2nd Biannual 2013
2nd Biannual 2013
Where We Live on the Etch! Volume 25 • Issue 153 • 2nd Biannual 2013 A p u b l i c a t i o n f o r t h e c u s t o m e r s a n d f r i e n d s o f O w o s s o G r a p h i c A r t s, I n c . tails ful de s, i t u e e and b r bras fects th superio from f e t e i ies Swe to life w ium d s e e n m g co ma r and WOSSO. coppe O ng a ed usi roduc OSSO. p s a OW ng w Wordi old Die by 3D M What’s All the Buzz? 3D Emblems — they go by many trade names, but whatever the name we can make the die! Generate a buzz by providing these ecofriendly, flexible emblems. They adhere to a wide range of materials from metal to fabric. You’ve probably already seen them on autos, electronics, appliances, machinery and special promotional pieces. Call or e-mail for a sample of “What’s all the Buzz.” OWOSSO 3D Mold Dies are the key to taking your design to the next level! Owosso Graphic Arts • 800-444-5552 • www.owosso.com OGA Owosso Graphic Arts 800-444-5552 www.owosso.com Products & Services Products & Services Associate Anniversaries Seven associates celebrated milestone anniversaries this year! OGA U.S. Mail Service Changes As of October 29th, 2013 same day shipping for orders going via U.S. Mail is no longer available. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Due to consolidation of post offices in our area, it makes it necessary for our mail to be picked up by 2:00pm and we do not have orders ready to ship that early. Please keep this, and our production schedule, in mind when you are selecting your shipping method. OGA Picture of the Week 2 OGA OGA 25 Years — Rick Lake 20 Years — Tina Davis 15 Years — Sean Anderson OGA 15 Years — Jon Cornell 15 Years — Kevin McAvoy We love to see what you are doing with OWOSSO dies! Each week, we feature a customer product photo on our website and Facebook page. 10 Years — Lori Mills 10 Years — Doug Pendergast If you would like to be featured as our “Picture of the Week,” simply send us a picture (jpeg preferred) of your work that utilized an OWOSSO die with a short description. Submissions are put into a “queue” in the order they are received. You will receive an email when your photo is “up!” You may submit photos via email to engraver@owosso.com. Owosso Graphic Arts • 800-444-5552 • www.owosso.com Running low on make-ready supplies? We have everything you need to make your project happen! With easy ordering from our website, your items will be delivered to your door. Choose from: uEpoxy Glass Board uPhenolic Board uMake Ready Tape u3M Bonding Film uDuploFLEX Foil uHD Polyethylene uPolyurethane uEmbossing Board uGray Board uRed Board uJute Tag uEmbossing Film uRelease Film uCover Film uDura-Cover uMake-Ready Float Sheets uEngravers Tool uEngravers Board Order at www.owosso.com Business to Business Are you interested in connecting with other OWOSSO customers? We are toying with the idea of adding a “Business to Business” section on our website. A place where you could have a link to your website and a few words to describe what you do, i.e.: Custom Soap. OGA This might open up the opportunity for you to do business with another OWOSSO customer and vice versa. If this is of interest to you, please send an e-mail to kathy@owosso.com. New Pricing for 2014 OGA “What some people fail to grasp, Larry, is the difference between ‘thinking outside of the box’ and just being a weirdo.” Implementing a price increase is not on the top of our “fun” list of things to do. We do find it necessary to raise our prices in 2014 — you can find our new price brochures on our website under Ordering Tips. Dies that are mounted type-high on a magnesium base will now ship the next day. Owosso Graphic Arts • 800-444-5552 • www.owosso.com 3 Associate News It was another successful Appreciation Week here at OWOSSO. Team captains Joe, Craig & Kathy recruited team members to compete in various events — the prize: the winning team members each received a cream pie to throw at the losing team captain of their choice. Associate News Associate Appreciation 2013 In culmination of our fun week, we had our Associate Anniversary Breakfast where the winning team was announced. The breakfast concluded with our own version of a ‘Chinese Christmas’ game with Associates receiving a gift ranging from $25 gift cards to a Microsoft Surface. We had the pleasure of three retirees joining us for breakfast — Phil Henn, Duane Banta & Rudy Henn. OGA 4 5 OGA The Final Score Team CRAIG 68 points Team KATHY 61 points Team JOE 57 points OGA OGA Wednesday was the Shuffleboard challenge — Team KATHY won, although Team JOE cried foul when their team members were attacked with a spray bottle of water. Owosso Graphic Arts • 800-444-5552 • www.owosso.com Monday we had a paper airplane making/ flying contest. Tuesday we played a ‘Minute to Win It’ game of Suck It Up, using only a straw to move M&M’s from one bowl to another. Thursday we played another ‘Minute to Win It’ game — Stack ‘Em Up, team members had to stack 10 Oreo cookies on their forehead. WE ARE OWOSSO In case you missed the announcement, our domain is now owosso.com. Our website address is www.owosso.com. You are encouraged to contact our Customer Service Specialists with your questions, comments and suggestions via our 800# or e-mail. Brandie Albring – Brandie@owosso.com Stacy Davis – Stacy@owosso.com Lori Mills – Lori@owosso.com Jackie Pospisil – Jackie@owosso.com Dottie Roy – Dottie@owosso.com Owosso Graphic Arts • 800-444-5552 • www.owosso.com Bytes & Pieces Gang Up for OWOSSO! When sending several images, you can “gang” your artwork. Setting up your artwork correctly saves us time and can save you money. Artwork should have 1/2” between each image—see examples of correct setup and incorrect setup. For large orders the ideal document size is 17” wide x 23” long for unmounted dies and 14” wide x 23” long for MOUNTED dies. Incorrect Setup Ganging Artwork Email: engraver@owosso.com Mail: 151 N Delaney Rd, Owosso, MI 48867 Fax: 989.723.5399 When sending several images, you can “gang” your artwork. Setting up your artwork correctly saves us time and can save you money. Artwork should have 1/2” between each image—see examples below of correct setup and “bad” setup. For large orders the ideal document size is 17” wide x 23” long for unmounted dies and 14” wide x 23” long for MOUNTED dies. Bad Setup To run your classified, simply submit your copy by March 15, 2014. Artwork Artwork FOR SALE Artwork We have this embossing press from Contech available. It was totally refurbished about 4 years ago and we have probably only around 32 hours on Artwork Artwork Questions? Call us! Artwork * Quick and secure Artwork * You know right away we have received your order Artwork Artwork * Create order templates to use over and over OGA OGA * View order history in one spot Correct Setup Examples Artwork Artwork * Helps streamline production of your order here at OWOSSO Artwork Artwork Artwork Artwork Artwork Artwork Artwork Artwork Artwork Artwork We will be spending some time with our families during these days. Our answering system is always on to take your messages, and we will return your phone call the next business day. Artwork Artwork Artwork Artwork Artwork Artwork New Year’s Day, Jan 1st Memorial Day, May 26th Independence Day, July 4th Spot & Win! How many times can you spot the OGA’s randomly placed throughout the Journal? Tell us and you could win an OWOSSO tee shirt! Fax: (989) 723-5399 -orengraver@owosso.com *Remember, the two symbols above do not count! OGA contact us What is an OWOSSO? Well, besides being a neat little town in Mid-Michigan, it’s home to America’s Largest Brass, Copper and Magnesium Photoengraver. We’ve specialized for over 60 years in producing the highest quality dies for the printing industry. We offer: Artwork Published biannually for the fun of it! We hope you enjoy perusing its pages as much as we enjoy putting it together. We only ask that you think of us next time you need brass, copper & magnesium dies!—Thanks! 2nd Biannual 2013 Design by: Carrie Farr with lots of help from: Kathy Wilson & OGA Kathleen Mahoney 800-444-5552 Business Fax: 989-723-5399 Business Email: engraver@owosso.com On-Line Ordering available at www.owosso.com head honchos President: Kathy Wilson, Kathy@owosso.com Plant Manager: Craig Ellenberg, Craig@owosso.com Office Manager: Dottie Roy, Dottie@owosso.com Imaging Tech Support: Kathleen Mahoney, Andy Huff, Janeen Moskal, Cary Britten, Derika Rickman Owosso Gr aphic Arts Artwork Artwork Like us o Keep ch n FACEBOOK! promot ecking our site ions, pic tures a for nd more ! tech support Tech Support Manager: Joe Holden customer service ic SOGraph s at OWOS u r te it w T Live on the Owosso Graphic Arts • 800-444-5552 • www.owosso.com Etch Scan th is QR your sm code with art phon e! OGA OGA • Free technical support • Free estimates imaging Artwork Artwork * Our Imaging Department will love you for using it! Correct Setup Correct Setup * If email goes down, your order can still be retrieved * Join hundreds of happy customers already using it and, most importantly, When sending several images, you can “gang” your artwork. Setting up your artwork correctly saves us time and can save you money. Artwork should have 1/2” between each image—see examples below of correct setup and “bad” setup. For large orders the ideal document size is 17” wide x 23” long for unmounted dies and 14” wide x 23” long for MOUNTED dies. When sending several images, you can “gang” your artwork. Setting up your artwork correctly saves us time and can save you money. Artwork should have 1/2” between each image—see examples below of correct setup and “bad” setup. For large orders the ideal document size is 17” wide x 23” long for unmounted dies and 14” wide x 23” long for MOUNTED dies. have a question? have a comment? have a concern? it. Asking $19k for it. Kelly Espe Eclipse Screen Printing Inc. Spokane, WA 99216 PH: 509-922-7700 Holiday Schedule Ganging Artwork Ganging Artwork O GA a 6 The next issue of The Owosso Journal will be published in the 1ST half of 2014. Artwork Online ordering can provide you with several advantages not available offline. It’s quick and easy to get started and as always, if you have questions—give us a call! Some of the benefits include, but are not limited to: Wants & Sales Artwork OWOSSO’s Online Ordering System Just the Facts Customer Service Specialists: Brandie Albring, Lori Mills & Jackie Pospisil Customer Service Billing: Stacy Davis OGA Nat’l Account Director: Doug Pendergast, 989-277-8369 Nat’l Acct Dir. Email: Doug@owosso.com Owosso Graphic Arts • 800-444-5552 • www.owosso.com 7 7 OGA PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID LANSING, MI PERMIT NO. 485 151 N. Delaney Rd Owosso, MI 48867 800-444-5552 Fax: (989) 723-5399 Email: engraver@owosso.com Web Site: www.owosso.com In This Issue... What’s the BUZZ? OGA Make-Ready Supplies Shipping Update Online Ordering Do you have a friend or co-worker who would enjoy this newsletter? Please Pass It On! Owosso Graphic Arts • 800-444-5552 • www.owosso.com 2nd Biannual 2013
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