Commissioners give `thumbs down` on proposed night club
Commissioners give `thumbs down` on proposed night club
Commissioners give ‘thumbs down’ on proposed night club building would incorporate a two story use with an additional bar on the second floor, with movable seats to allow for additional space for special events. Prosser said that although the original plan was for a facility for 500 occupants, that approval would require an expensive parking study which the applicant wasn’t willing to finance so the number was reduced to that which was previously approved for the Gaslighter—256. Residents from surrounding residential neighborhoods made a The Gaslighter Theater stands empty on Campbell Avenue. number of points when speaking The former bank was not approved for restaurant use by the on their opposition to the project. Campbell Planning Commission at their meeting this week. Jackie Costanza pointed out that Campbell Planning community if allowed to operate. taxpayer dollars would have to Commission had a full house Ray Shafazand (Dasha) fund the police dollars that would this week when they considered told Campbell Planning be inevitably needed should the the application for a restaurant/ Commissioners how successful project be approved; while Kereli lounge in downtown Campbell. his downtown San Jose business Senstack read from the general You could almost hear the was—even telling them that plan and quoted the tenant’s thoughts of those opposed to the they had standing reservations concept—two statements in nightclub when the proposed for members of the medical direct conflict with each other. operator, in describing his San profession. Under discussion Statistics were provided by Jose operation, mentioned the was an application to operate a Eric Reinhart revealing that “line” outside his door, of patrons combined restaurant/lounge in a Campbell Police had a 250% wishing to enter. facility which previously housed increase in service calls for late Campbell residents are well the Gaslighter Theater which night activity downtown in recent aware that one of the alcohol ceased operation in 2005. years, where the rest of the city servers that does most of their Prior to Shafazand’s coming only had a 2% increase. He also business in late evening in to the microphone the audience reported, to the amusement of downtown also has a line at the heard Planning Staff member those assembled, that the CHP door. (Something which many of Steve Prosser detail the proposed reported they were able to make them consider part of the problem restaurant/nightclub plans, many DUI arrests in the area. He with late-night downtown which including expanding concluded “and we don’t need to activities.) outdoor seating by building out market Campbell as a target for This is the kind of operation the sidewalk in front of the East DUI arrests.” that many fear could ruin their Campbell Avenue building. The Many of the people who We have lots of help putting out this paper--from volunteers like Bob Laws who shot all of those wonderful pictures of the Oktoberfest that were on last week’s paper. Somehow we just keep forgetting to acknowledge his good work. Sorry, Bob. We love your pictures! Inside this week’s issue: The Campbell Connection (pages 8&9) spoke at the meeting quoted the General Plan and the newly passed Alcohol Policy in their remarks. Matt Klemchuk, who represented the building’s owners, explained to the commission (and the audience) that economic down-turn resulted in the need to try and find a use that the city would approve but would also return some of the investment. Many of the speakers referred to the Campbell community as unique and wanted to make sure the current atmosphere remained the same. The final speaker was attorney Bill Gates who also tied the application to the General Plan but differently from the previous speakers. He also discussed the issue of security, said he’d met with all the city council members except Mike Kotowski (although he did not report on their responses to the plan) and also met with Police Chief Greg Finch. In response to a question about security from Commissioner Mark Ebner, he detailed how he and Finch had worked out a plan to make use of retired Campbell Police officers to maintain security in the downtown. He did indicate that the cost of such personnel would be born by bar owners. When the hearing was closed, commissioners commented before taking a vote. All of the commissioners offered their opinions—and interestingly, while they varied greatly on why they were in favor of the staff recommendation that the application be denied, they were strongly in agreement. Brian Brennan said the application was not consistent with the guidelines and Paul Resnikoff cited that the application needed to fit the policy and they were not going to change the policy to make it fit the application. Theresa Ulster told her fellow commissioners that she had just completed a suggested ethics training—and one of the things promoted there were what was “best for the public”. Liz Gibbons went past the alcohol policy and cited a number of places where this project differed from many sources of written material on what was desired for the community. “It doesn’t comply” and she cited parking, plans, community, and other ways it differed from the city’s direction. Phil Reynolds felt it was important that the commission had listened to the community. The entire commission voted in favor of the denial of the application to allow the establishment of a combined restaurant/lounge. The applicant may appeal that decision to the Campbell City Council. Rezoning for new Campbell residents The audience at this week’s planning commission meeting had no problem putting their hands together to applaud the city-initiated application for Pre-Zoning and General Plan Amendment to bring Cambrian No 36 county pocket and Central Park Neighborhoods into Campbell. The action is the result of several years of discussion with the City of San Jose, as well as residents of the area who had Campbell addresses but were designated to become citizens of San Jose. Those residents, when they discovered that the plan was to make them residents of the neighboring city, took up a fight to allow them to join Campbell— their city of choice. Some of the residences were already in San Jose and those are being allowed to “de-annex” and join Campbell also. The Campbell staff recently conducted a neighborhood meeting where the entire Cambrian No 36 and Central Park neighborhoods were invited. At that meeting, in addition to explaining much of the process that was to follow, the staff provided “Annexation Answer book” which was also posted on the city’s website. Mike Chrisman, who had spearheaded many of the activities which resulted in the action, took the microphone to thank the Campbell Planners for their support, and was in turn applauded for his work to make the annexation possible. Chiropractic clinic approved on Division Thomas Santucci’s application for a chiropractic clinic on Division Street met with no opposition from the Campbell Planning Commission. The General Plan designation for the project site is Research and Development and staff felt that was compatible with the land use designation, provided a desirable service to the community near places of work, as well as contribute to the economic diversity of the industrial district based on the written policy and strategy which states “encourage convenient retail and commercial services in industrial areas to support businesses, their customers and their employees.” At issue at the hearing was the planned removal of two cargo storage containers located at the rear of the site, which occupied six parking spaces. The applicant was requested to provide a bond insuring the containers would be removed in the coming months. Local Campbell Express, October 26, 2011 - page 2 Police Report Fire Calls A van was stolen from the 100 block on Sunnyside. Gas wa taken from a vehicle on Lovell Avenue. An unknown person threw a rock at a vehicle on W. Hacienda, breaking a light and denting the trunk. At Phoenix Dr. and Hamilton Avenue, a 23 year old man ran a red light and struck two vehicles. He fled, was caught and arrested. A computer check revealed that he also had an outstanding warrant. When stopped for riding his bicycle without a light, this 20 year old was found to have a methamphedomine pipe. He provided police with a false name and also had an outstanding warrant. A lock on a storage unit on Curtner Avenue was cut and property removed. Although the 19” silver Scott Men’s Mtn. bike was left locked in front of a business in the 500 block of E. Campbell Avenue, it was taken by an unknown person. Police responded to the report of two men in an altercation on Railway Avenue but they were gone when police arrived. Nearby witnesses were uncooperative. VMC ER called advising they had a victim being treated with injuries associated with the event. On contact, the victim was uncooperative and only able to provide the suspect’s first name. While investigating the above incident a woman was recognized as having two outstanding warrants. She was booked into jail. On Radford Drive, an unknown entered a home through an open upstairs window and took a video game console and a digital camera. An attempted robbery was thwarted on S. Bascom when all the employees fled to the back office and the thief was unable to access them. A woman was arrested by store security on Winchester Blvd. when she put candy and a bottle of alcohol in her purse and exited the store without paying. A man who ran a red light at Hamilton and Creekside and collided with another vehicle was found to be DUI. He also had an open container in his vehicle. A man stopped for a vehicle code violation on Saturday night in the 500 block of E. Hamilton Avenue was found to be under the influence of methamphetamine. Santa Clara County Fire Department 10/18/2011 12:52 Outside rubbish, trash or waste fire, Hale Av, Morgan Hill. 10/18/2011 15:01 Brush or brushand-grass mixture fire, Fwy 280, Cupertino. Published weekly by Sally H. Howe 334 E. Campbell Ave., Campbell, CA 95008 Phone: 408/374-9700 Fax: 408/374-0813 Periodicals postage paid at the Post Office in Campbell, California under the act of March 3, 1979, General Circulation Decree Numbers 96461 and 541032 Periodicals Postage paid at Campbell, California Publication Number (UPS 086-440) Postmaster: Send address corrections to: CAMPBELL EXPRESS 334 E. Campbell Ave. Campbell CA 95008 408/374-9700 Fax 408/374-0813 Editor: Sally Howe Associate Editor: Darryl Beckham Advertising: John Salomon Contributors: Brent Evans Karl Leal Jake Rose Bob Sneed $ AFTER TODAY $. You’re in debt because you want to be !!! ACT NOW… START GETTING AHEAD! P/T or F/T Work by phone FREE!!! Financial Planning Seminars Retirement Planning Basics, Investment Basics, Social Security, and Women’s Only Seminar Call today to schedule your seminar! Leal Financial Planning 1999 S Bascom Ave Ste 700 Campbell, CA 95008 408-879-2328 Karl Leal, Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor A non-denominational Bible teaching church working to preserve the Home and Family HOME Calend CHURCH ar WINCHESTER BLVD CAMPBELL EXPRESS The St. Lucy Booster Club’s Annual Holiday Craft Faire & Pancake Breakfast is Sunday, November 13, from 9 am-1 pm. The gymnasium will be open with creative vendors and their hand-crafted ornaments, dolls, jewelry, hand-made rosary bracelets, wood crafts, home decor, feathers, knitted items and much more. Raffle prizes. If you would like to participate as a craft vendor, call (408) 406-2745 by Nov 5. Breakfast served from 8 am - 11am and includes: pancakes, bacon, scrambled eggs, coffee and orange juice, Pre-sale $5.50/$6 at the door. This annual event benefits our St. Lucy School Athletic Program. x HWY 280 MOORPARK AVE HWY 880 HAMILTON AVE LATIMER AVE CAMPBELL AVE • Singles • Bible Classes • Children’s Church • Youth Worship • Christian Scouting Program Services: • Chinese Ministry Sunday 9 am and 11:15 am • Spanish Ministry • Ethiopian Ministry 408 370-1500 1711 S. Winchester Blvd. Campbell MEMBER EVANGELICAL COUNCIL FOR FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY Here’s With Howe Sally Howe Took the grandkids to see the Disney ice show at HP Pavilion last week. Never saw so many “princesses” in my life! It was a show designed for kids but we adults enjoyed it too. Back home in downtown Campbell, I encountered a traffic “jam” in the form of about 20 bicyclists who, although they were very orderly, did slow down traffic. When I pulled alongside of one of them, I asked what the occasion was. “Wednesday” he replied. Okay, so Wednesday was the answer—except that Friday night while attending Taiko at the Community Center, I again encountered cyclists. I asked them about Wednesday and they appeared not to know that there was another group of riders. I wonder while there are two groups! Speaking of Taiko I’ve not made a secret of how much I enjoy this wonderful troupe of drumming experts! It seems that every year I enjoy them more. Their enjoyment of what they are doing just permeates the Heritage Theatre when they perform. They come to our theater every fall and usually give three performances. From time to time, they also give special shows in downtown San Jose’s Japantown. For now, they’ve done their Campbell bit and won’t be back here until next year. It’s an experience you won’t forget! --------- Speaking of musical experiences, my daughter called me Saturday morning to invite me to the Palo Alto Philharmonic’s concert that night. I’m not a big fan of “long hair” music but thought I’d give it a try. What a pleasant surprise—maybe it’s because the musical selections of the evening were three composers which whom I was familiar— Leonard Bernstein (yes, he did compose music other than West Side Story), Franz Liszt and Tchaikovsky (a very long piece with four separate parts). The highlight of the evening was a pianist by the name of Peter Toth. This young concert pianist had quite a record of performances, all over Europe. I couldn’t see the keyboard from where I was sitting but there was no denying his talent! I may go back. --------- Sad but glad was the memorial service Sunday afternoon for Bruce Johnson, well-known local architect. Conducted at the Johnson home, I’m sure there were at least 100 in attendance. Super neat guy. Gone too young. ------- It seems like there are “foot” races all over the valley these days. We had our Campbell Oktoberfest race recently and I hear that former councilman Dan Furtado participated in another one on Sunday that took him into the Morgan Hill area where racers have to contend with some hills! ------- Bob Sneed fans will have to content themselves with past columns for a while. While on a trip to our local Fry’s last weekend, Bob’s walker allowed him to “pitch” and he broke his hip. Knowing him, though, as soon as he’s able to fire up his computer, he’ll be back in touch! -------- I guess it’s pancake breakfast time because we have a weekend coming up where we can enjoy pancakes two days in a row and both also have a shopping opportunity built in. On Saturday, November 12, St. George Coptic Orthodox Church is holding a breakfast from 9 – 1 in Orchard City Banquet Hall at the Campbell Community Center and also includes a Christmas Boutique and bake sale. The next day, Sunday, November 13, St. Lucy Booster Club will have their annual holiday craft faire and pancake breakfast. Not sure where in the complex it will be held, but likely there will be directional signs. Somehow the price of their event got turned around and it’s $5.50 in advance and $6 at the door. Local Campbell Express, October 26, 2011 - page 3 Simply Financial Planning with Karl Leal The Psychology of the Scam I’ve been working on a how to avoid scams presentation and came across this excellent summary of some of the most common tactics scam artists use. Awareness is the first step in avoiding getting ripped off. The “Phantom Riches” Tactic—dangling the prospect of wealth, enticing you with something you want but can’t have. “These gas wells are guaranteed to produce $6,800 a month in income.” The “Source Credibility” Tactic—trying to build credibility by claiming to be with a reputable firm or to have a special credential or experience. “Believe me, as a senior vice president of XYZ Firm, I would never sell an investment that doesn’t produce.” The “Social Consensus” Tactic—leading you to believe that other savvy investors have already invested. “This is how ___ got his start. I know it’s a lot of money, but I’m in—and so is my mom and half her church— and it’s worth every dime.” The “Reciprocity” Tactic— offering to do a small favor for you in return for a big favor. “I’ll give you a break on my commission if you buy now— half off.” The “Scarcity” Tactic— creating a false sense of urgency by claiming limited supply. “There are only two units left, so I’d sign today if I were you.” This information comes from the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority West San Jose-Campbell Lions meets Tuesdays at 12:15 p.m. at Denny’s 2060 S. Bascom. For information, call 378-4195. Campbell Rotary meets for lunch at Eastfield Ming Quong on Tuesdays. For information, call 247-3322. Karl Leal can be reached at 408879-2328 or Theater Events My Three Angels Santa Clara Players October 28 – November 20 Clementine in the Lower 9 TheatreWorks Mt. View Center for Performing Arts October 5- 30 Snoopy Sunnyvale Community Players October 28 – November 20 The Last Romance San Jose Rep October 13- November 6 How to Succeed in Business WVLO Musical Theater Company November 5 – December 3 Heritage Theatre announces season The Campbell Heritage Theatre’s new season begins on Sunday, Nov. 20 at 7 p.m. with the Robert Cray Band, and his blend of soul vocals and blues guitar. During the Christmas season, Friday and Saturday, Dec. 2, 3, Sister’s Catechism Christmas will entertain audiences with a comedic mystery show that pokes fun at the story of the nativity, and involves audience participation. Los Lonely Boys rocks and rolls on our stage on Feb. 24. The Grammy award-winning group has played with greats such as Carlos Santana and The Rolling Stones, and has just released their fourth album, Rockpango. For more than 40 years, The Temptations have been entertaining with their popular smash hits,” My Girl,” Since I Lost my Baby” and “Papa Was a Rolling Stone,” to name a few. They have remained a staple of American style and contemporary Pop with their smooth style, and will perform on March 3. Richard Marx is scheduled for Saturday, Mar. 24 at 8 p.m. and Saxophonist Dave Koz will be with us for one-night only on Saturday, May 19 at 8 p.m. In addition to these live shows, Heritage Theatre is introducing a Classic Cinema Series beginning on Sunday, December 4 with a Christmas Story; Singin’ in the Rain on January 8 and An Affair to Remember on February. 12. Season and individual tickets are on sale. Visit the Heritage Theatre or call the box office at 408-866-2700 for tickets prices. Library book sale Friends of the West Valley Library book sale on Saturday, November 12, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Great bargains! Beautiful books for gift-giving! Friends’ members shop early, from 9-10 a.m., and people may join on the spot! Bag sale from 2-3 p.m. Participants are encouraged to bring their own bags. 1243 San Tomas Aquino Rd. (near Saratoga Ave.), San Jose. All proceeds benefit libraries and literacy. (408) 244-4766. Beth’s Housecleaning Owner Operated since 1997 “I clean your home like it’s my own.” Excellent References –Reliable – Hardworking Licensed and Bonded Are you tired of crews? I’m the only Try me! One coming to your home! •Knowledge in newer floorings, $20 off cabinets, and counters___________ 1st time cleaning •Monthly, biweekly, weekly, one time cleaning Free estimates 408-263-7091 Lic.No 20611 Senior Discounts! Local v Campbell Express, October 26, 2011 - page 4 Campbell Business Directory LOW-TOXIC SOLUTIONS ANTS - FLEAS - SPIDERS - BEES RATS - MICE - ROACHES TERMITES …and many more? KILLROY PEST CONTROL - Residential or Commercial - Bi-Monthly or Quarterly Service - Termite Inspections & Repairs - Yard & Garden Spraying - Weed Control - Tree Spraying 888-Killroy 408 378-0441 LOS GATOS – CAMPBELL PROTECTING YOUR HEALTH & PROPERTY SINCE 1956 AVON Buy or Sell Avon Products Contact Cherri 408-209-1310 I’m local & I’d love to show you a catalog! Need Extra $$ Selling/Recruiting $10 to start your own business Free Gift with start-up “THE RENTAL PLACE” RENTAL CENTERS 900 Dell Ave., Campbell CA 95008 (408) 378-4921 1300 S./Main St., Milpitas CA 95035 (408) 263-7368 2550 Lafayette St, Santa Clara CA 95050 (408) 727-0822 96 E. Main St. Morgan Hill, CA 95037 (408) 779-7368 Family Owned Since 1945 LET’S TALK DOLLS Amercianmirador • • • • • • • Windows Shower Doors Wardrobe Doors Table Tops Mirrors Broken Windows Closet Doors We Sell Only American Made Products Mostly From The Bay Area Americanmirador.Com In Business For 38 Years Glenda Rasmussen-Owner 329 E. CAMPBELL AVE. In the Courtyard 378-1937 HOURS: 11:00 – 4:00 WED-SAT 1:00 – 4:00 SUN CLOSED MON & TUES 1550 Dell Ave Suite M Campbell CA 95008 408-370-2252 Castillo Construction & Remodeling Co. Room Additions, Complete Remodeling Free Estimate Owner: Jose Castillo CA Lic 632209 408-655-3289 We feature a large selection of dolls from around the world. Bunco! A fun way to spend an evening and raise money for the CAROL OF LIGHTS Monday, Nov. 14 7 p.m. Koinonia Coffee House (Home Church) 1711 Winchester Campbell Information: 374 9700 Your Ad Here! Call John Salomon 408-206-4720 Abintra Massage and Skincare Get any facial and receive a gift when you check my website: 14125 Capri Dr. #10 Los Gatos CA (408) 866-7612 Miller’s Automotive For 16 years Your Campbell Neighborhood’s Reliable Auto Shop Featuring Free Check Engine Diagnostic and Repair Center 861 Camden Ave #1 Campbell 408-866-6661 Local End-of-life wish care offered by Hospice Campbell Express, October 26, 2011 - page 5 Last year more than 1.5 million Americans with serious, life-limiting illness gained help from the nation’s hospice providers. In November, in honor of National Hospice and Palliative Care Month, Hospice of the Valley, San Jose, renowned for its signature programs and services, and for advancing palliative and end-of-life care, community grief and loss counseling and education in Northern California, will host two free community screenings of “Consider the Conversation”, an illuminating, powerful and inspiring documentary that examines views on a taboo subject: discussions surrounding end-of-life goals and wishes, on Wednesday, November 16, with the first screening at 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and the second screening from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Hospice of the Valley, located at 4850 Union Avenue, San Jose CA 95124. “The hope is to engage our community to initiate one of the most important conversations they will ever have with their family, loved ones and physicians about their goals and wishes at the end of life,” said Sally Adelus, president and chief executive officer of Hospice of the Valley. “And ultimately have them document those wishes, so when the time comes, their wishes will be honored and respected.” The screening of “Consider the Conversation”, the first community viewing in Santa Clara County, is a documentary film that examines multiple perspectives on end-of-life care from patients, family members, doctors, nurses, clergy, social workers, and national experts from around the country. Immediately following the screening, guests will have an opportunity to pose questions to a community panel of end-of-life experts who will offer insights and practical advice. “As an end-of-life care leader CCOC Students volunteer Peer Court Program More than 30 Central County Occupational Center (CCOC) Probation & Legal Careers students are volunteering as “peer court members” as part of Santa Clara County’s Peer Court program. The pilot program will begin hearing cases in November of juveniles between ages 14-17 who have already plead guilty. For CCOC students, the county’s Peer Court program is the perfect opportunity to immediately use the skills they are learning in their daily three hour Probation & Legal Careers course that they take as part of their high school requirements. In Peer Court, students serve on cases in a variety of courtroom roles that rotate. Roles offered to student volunteers include prosecuting attorney, defense attorney, clerk/bailiff, jury foreperson, and jury. “Peer Court allows students to see how a courtroom really operates,” CCOC Probation & Legal Careers instructor, Mark Adams, said. “This is an incredible opportunity for CCOC stu- dents to become familiar with the legal system by participating in real cases.” The cases that are heard in Peer Court are for misdemeanor crimes such as theft, vandalism, and assault and battery. Peer Court was first introduced by Santa Clara County Supervisor Dave Cortese during his State of the County address in January. More than 60 high school students have volunteered with the majority of students coming from CCOC. All volunteers must attend mandatory training sessions and sign confidentiality statements. Students can choose to accept or deny an assignment and may opt out at any time prior to signing onto a case. “We had already heard and learned a lot of the legal terms mentioned at the Peer Court training in our CCOC class,” Bianco Lozano from Liberty High School, said. “It helped make it more understandable and not overwhelming.” During court sessions, a Superior Court volunteer judge presides over the case. A teen defense and prosecution attorney present the case to the teen jury. As with any case, the facts and evidence are presented. The jury then deliberates and decides on the sentence for the offender. The offender then signs a contract to complete the sentence. If the contract is not completed, the offender is returned to the Juvenile Probation Department for prosecution or consequences. The goal of Peer Court is to stop juveniles from developing a criminal behavior pattern and help them form a better attitude toward those in authority. Lozano said that a lot of teenagers don’t want to hear the advice that adults are giving them so that sometimes it is better to take advice from other teenagers. The first case is scheduled to be held November 1 at the Santa Clara County Superior Courthouse in San Jose. Peer Court sessions will be held twice a month with a total of four to six trials being heard each month. and valued community resource, we also wanted to raise awareness during National Hospice and Palliative Care Month, because many Americans do not realize that hospices are the largest providers of palliative care services in the US,” continued Adelus. “When faced with a serious, life-limiting illness, hospice and palliative care can improve ones quality of life. And there’s a growing body of research that shows hospice and palliative care may prolong the lives of some people who receive care.” To RSVP, call Chelsea Mathis at 408.559.5600 ext. 5464 or email cmathis@hospicevalley. org by Friday, November 11t. Community members, caregivers, and health, elder and spiritual care providers and the media are encouraged to attend this free program. “Consider the Conversation” program sponsors include the Cancer Support Community San Francisco Bay Area, Custom Senior Care of Los Gatos, and Breast Cancer Connection of Palo Alto. For more information about Hospice of the Valley or the “Consider the Conversation” program, visit our website at Ice skating in San Jose Skaters will once again glide under the palm trees of Downtown Ice, an outdoor rink set between the San Jose Museum of Art and Fairmont Hotel in downtown San Jose, starting Nov. 18. Olympic Gold Medalist figure skater Kristi Yamaguchi, her Always Dream Foundation and Hawaiian Airlines also return to help promote the seasonal holiday tradition. The normal 60-day run extends an additional 13 days this season so that skating fans visiting downtown for the U.S. Figure Skating Championships Jan. 22-29 can enjoy. Yamaguchi, hula dancers and musicians, and representatives of key sponsors will participate in a Grand Opening celebration at 5 p.m. Monday, Nov. 21. Yamaguchi will greet and skate with the general public after the ceremony. Visitors to the rink are encouraged to embrace Hawaiian Airline’s “aloha” spirit by purchasing discounted tickets from San Jose to the islands. Go to and use code “SJDA.” Downtown Ice is in its 16th season overall and eighth year under the palms. For most of November and early December, the rink is generally open 5-9 p.m. weeknights, 5 p.m.-midnight on Friday, noon-midnight on Saturday and noon-10 p.m. Sunday. During the busiest time of the season, Dec. 16-Jan. 2, the rink will generally open at 11 a.m. and close at midnight. Tabard opens new show Tabard Theatre will open their production entitled The Story of My Life this Friday at Theatre on San Pedro Square a musical about the enduring power of friendship. It stars Kevin Kirby and Tim Reynolds as two childhood friends whose love of books got them through childhood. Now one is a writer in the big city while the other owns a small town bookstore. Tickets for the show are on sale now with a limited number of “cabaret” seats available near the stage. Alviso bike trip slated Join Guadalupe River Park Conservancy and experienced naturalist Greg Kerekes exploring Guadalupe River Trail on an exciting bicycling adventure! This is a four hour, 20 mile round trip ride from the Guadalupe River Park & Gardens to Alviso, and back. This ride is mostly flat, but transitions from pavement to gravel. Participants should bring water, a sack lunch, sunscreen, sunglasses, a bike with tires that can handle gravel, and a helmet. Bicyclists must be in good health and able to ride at least 20 miles at a moderate pace without difficulty. More experienced bicyclists are welcome, but must understand that they have to stay in pace with the rest of the class. The event will start at the Visitor & Education Center, head north and stop at important landmarks along the way. There will be a 30 minute tour through the Ulistac Natural Area, a preserve that includes groves of Eucalyptus trees and provides a unique habitat for wildlife. The group will then continue to Alviso, where the Guadalupe Slough spills out into the San Francisco Bay. There, they will stop for 45 minutes to rest and enjoy the seabirds, a sack lunch, and good conversation. The class will meet at the Guadalupe River Park & Gardens Visitor & Education Center at 438 Coleman Avenue in San Jose, CA. Pre-registration is required, and space is limited. For more information, visit or call 408-298-7657. Local Campbell Express, October 26, 2011 - page 6 Local Campbell Express, October 26, 2011 - page 7 Local Church Services Bethel Church 1201 W. Winchester Blvd. San Jose 408 246 6790 Sunday Service: 9:15 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m. St. Thomas of Canterbury 1522 McCoy Ave San Jose 408-378-1595 Saturday Services: 5:15 p.m. Sunday Services: 9 & 11 a.m. Calvary Temple Pentecostal Church of God 202 Railway Ave. Campbell 408-379-3700 Sunday School for all ages 9:30 a.m. Sunday Service 10:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Bible Study Wednesday 7:30 p.m. Holy Spirit Episcopal Church 65 W. Rincon Ave. Campbell 408 374 4440 Sunday Service: 10:00 a.m. Campbell Baptist Church 151 Sunnyside Ave. Campbell 408 378 2658 Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Service: 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m. International Christian Center 3275 Williams Rd. San Jose 408 243 0256 English Sunday Service: 10:30 a.m. Spanish Sunday Service: 1:00 p.m. Church of Christ of Campbell 1075 W. Campbell Ave. Campbell 408 378 4900 Sunday Service: 8:30 a.m., 11:15 a.m. Bible Study: 10:00 a.m. Congregation Beth David Conservative 19700 Prospect Rd. Saratoga 408 257 3333 Friday Service: 6:30 p.m. Saturday Service: 9:30 a.m. Sunday Service: 9:30 a.m. First Baptist Church of Campbell 400 Llewellyn Ave. Campbell 408 378 4960 Sunday School Bible Study 9:30 a.m. Sunday Service: 10:45 a.m. Campbell United Methodist Church 1675 S. Winchester Blvd. Campbell 408 378 3472 Sunday Service: 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m. United Church of Christ 400 W. Campbell Ave. Campbell 408 378 4418 Sunday Service: 10:00 a.m. Orchard Community Church 157 E. Rincon Ave. Campbell 408 379 1682 Sunday Service: 10:00 a.m. San Jose Korean Central Church 1870 S. Winchester Blvd. Campbell 408 866 1313 Sunday Service: 11:00 a.m San Tomas Baptist Church of Campbell 860 Harriet Ave. Campbell 408 378 3211 Sunday Service: 10:30 a.m. Santa Clara Valley Japanese Christian Church 40 Union Ave. Campbell 408 377 0190 Sunday Service: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m., 11:15 a.m. Seventh Day Adventist Church 600 W. Campbell Ave. Campbell 408 866 4625 Saturday Service: 10:45 a.m. St. Mary's Assyrian Chaldean Catholic Church 121 N. 1st St. Campbell 408 378 6212 Sunday Service: 11 a.m. St. Lucy’s 2350 S. Winchester Blvd. Campbell 408 378 2464 Sunday Service: 7:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m. Spanish Sunday: 1:00 p.m. The Home Church 1799 S. Winchester Blvd. Campbell 408 378 1500 Sunday Service: 9:00 a.m., 11:15 a.m. Unity Community Church 2682 Union Avenue San Jose, 408 377-7555 Sunday Service: 10 a.m. “NO TRICKS, JUST TREATS!” SAFE HALLOWEEN FUN AT KIRKWOOD PLAZA IN CAMPBELL Saturday, October 29 COSTUME CONTESTS & TRICK-0RTREATING 11:00 a.m. –2:00 p.m. Kirkwood Plaza located on the corner of West Campbell Avenue and San Tomas Aquino Road in Campbell is hosting a costume contest at 12:30 on Saturday, October 29. Contestants must be 10 years old or younger. Prizes will be given to first, second and third place winners. First prize is a $100 Kirkwood Plaza gift certificate. From 11:00a.m.2:00p.m. there will be trick-or-treating for candy and prizes throughout the plaza, balloon animals. Marla Davies from Mix 106.5. Over 150 prizes will be given away. Children must wear a costume and be accompanied by an adult. Come home to the new Kirkwood Plaza. It’s all here for BOO! Hi there! My name is Leo and it's great to make my debut here at the shelter! I'm an approximately four year old flame point DSH boy. I've been keeping the staff entertained with my kitten-like antics, so if you are looking for an adult cat with a lot of energy, who also enjoys getting lots of pets, I may be your man! Please come down and meet me! Hi, I'm Zippy, an approximately eight month old Miniature Pinscher mix gal. I am a gogetter type of canine looking for a lifetime human companion. I love to bolt around playing chase, keep away, and fetch with my toys and human friends. I would love to find a family that would like to include me in their daily activities as I thrive on attention and love to keep busy. After a fun filled day I will calm down and cuddle next to you on the couch or floor, whichever you prefer, for some relaxing down time. I'm eagerly waiting for my forever family so please come meet me today! The Silicon Valley Animal Control Authority’s (SVACA) Animal Care Center is located at 3370 Thomas Road in Santa Clara just off of Highway 101 and Montague Expressway. Adoption Hours Tuesday, Thursday – Sunday 11:00 am - 5:00 pm Wednesday from 11:00 am – 6:30 pm Closed Mondays For more information call 408-764-0344 or visit Campbell Real Estate November 2011 ACTIVE/FOR SALE ADDRESS Lemoyne Way E. Campbell Avenue Roundtree Drive Lovell Avenue Westmont Avenue Erin Way Sheffield Avenue LIST PRICE $699,900 $749,000 $795,000 $995,000 $869,000 $525,000 $629,000 B/B 3/2 4/2 4/2 4/2.5 4/2 3/2 3/2 AGE 47 51 36 64 53 64 57 LOT SIZE 9164 8276 6000 11761 7500 7884 7128 SQ. FEET 1585 2100 1675 2586 2301 1228 1569 SALE PRICE PENDING SALE/UNDER CONTRACT Wren Way Jeffrey Avenue Harriet Avenue Kenneth Avenue Friar Way N. Central Avenue Victor Avenue $549,888 $575,000 $768,888 $789,500 $490,000 $829,000 $499,950 3/2 3/2 4/2.5 4/2.5 3/2 4/3 885000 49 50 33 59 54 58 5/2.5 6000 6222 6098 11692 7000 10804 10043 1244 1273 2015 2310 1132 2184 2315 SOLD/CLOSED ESCROW Budd Avenue Colleen Way Westmont Avenue Violet Way Harrison Avenue Carlyn Avenue $569,000 $548,900 $595,000 $599,950 $749,000 $892,000 3/2 3/2 2/1 3/2 4/2 4/3 59 44 68 50 59 63 7405 6120 8400 6510 9583 8100 1805 1430 980 1381 1785 2143 $550,000 $500,000 $567,500 $610,000 $725,000 $877,500 Call for any additional information on the above properties. Janie Harris Kelly will gladly prepare a no-obligation property value analysis on your property. Call for a free buyer’s consultation which includes free lender pre-approval at no obligation. 408-583-3555 I can provide you with information on any Campbell property. ...the voice of Campbell talking to YOU Renewals Event Focus CAMPBELL A – Pro Pest Control, Inc, 408-559-0933 New Members AT&T 408-493-7198 Villa Fontana 408-255-5555 Campbell Union School District 408-364-4200 The Salon Professional Academy 877-493-8772 Chiropractic First 408-559-1662 Home Instead Senior Care 408-370-6360 Citti’s Florist Company 408-371-7000 Insight Home Services 408-871-9909 Integra Insurance Services 408-688-0700 J & M Windows & Glass 408-371-7255 Just B Dance 408-370-7793 Kiwanis Club of Campbell 408-799-5252 Mobius Financial Network 408-871-1414 Morita’s Picture Framing 408-374-6622 Old Orchard School 408-378-5935 Silicon Valley Business Journal 408-299-1816 Tessora’s Barra di Vino 408-626-7711 Toll House Hotel 408-395-7070 Wells Fargo Bank 408-866-6320 West Valley Construction Company 408-371-5510 Work 2 Future 408-794-1129 Yogurtland 408-377-9868 For the past 26 years the Community Toy Program has spread holiday cheer child-to-child, pulling up in a shiny red fire truck and handing out toys to needy kids throughout the community. The Campbell Chamber became involved with the program and the Santa Clara County Fire Department in the 1990’s and has worked closely with the Fire Department who coordinates the toy program out of the Sunnyoaks station here in Campbell. During the month of November, the Chamber and the Campbell fire stations will be accepting donations of new, unwrapped toys. On Thursday December 1st from 6-9pm at Sonoma Chicken Coop, the month-long program will culminate in an evening of celebration, music, raffles, food and fun to raise more toys and funds before the firefighters go out to hand deliver the toys, books, and other items to low income families in our community. For more information on how YOU can be a part of such a special event, call 408-378-6252 or email info@campbellchamber. net. Legislative This Tree is for you! Carl San Miguel, V.P. Legislative A few subjects came to mind while deciding on what to pontificate on this month. Occupy Wall Street, the 99 percent (crybabies!), new laws signed by the Governor, which include NO asking for driver license at police check points if it seems that the driver is an illegal, but if you are a citizen and not licensed then go to jail and impound you vehicle. How about running a credit check on an applicant for employment, don’t bother, it could get you in trouble. This one is major, how about what CARB (Calif. Air Resource Board) is about to do to us that will drive up the cost of Fuel, Electricity, Cement, outlaw furniture builders, thanks a lot Governor Arnold!. What really caught my attention this month is trees, well not so much about trees, because trees are good. It was about losing control of your sanctuary and the trees in the process. You see the city thinks they should have a say on what you do with your trees, trees that you bought and paid for, planted and natured their growth. If you decide that you want to change the landscape of your yard, it doesn’t matter whether it’s the front or back, if the city gets its way you will have to ask their permission. Not only that, but also hire an arborist to make sure you treat the tree right. Give me a break! If a neighbor like’s a particular tree and you plan on cutting it down, the neighbor may have a say on what you do with the tree, a tree that you paid for, planted and nurtured with your hard earned money. You may decide to cut or trim the tree yourself or you just may ask your gardener that mows the lawn once a week to trim it for you. Not so fast, that gardener may have to have a paid Arborist on staff to be qualified to do the job. Oh yeah, I can just see my gardener, he’ll go right out and hire an Arborist, no problem he has lots of money with his high wages I pay him. Why, he’ll probably even start a pension plan for him. I’m sorry I mentioned that. Now I gave the city another idea to throw into the mix. Listen I have one phrase that sums up what I really think and that is “Get the Hell out of my yard”! Gees, I get regulated at work and now the city wants to regulate me at home, come on, can’t you find something else to do? I could understand a regulation that requires you to keep the trees pruned so as not to impede a walkway or street or prevent a vehicle from parking on the street under the tree, that is totally understandable. Deciding what tree gets special care and mandating more bureaucracy, this smacks as big brother. The City Council will be taking up the matter shortly, so stay alert if you have a strong feeling on the subject, especially if your feelings mirror mine. PS, I love all city staff, I’ll be by next week to ask a favor. TTFN Law Office of Derek L. Austin 408-429-8952 Trustee Help 408-489-9558 The Solar Company 510-888-9488 Citibank 408-960-0139 Officers President: Cary Stover, CPA Padgett Business Services President Elect: Pam Finch Finch Appraisals Treasurer: Wesley A. Fachner, CPA Fachner & Layman, Inc. Board Pascal Anastasi, Anastasi Law Group Leonard Cino, Live Tech Now Barbara Conant, Director Emeritus Mike Katz, Cool Kat Appliance Repair Linda Logan, Yellow Checker Cab Dr. Art Low, Campbell Optometric Group Robert Pedersen, A Tool Shed Carl San Miguel, Highland Properties Staff Neil Collins, CEO Betty Deal, Director of Membership Bethany Hooks, Communication Assistant Van Nelson, Financial Assistant Campbell Chamber Of Commerce 1628 W. Campbell Ave. Campbell, CA 408.378.6252 Fax: 408.378.0192 CONNECTION Calendar of Events November 2011 Member Photos 11/1 City Council Meeting 11/4 Heartworks Gallery Ribbon Cutting 11/5 Carol of Lights Fundraiser Dinner 11/10 BOD Meeting 11/10 BDF @ Mt. Mike’s Pizza Heartworks Gallery accepting their membership plaque Dr. Minal Moharir from CIFS Wellness Center, accepting her new member plaque. 11/11 Dedication of phase 1 – Veterans Memorial 11/15 City Council Meeting 11/16 Chamber Monthly Luncheon @ Villa Ragusa 11/17 100% Chiro Ribbon Cutting 11/22 SCORE Meetings @ Chamber Citizen Schools non profit organization accepting their membership plaque. 11/23 Ambassador’s Meeting Assistance League of Los Gatos – Saratoga accepting their new member plaque. Saturday, November 5, at 6 p.m. there will be a fundraising dinner at the Home Church to benefit the Carol of Lights. To make reservations, contact the Campbell Express, 408-374-9700. Dinner planners are also seeking donations for their raffle and silent auction. Okashi Barkery’s Official Ribbon Cutting Prospect Mortgage accepting his new member plaque Home Instead SR Care Official Ribbon Cutting From the Office By Neil Collins Each year our Board will typically receive a vacancy or two. Our Chamber Bylaws allows us to operate with a Board of 18. We are currently at 11. Last month the Nominating Committee interviewed several candidates and presented a slate to the Board at our regularly scheduled monthly meeting. I am pleased to announce that this slate was unanimously approved by the Board on October 13th. We are proud to announce the following appointments: Larry Brooks of West Coast Marketing, Toby Cheng of the Courtyard Marriot, Bennett Ponder of Rock Bottom Brewery, Janie Kelly of Keller Williams. Larry Brooks is currently an Ambassador. He has been extremely involved from day one. A former executive from Hewlet Packard, Larry brings to the Board a strong background in online marketing and branding. Toby is currently the director of sales for the new Courtyard Marriott on Creekside. Toby is an event organizer extraordinaire and has largely been responsible for the huge success of our “Mixing It Up” events. He has a keen sense of what young professionals are looking for. His position on the Board, represent our first hospitality management representative. Bennett Ponder is currently the General Manager at Rock Bottom. He has a Economic Development experience from Washington State and is a current member of our Economic Development Sub- Committee. Rock Bottom is an anchor tenant in the Pruneyard and would represent the only food service representative on our Board. Janie is currently a Realtor and manages Nordahl Hall. She has sat on several other non-profit Boards and brings a world of experience with her. Janie has always been very involved in the Chamber and the Campbell Community as a whole. This diverse group represents some new business sectors for us and strengthens our Board expertise significantly. Our Board truly represents the business community that we serve. This new group combined with our existing Board is poised to provide the guidance and resources needed for our Chamber to maintain it’s “cutting edge image.” Members are welcome to join us at our luncheon at Villa Ragusa on January 18, 2012 at noon. This is when we will hold our annual meeting and install our officers. Local/Public Notice Student writers get books published Campbell Union School District is sponsoring Rising Young Author Awards on Wednesday, November 9 at Barnes & Noble at the PruneYard. The 7 p.m. event will feature students from grades 3-7 whose written works were chosen from among hundreds entered in the annual writing faire. It is possible to read all the selections at www.campbellusd. org/rya/index.htm and even order a copy of the books. Greywater Basics: Reusing Household Water in your Landscape Saturday, November 5 9 am to 12 pm Ages 18 and Up $10/members, $15/non-members Join Guadalupe River Park Conservancy and certified greywater installer Alan Hackler to explore the basics of how to safely and easily reuse your laundry, sink or shower water in your home garden. In this three-hour workshop, we will cover local codes and regulations, greywater safe soaps, and the simple plumbing modifications needed to redirect your household water into your backyard garden. The second half of the workshop will be hands-on, and participants will have the chance to work with the parts and tools necessary to install a simple greywater system. In addition to being a certified greywater installer, Alan Hackler is a talented landscape designer and the owner of Bay Maples landscaping. All programs take place at the Guadalupe River Park & Gardens Visitor & Education Center at 438 Coleman Ave in San Jose. Pre-registration is required, and space is limited. For more information, visit or call 408-298-7657. Campbell Express, October 26, 2011 - page 10 Want to be scared? Westmont High School Drama Department will present Haunted House V, Fright at the Museum, on Thursday, Friday and Saturday October 27, 28, 29 from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Westmont High School Performing Arts Center. Cost is $10 or $8 for students with an ASB card. The “museum” event is not recommended for small children (nor for the faint of heart). Thirteen themed rooms within “our old museum” have been given a horrific twist. Over 60 students are involved in this student written, student-directed, student designed “ghoulishly ambitious project”. #2195686 Publish: Oct 26, Nov.2, 9 2011 Public Notice 11329 Tea and tours for holidays The tradition of History San Jose’s annual Heritage Holiday Tea and Tour will be held this year in the area of the new San Pedro Square Market at the Victorian-era Fallon House. The lower level, formerly Manny’s Cellar, has been restored and will be transformed into a holiday tea room for the Saturday, December 3 event. The Heritage Holiday Tea continues the annual tradition of tea and this year includes champagne, tours of the Fallon House, built in 1855, and of the Peralta Adobe, built in 1797. Located just a stroll across the street from the new San Pedro Square Market and performances by the Liberty Baptist School Band and Choir. “For long-time San Jose residents Manny’s Cellar near San Pedro Square conjures up images of beer, burgers and gossip,” said Alida Bray, President and CEO of History San José. “This holiday season History San Jose will proudly open these historic buildings to our friends. Manny’s is a San Jose institution and this newly-restored space is perfect for the popular Heritage Holiday Tea.” Satori Tea Company will present a special blend especially for the Heritage Holiday event consisting of peach, plum, apricot, black tea and flower petals. Named ‘Valley of Hearts’ Delight,’ the tea be will accompany a gourmet catered light luncheon, and also be avaliable for purchase. Guglielmo Wines will provide the champagne served by Shady Shakespeare in the garden while greeted by The Lyric Theatre Carollers. Throughout San Pedro Square Market will be traditional holiday activities and vendors, old and new alike. The Master Gardeners of Santa Clara County will demonstrate wreath-making, The Spinners will be spinning yarn, the Lace Museum will host demonstrations of lace-making. The $45 ticket price, (HSJ members $40) will include tours and a gift bag with specials and discounts from the newlyopened market and Satori Tea Company. Parking will be free in the lot adjacent to the Fallon House, and street parking is free on Saturdays. The Fallon House Historic Site is located at 175 West St. John Street in San José. Tea times are at 11 a.m. and at 2 p.m. Ticket price includes tours of the Fallon House and the Peralta Adobe. Make checks payable to History San Jose and mail to 1650 Senter Road, San Jose, CA 95113 or call Juanita at 408 918 1045 or email her at Local BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Mike Wasserman, District 1 George Shirakawa, District 2 Dave Cortese, District 3 Ken Yeager, District 4 Liz Kniss, District 5 Jeffrey V. Smith County Executive Miguel Márquez County Counsel Maria Marinos Clerk of the Board SUMMARY OF PROCEEDINGS OF OCTOBER 18, 2011 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS’ CHAMBERS 70 West Hedding Street, San Jose, California Tel. (408) 299-5001 Fax (408) 298-8460 TDD (408) 993-8272 SANTA CLARA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SPECIAL DISTRICTS THE FIRE DISTRICTS FINANCING AUTHORITY PUBLIC AUTHORITY OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT SANITATION DISTRICT NO. 2-3 Opening 1. Roll Call - The meeting convened at 9:05 a.m. President Dave Cortese, Vice President George Shirakawa, Supervisors Mike Wasserman and Ken Yeager, and Maria Marinos, Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, were present. Supervisor Liz Kniss was absent. 2. Recited Pledge of Allegiance. Public Issues 3. Received the following public comments: Four members from the Service Employees’ International Union (SEIU), Local 521, Supervisory unit; one Local 1587 representative; and one County Employees Management Association (CEMA) representative, spoke in favor of a fair and equitable contract for all workers in the Supervisory unit. One member from the Silicon Valley United Nations Association spoke in support of establishing a United Nations in Santa Clara County. 4. Approved consent calendar and changes to the Board of Supervisors’ Agenda, adding Item No. 10 to the consent calendar; holding Item No. 5 to October 25, 2011 and Item No. 28 to date uncertain; and, adding Item Nos. 41d. and 42d. to the Agenda and deleting Item No. 42a. from the Agenda. (Items with an asterisk [*] in front of the number were on the consent calendar and were voted on in one motion at the beginning of the meeting.) Ceremonial Presentations 5. Held to October 25, 2011, at the request of President Cortese: Accept presentation by the Fraternal Order of Police (Silicon Valley Lodge 52) to the County of Santa Clara for its efforts to preserve and honor the memory of those lost in the events on September 11, 2001. (Cortese) 6. Presented Certificates of Appreciation to the following Employees of the Month for October, 2011. (See Item No. 47) a. Gumersindo Zavala, GIS Technician I, Office of the Assessor b. Elia Arreola, Equal Opportunity Assistant, Employee Services Agency c. Geoff Seratti, Public Defender Investigator II, Office of the Public Defender d. Karen Candito, Correctional Food Services Director, Department of Correction e. Suzanne Rigor, Social Worker III, Social Services Agency (Was not present at the meeting.) f. Cynthia Vuong, Pharmacy Technician, Santa Clara Valley Health and Hospital System g. Won Oh, Registered Nurse, Santa Clara Valley Health and Hospital System h. Chris Rummel, Senior Environmental Health Specialist, Department of Agriculture and Environmental Management 7. Ceremonial Presentations. (See Item No. 48 n.) Presented Resolution No. 2011-521 commending Jean McCorquodale for exceeding expectations and exemplifying the ideal of public service to the community. (Yeager) Board of Supervisors and Board Appointees 8. Accepted report from Jeffrey Smith, County Executive, Office of the County Executive, relating to State legislature possibly considering changing the proposed budget reduction targets that were adopted when the State budget was approved, and noted lack of clear direction as to whether that will occur in the future or not. 9. There was no report from County Counsel on legal issues. Miguel Marquez, County Counsel, Office of the County Counsel, noted that there were no reportable actions to report with respect to litigation items. Mr. Marquez also noted that the Board took one action relating to one of the Board’s appointees, and he deferred to President Cortese to make the announcement. President Cortese announced that at the October 17, 2011 closed session, by a vote of 4-0, with Supervisor Kniss absent, the Board approved the appointment of John Hirokawa to the position of Chief of Correction. * 10. Added to the consent calendar at the request of President Cortese and Supervisor Yeager: Approved appointment of Supervisor Liz Kniss as the County representative, and Supervisor Ken Yeager as the alternate representative, to the California State Association of Counties (CSAC). (President) 11. Accepted report from Vice President Shirakawa, Chairperson, Public Safety and Justice Committee (PSJC) relating to meeting of October 5, 2011. a. Considered recommendations relating to a policy on civil immigration detainer requests. (PSJC Items 5 and 6) Eleven individuals from various non-profit immigrant organizations and/or business communities spoke in support of the Board Policy Resolution and amendment as recommended by Vice President Shirakawa. Vice President Shirakawa spoke of the importance of only honoring those civil immigration detainer requests for individuals who were convicted of serious and/or violent crimes and expressed concerns relating to the impact to the County budget relating to detainer requests associated with non-criminal and low-level offenders. He requested that the Board Policy include a provision requiring the Federal government to reimburse the County for costs associated with detainer requests relative to serious and/ or violent crimes. Supervisor Wasserman spoke in support of Item No. 11 a.1. relating to the Board Policy as recommended by the Detainer Task Force and the Committee. He noted concern relating to the County’s reliance on Federal government reimbursement, stating that detainer requests are not likely to happen if it is contingent upon reimbursement from the Federal government. 1. Considered adoption of Board Policy Resolution adding Board of Supervisors’ Policy Manual section 3.54 relating to Civil Immigration Detainer Requests as recommended by the Detainer Task Force and the Public Safety and Justice Committee. 2. Adopted Board Policy Resolution No. 2011-504, adding amended Board of Supervisors’ Policy Manual section 3.54 relating to Civil Immigration Detainer Requests as recommended by Vice President Shirakawa. (Supervisor Wasserman voted no.) 3. Directed Clerk of the Board to include Policy in Board of Supervisors’ Policy Manual. (Supervisor Wasserman voted no.) b. Accepted Committee agenda item 7 as Board information only. Board Referrals 12. Considered recommendations relating to specialized qualifications currently required for appointment to specific seats on various county advisory boards and commissions. (Yeager) Referred to the Clerk of the Board, County Counsel, and Administration a request to review these specialized qualifications, specifically with respect to their origin and the intent behind them, and to report to the Board of Supervisors through the Finance and Government Operations Committee on the results of this review, including recommendations for those qualification requirements that can be relaxed or eliminated. Regular Agenda - Items for Discussion 13. Considered recommendations relating to Grazing Licenses for resource management cattle grazing at four locations within three County Parks. (Parks and Recreation Department) Adam Cline and Doug Freitas, Co-Partners, Mission Livestock Management, commented regarding their commitment to environmental stewardship relative to achieving the County’s resource management goals for Grant Park. They spoke in support of the staff’s recommendation for supporting a five-year extension of their contract as opposed to a one-year extension as recommended by President Cortese, noting concerns relating to conflict of interest. Fred Erickson, Westside Veterinary Services, commented regarding Mr. Ferrara’s good land stewardship over the past 27 years and requested that Mr. Ferrara be allowed to keep this lease. President Cortese noted for the record that he does not have a conflict of interest with this item, stating that he does not own a cattle business nor does he own property within the Grant Park area. He commented regarding the importance of community outreach in terms of notification to the local neighborhood area and maintaining continuity. Discussion ensued relating to the local preference policy and the proposal for extending the contract for one-year. Miguel Marquez, County Counsel, Office of the County Counsel, stated no legal issues exist relating to the Board extending the contract for licenses for up to ten years and the RFP for a license, and noted that the local preference policy applies only to goods and services. a. Approved Grazing License with Joseph Ferrara dba Ferrara Ranches, Ltd., relating to cattle grazing at Ed R. Levin County Park for a license fee per Animal Unit Month (AUM) for period November 1, 2011 through October 31, 2016, with one five-year extension option, that has been reviewed and approved by County Counsel as to form and legality. b. Approved Grazing License with Mission Livestock Management, as amended, relating to cattle grazing at Joseph D. Grant County Park for a license fee per AUM for period November 1, 2011 through October 31, 2012, with a one-year extension option, that has been reviewed and approved by County Counsel as to form and legality. Referred to Administration for report to the Board on date uncertain: Preparation of a new Request for Proposals (RFP) process for the Grant Park within the one-year time frame, including further information relating to the criteria issue. c. Approved Grazing License with Kirk Cattle Company relating to cattle grazing at Coyote Lake-Harvey Bear Ranch County Park for a license fee per AUM for period November 1, 2011 through October 31, 2016, with one five-year extension option, that has been reviewed and approved by County Counsel as to form and legality. d. Approved Grazing License with Agco Hay Company relating to cattle grazing at the Mendoza grazing lands at Coyote LakeHarvey Bear Ranch County Park for a license fee per AUM for period November 1, 2011 through October 31, 2016, with one five-year extension option, that has been reviewed and approved by County Counsel as to form and legality. 14. There were no items previously removed from the Consent Calendar. Closing 15. Adjourned at 10:46 a.m. Adjourned in honor and memory of James T. Beall, Sr.; Steve Jobs, Founder and former CEO of Apple Inc.; and, Al Davis, Oakland Raiders owner. . ATTEST: MARIA MARINOS . Clerk of the Board of Supervisors CONSENT CALENDAR - Items will be considered under Item No. 4. Items removed from the consent calendar will be considered at the end of the morning session regular agenda. * 16. Approved Summary of Proceedings / Minutes of September 27, 2011 and minutes of September 26, 2011. Social Services Agency * 17. Considered recommendations relating to providing orthodontic services to juvenile dependent youth of the Social Services Agency (SSA), Department of Family and Children’s Services (DFCS). a. Approved Agreement with Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara, relating to orthodontic services for juvenile dependent youth of the SSA, DFCS, in an amount not to exceed $52,200 for period of July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012, that has been reviewed and approved by County Counsel as to form and legality. b. Approved Request for Appropriation Modification No. 66 - $52,200 increasing revenue and expenditures in the SSA Budget. c. Approved delegation of authority to the Director, SSA, or designee, to negotiate, execute, amend, terminate, and take any and all necessary or advisable actions relating to Agreements with various orthodontic providers to provide orthodontic services to juvenile dependent youth of the DFCS for the period specific to each treatment plan for each youth, with the option of extending if treatment is not completed during the original period, based on satisfactory performance and compliance with Agreement requirements, following approval by County Counsel as to form and legality, and approval by the Office of the County Executive. Delegation of authority shall expire on June 30, 2014. Health and Hospital System * 18. Considered recommendations relating to a transfer of positions from Custody Health Services to Santa Clara Valley Medical Center (SCVMC). Campbell Express, October 26, 2011 - page 11 a. Waived reading and adopted Salary Ordinance No. NS-5.12.24 (preliminary) amending Santa Clara Salary Ordinance No. NS5.12 relating to the compensation of employees deleting two half time Physician-VMC positions, one Psychiatrist III position, one Unclassified Dentist position, two half-time Unclassified Dentist positions, two Nurse Practitioner positions, one half-time Nurse Practitioner position, and one Physician Assistant Primary Care or Nurse Practitioner position from Custody Health Services; and, adding two half-time Physician-VMC positions, one Psychiatrist III position, one Unclassified Dentist position, two half-time Unclassified Dentist positions, two Nurse Practitioner positions, one half-time Nurse Practitioner position, and one Physician Assistant Primary Care or Nurse Practitioner position in SCVMC. Vote: Wasserman: Yes Shirakawa: Yes Cortese: Yes Yeager: Yes Kniss: Absent b. Approved Request for Appropriation Modification No. 53 - $725,123 increasing revenues and expenses in the SCVMC budget. b. * 19. Approved Tenth Amendment to Agreement with Supplemental Provider Services, Inc., relating to provider staffing services, in an amount not to exceed $574,000 for period November 21, 2011 through December 31, 2011, that has been reviewed and approved by County Counsel as to form and legality. * 20. Approved delegation of authority to the Director, Mental Health Department, or designee to submit grant application to the Department of Housing and Urban Development relating to grant funding for the Santa Clara Valley Health and Hospital System Rental Assistance Program for the Chronically Homeless, in an amount not to exceed $724,000 for Fiscal Years 2012 and 2013. * 21. Considered recommendations relating to the San Francisco Suicide Prevention (SFSP) Agreement. a. Approved delegation of authority to the County Executive, or designee, to negotiate, execute, amend, terminate, and take any and all necessary or advisable actions relating to a Retroactive Revenue Agreement with SFSP to provide funding to pursue accreditation of our existing crisis hotline and suicide prevention outreach activities, in an amount not to exceed $302,520 for period August 1, 2011 through July 31, 2014, following approval by County Counsel as to form and legality, and approval by the Office of the County Executive. Delegation of authority shall expire on July 31, 2014. b. Waived reading and adopted Salary Ordinance No. NS-5.12.33 (preliminary) amending Santa Clara County Salary Ordinance No. NS-5.12 relating to the compensation of employees adding one Prevention Program Analyst II or Prevention Program Analyst I position in the Mental Health Department. Vote: Wasserman: Yes Shirakawa: Yes Cortese: Yes Yeager: Yes Kniss: Absent c. Approved Request for Appropriation Modification No. 50 - $67,227 increasing revenue and expenditures in the Mental Health Department budget. * 22. Approved delegation of authority to the Director, Mental Health Department , or designee, to negotiate, execute, amend, terminate, and take any and all necessary or advisable actions relating to Agreements with various affordable housing developers, property managers, and service providers for Mental Health Services Act Housing Program projects, in an amount not to exceed $250,000 for period October 3, 2011 through June 30, 2016, following approval by County Counsel as to form and legality, and approval by the Office of the County Executive. Delegation of authority shall expire on June 30, 2016. * 23. Approved Agreement with HealthLOGIX, Inc., relating to providing the production and distribution of membership identification cards and materials, in an amount not to exceed $258,000 for period October 18, 2011 through October 18, 2014, with an option to renew for two additional one-year periods, that has been reviewed and approved by County Counsel as to form and legality. * 24. Approved Agreement with Navitus relating to providing pharmacy benefit management services for period November 1, 2011 through October 31, 2014, with two additional one-year options to renew, that has been reviewed and approved by County Counsel as to form and legality. Public Health Department * 25. Considered recommendations relating to Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program. a. Approved delegation of authority to the Director, Public Health Department, or designee, to negotiate, execute, amend, terminate, and take any and all necessary or advisable actions relating to Agreement with California Department of Public Health relating to providing WIC Program, in an amount not to exceed $15,301,000 for period October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2014, following approval by County Counsel as to form and legality, and approval by the Office of the County Executive. Delegation of authority shall expire on September 30, 2014. b. Approved Agreement with Catholic Charities relating to providing WIC peer counseling breastfeeding support, in an amount not to exceed $185,000 for period October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2012, that has been reviewed and approved by County Counsel as to form and legality. c. Approved Memorandum of Understanding with Public Health Foundation - WIC Program relating to providing Breastfeeding Supported Database for period October 1, 2011 through September 30, 2014, that has been reviewed and approved by County Counsel as to form and legality. d. Approved Request for Appropriation Modification No. 67 - $353,500 decreasing revenue and expenditures in the Public Health Department relating to WIC Program. * 26. Approved Acceptance of Allocation Agreement with California Department of Public Health relating to providing tobacco education and prevention, in an amount not to exceed $463,670 for period July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012, that has been reviewed and approved by County Counsel as to form and legality. * 27. Considered recommendations relating to Public Health Nurse Home Visitation Program. Approved Agreement with FIRST 5 Santa Clara County relating to providing nurse home visitation, in an amount not to exceed $1,558,550 for period July 1,2011 through June 30, 2013, that has been reviewed and approved by County Counsel as to form and legality. b. Waived reading and adopted Salary Ordinance No. NS-5.12.31 (preliminary) amending Santa Clara County Salary Ordinance No. NS-5.12 relating to the compensation of employees adding one Public Health Nurse II or Public Health Nurse I position in the Public Health Department Vote: Wasserman: Yes Shirakawa: Yes Cortese: Yes Yeager: Yes Kniss: Absent c. Approved Request for Appropriation Modification No. 38 - $103,620 increasing revenue and expenditures in the Public Health Department budget. 28. Held to date uncertain, at the request of Vice President Shirakawa: Ratify Public Health Department portion of grant application submitted in coordination with the City of San Jose to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development relating to grant funding for City of San Jose, East Santa Clara Urban Corridor Plan for a Cool, Healthy, Complete Community, in the amount of $290,996 for a 36-month period to be identified upon award. Department of Alcohol and Drug Services * 29. Considered recommendations relating to Bay Area Services Network Program in the Department of Alcohol and Drug Services (DADS). a. Waived reading and adopted Salary Ordinance No. NS-5.12.34 (preliminary) amending Santa Clara County Salary Ordinance No. NS-5.12 relating to the compensation of employees adding two Community Worker positions in DADS. Vote: Wasserman: Yes Shirakawa: Yes Cortese: Yes Yeager: Yes Kniss: Absent b. Approved Request for Appropriation Modification No. 69 - $96,768 transferring funds within the DADS budget. Employee Services Agency * 30. Waived reading and adopted Salary Ordinance No. NS-5.12.27 (preliminary) amending Santa Clara County Salary Ordinance No. NS-5.12 relating to the compensation of employees deleting one Senior Planner position and adding one Principal Planner position in the Department of Planning and Development. Vote: Wasserman: Yes Shirakawa: Yes Cortese: Yes Yeager: Yes Kniss: Absent * 31. Waived reading and adopted Salary Ordinance No. NS-5.12.26 (preliminary) amending Santa Clara Ordinance No. NS-5.12 relating to the compensation of employees adjusting salaries for classifications represented by the Santa Clara County Engineers and Architects Association. Vote: Wasserman: Yes Shirakawa: Yes Cortese: Yes Yeager: Yes Kniss: Absent Board of Supervisors * 32. Announced travel for members of the Board of Supervisors and other elected officials as follows: a. Supervisor Shirakawa and Andrea Flores Shelton, Deputy Chief of Staff, will travel to Washington, D.C., to attend the National Forum on Youth Violence Prevention re-entry working session on October 31-November 1, 2011. b. Andres Quintero, Senior Policy Adviser to Supervisor Shirakawa traveled to Washington, D.C., to attend the White House Forum on Latino Heritage on October 12, 2011. c. Andres Quintero, Senior Policy Adviser to Supervisor Shirakawa, and Kim Rocha, Board Aide to Supervisor Shirakawa, traveled to Washington, D.C., to attend the Federal Emergency Management Agency Session on the Roles of Community and Elected Officials in Disaster Response on September 15-16, 2011. * 33. Accepted reports from members of the Board of Supervisors relating to meetings attended through October 12, 2011. * 34. Accepted report from the Children, Seniors, and Families Committee (CSFC) relating to meeting of September 21, 2011. (Cortese) a. Considered recommendations relating to the General Fund Contracts Request for Proposals for Fiscal Year (FY) 2012-2013. (CSFC Item 6) 1. Accepted concepts for the General Fund Contracts Request for Proposals for FY 2012-13. 2. Approved release of the General Fund Contracts Request for Proposals for FY 2012-13. b. Considered recommendations relating to the coordination of alcohol and drug testing services among Santa Clara County programs. (CSFC Item 7) 1. Accepted report on the progress of County-wide efforts to coordinate alcohol and drug testing services. 2. Directed Administration to provide a status report and work plan relating to the activities of the recently formed Drug Testing Coordination Task Force at the December 19, 2011 meeting of the Children, Seniors, and Families Committee. c. Accepted concepts for and approved release of Request for Proposals, as recommended by the Social Services Agency in concurrence with the Probation and Mental Health Departments, to provide Wraparound Services for Child Welfare and Probation Youth for Fiscal Year 2012-2013. (CSFC Item 10) d. Accepted Committee agenda items 4-5, 8-9, and 11-16 as Board information only. County Executive * 35. Accepted monthly status report on items referred to Administration for action or report back. * 36. Considered recommendations relating to the addition of positions to supported internal auditing and monitoring and various compliance needs in the Santa Clara Valley Health and Hospital System (SCVHHS), Compliance and Privacy Office. a. Waived reading and adopted Salary Ordinance No. NS-5.12.30 (preliminary) amending Santa Clara County Salary Ordinance No. NS-5.12 relating to the compensation of employees adding two Revenue Control Analyst positions and one Senior Healthcare Financial Analyst or Healthcare Financial Analyst II or Healthcare Financial Analyst I or Healthcare Financial Analyst Associate position in the Santa Clara Valley Medical Center (VMC). Vote: Wasserman: Yes Shirakawa: Yes Cortese: Yes Yeager: Yes Kniss: Absent b. Approved Request for Appropriation Modification No. 72 - $215,136 increasing revenue and expenditures in the VMC budget. b. * 37. Adopted Resolution No. 2011-505 declaring intent to sell real property located at 375 Knowles Drive, Los Gatos (a portion of Assessor’s Parcel No. 406-28-032). * 38. Adopted Resolution No. 2011-506 declaring intent to sell real property located at 14205 Capri Drive, Los Gatos (a portion of Assessor’s Parcel No. 406-28-032). County Counsel * 39. Approved amended Exhibits to the County of Santa Clara’s Conflict of Interest Code for the following departments/agencies: a. County Library b. Department of Agriculture and Environmental Management c. Department of Alcohol and Drug Services d. Department of Child Supported Services e. Department of Correction f. Department of Planning and Development g. Employee Services Agency h. Facilities and Fleet Department i. Finance Agency j. Information Services Department k. Office of Pretrial Services l. Office of the County Executive m. Office of the District Attorney n. Procurement Department o. Public Health Department p. Registrar of Voters q. Roads and Airports Department r. Santa Clara Valley Health and Hospital System * 40. Approved the Conflict of Interest Code for Santa Clara County Health Authority. Boards and Commissions * 41. Announced appointments and reappointments by individual Board members to various Boards and Commissions (standing item): a. Supervisor Yeager appointed Linda Pham Chuang to the Commission on the Status of Women, seat no. 14. b. President Cortese appointed Lisa Johanna Wilbur to the Mental Health Board, seat no. 7. Public Notice c. Supervisor Kniss appointed Marie Bertola to the Province of Florence, Italy Sister-County Commission, seat no. 20. d. Added to the Agenda at the request of Supervisor Yeager: Supervisor Yeager appointed David Kadlecek to the Citizens’ Advisory Commission on Elections, seat no. 4. 42. Approved Board As-a-Whole appointments and re-appointments to various Boards and Commissions (standing item): a. Deleted from the Agenda at the request of Vice President Shirakawa: Vice President Shirakawa nominates Leslye Victoria Corsiglia to serve on the Mental Health Board, seat no. 12. b. Supervisor Yeager nominated Laura Champion to serve on the FIRST 5 Santa Clara County Children and Families Commission, seat no. 7. c. Supervisor Yeager nominated Sky Anderson to serve on the Area Developmental Disabilities Board VII, seat no. 1. d. Added to the Agenda, at the request of Supervisor Yeager: Supervisor Yeager nominated Jen Hong to serve on the Mental Health Board, seat no. 2. * 43. Approved recommendation relating to resignation from Boards and Commissions. . Accepted the resignation of Elizabeth Shivell from the Child Abuse Council. Law & Justice * 44. Considered recommendations relating to the Fiscal Year 2011 Forensic DNA Backlog Reduction Program. a. Approved delegation of authority to the District Attorney, Office of the District Attorney, or designee, to negotiate, execute, amend, terminate, and take any and all necessary or advisable actions relating to the Fiscal Year 2011 Forensic DNA Backlog Reduction Program with the U.S. Department of Justice, in an amount not to exceed $327,077 for period October 1, 2011 through March 31, 2013, following approval by County Counsel as to form and legality, and approval by the Office of the County Executive. Delegation of authority shall expire on December 31, 2013. b. Approved Request for Appropriation Modification No. 68 - $61,204 increasing revenue and expenditures in the Office of the District Attorney budget. * 45. Waived reading and adopted Salary Ordinance No. NS-5.12.36 (preliminary) amending Santa Clara County Salary Ordinance No. NS-5.12 relating to the compensation of employees adding one classified Senior Paralegal or Paralegal position and deleting one unclassified Senior Paralegal or Paralegal position in the Office of the District Attorney. Vote: Wasserman: Yes Shirakawa: Yes Cortese: Yes Yeager: Yes Kniss: Absent * 46. Adopted Resolution No. 2011-507 establishing new rates for services in the Office of the Sheriff. Resolutions, Commendations and Memorials * 47. Approved Certificates of Appreciation to Employees of the Month for October, 2011. (See Item No. 6) * 48. Resolutions, Commendations, and Memorials. (See Item No. 7) (standing item) a. Adopted Resolution No. 2011-508 commending Kelly Phares, Legal Clerk, upon retirement after 28 years-of-service to the County of Santa Clara. (Office of the District Attorney) b. Ratified Resolution No. 2011-509, presented on October 7, 2011, commending the Vietnamese American Bar Association of Northern California for its success over the past 13 years, and congratulating all of the award winners for demonstrating a commitment to serving the Vietnamese American community of the Bay Area. (Cortese) c. Ratified Resolution No. 2011-510, presented on October 8, 2011, commending St. John the Baptist School for its support of the Milpitas community and its outstanding contribution to Santa Clara County. (Cortese) d. Adopted Resolution No. 2011-511 commending Tom Borck for his outstanding contribution to the community and heartfelt service to the residents of Santa Clara County. (Cortese) e. Ratified Resolution No. 2011-512, presented on September 30, 2011, commending The Hub for its dedication and efforts to serve current and former foster youth of Santa Clara County and wishing it tremendous success. (Cortese) f. Ratified Resolution No. 2011-513, presented on September 30, 2011, commending Valley Health Center for its heartfelt and dedicated service to the residents of Santa Clara County. (Cortese) g. Adopted Resolution No. 2011-514 proclaiming the Month of October 2011 as “Underground Railroad Awareness Month” in Santa Clara County, and commending the national initiative and the historical groups, museums, and individuals within the County for their work and contributions. (Cortese) h. Ratified Resolution No. 2011-515, presented on October 8, 2011, proclaiming October 8, 2011 as the “BJ Hom Memorial 5K Run Day” in Santa Clara County. (Cortese) i. Ratified Resolution No. 2011-516, presented on October 1, 2011, commending Parents Helping Parents for 35 wonderful years of serving the families of Santa Clara County with special needs children by providing much needed education, companionship, and emotional support to parents. (Cortese) j. Adopted Resolution No. 2011-517 commending Michael Lyons for his bravery and outstanding citizenship. (Cortese) k. Ratified Resolution No. 2011-518, presented on October 11, 2011, commending the Tuskegee Airmen for their heroism, patriotism, sacrifices, and contributions to Santa Clara County and the nation. (Cortese) l. Ratified Resolution No. 2011-519, presented on October 5, 2011, proclaiming October 10, 2011 as “Double Tenth National Day” in Santa Clara County. (Cortese) m. Ratified Resolution No.2011-520, presented on October 9, 2011, proclaiming October 10, 2011 as “Double Tenth National Day” in Santa Clara County. (Cortese) n. Adopted Resolution No. 2011-521 commending Jean McCorquodale for exceeding expectations and exemplifying the ideal of public service to the community. (Yeager) Department of Planning and Development Services * 49. Considered recommendations relating to revisions to Williamson Act and Open Space Easement Program Guidelines. a. Approved and adopted revised Guideline for Commercial Agriculture. b. Approved and adopted revised Guideline for Compatible Use Development on Restricted Lands. c. Approved and adopted revised Guideline for Policies Governing the Exchange of an Existing Williamson Act Contract for an Open Space Easement Agreement. d. Approved and adopted revised Guideline for General Administration, Monitoring, and Enforcement of Williamson Act Contracts and Open Space Easement Agreements. e. Approved elimination of the Guideline for Procedures for County Nonrenewal of Williamson Act Contracted Parcels Substandard in Size. f. Accepted annual report for period ending August 30, 2011 consistent with the revised annual reporting period recommended in the revised Guidelines General Administration, Monitoring, and Enforcement of Williamson Act Contracts and Open Space Easement Agreements. * 50. Approved Request for Appropriation Modification No. 65 - $18,000 increasing revenue and expenditures in the Department of Planning and Development budget relating to Abandoned Vehicle Abatement Services Authority Program. * 51. Approved Request for Appropriation Modification No. 64 - $75,000 increasing revenue and expenditures in the Department of Planning and Development budget relating to new grant revenue for the preparation of the Health Element of the County General Plan. * 52. Adopted Resolution No. 2011-522 delegating authority to the Director, Department of Planning and Development, or designee, to execute and submit documents necessary to participate in the CalHome Grant Program, following approval by County Counsel as to form and legality, and approval by the Office of the County Executive. Delegation of authority shall expire on September 9, 2012. Roads and Airports * 53. Adopted Resolution No. 2011-523 establishing One-way Stop Intersection at Peach Hill Road and Glen Una Drive. * 54. Accepted report and considered recommendations relating to special events Ordinance and permit procedures. a. Waived reading and adopted Ordinance No. NS-502.10 (preliminary) amending certain sections of Chapter VII of Division B3 of the Santa Clara County Ordinance Code relating to special events on County roads. Vote: Wasserman: Yes Shirakawa: Yes Cortese: Yes Yeager: Yes Kniss: Absent b. Adopted Resolution No. 2011-524 amending the Schedule of Fees applicable to permit review and issuance for special events on County roads. Facilities and Fleet * 55. Approved the Project, adopted plans and specifications, authorized advertisement of Contract Documents for Job Order Contract (JOC)-FAF-2011-01, and directed the Clerk of the Board to open bids on Thursday, January 12, 2012, at 2:00 p.m., in the Office of the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors. Final Adoption of Ordinances * 56. Adopted Salary Ordinance No. NS-5.12.14 (final) amending Santa Clara County Salary Ordinance No. NS-5.12 relating to the compensation of employees adding one Health Education Specialist in the Public Health Department. Vote: Wasserman: Yes Shirakawa: Yes Cortese: Yes Yeager: Yes Kniss: Absent * 57. Adopted Salary Ordinance No. NS-5.12.18 (final) amending Santa Clara County Salary Ordinance No. NS-5.12 relating to the compensation of employees adding various positions in several departments relating to public safety realignment. Vote: Wasserman: Yes Shirakawa: Yes Cortese: Yes Yeager: Yes Kniss: Absent * 58. Adopted Salary Ordinance No. NS-5.12.19 (final) amending Santa Clara Salary Ordinance No. NS-5.12 relating to the compensation of employees removing Footnote 40 from the Attorney IV or Attorney III or Attorney II or Attorney I classifications in the Department of Child Supported Services, Office of the District Attorney, and Office of the Public Defender. Vote: Wasserman: Yes Shirakawa: Yes Cortese: Yes Yeager: Yes Kniss: Absent * 59. Adopted Salary Ordinance No. NS-5.12.20 (final) amending Santa Clara County Salary Ordinance No. NS-5.12 relating to the compensation of employees adding one unclassified Deputy Sheriff position in the Office of the Sheriff. Position shall expire on July 31, 2013. Vote: Wasserman: Yes Shirakawa: Yes Cortese: Yes Yeager: Yes Kniss: Absent * 60. Adopted Salary Ordinance No. NS-5.12.21 (final) amending Santa Clara County Salary Ordinance No. NS-5.12 relating to the compensation of employees adding one Deputy Probation Officer III or Deputy Probation Officer II or Deputy Probation Officer position in the Probation Department. The position shall expire on September 30, 2013. Vote: Wasserman: Yes Shirakawa: Yes Cortese: Yes Yeager: Yes Kniss: Absent * 61. Adopted Salary Ordinance No. NS-5.12.22 (final) amending Santa Clara County Salary Ordinance No. NS-5.12 relating to the compensation of employees deleting one vacant Health Education Specialist or one Health Education Associate position and one vacant half-time Senior Epidemiologist position, and adding one Health Planning Specialist III position and one Epidemiologist II or Epidemiologist I position in the Public Health Department. Vote: Wasserman: Yes Shirakawa: Yes Cortese: Yes Yeager: Yes Kniss: Absent * 62. Adopted Salary Ordinance No. NS-5.12.23 (final) amending Santa Clara County Salary Ordinance No. NS-5.12 relating to the compensation of employees adding two alternately staffed unclassified Deputy Probation Officer positions in the Probation Department. Positions shall expire on September 30, 2012. Vote: Wasserman: Yes Shirakawa: Yes Cortese: Yes Yeager: Yes Kniss: Absent * 63. Adopted Ordinance No. NS-300.846 (final) adding Division A17 of the Santa Clara County Ordinance Code relating to open government. Vote: Wasserman: Yes Shirakawa: Yes Cortese: Yes Yeager: Yes Kniss: Absent * 64. Adopted Ordinance No. NS-300.847 (final) adding Section 200.010 to Division A30 of the Santa Clara County Ordinance Code codifying, as amended, uncodified Ordinance No. NS-19.14 relating to the implementation of Proposition 90 allowing the transfer of the base-year value of a residence in another county to a replacement dwelling in Santa Clara County. Vote: Wasserman: Yes Shirakawa: Yes Cortese: Yes Yeager: Yes Kniss: Absent Campbell Express, October 26, 2011 - page 12 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114301 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: BETHEL PLUMBING & REMODELLING 685 Foxtail Dr. #2 Sunnyvale CA 94086 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Hyunchul Choi 685 Foxtail Dr. #2 Sunnyvale CA 94086 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Hyunchul Choi This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/14/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 557119 PUB: 10/26/2011 – 11/16/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114302 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: WINCHESTER SANTANA LOW GAS MART 425 S. Winchester Blvd San Jose CA 95128 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: a corporation The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): J R and D Corporation 1225 Spruance St San Jose CA 95128 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Young Kim Entity: J R and D Corporation Title: CEO Article #C3107115 Formed in the state of California This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/18/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 557165 PUB: 10/26/2011 – 11/16/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114303 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: MENAGERIE PET SITTING 185 Union Ave #23 Campbell CA 95008 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Michelle Miller 185 Union Ave Apt #23 Campbell CA 95008 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Michelle Miller This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/18/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 557172 PUB: 10/26/2011 – 11/16/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114304 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: TIKO MARKET 983 South Bascom Ave San Jose CA 95128 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: husband and wife The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Sonny Azah 1724 Samson Ct San Jose CA 95124 Mary Azah 1724 Samson Ct San Jose CA 95124 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Sonny Azah This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/17/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 557138 PUB: 10/26/2011 – 11/16/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114305 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: GALACTIC ROMANCE 726 Pershing Ave San Jose CA 95126 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Brandie Stevenson 726 Pershing Ave San Jose CA 95126 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Brandie Stevenson This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/18/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 557166 PUB: 10/26/2011 – 11/16/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114306 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: ORGANIZED TRANQUILITY 483 Virginia Ave. Campbell CA 95008 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Eve D’Onofrio 483 Virginia Ave. Campbell CA 95008 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 09/21/2006 This filing is a refile of previous file # 554534 due to publication filing not met. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Eve D’Onofrio This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/06/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556789 PUB: 10/26/2011 – 11/16/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114307 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: ZOONI LEATHERS 905 W. El Camino Real Sunnyvale CA 94087 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Juan Lindo 459 Leland Ave. San Jose CA 95128 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 1/23/06 This filing is a refile of previous file #473106. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Juan Lindo This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/18/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 557193 PUB: 10/26/2011 – 11/16/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114308 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: (1) THIRD WAVE ENTERPRISES (2) THIRD WAVE REALTY (3) THIRD WAVE FINANCIAL TAX AND FINANCIAL SERVICE (4) THIRD WAVE MANAGEMENT COMPANY (5) THIRD WAVE FINANCIAL ADVISERS 464 Monterey Ave. Ste. A Los Gatos CA 95030 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Frank J. Finelli, Sr. 464 Monterey Ave. Ste. A Los Gatos CA 95030 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 08/31/1990 This filing is a refile of previous file #460405. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Frank J. Finelli, Sr. This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/17/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 557143 PUB: 10/26/2011 – 11/16/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114309 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: (1) INTERO SILICON VALLEY (2) INTERO CAMBRIAN PARK 1900 Camden Avenue San Jose CA 95124 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: a corporation The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Silicon Valley Executive Investors, Inc. 1900 Camden Avenue San Jose CA 95124 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Gregg Bunker Entity: Silicon Valley Executive Investors, Inc. Title: President Article #3272884 Formed in the state of California This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/11/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556959 PUB: 10/26/2011 – 11/16/2011 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING AND REVIEW Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission of the City of Campbell has set the hour of 7:30 p.m., or shortly thereafter, on Tuesday, November 8, 2011, in the City Hall Council Chambers, 70 North First Street, Campbell, California, for a Public Hearing to consider the following proposed project(s): 1. Public Hearing to consider the application of Mr. Steve Nelson for a Site and Architectural Review Permit (PLN2011-227) to modify the required side yard setback to allow a twostory addition to an existing two-story residence located at 1370 E. Campbell Avenue in an R-1-6 (Single Family Residential) Zoning District. Staff is recommending that this project be deemed Categorically Exempt under CEQA. 2. Public Hearing to consider the application of Ms. Jennifer Herndon for a Sign Permit (PLN2011-223) to allow an increase in sign area for a new monument sign on an existing commercial property located at 14651 S. Bascom Avenue in a P-O (Professional Office) Zoning District. Staff is recommending that this project be deemed Categorically Exempt under CEQA. Please be advised that if you challenge the nature of the above project in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the Public Hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Campbell Planning Commission prior to the Public Hearing. Questions may be addressed to the Planning Division at (408) 866-2140. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, listening devices are available for all meetings held in the Council Chambers. If you require accommodation, please contact the Community Development Department at 866-2140, at least one week in advance of the meeting. Publish: October 26, 2011 PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF CAMPBELL KIRK HEINRICHS SECRETARY Public Notice 11327 Public Notice PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114201 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: AK AUTO 3249 Stevens Creek Blv San Jose CA 95117 This business is owned by: a general partnership The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Eshete Aklilu 1405 Phelps Av San Jose 95117 Apt# 33 Tesfahiqot Venlim 1250 Garbo Apt# 307 San Jose CA 95117 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a refile of previous file # 527610. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Eshete Aklilu This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 9/20/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556190 PUB: 10/19/2011 – 11/09/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114202 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: CLEAR PATH 1252 Starlite Dr. Milpitas CA 95035 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Ark Path 1252 Starlite Dr Milpitas CA 95035 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a refile of previous file # 555848. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Ark Path This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/11/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556924 PUB: 10/19/2011 – 11/09/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114203 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: THE RED TENT 15495 Los Gatos Blvd. Ste. C Los Gatos CA 95032 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: a corporation The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Inner Reflection, Inc. 6553 Whitbourne Dr. San Jose CA 95120 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 4/1/2011 This filing is a refile of previous file # 547496. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Jennifer Penick Entity: Inner Reflection, Inc Title: Owner/President Article #3363893 Formed in the state of California This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 9/21/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556228 PUB: 10/19/2011 – 11/09/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114204 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: HIBM CONSTRUCTION .COM 4250 Wessex Drive San Jose CA 95136 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Tony Guidotti 4250 Wessex Drive San Jose CA 95136 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Tony Guidotti This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/11/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556926 PUB: 10/19/2011 – 11/09/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114205 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: ACCULECTRIC 56 Sunnyside Ave Campbell CA 95008 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Scott Gilbert 56 Sunnyside Ave Campbell CA 95008 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Scott Gilbert This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/11/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556925 PUB: 10/19/2011 – 11/09/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114206 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: (1) SKIN DEEP (2) SKIN DEEP BEAUTY & BEYOND (3) SKINDEEP BEAUTY & BEYOND 1190–B Park Avenue San Jose CA 95126 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Mary E. Wist 6277 Blauer Ln. San Jose CA 95135 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: Jan 1996 This filing is a refile of previous file # 467505. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Mary E. Wist This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on:10/10/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556919 PUB: 10/19/2011 – 11/09/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114207 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: PIXEL SUNRISE 1269 Dahlia Loop San Jose CA 95126 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Brody V. Brooks 1269 Dahlia Loop San Jose CA 95126 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Brody Brooks This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/11/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556947 PUB: 10/19/2011 – 11/09/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114208 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: (1) ROTO-ROOTER SERVICE AND DRAIN SERVICE (2) ROTO ROOTER PLUMBERS 356 Mathew Street Santa Clara CA 95050 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: a corporation The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Cherokee Contracting Company Inc. 356 Mathew Street Santa Clara CA 95050 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 12/31/1976 This filing is a refile of previous file #380784 after 40 days of expiration date. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: James H. Yates Entity: Cherokee Contracting Company Inc Title: President Article #26197 Formed in the state of California This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/11/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556928 PUB: 10/19/2011 – 11/09/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114209 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: RESONANCE ASIA 2894 Manda Dr. San Jose CA 95124 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Gary Brown 2894 Manda Dr. San Jose CA 95124 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Gary Brown This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/14/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 557084 PUB: 10/19/2011 – 11/09/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114210 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: (1) IGG (2) IGG.COM (3) I GOT GAMES (4) IGG INC. 5201 Great America Pkwy Suite 426 Santa Clara CA 95054 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: a limited liability company The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Sky Union LLC 5201 Great America Pkwy Santa Clara CA 95054 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 01/01/2011 This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Hong Zhang Entity: Sky Union LLC Title: V.P. Article #200834610057 Formed in the state of California This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/14/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 557085 PUB: 10/19/2011 – 11/09/2011 Campbell Express, October 26, 2011 - page 13 114118 PUBLIC NOTICE NO. 11328 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA 191 N. First St. San Jose CA 95113 ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME Case No. 111CV211190 TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: 1. Petitioner(s) JOYCE ANN HOUSER/JOYCE ANN WILLMES filed a petition with this court for a decree changing name(s) as follows: Present Name: JOYCE ANN WILLMES to Proposed Name: JOYCE ANN HOUSER 2. THE COURT ORDERS: that all persons interested in this matter appear before this court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for change of name should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. Notice of Hearing:12/20/11 at 8:45 a.m., in Room 107, located at 191 No. First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. 3. A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall be published at least once each week for four successive weeks prior to the date set for hearing on the petition in the following newspaper of general circulation, printed in this county: Campbell Express Dated: Oct. 17, 2011 Thomas Wm. Cain Judge of the Superior Court PUB: Oct. 26, Nov. 2, 9, 2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114211 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: CREATIVE EXPRESSIONS 4693 Blanco Dr. San Jose CA 95129 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Radhika Sethi 4693 Blanco Dr. San Jose CA 95129 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Radhika Sethi This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/03/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556621 PUB: 10/19/2011 – 11/09/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114212 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: FCC COLLISION CENTERS 904 E. Arques Ave Sunnyvale CA 94085 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: a limited liability company The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): FCC Collisions Sunnyvale LLC 904 E. Arques Ave Sunnyvale CA 94085 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 10/01/2011 This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Matt Piper Entity: FCC Collisions Sunnyvale LLC Title: Member Article #201127110033 Formed in the state of California This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/14/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 557094 PUB: 10/19/2011 – 11/09/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114113 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: (1) TEXTBOOK EQUITY (2) OPEN COLLEGE TEXTBOOKS 823 Mary Court Campbell CA 95008 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): William E. Buxton 823 Mary Ct. Campbell CA 95008 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: William E. Buxton This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/05/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556745 PUB: 10/12/2011 – 11/02/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114114 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: LEISURE POPCORN 780 S. San Tomas Aqu. Rd. Campbell CA 95008 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Jolly Jones 780 S. San Tomas Aqu. Rd. Campbell CA 95008 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Jolly Jones This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/07/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556843 PUB: 10/12/2011 – 11/02/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114115 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: BIATCHI 871 Wainwright Dr San Jose CA 95128 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Beverly Ryan 871 Wainwright Dr San Jose CA 95128 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Beverly Ryan This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/07/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556844 PUB: 10/12/2011 – 11/02/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114116 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: MEDUSA TRAINING WORX 1376 Burrows Rd. Campbell CA 95008 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Greg Raub 1376 Burrows Rd. Campbell CA 95008 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Greg Raud This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/07/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556842 PUB: 10/12/2011 – 11/02/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114117 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: HIRED HUSBAND RENOVATION 272 Warwick Dr. Campbell CA 95008 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): David M. Kinley 272 Warwick Dr Campbell CA 95008 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: David M. Kinley This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/07/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556841 PUB: 10/12/2011 – 11/02/2011 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) FOR WIRELESS INFRASTRUCTURE SYSTEMS Cambrian School District invites proposals from qualified firms to provide design and installation of Wireless Infrastructure Systems at its five schools District Office. Interested Responders should request a detailed RFP from: http://www. RFP.pdf or contact: Jamie Morse Director of technology Cambrian School District 4115 Jacksol Drive San Jose, CA 95124 P 408-377-2103 x514 F 408-377-5944 All proposals must be received by 4:00 pm, November 29, 2011. This is not a formal request for bids or an offer by Cambrian School District to contract with any party responding to this request. Cambrian School District reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. Publish: October 12, 26 2011 Public Notice 11313 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) for Digital Transmission Service Cambrian School District invites proposals from qualified firms to provide design and installation of Digital Transmission Service between the Santa Clara Office of Education and our District Office. Interested Responders should be eRate eligible and request a detailed RFP from: http://www. or contact: Jamie Morse Director of technology Cambrian School District 4115 Jacksol Drive San Jose, CA 95124 P 408-377-2103 x514 F 408-377-5944 All proposals must be received by 4:00 pm, November 30, 2011. This is not a formal request for bids or an offer by Cambrian School District to contract with any party responding to this request. Cambrian School District reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. Publish: October 19, 26 2011 Public Notice 11323 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114310 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: THE GREAT BEER COMPANY 1627 S. 7th St. San Jose CA 95112 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: a limited partnership The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): The Tied House Café & Brewery Inc. 954 Villa St. Mountain View CA 94041 Hermitage Brewing Co. LP 1627 S. 7th St. San Jose CA 95112 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 10/18/2011 This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Kris Sparling Entity: Hermitage Brewing Co. LP Title: CFO Article #200913100023 Formed in the state of California This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/18/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 557214 PUB: 10/26/2011 – 11/16/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114311 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: YARNWORX 10370 Alpine Drive, Unit 3 Cupertino CA 95014 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Erin East 10370 Alpine Drive, Unit 3 Cupertino CA 95014 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Erin E. East This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/17/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 557136 PUB: 10/26/2011 – 11/16/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114312 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: WHEELS OVER WHEELS 568 Palmetto Dr San Jose CA 95111 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Carmichael Jones 568 Palmetto Dr San Jose CA 95111. Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: March 2005 This filing is a refile of previous file # 456648 after 40 days of expiration date. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Carmichael Jones This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/18/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 557210 PUB: 10/26/2011 – 11/16/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114313 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: NORTH STAR IMPORTS 555 Bryant Street #383 Palo Alto CA 94301-1704 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Tom Hutchinson 4115 Guardian Street Simi Valley CA 93063 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 08/18/2006 This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Tom Hutchinson This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on:10/21/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 557325 PUB: 10/26/2011 – 11/16/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114314 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: (1) LOS ALTOS BUSINESS SERVICES (2) UNIVERSITY PROPERTIES OF ARIZONA (3) UNIVERSITY PROPERTIES OF CALIFORNIA 1118 Blue Lake Sq. Mt. View CA 94040 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Madeleine Falbo 1118 Blue Lake Sq. Mt. View CA 94040 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a refile of previous file # 476561. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Madeleine Falbo This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on:10/21/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 557324 PUB: 10/26/2011 – 11/16/2011 Public Notice NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TS # CA10-390709-VF Order #: 100590268-CAGTI YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 10/17/2007. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 to the Financial code and authorized to do business in this state, will be held by duly appointed trustee. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as provided in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. BENEFICIARY MAY ELECT TO BID LESS THAN THE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE. Trustor(s): PAUL M GAGLIARDI, A SINGLE MAN AND DENISE C. FRISELLA, A SINGLE WOMAN AS JOINT TENANTS Recorded: 10/26/2007 as Instrument No. 19630275 in book xxx , page xxx of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of SANTA CLARA County, California; Date of Sale: 11/9/2011 at 10:00:00 AM Place of Sale: At the gated North Market Street entrance to the Superior Courthouse, 190 N. Market St., San Jose, CA Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $454,743.58 The purported property address is: 1050 HAZEL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CA 95008 Assessor’s Parcel No. 406-04-008 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the property address or other common designation, if any, shown herein. If no street address or other common designation is shown, directions to the location of the property may be obtained by sending a written request to the beneficiary within 10 days of the date of first publication of this Notice of Sale. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or the Mortgagee’s Attorney. Date: Quality Loan Service Corp. 2141 5th Avenue San Diego, CA 92101 619-645-7711 For NON SALE information only Sale Line: 714-5731965 or Login to: www.priorityposting. com Reinstatement Line: 619-6457711 Ext. 3704 __________________ ______________________________ ___ Quality Loan Service, Corp. If you have previously been discharged through bankruptcy, you may have been released of personal liability for this loan in which case this letter is intended to exercise the note holders right’s against the real property only. THIS NOTICE IS SENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF COLLECTING A DEBT. THIS FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT ON BEHALF OF THE HOLDER AND OWNER OF THE NOTE. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED BY OR PROVIDED TO THIS FIRM OR THE CREDITOR WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. As required by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your credit record may be submitted to a credit report agency if you fail to fulfill the terms of your credit obligations. IDSPub #0012294 10/19/2011 10/26/2011 11/2/2011 CE11320 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114003 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: DAVEY AQUARIUM 6553 Catamaran St San Jose CA 95119 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: husband and wife The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Yi- Te Tsao 6553 Catamaran St San Jose CA 95119 Lan E.T. Tsao 6553 Catamaran St San Jose CA 95119 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: April 2001 This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Yi- Te Tsao This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 9/26/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556401 PUB: 10/05/2011 – 10/26/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE Campbell Express, October 26, 2011 - page 14 TSG No.: 5674998 TS No.: CA1100233031 FHA/VA/PMI No.: APN:305‑28‑033 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 05/19/05. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On November 8, 2011 at 10:00 AM, First American Trustee Servicing Solutions, LLC, as duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded 05/25/05, as Instrument No. 18387294, in book , page , of Official Records in the Office of the County Recorder of SANTA CLARA County, State of California. Executed by: KEE SANG SONG, A MARRIED MAN,. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, CASHIER’S CHECK/ CASH EQUIVALENT or other form of payment authorized by 2924h(b), (Payable at time of sale in lawful money of the United States) At the gated North Market Street entrance to the Superior Courthouse at 190 N. Market Street, San Jose, CA.. All right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and State described as: AS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN THE ABOVE MENTIONED DEED OF TRUST APN# 305‑28‑033. The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 47 DOT AVENUE UNIT C, CAMPBELL, CA 950080000. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $428,635.63. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written Declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the County where the real property is located. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s Trustee. The beneficiary or servicing agent declares that it has obtained from the Commissioner of Corporations a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to California Civil Code Section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date the Notice of Sale is filed and/or The timeframe for giving Notice of Sale specified in subdivision (s) of California Civil Code Section 2923.52 applies and has been provided or the loan is exempt from the requirements. Date: 10/15/11, First American Title Insurance Company First American Trustee Servicing Solutions, LLC 3 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Original document signed by Authorized Agent, Chet Sconyers -- FOR TRUSTEE’S SALE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL (916) 939-0772. First American Trustee Servicing Solutions, LLC May be Acting as a Debt Collector Attempting to Collect a Debt. Any Information obtained may be used for that purpose. NPP0190462 10/19/11, 10/26/11, 11/02/11 CE 11325 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TSG No.: 5503201 TS No.: CA1100230071 FHA/VA/PMI No.: APN:404‑24‑033 YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 05/24/07. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On November 15, 2011 at 10:00 AM, First American Trustee Servicing Solutions, LLC, as duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded 06/01/07, as Instrument No. 19452434, in book , page , of Official Records in the Office of the County Recorder of SANTA CLARA County, State of California. Executed by: SIMA S. REZAZADEH AND FARSHID A. REZAZADEH, WIFE AND HUSBAND,. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, CASHIER’S CHECK/CASH EQUIVALENT or other form of payment authorized by 2924h(b), (Payable at time of sale in lawful money of the United States) At the gated North Market Street entrance to the Superior Courthouse at 190 N. Market Street, San Jose, CA.. All right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and State described as: AS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED IN THE ABOVE MENTIONED DEED OF TRUST APN# 404‑24‑033. The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 651 BUDD AVENUE, CAMPBELL, CA 95008. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $804,221.90. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written Declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the County where the real property is located. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee’s Trustee. The beneficiary or servicing agent declares that it has obtained from the Commissioner of Corporations a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to California Civil Code Section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date the Notice of Sale is filed and/or The timeframe for giving Notice of Sale specified in subdivision (s) of California Civil Code Section 2923.52 applies and has been provided or the loan is exempt from the requirements. Date: 10/13/11, First American Title Insurance Company First American Trustee Servicing Solutions, LLC 3 First American Way, Santa Ana, CA 92707 Original document signed by Authorized Agent, Chet Sconyers -- FOR TRUSTEE’S SALE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL (916) 939-0772. First American Trustee Servicing Solutions, LLC May be Acting as a Debt Collector Attempting to Collect a Debt. Any Information obtained may be used for that purpose. NPP0191486 10/26/11, 11/02/11, 11/09/11CE11326 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114213 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: CAREER MATCH MAKER 1458 Portobelo Dr, San Jose CA 95118 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Tiffany Bevan 1458 Portobelo Dr. San Jose CA 95118 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Tiffany Bevan This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 9/19/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556152 PUB: 10/19/2011 – 11/09/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114111 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: SWIFTLEARN 5205 Prospect Road, #135-213 San Jose CA 95129 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Shanthanayaki Lalgudi 1573 Mission Springs Cir. San Jose CA 95131 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Shanthanayaki Lalgudi This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/05/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556779 PUB: 10/12/2011 – 11/02/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114112 STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME The following person(s)/entity(ies) has/ have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name(s): NETGRAFIX 182 Colonade Square San Jose CA 95127 Filed in Santa Clara County on: 12/2/2008 Under File No: 517298 Registrant’s Name(s): Valerie Tan 182 Colonade Square San Jose, CA 95127 This business was conducted by: an individual I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Valerie Tan This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/03/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County ClerkRecorder File No: 556648 PUB: 10/12/2011-11/02/2011 No: 114119 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: METRO UNO WIRELESS 1070 McLaughlin Avenue San Jose CA 95122 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Angelica Mae A. Lobaton 1070 McLaughlin Ave CA 95122 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Angelica Mae A. Lobaton This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 9/15/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556022 PUB: 10/12/2011 – 11/02/2011 NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF BYRON L. BERTSCH CASE NO. 1-11-PR-169469 To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: Byron L. Bertsch A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by Saeko Bertsch in the Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that Saeko Bertsch be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests the decedent's WILL and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held on November 10, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. in Dept. 3 located at 191 North First Street, San Jose, CA 95113. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Probate Code section 9100. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hearing date noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a formal Request for Special Notice (DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner: J. Timothy Maximoff Esq. SBN 126846, HOGE FENTON JONES & APPEL INC., 60 South Market St., Suite 1400, San Jose, CA 95113, Telephone: 408-287-9501 10/12, 10/19, 10/26/11 CNS-2186131# CAMPBELL EXPRESS CE11315 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114120 STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME The following person(s)/entity(ies) has/have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name(s): METRO UNO WIRELESS 1070 McLaughlin Avenue San Jose CA 95122 Filed in Santa Clara County on: 2/27/2007 Under File No: 490462 Registrant’s Name(s): Maria Victoria A. Lobaton 1070 McLaughlin Ave San Jose CA 95122 This business was conducted by: an individual I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Maria Victoria A. Lobaton This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 9/15/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556023 PUB: 10/12/2011-11/02/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114002 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: CARDIO MAMBO SANTA CLARA 467 Saratoga ave #221 San Jose CA 95129 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: a corporation The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Fruitful Living, Inc 467 Saratoga Ave # 221 Santa Clara CA 95054 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Janis King Entity: Fruitful Living, Inc Title: President Article #A0673560 Formed in the state of California This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 9/14/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556006 PUB: 10/05/2011 – 10/26/2011 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE Trustee Sale No. : 20110015002568 Title Order No.: 110209713 FHA/VA/PMI No.: YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 08/10/2007. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. NDEX WEST, LLC, as duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust Recorded on 08/16/2007 as Instrument No. 19552269 of official records in the office of the County Recorder of SANTA CLARA County, State of CALIFORNIA. EXECUTED BY: NAWARD HERNANDEZ, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, CASHIER’S CHECK/CASH EQUIVALENT or other form of payment authorized by 2924h(b), (payable at time of sale in lawful money of the United States). DATE OF SALE: 11/08/2011 TIME OF SALE: 11:00 AM PLACE OF SALE: AT THE NORTH MARKET STREET ENTRANCE TO THE COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 190 NORTH MARKET STREET, SAN JOSE, CA. STREET ADDRESS and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 1641 PALO SANTO DR, CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 APN#: 307-08-031 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any , shown herein. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $676,426.71. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written Declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the county where the real property is located. FOR TRUSTEE SALE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL: AGENCY SALES & POSTING 3210 EL CAMINO REAL, SUITE 200 IRVINE, CA 92602 714-730-2727 www.lpsasap. com NDEx West, L.L.C. MAY BE ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. NDEx West, L.L.C. as Trustee Dated: 10/11/2011 NDEx West, L.L.C. 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 500 Addison, Texas 75001-9013 Telephone: (866) 795-1852 Telecopier: (972) 6617800 ASAP# 4108243 10/19/2011, 10/26/2011, 11/02/2011CE11219 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE T.S. No CA1100035740 Loan No 0593304306 Insurer No. YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 03/29/2006. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state, will be held by the duly appointed trustee. The sale will be made; but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to satisfy the obligation secured by said Deed of Trust. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the property address or other common designation, if any, shown herein. TRUSTOR: *AMY NELSON* AND *JASEN MARTINEZ*, WIFE AND HUSBAND Recorded 04/10/2006 as Instrument No. 18878479 in Book XX, page XX of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of Santa Clara County, California, Date of Sale: 11/07/2011 at 11:00 A.M. Place of Sale: At the North Market Street entrance to the County Courthouse, 190 North Market Street, San Jose, CA 95321 Property Address is purported to be: 581 HARRISON AVENUE CAMPBELL, CA 95008 APN#: 279-30-025 The total amount secured by said instrument as of the time of initial publication of this notice is $604,231.40, which includes the total amount of the unpaid balance (including accrued and unpaid interest) and reasonable estimated costs, expenses, and advances at the time of initial publication of this notice. Date: 10/10/2011 Executive Trustee Services, LLC dba ETS Services, LLC 2255 North Ontario Street, Suite 400 Burbank, CA 91504-3120 Sale Line: 714-730-2727 lleanna Petersen, TRUSTEE SALE OFFICER ASAP# 4097369 10/12/2011, 10/19/2011, 10/26/2011CE11317 Trustee Sale No. 452467CA Loan No. 1023125460 Title Order No. 896330 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 3/22/2007. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On 11/2/2011 at 10:00 AM, CALIFORNIA RECONVEYANCE COMPANY as the duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust Recorded 03/28/2007, Book NA, Page NA, Instrument 19361161, , and as modified by the Modification of Deed of Trust recorded on 01-20-2009, Book NA, Page NA, Instrument 20105269, of official records in the Office of the Recorder of SANTA CLARA County, California, executed by: FABIOLA MENDOZA AND MARIO L MENDOZA, WIFE AND HUSBAND AS JOINT TENANTS, as Trustor, WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK, FA, as Beneficiary, will sell at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn by a state or national bank, a cashier’s check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a cashier’s check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state. Sale will be held by the duly appointed trustee as shown below, of all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by the trustee in the hereinafter described property under and pursuant to the Deed of Trust. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. Place of Sale: AT THE GATED NORTH MARKET STREET ENTRANCE AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE SUPERIOR COURTHOUSE, 190 N. MARKET ST., SAN JOSE, CA 95113 Legal Description: As more fully described in said Deed of Trust Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $777,208.42 (estimated) Street address and other common designation of the real property: 703 DUNCANVILLE COURT CAMPBELL, CA 95008 APN Number: 412-13-003 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. The property heretofore described is being sold “as is”. In compliance with California Civil Code 2923.5(c) the mortgagee, trustee, beneficiary, or authorized agent declares: that it has contacted the borrower(s) to assess their financial situation and to explore options to avoid foreclosure; or that it has made efforts to contact the borrower(s) to assess their financial situation and to explore options to avoid foreclosure by one of the following methods: by telephone; by United States mail; either 1st class or certified; by overnight delivery; by personal delivery; by e-mail; by face to face meeting. DATE: 10/11/2011 CALIFORNIA RECONVEYANCE COMPANY, as Trustee FRED RESTREPO, ASSISTANT SECRETARY CALIFORNIA RECONVEYANCE COMPANY IS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. California Reconveyance Company 9200 Oakdale Avenue Mail Stop: CA2-4379 Chatsworth, CA 91311 800-892-6902 For Sales Information: (714) 730-2727 or (714) 573-1965 or www. P884904 10/12, 10/19, 10/26/2011CE11314 Trustee Sale No. 452489CA Loan No. 0700545403 Title Order No. 897844 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 08-12-2005. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On 11-09-2011 at 10:00 AM, CALIFORNIA RECONVEYANCE COMPANY as the duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust Recorded 08-31-2005, Book N/A, Page N/A, Instrument 18550181, of official records in the Office of the Recorder of SANTA CLARA County, California, executed by: BILL WON YI AND SERA JUNG, AS HUSBAND AND WIFE, as Trustor, WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK, FA, as Beneficiary, will sell at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn by a state or national bank, a cashier’s check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a cashier’s check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state. Sale will be held by the duly appointed trustee as shown below, of all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by the trustee in the hereinafter described property under and pursuant to the Deed of Trust. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. Place of Sale: AT THE GATED NORTH MARKET STREET ENTRANCE AT THE ENTRANCE TO THE SUPERIOR COURTHOUSE, 190 N. MARKET STREET, SAN JOSE, CA 95113 Legal Description: As more fully described in said Deed of Trust Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $1,097,483.04 (estimated) Street address and other common designation of the real property: 1080 LOVELL AVENUE CAMPBELL, CA 95008 APN Number: 406-06-060 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. The property heretofore described is being sold “as is”. In compliance with California Civil Code 2923.5(c) the mortgagee, trustee, beneficiary, or authorized agent declares: that it has contacted the borrower(s) to assess their financial situation and to explore options to avoid foreclosure; or that it has made efforts to contact the borrower(s) to assess their financial situation and to explore options to avoid foreclosure by one of the following methods: by telephone; by United States mail; either 1st class or certified; by overnight delivery; by personal delivery; by e-mail; by face to face meeting. DATE: 1012-2011 CALIFORNIA RECONVEYANCE COMPANY, as Trustee BRANDON ROYES, ASSISTANT SECRETARY CALIFORNIA RECONVEYANCE COMPANY IS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. California Reconveyance Company 9200 Oakdale Avenue Mail Stop: CA2-4379 Chatsworth, CA 91311 800-892-6902 For Sales Information: (714) 730-2727 or (714) 573-1965 or www. P883942 10/19, 10/26, 11/02/2011 CE11324 Public Notice PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114101 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: DELL AUTO SALES 951 Camden Ave Campbell CA 95008 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Carlos R. Costa 1117 Emerson Ave Campbell CA 95008 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Carlos Costa This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/04/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556696 PUB: 10/12/2011 – 11/02/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114102 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: DML CUSTOM GUITARS 1607 Shreen Ct San Jose CA 95124 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): David Miles Leal 1607 Shreen Ct San Jose CA 95124 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: David Leal This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/04/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556695 PUB: 10/12/2011 – 11/02/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114103 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: CODE BREW COFFEE AND MORE 2490 Hospital Drive Suite 109 Mountain View CA 94040 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: a limited liability company The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Ammexcol U.S.A LLC 809-B Custa Dr #2211 Mountain View CA 94040 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Jose Fuentes Entity: Ammexcol U.S.A LLC Title: Manager Article #200910310015 Formed in the state of California This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/04/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556694 PUB: 10/12/2011 – 11/02/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114104 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: EMBERTSON TECHNICAL CONSULTING 1821 S Bascom Ave #141 Campbell CA 95008 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Ross Embertson 1821 S Bascom Ave #141 Campbell CA 95008 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Ross Embertson This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/04/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556697 PUB: 10/12/2011 – 11/02/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114105 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: ONYX PROTECTIVE SERVICES 512 Railway Ave # 250 Campbell CA 95008 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Attore Carboh 512 Railway Ave # 250 Campbell CA 95008 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Attore Carboh This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/4/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556723 PUB: 10/12/2011 – 11/02/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114106 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: CORNERSTONE FINANCIAL GROUP OF SILICON VALLEY 2348 Stratford Drive San Jose CA 95124 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Ronald Bernard Smith 2348 Stratford Drive San Jose CA 95124 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 08/15/2001 This filing is a refile of previous file # 483491. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Ronald Bernard Smith This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 9/19/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556139 PUB: 10/12/2011 – 11/02/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114107 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: BAY AREA PROSCAPE 345 Laurelwood Santa Clara CA 95054 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: a corporation The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Abel Yanes Bay Area Proscape 345 Laurelwood Dr. Santa Clara CA 95054 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 10/4/2011 This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Entity: Abel Yanes Bay Area Proscope Title: President Article #111199 Formed in the state of California Signed: Abel Yanes This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/05/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556751 PUB: 10/12/2011 – 11/02/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114108 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: (1) ASSYRIAN NATIONAL BROADCASTING (2) ANBSAT.COM 271 Barnard Ave. San Jose CA 95008 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Ninos Ternian 4929 Rio Verde Ct. San Jose CA 95118 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Ninos Ternian This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/03/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556639 PUB: 10/12/2011 – 11/02/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114109 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: SWIFT LEGAL SUPPORT 2605 Meridian Ave San Jose CA 95124 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: husband and wife The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): David Hanley 2605 Meridian Ave San Jose CA 95124 Serrina Hanley 2605 Meridian Ave San Jose CA 95124 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: David Hanley This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 10/4/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556739 PUB: 10/12/2011 – 11/02/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114110 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: (1) CREATIVE PARTNER (2) WOMEN EMPOWERMENT NETWORK (3) CP REAL ESTATE 14411 Quito Road Saratoga CA 95070 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Petra M. Jakobskrueger 14411 Quito Road Saratoga CA 95070 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 07/01/2001 This filing is a refile of previous file #493994 with changes I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Petra M. Jakobskrueger This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 9/23/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556339 PUB: 10/12/2011 – 11/02/2011 Campbell Express, October 26, 2011 - page 15 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114004 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: Z BEAUTY LOUNGE 700 S. Winchester Blvd #710 San Jose CA 95128 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: a general partnership The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Rachell Zafico 410 Auburn Wy #4 San Jose CA 95129 Tchaa Sogoyou 410 Auburn Wy #4 San Jose CA 95129 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 9/14/2011 This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Rachell Zafico This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 9/14/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 555963 PUB: 10/05/2011 – 10/26/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114005 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: EQUITY PLUS CONSULTING 7063 Via Del Rio San Jose CA 95139 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Billie Olson 7063 Via Del Rio San Jose CA 95139 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 09/01/2011 This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Billie Olsen This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 9/23/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556347 PUB: 10/05/2011 – 10/26/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114006 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: JUST DO I.T. 84 Cherry Blossom Drive San Jose CA 95123 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Tyese Johnson 84 Cherry Blossom Drive San Jose CA 95123 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Tyese Johnson This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 9/23/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556322 PUB: 10/05/2011 – 10/26/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114007 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: I SMELL SHEEP 416 S. Bernardo Ave #2 Sunnyvale CA 94086 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Katherine Dalton 416 S. Bernardo Ave #2 Sunnyvale CA 94086 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 9/29/2011 This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Katherine Dalton This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 9/29/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556518 PUB: 10/05/2011 – 10/26/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114008 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: IMOP CUSTODIAL SERVICES 4983 Scarlett Way San Jose CA 95111 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: a corporation The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Mid Atlantic Holding Company 4983 Scarlett Way San Jose CA 95111 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Oscar Leighton James Title: President Entity: Mid Atlantic Holding Company Article: C3321005 Formed in the State of California This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 9/29/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556530 PUB: 10/05/2011 – 10/26/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114009 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: (1) PERFECT BRIDAL (2) BRIDES OF CALIFORNIA 268 E. Java Dr. Sunnyvale CA 94089 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: a corporation The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Poglia Enterprises, Inc. 5690 Poglia Court San Jose CA 95138 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 09/08/2011 This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Chunyi Yee Entity: Poglia Enterprises, Inc. Title: President Article #3406687 Formed in the state of California This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 9/26/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County ClerkRecorder File No: 556422 PUB: 10/05/2011 – 10/26/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: ROWE ENTERPRISES 1151 Fairford Way San Jose CA 95129 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Geary Rowe 1151 Fairford Way San Jose CA 95129 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 09/28/2011 This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Geary Rowe This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 9/30/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556578 PUB: 10/05/2011 – 10/26/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114011 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: ALL NATIONAL ENTERPRISE 815 Harriet Ave Campbell CA 95008 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Richard Olivo 815 Harriet Ave. Campbell CA 95008 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Richard Olivo This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 9/30/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556577 PUB: 10/05/2011 – 10/26/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114012 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: (1) PARTYTATZ (2) MYMANSE 1455 W. Hacienda Ave Campbell CA 95008 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Kathy Stinson 1455 W. Hacienda Ave Campbell CA 95008 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Kathleen Stinson This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 9/30/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556576 PUB: 10/05/2011 – 10/26/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114013 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: I CANE DO 937-D Summerside Dr San Jose CA 95122 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Sealed With A Kiss 937-D Summerside Dr. San Jose CA 95122 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: R. Brian Salinas This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 9/30/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556575 PUB: 10/05/2011 – 10/26/2011 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) for Digital Transmission Service Cambrian School District invites proposals from qualified firms to provide design and installation of Digital Transmission Service between its five schools and District Office. Interested Responders should be eRate eligible and request a detailed RFP from: Technology/PDFs/DO2SchoolsMultiYear.pdf or contact: Jamie Morse Director of technology Cambrian School District 4115 Jacksol Drive San Jose, CA 95124 P 408-377-2103 x514 F 408-377-5944 All proposals must be received by 4:00 pm, November 30, 2011. This is not a formal request for bids or an offer by Cambrian School District to contract with any party responding to this request. Cambrian School District reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. Publish: October 19, 26 2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114014 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: MILLIGAN SERVICES 540 East Main Ave Morgan Hill CA 95037 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Brian Milligan 540 East Main Ave Morgan Hill CA 95037 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Brain Milligan This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 9/30/11 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556574 PUB: 10/05/2011 – 10/26/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114015 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: SMART COOKING 104 1763 Jackson St Santa Clara CA 95050 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): David Jeffers 1763 Jackson St Santa Clara CA 95050 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: David Jeffers This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 9/30/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556572 PUB: 10/05/2011 – 10/26/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114016 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: GAUZ DEVELOPMENT 3614 Madonna Drive San Jose CA 95117 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Gennady Gauzner 3614 Madonna DR. San Jose CA 95117 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 9/29/2011 This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Gennady Gauzner This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 9/30/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556573 PUB: 10/05/2011 – 10/26/2011 Public Notice 11322 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114001 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: NATURAL WONDER PLAYSCHOOL 1424 Bent Drive Campbell CA 95008 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: an individual The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Leslie Moreno 1424 Bent Drive Campbell CA 95008 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: 09/31/2011 This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Leslie Moreno This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 9/21/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556239 PUB: 10/05/2011 – 10/26/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114017 STATEMENT OF ABANDONMENT OF USE OF FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME The following person(s)/entity(ies) has/have abandoned the use of the fictitious business name(s): COMFORT FEET 3005 Silver Creek #170 San Jose CA 95121 Filed in Santa Clara County on: 10/19/10 Under File No: 543714 Registrant’s Name(s): Van Ngo 200 Lewis Rd #217 San Jose CA 95111 Trinity Huynh 1930 Lochness Ct San Jose CA 95121 This business was conducted by: general partnership I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime.) Signed: Van Ngo This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 9/22/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556271 PUB: 04/20/2011-05/11/2011 PUBLIC NOTICE No: 114018 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following person(s) are doing business as: DELIA’S CLEANERS 434 Blossom Hill Rd San Jose CA 95123 Santa Clara County This business is owned by: a limited liability company The name and residence address of the owner(s)/registrant(s) is (are): Swift Cleaners LLC 1628 S. De Anza Blvd San Jose CA 95129 Registrant/Owner began transacting business under the fictitious business name(s) listed above on: n/a This filing is a first filing. I declare that all information in this statement is true and correct. (A registrant who declares as true information which he or she knows to be false is guilty of a crime). Signed: Narinder Bedi Entity: Swift Cleaners LLC Title: Partner Article #200622710062 Formed in the state of California This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara County on: 9/28/2011 Regina Alcomendras, County Clerk-Recorder File No: 556492 PUB: 10/05/2011 – 10/26/2011 Local Success Boosters by Brent Evans A Success Booster is any powerful Idea, Action, Strategy, Habit, or Tool That Increases Your Power to Achieve What You Want. We are now on Basic Life Principles. Life Success Principle #25: Edit Your Stories to Upgrade Your Life. Campbell Express, October 26, 2011 - page 16 The word carol comes from the early French carole, meaning ring. The early singers of Christmas songs were called carolers because they would ring bells to announce good tidings and celebrate the season. I want you to imagine and hear bells ringing for you and the good things about to happen as you edit your stories and upgrade your life. Your Face and the Stories You Tell You donÕt have to tell anyone how you perceive each day; You donÕt have to say how you have lived your way. A tried and true picture serves in the place The way you live and the stories you tell appear in your face. What you say in your heart you wear in your face. If you live with love and infinite grace, It will fill your life and show in your face. (modified version of one by an unknown author) Scrooge was miserable and his face showed it! Scrooge did it and so can you. The story of Scrooge was introduced in A Christmas Carol written by Charles Dickens in 1843. Since then, millions around the world have read it especially during the Christmas season. You are likely to read the story yourself during the next couple of months, see one of the movies depicting it, or certainly hear it mentioned. But I want you to get even more out of this great story. I want it to be a model you can use to fully realize the importance of editing the stories you tell yourself and reaping the benefits that would otherwise not be yours. Scrooge was a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, clutching, covetous, old sinner! Hard and sharp as flint É secret, self-contained, and solitary as an oyster. The cold within him froze his old features, nipped his pointed nose, shriveled his cheek, stiffened his gait, made his eyes red, his thin lips blue, and spoke out shrewdly in his grating voice. Certainly, Scrooge was a good candidate for story editing and a life makeover. In our next article we will examine how he did it. Go to for FREE games & activities to develop personal and family success. For previous Learning Success articles and games published in the Campbell Express go to and view online editions. Copyright 2011 Brent Evans Ð Learning Success