Page 1 July August - Surrey Services for Seniors


Page 1 July August - Surrey Services for Seniors
July - August 2016
Making a Lasting Difference
Bob’s Blog
New Music Appreciation Class
Volunteer Drivers Needed
Eating Right: Mediterranean Diet
Farmers Market Vouchers
Benefits CheckUp
AAA Senior Driver Website
Volunteer Opportunity
July Devon Calendar
August Devon Calendar
July Broomall Calendar
August Broomall Calendar
July Havertown Calendar
August Havertown Calendar
July Media Calendar
August Media Calendar
Staying Healthy in Summer
Update Your Information
Member Donations
Personal Finance Corner:
Dial with Care
Scouts Host a Great Dinner
Main Line Antiques Show Returns
Cleaning Services
Making a Lasting Difference
Bob’s Blog
Planned Giving
Surrey Membership - What
Does it Mean to You?
A bequest is one of the easiest gifts you can make
to impact the services provided by Surrey. Recently,
Surrey received important notices of two new bequests from members who kindly included our organization in their will. A bequest, frequently referred to as a planned gift, ensures Surrey’s continuation of services that are vital to older adults in
the community.
Often there is misunderstanding when people hear
about estate or planned gifts. Most estate gifts are
modest in size and usually consist of assets many of
us have. There are multiple ways to make a gift to
strengthen Surrey’s future. A planned gift, which is
given to Surrey after someone’s lifetime, is always
meaningful. Because assets are not being given
away until after one’s lifetime, a bequest ensures
that Surrey’s mission is part of your legacy.
You can make an impact on Surrey’s mission by
designating Surrey as a beneficiary of one of your
assets; such as a retirement plan account, life insurance policy or bank account. You retain complete
control over the assets during your lifetime and can
spend the money as you wish. By naming Surrey as
the beneficiary, you simply allow for any leftover
funds, or a portion of those funds, to transfer to us
after your lifetime.
The Surrey Legacy Society
If you have already included a gift to Surrey in your
estate plans or have any questions, please let us
know by emailing Lauren Christiansen, at or calling her at
610-647-9774. This way we will recognize you as a
member of the Surrey Legacy Society, meet and
thank you personally and notify you of upcoming
events. It would be an honor to ensure that your
gift will be used exactly as you intend.
New Music Appreciation Class
Fun with Classical Music
Surrey Devon
Tuesdays beginning September 13, 12:45 - 2
Due to the incredible popularity of the Fun with Opera class at Surrey Devon, this Fall a new musical
appreciation class will be offered called Fun with
Classical Music.
United Way
Donor # 614
Join the class and listen to outstanding examples of
sonatas, concerti, quartets, unaccompanied solo
pieces, symphonies, oratorios, operas, lieder, and
encore pieces on such instruments as violin, viola,
cello, piano, harp, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, organ,
and voice. We will listen to great composers such as
Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Mozart, Mendelssohn,
Schubert, Saint Saens, Chopin, Sarasate, Paganini,
Tchaikovsky, Verdi, Rossini, Wagner, and others.
Performances from the past and present will be featured and assembled from YouTube by Surrey volunteer Betsy Schumacker. To register, call Muriel
Kennedy at 610-647-6404 ext. 184.
What does the word “membership” mean to you?
For me, it means being part of an organization where
I contribute something to the overall cause and in
return, I receive benefits. Sometimes, there might be
only one or two benefits to being a member. At Surrey there are many benefits of membership, both
tangible and intangible.
Some folks enjoy the social benefits of their Surrey
membership. Lunches, trips, lectures and workshops
make staying active in the community fun. There is
always something going on at each Surrey location.
Others may benefit from the services Surrey offers
members. Friendly phone calls, driver escort transportation, Medicare counseling through APPRISE and
the CVIM Dental Clinic are just a few examples of services that give support to those who may need a little
extra help now and then. Surrey membership also
gives access to our Home Services, Care Managers
and Information and Referral services.
Finally, and very importantly, being a Surrey member
means helping continue the Surrey Mission. Our goal
for the future is to be able to continue creating and
offering programs and services that benefit seniors in
our community. We need the support of our current
membership to make this goal a reality, and your $35
membership dues help support the future of Surrey.
This is my top ten list of words that come to mind
when I think of my Surrey membership:
• Friendship
• Fun
• Support of others
• Educational Opportunities
• Improved Physical Health
• Advocacy
• Informational
• Social
• Good Food
• Support of the Surrey Mission
In the 1990s, American Express had a slogan,
“Membership has its privileges.” I would say that a
Surrey membership has more than privileges, it also
has rewards.
Robert M. Madonna, President & CEO
Volunteer Drivers Needed
Summer is a great time to visit
family and enjoy vacations.
Our wonderful volunteer
drivers think so too. That’s why
Surrey is looking for some
additional volunteers who can
help with this vital service
during the summer months while other volunteers are
away. We particularly are looking for drivers in
Delaware county. Interested?
Call Linda at 484-321-6106 for more information.
Successful Aging:
Summer Trips with Surrey
AAA Senior Driver Website
Eating Right: The Mediterranean Diet
Looking for something fun this summer? Join us
on our wonderful summer outings to two local
Research shows that many older drivers have
experienced a decline in functional abilities, including vision and reaction time.
A healthy diet is key to successful aging, and research shows that eating right includes a Mediterranean style diet: one that includes food traditionally found in areas around the Mediterranean. It should have more: fruits, vegetables,
legumes, cereals, fish and monounsaturated fats
(such as olive oil), and less: red meat, dairy
products and saturated fats, with moderate alcohol consumption (especially red wine with
meals) as compared to the typical American diet.
The Mayo Clinic reports that the traditional
Mediterranean style diet reduces the risk of
heart disease. In 2010 they reported that an
analysis of more than 1.5 million healthy adults
demonstrated that following a Mediterranean
diet was associated with a reduced risk of overall
and cardiovascular mortality, a reduced incidence of cancer and a reduced incidence of
Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.
They report that the key components of the
Mediterranean diet are:
• Getting plenty of exercise
• Eating primarily plant based foods, such as
fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes and
• Replacing butter with healthy fats such as olive
oil and canola oil
• Using herbs and spices instead of salt to flavor
• Limiting red meat to no more than a few times
a month
• Eating fish and poultry at least twice a week
• Drinking red wine in moderation (optional)
This is a great time of year to get started on a
healthier eating plan. Grilling vegetables brings
out their sweetness and adds color to your plate.
If you don’t have or want to grill, put veggies on
a cookie sheet, brush with olive or canola oil and
roast at 425 degrees to desired tenderness. Add
the roasted vegetables to cooked whole grain
pasta with a little olive oil and herbs for seasoning, and top with parmesan cheese. Enjoy!
Farmers Market Vouchers
The Pennsylvania Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program checks are now available for distribution to eligible individuals. Delaware and
Chester County residents who are 60 or older,
(including those who will reach their 60th birthday by December 31); and who meet the income
guidelines, are eligible.
The guidelines for this year’s program are: one
person, $21,978; two people, $29,637. Proof of
residency/age is necessary, and proof of income
is self-declared. Recipients must sign the designated roster when they received the check and
eligible seniors may receive the checks once per
calendar year. Proxy forms are available for
home bound members. The proxy form must be
signed by the consumer requesting the vouchers
and by the person (the proxy) who is picking up
the vouchers. Vouchers are distributed on a first
come basis until supply is exhausted. Vouchers
are redeemable until November 30.
Chester County Residents: Vouchers will be distributed by Mary LePera at Surrey - Devon every
Monday from 10:30 to 1 during July and August.
Proof of age and residency is required.
Delaware County Residents: Vouchers will be
distributed at Surrey - Media every Thursday
from 1 - 3. Please remember to bring proof of
age and residency.
Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square
Tuesday, July 12, 9 - 1
Brandywine River Museum and
Hanks Diner
Tuesday, August 9, 9 - 1
See pages 3 and 4 for details or call Nicole Robinson at 610-647-9172 to register.
Benefits Check Up
Are you getting all the benefits to which you are
entitled? We can help you review your current
government benefits to be sure you are taking
advantage of everything to which you are entitled. Surrey staff has reserved time each
Wednesday from 10 - 11 for these one on one
appointments. In Devon, call 610-647-6404 and
ask for Information and Referral to schedule
your Benefits Check Up.
Apprise Counseling
New to Medicare? Have questions about your
medical insurance? Trained APPRISE volunteers
can help. Counseling is by appointment on the
following dates at Surrey Devon. Call Mary
LePera at 484-321-6102 to schedule.
Chester County Residents:
Surrey - Devon
Mondays, July 11, 18 and 25, 9-12:30
Delaware County Residents:
Surrey - Devon
Thursday, July 14, 9-11:30
Surrey - Broomall
Tuesday, July 26, 10 - 2
Surrey - Havertown
Thursday, July 21, 9 - 11:30
Surrey - Media
Wednesday, July 27, 1 - 4
Chester County Residents:
Surrey - Devon
Mondays, Aug. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 9-12:30
Delaware County Residents:
Surrey - Devon
Thursday, August 11, 9-11:30
Surrey - Broomall
Tuesday, August 30, 10 - 2
Surrey - Havertown
Thursday, August 18, 9 - 11:30
Surrey - Media
Wednesday, August 24, 1 - 4
Beat the Heat - Have Lunch
at Surrey
To help older adults drive safer and longer, AAA
has created a comprehensive senior driver
safety website at
The website features quizzes, videos, Q&As,
slideshows and brain fitness exercises—that are
shown to cut the risk of a traffic crashes in half,
according to AAA.
The site is available to anyone with a computer
and internet connection; AAA membership is not
required for access. If you do not have a computer with internet, please visit Surrey in Devon,
Havertown or Media.
Red Cross Blood Drive
Surrey will be hosting a Red Cross Blood Drive on
Tuesday, August 30 from 1:30 - 6:30. We need
volunteers for the registration and refreshment
table. Blood donors are always welcome too.
Please contact Linda DiMaggio or 484-321-6106.
Volunteer at the Tredyffrin
Historic House Tour
The 2016 House Tour is Saturday, September 24.
Volunteers are needed to assist with ticket pickup at the Tredyffrin Library between 10 - 12,
and as volunteer docents at the historic homes,
between 12 - 5. If you’re interested please contact Linda DiMaggio at 484-321-6016 or
Gift Basket Items Needed
Surrey’s Activities and Volunteer Departments
are looking for donations of items to use for gift
baskets, raffles and door prizes. We’d welcome
those “white elephants” that just aren’t your
style. We could use: chocolate, wine, tea, jewelry, movies, reading, music, and holiday items.
Please deliver your items to the closest Surrey
office and mark them to Linda DiMaggio’s attention. Thank you!
Surrey Wins “Best Of”
Thanks to your support and voting, Surrey has
been awarded the following by Main Line Media
Best Antiques Shop
Best Home Healthcare
Best Senior Services
Best Senior Center
Two for One Deal!
Too hot to cook?
Come enjoy a delicious lunch at Surrey in Devon,
Broomall, Havertown or Media.
Check out the daily
menu and times on
the calendar pages,
pick your favorites
and come on in!
Meet a friend or bring a friend along. And while
you are there, why not stay for a class. All Surrey sites are air conditioned.
Anyone who brings someone new to Surrey will
get a lunch deal - two for the price of one!
One Day Sale
Saturday July 9
30% - 50% ENTIRE SHOP
Vintage / Estate Jewelry
Fabulous Furniture
China and Glassware
And much more…
810 Lancaster Ave, Berwyn
July 2016 — Devon
For a reflexology or massage
appointment please call
Leigh Baker at 352-804-6030.
Surrey is Closed
For the Fourth of July Holiday
5 Reflexology (by appt.)
Strength & Stretch 10:45 -11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Knitting Circle 11 - 12:30
AF & Balance 12:30 - 1:15
Van Trip: Giant or Wegmans
Penne Pasta w/ Summer Veg
Café Closed
Saturday Class
AF Tai Chi 10:30 - 11:15
Reflexology (by appt.)
Current Events 9 - 10:30
Balance/Posture/Strength 1111:45
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Voice in Technicolor 12:30 - 2
Gentle Yoga 1 - 2
French Conversation 1:30 - 3
Trip: Paoli Acme
Oven Fried Chicken
Reiki & CVIM (by appt.)
Yoga 10:30 - 11:30
Silver Sneakers 10:45 - 11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Mah Jong 1:30 - 4
German Conversation 1:30 - 3
Van Trip: Trader Joes
8 Reiki (by appt.)
Chair Yoga 11- 12
First Friday Breakfast 10 - 11
Surrey Men’s Club 12:45 - 2
Qigong Yoga 1 - 2
Trip: Paoli Acme
Egg Sandwich on English Muffin
Chocolate treats at lunch!
Tilapia Teriyaki
Saturday Class
AF Tai Chi 10:30 - 11:15
15 Reiki (by appt.)
Chair Yoga 11 - 12
Surrey Men’s Club 12:45 - 2
Qigong Yoga 1 - 2
Trip: Paoli Acme
Café Closed
11 Apprise by Appt. 9 - 12:30
Crochet Club 10 - 11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Silver Sneakers w/ Yoga 12:30 1:15
Roundtable Discussion 1:30 - 3
Qigong Yoga 6:30 - 7:30
Van Trip: Devon Acme
12 Reflexology (by appt.)
Longwood Trip 9 - 1
Strength & Stretch 10:45 -11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Knitting Circle 11 - 12:30
AF & Balance 12:30 - 1:15
Van Trip: Giant or Wegmans
13 Reflexology (by appt.)
Current Events 9 - 10:30
Balance/Posture/Strength 1111:45
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Voice in Technicolor 12:30 - 2
Gentle Yoga 1 - 2
French Conversation 1:30 - 3
Trip: Paoli Acme
14 Reiki & CVIM (by appt.)
Delco Apprise by Appt. 9 - 11:30
Yoga 10:30 - 11:30
Silver Sneakers 10:45 - 11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Mah Jong 1:30 - 4
German Conversation 1:30 - 3
Van Trip: Trader Joes
Chicken Salad Platter
Turkey & Gravy over Rice
Cajun Catfish (not spicy)
Macaroni & Cheese
Apprise by Appt. 9 - 12:30
Crochet Club 10 - 11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Diabetes SMP 12:30 - 3
S Sneakers w Yoga 12:30 - 1:15
Roundtable Discussion 1:30 - 3
Qigong Yoga 6:30 - 7:30
Van Trip: Devon Acme
Sloppy Joe’s and ice cream
19 Reflexology (by appt.)
Strength & Stretch 10:45 -11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Knitting Circle 11 - 12:30
AF & Balance 12:30 - 1:15
Caregiver Support Grp 1:30 - 3
Van Trip: Giant or Wegmans
20 Reflexology (by appt.)
Current Events 9 - 10:30
Bal/Posture/Strength 11 - 11:45
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Voice in Technicolor 12:30 - 2
Gentle Yoga 1 - 2
French Conversation 1:30 - 3
Trip: Paoli Acme
21 Reiki & CVIM (by appt.)
Yoga 10:30 - 11:30
Silver Sneakers 10:45 - 11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Mah Jong 1:30 - 4
Digital Photography 12:45 - 2
German Conversation 1:30 - 3
Van Trip: Trader Joes
Flounder Florentine
Grilled Chicken & Pesto Spa-
Summer Vegetable Quiche
25 Apprise by Appt. 9 - 12:30
Crochet Club 10 - 11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Diabetes SMP 12:30 - 3
Silver Sneakers w/ Yoga 12:30 1:15
Roundtable Discussion 1:30 - 3
Qigong Yoga 6:30 - 7:30
Van Trip: Devon Acme
Salmon Cakes
26 Reflexology (by appt.)
Strength & Stretch 10:45 -11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Knitting Circle 11 - 12:30
AF & Balance 12:30 - 1:15
Van Trip: Giant or Wegmans
27 Reflexology (by appt.)
Current Events 9 - 10:30
Balance/Posture/Strength 1111:45
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Gentle Yoga 1 - 2
French Conversation 1:30 - 3
Trip: Paoli Acme
Manicotti w/ Tomato Sauce
Italian Hoagies
28 Reiki & CVIM (by appt.)
Delco Apprise by Appt.
Yoga 10:30 - 11:30
Silver Sneakers 10:45 - 11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Mah Jong 1:30 - 4
German Conversation 1:30 - 3
Excel 1:30 - 3
Van Trip: Trader Joes
Thai Beef & Noodle Salad
Caregiver Support Group
Third Tuesday of each month 1:30 - 3
This group discusses everyday issues and shares
tips and struggles of caring for a loved one in a supportive environment. Feel free to join!
NEW - Roundtable Discussion Group
Mondays starting July 11, 1:30 - 3
A discussion group intended to reflect on and share
thoughts on life. Join conversations and discussions
about life philosophies and deeds to remember,
about the joy of living actively, about embracing
“the circle of life.” Facilitated by Muriel Kennedy.
Longwood Gardens Trip $20
Tuesday, July 12, 9 - 1
Visit beautiful Longwood Gardens in Kennett
Square with your friends from Surrey. We will tour
the magnificent gardens, visit the conservatory and
take in the early summer flowers and foliage at a
relaxing pace. Call Nicole to register for this trip and
find out about carpooling 610-647-9172.
1 Reiki (by appt.)
No Yoga
Trip: Paoli Acme
Fitness Center closes at 1
Registration is required for all
programs. Please call
Nicole Robinson to register at
For Reiki appointment please call
Leslie Joy Smith at
Tuesday exercise is an Arthritis
Foundation (AF) and Balance
with Type 2 Diabetes. Surrey instructors, Nicole
Robinson MPH, CHES & Kosta Solomos, will teach a
variety of techniques, exercises, nutrition plans and
other methods to help those with Type 2 Diabetes
manage their condition and live a healthy life. Free
gift for those who attend at least four of six classes.
Lunch & Learn: Benefits of Fruit $5
Friday, July 29, 11 - 12
Nicole Robinson and Chef Ben will demonstrate
ways you can add a variety of fruit to your diet.
Fruits offer numerous nutritional benefits and they
are an easy way to increase fiber in your diet. Fruits
also are packed with vitamins and minerals as well
as flavor! Learn new dishes and enjoy samples during the class.
Getting Started in Digital Photography
Thursday, July 21, 12:45 - 2
Photographer Larry DeYoung will discuss various
ways of taking photos digitally, evaluating
“Smartphones” and several kinds of digital cameras. He will help you clarify your photographic obDiabetes Self Management Program (DSMP)
jectives and then advise how to accomplish them
Mondays July 18 - August 22, 12:30 - 3
best and most economically. He will have examples
The Diabetes Self Management Workshop was de- of equipment and will show photos, both good and
veloped by Stanford University specifically for those bad, taken with many of them. Bring your questions
Saturday Class
AF Tai Chi 10:30 - 11:15
22 Reiki (by appt.)
Chair Yoga 11- 12
New Member/B-Day/TGIF
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Surrey Men’s Club 12:45 - 2
Qigong Yoga 1 - 2
Trip: Paoli Acme
Chicken Marie
Saturday Class
AF Tai Chi 10:30 - 11:15
29 Reiki (by appt.)
Chair Yoga 11- 12
Lunch & Learn 11 - 12
Surrey Men’s Club 12:45 - 2
Qigong Yoga 1 - 2
Trip: Paoli Acme
Saturday Class
AF Tai Chi 10:30 - 11:15
and if you already are using a Smartphone or a digital camera, bring it to the course.
Excel 101 $15
Thursday, July 28 1:30 - 3
Excel is a powerful program for organizing lists, doing calculations and budgeting. In this class, we will
create simple spreadsheets and learn the basics of
creating and using formulas. Guaranteed to be fun
and very useful! Taught by Beth White.
Tai Chi $3
Saturdays, 10:30 - 11:15
Due to the incredible popularity of our Saturday
morning Tai Chi class, we have added it to our regular exercise schedule. The grant that enabled us to
start up this class has ended, therefore there will be
a $3 fee per class.
Summertime at Surrey!
Beat the heat and come to Surrey for a fresh and
delicious lunch made by Chef Ben. While you are
here try one of our many exercise classes offered
throughout the week. The summer may be a time
for vacations and relaxation but, it is still important
to get your blood pumping!
August 2016 — Devon
1 Apprise by Appt.
Crochet Club 10 - 11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Diabetes SMP 12:30 - 3
S Sneakers w/ Yoga 12:30 - 1:15
Roundtable Discussion 1:30 - 3
Qigong Yoga 6:30 - 7:30
Van Trip: Devon Acme
Penne Marinara
2 Reflexology (by appt.)
Strength & Stretch 10:45 -11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Knitting Circle 11 - 12:30
AF& Balance 12:30 - 1:15
Van Trip: Giant or Wegmans
8 Apprise by Appt.
Crochet Club 10 - 11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Diabetes SMP 12:30 - 3
S Sneakers w/ Yoga 12:30 - 1:15
Roundtable Discussion 1:30 - 3
Qigong Yoga 6:30 - 7:30
Van Trip: Devon Acme
3 Reflexology (by appt.)
Current Events 9 - 10:30
Balance/Posture/Strength 1111:45
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Gentle Yoga 1 - 2
French Conversation 1:30 - 3
Trip: Paoli Acme
Baked Lemon Pepper Chicken
4 Reiki & CVIM (by appt.)
Yoga 10:30 - 11:30
Silver Sneakers 10:45 - 11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Mah Jong 1:30 - 4
German Conversation 1:30 - 3
Van Trip: Trader Joes
9 Reflexology (by appt.)
Museum Trip 9 - 1
Strength & Stretch 10:45 -11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Knitting Circle 11 - 12:30
AF & Balance 12:30 - 1:15
Van Trip: Giant or Wegmans
10 Reflexology (by appt.)
Current Events 9 - 10:30
Balance/Posture/Strength 1111:45
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Gentle Yoga 1 - 2
French Conversation 1:30 - 3
Trip: Paoli Acme
12 Reiki (by appt.)
Chair Yoga 11- 12
Surrey Men’s Club 12:45 - 2
Trip: Paoli Acme
Café Closed
Greek Salad w/ Tuna
Grilled Chicken
Ham & Cheese Sandwich
11 Reiki & CVIM (by appt.)
Delco Apprise by Appt.
Yoga 10:30 - 11:30
Silver Sneakers 10:45 - 11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Improving Photog 12:45 - 2
Mah Jong 1:30 - 4
German Conversation 1:30 - 3
Van Trip: Trader Joes
Hot Dogs & Baked Beans
15 Apprise by Appt.
Crochet Club 10 - 11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Diabetes SMP 12:30 - 3
S Sneakers w/ Yoga 12:30 - 1:15
Roundtable Discussion 1:30 - 3
Qigong Yoga 6:30 - 7:30
Van Trip: Devon Acme
16 Reflexology (by appt.)
Strength & Stretch 10:45 -11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Knitting Circle 11 - 12:30
AF & Balance 12:30 - 1:15
Caregiver Support Grp 1:30 - 3
Van Trip: Giant or Wegmans
17 Reflexology (by appt.)
Current Events 9 - 10:30
Balance/Posture/Strength 1111:45
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Gentle Yoga 1 - 2
French Conversation 1:30 - 3
Trip: Paoli Acme
18 CVIM (by appt.)
Yoga 10:30 - 11:30
Silver Sneakers 10:45 - 11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Beyond the Basics 2-3:30
Mah Jong 1:30 - 4
German Conversation 1:30 - 3
Van Trip: Trader Joes
19 Reiki (by appt.)
Chair Yoga 11- 12
New Member/B-Day/TGIF
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Surrey Men’s Club 12:45 - 2
Trip: Paoli Acme
Rosemary/Garlic Roasted Pork
Saturday Class
AF Tai Chi 10:30 - 11:15
Midsummer Night Dream 6 - 9
26 Reiki (by appt.)
No Yoga
Surrey Men’s Club 12:45 - 2
Trip: Paoli Acme
Quiche Lorraine
Pork Marsala
Baked Turkey & Cheese
Fish & Chips
Salisbury Steak
22 Apprise by App.
Crochet Club 10 - 11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Silver Sneakers w/ Yoga 12:30 1:15
Roundtable Discussion 1:30 - 3
No Yoga
Van Trip: Devon Acme
23 Reflexology (by appt.)
Strength & Stretch 10:45 -11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Knitting Circle 11 - 12:30
AF & Balance 12:30 - 1:15
Van Trip: Giant or Wegmans
24 Reflexology (by appt.)
Current Events 9 - 10:30
Balance/Posture/Strength 1111:45
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
No Yoga
French Conversation 1:30 - 3
Trip: Paoli Acme
25 Reiki & CVIM (by appt.)
Delco Apprise by App.
No Yoga
Silver Sneakers 10:45 - 11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Mah Jong 1:30 - 4
German Conversation 1:30 - 3
Van Trip: Trader Joes
Fish Sandwich
Beef Chili Stuffed Baked Potato
Chicken & Broccoli Pasta
Roasted Turkey
29 Apprise by App.
Crochet Club 10 - 11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Silver Sneakers w/ Yoga 12:30 1:15
Roundtable Discussion 1:30 - 3
Qigong Yoga 6:30 - 7:30
Van Trip: Devon Acme
30 Reflexology (by appt.)
Strength & Stretch 10:45 -11:30
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Knitting Circle 11 - 12:30
AF & Balance 12:30 - 1:15
Red Cross Blood Drive 1:30 6:30
31 Reflexology (by appt.)
Current Events 9 - 10:30
Balance/Posture/Strength 1111:45
Lunch 11:30 - 12:30
Gentle Yoga 1 - 2
French Conversation 1:30 - 3
Trip: Paoli Acme
Ham Salad Plate
Van Trip: Giant or Wegmans
Chicken Pot Pie
NEW - Roundtable Discussion Group
Mondays starting July 11, 1:30 - 3
A discussion group intended to reflect on and share
thoughts on life. Join conversations and discussions
about life philosophies and deeds to remember,
about the joy of living actively, about embracing
“the circle of life.” Facilitated by Muriel Kennedy.
Men’s Club
Fridays, 12:45 - 2
Enjoy a light lunch or a cup of coffee with conversation and discussion on current events, politics, and
culture. Share stories and laughter!
Brandywine River Museum & Hanks Diner
$15/ $10 for 65+
Tuesday, August 9, 9 - 1
We will visit the museum, its beautiful grounds, and
enjoy the artwork of the famed Chadds Ford Artists,
the Wyeth family. Afterwards, we plan to stop for
lunch at Hank’s Place – the Wyeth’s favorite diner.
Join us on this educational and entertaining outing
on a warm summer day. Call Nicole 610-647-9172
to register and find out about carpooling. Cost is for
the admission only, please bring cash for lunch.
Registration is required for
all programs. Please call
Nicole Robinson to register
at 610-647-9172.
5 Reiki (by appt.)
First Friday Breakfast 10 - 11
Chair Yoga 11- 12
Surrey Men’s Club 12:45 - 2
Trip: Paoli Acme
Pancakes w/ Syrup
Saturday Class
AF Tai Chi 10:30 - 11:15
Saturday Class
AF Tai Chi 10:30 - 11:15
Saturday Class
AF Tai Chi 10:30 - 11:15
For a reflexology or massage
appointment please call Leigh
Baker at 352-804-6030.
For Reiki appointment please
call Leslie Joy Smith at
Tilapia w/ Lemon Caper Butter
Improving Your Photography
Thursday, August 11, 12:45 - 2
A photographer since 1962, Larry DeYoung will
share lessons he learned to help you avoid mistakes. He will discuss the essentials of photo composition and tips for taking people pictures, travel
shots, and close-ups. He’ll show you tricks to get
“impossible” shots. This course is for both film and
digital photographers. It is NOT concerned with
computers or digital editing.
Exciting NEW classes
Starting in September:
Fun with Classical Music
Tuesdays starting September 13, 12:45 - 2
Join the class as we listen to outstanding examples
of classical music by great composers such as Bach,
Beethoven, Brahms, Mozart, Mendelssohn, Schubert, Saint Saens, Chopin, Sarasate, Paganini,
Tchaikovsky, Verdi, Rossini, Wagner, and others.
Outstanding performers of the past and present
Beyond the Basics Computer Class $15
will be featured and pieces will be assembled from
Thursday, August 18, 2-3:30
Are you ready to move beyond the basics with your YouTube by Surrey volunteer Betsy Schumacker.
computer skills? Join us as we learn tricks for using See page 1 for more information. To register,
call Muriel Kennedy at 610-647-6404 ext. 184.
the computer, such as copying and pasting, and
how to work with files. This intermediate level class
is for those who have some computer knowledge. Legacy Memoir
Join Debra Leigh Scott, Founding Director of Hidden
Taught by Beth White.
River Arts, for this writing workshop which guides a
deep exploration of memories and events of your
Midsummer Night Dream $20
life for the creation of a memory piece for yourself
Saturday, August 20, 6 - 9
Join us for a summer party in our beautiful building and your family.
and on our patio. Come listen and dance to the music of the 40s, 50s, 60s, and present. Refreshments, Retire to Life
Retire to Life® is a workshop that helps people look
wine and light fare will be served. Bring a friend,
at the non-financial aspects of their retirement. In
help support Surrey’s mission and have fun at the
other words, what are you going to do with your
same time.
time for the next 20 to 30 years of your life?
July 2016 — Broomall
More Meals by Chef Ben!
Through the generous support
of the WW Smith Foundation,
Broomall is thrilled to be able
to offer a weekly meal cooked
by our own Chef Ben and his
fabulous volunteers.
Surrey is Closed
for the 4th of July Holiday
For more
information or to contact
Olga please call
All Surrey activities are held
at Trinity Church
144 Lawrence Road, Broomall
Unless otherwise noted
Cardio Strength and Balance
10 - 10:45
Canasta ($1) 11 - 1
Pancake/French Toast &
Sausage Lunch ($2) & Games
12:15 - 2
Knitting for Fun! ($1) 1 - 2
Ask a Nurse 10 - 12
Coffee/Tea Time 10:30 - 12:00
Metros Art Grp ($1) 10:30 - 2
Pinochle ($1) 12:15 - 3
The Freedom of Dancing ($1)
First Friday Flick at Marple
Public Library 1 - 3
Van Trip: Broomall ACME.
Call transportation for reservations. 610-993-9493
Coffee ‘n Creativity 10:30 - 12
Line Dancing ($4) 11 - 12
12:15 - 1:15
Lunch by Chef Ben ($4) Tilapia
Teriyaki 12:15 - 1:15
Book Club 1 - 2
Van Trip: Broomall ACME.
Call transportation for reservation. 610-993-9493.
Coffee ‘n Creativity 10:30 - 12
Line Dancing ($4) 11 - 12
Lunch by Chef Ben ($4)
Macaroni and Cheese 12 - 1:15
Pokeno Party 1:15 - 2:15
Travel Training with DCTMA:
Reading Terminal Market and
the Phlash (Space is limited.
Contact Olga for details on
departure time/location and
to secure your spot).
Van Trip: Newtown Square
ACME. Call transportation for
reservation. 610-993-9493.
Pot Luck Luncheon, July Birthday Party & Bingo for Prizes
1:30 - 1
YogaStretch 1 - 1:45
Cardio Strength and Balance
10 - 10:45
Canasta ($1) 11 - 1
Eat Local: Strawberry &
Spinach Salad ($2) 12:15 - 1
Knitting for Fun! ($1) 1 - 2
Coffee/Tea Time 10:30 - 12:00
Metros Art Grp ($1) 10:30 - 2
Pinochle ($1) 12:15 - 3
The Freedom of Dancing ($1)
Van Trip: Newtown Square
ACME. Call transportation for
reservation. 610-993-9493.
Lunch Trip to Surrey Devon:
Sloppy Joe’s 11:30 - 12:30
(Reservations Required–
Please contact Olga to
reserve spot and inquire
about potential carpooling
YogaStretch 1 - 1:45
Mini-Massages (by appointment) 2 - 3
Cardio Strength and Balance
10 - 10:45
Canasta ($1) 11 - 1
Indoor Picnic ($4) & Games–
12:15 - 2
Knitting for Fun! ($1) 1 - 2
An Attitude of Gratitude 11 12
Lunch ($4) Stuffed Peppers
YogaStretch 1 - 1:45
Cardio Strength and Balance
10 - 10:45
Canasta ($1) 11 - 1
APPRISE Counseling (by appointment only) 10 - 2
Bring Your Own Lunch &
Games 12:15 - 2
Knitting for Fun! ($1) 1 - 2
Coffee/Tea Time 10:30 - 12:00
Metros Art Grp ($1) 10:30 - 2
Pinochle ($1) 12:15 - 3
The Freedom of Dancing ($1)
Van Trip: Broomall ACME.
Call transportation for reservation. 610-993-9493.
Coffee ‘n Creativity 10:30 - 12
Line Dancing ($4) 11 - 12
Lunch by Chef Ben ($4)
Summer Vegetable Quiche
Bunco Party 1:15 - 2:15
Van Trip: Newtown Square
ACME. Call transportation for
reservation. 610-993-9493.
The coffee (and tea) is always on! Join us at
anytime during our center hours to enjoy a
cup and some conversation!
Update Your Information
Has any of your information changed? Complete an update and you will be entered into a
raffle for a free lunch. See page 7 for details.
Coffee/Tea Time 10:30 - 12
Metros Art Grp ($1) 10:30 - 2
Pinochle ($1) 12:15 - 3
The Freedom of Dancing ($1)1
Book Club
Thursday, July 7, 1 - 2
Join us as we discuss our book for this month
Please Look after Mom by Kyung-Suk Sin. Our
discussion is led by Marple Public Library’s
Bridgette Crockett.
Dine Around: Azie Japanese
Restaurant 12-2
(Reservations Required)
Van Trip: Broomall ACME.
Call transportation for reservation. 610-993-9493
Coffee ‘n Creativity 10:30 - 12
Line Dancing ($4) 11 - 12
Lunch and Learn ($4) Thai
Beef and Noodle Salad
Van Trip: Broomall ACME.
Call transportation for reservation. 610-993-9493
Van Trip: Newtown Square
ACME. Call transportation for
reservation. 610-993-9493.
Pot Luck Luncheon & July Birthday Party
Monday, July 11 , 11:30 - 1
Join us for a delicious Pot Luck Luncheon. Either bring a homemade or store bought entrée
or side or bring a $4 contribution. Surrey will
provide the birthday cake and drinks. Please
register with Olga.
Eat Local: Strawberry & Spinach Salad
Knitting for Fun! ($1) NEW!
Tuesday, July 12, 12:15
Tuesdays, 1 - 2
Eating locally grown foods has many benefits.
Learn basic knitting techniques as a beginner or Join us as we enjoy a Strawberry & Spinach
as a refresher.
Salad made with locally grown fruit.
Coffee and Creativity
Thursdays, 10:30 - 12
Enjoy the company while you work on a craft or
handiwork. Bring along a project and sip some
coffee or tea.
meal of Sloppy Joe’s prepared by Chef Ben and
his volunteers. Celebrate with ice cream for
dessert! Reservations are required. Please
contact Olga for reservations and carpooling.
Indoor Picnic & Games ($4)
Tuesday, July 19, 12:15 - 2
Join us for an indoor picnic featuring hot dogs,
sides and a sundae bar for dessert. After lunch,
enjoy picnic games including bocce.
Dine Around: Azie Japanese Restaurant
Friday, July 22, 12 - 2
Join us for lunch at Azie Japanese Restaurant,
789 Lancaster Ave., Villanova, PA 19085. Please
bring enough cash to cover your portion of the
bill, plus tax and tip. You must register with
Olga as space is limited.
Reading Terminal Market with DCTMA $1
Friday, July 15
Learn how easy it is to use public transportation. Led by Lauren Avellino Turton from the
Delaware County Transportation Management
Assn., we will take the Septa Bus to 69th Street Lunch and Learn Cooking Demonstration: Thai
and the train to Reading Terminal Market. Cost Beef and Noodle Salad ($4)
Thursday, July 28, 12 - 1:15
$1 each way, please bring money for lunch.
Join us as we learn how to make a great sumLunch trip to Surrey Devon
mer meal: Thai Beef and Noodle Salad. The
Monday, July 18, 10:30 - 1
demonstration will be followed by a full meal of
Join us for lunch in Devon and enjoy a fabulous the entrée prepared.
August 2016 — Broomall
Lunch by Chef Ben ($4)
Penne Marinara 12:15 - 1:15
Mini-Massages (by appointment) 2 - 3
Cardio Strength and Balance
10 - 10:45
Canasta ($1) 11 - 1
Tuna Salad Platter ($2) &
Games 12:15 - 2
Knitting for Fun! ($1) 1 - 2
Ask a Nurse 10 - 12
Coffee/Tea Time 10:30 - 12
Metros Art Grp ($1) 10:30 - 2
Pinochle ($1) 12:15 - 3
The Freedom of Dancing ($1)
Van Trip: Newtown Square
ACME. Call transportation for
reservation. 610-993-9493.
Coffee ‘n Creativity 10:30 - 12
Line Dancing ($4) 11 - 12
Pancake/French Toast &
Sausage Lunch ($2) 12:15 1:15
Book Club 1 - 2
First Friday Flick at Marple
Public Library 1 - 3
Lunch by Chef Ben ($4)
Greek Salad with Tuna 12:15 1:15
YogaStretch 1 - 1:45
Cardio Strength and Balance
10 - 10:45
Bring Your Own Lunch &
Games 12:15 - 2
Canasta ($1) 11 - 1
Knitting for Fun! ($1) 1 - 2
Coffee/Tea Time 10:30 - 12
Metros Art Grp ($1) 10:30 - 2
Pinochle ($1) 12:15 - 3
The Freedom of Dancing ($1)
Coffee ‘n Creativity 10:30 - 12
Line Dancing ($4) 11 - 12
Lunch ($4) Chicken Alfredo
12:15 - 1:15
Pokeno Party 1:15 - 2:15
Coffee ‘n Creativity 10:30 - 12
Line Dancing ($4) 11 - 12
Lunch and Learn ($4) BBQ
Chicken 12 - 1:15
Surrey Ambassador Training
1:15 - 2:15
Van Trip: Broomall ACME.
Call transportation for reservation. 610-993-9493.
Coffee ‘n Creativity 10:30 - 12
Line Dancing ($4) 11 - 12
Lunch by Chef Ben($4)
Roasted Turkey with Mashed
Surrey Ambassador Training
1:15 - 2:15
Van Trip: Broomall ACME.
Call transportation for reservation. 610-993-9493
For more
information or to contact Olga
please call
All Surrey activities are held
at Trinity Church
144 Lawrence Road, Broomall
Unless otherwise noted
Van Trip: Newtown Square
ACME. Call transportation for
reservation. 610-993-9493.
Pot Luck Luncheon, August
Birthday Party & Bingo for
Prizes 11:30 - 1
YogaStretch 1 - 1:45
Cardio Strength and Balance
10 - 10:45
Canasta ($1) 11 - 1
Eat Local: Peach & Spinach
Salad ($2) 12:15 - 1
Knitting for Fun! ($1) 1 - 2
Coffee/Tea Time 10:30 - 12
Metros Art Grp ($1) 10:30 - 2
Pinochle ($1) 12:15 - 3
The Freedom of Dancing ($1)
Van Trip: Broomall ACME.
Call transportation for reservation. 610-993-9493
Dine Around: Carraba’s 12 2, (Reservations Required)
Van Trip: Broomall ACME.
Call transportation for reservation. 610-993-9493.
Van Trip: Newtown Square
ACME. Call transportation for
reservation. 610-993-9493.
Lunch Trip to Surrey Devon:
Fish Sandwich and Tomato
Salad ($4) 11:30 - 1
(Reservations Required–
Please contact Olga to
reserve spot and inquire
about carpooling)
YogaStretch 1 - 1:45
Mini-Massages (by appointment) 2 - 3
Cardio Strength and Balance
10 - 10:45
Canasta ($1) 11 - 1
Grilled Cheese Lunch ($2) &
Games 12:15 - 2
Knitting for Fun! ($1) 1 - 2
An Attitude of Gratitude 11 12
Lunch ($4) Roasted Pork
YogaStretch 1 - 1:45
Cardio Strength and Balance
10 - 10:45
Canasta ($1) 11 - 1
APPRISE Counseling (by appointment only) 10 - 2
Bring Your Own Lunch &
Games 12:15 - 2
Knitting for Fun! ($1) 1 - 2
Coffee/Tea Time 10:30 - 12
Metros Art Grp ($1) 10:30 - 2
Pinochle ($1) 12:15 - 3
The Freedom of Dancing ($1)
Van Trip: Newtown Square
ACME. Call transportation for
reservation. 610-993-9493.
Coffee/Tea Time 10:30 - 12:00
Metros Art Grp ($1) 10:30 - 2
Pinochle ($1) 12:15 - 3
The Freedom of Dancing ($1)
End of Summer Ice Cream
Social 1 - 2
Van Trip- Newtown Square
ACME. Call transportation for
reservation. 610-993-9493.
The coffee (and tea) is always on! Join us at
Pot Luck Luncheon & August Birthday Party
anytime during our center hours to enjoy a cup Monday, August 15, 11:30 - 1
and some conversation!
Join us for a delicious Pot Luck Luncheon. Either
bring a homemade or store bought entrée or
Book Club
side or bring a $4 contribution. Surrey will proThursday, August 4, 1 - 2
vide the birthday cake and drinks. Please regJoin us as we discuss our book for this month
ister with Olga.
Under the Wide and Starry Sky by Nancy Horan.
Our discussion is led by Marple Public Library’s Eat Local: Peach & Spinach Salad
Bridgette Crockett.
Tuesday, August 16, 12:15
Eating locally grown foods has many benefits
Coffee and Creativity
for the consumer, grower and the community.
Thursdays, 10:30 - 12
Join us as we enjoy a Peach & Spinach Salad
Enjoy the company and camaraderie as you do made with locally grown fruit and discuss some
what you love to do or want to learn from your of these benefits.
friends! It can be knitting, crochet, beading,
jewelry making or any creative craft you like.
Surrey Ambassador Program Training
Tuesday, August 18 and 25, 1:15 - 2:15
Dine Around: Carraba’s
Are you interested in joining your fellow Surrey
Friday, August 12, 12 - 2
members to learn how you can help spread the
Join us for lunch at Carraba’s Italian Grill, 1250 word about our programs and services both
Baltimore Pike (in the Springfield Mall)
inside and outside the center? Join us to learn
Please bring enough cash for your portion of
about the Surrey Ambassador program and how
the bill, plus tax and tip. You must register
you can get involved! All are welcome. Refreshwith Olga as space is limited.
ments will be served.
Lunch and Learn Cooking Demonstration: BBQ
Chicken with Cole Slaw and Macaroni Salad
Thursday, August 18, 12 - 1:15
Join us as we learn how to make BBQ Chicken,
coleslaw and macaroni salad, which will be followed by a full meal of the featured entrée.
Lunch trip to Surrey Devon
Monday, August 22, 11:30 - 1
Join us for lunch in Devon and enjoy a fabulous
meal of a fish sandwich and a tomato salad prepared by Chef Ben and his volunteers. Reservations are required. Please contact Olga to reserve your seat and to inquire about potential
carpooling opportunities.
End of Summer Ice Cream Social
Wednesday, August 31, 1 - 2
Join us for a make your own sundae bar as we
wave goodbye to the summer with music, fun
and dancing. No charge!
July 2016 — Havertown
• Lunch is served Monday Friday, 11:45 - 12:30.
• Reserve your lunch by calling
the Center after 9 am.
• A $2 contribution is requested.
• Pick up your lunch ticket at the
Registration Desk.
July 18 Select a Volunteer
Activity to make our World
a Better Place
Duplicate Bridge 9 - 12:30
Silver Sneakers 10 - 10:45
Lecture & Lunch: Signs for
Dementia 11 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
** No Table Tennis Today **
Holiday Meal—Chicken Fingers
Havertown Activities
Lunch Policy
Salads are back! Reserve a
regular lunch or a salad.
Don’t forget to call
610-446-2070 after 9 and
reserve your lunch.
For additional information about
any activity listed, or for the
menu of the day, call
Receptionists Sharon, Saundra,
Barbara or Program Assistant
Mary Gengenbach at
Stretch & Move 10 - 10:45
Knit Wits 10 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Bingo 12:30 - 3
Line Dancing 1 - 2
Table Tennis 2 - 4
6 Current Events 9 - 10
Tai Chi 10 - 10:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Open Art Studio 12:30 - 3:30
Line Dancing & M-Fuge 1 - 2
Advanced Italian 1 - 3:30
Poker 1 - 4
7 Open Art Studio 9 - 12
Stretch & Move 10 - 10:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Party Bridge 12 - 4
Open Art Studio 12:30 - 3:30
Duplicate Bridge 12:30 - 4
Table Tennis 1 - 4
Silver Sneakers 10 - 10:45
Lecture & Lunch: Eye Safety
10:45 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Duplicate Bridge 12:30 - 4
Table Tennis 1 - 4
Swedish Meatballs
BBS Pork Sandwich
Rosemary Roasted Turkey
Chicken & Vegetable Stir-fry
BP w/ Nancy 9:30 - 11
Silver Sneakers 10 - 10:45
Weaving 10 - 11:30
Walking Club 11 - 11:45
Brain Fitness 11 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Pinochle 1 - 4
Roast Beef w/ Gravy
Stretch & Move 10 - 10:45
Knit Wits 10 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Bingo 12:30 - 3
Line Dancing 1 - 2
Table Tennis 2 - 4
13 Current Events 9 - 10
Ask a Nurse 9:30 - 11:30
Tai Chi 10 - 10:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Open Art Studio 12:30 - 3:30
Line Dancing & M-Fuge 1 - 2
Advanced Italian 1 - 3:30
Poker 1 - 4
Chicken Pot Pie
14 Open Art Studio 9 - 12
Stretch & Move 10 - 10:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Party Bridge 12 - 4
Open Art Studio 12:30 - 3:30
Duplicate Bridge 12:30 - 4
Table Tennis 1 - 4
Silver Sneakers 10 - 10:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Duplicate Bridge 12:30 - 4
Table Tennis 1 - 4
Turkey Hoagie
Chili Dog
18 Update Your Information
Nelson Mandela International Day
BP w/ Nancy 9:30 - 11
Silver Sneakers 10 - 10:45
Weaving 10 - 11:30
Walking Club 11 - 11:45
Brain Fitness 11 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Pinochle 1 - 4
Sliced Turkey w/ Gravy
19 Update Your Information
Stretch & Move 10 - 10:45
Knit Wits 10 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Bingo 12:30 - 3
Line Dancing 1 - 2
Table Tennis 2 - 4
Caregiver Support Group
2:30 - 4
Sesame Ginger Beef
20 Update Your Information
Current Events 9 - 10
Tai Chi 10 - 10:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Open Art Studio 12:30 - 3:30
Line Dancing & M-Fuge 1 - 2
Advanced Italian 1 - 3:30
Poker 1 - 4
21 Update Your Information
APPRISE 9 - 11:30, by appt. only
Open Art Studio 9 - 12
Stretch & Move 10 - 10:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Party Bridge 12 - 4
Open Art Studio 12:30 - 3:30
Duplicate Bridge 12:30 - 4
Table Tennis 1 - 4
22 Update Your Information
Silver Sneakers 10 - 10:45
Lecture & Lunch: Estate
Planning 10:30 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Duplicate Bridge 12:30 - 4
Table Tennis 1 - 4
25 Update Your Information
BP w/ Nancy 9:30 - 11
Silver Sneakers 10 - 10:45
Weaving 10 - 11:30
Walking Club 11 - 11:45
Brain Fitness 11 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Pinochle 1 - 4
26 Update Your Information
Stretch & Move 10 - 10:45
Knit Wits 10 - 11:45
Kitchen Table Stories 10:45 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Bingo 12:30 - 3
Line Dancing 1 - 2
Table Tennis 2 - 4
27 Update Your Information
Current Events 9 - 10
Ask a Nurse 9:30 - 11:30
Tai Chi 10 - 10:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Open Art Studio 12:30 - 3:30
Line Dancing 1 - 2
Advanced Italian 1 - 3:30
Poker 1 - 4
28 Update Your Information
Open Art Studio 9 - 12
Stretch & Move 10 - 10:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Party Bridge 12 - 4
Open Art Studio 12:30 - 3:30
Duplicate Bridge 12:30 - 4
Table Tennis 1 - 4
29 Update Your Information
Silver Sneakers 10 - 10:45
Lecture & Lunch: Forgiveness
and Gratitude 10:45 - 11:45
New Member Lunch & Birthday
Party 11:45 - 12:30
Duplicate Bridge 12:30 - 4
Table Tennis 1 - 4
Beef Pizziola
Turkey Salad Platter
Chicken Cacciatore
Baked Fish w/ Lemon Butter Sauce
Cheese Steak Macaroni
Surrey is Closed
for the 4th of July Holiday
Baked Fish w/ Romesco Sauce
Update Your Information
Monday, July 18 through Friday, July 29
(2weeks), 9 - 3:30
Has any of your information changed since 2013,
or 2003, or 1993? How about your Emergency Contact’s phone number? Or your medication? Take a
few minutes to update your information and you’ll
be entered into a raffle to win a week’s worth of
free lunches!
Sip & Swipe Café: iPad Training is on Vacation!
Benefits Check Up Counseling, by appt. only
Find benefits you might be eligible for and how to
access them. Call 610-446-2070 to schedule. Free!
Lecture & Lunch: Signs for Dementia
Friday, July 1, 10:45 - 11:45
Find out what how typical age-related memory loss
compares to early signs of Alzheimer's and other
dementias. Presenter will be representatives from
Senior Care. Free and Free Lunch for those attending the lecture!
M-Fuge is Here for Three Weeks! $2
Wednesdays, July 6, 13, 20, 1 - 2
Join M-Fuge for Line Dancing fun! They will be here
for only three Wednesdays. Join our young friends
for fun and merriment in line dancing.
Baked Fish Sandwich w/ Dill Sauce Meatloaf w/ Mushroom Gravy
1/2 Turkey, Ham, Cheddar
Sandwich & Soup
Lecture & Lunch: Estate Planning
occasionally to bystanders at a professional fireworks display. Free and free lunch for those attend- Friday, July 22, 10:30 - 11:45
ing the lecture!
Shane Couturier of American Prosperity Group will
share with you on some of the finest retirement and
Casino Trip to Atlantic City
estate planning strategies. It’s never too late to get
Friday, July 15, all day
more information about this important topic.
Join your Surrey friends on a trip to AC. You must
Free and free lunch for those attending the lecture!
preregister and prepay at the center. No refunds.
Call the receptionist for pricing.
Lecture & Lunch: Forgiveness and Gratitude
Friday, July 29, 10:45 - 11:45
This NHS Senior Center Behavioral Health Program
Nelson Mandela International Day
shares two proven strategies that improve your
Monday, July 18, all day
The United Nations declared July 18 a day to honor emotional health while coping with the realities of
Mandela’s life’s work and to inspire people to take aging. Marian Mullahy, MSS, LCSW will talk about
action to change the world for the better. The day’s most important relationship you have—the one
with yourself—as well as family and personal
goal is to have people devote 67 minutes—one
minute for every year of Mandela’s public service— connections. Achieve the quality of life that you
want. Free and free lunch to all participants!
helping others. Together, we can contribute more
than 67 minutes. Stop at the Reception Desk and
New Member Lunch & Birthday Party!
select one or two easy, helpful things you can do
Friday, July 29, 11:45 - 12:30
today to help make the world a better place.
Everyone enjoys free birthday cake and ice cream
with lunch! Members with July birthdays are our
Caregiver Support Group
special guests and receive a free lunch today.
Tuesday, July 19, 2:30 - 4
This group is especially helpful if your loved one is
Spotlight on: Tai Chi
living at home and in need of more attention due
Every Wednesday, 10 - 11:45
to memory loss, confusion, or other cognitive losses. Try Marc Shay’s Tai Chi class this summer. According
Meets the third Tuesday of each month.
to WebMD, Tai Chi is a relaxing way to improve your
APPRISE Counseling, by appt. only
Thursday, July 21, 9 - 11:30
Lecture & Lunch: Eye Injury and Summer Safety
This free health insurance counseling program helps
Friday, July 8, 10:45 - 11:45
older Pennsylvanians understand Medicare. Call
Jeraldine Kohut, Community Liaison at Cathedral
Village, will give advice on how to protect your eyes 610-446-2070 to schedule your appointment and
see whether the Medicare plan you have is optimal
this summer. Eye injuries happen at home, in the
garden, while playing sports, at the beach and even for your needs.
flexibility and balance and is a great way to stay
active and vital. Improve your walking and reduce
your stress! Cost: $3
Line Dancing News
Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 1 - 2
Beginning August 1, Line Dancing fee will be $3
August 2016 — Havertown
BP w/ Nancy 9:30 - 11
Silver Sneakers 10 - 10:45
Weaving 10 - 11:30
Walking Club 11 - 11:45
Brain Fitness 11 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Pinochle 1 - 4
Stretch & Move 10 - 10:45
Knit Wits 10 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Bingo 12:30 - 3
Line Dancing 1 - 2
Table Tennis 2 - 4
Current Events 9 - 10
Ask a Nurse 9:30 - 11:30
Tai Chi 10 - 10:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Open Art Studio 12:30 - 3:30
Line Dancing 1 - 2
Advanced Italian 1 - 3:30
Poker 1 - 4
Open Art Studio 9 - 12
Stretch & Move 10 - 10:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Party Bridge 12 - 4
Open Art Studio 12:30 - 3:30
Duplicate Bridge 12:30 - 4
Table Tennis 1 - 4
Silver Sneakers 10 - 10:45
Lecture & Lunch: Medicare
Fraud Prevention 11 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Duplicate Bridge 12:30 - 4
Table Tennis 1 - 4
Tuna Salad Platter
Swedish Meatballs
BBQ Pork Sandwich
Rosemary Roasted Turkey
Chicken & Vegetable Stirfry
BP w/ Nancy 9:30 - 11
Silver Sneakers 10 - 10:45
Weaving 10 - 11:30
Walking Club 11 - 11:45
Brain Fitness 11 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Pinochle 1 - 4
Stretch & Move 10 - 10:45
Knit Wits 10 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Bingo 12:30 - 3
Line Dancing 1 - 2
Table Tennis 2 - 4
Current Events 9 - 10
Ask a Nurse 9:30 - 11:30
Tai Chi 10 - 10:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Open Art Studio 12:30 - 3:30
Line Dancing 1 - 2
Advanced Italian 1 - 3:30
Poker 1 - 4
Open Art Studio 9 - 12
Stretch & Move 10 - 10:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Party Bridge 12 - 4
Open Art Studio 12:30 - 3:30
Duplicate Bridge 12:30 - 4
Table Tennis 1 - 4
Silver Sneakers 10 - 10:45
Lecture & Lunch: Financial
Awareness 10:45 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Duplicate Bridge 12:30 - 4
Table Tennis 1 - 4
Roast Beef w/ Gravy
Baked Fish w/ Roesco Sauce
Chicken Pot Pie
Turkey Hoagie
Chili Dog
15 Update Your Information
BP w/ Nancy 9:30 - 11
Silver Sneakers 10 - 10:45
Weaving 10 - 11:30
Walking Club 11 - 11:45
Brain Fitness 11 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Pinochle 1 - 4
16 Update Your Information
Stretch & Move 10 - 10:45
Knit Wits 10 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Bingo 12:30 - 3
Line Dancing 1 - 2
Table Tennis 2 - 4
Caregiver Support Group
2:30 - 4
17 Update Your Information
Current Events 9 - 10
Tai Chi 10 - 10:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Open Art Studio 12:30 - 3:30
Line Dancing 1 - 2
Advanced Italian 1 - 3:30
Poker 1 - 4
19 Update Your Information
Silver Sneakers 10 - 10:45
Lecture & Lunch: My Gift of
Grace, Part 2 10:45 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Duplicate Bridge 12:30 - 4
Table Tennis 1 - 4
Sliced Turkey w/ Gravy
Sesame Ginger Beef
Hamburger or Hot Dog
18 Update Your Information
APPRISE 9 - 11:30, by appt. only
Open Art Studio 9 - 12
Stretch & Move 10 - 10:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Party Bridge 12 - 4
Open Art Studio 12:30 - 3:30
Duplicate Bridge 12:30 - 4
Table Tennis 1 - 4
Baked Fish Sandwich w/ Dill
22 Update Your Information
BP w/ Nancy 9:30 - 11
Silver Sneakers 10 - 10:45
Weaving 10 - 11:30
Walking Club 11 - 11:45
Brain Fitness 11 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Pinochle 1 - 4
23 Update Your Information
Stretch & Move 10 - 10:45
Knit Wits 10 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Bingo 12:30 - 3
Line Dancing 1 - 2
Table Tennis 2 - 4
25 Update Your Information
Open Art Studio 9 - 12
Stretch & Move 10 - 10:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Party Bridge 12 - 4
Open Art Studio 12:30 - 3:30
Duplicate Bridge 12:30 - 4
Table Tennis 1 - 4
26 Update Your Information
Women’s Equality Day
Casino Trip, all day
Silver Sneakers 10 - 10:45
Lecture & Lunch: Mature Driver
Safety 10:45 - 11:45
1/2 Turkey, Ham, Cheddar
24 Update Your Information
Current Events 9 - 10
Ask a Nurse 9:30 - 11:30
Tai Chi 10 - 10:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Open Art Studio 12:30 - 3:30
Line Dancing 1 - 2
Advanced Italian 1 - 3:30
Poker 1 - 4
Beef Pizziola
Turkey Salad Platter
Chicken Cacciatore
Baked Fish w/ Lemon Butter
29 BP w/ Nancy 9:30 - 11
Silver Sneakers 10 - 10:45
Weaving 10 - 11:30
Walking Club 11 - 11:45
Brain Fitness 11 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Pinochle 1 - 4
Cheese Steak Macaroni
30 Stretch & Move 10 - 10:45
Knit Wits 10 - 11:45
Kitchen Table Stories 10:45 - 11:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Bingo 12:30 - 3
Line Dancing 1 - 2
Table Tennis 2 - 4
Tuna Salad Platter
31 Current Events 9 - 10
Tai Chi 10 - 10:45
Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Open Art Studio 12:30 - 3:30
Line Dancing 1 - 2
Advanced Italian 1 - 3:30
Poker 1 - 4
Swedish Meatballs
Lunch Policy
New Member Lunch 11:45 - 12:30
Duplicate Bridge 12:30 - 4
Table Tennis 1 - 4
Havertown Activities
• Lunch is served Monday For additional information about
Friday, 11:45 - 12:30.
any activity listed, or for the
menu of the day, call
• Reserve your lunch by calling
Receptionists Sharon, Saundra,
the Center after 9 am.
• A $2 contribution is requested. Barbara or Program Assistant
Mary Gengenbach at
• Pick up your lunch ticket at the
Registration Desk.
Salads are back! Reserve a regular lunch or a salad. Lecture & Lunch: Society for Financial Awareness
Don’t forget to call 610-446-2070 after 9:00 and re- Friday, August 12, 10:45 - 11:45
serve your lunch.
Sean Crowley from S.O.F.A. believes each person’s
situation is unique. His recommendations are never
Update your Information
a one-size-fits all approach to planning. Learn to
Monday, August 15 through Friday, August 26
set goals and achieve a secure and lasting lifestyle
(2weeks), 9 - 3:30
in retirement. Free and free lunch for those
Has any of your information changed since 2013,
or 2003, or 1993? No? Hmm… How about your
Caregiver Support Group
Emergency Contact’s phone number? Or your
Tuesday, August 16, 2:30 - 4
medication? Take a few minutes to fill out a
short form to have current information in your file. This group is especially helpful if your loved one is
living at home and in need of more attention due to
Hand in your updated form and you’ll be entered
into a raffle to win a week’s worth of free lunches! memory loss, confusion, or other cognitive losses.
Meet the third Tuesday of each month.
Winner announced August 31.
Stop at Reception or the Front Lobby to pick up, fill
Lecture & Lunch: My Gift of Grace, Part 2
out, and turn in your updated form.
Friday, August 19, 10:45 - 11:45
Continue the conversation about what you value in
Benefits Check Up Counseling, by appt. only
life and learn how to start these important converFind benefits you might be eligible for and how to
sations with family to make your life better. Faciliaccess them. Call 610-446-2070 to schedule your
tated by staff from VITAS Healthcare. Free and Free
Lunch for those attending!
Lecture & Lunch: Medicare Fraud Prevention
Friday, August 5, 11 - 11:45
The Center for Advocacy for the Rights and
Interests of the Elderly (CARIE) is dedicated to
improve the well being, rights and autonomy of
older people through advocacy, education, and
action. CARIE is here to help you understand and
navigate difficult systems of services. Learn what
you can do to protect your against Medicare fraud
and abuse. Free and free lunch for those attending!
Meatloaf w/ Mushroom Gravy
APPRISE Counseling, by appt. only
Thursday, August 18, 9 - 11:30
This health insurance counseling program helps
older Pennsylvanians understand Medicare. Call
610-446-2070 to schedule your appointment. Free!
Casino Trip to Atlantic City
Friday, August 26, all day
Join your Surrey friends on a trip to AC. You must
preregister and prepay at the center. No refunds.
Call the receptionist for pricing.
Women’s Equality Day
Friday, August 26, all day
Women’s Equality Day is a day proclaimed each year
by the President to commemorate granting women
throughout the country the right to vote. The 19th
amendment to the Constitution was first introduced
in 1878, but wasn’t until 72 years later, on August
26, 1920, that the amendment passed and women
could vote and hold elective office. Look around the
center for fun facts!
Lecture & Lunch: Mature Driver Safety Program
Friday, August 26, 10:45 - 11:45
Lauren Amway from DCTMA will talk about how to
increase your safety while decreasing the number of
traffic-related crashes and the deaths and injuries
that result. DCTMA is the Delaware County
Transportation Management Association.
Free and Free Lunch for those attending!
New Member Lunch & Birthday Party!
Friday, August 26, 11:45 - 12:30
Everyone enjoys Free birthday cake and ice cream
with lunch! Members with August birthdays are our
special guests and receive a Free lunch today.
Spotlight on: Line Dancing
Every Tuesday and Wednesday, 1 - 2
Try a Line Dancing class this summer.
dancing can improve balance and is good for your
mood! It has been shown to reduce depression,
anxiety, and stress and boost self-esteem. Give it a
try! Tuesdays are led by Don Nee and Wednesdays
by Sandy Renick. Cost: $3
July 2016 — Media
Become a Surrey Ambassador!
Learn about the program on
July 19 and July 26.
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
Sit ‘N Knit 9:15 - 10:15
Drawing w/ Lucky 9:15 - 10:15
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Surrey Media Activities
For additional information
about any activity listed, or
for the menu of the day, call
Connie Woodring,
Program Assistant, at
Surrey is Closed
for the Fourth of July Holiday
Chicken Fingers
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
No SilverSneakers® YogaStretch
Crochet Corner 1 - 2
Surrey Community Service Project 1 - 2
Swedish Meatballs
Bingo 9:15 - 10:15
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Duplicate Bridge 1 - 4
Arias in the Afternoon 1 - 2
BBQ Pork Sandwich
Bead It Jewelry Club 9 - 10:15
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Farmers Market Voucher
Program 1 - 3
Pinochle Lessons & Play 1 - 4
Walk to the Media Farmers
Market 2:45 - 4
Roasted Turkey
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
Sit ‘N Knit 9:15 - 10:15
Drawing w/ Lucky 9:15 - 10:15
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Shopping at ACME 1
Pokeno Party 1 - 2
Bridge Club 1 - 4
Chicken & Veggie Stir fry
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
Sit ‘N Knit 9:15 - 10:15
Drawing w/ Lucky 9:15 - 10:15
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Shopping at ACME 1
Confectioner’s Corner 1 - 2
Bridge Club 1 - 4
Chili Dog
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
SilverSneakers® 10 - 11
Just Say Yes to…Healthy Beverages and Demo 11 - 12
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Weaving 1 - 2:30
Wii Bowling 1 - 2
Roast Beef
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
SilverSneakers® YogaStretch
1 - 1:45
Crochet Corner 1 - 2
Coloring Inside the Lines: Adult
Coloring Books 1 - 2
Baked Fish w/ Romesco Sauce
Bingo 9:15 - 10:15
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
Ask the Nurse 10 - 11:30
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Kitchen Table Stories 1 - 2
Duplicate Bridge 1 - 4
Chicken Pot Pie
Bead It Jewelry Club 9 - 10:15
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Farmers Market Voucher
Program 1 - 3
Pinochle Lessons & Play 1 - 4
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
SilverSneakers® 10 - 11
Surrey Member Services Presentation 11:15 - 11:45
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Weaving 1 - 2:30
Wii Bowling 1 - 2
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
SilverSneakers® YogaStretch
1 - 1:45
Crochet Corner 1 - 2
Surrey Ambassador Training 1 2
Bingo 9:15 - 10:15
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Billiards at Duffer’s Tavern 11 12
Lunch 12 - 12:45
July Birthday Party 12:30 - 1
Brain Games 1 - 2
Bead It Jewelry Club 9 - 10:15
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Farmers Market Voucher
Program 1 - 3
Pinochle Lessons & Play 1 - 4
Dinner and Learn Cooking Demonstration: Summer Vegetable
Quiche and Gazpacho
4:30 - 6
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
Sit ‘N Knit 9:15 - 10:15
Drawing w Lucky 9:15 - 10:15
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Shopping at ACME 1
Root Beer Float Friday 1 - 1:30
Bridge Club 1 - 4
Bead It Jewelry Club 9 - 10:15
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Farmers Market Voucher
Program 1 - 3
Pinochle Lessons & Play 1 - 4
Supper Club at Springfield Diner
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
Sit ‘N Knit 9:15 - 10:15
Drawing w Lucky 9:15 - 10:15
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Shopping at ACME 1
Bridge Club 1 - 4
Sliced Turkey w/ Apple
Cranberry Stuffing
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
SilverSneakers® 10 - 11
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Weaving 1 - 2:30
Wii Bowling 1 - 2
Reiki Sessions 1 - 3
Beef Pizziola
Sesame Ginger Beef
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
SilverSneakers® YogaStretch
1 - 1:45
Crochet Corner 1 - 2
Surrey Ambassador Training 1 2
Turkey Salad Platter
Update Your Information
Has any of your information changed since 2013,
or 2003, or 1993? How about your Emergency
Contact’s phone number? Take a few minutes to
update your information and you’ll be entered into
a raffle to win a week’s worth of free lunches!
Drawing with Lucky
Fridays, 9:15 - 10:15
Join fellow Surrey Member Lucky Lewis for a nostress, fun morning of sketching. He will provide
basic instruction about technique. Materials will
be provided (but donations gladly accepted).
Farmers Market Voucher Program
Thursdays, 1 - 3
Delaware County residents who are age 60 or
older, (including those who will reach their 60th
birthday by December 31); and who meet the income guidelines, are eligible. Vouchers are distributed on a first come basis until supply is exhausted. Proof of age and residency is required to
obtain vouchers. See page 2 for more information.
Baked Fish Sandwich
Bingo 9:15 - 10:15
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
Ask the Nurse 10 - 11:30
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Focus on Fiction Book Club at
HKF Library 1 - 2
APPRISE Medicare Counseling
(by appointment only) 1 - 4
Chicken Cacciatore
Turkey Hoagie
Baked Fish w/ Lemon Butter
Arias in the Afternoon
Wednesday, July 6, 1 - 2
Join us we listen to arias from Madame Butterfly
by Puccini and have a casual conversation about
the characters and themes of the opera.
Just Say Yes to… Healthy Beverages and Demo
Monday, July 11, 11 - 12
Join Penn State Extension staff as we learn more
about the benefits of healthy beverages and enjoy
a demonstration on how to make strawberry lemonade and enjoy a tasting. No charge!
Soup and 1/2 Ham & Cheddar
Cheese Steak Macaroni
and how you can get involved! All are welcome.
Refreshments will be served.
Billiards at Duffer’s Tavern in Glen Mills
Wednesday, July 20, 11 - 12
Interested in shooting a game or two of billiards?
Duffers offer free pool on Wednesday. Space is
limited and carpooling may be available. Please
sign up with Kathy or Connie.
Member Services Presentation
Monday, July 18, 11:15 - 11:45
Join Mary LePera, Surrey’s Director of Member
Services, for an informative presentation on the
benefits of being a Surrey member!
Dinner & Learn Cooking Demonstration: Summer
Vegetable Quiche and Gazpacho
Thursday, July 21, 4:30 - 6
Join us for a demonstration on how to prepare
Summer Vegetable Quiche and Gazpacho which
will be followed by a full meal of our featured entrée. Please see Kathy or Connie to make a reservation. Cost: $4 includes dessert
Surrey Ambassador Program Training
Tuesday, July 19 and July 26, 1 - 2
Are you interested in joining your fellow Surrey
members to learn how you can help spread the
word about our programs and services both inside
and outside the center? Kathy Henderson will give
an overview of the Surrey Ambassador program
Surrey Supper Club at Springfield Diner
Thursday, July 28, 5 - 7
Join your Surrey friends for a delicious dinner at
the Springfield Diner. Please come prepared to
pay for your portion of the bill in cash. Space is
limited. Please contact Kathy or Connie to reserve
your spot.
August 2016 — Media
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
SilverSneakers® 10 - 11
Just Say Yes to…Physical Exercise and Apricot Salsa Cooking
Demo 11 - 12
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Weaving 1 - 2:30
Wii Bowling 1 - 2
Tuna Salad Platter
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
SilverSneakers® YogaStretch
1 - 1:45
Crochet Corner 1 - 2
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
SilverSneakers® 10 - 11
Media-Upper Providence
Library Director Meet and
Greet 11:15 - 11:45
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Weaving 1 - 2:30
Wii Bowling 1 - 2
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
SilverSneakers® YogaStretch
1 - 1:45
Crochet Corner 1 - 2
Dinner and Learn Cooking Demonstration: Grilled Chicken w/
Salsa and Mexican Quinoa and
Vegetables 4:30 - 6
Roast Beef
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
SilverSneakers® 10 - 11
Save for Lecture 11:15 - 11:45
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Weaving 1 - 2:30
Wii Bowling 1 - 2
Sliced Turkey w/ Gravy
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
SilverSneakers® 10 - 11
Save for Demo 11:15 - 12
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Weaving 1 - 2:30
Wii Bowling 1 - 2
Reiki Sessions 1 - 3
Soup and 1/2 Ham & Cheddar
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
SilverSneakers® 10 - 11
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Weaving 1 - 2:30
Wii Bowling 1 - 2
Cheese Steak Macaroni
Swedish Meatballs
Baked Fish w/ Romesco Sauce
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
SilverSneakers® YogaStretch
1 - 1:45
Crochet Corner 1 - 2
Confectioner’s Corner 1 - 2
Sesame Ginger Beef
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
SilverSneakers® YogaStretch
1 - 1:45
Crochet Corner 1 - 2
Coloring Inside the Lines: Adult
Coloring Books 1 - 2
Beef Pizziola
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
SilverSneakers® YogaStretch
1 - 1:45
Crochet Corner 1 - 2
Turkey Salad Platter
Just Say Yes to… Physical Activity and Apricot
Salsa Cooking Demo
Monday, August 1, 11 - 12
Join Penn State Extension staff as we learn more
about the benefits of physical activity and enjoy a
demonstration on how to make apricot salsa and
enjoy a tasting. No charge!
Arias in the Afternoon
Wednesday, August 3, 1 - 2
Join us we listen to arias from La Boheme by Puccini and have a casual conversation about the
characters and themes of the opera. Refreshments will be served.
Farmers Market Voucher Program
Thursdays, 1 - 3
Delaware County residents who are age 60 or
older, (including those who will reach their 60th
birthday by December 31); and those who meet
the income guidelines are eligible. See July calendar for eligibility requirements.
Bingo 9:15 - 10:15
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Arias in the Afternoon 1 - 2
Duplicate Bridge 1 - 4
BBQ Pork Sandwich
Bingo 9:15 - 10:15
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Billiards at Duffer’s Tavern 11 12
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Kitchen Table Stories 1 - 2
Duplicate Bridge 1 - 4
Bead It Jewelry Club 9 - 10:15
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Farmers Market Voucher
Program 1 - 3
Pinochle Lessons & Play 1 - 4
Rosemary Roasted Turkey
Bead It Jewelry Club 9 - 10:15
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Farmers Market Voucher
Program 1 - 3
Pinochle Lessons & Play 1 - 4
Walk to the Media Farmers
Market 2:45 - 4
Chicken Pot Pie
Bingo 9:15 - 10:15
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
Ask the Nurse 10 - 11:30
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Eat Smart, Live Strong 1 - 1:45
Duplicate Bridge 1 - 4
Indoor Picnic– Hot Dogs
Bingo 9:15 - 10:15
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Eat Smart, Live Strong 1 - 1:45
Focus on Fiction Book Club at
HKF Library 1 - 2
APPRISE Medicare Counseling
(by appointment only) 1 - 4
Duplicate Bridge 1 - 4
Turkey Salad Platter
Turkey Hoagie
Bead It Jewelry Club 9 - 10:15
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Farmers Market Voucher
Program 1 - 3
Pinochle Lessons & Play 1 - 4
Baked Fish Sandwich
Bead It Jewelry Club 9 - 10:15
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Farmers Market Voucher
Program 1 - 3
Pinochle Lessons & Play 1 - 4
Supper Club at Wegmans Pub
Chicken Cacciatore
Bingo 9:15 - 10:15
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
Ask the Nurse 10 - 11:30
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Eat Smart, Live Strong 1 - 1:45
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
Sit ‘N Knit 9:15 - 10:15
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Shopping at the ACME 1:00
Bridge Club 1 - 4
Chicken & Veggie Stir fry
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
Sit ‘N Knit 9:15 - 10:15
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Shopping at the ACME 1:00
Pokeno Party 1 - 2
Bridge Club 1 - 4
Chili Dog
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
Sit ‘N Knit 9:15 - 10:15
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Shopping at the ACME 1:00
Bridge Club 1 - 4
Pinochle Club 9 - 11:30
Sit ‘N Knit 9:15 - 10:15
SilverSneakers® 10:30 - 11:30
Lunch 12 - 12:45
Shopping at the ACME 1:00
Root Beer Float Friday 1 -1:30
Bridge Club 1 - 4
Baked Fish w/ Lemon Butter
Surrey Media Activities
For additional information
about any activity listed, or
for the menu of the day, call
Connie Woodring,
Program Assistant, at
Swedish Meatballs
Media –Upper Providence Library Director Meet
and Greet
Monday, August 8, 11:15 - 11:45
The newly rebuilt Media Library opened in July.
Meet Barb Hauck-Mah, the library director who
will share the great things happening at the library. We will schedule a tour and visit in September and look forward to partnering with them to
provide programming!
Dinner & Learn Cooking Demonstration: Grilled
Chicken w/ Salsa and Mexican Quinoa and
Tuesday, August 9, 4:30 - 6
Join us for a demonstration on how to prepare
Grilled Chicken w/ Salsa and Mexican Quinoa and
Vegetables which will be followed by a full meal of
our featured entrée. Please see Kathy or Connie
to make a reservation. Cost: $4 includes dessert
Billiards at Duffer’s Tavern in Glen Mills
Wednesday, August 10, 11 - 12
Interested in shooting a game or two of billiards?
Duffers offer free pool on Wednesday. Space is
limited and carpooling may be available. Please
sign up with Kathy or Connie.
Eat Smart, Live Strong
Wednesdays, August 17 to September 7, 1 - 1:45
Good intentions and knowledge of your health are
not enough to make you healthy. Unless you actively do something, your health status does not
improve and may even decline more rapidly. Each
session in Eat Smart, Live Strong focuses on changing behavior by guiding participants in learning
and practicing new skills around better nutrition
and physical activity. No charge! Healthy snacks
Surrey Supper Club at Wegmans Pub
Thursday, August 25, 5 - 7
Curious as to what all the hoopla is about regarding Wegmans? Here is your chance to check out
this new grocery store and enjoy dinner in their
Pub. Please come prepared to pay for your portion of the bill in cash.
Staying Healthy
In Summer
distant memories of a full head of hair.
Apply Bug Spray If you live in areas where there
are a lot of mosquitoes and where West Nile Virus is present, and if you spend a lot of time outdoors (particularly at night), use mosquito repellent to help reduce the risk of getting bit by a
mosquito carrying this virus.
The summertime is a time of outdoor activities
and relaxation for most people. But for seniors,
the heat and sun can have a strong affect. Here
are some valuable tips to make sure the summer
Exercise Smart If you enjoy outdoor activities
is safe and fun.
such as walking or gardening, make sure to wear
the proper clothing and protective gear. It is also
Stay Hydrated Seniors are more susceptible to
dehydration than younger people because they important to keep track of time. Do not stay out
for long periods and make sure to drink even
lose their ability to conserve water as they age.
more water than usual when exercising. Also
They also may be less aware of their thirst and
have difficulty adjusting to temperature changes. consider getting outdoor exercise earlier in the
morning or later in the evening when the sun is
not at its peak.
Wear the Right Stuff Everyone, including senFrom
iors, should dress for the weather. Stock your
summer wardrobe with light-colored and loosefitting clothes in natural fibers like cotton to help
feel cooler and more comfortable.
Update Your Information
Protect Your Eyes Vision loss can be common
among the elderly, and too much exposure to
the sun can irritate eyes. Wearing sunglasses can
protect your eyes from harmful UV rays.
Know the Risks of Hyperthermia During the
summer, be particularly cautious about abnormally high body temperatures -- a condition
known as hyperthermia. Heat stroke is an advanced form of hyperthermia that can be lifethreatening. Make sure to know the warning
signs and get medical attention immediately if
you or anyone you know is experiencing these
Body temperature greater than 104 degrees
A change in behavior, such as acting confused, agitated or grouchy
Dry, flushed skin
Nausea and vomiting
Heavy breathing or a rapid pulse
Not sweating, even if it's hot out
When Surrey was founded in 1981, the telephone was the easiest way to reach a loved one
and the telephone book was a necessity. Times
have changed but Surrey’s family centered philosophy has not. We are a resource for our members and their families especially if there is an
For this reason, we are asking members to update their information this summer. Has any of
your information changed since 1993, 2003,
2013 or whenever you joined Surrey? How
about your Emergency Contact’s phone number?
Take a few minutes during the month of July to
update your information at a Surrey near you.
Each location will host a lunch raffle for those
who update their information.
Ms. Anna Albany
Mrs. Patricia Arrington
Ms. Mary Auchincloss
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon H. Bassett
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Baumert
Mr. Mark S. Bazrod
Mrs. Marcha L. Botje
Ms. Gloria Lee Burghart
Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Bushman
Ms. Rosemarie Butler
Ms. Marilyn Cavill
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Cohen
Mrs. Sheila D. Connor
Ms. Carol A. Coyne
Mr. Willis E. Cupery
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeMarco
Mrs. Mary Lou Doxtader
Ms. Eleanor Duda
Mrs. Anne S. Engel
Mr. Joseph Feingold
Mr. Dick Fisher
Mrs. Caroline R. Geasey
Ms. Sharon Hampton
Mr. Richard O. Jacob
Mrs. Virginia R. Koch
Mr. Ross R. Lomagro
Ms. Alice Lutomski
Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Marchiano
Dr. and Mrs. Steven Mark
Mr. David H. Maroney
Ms. Rosamund McAlee
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley J. Miller, Jr.
Ms. Janet Milnazik
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R. Murdock
By: Jacky Kennedy Sisson
Surrey’s Daily Money Manager
Con artists have figured out a way to have unsuspecting victims dial their call centers. The scam has
been termed “fat finger dialing.” By purchasing
phone numbers that are very close to popularly
dialed numbers, such as Social Security, large
banks or retailers, con artists are able to take advantage of individuals who dial a wrong number.
Surrey members have reported reaching this type
of call center when they were dialing a well known
company, such as their bank or health insurance
According to AARP, the numbers purchased have
the same seven digits as the popular numbers, but
differ in the first three numbers, such as 888 or
866, instead of the actual 800 toll free area code.
When callers reach these numbers instead of the
one intended, they will hear that they have won a
prize or are eligible for low cost vacations or other
products. The point of the scam is to get the caller
to give out credit card or bank information.
How do you know if you have reached the legitimate company you are calling or reached a scam
number? Be sure that you hear the name of the
company or organization when the call is answered. If you do not hear the proper name, but
instead hear, “congratulations” or “you have won
a prize,” then HANG UP. When you dial a number,
be sure to do so with care. Many phones, both
landline and cell, now have screens so you can see
the number you are dialing before you press the
“talk” or “send” button.
Unfortunately, according to the Federal Trade
Commission, the calls are not covered by the Do
Not Call Registry because the consumer is making
the call, rather than the telemarketer.
Scouts Host a Great Dinner
Rub on Sunscreen and Wear Hats Everyone,
young and old, should wear sunscreen when outdoors. Hats are also a great idea, especially for
those with light colored hair and those with only
We thank our members for their generous gifts!
4-12-16 through 5-10-16
Dial with Care
Mr. and Mrs. William Pentz
Mr. and Mrs. Allyn Plambeck
Mrs. Peter Purse
Mr. Jerry Satlow
Mr. Thomas Sbraccia
Ms. Linda B. Scavello
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Seidel
Mrs. Mary Sileo
Miss Mary Ellen Smith
Ms. Leslie J. Smith
Ms. Marion Snekenberg
Mr. Jonas F. Soltis
Ms. Marilyn G. Stringer
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin T. Sugita
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore S. Sulkowski
Ms. Patricia Sweely
Ms. Patricia Wood
Boy Scout Phillip Goldberg, Chef Ben’s son
and several of his fellow scouts prepared a
delicious pasta dinner
and dessert for guests
at Surrey Devon. Phillip
planned the entire evening as part of his Life
Scout project. Thank
you for a wonderful
evening and great job!
In Honor of Joanne Lenz Kettelle
Mrs. Letty Lee Dahme
In Honor of Mary Catherine Dabrowski
Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Duzen
In honor of my late mother, Marie Macphee
Happy Mother's Day!
Ms. Cecile Charlton and Mr. Jim Bartolomei
In Memory of Frank and Geoffrey Bosworth
Ms. Aileen Bosworth
In Memory of Dorothy Ayers
Francis R. Grebe, Esq.
In Memory of Dot Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J. Judice
In Memory of Jack Fisch
Ms. Sandra Schomer and Mr. Robert Remer
In Memory of Tadeusz Sliwinski
Ms. Barbara Sliwinski
Preparing everyone’s favorite dessert: brownies
Mark Your Calendar
The Main Line Antiques Show
Returns this Fall
Cabrini College,
Saturday, October 1: 10 – 7
Sunday, October 2: 10 – 3
Now in its 11th year, The Main Line Antiques Show is the only antiques show on Philadelphia’s Main Line, and all the funds raised
benefit Surrey Services. The Show returns to Cabrini College again this
fall, featuring 40 distinguished dealers offering a wide selection of fine
and decorative arts, jewelry, furniture and folk art for both seasoned
and new collectors.
The Opening Night Party will be held Friday evening, September 30
from 6 - 9, in the Dixon Center on campus in Radnor. Sponsors, Benefactors and Patrons are invited to an early admission at 5. The party
offers a first look and special opportunity to purchase and socialize
while enjoying cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, and a light buffet.
To purchase tickets to the Opening Party and more information, see
Surrey House Cleaning Services
Reliable and Trustworthy
Did you know Surrey offers House Cleaning Services? Wehther it is for a
single project or on an regular basis, our cleaners are reliable and trustworthy.
Vacuuming and dusting
Mopping and sweeping
Laundry and ironing
Changing bed linens
Kitchen clean up
Trash removal
Organize clutter
Special projects
Whatever your needs, our cleaners
will keep your home neat and clean.
This summer, all first time clients will receive $25 off their initial service
with this coupon. For more information, call Surrey’s Home Services Department at 610-647-9840.
60 Surrey Way
Devon, Pennsylvania 19333