First Technical Conferences REDSIRENA. Effect ofnitrification inhibitors on NUEandgaseous emissions Group COAPA(UPM) Technical Results (I) N oxidesemissions andyield inirrigated maize GuillermoGuardia REDSIRENA:FirstTechnical Conferences GroupCOAPA(UPM) Introduction Experimental site and Methods DMPP with organic sources (liquid fraction of pig slurry) DMPSA with CAN: 2 years experiment 15N experiment Conclusions REDSIRENA:First TechnicalConferences Group COAPA(UPM) 1 Noxides:N2OandNO UssiriandLal(2012) REDSIRENA:First TechnicalConferences Group COAPA(UPM) Nitrification inhibitors DCD,DMPP Ruser etal.(2015) REDSIRENA:First TechnicalConferences Group COAPA(UPM) Hypothesis andaims: REDSIRENA:First TechnicalConferences Group COAPA(UPM) “ElEncín”field station ENCÍN Latitude 40°32´N Texture Sandyclayloam(clay,28%;silt,17%;sand, 55%) Soil Taxonomy CalcicHaploxerepts pH 7,6 Bulk Density 1,41Mg/m3 Mean Temperature 13,2 C MeanRainfall 402mm REDSIRENA:First TechnicalConferences Group COAPA(UPM) Maize (Zeamays L.) Sprinkler irrigation Threereplicated completely randomized design REDSIRENA:First TechnicalConferences Group COAPA(UPM) N2Osampling REDSIRENA:First TechnicalConferences Group COAPA(UPM) NOsampling REDSIRENA:First TechnicalConferences Group COAPA(UPM) REDSIRENA:First TechnicalConferences Group COAPA(UPM) Fertilizer Treatment 1st fertilization 2nd fertilization Control (C) Urea (U) U Pig Urine (PU) PU U Pig Urine+DMPP (PU+NI) PU+NI U REDSIRENA:First TechnicalConferences Nrate(kgNha1) 1st 2nd fertilization fertilization Total (5th May) (17th June) 0 0 0 0 180 180 120 60 180 120 Group COAPA(UPM) Main results:yield parameters Abalos etal.(2014) REDSIRENA:First TechnicalConferences Group COAPA(UPM) 60 180 TREATMENTS: • Control:0N • Urea • Urea+urease inhibitor NBPT(UTEC) • CAN • CAN+nitrification inhibitor DMPSA 180kgNha1 2014and2015 REDSIRENA:First TechnicalConferences Group COAPA(UPM) 15NH NO 4 3 2microplots 1mx1m NH415NO3 2treatments: • AN • AN+I(DMPSA) 98%atom 15N REDSIRENA:First TechnicalConferences Group COAPA(UPM) Thank you.Any question? REDSIRENA:FirstTechnical Conferences GroupCOAPA(UPM) 15