Enchainement Dance Centre 2014 - Judy Russell`s Enchaînement
Enchainement Dance Centre 2014 - Judy Russell`s Enchaînement
****FIRST DAY OF FALL CLASSES IS TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 2ND**** JUDY RUSSELL'S ENCHAINEMENT DANCE CENTRE 3540 Opie Crescent, Prince George B.C. V2N 2P9 250-563-2902 judydance@shawcable.com www.judyrusselldance.com Studio Information Newsletter Judy Russell Artistic Director & Owner of Enchainement Dance Centre A NOTE FROM JUDY Hello, I am so excited to start another terrific year at Enchainement Dance Center! As per every year there are ups and downs, comings and goings, new and old but definitely never boring, moments in studio life. This year we have said so long to many young people who are going off to broaden their horizons in their chosen paths. I truly hope that they will all be home again to share their new found knowledge with all who will listen. On behalf of my staff I am thrilled to announce our new ballet teacher Kelsey Mann! Welcome to Kelsey and her lovely young family as they begin their new life in Prince George. Micaele Johnson, Emily Parsons and Jacquie Page are also adding their diverse talents and wonderful energy to the teaching team. I am sad but happy for Jennifer Johnson as she takes an exciting year off of teaching to travel to faraway places (Go Jenn)! You also may notice that Anna and Nicole are adding to the tiny collection of Russell sprouts! Bill and I might be a little busy by the end of this year trying to keep up to the wonderful grandchildren! Our quality teaching staff and dedicated administration staff are primed and ready to go! EDC is committed to providing excellence in performing arts training for all students who walk through our door! Welcome to the 2014 – 2015 EDC season! Remember being hard working and dedicated to your chosen passions and past times is an inspiring and satisfying way to life your life! TEACHERS: Judy Russell- RAD RTS –Ballet, Jazz, Musical Theatre, Company Kristen Helfrich - CDTA, ARAD, RTC– Jazz, Tap, Ballet Andrea Downie BFA & in MA Dance, Level 2 C-I Training Teacher, Certified Teacher of Simonson Technique – Modern, Dance Conditioning, Ballet Kelsey Mann - ARAD TC - Ballet Catherine McCarthy - Musical Theatre Diploma Sheridan College – Musical Theatre Anna Russell - Performing Arts Diploma - Canadian College of Performing Arts, Victoria (On Leave) Nicole Russell- ARAD – Ballet, Jazz, Jumps, Tricks & Turns Shelby Meaney - Performing Arts Diploma from Randolph College for the Performing Arts - Ballet, Musical Theatre, Company, Jazz, Hip Hop Micaele Johnson – Performing Arts Diploma - Canadian College of Performing Arts, Victoria - Tap Emily Parsons– Hip Hop Eileen Barrientos – Flamenco Maizie Bernard– Acro Tania Jakubowski - Acro Laura Heagy – Burlesque Fit Jacquelyn Page – Highland STAFF TEACHERS: Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Musical Theatre, Hip Hop, Stage, Modern Karissa Polsom Melissa McCracken Jennifer Johnson (On Leave) Tristan Ghostkeeper (On Leave) Amber Downie-Back (On Leave) Maggie Trepanier Ashley Burmaster Courtney Hatley Kennedy Heitman Jenna Magrath Kate McGowan OFFICE STAFF Heather McGowan, Diana McKellar, Barb Parker Anna Russell, Nicole Russell, Susan Von Alkier GENERAL INFORMATION PLEASE TAKE A MOMENT TO READ AND REVIEW OUR PRACTICES AND POLICIES CHANGEROOMS ADDING/CHANGING/ DROPPING CLASSES Please take a moment to read and review our practices and policies If you need to add, drop, or change your classes, your changes must be made in writing at the office or by email to judydance@shawcable.com. These changes must be confirmed by office and your monthly fees will be adjusted if need be. Please do not take classes, or change classes without registering with the office. DROPPING OFF AND PICKING UP Please arrive with your student no more than 10 minutes before their class starts and pick up no later than 10 minutes after their class ends. If your dancer is 8 or older, and is arriving or staying without a parent for a longer length of time, approval must be given by the office. Dancers 7 and under are required to have a parent or guardian present until class starts and at the finish of the class. Please contact the office if you are running late for pick up so we can make arrangements to supervise your dancer. NEWSLETTERS Monthly newsletters are available on the first day of every month and contain important studio news, updates, and upcoming events. It is the parents’ responsibility to read the newsletter to stay up to date on studio events. This newsletter is available online and emailed to every customer who agreed to receive it by email. If you choose not to receive it by email, please pick up your copy at the studio or go online at www.judyrusselldance.com to view a copy. PARENT OBSERVATION We have Parent Observation Weeks every other month, on average every 9 weeks. This is a great time to invite family to come and watch your dancers’ performance and progress. All parents are encouraged to attend their children’s classes to get to know the instructors and the work that is being taught. Please make alternate arrangements for younger siblings. Please be respectful of cell phones and talking during these class observations There are three change rooms available for dancers to use. There is a boys’ change room and a 12 and under girls’ change room by Studio C. There is a 13 and over girls’ change room off of Studio D. If a Dad is bringing his little dancer to class, please change them in the public washroom located in the lobby. Please no dads or brothers in the girls’ change room. There is zero tolerance for any bullying or vandalism in the change rooms. Please remind your child that the studio is a facility where they must be respectful of others specifically in the change room. LOCKER RENTALS Lockers are available for rent in all change rooms for a fee of $40.00 +GST/year. Please register and pay in the office and provide them with your chosen locker number. Please ensure that you clean out your locker regularly and never leave food inside the lockers. If you do not wish to rent the locker yearly, please bring a lock for a locker during class and remove it and your contents at the end of the day. LOST & FOUND The Lost & Found is located at the front foyer of the office. If you misplaced and item, please check in the Lost & Found Box. All unclaimed items are donated to a local charity 3 times per year - Christmas Break, Spring Break and after the Year End Recital. FOR SALE BOARD We DO NOT sell used shoes. If you would like to put up a notice on the Board located in the office, please include style, size, asking price, phone number on a piece of paper no bigger than 5 x 7. You must also include a posting date on your add. All ads are removed after 6 weeks. PARKING LOT The front parking lot is a drop off and pick up zone only, with a 15 minute maximum. It is also a no-idle zone so that the air in the studio is clean for the dancers. Please do not wait in the drive through loop area as it blocks traffic flow. For longer parking times please park in the large parking lot located at the back of the dance studio. Continue newsletter text here. Continue newslette here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue new text here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue newsletter text here. PAYMENT POLICY Continue newsletter text here. Continue newslette METHOD OF PAYMENT here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue new Families who do not pay instructional fees in full at the beginning of the dancetext season several options for here.have Continue newsletter text here. Continue payments: newsletter text here. Continue newsletter text her STUDIO POLICIES You are registering for a dance season that runs 36 weeks over 10 months, Sept – June. Monthly payments equal 1/10 of the annual cost and may not necessarily reflect the number of actual classes in any given month. A pre -authorized monthly payment is due on the 1st or 15th of each month for the Sept – June season. If you choose not to provide a method of preauthorized payment, you are required to pay 1st and Last Months’ fees upon registration. All NSF payments declined for any reason will incur an NSF fee of $30.00. Class changes must be submitted in writing or via email to the office. Registration for more than 15 hours must be preapproved by Judy Russell. All withdrawals and/or class changes take effect on the 30th of the month with 30 days prior notice. Notice must be given in writing or by email. You are responsible for the cost of the actual number of weeks danced before withdrawal regardless of the monthly fee schedule. An email reply from the studio will complete your withdrawal/class change. No fee adjustment is made for missed classes except with a medical note. All dancers are expected to participate in the Year End Recital held in June 2015, unless withdrawal is processed by March 1, 2015. Ballet and Stage costume fees of $80.00 + GST are due upon registration. They are 100% non - refundable after March 1, 2015. All costumes will be handed out in June. A $20.00 processing fee will be deducted from costume fees, if withdrawal takes place before the completion 3 months of dance. Classes may be combined during the final months of the year to accommodate recital preparation. Families may pay all fees and charges upontext receipt Continue newsletter here.of invoices. Invoices for dance fees are due upon receipt. Choreography invoices must be paid prior to beginning choreography. Festival and workshop invoices must be paid prior to the festival or workshop. Continue newsletter Costume text here.fees Continue newslette invoiced are to be paid at the time of registration here. Continue newsletter unless arrangements are made with studio staff text in here. Continue new advance. All other costumes are purchased cash and text here. Continue newsletter text here. Continue carry. Families may make prepayments toward newsletter text here.choreography Continue newsletter text her and/or festival fees, or dance fees that are anticipated later in the future. Payments will show as credits to Continue newslette Continue newsletter text here. the account until actual invoices are produced. here. Families with company dancers are encouraged to set up amortization payment schedules over a 10 or 12 month period based on projected dance expenses for the entire year. Appointments with the business office will facilitate the payment-setting process. MODE OF PAYMENT CASH is always welcome for payment. Please make sure you receive a receipt at the time payment is made. EFT (Electronic Fund Transfer) is a preferred method of payment. Payments are processed directly from clients’ bank accounts on the 1st and/or the 15th of the month, based on client preference. CREDIT CARDS, including Visa, Mastercard and American Express are also accepted. Families are encouraged to provide credit card information to be kept on file at the studio for automatic payment processing on a monthly basis, or as expenses are invoiced. Automatic credit card payments may be scheduled for any particular day of the month. CHEQUES are also welcome for payment. Postdated cheques may be provided for a regular payment schedule. Those families who do not opt for some sort of automatic monthly process for dance fees are of required to pay the first and last month’s fee for that dance season upon registering, or before classes begin if approved by studio staff. Make sure to like us on facebook to stay up to date on current events, rehearsals, exam information and latest studio news. Descriptions of Class Styles Offered at Enchainement BALLET – We teach the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) Syllabus. Beginner students are grouped by age. We offer a variety of levels from Creative (3 year olds) to Adult Ballet. After completing one year of the RAD Ballet program, students are eligible to participate in the ballet examination system. These exams are held at the studio in the spring. TAP – We teach the Canadian Dance Teachers Association (CDTA) syllabus. Students are grouped together in beginner classes by their age from My 1st Tap (3.5 years old) to Adult Tap. After completing one year of tap, students are eligible to participate in the tap examination system. JAZZ – We have an excellent Jazz program that has expanded over the years. We offer beginner classes from My 1st Jazz (Ages 4-5) to Adult Jazz. JAZZ TECHNIQUE A must for competitive dancers and dancers who wish to maintain a high level of technical growth throughout the year. You must also be registered in a Jazz and Ballet class in order to take Jazz Technique. MODERN – This class explores Modern and Post – Modern/Contemporary dance techniques. Dancers will refine their understanding and use of movement dynamics, three-dimensional shaping and movement integration. Time will also be spent using the elements of dance to explore, invent and improvise. The development of individual style and artistic expression are encouraged within a supportive and challenging learning environment. DANCE CONDITIONING - The focus of this class is to improve flexibility, strength, alignment and movement-ease through conditioning exercises designed specifically for dance. Students will explore Conditioning-with-Imagery mat work, neuromuscular re-patterning exercises, dynamic alignment and extended deep stretching. This class serves as both cross training for dancers and an excellent workout for those seeking a new way to effectively condition the body and mind. HIP HOP – Specialty style of dance including popping, locking, stalls, street, funk and breaking. MUSICAL THEATRE – Musical Theatre is a form of theatre combining music, songs, spoken dialogue and dance. Ear & Rhythm training, and correct vocal production will be the emphasis. Musical Theatre is mandatory for all students entering the Musical Theatre categories in the PG Dance Festival. Classes begin at 5 years of age. STAGE - this class explores script reading and performing, poetry, and some prose. Participants will also have a chance to work on character development and improvisation skills through theatre games. Singing and movement will be a part of this class as well but to a lesser degree than Musical theatre. A focus will be placed on developing good vocal projection. COMPANY – This class is for students that wish to pursue dance training. Students wishing to join must write a letter to Judy expressing their interest and their assets. This class is for students wishing to compete, travel and perform at festivals and dance-outs. It involves membership and parental support as well as fundraising. DANCE CLASS LEVELS There are many factors involved in your teacher’s recommendations for their dance class placement this fall. While dancing in a level that is too easy may mean slower progress and boredom, dancing in a level that is too difficult can have detrimental consequences. Here are just a few of the areas of consideration by your dance instructor: -TECHNICAL LEVEL: Being challenged with movements and goals that can be attained within the current season. - PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE WITH THE MOVEMENT VOCABULARY: Most dance forms have specific strength and stylistic demands, though previous dance is an asset, there may be form-specific groundwork that needs to be laid. -AGE AND MATURITY: Children want to fit in with their peer groups and need to have friends; also a dancer must be physically mature enough to handle the class content. -GROWTH SPURTS: Dancers who are in the midst of, or have recently undergone, a growth spurt may need some extra time to develop the necessary strength needed in their torso and limbs to properly control their movements. WHAT TO PACK IN YOUR DANCE BAG: Water bottle, Ice packs, Band Aids, Extra hair pins & elastics, High Energy Snack. Please label all shoes with your first and last name. 2014-2015 CALENDAR OF EVENTS EXAMINATION INFORMATION Every year, Judy Russell’s Enchainement Dance Centre enters their Ballet and Tap students into graded exams. The Ballet exams are executed following the Royal Academy of Dance Ballet Program, and the Tap exams are in accordance with the Canadian Dance Teachers Association Tap Examination syllabus. These exams are optional; however they do provide students with a great indicator of dance progress and improvement as well as provides goal-setting and a focus for their dance year. It is wonderful for the students to complete their exam to help culminate that year of learning and act as a gateway towards their next year of Ballet and Tap training. ROYAL ACADEMY OF DANCE BALLET EXAMS Potential Royal Academy of Dance Ballet Candidates will be posted in the office on Dec 1, 2014. Please check & initial your child’s name & birth date. The pre requisite for an exam is the student has completed 1 year of the grade, been recommended by their teacher & attended the exam prep summer school or made alternate arrangements for private or semi private lessons. Please see an office staff member or your child’s teacher if you are interested in participating in these exams. These exams will be held in spring 2015. PRE PRIMARY THRU GRADE 8 – There will be few extra Sunday practices leading up to the exam to ensure the students are prepared for their exam. VOCATIONAL GRADES (Intermediate Foundation – Advanced 2) The 10 Exam Prep classes will start at the end of Dec or in early January depending on the actual exam date. You must sign up for these classes in order to do your exams. CANADIAN DANCE TEACHERS ASSOCIATION TAP EXAMS Potential Canadian Dance Teachers Association Tap Candidates will be posted in the office, please check to make sure your name & birth date are correct. The pre requisite for an exam is the student has completed 1 year of the Tap level and attended the summer school exam classes. The tap exams are tentatively scheduled for mid November. Registration deadline is Sept 13th. The 8 week fall tap prep classes will start September 20th. Times will be emailed to all exam candidates in early September. September 2nd - First Day of Classes October 11th – 13th -Closed for Thanksgiving Weekend October 31st - Closed at 4:30 for Halloween November 11th - Closed for Remembrance Day December 12th – 21st - Christmas Carol December 15th – January 4th - Closed for X-mas Holidays January 5th - First Day back after Christmas Holidays February 9th - Closed for BC Family Day Feb 14th – March 1st - Closed for Spring Break March 2nd - First Day Back after Spring Break April 2nd – 6th - Prince George Dance Festival @ Vanier Hall April 3rd – 6th - Easter Holiday – Studio Closed April 19th - Performers North Annual Fundraiser Showcase May 16th – 18th - Closed for Victoria Day Weekend June 19th – 21st - Year End Recital 2015 CLASS ATTIRE BALLET: Tights, Bodysuit, Ballet Slippers, Hair in a bun – Please see Diana in Dance N Things for each grades colour requirement. JAZZ, MUSICAL THEATRE, TAP, STAGE: Tight fitted dance wear (bodysuit, capris, pants, tight tank top), Jazz/Tap shoes, Hair off of face in a ponytail MODERN: Black Bodysuit, Black tights, pants or leggings, bare feet, Hair off of face in a ponytail HIP HOP: Comfortable top and pants- no jeans, hair off of face, clean indoor running shoes DANCE CONDITIONING: Bodysuit, Tight fitted shorts or pants, Bare feet, Hair off of face, yoga mat 10 WEEK CLASSES These classes are designed for 3-6 year old, first time studio participants, who are not sure which style will suit their child best or do not wish to commit to a yearlong program. If Tap is part of the Combo class that you sign up for then Tap shoes are required and are available to be purchased in Dance N’ Things. PRINCE GEORGE DANCE FESTIVAL This year’s Prince George Dance Festival will be held April 2nd – 6th at Vanier Hall. It is a 4 day dance festival with studios from all over BC participating. The Prince George Dance Festival Package will be ready September 20th. All students that are interested in competing in the festival at Vanier Hall during Easter Weekend are encouraged to read the package and have their entry forms returned to the office by October 25th. If you are new to the studio and/or new to competing in the dance festival, please discuss with your child’s teacher if your dancer is ready for this experience,. RECITAL 2015 We are pleased to announce the upcoming recital dates for our Year End Ballet and Stage Recitals. The Ballet/Modern Recital will be held on June 19th and 20th, 2015 and the Stage Recitals will be held on June 20th and 21st, 2015. All Recitals are held at Vanier Hall. This event is a culmination of year long training and preparation and is a spectacular event for all family members and friends. Recital tickets go on sale at the Studio Office in late May or early June. Ballet and Stage recital costumes will be purchased with the Costume deposit money that you paid at the beginning of the dance season. You will receive a package in June with your costume. The recitals will be professionally recorded and DVDs will be available for purchase starting late summer and through the fall. Enchainement Dance Centre is proud to be the home of PERFORMERS NORTH ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY… This non-profit organization prides itself on promoting fine arts in our youth and the community and is renowned for its astounding dance performances and dazzling competition pieces. For further information about Performers North, please contact the PN Board of Directors through the President. DANCE N' THINGS Dance N’ Things has been serving Prince George and area with dance supplies from our location in Judy Russell's Enchainement Dance Centre since 1984. Our suppliers include: Bodywrappers, Bloch, Russian Pointe, Bunheads, Capezio, Dasha Designs, Leo’s, Mondor, Rubie’s, SKS Novelty, Up The Creek Garment Company and also giftware by Russ. DANCE N' THINGS HOURS Monday - Friday 11:30 - 6:30 Saturday 9:00 - 2:00 An appointment is required for all Pointe shoe fittings. Please call 250-563-2902 or email Diana at dancenthings@shawcable.com to make your appointment STUDIO OFFICE HOURS 3540 Opie Crescent Prince George B.C. V2N 2P9 Monday - Friday 11:30 - 6:30 Saturday 9:00 - 2:00 Closed Sundays and Holidays CONTACT INFORMATION judydance@shawcable.com www.judyrusselldance.com 250-563-2902