June 26, 2016 - Church of Christ at Oakdale
June 26, 2016 - Church of Christ at Oakdale
ORDER OF Worship Soldiers Of Christ Arise Days of Elijah SUNDAY Attendance 6.19.16 Class: 87 Worship: 131 6.12.16 Class: 115 Worship: 155 Welcome/Announcements Prayer Let God Arise Father God Psalm 34:11-14 Turn My Heart / I Surrender All Lord, Take Control Lord’s Supper Offering Listen To Our Hearts Lesson - Sparks: Beware of the Talebearer Pierce My Ear Step By Step Shepherd’s Prayer Kids ... count how many times Darrel says these words in today’s lesson! GOD:JESUS: LAST MONTH’S Giving General Contribution: $29,290.15 Building Fund: $4,560.00 Westview Boys’ Home: $916.50 JUNE 26, 2016 LOVING God AND OUR Neighbors Ministers Darrel Sears - Preaching Minister John T. Langley - Youth & Family Minister Shepherds Alan Hoffhines Phil Wood Larry Zeller Deacons Rod Diller - Benevolence Jonathan Heusel - Building & Logistics Jamie Koch - Family Involvement Rick Loomis - Finance Wes McKinzie - Worship John Mitchell - Communications CHURCH WEBSITE churchatoakdale.com Welcome to Oakdale! Thank you for worshipping with us today! FACEBOOK (/groups/175437260770) churchatoakdale.com/facebook GOSSIP:SPEAK: TALEBEARER: TWITTER (@ChurchatOakdale) churchatoakdale.com/twitter 1320 E. 9TH, SUITE #8, EDMOND, OK 73034 • 405.626.5103 • OAKDALECHURCHOFFICE@GMAIL.COM Meal TRAINS We have an opportunity to provide meals for With small groups breaking for the summer, the Langleys as they get settled and for Alisha consider going to Wonder of Worship (WoW) at Richey and family as she recovers from surgery. 7:00 pm on Wednesday nights at Memorial Road Please note that Alisha has an almond allergy Church of Christ. It’s another great opportunity and is trying to stay away from gluten. You can to fellowship, worship, and learn new songs! sign up at churchatoakdale.com/langleys and at churchatoakdale.com/alisha. Youth AND Family WELCOME THE LANGLEYS! Thanks to everyone who helped John T. and Abby move in yesterday. We’re excited about today ... John T.’s first official Sunday as our Youth and Family Minister! As part of the Langleys’ transition, Oakdale will match dollarfor-dollar any monies collected (up to $5,000) to help them with a down payment on their home. If you want to help, make your online contribution or checks out to the church with “Langleys” written in the memo field. Checks can Hurst SHOWER July 3. Due to construction and other work Coral Wheeler is this afternoon from 2:00 to in the commons rather than in the cafeteria. 4:00 at John and Kelli Mitchell’s home. Since our setup space is limited, please just bring Children's WORSHIP We offer Children’s Worship for children finger foods - donuts, kolaches, cereal bars, etc. - rather than items requiring utensils. That will help with setup and cleanup. Thank you! Global REUNION Oklahoma Christian University will host Global Reunion, a camp for missionary and military families returning to the USA, on July 23-29. If you can help provide meals, talk to Jennifer Gray. Birthdays AND Anniversaries 6.27 Piper Riggs 6.27 Jaylee Simpson 6.28 Braxton Ogburn 6.28 Libby Ogburn 6.28 Lillian Ogburn 6.30 Riley Yahola 6.30 Wiley & Debbie Rhodes Anniversary 7.2 Jamie Koch from age 3 through third grade. The kids are dismissed after the offering; you can pick them up by the library after worship. Nancy and Joshua Black are leading Children’s Worship this month. The children are doing an eight- SUMMER CAMPS congregation at the end of August. Please tell includes a special project they’ll present to the Kullough Cashat if your child has an allergy to apples, bananas, grapes, oranges, peaches, (for kids entering 4th-7th grades) starts today. pineapples, strawberries, or watermelon. DeShawn Heusel will take the J.A.M. kids back Summer SERIES and forth from camp. The high school session Our next potluck breakfast is next Sunday, happening, we’ll gather in our auditorium space week study on the Fruits of the Spirit, which Pettijohn Springs Christian Camp, Camp J.A.M. Potluck WITH A TWIST The wedding shower for Michael Hurst and be given during our regular Sunday offerings. On the heels of last week’s junior high session at Wednesday WOWS (for campers entering grades 9-12) is July 3-8. Don’t miss the great teaching and discussion High school transportation plans TBA. happening in our adult classes this summer! The auditorium class is covering Lee Strobel’s “The SHOUT! Case For Faith: A Journalist Investigates the Our next event is Tuesday, July 19 at 6:00 pm Toughest Objections to Christianity” while our at the Kochs’ house. Be watching for info about ladies class studies “Fervent: A Woman’s Battle more upcoming events with John T.’s arrival! Plan for Serious, Specific, and Strategic Prayer.” Prayer LIST • Troy Baxter, friend of Delisa McKinzie, complications during bone marrow transplant. • Bob Cox, Trevor Cox’s father, in chemo after Stage 3 cancer was found in his lymph nodes. • Dave Ellis, Stacey Wolfe’s father, bone cancer in his spine. • Shirley Ellis, Stacey Wolfe’s mother, complications after gallbladder surgery. • Eustacia Garcia, Bianca Woods’ grandmother, recovering from knee replacement surgery. • Elliot Harris, friend of the Sears’, long road to recovery after being paralyzed. • Alyssa Layman, Paige Bailey’s sister-in-law, Lyme Disease. • Dustin Penland, Rick Loomis’ son-in-law, has a grandfather who is very ill. • Jeff Peters has a benign cyst in his jaw that will require 12-18 months of care. • Susan Peters’ stepfather has begun new treatments as he continues to battle prostate cancer. • Debbie Rhodes, praise for good test results and good improvement in her cancer battle! • Kelly Richey, prayers for healing and good health. • Elizabeth Sturdy had surgery to remove tissue in hopes of making a brain cancer vaccine. • Bianca Woods’ grandmother Ola, tests for a mass in her stomach. • Harold Zeller, Larry’s brother, has a C. difficile infection. • Workers in the energy industry, prayers for those impacted by recent layoffs. If you have a request to add to the prayer list or need to give us an update, please see one of our ministers or email oakdalechurchoffice@gmail.com.