDA (adjusted) & Margin -2.7% 206.3 216.4 214.2 208.4 150.9 +132.1% 114.9 +33.9% 43.9 58.8 49.5 16.9% 8.8% 11.8% 10.3% 8.5% 10.1% 9.1% 9.5% 10.7% 2005 2009 3Q09 4Q09 1Q09 2006 2007 2008 1Q10 17 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (R$ Million) Net Income & Margin +1.6% 146.5 134.4 136.5 120.8 +208.3% 82.4 +221.4% 69.1 63.2 20.5 21.5 4.8% 6.9% 7.0% 5.3% 6.6% 4.3% 10.2% 4.6% 10.2% 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 3Q09 1Q09 1Q10 4Q09 Net Worth & ROE +15.2% +0.1% +5.9% 683.5 536.0 797.2 724.0 723.2 724.0 691.8 590.4 464.1 26.0% 24.8% 19.3% 2005 2006 2007 23.1% 19.7% 18.9% 18.2% 18.9% 18.4% 2008 3Q09 1Q09 2009 4Q09 1Q10 18 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS (R$ Million) Investments 132.2 -42.3% 110.6 104.0 60.0 +1.0% 40.4 38.1 24.8 2005 2006 -37.0% 2007 2008 2009 2010 E 19.6 19.8 3Q09 4Q09 24.0 1Q09 1Q10 Net Indebtedness -4.8% 745.7 709.6 727.8 323.9 115.4 86.6 0.8x 0.4x 0.6x 1.7x 1.1x 0.9x 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 1Q10 = Financial Segment = Industrial Segment Net Debt (Industrial Segment)/LTM EBITDA 19 AGENDA Bus Bus Market Market Overview Overview Marcopolo Marcopolo as as aa leading leading player player Operating Operating & & Financial Financial Highlights Highlights Corporate Corporate Governance Governance Marcopolo Marcopolo Corporation Corporation Product Product Line Line –– Generation Generation 77 ORGANIZATION CHART Shareholders Shareholders HEIRS’ HEIRS’ COUNCIL COUNCIL BOARD BOARD OF OF DIRECTORS DIRECTORS EXTERNAL EXTERNAL AUDIT AUDIT FISCAL FISCAL COUNCIL COUNCIL HR HRAND ANDETHICS ETHICS COMITEE COMITEE AUDIT AUDITAND ANDRISK RISK INTERNAL INTERNAL AUDIT AUDIT STRATEGY STRATEGYAND ANDINNOVATION INNOVATION EXECUTIVE EXECUTIVE IR IR DIRECTOR DIRECTOR CEO CEO 21 ORGANIZATION CHART CEO CEO DEVELOPING DEVELOPING AND AND STRATEGY STRATEGY DIVISION DIVISION MARKETING MARKETING AND AND STRATEGY STRATEGY DIVISION DIVISION Bus Bus Business Business Latin Latin America America and and Europe Europe Bus Bus Business Business Africa Africa and and Middle Middle East East LCV LCV BUSINESS BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMENT AND AND SYNCROPARTS SYNCROPARTS DIVISION DIVISION Financial Financial Services Services Administrative Administrative Director Director Financial Financial Services Services Director Director Manufacturing Manufacturing and and Engineering Engineering Director Director System System and and Process Process Director Director Service Providers 22 Business Units CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Marcopolo Marcopoloadopts adoptscorporate corporategovernance governancebest bestpractices, practices,following followingthe theprinciples principlesof oftransparency, transparency, accountability, social responsibility and equitable treatment of shareholders. accountability, social responsibility and equitable treatment of shareholders. Independent Board Members (3 out of 7) Fiscal Council Support Committees: Human Resouces & Ethics; Audit & Risks; Strategy & Innovation; and Executive Independent External Audit Tag Along (100% Common and 80% Preferred shares) BM&FBovespa Corporate Governance Level 2 since 2002 Financial Statements in IFRS Code of Conduct Disclosure and Negotiation Policy Participation in the BMF&Bovespa IGC, SMLL, INDX and ITAG indexes Heirs’ Succession Plan 23 SHAREHOLDING DISTRIBUTION Preferred Shares 4.6% Common Shares 0.7% 3.7% 2.0% 6.1% 5.2% 7.7% 8.5% 48.7% 15.2% 33.1% 64.5% Foreign Shareholders Controling Shareholders Other Shareholders in Brazil Fundação Bco. Central - CENTRUS Jose Antonio Fernandes Martins Other Shareholders in Brazil Fundo Petrobras Seg. Soc. Petros Bco. Bradesco S.A. / Bradesco Seguros S.A. BNDES Part. S.A. - BNDESPAR Marcopolo Foundation Controling Shareholders BNDES Part. S.A. - BNDESPAR As of May, May, 31, 2010. 24 STOCK PERFORMANCE Marcopolo PN x Ibovespa - Base 100 POMO4: +94.9% IBOV: +18.5% R$ 8.46 63.046 pts R$ 4.34 53.197 pts 05/31/09 08/31/09 11/30/09 02/28/10 05/31/10 25 SHARE LIQUIDITY & VALUATION Marcopolo PN - POMO4 2,000 1,800 5.0 1,600 1,400 4.0 1,200 3.0 1,000 800 2.0 600 Market Cap (R$ million) Average daily volume (R$ million) 6.0 400 1.0 200 - Jun-09 Jul-09 Aug-09 Sep-09 Oct-09 Nov-09 Dec-09 Jan-10 Feb-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 May-10 Average Daily Volume Market Cap 26 NET PROFIT (R$ Million) & PAY OUT RATIO AVERAGE PAY OUT: 47.2% 150 100 50 52.9 51.2 41.8 38.8 52.6 0 2005 2006 Net Profit (Company) 2007 Pay Out (in %) 2008 2009 Dividends 27 AGENDA Bus Bus Market Market Overview Overview Marcopolo Marcopolo as as aa leading leading player player Operating Operating & & Financial Financial Highlights Highlights Corporate Corporate Governance Governance Marcopolo Marcopolo Corporation Corporation Product Product Line Line –– Generation Generation 77 BUS BUSINESS UNITS Ana Rech – Caxias do Sul-RS - Brasil Planalto – Caxias do Sul-RS - Brasil Neobus – Caxias do Sul-RS - Brasil Ciferal – Duque de Caxias - RJ - Brasil Superpolo – Cota - Colômbia Polomex – Monterrey - México MASA – Johannesburg - África do Sul GB Polo – Suez - Egito Metalpar – Loma Hermosa - Argentina Tata Marcopolo Motors LMTD – Dharward - Índia Tata Marcopolo Motors LMTD – Lucknow - Índia 29 AGENDA Bus Bus Market Market Overview Overview Marcopolo Marcopolo as as aa leading leading player player Operating Operating & & Financial Financial Highlights Highlights Corporate Corporate Governance Governance Marcopolo Marcopolo Corporation Corporation Product Product Line Line –– Generation Generation 77 G7 - PARADISO 31 G7 - VIAGGIO 32 INVESTOR RELATIONS CONTACT Carlos Zignani Thiago A. Deiro Investor Relations Director Investor Relations Manager Phone: +55 54 2101.4115 Phone: +55 54 2101.4660 33 DISCLAIMER This presentation contains future information. Such information is not simply historical facts, but reflects the desires and the expectations of the Company’s leadership. The words anticipates, desires, hopes, forecasts, intends, plans, predicts, projects, wishes and similar ones, intend to identify affirmations that necessarily involve known and unknown risks. Known risks include uncertainties that are not limited to the impact of the competitiveness of the prices and services, market acceptance of services, the Company’s service transitions and its competitors, the approval of regulations, currency, fluctuation in the exchange rate, changes in the mix of services offered, and other risks described in the reports of the Company. This presentantion is updated until the present date. However, Marcopolo is not obligated to update it with new information and/or future events.
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Tabela de Valores IPVA
TC = Tipo de combustível; G = Gaolina; D = Diesel
Valores expressos em reais (R$)