a pilgrimage greece - McCabe Pilgrimages


a pilgrimage greece - McCabe Pilgrimages
9 - 17 April 2016
with Canon Alison Joyce, Rector of St Bride’s, Fleet Street
A nine-day pilgrimage including visits to
Thessalonika, Philippi, Delphi, Corinth & Athens
McCabe Pilgrimages
Europe and this pilgrimage will bring to life the early
churches Paul founded and corresponded with. Places
so familiar from the New Testament, such as
Thessalonika, Philippi and Corinth, will be visited.
with Canon Alison Joyce
9 - 17 April 2016
At the beginning of the third millennium it is good to
look back to the first century missionary journeys of St
Paul and the expansion of the early Christian Church
and particularly its transition westwards from Asia to
Europe. St Paul was the first to bring Christianity to
The cost of this tour is £1,595 sharing a
twin-bedded room with private
facilities. Hotels are of a good standard
and locally graded three and four
stars. Accommodation is on a half
board basis with breakfast and table
d'hôte dinner included daily. Also one
included lunch (Tuesday).
Our journey through Greece will be in
our own air-conditioned coach with a
local guide and all visits with entrance
fees are incorporated in the tour
price. Flights are on scheduled services
of easyJet. We depart from London
Gatwick Airport flying to Thessalonika
and return from Athens back to
Gatwick. All current British and Greek
travel taxes are included.
The only extra that will be added to
your invoice is the insurance premium
of £39, if required. You should also
budget on an amount of Euros E45 for
a group gratuity fund which we will
collect and disburse locally to those
who help us on our journey.
Some single rooms are available at a
Our pilgrimage is a journey covering the length of
Greece. We begin in Kavala, then travel through rural
Greece to Thessalonika and on to the fantastic
Meteora monasteries and the ancient oracle at Delphi.
Our destination, like Paul, is Athens. Here he preached
his famous sermon introducing the Athenians to the
“unknown God”. Visits during our three night stay in
Athens include the Areopagus where Paul preached
and the incomparable Parthenon adorning the
Acropolis. We will be worshipping each day and will
celebrate the Eucharist together on a couple of
charge of £305. Please, however, see
our note ‘Travelling Alone’ printed
overleaf. Any special requests (e.g.
special diets) should be printed on the
booking form.
A deposit is payable now with the
balance due eight weeks prior to
accommodation details will be
confirmed in your travel wallet two
weeks prior to departure.
There will be a fair amount of walking
involved. This said, we are planning
this pilgrimage to be accessible to all
reasonably able-bodied participants. If
you are worried about this aspect,
please speak to the tour leader.
Before you travel we will send details
of an optional hotel booking for a
Gatwick hotel on the night preceding
departure, due to the very early start.
Note: costs not included.
The itinerary may be subject to change
due to local conditions.
To reserve your place on this tour please complete the
enclosed booking form and send it with a deposit of
£200 plus the insurance premium of £39, if required, to
the pilgrimage administrator. Please make cheques
payable to ‘McCabe Pilgrimages’.
Mrs Janet Kitchen
102 Stretton Mansions
Glaisher Street
London SE8 3JR
Tel: (0208) 469 2492
Email: janetkitchen70@gmail.com
Saturday 9 April | JOURNEY TO GREECE
easyJet flight EZY5091 departs London
Gatwick at 05:55 and arrives in Thessaloniki at
11:10 We then make the two and a half hour
transfer to Kavala (previously the ancient
port of Neapolis) where Paul landed arriving
from Troas on his way to Philippi. Two night
stay on the waterfront at the three star
Galaxy Hotel.
This morning we visit Philippi, the first city in
Europe visited by Paul and the city where he
and Silas were imprisoned. The church of
Philippi was perhaps the most supportive of
all to Paul (Philippians 4). We also visit the
stream by the village of Lydia, where Lydia of
Thyatira was baptised, the first recorded
baptism in Europe. Here we celebrate the
Eucharist and offer the opportunity to renew
baptismal vows. We break for lunch. The rest
of the day is free in Kavala to wander around
its picturesque harbour.
We drive along the coast to Thessalonika.
Our afternoon visits include St Demetrius
Basilica, the largest church in Greece, and
Agia Sophia, reminiscent of Hagia Sophia in
Istanbul, with its 10th century mosaics. We
will also see the White Tower and drive to the
highest point to view the city. We overnight
at the Holiday Inn Hotel in Thessalonika.
We drive along the coast line past the site of
Berea, where St Paul went after his escape
from Thessalonica, (Acts 17, vv 10-14). Berea
was a place of encouragement (Acts 17),
where the people were more open to the
Gospel than they had been in Thessalonika.
We have an (included) lunch in a local taverna
in the village of Dimitra - then take a dramatic
drive up a mountain to visit the very modern
Monastery of St John the Forerunner high
above Larissa (Eucharist). Here we will meet
with the nuns and learn about their life in this
very outgoing and welcoming monastic
community. We return down the mountain
for a two night stay at the Divani Hotel beside
the Meteora monasteries in Kalambaka.
This morning we visit the extraordinary
Meteora Monasteries perched high on
gigantic rocks. The monastic history of
Meteora dates back to the 11th century and
the monasteries themselves date back to the
14th. We will visit two of the monasteries
including either Varlaam with its superb
frescoes of the Last Judgement or the more
easily accessible convent of Agios Stephanos.
Afternoon free in this spectacular setting.
Thursday | DELPHI
We drive to Delphi, clinging to the lower
slopes of Mount Parnassos. Deeply engraved
on the record of Greek history, it was a place
of incalculable religious and political
importance which attracted pilgrims from all
over the Hellenic world. Here, the Oracle was
consulted by both states and individuals; it
highlights the religious background to Paul’s
preaching of the gospel. Our visit includes the
excellent museum as well as the excavations
and ruins of the site. We continue to Athens
for a three night stay at the four star
Metropolitan Hotel (around 15 minutes drive
from the centre).
Friday | ATHENS
A full day tour of Athens. Athens for many is
the cradle of civilization and democracy,
although there are few remains of the former
glories of the 5th Century BC. We visit the
Acropolis, the foremost site of Classical
Greece, with the Parthenon. We walk down
to the site of St Paul's sermon on Mars Hill
(Areopagus). Paul had a very mixed reception
here in making known the ‘Unknown God'
(Acts 17). We then visit the Agora, the centre
of public life in Athens at the time of St Paul
and include time for shopping in the “Plaka”.
Today we drive out to Corinth, taking the
coastal road. We cross the Corinth canal
which connects the Aegean and Ionian seas.
Corinth is forever remembered through
Paul's letters to a lively church in the midst of
immorality and paganism. Here he recruited
two valuable assistants, Priscilla and Aquila.
We celebrate the Eucharist in the ancient site
before continuing on to Cenchreae, the port of
Corinth and Paul’s departure point for Ephesus
(Acts 18). After a break for lunch we continue
to the archaeological site of Mycenae, a
military stronghold which was of great
importance in southern Greece.
Sunday 17 April | HOMEWARD BOUND
A chance to join with local Anglicans and
Canon Malcolm Bradshaw at the Church of St
Paul for morning worship. Free time in
Athens before we drive to the airport for our
direct flight to London. easyJet flight EZY5088
departs Athens at 21:00 and arrives into
Gatwick Airport at 22:50.
Your Invitation
Arrangements are being made by McCabe Pilgrimages who have been
organising pilgrimages for British churches for more than thirty years.
This pilgrimage is a journey from the top to the bottom of Greece with
accommodation stops en route. There will be a fair amount of walking
involved. This said, we are planning this pilgrimage to be accessible to all
reasonably able-bodied travellers. If you are worried about the fitness
element, have a word with the tour organiser or call the McCabe office.
Many of our passengers travel alone and object to expensive single
room supplements. McCabe Pilgrimages will accept individual bookings
on a 'guaranteed share' basis. We charge the basic price and
accommodate you with a person of the same sex also requesting shared
accommodation. If we do not find someone to share with you, you will
be accommodated in a single room at only 50% of the usual single room
supplement. For single travellers who do require single accommodation
this should be requested when booking and, if available, the normal
supplement will be payable.
Check that your passport is valid beyond the return date of this tour. If you need a new passport apply early as there can be
considerable backlogs at the passport offices. There are minimal formalities for British passport holders entering Greece. If you are
holding a non-British passport, or require further advice, please consult the McCabe office. No inoculations are required. We do,
however, advise you to consult your doctor regarding your own personal requirements.
Travel insurance is arranged by Global Travel Insurance Services Ltd for McCabe Travel Ltd who are an Appointed Representative
of Global Travel Insurance Services Ltd, authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Our status can be checked on
the FCA Register by visiting www.fca.org.uk or by contacting the FCA on 0845 606 9966. This Insurance is underwritten by ERV.
ERV is authorised by the Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BAFIN – www.bafin.de) and the Prudential Regulation
Authority and subject to limited regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and Prudential Regulation Authority.
It has been specifically designed so that it covers all McCabe holidays; protecting you in full if you have to cancel and providing you
with the very best and most effective protection if you are unfortunate enough to require medical attention whilst away.
A unique feature of the policy is that you will not need to call a medical help line to discuss health issues. Most pre-existing health
conditions are covered as long as your doctor agrees that you are fit to travel.
Standard exclusions apply and are listed on the summary document. Please check that you are not affected by the Main Health
Exclusions. You will not be covered for any ongoing tests or treatment of an undiagnosed condition, or for any terminal illness, or if
you claim as a result of a condition arising within the past twelve months.
Note that you will pay an excess of £1,000 on any claim that results directly from a pre-existing medical condition. In our experience
a very few claims result from pre-existing medical conditions. With this policy you are covered with no declaration of health
A full policy wording will be sent to you with confirmation of your booking, or ask us and we will send you a copy now. Full details
are also on our website. If you would like more information or are unsure of any details, please call Global Travel Insurance Services
Ltd for further advice on 01903 229 380.
This insurance is only available to persons who are permanently resident in the UK and is valid for travel up to 31/12/2016.
AITO Quality Statement
McCabe Pilgrimages is a member of the Association of Independent Tour Operators. The Association represents Britain’s leading
independent tour operators and encourages high standards of quality and service. McCabe abides by the Association’s Code of
Conduct and adheres to the AITO Quality Charter which can be viewed on www.aito.co.uk. Visit the website to find out more about
the Association or call 020 8744 9280.
This pilgrimage is ATOL protected by the Civil Aviation Authority.
The McCabe ATOL number is 2920.
11 Hillgate Place Balham Hill London SW12 9ER
Telephone 020 8675 6828 Fax 020 8673 1204
Email alistair@mccabe-travel.co.uk
McCabe Pilgrimages

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