September 2014 - St. Aidan Episcopal Church
September 2014 - St. Aidan Episcopal Church
September 2014 THE TORCH St. Aidan's Episcopal Church, Camano Island, WA THIS SUNDAY, August 31st is The Feast Day Celebration of St Aidan!! We’re having “mass on the grass” at 10:00 a.m. Join us for worship in our beautiful Celtic garden in the greater cathedral of God’s creation. Meet in the PARISH HALL before the service for the Processional and the start to the worship. (weather permitting) PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY Saturday, September 27th 10 am to noon, Parish Hall Please join us In this Issue… From the Vicar ·················· page 2 From Bob Miller················ page 3 From the Jr. Warden ········· page 5 From the Office Admin ····· page 5 Treasurer’s Report ············ page 5 Stewardship Update ········· page 2 Month at a Glance ············ page 3 Coffee Hour Hosts ············ page 4 Service Asst. Schedule ······ page 7 FOOD BANK Fill the Jeep Sunday is September 7th Tuesday Bible Study with Compline resumes on September 16th WEBSITE NEWS We are working to keep our website up to date with new pages, pictures and information but we need your photos! Please send them to Kathy DuBois… From the Vicar... These first weeks at St Aidan's have been full of joy and surprises! It began with the completion of a new office and conference room and continued with a combined service and BBQ celebration lunch, complete with gifts of a St Aidan's t-shirt and hat along with a very large set of keys (to the 'kingdom'?). It continued with a truly amazing and joy-filled Salmon Bake and talent show. I've never had so much salmon and such GOOD salmon in my life. It feels great to be back in the Pacific Northwest! Then came the sad and unexpected news of Bob Miller's resignation as senior warden. Needless to say this came as quite a shock to me. I was very much looking forward to working with Bob, because it was obvious that he is a man with many gifts and talents and a love for the church. But I also understand (being very new) that there was and is much more going on than I have been made fully aware of up to this point. My experience of St Aidan's in these first few weeks has only been one of a community with great love and joy, willingness to serve and arms ready to embrace. There's no doubt that relationships in church can be difficult and sometimes hurtful, but church is fundamentally a place where reconciliation and restoration and healing should be possible. I'm hoping and praying and will be working for reconciliation and healing to take place in this situation, and in every place where secret hurts are harbored rather than healed. We can trust that God is with us, that in everything we do he goes before us and follows behind us; that he is at our right and our left. I hope and pray that we, following in the spirit of the prayer attributed to St Francis, will seek the Lord in all things that he may... Make us instruments of peace. So where there is hatred, we may sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is discord, union; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. Grant that we may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen. I look forward with great anticipation to being in ministry with you, and to all the joys and blessings which God has in store for us. We have been blessed, we are blessed and we will continue as a blessing to the world in Christ Jesus! Yours in Him, Drew+ We are approaching the Fall season and into the last quarter of the year. The Fall Fairs are taking place, the signs of weather changes evident, and crops being harvested by the huge reapers rolling across the fields. The children are back in school, or soon will be, and adult lives will return to a sense of normalcy. We, the people of St. Aidan's, are making changes too, by planning events and reaching out to others and their needs. Autumn is also the time to prepare for the future financial health of our church community and the needs of the church family. So, in the next month or two, we shall be looking at our own Stewardship and how we express the Holy Spirit in our daily living by sharing the gifts of God and his bounty to us. It is this sharing that the early church was able to grow and spread the gospel of Jesus. As we read in the Bible: “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in Heaven.” Matt. 5:16 NRSV ~Stanley Fear Stewardship Update 2 fectly. Throughout the entire process-banging hammers, cutting wood, installing fixtures and drywall, flying The addition of the vicar’s office and dust, and the constant rearranging of the meeting/library room is almost working space--Karen Tendering and complete. Only some furniture items Patty Paddock maintained an efficientare necessary to finalize the project. ly run office. Even Marian Lunn never St. Aidan’s office is now complete with missed a beat in collating, folding and specific work areas for the clerical staff preparing the weekly service bulletins. as well as an area for our volunteers. While the obvious physical work was A sitting/waiting area is also provided. ongoing, work of the spiritual and worThe changes have occurred because ship side of St. Aidan’s continued certain members of the church family seamlessly. Interim Vicar, Father Dunn gave of their time and talents. I think was forced to step down before our it only right to acknowledge them. new vicar was in place. Even with that From the first suggestion for the addi- challenge, the Worship Committee: tion in October of 2013, Frank Hunt Yonnah Ben-Levy, Louise Close, Crystal has prepared drawings and refined Colombo, Stanley Fear, Steve and Billie them as we approached actually doing Jensen, Judy Mieger, and Karen Tenthe project. He has worked with our dering, with assistance of Rev. Jo BeeBuildings and Grounds Committee to cher, were most helpful in maintaining oversee the work. Once the work be- the worship schedule for Wednesday gan, Bob Stevens, Walter Mills, and and Sunday services. When Rev. Jo Jerry Minear (Building and Grounds was not able to celebrate the WednesCommittee) have been onsite almost day or the eight o’clock Sunday seron a full-time basis every day through- vice, Louise and Stanley stepped in. out the project. In addition to working The family of St. Aidan’s is deeply inwith the various contractors, they condebted to each of those mentioned tinued to update and improve the above for they truly and faithfully carproperty. Steve Jensen brought his ried the yoke during the last months. tractor and completely re-graded the As a group, they demonstrated how fire road to prevent potential water each person has a duty and responsiproblems, as well as helping to elimibility in doing God’s work. nate the wet areas on the west side of the road and to create a more efficient Now we begin a new journey as a sprinkling system. Along the way, Bill church family. Father Drew is on board and St. Aidan’s is moving out to White and Dick Bingay lent a hand navigate new waters. In his inaugural when needed. Betty Stevens and Jan Mills lent their talents in the finishing homily, Fr. Drew used the illustration of the Disciples being in a boat, tossed of the wood work and some of the chairs so that everything matches per- about by strong winds and high seas, The Finishing Touch… A New Beginning causing them to fear capsizing and drowning. When they focused on Christ, the seas and wind calmed. Fr. Drew told us we are all in the boat called “St. Aidan’s”. Yes, we ALL are in this boat. Yes, we EACH have a duty or responsibility for the safe travel of our boat, and for the safety and welfare of our fellow crew. Each of us is a member of the crew; we are not simply passengers, along for the ride. It is necessary to reach out to those who “come on board” (visitors), take them by their hand in love and friendship and welcome them to our boat. But it cannot stop there. It is, I believe, incumbent upon each of us to identify the gifts and talents of these new friends and to get them involved in areas using those gifts and talents. When they become members of groups and organizations aboard our boat, “St. Aidan’s”, we need to listen to them; hear their questions, ideas, and suggestions. If we simply continue to do things “the way we’ve always done it” the voyage of “St. Aidan’s” will not remain healthy. New ideas, thinking through and discussing questions, as well as considering new suggestions, help to fill the sails of our boat along the new journey we have begun. We each need to identify our duties as responsible crew members; pick up our yoke and move our craft forward. ---Bob Miller September Events and Special Services at a Glance September 1st: Labor Day Office Closed September 4th: EfM Kick-off Dinner 6:30 p.m. September 14th: Sunday School Resumes September 16th: Bible Study and Compline resumes September 21st: Youth Bowling September 28th: Selah Service 7 p.m. TO WEAR YOUR NAME 3 YOUTH GROUP NEWS Church School begins on September 14th. Everyone is invited to the WELCOME Party!! September 21st: Bowling after the 10 a.m. service. Bring $5, socks and a friend if you like. As usual, parents and families are invited. Drivers are always needed. Our youth group activities include all school age children. Please RSVP to Crystal, or 360-675-4478. WELCOME FR. DREW! EfM Schedule September 4th is the Kick Off dinner for 2014/2015. All past and current EfM participants and their spouses/partners are invited. It begins at 6:30 p.m. so bring a dish to share and let’s celebrate the beginning of the new EfM year. Our regular group meetings will begin on September 18th at 6:30 p.m. in the EfM room. For more info contact Crystal Colombo 10:00 a.m. Service Coffee Hour Hosts for September 2014 Sue Perry Annette Wright Teresa Bennett Helen Strang Wendy Campbell Nancy Uhlmansiek Yonnah Ben-Levy Richard Strain Stanley Fear Erin Jensen Claudia Stephens 01 02 06 08 09 21 24 25 27 28 29 Doug & Jane Poag Bill & Julie Vaux Otto & Nancy Leuschel Robby & Patty Both Jeff & Susie Johnson Jackie & Stanley Fear 02 04 05 07 11 28 August 31: Jan Mills and Judy Pieper Sept 7: Judy Bingay and Kara Hunt Sept 14: Ethel Maxwell and Choir Sept 21: Ann Boid and Susie Johnson Sept 28: Susie White and Arlyne Whitescarver Check the bulletin board in the Parish Hall for when you will host coffee hour. Contact Pat Van Almkerk (360.387.9630) with questions or to be added to the Host list! Please find a substitute if you will be gone on your assigned date. 4 4 From the Jr. Warden On Thursday’s work day we were “blown away” with the turnout. Everyone was committed to getting the property ready for Welcome Fr. Drew Day. The Stanwood Café was really happy with our breakfast turnout. We want to thank the following: Roger and Ann Boid, Susie and Bill White, Pat Van Almkerk, Bob Miller, Frank Hunt, Phil Jacobs, Karen Tendering, Betty and Bob Stevens, Claudia Stephens, Janice and Jerry Minear, Jan and Walt Mills, Richard Strain, Fran Brown, Ron Lo Dolce and Dick Bingay. If you were not there, we know you were out doing other work for God. Checklist for the new addition: Electric—almost completed Painting—done! Sheetrock—done! Heat Pump— near the finish line Carpet—installed on Wednesday, Aug 13th! Front door lock—finished! (wahoo!!!) A note from the Office Admin/Bookkeeper, Karen Tendering This morning I sat at my new desk and turned on my own computer for the first time in 9 weeks! I want to thank everyone for all the support and encouragement I have received during this building project. I so appreciate the “Three Amigos” who made me laugh every day and were always open to “I’ve been thinking that we could….” Thank you Bob, Walt and Jerry for your patience and hard, hard work. Nothing could have prepared me for the surprise I received when I walked in to an almost finished office, complete with desk, chairs, flowers and smiling friends waiting to see my reaction! Thank you Betty Stevens for the beautiful job staining the new wall panels and to Jan Mills for re-covering the chairs we are using for visitors. Thank you to my co-workers, Patty, Steve and Billie for your flexibility with our constantly changing office. Even when we got down to one folding table and no printer, everyone was still smiling! Bob Miller’s advice and expertise was invaluable and I appreciate his patience with all my SOS phone calls! Thank you also to Paul DeGroot for guiding us through all the myriad of computer cables and wireless connections we need for communication. Jim Miller, Ann Morgan, Bill and Susie White did a fantastic job moving files and other “stuff” out of the EfM room and back into our new office area. For all the dear people I forgot to mention….THANK YOU TOO! Frank Hunt, your design was and is perfect! TREASURER’S REPORT For the period ending July 31, 2014 Checking/Operating Fund Pledges Received YTD Plate Received YTD 5,309.27 FESTIVAL FINANCIAL UPDATE Gross $25,088.53 Don’t forget that the next Work Party is Thursday, Costs $ 2,014.05 September 11th Net $23,074.48 No host breakfast at 9 a.m. at Stanwood Cafe´. Work begins at 10 a.m. 72,168.10 5,760.67 Total Income Received YTD 117,053.91 Total Expenses YTD 132,938.23 Excess of Expense over Income (15,884.32) WORK PARTY $3,000 of this were the proceeds from online book sales by Judy Pieper. St. Aidan's is blessed with beautiful stained glass windows and extra care is needed to open and close them. They slide on tracks that have keeper tabs at the top that should be securely in position. Two hands should always be used to lift or lower the windows. Bring your tools and a smile. It’s a lot of fun NEXT TORCH DEADLINE FOR October 2014 Thursday, September 18th Email submissions to: 5 September 2014—Activities Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 The Twelth Sunday after Pentecost LABOR DAY OFFICE CLOSED 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist I Noon AA 1 p.m. Worship Committee 6:30 p.m. AA (W) 10:30 a.m. Alanon 8 a.m. Holy Eucharist I 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist II 7:30 p.m. AA 7 The Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost FILL THE JEEP SUNDAY 8 a.m. Holy Eucharist I 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist II 8 9 7 p.m. Bishop’s Committee Conference Room 5:15 p.m. AA 7 p.m. AA (W) 6:30 p.m. EfM Kick-off Dinner 10 11 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist I St. Aidan's Work Party 10 a.m. 11 a.m. Women of St. Aidan's 5:15 p.m. AA 7 p.m. AA (W) 7:30 p.m. AA 14 The Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost 15 12 13 10:30 a.m. Alanon 7 p.m. AA Noon AA 6:30 p.m. AA (W) 6:30-9 p.m. EfM 18 19 20 Noon AA 10:30 a.m. Alanon TORCH DEADLINE 7 p.m. AA 7:30 p.m. AA 7 p.m. Bible Study and Compline 22 23 The Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost 8 a.m. Holy Eucharist I 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist II 10 a.m. Sunday School Youth Bowling 7:30 p.m. AA 28 29 7 p.m. Bible Study and Compline 30 11 a.m. Helping Hands 6:30 p.m. AA (W) 5:15 p.m. AA 7 p.m. AA (W) 24 25 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist I Noon AA 5:15 p.m. AA 7 p.m. AA (W) 6:30 p.m. AA (W) 26 10 a.m. Prayer Shawl 10:30 a.m. Alanon 7 p.m. AA 6:30-9 p.m. EfM 1 2 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist I Noon AA 5:15 p.m. AA 7 p.m. AA (W) 6:30 p.m. AA (W) 27 3 4 10:30 a.m. Alanon The Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost 8 a.m. Morning Prayer 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist II 10 a.m. Sunday School 7 p.m. Selah 17 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist I 8 a.m. Morning Prayer 10 a.m. Holy Eucharist II 10 a.m. Sunday School 21 16 7 p.m. AA 7:30 p.m. AA 7 p.m. Bible Study and Compline 7 p.m. AA 6:30-9 p.m. EfM 6 September 2014—Service Assistants If you cannot serve on your assigned day, please find a substitute and let the office know! August 31 September 7 September 14 September 21 September 28 Lector 8 a.m. Kathy Hosley 10 a.m. Nancy Pates-Riches Jeanne Jacobs Jeff Maxwell Louise Close Carole Schaefer Don Talbott Paul DeGroot Kathy Hosley Rhoda Venditto Chalice 8 a.m. Ann Morgan 10 a.m. Stanley Fear Sharon Sievers Ann Morgan Kara Hunt Else Seto Morning Prayer Stanley Fear Sharon Sievers Ann Morgan Adele Lee Jackie Humes-Fear Morning Prayer Ron Lo Dolce Nancy Uhlmansiek Acolyte 8 a.m. Don Talbott Jan Donovan Don Talbott Dakota & Alexis Sherr Morning Prayer Jan Donovan Jim Miller Morning Prayer Dakota & Alexis Sherr Jan Donovan Bob Jacobs Bill White Susie White Randy Chambers Pat Van Almkerk Judy Pieper Kathy Hosley Ethel Maxwell Dale LeMaster Don Talbott Jeff Johnson Susie Johnson Counter 10 a.m. Else Seto Jan Mills Kathy Hosley Jan Donovan Patty Paddock Bill White Jackie Humes-Fear Julie Vaux Jan Mills Sue Perry Church School No church school 10 a.m. Jackie Humes-Fear Judy Bingay (just in case there is one)) Kara Hunt Crystal Colombo Patty Paddock Crystal Colombo Susie White Crystal Colombo Usher 8 a.m. Randy Chambers 10 a.m. Jeff Johnson Susie Johnson WHO TO CONTACT ON THE WEB: Saint Aidan’s Church 360-629-3969 Vicar Rev. Drew Foisie ( 360-629-3969 Senior Warden Pending Junior Warden Bob Stevens ( 360-770-3234 Music Ministry Steve Jensen ( 360-303-3919 Organist/Pianist Billie Jensen 360-420-0018 Education & Youth Ministry Crystal Colombo ( 360-675-4478 EfM Crystal Colombo 360-675-4478 Admin/Bulletins/Bookkeeper Karen Tendering ( 360-629-3969 Bookkeeper Assistant Patty Paddock ( 360-722-9430 Treasurer John Bisset ( 360-387-1427 Torch Ann Boid ( 360-572-4686 Pastoral Update: Bev Blomgren thanks everyone for their prayers. She is finally on her way to recovery and has moved to the following address: 2505 Austin Lane, Apt. 178, Mount Vernon WA 98273 360-473-3886. Email: As it is not practical for her to drive to St. Aidan's anymore, she has joined the worshipping community of St. Paul’s in Mt. Vernon. She misses everyone and she would love to hear from you. Address Changes Fr. Drew Foisie 155 Iverson Road Camano Island, WA 360-629-3969 Annette Wright 1115 1008th Avenue NE Unit 439 Bellevue, WA 98004-8662 425-502-9566 Ann Morgan 224 Heather Drive Camano Island, WA Home 360-387-2450 Cell 425-328-4585 Jim Miller 224 Heather Drive Camano Island, WA Home 360-387-2450 Cell 425-328-4586 In case you don’t have Marge Tremayne’s new address, here it is: 12806 Bothell/Everett Highway, Room 330, Everett, WA 98208 425-220-2984. She would also love to hear from you. 7 A contemplative service of music, scripture & silent prayer led by Jeff Johnson with special guest, violinist Wendy Goodwin. Sunday, September 28, 2014 at 7pm St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church 1318 SR 532 ~ Camano Island, WA For information, please contact the church office (360) 629-3969 St. Aidan’s Episcopal Church 1318 East SR 532; Camano Island, WA 98282 (P.O. Box 145; Stanwood, WA 98292) 8
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