2011/2012 Annual Report - Geelong Community Foundation


2011/2012 Annual Report - Geelong Community Foundation
Geelong Community Foundation
Geelong Community Foundation ANNUAL REPORT 2011 / 2012
your gift for our future
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Our core purpose
Page 2
The Geelong Community Foundation exists to make a positive and
lasting difference to people in the Geelong region.
Our Role
The Geelong region has needs which are not being met from
other funding sources. The Geelong Community Foundation
encourages individuals, families, business and other organisations
to make donations to meet these needs, now and in the future.
These donations are retained as capital by the Foundation to build
a perpetual and substantial fund for philanthropic purposes, with the
income from this capital used to make local community grants.
Our Major Aims
• Manage and invest funds prudently to achieve fund growth and
good returns
Our Structure
The Foundation has been endorsed by the Australian Tax Office as
a charity. Donations to the Foundation’s Gift Fund are tax deductible
and the Foundation is exempt from tax.
The Foundation has been set up to support the people living in the
City of Greater Geelong, the Borough of Queenscliffe, the Surf
Coast Shire and the southern part of the Golden Plains Shire.
The Foundation is governed by a volunteer board of Directors, with
a wide range of skills, experience and an extensive knowledge of the
The Foundation is able to support charitable organisations across
the full spectrum of health and welfare services, as well as cultural
programs and environmental projects.
• Make grants for the long-term benefit of our
community and evaluate their effectiveness
• Provide a simple, cost effective way to make
substantial donations to our community
• Be part of new initiatives and achievements in community building
• Maintain the highest professional standards, service
and transparency to the community
Chairman’s Report...................................................................................................... 3
At a Glance.................................................................................................................... 5
Executive Officer’s Report .................................................................................... 6
Our Named Funds.....................................................................................................11
Board of Directors................................................................................................... 20
Board Committees ................................................................................................. 22
Become a Donor....................................................................................................... 23
Foundation Donors.................................................................................................. 23
Financial Statements ............................................................................................. 24
Chairman’s report
Page 3
On behalf of the Board of Directors, it gives me great pleasure to
present the twelfth Annual Report of the Geelong Community
Foundation (GCF). Our Board has worked through a year where
there has been legislative change to the way Public Ancillary Funds
operate, investment markets in Australia have marked time, funding
for grants has grown and new Named Funds have been established.
At our June Grant Reception, funding for grants of $550,000 was
announced, a 10% increase on last year’s distribution. These grants
will assist 39 agencies with their work and details of these grants are
covered in our Executive Officer’s report.
We have reached another milestone in our development this year
with the Foundation having now distributed a total of $3,000,000 in
grant funds since launch in late 2000.
The annual accounts show that the Foundation Gift Fund was
valued at $7.85 million and the Open Fund $4.27 million, for a total
of $12.12 million at 30 June 2012. With capital market volatility, this
is down from $12.41 million at the end of last financial year. Our
Investment committee has limited the decline from equities while
ensuring that we generated good income returns to ensure growing
grant funding.
Early in the 2012 school year, we awarded our first Bursary to a
student in need of assistance at Oberon High School. This Bursary is
funded by the Scholarship Fund that has been formed in memory of
Ron Thompson who was a teacher for many years at Oberon High
School. The Bursary was awarded to a very worthy year 10 student.
In July 2011 and mindful of our very lean administration budget we
decided to employ a part time Development Manager. After much
consideration, we employed Leigh Wallace who has had a very
successful 10 year role with The Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation
in Melbourne. Leigh has proven to be a great contributor to the work
of building the Foundation.
The Australian Tax Office has issued revised guidelines for Public
Ancillary Funds. Our Gift Fund is this type of fund. Many of the new
guidelines are already covered in our Trust Deed. The main change
relates to the calculation of “earned income” to be distributed as
grants each year. Up until this financial year, the distribution amount
for grants has been calculated as 80% of “earned income.” This has
now changed to be calculated as 4% of the fund’s capital value at the
end of the previous financial year.
The Federal Government has also introduced a new Registrar and
Regulator of Charities and NFPs. It is called the Australian Charities
& Not for Profits Commission (ACNC) and it began operation on 1
July 2012. The GCF is required to submit a report in February 2013
on operations and grants made in the 2011/12 financial year. This year we participated again in FRRR’S “Sidney Myer Back to
School Program.” We distributed $70,000 in value of $50 Target
vouchers to 40 primary and secondary schools in the Geelong
region. Through these vouchers we assisted some 1700 individuals
from 1169 families who were able to purchase items such as shoes,
clothing and stationery at Target for the start of the 2012 school
year. We thank the Glover Foundation for their support of this
program also.
Substantial donations have been added to the Antony, Coppe,
David, Dimmick, Fagg, Hayden, Kavanagh, Lawrence, Torney,
Synot, WAM, Webb and WHK Funds as well as the Tucker Funeral
Services – Les Cole Fund and Adroit Insurance Group’s fund. We
again thank all these funds for this wonderful ongoing support.
The twelve new named funds started are the MJ and HJ Fraser
and JW Brownbill Fund, Darryn Lyons Fund, George Fund, Apco
Fund, Whyte Just & Moore Fund, Anonymous #5 and 6 Funds, Lake
Imaging Fund, Edwards Family Fund, Dowling Family Fund, Bain
Family Fund and an Adroit Golf Day Fund.
We thank our new donors and it is they along with the ongoing
support from existing named funds donors that enables us to
generate the long term growth which creates success for our
Foundation’s community work.
We now have 64 named funds that are growing their philanthropic
support in our region. We welcome the decision that these
individuals, families and organisations have made to join in with the
work of the GCF.
A list of all Foundation donors during the year appears later in this
report. We thank all our donors for their generosity and support of the
The ultimate aim of the GCF is to earn income on the assets in the
Gift and Open Funds so that income is available for the Foundation’s
main activity of making grants. Details of the $550,000 in new grants
announced this year are given in the Executive Officer’s report.
We continue to liaise with and work through many agencies and
organisations in our region to maintain an up to date understanding
of current and developing needs in our community. We are also
in contact with a number of Foundations based in Melbourne and
Sydney and where required we will co-fund on projects in our region. Board
At Board level the Foundation has the direction and support of a
dedicated, experienced and prudent group of people. The board
meets 11 times each year and from time to time, one of these
meetings is held at one of the agencies where we have made a grant.
This helps all board members to develop a deeper understanding of
some of the agencies that the GCF supports.
We farewelled our Founding Chairman, Dr Geoff Neilson AM along
with board members John Bannister and Tim Santalucia in the year
under review.
In 1997, Geoff Neilson, at the request of the then Chairman of
United Way, Peter Morgan and CEO Gail Rogers, agreed to Chair a
steering group of around 15 Geelong and district citizens to consider
the idea of whether a Community Foundation would be likely to
succeed in our region. Following investigation and advice, the then
Mayor Ken Jarvis convened a meeting at City Hall where it was
unanimously agreed to proceed with formation of an initial Board of
Directors and development of the Geelong Community Foundation.
Geelong Community Foundation ANNUAL REPORT 2011 / 2012
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Geoff was elected as the first Board Chairman on December 15,
1999 and continued as chairman until 2005. It was his knowledge,
leadership and drive that ensured all required technical matters were
attended to, enabling the Foundation to be launched at a public
reception in December 2000.
Our board and the broad community of Geelong and District owe
Geoff Neilson a great vote of thanks for his dedication in ensuring the
GCF was established along with his ongoing leadership to ensure the
Foundation was launched with a strong start.
Geoff retired from the board in March 2012.
John Bannister, while a Partner at Price Higgins, was the first
pro bono lawyer for the GCF. He developed the GCF’s Company
Constitution and worked with Freehills on development of the Trust
Deeds. In 2004 he joined the board and was Deputy Chairman from
2005 to 2008. John gave great service to the board as legal counsel
as well as being the Convenor of the Grants Committee.
Following the merger of Price Higgins with legal firm Harwood
Andrews, John continued on as our pro bono lawyer. In 2012 he eased
back to part time employment at Harwood Andrews and decided to
retire from the board in November 2011. He remains as a co-opted
member of the Grants Committee to help review to selected grants
that the GCF has made.
Tim Santalucia joined the board in 2007 and due to business
and family needs, retired in November 2011. He brought a great
knowledge of Geelong and District to his work on the board and was
a very active member of the Donors and Grants Committees. He
remains as a co-opted member of the Donors committee and active
contributor to the GCF.
On the board’s behalf I express our thanks to Geoff, John and Tim
for their wonderful contributions to the work and success of the GCF.
The board welcomed John Miles to the board in October 2011 and
Dan Simmonds in March 2012. After working for thirty one years
at Marcus Oldham College John retired in 2011. Dan Simmonds is
the Managing Principal of Harwood Andrews Lawyers. Harwood
Andrews is the Foundation’s pro bono lawyer.
The CV of both these new board members is covered on pages 20-21.
I thank all our board members for their work and support during the
year. In particular, Deputy Chair Peter Hudson and the directors who
convene our committees, Diane Ritchie (Grants Committee), Brian
Quarrell (Investment), John Miles (Audit & Finance), Peter Hudson
(Donors) and Barry Fagg (Marketing).
Executive Officer
On behalf of all Board members I thank Andrew Lawson for
his continuing leadership and professional administration of the
GCF. He has an extensive knowledge of our community and very
good networks, both in Geelong, other parts of Australia and
internationally. This serves us well.
The Future
This year we have seen an impact on our asset values as the
Australian share market has responded to weakness in Europe
and North America. Our Investment Committee has reduced our
holdings of shares from around 63% at the end of last financial year
to around 46% today. Our investment plan has always recognised
that there will be down years in investment markets and that we also
need to generate income that can be distributed in the form of grants.
While asset values have declined somewhat this year, investment
income distributed was at an all time high.
Across Australia, Community Foundations continue to grow and
develop as a basic grass roots and local form of philanthropy. There
are four new Community Foundations currently being planned
in Victoria. Each will be able to engage and involve people and
organisations in their local communities.
We continue to push towards achieving our Strategic Planning
objective to have a capital fund of $15 million by the end of financial
year 2012/13. This will ensure we have continued growth in our grant
making capacity.
We are very pleased that we were able to secure the services of
Leigh Wallace as our Development Manager and his excellent work
to date is contributing to our progress in achieving our key Strategic
Objective in the area of growth.
If you are a reader of this report who can continue to build your
support of the Foundation then we welcome this. If you are not
already supporting the Foundation but would consider doing so,
then please contact me, the Development Manager or any of the
Directors to discuss how you can support the Foundation’s work.
Val Lawrence OAM
At a glance
Page 5
• Established in year 2000
• One of the first community foundations established in Australia
and now one of the top three in terms of funds held and grants.
• 100% not for profit with administration costs kept to a minimum to
ensure maximum support is delivered to the community.
• Governed by a voluntary Board of Directors with a broad range of
skills and community experience.
Total assests
Total grants paid
June 03......................................................................................................... $2,620,188
June 03.............................................................................................................. $148,515
June 04.......................................................................................................... $3,372,616
June 04............................................................................................................. $50,500
June 05......................................................................................................... $4,783,991
June 05............................................................................................................ $140,878
June 06 ..................................................................................................... $5,900,000
June 06 ............................................................................................................ $133,141
June 07 ....................................................................................................... $6,888,229
June 07 ........................................................................................................... $488,695
June 08 ....................................................................................................... $8,972,618
June 08 .......................................................................................................... $254,408
June 09 ..................................................................................................... $10,057,814
June 09 ........................................................................................................... $276,279
June 10 ...................................................................................................... $10,815,567
June 10 ............................................................................................................ $391,462
June 11 ....................................................................................................... $12,443,997
June 11 ............................................................................................................ $493,302
June 12.........................................................................................................$12, 163,679
June 12............................................................................................................. $609,740
Contact details
Level 1, 200 Malop Street, Geelong, Victoria.
P.O. Box 1, Geelong, Victoria 3220
Tel: 03 5224 7700 Fax: 03 5224 7799
Page 6
officer’S report
This year has been another good year of development for the
Foundation. There has been growth in our support base through
formation of new Named Funds along with the announcement at
our Grant Reception of $550,000 in new grants which is an increase
of 10% on last year.
Over the past eleven years, I have been the only part time
employee working for the Foundation. This year we have welcomed
Leigh Wallace to the Foundation who has taken on the part time
role of Development Manager. This appointment by the board has
been a very significant one in the life of the GCF and I welcome the
great support that I and the board have had from Leigh this year.
He will be of great benefit to the Foundation as we work to build
resources to support those in need in our community.
Our Chairman Val Lawrence has reported on the highlights for the
year in her report.
This year we started a two year program at Whittington Primary
School in conjunction with Glastonbury Child and Family Services.
The program called PLAY is a school and home based initiative
for young and isolated parents with children from ages 0-3 in the
Whittington Community. Our board has met at the Whittington
Primary School to hear first hand about the very good outcomes
being achieved by this program along with the Brass Instruments
and Back to School Programs which we have funded. Income from
the relatively new Northern and Eastern suburbs Fund, which was
formed from the State Government’s DPCD grant and supported
with local fund raising, has been used for the PLAY project.
During the year we formed a further 12 new named Funds and
these are detailed in the Chairman’s report. Growth from continuing
donations to existing funds along with these new funds are for our
continuing growth and ability to generate income which is used for
our grant making programme.
One of these is the Adroit Golf Day Fund and this fund benefits
from the funds raised each year from the very successful Golf Day
that the Adroit staff run in November each year. We had some
interesting television viewing as we watched Darryn Lyons perform
in the Channel Nine Show “Excess Baggage”. The Foundation
benefited as the “charity of choice” from funds “won” by Darryn
and his partner Lisa on this show. We also were the beneficiary of
funds donated from Darryn’s appearance on the UK “Celebrity Big
Brother” show.
We welcome all our new supporters of the Foundation and details
about a number of these donors and their involvement with our
Geelong region are recorded in the “Our Named Funds” section
of this report. Note that as the Named Funds have expanded
significantly in number, we are now recording all these stories in full,
electronically on the website and editing down a number of these
stories to allow space in the printed Annual Report for new stories
to be covered.
At the end of the financial year, funds in the Foundation Gift Fund
were $7.85 million while the Open Fund had $4.27 million, a total of
$12.12 million.
As well as our Named Fund donors, we receive gifts from a number
of people in our community, as well as from our board members.
The names of these donors are listed in the Foundation Donors
section on page 23.
We thank all our donors for their support.
Each year a number of people and organisations contribute to our
work for the community in various ways.
We thank the following people and organisations for their pro bono
support: Ms Alice Macdougall of Freehills Lawyers who provides
legal advice; Harwood Andrews Lawyers; Mrs Jenny Giblin for her
secretarial assistance; Daryl McLure and Chelsea Malseed for their
writing and editing support.
Katie Terpstra provides our month to month accounting
services and also works for WHK. Both Katie and WHK provide
accounting services at a favourable rate as does Davidsons who
are our Auditors as part of its contribution to development of
the Foundation. We thank them along with Pace Secretarial and
Goodway Printing who also give their support through pro bono
projects from time to time.
During the year, the value of grants paid was $348,440 from the Gift
Fund, $230,800 from the Open Fund and $500 from the Scholarship
Fund. The value of Target Vouchers distributed in the Back to School
program was $70,000. Grants funds of $161,250 have been accrued
for payment in the coming year.
In total for the year, 39 organisations had grants approved and the
project details are as follows:
Gordon TAFE
Promoting access to education
The Gordon TAFE annually offers scholarships to students to help
cover course related expenses. A $10,000 grant will support five
mature aged students to return to study.
Hands on Learning
Improving outcomes for at risk kids
The Hands on Learning method is
an early intervention program that reconnects the most disengaged
and marginalised youth to their schools and communities. A $25,000
grant will see five local schools implement the method, and provide
intensive support for 100 young people.
Geelong Community Foundation ANNUAL REPORT 2011 / 2012
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FRRR Sidney Myer Back to School Program
Primary and secondary student support
This program was launched by the Foundation for Rural and Regional
Renewal (FRRR) in 2005 to assist families in need of support at the
start of the new school year. The program supplies $50 vouchers to
families and are used to purchase back to school items at Target. A
grant of $15,000 along with a donation from the Glover Foundation
will ensure that with FRRR and Sidney Myer Fund support, there will
be $50,000 available to supply 1000 Target vouchers to students.
This will assist them with their back to school requirements in 2013.
Uniting Care Geelong
Secondary student education support
Supporting education for disadvantaged students continues to be a
key area of support for the Foundation. Uniting Care provides relief
to low income families in need of assistance with education. A grant
of $15,000 will assist secondary students and their families with the
provision of uniforms, books and equipment.
St Vincent de Paul
Providing breakfast to people in need
The St Vincent de Paul breakfast program supports low income
families by providing a nutritious breakfast for students at St Francis
Xavier Primary School Corio. A $5,000 grant will fund the program
for 12 months.
Bluebird Foundation
Art and dance activities for young parents
Dabble n Dance is a weekly arts based group at Northern Bay
Secondary College, designed to expose young parents to
attachment-based activities and models of positive behaviour
management techniques. A $10,250 grant will fund the program for
12 months.
Geelong Animal Welfare Society (GAWS )
Improving education retention rates
GAWS provides lost and found, adoption and
boarding services to the animals of our region.
Due to low retention rates in mainstream education
in the 3219 postcode, the GAWS for CAWS
(combining apprenticeships, work and school) program will offer
local young people school based apprenticeships. A $7,500 grant will
support one student to access the inaugural program.
Community Veracity
Mentoring disadvantaged women
Community Veracity provides training and job work
experience to those in need in our region. A $25,000
grant will support the establishment of the ‘Take Two’ program which
is aimed at supporting women in Whittington to complete training
with the help of a peer mentor.
Bethany Community Support
Financial literacy for disadvantaged women
Bethany Community Support assists vulnerable individuals, families
and communities in the most disadvantaged areas in Geelong. The
“Lessons for Life” program provides education for disadvantaged
women to improved financial stability through better financial
management skills and confidence. A $20,000 grant will fund the
program for 12 months.
Wesley Centre for Life Enrichment
Ongoing counselling service and support
Wesley provides low cost counselling support for
those experiencing mental health issues, family
relationship problems, bereavement and isolation.
A $10,00 0 grant helps support the continuation
of the counselling service to meet increasing
Glastonbury Child & Family Services
Early intervention for young and isolated parents
PLAY is a project underpinned by a three way partnership between
Glastonbury, Geelong Community Foundation and the Whittington
Primary School. It is a school and home based early intervention
initiative for young and isolated parents with children aged 0-3
years in the Whittington community. The group based approach
enables age appropriate, social networking and support for parents,
and access to other community based resources. The Geelong
Community Foundation and Glastonbury have each contributed
$50,000 over two years to sustain the program.
Deakin University
Improving access to justice for family violence survivors
The Geelong region currently has the second highest prevalence
of domestic violence in Victoria. A $25,000 grant will fund Deakin
University researchers to build a case to expand and improve
resources and services to support women and children survivors of
domestic violence who access the justice system.
Hope Bereavement Service
Increasing bereavement support
Hope Bereavement conducts a bereavement support program to
any person in the greater Geelong region impacted by the death of a
child – from 20 weeks gestation up to the age of 18 years. A $13,000
grant allows the expansion of the service to meet the increased
demands for this service in 2012.
Encompass Community Services
Improving facilities for clients with disabilities
Encompass @ Leopold employs people with disabilities by providing
life skill programs, pathways to employment and horticultural training.
A $20,000 grant will support the expansion of toilet facilities and a
new septic system at Leopold Farm to allow the programs to run at
full capacity.
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MacKillop Family Services Barwon
Supporting the siblings of those with a disability
MacKillop Family Services’ Barwon SIBZ program provides invaluable
support to the siblings of the disabled by giving them opportunities
they are often excluded from, and help alleviate pressures of family
life. A $20,000 grant supports SIBZ activities for 9-16 year olds that
rebuild confidence, self esteem, trust and courage in a safe, fun and
supportive environment.
Victorian Association for the Care and Resettlement of
Offenders (VACRO)
Increasing court based family support
VACRO works within the criminal justice system to create a fair
and safe community through child and family counselling, video
visits, family support, travel and accommodation and an information
resources centre. A $10,000 grant will allow VACRO to build local
partnerships to establish a voluntary Family Support Service at
Geelong Magistrates Court.
Barwon Youth
Big Brother/Big Sister program
Big Brother Big Sister, auspiced by Barwon
Youth, matches young people in need with
a positive adult role model to help minimise
risk-taking behaviours and improve self esteem
and life skills. A $15,000 grant is assisting the program to meet the
growing number of referrals.
Cloverdale Care
Supporting young males at risk
Cloverdale Care engages males at risk through a range of interactive
programs. A $7,800 grant will support an adventure camp and a
basketball ring backboard.
Improving water safety skills for refugees
The YMCA New Australian Residents
Aquatic Education program aims to equip participants with the
multitude of skills to enable them to be safer in and around the water.
A $14,000 grant will support local refugees to participate in the
Time for Youth
Supporting at risk young people and families
Time for Youth works with at risk young people and
their families to minimise homelessness and family
conflict. A $15,000 grant will fund skilled facilitators
to co-ordinate programs for young people and a
parent support group.
Gateways Support Services
Specialist services hub for children with autism
Gateways is building a specialist children’s services hub to meet the
growing needs of children with autism and other disabilities in our
region. A $20,000 grant further assists Gateways to complete this
important development which will increase its capacity to deliver vital
autism assessments and programs for children and their families.
Pregnancy Help Geelong Inc
Volunteer training and development
Pregnancy Help Geelong supports people in situations of unplanned
pregnancy, and relies on volunteer administrative support. A $5,000
grant provides training for 24 volunteers.
Australian Breastfeeding Association
Education and volunteer training
The Australian Breastfeeding Association supports and educates
mothers and the greater community about the benefits of
breastfeeding. A $5,000 grant funds educational material for mothers
in the Geelong region, and trains local volunteers to become
counsellors and community educators.
Geelong Food Relief Centre
Sustainable food relief model trial
The Geelong Food Relief Centre
supports over 40 welfare agencies,
organisations and schools in providing
emergency food. A $15,000 grant
will support the trial of a new model of food relief to replace bought
groceries with available free/donated foods.
Prevention and early intervention of child
sexual assault
Bravehearts’ programs and activities
relate to the prevention and early
intervention of child sexual assault.
“Ditto’s Keep Safe Adventure” program
is targeted at 3 to 8 year olds and has
been proven to reduce the prevalence
of sexual assault, family violence and bullying, in a range of settings.
A $20,000 grant supports the Geelong branch through funding
costs such as the recruitment, training and induction of the education
program team.
Riding for the Disabled
Empowering clients and carers
Riding for the Disabled Barwon Centre provides free horse riding
Geelong Community Foundation ANNUAL REPORT 2011 / 2012
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lessons to children with a disability, with the help of 50 volunteers.
A $4,500 grant will sponsor 10 children and 10 carers to attend the
annual state camp which empowers both the children and carers alike.
Golden Plains Rural Women’s Network
Disability Family Day
GPRWN responds to a range of community issues in the Golden
Plains community. A $5,000 grant will help fund the ‘Disability Family
Day’ at Lethbridge which provides a range of art activities, music and
relaxation activities to children with disabilities and their families.
Intensive therapy for children with disabilities
Kids Plus provides intensive therapy, at no
cost to families, for babies and children with
cerebral palsy and other brain injuries across
Geelong and the Barwon Region. A $22,000
grant funds 10 places in the program in 2012. One place consists of
a term of weekly, individual paediatric physiotherapy, occupational
therapy and speech pathology to address specific goals in each term.
Geelong Art Gallery
Documenting the story of Geelong
Established in 1896, the Geelong
Art Gallery is one of Australia’s
oldest and best known regional
galleries, with a longstanding aim to
document the story of Geelong and its wider environment. A $10,000
grant helps fund the purchase of Arthur Streeton’s ‘Ocean blue,
Lorne’ (1921), a major acquisition for the gallery’s collection.
Geelong Advertiser Music Scholarship Trust
Enhancing musical education
The Trust encourages young people to
aspire to excellence in music through its
annual Australian Youth Classical Music
Competition. A $4,000 grant provides
prize money for the regional winners to
further their musical education.
Barwon Park (National Trust)
Improving facilities for visitors
Barwon Park is an imposing 19th century mansion and stables located
in Winchelsea and is a popular tourist attraction. In recent years the
property has experienced a steady increase in visitors. A $17,000 grant
will fund a modern septic tank to meet the health and safety needs of
the user groups.
Meredith Visitor Centre
Promoting community pride
The Sir Henry Bolte museum will be a key attraction at the new
Meredith Visitors Centre. The museum will provide a visual and
historic tribute to Sir Henry Bolte, Meredith’s most famous citizen and
promote community wellbeing and pride in the town. A $12,000 grant
will support the fitting out of the museum.
dal (Dial a Lunch)
Upgrading facilities for people with disabilities
dal provides education, training and employment
in the hospitality industry for young adults with
a disability. A $12,300 grant will allow dal to
purchase equipment to upgrade its kitchen in the
dal cafe in Pakington St, Geelong West.
Murrenda Aboriginal Community Care
Enhancing community wellbeing
Murrenda Aboriginal Community Care focuses on community
engagement, participation and wellbeing of youth and elders in
the Geelong aboriginal community. A $10,000 grant will fund new
cultural programs including a koori children’s cooking program, a
music program and a basket weaving activity.
Samaritan House
Supporting Geelong’s homeless
Samaritan House Geelong
Hostel opened in 2012 to help
alleviate the dire situation of
homeless men in the Geelong
region who sleep ‘rough’
every night due to the non-availability of suitable accommodation.
A $25,000 grant supports the establishment of the hostel which is
supported by a team of dedicated volunteers.
Expanding food access
SecondBite’s commitment
and endeavours are to
ensure that quality fresh
food does not go to waste
but instead to people who
really need it. In 2012/2013 150 tonnes of food is needed to meet
the demand in the Geelong region. A $25,000 grant supports truck
operating expenses for the increased collection and redistribution of
food requirements.
Do Care
Reducing isolation for ageing clients
Do Care Geelong supports older people who are isolated or at risk
of isolation to be involved in their communities. A $15,000 grant will
fund a monthly activity program for 20 older people to increase their
social connectedness.
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Hesse Rural Health
Improving access for the aged
Hesse Rural Health’s Werruna is a ten bed
specialist residential aged care environment
for rural people with advanced dementia. A
$10,000 grant supports the construction of
an outdoor gazebo for residents to enjoy
the accessible outdoor garden and farm
environment all year round.
Kalkee Aged Care
Supporting dementia clients
Kalkee provides residential and respite care for the aged in our
community. “Sing Out” is a weekly music making and movement
program for dementia residents at the Nangatta facility. A $25,000
grant supports 78 sessions of the program which aims to increase
emotional wellbeing and social connection in people with
memory loss.
Geelong East Mens Shed
Engaging older men in meaningful activities
Geelong East Mens Shed (GEMS) is a
health initiative aiming to keep older men
as physically and mentally active for as
long as possible through workshop and
social activities. GEMS actively supports other community groups
and through a $4,000 grant will purchase a lawn mower and trailer
to maintain the grounds around the shed, and offer support to the
Looking ahead, with Leigh Wallace now well trained and versed in
the work of the Foundation, I am sure we will be able to continue to
build on the support we currently have for the Foundation from our
community as well as increase this support with new named fund
donors. We will continue to offer potential donors the opportunity
to join with us as their “Partner in Philanthropy” to support the
Foundation’s work for those in need across our region.
We continue to update and refine our knowledge of the needs in our
communities to ensure we are informed as to where the key areas of
need are. We are also maintaining and expanding our contact with
other Foundations who potentially, can be co funders with us on
major projects which we would be unable to undertake on our own.
As Foundation income grows, so does our ability to give increasing
support to those in our community who need a hand at various times
in their lives.
Andrew Lawson
Executive Officer
Our named funds
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Named Funds are a growing way philanthropists can give to the
Geelong Community Foundation. The gift in these cases can carry
the name of the donor or the donor’s family. The name may honour
someone or preserve the memory of a family member, friend,
pioneer or outstanding citizen. The following named funds have been
Whyte, Just & Moore Lawyers
The WJM Legal practice dates from 1877 when T.N. Whyte opened
his office at 74 Yarra Street, Geelong. In 1904 Messrs Just & Moore
(who had been in partnership since 1896) purchased Whyte’s practice
and the merged firm has practised under the name of Whyte, Just
& Moore at 27 Malop Street ever since. The firm provides pro-bono
legal advice and support to a wide range of Geelong community
organisations as well as direct financial support to a number of
them. The current Partners are Peter Spear (former President of the
Geelong Gallery and the Geelong Hospice Care Association), Geoff
Reeve (former Board member of Bethany) and John Butler. Peter
Spear is also trustee of several substantial private trusts established
for the assistance of disadvantaged members of the Geelong
Lake Imaging
Established in 2002, Lake Imaging is an independent radiology group
providing quality services throughout Geelong, Ballarat, western and
central regional Victoria and outer western Melbourne. The doctors
of Lake Imaging have been responsible for bringing many new
radiology services to regional Victoria, including the Geelong Breast
Clinic, Positron Emission Tomography, Cardiac CT, autologous
blood injections and many other innovations in radiology.
The partners also bring specific medical expertise in neurology,
oncology, musculoskeletal or sports radiology, breast and general
radiology. Over recent years the group has raised and donated
over $100,000 to various charities with its focus being the support
of communities in which its radiology services are being provided.
Supported charities must be transparent in their administration and able
to demonstrate that any contributions received lead to the provision of
much needed services within the region. It is for these reasons that Lake
Imaging decided to establish a fund within the Geelong Community
Foundation, thereby enabling even more support to be provided to
eligible charitable organisations across the region.
Darryn Lyons Fund
Known for his colorful hair and business ventures, Darryn Lyons lives
by one simple philosophy ‘Think Big’.
Born and educated in Geelong, Darryn first worked as a
photographer for the Geelong Advertiser. In 1987 he moved
to London with only $500 and a determination to make it
internationally as a photographer. This determination saw him
take on the role of freelance photographer at the world renowned
newspaper, the Daily Mail. Darryn started as a war and journalistic
photographer and between 1991 and 1992, he completed two tours
of Sarajevo. His role led him to be kidnapped in Bosnia and cover
revolutions in both Romania and Czechoslovakia. He also covered
the historically significant fall of the Berlin Wall, an achievement
which landed him the coveted Press Photographer and Best News
Photographer awards.
In 1992, he set up the first of many businesses, “Big Pictures” which
became world famous. Started in a bedroom in his North London flat,
the business soon expanded and moved into a bigger commercial
space. For two years Darryn ran his own business whilst working for
the Daily Mail and although he was working around the clock, he
loved the challenge. Big Pictures continued to grow and he was able
to leave the Daily Mail to focus on the growth of his own business.
In 1995, he expanded Big Pictures, opening an office in New York,
followed by Sydney in 1998 and Los Angeles in 2005.
Darryn has a wide range of business interests and is successful in
the development market with a property portfolio that includes
residences in Australia as well as some overseas. He owns two
Geelong nightclubs, the Eureka Hotel and Home House and last
year purchased Growlers, a Torquay beach bar and restaurant, and
Geelong’s iconic Elephant & Castle pub.
He has also produced successful bands and television shows,
launched clothing labels, owned yachting, private aircraft and
limousine businesses, car companies and UK nightclubs. His varied
interests contributed to him winning the 2004 Entrepreneur of the
Year award, as well as a place in the BRW Young Rich List.
Mr. Paparazzi himself is in high demand amongst the media in Europe
and Australia, making regular radio and TV appearances. Darryn
writes occasionally for the Geelong Advertiser and NW Magazine,
reporting on the hottest happenings in the celebrity world.
Coming 6th in last year’s “Celebrity Big Brother” in the UK, Darryn
donated his winnings to the Geelong Community Foundation
through the Darryn Lyons Named Fund. Early in 2012 he donated
the winnings from his time in the Australian TV show, Excess
Baggage to the same fund.
There is no end in sight for Darryn as he has diversified his business
activities across clubs, properties and various businesses and more
TV shows are in the pipeline. With big changes in Newspaper
publishing and advertising revenues, the funds available to pay large
sums for “paparazzi” photos has diminished plus there are many more
sources for photos with mobile phones always available. He feels that
despite this there are still many ideas to bring to life and believes that
there are opportunities everywhere.
Despite all his travels and business ventures, Darryn still believes
there is no greater place than home. As an International Ambassador
for Geelong, he is proud to say he is from Australia, where his vision
started all those years ago.
Darryn Lyons is pleased to give back to his hometown through a
named fund with the Geelong Community Foundation. With the
Foundation growing from almost $100,000 into the Darryn Lyons
Fund in the past year, he has shown his continued support of the
Geelong area, which he is proud to call home.
S S & J Nevile Fund
Jane Nevile was born in Malvern, Victoria and was the youngest
child of Essington Lewis the great Australian industrialist and
wartime director of munitions. It was Lewis who developed BHP into
one of the most efficient steel companies in the world at that time.
Jane attended primary school in Melbourne before moving to
Woodend where she completed her secondary education. She
qualified as a physiotherapist and worked for the Victorian Health
Darryn Lyons
Jane Nevile
Geelong Community Foundation ANNUAL REPORT 2011 / 2012
Page 12
Department in the poliomyelitis division. Later she continued
her physiotherapy career with the Commonwealth Rehabilitation
Jane and her late husband Sandford had three children and settled
in Research, north of Melbourne. Sandford was involved in the
textile industry and managed Port Phillip Mills. At the time of
his death in 1982, he was Head of the International Wool Textile
In 1971 the family moved to Darriwill near Geelong and in 1994 Jane
moved to her current property at Sutherlands Creek.
Jane has been a great supporter of Riding for the Disabled since its
inception, making her properties available for horse-riding activities. She has generously supported a range of charitable causes over
the years but these days utilises the resources of the Geelong
Community Foundation to manage her philanthropic distributions.
Dowling Family Fund
Michael and Lynne Dowling moved to Geelong in early 1976. Lynne
taught in Geelong area schools and for many years practiced as a
psychologist in Geelong.
Michael practiced as a chartered accountant with Day Neilson
where he was a partner for twenty years. In recent years he has
been a director of a number of companies including being chairman
of both GMHBA Limited and the Victorian Regional Channels
The Dowlings have been active in the Geelong community for
many years and have contributed to many charitable and community
organisations including those in education, health, disability and the arts.
The Dowling children grew up in Geelong and Michael and Lynne
are very happy to have their family and grandchildren living in the
area. They believe they have been very fortunate to live in Geelong
and have enjoyed being part of the community and being members
of many organisations.
Their wish is that by making a contribution to the Geelong
Community Foundation, they can assist many existing organisations
with their programs and that worthwhile new initiatives can be
undertaken to improve and enrich the Geelong Community. While
people should and do support organisations with which they have
a direct connection, it is terrific to have the GCF to assist a broad
range of other bodies and new initiatives.
Brian and Barbara are very keen supporters of many local charities
and Brian has been a member of Rotary for many years. They have
done considerable work in Sri Lanka with the Rotary Club of Panadura
where Brian’s great work has been recognised by his appointment as
an Honorary Member of the Club.
Alan David OAM (1913-2005) and his wife Sheila were committed to
the Geelong community throughout the six decades of their married
life. While Alan, as a prominent accountant and businessman, was
at the forefront of their dedicated community service, Sheila was
the supportive partner in every activity and also pursued her own
voluntary committee work.
Alan was recognised for his widespread and dedicated voluntary work
with the posthumous naming of Alan David Lodge (McKellar Centre/
Barwon Health) in 2009; the Medal of the Order of Australia for
services to the community in 1988; Geelong Performing Arts Centre
Gold pass for Life 1984 and the Geelong and District Community
Award in 1977.
After an outstanding Second World War army career, Major David
returned to civilian life and established his own accountancy firm in
Geelong and began his family and community service work which
lasted for his lifetime. The original accounting firm had a number of
mergers and is known today as Illingworth David.
Alan was inaugural secretary of the Geelong Citizens Co-op Housing
Societies in 1945 and in 1965 with J A Clutterbuck founded the
Fyans Permanent Building Society. From 1948, he was a leader in
establishing Grace McKellar House and served in many honorary
roles at Grace McKellar.
Alan played an important part in the establishment of the Geelong
Performing Arts Centre. He took on key roles over 33 years in the
formation of the Geelong Cultural Institute and was the Government
Appointee to the initial GPAC Board of Trustees.
For 30 years, he was the Honorary Secretary of the Geelong Art
Gallery and both Alan and Sheila were instrumental in establishing the
Art Gallery Silverware collection.
Michael and Lynne have established a fund within the GCF and
encourage others to support the GCF with its valuable work as a
way of supporting Ge.elong and its many worthwhile activities.
Alan was an inaugural member/life member of the Geelong Apex
Club and after 22 years launched the Old Apexians Still in Service
Club; was a highly valued member of the Geelong Rotary Club for
39 years; was a committed member of St David’s Uniting Church in
Newtown where he worshipped and served for over 50 years. He had
a long association as a member of the City Geelong Freemasons
Lodge and was Master in 1970/71.
Sheila David was a volunteer driver for the Association for the Blind
for 15 years and delivered Meals on Wheels as well as serving on the
Grace McKellar Ladies Auxiliary from its inception in 1972.
Brian and Barbara Antony have been residents of Geelong for 32
years following their move from Melbourne in the 1970’s. Their four
children and six grand children all live in the Geelong area.
Brian’s career has been in banking with the Westpac Bank where
he worked for 36 years. After some years as the Geelong Regional
Credit Manager and Senior Commercial Manager he was promoted
to the position of Executive Manager at the Westpac Private Bank in
Collins Street, Melbourne. He retired from this role in 1996.
Barbara & Brian Antony
The four David children, Susan, Robert, Graeme and Murray are
pleased to be involved with the Foundation and honour their parents’
lives and contribution to Geelong. Now with 12 grand children, all
family members have a strong understanding and respect for Alan’s
and Sheila’s values, work and community service.
To read the unabridged story of Alan and Sheila David, go to the
GCF Website – Our Donors section.
Sheila & Alan David
Neville and
Geelong Community Foundation ANNUAL REPORT 2011 / 2012
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NEVILLE & DIANNE crane family fund
Neville Crane was born in Pinnaroo which is just over the Victorian
border in South Australia. His early life and experience was on the
family’s wheat farm north of Murrayville in the Victorian Mallee and
when Neville was nine his father purchased the Murrayville Hardware
Store. To receive his secondary education, Neville attended Ballarat
College but as his main interest was in accounting, he moved to
Ivanhoe Grammar to complete his Matriculation.
His father sold the Hardware store in 1961 and moved to Geelong.
Neville received his Diploma in Accounting from the Gordon
with part time study and then went on to achieve his degree from
Deakin University as one of its first graduates. While studying, he
worked in the accounts section in the Head Office at Pilkington’s
prior to taking up the teaching of Commerce subjects at the Corio
Technical School from 1969 to 1984. After teaching he spent four
years working in Teaching Consultancy at the Vines Road Regional
Education Office.
In 1989 Neville moved into Financial Planning with National Mutual
and in 1997 he merged his business with Errol Smith into the Planwell
Financial Group. He retired from this business in 2010. Neville has had
a lifelong interest in playing Football and Cricket. He played cricket
with Newtown and Chilwell and football with Bannockburn.
He is married to Dianne who trained as a Primary School Teacher
at Geelong Teachers College in Vines Road. She taught at
East Geelong and Corio Primary Schools. Dianne retired from
teaching and while bringing up two children she worked in the
Planwell Business with Neville. They now have two children and
one grandchild. Their daughter Paula works as a Hotel Manager in
Melbourne and their son Jarrod works in Information Technology also
in Melbourne.
Today Neville continues to contribute to the Newtown and Chilwell
Cricket Club as their Club President. From their work, Neville and
Dianne know well the needs that many less well off people have
in our community today. Through Neville’s work at Newtown and
Chilwell Cricket Club and their donation to the Foundation, Dianne
and Neville have a very real interest in contributing back into the
community in which they have worked and live.
McManus Family Fund
Tony McManus was inspired to establish a family fund due to his
concern at the gap between the resources available for Community
support in the Geelong area and the needs of those that are
disadvantaged in our Community.
Tony was born in Highton and at the time, his parents ran a Milk Bar
on La Trobe Terrace just opposite the main entrance to Kardinia
Park. With a growing family, parents Kevin and Theresa moved
to take over the Lara Corner Store and Milk Bar. They immersed
themselves in the local community and school groups. As Lara grew
they took the opportunity to establish Lara’s first Real Estate Office.
Tony completed HSC in 1980 following his education at Lara
Lake Primary School, Chanel College and St. Joseph’s College.
While working at the SEC, Tony was encouraged to continue
his education while working in Cost control, Budgetary and
Management Accounting. Following two years of “Off Campus”
Commerce study at Deakin University, he transferred to RMIT
where he graduated with a Business Degree, majoring in Accounting
Dianne Crane
Tony McManus
in 1986. Following a year of work on a graduate exchange program
with an International accounting firm in Edinburgh, Tony returned to
work in the family Real Estate business in late 1987.
In 1995, he purchased his parents interest in the business which
traded as one of the Professionals Real Estate Group for many years
prior to Tony assisting in development of the Allpoints Real Estate
group. After 6 years he merged his business with the Hayden Real
Estate Geelong office which trades under the PRD Nationwide
banner. In early 2012, Tony sold his share of this business.
The merging then sale of the business has not only helped provide
a succession plan but now allows Tony to work as a consultant in
the areas of mental health and depression which are his passion plus
he is able to work at putting back into the local community. After
participating in the Leaders for Geelong Program, he developed his
strong interest in the Mental Health area. When brother Mick took his
own life, this mental health interest saw Tony take up active support
of Beyond Blue. Amongst other things, he successfully lobbied for the
Geelong and Hawthorn football clubs to play annually for the “Beyond
Blue Cup” to promote awareness of Depression.
Tony is a board member of the Barwon Health Foundation. He was
active in establishing the highly successful Bendigo Community
Bank in Lara and is the current Chairman of Headspace Barwon. All
these roles are examples of his strong desire and active commitment
to addressing some of the issues and giving help in areas of real
need in our local community.
To read the unabridged story of Tony McManus go to the GCF
Website – Our Donors section.
McHarry’s Buslines fund
For the past eighty years, McHarry’s buses have been transporting
people around Geelong. In the 1930’s John McHarry, a master
builder, was transporting his own workers to the Ford Plant each day
in his truck. He began receiving many requests for rides to the plant
and as there was demand for a passenger service, he purchased a bus
and started his first service in 1932. This bus was soon followed with a
second to start a route service to Highton.
McHarry’s business grew rapidly and John’s son Norman joined the
business in 1933 with two more buses added for transport to Ford as
well as day trips to the seaside.
In 1935, Norman married Alice and the couple built further adding
three new buses over four years. Tragically the company founder
John McHarry was killed in an accident at the depot in 1940.
In 1951 the Breakwater and East Geelong routes were purchased and
the business amalgamated with Green Star Passenger Service and
Corio Buslines to become known as Geelong Associated Buslines.
This association lasted for only two years before the three companies
went their own ways.
McHarry’s were successful with tenders for Education Department
services and 15 years after departing the Geelong Associated Buslines
venture, purchased the old Corio Buslines Depot in 1966 and doubled
the fleet to 36 buses. Route services expanded and camping trips to
the Outback were added.
Following husband Norman’s death in 1975, Alice McHarry along with
son John and daughter Corrine continued operating the business.
With the fleet growing it was decided to amalgamate all operations to
a new depot at Breakwater in 1988.
John & Ashley McHarry
Geelong Community Foundation ANNUAL REPORT 2011 / 2012
Page 14
Since then, McHarry’s has become the largest bus company in
Geelong operating a fleet of around 170 buses.
John’s son Ashley is now General Manager and Director while
daughter Lisa works in administration. With staff of around 250
people, McHarry’s is a proud family owned and operated Geelong
business. They have served the people of Geelong well with their
transport needs over the past 80 years and are also serving those who
are in need in our community through their GCF Named Fund.
To read the unabridged story of McHarry’s Buslines history, go to the
GCF Website – Our Donors section.
Dr Hazizul Hussain-yusuf fund
Dr. Hazizul Hussain – Yusuf is a Micro-biologist at a private research
laboratory within the Geelong Hospital. He has worked in his current
role since 2007 following completion of an MBA at Ballarat University.
Haz is no new comer to Geelong as he first came here to study at
Geelong Grammar School in 1980 and following completion of his
VCE he attended Melbourne University for four years. He came back
to work in Geelong after completing his Masters Degree and PhD
in Microbiology at the University of Kogoshima in Japan. He has a
wide range of interests with some being the current President of the
Geelong Salsa Club along with being a registered reptile collector.
Wheeler financial services
Established by W E (Pat) Wheeler in 1964, Wheeler Financial
Services has stood the test of time and is now one of Geelong’s
longest standing businesses providing financial advice and services
with the highest degree of integrity.
All advisors at this privately owned firm are members of the Financial
Planning Association of Australia and operate within its Code of
Ethics. All have tertiary qualifications, years of training and experience
and are RG146 compliant.
Over 48 years in operation, growth has paced demand for sound
advice. Now, 15 staff provide advice for clients in finance and
investment, financial planning, superannuation planning and
investment, social security and aged care advice along with finance,
insurance and estate planning.
Wheeler’s advisors utilise advanced software to develop efficient and
appropriate models and financial plans for their clients. Self Managed
Superannuation Fund establishment, investment and administration
services, provided over many years, are cost effective.
The firm has always been involved with Geelong organisations such
as Lifeline, Geelong Chamber of Commerce, Geelong Business
Club, Rotary and Committee for Geelong. As a long term and
very successful business supported by clients across our region and
interstate, Wheelers, the advisors and staff are very pleased to put
back into our community through a GCF Named Fund.
Isabel and Rex adopted Geelong as their home in 1982 when they
bought the historic Pirra Homestead, at Lara, which dates back
to 1859. Previously, both Isabel and Rex held lecturing posts at
Melbourne University.
Dr Hazizul Hussain-Yusuf
Born in Napier New Zealand, Isabel migrated to Australia in 1975, in a
spirit of new adventure. Rex, who was born in Sale, spent most of his
early years in country Victoria.
Both have had a long association with and careers in the arts and
design industries. Each of their parents were active in supporting
various charitable causes, which included the Red Cross, The
Salvation Army and Save the Children Fund.
Isabel’s mother served as a President of Save the Children Fund
(New Zealand). With a strong belief in philanthropic ethos, they are
supporters of Give Where You Live and The Geelong Community
Foundation. They were attracted to the principle of “Capital in
Perpetuity” with their nominated support area being Aged Care.
Peter and Judy Hudson
family fund
The Hudson Family Fund was established by Peter and Judy Hudson
as a means through which they could give back to the Geelong
community for today and into the future. After raising their family in
Geelong, Peter and Judy were attracted to the long-term community
asset that the Foundation provides with all donations being
responsibly and ethically managed in perpetuity.
The income generated through the investment of donations in the
Fund being used to support a wide variety of health and human
care needs in the Geelong region was also an important factor in
their decision.
Peter, a fourth generation resident, grew up and was educated
in Geelong. He has a long history of community involvement,
including 10 years as CEO of United Way Geelong and three years
as Chairman of both the Geelong Springding Festival and the
Geelong Food Bank. He also served as Regional Chairman of the
Australian Institute of Management for three years. He is currently
a member of Deakin University Animal Ethics Committee and
the Rotary Club of Highton. Peter is also an active Director of the
Geelong Community Foundation.
Judy, who grew up in East Gippsland, completed her general nursing
training at the Alfred Hospital and her midwifery at the Queen
Victoria Hospital. She later graduated with a Bachelor of Nursing at
Deakin University. For more than 20 years Judy also worked at St
John of God Hospital, Geelong.
Ross and Jan Synot Family Fund
Ross and Jan Synot have been actively supporting a range of
Geelong’s charitable, community and sporting organisations for more
than 40 years.
Ross is a fourth-generation Synot in Geelong, his great-grandfather
John arriving in 1848. The early Synots were farmers and shopkeepers
mainly in the Fyansford and Modewarre areas. Ross was educated at
the Geelong College, qualified as an accountant and joined Grace
McKellar Centre which became the passion of his working life.
Jan’s early years were in Numurkah before coming to Geelong as a
teenager with her family. An accomplished artist, Jan is a partner in
the “art is…studio and gallery” in Geelong.
Jan and Ross met while working for the Country Roads Board in
Geelong. They shared a sporting passion in tennis and badminton
and for many years played mixed doubles together in both sports as
Rex Keogh & Isabel Sweetapple
Judy and
Geelong Community Foundation ANNUAL REPORT 2011 / 2012
Page 15
well as being team members in badminton. They won many titles
together over the years with the gold medals in badminton at the
1998 and 2002 World Masters Games being the highlights.
Their partnership has been one where each supports the others
interests. This support has been carried on with their children Mark
and Michelle strongly supporting their parents’ endeavours. Mark and
Michelle were also educated at Geelong College and are committed
to continuing the family fund.
be active contributors to their community. Community health is one
of their interests and they also support youth and disadvantaged
young people through community based organisations. They are also
generous supporters of the Geelong Community Foundation.
Hayden was born in Clunes with secondary schooling in Maryborough
and he graduated from Monash University with a B.Econ and Dip.
Ed. He taught economics and legal studies at Oberon and North
Geelong High Schools for 17 years.
Ross’s role at Grace McKellar Centre reinforced his strong
community support beliefs. Jan was a great support to Ross in his
chief executive role and a source of sound advice. A service Ross
helped set up was the Corio Community Contact which provided
emergency alarms to vulnerable members of our community. When
the funds were transferred to the Geelong Community Foundation
Ross became the advisor for the fund’s allocations.
While at Oberon he met Sally Moir of Beaumaris who had obtained
her Higher Diploma of Teaching-Physical Education at Melbourne
University. After teaching in Melbourne, Sally taught Phys Ed at
Oberon for 4 years.
T & H SANTALUCIA family fund
Following their marriage in 1982, they made Jan Juc their home.
Hayden has been long term and active member of Jan Juc SLSC
since joining in 1973. He is a Life Member and served on committee
as well as Club Captain and President.
Born in Sicily in 1926, the ninth of 11 children, Tom Santalucia
migrated to Geelong in 1955 where hard work has seen him become
a successful Geelong businessman. Geelong stands to benefit from
Tom’s success as he has decided to give back to his local community
through the Geelong Community Foundation.
In his childhood, educational opportunities on his island home were
limited and the young Tom only managed to complete up to grade
five. The build up to and eventual onset of World II interrupted his
teen years, but he survived and left Sicily with a cousin in 1946 to seek
work. They trekked through the Italian mainland and traversed the
Italian Alps before finding work in France, where Tom worked as a
timber worker and in coal mines. A visit to his family in Sicily saw him
picked up by local authorities and forced into military service.
In 1953 Tom began a road maintenance company which was difficult
work with limited opportunities so in 1955 he decided his future would
be in Australia. Tom settled into Geelong, working briefly at the Ford
Motor Company, a foundry in Melbourne and back-breaking cane
cutting in North Queensland. He finally returned and in Geelong
where his brother lived, was joined by his young sister.
In 1957, Tom met his wife Hildegard and together they operated a
small retail shop and developed their business experience into the
acquisition and operation of a local supermarket. The young couple
had a son Tim and daughter Lisa.
In the latter years of operating the supermarket and for the next 25
years, Tom and Hildegard began acquiring commercial freehold
properties across the Geelong region. This continued through to
1997 when Hildegard passed away. In 1992 Tim took on various roles
within the family group of companies and was joined by his sister in
2001. In 2002, Tom retired from significant active participation in the
company’s affairs focussing more on his six grandchildren.
But the legacy of Tom and Hildegard continues with investments
and projects in several Australian states ensuring a secure future for
generations to come.
Hayden and Sally Torney
Family Fund
From teaching to financial planning, Hayden and Sally Torney have
been successful high achievers, who still manage to find the time to
Peter Hudson
Ross & Jan Synot
Sally represented Australia as a hurdler in the 1974 Commonwealth
Games in Christchurch.
Sally has been active on the Torquay Primary School Council and
volunteers with Torquay Very Special Kids.
Hayden left teaching and with Sally started Muirfield Financial
Services. Over 23 they have built Muirfield into a very successful
financial planning organisation meeting the needs of pre and
post retirees. With nine employees now, they service clients in
superannuation accumulation, Centrelink matters, aged care issues
and retirement income streams. Hayden is a committee member of
the Geelong Chapter of the Financial Planning Association.
Hayden and Sally have three children, Andrew a financial planner in
Melbourne, Mathew a Business Development manager at MLC and
Georgia who is studying Early Childhood Development at University.
To read the unabridged story of Hayden and Sally Torney go to the
GCF website – Our Donors section.
Quarrell family fund
Terang-born Brian Quarrell’s employment with the Bank of New
South Wales later Westpac, took him to many country towns around
But Geelong was where the old St Joseph’s College pupil decided to
make his home.
Brian attended Terang Primary School before the family moved to
Geelong and he completed his secondary schooling at St Joseph’s.
In 1966 as a school-leaver, Brian joined the Bank of New South Wales
at its North Geelong branch. Brian progressed through various roles,
rising to accountant. In 1972 he married Helen and the couple have
two children, Prue and Jarrod.
Prue is a CPA who is working in New Zealand while Jarrod lives
and works in Melbourne. After working at bank branches at Boort,
Castlemaine, Camperdown and Corryong the Quarrell family moved
to Papua New Guinea where Brian was branch accountant and
worked at the Westpac Popondetta branch.
Returning to Geelong in 1985 Brian spent two further years with the
bank before joining Wheelers Investment Advisors in 1989. From a
Sally & Hayden Torney
Tom & Hildegard Santalucia
Brian Quarrell
Geelong Community Foundation ANNUAL REPORT 2011 / 2012
Page 16
staff of 2 Wheelers has grown to 15 and Brian is now a Partner in the
firm. He is also a member of the Financial Planners Association’s
Geelong Chapter and its chairman since 1998.
Barry was born in Melbourne and after World War II he moved with
his family to Geelong, where he still lives. He was educated at The
Geelong College and studied Commerce at Melbourne University.
Brian is a member of the Geelong Business Club and was president
in 2003/4. Brian is putting back into Geelong through the Geelong
Community Foundation and is current Board Member. He enjoys
supporting the community and assisting people in need with time,
talents and resources.
After graduating from University, Barry returned to Geelong to
join his father Reg who was owner, with partner Arch Collier, of
Vogue Shoes. He worked with his father to develop multiple fitting
shoe ranges and during the 60’s, Reg and Barry expanded Vogue
rapidly. In 1979, Vogue Shoe Stores had become one of the top
five independent shoe retailers in Australia and Clarkes of England
purchased the business to expand it across Australia.
Ed and Sharon Coppe Fund
Sharon and Ed Coppe travelled the world together as Ed’s career
with global giant, Mars Incorporated, took them from Ballarat to
New Zealand, Asia, the USA, Europe and Russia. They returned to
Geelong in 1995 with children, James, born in Geelong in 1990 and
Alex born in the UK in 1993. Ed established Strategic Investment
Management, while Sharon pursued her ambition to complete a
PhD in Psychology. Believing they have been fortunate in life, they
have become wonderful contributors to the Geelong community,
both through donating time and energy to community organisations
and causes as well as giving financially. One of those causes is the
Geelong Community Foundation.
Ed was born in Geelong to recently arrived Italian immigrants,
Francesco and Maria Coppe, in 1958. His education was at Holy
Family School, Chanel and St Joseph’s Colleges. Completing his
B.Com at Deakin University, Ed joined Mars, in Ballarat as a financial
accountant with its confectionery business. He met Sharon in 1984
and married in 1988. His career took him around the world and with
senior roles in finance, planning, marketing, sales and corporate
strategy. Ed values highly the opportunity to have seen how the world
works, up close and personal.
Born in Ballarat to Len and Joan Brown, Sharon was educated at Eureka
Street Primary School and East Ballarat High School. She first worked
as a dental nurse but boredom led her to start a Psychology degree at
Ballarat University. Motherhood and international relocations caused
her to pursue her degree through Deakin University, London’s Open
University and back to Deakin. Sharon’s determination ultimately led to
her degree and completion of Honors and Masters degrees to achieve
her ambition of a PhD in Psychology in 2001.
Today Sharon follows her passion, working as a Psychologist with
Barwon Health, Lewis & Lewis, in private practice, and casual lecturing
at Deakin University. Ed operates Strategic Investment Management
and is very involved in community life. He was a member of the small
group that started the Committee for Geelong in 2001, has been a
Councillor and Mayor of the City of Greater Geelong and has served
on numerous Geelong community boards and committees over past
years. Currently he serves the Geelong community on the boards of
Regional Development Australia Barwon South West Committee
(as Joint Deputy Chair), G21 Geelong Region Alliance, Committee
for Geelong, Geelong Chamber of Commerce, G21 Economic
Development Pillar and Geelong Community Foundation.
Henderson Family fund
Whether building up footwear retail store chain Vogue Shoes,
pioneering embryo transfer techniques in the cattle industry or jointly
founding Highton Village Shopping Centre, Barry Henderson,
supported by his wife, Janet, has always been an innovator.
Ed & Sharon Coppe
In 1960, Barry married Janet Gordon and in 1970 they purchased
land and built their home “Tintagel” at Ceres. Farming became
serious for Barry and his family after Vogue Shoes was sold. They
began breeding Santa Gertrudis bulls as well as Poll Herefords. They
introduced the technique of egg transplantation to improve beef herd
quality and built one of Australia’s top studs.
Jan started and built up an antique store in 1996 and sold it in 2003.
She continued to work on the cattle stud with Barry until it was sold
in 2006 and they sought a quieter life in Newtown. Son Richard now
has clothing and accessory business Gorgeous with his wife Victoria.
Daughter Belinda works with Barry on administration and second son
Cameron is a very successful Geelong builder. He is more widely
known to many as the singer who came second in the TV show
“Australia’s Got Talent” in 2010.
The Geelong community gave great support to Barry and his family
through Vogue Shoes and they are pleased to be able to give back
through the GCF and other charities they support.
To read the unabridged story about the Henderson family, go to the
GCF Website – Our Donors section.
In 2010, WHK established a Named Fund with the Geelong
Community Foundation as part of their longstanding commitment
to, and involvement with the Geelong community.
With a history dating back over 60 years (through Geelong firm
Day Neilson and its predecessors), WHK is now the fifth largest
accounting firm in Australia.
In Western Victoria, WHK has offices in Geelong, Werribee,
Ocean Grove, Colac, Warrnambool, Hamilton, Stawell and Ballarat,
providing accounting and financial services for individuals and small to
medium enterprises.
“Community Connect” is one of the firm’s strategic pillars – a
philosophy to stand by our local communities. As part of
this strategy, WHK Staff support charitable organisations by
participating on local boards and committee. They also provide pro
bono services and volunteering time for community projects. WHK’s
financial contribution to the Geelong Community Foundation
gives WHK another avenue to provide support where it is
needed most.
Barry and Janet Henderson
Geelong Community Foundation ANNUAL REPORT 2011 / 2012
Page 17
Ken Stott fund
The generosity displayed by Ken Stott to the Geelong Community
Foundation well and truly gave it the essential start that was needed
to make it the success it has become today.
Ken grew up in Geelong and attended Newtown and Belmont State
Schools. He began his working career as a carpenter with builder
R.J. Gunn. From carpentry he graduated to joinery at R.J. Gunn and
also developed his drawing talent into the design of house plans for
builders, banks and home owners.
After five years, Ken moved to work in the joinery department
at J.C. Taylor and Sons Pty Ltd while continuing to develop his
drafting business. Early in World War II, his drawing skills were
recognised by Lou Bandt and he was offered a job in the advanced
design office at Ford where he worked for 30 years. While at Ford
he studied metallurgy and mechanical drawing at night at the
Gordon Institute of Technology. He also studied and became a
skilled investor in property and the stock market. After retiring in
1970, Ken continued to invest in stocks with considerable success.
Ken died on 5 October, 2005.
Ken was a modest, self effacing and pragmatic man who was generous
in spirit and deed. He dedicated his gifts to the Foundation, to
generate income which can be used to assist people who are in difficult
circumstances and need help to assist them to enjoy a better life.
Fagg Family FUND
Bert and Ruth Fagg are both passionate supporters of the Geelong
community, both in their active involvement in many organisations
and in their financial support.
Bert Fagg, who was born in 1917, grew up and was educated in
Geelong. He trained as a carpenter/joiner and went on to become a
Director of the family timber & hardware business. Fagg’s Mitre 10 is
one of the oldest family businesses in Australia. Bert worked with the
company for 67 years, retiring when he was 82. He is still Chairman of
Fagg Bros Pty Ltd.
Bert’s community work has been extensive, including involvements in
building projects and serving on committees over the years with the
Belmont Kindergarten, 1st Highton Scouts, Rotary Club of Belmont,
Wesley Uniting Church and other community organisations.
Ruth spent much of her childhood in country towns in Victoria,
including a period in Geelong. After training as a secondary teacher,
Ruth settled in Geelong when she and Bert married in 1945. Ruth
taught in a number of schools in Geelong and has had a lasting
influence on her many students.
Ruth has been an enthusiastic and caring worker within the community
over many years, including school parent associations, Heartbeat,
Community Aid Abroad (now Oxfam), Wesley Uniting Church and
Probus. Bert and Ruth have also taken a very active interest in many
families who have newly immigrated to Australia.
Bert and Ruth have combined their ‘hands on’ involvement with
significant philanthropic support for a myriad of charitable organisations
both in Geelong and beyond. Their support of the Geelong
Community Foundation has become a significant part of this, with a
named fund within the Foundation. Their sons Barry and Keith Fagg
are continuing this support.
Ken Stott
Ruth & Bert Fagg
E F & W Dimmick Fund
Edwin Dimmick was born in 1938 in Queensland and grew up at
He completed a course in textile technology at the Gordon Institute
of Technology in Geelong and followed this with a part time science
course at the University of Queensland. He first worked in the textile
industry at Queensland Woollen Mills before going to England to
study design at Bradford.
Ted married Wendy Philbrick in 1961 and they moved to Geelong in
1970 where Ted started his own business, Geelong Weavers. Later
he bought the RS & S Mill and founded Geelong Textiles where as
Managing Director he built a strong business which continues to
operate today.
In 1995 when Fletcher Jones was about to be closed, Ted felt it could
continue as a successful business. He and partner Peter Pausewang
rescued the company and with Ted’s great knowledge of the textile
industry, they faced the difficulties that many Australian textile
companies were experiencing. It was Ted’s drive and strong leadership
that enabled Fletcher Jones to survive as a retail chain for a further 16
Ted died in 2008 and was described by one eulogist as “the last of
the merchant venturers” and “a man who took great risks, but was
extraordinarily well balanced’.
He was a cultured, Christian gentleman who enjoyed sport and the
arts, classical music and ballet. In his quiet way he supported the
Geelong Art Gallery, many charitable causes such as United Way,
Lifeline and a Catholic mission project in Uganda.
Ted started a named fund in the GCF in 2005 and his name and
legacy of support for the Geelong Region will live on and grow over
the years ahead.
Howard Hitchcock fund
Howard Hitchcock, 1866 to 1932, was one of Geelong’s most public
spirited citizens from a family noted for its benefactions to worthy
The Hitchcock family, led by George and Annie and son Howard and
his wife Louie, were instrumental in establishing and enhancing many
charitable, religious and educational bodies. Howard was born and
raised in Geelong and spent his entire life in this town. His principal
calling was as a retailer and he owned and directed one of the
region’s largest department stores, Bright and Hitchcock. His greatest
contribution to Geelong came with his entry to local government and
becoming five times mayor from 1917 to 1922.
The legacy of Howard’s leadership as mayor is still evident today in
Geelong’s amenity and infrastructure in Johnstone Park, the Eastern
Beach, the Geelong Hospital, Moorabool Street bridge, the Peace
Memorial Foyer, Kardinia Park Football Stadium, and the Barwon
River Rowing Course. He initiated the building of the Great Ocean
Road and chaired the project fund raising committee for many years.
Howard’s ruling passion was that of ‘giving’ to those less fortunate
than he and establishing or assisting causes having charitable or
philanthropic purposes. He established a substantial bequest fund
for charitable purposes so that his, and his family’s values could be
perpetuated in the Geelong community. The residue of that fund was
Ted Dimmick
Howard Hitchcock
Geelong Community Foundation ANNUAL REPORT 2011 / 2012
Page 18
given to the Foundation after several substantial grants were made to
other Geelong organisations .
Coltman family fund
Dr Kay Coltman was born in Ballarat and first came to Geelong to
complete his secondary schooling. He then graduated in Medicine at
Melbourne University. He did his postgraduate training in Obstetrics
and Gynaecology in Melbourne and London where he obtained his
higher degree.
After establishing his practice in Geelong, Kay considers himself
to have been privileged to be part of that team of newly trained
specialist doctors, together with others with legal, accounting and
administrative qualifications, who changed The Geelong Hospital
from a large country Base Hospital to a fully recognised and
accredited Teaching Hospital associated first with Monash, then
Melbourne and now Deakin Universities. It now has responsibilities
for teaching in all clinical areas of undergraduate training and the
ongoing postgraduate training of medical graduates in several
specialties of Medicine.
Barbara, who grew up in North-Eastern Victoria, originally trained as
a General Nurse at the Alfred Hospital, and as an Obstetric Nurse
at the Royal Women’s Hospital. She later graduated at Melbourne
University and then completed postgraduate qualifications in
Educational Psychology. She became the first Student Counsellor
and later Head of University Community Services at the newly
established Deakin University.
Barbara and Kay maintain an ongoing interest in Education and the
people, at all levels, who engage in its various fields.
Tuckers Funeral & Bereavement
Les Cole was born in Moolap West, Geelong in 1914. After leaving
school he worked for W Eagans followed by Cheetham Salt Works,
until he was 21. In 1936 he became a driver for F H Tucker and Sons, a
funeral firm established in Wycheproof, country Victoria in 1883. When
Charlie Tucker died in 1954, Les took over the day to day running of
Tuckers. Since then the name of Les Cole has been synonymous with
family funeral care in Geelong and thanks to Les’ pioneering work,
bereavement care has become a family tradition. The Cole family’s
continuing commitment to providing not only funeral services but
also bereavement care and support for all members of the family has
attracted community recognition. The company is owned locally and
continues to be operated by the Cole family.
Les Cole died on February 4, 2001 and he would be extremely proud
that the company continues to serve the needs of Geelong and
district people today.
He spent over 60 years of his life supporting members of the
community in their time of need. The Cole family has taken the
wonderful initiative of developing a Fund in the Foundation as a
memorial in remembrance of Les Cole. This fund with emphasis on
the support of family welfare and aged care will continue the work and
name of Les Cole in perpetuity.
Harold Leighton fund
Harold Leighton was born in East Geelong in 1905 and moved when
quite young to North Geelong where he lived for 90 years in a house
built by his father.
Les Cole
Harold Leighton
Schooling was in North Geelong and as a young boy, Corio Bay was
his play ground. He first obtained work at the Ford Motor Company
and after 22 years there, he moved to some other organisations, one
of these employers being the Federal Woollen Mills. Harold enjoyed
indoor bowls at Highton and lawn bowls at Geelong West Bowls Club.
Always known as a good man, good friend and good neighbour,
Harold died on January 17, 2004. His wish was for his estate to be
used to help the people of Geelong and as a result, part of his estate
came as a gift to the Geelong Community Foundation.
To read the unabridged story of Harold Leighton’s life, go to the
GCF Website – Our Donors section.
d g neilson family fund
The children of the Foundation’s first Chairman, Geoff Neilson,
established this fund to honour his contribution to the Geelong
Dr Heather Neilson lectures in English Literature at the Australian
Defence Force Academy in Canberra. She is married to a university
professor, and they have one son. Timothy Neilson is a commercial
lawyer and director of Greenwoods Freehills, specialising in taxation.
Susan Neilson is well known in musical circles as a singer and actor
and works in administration at a Melbourne Primary School. Geoff is
also an active Director of the Foundation.
Vital Link Geelong supplied emergency pendant alerts to assist
people to live independently at home. This service was supported by
councils, service clubs and individuals along with a major interstate
supplier of this type alert system.
When the contract for provision of these services moved to Ballarat, it
was decided that Vital Link Geelong be wound up. Surplus funds had
accumulated from donations and operations in the Geelong Region
and the directors decided that the funds be gifted to the Geelong
Community Open Fund.
Where possible, income from this fund is to be used for projects that
assist the aged to continue to live in their own homes. Some of the
income may also be used to provide pendant alerts to those unable to
afford this equipment.
adroit insurance group FUND
Adroit Insurance Group commenced business in Geelong as
“Verrell Insurance Brokers” in 1978. Today the business operates
seven regionally located insurance brokerages, with branch offices in
Ballarat, Bendigo, Maryborough, Albury, Wodonga and Traralgon.
It has grown to become one of the largest independent insurance
brokers in regional Australia.
The Company is proud of the fact that it is regionally owned and
located, and each of its offices has long histories in their local
communities and remain strong today, albeit under new banners.
In 2006, Adroit decided to extend their support to the Geelong
Community Foundation. Furthermore, this long-term commitment
has been reflected in other branch locations with initiatives put
in place to set up and support Community Foundations in these
localities as well. Adroit believes it has a social obligation to volunteer
its time, participation and resources towards assisting the community,
in the same way that the community supports their business.
Geoff Neilson
Brendan Peck, Andrew Locke & John Skidmore
Geelong Community Foundation ANNUAL REPORT 2011 / 2012
Page 19
Ramia Family fund
Ray Ramia, well known as the developer and owner of the Sphinx
Hotel, arrived in Geelong in 1947 as a 21 year old. He came for a short
visit to see his grandmother who was in ill health and planned to return
with her to Lebanon. She refused to leave Geelong so Ray stayed to
look after her.
In 1948 he established and developed a very successful Geelong
tailoring business and in 1955 he returned to Lebanon to marry his
wife, Elaine Alam. They have four children and eleven grand children.
On returning to Geelong, Ray opened Ramia’s Exclusive Menswear
in Little Malop Street. With migrants arriving in Geelong during
the 50’s Ray assisted many to learn English, find homes and even
establish businesses.
Ray developed the Golf View Hotel in 1971 to diversify his business
interests and in 1997, Ray and son George updated the Golf View,
renaming it as the Sphinx Entertainment Centre.
Ray has a passion for Geelong and the city is richer in many ways
due to this man, who arrived originally in Geelong for a short visit and
never left. He and his family are now putting something back into the
community through the GCF.
To read the unabridged story of the Ramia family, go to the GCF
Website – Our Donors section.
bailey family fund
Will Bailey grew up in the south-eastern suburbs of Melbourne. His
father was a highly qualified tradesman and his mother a devoted and
strict housewife. At home he learned important values - work hard
and help others if you can.
Dorothy was born in country Victoria and as both her father and
mother had died before she was 21, she received support from Legacy
as she grew up. Will and Dorothy met at the Anglican Church in
Murrumbeena. He was a banker and she a school teacher. Their
marriage produced three delightful daughters.
Due to his career development as a banker, Will’s family had to move
around with him and they lived in two states, New Zealand and the
UK. Their locations included 3 years in Geelong in the early 60’s
where their youngest daughter was born.
After retiring as CEO of the ANZ Bank, Will and Dorothy decided
to “put something back into the community” in recognition of the
benefits they had enjoyed. They established a Charitable Bequest
through ANZ Trustees and co-founded a drop in centre for street
people and the marginalised in Melbourne. Upon relocating
to Geelong they decided to support the Geelong Community
Foundation and Will was an active director of the Foundation from
2002 to 2009.
Lino & MARINA Bisinella FUND
to the community in which he found success. But it wasn’t always easy
for the Bisinella family.
Lino was the third youngest of 10 children (seven boys and three girls)
who experienced the Great Depression and the turmoil of war. The
family emigrated in four separate groups before settling in Little River.
Working for market gardeners in the Little River and Werribee areas
they purchased land in Thompsons Road, Norlane and built their
home. All 10 children married and have 30 children and 52 grandchildren to date.
On leaving school, Lino began a five year apprenticeship as a
plasterer at F C Walker and Sons, Geelong. After three years, he
founded his own plastering business in 1965. As business expanded,
he purchased 10 acres of land in Heales Road, Corio and erected a
small building where he manufactured plaster cornices.
In 1973, L Bisinella Plasterers bought a small firm distributing
Gyprock products in Melbourne. In the 1980’s, Lino diversified
into property development and also warehouse properties in the
northern Geelong areas.
Lino sold L Bisinella Plasterers to Pioneer in 1994 to concentrate on
property development, becoming the major developer in the Lara
area and a leader in the field in Geelong. In 1967 Lino married Marina
Giurco, who had immigrated to Geelong with her family from Trieste.
Lino and Marina have four children and three work in the family
business. Through the Geelong Community Foundation, Lino,
Marina and family are now giving back to the community which
they have played such an important role in building and which has
supported their businesses since the early 60’s.
justin Van Laar memorial fund
The van Laar family have established a Memorial Fund in the name of
Justin van Laar who died at a young age from cancer.
This fund has as its primary aim, the support of projects and programs
related to cancer research and support of those being treated for
cancer in all its various forms.
Justin’s elder brother, Ryan, works in cancer research. He obtained his
Ph.D, Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University of Melbourne,
after achieving his Bachelor of Science (Honours), Biotechnology at
Deakin University.
Ryan has worked as a Research Assistant & PhD Student at the Peter
MacCallum Institute in Melbourne, as a Senior Bioinformatician
at Agendia BV in Amsterdam, and now works in New York as a
Scientist at Regeneron Pharmaceuticals. His specialty is cancer gene
expression research.
Barton van Laar was a very active director of the Foundation from
2006 to 2010.
When 10-year-old Lino Bisinella arrived in Melbourne, in 1954,
aboard the Neptunia, he never envisaged that half-a-century later
his name would be well-known throughout Geelong as a successful
His father Gino decided to immigrate to provide greater
opportunities for his family and bind them more closely together. Lino
made his father’s vision a reality and now looks forward to giving back
Ray & Elaine Ramia
Dorothy & Will Bailey
Marina & Lino Bisinella
Board of Directors
Page 20
Val Lawrence OAM DSJ Chairman
Joined the GCF Board in 1999.
Chairman since 2009
Val is a Civil Celebrant and currently the Chairman of
the Geelong Barwon Region of Red Cross. She is also
a board member of the Queenscliff Maritime Museum
and a Director of the Queenscliff Point Lonsdale
Community Enterprise. She was a Councillor of the
Borough of Queenscliffe from 1999 to 2008 and
Mayor of the Borough in 2001 to 2004.
Val has been a Board member of the Grace
McKellar Centre, Vice President of the Barwon Heads
Golf Club and member of the Geelong
Otway Tourism Board.
She is an honorary JP, and Chairman of the St George
the Martyr Fundraising Committee.
Peter Hudson KSJ AFAIM
Deputy Chairman
Joined the GCF Board in 2007
Deputy Chairman since 2009
Peter is a member of the Deakin University Animal
Ethics Committee, the Rotary Club of Highton,
Australian Business Volunteers and is currently
a board member of the Pam Baker Foundation
He was CEO of Give Where You Live (formerly
United Way) for 10 years prior to becoming CEO of
the Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation in Melbourne.
He has been technical consultant for USAID and
United Way International with assignments in South
East Asia and the USA. Peter has been a board
member of the Fundraising Institute of Australia and
President of the Victoria/Tasmania Chapter.
Dan Simmonds B.Com LLB
Joined the GCF Board in March 2012.
Barry Capp AM B.E (Civil), B.Com, B.A
Joined the GCF Board in 2009
Dan Simmonds is the Managing Principal of
Harwood Andrews Lawyers. Dan is currently the
Chairman of the Law Institute Victoria’s Business Law
Specialisation Committee, the Geelong Advertiser
Geelong Business Excellence Awards and the
Salvation Army Geelong Region Area Advisory
Committee. He is a member of Deakin University Vice
Chancellor’s Community Leaders Group.
Dan also holds positions on Kardinia Health Limited,
the Committee for Geelong, the Geelong Chamber of
Commerce Public Policy Committee and St Laurence.
In a commercial career spanning thirty years as a
Professional Director, Barry was, amongst other
appointments, Chairman of National Foods Limited,
(1991-2004), Chairman of Australian Infrastructure
Fund Ltd., (1996-2003), and a Director of Westpac
Banking Corporation, (1993-2003).
In the philanthropic field, Barry was Chairman of the
William Buckland Foundation, (2000-2006), having
been a Trustee since 1988. He was Chairman of Trinity
College at the University of Melbourne, (1996-2004),
and a Council Member of Philanthropy Australia,
(2000- 2006).
Kate Betts B.Arts (Public Relations)
Joined the GCF Board in 2010
Kate Betts works for Alcoa of Australia’s Point Henry
and Anglesea operations overseeing the external
stakeholder relations and community partnerships.
Previously Kate has worked for Give Where You Live,
Westfield and Melbourne Airport and has held board
positions on Sacred Heart College Council, Dalai
Lama Geelong visits, Rainbow Riders and Central
Geelong Marketing.
Kate is a graduate of the Leaders for Geelong
program and has completed the Partnership Brokers
Accreditation Scheme from the International Business
Leaders Forum.
Joined the GCF Board in 2008
Ed is the Principal of Strategic Investment
Management. He is Deputy Chairman of the
Regional Development Australia Barwon South West
Committee. He is also a board member of the G21
Geelong Region Alliance, the Geelong Chamber of
Commerce, the Committee for Geelong and the G21
Economic Development Pillar.
Born and educated in Geelong, Ed had an
international business career with Mars Inc. in Finance
and Marketing roles before returning to Geelong
in 1995. He has served as the Mayor of the City of
Greater Geelong and Chairman of G21 Geelong
Region Alliance. He has also served on the State
Regional Development Advisory Committee, Geelong
Major Events, Central Geelong Marketing and Give
Where You Live boards.
In addition Peter has been a member of the Consumer
Affairs Fundraising Advisory Committee, advisory
consultant to the William Angliss (Victoria) Charitable
Fund and served as a Regional Chairman of the
Australian Institute of Management.
Val Lawrence
Peter Hudson
Dan Simmonds
Kate Betts
Barry Capp
Ed Coppe
Geelong Community Foundation ANNUAL REPORT 2011 / 2012
Page 21
Barry Fagg B.Com (Melb) CPA MAICD
Joined the GCF Board in 1999
Chairman 2005-2009
Barry is Chairman and part-owner of Fagg’s Mitre 10,
a family hardware and timber business, established in
Geelong in 1854. He was a Director within the Mitre
10 group of companies, from 1987-2004, including
Chairman of Mitre 10 Australia Ltd from 2002-2004.
He is a member of The Geelong College Council.
Barry is a past Campaign Director, Past President and
a Life Governor of Give Where You Live (formerly
United Way Geelong). He was also Vice-President
of United Way Australia. In 2003 Barry was awarded
a Centenary of Federation Medal for service to the
Wendy Maloney B Com (Deakin) M Tax (Melb)
Joined the GCF Board in 2004
Wendy is a Principal at WHK the fifth largest
accounting firm in Australia and the largest provider
of accounting services to the SME sector in Australia.
She is a Chartered Accountant and is one of the not
for profit specialists of the firm. Prior to joining WHK
Wendy worked for mid tier firms in Melbourne.
Wendy is a graduate of the Leaders for Geelong
program, is a member of the Chamber of Commerce
Public Finance Committee and Treasurer of the
Geelong Club. She recently has completed the
Australian Institute of Company Directors course.
Barry Fagg
Wendy Maloney
John Miles
Joined the GCF Board in March 2011.
Diane Ritchie
Joined the GCF Board in 2010
John Miles recently retired from a distinguished
career at Marcus Oldham College spanning 30 years.
His roles included Company Secretary and Deputy
Principal Business and Development for the College.
John studied accounting at the Gordon Institute and
is a member of the Australian Society of Accountants
and is a Certified Practising Accountant.
Diane has a distinguished teaching career across
regional Victoria, and in recent years has worked for
Rice Village and Kalkee Geelong in public relations
and project management roles. She is a former
Bannockburn Shire councillor and was instigator and
chair of the Wallington Strawberry Fair and Meredith
Country Festival.
Diane is currently co-ordinating rural Catholic parish
and farm duties on the family farm at Bamganie near
John was awarded a Winston Churchill Memorial
Trust Fellowship in 1997 and is on the Victorian
Chapter Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Selection
Committee. He is also a Trustee of the Geelong
Advertiser Music Trust.
Brian Quarrell
Joined the GCF Board in 2009
Brian is a Director and part owner of Wheeler
Investment Advisors Pty. Ltd, a leading Geelong
financial services business, established in 1964. He has
been with Wheelers since 1989 following a successful
22-year career with Westpac in banking, finance and
investment-related roles.
Brian is also Chairman of the Geelong chapter of the
Financial Planning Association of Australia, a position
he has held for the past 10 years. He is a Certified
Financial Planner and also a SMSF Specialist Advisor™.
Brian has served as a Committee Member of the
Geelong Business Club and was President of the Club
from 2003-2004.
John Miles
Brian Quarrell
John Skidmore
Joined the GCF Board in 2010
John Skidmore is the Chairman of Adroit Insurance
Group with nine offices across Victoria from Geelong/
Torquay in the south, Albury/Wodonga in the north,
Ballarat in the west and Traralgon in the East. He has
forty years of experience in the Insurance industry in
National and Senior roles dealing with international
insurers both in Australia and overseas.
John is a Graduate Member of the Australian Institute
of Company Directors and a Qualified Practicing
Insurance Broker, a Certified Insurance Professional of
the Australian and New Zealand Institute of Insurance
and Finance.
Diane Ritchie
John Skidmore
Board Committees
Diane Ritchie (Convenor)
Wendy Maloney
Kate Betts
John Bannister (Co opted)
Ex-Officio- Val Lawrence
John Miles (Convenor)
Peter Hudson
Barry Fagg
Ex-Officio- Val Lawrence.
Brian Quarrell (Convenor)
Ed Coppe
Barry Capp
Ex-Officio - Val Lawrence
Investment Advisor- Adam Blennerhassett (JB Were).
Peter Hudson (Convenor)
Barry Fagg
John Miles
Brian Quarrell
John Skidmore
Tim Santalucia (Co opted)
Ex- officio – Val Lawrence
Marketing and Public Relations
Barry Fagg (Convenor)
Peter Hudson
Kate Betts
John Skidmore
Ex-officio- Val Lawrence
Governance & Planning
Val Lawrence (Convenor)
Peter Hudson
Ed Coppe
Barry Capp
Barry Fagg
John Miles (Convenor)
Barry Fagg
Wendy Maloney
Ex – officio Val Lawrence
Val Lawrence (Convenor)
Peter Hudson
Barry Fagg
Become a donor
Page 23
rm difference
you can help make a long te
The Geelong Community Foundation encourages individuals and
corporate donors to make donations to the Foundation so that the
capital they donate is retained in the Geelong region and the income is
used to meet the need of the local community.
The Foundation is different from most other charitable organisations.
The initial donation/gift you make becomes the capital. The aim is to
distribute only the Foundation’s income annually. Funds are invested
with an emphasis on security and under the guidance of professional
advisers. There is no entry fee or establishment cost. The community
supported comprises the people of the City of Greater Geelong,
Borough of Queenscliffe, the Surf Coast Shire, and the southern part
of Golden Plains Shire.
The Foundation invites the public to contribute to the Foundation Gift
Fund each year but does not conduct a major, large scale, fund raising
appeal.The Geelong Community Foundation is available for donors
who wish to give in their region and assist local charitable organisations
and projects. If Donors have a particular interest in a charitable area,
they can request establishment of a “Field of Interest Fund” as part of
the Foundation.
When a donor makes a tax deductible gift to the Foundation, it is
credited to the Gift Fund. All gifts are pooled for investment purposes
and are subject to the terms of the Foundation Trust Deed. Non tax
deductible gifts such as bequests are credited to the Open Fund and
pooled with other bequests. These gifts are subject to the terms of the
Open Fund Trust Deed.
Donors are encouraged to make their gifts in a number of ways
depending on their aims:
Unrestricted or Discretionary Gifts
An unrestricted gift is able to be used by the Community
Foundation to make a wide range of charitable purpose grants to
meet community needs.
Named funds
The gift in these cases can carry the name of the donor or the
donor’s family. The name may honour someone or preserve the
memory of a family member, friend, pioneer or outstanding citizen.
• Donor Preference
Donors including those with a named gift may indicate their
preference for a particular charity or class of charities such as health,
aged care, the disadvantaged, disabled, education, research etc.
• Bequests
People can make a gift as a bequest in their will. The bequest can
be recognised by name if the donor wishes or it can be an
anonymous gift.
If you would like to donate or require more information,
please contact :
Leigh Wallace, Development Manager
Phone 03 5244 7811 Mobile 0400 570 024
Email: leigh.wallace.gcf@gmail.com
Andrew Lawson, Executive Officer
Phone 03 5222 3775 Email: ajlawson@bigpond.com
donors 2011-2012
Mrs. I Adamson
Adroit Insurance Group
AHA & Hospitality Association
Anonymous Donors
Anonymous #5
Anonymous # 6
Apco Service Stations
Mr. & Mrs. B Antony
Mr. & Mrs. R Austin
Mr. and Mrs. P Bain
C Bell
Mr. & Mrs. P Betts
P & D Birrel
Mr. L Braybrook
Mr. & Mrs. E Coppe
Mr. K J Cummins
Mrs. S David
Mrs. E Dimmick
Mr. and Mrs. M Dowling
J & J Duval
Mr. & Mrs. P Edwards
Mr. & Mrs. B G Fagg
Mr. & Mrs. H G (Bert) Fagg
Mr. and Mrs. K Fagg
MJ & HJ Fraser & J W Brownbill
Ms. A George
Ms. Catherine Gray
Mr. and Mrs. K Grossman
Mr. and Mrs. B Harvey
Mr. & Mrs. M Hayden
Mr. & Mrs. P Hudson
P & G James
Mr. & Mrs. G Jenkins
Mr. J M Kavanagh
Lake Imaging
Mr. & Mrs. D Lawrence
Mr. & Mrs. A J Lawson
Mr. & Mrs. S Macauley
Ms. W Maloney
Mr. J G Moffatt
Mr. & Mrs. J Morwood
Mr. & Mrs. A Reilly
Mrs. D Ritchie
Mrs. R A Robinson
Mr. G N D Simmonds
Mr. & Mrs. B Spence
Mr. & Mrs. R Synot
Mr. & Mrs. H Torney
Tuckers Funeral &
Bereavement Service
Mr. L Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. J Webb
Wheeler Financial Services
WHK & Staff
Whyte Just & Moore Lawyers
Geelong Community
Page 24
Profit and Loss Statement
Donations received
378,552 607,690
Income from investments 665,653 850,587
Profit/(Loss) on sale of investments
745,199 1,672,845
321,440 361,332
76,133 65,353
397,573 426,685
Net income
347,626 1,246,160
Balance of Gift Fund at beginning of year
7,870,528 6,843,314
7,841,459 7,870,528
118,048 102,550
925 624
118,973 103,174
128,840 101,522
Balance at beginning of year
16,508 14,856
6,641 16,508
Grants paid and provided
Management fee
Net increase/(Decrease) in value of investments
Management fees
Administration expenses
Balance Sheet
as at 30 June 2012
Settled sum
Gift Fund, comprising:
Kenneth Neil Stott Fund
Les Cole Fund
Bailey Family Fund
Fagg Family Fund
Coltman Family Fund
E F & W Dimmick Fund
Adroit Fund
Justin Van Laar Memorial Fund
RLB Fund
Lino & Marina Bisinella Fund
Ramia Family Fund
John & Prue Webb Fund
HDL Fund
WAM Fund
WHK Fund
Hayden Family Fund
T & H Santalucia Family Fund
JG Moffatt Fund
Anonymous No. 1 Fund
Barber Fund
Anonymous No. 2 Fund
Pam & Richard Austin Family Fund
Torney Family Fund
Henderson Family Fund
Ross & Jan Synot Family Fund
Peter & Judith Hudson Family Fund
Rex Keogh & Isabel Sweetapple Fund
Quarrell Family Fund
Ed & Sharon Coppe Fund
Betts Family Fund
Geelong Northern and Eastern Suburbs Fund
DR & VJ Lawrence Fund
McHarrys Buslines Fund
Wheeler Financial Services Fund
McManus Family Fund
SS & J Nevile Fund
Anonymous No. 4 Fund
Alan & Sheila David Family Fund
James M Kavanagh Fund
Dr Haz Hussain-Yusuf Fund
Neville & Dianne Crane Fund
Antony Family Fund
Tim Farley Family Fund
Anonymous No. 3 Fund
MJ & HJ Fraser & JW Brownbill Fund
Darryn Lyons Fund
The George Fund
Apco Fund
Whyte, Just and Moore Fund
Anonymous No. 6 Fund
Lake Imaging Fund
Edwards Family Fund
Dowling Family Fund
Anonymous No. 5 Fund
Bain Family Fund
General Fund
Administration Fund
represented by:
Cash at bank
Short term deposits
Investments, at net realisable value
Equipment, at cost less depreciation
Creditors Provisions
Page 25
980 5,379,828 72,472 71,285 897,944 98,020 127,937 115,111 30,975 10,262 74,578 10,168 19,965 20,008 10,156 14,717 39,462 9,619 18,854 9,987 10,171 15,201 19,621 161,916 10,120 7,409 4,905 27,171 10,168 13,963 17,066 108,220 7,482 9,684 9,684 9,648 9,811 1,917 38,977 19,513 9,496 47,478 9,567 18,991 4,748 1,911 96,613 1,970 2,962 4,948 1,979 2,487 19,986 9,997 9,977 4,999 49,357 6,641 7,849,080 980
- - - - - - - - - - - 40,931
110,388 63,419 160,391 334,198 70,888
7,618,265 - 7,618,265 7,952,463 7,359,640
7,248 96,135 103,383
7,849,080 31,692
Geelong Community
Open Fund
Page 26
Profit and Loss Statement
for the year ended 30 June 2012
Donations received
Income from investments Profit/(Loss) on sale of investments
79,283 386,971 (160,347)
305,907 501,552
Grants paid and provided
Charge to Trust funds capital and expenses Management fee
272,550 41,915 180,410
314,465 217,610
Net income
Net increase/(Decrease) in value of investments
Balance of Open Fund at beginning of year
4,526,534 3,916,317
4,271,545 4,526,534
Settled sum
Howard Hitchcock Fund
Harold Ernest Leighton Fund
Corio Community Contact Fund
Donald Geoffrey Neilson Fund
K N Stott Family Fund
Patrick & Ann Rowan Fund
Geelong Northern and Eastern Suburbs Fund
Adroit Golf Day Fund
100 27,221 79,662 428,098 35,486 3,315,895 20,865 285,209 79,008
4,271,545 4,526,534
represented by:
Cash at bank and deposit at call
Investments, at cost
Investments, at net realisable value
119,614 - 1,172,060 3,055,538 312,900
4,347,211 4,633,072
(584) 19,038
76,250 87,500
75,666 106,538
4,271,545 4,526,534
Balance Sheet
as at 30 June 2012
GST Liability
Provision for grants
Geelong Community
Foundation Scholarship
Page 27
Profit and Loss Statement
for the year ended 30 June 2012
Donations received
1,100 100
Income from investments 2,254 - 3,354 100
500 - 2,854 100
Balance of Scholarship Fund at beginning of year
40,100 40,000
42,954 40,100
100 100
42,954 40,100
43,054 40,200
43,054 39,200
Grants paid
Balance Sheet
as at 30 June 2012
Settled sum
Ron Thompson Scholarship Fund
represented by:
Cash at bank
- 43,054 1,000
1. These statements are abridged from the full set of financial statements, which have been audited by Mr Stephen Wight of
Davidsons. A copy of the audited financial statements is available on request to the Executive Officer or a director.
2. The Open Fund is a separate Trust. Its income is exempt from income tax, but gifts made to this Fund are not tax deductible.
Grants can be made for charitable purposes without being restricted to tax deductible gift recipients, as is the case with the
Gift Fund.
3. The Scholarship Fund is also a separate Trust where a public fund is developed for the charitable purpose of providing
scholarships, bursaries and prizes to promote education in pre-school, primary, secondary and tertiary courses.
Andrew Lawson
Executive Officer
Leigh Wallace OAM
Development Manager
Your Partner in Philanthropy
Level 1, 200 Malop Street, Geelong, Victoria.
P.O. Box 1, Geelong, Victoria 3220
Tel: 03 5224 7700 Fax: 03 5224 7799