NC WiseOwl for research
NC WiseOwl for research
NC WISEOWL IS GOOGLE THE BEST SEARCH ENGINE FOR RESEARCH AS A JR. HIGH STUDENT? •Too much information to sort through •Not all information is accurate IS WIKIPEDIA THE BEST ONLINE ENCYCLOPEDIA TO USE FOR RESEARCH? WHAT IS NC WISEOWL? Database of resources that are age appropriate for students Resources that are educational for students and teachers to use Database that avoids searching through unnecessary information Easily accessible at school or at home WAYS TO GET TO NC WISEOWL At school: Go to the Duplin County homepage Roll mouse over Our District Click on Our Schools Click on BES Roll mouse over Our School Click on Media Center Under Contents menu click on NC WiseOwl At home: Same as before OR **You may have to supply a password to enter the different channels when in use at home - wiseowl HOW DO I USE NC WISEOWL? Click on the zone that suits your grade THE MIDDLE SCHOOL ZONE Contains Encyclopedias, Thesaurus, Dictionaries, Web Sites, Newpapers, Maps, Art, and ways to correctly use the resources that you acquire STUDENT RESEARCH CENTER Various sources of information that may or may not pertain to your topic. BRITANNICA Online K-12 School Edition Encyclopedia Remains current and doesn’t contain out of date information INFOTRAC JUNIOR Database of Journal Articles written about various topics JUNIOR REFERENCE Higher level reference source that older elementary and Jr. High students may wish to use Gives more in-depth information about certain topics of research LANDS AND PEOPLES Grolier Encyclopedia database that is just about different places in the world and the different cultures of people Current and up-to-date information POPULAR SCIENCE Encyclopedia entirely about science topics that are written on an Jr. High student’s level NOVELIST Online search of books about the topic of your search Will not tell you if they are in our library but gives you an idea of books that can be read about the topic CUMBRE English-Spanish Dictionary VIDEO COLLECTION Collections of various videos that teachers and students can use with their topics OTHER CHANNELS IN NC WISEOWL
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