this File - Friends of the Navy
this File - Friends of the Navy
Navy League of the United States Metropolitan Detroit Council May 2014 Volume 21 Dawn Novak, Editor Navy League Of the United States A LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT . . . METROPOLITAN DETROIT COUNCIL Inside this Issue 1 Letter from Our President John G. McCandless 2 Announcement of METDET Interim Board of Directors 3 USS Detroit Blue & Gold Committee 4 Battle of Atlantic Dinner Update 5 METDET hosts CDR Wohnhaas 6-8 Photo Album of CDR Wohnhaas visit to the DAC and Comerica Park 9 METDET Did You Know? 10 Memo from Membership Council 11 METDET Membership Drive Contest 12 Sample Letter to Join METDET 13 From the Vice President Youth Programs 14 2014 METDET Officers and Board of Directors 15 A Letter from our President… Shipmates, first and foremost, it is my distinct pleasure to salute the outstanding leadership that Kevin MacFarland has provided us since he was elected President of the Metropolitan Detroit Council, Navy League of the United States. As you know, Kevin and Lois are relocating to their new home in Tampa, Florida upon Kevin’s retirement from a distinguished career at Ford Motor Company. Although he tendered his resignation as Council President, he (and Lois) will continue to be members of our Council. At our April 21 board meeting, I was appointed to fill his post until our annual elections in October. During Kevin’s tenure, our membership has grown by leaps and bounds. More importantly, the activities undertaken by the “MET DET” have made many, many members of our community aware of the importance of the men and women of Navy, Marines, Coast Guard and Merchant Marines. Our involvement in key projects, including our support of the U.S. Naval Sea Cadets, the Detroit ceremonies supporting the commemoration of the War of 1812 and USS DETROIT (LCS 7), as well as our many dialogues with our local, state and national political leaders, have reestablished us as a key component of the Navy League of the United States. Bravo Zulu to Kevin and Lois for their many accomplishments. As parents of five members of our United States Armed Forces, along with their dedication to our Council, they are to be saluted by all. Congratulations to you both. Your continued membership in the MET DET will help us keep the course you plotted for us to support the Sea Services of the United States. It is my honor to take the helm! John G. McCandless Captain, USN ( Ret) President, Metropolitan Detroit Council, NLUS Chairman, USS DETROIT (LCS 7) Blue & Gold Committee Join us on 19 MAY 2014 at 1830 (6:30 pm) For the next METDET meeting! VFW Shafer-Rachelle-Latham - Post 6782 17645 E. Nine Mile Road Eastpointe, MI 48021 Calendar of Events 1 CAPT John G. McCandless, USN, (Ret) President, Metropolitan Detroit Council 945 N Renaud Rd Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236 (313) 956-3667 4-21-14 As the Chairman of the METDET Nominations Committee, I announce that the METDET Board of Directors, on April 21, 2014, has appointed, as a result of resignations, and according to the By Laws, the following to Interim positions for the remainder of 2014. President: John McCandless, CAPT, USN, (Ret.) Secretary: Thomas Cieslinski Respectfully, Jerry Moskwa Gerald S. Moskwa, National Director Navy League of the United States Executive Vice-President Metropolitan Detroit Council 39729 Salvatore Dr. Sterling Hts. MI 48313 586-436-1937 <> 2014 METDET OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS, 4-21/12-31-14 President Executive Vice-President Vice President, Naval Affairs Vice President, Youth Programs Treasurer Secretary Judge Advocate Public Affairs Budget Adopt-A-Ship Historian Parliamentarian Retention CAPT John G. McCandless, USN (Ret) Jerry Moskwa, National Director Mark Petroff LTJG Jerry Van de Vyver, USNSCC Mitch Dangremond Tom Cieslinski CAPT Doug McDonald, USN (Ret) CAPT John McCandless, USN (Ret) Joe Wortman CAPT Gary Golomb, USN (Ret) John Peracchio, Esq. CDR Jim Semerad, USN (Ret) YN1 Richard Tschirhart, USN (Ret) Board Emeritus ADM Lee Landes, USN (Ret) 2 SINCE MARCH OF 2012 THE METROPOLITAN DETROIT COUNCIL, NLUS, HAS 90 NEW MEMBERS and 47 TRANSFERRED MEMBERS CAPT John G. McCandless, USN (Ret) President, Metropolitan Detroit Council 945 N Renaud Rd. Grosse Pointe Woods, MI 48236 (313) 956-3667 USS DETROIT (LCS 7) BLUE AND GOLD COMMITTEE METROPOLITAN DETROIT COUNCIL, NAVY LEAGUE OF THE UNITED STATES The USS Detroit (LCS-7) Blue and Gold Committee is dedicated to supporting the crew members and their families during the life of the ship, starting with her Christening and Launching in 2014, and her Commissioning in 2016. Upon joining the fleet, she will become an Adopted ship of the Metropolitan Detroit Council, NLUS. Our Council will provide financial resources to support the Morale, Welfare, and Recreation Fund (MWR) of the ship to enhance the quality of life for crew members and their families. BARBARA LEVIN, SHIP SPONSOR METROPOLITAN DETROIT COUNCIL MEMBER JAY FARNER, HONORARY CHAIRMAN PRESIDENT AND CHIEF MARKETING OFFICER, QUICKEN LOANS COMMITTEE MEMBERS, 2014 CAPT John McCandless, USN (RET) John Peracchio, ESQ Gerald S. Moskwa, IC2 USN '55-'58 Mark Petroff, US Naval Academy CAPT Gary Golomb, USN (RET) CDR Jim Semerad, USN (RET) LCDR Kevin D. MacFarland, USNSCC CAPT Bill Gripman, USN (RET) CAPT Gordon Cole USN (RET) CAPT Elizabeth Jones, USN (RET) BMCS Doug Waite, USN (RET) BMCS Donald R. Gore, USN (RET) John Jamaian, Exec Dir, Port Authority Chris Thomas, Fontinalis Partner COL Tom Lytle, USMC (Ret) Committee Chair, Council President Committee Vice Chair, Council Historian National Director, Executive Vice President Council Vice President, Military Affairs Council Adopt a Ship Chairman Council Parliamentarian Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member Council Member 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. SINCE MARCH OF 2012,THE METROPOLITAN DETROIT COUNCIL, NLUS, HAS 90 NEW MEMBERS and 47 TRANSFERRED MEMBERS USS Detroit (LCS 7) Blue and Gold Committee: 3 John Peracchio hosted 12 Metro Detroit Council members on May 7 at the annual Battle of the Atlantic Dinner at the HMCS Hunter in downtown Windsor. The dinner honors all HMCS ships lost in the Battle of the Atlantic during WWII. Council president John McCandless presented CDR Dan Manu-Popa, Commanding Officer, HMCS Hunter, with a Navy League proclamation on this year's historic dinner, with was also signed by NLUS National President James H. Offutt. A new HMCS Hunter will be opened later this year on the Windsor waterfront. METDET Navy League members pose with a Canadian WWII veteran honored at the Battle of the Atlantic dinner. 4 MET DET HOSTS CDR WOHNHAAS CDR Michael Wohnhaas, USN, PCO, USS DETROIT (LCS 7) returned to Detroit on 18-19 April for his second visit to our city. Arriving from Newport, Rhode Island on Friday evening, following the completion of LCS schools there, he overnighted at the Detroit Athletic Club for a full day of activities on Saturday. He was interviewed live on WDIV-TV at 6:40 a.m. by weekend anchorwoman Lauren Sanders. At 7:05 a.m., he was interviewed by Warren Pierce, on WJR’s Warren Pierce Show. At 10 a.m., he met with over 75 METDET members and special guests at our Welcome Aboard Brunch at the DAC. The Welcome Aboard Brunch was simply outstanding. We hosted a number of active duty Navy men and women, veterans, including Tyrone Chatman, executive director, Michigan Veterans Foundation and local officials, including State Senator Patrick Colbeck. CDR Wohnhaas updated us on the status of the ship and took questions from the assembled guests. Special thanks to all who helped organize the event, including our newest member Ms. Donna-Grace Schwenter. Following brunch, CDR Wohnhaas, John McCandless and Doug Waite proceeded to Comerica Park for pre-game activities on the field. Many of our guests who attended the brunch also attended the Tiger game, as the ball club donated 125 tickets in support of our Sea Cadet and other Navy League programs. The METDET Sea Cadet Color Guard, who presented colors at our brunch, proceeded to Comerica Park to present colors from mid-field. MA2 Steve Miller, from our Lansing Naval Recruiting office, sang the National Anthem. Following this, CDR Wohnhaas and Detroit Tiger Manager Brad Ausmus presented the official line-up to the umpires at home plate, following CDR Wohnhaas’ introduction to the crowd. Although CDR Wohnhaas had to depart Comerica at 3 p.m. in order to catch his flight to his home in San Diego, he was able to watch the game from the Mayor’s box, as John Jamian had arranged for 5 tickets to the box. John is executive director, Detroit/Wayne County Port Authority and a key member of our USS DETROIT (LCS 7) BLUE & GOLD COMMITTEE. Mark your calendar for the USS DETROIT’s launching and christening this fall. The date is not set yet, but it be on a Saturday, most likely in September. The Blue & Gold Committee is working on plans for this event in Marinette, Wis. If enough members attend, a charted bus trip will be arranged. Stay tuned. 5 PHOTO ALBUM OF CDR WOHNHAAS’ VISIT TO DAC AND COMERICA BALL PARK METDET Naval Sea Cadet Color Guard National Anthem sung by LTjg Jerry Van de Vyver, USNSCC and Ms. Jeannine Leslie of Delta Air Lines. CDR Michael Wohnhaas, USN, PCO, USS DETROIT addresses Met Det Navy League members and guests at DAC brunch. MET DET President John McCandless presented CDR Wohnhaas with a USS Detroit coffee cup created for the Welcome Aboard brunch. 6 CDR Wohnhaas and John McCandless chat with Detroit Tiger Bench Coach Gene Lamont. CDR Wohnhaas and John McCandless on the field at Comerica Park for pre-game activities. MA2 Steven Miller, assigned to the Naval Recruiting office in Lansing, sung the National Anthem, while the METDET Sea Cadet Color Guard presented the colors in mid-field. CDR Wohnhaas is introduced to the Tiger crowd. 7 CDR Wohnhaas on the scoreboard! CDR Wohnhaas and Tiger Manager Brad Ausmus present the official lineup to the empires. 8 METDET MEMBERS DID YOU KNOW… The MetDet Council meets monthly (typically the third Monday of every month) and welcomes ALL members to join us. Not sure where to find us? The MetDet Council meets at: VFW Shafer-Rachelle-Latham Post 6782 17645 E. Nine Mile Road Eastpointe, MI 48021 The VFW Shafer-Rachelle-Latham Post 6782 is located one mile west of I-94 off Exit 227. Please park in the rear of the building and enter the clubroom door (For VFW Members and Guests Only) and ring the doorbell. The VFW Clubroom is also the MetDet’s Clubroom…not just on meeting nights but ALL the time. If you’re a veteran of NLUS member, all you have to do is show your NLUS membership card. You have full clubroom privileges, including bringing an unlimited number of guests with you! So come early and grab a bite to eat, something to drink and enjoy the cozy atmosphere in one of the area's nicest private clubrooms. SEE WHAT YOUR COUNCIL IS DOING! 9 Honor Roll of Recruiters In the 2014 METDET MEMBERSHIP CONTEST, John McCandless, has taken a commanding lead over all members in the Council. Please know that there are still 8 months left in the contest, so ask a friend to join the Navy League today! Sponsors who recruited new members January 2014 through April 2014 are: Will Kuypers John McCandless John Peracchio Jerry Van de Vyver No Sponsor Total 2 4 1 2 1 10 New Members SINCE MARCH OF 2012, THE METROPOLITAN DETROIT COUNCIL, NLUS, HAS 90 NEW MEMBERS AND 47 TRANSFERRED MEMBERS. Al Brata 1 Will Kuypers 32 John McCandless 8 Doug McDonald 1 Kevin MacFarland 20 Jerry Moskwa 7 John Peracchio 2 Michael Ryan 2 James Semerad 1 Richard Tschirhart 2 Jerry Van de Vyver 9 No Sponsor 5 Total 90 New Members Recruiting is best by word-of-mouth. Ask your clients, their families and relatives to join the Navy League. Ask a friend to join the Navy League today! 10 METDET MEMBERS JOIN US IN A MEMBERSHIP DRIVE CONTEST 2014 METDET MEMBERSHIP CONTEST The rules are simple: 1. You must be a Navy League member of MetDet Council to win prizes. 2. The contest period is from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014. 3. The members who sign-up the most new members during the contest period from January 1, 2014 to December 31, 2014 will receive cash prizes for first, second and third place winners. 4. The three cash prizes are: 1st Prize $100 2nd Prize $ 50 3rd Prize $ 25 If you know of someone who is interested in joining and they would like more information please let us know. We will be more than happy to assist you in your recruiting efforts. Ask a friend to join the Navy League today! 11 AS PART OF THE 2014 MEMBERSHIP DRIVE, THIS LETTER WILL BE MAILED TO MEMBERS OF CIVIC, COMMUNITY AND VETERANS ORGANIZATIONS. THERE WILL BE 2 ENCLOSURES: 1. MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION, NAVY LEAGUE OF THE UNITED STATES 2. DETROIT ATHLETIC CLUB (DAC) USS DETROIT (LCS-7) ARTICLE Mr. John Doe 123 ABC Street Anytown, MI 48123 01 February, 2014 Dear Friend, This letter is an invitation to join the Navy League of the United States. The Navy League is an organization that supports the members of the sea services and their families. It is an organization of civilians, men and women, whether they have served in uniform or not. Belonging to the Navy League is another way to show support for the men and women of the Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and U.S.-flag Merchant Marine. The enclosed information explains the mission of the Navy League and how to become a member of the METDET Council, NLUS. If you decide to join please complete the application enclosed. If you would rather complete the membership form electronically go Please make sure you put Metropolitan Detroit as your Council, me as your sponsor, and my membership number XXXXXXXX. Sincerely, INSERT YOUR SIGNATURE LINE Navy League of the United States Metropolitan Detroit Council Phone: xxx-xxx-xxxx 12 FROM THE VICE PRESIDENT - YOUTH PROGRAMS – JERRY VAN de Vyver Your METDET Color Guard has been a very busy group the past couple of months. It was our honor to once again serve as the Honor Guard for the Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) Michigan Regional Hockey Finals at the Farmington Hills Ice Arena in March. In addition to presenting the colors prior to each of the two final games, members of the Color Guard were asked to drop the ceremonial puck prior to the game. This year's annual event benefited the Army National Guard Family Fund and our cadets were privileged to have been a part of that fundraising effort. Our dear friends of the Louisa St. Clair Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution also requested our services in presenting and posting the colors for their annual DAR Awards Luncheon where cadets from the area JROTC, Civil Air Patrol and U.S. Naval Sea Cadet units were presented with the first issue of the DAR's "NonROTC Youth Medal". Our own Petty Officer First Class Sarah Thompson of the Tomcat Squadron not only was the first recipient, but also served on the METDET Color Guard for the event. Other participants included cadets from the Great Lakes Division and Chief Petty Officer Grant Ostby also of the Tomcats. Our most recent event which garnered much recognition was at the Detroit Athletic Club for the Welcome Brunch for PCO Mike Wohnhaas. Not only was our Honor Guard selected to present the colors at that event, we were also chosen to present again on the field at Comerica Park for the pre-game ceremonies. Quite an honor nd well deserved." 13 2014 METDET OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Executive Vice-President Vice President, Naval Affairs Vice President , Youth Programs Treasurer Secretary Judge Advocate Public Affairs Budget Adopt-A-Ship Historian Parliamentarian Retention Board Emeritus John McCandless, CAPT (ret) Jerry Moskwa Mark Petroff Jerry Van de Vyver, NSCC Mitch Dangremond Tom Cieslinski Doug McDonald, CAPT (ret) John McCandless, CAPT (ret) Joe Wortman Gary Golomb, CAPT (ret) John Peracchio, Esq. Jim Semerad, CDR (ret) Richard Tschirhart, USN (ret) Lee Landes, ADM (ret) THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME AND SERVICE! 14 METROPOLITAN DETROIT COUNCIL CALENDAR 2014 MAY MON 19 MAY 6:30 PM METDET COUNCIL MEETING VFW POST 6782 EASTPOINTE NLUS NATIONAL CONVENTION NO COUNCIL MEETING IN JUN SHERATON HOTEL AND MARINA SAN DIEGO, CA 6:30 PM METDET COUNCIL MEETING VFW POST 6782 EASTPOINTE 6:30 PM METDET COUNCIL MEETING BLUE ANGELS VISIT VFW POST 6782 TBA EASTPOINTE DETROIT SEPTEMBER MON 15 SEP 6:30 PM METDET COUNCIL MEETING VFW POST 6782 EASTPOINTE OCTOBER SAT 11 OCT MON 20 OCT TBD 6:30 PM NAVY BALL METDET COUNCIL MEETING ANNUAL ELECTION OF OFFICERS TBD VFW POST 6782 TBD EASTPOINTE NOVEMBER MON 17 NOV 6:30 PM METDET GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MTG VFW POST 6782 EASTPOINTE DECEMBER SAT 13 DEC 2:00 PM NAVY/ARMY GAME PARTY NO COUNCIL MEETING IN DEC DETROIT JUNE 24-29 JUN JULY MON 21 JUL AUGUST MON 18 AUG 30-31 AUG HARD ROCK CAFÉ ALL COUNCIL EVENTS AND MEETING DETAILS TO BE CONFIRMED VIA EMAIL COMMUNICATIONS PRIOR TO EVENT TENTATIVE FUTURE EVENTS – DETAILS TO BE ANNOUNCED 2014 (FALL) 2016 2015? USS DETROIT (LCS-7) CHRISTENING USS DETROIT (LCS-7) COMMISSIONING USS GERALD R. FORD (CVN-78) COMMISSIONING MARINETTE, WI DETROIT? VIRGINIA? As with all Navy League Metropolitan Detroit events your full participation is being requested and encouraged. We ask that you make arrangements ahead of time to attend the events and drills. Do your part in supporting our council by participating! Thank you! 15